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Superalloy Brochure

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Superalloys Developed by SPS Technologies for Aerospace Fasteners

Aerospace Fasteners Group

Table of Contents
SPS Technologies Superalloys...An Overview MP35N MP159 AEREX 350 Material Mechanical Properties Fastener Mechanical Properties Physical Properties 3-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12 12 13-14

Aerospace Fasteners Group

SPS Technologies Superalloys...An Overview

Superalloys used for aerospace fasteners require a combination of mechanical strength, notch toughness, elevated temperature capability and corrosion/oxidation resistance.

Typical superalloy requirements

Mechanical strength requirements might include tensile, shear, fatigue, creep and/or stress rupture strengths, depending on the application demands. Strength requirements have increased as new developments in engine design and other technologies have arisen. The continual need for greater thrust output and better fuel efficiency has resulted in
SPS Fastener Alloys for Elevated Temperatures Maximum Use Temperature, F
700 260 MP35N 240 220 200 800 900 H-11 CW 718 or H-11 CW A-286 or AMS 6304 1000

faster-spinning, hotter-running gas turbine engines. This, in turn, has created the need for alloys that can withstand higher stresses and temperatures, a trend that is expected to continue. Below is a chart that shows the strength/operating temperature niche occupied by many of the alloys used at SPS. Another critical material property is the ability to resist corrosion at ambient and elevated temperatures, including general corrosion, crevice corrosion, stress corrosion, oxidation and sulfidation. The positions the SPS alloys occupy in the Galvanic series shown on this page confirm their outstanding corrosion resistance. For joints exposed to potentially corrosive environments, the fastener should be

galvanically compatible with the joint. That is, the materials used should be relatively close on the galvanic series. If this is not practical, platings or coatings can be applied to the noble corrosion resistant fasteners to promote galvanic compatibility with structures assembled from more active materials, such as aluminum alloys. It is important to understand that the properties of a superalloy are not merely the result of its composition. Material processing and fastener manufacturing play roles in achieving the desired combination of properties. Cold working, thermal treatments and the sequence of critical manufacturing operations significantly enhance performance.
Galvanic Series of Metals and Alloys Ladder



1300 1350


MP159 AEREX 350

180 160 140 120 CW 304 S/S

AMS 6304

STA 718 Waspaloy STA A-286

Key: STA = Solution Treated and Aged

CW = Cold-Worked and Aged

This chart identifies the strength/maximum operating temperature niche for many of the fastener alloys used by SPS.

Graphite Noble Platinum Gold Titanium MP35N MP159 AEREX 350 Ni-Base Superalloys Silver A-286 Stainless Steel - Passive Copper Nickel-Copper Alloys Bronzes Brass Nickel Lead Tin Stainless Steel - Active Carbon & Alloy Steel Cadmium Aluminum Zinc Magnesium Active
The galvanic series is a list of metals and alloys arranged according to their relative corrosion potentials.

Room Temperature Tensile Strength, ksi

Aerospace Fasteners Group

SPS superalloys
Over the years, SPS Technologies has developed three proprietary superalloys to satisfy the increasing demands among high technology fastener users for the performance advantages described here. MP35N was the first fastener superalloy developed by SPS Technologies. It provided the unique combination of high strength and outstanding corrosion resistance, with a 750F temperature capability. To meet the higher operating demands of turbine engine manufacturers, SPS Technologies developed MP159, which added an 1100F operating temperature capability to the high strength and corrosion resistance advantages of MP35N. AEREX 350, the newest superalloy offering from SPS, pushes the operating temperature envelope to 1350F, while retaining excellent

strength and corrosion resistance. No other fastener alloy can match this combination of properties.

Where SPS superalloys are used

Marine, space and medical applications are just a few of the environments that challenge the superalloys made by SPS. Other applications are... Space Shuttle Orbiter & Solid Rocket Motors Aircraft Structure & Landing Gears Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines Gas Turbine Engines for Power Generation High-Performance Automotive Engines MarineShips, Submarines, Naval Aircraft Petrochemical Equipment Chemical Processing Equipment Medical X-Ray Imaging Equipment Cryogenic Uses

Metallographic sample preparation and examination of optical microscopy verifies proper material processing and fastener manufacturing.

Aerospace Fasteners Group

Developmental Support
Cannon-Muskegon Corp., a subsidiary of SPS Technologies, provided significant support in the development of AEREX 350, the newest member of the SPS superalloy family. CannonMuskegon specializes in superalloy R&D, design and manufacturing for a range of medical, aerospace, petrochemical, marine and other components where strength, corrosion

resistance and high-temperature performance are critical. Cannon Muskegons support continues today with the firms analytical laboratory providing alloy composition and metallurgical purity testing. Research and development into new and better fastener alloys is on-going at Cannon-Muskegon, as well.

