Tender Details
Tender reference No MEDA/KUSUM/2024-25/01
Tender Type E-Tender
Type Of Bid Two Bid
Name of work/brief scope of work/job Request for Selection (RfS) Document for Selection of
Vendors for a work contract to Design, Manufacture,
Supply, transport, installation, testing and Commissioning
of Off-Grid DC Submersible Solar Photovoltaic water
pumping systems of 3 HP, 5 HP & 7.5 HP capacities at
identified farmer’s site in District of Maharashtra,
including complete system warranty and its repair and
maintenance for 5 Years under Component B of “PM-
KUSUM” Scheme.
Bid processing Fee (In INR) 25000
GST In INR (@18% on Tender Fee) 4500
Total Bid processing Fee Amount 29500
including GST in INR.
Pre-Qualifying Req As per RfS
Scheme Name “PM-KUSUM” Scheme Component B.
Department Solar (KUSUM)
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry,
Aundh Pune-411007
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry,
Aundh Pune-411007
Tender Sale Start Date 26/09/2024 15:00
Tender Sale End Date 17/10/2024 15:00
Bid Start Date 26/09/2024 15:00
Bid End Date 17/10/2024 15:00
Pre-Bid Meeting Date 04/10/2024 15:00
Techno-Commercial Bid opening on 18/10/2024 15:00
Price Bid opening on Will be declared later
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Request for Selection (RfS) Document for
Selection of Vendors for a work contract to
Design, Manufacture, Supply, Transport,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Off-
Grid DC Submersible Solar Photovoltaic Water
Pumping Systems of 3 HP, 5 HP& 7.5 HP
capacities at identified farmer’s site in District
of Maharashtra, including complete system
warranty and its repair and maintenance for 5
Years under Component B of “PM-KUSUM”
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I. Though adequate care has been taken while preparing the RfS document, the
bidder(s)shall satisfy themselves that the document is complete in all respect.
Intimation regarding any discrepancy shall be given by the prospective bidders to the
office of MEDA immediately. If no intimation is received from any bidder within 10 (Ten)
days from the date of issuance of RfS documents, it shall be considered that the
document is complete in all respect and has been received/acknowledged by the
II. Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) reserves the right to modify, amend
or supplement this document.
III. This RfS document has been prepared in good faith, and on best endeavour basis.
Neither MEDA nor their employees or advisors make any representation or warranty,
express or implied, or accept any responsibility or liability, whatsoever, in respect of any
statements or omissions here in, or the accuracy, completeness or reliability of
information, and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to
the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this document, even if any loss or damage is
caused by any actor omission on their part.
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Bank Account No.-467702170008641
IFSC Code –UBIN0538841
Bids must be submitted strictly in accordance with Section-2 and 3 of the RfS.
Bidders are required to quote strictly as per terms and conditions of the RfS documents
and not to stipulate any deviations/exceptions.
Any bidder, who meets the Qualifying Requirement and wishes to quote against this RfS,
may download the complete RfS document along with its amendment(s) and
clarifications if any, from mahaetender website
https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app and submit their Bid complete in all respect
as per terms & conditions of RfS Document on or before the due date of bid submission.
Clarification(s)/ Corrigendum(s) if any shall also be available on the above referred
Bidders are requested to remain updated for any notices/amendments/clarifications etc. to the
RfS document through the websites https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app. No separate
notifications will be issued for such notices/ amendments/ clarifications etc. in the print media
or individually. Intimation regarding notification on the above shall be updated on
https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app and the details only will be available from
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1.4. The tender is for selection of Vendors for a work contract to Design, Manufacture,
Supply, Transport, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Off Grid DC Submersible
Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems (SPWPS) of 3,5,7.5 HP capacities in
Maharashtra, including complete system warranty and its repair and maintenance for 5
Years. Details regarding the selection process are contained in Section-5 of the RfS.
1.5. The Bidders will be free to avail fiscal incentives like Accelerated Depreciation,
Concessional Customs and Excise Duties, Tax Holidays etc. as available for such Projects.
The same will not have any bearing on comparison of bids for selection. As equal
opportunity is being provided to all Bidders at the time of tendering itself, it is up to the
Bidders to avail various tax and other benefits. No claim shall arise on MEDA for any
liability if Bidders are not able to avail fiscal incentives and this will not have any
bearing on the SPWPS. MEDA does not however, give a representation on the
availability of fiscal incentive and submission of bid by the Bidder shall be independent
of such availability or non-availability as the case may be of the fiscal incentives.
1.6. Individual farmers will be supported to install standalone solar Agriculture pumps of
capacity up to 7.5 HP for replacement of existing diesel Agriculture pumps / irrigation
systems in off-grid areas, where grid supply is not available. Installation of new pumps
shall also be permitted under this scheme except in dark zone areas. Water User
Associations and community/State/UT based irrigation system will also be covered
under this component. However, priority would be given to small and marginal farmers.
In order to minimize the water usage for irrigation purpose, preference will be given to
the farmers using Micro irrigation systems or covered under Micro irrigation schemes
or who opt for micro irrigation system. The size of pump would be selected based on
water table in the area, land covered, and quantity of water required for irrigation. For
solar pumps to be set up and used by Water User Associations/ Farmer Producer
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Organizations/Primary Agricultural Credit Societies or for State/UT based irrigation
1.7. Solar PV capacity in kW for the pump capacity in HP will be allowed as per MNRE
specifications under the scheme. It will be mandatory to use indigenously manufactured
solar panels with indigenous solar cells and modules Further, all other components
including solar modules shall be considered as indigenous and in compliance to the
provisions of the PM-KUSUM Guidelines and ALMM Guidelines as amended from time to
time and other applicable documents/ orders issued by the Government in this regard.
Further, the motor-pump-set, controller and balance of system shall be manufactured
indigenously. The vendor has to declare the list of imported components used in the
manufacturing of solar water pumping system.
2.1. A Single Stage, Two-Envelope Bidding Procedure will be adopted and will proceed as
detailed in the RfS Documents. Bidding will be conducted through the competitive
bidding procedures as per the provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of the RfS.
2.3. Bidders should submit their bid proposal complete in all aspect on or before last date
and time of Bid Submission as mentioned on etender Portal
(https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/apps), and as indicated in the Bid Information
2.4. Bidder shall submit its proposal along with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) complete in
all respect as per the Bid Information Sheet. Bid proposals received without Bid
Processing Fees and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) will be rejected. In the event of any
date indicated being declared a holiday, the next working day shall become operative
for the respective purpose mentioned herein. RfS documents which include Eligibility
Criteria, Technical Specifications, various Conditions of Contract, and Formats etc. can
be downloaded from the Mahaetender Portal. It is mandatory to download official copy
of the RfS Document from etender Portal to participate in the Tender. Any
amendment(s)/ corrigendum(s)/clarification(s) with respect to this RfS shall be
uploaded on etender Portal. The Bidder should regularly check for any Amendment(s)/
Corrigendum(s)/ Clarification(s) on the above mentioned etender Portal.
