Semantic Similarity in A Taxonomy: An Information-Based Measure and Its Application To Problems of Ambiguity in Natural Language
Semantic Similarity in A Taxonomy: An Information-Based Measure and Its Application To Problems of Ambiguity in Natural Language
Semantic Similarity in A Taxonomy: An Information-Based Measure and Its Application To Problems of Ambiguity in Natural Language
This article presents a measure of semantic similarity in an is-a taxonomy based on
the notion of shared information content. Experimental evaluation against a benchmark
set of human similarity judgments demonstrates that the measure performs better than
the traditional edge-counting approach. The article presents algorithms that take advan-
tage of taxonomic similarity in resolving syntactic and semantic ambiguity, along with
experimental results demonstrating their eectiveness.
1. Introduction
Evaluating semantic relatedness using network representations is a problem with a long
history in articial intelligence and psychology, dating back to the spreading activation
approach of Quillian (1968) and Collins and Loftus (1975). Semantic similarity represents a
special case of semantic relatedness: for example, cars and gasoline would seem to be more
closely related than, say, cars and bicycles, but the latter pair are certainly more similar.
Rada et al. (Rada, Mili, Bicknell, & Blettner, 1989) suggest that the assessment of similarity
in semantic networks can in fact be thought of as involving just taxonomic (is-a) links, to
the exclusion of other link types; that view will also be taken here, although admittedly
links such as part-of can also be viewed as attributes that contribute to similarity (cf.
Richardson, Smeaton, & Murphy, 1994; Sussna, 1993).
Although many measures of similarity are dened in the literature, they are seldom
accompanied by an independent characterization of the phenomenon they are measuring,
particularly when the measure is proposed in service of a computational application (e.g.,
similarity of documents in information retrieval, similarity of cases in case-based reasoning).
Rather, the worth of a similarity measure is in its utility for the given task. In the cognitive
domain, similarity is treated as a property characterized by human perception and intuition,
in much the same way as notions like \plausibility" and \typicality." As such, the worth
of a similarity measure is in its delity to human behavior, as measured by predictions
of human performance on experimental tasks. The latter view underlies the work in this
article, although the results presented comprise not only direct comparison with human
performance but also practical application to problems in natural language processing.
A natural, time-honored way to evaluate semantic similarity in a taxonomy is to measure
the distance between the nodes corresponding to the items being compared | the shorter
c 1999 AI Access Foundation and Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. All rights reserved.
the path from one node to another, the more similar they are. Given multiple paths, one
takes the length of the shortest one (Lee, Kim, & Lee, 1993; Rada & Bicknell, 1989; Rada
et al., 1989).
A widely acknowledged problem with this approach, however, is that it relies on the
notion that links in the taxonomy represent uniform distances. Unfortunately, uniform
link distance is dicult to dene, much less to control. In real taxonomies, there is wide
variability in the \distance" covered by a single taxonomic link, particularly when certain
sub-taxonomies (e.g., biological categories) are much denser than others. For example, in
WordNet (Miller, 1990; Fellbaum, 1998), a widely used, broad-coverage semantic network
for English, it is not at all dicult to nd links that cover an intuitively narrow distance
(rabbit ears is-a television antenna) or an intuitively wide one (phytoplankton
is-a living thing). The same kinds of examples can be found in the Collins COBUILD
Dictionary (Sinclair, ed., 1987), which identies superordinate terms for many words (e.g.,
safety valve is-a valve seems much narrower than knitting machine is-a machine).
In the rst part of this article, I describe an alternative way to evaluate semantic sim-
ilarity in a taxonomy, based on the notion of information content. Like the edge-counting
method, it is conceptually quite simple. However, it is not sensitive to the problem of
varying link distances. In addition, by combining a taxonomic structure with empirical
probability estimates, it provides a way of adapting a static knowledge structure to mul-
tiple contexts. Section 2 sets up the probabilistic framework and denes the measure of
semantic similarity in information-theoretic terms, and Section 3 presents an evaluation of
the similarity measure against human similarity judgments, using the simple edge-counting
method as a baseline.
In the second part of the article, Sections 4 and 5, I describe two applications of semantic
similarity to problems of ambiguity in natural language. The rst concerns a particular
case of syntactic ambiguity that involves both coordination and nominal compounds, each
of which is a pernicious source of structural ambiguity in English. Consider the phrase food
handling and storage procedures: does it represent a conjunction of food handling and storage
procedures, or does it refer to the handling and storage of food? The second application
concerns the resolution of word sense ambiguity | not for words in running text, which is a
large open problem (though cf. Wilks & Stevenson, 1996), but for groups of related words
as are often discovered by distributional analysis of text corpora or found in dictionaries
and thesauri. Finally, Section 6 discusses related work.
Figure 1: Fragment of the WordNet taxonomy. Solid lines represent is-a links; dashed lines
indicate that some intervening nodes were omitted to save space.
are both small, round, metallic, and so on. These features are captured implicitly by the
taxonomy in categorizing nickel and dime as subordinates of coin.
By associating probabilities with concepts in the taxonomy, it is possible to capture
the same idea as edge-counting, but avoiding the unreliability of edge distances. Let the
taxonomy be augmented with a function p : C ! [0; 1], such that for any c 2 C , p(c) is the
probability of encountering an instance of concept c. This implies that p is monotonically
nondecreasing as one moves up the taxonomy: if c1 is-a c2, then p(c1 ) p(c2). Moreover,
if the taxonomy has a unique top node then its probability is 1.
Following the standard argumentation of information theory (Ross, 1976), the infor-
mation content of a concept c can be quantied as negative the log likelihood, log p(c).
Notice that quantifying information content in this way makes intuitive sense in this set-
ting: as probability increases, informativeness decreases; so the more abstract a concept,
the lower its information content. Moreover, if there is a unique top concept, its information
content is 0.
This quantitative characterization of information provides a new way to measure seman-
tic similarity. The more information two concepts share, the more similar they are, and the
information shared by two concepts is indicated by the information content of the concepts
that subsume them in the taxonomy. Formally, dene
sim(c1; c2) = max [ log p(c)] ; (1)
c 2 S (c1 ; c2)
where S (c1; c2) is the set of concepts that subsume both c1 and c2. A class that achieves the
maximum value in Equation 1 will be termed a most informative subsumer; most often there
is a unique most informative subsumer, although this need not be true in the general case.
Taking the maximum with respect to information content is analogous to taking the rst
intersection in semantic network marker-passing or the shortest path with respect to edge
distance (cf. Quillian, 1968; Rada et al., 1989); a generalization from taking the maximum
to taking a weighted average is introduced in Section 3.4.
