Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLV, No 3, May-June 1989

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Journal of j ~
llorberlanb JResearcb
May-June 1989
The Journal of Borderland Research

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Volume No. 3
May-June 1989
Dr. Raymond Bernard 1-3
Donald C. Hosier 4-6

Constantin L Ivanenko 7-8
Academy for Peace Research 9
Wallace Finne MacNaughton, M.D. 10-14
A. Davidson & T. Brown 15-17
Peter Lindemann 18
Tom Brown 19-23
Letters, Reviews, Contacts 24-28
Dr. Julius Hensel was the great-
est figure in the history of agricul-
tural chemistry even if his powerful
enemies, members of the octopus
chemical fertilizer trust, have suc-
ceeded in suppressing his memory,
destroying his books and getting his
Stone Meal fertilizer off the mar-
ket. But eventually the truth comes
to the fore, and its enemies are van-
quished. Julius Hensel's pioneer
work in opposing the use of chemi-
cals in agriculture, half a century
later, found rebirth in the Organic
Movement which has swept through
the world. But Hensel is more
modem than the most modem agri-
cultural reformer, for he claimed,
on the basis of theoretical chemical
considerations, and supported by
practical tests, that his Stone Meal
can replace not only chemical fer-
tilizers but all animal ones as well.
It was the German agricultural
chemist Liebig who first put for-
ward the phosphorus-potash-nitro-
gen theory of chemical fertilization.
This false doctrine Hensel bitterly
attacked and in so doing, won the
ire of the financial interests behind
the sale of chemiall fertilizers, which
used agricultural authorities and
university professors to denounce
poor Hensel as a charlatan and his
Stone Meal as worthless.
1. BREAD FllOM STONES: A New and
Rational System of Laud FertWzatlon and
Physkal Regeneration waa written by
Julius Hensel in 1894. English c:xcerpta
publiahed by Health Research, PO Box 70,
Mokelumne Hill, CA 95429
By Dr. Raymond Bemard
Though his fightagainstchemi-
calfertilizers was a losing battle and
he died as a defeated hero, it took a
generation for Hensel's efforts to
bear fruit in the modem Organic
Movement, which has not given its
founder the credit due him.
The fight between Iiebig, advo-
cate of one-sided chemical fertiliza-
tion, and Hensel, who advocated a
more balanced form of plant nutri-
tion, including the trace minerals
which Liebig oompletely over1ooked,
was a battle between an opportun-
ist, who sought to further the sale of
chemical fertilizers, and a true sci-
entist, interested in humanity's wei-
me. Though Ilebig, with the Olemi-
cal Trust behind him, won the battle,
Hensel's ideas finally triumphed long
several decades after his passing.
Iiebig claimed that plants re-
quire three main elements - nitro-
gen, phosphorus and potash - on
the basis of which oonception chemi-
cal fertilizers were manufactured
that supplied these elements. On
the other hand, Hensel claimed that
plants need many more than these
three major elements, stressing the
importance of the trace minerals,
which at that time were ignored. In
place of chemical fertilizers, sup-
plying only three elements in an
unnatural, caustic form, Hensel
recommended the bland minerals
of pulverized rocks, especially gran-
ite, a primordial rock which con-
tains the main trace minerals that
meet all needs of plant nutrition.
Hensel first made his discovery of
powdered rock fertilization when
he was a One day, , while
milling grain, he noticed that some
stones were mixed with it and ground
into a meal. He sprinkled this stone
meal over the soil of his garden and
was surprised to note how the vege-
tables took on anew, more vigorous
growth. This led him to repeat the
experiment by grinding more stones
and applying the stone meal to fruit
trees. Much to his surprise, apple
trees that formerly bore wormy,
fruit now produced fine
quality fruit free from worms. Also
vegetables fertilized by stone meal
were free from insect pests and dis-
eases. It seemed to be a complete
plant food, which produced fine
vegetables even in the poorest soil.
Encouraged by these results,
Hensel put his "Stone Meal" on the
market, and wrote extensively on its
superiority over chemical fertiliz-
ers, while at the same time oppos-
ing the use of animal manure, and
the nitrogen theory on which it is
based, claiming that when plants
are supplied with Stone Meal, p1enty
of water, air and sunshine they will
grow healthfully even if the soil is
poor in nitrogen, since it was his
belief that plants derive their nitro-
gen from the air through their lives,
and do not depend on the soil for
this element
In opposing the use of chemical
fertilizer, Hensel awoke the ire of a
powerful enemy, which resolved to
liquidate him - the Chemical Trust.
Through unfair competition,
Hensel's ''Stone Mear' business was
destroyed and his product was taken
off the market However, the chief
object of attack was his book, "Bread
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 1
from Stones," in which he expounded
his new and revolutionary agricul-
tural theories, opposing the doc-
trinesofLiebigon which the chemi-
cal fertilizer business was based, as
well as the "Liebig meat extract."
(For Hensel advocated
ism, just as he advocated natural
farming without chemicals or ma-
nure.) Accordingly, his enemies
succeeded in suppressing the fur-
therpublication of this book and in
removing it from libraries, until it
became extremely rare and difficult
to obtain. It is more fortunate that
a surviving copy came into this
writer's hands.
Dr.JuliusHensel wasnotonlya
student of agricultural chemistry,
but also biochemistry and nutrition,
and he related all these sciences,
which he united into a composite
science of life, which he called
"Makrobiology''. His theory was
that the chemistry of life is basically
determined by the chemistry of the
soil, and that chemicals unbalance
and pervert soil chemistry while
powdered rocks help restore nor-
mal soil mineral balance, produc-
ing foods favorable to health and
life. His discoveries concerning the
ditioners and plant foods, though
rejected and ridiculed when he first
proposed them, were adopted by
agricultural science nearly a cen-
tury late, when the application of
powdered limestone, rock
and other rocks became standard
agricultural practice. Granite, which
Hensel recommended as the most
balanced of all rocks as a source of
soil minerals, was first rejected as
worthless, but later appreciated and
used as a soil mineralizer.
During the course of his re-
searches, Dr. Hensel found that in
the primeval rocks, such as granite,
lie a potentially inexhaustible sup-
ply of all minerals required for the
feeding and regenemtion of the soil,
plants, animals and man. All that is
to reduce them to a finely
pulverized form, so that their min-
eral elements may be made avail-
able to plants. Hensel wrote a book
describing his discovery of a new
method of creating more perfect
fruits and vegetables, rich in all
nutritional elements and immune
to disease and insect pests, with the
result that it produced worm-free
fruit without the need of spraying.
The foods so produced by rock-meal
fertilization were true Organic Super
Foods, far superior in flavor and
value than those produced under
the forcing action of manure or
chemical fertilizers.
Hensel was the first to put up a
fight against the then growing new
chemical fertilizer industry - a
struggle that was continued in the
next century by Sir William How-
ard in England and J.L Rodale in
America. The use of chemical fer-
tilizers, claimed Hensel, leads to
the following evil consequences: (1)
It poisons the soil, destroying bene-
ficial soil bacteria, earthworks and
humus, (2) It creates unhealthy,
unbalanced, mineral-deficient
plants, lacking resistance to disease
and insect pests, thus leading to the
spraying menace in an effort to pre-
serve.these defective spedmens, (3)
It leads to diseases among animals
and men who feed on these abnor-
mal plants and their products, ( 4) It
leads to a tremendous expense to
the farmer, because chemical fertil-
izers, being extremely soluble, are
quickly washed from the soil by
rainfall and needs constant replace-
ment (Powdered rocks, on the other
hand, being less soluble, are not so
easilywashed from the soil, but keep
releasing minerals to it for many
The use of various pulverized
rocks, such as granite, limestone,
rock phosphate, etc., in place of
cbemic31 fertilizers, will lead, claimed
Hensel, to permanent restoration
of even poor soils to the balanced
mineral content of the best virgin
soils; and the rock dust thus appliec:l
Page 2, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
will remain year after year and not
be washed away by rains or irriga-
tion water, as is the case with highly
soluble chemical fertilizers. This
will be an economic saving to the
grower and enable him to sell foods
at a lower price than when he must
spend large sums on chemical fer-
tilizers. Also, since foods thus
mineralized are healtlty d immune
to plant diseases and insect pests
(as Hensel experimentally demon-
strated), there is no need for the
expense and dangers of spraying.
Foods raised by Hensel's fol-
lowers, including many German
gardeners and farmers, who were
in praise of his method,
were found to possess firmer tissue
and better shipping and keeping
qualities than those raised with
animal manure or chemicals and
most important among the advan-
tages of Hensel's agricultural dis-
oovery is that foods grown on min-
eralized soil are higher both in
mineral and vitamin content and so
produce better health and greater
immunity to disease than those
grown by the use of chemical fertil-
izers or sprays.
To kill insects by poisons ap-
plied to plants does not remove the
cause of their infestation, and poi-
sons both the insect as well as the
human consumer of the sprayed
plant. Only correct feeding of the
soil, and consequently of plants and
trees, by proper methods of fertili-
zation, thereby keeping them well-
nourished, vigorous and free from
disease, will accomplish this, for
insects do not seem to attack healthy
plants. It appears that insects, like
scavengers, attack chie:O.y unhealthy
and demineralized plants, mt healthy
ones. Dr. Charles Northen has
performed experiments in which he
raised two tomato plants, intertwined
with each other, in different pots,
one being supplied with an abun-
dance of trace minerals, derived from
colloidal phosphate, and the other
with chemical fertilizer alone. The
plant treated with chemical fertil-
izer was attacked by insects, while
the one given trace minerals was
Hensel pointed out that animal
manure and chemical fertilizers pro-
duce a forced, unnaturally rapid
growth oflarge-6ized products which
fail to acquire the minerals nor-
mally secured during a slower, Jonger
developmenL The result is the
production of demineralized, un-
balanced plants, which are weak and
unhealthy, falling prey to disease
and insect pests. This explains why,
coincident with the increased use of
chemical fertilizers, during the past
century, insect pests steadily in-
creased. So did cancerous condi-
tions among plants, animals and
humans, as shown by Keens, an
English soil chemist, who presents
statistics to show that the increased
use of chemical fertilizers is a major
cause of the greater incidence of
cancer during the last hundred years.
The modem Organic Farming
movement has accepted and propa-
gated one ofHensers theories- his
opposition to chemical fertilizers
and recommendation of powdered
rocks in their place - but has failed
to appreciate his other main doc-
trine - his opposition to the use of
animal excrements as plant foods.
In this respect, Hensel, though he
lived in the last century, is far ahead
of the Organic Movement and more
modem than the most modem agri-
cultural reformer.
Hensel had a great admirer and
disciple in England - Sampson
Morgan, who founded his "Qean
Culture, doctrine on Hensel's phi-
losophy of soil and biological re-
generation by the avoidance of
chemical or animal fertilizeiS. While
Hensel was more of a theorist,
Morgan was a practical farmer and
agricultural experimenter, who
proved the truth of Hensers theo-
ries by winning the first prize at all
agricultural exhibits at which his
super-sized, super-quality, disease
and blight-free rock dust fertilized
fruits and vegetables were displayed.
In Sampson Morgan's "Clean Cul-
ture,, published by the publisher of
this book, Morgan's views are pre-
sented. In reality they are Hensel's
doctrines transplanted to the Eng-
lish soil. The reading of Morgan's
book will be a valuable supplement
to this, to give one a thorough
understanding of the subject of
Natural Agriculture (i.e., a system
of soil culture definitely in advance
of Organic Gardening by the com-
post method).
Practical experience with
Hensel's Stone Meal and his non-
animal method of soil regeneration,
has proven the following:
1. That Stone Meal creates health-
ier, tastier, more vitaminized and
mineralized foods.
2 That Stone Meal creates immu-
nity to insect infestation, worms,
fungi and plant diseases of all kinds.
3. That Stone Meal improves the
keeping and shipping quality of foods,
so that they keep a long time, in
contrast to the rapid deterioration
of foods given abundant animal
4. That Stone Meal helps plants to
resist drought and frost, enabling
them to survive )YJ!en those fed on
manure and cheiDlcals perish.
5. That Stone Meal produces larger
crops which are more profitable be-
cause the farmer is saved the ex-
pense ofbuying chemical fertilizers
which are rapidly leached from the
soil by rainmll, whereas Stone Meal,
being less soluble is gradually re-
leased during the course of years
and remains in the soil, being the
most economical of fertilizers.
6. That foods raised with Stone
Meal are better for human health
and tlte prevention of disease than
those grown with chemicals or ani-
7. That use of Stone Meal, in place
of chemical or animal fertilizers,
helps to end the spraying menace
(by removing its cause) is proven by
the fact that plants and trees grown
with Stone Meal are immune to
pests and so require no spraying.
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 3
Donald C. Hosier
Rudolf Steiner Research Foundation
RE: The preparation and dosing for nosodes
IMMUNE SYSTEM by Alan Nittler, November-
. December 1988 Journal of Borderland Researck
Whereas Dr. Nittler has a considerable reputation
in progressive and so-called unorthodox healing meth-
ods, and his article is based, no doubt, on some conclu-
sions arrived at through his own clinical and practical
work, his article leaves some undefined areas.
According to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of
the United States (HPUS), the class of drugs Dr. Nittler
refers to "personal antigens" are called nosodes whose
source are ''pathological organs or tissues, causative
agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, parasites, virus par-
ticles, yeast or disease products or excretions!' Aller-
sodes form another class of drugs ''which under suitable
conditions can induce the formation of antibodies" and
include "most native proteins." The proper drug classi-
fication is not so important here as the preparation,
handling and dosage of the prepared (homeopathic)
drug, i.e., the "personal antigen."
(The HPUS is the official document established by
the US Government for the classification and manufac-
ture ofhomeopathic drugs. The HPUS is the equivalent
of the United States Pharmacopoeia <USP> and the
National Formulary <NF>.)
Urine is the easiest substance to collect for prepara-
tion of such a medicament, although blood can be col-
lected quite simply by pricking the finger with a lancet
(or perhaps a sterilized sewing needle), and saliva is
obviously the easiest to collect. Dr. Nittlerindicates the
use of urine.
It must be pointed out that each individual responds
differently to the use of these preparations. Some per-
sons obtain a better result from blood, whereas others
respond much better to a preparation from the urine.
Some dramatic (and temporarily unpleasant) reac-
tions to the administration of this type of medicament
should be mentioned: immediate onset of hot flashes
(which can persist indefinitely but are usually limited to
a few days after each dose), fever ( ofvarying degrees and
duration), lethargy (sluggishness, fatigue), somnolence
(sleepiness), depression (albeit transient), inability to
concentrate or think beyond very simple t i o n s like
eating and bathing, a mentally detached state character-
ized by confusion and no sense of time. At theworst and
rather rare, a complete anaphylactic reaction (allergic
reaction) can occur during which the individual goes
into shock and requires immediate emergency medical
intervention to prevent death. It is usually a nosode
prepared from blood which elicits this last type of reac-
tion, i.e., shock and its sequelae.