2.5. MEDA reserves the right to cancel/ withdraw/ defer this invitation for bids without
assigning any reason and shall bear no liability whatsoever consequent upon such a
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2.6. Abnormally Low Bids
i. An Abnormally Low Bid is one where the Bid price, in combination with other
elements of the Bid, appears so low that it raises material concerns as to the
capability of the Bidder to perform the Contract for the offered Bid Price.
ii. In the event of identification of a potentially Abnormally Low Bid, MEDA shall seek
written clarifications from the Bidder, including detailed price analysis of its Bid
price in correlation to the subject matter of the contract, scope, proposed
methodology, schedule, allocation of risks and responsibilities and any other
requirements of the bidding document.
iii. After evaluation of the price analysis, in the event that MEDA determines that the
Bidder has failed to demonstrate its capability to deliver the contract for the
offered tender price, MEDA shall reject the Bid.
Words comprising the singular shall include the plural & vice versa.
An applicable law shall be construed as reference to such applicable law including
its amendments or re-enactments from time to time.
A time of day shall save as otherwise provided in any agreement or document be
construed as a reference to Indian Standard Time.
Different parts of this Rfs are to be taken as mutually explanatory and
supplementary to each other and if there is any differentiation between or among
the parts of this contract, they shall be interpreted in a harmonious manner so as to
give effect to each part. The interpretation and clause beneficial to MEDA will
The table of contents and any headings or sub headings in the contract has been
inserted for case of reference only & shall not affect the interpretation of this
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3. Scope of Work
Under this RfS, the selected vendors shall be required for work contract to Design,
Manufacture, Supply, Transport, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of stand-alone off
Grid DC Submersible Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems (SPWPS) of 3 HP, 5 HP and
7.5 HP capacity along with RMS in Maharashtra, including complete system warranty and its
repair and maintenance for 5 Years for solar system. As per MNRE specifications and
applicable BIS standards, bidder shall follow all provisions of the Scheme Guidelines as
amended from time to time.
a. The Selected vendor shall be responsible for design, supply, installation and
commissioning of DC submersible SPWPS along with 5 years of repair and maintenance
for solar system. To ensure timely maintenance of SPWPS, apart from training a
beneficiary farmer and making available necessary spare parts & tools in each district, to
ensure timely maintenance of the systems the vendor shall have one authorized service
centre in each operational district and a helpline in local language. Helpline number
shall be indicated on the pump/ controller at suitable location easily visible to the user.
b. Each pumping system should be marked with Toll Free No. of the installer (Toll Free No.
shall be affix on controllers and shall be readable for 5 years) operating in English and
Marathi and specific pump number and same must have been captured by MEDA’s web-
based application at the time of installation at site. During the time of PDI, test report of
ordered solar pumping system's test report, warranty certificates and structure
certificate as specified in the guidelines and specification issued by MNRE /MEDA
should be provided by the bidder.
c. Test reports can be submitted with the bids. However, the bidders can also submit a self-
certificate in the format provided by MNRE with the bids in lieu of test reports for all the
models for which the bids are submitted. In case of self-certificate, the bidder will have
to submit test reports within one month or at the time of signing of Agreement with
MEDA, whichever is later. In case of failure of to submit test reports, the empanelment
may be cancelled by MEDA/MNRE.
d. Test reports are to be submitted along with bid for all the models of the pump for which
the bid to be submitted. Test reports shall be issued by the National Institute of Solar
Energy and any other lab accredited by NABL for testing of solar PV water pumping
system as per MNRE specifications and testing procedure.
a. Installation and commissioning of SPWPS shall be done by the vendor as per the details
provided by MEDA. The vendors shall co-ordinate with MEDA for repair and
maintenance of SPWPS for 5 years.
b. The applicants (farmers) will have to submit the application online. After vendor
selection, MEDA will issue Work order. The vendor shall complete the installation and
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commissioning of SPWPS with RMS within 90 days from date of issuance of Work order
(Vendor selection / Notice to Proceed).
c. Selected Vendor and MEDA representative should conduct site survey and submit
survey report on fortnight basis as per the requirement of MNRE /MEDA on MEDA
online PM-KUSUM portal.
e. Vendors will have to submit installation reports as per given format on weekly basis
and Monthly basis to MEDA and MEDA will submit it to MNRE as per demand. These
reports can be also submitted through e-mail.
f. Vendor will have to submit the completion reports of each district to MEDA within one
week from 100% completion of work as per allocation of each district. These reports
can be also submitted through e-mail.
g. Selected Vendor shall submit monthly and quarterly progress reports to MEDA in
online mode.
h. Vendor shall comply with all applicable regulatory and statutory norms. Vendor must
obtain approval/ NOC from appropriate Govt body for implementing the project in
each selected village if required.
i. Selected vendor should have finalized sub-bidders and Purchase order for all materials
such as PV Modules, Structure, Pump, Controllers, etc. within 30 days from date of
award of contract and unpriced copy of such award letter/Purchase order will be
submitted within 30 days from date of issuance of award.
j. Vendor should commission minimum pumps/ quarter as defined above at Clause 3.2b
of Scope of work. Vendor must submit handing over certificates in the format
prescribed by MNRE.
k. Since, the selection of vendor will be by the farmer, MEDA doesn’t guarantee any
minimum quantity for any Vendor. The selection quantity for vendor will be as per
their performance.
m. Vendor should submit the prescribed certificate and Geo-tag photographs of each
SPWPS installed which must show complete installation setup along with beneficiary
pump number etc. These reports can be also submitted through email/web-
portal/mobile application as per instruction of MEDA.
n. The selected vendors shall take all necessary permits, approvals and licenses,
insurance etc., provide training and such other items and services required to complete
the scope of work mentioned above.
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o. Time Schedule includes the time required for mobilization as well as testing,
rectifications if any, retesting and completion in all respects to the entire satisfaction of
Engineer-In Charge designated by MEDA.
a. SPWPS installed under this programme should meet technical specification and
construction standards as specified by BIS, MNRE from time to time as given in
b. Only indigenously manufactured solar panels with indigenous solar cells and modules.
Further, the motor-pump-set, controller and balance of system should also be
manufactured indigenously.
a. Selected Vendor should keep necessary spare parts (minimum 2% of allotted quantity
of each component of the complete system at the service centre) at each district and
should ensure proper maintenance of SPWPS to 5 years from date of installation of
each SPWPS. Vendor should also ensure to provide local training to local persons
regarding proper maintenance of SPWPS. Vendor should submit bi-weekly installation
report to MEDA as per the prescribed format provided during the installation phase.
c. MNRE officials, MEDA or its designated agency may inspect the systems during the
installation or operational phase. In case the installed systems are not as per the
standards, found non-functional on account of poor quality of installation or
maintenance or not in- compliance with the guidelines and specification and tender
terms and conditions. MEDA reserves the right to encash the PBG and/or blacklist the
vendor for the period of 3 years.
d. If any selected vendor, does not go forward with signing of agreement and execution of
work after the issuance of LoA, apart from encashment of EMD, vendor will be
blacklisted for the period of 3 years.
e. Vendor must submit an O&M manual in both English and Marathi should be provided
with each SPWPS to the beneficiary. The following minimum details must be provided
in the manual: -
i. Basic principles of PV system
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ii. A small write-up (with a block diagram) on SPWPS- its components, PV module,
electronics and expected performance
iii. A simple single line diagram (SLD) depicting the electrical circuits and control
iv. Type, model number, voltage and capacity of the motor used in the system
v. The make model number and country of origin of each component
vi. Significance of indicators
vii. Clear instruction on regular maintenance and troubleshooting of the SPWPS
viii. Preventive maintenance schedule
ix. Detailed information about warranty coverage
x. Dos and Don’ts
xi. Name and address of the contact person for repair and maintenance in case of
non- functionality.
