Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama: Information Brochure

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A Cheque/Demand draft on ...............................................(Name of the Bank) (No........................................ ) dated ............................ for Rs. ............................................................ is enclosed herewith. Being the board and lodging charges for the full period mentioned above. OR
Vijnanananda Marg, Mutthiganj, Allahabad - 211 003
Phone :0532- 2413369 E-mail : rkmathald@dataone.in


(January February 2013)

For the benefit of devotee participants (TO BE RETAINED) 1. For the benefit of devotees from all over the country, who wish to participate in the ensuing Purna Kumbha Mela, a Camp is being organized on the bank of the Triveni. Due to paucity of space, provided by the Kumbha Mela Authorities, the accommodation will be limited to a maximum of 1000 devotees only. Arrangements for simple lodging and board will be made for them. The Camp will be inaugurated on12th January, 2013 and will come to a close on 26th February, 2013. Hence the devotee-pilgrims can come to the Camp not earlier than 12th January and should depart not later than 26th February, 2013. 2. For those who like to avail of the board and lodging facilities provided at the Camp, the charges will be Rs. 400/- per head per day. Charges will have to be paid for a minimum of five days, even though a person may like to stay for less than five days. Thus the total minimum amount for board and lodging per head will be Rs. 2000/- only. For those who wish to stay for the full period (from 12th January to 26th February, 2013) of the Camp, the board and lodging charges will be Rs. 15,000/- only per head and who wants to stay for Magh month (27th January to 25th February) the board and lodging charges will be Rs. 10,000/- only. The total amount for board and lodging for the full period of ones stay will have to be sent in advance either by Cheque/Demand Draft (crossed Payees A/c only) or by Money Order in favour of Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Allahabad. A formal application, in the form attached herewith, alongwith the Cheque/Demand Draft or details of M.O., should be sent, so as to reach this office on or before 15th October, 2012. No application will be entertained unless accompanied by full payment in advance. While deciding the dates of stay, item (7) given on the back page should be carefully studied. Kindly wait for our permission to your request before reserving your Train tickets. 3. Board and Lodging charges are not refundable, if the person/party fails to arrive. 4. No individual cooking will be allowed. Food will be prepared and served at the Camp. 5. The devotee pilgrims are requested not to bring children below twelve years since the congregation will be huge and their safety can not be

An M.O. for Rs. ............................................... has been sent on ............................................................................... the receipt number). from ...................................................(State the Name of the Post Office and

I/We will be bringing the bedding and other essential articles as per your instructions.

With regards,

Your sincerely, Signature of the Leader ....................................... Name (in block letters) ......................................... Full Postal Address .............................................. with Pin Code ....................................................... (in block letters) .................................................... Phone/MobileNo. ................................................. e-mail : .................................................................

assured. 6. The Sevashrama cannot take any responsibility for the return reservation by bus or train, of the devotee/party. The participants are advised to have return journey reservation also at the starting point. 7. Since there will be Five important dates of baths 15th January (Makar Sankranti), 27th January (Paush Purnima), 10th February (Mauni Amavasya), 15th February (Basant Panchami) and 25th February (Magha Purnima) and since there will be a very heavy rush of pilgrims on those days, the devotee-pilgrims are requested to reserve their accommodation for any of the dates within one Block only. The Blocks are I II III IV V BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK 12th January to 16th January 2013. 25th January to 29th January 2013. 7th February to 11th February 2013. 13th February to 17th February 2013. 22nd February to 26th February 2013.

Application Form
for the reservation of accommodation in the camp of Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Allahabad during the Purna Kumbha Mela - 2013

Date : Identity No. ......................... (for Office only) Recpected Swamiji, In response to your kind offer, I/We wish to participate in the forthcoming Purna Kumbha Mela 2013 . I/We whole-heartedly agree to observe all the rules and regulations of the Camp during our stay. My/Our party will consist of ........................................... members. (Male : Female : as per details given below :Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name in full, including the name of the leader of the party Sex Age )

Dates extending over two Blocks (like 24th Jan. to 28th Jan. OR 8th Feb. to 12th Feb.) will not be allowed. 8. The devotee-pilgrims should get innoculated against Cholera and bring certificates from Government Health Units only, as certificates from private doctors are not accepted by the Kumbha Mela Authorities. This innoculation is compulsory to enter Allahabad Municipal Area during the Kumbha Mela period. 9. Lodging will be only in the make-shift dormitories put up in the Camp. Men and women will have separate dormitories. Hence members of the same family cannot stay together. Nor will it be possible to provide them with separate tents. All will have to sleep on the floor, which will be covered with hay. Beds will have to be spread on the same. Charpoys (cots) will not be available. 10. Each devotee-pilgrims will have to bring his/her individual bedding including mosquito net. Since the Kumbha Mela is being held in the coldest part of winter (Min., temp 30 to 50 C) enough warm clothing should be brought. In addition, each person should provide himself/herself with (a) Water-bottle and tumbler(b) Torch-light Since unseasonal rains are always possible, an umbrella will be very useful. 11. The devotee-pilgrims are advised not to bring valuables except their cash/ demand draft/travellers cheques. The Sevashrama authorities will not be responsible for losses due to theft or other reasons. 12. Many scheduled Banks will open their branches in the Mela township during the Kumbha Mela. The debvotee-pilgrims are abvised to avail this facility to deposit their cash, and encash their D.D.s or travellers cheques instead of keeping their cash in the Camp. Swami Nikhilatmananda Secretary

After carefully studying the item No. (7) of the information Brochure. I/We have chosen the dates from BLOCK I / II / III/IV/V* and they are ........................................................ . I/We will reach Allahabad on ....................................... at .......................... and will depart on .................................. at ....................... .

*Strike off the blocks that do not apply to you.

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