On the other hand, most people experience no
unpleasant symptoms and are generally restored to a
condition of improved health. Although there are many
cases of significant, even dramatic, health improvement,
the use of nosodes alone usuapy does not restore the
individual to a condition of normal good health, to
homeostasis. The nosode therapy is a valuable adjunct
to a complete homeopathic therapy administered under
the watchful eye of a qualified primary healthcare prac-
titioner (a licensed professional).
Aswithmosthomeopathicdrugs, there are two ratio
scales for their preparation: the decimal scale (a ratio of
1:10) and the centesimal scale ( ratio of 1:100), more
commonly used in Europe than in America. The action
of the equivalent drug strength used, whether decimal
scale or the centesimal, is virtually identical. For in-
stance, the action of Arnica montana 12X is identical to
that of Arnica montana 6C; if there be any difference, it
is so subtle as to defy observation. (The mathematical
considerations of the decimal and centesimal scales
Page 4, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
should be pUISued by those desiring to completely ap-
prehend knowledge of this entire process, which is no
mystetywhatsoever and m clearly presented in the HPUS).
The substance from which the drug is being made is
mixed first with 10 parts (if decimal scale preparation, or
100 parts if centesimal scale preparation) of a diluent.
After the first dilution is made, 1 part of it is mixed with
either 9 or 99 parts of diluent at each dilution. The
diluent can be either pure grain alcohol (ethanol) or
triple-distilled water, or a mixture of the two. Triple-
distilled water is normally used; however, many drugs
are made using 30% distilled water and 70% ethanoL
The procedure varies according to the manufacturer
(for entirely valid reasons, which need to be taken up in
a treatise on homeopathic drug manufacturing proc-
The preparation of all homeopathic medicines is
one of serial dilution, much like that used in the prepa-
ration ofvaccines or in the quantitative analysis ofblood
serum titre levels in syphilis. However, a most signifi-
cant factor in the manufacture of homeopathic medica-
ments is the requirement that rhythmic mechanical agi-
tation of specific duration (shaking, officially termed
succussion) must be done after every dilution. This
process assures not only the uniform mixing of each
dilution, but induces electromagnetic (and consequently
molecular and atomic) changes in every dilution, meas-
urable by several technologies including nuclear mag-
netic resonance.
This rhythmic mechanical agitation involves prin-
ciples of thermodynamics, entropy, electricity and mag-
netism, indeed the uniform theory of matterwithits four
major forces: The strong nuclear force <ESF> (having
short range and carried by gluons ), the weak nuclear
force <EWF> (having a very short range, in fact, lim-
ited to the nucleus, composed of protons and neutrons,
carried by the very heavy weak bosons ), gravity (having
infinite range and carried by gravitons: gravity being the
weakest of the four forces), and electromagnetism (having
an infinite range and carried by photons). (EWF +
Rhythmic mechanical agitation after each dilution
invokes the light ether in such a way that the energetic
blueprint (waveguide) of the original substance used in
preparing the drug, e.g., the urine, is imprinted in the
molecules of the diluent. With each successive dilution
this energetic waveguide becomes more and more able
to conduct and focus the anti-material (non-physical
and energetic) "substance" (from which the urine has its
origin and by which it comes into physical existence in
the first place) to galvanize the human body's life energy
(the chi, as the acupuncturists call it) and overwhelm the
cause of the illness and restore normal good health.
Although Dr. Nittler has indicated the use oflabora-
torytest tubes and they are probablythe best containers
for preparing the personal antigen, half-ounce or ounce
size amber bottles may often be more available at the
local pharmacy. Corks or screw-on tops are supplied
only with special test tubes, whereas screw-on tops are
almost always supplied with amber bottles (they are _
called actinic bottles in industry language). Medicine
droppers are almost always available where amber
medicine bottles are sold, and are -1leeded to assure
uniform drop dosing of the personal antigen.
According to Dr. Nittler's "administration of anti-
gen" indications, the d<mge begins with one drop, gradu-
ally ascending to 10 drop doses. According to his direc-
tions for "preparation of antigen," only 20 drops of per-
sonal antigen are prepared at any one time. It seems
unclear as to when another "batch" should be prepared.
Further his directions indicate "increase to daily dosages
if indicated and desired after another couple of months
or according to desired results" without defining or
specifying what is "desired results" or "if indicated."
The rule-of thumb in f l l Y facets of life is "if it is
working, don't fix it." In other words do not alter
something that is operating properly. With homeo-
pathic medicaments, the classical rule is to administer a
single dose of the chosen medicine and permit it to
exhaust its power before giving another dose, and dose
again only if the disease symptoms begin to recur (that is,
if healing apparently stops, indicating probably exhaus-
tion of the energy of the dose). In practical terms, that
means after taking the first dose of the personal antigen,
carefully (and objectively as possible) observe (and write
down) any and all changes which occur, and repeat the
dose only when improvement ceases. However, clinical
experimentation with "personal antigens" has consis-
tently indicated the necessity for repeating the dose- in
ascending powers at specific intervals- over a period of
some months- almmt always in oomplement with another
homeopathic drug (or drugs).
In general, the ideal response of an individual to a
single dose of a homeopathic medicine is a very slight
intensification of the disease symptoms followed in very
short order (mere minutes in many cases) by a continu-
ous improvement until homeostasis - the condition of
normal good health; the general lack of uncomfortable
or abnormal physical sensations; a general physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual buoyancy.
The dose should be repeated only when (1) the
aggravation persists <generally indicating a significantly
higher power of the same drug or its analogue or com-
plement (antidote)> must be used, or (2) the improve-
ment noted by the lessening ( ameloriation) of the dis-
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 5
ease symptoms stops, or (3) when the disease symptoms
reappear <which generally indicates the incorrect drug
was used>. In the case of the personal antigen, both
clinical experimentation (on human subjects, inciden-
tally) and repeated practical homeopathic medical expe-
rience, the "desired results" are attained (in most cases)
according to the protocol similar to that Dr. Nittler has
set forth in "Administration of Antigen."
The following is suggested as an alternative to Dr.
Nittler's paradigm:
PREPARING THE Obtain the following
supplies for personal nosode preparation:
15 sterile amber bottles with screw-on tops
(as an alternative, 15 5ml test tubes & test tube
at least one medicine dropper to fit the amber
1liter of distilled water (triple distilled water if
15 small adhesive labels (1 for each bottle).
Give yourself plenty of workspace. Prepare a label
for each amber bottle as follows: 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C,
7C,8C,9C, 10C, 11C, 12C, 13C, 14C, 15C. Put one label
on each sterile amber bottle, and place them in a row in
front of you.
Now put 400 drops of distilled water into the bottle
labeled "1C." Put 396 drops of distilled water into each
one of the remaining 14 bottles.
In the sterile amber medicine bottle with the label
"1C," (or a stoppered 5ml test tube), mix 4 drops of fresh
mid-stream urine with the 400 drops of distilled water
(already placed in each bottle). Put the top on the amber
bottle and grasp it in one hand Shake or firmly tap the
side of the hand in which you hold the bottle against the
palm of the other hand two hundred times. You have
now finished preparing the 1C dilution of your personal
Unscrew the 1C amber bottle and carefully put 4
drops of it into the second amber bottle having the label
''2C," already filled with 396 drops of distilled water.
Carefully replace the 1 C bottle cap and put it in its
position, first in the line of bottles in front of you.
Now repeat the succussion process with the 2C
bottle (shake or tap it 200 times as above.)
Repeat the steps as above with the 3C bottle and so
forth until you have finished with the last bottle, labeled
"15C." Be certain to succuss each dilution before going
on to the next.
Place all the bottles in a dark, cool place. Be certain
these preparations are entirely secured from any pos-
sible overt or accidental use by anyone other than the
person from whose urine the personal antigen has been
made. During the course of dosing, if you run out of the
12C (for example), you can use another 4 drops of the
11C dilution mixed with another 396 drops of distilled
water, and suCcussed, to make more 12C dilution.
Be sure to dispose of all remaining d_R.utions of an
existing personal antigen batch before m.lrdng a new
one. Boil all your amber bottles, (or test tubes), and
steam sterilize them before making a new personal
antigen. Be sure the utensils used for stel"ilimtion are
notusedforanyotherpurposewhatsoever, and carefully
dispose of them when you finish a course of nosode
therapy, whether personally administered or directed by
a physician.
Prepare a new personal antigen on a weekly basis.
This amounts to creating a new drug each time a new
batch is made, and is equivalent to taking a new (homeo-
pathic) drug weekly.
1stweek 4C
2ndweek 7C
3rdweek 9C
4thweek 12C
5thweek 15C
5 drops morning & night - 1 week
5 drops morning & night - 1 week
5 drops morning & night - 1 week
5 drops morning & night - 1 week
5 drops morning & night - 1 week
Take a break! Do not dose for 1 week; then begin the
cycle again with a new personal antigen preparation.
After approximately 3-1/2. months, repetition or con-
tinuation of this therapy should be discontinued. As
suggested above, nosode therapy should ideally be con-
ducted under the care and supervision of a qualified
licensed healthcare professional.
It must be emphasized that the above protocol has
been successful for most cases. However, as with all
homeopathic drugs, the drug, its power, and the repeti-
tion of the dose should be carefully individualized ac-
cording to the condition (the symptom picture) and
altered in consideration of the individual's response.
Dr. Nittler's indications for the gradual increase in the
number of drops per dose provide a realistic if rudimen-
tary guide for the individual who dares to attempt this
therapy on their own.
Nosode therapy generally applies to chronic disease
In the abience of a qualified licensed heahhrnre
professional, perhaps individuals often have no other
choice than to undertake their healthcare, however
potentially hazardous.
Page 6, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
Now, together with the wide
spreading of feelings of social re-
sponsibility and global awareness
there is also a growing perception
of tremendous and ever increasing
weight of manifold global problems.
These problems, a large part of which
are due to the activities of Human-
kind itself are endangering the very
existence of Humankind and even
Planet Earth. Our present world
period of transition is character-
ized by specific configurations of
Earth and Cosmic morphogenetic
fields, which, like holographic lenses
and/or multifaceted crystal mirrors
of a psychotronicKarmic Rumina-
tion Machine of global dimensions,
reveal-magnifying and sharply fo-
wssing every detail-heretofore hid-
den memories and Karmic depos-
its, accumulated during millennia,
effectuating this necessary-though
sometimes very painful-process of
Global Purification, preparing
Planet Earth for Her future Cosmic
Sometimes the dead weight of
ancient evil Karmas seems too great
to be fully recycled in this very lim-
ited time allotted by The Cosmic
Schedule, and unavoidable clashes
with New Age influences, which are
increasing in strength, may create
moments of real danger.
Thus, for example, the rapidly
growing awareness of each human
person of their inherent rights, of
unique importance and necessity 1br
their full Self Realization-the ulti-
mate aim and purpose of Spiritual

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Home tel. (812) 393-4892
Progress on our planet-shows that
certain inalienable social and eco-
nomic rights come in collision with
the mechanical trends of the pres-
ent-day outdated, and extremely eool-
ogically dangerous, global industrial
eoonomic madline, keeping Human-
kind as its hostage, and until now ef-
fectively preventing any alternatives
based on New Age approaches.
Looking at this problem more
closely, it can clearly be seen that it
is not this machine as such-which
is a mere automaton-to blame, but
rather the set of mental attitudes
behind it, which created this vicious
circle, wherein is trapped present-
day dvlli2ation. The inexorable inner
logic of technological development
which has found its most perfect in-
earnationin the industrial robot-is
mercilessly driving human beings
out and away from the process of
material production. So, in order
to keep employment-and thus sodal
stability-on a more or less toler-
able level society has to expand pro-
duction in extensive ways. This bringt
with it the very real risk of an irrepa-
rable breakdown of our limited
planetary resources.
(Although the abovesaid is espe-
cially timely for developing Third
World countries, problems exist
in tiDe oountries which already have
entered the Technotronic Age. They
are developing information-ori-
rial resources-consuming Oil Age
technologies. Healthy balanced
delicate global entity as
first step to Noosphere--maintain-
ing at the same time Social Peace
and protecting opportunities of Inner
Progress, needs some noble goal,
the spirit of New Frontiers-and Old
Age mentality just cannot offer
anything better than an increase of
already excessive material oonsump-
tion,-or, still worse, achievement
of military superiority, which now
has lost any sense altogether).
No decision-making body in any
country can now avoid close con-
frontation with this very serious and
difficult problem, which may be
regarded as one of the basic Koans
of Global Zen Training, carried out
by Nature Herself: The greatest
teacher of all-being pushed, from
one side, by ceaseless insistence of
social pressure, tremendously in-
creased because of a "hope revolu-
tion" -at the same time being keenly
aware, if competent enough, of the
ever present possibility of a silent,
yet absolutely inexorable veto of
Nature on all human activity-in-
cluding the very process of human
existence-which may now come
without further warnings. There
have been enough ofthemforthose
who cared to note. This problem is
apparently insolvable from the view-
point of a mechanistic and materi-
alistic Old Age social paradigm,
whose range of vision is limited to
the Realm of Effects only, recog-
nizing only gross material produc-
tion consumption as possessing any
real value.
The Joumal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 7
Ifleft to its own destiny, the pres-
ent-day econoJDic..mdustrial machine
can only continue to go along the
same course-until there is no fuel
left-and then it will inexorably
collapse, pulling down a sinking
galley, drowning its chained slaves,
leaving a polluted and disfigured
planet, which will be hardly able to
give rise to a new civilization before
the expiration of entire geological
epochs. Yet even in this seemingly
hopeless situation those minds,
which are not totally hypnotized by
evil spells of black magic of old
negative thinking, can see glimpses
of hope along the pathways of New
Age approaches. Numerous experi-
ments with mass 1V audiences have
proven beyond any reasonable doubt
the real e.tistence of a morphic reso-
nance phenomena: direct transfer-
ence of information-carrying struc-
tures and function patterns of natu-
ral objects and processes across
barriers ofTime and Space-as well
as the existence of human ability to
create-individually and/or collec-
tively-morphogenetic fields of spe-
cial structure: metaprogram blue-
prints "of new perfected forms."
The most advanced modem infor-
mation-processing communication
technologies-this flower of the tech-
nosphere-seems to be so perfectly
suited to the needs of this emerging
Inner Space creative technology, that
it cannot, perhap, be explained away
by mere chailce or coincidence.
Nationwide and intercontinental
computer and communication net-
works, spreading over the entire
globe, connecting the greatest focal
points of civilization, are forming
tender electronic tissues of Global
Brain, awaiting to be ensouled by
Noospheric Mind.
