An Ecosystem For Transparent Music Similarity in An Open World
An Ecosystem For Transparent Music Similarity in An Open World
An Ecosystem For Transparent Music Similarity in An Open World
ABSTRACT There exist many methods for deriving music similarity associations and additional variations are likely to be seen in the future. In this work we introduce the Similarity Ontology for describing associations between items. Using a combination of RDF/OWL and N3, our ontology allows for transparency and provenance tracking in a distributed and open system. We describe a similarity ecosystem where agents assert and aggregate similarity statements on the Web of Data allowing a client application to make queries for recommendation, playlisting, or other tasks. In this ecosystem any number of similarity derivation methods can exist side-by-side, specifying similarity relationships as well as the processes used to derive these statements. The data consumer can then select which similarity statements to trust based on knowledge of the similarity derivation processes or a list of trusted assertion agents. 1. INTRODUCTION The process of music recommendation in a general sense involves drawing associations between music-related items - i.e. artist a is similar to artist b so recommend b if the user expresses interest in artist a. We believe that similarity is the underlying currency for recommendation. This realization drives our interest in developing a formal model for similarity. Similarity is a difcult concept. The exact nature of similarity has been discussed extensively in cognition [26, 28], philosophy [22, 14], and computer science [27, 17]. In the eld of music information retrieval we have been less concerned with the nature of similarity and more concerned with nding ways of calculating it [18, 20, 5]. This pragmatic approach has led to a wealth of methods for deriving music similarity statements from audio analysis and contextual metadata. But if we want to develop a generalized model for music similarity, it becomes more complicated. As WittgenPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the rst page. c 2009 International Society for Music Information Retrieval.
stein puts it in his seminal work Philosophical Investigations Some things share a complicated network of similarities overlapping and criss-crossing: sometimes overall similarities, sometimes similarities of detail. Music would denitely be such a thing. Discussing a pair of songs, we can have a dizzying array of similarity options: the audio could have timbral similarity, rhythmic similarity, or melodic similarity; the contexts of the songs could make them similar in terms of lyrical content, cultural meaning, or shared listenership; or an authoritative source such as a music critic or website could judge the songs to be similar without providing any additional justication. Further complicating matters, similarity is subjective - what one individual or agent considers similar another may not. Because similarity can be so nebulous and contentious we purpose a model for expressing similarity that foregoes hierarchical classications and instead focuses on provenance and transparency. Instead of focusing on how a particular similarity statement is related to another similarity statement, we focus on who made the similarity statement and why. Our approach is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) [4, 9] and the Web Ontology Language [3]. While these technologies provide an impressive amount of expressiveness and form the foundation of the Semantic Web, we augment their expressiveness with N3 [7]. The facilities for quoting formulae provided by N3 allows us to use the N3-Tr framework [23] for dening similarity derivation workows. In Section 2 we develop our model in the form of a Web ontology, briey discussing some of the supporting technologies and previous work. In Section 3 we describe our vision of a similarity ecosystem where a number of agents aggregate and publish similarity statements in the Web of Data while music applications query these statements for recommendation or playlist generation. In Section 4 we provide a cursory evaluation of our ontology. In Section 5 we review some related work and nally provide some conclusions and directions for future work in Section 6. 2. AN ONTOLOGY FOR SIMILARITY Because of its decentralized nature, wide deployment base, and robust technological underpinnings we use the RDF/OWL framework [4, 3, 9] for dening our Similarity Ontology.