Notice that although similarity is computed by considering all upper bounds for the two
concepts, the information measure has the eect of identifying minimal upper bounds, since
no class is less informative than its superordinates. For example, in Figure 1, coin, cash,
etc. are all members of S (nickel; dime), but the concept that is structurally the minimal
p=.0022 p=.0007
info=8.844 info=10.39
p=.0018 p=.0001
info=9.093 info=12.94
As the table shows, when all the senses for doctor are considered against all the senses
for nurse, the maximum value is 8.844, via health professional as a most informative
subsumer; this is, therefore, the value of word similarity for doctor and nurse.1
3. Evaluation
This section describes a simple, direct method for evaluating semantic similarity, using
human judgments as the basis for comparison.
3.1 Implementation
The work reported here used WordNet's taxonomy of concepts represented by nouns (and
compound nominals) in English.2 Frequencies of concepts in the taxonomy were estimated
using noun frequencies from the Brown Corpus of American English (Francis & Kucera,
1982), a large (1,000,000 word) collection of text across genres ranging from news articles
to science ction. Each noun that occurred in the corpus was counted as an occurrence of
each taxonomic class containing it.3 For example, in Figure 1, an occurrence of the noun
dime would be counted toward the frequency of dime, coin, cash, and so forth. Formally,
freq(c) = count(n); (3)
where words(c) is the set of words subsumed by concept c. Concept probabilities were
computed simply as relative frequency:
p^(c) = freq(c) ; N (4)
where N was the total number of nouns observed (excluding those not subsumed by any
WordNet class, of course). Naturally the frequency estimates in Equation 3 would be
1. The taxonomy in Figure 2 is a fragment of WordNet version 1.6, showing real quantitative information
computed using the method described below. The \nanny" sense of nurse (nursemaid, a woman who is
the custodian of children) is primarily a British usage. The example omits two other senses of doctor in
WordNet: a theologian in the Roman Catholic Church, and a game played by children. WordNet does
not use node labels like doctor1, but I have created such labels here for the sake of readability.
2. Concept as used here refers to what Miller et al. (1990) call a synset, essentially a node in the taxonomy.
The experiment reported in this section used the noun taxonomy from WordNet version 1.4, which has
approximately 50,000 nodes.
3. Plural nouns counted as instances of their singular forms.
improved by taking into account the intended sense of each noun in the corpus | for
example, an instance of crane can be a bird or a machine, but not both. Sense-tagged
corpora are generally not available, however, and so the frequency estimates are done using
this weaker but more generally applicable technique.
It should be noted that the present method of associating probabilities with concepts in
a taxonomy is not based on the notion of a single random variable ranging over all concepts
| were that the case, the \credit" for each noun occurrence would be distributed over all
concepts for the noun, and the counts normalized across the entire taxonomy to sum to 1.
(That is the approach taken in Resnik, 1993a, also see Resnik, 1998b for discussion.) In
assigning taxonomic probabilities for purposes of measuring semantic similarity, the present
model associates a separate, binomially distributed random variable with each concept.4
That is, from the perspective of any given concept c, an observed noun either is or is
not an instance of that concept, with probabilities p(c) and 1 p(c), respectively. Unlike a
model in which there is a single multinomial variable ranging over the entire set of concepts,
this formulation assigns probability 1 to the top concept of the taxonomy, leading to the
desirable consequence that its information content is zero.
3.2 Task
Although there is no standard way to evaluate computational measures of semantic similar-
ity, one reasonable way to judge would seem to be agreement with human similarity ratings.
This can be assessed by using a computational similarity measure to rate the similarity of
a set of word pairs, and looking at how well its ratings correlate with human ratings of the
same pairs.
An experiment by Miller and Charles (1991) provided appropriate human subject data
for the task. In their study, 38 undergraduate subjects were given 30 pairs of nouns that
were chosen to cover high, intermediate, and low levels of similarity (as determined using
a previous study, Rubenstein & Goodenough, 1965), and those subjects were asked to
rate \similarity of meaning" for each pair on a scale from 0 (no similarity) to 4 (perfect
synonymy). The average rating for each pair thus represents a good estimate of how similar
the two words are, according to human judgments.5
In order to get a baseline for comparison, I replicated Miller and Charles's experiment,
giving ten subjects the same 30 noun pairs. The subjects were all computer science graduate
students or postdoctoral researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, and the instructions
were exactly the same as used by Miller and Charles, the main dierence being that in
this replication the subjects completed the questionnaire by electronic mail (though they
were instructed to complete the whole task in a single uninterrupted sitting). Five subjects
received the list of word pairs in a random order, and the other ve received the list in the
reverse order. The correlation between the Miller and Charles mean ratings and the mean
ratings in my replication was .96, quite close to the .97 correlation that Miller and Charles
obtained between their results and the ratings determined by the earlier study.
4. This is similar in spirit to the way probabilities are used in a Bayesian network.
5. An anonymous reviewer points out that human judgments on this task may be in
uenced by prototypi-
cality, e.g., the pair bird/robin would likely yield higher ratings than bird/crane. Issues of this kind are
y touched on in Section 6, but for the most part they are ignored here since prototypicality, like
topical relatedness, is not captured in most is-a taxonomies.
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
For each subject in my replication, I computed how well his or her ratings correlated
with the Miller and Charles ratings. The average correlation over the 10 subjects was
r = 0:88, with a standard deviation of 0.08.6 This value represents an upper bound on
what one should expect from a computational attempt to perform the same task.
For purposes of evaluation, three computational similarity measures were used. The
rst is the similarity measurement using information content proposed in the previous sec-
tion. The second is a variant on the edge-counting method, converting it from distance to
similarity by subtracting the path length from the maximum possible path length:
wsimedge (w1; w2) = (2 max) min len(c1; c2)
c1; c2
where c1 ranges over s(w1), c2 ranges over s(w2), max is the maximum depth of the tax-
onomy, and len(c1; c2) is the length of the shortest path from c1 to c2 . (Recall that s(w)
denotes the set of concepts in the taxonomy that represent senses of word w.) If all senses
of w1 and w2 are in separate sub-taxonomies of WordNet their similarity is taken to be
zero. Note that because correlation is used as the evaluation metric, the conversion from a
distance to a similarity can be viewed as an expository convenience, and does not aect the
results: although the sign of the correlation coecient changes from positive to negative,
its magnitude turns out to be just the same regardless of whether or not the minimum path
length is subtracted from (2 max).
The third point of comparison is a measure that simply uses the probability of a concept,
rather than the information content, to dene semantic similarity of concepts
simp(c)(c1; c2) = max [1 p(c)] (6)
c 2 S (c1 ; c2)
and the corresponding measure of word similarity:
h i
wsimp(c)(w1; w2) = cmax simp(c)(c1; c2) ; (7)
1 ; c2
where c1 ranges over s(w1) and c2 ranges over s(w2) in Equation 7. The probability-based
similarity score is included in order to assess the extent to which similarity judgments might
be sensitive to frequency per se rather than information content. Again, the dierence
between maximizing 1 p(c) and minimizing p(c) turns out not to aect the magnitude of
the correlation. It simply ensures that the value can be interpreted as a similarity value,
with high values indicating similar words.