Perhaps, the ma;t important single
step in this Global Ensoulment Proc-
ess-an act which may definitely help
the advancement of a New Age
paradigm, a little step over personal
psychological barriers, which will
be a tremendous leap of entire Hu-
mankind over imprisoning walls of
Old Mentality-will be a social rec-
ognition of meditation M an honour-
able and useful productive job: crea-
tive work in Inner Space.
Actually, such recognition will be
the remembering of a profound
timeless truth. We well know that
all stable civilizations had special-
and very highly respected-classes
of people: priests and monks. Their
official function was Inner Space
work: maintenance in order (fbr the
most gifted-research exploration
of new perspectives) of tribal and
national (global even, if we are to
believe in the real existence of a
great globalAtlantean civilization)
morphogenetic biofield standards-
not only on purely intellectual and/
or emotional levels, but also-as was
the case in classical Hindu and
Tibetan civilizations-safeguarding
those Metaprogram Banks of the
Causal Realm which contain pat-
terns of opdmal performance of such
basic Ufe Rituals as Conception,
Birth, Death, and others, which ne-
cessitated synergetic activity of an
entire hierarchy of organismic fiekls
and collective interactions of many
organisms, of course, up to the
conscious reincarnation of entire
civilizations on other planets.
Wide acceptance of such an atti-
tude will help our civilization to
resolve in an absolutely non-vio-
lent, yet ultimately efficient way,
many grave problems threatening
its very foundations, for example:
the problem of unemployment, and
especially, theproblemofthe grow-
Page a, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
ing debt of Third World countries.
If both the spiritual and social
value of meditation will be duly rec-
ognized, then no person can ever be
reganled as supertluous. Evetybody's
efforts can be critically necessary in
the tremendous work of building
the Majestic Grandiose Temple of
Future Humanity . .J.
Everyone can manifest, in this
noble-and ennobling-work, his or
her special, often quite unexpected
heretofore, talents or abilities, work-
ing in accordance with the Divine
Plan-yet never losing one's per-
sonal identity, achieving through this
Inner Work a full as possible reali-
zation of one's true place in The
World Design: the place of greatest
personal power, forming together
with other living Ctystals the multi-
coloured dynamic patterns of The
Global Mosaic.
Also, being raised on the next
tum of the Evolutionary Spiral-
tremendously gaining in efficiency
and scope-with the help of modem
science and industry, meditation
technology can be returned with
gratitude to such countries as India,
which originally gave this priceless
gift to our world.
The practical realization of a
Global Meditation Education pro-
gram-which can be only worldwide,
including spiritual and intellectual
leaders of all countries and nations,
representing all colours and hues of
our Global Picture-will facilitate
true international cooperation,
bringing together-both in Outer
and Inner Space-the best minds
and spirits of entire Humankind,
creating thus a critical mass of New
Age awareness-energy, which is nec-
essary for the next qualitative jump
in human evolution.
Turning Point for Humanity?
A four year study has just been com-
pleted by the Academy for Peace Re-
search to test whether or not humans
can alter solar and geomagnetic activity
by meditating, visualizing, or praying.
Preliminary analysis of the data indi-
cates that this is possible. If so, the
implications are awesome!
Why infiuence Sun? Research by
Professor Raymond Wheeler (de-
ceased) at the University of Kansas
uncovered the fact that international
battles wax and wane at nearly regular
intervals of about 11 years. Wheeler's
data extended back 2,500years and was
extensively analyzed by Edward Dewey,
who founded the Foundation for the
Study of Cycles now located at Univer-
sity of California, Irvine. Buryl Payne, a
physicist/psychologist who directs the
Academy for Peace Research, was able
to correlate the onset of international
battles with sunspot peaks for the past
200 years. Prior to that, sunspot data is
not awilable, but presumably humans
have been responding to this infiuence
indefinitely into the past.
Crimes, riots, accidents, psychotic
episodes, many types of illness, and just
plain grouchiness have all been found to
increase at times of solar activity and/or
geomagnetic disturbances. This is not a
theory; diverse studies by many re-
searchers in different countries over
many years have supported the same
general conclusion.
The link appears to be: Solar tlare->
solar winds (sprays of electrons and
protons) -> disturbances to Earth's
magnetic field-> hormone changes->
mood changes.
Men may be more affected than
women, since warring behavior appears
to be a male activity and Buryl hypothe-
sizes (no experimental evidence as yet)
that testosterone production in males
increases at times of certain types of
The Academy for Peace Research
magnetic disturbances. Increased pro-
duction of testosterone in males under
40 is known to produce irritability and
aggressiveness. Buryl calls this: MMS
or Male Macho Syndrome and suggests
that warring behavior be considered a
new type of social disease.
When people learned of this research
they proposed that peace meditations
could have a beneficial and calming ef-
fect on solar activity. Edgar cayce bad
said this would be possible many years
ago. The hypothesis was formalized in
the design of an experiment called: THE
People were invited to meditate at six
dates each year (the Solstices, Equi-
noxes, etc.). A 3-1/2 year study culmi-
nated in June 1988with the alignment of
six planets l ~ to the Galactic Center.
Normally such an alignment would have
been expected to trigger a large increase
in solar activity, and an increase in inter-
national battles. Although there was an
increase in solar activity there was actu-
~ a dip around the time of the largest
peace meditations. (There were few
world upsets and a number of positive
international steps taken towards peace
in June, a wonderful turning point may
have occurred.) Such dips were also
observed during the first twoyearsofthe
experiment, the only times that the data
has been analyzed so far. On the aver-
age the effects of several million people
meditating appears to have resulted in a
decrease in solar activity of 30% for a
period of 7 to 10 days following the
This remarkable result, if it proves to
have occurred during the other times of
the meditations, and can be shown to
stand up under careful mathematical
analysis, will help unify science and reli-
gion and perhaps provide a humankind
with a new way to maintain peaceful
How people can possibly infiuence
the magnetic field ofEarth or the Sun is
a big scientific ID.}i'tc!ry. However, one
possible link might be related to a bio-
logical energy field which Buryl discov-
ered how to detect and measure. This
energy field, which has been discovered
and rediscovered in the past, is not mag-
netic, but it varies with variations in
Earth's field. It could be considered a
type of spin force and if it were magnetic
it would be more than one million times
as large as the body's intrinsic magnetic
field and about 100 times as large as the
Earth's magnetic field strength. When
peoplr, calm down, this field also quiets.
Perha{ls when enough people meditate
they quiet down Earth's field by some
unknown resonance mechanism The
Earth in turn, could be in resonance with
the Sun and hence a quiet Earth could
result in a quieter Sun.
The device which detects and meas-
ures this field is inexpensive and easy to
build. Details as well as research data,
have been published in a book by Buryl
Payne called "TIIE BODY MAG-
NETIC". The book is $10 and may be
purchased from the Academy for Peace
The Academy for Peace Research,
directed by Buryl Payne, Ph.D., a physi-
cist and psychologist, has exhausted its
financial resources carrying out this
project. People who would like to help
can do so by becoming supporting mem-
bers of the Academy for $25. Members
will receive full copies of the report and
other materials from the Academy.
The implications of the possibility
that humans can infiuence the Sun are
tremendous and suggest a number of
other international peace projects that
could be developed in the new few years.
Readers are invited to send in their sug-
gestions or membership applications to
the AP .R. Box 6c.J7, Hanalei, In 96714.
The Joumal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 9
By Wallace Finne MacNaughton, M.D.
March and April, 1955
(Adyar, Madras, India)
The correlating of several systems of thought, in the
light ofTheosophy, gives a preview of the "method of the
future" to be used as an aid to diagnosis and therapy,
especially for the detection of obscure conditions not
ordinarily identified by the usual procedures.
The various systems include some knowledge of:
(a) The physical plane and its sub-planes;
(b) Spectroscopy;
(c) Radiesthesia instruments;
(d) Spectra-chrome, by Dinshah;
(e) Homeopathic medicine.
The Physical Plane- Sub-Planes -Energy OsciUa-
The physical plane is divided into sub-planes which
differ from each other in one fundamental, namely,
vibration, which is characteristic of the density of the
matterofeachsub-plane. Thesub-planesaredesignated
as (1) solids, (2) liquids, (3) gases, and (4) ethers of four
different grades. The matter of the higher or finer levels
interpenetrates those of the lower. Consequently all
physical objects, made up as they are of solids, liquids
and gases, also have an etheric counterpart. This etheric
counterpart, which all objects have regardless of size,
plays an important role in diagnosis and therapy.
Modem as well as occult science yields the informa-
tion that all physical matter is in a state of vibration.
Science also provides us with a scale of energy oscilla-
tions. Energy is measured in octaves, indicating the
number of oscillations per second, and the medium
through which such octaves are transported. The oscil-
lations range from the first octave of two pentillion os-
cillations per second, known as the X-rays.
The first classification of energy is sound, extending
from the fourth octave and the lowest audible note at 16
oscillations per second, to the fifteenth octave at 32,768
oscillations per second - the limit of human audibility.
The medium through which this energy of "sound"
travels may be solid, liquid or gaseous, and the propaga-
tion is performed bywaves of condensation and rarefac-
tion. Beyond the fifteenth octave, as audibility disap-
pears, a range of oscillation comes into existence whose
operations are defined as being in the "ultra gaseous"
medium. This prevails up to the thirty-fifth octave and
produces a form of energy known as "etheric sound".
From this position, slowly all sound begins to change
as much higher oscillations are approached, and on the
forth-fifth octave the bombarding energy transforms
and becomes manifest as ''radiant energy," "heat," or
"dark light". The travelling medium of this potency is
known as the lowest or first "ether" and the character of
its propagation is wave motion with molecular clash.
Pushing the oscillatory frequency per second fur-
ther, at the forty-ninth octave the first visible appeal
occurs as red color. Our sense of sight enables us to
appreciate the energy at this point, but although the
organs of sight are the most highly specialized organs of
the body and the most closely associated with the central
nervous system, their capacity is limited to a range of this
one octave only.
As the analysis of the phenomena of light shows that
the energy of this range of the oscillatory scale is trans-
mitted by the medium of "ether", and unlike sound is
independent even of the medium of gas. A Radiometer
(an instrument having vanes mounted on a pivot in an
air less chamber) shows rotation under its influence and
the speed of its rotation is determined by the intensity of
the light and the quality of its color. This experiment
proves. conclusively that Light is a force and a highly
potent one, being able to register its effects across a
vacuous space.
The source of all life and energy on the earth is of
course the Sun, and its energy is conveyed to the earth by
means ofwaves of light. Sunlight on analysis is shown to
be a compound and composed of seven major prismatic
colors, which always appear in the following order: Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. These
colors differ from each other in two ways, (1) the wave-
Page 10, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
length, which decrease from red to violet, and (2) the os-
cillatory frequency, which increases from red to violet.
For growth, all vegetable, animal and human bodies
are dependent on sunlight for energy, which they are
absorbing continually in the form oflightandwhich they
are radiating continually, though the manifestation is
different. This takes place through the radio-active and
radio-emanative organism or etheric counterpart of the
dense physical body.
Spectroscopy :
Elements and Their Color Wave Preponderance
Spectroscopy has shown that every element of the
earth (over 92 now known) exhibits a preponderance of
one or more of the prismatic colors and that the potency
of an element depends on the potency of its color waves.
It was found that substances when burnt in a flame have
the power of causing characteristic bright lines to appear
in the spectrum; and that particular substances always
cause the same lines to appear and always at the same
location of the spectrum, regardless of the compound in
which the metals were used or the great variety of
chemical reactions in the various flames, or the immense
difference in temperature of these flames.
This was true of the spectra obtained by a spark
passing between electrodes made of these metals, and
spectra obtained by a spark passing through tubes con-
taining elements ina gaseous or attenuated condition. It
was therefore unquestionably established that the bright
lines of the spectrum are beams of light refracted to
definite points in the graduated scale and are proof
positive of the presence of the metals or elements in
consideration. Each set of bright lines or refracted
beams of light thus obtained represents the aggregation
of wave-lengths, or in other wolds, the oscillatory rhythm
associated with the composition or quality of that par-
ticular metal or element.
In the analysis of various elements it was found that,
although some had many bright lines and others few, all
showed one or more lines predominant and usually one
markedly so. The intensity of the lines and their concen-
tration ina given position of the spectrum are the factors
which determine the potency of an element and the
range of wave-lengths on which it is most highly effec-
A metal or element heated thus before a spectro-
scope has had its molecular, atomic and electronic con-
stituents so expanded that the oscillatory rhythm, being
inherent in the element, can be appreciated visually by
having it stepped up, by heat, to the forty-ninth octave.
However, because of this integrity in the rhythm of the
constituents of the metal, these oscillatory frequencies
are detectable in octaves lower than the forty-ninth by
instruments properly adapted for this purpose.
Rodiesthesia Instruments - Pathoclost EJectm.
Biometer, Etc.
By means of a specially adapted electric circuit,
containing a bank of radio tubes, condensers, a resis-
tance unit, etc., the oscillatory rhythm of the elements
can be detected and their potency measured. This is es- -
pecially significant when it is recalled that all foods and
medicines as well as the human bodJJ!re composed of
definite element combinations, and therefore act in
conformity with such color wave potencies, the aggre-
gate of which gives each its characteristic oscillatory
Using the above radio tube circuit, foods and medi-
cines can by analyzed and identified as carrying poten-
cies of color corresponding to definite portions of the
spectrum. This is the key to Precision Therapy as will be
seen later.
The human body is composed of elements, of which
the principal ones are: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen,
Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Iodine, Chlo-
rine, Fluorine, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Silicon,
These constituents, already shown to have distinc-
tive and characteristic spectral bright lines of wave-
lengths of light, would thus be representatives of the
balance of energy existing in the body as light. The body,
therefore, has certain oscillatory frequencies normally
within it, each with a potency in direct ratio to the
amount of the corresponding element present.
That this is another important fact is apparent when
it is know that, with the above electric circuit, the po-
tency of these frequencies in the body can be measured
and the excess or deficiency of the corresponding ele-
ments determined with accuracy. This is the key to
Precision Diagnosis as will be seen later.
Different organs and tissues of the body having
different chemical element preponderances, oscillate at
different color wave potencies. In other words, the
chemical activity in each organ or tissue, due to its
normal characteristic element content, produces par-
ticular oscillatory frequencies which are maintained
throughout health.
Electro-biological Radiations is the term by which
these frequencies are known to part of the profession
and is synonymous with the term Oscillatory Rhythm.
Any disproportion of the chemical elements of an organ
or tissue, from whatever cause, would therefore have a
marked effect on the balance oflight energy in the organ.
This would result in a changed oscillatory rhythm or
electro-biological radiation from the organ.
