Karnataka Police Establishment Board

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KA / BG-GPO / 2515 / WPP-47 / 2009-2011

CPvV Pnzz

Al 146

AUg, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011, (Zv 10, P 1933)

AaP 13

sU - 1
gd Pgz R DzU U v Avz J
Read :

Police Reforms-Constitution of Police Establishment Board-following the transfer policy

of the Government-reg.
Government Order No. HD 60 POSAEE 2009, dated 24-8-2009.

In the Government order read at (1) above sanction of the Government has been accorded for the constitution of Police
Establishment Board. The functions of the board includes decision on transfers, postings, promotions and other service related matters
of officers of and below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Government has been issuing guidelines each year regarding transfer of Government employees and deciding on the period
during which transfers to be effected.
Government has examined the matter and hence the following order.
After Para (5) of the order portion of the Government order No. HD 60 POSAEE 2009 dated 24-8-2009 the following shall be
added as Para No. 6 and 7.

The transfers decided and effected by the Police Establishment Board shall be strictly in accordance with the general


Copies of proceedings of the Police Establishment Board and the transfer orders issued theron shall be sent to

transfer guidelines issued by Government from time to time.

Government forthwith.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
P.R. 251

Under Secretary to Government,

Home Department (Police Services).

Mqv aAi
Ai : JA. Adx, .J.L () gg SAiA CAi j U.
NzVz : rf v Lf gg v AS : 16/A-1/2010-11, AP: 8-11-2010.
JA. Adx, .J.L (), zg ou, AUg Ug gg AP : 10-11-2005
gAz U jz, Cg 2 1/2 U SAiA CAi AP : 9-5-2008 P tUvz. Dzg,
zjAig Pq s jPAi GwtgVz Pgt P..J. () AiU, 1977g Ai 4(1) (ii)
gAi Pw PgP MlAv zjAig SAiA CAi AP : 9-5-2008 jAz 9-8-2009 ggU
MAz 3 wAU gU jgvg JAz Nzz r.f.. gg vz wVgvz.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



zj CPjAig gz Z P/Q Pz/ES Zgu Q Eg U P..J

() AiU, 1977g Ai 4 v 5(1) gAi Eg Ag zAi PAisg
xjgzV U zjAig Pq s jPAi AP: 4-11-2009 gAz GwtgVgzjAz Eg
SAiA CAi AP : 10-8-2009 jAz 4-11-2009 ggU P..J. () AiU, 1977g Ai
4(1) (i) gAi jAvAi rf v Lf gg vz PgVgvz.
Ai Pg PAPV j F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS : ME 371 E 2010, AUg, AP : 4-1-2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai Pg PlP UjP (j) AiiU, 1977g
Ai 4(1) (i) gAi JA. Adx, .J.L () zg ou, AUg Ug gg SAiA
CAi AP : 10-8-2009 jAz 4-11-2009 ggU j Pg Dzz.
jz jPu CU P.. (jPu) AiU 1977 g Ai 10 g Pg P v rU
qAw. PPUV P v rU qUq ir v Urz. U Urz vz
QAi q CPg.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
n.J. gP
Pgz C PAiz,
. Dg. 252
Mqv ES ( U)

Mqv aAi
Ai :

NzVz :

g v Dv vAqzg Ag irz PAiiZgu qAi vqVz

CPj/A UzjU z z Uz t q U Pj Dz AS : Zr 33
N 2005, AP : 8-7-2005 P il iq Pjv.
Pj Dz AS: Zr 33 N 2005, AP : 8-7-2005.
Pqvz AS : Zr 163 N 2006.
AP : 6-4-2010 gAz i U U dg ag U P, Ai v
i PU, AAi v gZ v Ug ag Czs PvAi qz sAi
PAiz, AUg D Pg, AUg Eg vz AS : AC/C/53/2010-11,
AP : 28-4-2010.

(1)g Nzz Dzz, gAvP g v Dv vAqzg Ag irz PAiiZguAi
vqVz 754 CPj/ AUU Uz i v v r U CgU Uz f PAzU
Cx Cg Ea fAi Evg U EPg AzQAv Plz CPjUU 30 X 40 v r..J..
Azz l CPjUU 40 X 60 CvAi Gav AZ Adgw qVz.
2. CzgAv zPg v DgPP jPPg, AUg Eg Ai z, Ez
Mqv ES j (2) g Nzz Pqvz U AZ Ugw V Ug ESU
AP : 7-8-2006 gAz PPqVv.
3. F zs ssU Q DPg PlP GZ AiiAiz g jm CfU zR ir
AP : 8-7-2005 g Pg AZ PgP z qAv Pjzg. F J PgtU PlP
GZ AiiAi PVAv i w rgvz.
Petitions stand disposed of directing the respondents to consider the said representations for allotment of site,
having regard to the fact that the petitioners xxx-xxx were in STF at the relevant point of time.
Compliance in six months

4. zj w U Pj Qg Mqv ESAi P Pz RjU gz vU F PgtU

CAz CAi rgvg. F AiU CPv ntU AS : Zr 207 N 2009
(s), AP : 1-9-2009, 6-10-2009, 25-11-2009 g Ug ESAi UP vgVz. Cfzgg Q jm Cf
AS : 21384/2009 v jm Cf AS : 21479/2009 g zRz .P. AP g v J. dUx
JAg Az Cf AS : 365/2010 v 414/2010 g AiP CgUU 30 X 40 CvAi U q
v rJ wAz AaP iqVz. Azgz jm Cf AS : 22213/2009, jm Cf AS : 19957/2008 v


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


jm Cf AS 23998/2009 g zRz AU v .P. sg g v r.Dg. dAi EgU

Az Cf AS : 507/2010, 546/2010 v 508/2010g AiP 30 X 40 CvAi U rJ v q
wAz AaP iqVz Dzg Ug ESAi Evg ssUU Cg Eag CP U U
svAi CPvVAv Pr Ez U q U s JAz wgvg. UV PlP U Aq
wAz CPj/AUU U AZ zsvAi UAi jV C wAi
5. wAi Ai i dg v U ag U i P, Ai v i
PU, AAi v gZ v Ug agU CzsPvAi F Ai Evxr V
AP : 6-4-2010 gAz MAz sAi qv. sAi F Pjv U ZZAiiz Avg, U AZ
U Eg vAzgU UzlPAq, ssU Eaz U AaP iq z iP
z Uz v ssUU q CPUAv AP : 8-7-2005 g Pj Dz ir
wiv. Czg, MAz z z Uz v rz zs fU z
VgzjAz, JjU iV Uz v q zsUz vgv GAmUzjAz F Ai
Uj AaPAiiUg ssUU CgU Cjg z Uz KPgz AUg
C Pgz 30 X 40 v 40 X 60 UU C i Adg iq sg irgvz.
6. (4) g Nzz vz AUg C Pg 30 X 40 v 40 X 60 CvAi
UgqP FV AaP zg w Zzg CrU g. 210/- UUv JAz wgvg. AaPAiiUPVg
30 X 40 CvAi U AS Ml 735 ( AaPAiiVg Ml Lz AAi gvr)
40 X 60 CvAi U AS 14 DVgvz. EzP Ml ig g. 20.00
PnU CAzd Z vUvz.
7. J CAU gV Pg j F PPAqAv Dz grVz.
Pjz Dz AS : Zr 92 M 2010, AUg, AP : 17-5-2010
Ai jg PgtU Ai AP : 8-7-2005 g Pj Dz AS : Zr 33 M 2005
g sUB ir Czg 754 CPj/AU Uz (Home Town) f PAzU Cx Cg
Ea fAi Evg z AaP iq z AaPAiiUg CPj/A CgU
Cjg z Uz KPgz 30 X 40 v 40 X 60 UU AUg C Pgz zgzAv
w Zzg CrU g. 210/-U Pz C v Adg iq Pgz AdgwAi rz.
F Z 2010-11 P P 2055-00-109-1-01-f -015-gP Z Ezg CrAi
MzVz g. 20.00 Pn Zj CzAz sjvPz.
F PPAq AU PlP GZ AiiAiz z Az Cf AS : 365/2010, 414/2010,
507/2010, 546/2010 v 508/2010 gAi Pg Adg irz, CgU F DzzAi Uz vP
Aivg :
1. AP g .P. v Dg.J.L.
S/o Qltg
A. 684/1, v Ai, 4 P, PA gq,
JgU qu, g
2. J. dUx, v Dg.J.L, 4 q, P.J.Dg..,
S/o . JA. m,
A. 5/4, 3 P, 3 gq, CAi mA P,
gm, AUg-47.
3. AU, z-491
S/o Z
9 q, P.J.Dg.. AUg A. 64, PA AQt,
6 P, P.J.Dg.., wU,
PgAU, AUg-34.
4. .P. sg g, v Dg.J.L.,
S/o PgUg

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



4 q, P.J.Dg.., AUg,
Dg/d, A. 221, CAv Ai,
2J , AiP qu,
Ug 2 Av, AUg-2
5. r.Dg. dAi Z. 116, g f
S/o gigzs J. Zgzs,
A. 186, 3 P, Pj R g,
gWAz Ug, g
F Dz DyP ESAi nt AS : DE 128 Z-11/2010, AP : 5-5-2010 g rz w
gU grz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
.JA. QgAit
Pgz C PAiz,
. Dg. 253
Mqv ES. ( Z)

Mqv aAi
AS : Zr 92 M 2010, AUg, AP : 26-10-2010
Pgz Dz AS : Zr 92 M 2010, AP : 17-5-2010g sUz PArP (6)g AUg
C Pg 30 X 40 v 40 X 60 CvAi UgqP FV AaP zg w Zzg CrU
g. 210/- UUv JAz gz w Zzg ljU g. 2100/-UUv JAz w NPvPz.
zj Dzz Dz sUz PArP (1) g 30 X 40 v 40 X 60 UU AUg C
Pgz zgzAv w Zzg CrU g. 210/-U Pz C v Adg iq Pgz
AdgwAi rz JAzg z 30 X 40 v 40 X 60 UU AUg C Pgz zgzAv
w Zzg ljU g. 2100/U Pz C v Adg iq Pgz AdgwAi rz JAz
w NPvPz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
.JA. QgAit
Pgz C PAiz,
. Dg. 254
Mqv ES ( Z).

Mqv aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

gdz J ouU m UV AiP EPg

(J.J.L.) zU f Pjv.
zPg v DgPP jPPgg v AS : Dg.J.J.(1)
43/2010-11, AP: 29-9-2010.

Nzz vz, g v AZj ouU gvr gdz Ml 833 ouUz,
D Q EPg ouPjUVg 202 ouUz D ouUU zV Jgq AiP
EPg zU v EPg ouPjUVg 631 ouUU MAz AiP EPg
zU fz m Ai GvU CUvVz, CzgAv Ml 2035 zU f Pgz
Adgw Dz grAv U F U vU Z P P 2055-00-108-0-01-vU
EzgrAi sjUAz wzg.
Ai Pg j F PPAqAv Dz grVz.
Pgz Dz AS : Zr 282 M 2010, AUg, AP : 11-1-2011.
Ai jg PgtU Ai gdz J ouU m Ai GvU
V EPggg ou CPjUVg 202 ouUU Jgq AiP
EPg zU v EPggg ou CPjUVg 631 ouUU MAz


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


AiP EPg zUAv Ml 1035 AiP EPg zU F PPAq gwU Ml f

Pgz Adgw qVz.
1. zj 1035 AiP EPg zU ESAi Az v Pw AiUAi
2. Av AiP EPg zU swAz Pm Azz Gz
jP U v vAi Dz ejAigzjAz, zP vAvPz. F Ai Az
vPV CPv U Az svAi Cj jvPz.
F Z P P 2055-00-108-0-01-vU EzgrAi MzVg Czz CrAi sjvPz.
F Dz DyP ESAi nt AS : Jsr 334 Z-11/2010g AP : 7-12-2010 U nt AS :
Jsr 400 Z 2010, AP : 6-1-2011g rz w gU grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
.JA. QgAit
Pgz C PAiz,
. Dg. 255
Mqv ES ( Z).

Pq v Aw, v v z aAi
wzr Dz
AS: PA 236 g 2010, AUg, AP 21-1-2011
AP 23-12-2010g Pgz Dz AS: PA 236 g 2010g Dzz PArP (1)g K
m , AUg EjU Avg F PVAv j NPvP z .
AP 23-12-2010 jAz 22-12-2011g gU
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
JA. P. sggd
Pgz C PAiz
Pq v Aw,
v v z ES

.Dg. A. 286

Pq v Aw, v v z aAi
wzr Dz
AS: PA 243 g 2010, AUg, AP 21-1-2011
AP 23-12-2010g Pgz Dz AS: PA 243 g 2010g Dzz PArP (1)g K
m , AUg EjU Avg F PVAv j NPvPz.
AP 23-12-2010 jAz 22-12-2011g gU

.Dg. A. 287

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

JA. P. sggd
Pgz C PAiz
Pq v Aw,
v v z ES

td v PUjP aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

AP 12, 13 dj 2010 ggU qAi 5th Vibrant Gujarat Global 2011 Summit U
Cz qUq U.
DAiPg, PUjP U zPg, PUjP v td ES gg v AS:
PE:JE/J1/ffJ/42/2010-11, AP: 16-12-2010.

Aq AiP AAzAv, Nzz vz, 2010 g qz Aq rPzgg iz
Avg wPU Uw U w i egvU qUwz, F U iPnAU P v Ke gjU `

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



38.00 PU wPVz. AP 12-13 dj 2011g qAig 5th Vibrant Gujarat Global 2011 Summit UV
ZgU, PUjP w iv Evg iwU zt U egwUV ` 15.00 PU CPv Ez v gdz
PUjP UwAi U fg iw ig ` 17.00 P CPv Ez. UV Ml ` 70.00 PU
P zPg, PlP GzU v gjU qUq iqPVgvz. Ezz, Aq 5th Vibrant Gujarat Global
2011 Summit

, i v v zs PUjP ag vvz, jAi CPjU U 30 PUjPzU

AiU gdz gV sU v F AU sAi sUV z KrVz, PlP gdz zs

sUU PUjP GvU z, PUjP Gvdz U A, z Kr Z Ml ` 10.00
PU P zPg, gAi PUjP g PAz, AUg gjU qUq iqPVz.
Aq Jgq AUU Ml ` 80.00 PU qUq iq sg irgvg. F Z P P
2852-80-800-0-46 2010-11 g sv PAi v td Gvd Aid Air sjzV wgvg.
zj Ai Pg jz CzgAv F PPAq Dz.
Pgz Dz AS : L 506 JL 2010, AUg, AP : 20 dj 2010.
Ai jg PgtUAzV, F PPAqAv P zPg PlP GzU v,
AUg v P zPg gAi g PAz, AUg gjU 80.00 PU (JAv P
gU iv) qUq iq Pgz AdgwAi qVz. ZU gU F PPAqAwz.

AAi g

Ml qUq


P zPg,

1. Aq rPzgg iz UwAi egv

PlP GzU v,

Z ` 38.00 P

` 70.00 P

2. AU sUV PUjP wU iw zt U
egw Z ` 15.00 P
3. PUjU Uw U fg iwU : ` 17.00


P zPg,


gAi PUjP g
PAz, AUg

1. 30 d PUjP GzUU v ` 0.10 P

gAv Aizs

: ` 3.00 P

2. U

: ` 6.00 P

3. Evg

: ` 1.00 P

` 10.00 P

` 80.00 P


F Z P P 2852-80-800-0-46-125 sv PAi v td Gvd 2010-11

(Aid) gr sjvPz.
Aq vU AAz AU P zPg U Pv gAi DAiPg,
PUjP U zPg, PUjP v td ESgg gd qz gd dg ReAz
UPjPAv Dzz.










14-01-2011 g rg wAi gU grVz.

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
J.. Qv
oPj (vAwP P),
. Dg. 296

td v PUjP ES.



PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


td v PUjP aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

Aqz ..Pvz g.JA. gAi P Azs A UV 2010-11

PgAz Cz qUq U.
rJP/EJn/PJL/22/2010-11 AP 16-09-2010 v AP 13-01-2011.

Nzz DAiPg P C U Pg zPg gg vU Aqz ..Pvz P
zAiz wAz P Ai C v Agu q Pg AAi Uz JAz i R
AwAig 2010-11 DAiAi stz Wz, gdz zQt sUz gv zAiz DvgUU
A Gv Ej U Pg CA Ag P Ai AiPU U P AAzsz
AzsU PAi Pvz PAiUvU U zQt sUz Pg PSUU MAz Aiv P C
Azs PAzz CUvz JAz UAq Aqz zg vg Uz FU sg 100 JPg
d g.JA. gAi P Azs A U Pgz Dz gr U F AU 2010-11
` 50.00 P, 2011-12 U ` 5.00 Pn, 2012-13 U ` 4.00 Pn, 2013-14 U ` 4.00 Pn
U 2014-15 U ` 2.50 PnU j Ml ` 16.00 PnU Cz MzVAvAi DAiPg
F AAi PAi uU CUvg PPAq eP v AiP Uz AU P iq
U A g rz, Pw Ai gagU eP AU DAii sUz zv jtw
Ag CsyU MAz z CU MAzz gU P vz v U r P irP
U PPAq Pbj AAi MAz z CU g UwU / MAzAz Pw iq Dqv AqU
Cw r Dz gr Pjzg.
eP v AiP A U
Pbj A U
1) e (CU)
- 1 z
1) Pbj CAm
- 2 z
2) e (CVPg JPm)
- 1 z
2) CPAm Dg
- 1 z
3) e (Am rAU)
- 1 z
3) ZPg
- 1 z
4) sgA CPPg
- 1 z
4) Z
- 1 z
5) CAm
- 3 z
5) U-r
- 2 z
6) CAm
- 3 z
AAi RgV Zonal Agriculture Research Station, V.C. Farm Mandya E Associate Director zAi
PAi Ai wAg q: . APgAi gg UAi Pgz Dz grAv
DAiPg P C U Pg zPg gg Ai PAPV j Pg F PPAqAv
Pgz Dz AS : L 50 JfJs 2010, AUg, AP : 22 dj 2011.
DAiPg P Cgg Nzz U PjgAv gdz zQt sUz gv zAiz
DvgUU A Gv Ej U Pg CA Ag P Ai AiPU U P
AAzsz AzsU PAi Pvz PAiUvU U zQt sUz Pg PSUU MAz Aiv P
C Azs PAzz CUvz JAz UAq Aqz .. Pvz g.JA. gAi P Azs A
xP PAi U Cg Evg PAi ZlnPU PU 2010-11 U ` 1.00 PnU
(MAz Pn gU iv) (DvP ZPV ` 50.00 P v CvP ZPV ` 50.00 PU) P P
2852-08-201-0-04-059 (Plan) grAi 2010-11 MzVg CzAz DAiPg P C U Pg
zPg gjU qUq iqVz.
F AAi PAi uU CUvg eP v AiP Uz 10 zU f Cw
qVz, Pw Ai gagU eP v AiP Uz 10 AU DAii sUz zv,
jtw Ag CsyU MAz z CU MAzz gU P vz v U r Aiig
P irP v Pbj A Uz 4 zAi (Computer Operator, Driver, Attender) g UwU Dzsgz
Aiig Pw irP DAiPg P C U Pg zPg gjU DzVz.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



g.JA. gAi P Azs A U v F AU Rg PwU DzU vPV

grUz. qUqAiiz t P U P PP PgP g qz.
F Dz DyP ESAi nt AS: Jsr 1961 Z-1/2010 AP 27-12-2010 g qz
wAiAv grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
. DAzPig
oPj (Pg)
. Dg. 297
td v PUjP ES.

EAzs aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

: Uw jg jPj ., AAi Aqg U, AUg z

8 .., zv Gvz gP vjU q U.
1. Pj Dz AS: EJ 278 JE 2005 AP 14-10-2005.
2. zs zPg, Pq gjAz Pvz v AS: KRED/03/MSW/SrinivasaGayatri/10/2238 AP: 24/26-07-2010.
3. PlP EAqAi 2009-14 v j Jf 2009-14.

Nzz P AS (1)g vz : Uw jg jPj ., AAi Aqg U,
AUg z 8 .., zv Gvz gP Pj Dz AS: EJ 278 JE 2005 AP:
14-10-2005 g W vd Dzsjv zv AidAi P gvUUl CU DzVz.
Nzz P AS (2)g vz zs zPg, PlP Pjzz EAzs C Aiv
gg : Uw jg jPj ., Eg Aqg U, AUg E MSW based zv
Gvz WlP Rj zv GPgtUU qzz vjUAi wAi qAv
PgP sg ir gvg.
Nzz P AS (3)g PUjP w 2009-14 Dzsj Pjzz EAzs AidUU
AAz vjU v Evg DyP gU MzVUz JAz wVz. DzzjAz : Uw
jg jPj ., AAi PjPAiAv vjU wAi Ai j F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS : EJ 67 EJ 2010, AUg, AP : 21 dj 2011.
: Uw jg jPj ., Eg Aqg U AUg E MSW based zv
Gvz WlP Rj zv GPgtUU qzz vjUAi wAi PlP
j Jf 2009-14, PUjP w 2009-14 v Pj Dz AS: EJ 278 JE 2005
AP: 14-10-2005 grAi rg gvUAi Cw r Dzz.
PlP gdg Deg v Cg j
. Dg. 298
oPj, EAzs ES.

EAzs aAi

AS: EJ 26 JE 2008, AUg, AP: 10 dj 2011
Pj Dz AS: EJ 26 JE 2008 AP: 03-07-2009g Dz sUz z PArPAi F
PVAv jPAq NPvPz.
Weir Latitude: 12O4233 Longitude: 75O2930

PlP gdg Deg v Cg j

g . Pg
Pgz C PAiz
. Dg. 299

EAzs ES.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


td v PUjP aAi
Ai :

: PAz ., gjU Pj CZ AS: L 408 JL 2010, AP 01-12-2010g

Pg Adgz C vjU igl s GAiVP C j U.
1. Pj Dz AS: sL 62 JL 1998, AUg, AP: 08-01-2001.
2. Pj CZ AS: Jsr 126 JJ 1998(1) jAz (3), AP:
3. Pj CZ AS: Jsr 78 JJ 2001(4) AP: 01-09-2001.
4. FAVC NO: IDL/E1/STE/MKD/2000-01, AP: 16-12-2000.
5. Pj CZ AS: Jsr 56 JJ 2005(1) AP: 18-04-2005.
6. Pj Dz AS: L 408 JL 2010, AP: 01-12-2010.
7. : PAz ., gg AP: 21-12-2010 v 05-01-2011 g vU.

NzVz :

(6) g Nzz Pj CZAi Pq 40 QAv Pr C Gvd v jAiiwU
CzgAv, (7) g Nzz vU F s GAiVP vU Cw qPAz :
PAz ., gg Pjgvg. (5) g Nzz Pj DzzAi vU qAi v AAi
CVz, CzgAv jv Fixed Assets Valuation Certificate q DAiPg, PUjP U zPg, PUjP
v td ES gjU P z qPAz gvg.
: PAz ., CjU L 62 JL 1998, AP 01-09-2001 U AAv CZU Pg g.
212.84 Pn igl vjU w rz 10-09-2006 ggU g. 70.31 PnU vjU w s
GAiVPArgvg. Ez C vz Pq 33 gVgvz.
PPAq Dz.
Pgz Dz AS : L 372 JL 2010, AUg, AP : 24 dj 2011.
Ai jg PgtUAzV, : PAz ., VtUg U, P f, EjU GRz
Nzz DzUAi Adgz C vjU w sz Pq 50 g vz (FUU GAiVPAq
Gvd jAiiw v j) igl vjUAi wAi GAiVP 2 U Zj CAi
FU qVz.
Jgq U CAi jv Fixed Assets Valuation Certificate rz APAz P PUz.
igl vjU w s PgP AzAi irz iv vjUAi g w gz
DAiPg, PUjP C v zPg, PUjP v td ES EjU A Aq rPAi,
vz jv Fixed Assets Valuation Certificate q F P Cw qVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
J.. Qv
oPj (vAwP P),
td v PUjP ES.

. Dg. 300

P aAi







Cz q U.