3.3 Results
Table 2 summarizes the experimental results, giving the correlation between the similarity
ratings and the mean ratings reported by Miller and Charles. Note that, owing to a noun
missing from the WordNet 1.4 taxonomy, it was only possible to obtain computational
similarity ratings for 28 of the 30 noun pairs; hence the proper point of comparison for
human judgments is not the correlation over all 30 items (r = :88), but rather the correlation
over the 28 included pairs (r = :90). The similarity ratings by item are given in Table 3.
6. Inter-subject correlation in the replication, estimated using leaving-one-out resampling (Weiss & Ku-
likowski, 1991), was r = :90; stdev = 0:07.
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
3.4 Discussion
The experimental results in the previous section suggest that measuring semantic similarity
using information content provides results that are better than the traditional method of
simply counting the number of intervening is-a links.
The measure is not without its problems, however. Like simple edge-counting, the
measure sometimes produces spuriously high similarity measures for words on the basis of
inappropriate word senses. For example, Table 4 shows the word similarity for several words
with tobacco. Tobacco and alcohol are similar, both being drugs, and tobacco and sugar are
less similar, though not entirely dissimilar, since both can be classied as substances. The
problem arises, however, in the similarity rating for tobacco with horse: the word horse can
be used as a slang term for heroin, and as a result information-based similarity is maximized,
and path length minimized, when the two words are both categorized as narcotics. This is
contrary to intuition.
Cases like this are probably relatively rare. However, the example illustrates a more
general concern: in measuring similarity between words, it is really the relationship among
word senses that matters, and a similarity measure should be able to take this into account.
In the absence of a reliable algorithm for choosing the appropriate word senses, the most
straightforward way to do so in the information-based setting is to consider all concepts
to which both nouns belong rather than taking just the single maximally informative class.
This suggests dening a measure of weighted word similarity as follows:
wsim(w1; w2) = (ci)[ log p(ci)]; (8)
where fcig is the set of concepts dominating both wP
1 and w2 in any sense of either word, and
is a weighting function over concepts such that i (ci) = 1. This measure of similarity
takes more information into account than the previous one: rather than relying on the
single concept with maximum information content, it allows each class representing shared
properties to contribute information content according to the value of (ci). Intuitively,
these values measure relevance. For example, in computing wsim (tobacco,horse), the
ci would range over all concepts of which tobacco and horse are both instances, including
narcotic, drug, artifact, life form, etc. In an everyday context one might expect low
values for (narcotic) and (drug), but in the context of, say, a newspaper article about
drug dealers, the weights of these concepts might be quite high. Although it is not possible
to include weighted word similarity in the comparison of Section 3, since the noun pairs are
judged without context, Section 4 provides further discussion and a weighting function
designed for a particular natural language processing task.
where D(p1 k p2) is the Kullback-Leibler distance (relative entropy) between probability
distributions p1 and p2. Intuitively, A(w, c) is measuring the extent to which class c is
predicted by word w; for example, A(wool, clothing) would have a higher value than,
say, A(wool, person). The selectional association A(w1; w2) of two words is dened as
the maximum of A(w1; c) taken over all classes c to which w2 belongs. For example,
A(wool, glove) would most likely be equal to A(wool, clothing), as compared to, say,
A(wool, sports equipment) | the latter value corresponding to the sense of glove as
something used in baseball or in boxing. (See Li & Abe, 1995, for an approach in which
selectional relationships are modeled using conditional probability.) A simple way to treat
selectional association as a variable in resolving coordination ambiguities is to prefer analy-
ses that include noun-noun modications with very strong anities (e.g., bank as a modier
of guard) and to disprefer very weak noun-noun relationships (e.g., corn as a modier of
butter). Thresholds dening \strong" and \weak" are parameters of the algorithm, dened
4.2 Resolving Coordination Ambiguity: First Experiment
I investigated the roles of these sources of evidence by conducting a straightforward dis-
ambiguation experiment using naturally occurring linguistic data. Two sets of 100 noun
phrases of the form [NP n1 and n2 n3] were extracted from the parsed Wall Street Journal
(WSJ) corpus, as found in the Penn Treebank (Marcus, Santorini, & Marcinkiewicz, 1993).
These were disambiguated by hand, with one set used for development and the other for
testing.7 A set of simple transformations were applied to all WSJ data, including the map-
ping of all proper names to the token someone, the expansion of month abbreviations, and
the reduction of all nouns to their root forms.
Number agreement was determined using a simple analysis of suxes in combination
with WordNet's lists of root nouns and irregular plurals.8 Semantic similarity was deter-
mined using the information-based measure of Equation (2) | the noun class probabilities
of Equation (1) were estimated using a sample of approximately 800,000 noun occurrences
in Associated Press newswire stories.9 For the purpose of determining semantic similarity,
nouns not in WordNet were treated as instances of the class hthingi. Appropriateness of
noun-noun modication was determined by computing selectional association (Equation 9),
using co-occurrence frequencies taken from a sample of approximately 15,000 noun-noun
compounds extracted from the WSJ corpus. (This sample did not include the test data.)
Both selection of the modier for the head and selection of the head for the modier were
considered by the disambiguation algorithm. Table 5 provides details of the decision rule
for each source of evidence when used independently.10
In addition, I investigated several methods for combining the three sources of informa-
tion. These included: (a) a simple form of \backing o" (specically, given the number
agreement, noun-noun modication, and semantic similarity strategies in that order, use
the choice given by the rst strategy that isn't undecided); (b) taking a vote among the
three strategies and choosing the majority; (c) classifying using the results of a linear re-
7. Hand disambiguation was necessary because the Penn Treebank does not encode NP-internal structure.
These phrases were disambiguated using the full sentence in which they occurred, plus the previous and
following sentence, as context.
8. The experiments in this section used WordNet version 1.2.
9. I am grateful to Donald Hindle for making these data available.
10. Thresholds = 2:0 and = 0:0 were xed manually based on experience with the development set
before evaluating the test data.
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
gression; and (d) constructing a decision tree classier. The latter two methods are forms of
supervised learning; in this experiment the development set was used as the training data.11
The results are shown in Table 6. The development set contained a bias in favor of
conjoining n1 and n2; therefore a \default" strategy, always choosing that bracketing, was
used as a baseline for comparison. The default was also used for resolving undecided cases
in order to make comparisons of individual strategies at 100% coverage. For example,
\Number agreement + default" shows the gures obtained when number agreement is
used to make the choice and the default is selected if that choice is undecided.