A given disease condition that causes a particular
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 11
disproportion of the chemical elements of an organ or
tissue, with a particular disturbance of the balance of
light, produces, as a natural consequence, an oscillatory
rhythm or electro-biological radiation from the organ
which is characteristic and indicative of that disease.
Different disease conditions are associated with
definite and characteristic tissue changes, macroscopi-
cal and microscopical. Coincidental and progressive
chemical changes, registering as electro-biological ra-
diations on the radio tube circuit, are equally character-
istic and measurable.
Because of these facts the physician is able to detect
disease in its incipiency and even in the etheric stage
before macroscopic changes have proceeded to the point
where symptoms are produced. This, of course, is of
great importance in the field of preventive medicine.
The important features of the circuit are as follows:
a diagnostic well, from which the energy of the patient or
of a specimen from the patient is conducted through two
condensers, which are meshedinsucha waythatnumber
1 acts as a principal; and number 2 acts as a selector on
number 1; the energy then passes through a resistance
dial into a plate that is stroked by the operator.
The condensers have pointers attached which sweep
a scale of zero to 100. The number at which the pointer
of dial1 is set indicates the disease in question; and the
number on which the pointer of dial2 is set indicates the
organ, area, or tissue in which the disease has more or
The hyphenated combination of these two settings is
know to the profession as a "rate". The potential or
virulence of the energy on a disease rate is determined by
the amount of resistance it overcomes in order to get
into the plate, where it is "felt" by the operator as a
"change" in the friction factor produced by stroking the
Certain of the dial 1 numbers have come to be
associated with definite disease conditions through years
of research by many investigators. The procedure con-
sisted in taking specimens of each known disease tissue
and finding the ''position" on dial 2 which yielded the
highest potential, when used in conjunction with the
number on dial1 for that disease.
Some points of special interest about these rates are
in order. it is well known that all disease conditions of
whatever infectious agent have at least one thing in
common, namely, congestion or inflammation. If the
condition is acute the cardinal symptoms of heat, red-
ness, pain and swelling, are evident. If the condition is
sub-acute or chronic, these symptoms are much less
evident by none the less present.
This underlying condition of disease shows electro-
biological radiations of its own that are separate and
distinct from that of the particular infection associated
with it. The number on dial1 for congestion is 40, and
the organ, area, or tissue in which the congestion is
present is indicated by a number on dial2 For example:
(1) 40-52 is the rate which gives a "general picture"
of the whole body.
(2) 40-82) gives a "general picture" of the abdomi-
nal contents.
(3) 40-93 gives a "general picture" of the thoracic
contents, with the exceptitJ& of the ribs
and pleura.
(4) 40-91 gives a "general of the periphery,
including the ribs and pleura, spinal col-
umn, spinal cord extremities, head, neck,
mammary glands, male gonads, skin and
Similarly other organs or areas have their designat-
ing rates, and the character of the congestion is deter-
mined by the rates for particular infections.
A point of interest is that owing to the anatomy of
the large bowel, especially the Sigmoid p(>rtion, and also
due to faulty elimination, the accumulation of toxins
usually begins here, reaches $e highest potential, and
persists longer than in other parts of the body, because
there is ample area for extension and storage without
production of symptoms due to pressure, irritation of
nerves, etc.
Another important set of rates is the organ vitality
rates. They furnish diagnostic information of a corrobo-
rative nature, inasmuch as the concentration of infec-
tion in the organ or in its vicinity causes an excitation or
depression of the organ and a corresponding change in
its vitality potentiaL
Over a period of years it became established that the
vitality of organs decreased definitely with advancing
years as follows:
0 to Syears 20
5 to 10years 19
10 to 15years 18
15 to 20years 17
20 to 30years 16
30 to 40years 15
40 to SO years 14
so to 60years 12
60 to 6Syears 11
65 to 70years 10
70 to 75years 9
75 to 80years 8
80 to 8Syears 7
85 to 90years 6
Page 12, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
Spectro-Chrome- by Dinshah
8853 G 95-60
9564 Y 73-74
8877 8370
7097 R V 7'166
8065 M 71 8t5
The letters on the diagram signify the following
colors: red, orange, yellow, lemon, green, turquoise,
blue, indigo, violet, purple, magenta and scarlet.
The ''rates" for the colors were obtained from a
spectra-chrome lamp according to the technique previ-
ously described for known specimens, by shining each
color beam, separately, into the diagnostic well of the
radiesthetic instrument in a darkened room. Care was
taken to prevent any other energy from getting into the
diagnostic well, even that of the operator.
These color rates have been in constant use and have
been dependable during a period of over twenty years.
Using these rates to analyze the energies or the patient's
specimen, it is quickly determined which color energies
are deficient. Then the problem is to prescribe the
remedial measures that will bring up these deficient en-
ergies,so that the two sides of the diagram are in balance.
"Between the cup and the lip there is many a slip."
Often the gap between diagnosis and therapy is beset
with pitfalls. These are avoided when the two depart-
mentsofmedicineare directly meshed withafactorcom-
mon to both. This common denominator is the energy
supplied by the most dependable of standards: the sun.
Recapitulation: All vegetable, animal and human
growths are dependent on sunlight for energy, which
they are absorbing continually in the form of light and
which they are radiating continually though the manifes-
tation is different.
This takes place through a radio-active and radio-
emanative organism or the etheric counterpart of the
dense physical body.
Every element of the world exhibits a preponder-
ance of one or more of the prismatic colors of sunlight,
and the potency of the element depends on the potency
of its color waves.
Foods and medicines being composed of definite
elements, likewise act in conformity with such color
wave potencies.
Likewise different organs of the body having differ-
ent chemical element preponderances, oscillate to dif-
ferent color wave potencies.
Any condition of disease is associated with a dispro-
portion of the chemical elements of the body, with the
attending disturbance of the color wave balance.
Remedies - Homoeopathic, ''wonder drugs," and

During the past 150 years or more, homeopathic
students organized a list of remedies that were classified
(1) as to the capacity to counteract disease, and (2) as to
affinity for stimulating particular organs or tissue of the
body. In selecting remedies by the radiesthetic method,
it was found that these tinctures and tablets not only
coincided with the foregoing classifications-but fell into
groups corresponding to certain colors of the spectra-
chrome diagram. Likewise, the more modem so-called
''wonder drugs" also could be allocated to definite color
positions on the diagram.
Knowing the color correspondences of the remedies
simplifies the matter of prescribing so that the balance of
light energy in the body may be restored. In selecting the
remedies, the one or more which could be expected to
yield the maximum benefit to the patient would be those
which when matched against the patient's specimen
would reduce the congestion and infection potentials to
zero and simultaneously raise the vitality potentials of
the depressed organs to normal Some of the remedies
with their color correspondences are as follows:
Red Capsicum.
Orange Alfalfa, Ipecacuanha,
Spongia tosta, Crataegus Oxy.
Yellow Calendula, Trifoleum pratense,
Hydro-chloric acid 2%.
Lemon Gelsemium, Echinacea, Nux
Eupatorium perfect, Cbimafilia
umb., Berberis vulgata, Iris vers.
Cimicifuga, Hydrangea, Arteme-
sia absinth, Sulfa (triple).
Bryonia, Colocynthis, Ver-
bascum thapsus.
Ignatia amara, Veratrum veride,
Conium Mac.
Baptisia, Fagopyrum.
Apis mellifica, Hamamelis.
Pareira brava, Passiflora incar-
nata, Yohimbin.
Hypericum, Viscum album,
Rhus tox.
Stimulating and alterative.
Antipyretic and sedative.
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 13
A point to be stressed is the prime importance of
Owing to the influence of a variety of factors, the
status of the patient is "subject to change without no-
tice,'' especially in acute conditions. A remedy selected
on Monday may not be the one which would give maxi-
mum benefit on Friday. For example, a patient showing,
on a certain day, lymphatic stasis (due to a deficiency of
minerals in the yellow sector) would get maximum benefit
from a tonic containing: Calendula, Trifoleum pratense
and Hydrochloric acid 2%; while if a few days later, he
should have temperature, the tonic of maximum benefit
should contain: Cimicifuga and Artemesia absinth or
Bryonic and Colcyn, this depending on the severity and
location of the infection.
The remedy, even of maximum benefit, when ad-
ministered to the patient accomplishes changes by de-
grees only. With each tonic a certain percentage of the
disease energy is neutralized and toxins eliminated. With
subsequent check-ups new tonics are selected to fit the
status existing at the time.
The road back to normal calls for a reversal of the
tendencies which brought about the condition as well as
the neutralization of the infection. The accomplish-
ment of this objective requires the use of the principles
of reinforcement or excitation at certain times and that
of interference, retardation or impedance at other times.
The important thing is to know when to use which. This
is determined (referring to the diagram) by checking the
infra-green group and the ultra-green group of colors to
see which are deficient, and which are in excess. While
supplying the energy that reinforces the deficiencies and
brings them to normal, the excess energies are simulta-
. neously counter-balanood by interference or impedance.
The procedure is progressive and check-ups at inter-
vals of a few days show the degree of progress, as well as
indicating the ''follow-up, remedy to meet the changed
condition. Intermittent check-ups are essential because
the effectiveness of the remedy, in tending to re-estab-
lish a balanced status, results in the patient out-growing
it. In other words, these remedies of proven therapeutic
value, prescribed according to this method of selection,
mesh with the needs of the patient in a manner (1) to
promote elimination of toxins, (2) to restore vitality to
organs and tissues, and (3) to re-establish gradually the
balance of light energies in the body.
In doing this, they not only verify their very definite
therapeutic value but establish the veracity of the rates
which were used to determine what remedies were indi-
cated. An erroneous rate for a color sector would result
in the selection of ineffective or aggravating remedies,
while an erroneous tissue rate would have a potential
that might be only slightly reduced or even increased
The color beams from the lamp, used directly on the
patient, are effective, but a tonic corrdpanding to the
same color sector, taken four times a day between lamp
treatments, hastens recovery.
Chief Obstacle
When a patient is under treatment and receiving
frequent check-ups, to gauge progress and select new
remedies, it is important to check the potential of the
rate for connective tissue. This factor is developed by
Nature to wall off areas of trouble as a means of protect-
ing the rest of the body from general involvement. While
it is a benefit in the first place, it is an obstacle in the last
place, inasmuch as it tends to exclude the blood from the
area and thereby prevent of the sealed-
To reduce this hindrance requires complementary
measures such as light, short wave, diathermy, electric
current, diet, etc., especially when adhesions, post-op-
erative or otherwise, are prevalent. Another obstacle to
the restoration of normal functions is a displacement of
vertebra or vertebral disc. This hindrance is corrected by
an "adjustment,, as indicated by checking on the proper
rate, along with the application of one of the foregoing
measures to reduce the associated connective tissue
A point of interest as regards the various infections
is that while they are often composed of more than one
kind of bacteria, the one most often complicating the
picture is a virus. It is relatively more persistent than the
bacterial infection, which melts away sooner under treat-
ment, and is probably more etheric as it causes less de-
struction, although tending to deplete the system of
vitamins and minerals, the timely replacement of which
is an important part of the treatment.
Page 14, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
By Tom Brown and Alison Davidson
Activity for Cycle 22 continues to increase with some
magnificent moments. This cycle now has the potential
for greater activity than Cycle 19 which produced the
highest activity on record, shortly after the atmospheric
hydrogen bomb tests of the mid 1950s. The activity
between March 6-20, 1989, the highest on record in over
20 years, was so intense that the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is issuing a spe-
cial report for that period.
1989 began with a rise to the highest daily solar flux
reading of C22 so far, that of299 s.f.u. (solar flux units)
on January 16th. The activity slowly declined to a low of
175 s.f.u. on 2 Feb, then rising to 281 on 11 Feb with X-
class flaring (on an ascending scale of C, M, & X -class)
on the 9th and 10th. The next lowwas 167 s.f. u. on 28 Feb
with aslowrise to 5 March. On 6 March, a day before the
solar eclipse, the activity
jumped to 212 s.f.u. and the
sun produced a X1S x-ray flare.
This was accompanied by a
coronal mass ejection. From
the 6th to the 20th the solar
activity was very high with many
X -class flares.
munications. The radio waves bounce off the daylight
layer of the ionosphere. Under these same conditions
the 11 meter band, also known in the US as the Citizens
After the Mareh highlight period the solar flux dropped
to 158on 28 & 29 March then began slowly rising during
the first weeks of ApriL If the X15 flare of 6 March is any
indication of further activity of C22 then these reports
should remain interesting for the next two years or so.
Our lives on earth are connected to the activities of
the cosmos. The Sun provides us with life, chemical
activity, light and warmth-. The energy from any source
will naturally change character as it goes through cyclic
activity. Evidence indicates that the current 11-year
cycle is not a cosmic maxim so there is always the
possibility of unexpected ac-
tivity. To quote:
On and around 13 March
there was a complete short-
wave fade on all bands accom-
panying a geomagnetic A-index
of 1W, a severe magnetic storm
condition. The average A-
index for the previous two
v.eeks to that storm was around
20, and for the two weeks
previous to that it was around
10, so this was a period of ma-
jor electrical and magnetic
Geocentric planetary postltlona during
March 13, 1989 Magnetic Storm, Ap-169
"Recent evidence suggests
that the Sun has not always been
so well behaved with respect to
11-, 22-, or even 180-yr cycles;
within the past lOOOyr there have
been three times at which the
cyclic variation evidently ceased
altogether. In a Herculean effort
based on ancient manuscripts,
old literature, modem data and
interpretations, and indirect in-
ferences, Eddy (1976) extended
sunspot records back to about
llOOAD. Fromdirectreportsof
solar observations, old auroral
records, and, notably, carbon 14
(C14) analyses of tree rings, he
interference with human ac-
tivity. The geomagnetic field remained severely dis-
turbed for the next week and a X6.5 flare on the 17th
aided in keeping the earth's energy environment in an
The 10 meter amateur radio band, which propagates
furthest when the ionosphere is charged after solar
flares, has had many good windows for worldwide com-
showed that two prolonged deep
minima and one major pro-
longed tnaXimum in sunspot activity must have occurred. In
these three apparently aperiodic events, no 11-yr variation in
sunspot activity was discernible. The '12th Century Grand
Maximum' in sunspot activity spanned the years 1100-1250
AD. A gradual decline then ensued until1520, interrupted only
by a relatively brief minor tnaXimum centered at about 1400.
The first deep prolonged minimum centered at 1520, labeled by
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989
Page 15
Eddy the 'Sporer Minimum' after the German scientist who first
noted it in 1887, covered the years 1460-1550. Finally the
'Maunder minimum,' named after the British astronomer who
first called attention to it in 1890, occurred during the years
1645-1715." Source: Sun, Weather, and Climate by John
Herman & Richard Goldberg, NASA, Washington DC,
Our civilization is nearing a necessary turning point.