1. PwU P zAi, gAiZggg AP: 12-09-2010g v AS:

2. AP 4-10-10-2010 gAz qz a Al tAi.

(1) g Nzz gAiZg Pgg vz UU fAi P zAi D sUz gvg
vzAz U zAiP PPg/PPvgg Ml 199 zU fAv zAiP PU

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



PlqU U oPgtU U U zj zAiP PU ig g. 50.00 PnU Ai

Cz Pjgvg.
2) (2)g Nzz ntAiAv a Al A PtP Az UUzg P Azs
PAz P PdV jw U vwP Cz rgvz.
3) Aq GzPV 2010-11 DAiAiz PP 2415-80-277-1-01 (Aid) CrAi g.
1400.00 P v 2415-80-277-2-01 (Aid) CrAi g. 1050.00 PU Cz PVz. F Ai
Ai j Pg F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pj Dz AS: PvE 256 P 2010, AUg, AP: 25-1-2011
gAiZg P zAiz Czg P Azs PAz P zAiV jw
P UU fAi P zAi A PtP 2011-12 Az U F GzPV
g g. 50.00 PnU (Lv PnU iv) AidU Pg DqvvP Cz rz.
2. DyP ESAi nt AS: DE 449/4/2010g AP 31-12-2010 gAz rg wAi gU F
Dz grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
f.P. Ugt
Pgz C PAiz
.Dg. 301

iw vAve eP vAve U e v vAve



2010-11 U PlP gd zg A CP PAzP DqvvP ZPV Cz

qUq iq U.
1. Pj Dz AS: ivAE 35 Cq 2010. AP: 15-04-10.
2. Pj Dz AS: ivAE 57 Cq 2010. AP: 18-06-10.
3. Pj Dz AS: Lnr 57 JrJA 2010. AP: 08-09-10.
4. Pj Dz AS: Lnr 57 JrJA 2010. AP: 16-11-10.
5. zPg PlP gd zg A CP PAz gg v AS:
PgzACPA/71/fEJ/2010. AP: 14-12-2010.

2010-11 DAiAiz PP 3451-00-090-2-08 PlP gd zg AP vAve P PAz
059 Evg RZ (Aid) grAi g. 350.00 PU Cz MzVVz. (1)g Nzz Pj
Dzz g. 350.00 PU vz zj AAi DqvvP ZPV g. 150.00 PU U sUP iwzw
Pz AidUV g. 45.00 PU UrVz.
(2)g Nzz AP 18-06-2010g Pj Dzz PlP gd zg A CP PAzz
DqvvP ZPV MzVVg g. 150.00 PU zj PAzP g. 37.50 PU zAi PAvV Cz
qUq iqVz.
(3)g Nzz AP: 08-09-2010g Pj Dzz PlP gd zg A CP PAzz
DqvvP ZPV MzVVg g. 150.00 PU JgqAi viP PAvV 37.50 PU U sUP iw
zw Pz Cz ZUUV Urz g. 45.00 PU g. 22.50 PU qUq iqVz.
(4) g Nzz Pj Dzz AQt v PV MzVVg g. 20.00 PU qUq
(5) g Nzz AP 14-12-2010 g vz 2010-11 DAiAiz P P 3451-00-0902-08 Aid CrAi g. 350.00 PU g. 150.00 PU Pbj u v Evg ZUUV UrVz
F vz FUU g. 75.00 PU qUq irz Q Gg g. 75.00 PU Pbj u v
DqvvP ZU sj t qUq iq zPg, PlP gd zg A CP PAz Pjgvg.
AiP Ai PAPV j, F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pj Dz AS: Lnr 57 JrJA 2010, AUg, AP: 27-1-2011
Ai jz CAU Ai 2010-11 U (1)g Nzz Dzz PlP gd zg
A CP PAzz DqvvP ZPV UrVg g. 150.00 PU Q Gg g. 75.00 PU
(Jvz P gU iv) Cz zj PAzP qUq iq Adgw rz.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


F Z 2010-11 P P 3451-00-090-2-08 PlP gd zg AP vAve P

PAz 059 Evg RZ (Aid) Ezg CrAi P MzVg CzAz sjvPz.
zPg, PlP gd zg A CP PAz Eg Czz PAi U GAiVv zrPgt
v F DyP zUV PgP MzVvPz.
F Dz DyP ESAi nt AS: DE 13 Z -2/11 : 19-01-2011g DyP ESAi rg
wAiAi grz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
P. gAUAi
Pgz C PAiz()
.Dg. 302
iw vAve, eP vAve U
e v vAve ES

td v PUjP aAi


gdz Pj VgtUU Pz AiAvPgtU Rj U PUjU

ZUUV CPg vAid iq U.
1. AP 02-11-2002g iv 39 LJA 2002 ASAi v.
2. AP 08-10-2007g E 35 LJA 2007 ASAi Pgz Dz.
3. AP 24-05-2008g DE 394 C 2008 ASAi Pgz Dz.

Pj Dz AS: P 01 LJA 2011, AUg, AP: 27-1-2011

AP 24-05-2008g Pgz Dzz P gdz Pj VgtUU AAz Ai Pg
ESAz td v PUjP ESU Ug Ai NzVg AP 08-10-2007g Pgz
Dzz PlVg Pgz zs PAiz/PAiz, Pg ES JA zUU zV Pgz zs
PAiz/PAiz, td v PUjP ES JA zU NPAv F P Pg Dzz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
Pgz C PAiz
td v PUjP ES
(Pg Pg)

.Dg. 303

td v PUjP aAi

gdz Pj VgtUU Pz AiAvPgtU Rj v Evg


1. AP 15-05-1995g JAq 45 LJA 1994 ASAi Pgz

AiU ZU q gdlz wAi ga U.


2. AP 24-11-2000z JAq 24 LJA 1999 ASAi Pgz Dz.

3. AP 29-03-2008g E 06 LJA 2008 ASAi Pgz Dz.
4. AP 24-05-2008g DE 394 C 2008 ASAi Pgz Dz.








/ZU q V Pg ESAi PAizAig Czs PvAi gdlz wAiAz ga

AP 15-05-1995 g Dz grVv. F wAi AP 24-11-2000z Dzz P gaVv
Avg zj wAi d C DAiPg, PU v d ES, Eg CzsPvAi ga AP
29-03-2008 gAz Dz grVv.
AP 24-05-2008g Pgz Dzz P gdz Pj VgtUU AAz Ai Pg
ESAz td v PUjP ESU UVgvz. F PgtAzV gdz VgtUU Pz
AiAvPgtU Rj v Evg AiU ZU q AAzs td v PUjP ESAi
Pgz zs PAiz/PAizAig CzsPvAi gdlz wAi ga V F PPAqAv
Dz grVz.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Pj Dz AS: P 01 LJA 2011, AUg, AP: 27-01-2011

AP 15-05-1995, 24-11-2000 v 29-03-2008 gAz grVg Pgz DzU gzU,
gdz Pj VgtUU Pz AiAvPgtU Rj v Evg AiU ZU
q V td v PUjP ESAi Pgz zs PAiz/ PAizAig CzsPvAi F PPAqAv
gdlz wAi ga Pg CzAi rz.:

Pgz zs PAiz/PAiz, td v
d C DAiPg U zPg, PU v d
P zPg, PlP gd Pj VgtU
Aq Aiv, AUg
AAzsl Pj VgtU CzsPg
AAzsl Pj VgtU P zPg
dAn zPg, d C DAiPg U zPg,
PU v d ES, AUg


Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL & FS Ltd.,)


AAi w, AUg
Pg AWU dAn AzsPg (d), d C
DAiPg U zPg, PU v d ES,



z PAiz

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

Pgz C PAiz
td v PUjP ES
(Pj Pg)

.Dg. 304

vlUjP aAi
wzr Dz
AS : vE 269 vE 2009, AUg, AP: 27-01-2011
Pgz Dz AS: vE 269 vE 2009 AP: 29-11-2010g Dz sUz vBSAi P AS: 11g
Madalapur Horticulture Farm JAzg zV Madapura Horticulture Farm JAz w NPvPz. GzAv AP
29-11-2010 gAz grz Dzz Aiiz zu Eg.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
.. P
Pgz C PAiz
.Dg. 305
vlUjP ES

PAzAi aAi


PAzAi ESAi qPbjU Azg U.

1. Pgz Dz AS: Dgr 239 JJf 1980, AP 10-09-1981.
2. Pgz Dz AS: Dgr 239 JJf 1980 (sU) AP 11-11-1982.
3. Pgz Dz AS: Dgr 93 JJr 1986, AP 14-07-1986.
4. Pgz Dz AS: Dgr 364 JJr 1986, AP 12-08-1988.
5. Pgz ASAi v, AP 30-10-2006.

PAzAi ESAi Dqv r zAz U vP Avz CPg PAPgtU
Pg qPbjU DgA wi P AS 1 g Nzz DzzAi AiVPV UrAq,
ZgdUg U aPr vPU qPbjU vgz Avg F z wAi P AS : 2 g
Nzz Dzz P UU fAi 6 UU jv. A sUPjU U fPjU


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


sg gU P AS : 3 g Nzz DzzAi gdz 167 U qPbjU gA

vzAvg P AS : 4 g Dzz P gdz 153 UU qPbj zwAi jVv. v
gdz Ml 329 qPbjU F PVAv A U CPgU vAidAiAU PAi wgv.
wAi ze AiPg
qPZjUU vAifz CPgU
z v Adgw
zs v Adgw
CAUPjU sv Adgw
Pj Q w v d U
r PU u

AzjU jg zs qP
zrPgt v
CPv AiUgjU zrPgt v
dg AU u v vS
zgS gPqU vAiijP
UQUg v PAzAi jPPgU
PZj v PZj PU vS
PgtU PqvU vAiijP
d v gt zRU u
wvgjU AzP ge
g v PA rvg PqU
t, Cwt gvjU zsrPv v qP
UQUg P Pz l 3(15) jv
Uz CAQ CAU q PbjAi
w 10 wv U 2 R
Pm AiUU iqz.
PlP sPAzAi PAi PA 94,
104, 127, 129, v 164 gr P
vUzP CPg
PlP Dqv zsgu DAiU v gAi gdz PAi wg J qPbjU
gzU U qPbjU gzwAzV PAzAi ES Pgg Ar CPAz AavgUg gdz
lzg PAzAi jPPg zU eUj sg ir qPbjU gzrzjAz
zj PbjUU Adgz zU Zj zUAz jUt F zU PAi wg AU
fqvz AiAvtzg PbjU S Eg zUU P P azg gU AP 12-02-2003
gAz Pgz Cg R PAizAig CzsPvAi qz sAi qPbjU gzr Pjv Za
Dqv zsgu DAiUz ZAiAv qPbjU gzr sg iqVv. CzgAv A v Dqv
zsgu ESAi qPbjU gzU w Prv.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



dPg vP PbjU AQ zV z v, zs v, DzAi it v U

Evg AQt it vU lzAi qAizjAzV V q PlAUU CvUvz Ai
v Q GvAiUzjAz UtQPv tU AP CP Pz gvjU/ dPjU MzV s
QAiU gA qPbjU Azg Ai U AP 27-07-2006 gAz Pgz
RPAizU CzsPvAi qz sAi Pgz zs PAiz, A v Dqv zsgu ES,
Pgz zs PAiz, DyP ES U PAzAi ESAi CPjU
AU gV ZZ q
qPbjU MAz Azg, F MAz z CAi qPbjU PAi u Pjv
fPjUAz g qz wVv.
Nzz P AS : 5 g vz v f U Mq U PAi wg qPbjU
PAi PAPV P ir zj qPbjU Azg /gzr U PgP v z g
qAv J fPjU Pjzg gU fPjU rz gAi Dzsgz dPjU glz
Dqv s MzV U vP lz CPg PAPgtU vz Az PAzAi ESAi Dqv
zsgu DAiUz sgU gj wi fPjU CAizAv lz s
QAi (KIOSK) U gA a CPgU vAifzg P qPbjU Azg
DyP ESAi v nt AS: DE 372 Z -7/2010, AP 14-05-2010g qPbjU
Azg PAzAi ESAi U w rzg gU U JA... P Eg CzsPvAi vP
ggZ wAi qPbjU Azg sg irzg Ai PlP Pgz
(PAiPU u) AiU 1977g 1 CaAi 33 CAzAi qPbjU Azg a
Alz Cz qz F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pj Dz AS: PAE/375/JAJA/2002, AUg, AP: 18-1-2011
Ai jg CAU Ai gdz Cvzg 329 qPbjU gzrPA
Dqv zsgu DAiUz sg Pl w qPbjAi s QAi (KIOSK) U gAzgAU
CUU AAz J PU Zgu U uU CPgU vAif gdz PAi
wg J 329 qPbjU Azg Dzz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
Dg. w
Pgz C PAiz
.Dg. 307
PAzAi ES (U J)
Read :

Allotment of 24.75 MW Mouneshwar mini hydel scheme to M/s Lakshmi Jalavidyut (Krishna) Limited-reg.
1. Letters No. KRED/06/Mouneshwar SHP/09/1400, dated : 23/28-3-2009 and No :
KRED/06/Mouneshwar MHS/2009/3052 dated: 14/16-9-2009 received from the Managing Director,
Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore.
2. Proceedings of the Allotment Committee Meeting Dated : 23-10-2009.
3. Government letter No. : EN 299 NCE 2009, dated : 7-12-2009.
4. Letter No. : KRED/06/Mouneshwar MHS/2010/826, dated : 23/24-3-2010 received from the Managing
Director, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore.
5. Proceedings of the Allotment Committee Meeting dated : 26-3-2010
6. Proceedings of the meeting held to review the presentation given by the Small Hydro/Wind
Developers dated : 27-5-2010.
7. Proceedings of the Allotment Committee Meeting dated : 6-8-2010.
8. Endorsement letter No. : EN 299 NCE 2009 dated : 26-10-2010.
9. Government letter No. : EN 406 NCE 2009, dated : 27-11-2010.
10. Letter No. : KRED/06/SH-690/Mouneshwar MHS/2010/233 dated : 30-12-2010/14-1-2011 received
from the Managing Director, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore.

Preamble :
In the letter read at (1) above, the Managing Director, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore had
recommended for allotment of 24.75 MW capacity Mouneshwara small hydro scheme across Krishna river near Benchanagaddi
village, Shorapur Taluk in favour of M/s Lakshmi Jalavidyut Private Limited.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


The proposal was placed before the allotment committee meeting held on 23-10-2009 read at (2) above and the Committees
decision is as follows :The Committee deferred the proposal of M/s Lakshmi Jalavidyut (Krishna) Ltd (Mouneshwar MHS) for the allotment of
24.75 MW across Krishna River, Benhagaddi village, Shorapur Taluk, Gulbarga District and directed KREDL to verify
whether there is overlapping in the same area.
In the backdrop of the above decision, in the Government letter read at (3) above, KREDL was instructed to submitt the report
to Government.
In the letter read at (4) above, the Managing Director, KREDL has reported that both the projects i.e., the longitude and latitude
of the allotted project of M/s Krishna Hydro Energy Limited and the longitude and latitude of the proposed proposal of M/s Lakshmi
Jalavidyut (Krishna) Limited is one and the same and is overlapping.
The Proposal was again placed before the allotment committee meeting held on 26-3-2010 read at (5) above and the
Committees decision is as follows :The Committee considered the proposal of M/s Lakshme Jalavidyut (Krishna) Ltd., Mouneshwar MHS across Krishna
River, Benhagaddi village, Shorapur Taluk, Gulbarga District for 24.75 MW.
As the said location would be adjacent to the already allotted Basavanna MHS of M/s Krishna Hydro Energy Limited,
the Committee instructed KREDL to call both the parties to give a presentation of their capability and the time line for
project implementation. A decision on allotment will be taken subsequently.
In the presentation meeting held on 27-5-2010 read at (6) above, the representatives of M/s Lakshmi Jala Vidyut (Krishna)
Limited and M/s Krishna Hydro Energy Limited were present. M/s Lakshmi Jala Vidyut (Krishna) Limited intends to share some of the
infrastructure built by M/s Krishna Hydro Energy Limited for 24.75 MW capacity Basavanna MHS like weir, Power canal, Tail Race
canal and Transmission line. Weir intake, Power House, Penstocks, Out door switch yard would be developed independently. Both the
companies have MoU for this arrangement. By this arrangement the cost per MW gets reduced from 7 crores per MW to 5.25 crores
per MW and Projects become viable. After discussion KREDL was instructed to place the proposal in the next Allotment Committee
The proposal was placed before the allotment committee meeting held on 6-8-2010 read at (7) above and the Committees
decision is as follows :The Committee was informed that, in the Allotment Committee meeting on 26-3-2010, the proposal was considered &
the following observations were made. As the said location would be adjacent to the already allotted MHS of M/s
Krishna Hydro Energy Ltd., KREDL was instructed to call both the parties to give a presentation of their capability & the
time line for the project implementation.
The proposal was discussed in the review meeting held on 27-5-2010. The representatives of M/s Lakshmi Jala Vidyut
(Krishna) & M/s Krishna Hydro Energy Ltd, gave their presentation.
M/s Lakshmi Jala Vidyut (Krishna) Ltd., intends to share some of the infrastructure built by M/s Krishna Hydro Energy
Ltd., for their 24.75 MW capacity Basavanna MHS like Weir, Power Canal, Tail Race Canal, Transmission Line. Weir
intake, power House, Penstocks, out door switch yard would be developed independently. Both the Companies have
MOU for this arrangement.
By this arrangement the cost per MW gets reduced from Rs. 7 crores per MW to Rs. 5.25 Crores per MW and Projects
become viable. After discussion KREDL was instructed to place the proposal in the next allotment Committee Meeting.
The committee discussed in detail. It was informed that, for the already allotted MHS of M/s Krishna Hydro Energy Ltd.
For 24.75 MW, the work is in progress. If the proposed project is allotted the total capacity will be more than 25 MW and
it will not come under Mini Hydel project. Some opined that as the developers are different the projects are to be treated
separately then it becomes Mini Hydro. EE Projects, KPCL opinioned that if it is not Mini Hydro then normally KPCL will
implement major hydro projects and such projects will not have the benefits enjoyed by Mini Hydro Projects. It was also
opined that, if the projects are treated as independednt as the firms are different and Weir intake, power House,
Penstocks, out door switch yard would be developed independently then the project can be approved.
In view of different opinion, the Committee decided to refer the proposal of M/s Lakshmi Jala Vidyut (Krishna) Ltd.,
Mouneshwara MHS Gulbarga Dist., Shorapur Taluk, Bennagaddi Village, across Krishna River for 24.75 MW, to
At Government level the proposal was examined and decided to reject the proposal. The rejection of the proposal was
communicated through an endorsement read at (8) above to M/s Lakshmi Jala Vidyut (Krishna) Limited.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


As the developer was requesting Government again and again for consideration of his proposal, in the Government letter read
at (9) above, KREDL was requested to conduct the spot inspection of the above project and submit the inspection report to
In the letter read at (10) above, the Managing Director, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore has
submitted the project area inspection report and stated that the both the developers have made one MoU for the execution of their
projects and as per their MoU, it is proposed to share some of the common infrastructures like Diversion Weir, Intake Structure Water
Conduct System, Fore bay, intake and Tail Race Channel etc., and it was agreed to develop the Penstock, Power House, Tail Race
Pool and the ODY, Metering separately as dedicated components. By combining the components of the two projects into one, it would
be economical and would result in saving the restricted construction resources, requirement of less land area, ecological disturrbances
is minimum and the cost of the overall project will also be viable.
After, examining the above facts, the following Order is issued :GOVERNMENT ORDER NO: EN 19 NCE 2011, BANGALORE DATED; 19-01-2011
Government accords approval for allotment of 24.75 MW capacity Mouneshwara small hudro scheme across Krishna river
near Benchanagaddi village, Shorapur Taluk, Gulbarga District (now Yadgiri District) in favour of M/s Lakshmi Jalavidyut (Krishna)
760 3348) adjacent to
Limited (weir Latitude : 1601901 Longitude : 7603221 Power House-Latitude : 1601952 Longitude :
Basavanna MHS of M/s Krishna Hydro Energy Limited by sharing some of the common infrastructures like Diversion weir, Intake
Structure Water Conduct System, Fore bay, intake and Tail Race Channel etc., and to develop the Penstock, Power House, Tail Race
Pool and the ODY, Metering separately as dedicated components subject to the following conditions :1. (a) This project should not affect the down stream and upstream projects.
(b) The allottee shall execute an agreement with Government within 45 (forty five) days from the date of the capacity
allotment order failing which the allotment order shall become automatically cancelled. The company will have to
apply denovo for capacity allocation. There shall also be no refund of the application fee received by Karnataka
Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore.
(c) Such an agreement on Rs. 400.00 Stamp Paper shall be routed through the Managing Director, Karnataka
Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore who shall certify as to its correctness after due scrutiny.
(d) Before executing the agreement the project developer shall deposit in advance with Karnataka Renewable
Energy Development Limited, Bangalore the detailed project report (DPR) processing fee as per Government
2. (a) The Project Developer shall obtain all statutory clearance from the respective authorities such as Water
Resources Development Department, Forest, Ecology & Environment Department, Karnataka Power
Transmission Corporation Limited, Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, Karnataka State Pollution Control
Board, Revenue Department etc., Thereafter, the allottee shall submit the detailed project report within one year
from the date of the execution of the agreement.
(b) The Deposit amount payable by the project allottee to Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited,
Bangalore shall be adjusted towards a Detailed Project Report processing fee.
The allottee shall achieve financial closure within six months from the date of technical clearance for the Detailed
Project Report by Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore.
The allottee shall take action to complete the project implementation within 24 months from the date of achieving
financial closure.
Failure to reach any of the project milestones specified in Sl.No. 2,3 & 4 in the same order would constitute
sufficient grounds to result in automatic cancellation of allotment. No notice on this account will be given to the
The project Developer shall enter into a Wheeling and Banking Agreement with Karnataka Power Transmission
Corporation Limited (KPTCL) IN CASE of SELLING POWER TO the third party and Power Purchase Agreement
in case of KPTCL.
The allottee Company may seek full co-operation from the concerned Officers of the Government at the District
and State Level to ensure speedy completion of the project.
In the allotted site if any of the Government Project comes up Hydel/Irrigation/Drinking Water Projects, the
Government Projects will have priority and the developer should not claim any compensation.
The Developer is wholly responsible for the objections raised by local people if any.
10. The Government has got power to Cancel/modify this Order.
11. After due scrutiny of the D.P.R. from KREDL, developer has to make an application to the concerned Departments for
approval and apply to KREDL for technical clearance.

P.R. 312

By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,

Under Secretary to Government,
Energy Department.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Aid aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

Dlz zU AgPu U CUV Karnataka State Playing Fields Association JA AAi

Cw q U.
1. vz AS : 917/2009 J II AP : 29-10-2009 dAn PAiz, Ai gU
v Qq aAi sgv Pg, z CjAz.
2. vz AS : JJ/P/CP/19845/2009-10, AP : 8-4-2010 v 2-11-2010,
zPg, Aid v Qq ES CjAz.

dAn PAiz, Ai gU v Qq aAi, sgv Pg, z Cg (1) g
Nzz AP : 29-10-2009 g vz dP Dlz z AgQ C r U CU
Ai dg QAiV zAiUrPAv iq V g lz National Playing Fields Association of
India JA AAi z, F izjAi AU gdzAi gdz Dlz zU w U
zAiUPV P PUAv Pjzg. Ez jz zPg Aid v Qq ESAig
(2) g Nzz AP : 8-4-2010g vz PAzzgAv PlPzAi Dlz zU AgPu U
CUV Karnataka Playing Fields Association Av Pjzg. F Ai jz Pg AAv
Pgz Dz AS : AiE 109 AiQ 2010 AUg, AP : 27-1-2011.
Ai jg AUAzV PlP gdz Dlz zU AgQ C r P
dP QAi PAiq Qq ZlnPU Gvf zAz Karnataka State Playing Fields Association
AAi gA F P Pgz Adgw qVz. zj AAi F DzP CAz Memorandum
of Association of Karnataka State Playing Fields Association g Urg PAizszAv gU vPz.
Karnataka State Playing Fields Association AAi U CUvz MAz jAi Cz g. 50 PU
Z PU F P Pgz Adgw qVz. F v 2010-11 U Urg
Czz sjvPz.
F Dz AAi gU v gZ ESAi nt AS : AE 132 Dg 2010,
AP : 26-7-2010 gAi Memorandum of Association of Karnataka State Playing Fields Association jPl gU
U DyP ESAi CPv nt AS : DE 678 Z-7/2010, AP : 4-10-2010 g rz w gU
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
JA.J. gi
Pgz C PAiz,
Aid ES.
Memorandum of Association of Karnataka State Playing Fields Association

Name of the Society : Karnataka State Playing Fields Association.

Registered Office : The office of the Society shall remain in the State Capital, Bangalore, which is at present located at
State Youth Centre, Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore-560001.