Not surprisingly, the individual strategies perform reasonably well on the instances they
can classify, but coverage is poor; the strategy based on similarity of form is the most highly
accurate, but arrives at an answer only half the time. However, the heavy a priori bias makes
up the dierence | to such an extent that even though the other forms of evidence have
some value, no combination beats the number-agreement-plus-default combination. On the
positive side, this shows that the ambiguity can be resolved reasonably well using a very
simple algorithm: viewed in terms of how many errors are made, number agreement makes
it possible to cut the baseline 34% error rate nearly in half to 18% incorrect analyses (a
44% reduction). On the negative side, the results fail to make a strong case that semantic
similarity can add something useful.
Before taking up this issue, let us assess the contributions of the individual strategies to
the results when evidence is combined, by further analyzing the behavior of the unsupervised
evidence combination strategies. When combining evidence by voting, a choice was made
in 89 cases. The number agreement strategy agreed with the majority vote in 57 cases,
of which 43 (75.4%) were correct; the noun-noun modication strategy agreed with the
majority in 73 cases, of which 50 (68.5%) were correct; and the semantic similarity strategy
11. What I am calling \backing o" is related in spirit to Katz's well known smoothing technique (Katz,
1987), but the \backing o" strategy used here is not quantitative. I retain the double quotes in order
to highlight the distinction.
agreed with the majority in 58 cases, of which 43 (74.1%) were correct. In the \backing o"
form of evidence combination, number agreement makes a choice for 53 cases and is correct
for 48 (90.6%); then, of those remaining undecided, noun-noun modication makes a choice
for 35 cases and is correct for 24 (68.6%); then, of those still undecided, semantic similarity
makes a choice for 7 cases of which 5 are correct (71.4%); and the remaining 5 cases are
This analysis and the above-baseline performance of the semantic-similarity-plus-default
strategy show that semantic similarity does contain information about the correct answer:
it agrees with the majority vote a substantial portion of the time, and it selects correct
answers more often than one would expect by default for the cases it receives through
\backing o." However, because the default is correct two thirds of the time, and because
the number agreement strategy is correct nine out of ten times for the cases it can decide,
the potential contribution of semantic similarity remains suggestive rather than conclusive.
In a second experiment, therefore, I investigated a more dicult formulation of the problem
in order to obtain a better assessment.
4.3 Resolving Coordination Ambiguity: Second Experiment
In the second experiment using the same data sources, I investigated a more complex set
of coordinations, looking at noun phrases of the form n0 n1 and n2 n3. The syntactic
analyses of such phrases are characterized by the same top-level binary choice as the data
in the previous experiment, either conjoining heads n1 and n2 as in (5) or conjoining n1
and n3 as in (6).12
(5) a. freshman ((business and marketing) major)
b. (food (handling and storage)) procedures
c. ((mail fraud) and bribery) charges
(6) a. Clorets (gum and (breath mints))
b. (baby food) and (puppy chow)
For this experiment, one set of 89 items was extracted from the Penn Treebank WSJ data
for development, and another set of 89 items was set aside for testing. The development
set showed signicantly less bias than the data in the previous experiment, with 53.9% of
items conjoining n1 and n2.
The disambiguation strategies in this experiment were a more rened version of those
used in the previous experiment, as illustrated in Table 7. Number agreement was used just
as before. However, rather than employing semantic similarity and noun-noun modication
as independent strategies | something not clearly warranted given the lackluster perfor-
mance of the modication strategy | the two were combined in a measure of weighted
semantic similarity as dened in Equation (8). Selectional association was used as the basis
for . In particular, 1;2(c) was the greater of A(n0,c) and A(n3,c), capturing the fact that
when n1 and n2 are conjoined, the combined phrase potentially stands in a head-modier
relationship with n0 and a modier-head relationship with n3 . Correspondingly, 1;3(c)
was the greater of A(n0,c) and A(n2,c), capturing the fact that the coordination of n1
12. The full 5-way classication problem for the structures in (5) and (6) was not investigated.
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
undecided otherwise
Table 7: Rules for number agreement and weighted semantic similarity in resolving syntac-
tic ambiguity of noun phrases n0 n1 and n2 n3
and n3 takes place in the context of n2 modifying n3 and of n1 (or a coordinated phrase
containing it) being modied by n0.
For example, consider an instance of the ambiguous phrase:
(7) telecommunications products and services units.
It so happens that a high-information-content connection exists between product in its
sense as \a quantity obtained by multiplication" and unit in its sense as \a single undivided
whole." As a result, although neither of these senses is relevant for this example, nouns n1
and n3 would be assigned a high value for (unweighted) semantic similarity and be chosen
incorrectly as the conjoined heads for this example. However, the unweighted similarity com-
putation misses an important piece of context: in any syntactic analysis conjoining product
and unit (cf. examples 6a and 6b), the word telecommunications is necessarily a modier
of the concept identied by products. But the selectional association between telecommu-
nications and products in its \multiplication" sense is weak or nonexistent. Weighting by
selection association, therefore, provides a way to reduce the impact of the spurious senses
on the similarity computation.
In order to combine sources of evidence, I used \backing o" (from number agreement
to weighted semantic similarity) to combine the two individual strategies. As a baseline,
results were evaluated against a simple default strategy of always choosing the group that
was more common in the development set. The results are shown in Table 8.
In this case, the default strategy dened using the development set was misleading,
yielding worse than chance accuracy. For this reason, strategy-plus-default gures are not
reported. However, even if default choices were made using the bias found in the test set,
accuracy would be only 55.1%. In contrast to the equivocal results in the rst experiment,
this experiment demonstrates a clear contribution of semantic similarity: by employing
semantic similarity in those cases where the more accurate number-agreement strategy
cannot apply, it is possible to obtain equivalent or even somewhat better accuracy than
number agreement alone while at the same time more than doubling the coverage.
Comparison with previous algorithms is unfortunately not possible, since researchers on
coordination ambiguity have not established a common data set for evaluation or even a
common characterization of the problem, in contrast to the now-standard (v, n1, prep, n2)
contexts used in work on propositional phrase attachment. With that crucial caveat, it
is nonetheless interesting to note that the results obtained here are broadly consistent
with Kurohashi and Nagao (1992), who report accuracy results in the range of 80-83% at
100% coverage when analyzing a broad range of conjunctive structures in Japanese using
a combination of string matching, syntactic similarity, and thesaurus-based similarity, and
with Agarwal and Boggess (1992), who use syntactic types and structure, along with partly
domain-dependent semantic labels, to obtain accuracies in a similar range for identifying
conjuncts in English.
for query expansion could result in retrieving documents involving advice (one sense of
counsel) and royalty (as one sense of court).13
Resnik (1998a) introduces an algorithm that uses taxonomically-dened semantic simi-
larity in order to derive grouping relationships among word senses from grouping relation-
ships among words. Formally, the problem can be stated as follows. Consider a set of words
W = fw1; : : :; wng, with each word wi having an associated set Si = fsi;1 ; : : :; si;mg of pos-
0 S
sible senses. Assume that there exists some set W Si , representing the set of word
senses that an ideal human judge would conclude belong to the group of senses correspond-
ing to the word grouping W . (It follows that W 0 must contain at least one representative
from each Si .) The goal is then to dene a membership function ' that takes si;j , wi , and
W as its arguments and computes a value in [0; 1], representing the condence with which
one can state that sense si;j belongs in sense grouping W 0 . Note that, in principle, nothing
precludes the possibility that multiple senses of a word are included in W 0.