Future Superalloys
SPS Technologies is continuing its search for next generation superalloys to meet the anticipated fastener requirements of OEMs. The company has made significant investments in facilities and on-going R&D to stay ahead of the demand curve for superalloys that can perform in hotter, colder, more corrosion-resistant, more stressful environments.

Chemical Compositions (weight percent)

Element Ni Co Cr Mo Ti Al Nb Ta W Fe

MP35N 35 BAL 20 10 1 max 1 max

MP159 BAL 36 19 7 2.9 0.2 0.5 9

AEREX 350 BAL 25 17 3 2.2 1.1 1.1 4 2

Function Matrix strengtheners by solid solution and cold-work induced phase transformation (fcc hcp)

Gamma prime strengtheners

Matrix and gamma prime strengtheners Reduces mix cost and provides sigma phase control


0.025 max 0.01 max

0.04 max 0.03 max

0.025 max 0.025 max

Grain boundary strengtheners

SPS utilizes sophisticated testing machines to measure material and fastener property levels.

Aerospace Fasteners Group

MP35N Basics
MP35N, the first in the line of high performance SPS superalloys, helped SPS Technologies establish itself as the leading supplier of fasteners for the Space Shuttle. The alloys combination of high strength, outstanding corrosion resistance and excellent cryogenic properties meet the requirements for airframe and other Shuttle fastener applications. Since its development, MP35N has been successfully used in applications outside of the aerospace industry. For instance, it is the highest strength material approved for structural components in aggressive, sour well environments (NACE specification MR0175 Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oil Equipment). MP35N material used for the manufacture of SPS fasteners conforms to the requirements of the aerospace material specification AMS 5844. face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal structure to a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure by cold working. This transformation occurs because of the high cobalt content in the alloy, and has been termed the MULTIPHASE reaction. The presence of two distinct crystal structures poses a barrier to the motion of dislocations and leads to pronounced strengthening. Subsequent age hardening acts to stabilize these two phases through the process of solute partitioning, which contributes to further strengthening.

MP35N Properties Profile

High strength coupled with excellent ductility and toughness Most corrosion resistant fastener alloy available...resists general corrosion, stress-corrosion cracking and crevice corrosion Maximum operating temperature of 750F Highest fatigue strength of corrosion resistant fastener materials Shear strength of 145 ksi minimum has been the highest of the corrosion resistant fastener materials for many years

Ultimate Tensile vs. Elongation

14.0 13.0 12.0

Ductility (% elong.)

Nominal Composition
Nickel Cobalt Chromium Molybdenum 35% 35% 20% 10%

11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 250



Metallurgical Strengthening Mechanisms

The prime strengthening mechanism in this alloy is the solid state phase transformation of part of the matrix from a







Ultimate Tensile (ksi)

This graph details the high levels of ductility exhibited by MP35N and MP159 over their typical strength range. The combination of high strength and toughness is an important factor for fastener design.

Aerospace Fasteners Group

7 MP35N Corrosion Resistance

MP35N is often selected as a fastener alloy for its ability to resist stress corrosion cracking. In laboratory tests, MP35N alloy samples were loaded to 90% of their proportional limit and alternately immersion tested in 3% salt solution for 10 minutes and in moving air for 50 minutes. After 2500 hours, no evidence of general corrosion or cracking appeared. The table below compares the corrosion rate, in mils per year, of MP35N and three other corrosion resistant alloys in an accelerated corrosion test at 120F. For all three chloride containing environments, the MP35N specimens exhibited no discernible surface or crevice corrosion. Crevice corrosion tests were performed on MP35N, MP159, 13-8Mo and Custom 455 alloy bolts in a 10% ferric chloride solution. Several bands of electroplaters tape were applied to the bolts to promote the conditions necessary for crevice corrosion. Following 6 hours of exposure to the solution, Multiphase alloy bolts exhibited no visible evidence of corrosion while the other alloy bolts experienced extensive attack.

Connecting rod application.

For more corrosion test data ask for SPS Product Report No. 5817, Multiphase Alloy Environmental Resistance.

Corrosion of Alloys in Chloride Solutions at 120F (mils/yr.)