xii. Description of frequent faults of PV module and pump and its remedies
xiii. Minimum 10 hard copies in (booklet form kept at each service center also to be
provided to MEDA as and when required.
f. The O&M cost for 5 years for SPWPS should be inbuilt with system cost.
g. Vendors will mandatorily provide CMC for a period of 5 years for SPWPS from the date
of commissioning of the systems including insurance coverage for the installed systems
against all eventualities including natural calamities, theft and burglary etc. during 5
years warranty period. CMC will include inspection by Vendor at least once in a quarter
and submission of quarterly inspection report of the installed pumps as per prescribed
format. Selected Vendor shall provide a copy of valid insurance certificate of SPWPS to
the beneficiary and same shall be renewed every year.
h. Vendors have to provide the Remote Monitoring System (RMS) as per Annexure-E
(RMS Communication and Security Architecture- PM KUSUM National Portal) of the RfS
with all the SPWPS installed under the scheme. Further, vendor has to maintain the
RMS in working condition for the period of 5 years and RMS systems shall push the
accurate data of the parameters as specified in the specification and guidelines of the
scheme as per Annexure-E (RMS Communication and Security Architecture - PM
KUSUM National Portal), failing which the installation of the system will not be
accepted by MEDA. In this regard vendor has to follow MNRE guidelines amendments if
any from time to time.
i. Vendor shall ensure that the local training, awareness and sensitization campaigns on
usage of the SPWPS are conducted.
4. Selection of Beneficiary
The implementation of Scheme is demand based. However, the following shall be ensured
before inclusion of a beneficiary under the Scheme:
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5. The Selected beneficiary shall not have received any similar benefit from the State or
the Central Government.
6. Selection of beneficiary and Capacity of the pump will be decided as per Govt of
Maharashtra GR. No. Saurpra-2019/pra.kra.268/urja-7 dated 12.05.2021.
The indicative cumulative quantities envisaged under this tender for Standalone Solar
Pumps is 1,00,000 SPWPS, however quantity may be increase or decrease with sole
discretion of MEDA at the same condition of this tender. The pumps will be of 3 / 5 / 7.5 HP
submersible DC type.
Following conditions shall be applicable to the Bidders for submission of bids against this
A Bidder, including its Parent, Affiliate or Ultimate Parent or any Group Company shall
submit a single bid offering rate.
6.1. Total allocation to any vendor shall not go beyond its Annual Turn Over. However, if
there are no vendors available in the corresponding package, who have agreed to match
the L1 prize and circumstances necessitates additional award of work, additional
allocation may be done by MEDA.
6.2. The evaluation of bids shall be carried out as described in Section-5 of the RfS. The
methodology for Allocation of SPWPS is elaborated in Section-5 of the RfS.
7. SPWPS Locations
This scheme proposes to install Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Stations in the
Maharashtra as per farmer application.
8. Performance Monitoring
Selected Vendor must ensure working of minimum of 95% of total installed SPWPS at any
point of time. All non-working SPWPS should be brought in service by vendor within 3 days
of communication by MEDA / farmer. Remote monitoring system shall be installed
integrated with the SPWPS controllers rather than having as a separate unit through an
integral arrangement and it should be capable of providing accurate live status/parameters
on MEDA portal maintained by MEDA and on National Portal maintained by MNRE. Detailed
requirements of Remote Monitoring System along with minimum performance
requirements are brought out as per Annexure-A.
9. Commissioning of Projects
The selected vendor shall complete the installation and commissioning of allocated SPWPS
with RMS in all respect within 90 days from issuance of work order (Vendor Selection).
9.1. Commissioning of the SPWPS shall be carried out by the vendor in line with the detailed
procedure as per clause 3.2 of section 2 of this RfS. MEDA may authorize any individual
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or committee or organization to witness and validate the installation/commissioning
on site(s). Commissioning certificates shall be issued by the MEDA after successful
commissioning of allotted SPWPS. MNRE authorized representative may also be
allowed for the inspection/ commissioning if required.
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Interested bidders must download the official copy of RfS & other documents after login into
the Mahaetender Portal by using the Login ID & Password during registration (Refer
Annexure – B of the RfS). The bidder shall be eligible to submit/upload the bid document
only after logging into the Mahaetender Portal and downloading the official copy of RfS.
Prospective Bidders interested to participate in the bidding process are required to submit
their bid proposals in response to this RfS document along with a non- refundable
processing fee as mentioned in the Bid Information Sheet. A Bidder will be eligible to
participate in the bidding process only on submission of entire financial amounts as per the
Bid Information Sheet.
The bank details of MEDA are as mentioned in the Bid Information Sheet.
Bids submitted without Bid Processing Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) (including
partial submission of any one of the respective amounts), may be liable for rejection by
The tender processing fees is Rs. 25,000/- + 18% GST (Rs. Twenty-five thousand Only plus
18% GST extra Non-refundable & Non-Transferable) i.e. Rs. 29,500/- as applicable
The Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.2.00 Cr (Rs. Two Crore only) should be paid online through
mahaetender portal.
No interest shall be payable on the amount of Earnest Money. It shall be retained by MEDA.
EMD shall be returned to unsuccessful Bidders after acceptance of Letter of Acceptance
(LoA) by successful Bidder and EMD of successful Bidder shall be returned after submission
of performance bank guarantee.
a. If the Bidder withdraws or varies the bid after due date and time of bid submission
and during the validity of bid.
b. In case, the MEDA issues LoA to the Selected Vendor and if the Selected Vendor does
not submit the Performance Bank Guarantee and fails to execute the agreement
within the stipulated time period (i.e. 15 days from issuance of LoA);
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c. After issuance of LoA by MEDA, it is found that the documents furnished by the
Bidder as part of response to RfS are misleading or misrepresented in any way.
13.2. In case the bidder is not ready to match the L-1 rates, the bid will be rejected and EMD
will be returned. If the bidder is ready to match the L-1 rate, their EMD will be returned
after execution of agreement and submission of 3% amount of PBG of the work.
14.1. Bidders selected by MEDA based on this RfS shall submit Performance Bank Guarantee
(PBG) of 3% of the value of LoA issued and payable at Pune, from any government or
scheduled commercial Bank, valid for the period of 5 years.
14.2. PBG(s) shall be submitted by selected vendors in favour of MEDA within 15 days from
issuance of Letter of Award.
14.3. The PBGs will be issued in favour of MEDA in given format. The PBGs should be payable
at Pune branch on written claim or demand by MEDA.
14.4. The Successful Bidder/Selected Vendor shall furnish the PBG from any of the
nationalized or Scheduled Commercial Banks as listed on the website of Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) and amended as on the date of issuance of bank guarantee.
14.5. The Bank Guarantees must be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate
value as per Maharashtra Stamp Act.
14.6. All expenditure towards execution of Bank Guarantees, Agreement such as stamp duty
etc. shall be borne by the Bidders.
14.7. In case of Bank Guarantees issued by foreign branch of a Scheduled Commercial Bank,
the same is to be endorsed by the Indian branch of the same bank or SBI.
Selected vendors should ensure the completion of work as per Letter of Award (LoA)/ Work
order, tender terms and conditions, specifications, and guidelines of the scheme.
15.1. The implementation work on ground should start within 15 days from the date of
vendor selection.