For example, consider again the group
attorney, counsel, trial, court, judge.
Restricting attention to noun senses in WordNet, every word but attorney is polysemous.
Treating this word group as W , a good algorithm for computing ' should assign a value
of 1 to the unique sense of attorney, and it should assign a high value to the sense of counsel
a lawyer who pleads cases in court.
Similarly, it should assign high values to the senses of trial as
legal proceedings consisting of the judicial examination of issues by a competent tri-
the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law.
It should also assign high values to the senses of court as
an assembly to conduct judicial business
a room in which a law court sits.
And it should assign a high value to the sense of judge as
a public ocial authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice.
It should assign low values of ' to the various word senses of words in this cluster that are
associated with the group to a lesser extent or not at all. These would include the sense of
counsel as
direction or advice as to a decision or course of action;
similarly, a low value of ' should be assigned to other senses of court such as
13. See Krovetz and Kroft, 1992 and Voorhees, 1993 for experimentation and discussion of the eects of
word sense ambiguity in information retrieval.
if c is an ancestor of sense
i;j i;k
if c is an ancestor of sense
i;j j;k 0
for i = 1 to n
for k = 1 to num senses(w ) i
if (normalization[i] > 0.0)
' = support[i, k] / normalization[i]
' = 1 / num senses(w )
i;k i
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
the most informative subsumer is c1;2 = health professional, which has information
content v1;2 = 8.844. Therefore the support for doctor1 and nurse1 is incremented
by 8.844. Neither doctor2 nor nurse2 receives any increment in support based on this
comparison, since neither has health professional as an ancestor. In the second pairwise
comparison, the most informative subsumer for doctor and actor is c1;3 = person, with
information content v1;3 = 2.005, and so there is an increment by that amount to the
support for doctor1, doctor2, and actor1, all of which have person as an ancestor.
Similarly, in the third pairwise comparison, the most informative subsumer for nurse and
actor is also person, so nurse1, nurse2, and actor1 all have their support incremented
by 2.005. In the end, therefore, doctor1 has received support 8:884 + 2:005 out of a
possible 8:884 + 2:005 for all the pairwise comparisons in which it participated, so for that
word sense ' = 1. In contrast, doctor2 received support in the amount of 2.005 out of a
possible 8:884 + 2:005 for the comparisons in which it was involved, so the value of ' for
2:005 = 0:185.
doctor2 is 8:884+2 :005
Resnik (1998a) illustrates the algorithm of Figure 3 using word groupings from a variety
of sources, including several of the sources on distributional clustering cited above, and
evaluates the algorithm more rigorously on the task of associating WordNet senses with
nouns in Roget's thesaurus, based on their thesaurus category membership. On average, the
algorithm achieved approximately 89% of the performance of human annotators performing
the same task.15 In the remainder of this section I describe a new application of the
algorithm, and evaluate its performance.
5.2 Linking to WordNet using a Bilingual Dictionary
Multilingual resources for natural language processing can be dicult to obtain, although
some promising eorts are underway in projects like EuroWordNet (Vossen, 1998). For
many languages, however, such large-scale resources are unlikely to be available in the
near future, and individual research eorts will have to continue to build from scratch or
to adapt existing resources such as bilingual dictionaries (e.g., Klavans & Tzoukermann,
1995). In this section I describe an application of the algorithm of Figure 3 to the English
denitions in the CETA Chinese-English dictionary (CETA, 1982). The ultimate task,
being undertaken in the context of a Chinese-English machine translation project, will be
to associate Chinese vocabulary items with nodes in WordNet, much in the same way that
vocabulary in Spanish, Dutch, and Italian are associated with interlingual taxonomy nodes
derived from the American WordNet, in the EuroWordNet project; the task is also similar
to attempts to relate dictionaries and thesauri monolingually (e.g., see Section 5.3 and
Ji, Gong, & Huang, 1998). The present study investigates the extent to which semantic
similarity might be useful in partially automating the process.
15. The task was performed independently by two human judges. Treating Judge 1 as the benchmark the
accuracies achieved by Judge 2, the algorithm, and random selection were respectively 65.7%, 58.6%,
and 34.8%; treating Judge 2 as the benchmark the accuracies achieved by Judge 1, the algorithm, and
random selection were respectively 68.6%, 60.5%, and 33.3%. As the relatively low accuracies for human
judges demonstrate, disambiguation using WordNet's ne-grained senses is quite a bit more dicult than
disambiguation to the level of homographs (Hearst, 1991; Cowie, Guthrie, & Guthrie, 1992). Resnik and
Yarowsky (1997, 1999) discuss the implications of WordNet's ne-grainedness for evaluation of word
sense disambiguation, and consider alternative evaluation methods.
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
For each WordNet denition, you will see 6 boxes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and is-a. For each denition:
if you think the Chinese word can have that meaning, select the number corresponding to your
condence in that choice, where 1 is lowest condence and 5 is highest condence.
If the Chinese word cannot have that meaning, but can have a more specic meaning, select is-a.
For example, if the Chinese word means \truck" and the WordNet denition is \automotive vehicle:
self-propelled wheeled vehicle", you would select this option. (That is, it makes sense to say that
this Chinese word describes a concept that IS A KIND OF automotive vehicle.) Then pick 1,
2, 3, 4, or 5 as your condence in this decision, again with 1 as lowest condence and 5 as highest
If neither of the above cases apply for this WordNet denition, don't check o anything for this
Figure 4: Instructions for human judges selecting senses associated with Chinese words
the judge was given the Chinese word, its full CETA dictionary denition (as in examples
a{c), and a list of all the WordNet sense descriptions associated with any sense of any head
noun in the associated noun group. For example, the list corresponding to the following
dictionary denition
(d) : urgent message, urgent dispatch
would contain the following WordNet sense descriptions, as generated via the head nouns
message and dispatch:
message, content, subject matter, substance: what a communication that
is about something is about
dispatch, expedition, expeditiousness, fastness: subconcept of celerity, quick-
ness, rapidity
dispatch, despatch, communique: an ocial report (usually sent in haste)
message: a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or
signaled; \he sent a three-word message"
dispatch, despatch, shipment: the act of sending o something
dispatch, despatch: the murder or execution of someone
For each item, the judge was rst asked whether he knew that Chinese word in that meaning;
if the response was negative, he was instructed to proceed to the next item. For items with
known words, the judges were instructed as in Figure 4.