Alloy MP35N Hastelloy C Hastelloy F 316 S/S Condition Surface Crevice Surface Crevice Surface Crevice Surface Crevice 10% HCl + 1% FeCl3 0.0 No attack 0.7 No attack 13.0 No attack 50 Attacked 10% NaCl + HCl (pH=2) 0.0 No attack 0.1 No attack 0.1 No attack 5.0 Attacked 10% FeCl3 0.0 No attack 0.0 No attack 0.0 No attack >50.0 Attacked

MP35N Fastener Applications

Airframes Space Shuttle structure Tie rods Petrochemical equipment Cryogenic uses Marine equipment Submersibles Racing engine connecting rod bolts

MP159 96 HOURS

PH13-8MO 6 HRS. 96 HRS.

CUSTOM 455 6 HRS. 96 HRS.

MP35N 96 HRS.

Bolts crevice corrosion tested in 10% ferric chloride solution. The MP35N and MP159 alloy bolts show no visible evidence of attack, in sharp contrast to the other two high strength fastener alloys.

Aerospace Fasteners Group

MP159 Basics
MP159 was developed in response to the need for a fastener alloy that could perform under the higher operating temperatures developed by turbine engines and other high performance motors. MP159 has advantages similar to MP35N, but can perform in applications up to 1100F, and is suitable for short term use at even higher temperatures. This capability makes MP159 alloy fasteners desirable for use in jet engines, rocket motors and other applications. MP159 alloys unique attributes led to its use for high strength landing gear bolts on commercial aircraft and to secure the Space Shuttle aboard its Boeing 747 ferry plane, as well as applications in the solid rocket boosters. MP159 also exhibits excellent forgeability, superior to that of MP35N, which allows the manufacture of tension rated, 260 ksi tensile strength bolts above 0.75 inch diameter.

Nominal Composition
Cobalt Nickel Chromium Iron Molybdenum Titanium Columbium Aluminum 36% 25% 19% 9% 7% 3% 0.6% 0.2%

High creep strength at 1100F Highly resistant to stress relaxation at operating temperatures; clamping load is maintained Capable of being forged and manufactured into complex configurations Corrosion resistance equivalent to that of MP35N Excellent fatigue resistance

Metallurgical Strengthening Mechanisms

Like MP35N, this alloy undergoes the MULTIPHASE reaction, but also benefits from a second strengthening mechanism. Elements have also been added to the chemical composition to cause the precipitation of the gamma prime ( ') phase during age hardening. The gamma prime phase, which forms in many conventional nickel-base superalloys, is responsible for hightemperature strength.

Ultimate Tensile Strength & Proportional Limits

350 330 310 290 270

Bolt Strength, KSI

250 230 210 190 170 150 130

MP1 59 ( U.T. S.)

MP159 (P.L.)
Inconel 71 8 (U.T.S.)
Inconel 718 (P.L .)

MP159 Properties Profile

High strength coupled with excellent ductility and toughness as illustrated in the graph on page 6 Higher operating temperature than MP35N: 1100F

Astroloy (P.L.)



300 500 700 900 1100 1300

Test Temperature, F

MP159 provides high yield and ultimate tensile strengths from cryogenic temperatures up to 1100F.

Aerospace Fasteners Group

MP159 Corrosion Resistance

Extensive laboratory testing of MP159 bolts has verified the alloys excellent resistance to crevice corrosion, stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement: Resistance to crevice corrosion was demonstrated in a 10% ferric chloride solution test, reported in the MP35N section of this literature. Stress corrosion cracking resistance was evaluated by loading MP159 alloy bolts to 75% of the minimum ultimate tensile strength and alternately immersing the loaded bolts in a 3.5% NaCl solution for 10 minutes and air drying for 50 minutes in accordance with MIL-STD-1312, test no. 9 procedures. After 5000 hours of testing, the bolts were sound, free of cracks and any visible corrosion. Salt swab tests were performed on MP159 alloy bolts loaded to 75% of the minimum ultimate tensile strength in aluminum alloy cylinders. A salt solution was applied to the bolts every 100 hours. These conditions promote the cathodic generation of hydrogen on the bolt surface. After 1000 hours of this severe test, no bolt failures occurred, indicating exceptional resistance of MP159 to galvanically induced hydrogen embrittlement. For further information on MP159 properties, ask for SPS Product Report No. 5533, The Evaluation of a 260 KSI High Temperature, High Strength,

Corrosion Resistant Tension Fastener Made from Multiphase Alloy MP159.

MP159 Applications
Gas turbine engines Airframes Shuttle propulsion system Aircraft landing gear Marine equipment Chemical processing apparatus Petrochemical refineries Pulp and paper processing plants Power generation equipment
Stress Relaxation

600 ton press used for forging large diameter MP159 alloy bolts.

200 150
165 KSI Initial Bolt Preload (Rm. Temp.)