responding Music Ontology concept mo:Track. The identiers of these tracks can give entry points to additional information in other data sets (i.e. linking to 2 URIs or Musicbrainz 3 identiers). We dene :mySimilarity to actually make the similarity statement. The sim:element property is used to refer to the tracks involved in this similarity and the foaf:maker property refers to the agent which asserted this similarity. Also note we can assign a numerical weight value to the similarity using the sim:weight property. Now we have a method for asserting a similarity statement and reifying that statement to some extent. However, in the above example we only know who is making the similarity statement, we do not know how or why. 2.3 Provenance and Transparency We introduce the sim:AssocationMethod concept to identify the process used to derive a similarity statement. This enables some interesting functionality when consuming the associations data - a consumer application can elect to include only similarity statements that are tied to a particular sim:AssocationMethod. This is discussed further in section 3.1. For now let us consider the following N3 listing:
:timbreSimilarityStatement a sim:Similarity ; sim:element :track01 ; sim:element :track02 ; sim:weight "0.9" ; sim:method :timbreBasedSimilarity . :timbreBasedSimilarity a sim:AssociationMethod ; foaf:maker :me ; sim:description :algorithm . :algorithm = { { { ?signal1 mo:published_as ?track01 . ?signal1 sig:mfcc ?mfcc1 . ?mfcc1 sig:gaussian ?model1 } ctr:cc { ?signal2 mo:published_as ?track02 . ?signal2 sig:mfcc ?mfcc2 . ?mfcc2 sig:gaussian ?model2 } . (?model1 ?model2) sig:emd ?div . ?div math:lessThan 0.2 } => { _:timbreSimilarityStatement a sim:Similarity ; sim:element ?track01 ; sim:element ?track02 } }
We introduce the namespace sim to refer to our Similarity Ontology. First we dene two tracks using the cor1 We use N3 [6] in all our code listings. Each block corresponds to a set of statements (subject, predicate, object) about one subject. Web identiers are either between angle brackets or in a prex:name notation (with the namespaces dened at the end of the paper). Universally quantied variables start with ?. Existentially quantied variables start with :. Curly brackets denote a literal resource corresponding to a particular RDF graph. The keyword a correspond to the identier rdf:type. The keyword => correspond to the identier log:implies.
Here :timbreBasedSimilarity is the entity that describes our process for deriving similarity statements. Note that this entity is only described by three triples - its class type, a property for the creator and the description. N3 extends the semantics and syntax of RDF in a useful and intuitive way. It allows for the existence of RDF graphs (a set of triple statements) as quoted formul. We can then make statements about the entire RDF graph providing metadata about that graph. In this way N3 is similar to Named Graphs [10], the main difference being that N3 considers RDF graphs as literals (their identity is their value), whereas Named Graphs consider graphs as entities named by a web identier.
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10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2009)
In the above example, when we follow the sim:description property we see an RDF graph :algorithm denoted by the { and } characters. This RDF graph provides a disclosure of the algorithm used in the similarity derivation process. In this case, MFCCs are extracted and Gaussian mixture models are created concurrently for the two signals, and an earth movers distance is calculated between models. Depending on that distance, we output a similarity statement. If more details are needed about a particular computational step, e.g. if we want to gather more information about the MFCC extraction step, we can look-up the corresponding web identier, in this case sig:mfcc. The algorithm is specied using the N3-Tr framework which uses transaction logic and N3 to describe signal proFigure 1. Using the Similarity Ontology. As additional cessing workows. Additional details on N3-Tr are availproperties are bound to our association and association able in [23]. method statements, we achieve greater transparency. Here, the N3-Tr formul describe the workow supporting the similarity statement. We could forego the use of the sim:AssociationMethod concept and use the sumers. In a music recommendation application, this allog:supports built-in predicate 4 in the N3 framework. lows for more transparent recommendations - providing However, as we will discuss in section 3.1, binding similarthe end user with the source or process used to make the ity workows to the sim:AssociationMethod conrecommendation. Intuition as well as recommender system cept allows us to make simple, useful queries ( research suggest users are more likely to trust transparent me all similarity derivation methods available in the sysrecommendation processes [11]. tem). Beyond the specication of the Similarity Ontology, we Finally, note that we bind the foaf:maker property envision a broader ecosystem where autonomous, semito the association method rather than directly to the assoautonomous, and human agents operate in parallel, making ciation itself. As in the above example we can make our similarity statements about music tracks and artists while association method transparent, or we can provide a minproviding provenance and justication for these statements. imum amount of information when dealing with a black A simple diagram illustrating how this ecosystem might be box similarity derivation processes. In either case it is structured is provided in Figure 2. a matter of best practice to