Review On Role of Vam Fungi in Crop Plant-Soil System: Ameeta Sharma & Savita Yadav
Review On Role of Vam Fungi in Crop Plant-Soil System: Ameeta Sharma & Savita Yadav
Review On Role of Vam Fungi in Crop Plant-Soil System: Ameeta Sharma & Savita Yadav
Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Dissertation Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, The IIS University, ICG Campus, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
VA Mycorrhizal fungi occur in nearly all soils on earth and form a symbiotic relationship with roots of most terrestrial plants and have a wide range of roles. This review discusses the diversity of interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and plants, its occurrence, distribution, significance in environmentally stressed soil conditions such as drought, water logging and salinity. The improved nutrient absorption by mycorrhiza plants especially phosphorus under drought conditions have had a direct impact on growth parameters. Although VA mycorrhizal fungi do not show any host specificity, there is increasing evidence that various climatic and edaphic environmental factors influence their occurrence, taxonomic distribution and effectiveness.VAM fungi do have a potential to enhance plant growth but further studies are needed with additional plants, fungi under variable environmental conditions.
KEYWORDS: Mycorrhiza, VAM, Soil Factors, Agricultural Practices, Environmental Stress, Soil Pathogen INTRODUCTION
Most mycorrhizas are balanced mutualistic associations in which the fungus and plant exchange commodities required for their growth and survival. Myco-heterotrophic plants have exploitative mycorrhizas where transfer processes apparently benefit only plants. Exploitative associations are symbiotic in the broad sense, but are not mutualistic. A new definition of mycorrhizas that encompasses all types of these associations while excluding other plant-fungus interactions recognizes the importance of nutrient transfer at an interface resulting from synchronized plant-fungus development. Mycorrhizal fungi also function as endophytes, necrotrophs and antagonists of host or non-host plants, with roles that vary during the lifespan of their associations. The purpose of this review is to consider and examine the diversity of mycorrhizal associations and the interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and plants and factors regulating their associations. Unique characteristics of mycorrhizas are generally identified and used to formulate a comprehensive definition of these associations that excludes other plant-fungus interactions. These plant fungal associations primarily responsible for nutrient transfer are essential to one or both organisms and involve synchronized development. The mycorrhizal morphology is the basis for grouping them into two major groups: ectomycorrhizae and endomycorrhizae. In this relationship, the fungi obtain carbon compounds and other nutritional requirements from the symbiotic plant roots, and in return, supply the plant with most of the immobile mineral elements such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) from the soil solution, thus, becoming a significant component in low-input agricultural systems (Barea & Jeffries, 1995). Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) is the utmost profuse kind of mycorrhiza Defined as a universal plant symbioses. This symbiosis is a highly progressed mutualistic relationship found between fungi and plants, most prevalent plant symbiosis known, and AM is found in 80% of vascular plant families in existence today. The marvelous advances in research on mycorrhizal physiology and ecology over the past 40 years have led to a larger understanding of the multiple roles of
VAMF in the ecosystem. This knowledge is applicable to human endeavors of ecosystem management, ecosystem restoration, and agriculture. Lack of host specificity is even more distinctive of this symbiosis than other types known. Mycorrhiza is the mutualistic symbiosis (non-pathogenic association) between soil-borne fungi with the roots of higher plants. Early morphological classifications separated mycorrhizas into endomycorrhizal, ectomycorrhizal and ectendomycorrhizal associations based on the relative location of fungi in roots. Mycorrhizas are multifaceted associations comprising diverse morphological, functional and evolutionary categories (Brundrett, 2002). Most mycorrhizas occur in roots, which evolved to house fungi (Brundrett, 2002), but they also occur in the subterranean stems of certain plants and the thallus of bryophytes (Read et al., 2000). Mycorrhizal associations where fungi do not seem to receive any benefits from plants have been called epiparasitic, myco-heterotrophic, or cheating associations. These fungi are considered to be primitive due to their relatively simple spores, their lack of