Definition Clause : Society means Karnataka State Playing Field Association.


Aims and Objects of the Society : The aims and objects for which the Society is established are as under.


To protect, promote, preserve, develop and improve playing fields, playgrounds, play pitches, parks, open spaces and
other facilities for play, sports, exercise and physical recreation, for the use and benefit of all, across gender, across
communities and across all age groups, and for those who by reason of their special physical needs or social and
economic circumstances have greater need of such facilities, with the overall objective of promoting health for all and
improving their quality of life.


In furtherance of the above mentioned object the Society will :

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Contribute towards evolving a State policy on playing fields, playgrounds, play pitches, open spaces and other facilities for
play, sports, exercise and physical recreation, which recognizes the need, utility and value of these facilities in promoting a
healthy lifestyle, social inclusiveness, and love for sports and games among one and all.


Take up with Government, at Central, State and local level to provides necessary legislative backing to both protect and
ensure adequate availability of and free public access to play spaces and open spaces for the purposes of sports, games,
exercise and physical recreation.


Create Public awareness about the multiple benefits sports and physical fitness offer towards both individual and social
development and the value of playing fields in deriving those benefits, with a view to creating a sense of wellbeing and a
strong sports culture.


Mobilize support from general public, sports bodies, Government public sector, private sector (Particularly large corporate
houses), intelligentsia, media and others to build State opinion in favour of the objects outlines above.


Undertake a State campaign to prevent public play spaces and other open spaces used for play and physical recreation
purposes, from being diverted to other purposes, through appropriate administrative and legal measures.


To encourage the establishment of State, District, Block and Grama panchayath level associations/committees for this
purpose with necessary provision for affiliation to the Society at the State level.


Carry out research studies and surveys to a scertain the needs and requirements of people for play spaces and open
spaces and disseminate the information to those responsible for planning and making available such facilities for public


Develop basic principles, standards and norms for the provision of the play spaces and open spaces in rural areas, towns
and cities, which should be adopted by the competent agencies/authorities responsible for spatial planning.


Prescribe norms for relevant approving authorities for property factoring the requirement of play spaces and open spaces
while under taking/approving the development projects by public/private entitles.


Promote the concept of compulsory compensatory playing field/open space development where existing public playing


Register online play spaces and open spaces which seek its assistance by the way of moral support, financial assistance,

field/open spaces are lost on account of private or public projects.

legal aid, or any other form of support meeting the core objectives of protecting, promoting, preserving, developing, or
improving the availability of or public access to play spaces and open spaces for the purpose of sports, games, exercise or
physical recreation.

Provide financial and other assistance for protecting, promoting, preserving, developing, or improving the availability of or
public access to play spaces and open spaces for the purpose of sports, games, exercise or physical recreation.


Support Government, at central, State and local level, to develop and implement schemes that further the above mentioned


Provide technical advice and information to Government, local authorities and other stakeholders on the creation,

maintenance and development of play spaces and open spaces.

Engage National Sports Federations and other sports promotion bodies to promote through their State, district and club
level affiliates, sports and physical activities at the grassroots level.


Enter into bilateral, national and international co-operation to further the basic objectives of the Society.


To accept or collect funds through grants, donations, sponsorship, subsidy, aid, etc from Central and State Government,
Public/Private Sectors, Non-Government Organisations, general public, high net worth individuals, International
Organisation etc. either in cash or cheque or in kind for furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Society.


To acquire, hold, manage, hire, mortgage, exchange, transfer, sell dispose off part or all properties, moveable and
immoveable, to secure the objectives of the Society.


To perform all things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them which may be
conveniently done along with or as subsidiary to the objects.


To facilitate, associate or co-operate with any other society or association having same or similar objectives and aims in
such manner and to such extent as may be desirable or possible.


NO PROPRIETARY RIGHTS IN MEMBERS ; All the income and properties of the Society shall be utilized and applied
solely towards achieving its aims and objectives as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no profit there of shall
be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, or in any other manner whatsoever by way of profit to
the present or previous members of the Society or to any person claiming through anyone or more of present and previous
members of the Society, no member of the Society shall have any personal claim on the funds or properties of the Society.

Nothing stated above shall prevent payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or staff
engaged by the Society in return of services rendered to the Society.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011




Further, nothing stated above shall prevent the Society from outsourcing of goods and services on payment basis following
an open and transparent procedure.
iii) Any member of the Society who is directly or indirectly interested in any contract or any other business of the Society shall
declare accordingly beforehand and abstain from participating in any manner in the decision making process in those
GOVERNING BODY ;- The names, addresses, occupations and designation of the present members of the Governing Body to
whom the management and affairs of the Society are entrusted as required under section 2 of The Karnataka Societies
Registration Act 1960.



Designation in the




Minister for Youth Services & Sports

Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore



Principal Secretary/Secretary to Govt. Youth

M.S. Building Dr. Ambedkar Vidhi,


Services Department.


Director of Youth Service and Sports, State Youth

Director of Youth Services and


Centre, Bangalore

Sports, Bangalore


Deputy Secretary to Government Youth Services

M.S. Building Dr. Ambedkar Vidhi,

Ex-officio Member










M.S. Building Dr. Ambedkar Vidhi,


Ex-officio Member




High Court Eminent Lawyer, Bangalore

Eminent Lawyer, Bangalore

Nominated Member


Joint Director (Sports) Youth Services & Sports

State Youth Centre, Nrupathunga

Ex-officio Member


Road, Bangalore


Joint Director (Training) Youth Services & Sports

State Youth Centre, Nrupathunga


Road, Bangalore


Joint Director (Youth Services) Youth Services &

State Youth Centre, Nrupathunga

Sports Department.

Road, Bangalore


Joint Director (Administration) Youth Services &

State Youth Centre, Nrupathunga

Sports Department.

Road, Bangalore

Deputy Director, Sports Authority of Karnataka

Sports Authority of Karnataka, Sree



Ex-officio Member
Ex-officio Member
Ex-officio Member
Ex-officio Member


Road, Bangalore






Sports Authority of Karnataka, Sree



Ex-Officio Member


Road, Banglaore

Secretary, Karnataka State Amature Athletic








Nominated Member





Physical Education Director

St. Joseph P.U. College, Bangalore

Nominated Member




Nominated Member



Gonikoppa, South Coorg.


Commissioner, BDA



Nominated Member

Development Authority. Bangalore


Commissioner, KHB

Commissioner, Karnataka Housing

Nominated Member

Board, Bangalore

Regional Director, SAI, South Centre


Commissioner, Public Instruction.





Nominated Member

Commissioner, Public Instruction,

Nominated Member

Centre Kengeri, Bangalore


Commissioner, BBMP




Mahanagara Palike, Bangalore

Nominated Member

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Desirous Persons : We the undersigned, are desirous of forming a society namely KARNATAKA STATE PLAYING FIELDS
ASSOCIATION under the societies Registration Act, XXI of 1960 (Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960) as extended to the
State Karnataka in Pursuance of this Memorandum of Society.



Designation in the




Minister for Youth Services & Sports

Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore



Principal Secretary/Secretary to Govt. Youth

M.S. Building Dr. Ambedkar Vidhi,


Services Department.



Director of Youth Services and Sports,

State Youth Centre, Nrupathunga

Ex-officio Member

Road, Bangalore


International Hockey Player


Eminent Player

International Cricket Player

Nominated Member




Nominated Member


Eminent Billiards Arjun Awardee




Gonikoppa, South Coorg.



Nominated Member











M.S. Building, Dr. Ambedkar Vidhi,

Ex-officio Member





M.S. Building, Dr. Ambedkar Vidhi,

Ex-officio Member



Director of Youth Services & Sports.

State Youth Centre, Nrupathunga


Road, Bangalore

and Chief Executive


M.S. Shivaram
Under Secretary to Govt.,

. Dg. 313

Youth Services Department.

dA aAi
Ai :

eg t gj sU Ai g Kv gj AidU
AiU U.
R EAfAig, t gj (Gvg) Ai eg Eg v AS:
EA/(G)//e/-9/K..Ai.Ai 2010-11/4672, :13-08-2010

eg, t gj sU, Ai F PPAq 2 Kv gj AidU VvU
ArgzjAz CU
AiU Pgz Cz qAv Nzz AP 13-08-2010g vz R EAfAig t
gj (Gvg) Ai, eg Eg Pjgvg.

dAV Kv gj
w Kv gj
Aq Jgq Kv gj AidU 2000-2001g Dn dAiz j UqAiiV
AiUArgv. F AidU Crz r..q.n.. AU lg q wvg AiAvPgtU
vQAz AtV VgzjAz v F AidAi CZPn gvjAz j rP EgzjAz EU
vU CPv Eg. DzzjAz F Kv gj AidU AiU zsj Pg
PPAqAv Dzvz.
Pgz Dz AS: E 46 KAi 2010, AUg, AP: 25 dj 2011.
Ai jg PgtUAz eg t gj sU Aig dAV Kv gj Aid
v w Kv gj AidU PPAq gvUU Ml
AiU Dzz.
1. AAzsl gj wAi sAi DAif sU F Ai Ar UvAi


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


2. A U Ez U Kv gj AidU g U eUv z.
3. v Kv gj AidU AiU Azsz PAizU, t gj Eg
CzsPvAi AP 6-4-2006 v 7-4-2006 gAz qz sAi wizAv P PUz.
4. F Kv gj AidU AiUgzjAz AidUV g AiAvPgtU Evg
AidUU CrPz. U gAiP AiAvPgtU Aiig iq P
5. F Kv gj AidUUV g Plq U dU Aiig iq U
zv AP P dgVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
Pgz C PAiz,
dA ES (t gj)

DgU v PlA Pt aAi

Ai :

q: zsg . zPj, dP Dv, vg, zQt P q f

Eg gfAi CAVPj U
1. DAiPg, DgU v PlA Pt U, AU
eDgN(2J)/79/2010-11, AP:08-12-2010
2. q: zsg . zPj, Eg z AP:01-03-2010



DAiPg DgU v PlA Pt U, AUg Eg Nzz vz q: zsg .
zPj, dP Dv, vg, zQtPq f Eg Pj CZ AS:DPP 739 ZJZ 2008 AP:
09-01-2009g Pg AP:05-02-2009gAz U jz, Eg gz Aiiz ES Zgu U PgP
Aiiz Q EgAz U Eg Aq CAi EgzjAz SAiA AizAv
31-03-2010 jAz CAiUAv Pj Az ZU Nzz Pi AP (1)g vz
PgP gvg.
q: zsg gg zPg, DgU v PlA Pt U EjU Pi AP (2)g Nzz
vz Gv AU qzPV Pj zPj zU rg gfAi AP:31-03-2010 jAz
CAiUAv CAVPj Pjzg.
Aq Ai PAPV j F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pj Dz AS: DPP 773 ZJZ 2010, AUg AP: 17 dj 2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai q: zsg . i Pv zPj, dP Dv,
vg, zQtPq f Eg Gv AU qzPV i Pv zPj zU rg gfAi
AP 31-03-2010 jAz AiV ejU gAv CAVPjz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
Pgz C PAiz,
DgU v PlA Pt ES (U-1)

Pg aAi
Ai :

Civ Pg AP Aiv, AUg Ezg 2008-09 P

sAi q P j U
1. Pgz Dz AS: M 35 JJA 2010 :20-03-2010
2. Pgz Dz AS: M 178 JJA 2010 :09-11-2010
3. Pg AWU dAn AzsPg (lt APU sU) Eg v
AS: Ai-5/fJA/223/10-11, AP:18-11-2010

Nzz (2)g Dzz 2008-09 P sAi q AP 31-12-2010ggU
PP qVz. AQ .E.M. gg AQ tz zgAiU Cgz Pgt 64g Zgu Pgt

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



68gAv P PUUwz 2007-08 U 2008-09g Drm g tUz EgzjAz 2008-09 U

2009-10g zg P sAi AP 31-12-2010g zV AP 31-03-2011gU q Cw
qAv Pjz 2008-09 P sAi Azq Pg AWU dAn AzsPg , Nzz
(3)g vz sg irgvg.
Ai PAPV j F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: M 212 JJA 2010, AUg AP: 14 dj 2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt 121grAi
zvz CPg Z, Pg Civ Pg AP Aiv, AU
g Ezg 2008-09 P
sAi q AP 31-03-2011ggU PP q CUAv PlP Pg AWU CAi
1959g Pgt 27 zj AU PV inAU CAiUvzAz zvz JAzg:
27g Pgtz:
27 Pgt GPgt (1)g gAvPz Dg wAU JA zUU zV Al wAU JA
zU wAifvPz.
Pgt 27(1)P irz F iq AP 31-03-2011 ggU ejAigvPz. F C Vz Avg F
Dzz irU z ejAizAv zj Pgt 27(1)g GAzsU : ejU gvPz.


PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

PvPj U
zv Pgz dAn PAiz

Pg aAi
Ai :

Pg f PAz Pg AP Aiv Ezg PjAig

C j U.
1. Pgz Dz AS: M 164 JJA 2008 :06-04-2009
2. Pgz Dz AS: M 82 JJA 2010 :07-06-2010
3. Pg AWU AzsPg v AS: Dgr/63/PJA-4/2010-11,

Pg f PAz Pg AP Aiv Ezg PjAiiV fPjAi AP 21-08-2004gAz
PPP PjAig CAi jVgvz. Nzz (1)g Pgz Dzz AP
31-03-2010ggU j DzVgvz. Azgz, zj AQ PjAig CAi CAwV
Nzz (2)g Dzz PjAig CAi AP 30-09-2010ggU jVgvz. Aq AQ
PjAig CAi AP 30-09-2010gAz VAiz zj AQ PjAig AP
09-09-2010gAz qz qPU MAz sUz AQ tP w 2007-08 gU Qtv Az,
2008-09g Avg Av AvV C Azv Agvz. Dqvz zsgu DUwg zjAz PjAig
CAi A Dg wAU CU CAzg AP 31-03-2011 ggU CAi j tVz, AQ
UwAiv qwz, AQ tP jwAi E zsgu DUPVgzjAz PjU CAi
AP 01-10-2010 jAz 31-03-2011 ggU A Dg wAU CU j Pg AWU dAn AzsPg
Nzz (3)g vz sg irgvg.
Pg AWU AzsPg Ai PAPV j F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: M 02 JJA 2011, AUg AP: 14 dj 2011.
PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt 121 grAi zvz CPg Z Pg zj
DAiz Pgt 31(1) F PPAq ilU
AU Pg f PAz Pg AP Aiv, Pg EzP
CAiUvPzAz zvz, JAzg:31g Pgtz
(1) GPgtzg MAz JA zUU zV Jv wAU


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Pgt 31 G-Pgt (1)P irz F iq AP 31-03-2011ggU ejAigvPz. F C Vz
Avg F Dzz irU z ejAizAv zj Pgt 31 G-Pgt (1)g G AzsU : ejU
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
PvPj U
zv Pgz dAn PAiz

Pg aAi
AS: M 201 JJA 2010, AUg AP: 13-01-2011
Ai :

Pg AWU Dqv AqAi zjU PtPAi

q U
GR: v AS: M 22 ZJ 99, AP:15-05-1999.
gdzg Pg AWU Dqv AqAi zjU PtPAi q GRz z Pgz
vAi v UrVgvz. v igPmAi J U U ZVgzjAz Aq GTv
vAi Urz vAz Gzv PtPU P Pzs Az Pgz UP Az F PgtAz
Pg PtPU P Urz v F PPAqAv jj Urz JAz w zvVz.



AU lz Pg AU/Pg Pg PSU/
VgtU w Dqv Aq zjU
f lz Pg AWU w Dqv Aq zjU
vP lz Pg AWU w Dqv Aq zjU




PtP q Pg AW szgvPz.
D Pg AW Prz Aggz.
D Pg AW v zjU sA WgP.
AAzsl Pg AW Dqv Aq zjU PtP q U zg sAi Cz
5. Urg vz wAiU PtP qvPz.
PvPj U
zv Pgz dAn PAiz,

Pg aAi
Ai :

g Pj Pg PS Aiv, ZAZPm, P.Dg.Ug vP ,

g f Ezg 2008-09, 2009-10 sAi 2010-11
sAiAU q Cw U.
NzVz: DAiPg, P C U Pg zPg v AS: rJP/EJnJ/
eJA/83/2010-11, AP:01-10-2010
Nzz AP 01-10-2010g vz P C U Pg zPg, AUg Eg g
Pj Pg PSAi UwUzgg 2009-10 rU t g.478.92 PU Q GPArz, evU

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



2010-11 rU t g.704.00 PU Q GPArz, F U UwUzgjU wzg FgU Q t

wgAz wgvg.
AP 29-11-2008 gAz qz sAi Pz UwU rU t wPPAz U UwU Pgg v
Azt irPAz tz, UwUzgg Q t wz Avg sAi zv irP P
PP PUvzAz PSAi P zPg wgvg. A U fPjU, g
Eg U PSAi PjU 2008-09, 2009-10 sAi 2010-11 sAiAU
Ag 2011 gU q Pgz Dz Pjgvg.
Ai PAPV j Pg F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: E 08 P 2010, AUg AP: 10 dj 2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt 121 grAi
zvz CPg Z g Pj Pg PS Aiv, ZAZPm
, P.Dg. Ug vP, g f
Ezg 2008-09 v 2009-10 zg sAi 2011 Ag CAvzU q PP
j PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt 27(1)g GAzsU ir Cw qVz.
PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt 27(1)g GAzsP irz F iq AP 30-092011ggU ejAigvPz. F C Vz Avg F Dzz irU z ejAizAv zj 27(1)g Pgtz
GAzsU B ejU gvPz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
PvPj U
zv Pgz dAn PAiz

Mqv aAi
Ai :

w J.v, AiP Pj CAidPg, 2 .e. (Q)

v e.JA.Js.. AiiAi, ggg jPu CAi
j, vPgAz W Pjv.
NzVz: 1) Pgz CZ A. ME 845 E 2005, AP:03-05-2006
2) Pgz Dz A:ME 328 E 2009, AP:23-10-2009
3) zPg, CAiU v Pj dU ES Eg vz A:rJ/
1/37/2008-09, AP:03-04-2010
(1)g Nzz AP 03-05-2006g Pgz CZAi P AS 34 gAi J. v,
AiP Pj CAidPg, 2 .e.(Q..) v e.JA.Js.. AiiAi, ggg AiP Pj
CAidPg--AiP Pj Qg zU g Pw P PUAq, AP 15-05-2006g CgAz
(2)g Nzz AP 23-10-2009g Pgz DzzAi, Aiig AP 15-05-2008 gAz
gzgAz WPz Jgq U jPu CAi, zj zU UrVz ES jPU
MAzz CPAm Aig jPAi GwtgUzjAz, AP15-05-2008 jAz AP 14-11-2009ggU jVz.
(3)g Nzz zPg, CAiU v Pj dU ES Eg vz AP 03-04-2010g
J. vgg Jgq U jPu CAi AP 15-05-2008P tUArgvz. zj CPjAi
zU Urz ES jPU dg sU-1, wP-2g GwtgV, CPAm Aig jPAi zj
jPu CAi Gwtv Azz EzzjAz, (2)g Nzz Pgz DzzAi AP
14-11-2009ggU jPuAi jz. AP 29-08-2009 gAz qz jPAi Gwtv Az, jP
svA AP 03-12-2009gAz PlP gd vz PlVgvz. PlP UjP ( v Pq s
jPU) AiU, 1974g Ai 5(5)gAi, Pq s jPAz w qVz. zj CPjAig F
CAi ESAi CPU MUVg. CPjAig Aiiz ES ZguAi rg U
q PgtU Eg. zj CPjAig 2006-07 jAz 2008-09g P PAi u gU
Aiiz wjP g Eg. DzjAz, zj CPjAig jPu CAi PlP UjP (jPu)
AiU 1977g Ai 4g GAi (1)(i) CAi AP 15-11-2009 jAz 03-12-2009 ggU j, zj


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Aiz Ai 5g GAi (1)J g Cg AP 04-12-2009 jAz jPuAi vPgV

ggvgAz WAv Pjgvg.
Ai PAPV j, F PPAq Dz grz.
Pgz Dz AS: ME 136 E 2010, AUg AP: 03 DU 2010.
Ai CAU j, Pg PlP UjP U (jPu) AiU 1977g 4
Aiz G Ai (1) (i) g CPg Z, w J.v, AiP Pj CAidPg , 2 .e.
(Q) v e.JA.Js.. AiiAi, ggg jPu CAi AP 15-11-2009 jAz 02-12-2009 ggU
j, 1977g PlP UjP U (jPu) AiU Ai 5(1)(J)g CAi AP 03-12-2009gAz
vPgV ggvgAz Pg Wz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
Pgz C PAiz
Mqv ES
(P v , P v CAiUU)

Release of funds for construction of RuB in lieu of L.C. No. 261 between Yalvigi-Kalasa Stations.
Government Order No. IDD 46 NSW 2008, dated: 17-01-2009.
Letter No. W.352/CN/BNC/LC No. 261 dated 14-09-2010 from the Chief Administrative Officer/Constn.,
SWR, Bangalore.

In the Government Order read at (1) above, Government of Karnataka has been released Rs.4.90 crores towards
construction of RUB in lieu of L.C. No. 261 between Yalvigi-Kalasa Stations. The Chief Administrative Officer, South Western Railway,
Bangalore, in his letter dated 14-09-2010 read at (2)
above, has requested to deposit balance amount of Rs.1,38,49,000/- out of
the total cost
Rs. 6,28,49,052/- towards construction of Road Under Bridge in lieu of L.C. No. 261 between YalvigiKalasa Stations as this work falls under deposit work since the TVU count is less than one lakh.
Government of Karnataka after examining the proposal of the Deputy Chief Engineer, Construction, SWR,
Bangalore, GoK has decided to release the balance amount of Rs.1,38,49,000 towards construction of Road Under Bridge in lieu of
L.C. No. 261 between Yalvigi-Kalasa Stations as deposit work.
Hence this order.
Government Order No.: IDD 49 NSW 2010, Bangalore, Dated: 21-01-2011
After careful examination of the request of railways, Government is pleased to release balance amount of Rs. 1,38,49,000
(One crore thirty eight lakh forty nine thousand only) for construction of RuB in lieu of L.C.No. 261 b/w Yalvigi-Kalasa Stations as
Deposit Contribution Work.
This amount shall be met out under the Head of Account 5465--01-190-3-04 (P)-211 K-RIDE RoB/RuB
The Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer, Construction, South Western Railway, Bangalore is authorized
to draw the amount on a payees receipt duly countersigned by the Under Secretary to Govt. IDD.
This order is issued in accordance with the concurrence of Finance Department given vide U.O. Note No.FD 2107
Exp-1/08 dated 30-12-2010.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka
C.A. Baburavindranath Patel
PR. No.321
Under Secretary to Government
Infrastructure Development Department

Pg aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

PlP gd PU Pgg Aq Aiv, AU

g Ezg DqvPjU CAi
AP : 01-04-2010 jAz AP : 31-03-2011 ggU j U.
1. Pj Dz AS : E 27 LJA 2009, AP : 07-09-2009.
2. Pg AWU Cg AzsPg vAS : DgJ/PA/241/2007-08 AP: 30-07-2009.