create an association method, An enabled client music application publishes the end even if we do not desire full transparency because this alusers listening habits to the Web of Data. Similarity agents lows data consumers to make simple queries. operate on the Web of Data and publish their own muAs indicated in Figure 2.3, our framework also supports sic similarity statements - perhaps consuming the listening the grounding of similarity statements directly through the habits of end users as well as other data. These statements property sim:grounding. This property associates a refer to specic URIs for each track and artist. Similarly, similarity statement with the instantiated N3-Tr formul the client music application links the content in the users which enabled its derivation. In the above example, we personal collection to URIs using methods such as those would link our timbre similarity statement directly to a spedetailed in [25]. This avoids ambiguity - we can be sure cic workow with references to the calculated values at that the similarity statements are referring to the specic each step. resource in which we are interested. The similarity statements made by various agents are aggregated into one or more data stores for querying. The client music applica3. A SIMILARITY ECOSYSTEM tion, perhaps responding to a user request, can query the data store for similarity statements from trusted agents inThe data model provided by the Similarity Ontology alvolving the target resource (i.e a track or artist). The query lows for lots of exibility in specifying similarity statereturns similarity information that can be used for content ments. This exibility is balanced by the built-in mecharecommendations or playlist generation. nisms for provenance tracking. By following the method property in a similarity statement we know who made the statement and why. When consuming similarity data, we 3.1 Similarity Queries select statements by deciding which agents and algorithms Queries in this similarity ecosystem would be made using to trust. While it is entirely possible to make a similarity the SPARQL query language [1]. The SPARQL specicastatement within this framework completely anonymously, tion is a W3C recommendation and the preferred method such statements are likely to be ignored by data consumers. for querying RDF graphs. As mentioned before, the deInstead the statements from trusted agents or transparent sign of the Similarity Ontology allows for the construction algorithmic processes are likely to be selected by data conof simple queries to retrieve similarity information. The 4 see following query retrieves artists similar to a target artist as
Figure 2. The music similarity ecosystem. Similarity agents operate on structured data to create similarity statements. Such statements are aggregated in a data store and queried by a client music application to provide recommendations, playlists, and other functionality. stated by a specic trusted method:
SELECT ?artists WHERE { ?statement sim:method <http://trusted.method/uri> . ?statement sim:element <http://target.artist/uri> . ?statement sim:element ?artists . }
Notice we only have to include a triple pattern for our target resource, a triple pattern for our trusted agent, and a triple pattern to select the similar artists. Of course this is a very simple example and in real-world applications we include additional optional patterns and conjunctions for a more expressive query. In an initialization step, an application could query available data sources to determine exactly what association methods and asserting agents are available. The application would use the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?method WHERE{ ?method a sim:AssociationMethod . }
found in that users personal collection are similar to each other. Then an additional sim:AssocationMethod instance is used to match users with each other based on the contents of their respective music libraries. Finally, for a given user, the recommendations for that user are an aggregation of the similarity statements derived from the association methods bound to the most similar users. Also note that the similarity ecosystem fosters hybrid recommendation approaches. Because the similarity statements are made using common semantics and syntax, we can easily combine and compare these statements to derive recommendations or new similarity statements. 4. ONTOLOGY EVALUATION While our Similarity Ontology is very exible and potentially very expressive, there is one import limit to its expressiveness - there is no mechanism for expressing dissimilarity. This is an intentional design decision that follows from the open world assumption - we cannot know all instantiations of similarity, and what we consider dissimilar, another agent may consider similar. As a cursory evaluation of our Similarity Ontology we present several real-world similarity scenarios and show how our ontology can accommodate these examples. 4.1 Directed Similarity As often noted in psychology and cognition [28], similarity is not always symmetric. For example in the domain of music we may wish to express an inuence relationship or we may simply have a similarity derivation algorithm that is non-symmetric. This leads to a directed similarity relationship. To accommodate such scenarios we introduce sim:subject and sim:object as sub-properties of the sim:element property. This allows us to specify a directed similarity statement where the subject is similar
