Ombudsman Brochure (February 18, 2013)

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How can I contact the Ombudsman?

MnDOT Ombudsman Deb Ledvina Office: 651-366-3052 Fax: 651-366-4795 Email: Ombudsman Staff Chris Moates Deputy Ombudsman Office: 651-366-4790 Fax: 651-366-4795 Email:

MnDOT Ombudsman Program

Marcell Walker Deputy Ombudsman Office: 651-366-3340 Fax: 651-366-4795 Email:

For more information, visit MnDOT Ombudsman Mail Stop 110 395 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55155 Office: 651-366-3052

To request this document in an alternative format, please contact the Affirmative Action Office at 651-366-4718 or 1-800-657-3774 (Greater Minnesota); 711 or 1-800-627-3529 (Minnesota Relay). You may also send an email to

Exhausted other avenues for issue resolution with MnDOT?

Sample case study

Issue In 2009, a foster mother of a deceased veteran, along with the North Branch VFW and American Legion, contacted MnDOT requesting two 2 x 2 Memorial and Dedication signs in memory of the deceased veteran and two other 2 x 2 signs for North Branch recognition of all past, present and future veterans. The VFW and American Legion first saw the four signs at a memorial ceremony on Veterans Day 2010. Several weeks later, the constituents informed MnDOT that the signs were not visible to commuters, thus defeating the purpose of having memorial signs. They requested the signs be larger and they expend no additional funds for this to be done. Review of policy and law The constituents were informed that all M&D signs in the state are 2 x 2, according to MnDOTs M&D signs policy and based on the recommendation of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Controls. This was done to prevent memorial signs from being larger than route signs located on directional signs. M.S. 161.139 HIGHWAY DESIGNATION COST also requires M&D signs to be paid for by the person requesting them. Resolution After many internal meetings, it was determined since the country was involved in two wars at the time, it was more than appropriate to look into how MnDOTs Memorial and Dedication Sign Program could further support our veterans. To bring resolution to the matter, the constituents agreed to pay for two of the four signs to be increased to 3 x 3 and 4 x 4. MnDOT is now in the process of revising its M&D sign policy. The size and location of these signs will be based on engineering requirements/needs and on a case-by-case basis.

MnDOT o ers a service called the Ombudsman Program to ensure fairness when businesses or members of the public cannot resolve a dispute with the agency through other processes. Ombudsman sta provide a neutral, independent, informal and con dential approach to issues resolution.

How can the Ombudsman help me?

Ombudsman sta will listen to you, look into your issue and help determine options for resolution. Sometimes, this means amending MnDOT decisions or actions; sometimes, it means helping you understand why those decisions must remain intact.

What kinds of issues does the Ombudsman address?

Ombudsman sta can help you with a number of di erent concerns, ranging from noise complaints, singage and safety concerns, to issues involving right of way access and damage.


The Ombudsman program has evolved since its inception in October 2008. We have learned a great deal in the last three years and together we will continue to help the department act with ingenuity, integrity and accountability. Thomas K. Sorel Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Transportation

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