Nzz P AS (1) g Dzz PlP gd PU Pgg Aq Aiv, AUg Ezg
DqvPjU CAi AP : 01-04-2009 jAz 31-03-2010 ggU j Dz grVz.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Nzz PAS (2)g vz Pg AWU Cg AzsPg PlP gd PU Pgg Aq

Aiv, AUg Ezg DqvPjU CAi AP : 31-03-2010P PAiUgzjAz Ezg
DqvPjU CAi AP : 01-04-2010 jAz 31-03-2011 ggU j Dz qzAz sg
Ai j Pg F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pj Dz AS : E 190 Ai 2010 AUg, AP: 10-01-2011
Ai jg CAU Ai PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt 121grAi
zvz CPg Z PlP gd PU Pgg Aq Aiv, AUg Ezg DqvPjU
CAi AP : 01-04-2010 jAz 31-03-2011 ggU j PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt
28(3)g GAzsU ir Cw qVz.
PlP Pg AWU CAi 1959g Pgt 28(3)g GAzsP irz F iq AP : 31-032011 ggU ejAigvPz. F C Vz Avg F Dzz irU z ejAizAv zj 28(3)g Pgtz
GAzsU B ejU gvPz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
PvPj U
zv Pgz dAn PAiz
.Dg. 322

Pt aAi
Ai :

NzVz :

t JdP n (j), PQ, g vP Gvg P q f F Dqv

AqAi wAz qAiwg t z Pd, PQ F PfU
PjAi U.
zPg, z Pt ES AUg Eg v A.
E/PP033/2007-08 AP: 19-10-2010.
CzsPg, t JdP n (j), PQ, g vP , Gvg P q
f EjU qz Pgt P Z v A.Er 223 JMZ 2007 AP:
GzsPg, t JdP n (j), PQ, g vP , Gvg P q
f Eg Tv P AP : 04-01-2011.

t JdP n (j), PQ, g vP, Gvg P q f F Dqv AqAi wAz
qAiwg t z Pd, PQ E DAUs GP zU Dqv AqAi j ewU
jz .P Eg 25-09-1997 gAz P irPArz. F GPg PwAi Pg AP :
22-03-2000 gAz Cz v Cgvz. zj GPg SAiA vPgVzAiAz
WA Az zj GPjU Dqv Aq K UAz Aiiz P v r Adg
irg. F Ai .P, GPg Pgz Pt ESAi PAizAig Az PlP Pt
PAi, 1983g PA 131 v 133gr Cf A. 37/2002 zg. Pg zj CfAi Zgu ir AP :
30-12-2002 gAz Ai j ir zj GPjU P v rAi Adg iq
Dzgvz. zj DzzAv P v rAi Adg iqz Pgz Dz GAXgzV zj
GPg Dqv AqAi Pd Dgtz zsgt qz, Dqv AqAi .P, GPg
EzgV SAiA vPgAz wi, AP :22-05-2007gAz Az qUqUgvz.
F jw Czv AAi Az qUq iq PlP Pt PAiAi PA 98gAi z
Pt ESAi w qAiz zj GPg qUqUg P AigVgzjAz Cg
vPt Pvz gAv DzVv. G zPg , z v w Pt ES, GvgPq
f Eg AP : 21-07-2007gAz zj PfU sn r F GPg PvP vUz P Dzzg. Dzg,
Dqv AqAi zj GPg Pvz gg. F Ai zj AU Dg wAU CU
DqvPjAi P iqVv. F U Pgz Pgz Az Dqv AqAi Pt PAiAi PA 131gr
A. 39/2007g v. EvxUgU Pgz Dz A.PAE 52 2007
AP : 08-02-2008g F AU PlP AWU Azt PAi, 1960g PA 27-J gAi vg, g


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


vP Eg Dg wAU CU DqvPjAiiV P iqVv. DqvPjAi P irg P

AAi GZ AiiAiz Az jm Cf A. 3036/2008g v. i GZ AiiAi AP :
15-10-2009gAz jm CfAi gxPUArzAiAz eUgvz. vzAvg AAi AztAi AP :
22-12-2009gAz Aiig PjVgvz. Pgz Pg AAi z A. 39/2007 C
AP : 27-04-2010gAz zV Pgt Evxr zPg, E EjU irz.
F AAi Dqv AqU DqvPjAi P iq CPv EzAi Cx E JA U
j Ewa CAi qAv zPg, z Pt ES Eg PgVv. zPg, z
Pt ES Eg (1)g Nzz vz,
. P, DAU GPg Ai SAiA
Ai vPgVA PgtAz Dqv Aq Cg PlP UjP (j) AiU, 1977g
Ai 6gAi Az qUq irz. AAi v Azt v Dqv Aq z g nAi P
PgAz PjPArzAiAz w, . P Eg qUqAi Zgz Aiig P PUAq Ai
AU DqvPjAi Pz CPv EgAz CAi wzg.
zPg, z Pt ES Eg CAi . P, DAU GPg Eg Pgtz F A
Cg CAiP gzVz, Pgz Az A z C
A. 39/2007g zRg PU
gzVgzjAz, Cg CAi Mg. PlP UjP (j) AiU, 1977g AiU
Czv Pt AU AU C. Dzg AAi F AiUAi GPg jPu CAi
AzggzV jUt P v rU qz Cg vPgVA PgtAz Az qUq
irg P AigVgvz. F GPg vvV AP : 22-03-2000jAz Czv zAi
PAiz, Czv zAi AAi PlP z Pt (PtP, Azt, Dqv v
Aiiz Ev) AiU, 2006g Ai 27 v 29 gr Zgu qz v Ai 28gAi zPg,
z Pt ES Eg w qAiz zAq CP. DzU, AAi F GPg
r sAz Zgu qz v ESAi w qAiz AigV Az
qUqUgvz. U g j wP rzg GPg gzz P x irPwz. F
jwAiiV Pt PAiAir Pg rz Dz, z Pt AiU, 2006g GAzsU Cjz
ESAi zU Qz Pzz Dqvz P AAi q Dqv Aq sVz. F Pt
AAi Pzz Dqv ejU zAz AAi Dqv PlP Pt PAi, 1983g PA 67gr
Pg Pz PAz UAq, F U (2)g Nzz Pgt P Z v Dqv AqAi
CzsPjU ejU, AAi Dqv AqAi gzr Dqv AqAi djAi Pg P Pz
U Cg P Ez Tv P wVv.
Pg ejUg Pgt P Z vP (3)g Nzz Tv PAi , F PV
PgtUAz n Aiiz P PqAv Pjzg.
1. AAi CzsAi Pgg jPu CAi vPgVz jAz Az qUqU
Aiig ESAi w qz Dz rz, F PgtAz Dqv AqAi gzU
DqvPj P iq Pgz P AiavVg.
2. . Pgg F AAz qAiwg z Pf DAU s GP zU Pw
A U gPz Azsz Pz zRU qz EzzjAz U zRwU
zjAig d AP vV zVz Pgt zj zRU ESPjU Az, F Ai
Evxz Pq PVz. .Pgg vPgz Pgt Az qUqUVgvz.
F AAzs Pgz Az Ez C Pgt AS : 37/2002g AP : 30-12-2002 gAz Dz
grz, Czg Aiig P v rAi vqrgz Aiig jUt P
DzgvgAi gv Pq qUq iqAv Dzg. F Ai ES
CPjU UP vgVz. F Pg U A Aiiz r P . zV zj Pgg C,
CzsAivAz qzPAq AAi djAiv zgg z zg r
ESAz z z Zgu qAiAv irgvg. AAi ESAi Aiiz AiU
jg. Cz, Ag 2010 jAz zV Zv zPjU A PAi wz.
3. Pg AP : 8-2-2008g PAzAi ESAi SAvg PlP AWU Azt PAi 1960 PA
27-J Pg Dg wAU CU DqvPjAi P ir Dz grz, Ez i GZ
AiiAiz jm Cf AS : 3036/2008 g AAi z, EzP AP : 22-2-2008gAz

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vqAiie qVz. F U PgAz Aiiz Dz grgzjAz Pgt AP :

15-10-2009g PAiU Dz qVz.
4. z Pt ESAi zPg
v v AS :
E/PP/033/2007-08 AP :
19-10-2010g AAi Aiig P gz j .Pg qUq Aiz
Aiig P PUArg Pgt Dqv CPjU Pz C Pv PAqAgAz CAi
rgvgAz wVz.
5. DAiPg, z Pt ES Eg AP : 2-7-2007g Dz z C AS :
39/2007g Pg AP : 27-4-2007g Dzz AAi C gj DzVz.
6. .P Eg AP : 25-9-1997 gAz U dgV W CPv Ug djAiiVgvg. AP :
27-7-2000 gAz Eg Pw Cz Dzz d APz wzr Dz DVgvz. dj
PP iq gPj Vgvg. AP : 7-8-2000 gAz Dgtz zsgtAiAv CPv
PAiU ir AigV wgvg. G zPg, Pgg f AZAiv CzsPg
Zgu qgvg. AP : 29-8-2000gAz Pgg Aig vU U gu r g
PqVz. AP : 31-3-2004 gAz zPjU vPg Ez Pgt j g r Az
qUqU P PUVz. AP : 2-4-2002g vzAv Dqv Aq vB P PU Cw
qVz. vzAvgz PgjU n r AP : 22-4-2007 gAz Az qUq
iqVz. Pgz Dz AP : 22-3-2000g Pg Ez gvU Pgg GzP
gg. AAi Dqv Aq zPjU, ZAijU CzsAiV AAi zsAizUU
gz q Ag, vvV U Ug djAiiU Eg AAi U zyU
vzAz Az e iqVz. DzjAz AAi Dqv AqAi gz rAv P
PqPAz Pjgvg.
AAig g Gvg jVz. .P Eg j AiU Czg,
SAiA AizgAz jUt, Cg vPgVAz qUqU
g P AigVz,
Czv AAi Az vUzP AZ Aiig CjPz ZguAi PU Cjz
EgzjAz v F U ESAi U Pgz DzU GAXg AAi P M. AAi
g Tv PAi jUtzz CAU PAqgg Ai, Cg PAi wgj, Pg, F
PVAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS : A Er 223 JMZ 2007 AUg, AP: 02-02-2011.
Ai jg Ai, Pg, PlP Pt PAi, 1983g PA 67gr zvVg CPg
Z, t JdP n (j), PQ, g vP , Gvg P q f F Dqv AqAi wAz
qAiwg t z Pd, PQ F z Pf Pzz Dqv ejU
zAz, F Pf Dqv AqAi gzr, zj Pt AAi Dqvz djAi A
AiiUgU G zPg, z Pt ES, Gvg Pq f Eg PjAiiV
P irz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
.Dg. 324
Pgz C PAiz
Pt ES (z Pt)
Sub :
Read :

Constitution of Eco-Development Committees (EDCs) in the protected areas of National Parks and Wildlife
Sanctuaries and other forest areas having more than 0.25 canopy density-Reg.
1. G.O. No. AHFF 232 FAP 86 Bangalore dated 12-04-1993, the first G.O. on JFPM detailing the modalities for
the constitution of Village Forests Committees.
2. JFPM Amendments G.O. No. FEE 94 FAP 93 dated 16-12-1996.
3. G.O. No. FEE 81 FWL 97 dated 14-03-1998 providing for the creation of Eco-Development Committees in the
Nagarahole National Park under India Eco-Development Project (IEP).
4. G.O. No. FEE 50 FAP 2000 dated : 19-06-2002 a Comprehensive revised G.O. on JFPM replacing the JFPM
G.Os dated 12-4-1993 and 16-12-1996 giving more representation to women and enhanced share to Village
Forests Committees.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


5. G.O. No. FEE 212 FAP 2003 dated 12-11-2003 Providing for formation of Eco-Development Committees under
FDA-NAP in National Park and Wildlifes and other Forest areas where forest crown density is more than 0.25..
6. G.O. No. FEE 279 FAP 2003 dated : 23-05-2005 sanctioning KSFMBC project wherein 73 Eco-Development
Committees are to be formed in Five identified National Park and Wildlifes.
7. Letter No. E/CWL/EDC-CR-17/2009-10 dated 29-12-2009 of the then APCCFs (Wildlife) and Chief Wildlife
Warden of Karnataka, Bangalore.
The total geographical area of Karnataka State is 1,91 791 Sq. Kms and out of which the total identified forest area is
43,356.948 Sq. Kms accounting for 22.61%. The protected area (PA) net work of 5 National Parks (NP), 21 Wildlife Sanctuaries
(WLS), two Conservation Reserves and one Community Reserve, cover an area of 6448.53 sq. kms which forms roughly 15% of forest
area, representing all

bio-geo-climatic zones of the State.

National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves and Community Reserves are managed under the provisions of
wildlife (protection) Act of 1972 and Rules 1973 by a separate Wildlife wing headed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests.
In pursuance of the National Forest Policy of 1988, which envisages community participation in the protection and
development of forests and biodiversity conservation and the directions of Government of India to all the States to implement the
same, the Government of Karnataka issued G.O. No. AHFF 232 FAP 86 dated 12-04-1993 detailing the modalities for the constitution
of Village Forest Committees (VFC) to ensure participation of the local communities in management of Forests.
In the Government order dated 16-12-1993 read at (2) above, the order No. AHFF 232 FAP 86 dated 12-4-1996 was suitably
modified to include the spouse as automatic member of the Village Forest Committees.
In the Government Order dated 14-3-1998 reat at (3) above, it was ordered to create Eco-Development Committees in the
Nagarahole National Park under India Eco-Development Project (IEP).
In the Government Order dated 19-6-2002 reat at (4) above, Government orders of 12-04-1993 and 16-12-1996 were
replaced providing for increased participation of women in the Management Committee and enhanced share of forest produce to
Village Forest Committees.
In the Government Order dated 17-11-2003 read at (5) above, it is ordered to provide for formation of Eco-Development
Committees under FDA-NAP in all National Parks and Wildlifes Sanctuaries and in forest areas where Crown density is more than
0.25. However both the GOs (dated 14-03-1998 and 17-11-2003) on formation of Eco-Development Committees lack
comprehensiveness regarding the objectives, nature, content, scope and jurisdiction to meet the present situation compared to the GO
dated 19-06-2002 on formation of Village Forest Committees.
In the Government Order dated 23-05-2005 read at (6) above, Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) assisted
Karnataka Sustainable Forest Management and Bio Diversity Conservation/ (KSFMBC) Project was sanctioned and under
implementation in State 8 years from 2005-06 to 2012-13 provides for formation of 73 Eco-Development Committees in one National
Parks and four Wildlives Sanctuaries under PA Management and Bio-diversity Conservation Component.
In the letter dated 29-12-2009 read at (7) above, the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) has requested the
Government, to issue orders for the constitution of Eco-Development Committees in wildlife Protected Areas and other forest areas
having canopy density, more than 0.25.
Hence the following order.
Government Order No. FEE 19 FWL 2010, Bangalore, Dated 28th January 2011
In the circumstances explained in the preamble, Government is pleased to issue comprehensive Government Orders for
Constitution of Eco-Development Committees (EDCs) in Wildlife Protected Areas and other Forest Areas having canopy cover (Crown
Density) more than 0.25 under Different Schemes and as described in Annexure-I to this Government Order.
This order shall come into effect from the date of issue of this order;
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
PR. 333

Under Secretary to Government,

Forest, Ecology and Environment Department
ANNEXURE-1 TO G.O. No. FEE 19 FWL 2010 DATED 28-01-2011

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The EDCs can be formed for part of a village, a village or a group of selected villages situated in or adjacent to
National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries and any other areas intended to be declared as PAs.
A village part or whole of land is included within the boundary of NP/WLS Conservation Reserve/Community Reserve but
village proper/part of village or group of villages lie outside the boundary with or without remaining Forest Area.
(iii) A village far away from the NP & WLS but some spots of Eco-tourism importance like water falls, caves, monuments, forts,
precipice of rocks, structures of archeological importance and heritage sites are situated in and around the village, outside
the boundary of NP/WLS.
The EDC shall be formed for a village or part of a village or for a selected group of villages. The General Body of the EDC
consists of members as detailed below.
Every adult member within the jurisdiction of EDC and interested in participatory Protection and development of forests and
wildlife shall be eligible to become a member of the General Body of EDC. He/She can enroll himself/herself as member of EDC with
the Members Secretary of the EDC remitting Rs. 2/10
In addition to the registered members, the following would also be ex-officio members of the General Body.
Gram Panchayat Chairmen/members (s) from the areas forming part of village/villages or the selected group of
villages of EDC.
Concerned Village Accountant.
(iii) Concerned Gram Panchayat Secretary.
(iv) Agricultural Assistant.
Officials of the Animal Husbandry department at the village level.
(vi) Forest Motivators of Social Forestry division concerned with the village or group of villages.
(vii) Forest Guard concerned
(viii) Forester concerned
(ix) School teachers working in the Primary School/Middle School/High school in the village.
One representative from Non-Governmental Organizations if any, to be nominated by the DCF/ACF
(xi) Concerned Anganawadi Worker.
(xii) Concerned Village Live-Stock Inspector
(xiii) Horticulture Assistant
(xiv) Ex-Officio Member Secretary
None of the Ex-officio members including representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations would be entitled to any of the
benefits under the scheme. Only the Registered Members of the EDC will be entitled to such benefits.

The villagers interested in participating in the EDC may appoint a few promoters to facilitate the constitution of
EDC. The promoters shall approach the concerned Range Forest Officer (RFO), Wildlife and declare their
intention to participate in the programme with a list of interested villagers.


The RFO wildlife shall submit the proposals for registration of EDCs to the concerned Deputy Conservator of
Forests (DCF)/ACF Wildlife having jurisdiction over the areas, duly furnishing bye-laws Governing its duties,
responsibilities, powers and jurisdiction. The proposal shall also indicate the boundary of village, boundary of part
of village, boundaries of villages for all legal and administrative purposes, if a village, a part of village or more than
one village falls in the jurisdiction of the same EDC.

(iii) All EDCs shall be registered as Associations under the Karnataka Forest Act by the respective DCF/ACF WL
before they can participate in the Scheme.
There shall be a Management Committee for each registered EDC which shall manage the affairs of the EDC. The
Management Committee shall also be responsible for due performance of the duties and responsibilities of the EDC. The
Managing Committee of each EDC shall consist of the following.

Chairperson : To be elected by the registered members of the General Body (Ex-Officio members would not be
eligible to vote). Gram Panchyat members represented in the General Body may take part in the voting and may
also contest the election for the post of the chairperson provided they are the general registered members(s) of
the EDC


Apart from the Chairperson, there will be 14 other members including 10 elected members and 4 ex-officio
members as under.

(iii) Elected Members 10


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minimum one woman member
Landless labourers
minimum one woman member
Village Artisans
minimum one woman member
General Category
minimum two women members
Ex-Officio member- 4
a. Village Accountant
b. Gram Panchayat Secretary
c. Local NGO representative (nominated by DCF/ACF-WL)
d. Member Secretary (Forester or Forest Guard)
Total Members



... 14


To conduct the election of Management Committee of EDC, the Member Secretary concerned shall convene a meeting of
General Body and Revenue Inspector of Revenue Department will be the Presiding Officer for such a meeting and will conduct the
meeting for electing members. For such meetings there shall be a quorum of more than 50% of registered members for the 1st
meeting and 25% of the registered members in the adjourned/subsequent meetings.
If the elections are completed and EDC is constituted, the Promoters Committee, if any, will stand dissolved automatically.
The tenure of the Management Committee will be 5 (five) years.
The quorum for the meeting of the Management Committee shall not be less than 1/3rd of the total number of members
i.e., five inclusive of Chairman and at least one woman member.
(iii) The Committee shall meet atleast once in a quarter. The Member Secretary of the committee shall convene the meeting
in consultation with the Chairperson.
(iv) The members of Management Committee shall have the powers to apprehend the forest offenders and hand them over to
the forest authorities to take further action against the offenders under the provisions of the relevant Forest Act and Rules
and Wildlife (Protection) Act and Rules.
The Management Committee members shall have the powers to check and prevent those involved in forest
encroachment, illicit cutting, smuggling, poaching, etc.
(vi) The Management Committee shall have the powers to notify the cattle pound within the area of jurisdiction and impound
cattle for unauthorized grazing.
(vii) The Management Committee shall have the powers to levy fine for unauthorized grazing as per rules to be framed and
notified in this behalf. The Fine so collected shall be credited to the VFDF. The Member Secretary shall maintain the
accounts of such fines properly.
(viii) Member Secretary shall mainly responsible for maintaining all records together with the cashbook and other accounts of
EDC,VFDF and VDF properly. To assist the Member Secretary to maintain records, cash books and other
accounts properly and for other related works, the EDC may provide the assistance of clerk and a dalayat purely on
honorary basis. The Management Committee shall pay the honorary employees honorarium of not more than Rs. 2000/Per annum per person.
(ix) The Member Secretary shall be fully responsible for preparing and maintaining accounts of VFDF and VDF, the accounts
of the VFDF and VDF shall be got audited through registered auditors (Chartered Accountants) once in a year and placed
by the Management Committee before the General Body of the EDC within 6 months of the closure of the financial year
and a copy of the audit report shall be sent to the concerned RFO and DCF/ACF within one month thereafter.
Other Modalities for functioning of the Management Committee and EDC shall be governed by the rules/directions
framed/issued from time to time by the State Government or the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HOFF) and Chief
wildlife warden in this behalf.
(i) If any elected member of the Management Committee fails to attend three meetings of the Management Committee
consecutively, he/she shall automatically cease to be a member of the Management Commttee. The Member Secretary
shall invariably attend the Management Committee meeting without fail.
(ii) The DCF/ACF (Registering Authority) is empowered to disqualify any member of the Committee permanently or for a
specified period on the recommendations of the RFO if it is found necessary to do so in the interest of effective protection
and management of the forests and wildlife or other assigned areas or in the interest of proper functioning of the


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(iii) If a member of the Management Committee/General Body is found guilty of any forest offence by a competent government
authority or other authority concerned, he/she shall cease to be a member of the Management Committee/General body of
the EDC for a period of 6 years from the date of decision of the competent authority.
(iv) If an Eco-Development Committee fails to function properly or if there are instances for financial irregularities,
misappropriation or violation of any rules and regulations the DCF/ACF concerned will dissolve the Management
Committee by speaking order after due enquiry and after giving an opportunity to the Management Committee of the EDC
to explain why the committee should not be dissolved. Once the Mangement Committee is dissolved, the DCF/ACF shall
appoint an Assistant Conservator of Forests/Range Forest Officer as administrator of the EDC until a new Management
Committee is installed. Further, the DCF/ACF shall initiate action for recovery of losses, if any, besides taking legal course
of action for such irregularities on the concerned.
(v) Appeal against penal action by the DCF/ACF under para 9 (i) to (iv) above may be preferred to the concerned Conservator
of Forests (CF) and his decision shall be final.
(vi) If there is any issue concerning EDC, VFDF and VDF, needing resolution, the matter shall be referred to the jurisdictional
DCF/ACF whose direction/decision shall be binding on the EDC and others concerned. However, an appeal shall lie to the
CF concerned and his decision shall be final.
(vii) If the chairperson or an elected member of the Management Committee of the EDC intends to resign from his/her post
he/she shall do so in writing to the DFF/ACF through the Member Secretary. The DCF/ACF concerned shall decide on
such event within two weeks from the date of receipt of the resignation and in case of vacant post of Chairperson he shall
appoint temporarily one of the elected Managing Committee Members as Chairperson till election to the post is held. The
General Body shall take action for the election of the Chairperson/elected Management Committee Member within 3
months of acceptance of the resignation.
(i) The EDC shall maintain a minute book where the proceedings of the meetings of the Committee as well as those of the
Annual General Body meetings shall be recorded under the signatures of the Chairperson and the Member Secretary.
Copies of all such proceedings shall be sent to concerned RFO for the record, immediately after the meetings. The RFO
shall return proceedings with his remarks to EDC marking a copy to the DCF/ACF within 21 days. If the RFO finds any of
the resolutions contrary to the rules, he shall say so and direct the EDC not to implement the decision (s) and refer the
matter to the DCF/ACF for ratifying his action. The DFC/ACF concerned shall take a decision on the resolution and inform
the EDC. However, the appeal against the decision of DCF/ACF shall lie with the concerned CF and his decision shall be
(ii) Complete physical account of all works taken up and all expenditure incurred shall be kept by each EDC. The details of
timber, Poles, fuel wood, etc. wherever permitted to collect and distributed/sold to the beneficiaries, together with the
names of beneficiaries or purchasers shall also be maintained. Such details shall be sent to the RFO in the prescribed form
once in every quarter without fail.
(iii) The Officials of the Forest department shall inspect the forests under Joint management frequently and suggest necessary
action to be taken by the EDC.
I. There shall be an integrated Micro Plan for each EDC and it should be in consonance with the prescription of the working
plan/management plan for PAs, as the case may be, for proper protection, development of the Forest and Wild life in their
II. The different areas to be managed by the EDC are as under :
(i) Some Village with Forest areas independent of the NP & WLS having some water bodies and woodlots where Wildlife
visit for Water and Shelter.
(ii) The Forests and other Areas outside the NP/WLS are managed according to the working plans of the Division
III. The RFO shall explain to the Village Community groups the system of Management of the NP/WLS and brief them
activities to be taken and motivate them to participate in the various activities. The RFO shall parambulate the area with
the Villagers and familiarize them different areas and activities. He will explain the need for Microplan and share their Cooperation in preparing the plan for protection of Forest & Wildlife.
IV. The RFO shall specifically explain to the community groups that since no extractions are permitted in protected Area it is
not possible to give any share to the community in the Forest produce. But various developmental activities are taken up
to keep them engaged through out the year and earn their wages besides giving some incentives.
V. The RFO shall explain to the community that the Forests outside the NP & WLS are managed as per Silvicultural
practices and community shall have a share as detailed in para 15.
VI. While developing the Eco-Tourism spots, the community shall be entitled to share in entry fees etc., as explained in para16
VII. The RFO and EDC shall prepare a Draft Micro Plan incorporating all the points explained above.


