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eFMS (MGNREGA) in Ranchi District


PROFILE RANCHI Sub Division: 2

Blocks: 18 Panchayats: 303 Revenue Villages: 1392 MGNREGA Job Card holders: 298287 Active Labourers: 113645 Account Freezed: 96217

e-FMS Project Objectives :-

1. Automated crediting of accounts of workers through e-FMS solution. 2. Reduction in the turn-around time required for wage processing and payments. 3. Real-time availability of data at all levels of governance for strategic decision making. 4. e-FMS seamless payment mechanism which will automatically ensure fund transfer and crediting of beneficiaries accounts leveraging the Core Banking infrastructure (RTGS/NEFT) of banks. 5. Right amount in right accounts in time. 6. Do away with large number of bank accounts operated by the G.P./Implementing Agencies. 7. Problem of large unspent opening balances would be taken care of. 8. This would help streamline the fund flow process. 9. Reduction of workload at Block Program Office (BPO) / Gram Panchayat (GP).

Account Information Freezed on MGNREGA Soft (Ranchi District) :Up to 16 February 2013
Sl. No. Block Active Account 10425 7743 7363 6949 7101 3213 6894 2597 6655 9474 3666 7131 7376 6192 4961 6435 5309 1054141 11364545 Account Freezed 5095 6759 7240 6835 5714 1804 6767 2267 6384 5780 3361 6430 6226 4847 4886 4934 4340 6548 96217 01 ANGARA 02 BERO 03 BUNDU 04 BURMU 05 CHANHO 06 ITKI 07 KANKE 08 KHELARI 09 LAPUNG 10 MANDAR 11 NAGRI 12 NAMKUM 13 ORMANJHI 14 RAHE 15 RATU 16 SILLI 17 SONAHATU 18 TAMAR TOTAL %age of Account Freezed 48.37% 87.29% 98.32% 98.35% 80.47% 56.15% 98.16% 87.29% 95.55% 61.01% 91.68% 90.17% 84.41% 78.28% 98.49% 76.67% 81.75% 62.12% 84.66%

eFMS MGNREGA in Ranchi District Target group : Wage Seekers, Suppliers of material, Banks Date from which the project has started : 02 February 2013 Block where eFMS is started : Itki block-Kurgi & Malti panchayat District implementation Plan for e-FMS:

In first phase rest panchyats of Itki block will be covered till 31 st March 2013. In financial year 2013-14 we will try to implement e-FMS in rest 17 blocks of Ranchi district. For this capacity building program for all stake holder especially Mukhiyas and Panchayat Sewaks is being conducted on regular basis. Digital Signature of Mukhiyas is being procured through National Informatics Centre. Digital Signature of Panchayat Sewaks and BDOs are already procured through e-District Program. eFMS account at district level is opened in Bank of India, Ashok Nagar Branch, Ranchi. Out of 303 panchayats connectivity is available in 254 panchayts through pragya Kendra 10 points that make the programme/project innovative:

1. Ensuring an efficient mechanism for transfer of funds to block

and Panchayat level 2. Ensuring the timely and accurate payment of wages. 3. Exchange of information between panchayat, block, district, and State level

4. Elimination of manual maintenance of books of accounts at all

levels 5. Eliminating the chances of fraud and other irregularities by use of cheque books 6. Origining transparency and accountability to the payment system. 7. Enough reconciliation of each and every payment. 8. This has brought in transparency in terms of actual disbursement of wage to the wage seekers and material supplies. 9. The on line transfer of money has facilitated transaction based, books of accounts and documents at block, district levels. 10. The entire information of payments, starting of works, delays in wage payment are available to the general public. Achievements of the programme/project:
1. Enabled Management of Fund in place instead of multiple 2.



accounts at various places Parking and diversion of scheme funds is being avoided. and it reduces the issues related to the maintenance of cheque books. Funds disbursement is fast and in a accurate manner. Enables the wage seeker to get the wages to his savings account and draw the payment at his place of work through biometric device and eliminates delay in wage payments. MIS is transaction based, hence data entry at a later date is avoided.

