The Normal Kidney: Pediatrics 2 The Urinary System and Urinary Tract Infections
The Normal Kidney: Pediatrics 2 The Urinary System and Urinary Tract Infections
The Normal Kidney: Pediatrics 2 The Urinary System and Urinary Tract Infections
.Precious.Kate.Katrina.Ams.Hannah. Memay.Pau.Rachelle.Esther.Joel.Glenn.Toni
PEDIATRICS 2 07-july-08
Dr. Victor S. Doctor
Trans grUp: Goldie and Her Invisible Frends!!!
each glomerulus is a rete of capillary tufts enclosed The GFR may be estimated by measurement of the serum
in Bowman’s capsule creatinine level. Creatinine is derived from muscle
capillary tufts consist of loops bound together in a metabolism. Its production is relatively constant, and its
central area called Mesangium excretion is primarily through glomerular filtration, although
mesangium is composed of cytoplasmic matrix and tubular secretion may become important in renal insufficiency.
cells (mesangial or capillary); it is usually the FIRST In contrast to the concentration of blood urea nitrogen, which
TO REACT IN THE EVENT OF GLOMERULAR INSULT is affected by state of hydration and nitrogen balance, the
3 Fixed cells of the Glomerulus:
serum creatinine level is primarily influenced by the level of
•endothelial or intracapillary cell
glomerular function. The serum creatinine is of value only in
•mesangial cell
estimating the GFR in the steady state. A patient may have a
•epithelial or extracapillary cell
normal creatinine level without effective renal function very
shortly after the onset of acute renal failure with anuria. In this
Notes from Nelson: clinical setting, serum creatinine may be an insensitive
measure of decreased renal function because its level does not
rise above normal until the GFR falls by 30–40%.
Each kidney contains approximately 1 million
nephrons (glomeruli and associated tubules). In 3 Principal Kidney Functions
humans, formation of nephrons is complete at 1. maintain constancy of internal environment by
birth, but functional maturation with tubular adjusting volume, concentration and composition of
growth and elongation continues during the first body fluids
decade of life. Because new nephrons cannot be 2. elimination of metabolic wastes such as urea &
formed after birth, progressive loss of nephrons creatinine
may lead to renal insufficiency. Decreased 3. elaborate the hormones rennin, erythropoietin,
nephron number at birth may be associated with prostaglandins, kallikrein-kinin
hypertension in adulthood, presumably related to
hyperfiltration and “premature” sclerosis of
overworked nephron units. This provocative Urine Formation
hypothesis, if proven, could identify a major risk 1. initiated by elaboration of a large volume of protein-
factor for hypertension and its associated free plasma ultrainfiltrate thru glomerular filtration
cardiovascular complications in the newborn 2. concentration and alteration of filtrate composition in
the tubules (thru tubular reabsorption of essential
substances and elimination of waste products)
- followed by passive reabsorption of chloride and there is diluted urine d/t failure to concentrate
water by diffusion glomerulus is not affected so filtration is not affected
- volume is greatly reduced but Na and Cl- not creatinine clearance – for kidney function test
3. Loss of Renal Function
decreased number of nephrons
Loop of Henle
water is reabsorbed in the descending limb nephron hypertrophy early aging
sodium is reabsorbed in the ascending limb hyperfiltration nephrosclerosis eventual
result is an environment in the interstitial tissue of destruction (proteinuria and HPN) renal
insufficiency renal failure
medulla that is hypertonic to plasma thus urine
concentration takes place in the adjacent collecting
4. Necrosis of Renal Parenchyma
tubule and surrounding intersitium are inflamed
fluid at end of loop is Hypertonic.
destruction of the growth of functional cells (growth
Distal Tubules factors, vit D, erythropoietin, prostaglandins,
fluid initially hypotonic to plasma d/t large amt of
sodium reabsorbed in the ascending limb tubule destroyed, glomerulus obliterates
more sodium reabsorbed d/t aldosterone area replaced by non-functional scar TISSUE
potassium is secreted # of nephrons are reduced
acidification takes place remaining nephrons are overworked
Now we come to Doctor Doctor’s lecture.. Have fun.. Clinical pyelonephritis is characterized by any or all of the
following: abdominal or flank pain, fever, malaise, nausea,
URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS vomiting, and, occasionally, diarrhea. Newborns may show
- there is bacterial invasion and multiplication nonspecific symptoms such as poor feeding, irritability, and weight
- inflammation and host reaction
loss. Pyelonephritis is the most common serious bacterial infection
- loss of normal renal function
in infants <24 mo of age who have fever without a focus. These
- necrosis of renal tissue
symptoms are an indication that there is bacterial involvement of
1. Bacterial Invasion and Multiplication the upper urinary tract. Involvement of the renal parenchyma is
bacteria from stools termed acute pyelonephritis, whereas if there is no parenchymal
proximity of urethra involvement, the condition may be termed pyelitis. Acute
adherence of e.coli that resists urine flow pyelonephritis may result in renal injury, termed pyelonephritic
ascends from urethra to bladder (cystitis; lower UTI) scarring.
ascends from bladder to ureters ( reflux)
ascends from ureters to kidneys (pyelonephritis: Cystitis indicates that there is bladder involvement; symptoms
Upper UTI) include dysuria, urgency, frequency, suprapubic pain, incontinence,
low to negative bacterial growth by culture & and malodorous urine. Cystitis does not cause fever and does not
sensitivity result in renal injury. Malodorous urine, however, is not specific
short bladder time: newborn & infants
for a UTI.Asymptomatic bacteriuria refers to a condition that
acidic urine
results in a positive urine culture without any manifestations of
low dose antibiotics
infection. It is most common in girls. The incidence is 1–2% in
wrong culture media
preschool and school-age girls and 0.03% in boys. The incidence
2. Inflammation and Host Reaction declines with increasing age. This condition is benign and does not
Urethritis – dysuria, burning sensation cause renal injury, except in pregnant women, in whom
asymptomatic bacteriuria, if left untreated, can result in a
Cystitis – dysuria, bladder tenderness, frequent symptomatic UTI. Some girls are mistakenly identified as having
urination with fever; on ultrasound: thickened asymptomatic bacteriuria, whereas they actually are symptomatic,
bladder wall experiencing day or night incontinence or perineal discomfort.
Pyelonephritis – systemic SSx
permits transport of urine from bladder to the - most common type and most common post-
kidney infectious form
may be unilateral or bilateral - peak age at 7 y/o
demonstrated and graded by Voiding - an immune-complex meadiated dse d/t prior
Cystourethrogram (VCUG) infection with the nephritogenic strains of
Group A beta-hemolytic strep
(post-strep AGN inflamed glomerulus
*yan po ung part na me example c doc ng past,
present at future..
1. PEREZ REFLEX - Stimulation of urination by running
tap water or stroking the spinal column upward or
downward (recommended)
2. Plastic (U- or wee_ bags and sterile vials may be used
to collect samples after proper cleansing of the genitalia
*bags should be discarded and changed if no
urine is voided w/in 3 hrs
3. Aseptic catheterization using French 8 or 10 catheter
(or French 5 C-32 feeding tube) and suprapubic bladder
tap may be done when indicated