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The Microplan shall aim at sustainable development of the Forest Area and Wildlife and shall include development of
Forests outside the NP & WLS for the sustainable production of wood, timber, & fodder, distribution of Forest product and
also regulation of Cattle grazing. The Microplan shall also prescribe the quantities and modalities for removal of Forest
produce for procurement and distribution every year.
IX. The Microplan will be effective for a period of 10 years and the EDC will conduct a mid term review of the Microplan in the
5th year and propose changes if any with justification for further consideration and decision.
X. The Microplan of EDC in respect of NP & WLS shall be in consonance with the KFD Management Plan drawn up for each
NP & WLS. The Microplan of EDC for the areas outside the NP & WLS shall be in consonance with the departmental
Working Plans
XI. The RFO or his authorized Officer/Member Secretary shall place the draft Microplan before the Management Committee
of the EDC. The prescriptions will be discussed and the suggestions of the Management Committee, if any shall be
XII. The Microplan will be put before the General Body of the EDC for its approval. The General Body will be informed about
the proposals and the execution of the Microplan. These will be discussed and final acceptable points will be agreed
upon. After the approval of Microplan, the approval of Grama Panchayat of the jurisdiction shall be obtained if there are
areas managed by Grama Panchayat. The approved Microplan shall be sent to the concerned DCF/ACF for his formal
acceptance of the plan. Once it is accepted it shall become Joint Microplan of EDC.
XIII. The implementation of Microplan shall be in consonance with the instructions and guidelines issued from time to time by
Government or PCCF. The funds available under other Government Schemes may be utilized for the purpose of
implementation of such Microplan, if permitted under the relevant rules or guidelines governing such Government
XIV. The EDC shall ensure smooth and timely execution of the various works listed in joint Microplan. The Forest Department
shall provide necessary technical guidance or assistance to EDC when asked for.
XV. The EDC carry out extension and educational activities to facilitate the implementation of Joint Microplan.
XVI. Harvesting of Forest produce in the areas outside the NP/WLS shall be carried out as per the approved Microplan under
the guidance of KFD.
XVII. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be signed by the RFO, WL and the Management Committee of the EDC for
the due performance of the agreed functions of the Joint Micro plan. The model Proforma of MOU will be prescribed by
the PCCF for different categories of area.
XVIII. In areas where Tiger Conservation Foundation is operational the EDC shall also submit microplans to Foundations to
utilize the grants from the annual budget of the Foundations.
The DCF/ACF non recommendation of the Management Committee and RFO may review and approve any changes in the
provisions of MOU that are found necessary so as to bring supplementary/revised MOU.
i. The EDC shall help the Forest department in preparing Joint Microplan for the areas identified for the purpose.
ii. The EDC shall assist the Forest department in planning, protection, conservation and development of degraded forest
areas and other Government wastelands included in the Joint Microplan.
iii. The EDC shall effectively perform its duties and responsibilities as per MOU and Joint Micro Plan and play an
important role in the Management of JFPM areas.
iv. The EDC shall also play an important role in the development of any Government land included for JFPM purpose. In
case of afforestation, the EDC shall assist in identification of land, choice of species, mode of protection and shall also
provide necessary assistance and co-operation in protection and management of plantations. The EDC shall entirely
responsible for the full protection of the forests and the plantations raised on such lands after three years, preferably
through its members or through paid watchman employed by the EDC out of its resoures.
v. The EDC shall play an important role in enriching the forests and wildlife by preventing encroachments, forest fires,
illicit cuttings, smuggling of forest produce and poaching of wild animals and regulating grazing and such other
functions which are needed to develop forest resources.
vi. The EDC shall access the funds from Government, Forest Development Agnecy (FDA), Tiger Conservation
Foundations and other development agencies for implementation of Joint Microplan.
i. As regards the cost of raising and maintenance of plantations of JFPM areas, the Forest Department shall subject to
the availability of resources meet the initial cots and for 3 years period thereafter. Further, in respect of slow growing
usufructs yielding plants/plantations the maintenance may be required for another three years which may be
supported by the Department depending upon requirement and availability of funds.
ii. The identified areas in Microplans are allotted for joint management only. These areas shall not be considered as
leased areas to the EDC nor the EDC can lease these area to anybody.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



In case of default by a member or a group of members or by EDC as a whole, the penal para prescribed under the
scheme shall be enfored.
iv. The EDC can take up afforestation programmes, soil and moisture conservation works in lands belonging to
Government community and institutional vacant lands out of their own resoures outside JFPM scheme on mutually
agreed arrangements.
v. The Forest Department can undertake research and other pilot programmes in the identified area in the Microplan in
the interest of forest development and management without sharing pattern.
vi. The EDC shall utilize VFDF for development and management of identified area in the Microplan.
vii. To ensure the participation of women, poor and landless members, the EDC shall encourage the formation and
functioning of Self Help Groups (SHG)/credit groups/user groups.
i. The EDC shall be organized as a sort of meaningful partnerships with communities to manage identified area in the
Microplans. For this, the officials of the Forest department should be motivated and professionally trained in the
processes of JFPM. To improve the quality of participation, particularly of women, poor and landless, the department
shall promote formation and functioning of informal groups like credit groups/self help groups/thrift groups etc.,
ii. The problems arising from the interaction between the EDCs, between the members of the same EDC and the villagers
outside the EDC, should be arbitrated by the RFO/ACF as early as possible.
iii. Leadership of senior officers of the department to provide clear, coherent and unambiguous guidance and their
frequent site visits will be crucial for the success of the scheme.
iv. An integrated approach and interest shown by different departments like Forest, Revenue, Agriculture, Horticulture,
Watershed, Irrigation, Animal Husbandry, Sericulture, will be useful to make the scheme successful.
v. Jurisdictional senior officers of the rank of ACF and above should attend one meeting of at least one EDC, once in 6
vi. Depending upon the skills, capacity and requirement of the EDC, some of the works identified in the area like raising,
maintenance, protection of plantations, fire prevention, soil and water conservation measures etc., may be entrusted to
EDC and funds for the purpose shall be made available to EDC. This will help in building up of feeling of ownership on
the assets created/managed.
vii. The success of the scheme shall depend largely on relevant information and training (s) provided to the members of the
EDC. Special care should be taken to provide frequent information to EDC. The members shall be informed properly in
all aspects of forest management. Visits by EDC members to spots of success and failure may be arranged and regular
self-evaluation by the EDCs be made. Such visits may be organized to such areas both inside and outside the State
subject to availability of funds.
viii. EDCs should not become an extension of the Forest department, but these shall be strong village bodies having
functional autonomy and independent bargaining power to get rural credits, bank loans and other genuine facilities. All
the Government departments should take special care to ensure this.
ix. On the request of the concerned EDCs, the Forest department/Revenue department shall make available the areas
under their control (based on the priorities) and within the jurisdiction of the EDCs for planning, management,
development and conservation of the forests to the EDCs concerned after the MOU is signed. No lease or grant of
such lands to the EDCs shall however be permissible or made.
x. The legal status of the lands identified under Microplan shall remain unchanged.
xi. The Animal Husbandry Department shall advise EDC on live-stock management including fodder development, stall
feeding and improvement in cattle breed.
xii. The Agriculture Officer/Assistants shall advise the EDC on different extension strategies to be evolved to motivate
everybody in the village to become willing partners, in the management of the forest lands and other Government lands
assigned to the EDC as a sustainable link with agriculture and agro based activities in the village.
xiii. The Watershed Development Department shall advise the EDCs on soil and moisture conservation works and other
watershed development programmes and shall promote the participation of EDCs in the programme.
xiv. When the areas are closed for grazing, an attempt should be made to provide alternatives.
xv. An attempt should be made to help to form EDCs in those ares where majority are willing to participate in the
xvi. The Forest Department at appropriate level shall take necessary action to pursue other development departments to
recognize the decisions and needs of EDCs with respect to Village Development.
xvii. In areas where Tiger Conservation Foundation is operational, sufficient provisions shall be made in the APO of
foundation to undertake Eco-development work in villages through the EDCs.
The members identified through the EDC will be entitle to grasses, leaves and twigs etc., free of cost from the areas
outside the np/wLS areas where available on such conditions prescribed by the EDCs. The members shall also be


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



entitled to lops and tops, prunings and NTFP for bonafide use, free of cost. The distribution of such produce will be
supervised by the Management Committee and shall ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the above forest
produces to all the stakeholders. The Committee may work out its own principles and mechanism for distribution of
produce with a view of meeting the needs of the local population.
Regarding disposal of NTFP/fruits, firewood, poles, timber and final harvest, the requirements of the local villagers
should be treated as a first charge on such produce.
Non timber forest Produce collection area shall cover forest land and Government waste lands with the Forest
department, excluding the PA, the areas with the LAMP societies and Tree Patt areas, irrespective of Crown density
within the limits of revenue boundary of village or part of village or group of villages of EDC, subject to rights and
privileges of villagers.
The proceeds arising from the local sale by the EDC as well as those arising from the disposal through auction after
deducting all the expenditure incurred on the harvest, shall be shared between the government and the EDC in the ratio
as detailed below.








Old plantations raised prior to the formation of EDC except Teak Plantation(s)


Assets creatred with help of EDC


Natural growth prior to formation of EDC excluding valuable Sps Viz Sandalwood,
Rosewood, Teak, Honne, Matti, & Nandi, subject to the provisions of working plan











Note :- Out of the EDCs share not less than 50% shall go to VFDF and balance go to VDF
The EDCs Share from the revenue/income realized from the Eco-developments spots (situated whether inside/outside the
Eco-Tourism Spots





General entry fee for persons, fee for Car parking, other special entry fees like acquarium




Running Cafeteria (Nominal Ground rent) and other stalls




Boating charges and other services



Note :- Out of the EDC share not less than 50% shall go to VFDF and balance shall go to VDF
Out of the sums accruing to the EDC at least 50% will go to the village Forest Development Fund (VFDF). The
balance may either be equitably shared by the members of the EDC as dividends or be deposited in Village
Development Fund (VDF) as approved by the EDC, the VDF can be used by the EDC for developmental activities
other than forestry and related activities.
(iii) The conditions framed for operation of VFDF and VDF are as in Para 20. While spending the VDF, the EDC shall
decide the development needs of the village and execute the works taking necessary guidance from Panchayats.
17. ROLE OF N.G.Os IN Eco-Development Activities
The Voluntary Agencies/NGOs with proven track record may be involved in planning, protection, regeneration and
development of JFPM areas. The Forest department should take full advantage of the experience of such Voluntary
Agencies and NGOs.
The NGOs shall perform all other functions in the ex-officio capacity of the members of the General Body and the
Management Committee of the EDC. The NGOs are not entitled to any benefits accorded under the scheme.
(iii) If there are more than one active NGO in the locality, one representative of NGOs may be nominated by the DCF
(iv) NGOs shall play supportive role in assisting Forest departmental programmes and break the communication barriers.
NGOs shall assist in disseminating the information regarding guidelines/resolutions for community involvement issued
by Government/Forest Department among Village communites.
(vi) NGOs can play an effective facilitation role and role of an extension agency between EDC and Government
(vii) Subject to availability of funds, the Forest department may provide required financial assistance for meeting the
minimum expenditure on logistics of NGOs and voluntary agencies.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



This fund is created for each EDC. The initial expenditure required for opening of the account shall be met from the
funds provided by the forest department in this regard. This fund shall be operated by the EDC as per the conditions laid down by
the Government under Para 20. Fines and penalties collected by the EDC, as stated under the scheme, shall be credited to this
fund. Besides EDCs share from out of the disposal of forest produce as per para 15 and 16 above earmarked for VFDF shall also
be credited to this fund. All other receipts received by EDC shall also be credited to this fund. VFDF shall be used only for the
developmental activities of forests as per the approved Microplan of the EDC. This fund shall not be used for the benefits of the
members personally or be shared as profit among the members.
This fund is created on a separate account of the EDC, once the EDC receives its share and decided to form this fund.
This fund shall be operated by the EDC as per the conditions laid down under Para 20.
(i) The funds shall be in a joint Account System in the name of the President of the EDC and the Member Secretary.
(ii) The maintenance of records and accounts relating to EDC shall be the responsibility of the Member Secretary as
stated in Para 8 (viii) and (ix).
(iii) Accounts of the VFDF and VDF shall be closed on the last date of every month not later than 10 days from the last
date of the month when accounts are closed and sent to the RFO not later than 7 days thereafter and unspent cash
balance shall be remitted to the bank account. Cash balance with EDC should not exceed Rs. 500/- after the closure
of the accounts every month.
(iv) All cash transactions of more than Rs. 500/- should be by cheque.
(v) Monthly accounts shall be placed before the Management Committee at the earliest not later than three months and
got approved.
(vi) These funds shall not be used for the benefit of the members personally or shared as profit among the members.
(vii) The VFDF fund shall only be used to meet the following items of expenditure :
a. To meet petty expenses of Management Committee meeting at not more than Rs. 100/- per meeting and expenses of
General Body meeting at not more than Rs. 500/- per meeting.
b. Sitting fee of not more than Rs. 25/- per member of the Management Committee per meeting subject to ta maximum
of one meeting per month.
c. Postage and Stationery.
d. Awards and incentives for promotion of tree growth in the JFPM areas.
e. Habitat improvement works, Nursery raising and afforestatation.
Forest protection works.
g. Expenditure pertaining to printing propaganda and publicity materials.
h. Purchase of publications periodicals and books relating to JFPM and Rural Development.
Expenses relating to audit of accounts.
Payment of fees/honorarium to the office attendant/office assistant..
k. Incidental expenses on revenue generating works and resoures mobilization
Expenditure on training in natural resources management.
m. Expenditure on all other forestry related activities defined in the joint Microplan and the memorandum of
understanding between the EDC and RFO.
The VDF shall only be used to meet the following expenditures :
a. To meet petty expenses of Management Committee meeting at not more than Rs. 100/- per meeting and expenses of
General Body meeting at not more than Rs. 500/- per meeting.
b. Sitting fee of not more than Rs. 25/- per member of the Management Committee per meeting subject to a maximum of
one meeting per month.
c. Postage and Stationery.
d. Promotion of value addition activities.
e. Expenditure on training & awareness programme in rural development.
f. Office furniture, rent, electricity charges and taxes.
g. Expenses relating to audit of accounts.
h. Payment of fees/honorarium to the Office attendant/Office assistant.
i. Incidental expenses on revenue generating works and resource mobilization.
j. Expenditure towards creation of amenities for the village like bus shelters, Water supply, Roads, sanitary works, small
civil works, etc.,
k. Income Generation Activity (IGA)
l. All other village developmental activities other than forestry works.
Note : Expenditure on item number a, b, c, g, h and I supra shall be booked only if these are not covered under VFDF.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011




The accounts shall be got audited by the Management Committee of the EDC after the closure of every financial
year. For this purpose the Management Committee of the EDC shall place a formal request not later than the last day of
the month of April of the following year before the DCF/ACF concerned to have the accounts audited through authorized
auditors. Upon this, the DCF/ACF shall arrange to have the accounts audited either through any registered auditors not
later than the last date of the month of July of the following financial year. After the auditing of accounts, the Management
Committee shall place the audited accounts before the General Body meeting of EDC not later than the last date of the
month of September of the following year and obtain its formal approval. Audited account shall be sent to the jurisdictional
RFO and DCF/ACF within one month thereafter.
Under Secretary to Government,
PR. 333
Forest, Ecology and Environment Department

EAzs aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

zv jPuAi ES PwAi Pbj ZgdUg v j G zv jPPg

PbjUU zgt s MzV U.
1. ... gg v AS : /2/zgt/7136/10-11, AP :
2. v AS : G//zgt/2652/09-10, AP : 18-1-2010.
3. v AS : G//zgt s/1710-11/09-10, AP : 20-3-2010.

PiAP (1)g Nzz vz ZgdUg v j G sUU PbjUU zgtAi
Cr R zv jPPg v PiAP (2) v (3)g vU PV G R zv jPPg,
g v, g U G zv jPPg, j EgU Pjgvg.
zj Ai PAPV j F PVAv DzVz.
Pgz Dz AS : EJ 70 EJ 2010, AUg, AP : 2-2-2011.
ZgdUg v j G sUU PbjUU v MAzgAv g zgt s CrP
Pg Cw r Dzz.
F Dz DyP ESAi nt AS : DE 1206/Z-1/2010, AP : 14-10-2010 gAi grVz.

. Dg. 334

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j

oPj, EAzs ES.

dA aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

gUg f Zlt vP PUg t gj Pg it PUjUV

rPAq dUU AiiAiz Dzg Zj jg w U.
R EAfAig, t gj (zQt) Ai, AU
g, Eg v AS :
z/S/-1/3/s/2010-11/2614, AP : 20-12-2010.

gUg f, Zlt vP PUg t gj Pg it PUjUV rPAq PUg Uz
dUU AiiAi (jAi t), gUg AP : 26-8-2005 gAz rg wg Zj
jg w Cz qUq iqAv R EAfAig, t gj (zQt) Ai, AUg Eg
Nzz AP : 20-12-2010g vz Pjgvg.
PlP s PAiAi PA 4(1) gr CZ grz AP : 27-11-1997 g Pg sP
Ml siPg AP : 22-5-2000 gAz gaz LwAv jg qz, a jgPV s
PAiAi PA 18(1)gr gUg AiiAi (jAi sU)z J.J.. AS : 9/2001 zRzg.
AiiAi AP : 26-8-2005 gAz rz Dzz F d igPm Ai g. 92,000/-UU Urz
wPz vz g PPAqAwz.
(g. U)
J.J.. AS
PUg Uz t J-UA
jg zsz v

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



jg zsz vz AiiAiz Z jz.

F Dzz gz Ez CAz PAzAi ES v AS : Dgr 681 JJ 2010,
AP : 9-11-2010g CAi rz.
Aq J CAU PAPV j Pg PPAqAv Dzz.
zj Ai PAPV j F PVAv DzVz.
Pgz Dz AS : E 154 s 2010,
AUg, AP : 1-2-2011.
Ai jz PgtUAz, gUg f Zlt vP PUg U P jz dUU
AiiAi rz wAv U s PAiAi Cg jg v g. 2,98,669-00 (Jgq Pz
vAsvAl gz Dg g DgvAsv gU iv) U F PPAq gwUl q Pg
Cz rz.
1. t wU z v PZg vBSAi zrPjPAq wvPz. U Jgq j
wAiiUzAv JZgvPz.
2. sPl dU E t gj ESAi jU UuAiiUz, Pq AAz
t gj ESAi CPjU d PAzAi zRU EArPj P PUvP z .
F Z 2010-11 DAiAiz P P 4702-0-800-1-00 s ZU v PAUEvx 132 Aq ZU CrAi t gj ESU MzVg CzAz sjPvPz .
F Dz Pgz Dz AS : Jsr 01 nJs 2010, AP : 20/10/2010g Pgz
PAizAijU rg DyPPgz C vAid gU grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j

. Dg. 335

Pgz C PAiz,
dA ES (t gj).

iw vAve, eP vAve
U e v vAve aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

w ZA. E. Aig Ug, iw vAve, eP vAve zAi,

Eg AP : 4-2-2011 gAz zAi qAi vgwU Aif Pjv.
zPg, AP v iw vAve, AvAi sgv Pg, z
(EDgn-E), Eg E- AP : 30-12-2010.

Nzz AP : 30-12-2010g E- zPg, iw vAve (EDgn-E), AP v
iw vAve, AvAi sgv Pg, z Eg wAz Database Server Security JA Aiz
AP : 4-2-2011 gAz Eg vgwU z iq Pjgvg. AiP w ZA.E. Aig
Ug, iw vAve zAi AUg Eg Aif F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS : Lnr 06 rLJ 2011, AUg, AP : 2-2-2011.
iw vAve v eP vAve U e vAve zAiz Aig Ug, zAi
PAi wg w ZA.E. Eg zAi qAi AP : 4-2-2011 gA Database Server
Secutity vgwU dgV AgUzP Cz qVz.
zj CPjU AP : 4-2-2011g z CAi UgdjAi Pvz JAz jUtVz
U zj AiitP PJDg Aii Pg sg g Aiit sv , sv qAi CPjAig
F Dz DyP ESAi Dz AS : Jsr 1 nJs 96, AP : 10-7-1996 g ES zs
PAizUU zvz CPgzAi grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
P. gAUAi
Pgz C PAiz (),
. Dg. 336

iw vAve, eP vAve U e v vAve ES.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011




Read :

Diversion of 0.688 ha. of Deemed forest land in Sy.No. 94 P1 of Senapura Village,

Kundapura Taluk for construction of 110/33/11 K.V.S/C line on D/C Towers from
Kundapur sub-station to Navunda sub-station in favour of the Executive Engineer
(Elect), Major Works Division, Udupi KPTCL, Kavoor, Mangalore.
1. Letter No. A5(2) GFL.CR.39/10-11, dated : 29-11-2010 of Principal Chief
Conservator of Forest, Bangalore.
2. Government of India letter No. F.No. 11-9/98-FC, dated :
16-10-2000, 21-112005, 26-12-2007 and 11-9-2009.

The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Bangalore vide his letter dated 29-11-2010 read at (1) above has submitted the
proposal for diversion of 0.688 ha. of forest land in Sy. No. 94P1 of Senapura Village, Kundapura Taluk for construction of 110/33/11
KV S/C line on D/C Towers from Kundapura sub-station to the proposed 110/33 KV sub-station at Navunda in Senapura village in
favour of the Executive Engineer (Elect), Major Works Division, Udupi, KPTCL, Kavoor, Managalore under the Forest (conservation)
Act, 1980, subject to certain conditions.
This proposal has been examined as per the general approval of Government of India in its letter dated : 16-10-2000, 21-112005, 26-12-2007 and 11-9-2009. And it has been decided to accord sanction for diversion of 0.688 ha. of forest land under the Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980. The proposal has been examined in detail and hence the order.
In the circumstances explained in the preamble above and in accordance with the general approval given by Government of
India in their letters dated : 16-10-2000, 21-11-2005, 26-12-2007 and 11-9-2009, Government is pleased to accord approval under
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 0.688 ha. of forest land in Sy.No. 94P1 of Senapura Village, Kundapura Taluk for
construction of 110/33/11 KV S/C line on D/C Towers from Kundapura sub-station to the proposed 110/33 KV sub-Station at Navunda
in Senapura village in favour of the Executive Engineer (Elect), Major Work Division, Udupi, KPTCL, Kavoor, Mangalore under the
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, subject to the following conditions.
1. The legal status of the forest land shall continue to be forest land.
2. The lease is for a period of 30 years.
3. The land shall be utilized for the purpose for which it is released.
4. The user agency has to pay the lease rent as fixed by the Government at the time of sanction and any subsequent
orders in this regard.
5. In case the forest land is not used for the stipulated purpose or when it is no longer needed for the stipulated purpose,
the area should automatically revert to the Karnataka Forest Department.
6. The User Agency should not sub-lease, mortgage and hypothecate the forest area.
7. Only minimum number of trees shall be cut based on actual requirement of the project.
8. The User Agency shall pay the extraction and transportation charges of trees as estimated by the Deputy Conservators
of Forests from the proposed forest land.
9. The user agency has to pay the Net Present Value (NPV) as per the Orders dated : 28-3-2008 and 9-5-2008 of the
Honble Supreme Court of India.
10. The Karnataka Forest Act, 1963 and Rules, 1969 and other relevant Acts and Rules will applicable for any violation.
11. The User Agency shall abide by all the conditions imposed upon by the Government of India/State
Government/Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Bangalore.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka
Under Secretary to Government
P.R. 337
Forest, Ecology and Environment Department.

Cgt, jg v f aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

2010-11 U UAzsz ag igl zgU jj Ur U.