Although the use of the is-a selection was not used in the analysis of the results, it
was important to include it because it provided the judges with a way to indicate where a
Chinese word could best be classied in the WordNet noun taxonomy, without having to
assert translational equivalence between the Chinese concept and a close WordNet (English)
concept. So, for example, a judge could classify the word (the spring festival, lunar
new year, Chinese new year) as belonging under the WordNet sense glossed as
festival: a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration,
the most sensible choice given that \Chinese New Year" does not appear as a WordNet
concept. Annotating the is-a relationship for the set was also important because the al-
gorithm being evaluated was working on groups of head nouns, thereby potentially losing
information pointing to a more specic concept reading. For example, the denition
(e) : steel tube, steel pipe
would be given to the algorithm as a group containing head nouns tube and pipe.
Once the test set was annotated, evaluation was done according to two paradigms:
selection and ltering. In both paradigms we assume that for each entry in the test set, an
annotator has correctly specied which WordNet senses are to be considered correct, and
which are incorrect. An algorithm being tested against this set must identify, for each listed
sense, whether that sense should be included for that item or whether it should be excluded.
For example, the WordNet sense corresponding to \the murder or execution of someone"
would be identied by an annotator as incorrect for (d), and so an algorithm marking it as
\included" should be penalized.
For the selection paradigm, the goal is to identify WordNet senses to include. We can
therefore dene precision in that paradigm as
Pselection = number of correctly included senses
number of included senses (10)
and recall as
Rselection = number of correctly included senses :
number of correct senses (11)
These correspond directly to the use of precision and recall in information retrieval. Preci-
sion begins with the set of senses included by some method, and computes the proportion of
these that are correct. Recall begins with the set of senses that should have been included,
and computes the proportion of these that the method actually managed to choose.
Since the number of potential WordNet senses for an item can be quite large, an equally
valid alternative to the selection paradigm is what I will call the ltering paradigm, according
to which the goal is to identify WordNet senses to exclude. One can easily imagine this
being the more relevant paradigm | for example, in a semi-automated setting where one
wishes to reduce the burden of a user selecting among alternatives. In the ltering paradigm
one can dene ltering precision as
Table 9: Evaluation using Judge 1 as the reference standard, considering items selected
with condence 3 and above.
Table 9 shows the precision/recall gures using the judgments of Judge 1, the native
Chinese speaker, as a reference standard, considering only known items selected with con-
dence 3 and above.18 The algorithm recorded all 100 items as known, and its condence
values were scaled linearly from continuous values in range [0,1] to discrete values from 1
to 5. The table shows the algorithm's results with its choice thresholded at condence 3,
and Figure 5 shows how recall and precision vary as the condence threshold changes. As
a lower bound for comparison, an algorithm was implemented that considered each word
sense for each item, selecting that sense probabilistically (with complete condence) in such
a way as to make the average number of senses per item as close as possible to the average
number of senses per item in the reference standard (1.3 senses). Figures for the random
baseline are the average over 10 runs. Table 10 illustrates the choices underlying those
gures; for example, there were 26 senses that the random procedure chose to include that
were also included by Judge 1.
The fact that Judge 2 has such low precision and recall for selection indicates that
matching the choices of an independent judge is indeed a dicult task. This is unsurpris-
ing, given previous experience with the problem of selecting among WordNet's ne-grained
senses (Resnik, 1998a; Resnik & Yarowsky, 1997). The results clearly show that the algo-
rithm is better than the baseline, but also indicate that it is overgenerating senses, which
hurts selection precision. In terms of ltering, when the algorithm chooses to lter out a
sense it tends to do so reliably (ltering precision). However, its propensity toward overgen-
eration is re
ected in its below-baseline performance on ltering recall; that is, the algorithm
is choosing to allow in senses that it should be ltering out.
18. Judge 1, the native speaker of Chinese, identied 65 of the words as known to him; Judge 2 identied
69. This on-line dictionary was constructed from a large variety of lexical resources, and includes a great
many uncommon words, archaic usages, regionalisms, and the like.
Filtering: Algorithm
Selection: Algorithm
Figure 5: Precision/recall curves using Judge 1 as the reference standard, varying the con-
dence threshold
This pattern of results suggests that the best use of this algorithm at its present level
of performance would be as a lter for a lexical acquisition process with a human in the
loop, dividing candidate WordNet senses for dictionary entries according to higher and
lower priority. For Chinese-English dictionary entries that serve as appropriate input to the
algorithm (of which there are approximately 37000 in the CETA dictionary), if a WordNet
sense is not selected by the algorithm with a condence at least equal to 3 it should be
demoted to the lower priority group in the presentation of alternatives, since the algorithm's
choice to exclude a sense is correct approximately 93% of the time. Those senses that are
selected by the algorithm are not necessarily to be included | the human judge is still
needed to make the selection, since selection precision is low | but the algorithm tends to
err on the side of caution, and so correct senses will be found in the higher priority group
some 70% of the time.
5.3 Linking to WordNet from an English Dictionary/Thesaurus
The results on WordNet sense selection using a bilingual dictionary demonstrate that the
algorithm of Figure 3 does a good job of assigning low scores to WordNet senses that should
be ltered out, even if it should probably not be trusted to make categorical decisions. One
application proposed as suitable, therefore, was helping to identify which senses should be
ltered out within a semi-automated process of lexical acquisition. Here I describe a closely
related, real-world application for which the algorithm has been deployed: adding pointers
into WordNet from an on-line dictionary/thesaurus on the Web.
The context of this application is the Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus (WEDT,, an on-line educational dictionary aliated with the ARTFL
text database project (; Morrissey, 1993). It
has been designed to be useful in educational contexts, and, as part of that design, it
integrates a thesaurus within the structure of the dictionary. As illustrated in Figure 6,
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
SYL: bar1
PRO: bar
POS: noun
DEF: 1. a length of solid material, usu. rectangular or cylindrical:
EXA: a bar of soap;
EXA: a candy bar;
EXA: an iron bar.
SYN: rod (1), stick1 (1,2,3)
SIM: pole1 , shaft, stake1 , ingot, block, rail1 , railing,
crowbar, jimmy, lever
DEF: 2. anything that acts as a restraint or hindrance.