Stress* (KSI)

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30

125 KSI Initial Bolt Preload (Rm.


P = T(C+LOGt) C = 20 T = R t = hrs. Parameters valid to 1200F *Stress at temperature remaining in the bolt after exposure. Stress based on area at Basic Pitch Diameter (0.0614 square inches). 10 1000F 1100F 1 10 100 1000 10,000 hrs. 100 1000 10,000 100,000 hrs.


10 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Parameter, P
Retention of bolt preload (clamping load) following exposure to elevated temperature service is essential for maintaining joint integrity. The change in bolt preload over time at various temperatures can be estimated from relaxation tests conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-1312, test no. 17. The above curves plotted on a Larson-Miller parameter scale were generated from .312-24 UNJF size MP159 bolts preloaded in Waspaloy cylinders and nuts to the indicated initial stresses. Relaxation is also influenced by joint and nut materials, but the curves can be used to determine the approximate loss of preload in a bolt as a function of preload, temperature and time.

Aerospace Fasteners Group



AEREX 350 Basics
As gas turbine engine technology and materials technology advanced hand-inhand, new alloys were developed for blades, vanes, disks and other engine components. Many of these alloys were evaluated as potential fastener materials, but most lacked the unique blend of characteristics required. AEREX 350 became the first alloy in many years developed primarily for fasteners; and, counter to the typical trend, may eventually be used for turbine disk applications. AEREX 350 has the highest temperature limit of the three SPS superalloys. This high-strength, corrosion-resistant nickelbased superalloy is suitable for demanding applications up to 1350F. Thermal expansion is also a critical factor in elevated-temperature fastener applications, as all the materials used in the hot zones must expand and contract at the same rate to maintain joint reliability. AEREX 350 exhibits a thermal expansion rate comparable to many engine component materials, as shown in the adjoining graph.

Metallurgical Strengthening Mechanisms

Like MP35N and MP159, this alloy undergoes the MULTIPHASE reaction, but also benefits from two additional strengthening mechanisms. Elements are also added to the chemical composition to cause precipitation of the gamma prime ( ') phase with higher temperature capability than MP159. Because this alloy

is used at even higher temperatures than MP159, elements were added to the chemical composition to also cause the precipitation of eta () phase during thermal treatments. This phase contributes to notch toughness at elevated temperatures.

11 Thermal Expansion Coefficient, in./in./F x 10-6

AEREX 350 MP159



Nominal Composition
Nickel Cobalt Chromium Molybdenum Titanium Columbium Aluminum Tantalum Tungsten 45% 25% 17% 3% 2.2% 1.1% 1.1% 4% 2%

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Test Temperature, F

Aerospace Fasteners Group


AEREX 350 Properties Profile

Provides excellent stress rupture performance. Below is a graph that shows the rupture life advantage AEREX 350 enjoys over competing alloys. Capable of being forged and manufactured into complex configurations. Some representative parts made to date are displayed in the photograph on this page. Combines ambient temperature corrosion resistance with elevated

temperature oxidation/sulfidation resistance Offers a coefficient of thermal expansion equivalent to that of other nickel-based alloys Displays excellent notch toughness and thermal stability Can be alternatively-processed to 150 KSI minimum shear strength for ambient temperature applications. Coupled with its inherent forgeability, AEREX 350 superalloy is capable of providing the largest diameter, highest shear-strength, corrosion resistant fasteners

AEREX 350 alloys forgeability permits the complex head configurations seen on these small diameter bolts.


AEREX 350 Corrosion Resistance

AEREX 350 corrosion resistance is comparable to the MP159 alloy. Oxidation, sulfidation and hot salt corrosion resistance are comparable to that of Waspaloy. Contact SPS Technologies for more information.

Stress, ksi

100 90 80 70 60 50 40
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44


AEREX 350 Applications

Aerospace gas turbines Power generating gas turbines Aircraft landing gear Airframe

Larson-Miller Parameter: P = T (20 + log t) x 10-3

Stress rupture data are typically plotted in a Larson-Miller format, which allows the three parameters of stress, temperature and time to be evaluated. The curves presented plot the combination of these three variables necessary to produce rupture in specimens. Stress rupture resistance increases towards the upper right quadrant.

Aerospace Fasteners Group


Mechanical and Physical Properties

Material Mechanical Properties
Minimum Tensile Property Requirements
MP35N RT MP159 1100F AEREX 350 RT 1350F

Fastener Mechanical Properties

Minimum Tensile Property Requirements
MP35N RT MP159 1100F AEREX 350 RT 1350F



UTS, ksi 0.2% YS, ksi Elong., % RA, %

260 230 8 35

260 250 6 22

205 190 5 15

220 180 8 20

155 135 8 20

UTS, ksi






Room Temperature Shear Strength Requirements

MP35N MP159 AEREX 350*

Elevated Temperature Stress Rupture Requirements

MP35N MP159 AEREX 350

SS, ksi

145 min.