Pj Dz AS : Cf 63 JsJq 2007, AP : 24-11-2007.
Pj Dz AS : Cf 67 JsJq 2009, AP : 6-2-2010.
Pj Dz AS : Cf 24 JsJq 2010, AP : 19-6-2010.
zs R Cgt AgPuPj (Cgt q Rg ) Eg
J6/JrJ/ai/Dg-36/ 2009-10, AP : 28-9-2010/4-10-2010.


gdzg dP GzU, zsP wvg AU U dPjU q UAzsz ag
iglz Ai Pg DVAzU grz DzU UrVgvz. Nzz P ASAi (1) jAz

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



(3) g AP : 24-11-2007, 6-2-2010 v 19-6-2010g DzU UAzsz ag igl zgU 2007-08 v

2009-10 U jj UrVz.
Nzz P AS (3) g AP : 28-9-2010/4-10-2010 2010-11 U UAzsz ag igl
zg jj Ur zs Uz UAzsP gdz zs Pj UAzsz PpU qz Pz 2 gdU
zgQz zgU CAi gj zg PAq rz zj gj zg igPm zgAz jUt, F igPm
zg 2009-10 zs UU UAzsP Pg Urz ag igl zgUAU P iqVz.
2010-11 U zs UU UAzsP ag igl zg Ur P i zAqU Cj 2010-11
U Cx A DzzgU ag igl zg Ur Dz gr U jv zg Pg
Ur APzgU Pz P Adgz zg Azg Dz zs R Cgt
AgPuPjU Pjgvg.
zs R Cgt AgPuPjU Ai jVz, UAzsz ag igl zgU w nP
lU `. PU jj zsj v jv zg 2010-11 U Cx A DzzgU Ur,
CzgAU jv zg Dz ejU Az APzgU Pz P Adgz zg Azg Pg
zsjg Pgt F PPAqAv Dz grVz.
Pgz Dz AS : Cf 76 JsJq 2010, AUg, AP : 31-1-2011.
Ai jg PgtUAz UAzsz ag igl zgU 2010-11 U jj vPtAz ejU
gAv v A DzzgU Urz U jv zg Dz ejU Az APzgU Pz P
Adgz zg AzgAv DzVz.
UAzsz U
2010-11 U Urz ag
igl zg w nP lU `.

Aiv zs (m-I)



Z zs (m- II)



AeA (m- III)












gm- I



gm- II



gm- III



deP- I



deP- II























P &

. Dg. 338

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
J. gd
Pgz C PAiz,
Cgt, jg v f ES.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


No. HD 60 POSAEE 2009, Bangalore, dated : 28-1-2011
In Government Order No. OE 60 POSAEE 2009, dated 24-8-2009 constituting Police Establishment Board, the following is
added as sub-para 2(e), in the order portion, under 2Functions of the Board after sub-para-2(d).
The cases pertaining to transfer of Police Offiers/personnel on complaints shall be considered by the Police Establishment Board and
action taken in this regard shall be reported to Government.
Further, in the said Government Order No. OE 60 POSAEE 2009 dated 24-8-2009 constituting Police Establishment board,
the following is added after the last sentence in Para-4 of the order portion.
As a general rule, police officers on operational duties in the field like Superintendent of Police incharge of Districts, including
Additional Superintendent of Police, Inspector General of Police incharge of Range, shall have a minimum tenure of two years. The
Chief Minister may, however, at his discretion, for reasons to be recorded in writing, transfer an officer of the above category within the
period of two years.
By Order and in the name of Governor of Karnataka
Under Secretary to Government
P.R. 344
Home Department (Police Services)

d A aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

vPg f, PglUg vP Pm t gj Pg itPV rPAq

dUU AiiAiz DzzAv a jg w U.
1. Pgz Dz AS : E 132 s 2008, AP : 2-1-2009
2. R EAfAig, t gj zQt Ai, AUg Eg v AS :
z//-1/3/s/10-11/1214, AP : 28-5-2010.

vPg f, PglUg vP Pm t gj Pg itPV rPAq g
Uz .A. 23g 39-11 JPg dU zsVj AiiAi (jAi sU) J.J.. Pgt AS : 5/84g
wAv a jg g. 59,14,332-00U w (1)g Nzz AP : 2-1-09g Pgz Dzz
Cz r FUU F v siPjU wVz. F wAi . 12g Zj igPm zg
U Czg wPz r v jg. FU F UV PZg vBSAi vAiij g. 40,70,78500U qUq iqAv R EAfAig, t gj zQt Ai, AUg Eg (2) g Nzz
AP : 28-5-10g vz Pjzg. jv PZgzAv wPz vz g PPAqAwz :


g Uz .A.

t J-UA

jg v






Aq J CAU PAPV j, Pg PPAqAv Dzz.

Pgz Dz AS : E 74 s 2010, AUg, AP : 28 dj 2011.
Ai jg PgtUAz vPg f, PglUg vP Pm t gj Pg itPV
rPAq g Uz .A. 23g 39-11 JPg AiiAi J.J.. AS : 5/84g rg
DzzAv . 12 g Zj igPm zg rAiAU w g. 29,94,225-00 U (EvAsv Pz
vAsv gz Eg Evz g.U iv) U PPAq gv UUl
q Pgz Cz rz.

t wU z v PZg vBSAi zrPjPAq wvP z U Jgq j

wAiiUzAv JZgvPz.
2. Zj jgzsz wU z d PzjP U RavrPAq wvPz .

sPl dU E t gj ESAi jU UuAiiUz, AAz t

gj CPjU Uu U Pq P PUvPz.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



F Z 2010-11 DAiAiz PP 4702-00-800-1-00-s ZU v PAU-Evx

132 Aq ZU CrAi t gj ESU MzVg CzAz sjPvPz.
F Dz DyP ESAi Dz AS : Jsr 1 nJs 2010, AP :20-10-10 g ES
PAizAijU rg CPg vAidAiAi grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
Pgz C PAiz
dA ES (t gj).

. Dg. 345



Regarding Implementation of Minor Irrigation Works under Accelerated Irrigation









Establishment of Monitoring Cell regarding.

Government of India is according approval to the Minor Irrigation Scheme in Karnataka under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit
Programme (AIBP) as per the Modified Guidelines of the Scheme. Following are some of the important eligibility criteria.

Karnataka State is listed under the Non-special category States.

Minor Irrigation schemes with potential more than 50 hectares which serve tribal areas and droughy prone areas can be
included under AIBP.

The schemes to be taken up will be decided in consultation with Planning Commission.

Central Assistance will be in the form of central grant which will be 90% of the project cost in case of project benefiting
drought prone area. The balance cost of the project will have to be borne by the State as States share.

Minor Irrigation Projects approved under this programme will have to be completed in two financial years.
As per the clarification issued in the GOI letter number 10-23/2010-MI/502 dated 17-9-2010 Minor Irrigation projects
with cost up to 2.00 lakhs per Hectare can be posed for AIBP. However sanction of central assistance will be restricted
to 90% of the cost not exceeding Rs. 1.50 lakhs per Hectare.

Government of India in letter No. 10-2/2010-MI dated 3-1-2011 has desired to constitute the following :

Establishment of Monitoring Cell in the State for Monitoring of MI Scheme under AIBP.

Constitution of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), for the purpose of Techno Economic appraisal of the project.

Director (Monitoring), CWC Bangalore is to be included as one of the member in the above bodies.
Hence this Order.
In view of the above, Government are pleased to constitute the following bodies with the members mentioned there in with
immediate effect and until further Orders.
Monitoring Cell (South)

Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation South Zone, Bangalore

Head of the Cell


Director (Monitoring), Central Water Commission,


Government of India, Bangalore


Deputy Secretary to Government, Water Resources


Department (Minor Irrigation)


Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Circle,


Bangalore/Mysore/within their jurisdiction)


Executive Engineer of the concerned Minor Irrigation



Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Quality Control


Division, Bangalore
Monitoring Cell (North)

Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation North Zone, Bijapur

Director (Monitoring), Central Water Commission,
Government of India, Bangalore
Deputy Secretary to Government, Water Resources
Department (Minor Irrigation)

Head of the cell



PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Circle,

Belgaum/Gulbarga within their jurisdiction)
Executive Engineer, of the concerned Minor Irrigation
Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Quality Control
Division, Dharwad.
Above Monitoring Cells have to ensure regular monitoring of all the Minor Irrigation Schemes under AIBP of the respective Zones.
Technical Advisory Committee (South Zone)
Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation South Zone, Bangalore
Director (Monitoring), Central Water Commission,
Government of India, Bangalore
Deputy Secretary to Government, Water Resources
Department (Minor Irrigation)
Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Circle,
Bangalore/Mysore/ within their jurisdiction)
Executive Engineer, of the concerned Minor Irrigation
Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Quality Control
Division, Bangalore
Executive Engineer (Designs), O/o Chief Engineer,
Member Secretary
Minor Irrigation South Zone, Banglaore
Technical Advisory Committee (North Zone)
Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation North Zone, Bijapur
Director (Monitoring), Central Water Commission,
Government of India, Bangalore
Deputy Secretary to Government, Water Resources
Department (Minor Irrigation)
Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Circle,
Belgaum/Gulbarga within their jurisdiction)
Executive Engineer, of the concerned Minor Irrigation
Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Quality Control
Division, Dharwad
Deputy Chief Engineer, O/o Chief Engineer,
Member Secretarty
Minor Irrigation North Zone, Bijapur
Duties and functions of the Committee will be as follows :
To function as Zonal Level Technical Advisory Committee.
To accord technical approval for the project.
To supervise and render technical Service/advice for implementation of the project.
By Order and in the name of Governor of Karnataka
Ex Officio Under Secretary to Government
P.R. 346
Water Resources Department (Minor Irrigation).

PAzAi aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

Pj Aid u iqwg : ELJ, : JAJ PAlg v : -qP, u

Eg UwU CAi Azj Pjv.
Pgz Dz AS : PAE 172 2009, AP : 14-7-2010.
Pgz Dz AS : PAE 192 2009, AP : 13-7-2010
Azt jPPg U zAPU DAiPgg v AS : Comp/09/2007-08,
AP: 22-12-2010

Nzz (1) g AP : 14-7-2010g Dzz : ELJ v : JAJ PAlg mq

ggAU Pj Aid u UwU CAi AP : 30-6-2003 g UwU PgjUl AP : 1-1-2010

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



jAz 30-6-2010 ggU PlP dP AUuU gzPv CAi 1999 g PA 4() gAi Azg
U Azgl UwU CAi u Zz zgU Aiiz jwAi Z Eg JAz Dzz.
Nzz (2) g AP : 13-7-2010g Dzz : -qP, uAigAU Pj vAvA u
UwU CAi AP : 5-5-2005 g UwU PgjUl AP : 1-1-2010 jAz 30-6-2010 ggU PlP
dP AUuU gzPv CAi 1999 g PA 4() gAi Azg U Azgl UwU
CAi u ZAz 4 EAfAigUU wAUAzP v g. 90,000/- v C vjU j w
Cw rz. UwU Azjq CAi u Zz zgU Aiiz jwAi Z Eg JAz
Nzz (3) g vz Azt jPPg U zAPU DAiPgg Azt v zAP
ESAi Pj UtQPgt AidAi 2003-04 ejUVz, zj AidAi gezAv
CU M/s ECIL U M/s CMS Computers Ltd. ggU mAqg QAi P DAi irUVgvz. :
-qP, ugg Pj vAvA Crz Czg uAi Cg irPAq gwzg. Pj
Aid CPV M/s ECIL U M/s CMS Computers Ltd. ggAU U Pj vAvA uUV : -qP,
u ggAU UwU Pgg v irPVz, zj UwU CAi 5 zVgvz. zj UwU PggUAi M/s
ECIL U M/s CMS Computers Ltd. UwU CAi AP : 19-11-2008 U 5-12-2009 P PUArgvz. :
-qP, u Aig UwU CAi AP : 31-1-2009 P PAiUArgvz JAz wgvg.
Azgz Dzsjv v Pj vAvA Cr CU AidAi CzsAi g
U DgJs gU vAiijl PgAz Cngvz. UwUzgg mAqg QAi tUAq
v UwUzgg v PlrUzAz, mAqg QAi tUAq v UwUzgg DAiUAq Avg
v Dzsjv Pj vAvA Cr CU 9 wAU PP PVgvz. DzjAz zj
UwUzgg UwU CAi AP : 1-7-2010 jAz 31-3-2011 ggU jz Cgvz. v Pj
AidAi CUwg M/s ECIL U M/s CMS Computers Ltd. gg U Pj vAvA wg
M/s C-DAC, u gg UwU CAi UwU Pgg vz PggUU U F PPAq gvUU MlAv AP :
1-7-2010 jAz 31-3-2011 ggU jAv Pjgvg.
Agreed Tems and Conditions of Maintenance Service : In the meeting held on 22-12-2010 between the vendors M/s ECIL, M/s CMS
Computers Ltd. and the Inspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps, Bangalore it was unanimously agreed to
impose fines at the following rates on the disruptions in service occurred due to breakdown of systems.
Service Disruptions details

Where there is only service disruption but not loss of data


If the disruption in service does not exceed 6 hours

No fine


If the disruption in service exceed 6 hours but not exceeding

5% of the previous months scanning charges of

more than 8 hours (1day)

that Sub-registrar office.

If the disruption in service is more than 1 day-for each days

10% of the previous months scanning charges


of that Sub-registrar office.



Where there is disruption in service along with loss of data :

Disruption along with loss of 1 days data

10% of the previous months scanning charges

of that Sub-Registrar office.



Disruption along with loss of data for more than 1 day but less

15% of the previous months scanning charges

than 7 days-For each days disruption and data loss

of that Sub-registrar office.

Disruption along with loss of data for more than 7 days but less

20% of the previous months scanning charges

than 30 days For each days disruptions and data loss

of that Sub-registrar office.

Note : The recovery of lost data shall be made by the vendors at their own cost. In case of failure to do so, the cost will be recovered
from the maintenance charges due to the vendors.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


U jq UwU CAi F PPAq PPz az zgUAi Z w Dz

grAv Pjgvg.
UwUzgg g
Zz zgU g.U
|| ELJ AUg
g. 22.50 irz AUg Ug f AUg
zf w lP
UiAvg f, U, gUg
gvr Evg 25 fU
|| JAJ PAlg mq, g. 22.50 irz AUg UiAvg, U,
zf w lP
g. 15.50 irz AUg Ug f
zf w lP
|| -qP, u
g. d EAfAigU
90,000/- v C

CAU Ai Azt v zAP ESAi Dzsjv v vAvA

Cr FUU P PUArgzjAz U v vAvA Cr CU P

PPz CPv EgzjAz CAigU v Pj vAvA uU zgPwg Utl
Azjz CAz PAqAg Ai || ELJ, || JAJ PAlg mq U || qP, u EgAU Pj AidAi u UwU CAi Azj wiz Pg F PPAqAv
Pgz Dz AS : PAE 02 2011, AUg, AP : 24-1-2011.
|| ELJ, || JAJ PAlg mq U || -qP, u EgAU Pj vAvA u
UwU CAi PV AP : 30-6-2003 U 5-5-2005 g UwU PgjUl AP : 1-7-2010 jAz
31-3-2011 ggU PlP dP AUuU gzPv CAi 1999 PA 4 () gAi Azg F PPAq
gvUUl Dzz.

|| ELJ, || JAJ PAlg mq U || -qP, u EgAV UwU CAi

AP : 31-3-2011 g Avg Aiiz PgtP AzjU.


Cg mAqg Pgz gAijU UwU q W P vUzPz.

Azgl UwU C F PPAqAv u Zz zg w Cw rz.


UwUzgg g
|| ELJ, AUg

|| JAJ


Zz zgU g.U
g. 22.50 irz
zf w lP


g. 22.50 irz
zf w lP

AUg Ug f AUg
UiAvg f, U, gUg
gvr Evg 25 fU
AUg UiAvg, U,
AUg Ug f

g. 15.50 irz
zf w lP
|| -qP, u
g. d EAfAigU
90,000/- v C
|| ELJ, || JAJ PAlg mq U || -qP, u Eg Pj Aid u
iqwg AP : 1-7-2010 jAz 31-3-2011 g UwU CAi uAi vqP GAmz F PVAv
dAi Uz.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Service Disruptions details :


Where there is only service disruption but not loss of data


If the disruption in service does not exceed 6 hours

No fine


If the disruption in service exceed 6 hours but not exceeding

5% of the previous months scanning charges of

more than 8 hours (1day)

that Sub-registrar office.

If the disruption in service is more than 1 day-for each days

10% of the previous months scanning charges


of that Sub-registrar office.


Where there is disruption in service along with loss of data :


Disruption along with loss of 1 days data

10% of the previous months scanning charges

of that Sub-Registrar office.


Disruption along with loss of data for more than 1 day but less


15% of the previous months scanning charges

than 7 days-For each days disruption and data loss

of that Sub-registrar office.

Disruption along with loss of data for more than 7 days but less

20% of the previous months scanning charges

than 30 days For each days disruptions and data loss

of that Sub-registrar office.

Note : The recovery of lost data shall be made by the vendors at their own cost. In case of failure to do so, the cost will be recovered
from the maintenance charges due to the vendors.

F Z P P 2030-03-001-2-04 Charges of Supply of Registrered Documents-051, General Expenses

CrAi sjz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j
n.P. gZAz
Pgz C PAiz,
. Dg. 347
PAzAi ES (Azt v zAP).

PAzAi aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

2006 vAqz vggU jPu CAi vPgV ggvgAz W U.

1. Pgz CZ A : PAE 51 JJr 2008, AP : 23-05-2008.
2. Pgz CPv e A : Dgr 223 Jr 2008, AP 11-06-2008.
3. Pgz v A : PAE 462 JJr 2010, AP : 09-08-2010.
4. fPjU, AUg UiAvg, zQt Pq, j vPg, g, ztUg,
AUg Ug v zsgq f Eg vU AP CP V 02-12-10, 11-10-10,
19-10-10, 02-09-10, 04-09-10, 30-08-10, 20-12-10 v 04-12-10.

Nzz P AS (1) AP : 23-05-2008 g Pj CZAi PlP Uemq gU
Pw (zsvP jPU P P) AiU 1997 g CrAi PlP P DAiUAz DAiUAq
Ml 40 CsyUU jPu vg UA- zU Pw Dz qVv. zj CZAi Ml 40
jPu vggU 2 U P jPu CAi EgvgAz v F CAi Pq s jP
v Uv ES jPU GwtgUPAz wVv. PU
Aq J 40 jPu vggU PvP
Nzz P. A. (2) AP : 11-06-2008 g J jPu vggUU Jgq U vgwUV
zs fUU vwVv. Dzg, EgU zs PgtUAz/g zU PU
ArzjAz Ml 5 jPu
vggU ( AsAU, CszAi J. DAz, JA.e. Zv, Pig .P. v E)
Az lVgvg. Ez 35 jPu vgg U Uv ES jPU GwtgVg U, f
vgwAizU, vgwAi vPgV gg U U Eg U gz ES ZguU U iwAi
Nzz P.A. (3) g AP : 09-08-2010 g J fPjUAz qAi v gAiVv. CzgAv,
Nzz P. A. 4 g AP : 02-12-10, 11-10-10, 19-10-10, 02-09-10, 04-09-10, 30-08-10, 20-12-10 v 04-12-10 g
vU fPjU v Ai Ez jPu vgg U U Uv ES jPU (Pq s w
j) GwtgVgzV U jPu vggU vPgV jPu CAi PAi gvg
JAz sg irgzjAz PlP (jPu) AiU 1977g Ai 5(1) gAi F PPAq 14
vggU vPgV jPu CAi ggvgAz W wi F PPAqAv


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Pgz Dz AS: Dgr 462 JJr 2010 AUg, AP: 21-01-2011.

Ai jg PgtU Ai, F PPAq 14 jPu vgg U PlP
(jPu) AiU 1977 g Ai 5 (1) gr jPu CAi vPgV ggvgAz W Dzz.
jPu C
jPu vgg g
j .Dg.

.Dg. 348

Pig J.JA.




zAiiAz .Dg.
Cf .
Pm Z.
Pig .J.
g U
e f.
v .P.
UAiw AiP
AiP J. APg
gd JA. AQ
Pig P.Z.



PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

J.. n
Pgz C PAiz,
PAzAi ES (U-3)

Ug aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

gd U g ggd v MZgAr AidAi UU LqP AAig

UggV P.n... PAi 4(f) gAv q Pjv.
P zPg, PlP Ug g ggd MZgAr Aqgg v AS :
PdA E/JfEE-1/rE-1/JE-2/3644/2009-10, 19-03-10 v v AS :
PdA/vAwP/INT.WS/Vol-II/1435/2010-11, AP : 12-08-2010.

gdz DAi 16 Ug/ltUU 24x7 gAv gAvg PrAi g MzV Pq UAU AidAi
PAiUvU CjPz P, , CAzd Z, Ev CAU
Aq U Aid gAi
vAiij PgAz gvz AidAi juPjAiiV ejU Uv CAiU tU V
LqP AAiAU AidAi U vAiijPAz tVv. EzP PlP Ug g ggd v
MZgAr AqAi Aid C KeAiV DAi iq djAi Vz.
gdz U g ggd v MZgAr AidAi U LqP AAi UggV
P.n... PAi PA 4(f) gAv q P zPg , P v MZ Aqgg Nzz
PAS (1) g vz Ai PgP gvg.
Ai PAPV j F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: CE 83 AiJAJ 2010 AUg, AP: 14-01-2011.
Ai jg PgtU Ai PlP Ug g ggd v MZgAr AqU gdz U
g ggd v MZgAr AidAi U, mAqg QAi, vAwP UggV v
Aid ZlnPU Pj iZP AAiV Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Limited
LqP AAi g. 25.00 PU Zz, MAz z P Cx MAzz CgV gU q vP

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Aiiz z CAigU gV P Pg PlP dP AUuU gzPv CAi

199g PA 4 (f) gr zvz CPg Z, gzPv PAiAz w rz.
LqP AAz Gv Utlz Ai Ad zgz AUz PlP Ug g ggd
v MZgAr AqAi zqsrPz.
F Dz DyP ESAi CPv nt AS : DE 908 Z-12/2010, AP : 01-12-2010 v AP
30-12-2010 g rz w CAi grVz.

.Dg. 349

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

JA.JA. go
Pgz C PAiz,

Ug aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

dAiUg z Ug Pgz PAi ZlnPU gA CUAv

g. 10.00 PU Cz qUq iq U.
1. Dz AS : CE 355 2008 () AP : 22-10-2009.
2. Pgz Dz AS : CE 355 2008 (), AP : 29-03-2010.
3. DAiPg, dAiUg z Pg vgtU, Aqg gg v AS :
A/q/Dqv/32/2009-10, AP : 06-07-2010.
4. Pj Dz AS : CE 04 Jf 2010, AP : 07-04-2010.

dAiUg z Ug PgP, Ug ESAi gd Aiz U PAz gv AidUU
AAzAv 2009-10 U Azgz Aid PAiPUrAi DAiAiz Ug s jU gd
zAiPV (DULT) P P 2217-80-800-0-23-059 grAi C irg vz GvAi DU tz
g. 1.00 PnU (g. MAz Pn iv) zj PPAz dAiUg z Ug PgP xPV
C irg PP 2217-80-800-0-25P g AztP ir Nzz PiAP (1)g vz qUq
iq DzVv. Dzg zj v q iq Pg ReU U V zj P PAir
P v Gg Pgt v v g. 23.98 PU iv s gzV wz Ai Nzz
PiAP 2g Dzz zj v qUq ir DzVv. Dzg DyP z PAi zjAz t q
iq zsU.
DAiPg, dAiUg z Pg vgtU, Aqggg Nzz PiAP (3)g vz F
Az Pgz Aiiz v qUqAiiUg Pgt v tP z g. 100.00 PU Cz
PbjAi PAiZlnPUUV U CPjAi AAig vPV qUq iq Pjgvg.
Ug ESAi U gd Aiz PAz gv AidUU AAzAv 2010-11 U
Azgz Aid PAiPU CrAi dAiUg z Ug Pg EjU Evg RZU V g.
10.00 PU Cz P P 2217-80-800-0-25grAi Adg iqVz.
zj Ai Pg PAPV j, Pgz A/CPjU v v
PAiZlnPUUV vvV CUvg g. 10.00 PU v 2217-80-800-0-25 P PAir dAiUg
z Ug PgP qUq iq F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: CE 355 2008 (), AUg, AP: 22-01-2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai Ug ESAi U gd Aiz PAz gv
AidUU AAzAv 2010-11 DAiAiz Azgz Aid PAiPU CrAi dAiUg
z Ug Pg EjU Evg RZU V g. 10.00 PU Cz P P 2217-80-800-0-25
grAi Adg iqz v DAiPg dAiUg z Ug Pg EjU F PPAq
gvUUl qUq iqVz.
1. F AidAi P PAir qUq iqz v qUq irz GzP iv Z iqvPz
U Aiiz PgtP zj v g AidUU gz .
2. F Dzz qUq irz v wg P PAi q iq DAiPg, dAiUg z
Ug Pg, dAiUg Eg gAi Pgz G PAiz-2, Ug ES
Eg gd qz q iqvPz.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


F zz q irz v dAiUg Pgz PAiZlnPUU GAiVvPz v P

vU vPV vPz.
F Dzz qUq iqVg tP P it v (Utilization Certificate) PgP vPz.
PiAP (4)g Dzz g gvUUl F Dzz qUq irg v
PvPz v zj Dzz agAv P vPz .
F Dz DyP ESAi nt AS : FD 806 Exp-9/2010, AP : 5-1-2011 gAi rg
wAiAU grVz.