15.2. In order to achieve the target, suitable numbers of team must be deployed on the field by
the selected vendor.
15.3. Notwithstanding the transfer of ownership of the plant and equipment the responsibility
of care and custody thereof together with the risk of loss or damage there too shall
remain with the Vendor until completion of facilities in which such plant and equipment
are incorporated.
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16. Payment Terms
Stage-I: 90 % of the value of month wise nos. of SPWPS installed at site based on: -
Submission of detailed work plan (Project Execution Plan) with timeline for the lot
supplied duly approved by the MEDA’s representative.
Submission of evidence in hard copy regarding completion of installation of SPWPS
in good condition at site duly verified and acknowledged by vendor, MEDA and
All the relevant warranty and quality (Performance Test Reports) of the lot to be
Signing of contract agreement between MEDA and Vendor.
Submission of Original Supply invoices/bills duly verified by the MEDA.
Submission of software generated installation reports as per prescribed format by
MEDA which shall include following but not limited to consumer details, site survey
details, asset inspection and mapping details, Remote monitoring system
parameters. Geo tag Photographs etc
Proof of distribution of O&M Manual printed in both English and Marathi.
Proof of distribution of Insurance policy taken for the individual farmer.
Submission of handing over certificates of SPWPS in the format as suggested by
Performance report for one week after commissioning based on the accurate data of
the parameters received from RMS or data logger in case of internet unavailability.
An Undertaking with respect to withstand ability of SPWPS to the wind speed of 150
km/hr in all weather conditions.
The vendor shall comply with all the relevant labour laws applying to his employees,
and shall duly pay and afford to them all their legal rights. The vendor shall require
all such employees to obey all applicable laws and regulations concerning safety at
work. vendor shall deposit the labour cess as per Building and Other Constructions
workers, Welfare Cess Act 1996 to State Government (it applicable) otherwise same
shall be deducted from RA (Running Account) bill on service portion and shall be
deposited to Government Authority.
Payment shall be made to vendor after submission of three copies of invoices along
with above mentioned documents and approval from respective Division office of
MEDA, complete and correct in all respect.
Payment shall be made to vendor after submission of invoices to MEDA; complete in
all respect (showing description, quantity, unit rate and total number of systems i.e.
with all the required documents and compliance of relevant terms & conditions of
the LoA, duly accepted & certified by MEDA authority and subject to availability of
Stage-II: Balance 10% after completion of entire project and availability of RMS.
Payment shall be made to vendor after submission of three copies of invoices for
remaining 10% amount (If initial invoices are for 90% amount only) to MEDA,
complete and correct in all respect along with accurate performance data of SPWPS
through RMS on MEDA portal and national portal of PM-KUSUM.
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Vendor shall submit additional bank guarantee for CMC period of 5 years from date
of commissioning of pump. Vendor may optionally submit undertaking for renew of
submitted bank guarantee for CMC period.
MEDA has the right to seek any additional documents/certificates/information it
deems fit prior to release of any payment.
If the invoices are incomplete in any respect or in case on non-compliance with
terms and conditions of letter of award/Notice to Proceed, the payment due date
shall start from the submission of all necessary documents.
17.1. The Bidder shall provide complete information in their bid in reference to this RfS
about its promoters and upon issuance of LoA, the Successful Bidder/Selected Vendor
shall indicate its shareholding in the company indicating the controlling.
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v. Format for Financial Requirements as per Format 7.6 along with the certificate from
practicing Chartered Accountant/ Statutory Auditors showing details of computation
of the financial credentials of the Bidder.
vi. Undertaking regarding no wilful default and no major litigation pending as per
Format 7.7.
vii. A disclosure statement as per Format 7.8/ 7.8A regarding participation of any
related companies in the bidding process.
viii. Signed Integrity Pact between MEDA and the Bidding Company as per Format 7.9.
ix. Covering letter for the financial bid as per Format 7.10.
x. Declaration regarding banning, liquidation, court receivership etc. as per Format
xi. Declaration for the local content as per Format 7.12.
xii. Declaration for using same make of equipment’s as per the test certificate as per
Format 7.13.
xiii. Declaration for submitting the test certificate as per MEDA technical specifications
for solar water pump sets issued in 2019 as per Format 7.14.
xiv. Certificate regarding compliance of MeitY notification vide file no. 1(10)/2017-
CLESdt.02.07.18 as per Format 7.15.
xv. Attachments
i. Memorandum of Association, Article of Association of the Bidder needs to be
attached along with the bid. The bidder should also highlight the relevant
provision which highlights the objects relating to Power/ Energy/
Renewable Energy/ Solar Water Pumping Station/Solar Power plant
development/Manufacturer of pump- sets, solar panels and controllers. In
case, there is no mention of the above provisions in the MoA/ AoA of the
Bidder, the same has to be amended and submitted, if the bidder is selected
as Selected Vendor.
ii. Certificate of Incorporation of Bidding Company/ all member companies of
Bidding Consortium.
iii. A certificate of shareholding of the bidding company, its Parent and Ultimate
Parent (if any) duly certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant/Company
Secretary as on a date within 30 days prior to the last date of bid submission.
MEDA reserves the right to seek additional information relating to
shareholding in promoter companies, their parents/ ultimate parents and
other group companies to satisfy themselves that RfS conditions have been
complied with and the bidder will ensure submission of the same within the
required time-lines.
iv. Certified copies of annual audited accounts for last three financial years, i.e.,
2023-24, 2022-23 and 2021-22 along with certified copies of Balance Sheet,
Profit & Loss Account, Schedules and Cash Flow Statement, shall be required
to be submitted.
v. Details of all types of securities/instruments which are pending conversion
into equity whether optionally or mandatorily.
vi. In case of LLP as bidder or member of a consortium, an LLP registration
certificate issued by registrar of companies shall also be submitted.
vii. In addition, PAN Card and GST registration certificate shall also be submitted.
viii. In support of technical QR criteria, work order copies/Invoices and
Completion Certificates shall also be submitted. In the case of PV Module
Manufacturers, completion certificates must be provided on the letterhead of
the buyer to whom the modules have been supplied. The buyer/client must
Page 19 of 164
state that the modules are used exclusively for solar water pumping
ix. Bidders must submit following documentary evidence that components /
SPWPS systems will be manufactured indigenously
a. Declaration as per format 7.12.
b. List and pictures of manufacturing and testing facilities.
c. Undertaking that if details provided by bidders are in deviation with
provisions of scheme which may lead to disqualification of bidder.
19.1. Wherever information has been sought in specified formats, the Bidders shall fill in the
details as per the prescribed formats and shall refrain from any deviations and referring
to any other document for providing any information required in the prescribed format.
19.2. The Bidders shall be shortlisted based on the declarations made by them in relevant
schedules of RfS.
19.4. Response submitted by the Bidder shall become the property of the MEDA and MEDA
shall have no obligation to return the same to the Bidder.
19.5. All documents of the response to RfS (including RfS and subsequent Amendments/
Clarifications/Addenda) submitted online must be digitally signed by the person
authorized by the Board as per Format 7.4.
19.6. The response to RfS shall be submitted as mentioned in Clause 16 of the RfS. No change
or supplemental information to a response to RfS will be accepted after the scheduled
date and time of submission of response to RfS. However, MEDA reserves the right to
seek additional information from the Bidders, if found necessary, during the course of
evaluation of the response to RfS.