sexual reproduction and because there are relatively few species of these fungi and they associate with a wide diversity of plants. Wet sieving and decanting methods for spore isolation are used, modified from Gerdemann (1955), and Gerdemann & Nicolson (1963). Mycorrhizas are the rule in nature, not the exception. In a mycorrhizal association, the fungus may colonize the roots of a host plant, either intracellularly or extracellularly. Mycorrhizae are present in 92% of plant families (80% of species) (Wang & Qiu, 2006), with endomycorrhizae or Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (AM) being the ancestral and predominant form and indeed the most prevalent symbiotic association found in all the plant kingdom. Conservative estimates suggest that this ancient symbiosis, dating back to the early Devonian age (398 million years ago), affects approximately 90% of the Earth's land plant species (Remy et al., 1994). Mycorrhiza association is a symbiotic non-pathogenic relationship between plant roots and fungal hyphal with a fungal connection between the soil and the root. Arbuscules consist of hyphae that branch dichotomously and profusely within root cortical cells. Arbuscules and other fungal structures do not penetrate host cell membranes, but invaginate them. Most species of plants are capable of associating with fungi of a single family, Endogonaceae, to form V-A mycorrhizae (Gerdemann, 1968). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi belong to the order Glomales, sub orders Glomineae and Gigasporineae and in the Zygomycetes habitats mycorrhizas may provide little benefit if the establishment of early successional species with low mycorrhizal dependency normally precedes successful establishment of mycorrhizal species.
are each required by mycorrhizal fungi, the availability of each nutrient could control mycorrhizal abundance. Plants provide C by transferring carbohydrates via roots; soils supply N and P. One of the more widely tested hypotheses within the field of mycorrhizal ecology is that plants should invest more C in mycorrhizal fungi where N or P are limiting to plant growth, since mycorrhizal fungi contribute to nutrient uptake by plants Alternately, mycorrhizal growth may be N-limited in some ecosystems (Treseder & Allen, 2002) so that N fertilization increases mycorrhizal abundance. Nonetheless, the mycorrhizal component may disappear or, at least, be severely depleted in degraded soils, so it may be necessary to reinforce or replace it by appropriate inoculation. Enzymatic activities are considered as major factors contributing to overall soil microbial activity and soil quality. The presence in the soil of given mycorrhizal species can influence the persistence and activities of native bacteria and vice versa (Andrade et al., 1998).
2001). Mycorrhizae often improve plant growth and survival by facilitating uptake of nutrients and increasing drought tolerance. In addition to increased nutrition, mycorrhizal plants also show increased resistance to root pathogens and tolerance to drought stress, and their hormonal balance is altered. In greenhouse experiments, mycorrhizas| have been shown to increase the drought resistance of cultivated crops, such as wheat, onion and pepper. As the basic setting in which processes in soils take place, soil structure influences many biotic, physical and chemical aspects of soils, reviewed previously (Six et al., 2004). VAM fungi are abundant in grassland, savannah and tropical forests and associate with many grasses, herbs, tropical trees and shrubs (Read and Perez-Moreno, 2003). Furthermore, mutualistic symbiosis with mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi can confer salt tolerance to plants and decrease yield losses in cultivated crops grown in saline soils (Rodriguez et al., 2004). Under drought conditions the uptake of highly mobile nutrients such as NO3- can also be enhanced by mycorrhizal associations (Subramanian and Charest, 1999). Drought stress is a major agricultural constraint in the semi-arid tropics. It is known to have a considerable negative impact on nodule function. Drought inhibits photosynthesis and disturbs the delicate mechanism of oxygen control in nodules. The latter is essential for active nitrogen fixation. As mycorrhizae may enhance the ability of the plant to scope with water stress situtations associated to nutrient deficiency and drought, mycorrhizal inoculation with suitable fungi has been proposed as a promising tool for improving restoration success in semi-arid degraded areas. VAM colonization has been found in plants growing in frequently waterlogged soils. VA-mycorrhizal fungi most commonly observed in saline soils are Glomus spp. which suggests that this may be adapted to grow in saline conditions, but ecological specificity has not been demonstrated.
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