.Dg. 350

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

JA.JA. go
Pgz C PAiz,
Ug ES.

iw vAve, eP vAve e v vAve aAi

Ai :

NzVz :

avzUz ZPgAi sgwAi e PA sqsAi e GzsAigUU vgw

q U Intensive Talent Development Centre EzP PAi MzV
AidAi CP DqvvP Cz r Cz qUq iq U.
1. bg, ZPg PA Pn, sgwAi e A, ZPg Eg v AP : 27-09-2010.
2. Pj Dz AS : Js r 237 Dg J 2010, AP : 20-01-2011.

Nzz P AS (1) g vz bg, ZPg PA Pn, sgwAi e A, ZPg. Eg
avzUz ZPgAi sqsAi e GzsAigUU vgw PAiP U P U Intensive Talent
Development Centre PAiU MzV g. 2.00 PnU Aiiz MzVAv
Nzz P AS (2) g DyP ESAi ntAi sgwAi e A avzUz ZPg
PA sqsAi e GzsAigUU vgw q U Intensive Talent Development Centre C
EzP PAiU MzV CUAv 2010-11 gP CAzdU 3 PAw PP 3425-60600-0-02 e v vAve zP 059 Evg RZ (Aid) Ezgr ZjAiiV g. 200.00
PU DyP ESAi qUq irgz jz Pg F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: AiE 166 v 2010 AUg, AP: 27-01-2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai sgwAi e A avz Uz ZPg PA sqAi
e GzsAigUU vgw q U Intensive Talent Development Centre C EzP PAiU
MzV GzPV PP 3425-60-600-0-02 e v vAve zP 059 Evg RZ (Aid)
Ezgr ZjAiiV MzVg g. 200.00 PU (Eg P g.U iv) bg, ZPg PA Pn,
sgwAi e A, ZPg. EjU F PPAq gwUl
DqvvP Cz r Aiiz qUq
1. F Cz DyP ESAi MzVg gP CAzdU 3 PAw PP 3425-60-600-0-02
(059) (Aid) e v vAve zP zr Z jAi sjvP z .
2. bg, ZPg PA Pn, sgwAi e A, ZPg Eg Pw gAi t Pgz C
PAizU gdAU t Aiz.
3. F Cz Gzv PAiPUU gvr g Aiiz PAiPUU GAiVvPz.
4. Gzv F PAiPP GAiVPAq RZUz Gz t PgP gwvPz.
5. Dzz qUq irg Cz CxtV zAiUrPAq zrPv GAiUv it
v PgP vPz.
F Dz DyP ESAi nt AS : DE 11 Z-2/11, AP : 20-01-2011gAi U Dz AS :
Js r 237 Dg J 2010, AP : 20-01-2011g rz Dzz gU grVz.
.Dg. 351

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

P. gAUAi
Pgz C PAiz,
iw vAve, eP vAve e v vAve ES

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Sub : Sanction of additional grant during 2010-11 under the Head of Account 3425-60-600-0-02-059 (Plan)
Read : File No.: AiE 166 v 2010 from IT, BT & S&T Department.
In the File read above, the Science & Technology Department has requested to sanction additional grants of Rs. 200.00
lakhs (Rupees Two Hundred Lakhs only) under the Head of Account 3425-60-600-0-02-059 (Plan) to meet the expenditure towards
Intensive talent Development Centre at Challakere Campus of Indian Institute of Science.
The proposal has been examined and hence the following order.
Government Order No. FD 237 BRS 2010, Bangalore, Dated 20-01- 2011
Sanction is accorded for the additional grant of Rs. 200.00 lakhs (Rupees Two Hundred Lakhs only) under the Head of
Account 3425-60-600-0-02-059 (Plan) to meet the expenditure towards Intensive Talent Development Centre at Challakere Campus
of Indian Institute of Science.
The additional grant sanctioned in this Order may be regularized by reappropriation of overall savings under grant No. 15
through Supplementary Estimates before the close of the financial year.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka,
Deputy Secretary to Government (FR & BCC)
Finance Department
Statement of approved additionalities forwarded to Deputy Director TNMC Bangalore.
Rs. In lakhs
1 Exp.-II

PR. 351

G.O. No. & DateDemand

FD 237 BRS 2011

Dt. 20-1-2011

Head of Account


Original Provision


Total provision













Deputy Secretary to Government (FR & BCC)
Finance Department

DgU v PlA Pt aAi

Ai :
NzVz :

q|| s J.M., zPj, .D.PAz, AZ, aPUg f Eg CPv

UgdgVz, Az ZU U.
DAiPg, DgU v PlA Pt U, AUg Eg v AS eDgN
(JA)50/2010-11 AP : 21-1-2010 v 06-12-2010.

DAiPg, DgU v PlA Pt U, AUg Eg Nzz vz q|| s J.M.,
zPj, zAi DgU PAz AZ, Pqg vP, aPUg f Eg AP : 05-02-2009 gAz
Pj U jz, AP : 16-06-2009 jAz U CPv UgdgVgvg. zj zg SAiA
Ai CPv UgdgVgzjAz j AiU Pg Az ZUAv Pjgvg.
DAiPg Ai j F PPAq Dz.
Pgz Dz AS: DPP 415 ZJZ 2009 AUg, AP: 14-01-2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai q|| s J.M., zPj, zAi DgU PAz AZ,
Pqg vP, aPUg f Eg SAiA Ai AP : 16-6-2009 jAz PvP CPv
UgdgVgzjAz EjU ESAi zPj zAi AzgAi EZ EAz jUt, PlP UjP
(SAiA) Aii 1977 g Ai 6 grAi zjAig AP : 16-06-2009 jAz AiV
ejU gAv Pj Az ZUz.
.Dg. 352

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

Pgz C PAiz,
DgU v PlA Pt ES


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Mqv aAi
Ai : w P, JL () gg SAiA CAi j U.
NzVz : rf v Lf gg v AS : 133/A-1/2009-10 AP : 16-11-2010.
w P, ..J.L. gg AP 01-09-2005 gAz Pw Az, Eg 2 U
SAiA CAi AP 01-03-2008 P tUvz. Dzg Eg vgwAi gP jPAi AP
13-07-2009 gAz GwtgVgzjAz, Pw PgP MlAv P..J. (jPu) AiU, 1977 g Ai
4(1)(ii) gAi Eg SAiA CAi AP : 01-03-2008 jAz 01-06-2009 ggU 1 3 wAU
jVgvz. zjAig AP : 13-07-2009 gAz CgP jPAi GwtgVz Eg gz Z
P/Q Pz/ES Zgu EgzjAz U P..J. () AiU , 1977 g Ai 4 v 5
(1) gAi Eg Ag zAi PAisg xjgzjAz zjAig SAiA CAi
AP : 02-06-2009 jAz 13-07-2009 g gU jAv Pjgvg.
Ai Pg PAPV j F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: ME 24 E 2011, AUg, AP: 28-01-2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai PlP UjP (j) AiiU, 1977 g Ai
4(1) (i) gAi w P, ..J.L. () gg SAiA CAi AP : 02-06-2009 jAz 13-072009 ggU j Pg Dzz.
jz jPu CU P.. (jPu) AiU 1977 g Ai 10 g Pg P v rU
qAw. PPV P v rU qUq ir v Urz. U Urz vz
QAi q CPg.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
n. J. gP
Pgz C PAiz,
Mqv ES, ( U)

.Dg. 353

Pt aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

2010-11 U gd Ai Aid AzjP PAiPzr G zPg, dP

Pt ES g PtP fgg Pbj Plq itP DqvvP Cz q U.
1. Pgz Dz AS Er : 133 : AiP 2010, AP : 13-08-2010.
2. DAiPg, dP Pt ES AUggg v AS : Ai : 7 : G..P..P it
zg C 2/2010-11 AP : 19-01-2011.



(1) g Nzz Pgz Dzz G zPg, dP Pt ES, g PtP f

PbjAi Plq itPV 35.0 P gU MzVVz.
(2) g Nzz vz DAiPg, dP Pt ES AU
g gg , zj Pbj Plq
itP 70.00 P gUU P v CAzd nAi R EAfAig, AZAiv ge
EAfAig ESgjAz qz DqvvP Cz qAv Pg Pjgvg.
zj Ai jz Pg F PPAqAv Dzz.

Pgz Dz AS: Er 27 AiP 2011 AUg, AP: 28-01-2011 [Er 05 g (AiP) 2011, AP : 28-01-2011]

G zPg, dP Pt ES, g PtP f PbjAi Plq itz 70.00 P gU P v

CAzd nU DqvvP Cz q DAiPg dP Pt ES, AUg gjU F PPAq gv
Cw rz.
gvU : 2010-11 U F GzPV qUq irg 35.00 P gU PAq Pq PUjAi
PUjAi Zvg PlP gzPv CAizAi PUvPz.
J RjUU AAzAv Zvg PlP gzP PAiAi J AiU ZZ vz
PUjAi Utlz U ESAi CPjU DVAzU j az.
.Dg. 354

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

L.Js. iV
Pj U zv
Pgz C PAiz, Pt ES (Aid)

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



Pt aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

PlP Av zAiz zsP v zsPvg zU d U.

1. Pgz CZ AS : Er 82 AiDg 2009, AP : 29-4-2010.
2. PwU, PlP Av zAi, AUg, Eg v AP : 21-6-2010.

Nzz (1) g Pgz CZAi AP : 30-05-2010 jAz ejU gAv PlP Av
zAi Vgvz. Nzz (2) g vz PwU , PlP Av zAi, Eg
zAiz PtP ZlnPU v DqvAUz P PAiU uUV Ml 367 zsP v zsPvg
zU fAv Pg Pjgvg.
Ai jv. CzgAv F PPAq Dz.
Dz AS: Er 91 AiDg 2010, AUg, AP: 25 dj 2011
Ai jgAv, PlP Av zAi, AU
g, E 2010-11 F PPAq Ml
133 zsP v zsPvg zU f DzVz.
Aif v qAi zsP zU
: 45 (vz)
gd v qAi zsP zU
: 26 (Evg)
Aif v qAi zsPvg zU : 11 (Az)
gd v qAi zsPvg zU
: 51 (LvAz)
133 (MAz g vg)
2. Aq zU sw iqU ejAig Aif/gd Pgz Pw AiU, w
AiU vPz U F U P Az v Pw AiU Cw WzAi zr
CzUV PgP vPz.
3. F Dz DyP ESAi v nt AS : DE 900 Z-8 2010, AP :12-1-2011 g rg
wAig grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
Ai. . G
Pgz C PAiz,
Pt ES (zAiU)

.Dg. 355

Pt aAi


j vP, jw, UA Ut UgP w Ai Zz wAi a U.

1) Pgz Dz AS: Er 110 AiAiP 2002, AP 06-05-2003
2) Pgz Dz AS: Er: 272 AiAiP 2006, AP 14-11-2006
3) Pgz Dz AS: Er: 253 AiAiP 2008, AP 20-11-2010
4) PAiz, UA Ut UgP w , jw gg AP 30-11-2010g .

Nzz (4)g vz PAiz, UA Ut UgP w, jw, j vP, j
Eg id Pt ES wAz qqwg J w U zyUU s
d Zz wAi w
wAUU g. 500/- jAz g. 650/-P a id Pt ESAi Dz AS: P/77/Ai 2008, AP 12-082008gAz jj Dz grVz JAz w CzgAv jw, UA Ut UgP w U sd
Zz wAi g. 500/- jAz 650/-P a Av rP gvg. GR 3g Pj Dzz UA Ut
UgP w Ai id Pt ESAz Pt ESAi CP U DzVz. DzjAz UA
Ut UgP w U id Pt ESAi grg Pj DzzAv AP 12-08-2008 jAz
sd Zz wAi g. 500/- jAz g. 650/-P jj Dz grAv Pjgvg.
zj Ai j Pg F PPAqAv Dzgvz
Pgz Dz AS: Er 253 AiAiP 2008, AU
g, AP: 28-01-2011
[Er: 04/g (AiP) 2011, AP 28-01-2011]
Pt ESAi Cz g j vP, jw UA Ut UgP w Ai zyU
sd Zz wAi F Dz grz APAz ejU gAv g. 500/- jAz 650/-P jj Dz


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


grVz zj v fAi P P 2202-02-110-3-56 (Aidvg) (UA Ut UgP w

, jw) gr MzVg Czz sjvPz.
zj Dz DyP ESAi nt AS: DE 933 Z 8/2010, AP 06-01-2011g rg wAi
gU grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
L. Js. iV
Pj U zv
.Dg. A. 356
Pgz C PAiz, Pt ES (Aid)

Pg aAi

U zAi z w (j) F AU g DqvPjU CAi

j U.


1) Pgz Dz AS: E 17 2006, AP 24-2-2007

2) Pgz Dz AS: E 123 A 2009, AP 26-7-2010
3) DqvPjU,





rJ/JrJA/Dg/1/06-07, AP 13-12-2010.
Nzz P AS: (1) AP 24-2-2007g Dzz, U zAi z w (j) F AU
PlP AWU Azt PAi 1960g PA 27(J) gAi PgP vVg CPg Z, DqvPjAiiV
PVg jAi G sUPj, U G sU, U Eg DqvPjAiV Dzz.
Nzz P AS: (2) AP 26-7-2010g Dzz, U zAi z w (j) F AU












DqvPjAiiV PVg jAi G sUPj,

U G sU, U Eg CAwV
DqvPjAiV AP 6-6-2010 jAz ejU gAv v CAwV Dg wAU CU j Dzz.
Nzz P AS: (3)g AP 13-12-2010g vz, zAi z wAi Pjv Pgz AP
26-7-2010g Dzz, DqvPjU CPgAi AP 5-12-2010P PAiVz F zs J. PAi
qPAi U Evg Lz d GPg GZ AiiAiz jm Cf 27601-27606/2010 , AP
26-7-2010g Pgz Dzz Azsv gvg. GZ AiiAi AP 26-11-2010 gAz zsAvg Dz
r, AP 5-12-2010 jAz gU CU DqvPjAiiV Pv Dzgvz. GZ AiiAiz
Dz Dzsj, DqvPjU CAi jAv DqvPjU Pjgvg.
DqvPjAig Ai PAPV jz Pg DqvPjAi CAi j
wi, F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS: E 123 A 2009, AUg, AP: 20-1-2011
Ai jg CAU Ai zAi z w (j), U F AU PlP AWU
Azt PAi 1960g PA 27(J) gAi PgP zvz CPg Z U i PlP GZ
AiiAiz jm Cf AS: 27601-27606/2010g zsAvg wAi G sUPjU, U G sU,
U Eg DqvPjAi CAi AP 5-12-2010 jAz gU CAzg AP 4-1-2011 ggV
CU j DzVz.
DqvPjU zj CAi Dqv AqAi CgU jr, PqAiV Zu q
Zv v Dqv AqU CPg AvjAv az. DqvPjU vUzPAq PU U PgP
iwAi MzVAv az.

.Dg. A. 357

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

Pgz C PAiz

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



DyP aAi

AS: DE/7//2010, AUg, AP 07-01-2011

gAi v CAvggAi vz QqU U lAlU Pj Pgg
sUzP Cw q U.
AP 16-12-1994 Jsr 13 JDgJ 1994 PiAPz Dzz PArP 19g (P... AiiAi
CAzs g Ai 10 (xix) g) gAi v CAvggAi vz QqPlU sUzP z
Pj Pg AAzsl Dqv ESAi Pgz PAizAig w qAivPz JAz Egvz. F
Ai gAi v CAvggAi vz QqU sUzP PqAiV DAii Dqv ESAi
zs PAizU/PAizU w qAiPUvz. EAv U AP 16-12-1994g Jsr 13
JDgJ 94g Dzz iUaUAi j, Dqv ESAi QqU sU Cw qz.
EAv U DyP ESU P CUvAz wVz. w CUvz, MAz QqAi
sUz P Wlvg Adgw PjP Az CAv U DyP ESU PPqgzAz
Dqv ESAi P zsg vUzPzAz wVz.
. gAit
Pgz C PAiz
.Dg. A. 358
DyP ES (-1)

PAzAi aAi
Ai :

NzVz :

w Ad, A G AzuPjU, gefUg v vg,

.JA.Dg.r.J, AUg Eg gz ES Zgu q ZguPj U
AqPjU Pjv-Dz.
1. PAzAi ES (Azt v zAP) Eg CPv nt AS: PAE 25
(2) 2009 AP: 21-08-2009.
2. Pgz Pgt P n AS: PAE 31 JrE 2009 AP: 12-11-2009.
3. w Ad, A G AzuPjU, gefUg Eg Tv P AP:
4. Pgz v AS: PAE 31 JrE 2009 AP: 20-10-2010.

Nzz P AS (1) g PAzAi ESAi Azt v zAP SAz Pvz AP:
21-08-2009g CPv ntAi, .P. vg v w Ad, vg EgU F Az
gefUg G AzuPjAiiV Pv wz, zj PbjAi AP: 1-4-1996 jAz 31-3-1997g CU
AAzAv, PAz AiPg, f Azt Pbj, eg Eg vu q g gAi
.P. vg , A G AzuPj, gefUg Eg igPm VAv Pr zgUU 65 zdU
Az PgP g. 37,94,112/-U gd Al irgvg. Cz jw w Ad, gefUg G
AzuPjAiiV Pv z, 21 zdU igPm VAv Pr U Az PgP g.
12,75,561/-U gd GAl irgvg. Ejg vggVz, PAzAi ESAi Cz Mngvg. zj
CPjU gz ES Zgu qz PVz JAz Azt jPPg U zAPU DAiPg
sg iqv, PgtP AAzAv, sjAU zRU v Eg vgg gz Pgq Dg
nU vPV vAiij, Aiig vjvV ES Zgu q CUv P PUAv Pjgvg.
.P. vg, A G AzuPj, gefUg Eg gzz ES ZguU AAzAv,
Pqv AS: PAE 30 JrE 2010 g jUwz. v zj Pqv P ESAi CAiPV
Nzz P AS: (2) g Pg AP: 12-11-2009 gAz, w Ad, CA G
AzuPj, v vg, .JA.Dg.r.E. AUg EjU Pgt P nAU Azt v
zAP ESAi Pg zgu nAi CAzs 1 jAz 4 U ejU zj n Pjz 15
UU Tv PAi Av vz wz EAz s, P.. (. v ) Ai
1957 g Ai 11 g gU Cg KPQAiV A P vUz PUz JAz wVgvz.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Pgz Pgt P nU w Ad, vggg v AP: 18-11-2009 gAz CAzs-III

g zRU MzVAv Pgv, MAz wAU PP qAv Pjzg gU PgP Az zRU
r CU AP: 23-11-2010 gAz qzPArgvg. Avg v AP: 17-05-2010g vz, E P
zRU qzPAq Avg Gvg q E MAz wAU PP qAv Pjgvg. Pgz
AP: 22-07-2010g vz zjAig Pjg PP VgzjAz, AP: 30-07-2010 gU Gvg
Av, Gvg gz A P P PUzV wVgvz. zjAig B v AP: 30-7-2010g
vz Tv Gvg E 15 U PP qAv Pjgvg.
w Ad, A G AzuPjU, gefUg Eg Nzz P AS: (3) AP:
13-8-2010/27-8-2010 gAv PgP g Tv PAi, Aiiz Pj t zgAiU
rPArgAz U V Aii P (Azt P Cx PlP zAP P) Pg
U Aii PA CrAi Cx Aii Aiz CAi GAW DVz JAz Pgt P n Aiiz CA
Eg, zj zdU Azt Dz 13 U Avg v Dg jgz Cz Pgz
P KP JAz Dggz AivVg, nAig Av zdU F CAi vU
wz nU gdz J Azt PbjU g ASAi Azt DVz P AUg Gvg U zQt
v DP Azt PbjU P v gP l EAv fJ vU F CAi Azt DVz 21
zdU 45(J)(1) grAi GTg JAz Dggz Ai vVgAz wv, v
gzz DzU CUz, ES ZguAi Pl v Dz PV iqAv Pjgvg.
Nzz P AS (4) g Pgz AP: 20-10-2010 g vz, Dvg g Tv PAi
wAi AiP Azt jPPg (Dqv) v zAPU DAiPg Pbj, dAiUg, AUggjU
P, zj CPjAi v Tv eAi DzU CUg Ai, Tv PAi j,
CAi PgP Av PgVv v AP: 5-1-2011 gAz Ai PVgvz.
Pgz EzgU AiP Azt jPPg (Dqv) v zAPU DAiPg Pbj, dAiUg,
AUg gjAz CAi PvVg. FUU AVgzjAz, Pgtz vvvAi wzPAq
tAi vUzP V, zj CPjAi gz ES Zgu q J.J. eg, v f v
Aiig, e.L.. 501, Ui e, Pg AU Eg ZguPjAiV v DAiPg,
Azt v zAP ESAi PAz P AiPg Eg AqPjAiV wi Pg
F PPAqAv Dzz.
Pgz Dz AS : PAE 31 JrE 2009 AUg, AP: 19-01-2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai, 1957g PlP UjP (VPgt, AiAvt v
) AiU Ai 11 grAi zvz CPg Z, Pg w Ad, CA G
AzuPj v vg, .JA.Dg.r.E, AUg Eg gz AUj ES Zgu q
J.J. eg, v f v Aiig, e.L.. 501, Ui e, PgAU Eg
ZguPjAiV v 1957g PlP UjP (VPgt, AiAvt v ) AiU Ai 11(5)
g zvz CPg Z, DAiPg, Azt v zAP ESAi PAz P AiPg Eg
AqPjAiV z.
ZguPjU F Pgtz ZguAi fPjU, AUg Ug f Eg PbjAi Dgtz Cx
Cg Ugw Urz z qvPz. F GzPV s g PbjU ZguPjUU P iqz
U AAz PbjAi sg WUgg/gZUgg Ai U R VU fPjU,
AUg Ug f Eg MzVvPz.
F Pgtz ZguUV ZguPjUU Pgz Dz AS: DE 22 E 2007 AP: 11-4-2008
gAi g. 8000/- (JAl g g.U iv) U Aav AsAi U g. 1500/- (MAz gz Lg
g.U iv) U sv (PAi CAi) C fPjU , AU
g Ug f Eg w iqvPz.
ZguPjU ES ZguAi Aq AiU Ai 11 v 11(J) g zs Cj,
dgV, Zgu gAi Jgq wAUUV PgP vP z .
PlP gdg Deg v Cg j,
.Dg. 360
J.. n
Pgz C PAiz
PAzAi ES (U-3)

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011




Enhancement of wind power capacity from 3.00 MW to 8.00 MW in favour of M/s Sun Power India-reg.

Government Order No.: EN 22 NCE 2006 dated: 20-04-2006.

Letter No.: KRED/08/SPI (Area A) 2010/3530 dated: 16/20-12-2010 received from the Managing Director,
Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore.


M/s Sun Power India letter No. SPI/Energy Dept/Enhancement/01/2010-2011 dated: 01-01-2011.

In the Government Order read at (1) above, sanction has been accorded for implementation of 5.00 MW (3+2=5 MW)
capacity wind power project at Belgaum District consisting of two areas and are identified as A and B in favour of M/s Sun Power
The Managing Director, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited, Bangalore vide his letter read at (2) above, has
recommended to enhance the wind power capacity from 3.00 MW (Area A which is the part capacity of 5 MW) to 8.00 MW at
Chikkodi village, Chikkodi Taluk, Belgaum District in favour of M/s Sun Power India.
M/s Sun Power India in its letter read at (3) above, has confirmed that out of the proposed enhancement of 3.00 MW to 8.00
MW capacity, wind power energy farm will be developed, commissioned and connected to State Grid before 31.03.2012.
The Proposal has been examined in detail and issued following Orders:Government Order No.: EN 509 NCE 2010, Bangalore, Dated: 28-01-2011
Government accords approval for enhancement of wind power capacity from 3.00 MW (AreaA which is the part capacity of
5 MW) to 8.00 MW at Chikkodi village, Chikkodi Taluk, Belgaum district in favour of M/s Sun Power India as detailed below and subject
to condition that the project should be commissioned before 31-03-2012:Geographical Area details
Area A-(3 MW) An East-West
oriented non-contiguous ridge is
located on the North-West of Chikkodi
and is situated at a distance of about 1
km. It is an open scrub and has two
peaks and it appears to be non-forest
area. The area is covered in the
following Geographical co-ordinates:
Latitude: 1602551-1602644 N
Longitude: 7403309-7403449 E
Ridge peaks: 761, 763m Amst.
Toposheet No.: 47 L/11.