19.7. All the information should be submitted in English language only. In case of bidders or
their foreign affiliate having documents in other than English language, then the
documents shall be translated in English language by certified translator and submitted.
19.8. Bidders shall mention the name of the contact person and complete address and
contact details including email address which shall be active for the period of 07 years
in their covering letter.
19.9. Response to RfS that are incomplete, which do not substantially meet the requirements
prescribed in this RfS, will be liable for rejection by MEDA.
Page 20 of 164
19.10. Response to RfS not submitted in the specified formats will be liable for rejection by
19.13. Only Pune Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to this RfS.
19.14. All the financial transactions to be made with MEDA, and any additional charges (if
required), shall attract including applicable GST on each transaction, irrespective of the
same being not mentioned in the RfS.
The response to RfS submitted by the bidder along with the documents submitted online to
MEDA shall be scrutinized to establish “Responsiveness of the bid”. Each bidder’s response
to RfS shall be checked for compliance with the submission requirements set forth in this
RFS Document for Selection of Vendors for work contract to Design, Manufacture,
Supply, Transport, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Off Grid DC Submersible
Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems (SPWPS) of 3 HP, 5 HP and 7.5 HP
capacities at identified farmer’s site in District of Maharashtra including complete
Page 21 of 164
system warranty and its repair and maintenance for 5 years under component B of
“PM KUSUM” Scheme
RfS Reference No. MEDA___________________________
Submitted by (Enter Full name and address of the Bidder)
Organization ID (OID) on (Enter the OID through which the Bid has been
ETS submitted online)
Authorized Signatory (Signature of the Authorized Signatory)
(Name of the Authorized Signatory)
(Stamp of the Bidder)
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution) Aundh
Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near Commissionerate
of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
All documents of the response to RfS submitted online must be signed and uploaded on
the website, https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app which should contain the
The Bidder shall upload single technical bid containing scanned copies of the following
documents duly signed and stamped on each page by the authorized signatory as
mentioned below:
a. Formats - 7.1, 7.2 (if applicable), 7.3C, 7.4, 7.5 (if applicable), 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.8A,
7.8/7.8A and 7.9, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15, 7.17, 7.18, 7.19 as elaborated in
Clause 18 of the RfS.
b. All attachments elaborated in Clause 18 of the RfS, under the sub-clause xvi:
Attachments, with proper file names.
c. All supporting documents regarding meeting the eligibility criteria.
d. Scanned Copies of NEFT/RTGS details towards Tender fee as mentioned in Bid
Information Sheet.
a. Bidders shall submit the single Financial Bid containing the scanned copy of
following document(s):
i. Covering letter as per Format 7.10 of the RfS.
ii. Duly signed and stamped strictly as per Price Bid (Annexure D).
Page 22 of 164
b. Bidding Parameter:
i. A single fixed price per line item as a bidding parameter: Under this RfS, the
bidding parameter shall be the Price quoted by the Bidder i.e., a fixed price
per line item exclusive of GST in INR.
ii. The above fixed price shall include all costs related to the Scope of Work as
per the RfS and Obligations of the Successful Bidder/Selected Vendor. The
Bidder shall quote for the entire facilities on a “single responsibility” basis
such that the fixed price covers all the obligations in respect of Design,
Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning including Warranty, Operation
& Maintenance (05 years), exclusive of GST.
iii. The price shall remain firm and fixed and shall be binding on the Selected
Vendor irrespective of actual cost of execution of the Project. No escalation
on the price will be granted for any reason whatsoever. The Selected Vendor
shall not be entitled to claim any additional charges, even though it may be
necessary to extend the completion period for any reasons whatsoever.
iv. The fixed price for each line item shall be exclusive of GST. The prices quoted
by the firm shall be complete in all respect.
v. Only a single price bid for each line item (i.e., type of pump), for the
cumulative Project capacity quoted by the bidders, shall have to be filled
online in the Electronic Form provided at the Mahaetender Portal. The
instructions mentioned in the Financial Bid Electronic Form have to be
strictly followed without any deviation, else the bid shall be considered as
non- responsive.
vi. Important Note:
a. The Bidding envelope shall be properly sealed with the signature of the
Authorized Signatory running across the sealing of the envelope.
b. In case the Bidder submits the online documents on Mahaetender
portal within the bid submission deadlines and fails to submit the
offline documents in the office of MEDA within the bid submission
deadlines, the online bid of the Bidder shall not be opened and shall be
‘archived’ on the Mahaetender Portal. Similarly, bids submitted offline
but without any online submission on Mahaetender portal shall not be
The Bidder shall be responsible for all the costs associated with the preparation of the
response to RfS and participation in discussions and attending pre-bid meeting(s) etc. MEDA
shall not be responsible in any way for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of
the bid process.
Page 23 of 164
24.2. MEDA will make effort to respond to the same in the Pre-Bid Meeting to be held as
mentioned in the Bid Information Sheet. If necessary, amendments, clarifications,
elaborations shall be issued by MEDA which will be notified on
https://mahatenders.gov.in/nicgep/app. No separate reply/ intimation will be given for
the above, elsewhere.
24.3. A Pre-Bid Meeting shall be held as mentioned in the Bid Information Sheet (Venue to be
notified later on MEDA’s website).
24.4. Enquiries/ Clarifications may be sought by the Bidder from following point of contacts
in MEDA.
Name of the Authorized Person of MEDA: Contact Details:
1. Pankaj Tagalpallewar 8446790661
General Manager (Solar-KUSUM) kusum@mahaurja.com
2. Hiraman Botre 7030927342
Account Officer ac@mahaurja.com
25. Right of MEDA to Reject a Bid
MEDA reserves the right to reject any or all of the responses to RfS or cancel the RfS or annul
the bidding process for any project at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever
and without thereby any liability. In any case the tender fee will not be returned.
Any checklist shared with Vendor by MEDA for compliance of above- mentioned milestones
to be considered for the purpose of facilitation only. Any additional documents required as
per the conditions of RfS must be timely submitted by the Vendor.
27. Adjudicator
Adjudicator under the contract shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority of MEDA. If
the bidder does not accept the Adjudicator proposed by MEDA, it should so state in its bid
form and make a counter proposal of an adjudicator. If on the day the contract agreement is
signed, the MEDA and bidder have not agreed on the appointment of adjudicator, the
adjudicator shall be appointed, at the request of either party, by the MEDA.
28. Arbitration
Arbitration shall be carried out as per Arbitration Act 1996 and its subsequent amendment.
The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in
India. The Courts of respective cluster where programme is to be implemented shall have
exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising under the contract.
Page 24 of 164
29. Force Majeure
29.1. Definition
"Force Majeure Event" means any act or event that prevents the affected Party from
performing its obligation in accordance with the Agreement, if such act or event is
beyond the reasonable control of the affected Party and such Party had been unable to
overcome such act or event with the exercise of due diligence (including the
expenditure of reasonable sums). Subject to the foregoing conditions, "Force Majeure
Event" shall include without limitation the following acts or events: (i) natural
phenomena, such as storms, hurricanes, floods, lightning, volcanic eruptions and
earthquakes; (ii) explosions or fires arising from lighting or other causes unrelated to
the acts or omissions of the Party seeking to be excused from performance; (iii) acts of
war or public disorders, civil disturbances, riots, insurrection, sabotage, epidemic,
terrorist acts, or rebellion. A Force Majeure Event shall not be based on the economic
hardship of either Party. In case of any damage because of force majeure event, the
System shall be repaired/commissioned in line with the penal provisions of Scheme
If a Force Majeure Event shall have occurred that has affected the Vendor’s performance
of its obligations hereunder and that has continued for a continuous period of one
hundred eighty (180) days, then MEDA shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement
upon ninety (90) days’ prior written notice to the Vendor. If at the end of such ninety
(90) day period such Force Majeure Event shall still continue, the Agreement shall
automatically terminate. Upon such termination for a Force Majeure Event, neither
Party shall have any liability to the other (other than any such liabilities that have
accrued prior to such termination).
