Exercise 2: Creating Power System Elements: Chapter D
Exercise 2: Creating Power System Elements: Chapter D
Exercise 2: Creating Power System Elements: Chapter D
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To be able to perform all the tasks proposed for this tutorial, the Tutorial Manager must be activated by the user at the start of each tutorial exercise. It will install the predefined project. Therefore your first step in creating the tutorial Power System will consist in activating the Tutorial Manager.
Note The Tutorial Manager will not destroy all user defined experiments or alterations made in the tutorial project. Instead of replacing the user defined tutorial project, it installs the corresponding predefined tutorial project in parallel. If the tutorial project for the exercise is already existing, the Tutorial Manager adds a number in parentheses to the name of the newly installed project.
The Tutorial Manager dialogue appears now. For this Tutorial exercise,
Select the option Start -> Exercise 2. Press Execute.
Fig. D.1: The Tutorial Manager for Starting with Exercise 2 Creating the Power System Components Editing the Power System Components Performing a Load Flow Editing the Result Box Format Performing Short-Circuit Calculations
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If the drawing toolbox is not visible on the right side, click on the
The icon ('Freeze Mode') changes between graphical editing and parameter editing. When pressed, the drawing toolbox will disappear and the single line diagram will be 'frozen' and can not be changed anymore. You can enter data of the drawn elements in both modes, but in the frozen mode (parameter editing) unintentional changings of the graphic are not possible. Pressing the 'Freeze Mode' button again will return the drawing toolbox ('Un-freeze').
Use the balloon help to find the 'Single Busbar System' icon ( pressed.
). The cursor will show the single busbar icon after the icon has been
Use the background pattern to position the first busbar by left clicking on the drawing surface. A busbar will be drawn (in black), and is given a default name like "SingleBus / B0.0". Hereby "SingleBus" is the name of the substation, while "B0.0" is the name of the terminal (busbar). If something else than a single busbar appears, press the 'Undo' button ( ) to undo your last action(s) and try again.
Note When the insert mode is activated and the symbol for e.g. the terminal is attached to the mouse arrow, you can switch to the edit mode by selecting the pressing the right mouse button once. in the drawing toolbox, by pressing the Esc key or simply by
The terminal (busbar) of the substation may be moved and resized to fit the background pattern:
Select the terminal by left clicking it. This will mark the terminal by a thick grey line with two small squares. If something is selected in a frozen diagram, then a hatched crossed marking appears, without squares. If you have double clicked the terminal accidentally, its edit dialogue will pop up. Close that dialogue with the Cancel button. Move the terminal by left clicking on the solid grey line and dragging the terminal. Releasing the mouse sets the new location. Resizing is done by left clicking one of the small black squares and dragging it to the left or right, see the figure D.2.
The cursor can also be used to show a balloon help text when held still at the name of the busbar or at any other text in the single line diagram. This is much more convenient than having to zoom in and out in order to read something.
Select the icon ('Single Busbar System') in the graphic toolbox again. Place the second and third substation (i. e. the terminal of the substation). Move and/or resize the second and third terminal to fit the background pattern.
The drawing may be too small to accurately position the terminals. To zoom in on the three terminals:
Left click the 'Zoom In' icon ( ). Draw a square around the three busbars by left clicking the first corner, holding the mouse key down, and dragging the mouse to the other corner. The selection square will be zoomed when the mouse key is released.
The zoomed in area of the graphic can be moved by using the 'Hand Tool':
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Click inside the drawing pane and keep the mouse button pressed. Move the mouse to move the zoomed in area. Release the mouse button. Press the 'Hand Tool' icon ( ) again, to exit the 'Hand Tool' mode.
The 'Hand Tool' mode is available only, if you have zoomed into the graphic. The previous zoomed area can be restored by pressing the icon ('Zoom Back'). The whole area is shown when the 'Zoom All' button ( ) is pressed.
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Left click the (two winding transformer) icon in the drawing toolbox. To draw the first transformer, left click the upper terminal at the position suggested by the background pattern. The transformer is now connected graphically to the terminal at that position. Left click the middle terminal to make the second connection. The detailed graphic of the second substation is opened automatically. Connect the transformer to one bay by clicking on one of the marked breaker terminals as illustrated in figure D.3. The result should look like figure D.4.