If, as many believe, the flow of our civilization is directly
tied in with the solar activity
we may see some interesting
changes in our lifetimes.
planetary dynamics causing solar flares - these events
will need to be plotted carefully and consistently over a
long period - but already there are indications that the
planetary children of the solar system, just like kids
everywhere, are keeping old Ra hopping.
Returning to the geocentric sphere, the chart we ran
of the severe magnetic storm of 13 quite inter-
esting with nine planets forming three clusters of three
planets at 60 and 90 degree angles to Major
geomagnetic is com-
monandexpected several days
after a major flare due to par-
ticle bombardment, but this
came a full week later than the
big flare.
mented on the planetary as-
pects ocnming during the high
solar activity in December and
January, and provided ex-
amples of these angular rela-
tionships from a heliocentric
viewpoint. We noted that the
most intense flaring ooincided
with Jupiter coming into an
exact 150 degree aspect ( quin-
cunx) with Saturn, and sub-
sided as Jupiter moved out of
this configuration. Mars was
also in a powerful conjunc-
tion with Jupiter during this
same period.
Heliocentric planetary poaltlona during
March, 17,1989 X6.5 x-ray flare.
Astrologically we are in a
very interesting phase with the
slow moving outer planets
Saturn and Neptune forming
exact conjunctions three times
this year - an event which oc-
curs only every 36 years. Such
aspects between these slower-
movilig bodies haw been shown
to exert a marked effect (some-
times subtle and sometimes
dramatic) upon the affairs of
humans on earth, tending to
work in a generalized, genera-
tional sense (that is, through
the collective unconscious of
the human race). They could
be likened to a lens through
which the cosmic energies are
As this data ooindded with
John H. Nelson's resean:h into
solar activity in relation to
planetarypa;itions carried out
back in the 1950s, we were
curious to see what was hap-
pening 'out there' during the

Now, Saturn is moving
very slowly towards Neptune,
and these two bodies will
conjunct exactly sometime in
July. Meanwhile the giant
planet Jupiter, having shifted
its alliance from Saturn as we
noted above, proceeded to
move into the same 150 de-
gree aspectwith Neptune. At
the time of the massive X15 flare on 6 the aspect
was exact. Interestingly Mars has also been prominent
during this high activity opposing Uranus, then Saturn
and Neptune. Mercury and Venus have also been pre-
cisely involved in this configuration as the example
charts show.
It's too early to form any conclusions about specific
Saturn and Neptune could
be regarded almost as polar
opposites of each other. Where
the principle of Saturn is struc-
ture and consolidation, ruling
the teeth and bones of the body,
and occupations dealing with
building, banking, finance and
government and corporate
structure; Neptune is the prin-
ciple of universal love and the
perfection of values. Neptune
rules the pineal gland, inspires the artist and musician,
and is associated with clairvoyance, healing, psychic
work, films, drugs, oils and the ocean.
With this conjunction then, it is not surprising to see
these widely divergent energies manifesting with greater
intensity as the 90s draw near, both negatively as well as
Page 16, May-June 1989 The Joumal of Borderland Research
On the negative side of Saturn we see increased bu-
reaucratic control and an emphasis on material posses-
sions and temporal power-the realm of yuppies and
tyrants-increased power of the world banks and multi-
national corporations exploiting and putting the screws
on 'third world' countries to repay their massive debts.
We also see new political structures forming, such as the
European Community, with its goal of standardizing the
monetary and legal systems of individual European
On the negative side of Neptune we have the 'drug
problem' as people seek to escape the intensity of Sat-
urn's limitations, also the unnecessary secretiveness and
deception practised by the governing authorities, disin-
formation disseminated through the media, as well as
the illusions constantly projected through film and tele-
vision. We are also witnessing an upsurge in fundamen-
talist type religions seeking to impose their structured
belief systems on the world, and at the other extreme, the
mass appeal of psychic chanellers with their too often
cliched, delusory and unchallenged messages.
Another example of this inverted Neptunian vibra-
tion was graphically illustrated in the recent tragic oil
spill in Alaska, with both oil and the ocean being under
Neptune's rule, and the desire for monetary gain (Sat-
urn) over-riding any concern for the safety of the envi-
/ \
111 I
........ ....
.... ,.....


0 .... Ill
.... Ill
0 c:IO
:J N- 11

s:: 0.1

g.- 10
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Months after minimum (Sep 86)
However on the positive side of this powerful con-
junction, discerned through the clouds of confusion and
chaos, we are seeing the spiritual qualities of Neptune
working subtly to dissolve the grip of rigid economic
structures, such as the stock market and our entire
monetary system (look out for the coming depression);
and political structures, especially in eastern bloc coun-
tries, central America etc. There desire to break
through existing circumstances to iDiiiifest our dreams
in the physical world. The forces of inspiration are
finding ways to crystallize (Saturn) through people to
the Earth, and in the many fields of borderland science,
especially those concerning health and energy, truly
humanitarian groups are taking on definite form to
impart a new/old knowledge based on spiritual rather
than material principles.
After all Saturn is the teacher who provides the
pattern for growth, and the "bridge" between the forces
of universal consciousness (including Neptune) and the
forces of material existence and the personal Self. With
the discipline and endurance of Saturn coupled in har-
mony with the and unselfish love of Nep-
tune, we can ride happily through even the toughest
times facing us.
111 I 19

Obsrved value
Predicted value
- - 110. prediction lntorwl
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Months after minimum (Sap 86)
NOAA Space Environment Laboratory, 07 t.Aor 1989
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 17
'Ibis is the first of, hopefully, a con-
tinuous series of articles for the journal
to keep you back yard experimenters
out of the deadening University physia
departments and in your shops where at
least you've got a chance of learning
something. Except for this opening
statement, I promise to keep the politi-
cal diatribe to a minimum and the facts
of Borderland Science to a maximum.
Your editor, Tom Brown, has repeat-
edly asked me to contribute articles for
the journal on a regular basis. 'Ibis then
is the beginning of my answer to his
As many of you know, I have been
interested in the possibility of ''FREE
ENERGY" for 15
years. Each journal, I
will present a new,
simple experiment that
With Peter Lindemann
motors and generators is related, not to
the particular geometry of the device.
Enough teats have been run to say with-
out hesitation that 746watts only equals
1 horsepower in standard devices. The
latest N-MACHINE style generator of
Paramahamsa Tewariis clearly generat-
ing over 1500 watts per horsepower.
It is, therefore, very worthwhile to
experiment with any configuration of
materials that creates either generating
or monitoring effects that is not passing
a current carrying wire in front of a
magnet which, of course, is the standard
you can build and run a c. or d.c. sourc.
easily which demon-
strates some phenom- 1 I
two bearings placed on a table. An
ammeter capable ofmeasuring high
currents was placed on one of the bat-
tery cables. A multi-meter was clipped
across the bearing races to measure the
voltage drop across the "motor''. When
the circuit is completed, about 85 am-
peres registered on our ammeter and
the bearings smoked but the shaft did
not rotate. As predicted, the device has
ZERO starting torque.
Next, someone spun the shaft by
hand and before it stopped, the current
was applied again. This time the shaft
to high speed, drawing 85
amperes across 2.5 watts, for a power
consumption of 212.5 watts. We ran the
unit multiple times for
about 5 seconds at a
time. One 8 second
run melted the insula-
tion from our clip
leads. The motor runs
in the direction it is
started without chang-
ena that act counter to :
the S0-<'8Ilcd "LAWS" = 1/A:!ih.
of physics. ( ___ ) __ _
This column will be '\::::!'2__,)
ing the direction of the
applied current. Marl-
nov states that lubri-
cating the bearings
strictly for "hands-on"
heretics. Philosophi-
cally, Borderland sup-
ports the questioning
of authority. There-
fore, don't believe what I write in this
column! Build the machine and see for
yourself. When you see the experiment
running in front of you on your own
work bench, you'll know the ''truth".
Here's what happened on our work
bench recently.
One of the lines of logic that many
of the ''free energy" enthusiasts are fol-
lowing is that the efficiency of ordinary
I do not know who first discovered
that a simple shaft riding in ball bearings
will rotate when current is applied to the
outer bearing races. It was brought to
my attention one day at Bruce De-
Palma's house when he showed me a
by Stefan Marinov.
Our test set up took about 10 min-
utes to construct. We had a 12 volt
battery capable of delivering high cur-
rent - (a car battery is perfect) and a
couple of clip leads and a shaft sitting in
Page 18, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
fouls the effect, but we
used a light oil on ours
and it ran just fine.
There is no clear
cut explanation for why the ball bearing
motor runs. It's just one of those facts of
Borderland Science. This phenomena
must be seen to be appreciated. It is
definitely operating on a different prin-
ciple than any other motor I have seen.
Now it's your turn. Build and run
this easy, inexpensive experiment.
Watch it operate and think about it.
Also, if you have a favorite experi-
mental oddity, tell us about it. Maybe
we'll put it in a future FIZIX
From The Borderlands ...
By Tom Brown
I sometimes wonder what the future will bring.
The skin is being ripped off the earth. Many species of
animals are dying. Farmers are being run off their land
as 'modem' agricultural methods coupled with drought
conditions are cutting off our food supply, and many
areas' water supply. The pollution thickens. There is
still a lot of love and life on this planet and though times
are intense there is still much room for optimism. Clanges
must be made, but based on as good a view of the
situation as possible.
Take for example the weather. Thiswinterwehave
had several "freak'' snowstorms in an area that rarely
sees the crystalline form of water. A big freeze in early
Februaryhitmanyplaces around the world including the
Garberville area where we were snowed in for a week
with frozen pumps. Then a series of Pacific storms hit
the west coast of America in early spring dumping many
inches of rain. As soon as the rains ended it was summer,
overnight, with searing heat for one day. Then it was
warm late spring weather.
For the last couple of decades the weather has
been getting harsher. The gentle cycle of the seasons is
losing its moorings, probably due to nuclear fission and
deforestation. Record cold winters have been occurring
along with record hot summers. Record snow covers
have blanketed the earth in recent winters. There have
been droughts and there have been floods.
The press has been presenting us with woeful
stories on the coming 'greenhouse effect' which is to
heat the earth, raise the sea levels, and bring drought,
Maybe something else is happening?!?
The greenhouse effect is the opinion of certain
scientists starting with Roger Revelle, of the Scripps
Institute of Oceanography in 1957, and is based on
certain data. Calculations of the average overall global
temperature may indicate a graph with the trend toward
warmer times, but this is one way to represent the data
and is but a one-dimensional view of a multi-dimen-
sional phenomena. An intelligent person can see what
is really happening while the media tells us of the gener-
alized warming trend, and they fail to mention a 1974
CIA report concluding a trend toward global cooling
and the fact that a year later the National Academy of
Sciences concurred. So despite the facts the hot green-
house is the official line.
What appears to me to be happening is a global
desertification, bringing wild swings in ambient tem-
perature over various regions. Astrosonics pioneer Mi-
chael Heleus has termed this phenomena "square wave
weather'' which catches the feeling quite well.
Deserts have wide swings of temperature due to
lack oflush plant life to smooth the cycles of the nature
organism. The desert is harsh, but it is a place of strength
and purification. It cannot support a large population.
It appears that Nature has been released from her
moorings and wilder times are yet to come.
There is the theory that the greenhouse is produc-
ing global warming and cooling. Larry Ephron, author
of The End: The Imminent Ice Age and How We Can Stop It
(Celestial Arts), says that those who promote the green-
house warming are doing a grave disservice and divert-
ing attention from the serious situation we are facing
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 19
now. He discusses the Ice Age Theories of John Ha-
maker which show that matters may be worse than
thought while offering promising paths of action.
The SIIIVWal of Civilizlltion by John Hamaker and
Don Weaver provides the evidence that the greenhouse
is bringing ina new ice age. Hamaker links up long term
earthly trends toward past ice ages with the current de-
terioration of our planetary life organism being brought
about by the activities of earth's technological civiliza-
tion. The ice ages occurred when the soils were depleted
by the natural passing of cycles. He also concludes that
the earth gets remineralized during the ice ages. He
proposes remineralizing the earth.
The Institute For A Future, 2000 Center Street,
BerkeleyCA94704, ( 415) 524-2700,supplies both of the
above books as well as a video Stopping the Coming Ice
Age. Whattheyproposeis: 1. Stoptheclearcutting/burn-
ing of the world's forests which is creating excess carbon
dioxide. 2 Plant vast quantities of new, fast-growing
trees to consume some of the excess carbon dioxide we
now have. 3. Revitalize the forests by remineralizing
their depleted soils with finely ground gravel dust, which
will increase growth rates by 300-500%, as the glaciers
do during the ice age. 4. Take a short two- or three-year
vacation from burning large quantities of "fossil" fuels,
to give the revitalized and expanded forests a chance to
consume enough carbon dioxide to bring us back from
the brink of holocaust. 5. Switch to cleaner natural gas
and some solar energy for essentials, and in a few years
start using some of the newly planted trees to make
clean-burning methane and methanoL Sounds like its
worth a try, and definitely more optimistic than the
pictures we are fed by officialdom.
We have already heard some rumblings that per-
haps nuclear power is not so bad because all the ''fossil"
fuel pollutes the air adding to the global problems. But
in reality it is the nuclear orientation which helps bring
the desertification about much faster. Walter Russell
warned that the proliferation of nuclear fission would
bring about the rapid death of life on our planet.
Radioactive substances are decaying and belong in
the ground-just as a in the ground-
transforming into life again. Russell claimed that the ra-
dioactive materials created the soil and the air while
under the ground, providing life, but when brought
above ground could only bring death. Just as Saturn has
thrown off rings, Russell said that all death takes place
by throwing off rings of energy. Nuclear fission would
begin destroying the atmosphere as the energy bands are
thrown off. Now the ozone is disappearing and scientists
are wondering at its cause. If we dig up a half rotted
corpse or vegetable it can make us quite sick if we eat it.
Russell said that if humanity would orient in the
correct direction all the necessary fuel for civilization
could be had from properly accessing hydrogen. Hydro-
gen is near the beginning of the chain of matter, and is
therefore closer to the creative energies of the universe.
Rudolf Hauschka, in The Nature of Substlllu:e, links hy-
drogen with the fire element/Warmth ether in the struc-
ture presented through the work of Rudolf Steiner, his
students and scientific associates. In this framework
nuclear energy is seen as a degenerate of the
life ether, but not the lowest force yet possible. Radio-
active materials have passed the point of gravity in their
path of solidification and are now moving outwards as
well as downwards. We see this as radioactive particles.