The Vendor agrees that it shall indemnify and hold harmless MEDA and its members,
officers, employees, students, casual labourer’s, persons permitted to run any business or
Page 25 of 164
service, such as canteens, stores, photocopy units, banks, post office, courier service,
hospital and to any lawful visitors (collectively, the "MEDA Indemnified Parties") from and
against any and all Losses incurred by the MEDA Indemnified Parties to the extent arising
from or out of the following any claim for or arising out of any injury to or death of any
Person or loss or damage to property of any Person to the extent arising out of the Vendor's
negligence or wilful misconduct. The Vendor shall not, however, be required to reimburse or
indemnify any MEDA Indemnified Party for any Loss to the extent such Loss is due to the
negligence or wilful misconduct of any MEDA Indemnified Party.
31. Insurance
The Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured in Indian Rupees against loss
or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery. For
delivery of goods at site, the insurance shall be obtained by the Contractor, for an amount
not less than the Contract Price of the goods from “warehouse to warehouse” (final
destinations) on “All Risks” basis including War risks and strikes.
The Comprehensive insurance of Solar Photo Voltaic Water Pumping System shall be
provided for natural calamities, theft, burglary, damage, etc. during 5 years warranty period.
The vendor shall file insurance claim and shall be responsible to bring the insurance claim to
a final settlement. The farmer and the vendor shall be jointly responsible for collection and
submission of documents for the processing of the insurance claim. The insurance policy
taken for the individual farmer shall be handed over to the beneficiary under intimation to
MEDA at the time of processing of payment for the completed installations. The vendor shall
do renewal of insurance certificate every year up to 5 years as per insurance clause.
In case of an incident covered under insurance, bidder must replace the lost/ damaged part
within 7 days from the date of intimation, failing which the rectification/replacement
(keeping the same configuration in consideration) will be done by MEDA at the risk and cost
of system integrator, after rectification/ replacement the warranty clause will remain
compliable as per tender conditions.
Insurance should be submitted as per Latest GR and latest directives issued by Govt of
Maharashtra, and Directorate of Insurance along with endorsement in favour of MEDA.
Contractor/Selected Vendor is required under the Contract to transport the Goods to place
of destination defined as Site. Transport to such place of destination including insurance, as
shall be specified in the Contract, shall be arranged by the Contractor/Selected Vendor, and
the related cost shall be included in the Contract Price.
Subsequent to an order being placed against bidder’s quotation, received in response to this
‘enquiry’, if it is found that the materials supplied are not of the right quality or not in
accordance with our specifications (required by us) or received in damaged or broken
conditions, not satisfactory owing to any reason of which we shall be the sole judge, MEDA
shall be entitled to reject the materials, cancel the contract and buy our requirement from
the open market / other sources and recover the loss, if any, from the supplier reserving to
ourselves the right to forfeit the security deposit, furnished by the supplier against the
Page 26 of 164
contract. The supplier will make his own arrangements to remove the rejected material
within a fortnight of instruction to do so.
MEDA reserve the right to accept or reject any quotation in full or in part without assigning
any reason thereof. We also reserve the right to split and place order on more than one
In case of any delay in the execution of the order or delay in maintenance beyond the
stipulated time schedule decided including any extension permitted in writing, MEDA
reserves the right to recover from the bidder a sum equivalent to 0.5 % of the value of the
delayed SPWPS installation or on the unexecuted portion of the work for each week of the
delay and part thereof subject to a maximum of 10 % of the total value of SPWPS. The
penalty for delay in maintenance will be limited to 10% of SPWPS at every instance. Delay in
no. of days from vendor selection up to installation of pumps beyond stipulated time (90
days) will be considered for calculation of liquidated damages.
Alternatively, MEDA’s reserves the right to purchase of the material and completion of the
works including maintenance from elsewhere at the sole risk and cost of the successful
bidder/ contractor and recover all such extra cost incurred by MEDA in procuring the
material from resources available including encashment of the bank guarantee or any other
sources etc. Further, if any extra cost is incurred by MEDA’s due to delay in work completion
by the party beyond the completion time as per LOA, the same shall be recovered from the
party’s Invoice/BG/PBG etc.
Alternatively, MEDA may cancel the order completely or partly without prejudice to his right
under the alternatives mentioned above.
A certificate as per format 7.15 is to be submitted by the bidders that the items offered meet
the definition of domestically manufactured/produced Cyber Security Products as per MeitY
notification vide File no. 1(10)/2017-CLES dt. 02.07.18. The above certificate shall be on
Company’s letterhead and signed by Statutory Auditor or Cost Auditor of the Company.
The complete Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System and display board / Name Plate (As
per Annexure - C) shall be warranted and maintained for 05 years from the date of
The maintenance service provided shall ensure proper functioning of the system as a whole.
All preventive/routine maintenance and breakdown/corrective maintenance required for
ensuring maximum uptime shall have to be provided by the Contractor.
Page 27 of 164
Successful bidder, on whom letter of award is placed, is to ensure all safety guidelines, rules
and regulations, labour laws etc. Successful bidder indemnifies MEDA for any accident,
injury met by its labour, employee or any other person working for him. Any compensation
sought by its labour, employee or any other person working for him shall be paid by
successful bidder as per settlement solely.
Bidder shall submit a certificate stating the percentage of local content as per the format
7.12 of RfS Document. The certificate shall be from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of
the company (in case of companies) or from a practicing cost accountant or practicing
chartered accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving the percentage
of local content. It is mandatory to mention UDIN No in the certificate.
NOTE: False declarations will be in breach of the code of integrity under Rule 175(1)(i)(h) of
the General Financial rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred for up to 2
years as per Rule 151(iii) of the General Financial rules along with such other actions as may
be permissible under law. Only those bidders who comply with the minimum local content
requirement as mentioned above shall be eligible to bid.
Apart from discovery of rates, role of MEDA under this RfS is limited to Selection of Vendors
for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Transport, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Off
Grid DC Submersible Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems (SPWPS) of 3, 5 and 7.5 HP
capacities in Maharashtra, including complete system warranty and its repair and
maintenance for 5 Years under Component-B of PM-KUSUM scheme.
Price basis of the price quoted shall be on F.O.R (Freight on Road) destination basis for site.
Price mentioned in the quotation must be firm. Hence prices in Letter of Award shall be firm
and not subject to escalation till the execution of the complete order and its subsequent
amendments accepted by the bidder even though the completion / execution of the order
may take longer time than the delivery period specified and accepted in the Letter of Award.
