Adv2022 0046
Adv2022 0046
Adv2022 0046
No. 2022 - 0046
Phil Health
Your Partner in Health
UIU>UQA~ Al ULOMO• , . , . >• C.H.!
These KPPs no longer need to submit the requirements such as: provider data
record (PDR), Performance Commitment (PC), self-assessment tool (SAT) and
need not pay the accreditation fee for CY 2023.1n case any of these KPPs have
already filed their applications for renewal of accreditation for CY 2023, the paid
accreditation fee shall be credited to the next application of the concerned KPP.
Date _ _ _ __
To PhiiHealth :
Relative to the Automatic Renewal of Accreditation as a Konsulta Package Provider (KPP) for
CY 2023, I agree with the following statements:
1. I am amenable that the accreditation of the facility shall be automatically renewed for
CY 2023, subject to the requirements and standards provided by Phil Health;
2. That being an accredited KPP, we continue to commit to abide with the provisions in
our Performance Commitment;
3. We shall inform PhiiHealth of any changes in our facility to include the number of
beneficiary that we can cater based on the number of full time and/or number of full-
time equivalent physicians in the health facility.