The application could then lter through the results and, perhaps with some input from the end-user, decide which similarity agents to trust. 3.2 Similarity and Recommendation While we hold that similarity is the basis of recommendation, we also acknowledge that similarity and recommendation are not identical. By no means does the ecosystem proposed here solve the problems of recommender systems - rather it provides a new distributed cross-domain platform on which future recommender systems might be built. While an item-to-item recommendation system ts quite naturally into this similarity ecosystem, we can also imagine a collaborative ltering-style user-item recommendation system. Each user in the system is treated as an sim:AssocationMethod instance. Each users method makes a set of statements asserting that the tracks
10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2009)
to the object, accepting that the reverse is not necessarily true. 4.2 Contextual Similarity Because music is a complex construct deeply ingrained in culture and society, we often want to make music similarity statements that relate to the context of musical works rather than the content of the musical works themselves. Let us consider an example from popular rap music. In the mid to late 1980s a series of songs were released disputing the place of origin of the musical genre hip hop launching a multi-faceted feud that became colloquially referred to as The Bridge Wars 5 . By simply creating an association method that asserts similarities between artists and tracks related to this feud we can accommodate this scenario. 4.3 Personal Associations The emotional affect of music can be highly personal. A set of associations between music artists or tracks might be unique for one particular individual. Consider the following statement, When a rst year student at college, I dated a girl who listened to Bob Marley and David Bowie - while this association between David Bowie and Bob Marley might hold weight for the narrator, it is likely that few other individuals would share this association. However, the narrator, for any number of reasons, may wish to express this association anyway. This is entirely possible in our ontological framework. The narrator can simply create an sim:AssociationMethod that asserts similarity statements based on the musical taste of his exgirlfriend. 5. RELATED WORK Semantic Web technologies have been applied to music recommendation in previous works [12, 21] although, to the best knowledge of the authors, the present work is the rst effort to develop a comprehensive framework for expressing music similarity on the Web of Data. The Sim-Dl framework provides a basis for deriving similarities from semantic information within a description logic paradigm, although no formal syntax for expressing similarity results is provided [15]. Similarly, the iSPARQL framework extends SPARQL to include customized similarity functions [16] but fails to provide a formal method of expressing the resulting similarities. Although the N3-Tr framework provides a clean and extensible syntax for describing similarity derivation workows, alternative frameworks can be used as well. The Proof Markup Language provides a exible means for justifying the results of a Semantic Web query [13]. The vast body of work on music similarity and music recommendation [18, 5, 20, 11] provides a set of templates for designing music similarity agents that might operate in our purposed ecosystem.
Knowledge management systems for music-related data such as Pachets work [19] and more specically the ontology engineering of Raimond [24, 23] and Abdallah et. al [2] provide the basis for the similarity ecosystem. Without the Music Ontology framework for describing music metadata and the technology and infrastructure provided by the Linked Data community - including Muscibrainz URIs for songs and artists and data publishing guidelines - the Similarity Ontology would be unusable. 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK We have presented an ontological framework for describing similarity statements on the Web of Data. This ontology is extremely exible and capable of expressing a similarity between any set of resources. This expressiveness is balanced by transparency and provenance, allowing the data consumer to decide what similarity statements to trust. We have shown hows this framework could exist as the foundation for a broader music similarity ecosystem where autonomous, semi-autonomous, and human agents publish a wealth of similarity statements which are combined, consumed, and re-used based on provenance, trust, and application appropriateness. We have suggested how similarity algorithms can be made transparent. We have adopted the N3-Tr syntax for describing similarity derivation workows. In future work we plan to extend this syntax and the supporting ontologies to better enable the publication of similarity derivation workows. Furthermore we hope to develop a series of recommendations for best practice when publishing such workows to maximize their usefulness and query-ability. We also plan to adopt a method of digitally signing similarity statements in our ecosystem using terms available in the WOT RDF vocabulary 6 . This would allow agents to sign similarity statements using Public Key Cryptography to avoid spam similarity statements. While our Similarity Ontology was designed with music similarity in mind, it is by no means limited to the domain of music. As we have shown, the framework is both exible and extensible. We leave it to future work to explore how this framework might be applied in different domains and across domains. 7. NAMESPACES The following namespaces are used throughout this work:
@prefix @prefix @prefix @prefix @prefix @prefix @prefix mo: <>. sim: <>. foaf: <>. math: <>. log: <>. sig: <>. ctr: <>.
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