Page 28 of 164
ix. Real time monitoring through dedicated web-portal which will be maintained by
x. Performance monitoring of installed system
xi. Ensure compliance of CMC and training of locals by the vendors.
xii. Carrying out publicity of the scheme so as to increase awareness, for which purpose
advice of MNRE may also be adopted apart from its own publicity.
xiii. Any other activity to ensure successful implementation of the programme
Page 29 of 164
Short listing of Bidders will be based on the following Criteria:
40. General Eligibility Criteria
Bidders participating in the RfS will be required to meet the following eligibility criteria (as
40.2. Bidding Consortium with one of the Companies as the Lead Member. Consortium
shortlisted and selected based on this RfS has to necessarily form a Project Company
and get it registered under the Companies Act, 2013, keeping the original shareholding
of the Bidding Consortium unchanged. In case applications for multiple Projects have
been made by a Consortium, separate Project Companies can be formed for each
Project. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby clarified that the shareholding pattern
of the Project Company shall be the identical to the shareholding pattern of the
Consortium as indicated in the Consortium Agreement (Format 7.5).
40.4. In line with the O.M. by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, vide No.
6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020 and subsequent amendments and clarifications
thereto, the Bidder shall meet the following criteria for its bid to be considered for
evaluation under the RfS issued
i. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to
bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority (as
defined in the OM as referred above).
ii. “Bidder” in this reference, means any person or firm or company, including any
member of a consortium, every artificial juridical person not falling in any of the
descriptions of bidders stated hereinbefore, including any agency branch or office
controlled by such person, participating in this tender.
iii. “Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India” for the purpose of
this clause, means:
i. An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
ii. A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such a
country; or
iii. An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated, established
or registered in such a country; or
iv. An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a country; or
v. An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
vi. A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
vii. A consortium where any member of the consortium falls under any of the
iv. In support of the above, the Bidder shall be required to submit necessary
Undertaking, as per Format 7.8/7.8A of the RfS.
Page 30 of 164
v. Other provisions of the referred OM dated 23.07.2020, except Sl. 11 of the OM, will
also be applicable for this tender. Any interpretation of the above clauses will be
made in line with the referred OM, including subsequent amendments and
clarifications thereto.
40.5. A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is allowed to participate under this RfS.
40.6. The Bidder should not be under any liquidation, court receivership or similar
proceedings on due date of submission of bid.
40.7. The Bidder or any of its Affiliates should not be a wilful defaulter to any lender, and that
there is no major litigation pending or threatened against the Bidder or any of its
Affiliates which are of a nature that could cast a doubt on the ability or the suitability of
the Bidder to undertake the Project. The Bidder shall submit an undertaking to this
effect as per format 7.7 of this RfS.
40.9. MEDA reserves the right to disqualify the bidders having poor progress in MEDA’s
ongoing solar projects including off grid solar pump scheme PM KUSUM B.
40.10. Litigation History clause: The bidder/JV should provide detailed information on any
litigation either in the court of law and / or arbitral panel.
i. All pending litigations shall in total not be more than fifty percent (50%) of the
bidder's net worth.
ii. In case amount is more than 50% of the bidder's net worth, bidder will be
41.1. Under this RfS, it is proposed to promote only commercially established and operational
technologies to minimize the technology risk and to achieve timely commissioning of
the Projects. The Bidder is required to undertake to furnish evidence of meeting the
above criteria in line with provisions of the RfS. The undertaking shall be submitted as
per enclosed Format 7.8.
Page 31 of 164
‘Similar Works’ means - Design, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of
standalone (off-grid) solar PV based water pump sets. Experience required for the
bidders to be counted for completed works of past 7 Financial Years from the last
date of bid submission shall be as per Table below:
Technical QR
For Solar Pumps/Controller
Tender Quantity (Number of solar pumps For Solar PV Modules
installed/Controller (Experience in kWp)
installed or supplied)
1,00,000 6,000 pumps 24,000 kWp
1. The term Bidder used hereinafter would therefore apply to both a single entity and a
Consortium/ Joint Venture.
2. A consortium of maximum two (02) members is allowed in this RfS including one as
lead bidder.
3. Lead Bidder shall accept primary responsibility for providing a robust and quality
product meeting technical specifications of tender. Declaration regarding the lead
member shall be provided in the Format 7.5 However, both the members of the Joint
Venture shall be jointly and severally liable for compliance of the conditions of the
tender and the guidelines including amendments and other Orders/ directions
issued by MEDA related to implementation of the Scheme.
4. Any member of the Joint Venture participating in the tender shall not be permitted to
participate either in individual capacity or as a member of any other
Consortium/Joint Venture in the same tender. Submission or participation in more
than one bid will cause disqualification of all the proposals submitted by the bidder.
5. All formalities in respect of submission of tender shall be done only in the name of
'Lead Member' and not in the name of Joint Venture. However, name & other details
of both the members of Consortium/ Joint Venture Firm should be clearly mentioned
in the Bid/Response.
7. Once the offer/ bid is submitted, the bid shall not be modified / altered/ terminated
during the period of execution including any extension thereafter by MEDA or
validity of any letter of award awarded to the said Consortium/Joint Venture Firm. In
case, the tenderer fails to observe/comply with this stipulation, the full Security
Deposit/ Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) shall be liable to be forfeited.
Page 32 of 164
8. A duly notarized agreement of Joint Venture Firm shall be executed between the
'Lead Member' and Consortium/Joint Venture Partner. This Agreement should be
submitted in original with your offer/ bid.
10. Required processing fee shall be submitted by the 'Lead Member'. Submission of
processing fee by the 'Lead Member' it should be deemed as processing fee
submitted by the Joint Venture Firm.
11. Duration of work and Joint Venture Agreement shall be valid during the entire
execute in period/ validity of letter of award and any extension thereafter/ currency
of the contract including the period of extension, if any and 5-year maintenance
12. Any change in constitution of Joint Venture Firm shall not be allowed after bid
13. On award of any contract to the Joint Venture Firm, a single Performa i.e., Bank
Guarantee shall be submitted by the lead bidder as per tender conditions. All the
Guarantees like Security Deposit, Earnest money Deposit, Performance Guarantee,
etc. shall be accepted only in the name of 'Lead Member' and splitting of guarantees
among the members of Joint Venture shall not be permitted.
14. Members of the Joint Venture Firm shall be jointly and severally liable to MEDA for
execution of the project/ Work/ Assignment etc. The Joint Venture members shall
also be liable jointly and severally for the loss, damages caused to MEDA during the
course of execution of any awarded contract or due to non-execution of the contract
or part thereof. Governing Laws for Consortium/ Joint Venture Firm: The Joint
Venture Agreement in all respect be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
Indian Laws.
15. In case of Consortium of NSIC, the lead members/ partners in the consortium shall
not separately participate as independent bidder or as members of any other
consortium in this bidding process. All bids in contravention of this shall be rejected.
16. Under this tender, only bid from one NSIC Consortium will be accepted.
17. In case bidder submitted JV Experience for Technical QR then following clarification
shall be referred-
a. Confirmation letter about experience may be taken from utility about their share
of experience in addition to the undertaking from all joint venture members
confirming the share of pure technical experience.
Page 33 of 164
The above certificate cum confirmation may please be taken before opening of
price bid on Rs.500 Stamp Paper. If bidder fails to submit the above document,
his offer is not considered for further evaluation.
b. Further to avoid legal complication if bidder is participated in tender process and
found L-1, the bidder jointly must give notarized confirmation and undertaking
about technical experience in proposed project before issue of LOA.
