Gillespies Trilogy Deities
Gillespies Trilogy Deities
Gillespies Trilogy Deities
Arcantryl Malachai
Baracus Nergal
Bormanus Orcus
Crom Set
Hunter Valdghar
Imperiosa Vol
Impurax Zuul
Old and New Gods:
(Anganach and Futurus)
The Ancient Ones, called the Anganach by the people of the region,
represent the elder gods. Some believe they pre-existed in the
forests, swamps, and streams of the land—such as Silvanus (Green
Man), Cromm Cruach, Herne the Hunter, Malachai, Nergal, and
Impurax. Others believe the first nomadic humans brought their gods
with them. No one knows for certain. With the founding and growth
of the popula�on of Threshold, new religions sought to expand into
the Northern Reaches. These faiths are called the New Gods or the
The church of St. Ygg has been the most aggressive in establishing
itself in the realm and The Prelacy of Middenmark. The church has
been less successful in more peripheral, and more tradi�onal, regions
like The Duchy of Aerik. The priests of St. Ygg are dismissive of the
Ancient Ones and posi�on them as backward, primi�ve, and
irrelevant. In addi�on to St. Ygg, the followers of Arcantryl have also
established churches and followers. However, they are less aggressive
than the priests of the Red God.
Despite the success of the New Gods in The Red Prelacy, local people
s�ll consider it a good omen to wander across the face of the Green
Man carved into a great tree
or rockface in the wilderness.
St. Ygg
God of Righteousness
Symbol: A red cross on a white field
St. Ygg is the deity of righteousness and light. St. Ygg believes in
the highest moral standards. He is sanc�monious and has an
indignant temper with those who fail to see the just nature of his
ac�ons. The faith of St. Ygg is the most well-known of the new
organized religions in the Northern Reaches.
Goddess of Magic
Symbol: A star within a star
Orcus and his brother Set combined their power to overthrow their
father Nergal. A civil war resulted with both brothers possessing a
por�on of their father’s power. The acolytes of Orcus are commited
to annihila�on of Set and his followers. Set and Orcus currently share
the spheres of Death and the Underworld
God of Serpents, Death, and the Underworld
(Not openly worshipped)
Symbol: Two snake heads facing each other
Set and his brother Orcus deposed their father Nergal for control of
the underworld. A�er comple�ng the task, they turned on each other
to establish complete control over their father’s spheres of power. A
war for control of the underworld began. A stalemate ensued with
each son controlling a por�on of Nergal’s power. Followers of Set are
commited to the destruc�on of Orcus and his faithful. Set and Orcus
currently share the spheres of Death and the Underworld.
God of Strength and Batle
Symbol: A silver crown over a white-capped mountain
The Horned God. The worship of St. Ygg has replaced Herne in recent
years, but there are those who s�ll pray and offer sacrifices to him.
Herne is the god of the northern woodlands, swamps, and the
creatures that inhabit them. The people of the region o�en use the
phrase “Herne protect us” or “Herne protect you” as a toast or when
par�ng company.
Demi-Goddess of Wealth, Bureaucracy, Trade
Symbol: The scales of trade
God of Knowledge, Scholars, Learning
Symbol: A sunrise within a book
The Learned One is the patron of those who seek knowledge and those
who create new knowledge, such as scholars, inventors,
alchemists, and mages. Dogma embodies the no�on of
enlightenment through higher educa�on.
Demi-God of Agriculture (Corn) and the Harvest
(Not openly worshipped)
Symbol: A black face crowned with corn stalks
Demi-God of Chao�c
Elements (Not openly
worshipped) Chao�c
Symbol: The four elements
God of Rot, Decay, Corrup�on, and Pes�lence
(Not openly worshipped)
Symbol: A ro�ng fanged hand or a ro�ng raven’s head
Nergal once ruled the Underworld and the spheres of Death and the
Undead. He was deposed and presumably destroyed by his sons Orcus
and Set.
Demi-God of the Valdghardt, Nomadic barbarians, Bloodlust
Symbol: A woolly mammoth
Demi-God (Heroine) of the Northern Wilderness
Symbol: Spear with severed head of a man
Like Herne the Hunter, Syldina was a worshipper and the chosen of
Silvanus in life. Upon sacrificing herself in a great batle against
overwhelming odds, she was called upon to serve the Green Man in
the a�erlife. She champions the Northern Wilderness and its
peoples. Archers, and those who hunt and range across the far
forests of the Northern Reaches, also worship Syldina.
Demi-God of Wrestling and
Athle�cs Chao�c
Symbol: Two tatooed arms wrestling
Demi-God of Salt and Minerals
Symbol: The symbol of earth inside the symbol of salt