Note There is a difference between simple terminals (without substations) and the predefined more complex busbar systems with substations, which are representing substations in detail: If you place an element to a busbar system, the detailed graphic of the substation (busbar system) is opened. You have to connect the element (here the transformer) to one of the marked terminals (the big squares which are at the end of the predefined breaker panels).
Fig. D.3: Connecting the transformer to the single busbar system (in detailed substation graphic)
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Fig. D.4: Transformer connected to the single busbar system Afterwards the detailed graphic of the first substation is opened automatically. Connect the transformer to one bay again by clicking on one of the marked breaker terminals. Use the same method to connect a second transformer between the middle and lower terminal.
The single line diagram, without the background, should now look like the figure D.5.
Fig. D.5: Three substations with single busbar systems and two transformers
If something else than a transformer has appeared or if the connection was not made as intended, press the 'Undo' button ( delete the created transformer. Pressing ESC while drawing will cancel the drawing of the transformer. The transformer may be moved similar to the same way a busbar is resized:
Left click a transformer to select it. Left click the selected transformer, hold down the mouse key. Move the transformer one or two grid points left or right by dragging. Release the mouse button.
) to
Normally, you cannot drag the transformer outside the range of the two terminals. If you try this, it will be positioned at the terminals, as far to the right or left as possible. If you try again from this position, you can drag it outside the range.
Move the transformer back to its original position. If the connections were crippled during the first move, press 'Undo' button ( undo the move.
) to
You can also draw the transformer symbol again by right clicking it, and selecting Reconnect Graphically from the contextsensitive menu. This will mark the two terminals to which the transformer is electrically connected. You can re-draw the transformer again, but you have to connect it to the two marked terminals. The option Reconnect Graphically is available for all symbols in the single line diagram and it can be used to restore the diagram. Left clicking the upper and then the lower terminal while drawing a the transformer creates a straight connection. The transformer symbol is placed in the middle. A non-straight connection would have been made if we would
First left click a terminal to make the first connection. Left click the drawing surface to define corners in the connection line. Double click on the drawing surface to place the transformer symbol. Left click the drawing surface again to draw the second connection line, and left click the second terminal to make the second connection. The detailed graphics of the substations will pop up after that, in order to let you connect the transformer to the breaker panels.
You may want to practice this now, using the option Reconnect Graphically.
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Press the
Connect the first machine to the lower terminal by left clicking it on the position as shown by the background pattern. The detailed graphics of the substations pops up. Connect the machine to one breaker panel by clicking on one of the marked breaker terminals. Connect the second machine to the middle terminal.
Left clicking a terminal places the single port symbol with a straight connection. Non-straight connections may be made by first left clicking the drawing area to place the symbol, then to draw a non-straight connection and finally left clicking the terminal to make the connection. To finish off the tutorial grid, we need to place the external grid:
Press the
Left click the upper terminal to connect the external grid. Again the detailed graphics of the substations pops up. Connect the external grid to one breaker panel by clicking on one of the marked breaker terminals.
If the external grid is connected to the terminal in the overview diagram at the same position as the transformer, the external grid symbol is automatically positioned above the terminal. Otherwise, it is placed in the default position under the terminal. If the external grid symbol is drawn in the downwards position, it may be flipped upwards. If the external grid symbol is already positioned correctly, you may want to practice the following on the machine on the middle busbar:
Right-click the external grid symbol or the asynchronous machine. The context sensitive menu appears (see the figure D.6). Left click the Flip At Busbar option. The symbol is rotated 180 degrees around its busbar connection.
Flipping is also possible with non-straight connections. This concludes the creation of the power system elements and the topology. Please check that all symbols are positioned correctly. Use 'Move', 'Resize' and/or 'Flip at busbar' to correct the single line diagram. The elements, however, have not been edited yet, and are all using default parameters. Entering the parameters is the next step. We don't need the background pattern anymore. To hide it, we have to disable the graphical layer on which it is drawn. For every group of graphic symbols, such a layer exists. To hide the background:
). The Graphic Layers dialogue appears. The "Background'' layer is shown in the left pane ('Visible'). button. This moves the
Hide the background by moving it to the right pane: left click the 'Background' layer and press the background to the list of invisible layers. Close the layer dialogue with the OK button. The single line graphic will now look more sharp.