While many wait for big expected dramatic changes
in our earthly environment, a view into the historical
past will show that perhaps we are deeply in the midst of
the changes. Several California Indian tribes have leg-
ends of the central valley of California being a large lake,
which drained a few hundred years back through the San
Fransisco "Golden Gate". (Source: TRIBES OF CAU
FORNIA by Stephen Powers, J.Jniversity of California
:Early Spanish explorers thought that Southern
California was an island because they could bring their
County. Evidence shows that the inland Salton Sea in
the Imperial Valley may have been the northern tip of
the Gulf of California. (Source: UNKNOWN EARTH: A
Handbook of Geological Enigmas by WilliamR. Corliss,
Sourcebook Project) There are legends of a lost Spanish
galleon either under the Salton Sea or buried in the
sands of its shore. There is also a curious Seri Indian
legend of a Viking ship visiting Tiburon Island in the
Gulf of California, perhaps around 900-1100 AD. A
ship which may have been theirs was sighted in the hills
near Aqua Caliente Springs California in the 1930s, but
was then buried under an earthquake stimulated land-
slide. (Source: MYSTERIOUS CALIFORNIA by Mike
Marinacci, Panpipes Press)
These stories are not so hard to imagine when one
looks at the town of Napier in New Zealand A large
earthquake in 1931lifted a large section (3650 hectares)
from the sea. The airport and many nice seafront homes
are on land that was under the domain of Neptune a bit
over half a century ago. How much land has risen and
sunk during recent centuries in areas that have been off
the beaten path?
There are ways that individuals can begin to make
a difference in all this. The intuition of upcoming
disaster is firmly imbedded in our present consciousness
Page 20, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
and that alone may beat the source of our problems. Po-
lar flips, greenhouse effects, UFOs-good or bad, the
Second Coming and the advent of Biblical prophecy,
etc., are all symptoms of this thought pattern. Perhaps
the earth is headed for some sort of upheaval which may
very well end our current world civilization, but it also
may not! We must wait and and do something to
benefit the earth in the meantime. If major disasters
change the surface of our planet and smite large seg-
ments of the population in the next 10-20 years then of
what use is any effort in the right direction?
It is the belief and teaching of many cultures, who
still are or once were in close contact with the natural
forces and cycles, that there is a component of con-
sciousness-spirit that survives after the physical body
ceases functioning. My personal experiences in this
animated physical body have given me indications that
this aspect of reality is far more than intellectual specu-
The Tibetan science of reincarnation descn"bes
five skandas, or aggregates of consciousness, relating to
the four elements and the all-pervading ether. These
then relate to the five main chakras of the Tibetan sys-
tem (broken into seven in other systems), which relate to
the glandular functioning of the physical body. The
purpose of initiation is to link these centers together so
that they may survive and grow stronger from incarna-
tion to incarnation. ( Gurdjieffhad the concept of earning
the soul!) If one does not have these centers linked
through spiritual experience then upon death they can
dissipate and return to their element. Thus re-incarna-
tion of your present consciousness aggregate is not a
sure thing but depends upon many varying and complex
factors. Following this line of thought we can see the
utmost importance of Good Thoughts, Good Words,
Good Deeds, in our path through space and time.
In regards to the status of the earth in our present
materialistic age we must strive to seek the archetypes
from which natural patterns emerge and follow them in
our lives. The preparation and imbibition of good food
is of the essence in all this and a global desert will not
support a viable large-scale agriculture.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich caught early wind of the global
desertification which he attributed to the "character
armoring'' of humanity. Through the use of his "cloud-
buster" he was able to bring greening to the desert by
removing OOR (Deadly Orgone Radiation) being spewed
from what he suspected were detrimental UFOs. Reich's
indications that these craft were using primary ETH-
ERIC energy were profoundly insightful His fine work
was stopped when he refused to allow the U.S. justice
system to decide the status of his science. He was ahead
of his time and favored new dimensions of human en-
deavor backed by his discovery of the living orgone
energy. "No [one] on this earth has the knowledge or
power to decide what will be the knowledge of tomor-
row'' said he.
'Iieror Constable has provided profolDld outgrowths
ofReich's basic research in his Primary Energy Weather
Engineering. As a man who goes by the saying "only
results count," Trevor has shown that rainfall can be
predicted in advance and delivered. tlie techniques for
this do exist, but they are certainly not for everyone to try
for themselves and we don't recommend weather engi-
neering as a backyard project. A thorough knowledge of
meteorology is of the utmost importance, and we are not
talking about standard theories. One must grasp the
etheric forces which drive the weather organsim. There
are those whose true will can manifest in this field, and
it is an important task for those few with the necessary
physical, mental and spiritual acumen.
One of the first impulses to stop the flow of deser-
tification came from Germany in the late 1800s. A gen-
tleman by name of began working with
crushed stones, such as granite, as fertilizer. We have re-
printed the introduction to the English edition of his
book in this Journal to cover his basic ideas. Hensel said
that if people started using chemical fertilizers then the
ne.rt generations would have many illnesses, rotten teeth,
decline of intelligence, etc. He was against direct manur-
ing of the soil also. According to the ice age theories of
Hamacker the glacial action crushes stones and spreads
the dust worldwide to remineralize the earth. Hensel
was the first of our modem times to begin taking steps in
allowing humanity to maintain a livable, vibrant world.
Viktor Schauberger, known for his research into
water flows and natural energy, also contributed valu-
able insights that will aid in bringing agriculture back to
its harmonious position within a healthy society. He
developed the 'noble' oompatt heap that would strengthen
the ability of the environment to produce healthy plants.
He also recorded ancient Germanic methods of farming,
which included the stirring ofloamy soil in earthenware
containers. The stirring would be done in one direction
until a good vortex was created and then the stirring
would be reversed. The farmerwouldsing into the water
as he stirred to combine his exhaled carbonic acid with
the minerals in the water mixture. The tones would go
up the scale during counterclockwise rotation of the
liquid and down during clockwise. This liquid would
then be sprayed on the soil and would produce minute
crystals that strengthened the energy of the environ-
ment, and would allow healthy plants to grow. Schauberger
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 21
also promoted the use of copper tools because iron
agricultural tools cut the earth's magnetic lines and al-
low detrimental activities to take place such as the loss
of soil vitality and the lowering of the aquifers.
Rudolf Steiner's intuitive insights given to farmers
and scientists has provided for the development of what
is now known as Bio-Dynamic agriculture which has
already reaped millions of acres _of vibrant
much of it from desert. Steiner's mput to agnculture JS
oriented toward force over substance, quality over quan-
tity, and is basically a scientific rendering of the ancient
methods which Schauberger was aware of.
While Hensel was against manuring, the BD method
is based on proper composting of manure and organic
field waste as well as treatment of the soil and plants
with pote;tized solutions of mineral and organic sub-
In one BD preparation cow manure is buried in a
cow hom for six months. When dug up it is stirred into
water in a container, preferably earthenware, in one
direction until a vortex is formed and then the other, to
and fro, for one hour. This is then sprayed on the field
before planting in spring, or after harvest in the fall. A
similar mixture is made from powdered quartz and this
is sprayed on the leaves of growing plants. Other com-
post starters, various herbs & plant matter prepared to
specific stages of deoomposition, are inserted into compost
piles and act as organs in the compost organism to create
a neutral humus for the soil.
The Bio-Dynamic movement has been gaining
momentum since the late 1920s and there are groups all
over the world utilizing these principles. Some of the
sources for this information are listed in the BSRF
Bulletin Board - Contacts section of this Journal.
Important outgrowths of Steiner's indications can
be found in the works of: Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, who
worked with the BD compost starters and with the
crystallization of soil to test for life forces; Rudolf
Hatischka, who scientifically exhibited the fact that pon-
derable matter in the plant comes from the cosmos as
well as the soil; and Eugen and Lilly Kolisko, whose
experiments with the crystallization of metallic salts
during different solar, lunar and planetary alignments
provides a basis for comprehending the workings of the
etheric forces in elemental substances. They all demon-
strated, through physical scientific experiments, that
there are definite formative forces at work in plant life.
A thumbnail sketch of these scientist's works is beyond
this edition of this column. Suffice to say that a review
of their experiments will show that there is definite and
definitive cosmic interaction in earthly activity.
So what does agriculture have to do with Border-
land Sciences? The purpose of Borderland is to peer
into the unseen world, to understand the forces beyond
our five senses. Agriculture and meteorology are the
most direct approach in which to observe the etheric
forces in action. The motions of planets control the
structure of plants. This has been shown clearly in the
Ernst Michael Kranich, (Anthroposophic ess). In
that book one is lead to an understanding of plant
structure in relationship to the manifold motions of the
cosmos. The illustrations and concepts are profound
and can be easily seen and understood.
Lilly Kolisko, one of the many brilliant minds who
worked with Steiner, did many series of experiments to
show the interplay of cosmic forces with material sub-
stance. InherbookSPIRITIN MA'ITER.she shows the
different crystallizing activity of silver nitrate solution
(1%) on blotter paper, during both day and night. The
dramatic results showed that during the day the silver
nitrate solution would form a definite linear boundary as
it rose up the paper placed in the solution. At night a
wavy boundary, actually looking like waves on a body of
water, would appear. This was one of the more simple of
a series of increasingly complex experiments using mix-
tures of metallic salts in solution during various cosmic
events; the Equinoxes, Solar Eclipses, planetary align-
ments, moon phases.
Growing plants is one way that we all can partici-
pate in the health of our planet, even if only on your
windowsill. You can see the etheric forces in action.
They hold the plant up. When the forces are
gone we see the solid elements of the plant fall to the
ground and transform, through decay, to the
state. Reich's Orgone Accumulators, layers of orgamc
(absorbing) and reflecting (inorganic) substances, can
be utilized to increase the growth rate of sprouting
plants and for many other aspects of
organisms, animal or vegetable. Expenmentation With
methods prtsented by Hensel, Schauberger, Reich, Russell,
and Steiner & company will aid one in gaining true con-
tact with the natural forces.
In other books by the above mentioned scientists
one can find many experiments utilizing plant life to
understand the etheric formative forces. In future col-
umns I hope to elaborate, this is but an overview. These
experiments can all be reproduced, and the data remains
for the true scientist. This is the practical side of the
Borderland Sciences and the path for a world that wants
to survive. The borders of our present conceptions of
reality can be crossed quite easily once the way is shown.
The answers reside within us. Who will answer the call?
Page 22, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
Gardening in the remains of the redwood forests
of northern California is a real challenge. For the last
two years Alison has been working away on our garden
herewith minor success. Weare ina valley, on the north
slope of a hill with acidic soil Not the greatest spot for
farming. This year I have joined in and we are working
away, trying many new ideas. We are working to instill
the biodynamic impulse into the land with the compost
starters and sprays, and are working to make the acidic
soil more balanced and full of the life forces that will aid
in vegetable growth. A large stoneware container has
been acquired which allows the formation of excellent
vortices in stirred water. We are looking for a source of,
or a methodology for, crushed gravel dust to try Hensel's
ideas. We are working the garden with handmade wooden
tools, and are looking for some sheet copper to bring the
oak spade in line with Schauberger's line of thought. It
remains to be seen how our third year will go, but it gives
us great pleasure to actively participate in the activities
of the living skin of our planet. Plus, if{! Is greatto stick
my hands in the earth after a day at the computer.
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 23
The B.S.R.F. Bulletin Board is a section for Letters, Reviews, Events, Contacts & other useful
information for Borderland Members to aid in their researches. We encourage BSRF Members
to submit contributions & information to B.S.R.F. Bulletin Board, PO Box 429, Garberville CA
95440. Letters should be addressed to LEITERS TO THE EDITOR, c/o the above .ftddress.
"RE: Your long-time held opinion that UFO (and
related) phenomena are 4D: rm inclined to agree with
"For some time now I've considered the 'parallel
universes' theory, but, it doesn't quite fit the observed
"We have our existence in a 3D universe. Oh yeh,
somesaythatTIMEis our fourth dimension. NO WA YI
"Time is not a fixed dimension in our 3D universe!
Time flows in our universe, because it is three dimen-
"Now in a 4D universe, TIME is fixed, not flowing!
That's why the denizens of that universe can materialize
such prehistork critteiS as pterodactyJs, man-apes (BigfOOt,
etc.), and, since they exist in a 'timeless' (to us) universe,
which is of one dimension higher than ours, they can
easily come to us! But like some of the UFOnauts, who
spoke to humans here have said, 'wecancometoyou, but
you can't come to us.' TRUE! That would be 'Mission
"I don't accept a lot of what you publish, but, I have
an open mind. I reject the 'B.S.' and "sick" ideas. I accept
that which is logical
"Pm 73, a long-ago retired engineering tech ( elec-
tronics). My LQ. is 183. rm able to think and reason,
because I have something to think with! I spent 31 years
in the military. I had one UFO sighting that 'removed all
M.R. Lexington, KY
Thanks for your views on the Fourth Dimension.
Qualities can rarely be quantified and it takes higher
functions of sentience to become aware ofhigherspaces.
The fact that UFOs have been seen worldwide, but little
physical evidence exists supports the 4D explanation.
Eric Dollard has told me his view that space is one
dimension (rather than three) and time is another di-
mension. That is how they are dealt with in electrical
engineering. In our BSRF literature there are several
views on the Fourth Dimension. Claude Bragdon's
which is in THE FOUR ETHERS by Dr. Ernst Marti
contains another view.
We're glad you take a critical view of our material
That is of the utmost importance in research. If we only
printed what we felt was right publication would have
ceased long ago. This Journal is a forum for the BSRF
Members and we print articles which we feel will stimu-
late true advances in awareness and perception in all
aspects ofborderlandresearch. Alternative and rational
conflicting views are ~ t important to stimulate thought.
Misleading and diversionary views should be avoided.
"I have a question for our research that I hope you
can help us with. We have been looking into the vibra-
tory effects of geometrical shapes, 2D & 3D, angles and
ratios as used in radio nics, in the various modes of rates,
reagents, and/or broadcasters themselves. Do you know
iftherates used bythe UK.and the USA are related to ge-
ometries or ratios? And if they are, how are the rates
'translated' back into geometries and/or ratios?
"We feel there are some fascinating possibilities
here in health studies and in architecture and the arts.
"Do you know anything about this field, or do you
know of anyone who has done research in this area? Is
there anything published? Research reports? Films?
Lectures? Any information will be greatly appreciated.
Please feel free to pass my inquiry on to others who
might enjoy exchanging information."