SYN: block (10), hindrance (1), obstruction (1), impediment (1),
obstacle, barrier (1,3), stop (5)
SIM: barricade, blockade, deterrent, hurdle, curb, stumbling
block, snag, jam1 , shoal1 , reef1 , sandbar
Sense 1
(a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic)
=> rod
(a long thin implement made of metal or wood)
=> implement
(a piece of equipment or tool used to effect an end)
=> instrumentality, instrumentation
(an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is
instrumental in accomplishing some end)
=> artifact, artefact
(a man-made object)
=> object, physical object
(a physical (tangible and visible) entity; ``it was
full of rackets, balls and other objects'')
=> entity, something
(anything having existence (living or nonliving))
SYL: bar1
PRO: bar
POS: noun
DEF: 1. a length of solid material, usu. rectangular or cylindrical:
EXA: a bar of soap;
EXA: a candy bar;
EXA: an iron bar.
SYN: rod (1), stick1 (1,2,3)
SIM: pole1 , shaft, stake1 , ingot, block, rail1 , railing,
crowbar, jimmy, lever
XWN: pole1 (0.82) ingot1 (1.00) block1 (0.16) rail1 (0.39)
railing1 (1.00) crowbar1 (1.00)
jimmy1 (1.00) lever1 (0.67) lever2(0.23) lever3(0.15)
DEF: 2. anything that acts as a restraint or hindrance.
SYN: block (10), hindrance (1), obstruction (1), impediment (1),
obstacle, barrier (1,3), stop (5)
SIM: barricade, blockade, deterrent, hurdle, curb, stumbling
block, snag, jam1 , shoal1 , reef1 , sandbar
XWN: barricade1 (1.00) barricade2(1.00) blockade1 (0.25)
blockade2 (0.75) deterrent1 (1.00) hurdle1 (0.50)
hurdle2 (0.43) curb1 (0.56) curb2 (0.56)
curb3 (0.29) curb4 (0.44) stumbling block1 (1.00)
snag1 (1.00) jam1 (0.27) shoal1 (0.23) shoal2(0.91)
reef1 (1.00) sandbar1 (1.00)
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
a noun, displayed as in Figure 9. Notice that if a user of WEDT had simply gone directly
to the WordNet server to look up pole, the full list of 10 senses would have appeared
with no indication of which are most potentially related to the WEDT dictionary entry
under consideration. In contrast, the WEDT hyperlinks, introduced via the sense selection
algorithm, lter out the majority of the irrelevant senses and provide the user a measure of
condence in selecting among those that remain.
Although no formal evaluation of the WEDT/WordNet connection has been attempted,
the results of the bilingual dictionary experiment suggest that this application of word
sense disambiguation | ltering out the least relevant senses, and then leaving the user
in the loop | is a task for which the sense disambiguation algorithm is well suited. This
is supported by user feedback on the XWN feature of WEDT, which has been favorable
(Robert Parks, personal communication). The site has been growing in popularity, with a
current estimate of 1000-1500 hits per day.
6. Related Work
There is an extensive literature on measuring similarity in general, and on word similarity
in particular; for a classic paper see Tversky (1977). Recent work in information retrieval
and computational linguistics has emphasized a distributional approach, in which words
are represented as vectors in a space of features and similarity measures are dened in
terms of those vectors; see Resnik (1998b) for discussion, and Lee (1997) for a good recent
example. Common to the traditional and the distributional approaches is the idea that word
or concept representations include explicit features, whether those features are specied in
a knowledge-based fashion (e.g., dog might have features like mammal, loyal) or dened
in terms of distributional context (e.g., dog might have features like \observed within 5
words of howl). This representational assumption contrasts with the assumptions embodied
in a taxonomic representation, where most often the is-a relation stands between non-
decomposed concepts. The two are not inconsistent, of course, since concepts in a taxonomy
sometimes can be decomposed into explicit features, and the is-a relation, as it is usually
interpreted, implies inheritance of features whether they are explicit or implicit. In that
respect, the traditional approach of counting edges can be viewed as a particularly simple
approximation to a similarity measure based on counting feature dierences, under the
assumption that an edge exists to indicate a dierence of at least one feature.
Information-theoretic concepts and techniques have, in recent years, emerged from the
speech recognition community to nd wide application in natural language processing; e.g.,
see Church and Mercer (1993). The information of an event is a fundamental notion in
stochastic language modeling for speech recognition, where the contribution of a correct
word prediction based on its conditional probability, p(wordjcontext), is measured as the
information conveyed by that prediction, log p(wordjcontext). This forms the basis for
standard measures of language model performance, such as cross entropy. Frequency of
shared and unshared features has also long been a factor in computing similarity over vec-
tor representations. The inverse document frequency (idf) for term weighting in information
retrieval makes use of logarithmic scaling, and serves to identify terms that do not discrim-
inate well among dierent documents, a concept very similar in spirit to the idea that such
terms have low information content (Salton, 1989).
Although the counting of edges in is-a taxonomies seems to be something many people
have tried, there seem to be few published descriptions of attempts to directly evaluate
the eectiveness of this method. A number of researchers have attempted to make use of
conceptual distance in information retrieval. For example, Rada et al. (1989, 1989) and Lee
et al. (1993) report experiments using conceptual distance, implemented using the edge-
counting metric, as the basis for ranking documents by their similarity to a query. Sussna
(1993) uses semantic relatedness measured with WordNet in word sense disambiguation,
dening a measure of distance that weights dierent types of links and also explicitly takes
depth in the taxonomy into account.
Following the original proposal to measure semantic similarity in a taxonomy using
information content (Resnik, 1993b, 1993a), a number of related proposals have been ex-
plored. Leacock and Chodorow (1994) dene a measure resembling information content,
but using the normalized path length between the two concepts being compared rather than
the probability of a subsuming concept. Specically, they dene
2 3
min len(c 1 ; c2 )
wsimndist (w1; w2) = log 4 c1;(2c2 max) 5 : (14)
(The notation above is the same as for Equation (5).) In addition to this denition, they
also include several special cases, most notably to avoid innite similarity when c1 and
c2 are exact synonyms and thus have a path length of 0. Leacock and Chodorow have
experimented with this measure and the information content measure described here in the
context of word sense disambiguation, and found that they yield roughly similar results.
Implementing their method and testing it on the task reported in Section 3, I found that
it actually outperformed the information-based measure slightly on that data set; however,
in a follow-up experiment using a dierent and larger set of noun pairs (100 items), the
information-based measure performed signicantly better (Table 11).