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Almost all of the power system elements are using Type objects. A large group of transformers, for instance, may all be of the same type. Most of the electrical parameters are thus defined in a transformer Type object and each transformer will reference that type. Normally, this would mean that a library of user defined types has to be created prior to defining power system elements. However, for this tutorial all needed types have been predefined and are ready to use.
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available in the User's Manual. The substation to which this terminal belongs, with a button which opens the edit dialogue of that substation. The System Type (AC, DC, or AC/BI for two phase AC systems like railway systems) The Phase Technology to define the number of phases. You can select for example whether the terminal has a neutral conductor or not. The nominal voltage of the terminal.
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The middle substation with its terminal is edited in the same way:
Double click the middle terminal. Name = "D1_11a''. Select the type: use --> Select Project Type --> Bar 11 kV.
Name of the substation "Station 2", short name = "S2" Set the nominal voltage of the substation to 11 kV Close all dialogues by pressing OK.
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An error message will be displayed if the HV and LV sides of the transformer are connected wrongly. In that case:
Press the Flip Connections button on the 'Basic Data' page. Press OK again. To edit the other transformer: Open its dialogue. Name = "T1_11/3.3a''. Type = Project Type --> TR2 5;11/3.3;5% Check on the 'Load Flow' page that the automatic tap changer is disabled and that the tap position is set to zero.
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Press OK.
This concludes the power system definition of the first exercise. We may now start a calculation.
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) on
A load flow calculation is now started. If the tutorial power system was entered correctly, the following message should appear in the output window:
DIgSI/info DIgSI/info DIgSI/info DIgSI/info DIgSI/info DIgSI/info DIgSI/info DIgSI/info DIgSI/err DIgSI/err DIgSI/err DIgSI/info DIgSI/err Element 'Part 1\Transmission Grid.ElmXnet' is local reference in separated area 'Part 1\D1_Swab.ElmTerm' Calculating load flow... ------------------------------------------------------------Start Newton-Raphson Algorithm... load flow iteration: 1 load flow iteration: 2 Newton-Raphson converged with 2 iterations. Load flow calculation successful. 'Part 1\T1_33/11a.ElmTr2': missing type ! Error in load flow data! Load flow calculation not executed. last command leads to error(s), see output window !
If an error was found, an error message like the following could appear:
In this case (the transformer has no type set), the load flow calculation is not executed. To resolve the error, one should first find the element for which the error was reported. With the interactive PowerFactory output window, this is easy: just double click the line with the element's name in the output window. This will automatically open the element's edit dialogue. Correct the error and try the load flow again. The correct load flow message shows that the load flow command has found one separate network in the system and recognized that the only possible power source was the external grid element. The single line graphic shows the results of the loadflow in the result boxes, as is depicted in the figure D.12.
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In this figure, the balloon text help which appears if the cursor is held still over a result box is shown also. Especially when a larger part of a power system is viewed, the result boxes may become hard to read. The balloon help may then be used to view the results.
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DIgSILENT GmbH www.digsilent.de Tel: +49 (0)7072 9168-50 Fax: +49 (0)7072 9168-88 support@digsilent.de
Important here is to understand that we may also write such report forms for the result box of a line. Because we want to see other results after we've performed a short circuit calculation than after a load flow calculation, we may create two small report forms; one for reporting, for instance, the initial short circuit current and apparent power, and one for reporting the active power, the reactive power and the power factor. It is thus clear that it must be possible to create and select a result box format for each available calculation function. Besides that, we generally want to see other results for branch elements than for node elements. The flexibility of the PowerFactory result box formats even extends these basic requirements by offering the definition of results boxes for different projects, for a single edge element or for all edge elements at once, for a single particular element or for element classes (lines vs. transformers, for instance), etc., etc. This flexibility leads to a high amount of result box formats. To manage all these formats, without losing track, the following features are offered:
The PowerFactory program is shipped with a complete range of default result box formats, which are stored in a read-only folder. New, user defined formats are stored in an user defined folder, and will be based on the default formats. A very flexible Form Manager is used to assign result formats to all elements or to all edge and node elements, as long as they have not been assigned their own format before. It is therefore possible to use special dedicated formats in some cases, without losing the ability to change the overall format without much effort. The result box format of all edge or node elements may be chosen in the main menu from a small, possibly user defined, selection.
