February 17 - 23
February 17 - 23
February 17 - 23
In todays Board Game lesson we will talk about the game, SORRY. We were taught to say Im sorry at an early age. But do we really mean it, or are we only sorry we got caught? Your child will learn today that God wants us to be sincere with our sorry, with Him and with others. God wants us to apologize with no excuses and to make things right. Join us: 10:30am in Kids Church! ______________ GUEST SPEAKER
We welcome Rev. Terry Hart to the Russellville Church of God. Bro. Hart will be the guest speaker in the A.M. & P.M. service today. Invite someone to come with you for the evening service. _____________
CHILI SUPPER FUNDRAISER There will be a Chili Supper following the evening worship service today. This is all you can eat for a donation. The proceeds will go to sponsor the Winterfest Trip for the High School Class. _____________ My memory is so bad that I changed my password to incorrect. That way when I enter the wrong one; it will tell me, Your password is incorrect.
Pat Gardner Zoey Keith Flo Weaver Orabel Holstead Malachi Taylor Homer & Lou Rhea Jean Asbury Bobbie Hooper Russell Wallace Don Gulledge Dana Seals Elmer Wilder Edward Reed Lawrence Walker Gayle Walker Rosa Rigney Mike Coffey Juanita Hensely Eleanor Gulbransen Sue Pfoff Lloyd Wynn Ann Williams Tim Strange Jessica Hawley Kyle Kitts Eldridge Tucker Roy Smith Joe Christopher Pastor Larry Fraizer Bob Noe Eric Garrett Shelma Caughorn James Shepherd Dale Edwards James Gann Charlie Morrison Lonnie Johnson Elaine Sanders Sherry Branum Candace Brooks Ted Crigger Lonnie West Glen Greene Jeanne Howington Win Shipley Kristy Woodby ______________ Our Sunday A.M. & P.M. services are now streaming live on our church website. If you cant be in service with us, you can join us in worship by going to: www.russellvillechurchofgod.org _____________ WEDDING SHOWER You are invited to a Drop-In Wedding Shower on Saturday, nd March 2 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.at the Russellville Church of God for Savannah Ewing & Daniel Manning. They are registered at Wal-Mart, Target, Khols and Bed, Bath and Beyond. Shower hosted by family. ______________ It is said that Abraham Lincoln almost knew the Bible by heart. There was not a clergyman to be found so familiar with the scriptures. Almost all his speeches contained quotes from the Bible.
(P.O. Box 59) 5848 East Andrew Johnson Hwy Russellville, TN 37860 (423)587-0988
Web: www.russellvillechurchofgod.org Email: rcogchurch@yahoo.com
Sun Feb 17
ARK 3 Debbie Ward Edna Mitchell th Feb 10 Tina & Machela Worthington th Feb 17 Jessica Hayes Rebekah Hillon th Feb 24 Mackinze Rigney Tyler Ray Feb Church Security February 17
th rd
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tammy L. Richardson TERRY HART GUEST SPEAKER AM & PM th Mon Feb 18 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ethan Broyles HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Nada West th Tue Feb 19 th Wed Feb 20 - FAMILY TRAINING - 7:00 p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Judy Wise Thu Feb 21st - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Madison Chapman nd Fri Feb 22 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Estel Cobble Hayley Sexton HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Tommy & Annette Potter Brandon & Vickie Lovell rd Sat Feb 23 _______________ PASTORS JONATHONS WORD OF THE WEEK Charismatic or Pentecostal? (an abridged contrast) Charismatic theology has roots in the Pentecostal phenomena of the twentieth century. This occurrence originated when Agnes Ozman spoke in tongues at Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas sparking a movement that lead to the Azusa Street Revival, and is credited as the beginning faction of modern Pentecostalism. The word Charismatic is derived from the word Charisma, theologically meaning divinely bestowed gift or power. The term pentecostal and charismatic are often used interchangeably, containing many similar elements making it difficult for experts to contrast. According to Paul Enns, Pentecostalism and Charismatic Renewal can be grouped and identified as a first and second wave movement. The first wave, starting at the turn of the twenty-first century, is Classic Pentecostalism, which is distinguished by its claim of a second work of the Spirit subsequent to the conversion and validated by speaking in tongues. Charismatic Renewal is the second wave emphasizing healing, exorcism, and receiving revelation. ~ Jonathon Bewley
- Tyler Ray
Senior Pastor Associate Pastor / Youth Pastor Music Ministers Childrens Church Minister Minister of Outreach/Evangelism
Roger Rigney Jonathon Bewley Seth & Lacy Ewing Joe Ward Ray Pratt
Sunday Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:30am Morning Worship 6:00pm Evening Service Wednesday Night Service 6:45 Youth (Downstairs) 7:00 p.m. Adults & Children (Upstairs)