Analyzing the dierences between the two studies is illuminating. In the follow-up ex-
periment, I used netnews archives to gather highly frequent nouns within related topic areas
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
(to ensure that similar noun pairs occurred) and then selected noun pairings at random (in
order to avoid biasing the follow-up study in favor of either algorithm). There is, therefore,
a predominance of low-similarity noun pairs in the test data. Looking at the distribution
of ratings for the noun pairs, as given by the two measures, it is evident that the Leacock
and Chodorow measure is overestimating semantic similarity for many of the predominantly
non-similar pairs. This stands to reason since the measure is identical whenever the edge
distance is identical, regardless of whether the pair is high or low in the taxonomy (e.g., the
distance between plant and animal is the same as the distance between white oak and red
oak). In contrast, the information-based measure is sensitive to the dierence, and better
at avoiding spuriously high similarity values for non-similar pairs. On a related note, the
edge-counting measure used in the follow-up study was a variant that computes path length
through a virtual top node, rather than asserting zero similarity between words with no path
connecting them in the existing WordNet taxonomy, as was done previously. Using the data
set in the follow-up study, the information-based measure, at r = :6894, does signicantly
better than either of the edge-counting variants (r = :4101 and r = :2777); but going back
to the original Miller and Charles data, the virtual-top-node variant does signicantly better
than the assert-zero edge distance measure, with its correlation of r = :7786 approaching
that of the measure based on information content. This comparison between the follow-up
study and the original Miller and Charles data illustrates quite clearly how the utility of a
similarity measure can depend upon the distribution of items given by the task.
Lin (1997, 1998) has recently proposed an alternative information-theoretic similarity
measure, derived from a set of basic assumptions about similarity in a style reminiscent of
the way in which entropy/information itself has a formal denition derivable from a set of
basic properties (Khinchin, 1957). Formally, Lin denes similarity in a taxonomy as:
log p( i Ci)
simLin(c1; c2) = log2 p( (15)
c1) + log p(c2)
where the Ci are the \maximally specic superclasses" ofT both c1 and c2 . Although the
possibility of multiple inheritance makes the intersection i Ci necessary in principle, mul-
tiple inheritance is in fact so rare in WordNet that in practice one computes Equation (15)
separately for each common ancestor Ci , using p(Ci) in the numerator, and then takes
the maximum (Dekang Lin, p.c.). Other than the multiplicative constant of 2, therefore,
Lin's method for determining similarity in a taxonomy is essentially the information-based
similarity measure of Equation 1, but normalized by the combined information content of
the two concepts assuming their independence. Put another way, Lin's measure is taking
into account not only commonalities but dierences between the items being compared,
expressing both in information-theoretic terms.
Lin's measure is theoretically well motivated and elegantly derived. Moreover, Lin points
out that his measure will by denition yield the same value for simLin(x; x) regardless of
the identity of x | unlike information content, which has been criticized on the grounds
that the value of self-similarity depends on how specic a concept x is, and that two non-
identical items x and y can be rated more similar to each other than a third item z is to itself
(Richardson et al., 1994). From a cognitive perspective, however, similarity comparisons
involving self-similarity (\Robins are similar to robins"), as well as subclass relationships
(\Robins are similar to birds"), have themselves been criticized by psychologists as anoma-
lous (Medin, Goldstone, & Gentner, 1993). Moreover, experimental evidence with human
judgments suggests that not all identical objects are judged equally similar, consistent with
the information-content measure proposed here but contrary to Lin's measure. For exam-
ple, objects that are identical and complex, such as twins, can seem more similar to each
other than objects that are identical and simple, such as two instances of a simple geo-
metric shape (Goldstone, 1999; Tversky, 1977). It would appear, therefore, that insofar as
delity to human judgments is relevant, further experimentation is needed to evaluate the
competing predictions of alternative similarity measures.
Wu and Palmer (1994) propose a similarity measure that is based on edge distances, but
related to Lin's measure in the way it takes into account the most specic node dominating
c1 and c2, characterizing their commonalities, while normalizing in a way that accounts for
their dierences. Revising Wu and Palmer's notation slightly, their measure is:
simWu&Palmer(c1; c2) = d(2c ) +d(d(
c2 ) (16)
where c3 is the maximally specic superclass of c1 and c2 , d(c3) is its depth, i.e. distance
from the root of the taxonomy, and d(c1) and d(c2) are the depths of c1 and c2 on the path
through c3.
Lin (1998) repeats the experiment of Section 3 for the information content measure,
simLin, and simWu&Palmer, reporting the results that appear in Table 12. Lin uses a sense-
tagged corpus to estimate frequencies, and smoothed probabilities rather than simple rel-
ative frequency. His results show a somewhat higher correlation for simLin than the other
measures. Further experimentation is needed in order to assess the alternative measures,
particularly with respect to their competing predictions and the variability of performance
across data sets. What seems clear, however, is that all these measures perform better than
the traditional edge-counting measure.
Information-Based Semantic Similarity
7. Conclusions
This article has presented a measure of semantic similarity in an is-a taxonomy, based on
the notion of information content. Experimental evaluation was performed using a large,
independently constructed corpus, an independently constructed taxonomy, and previously
existing and new human subject data, and the results suggest that the measure performs
encouragingly well and can be signicantly better than the traditional edge-counting ap-
proach. Semantic similarity, as measured using information content, was shown to be useful
in resolving cases of two pervasive kinds of linguistic ambiguity. In resolving coordination
ambiguity, the measure was employed to capture the intuition that similarity of meaning is
one indicator that two words are being conjoined; suggestive results of a rst experiment
were bolstered by unequivocal results in a second study, demonstrating signicant improve-
ments over a disambiguation strategy based only on syntactic agreement. In resolving word
sense ambiguity, the semantic similarity measure was used to assign condence values to
word senses of nouns within thesaurus-like groupings. A formal evaluation provided evi-
dence that the technique can produce useful results but is better suited for semi-automated
sense ltering than categorical sense selection. Application of the technique to a dictio-
nary/thesaurus on the World Wide Web provides a demonstration of the method in action
in a real-world setting.
Sections 1-3 of this article comprise a revised and extended version of Resnik (1995).
Section 4 describes previously presented algorithms and data (Resnik, 1993b, 1993a), ex-
tended by further discussion and analysis. Section 5 summarizes an algorithm described
in Resnik (1998a), and then extends previous results by presenting new applications of the
algorithm, with Section 5.2 containing a formal evaluation in a new setting and Section 5.3
giving a real-world illustration where the approach has been put into practice. Section 6
adds a substantial discussion of related work by other authors that has taken place since
the information-based similarity measure was originally proposed.
Parts of this research were done at the University of Pennsylvania with the partial
support of an IBM Graduate Fellowship and grants ARO DAAL 03-89-C-0031, DARPA
N00014-90-J-1863, NSF IRI 90-16592, and Ben Franklin 91S.3078C-1; parts of this research
were also done at Sun Microsystems Laboratories in Chelmsford, Massachusetts; and parts
of this work were supported at the University of Maryland by Department of Defense
contract MDA90496C1250, DARPA/ITO Contract N66001-97-C-8540, Army Research
Laboratory contract DAAL03-91-C-0034 through Battelle, and a research grant from Sun
Microsystems Laboratories. The author gratefully acknowledges the comments of three
anonymous JAIR reviewers and helpful discussions with John Kovarik, Claudia Leacock,
Dekang Lin, Johanna Moore, Mari Broman Olsen, and Jin Tong, as well as comments and
criticism received during various presentations of this work.
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