Cordell Whitaker
1409 Oak Patch #3
Eugene OR 97402
You are headed in the correct direction in radionic
research by searching for the geometries of the rates and
reagentso In Ruth Drown's school of radionics the rates
have a direct relationship to the various spheres on the
Tree of Life, which is the archetype from which our
human form and intelligence emerges. This was pre-
sented and explained by Trevor James Constable in early
1960's articles in this Journal and in his opus THE
COSMIC PULSE OF LIFE (1976), which we have been
informed by Trevor is currently undergoing updating
Page 24, May-June 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
and reprinting. The structure of the instrument creates
a vibration in the ether and each rate creates its own
structure, just as different forms take shape in sand on
metal plates vibrated with differing tones. Dr. Hans
Jenny's CYMATICS work dramatically demonstrates
this principle, and the Chladny plates and the Eido-
phone voice figures add further corroboration. Dr.
Peter Guy ManneiS has carried the CYMATICS work
into practical healing with sound. They discovered that
five concurrent tones would create a three dimensional
structure in sand, lycopodium powder, or similar sub-
stances. He has been able to discern the audio tones, or
'rates' if you will, that can aid in rejuvenating internal
organs that are in a degenerate condition.
It is important to undeiStand that any true radionic
system will function on the life structures of the etheric.
Computerized 'radionic' equipment is not radionic at
all, but psychotronic ( e.i. psychokinetic), and has helped
blur the undeiStanding of these two diverse fields. A
computer instrument simply flashes numbeiS on the
screen. Ruth Drown's, as well as most of the early
radionic equipment, consists of a meaningful structure
in space. Drown's students were admonished not to let
their thought patterns interfere with the true radionic
process. Psychotronic explanations infer that it is only
the belief system of the person that matteiS whether or
not the equipment will work. There is a clear difference.
Perhaps some BSRF MembeiS can answer your
questions better than L I would like to know a bit more
on the relationship between the US and the UK rates.
COSMIC PULSE will be in print again in the near
future. The work of Dr. Hans Jenny and Dr. Peter Guy
ManneiS is available on video format ( CYMATICS) and
we hear in published form also.
"In your publications on Viktor Schauberger's work
I see references to diamagnetism. :rve also heard the
term paramagnetism. Can you define these terms for us
common folk readeiS?"
B.N., New York, NY
To answer you question rm going to quote directly
l'1Y, Edited by E. T. Bubier, 1896, republished by BSRF
in 1989 ($7 .50 + P&H).
"Q: Wbat is Meant by Magnetic and Diamagnetic
A:. A magnetic, paramagnetic, or ferromagnetic body
is one which is attracted by the magnet, which, if sus-
pended in the neighborhood of a magnet tends to stretch
from pole to pole thereof; which has a high affinity for
magnetic lines of force, and through which lines of force
(the elements of a field of force) pass more readily than
they do through air. A diamagnetic body is exactly there-
verse of the above. Suspended in the neighborhood of a
magnet it tends to place its longest axis across the line
connecting the poles, it has less affinity for lines afforce
than has air and tends to be repelled by a magnet.''
''While looking through old copies of the Journal for
1979 I again noticed the interest in gas saving carbure-
toiS. Back in about 1935 I built one that worked well but
before I tell you how I'll tell you whf.
"Internal combustion engines blow about 80% of
the fuel out the exhaust stack because the fuel is not
broken into small enough particles. Only the outside of
the drops of fuel are exposed to oxygen. Air is only about
23% oxygen so it is difficult to get every molecule of fuel
close enough to the oxygen for all of it to be combined.
Most of the droplets are still burning as they go out the
exhaust valve. In so doing they heat the valve. Modem
practice dictates that to keep the valve from becoming
overheated and thus ruined, the mixture must be en-
riched. The liquid gasoline strikes the valve and boils off.
The heat of vaporization thus cools the valve. However,
if there were no burning QI"ops to heat the valves in the
fiiSt place the valves woulcinot have to be cooled and the
80% of the fuel that is wasted could be put to useful
work. So the goal is to vaporize the fuel completely so
that it will mix well and bum completely.
"Most such devices heat the air which reduces its
density. In other words volumetric efficienqris reduced.
So the sir should be kept cool but the fuelmustbeheated
to make it into a true vapor.
"Back in about 1935 the price of gasoline was a
gallon. A laborer's wage was about the same per hour,
and even that wage was difficult for many to earn. Stove
oil sold a gallon so I decided to run my 1928 Chevy
on stove oil. Normally it got about 20 miles per gallon.
After it was converted to run on stove oil it got near 70
miles per gallon, and the fuel cost only a third as much.
"The engine was started in the usual mode then
when the exhaust manifold got hot all I had to do to
switch over to stove oil was step on another foot accel-
erator pedal. You see I had two gas pedals. One for
gasoline and the other for oil. I had to have two fuel
tanks and two vacuum tanks as in that car there was no
fuel pump. Then the fuel oil was metered by a Chevy
downdraft carburetor before it went to the heater and
then to a side draft carburetor which had the second
throttle which was operated by the second pedal.
''By this arrangement the fuel only was heated then
mixed with the air. The side draft carburetor was one
made by Holley for Model T Fords. They called it their
Hot Spot carburetor. I didn't use their hot spot but just
the part that metered the fueL It was called atluttervalve
carburetor because it had a weighted valve to induce a
partial to pull in the heated fuel
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 25
"If I were to build one today for a big V8 engine Pd
use a propane conversion unit That is Pd use the heater
and the carburetor that sits on the top of the gasoline
carburetor. They are usually built right into an air filter.
Pd use diesel fuel because it is of about the same calorific
value and readily available. The diesel fuel would be
heated in the propane heater and then handled just like
''The engine would have to be started on gasoline
just like I did the old Chevy. Instead of having two foot
pedals a solenoid valve would be used to switch fuels.
Diesel would take a little more heat to vaporize it so a
thermostat of higher rating should be used and maybe a
higher pressure in the radiator obtained with a pressure
cap. If the radiatorwas kept hotter the automatic trans-
mission should have an oil cooler. Because a reduction
of :ZOO F of the transmission oil will about double the life
of the transmission.
"All the compo-
nents are readily avail-
able over the counter at
auto supply stores. Sure
I could make up some
drawings and sell them
m.ailorder and make a
few dollars. That is the
trouble with most in-
ventors, they are greedy.
I have other ideas that
fd rather develop. Have
"Here is a sketch of
the old Chevy"
Your friend, c.A.
Molko, Nampa, Idaho
Thank you for your
information on this
which comes at a time
of rising gas prices. The large automakers have shown
their utter contempt of the public by never delivering
cars that really save on fueL The burden for the excess
pollution from autos is then put on the customer, rather
than on the cause-the greedy auto monopolies. This
project is probably a bit too much work for most of our
readers, but there are a fewwho can put this info to work,
and we'd like to hear of any results.
Thir section is a listing of incoming materials. BSRF Members
are encouraged to further research on these materill/s and submit
the data to this Joumal.
Syphilis in the Pathogenesis of Acquired Immunode-
ficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Complex by Michael J. Ur-
ban, Ph.D. This is a reprint of an article published in the
International Journal of Biosocial Research, PO Box
1174, Tacoma WA 98401-1174. A reprint is $3. A
. shorter version of this paper was published in the May-
June 1988 JBR as Reflections on the Plague Years. The
basic premise is that the HTVL-m virus is not the cause
of AIDS, but is a co-factor which confuses the issue.
Michael covers some excellent ground. We get an over-
view of the conspiracy and God's which
have little to do with helping the situatiolt Then Mi-
chael presents the well backed hypothesis that tertiary
syphillis maybe the primary culprit in AIDS. An impor-
tant piece of the AIDS puzzle and well worth reading.
RAD Productions, 8306 Wilshire Blvd. #972, Beverly
Hills CA 90211. This is an interesting and informative
video containing pertinent excerpts from recent lectures
by William Moore,
Budd Hopkins, and
Stanton Friedman. Bill
Moore covers the cur-
rent status of UFOI-
ogywith the necessary
attitude of an open-
minded skeptic. His
diligent research has
overturned a few
strongly held beliefs in
the UFO field, and he
herein puts several mis-
comprehensions to
rest He has uncovered
more questions and he
asks them. He dis-
russes the MJ-12 group
that was formed by
President Truman to
assess and manage the
UFO situation. Budd Hopkins shows a series of slides
providing physical evidence of UFO abduction cases.
The facts are there, he poses some haunting questions
through his presentation. Stanton Friedman has val-
iantlyworked through the courts and archives systems of
the FBI, CIA, etc. in search of UFO files. He has
uncovered definite evidence of a government cover-up,
though he, like most of us, still doesn't know exactly what
our government is up to in this field. His report on
research into the authenticity of the MJ-12 documents
adds further evidence to their reality vs. disinformation.
Overall this is a most stimulating video, mainly because
the lecturers focus on facts, though they speculate (and
call it that) where gaps must be filled. We are adding this
to the BSRF catalog listings. ($39.95 + $3 P &H, Cali-
fornians add sales tax)
Page 26, 1989 The Journal of Borderland Research
482ElectricAve.,BigforkMT59911. Thisisaninforma-
tiveandinteresting VHSvideo-tapewhichisa follow-up
of the article of the same title which we ran in the Jan-
Feb89 JBR. Donald has come up with a truly innovative
advance in producing witnesses of substances to be used
in radionic instruments. He uses a spectral photograph
of the substance and then inserts it into the instrument
which he has designed and built. Donald shows how to
do it, and gives the addresses on where to buy the parts
to fit on your camera, etc. His instrument setup is similar
to the Malcolm Rae instrumentation, but rather than
using a geometric symbol, a spectral photo is used. This
technique can be used within the framework that Donald
proposes and uses it, and can also be incorporated into
any type of radionic setup. Donald has made an impor-
tant radionic discovery that should be checked into by
researchers. The tape costs $40 and is well worth the
price to see the work that he is doing.
The Mars-Earth Conflicts by Donald Wesley Patten,
fromPacificMeridianPublishing Company, 13540 Lake
City WayNE, Seattle Washington98125. This looks like
a well thought out and documented work which at-
tempts to explain many of the currently unexplained
mysteries of geological, astronomical and human his-
tory. Donald proposes a model for cyclic catastrophism
which concurs with observed facts and recorded history.
This looks interesting and we hope to run a longer
review in an upcoming Journal.
Dr. James DeMeo, Orgone Biophysical Research Labs,
Box 1395, El Cerrito, CA94530. As the title suggests the
author has an attitude about cloudbusting in which he
considers himself a superior authority. 90% of this book
consists of a well oriented paradigm. James covers the
"Overview of the Global Atmospheric Problem" and
the reasons that people want to build a cloudbuster to
help bring more rain to drought. I share the author's
ooncem about random and nmguided usage of Dr. Reich's
invention. Everyone should agree with that. However,
this book lapses into a poorly thought out emotional
attack on anyone who operated a cloudbuster outside of
official "orgonomic'' circles. There is an ignorant and
uneducated attempt to belittle Rudolf Steiner, who
being labeled as a ''mystic'' is considered of no conse-
quence to DeMeo. Trevor James Constable comes in for
the same treatment. His originality in Primary Energy
Weather Engineering, h i h ~ advanced beyond Reich's
preliminary experiments, is something that "orgonomy"
has not yet been able to come to grips with. Trevor is not
mentioned by name, but it is quite obvious who is being
spoken of by the misrepresented, and out-of-context,
references given. Its easy to throw stones from behind
the bushes and that is what DeMeo unfortunately lapses
into. That 10% of the book should never have been
publiclyreleasedandmakes the authorlookmuchworse
than those upon whom he unleashes his biopathic at-
tack. This book belongs in the compost heap. If I could )
havejustoneperson readitthatperson would be the late
Dr. Reich himself to see how his name is being used as a
weapon to stop the progress of knowledge. This book,
which tells you nothing about build.ingdoudbusters (we
agree with that), refers those who want to build one to
read thoroughly through Reich's writings, a fine body of
work well worth researching but having little to do with
the weather. Nowhere does it mention even the basic
understandings of meteorology or some direction on
where to gain such knowledge. Your Director person-
ally sent Dr. DeMeo copiesofESSAYONTHEMODJFJ.
CATION OF CLOUDS by Luke Howard, an excellent
primer for understanding the atmospheric energies, and
WEATHER: Soul Life of 1M Earth by Dennis Klocek, a
for the Journal from one who has worked with the
weather. DeMeo's response was that he couldn't under-
stand what the authors were getting atl So, do you want
him to build a cloudbuster? Not mel
This is the section where researchers may contllet those of like
mind or seek out sources of infonnation. We also list various
mailers received. Please be ldnd and considerate and send a buck
or two when writing for infonnation.
ASSOCIATION, PO Box 550, Kimberton PA 19442,
(215) 935-7797. A source for BioDynamic compost
starters and many publications including the magazine
BIODYNAMICS which published its 50th anniversary
issue this spring. Top flight materials including the
works of Eugen and Lilly Kolisko. We highly recom-
mend that our members acquire these materials.
Spring Valley NY 10977. A source for BioDynamic
compost starters and information. Dr. Ehrenfreid E.
Pfeiffer was one of the pioneers of BD farming both in
Europe and the U.S.
94942, (415) 388-3965. We listed these folks in the
March-April Journal as a source of gem and crystal
candles. We gave out the wrong phone number and
apologize if any problems arose from that. We also
found out that they only wholesale the candles they
produce, so askyourfavoritestore to order some of their
great products.
The Journal of Borderland Research May-June 1989, Page 21
11th Intematiooal Huoa Seminar, Los Angeles, CA July 7-9, 1989. Sponsored by Huna Research Institute this
seminar will have many speakers and workshops. For more information contact the Huna Center (314) 334-3478;
Steven Varro (403) 246-1080; or John Bainbridge (213) 463-1430.
2nd International Keely Symposium, May 19-21, 1989in Colorado Springs, sponsored by Delta Spectrum Research,
4810AirportRd.,ColoradoSprings,C0(719)591-6611. TheworkofJohnErnstWorrellKeelycontinuestomaintain
a strong interest. Some of the speakers include: Dale Pond, Editor of Sympathetic Vibratory Physia,Jerry Decker of
Vangard Sciences, Ben Iverson, author of Pythagoras and the Quantum World, W.C. Wright, discoverer of Gravity is
a Push!, Pamela Hughes, musician and lecturer on healing with sound, Walter Baumgartner, publisher of Causes
magazine, and others. The registration fee also includes a one years subscription to Sympathetic Vib_.P;tory Physics.
VANGARD SCIENCES, PO Box 1031, Mesquite Texas 75150, (214) 288-9676. The Vangard Sciences Group is a
Dallas based organization formed for the scientific study of phenomena associated with field energies such as
magnetism, electricity, frequency/phase relationships, acoustic and spectral phenomena, and their interests include
aspects of biology, wholistic therapies, chemistry, electronia, faster than light travel, the aggregation-dissolution-
transmutation-transference of matter, physia and other areas of current and futuristic science.
MAGIC GARDEN SUPPLY, PO Box 68, Redway CA 95560. This is a catalog supplying many types of organic
fertilizers and water-powered water pumps, drip irrigation systems, and also gardening tips and growing information.