Key challenges faced while implementing the programme/project/initiative

1. Nodal Bank (Bank of India, Ashok Nagar Branch, Ranchi) has been

identified at District level for transfer of funds.

2. The Central Banking system of the Banks are integrated with nic 3. 4.

5. 6.

software, by series of meetings with software experts. A massive exercise has been taken up to identity Multiple accounts, unspent balances at block and panchayat levels. Establishing connectivity upto panchayat level by procuring and installing computers and software. BSNL Broadband or WiMax connectivity should reach at the lowest level with special arrangement to network shadow zone. Jharnet connectivity will be required at the new block headquarter i.e. Itki, Khelari, Rahe and Nagri. Placing monitoring unit at District level for trouble shooting, resolving issue with banks.

Steps for e-FMS :1. Verification of accounts of workers : a) Data Entry agencies of NREGASoft are entering account details of each worker demanding for work under MGNREGA.

b) These entered details can be downloaded from link Download Panchayat Wise MGNREGA Bank Account Detail for verification available at state DBA, Programme officer, Gram Panchayat. c) Taking hard coy and correct/collect the information for account_no, IFSC code, Name as per bank, Business correspondence (if any) details etc. 2. Updation of Worker Account : Updating worker account through the link Update Applicants Bank details as per downloaded format available at Programme officer and gram panchayat data entry page. The records shown in this form will exactly follow the sequence of the downloaded report.


Freezing Worker Account : Programme officer, DPC of State DBA Login has been provided with the option freeze workers account in their data entry page to freeze the accounts. This exercise will add to the record and then no one can change anything in that record. Only freezed accounts can participate in eFMS. 4. Generating the Wage list : a) Entering muster roll in NREGASoft. b) Muster roll without payment date can participate in generation of wage list. c) Generate the wage list. d) Separate Wage list will be generated for i. One for each bank branch ii. One for each sub post office 5. Generation of FTO By Accountant : a) Login from Generation of FTO By Accountant login available under district/block administrator button on http://mgnrega.nic.in. after successful login system will check automatically for the digital signature certificate (DSC) enrollment. If digital signatures are enrolled earlier it will proceed to data entry otherwise you have to enroll it by the process mentioned below. b) Enrollment of Digital Signatures : i. System will check java JRE on your machine. If it is not there it will show link download java JRE and install. Download and install java JRE on you machine. ii. To enroll new DSC on your Machine Connect the digital signature USB token to the USB port of your machine. iii. System will show all available DSC no your Machine including the One in USB token if USB token is connected to your Machine. iv. Select the DSC to be used for NREGA eFMS.

you have (NIC). enrolled in

v. vi.

System will check for expiry date of DSC. If expired to get it renewed from issuing authority If DSC if valid it will prompt for PIN Number. Enter PIN Number. If PIN number is correct you are NREGASoft.

c) System will check for availability of Accountant to be debited for this signatory. If account information is not there state DBA has to enter the Details of Account to debited for this signatory through eFMS. eFMS will not work unless this information is entered by state DBA. d) Viewing and selecting the wage list records to be included in FTO and generate the FTO (Fund Transfer Order) Adding digital signature to the generated FTO. Signed FTO by accountant (Fist Signatory) will be available to PO/BDO (Second Signatory) through the link approve and send FTO to bank by PO/BDO. e) f)


Approving and sending FTO to bank by PO/BDO :


Login from Approve and send FTO to bank by PO/BDO login available under district/block administrator button on hppt:// mgnrega.nic.in . after successful login system will check automatically for the digital signature certificate (DSC) enrollment. If digital signatures are enrolled earlier it will proceed to data entry page otherwise you have to enroll it by the process mentioned above. b) FTO signed by Accountant and not yet signed by the PO/BDO will be available. c) Approving the FTO. PO/BDO can approve the Complete FTO or will reject the Complete FTO with reason. d) FTO will be digitally signed and sent to the SFTP server as soon as PO/BDO will press the approve button.


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