In the following section, the result box format of the external network element will be changed.
Note By default in result boxes the power flowing into branch elements has positive sign, while that flowing out of them has negative sign. For consuming edge elements (loads) the same convention is followed. In the case of producing elements (external networks and generators) power flowing out of the element nodes is positive while that flowing in is negative.
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Right click a result box of the transformer. This pops up a small menu.
Holding the mouse still at one of the Format for... options (Format for Edge Elements or Format for 2-WindingTransformers) will show a second menu. You can select another result box format from this list. The menu shows with a small checkmark ( ) which format is being used. Currecntly the 'Format for Edge Elements -> Power Loading' is used. Selecting the option Edit format for... will open the currently used form definition dialogue.
Select the option Edit Format for Edge Elements. The format dialogue window appears (see figure D.13). Press the Input Mode button and select Predefined Variables, if this is not selected yet. Press OK .
The Line frame shows three drop-down boxes which show the currently selected variables.
for the third line (which shows 'c:loading') and select the variable 'm:I:_LOCALBUS kA Current, Magnitude'.
Fig. D.13: Editing result boxes using predefined variables Observe the change in the result box for the transformer. It now shows the current. Try the balloon help, it has changed too. Observe that all result boxes for the transformers have changed. Select the option Edit Format for Edge Elements again. Try setting the number of digits to 3 or 4, or adding the unit by using the Unit check box 'Show'.
Un-freeze the diagram ( ). Right click the result box and select the Adapt width option.
It isn't often necessary to add units or descriptions to the result box formats because these are also given in the single line legend, and are shown in the balloon help. The legend in the lower left corner of the single line diagram is automatically updated when the result box formats are changed. The legend is shown or hidden by pressing the icon.
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A short-circuit calculation may be started from the main menu (Calculation -->Short-Circuit), by clicking on the short-circuit icon ( ) on the main toolbar, or directly from the single line graphic:
Freeze the diagram. Right click the 11 kV busbar "D1_11a'', and select the Calculate --> Short-Circuit option as shown in figure D.14.
This opens the short-circuit command dialogue, as is depicted in the figure D.15
Set the Method = According to IEC Set the Fault Type = 3-phase Short-Circuit Enable the Fault Location option User Selection and select the the fault location if necessary. This is done automatically, if you have started the short-circuit calculation from the single line graphic as descripted. Press the Execute button.
Fig. D.14: Starting a short-circuit calculation from the single line graphic
A short-circuit calculation is started for a short-circuit at the selected busbar only. The results show the currents in the whole network, except for the load element, which is neglected. The output window should show the following message:
DIgSI/info - Element 'Part 1\Transmission Grid.ElmXnet' is local reference in separated area 'Part 1\D1_Swab.ElmTerm' DIgSI/info - Short-circuit calculated at Terminal Part 1\D1_11a DIgSI/info - Short-circuit calculation ready !
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Set the Method = According to IEC Set the Fault Type = 3-phase Short-Circuit Enable the Fault Location option 'Busbars/Junction and Internal Nodes'. Press the Execute button.
A short-circuit analysis is made for all nodes (busbars, terminals). The results are given locally for each terminal as the short-circuit currents and power that flows to that terminal in case of a short-circuit at that terminal. To calculate a multiple fault (fault at more than one elements at the same time):
Perform a balanced load flow. Multi-select two terminals by using the Crtl -Key. Right click the selection and select the Calculate --> Multiple Faults... option. A browser window with a list of fault locations appear. This list contains the selected terminals and additional terminals, if they have been selected before. You can edit this list (delete entries or create new one by using the 'New Object' button ( Click OK ) of the browser window).
The short-circuit command appears again. It should have the method set to 'Complete' and the option 'Multiple Faults' should be enabled. Press the Execute button.
The short-circuit currents and power in the network are calculated for the simultaneous short-circuits.
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