132 min.

130 min.

* Higher values are attainable with special processing. Call for details.



1200F/140 ksi/23 hrs. min.

1350F/90 ksi/23 hrs. min.

Elevated Temperature Stress Rupture Requirements

MP35N MP159 AEREX 350



1200F/140 ksi/23 hrs. min.

1350F/90 ksi/23 hrs. min.

Aerospace Fasteners Group


Physical Properties
MP35N MP159 AEREX 350

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

MP35N Temperature 70F to 21C to


0.304 lb./in.3 8.43 g/cm3

0.302 lb./in.3 8.37 g/cm3

0.311 lb./in.3 8.62 g/cm3

Coefficient in./in./F x 10-6

mm/mm/C x 10-6

Melting Range

2400 to 2625F 2300 to 2525F 2360 to 2487F 1315 to 1440C 1260 to 1385C 1293 to 1364C

200 400 600 800 1000

MP159 Temperature 70F to

93 204 316 427 538

7.1 7.6 8.2 8.3 8.7

12.8 13.7 14.8 14.9 15.7

21C to

Coefficient in./in./F x 10-6

mm/mm/C x 10-6

212 392 572 752 932 1112 1292 1472

AEREX 350 Temperature 70F to

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

7.95 7.90 7.88 8.09 8.29 8.39 8.90 10.13

14.3 14.2 14.2 14.6 14.9 15.1 16.0 18.2

21C to

Coefficient in./in./F x 10-6

mm/mm/C x 10-6

800 1000 1200 1300

425 540 650 705

7.5 7.7 8.0 8.2

13.5 13.9 14.4 14.8

Aerospace Fasteners Group


Elastic and Shear Moduli

MP35N Elastic Modulus Temperature F C psi x 106 (Mpa x 103) Annealed Cold Worked and Aged

AEREX 350 Elastic Modulus Temperature Msi (Gpa) F C

Cold Worked and Aged

78 450 900

26 232 482

33.76 (232.8) 31.33 (216.0) 29.15 (201.0)

34.05 (234.8) 31.76 (219.0) 29.19 (201.3)

72 437 613 892 1011 1359

22 225 323 478 544 737

31.3 (216) 29.8 (206) 27.9 (192) 26.9 (185) 25.4 (175) 22.1 (152)

Shear Modulus Temperature F C

psi x 106 (Mpa x 103) Annealed Cold Worked and Aged

78 450 900

26 232 482

12.09 (83.36) 11.29 (77.84) 10.24 (70.60)

11.74 (60.95) 10.84 (74.74) 9.83 (67.78)

Shear Modulus Temperature Msi (Gpa) F C

Cold Worked and Aged

MP159 Elastic Modulus Temperature F C

psi x 106 (Mpa x 103) Annealed Cold Worked and Aged

72 437 613 892 1011 1359

22 225 323 478 544 737

12.2 (83.8) 11.5 (79.6) 10.7 (73.4) 10.3 (70.9) 9.72 (67.0) 8.25 (56.9)

78 450 900

26 232 482

32.2 (222) 30.2 (211) 27.1 (187)

35.3 (243) 32.8 (226) 29.3 (202)

Shear Modulus Temperature F C

psi x 106 (Mpa x 103) Annealed Cold Worked and Aged

Only basic properties were included here in the interest of space. Please contact SPS Technologies for information on specific properties not included. A full range of test results for both alloy materials and fasteners is also available.

78 450 900

26 232 482

11.7 (81) 11..0 (76) 9.9 (68)

11.3 (78) 10.5 (72) 9.4 (65)

Material Bolt

MP35N MP159 AEREX 350

AMS 5844 AMS 5842 Pending

AS 7468 AS 7475 Pending

Aerospace Fasteners Group

Comprehensive Technical Support Available

SPS Technologies maintains advanced production facilities and capabilities for the design and manufacture of high technology, precision fasteners and mission-critical components. Tell us what the design specifications are for your superalloy bolts and our applications engineers will work with you to produce a product that meets and exceeds your requirements. We can also design and manufacturer matching nuts in the specific configuration that meets your joint design needs.

MP35N, MP159 and AEREX 350 are registered trademarks of SPS Technologies. Waspaloy is a registered trademark of United Technologies Corporation.

1998 SPS Technologies, Inc. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. 03/98

Aerospace Fasteners Group

Highland Ave., Jenkintown, PA 19046

215-572-3163, fax 215-572-3133, e-mail aeroeng@spstech.com

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