Good catalog, free on request.
PROJECI'VISUAL (Volunteer Investigators that Study UnidentifiedAirbome Lights),50 Euclid Ave, Ludlow,KY
41016. Project visual is a new nation wide clearing house that records, investigates and publishes UFO sightings and
encounters. They are also producing a magazine and are looking for input.
HEART LECTURES by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. The relationship of form and substance through motion; the heart as an etheric organ, as a sun
within; expansion and contraction In the human being and the cosmos; etherization of the blood; dying and becoming; manifestations of
different mystery streams In ancient cultures. 36pp $3.50
PHYSICAL AND ETHERIAL SPACES by George Adams. An essay putting forward an Initial statement of a theory of forces In living nature
based on the mathematical conception of space and morphology derived from modem projective geometry. An understanding of
counterspace, the space of the etheric forces. Illustrated, 71 pp, paperback. $6.00
RADIANT MATTER: Decay and ConMCndlon by Georg Blattmann. The material structure of the world gives evidence of an
order. Chemical elements fall Into distinct groupings that represent the last stages of creative wisdom. The author makes us aware that the
radioactive elements are In a state of decay slipping out of the ordering of the past. Opposite this decay stands a wisdom creating Into the
future which consecrates matter, allowing It to become spiritually radiant. 36pp, softbound $3.25
SPIRITUAL SCIENCE AND THE NEW NATURE FORCES by George Unger. The nuclear dilemma Is discussed along with a grasping of
the reasons for the existence of the sul>forces of nature and how to encounter them properly In our evolving society. 27pp, saddle. $2.95
ETHERIC VISION: Ita Development U.. by H. Desmond Thorp. The author became aware of higher spaces and energies through
awareness expanding personal experiences. He tells his story as it happened and gives his Insights into extradlmensional happenings which
are accessible to this plane with an extension of vision. The ethers must be perceived to be grasped. 158pp $5.00
THE EIDOPHONE VOICE FIGURES by Margaret Watm Hughes. Geometrical and Natural Forms Produced by Vibrations of the Human
Voice; Photos of Various Geometric Forms Created by Singing notes and tones Into a device which translates them Into actual living forms.
This is an Important book for anyone who wishes to study and understand the archetypal forms existing In the etheric realms. 47pp $5.50
THE WARMTH COURSE by Rudolf Steiner. A course that strives to extend modem Ideas of physics through the understandings achieved
by spiritual science. Discusses the nature of warmth, its relationship to the four states of matter, to light, to color, and to the sub-earthly and
super-earthly realms. 206pp $20.00
THE ALPHABET by Rudolf Steiner. The loss of the primordial word In abstraction; vowels and consonants In relation to the etheric and
physical bodies; the Zodiac and the planetary movements expressed In the consonants and vowels; the ancient alphabet as the wisdom of
astronomy. 16pp $3.00
THE NATURE OF SUBSTANCE by Rudolf Hauschka. The author's many years of research provides a new perspective on the nature of
matter and suggests a new orientation of the sciences. A revitalized scientific practice can grow from a change In the way phenomena are
observed: actively thinlcing into things, not merely recording measure, weight, and number. In Hauschka's presentation both cosmic and
terrestrial spheres are considered In a study of the basic elements and minerals. The basic elements are given as Earth=Carbon,
Water=Oxygen, Air= Nitrogen, Fire= Hydrogen, and are referenced to their cosmic position In the Zodiac. This is backed up with years of
scientific experiments. Hauschka also explores the mirror realm of coal tar chemistry as a reflection of the living chemistry of the plant world.
Top flight research! 235pp. $14.50
U.S. P&H: Add $2.25/first book, Overseas P&H: Double the U.S. rate/surface.
Californians add 6% state sales tax.
Page 28, May-June 1989 The Joumal of Borderland Research
The Agriculture of Tomorrow--Today!
BREAD FROM STONES -ANew andRatlcmals,.tem olLaDd
Fertlllzatloaud Physical Regeaeratloa by Julius Hensel, 1893,
Forward by Raymond Bernard Agricultural Chemist. Julius
Hensel was a pioneer, circa 1890s, in promoting "Stone Meal"
(rock dust) fertilizer and was an ardent crusader against chemi-
cal fertilization which he said would lead to the proliferation of
degenerate diseases in the future. This amazing book will intro-
duce you to stone dust fertilization which the author claima will:
"Turn stones into bread and make barren regions fruitful; Feed
the hungry; Cause healty cereals and provendcre to be harvested
and thus preYCnt epidemics among men and discasea among
animals; Make agriculture again profitable and aave great sums
of money which are now czpended for fcrtilizera that in part are
injurious and in part useless; and Tum the unemployed to
CXlUlltJy life by I'CYC8ling the inex-
haustible nutritive forces which,
hitherto unrecognized, are stored
up on the rockl, the air and the wa-
ter.,. This is the path to healing our
planet and regenerating our dam-
aged agricultural resources. The
real answers are always the simplest!
51pp, stapled. $4.00
SELF -SUFFICIENT by Ehrenfried
Pfeiffer & Erika Reise. This book is
an introduction to biodynamic gar-
dening, and is filled with practical
suggestions for the biodynamic
gardner, whether a beginner or an
ezperienced gardner. Contains in-
formation on proper composting
and bow to mix plants for quality
produce. One of the important
booka for your future! 128pp with
garden map $8.50
ADIDtrodudioa by Herbert Koepf, Bo D. Pettersson. A thor-
ough, practical, and up-to-date introduction to Bio-Dynamic Ag-
riculture. The book begins by distinguishing organic, natural, and
BioDynamic approaches. It discusses in scientific detail the farm
organism and landscape, plant Ute, soils, fertilizing, the Bio-Dy-
namic preparations, companion plants, crop rotation, weed
control, animal husbandry and feed production, animal diseases,
application to gardens, orchards, and vineyards, Bio-Dynamic
tests and quality maintenance through use of earthly and
growth and form forces. Includes extensive bibliography and
indel.. and Wolfgang Schaumann 448pp, paperback $20.00
This artistic presentation of Bio-Dynamic gardening discusses
the alchemical salt, mercury, and sulfur processes in the earth's
body in relation to potash, nitrogen, and phosphorus; limestone
and silica; the four elements; and finally as they work in plant life.
Cosmic and earthly annual rhythms in relation to the zodiac signs
are described in verse with many diagrams and with woodcuts by
the author. This is a beautiful and insightful book that will allow
you to integrate the concepts of cmmic forces into your everyday
agricultural practice. 128pp, paper $15.00
NATURE EVER NEW: Essays oa the Renewal of Apiculture
by George Adams. A number of essays on various topics con-
nected with the application of the wisdom contained in the
Agriculture Course lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Contains many
insights into Plant Metamorphosis; Goethe's Theory of Color;
the Relationship of Plant to Crystal; Plant Chemistry; and more.
Includes NATIJRE by Goethe, and a forward by OliYe Whicher. .
FAiled by Olive Whicher 45pp, softbound $6.50
Botany by Ernst Michel Kranich. This boot C!arefully t:racea the
relationship of the form language of plants to the planets. Many
cmmplea and drawings are included illustrating the connections
between the orbital paths of planets and shapes found in various
plants. 184pp $1250
PLANTS by Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe. Here is the well illustrated
classic on the actions of plants dur-
ing the span of their Uvea from seed
to fruit and flower. Modem science
studies plant life by dissecting it and
studying the genetic patterns via in-
tedering manipulation. Goethe
the plants in their natural
state and developed the ground-
work for a living natural science. An
important work with an introduc-
tion by Rudolf Steiner on the Origin
of the Theory of Metamorphosis.
56pp, paper $3.50
by Peter Tompkins and Christopher
Bird. A fascinating account of the
physical, emotional, and spiritual
relations between plants and man.
EJ:ploring the world of plants and
their relation to mankind as re-
vealed by the latest discoveries of scientists, this book includes re-
markable information about plants as lie detectors and plants as
ecological sentinels; it describes their ability to adapt to human
wishes, their response to music, their curative powers, and their
ability to communicate with man. The authors suggest that the
most far-reaching revolution of the twentieth century- one that
could save or destroy the planet- may come from the bottom of
your garden. 402pp, index, paperback. $9.95
EARTH AND MAN by Karl Konig. These lectures to farmers in
England treat insect-plant relations, domestic animals, "mete-
orological organs," and especially the sheath materials for the
bio-dynamic preparations. 350pp $20.00
by Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer. This work introduces the method of
circular chromatography developed by Pfeifier as a convenient
visual tool for the average gardener or farmer to use in testing
food and soil for "quality" or life forces. Pfeifier provides step by
step instructions for making the chromatograms and discusses
examples of interpreting their various radial rings on 8 color
plates, illustrating numerous tests of soil, compost, vitamins,
wheat seed, yeast, and bread. 44pp, paper. $8.00
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Box 429, Garberville CA 95440
U.S. P&H: Add $2.25/first book, Overseas P&H: Double the U.S. rate/surface
P.O. BOX 429
Bulk Rate
U.S. Postage
Garberville CA

NEW UGBT ON TIIEilAPEUTIC ENERGIES by Mark L. Gallcrt. 'Ibe wisdom and Clpericnce of many pioneers in the healing arta is presented in
aimplificd and practical form. Theory, equipment andinatructiona foruae in research are all included formo&t of the methods presented. Contents include:
Natural Energies from Earth and Sun, Cosmo-Elc:ctric Culture, Dr. George Starr White; Energies of Selcctcd Freqw:ncica ofVIIible Ught, Olromo-
Therapy, Dinahah Ghadiali; Energica Below the Vllible Ught Spectrum, Ultra-Red Therapy, Dr. George Starr White; Inviaible Ultra-Vwlet Ufe
Frcqw:ncica Made Vllible, Royal Raymond Rife; Energies Concentrated from the A1m01phere, Orgone, Dr. Wllhetm Reich; Claaaical Homeopathy,
Hahnemann;'Ibel2TiaaueSalta,Dr.Schusaler;VitalizedTisaueSalta,Dr.Claa. W.UtUefield;EledricalUfeEnergyFromFooda,Dr.GcorgeAWllaon;
'Ibe Use of Energies Radiated from Living Organiama, I-E. Beman; Facilitation of the Flow of Neuro-Elcctric life Energica in the Body, Chiropractic,
Dr. GcorgeA Wilson; Negative Galvaniam,Dr. W .E. Keay; Short-Waveuae in EndogenouaEndocrinopathy, Dr.JuaeSamuela; Multi-Wave O&cillation:
Elcctto-Static- Lakhovkly, Magnetic Arc- S.S. Knight. 256 pp, vdobound. $28.00
VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE by Richard Gerber. This ia the mo&t definitive and intelligent book available on the subject of energetic medicine, covering
planetary evolution. 'Ibe author, a pbyaician, diacuaaea these amw not only with respect to their practice, but with respect to their theology, biatory, and
apiritual philosophy. paperback $16.9S
HOMEOPATHY Medldlle fol' tbe 2bt Centary by Dana Ullman. Forward by Dr. Ronald W. Davey, to Queen Elizabeth ll. Covers: 'Ibe
Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine; a Condcolcd History of Homeopathy; Scientific Verification of Homeopathic Medicine; 'Ibe Scope of
HomeopathicMedicine;PregnancyandLabor;Pcdiatrica-don'tdrugourkida;Women'aHealth; InfectiouaDiaeaae-EffectiveAltemativetoAntibiotica;
Homeopathic Treatment of AIDS; Allergic Condition&; Cuonic Diaeaae; Sporta Medicine; Psychological Problema - Treating Mind and Body;
.Homeopathic Dentistry; 21st Century Health Homeopathic reaourcca: Schoola, Sources, Organization&, Information. 271 pp, paperback $12.9S
THE BASIS OF' :RESEARCH by Thcodol' Schwenk. Preacnta the theoretical, apiritualientific basis of the working of potentizcd
n:mcdica and also aummarizca and discussca many of the important Clperimental verifications of the effecta of potentizcd aub&tancea. An important
refc:rcocc for those who want to be informed about how homeopathic n:medica work, and to discaver the reality of etherial forces. 93pp, paper $10.00
ROYAL R. RIFE REPORT byvarioua authora, compiled. Rife developed a microscope that could aec beyond the optical wavelength& of light to the sub-
realm of viruaca and bacteria. He also developed a radiant gaa broadcast unit that could kill pathogenic viruaca in an animal h01t. This file is the available
biatorical record of Rife's long auppreaacd wort. Contents: 'Ibe Wondroua Rife Microscope, Bill Cal; Inviaible Ultra-Violet life Frcqw:ncica Made
Vllible, Mark Gallcrt; Elcctron Therapy Rcaearch, John Crane; 'Ibe Rife Microscope, or "Facta & Their Fate"; 'Ibe New Microscopca, R.E. Seidel &
.M. Elizabeth Wmter, Franklin Institute, 1944; Filterable Bodica Seen With The Rife Microscope,; 'Ibe Cure For Cancer Covered Up; What HaaBecome
of the Rife Microscope?, Christopher Bird; Photo Gallery of Rife' a equipment; Miacellancoualcttera, documents, etc. 86pp, ataplea. $11.00
SENSITIVE CRYSTALIZATION PROCESSES: A DemoDStration of :Formative :Forces In tbe Blood by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. Pfeiffer developed a
reYOlutionary ayatalization procesa to make visible the natural formative forces in the human being and nature not previously discernible by physical and
chemical means. Using T1 photographs, he describes the proccaa of producing ayatala from different solutions and ahowa how tbia technique can be used
aa a diagnostic tool, capecially in the early detection of cancer. 59 pp, photos, saddle $16.00
SUB-NATURE & SUPER-NATURE: The True F'olllldatloDS ofNutrltlon by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. &plores the essential nature of nourishment, different
typca of metabolism, the significance of enzymca in digcation, the importance of breathing for digestion, and more. 28pp, paper $3.50
YOUR. ELECTJlONIC BODY & ELECTJlONIC POTENTIALS OF' :FOOD by Brown Landone. Contents include: What Energies break down Foods
during Digcation; Your Two Physical Bodies; Sci, Elcctronic Power, & Your Heart; Tranaforming Your Body; Menus for Balance; Electronic Muscle
Batteries; Electronics of Acid & Alkaline Foods; Fat Foods, Ufe Valuca in Uncooked Foods; Positive Minerals; Enzymes with Divine Power; Mystery
of Combinations of Mincrala & Vitamins; Vuility of Positive Potentials; Your Rhythmic Electronic Body & Brain; etc. 249pp, spirals. $15.00
U.S. POSTAGE & HANDUNG: Add $2.25/first book,
OVERSEAS: Add $4/first book, $1/additional, surface. Double above for Airmail or First Class.
Californians add 6% state sales tax.


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