Capacity in MW


3 MW

5 MW






rating in kw

5 x 1600 KW

Total capacity including

proposed enhancement

8 MW
(3 MW to 8 MW)

The Government has reserved the right to Cancel/Modify this Order.

The other terms and conditions of the allotment Order read at (1) above shall continue as it is.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka
PR No. 361

Suresh B. Krishnappanavar
Under Secretary to Government
Energy Department


Release of State share for National Horticulture Mission (NHM) programme during 2010-11 reg.

G.O. No. HCD 32 HPP 2010 dated 16-06-2010 and 29-09-2010.


Government of India letter No. 18-89/2009-NHM dated 12-12-2010.


Letter of Director of Horticulture No. /PgvK/-1/30/2010-11 dated 27-12-2010.

An amount of Rs. 2500-00 lakhs has been earmarked in the budget during 2010-11 under the State Sector Scheme namely,
State share for National Horticulture Mission. Head of Account 2401-00-800-2-30 (plan, towards the State share required for the said
2. An amount of Rs. 1773.79 lakhs towards the matching State share for implementation of National Horticulture Mission
programme was released to the Director of Horticulture vide Government Orders read at (1) above as per details furnished below:-


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011

(Rs. In lakhs)

Object Code

Annual Budget


1st Instalment

2nd Instalment

Total released

Balance available






Development plan






Component plan






423 - Tribal Sub













3. The Director of Horticulture has informed that Government of India has now released an amount of Rs. 5000.00 lakhs
towards the Central share during 2010-11 vide Government of India letter read at (2) above. Hence, he has requested the Government
vide his letter read at (3) above to release the matching State share.
4. The proposal of the Director of Horticulture has been examined and hence this order.
Government Order No. HCD 32 HPP 2010, Bangalore, Dated: 29-01-2011
Government is pleased to release to the Director of Horticulture an amount of Rs. 726.21 lakhs (Rupees Seven Hundred and
Twenty Six lakhs and Twenty One Thousand only) under the Head of Account 2401-00-800-2-30 towards the matching State share for
implementation of National Horticulture Mission programme during 2010-11 as below:
(Rs. In lakhs)
Object Code

Amount Released

059 - Other Expenses


133 - Special Development Plan


422 - Special Component Plan


423 - Tribal Sub Plan



2. This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its Note No. DE 322 : 4/2010 dated: 24-01-2011.
PR No. 362

By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka

B.C. Prakash
Under Secretary to Government
Horticulture Department

PAzAi aAi
Ai :

NzVz :

AUg Gvg vP, AiAvg , Ug U z .A. 16 g 2.27 JPg d

PlP gd Pj Pgg zAi s itPV PlP gd Pj Pgg AWP
Adg iq U Dz.
CzsPg, PlP gd Pj Pgg AW Eg AP: 01-11-2009.
fPjU, AUg Ug f Eg v AS: JJr (J) Dg 50/09-10,
AP: 05-02-2010.
Pgz PAiz, PAzAi ES v zv P zPg , PlP dP
dU U Aiv Eg v AS: PJ/Dg 17/10-11, AP: 07-07-2010.

CzsPg PlP gd Pj Pgg AW, AUg Eg fPjUU z, Nzz P
AS: (1)g Ai zj AW AUg Ugz P Gzz gd Pj Pgg s Az, F
sz gdz UAz DU Pj PgjU w s PUwz, a itz DU
PgjU E a w vU P V AU
g Gvg vP , AiAvg , Ug
.A. 16g 2.27 JPg d UwU Dzsgz Adg iqAv Pjgvg.
2. F U fPjU, AUg Ug f Eg Nzz P AS: (2)g vz AUg
Gvg vP AiAvg , Ug Uz .A. 16g Ml 5.27 JPg dz, F Q 3 JPg d
APl JAjU AdgVz, FU 2.27 JPg d s z, PAzAi zRAiAv Pj
Ui JAz VPgtVgzV wgvg. zj d iUa U igPm JPgAiAzP g.
150 P EgzV wgvg U zj d v AU
g Ug P AigzV g

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



3. zj d Dg.n..AiAv Pj Ui JAz VPgtUArz, PlP s PAzAi AiU

1969g Ai 97(5)gAi v AUg Ug P Az 25 Q.. CAvgz Ui d
Pgz i DzPl j iq fPjUU CPggvz.
4. Pgz PAiz, PAzAi ES v zv P zPg , PlP dP dU
U Aiv Eg Nzz P AS: (3)g AP: 07-07-2010g vz, AUg Gvg vP,
AiAvg , Ug Uz .A. 16g Ml 5.27 JPg dz F Q w Ai JAjU
U zRU Dzsgz Sv v r zRVgz PAqAz, F U zj PlP s PAzAi
PAiAi PA 67(2) gAi fPjU AiiAiz Pgt qAiwgzV U Q Gz 2.27 JPg d
Pj Pgg AWP zAi s UwU Dzsgz Adg irz Pj d AgPu
irzAvUvz JAz CAi rgvg. DzjAz EzAz PgtAz jUt AU
g Gvg vP,
AiAvg , Ug Uz .A. 16g 2.27 JPg d PlP gd Pj Pgg zAi s
itPV PlP gd Pj Pgg AWP PlP s Adgw AiU 1969g Ai 19gAi 30 U
UwUU w P w JPgU g. 10,000/-gAv UwU zg U r Adg iq Pg tz. CzgAv F
PPAq Dz.
Pgz Dz AS : Dgr 151 Jf 2010 AUg, AP: 10-01-2011.
Ai jg CAU Ai, AUg Gvg vP , AiAv g , Ug Uz
.A. 16g 2.27 JPg d PlP gd Pj Pgg zAi s itPV PlP gd Pj Pgg
AWP PlP s Adgw AiU 1969g Ai 19gAi EzAz PgtAz jUt 30 U
UwUU, w P w JPgU g. 10,000/- (v g gU iv) gAv UwU zg U Aiig Evg
U r Adg iq Pg Dzz. Aiig Evg gv U CAiUv.

.Dg. 363

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

Vv g
Pgz G PAiz
PAzAi ES (s.A v s PA.)

td v PUjP aAi
Ai :
NzVz :

gdz Pg PSU Aig gU C PUj CPV 2010-11

Zj Cz qUq iq U.
Pgz Dz AS: L 87 JfJs 2010, AP: 16-06-2010, 26-08-2010
v 21-12-2010.
Pgz Dz AS: L 87 JfJs 2010, AP: 20-01-2011.
rJP/gPg/Cz/3/2010-11 AP: 26-07-2010 v 17-01-2011.
Pgz Dz AS: Jsr 151 DgJ 2010, AP: 04-12-2010.

gdz Pg PSU Ai g g C PUjU CPV 2010-11 MzVVz
g. 250.00 PU Czz Ml g. 245.00 PU Nzz (1) gg AP 16-06-2010, 26-08-2010
v 21-12-2010g Pgz DzU DAiPg P CgjU qUq iqVz. Q Gz g. 5.00 PU
g C PUjU ii PAiPV Nzz (2)gg Dzz qUq iqVz.
Nzz (3) gg DAiPg P C U Pg zPg, gg vz gdz Pg PSU
Aig g C PUjU CPV 1999-2000 jAz 2007-08 gU gdz 32 Pg PSU
Ai PUVg g C PUjUU Ml g. 2640.47 PU qUq iqAv Pjzg.
Nzz (1)gg DzU 2010-11 U MzVVz g. 250.00 PU Cz tV
qUqUVz, g C PUjUU Q Eg t qUqU
2010-11 U g. 500.00 PU
Zj CzV Nzz (4)gg Dzz MzVVz.
Nzz (3)gg DAiPg P Cgg AP: 17-01-2011g vz Pg PSU Ai g
C PUjUUV 2010-11 U ZjAiiV MzVg g. 500.00 PU F PPAq 5 Pg PSU
Ai g C PUjUU qUqU DAiPg P C gg gvg.


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011

(g. PU)


PSAi g
gtP Pj Pg PS, Pj, UA


dRAr Ug ., dRAr, UPm f

zszUAU P ..P. aPr, UA f
g Pg PS, Aq f
j C Ug, AdUq, g f



DAiPg P Cgg Ai PAPV j Pg F PVAv Dz grz.
Pj Dz AS : L 108 JfJs 2010 AUg, AP: 20-01-2011.
DAiPg, P C U Pg zPg Nzz (3)gg AP: 17-01-2011g Ai
PjgAv gdz Pg PSU Ai g gU C r QAii AidAi PAiUvU
2010-11 P P 4860-04-800-0-01-gU 172 (Aid) CrAi ZjAiiV MzVg g. 500.00
PU (Lz g PU iv) Ai g 5 P g PSU Ai g C PUjUU
qUq iq V DAiPg P C U Pg zPg gjU qUq irz.
F Dz DyP ESAi Dz AS: Jsr 151 DgJ 2010, AP: 04-12-2010 v nt AS:
Jsr 1720/Z-1/2010 AP: 06-12-2010 g qz wAiAv grVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
. DAzPig
oPj (Pg)
td v PUjP ES

.Dg. 364



Issue of terms and conditions of appointment of Prof. P.S. Naik, Registrar, Mysore University,
1) Government Notification No. ED 17 UMS 2010 dated 12-07-2010
2) Letter bearing No. ETS/534/1991-92 dated 04-12-2010 from Registrar, Mysore University,

Prof. P.S. Naik, Professor, Physics Department, Gulbarga University has been appointed as the Registrar, vide Government
Notification dated 12-07-2010 read (1) above. The Officer has reported for duty on 13-07-2010 at Mysore University, Mysore. Mysore
University has requested to issue terms and conditions of P.S. Naik Registrar appointment vide its letter dated 04-12-2010 read (2)
above. The matter has been examined. Hence the following order.
Government Order No. ED 02 UMV 2011, BANGALORE, Dated 20-01-2011
Government are pleased to issue the terms and conditions of appointment of Prof. P.S. Naik, Professor, Physics Department
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga as the Registrar, Mysore University, Mysore are as appended to this order.
By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka
B.S. Japali
Deputy Secretary to Government,
Higher Education Department (Universities)

APPENDIX TO G.O. ED 02 UMV 2011, DATED 20-01-2011


PERIOD : The period of service of Prof. P.S. Naik, Professor, Physics Department Gulbarga University is for the period
of three years or until further orders whichever is earlier


COMMENCEMENT AND END OF APPOINTMENT : The appointment shall commence with effect from 13-07-2010
and ends on the date he relinquishes his office, or until further orders whichever is earlier.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011




PAY AND OTHER ALLOWANCES : During the period of appointment, Prof. P.S. Naik, shall be entitled to draw his
own pay and grade admissible to him in his parent organization. Other allowances, such as DA/HRA/CCA as
admissible under rules at the deputed place. He shall not be entitled to any other deputation or Foreign Service


LEAVE RULES: He shall be treated as vacation prevented staff governed by the leave rules as applicable to him.


LEAVE SALARY CONTRIBUTION : The Mysore University, Mysore shall pay Leave salary contribution at the rate of
11% of pay.


PENSION CONTRIBUTION : Pension contribution shall be paid by the Mysore University, Mysore at the provisional
rate at 12.5% on the total basic pay received during the period of deputation.


MEDICAL CONCESSION: The official shall be entitled to the medical attendance as per the Karnataka Government
Servants (Medical Attendance) Rules 1963.


JOINING TIME : He shall entitled for joining time pay and transfer TA as per rules.


He shall be perform the functions of Registrar and attend to all work entrusted to him from time to time by the Vice
Chancellor, Mysore University, Mysore.

10. He shall perform his duties diligently and he shall maintain strict secrecy in respect of official information, which he
comes to know in the course of his duties.
11. He shall be liable to reimburse to Government all the losses, which the Government may sustain due to misconduct of
any sort on his part.

P.R. 369

B.S. Japali
Deputy Secretary to Government,
Higher Education Department (Universities)

EAzs aAi
Ai : DyP 2010-11 g sg Zj dzv A, eA v A PAUU
gAaP iq U
NzVz : PEDg Z sP AP 24-11-2010.
vgu PAU 2011 z EDg Ai PlP zZQ AiAvu DAiUP zU d
zv svAi it 9220 .Ai. UAz wgv. PEDg gg CAzfAv Gv AUj Mj
UtU vUzPAq dzv it 10500 .Ai.UAz CAzfgvg. EzjAzV Zj sg ig
1300 .Ai, d zv A, eA v A PAUU PV 300 .Ai., 725 .Ai. U 275 .Ai.
Av ZjAiiV A 3 wAUU AZPAz wgvg. Q Gg dzw it A v
PAUU V AZPVz. PEDgAig A, eA v A PAU zv RjAi DyP
gAi jUt F zsg vUzPArgzV wgvg.
CzgAv F PPAq Dz grVz.
Pj Dz AS: EJ 35 JE 2011, AUg, AP 24-1-2011
2010-11 z Zj sg d zv A, eA v A PAUU dj,
sj v iZ 2011 wAUUU F PPAqAv gAaP iqVz.
P gj
ZjAiiV AaP
Urzz d
PAiiUwg dzw
iqVg d zv
zw it wAUAzP
it (.Ai.U)
it wAUAzP (.Ai)
d zv itz gAaP U PZg irg gU CAzsz UwVz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
g . Pg
Pgz C PAiz


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


Additional Hydro Energy allocation to GESCOM, HESCOM
and MESCOM as per KERC directions

Hydro energy generated till December end = 7026 Mu.


Balance hydro energy to be generated for 3 months during FY11 as per KERCassessment 10500
7026 = 3474 Mu.


Monthly hydro energy availability = 3474/3 = 1150 Mu approx.


As per KERC additional 1300 MU to be allocated for 3 ESCOMs as follows:Average hydro energy


presently consumed/month in

Additional hydro energy

Total hydro energy to be billed

allocation/month in MU

for 3 months in MU


















Balance hydro energy of 1150 949 = 201 Mu is to be divided among 2 Escoms, BESCOM and CESC
100 Mu each for 3 months.

g . Pg
Pgz C PAiz

.Dg. 370

EAzs aAi
Ai : || zg g mq Eg 2.00 U m xz ggo Qg d zv
AidAi || Q Jf m mq EjU Uu ir, AidAi
PP j U.
NzVz : 1)

Pj Dz AS: EJ 505 JE 2006 AP 17-03-2007.

PlP Pjzz EAzs C Aivz P zPg v AS:
PDgEr/06/JZ-286/ggo/3092 AP: 02/8.11.2010

Nzz P AS (1)g Dzz || zg g mq EjU Gq fAi Gq vQ
ggo Uz t U CqV 2.00 U m xz ggo Qg d zv AidAi AaP
Nzz P AS (2)g vz PlP Pjzz EAzs C Aivz P zPg
F AidAi AaPAiiVg z AijAz DPu EzzjAz CAiV AidAi C iq
zsVgAz w || zg g mq jAi sAq iq PVg Ai
|| Q Jf m mq jU Uu ir, zj AidAi PP AP: 23.06.2010 jAz
22.06.2012 ggU j sg ir PgP Czgg PjPAi gU Ai gvg.
Ai PAPV j F PVAv DzVz.
Pj Dz AS: EJ 455 JE 2010, AUg, AP 21-01-2011
|| zg g mq EjU Gq fAi Gq vQ ggo Uz t U CqV
AaP irg 2.00 U m xz ggo Qg d zv AidAi || Q Jf m
mq EjU Uu iqVz U AidAi C iq PP AP: 23.06.2010 jAz 2
U CU PPAq AzsUl jVz.

PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011



|| Q Jf m mq Eg PgzAU F Dz grz 45 UUV

MqArPAi irPvPz.

2. AUg zv ggd PA AivP zv Rj MqArPAi assign iqVz. MAz

wAUUV zv Rj MqArPAi irPvPz.

zj Dz gzrz/iq iq CPg Pg Agvz.

Nzz (1)g AaP Dzz Evg AzsU AixvV AzgAiv.

PlP gdg Deg v Cg j,

.Dg. 371

g . Pg
Pgz C PAiz

td v PUjP aAi
Ai : vPg vP, g , gg Uz A. 41 gg 12.04 JPg
d id Pt ES v GzU v vgw ESU qzPV zj
NzVz : 1.





g/vU/vA4/ggd/115/08-09, AP: 26-3-2010 U 16-11-2010.


fPjU, vPg Eg Dz AS: JJr (nJAP) JDg/8/09-10,

AP: 7-1-2010.

Nzz P AS (1)g vU g P C DAiPg vPg vP, g ,
gg Uz A. 41 gg 12.04 JPg d g ESU jz izj ZQ PtP PAzz Plqz,
zj dU AAz 2007-08 tAi Ez Ui JAz v PA 12(2) g g ES Plq Ez
JAz zRVz JAz wz, F d PlP s PAzAi AiU 1964 Ai 97(4) AiAv Ui
PAz vV sPAzAi PAi 1964g PA 47 gAv gf z w UV 6.19 JPg d v 5
JPg d Pj PUjP vgw UV GzU v vgw ESUU Avj Nzz PAS
(2)g Dzz fPjU, vPg f Eg Dz grgzjAz U zj d v Plqz









AvjzAz w, AAzsl zRU P, d PAzAi ESU AgV Pgz Cz

g P C DAiPg U g zPg vPg vP , g , gg Uz
A. 41 gg 12.04 JPg d U Cg Plqz g ESAi Aiiz ZlnP qAiwAz
wgzjAz U zj d id Pt ES v GzU v vgw ESU Avj
fPjU FUU DzgzjAz Ai j, g DAiPg sg irgAv d U
Plq PAzAi ESU AgV wiz.
Pj Dz AS: P 13 gAi 2010, AUg, AP: 18-01-2011
g P C DAiPg U g zPg sg irgAv vPg vP, g ,
gg Uz A. 41 gg 12.04 JPg d i d Pt ES v GzU v vgw ESU
qzPV zj d PAzAi ESU AgV Adgw qVz.
.Dg. 372

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

sgw Dg. AiP
oPj (g),
td v PUjP ES


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


td v PUjP aAi
wzr Dz
AS: L/506/JL/2010, AUg AP: 29-01-2011
Ai : AP: 12, 13 dj 2010 ggU qAi 5th Vibrant Gujarat Global 2011 Summit U Cz
qUq iq U.
NzVz : DAiPg, PUjP U zPg, PUjP v td ES gg v AS:
PE:JE/J1/ffJ/42/2010-11, AP: 16-12-2010.
Pgz Dz AS: L 506 JL 2010, AP: 20.01.2010 gAz grg Dzz Aiz AP:
12, 13 dj 2010 ggU zV AP: 12, 13 dj 2011 ggU U Dz ASAi AP: 20.01.2010
zV AP: 20.01.2011 JAz w NPvPz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
.Dg. 373

J.. Qv
oPj (vAwP P),
td v PUjP ES

AU v UjP aAi
Ai : q|| g Dg. zPj, aQvAi, P.Pm, Dg vP , f, Eg
Pj Az vUAiP.
NzVz : 1. v AS: DA/A-2/-265/2009-10, AP: 18-12-2010.
Nzz PAS, (1)g vz DAiPg, v z ES, AUg Eg
aQvAi, P.Pm, Dg vP, f, E PAi wg q|| g Dg.gg ESU g
AZAi M/s Advinces, Bangalore s AAi Pgz e z Cf DAiAiiVz zj zAi AP:
04-01-2010 Cx Avgz APzAz PvP dgU AP: 02-01-2010jAz CAv zPj zU
gf rz, CPjAi gfAi CAVPjAv f G zPg PjgvgAz wgvg.
q|| g Dg., zPj, Eg Aiiz ES Zgu EgAz U CjAz PgP Aiiz
Q EgAz f G zPg zrPjgvgAz, zj CPj AP: 03-09-2009 jAz ESAi
PAiwz, ESU g z g zU Pw Ai Cf EU zj zU Pw
AgzjAz U SAiA Wu DUgzjAz Cg PlP UjP
(jPx) 1977g Ai, 6(1)g Cr Az vUzPAv PgP sg irgvg.

DAiPg Ai jv. q|| g Dg., zPj Eg AP: 03-09-2009 jAz

ESAi PAi wz, jPx CAigvg. ESU g z M/s Advinces, Bangalore s JA

SV AAi e z Cf DAiAiiVgzjAz D zAi dgU AP: 02-01-2010 jAz
CAv zPj zU gf , gf CAVPjAv Pjgvg. zj CPjAi
Aiiz ES Zgu Eg U CjAz PgP Aiiz Q Eg. CPjAi SAiA
WuAiiUgzjAz Cg Az vUzPAv DAiPg sg irgvg. q|| g Dg. EjU
Pj Ai AzgAi DQ Egz PAqgvz. F J CAU PAPV jz Pg, q||
g Dg. gg jPx CAigU ES q GzgzjAz zjAig zPj zU
g gf CAVPj z DAiPg sgAv Cg Pj Az vUzPz (Discharge)
PAz wiz. DzjAz, F Dz
Pj Dz AS: A 02 2011, AUg, AP: 27 dj 2011
Ai jg CAU Ai q|| g Dg., zPj, aQvAi, P.Pm, Dg
vP, f Eg jPx CAigU zPj zU gf rz, SAiA


PlP gdv, Ugg, iZ 31, 2011


WuAiiUgzjAz DAiPg, v z ES, AUggg sg Cj

zj CPjAi vPtAz ejU gAv PlP UjP (jPu) AiU, 1977g Ai, 6(1) gAi
Pj Az vUzQ (Discharge) Dzz.
PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,
.Dg. 374

AU v UjP ES (AU-J)

td v PUjP aAi
Ai : r.. PAvgd, g zPg, Eg jP Ai j Wu iq U.
NzVz : 1. g P C DAiPg U g zPg Eg v AS: -1(8)/C/118/200405, AP: 18-2-2009, 30-12-2009, 30-4-2010.
2. g P C DAiPg U g zPg Eg CPv e AS:
-1(8)C/118/2004-05, AP: 7-3-2005.
3. Pj Dz AS: P 92 gE 2009, : 20-11-2010.
r.. PAvgd, g zPg Eg AP: 26-2-1979 gAz g zPg PvP dgVgvg.
jPu CAi F PV CU CPvV Ug dgVgvg.
: 4-7-1983 jAz 19-7-1983
16 U
: 5-8-1983 jAz 11-12-1983
129 U
: 12-12-83 jAz 26-12-1983
15 U
: 26-1-1984 jAz 9-2-1984
15 U
: 10-2-1984 jAz 4-5-1984
85 U
: 5-5-1984 jAz 15-6-1984
42 U
: 29-8-1984 jAz 21-07-1989
1788 U
: 23-6-1991 jAz 11-8-1991
50 U
: 15-8-1991 jAz 5-1-1992
144 U
: 1-3-1992 jAz 5-10-1993
584 U
Eg Uv CAi ES jPAi irPAq Pv z Eg jPu CAi
AP: 25-02-1981 P Wu iqPVv. Dzg, F CAi Cg Urg ES jPU
vUqAiiVg U F Pgg jPu CAig U g CU Ug dgVz, ES
jPAi : 13-03-1997 gAz irPArgvg. Nzz PAS (2)g CP v ez g P
C DAiPg U g zPg Pgg jPu CAi PlP UjP jPu AiU
1977g Ai 4(1)(ii) gAi AP: 26-2-1981 jAz 25-02-1982ggU j Dzgvg. Nzz PAS
(3)g Pj Dzz Pgg CPv Ug djAi Pvz C (DIES NON) AiAz jUt, Dzz.
Pgg Uv ES jPAi irPArgzjAz Cg jPu CAi j wi, F
PVAv Dzz.
Pj Dz AS: P 92 gE 2010, AUg, AP: 28-01-2011
Ai jg CAU Ai r.. PAvgd, g zPg Eg jPu CAi
AP: 26-02-1982 jAz 13-03-1997 ggU PlP UjP (jPu) AiU, 1977 g Ai 4(i)(ii)
gAi jz.
jPu CAi jz CU P v rU qAw. PgjU PPV v rU
qUq ir v Urz. Dzg, jz CU Aiiz v QAi qAwAz Dzz.
F Aiz Aq AiU Ai 10 gAv P vUzPz.
.Dg. 375

PlP gdg Dzg v Cg j,

sgw Dg. AiP
oPj (g),
td v PUjP ES

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