Above contents required to be mentioned by bidder in affidavit that “If
Confirmation given is found be incorrect then they are liable for prosecution and
cancellation of tender also blacklisting. This undertaking must be their in
Affidavit (On Stamp Paper)
18. All correspondence by MEDA will be done with ‘Lead member’ only.
41.3. Detailed technical parameters of the Pumps to be met by Vendors is at Annexure-A. The
Bidders shall strictly comply with the technical parameters detailed in the Annexure-A.
Further, the provisions as contained in the O.M. dated 10.03.2021 issued by MNRE on
the subject “Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules
(Requirement of Compulsory Registration) Order, 2019-Implementation- Reg.” and its
subsequent amendments and clarifications issued until the bid submission deadline,
shall be applicable for this RfS. The modules used in the Project under this RfS should
have been included in the List-I under the above Order, valid as on the date of invoicing
of such modules.
41.4. Copy of Factory License Indian Factories Act, 1948 or any document to establish factory
in running operations under the and GST registration Certificate, supporting the fact of
the bidder being engaged in the business field mentioned shall be submitted. If factory
license does not specify that business field, a separate Government issued document
shall be submitted in support of the bidder being engaged in the business field
42.1. Net-Worth
v. The Net Worth of the Bidder should as per the table below, as on the last date of
previous Financial Year, i.e., FY 2022-23.
vi. The net worth to be considered for the above purpose will be the cumulative net-
worth of the Bidding Company or Consortium together with the Net Worth of those
Affiliates of the Bidder(s) that undertake to contribute the required equity funding
and PBG in case the Bidder(s) fail to do so in accordance with the RfS.
vii. Net Worth to be considered for this clause shall be the total Net Worth as calculated
in accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 and any further amendments
thereto.Net worth Certificate duly certified by the practicing Chartered Accountant
on their Letter head.
Page 34 of 164
42.2. Minimum Average Annual Turnover:
The Bidder shall demonstrate a Minimum Average Annual Turnover (MAAT) as per the
table below, during last three financial years, i.e., 2023-24, 2022-23 and 2021-22. It is
hereby clarified that “Other Income” as indicated in the annual accounts of the Bidder
shall not be considered for arriving at the annual turnover.
Bidder shall submit minimum Average Annual Turnover Certificate as per GST and
turnover shown in books, duly certified by the practicing Chartered Accountant on their
Letter head.
42.3. Liquidity
The Bidder shall demonstrate Working Capital or Line of Credit for the last Financial
Year, 2023-24, as per the table below.
The bidder should submit certificates from chartered accountant regarding working
Capital of 10% value of the offered quantity, and the certificate for following details.
MAAT/ Average
Annual Turn
Tender Quantity
Over Requirement Profitability Net Worth
(in Cr. INR)
In 3 years
Profitable in at least Not less than paid
1,00,000 Rs. 160 Cr two of the last five up capital in last
Years FY2023-24
42.4. For the purposes of meeting financial requirements, unconsolidated audited annual
accounts for last three financial years i.e. 2023-24, 2022-23 and 2021-22. However,
audited consolidated annual accounts of the Bidder may be used for the purpose of
financial requirements provided the Bidder has at least twenty six percent (26%)
equity in each Company whose accounts are merged in the audited consolidated
42.5. A Company/Consortium would be required to submit annual audited accounts for the
last FY, 2022-23, or as on the day at least 7 days prior to the bid submission deadline,
along with net worth, annual turnover, working capital certificate (if applicable) from a
practicing Chartered Accountant/Statutory Auditor to demonstrate fulfilment of the
42.6. For meeting the above financial eligibility criteria, if the data is provided by the Bidder
in a foreign currency, equivalent Indian Rupees of Net Worth and other financial
parameters will be calculated by the Bidder using Reserve Bank of India’s reference
rates prevailing on the date of closing of the accounts for the respective financial year. In
case of any currency for which RBI reference rate is not available, Bidders shall convert
such currency into USD as per the exchange rates certified by their banker prevailing on
the relevant date and used for such conversion. After such conversion, Bidder shall
follow the procedure/ submit document as elaborated in clause 40.6 above.
Page 35 of 164
42.7. In case the response to RfS is submitted by a Consortium/Joint Venture, then the
financial requirement is required to be met by the Consortium/Joint Venture members
on an aggregate basis.
42.8. Note: Wherever applicable, audited accounts for the last FY, 2022-23 will be required to
be submitted for meeting the qualification requirements.
Page 36 of 164
Bid evaluation will be carried out considering the information furnished by Bidders as per
provisions of this RfS. The detailed evaluation procedure and selection of bidders are
described in subsequent clauses in this Section.
44.1. Bid opening (online) will be done only after the deadline for submission in the
Mahaetender portal.
44.2. Documents (as mentioned in the previous clause) received after the bid submission
deadline as specified by MEDA, shall be rejected and returned unopened, if super-
scribed properly with address, to the bidder.
44.3. Subject to Clause 18 of the RfS, MEDA will examine all the documents submitted by the
Bidders and ascertain meeting of eligibility conditions prescribed in the RfS. During the
examination of the bids, MEDA may seek clarifications/additional documents to the
documents submitted etc. from the Bidders if required to satisfy themselves for meeting
the eligibility conditions by the Bidders. Bidders shall be required to respond to any
clarifications/additional documents sought by MEDA within 03 (three) days from the
date of such intimation from MEDA. All correspondence in this regard shall be made
through email only. It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that the email id
of the authorized signatory of the Bidder is functional. No reminders in this case shall
be sent. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Bidders to remove all the discrepancies
and furnish additional documents as requested. MEDA shall not be responsible for
rejection of any bid on account of the above.
44.4. The response to RfS submitted by the Bidder shall be scrutinized to establish Techno-
Commercial eligibility as per the RfS.
45.1. In this step evaluations of Techno-Commercially Qualified Bids shall be done based on
the “Fixed Price”, quoted by the Bidder for each line item (i.e., type of pump) as per
price bid format Annexure-D to the RfS (i.e., type of pump) in the Electronic Form of
Financial Bid.
45.2. Second Envelope (containing Fixed Price) of only those bidders shall be opened whose
technical bids are found to be qualified as per the RfS.
45.3. For each line item (i.e., type of pump) the Bidder will have to submit a single bid (single
application) quoting a Fixed Price in Indian Rupee for all the line items applied for. The
Price has to be quoted in Indian Rupee up to two places of decimal only. If it is quoted
with more than two digits after decimal, digits after first two decimal places shall be
ignored. (For e.g., if the quoted price is INR 47,800.455, then it shall be considered as
INR 47,800.45).
Page 37 of 164
45.4. In this step, evaluation will be carried out for each line item (i.e., type of pump), based
on the price quoted by Bidders.
45.6. On completion of Techno-Commercial bid evaluation, if it is found that, only one or two
Bidder(s) is/are eligible for the next stage, opening of the financial bid of the Bidder(s)
will be at the discretion of MEDA. Thereafter, MEDA will take appropriate action as
deemed fit.
45.7. For each line item (i.e., type of pump), based on the fixed Price quoted by the bidders,
MEDA shall arrange the bids in the ascending order i.e., L1, L2, L3, etc. (L1 being the
lowest quote).
If the fixed price (exclusive of GST (in INR) on F.O.R Destination Basis) quoted is same
for two or more Bidders, then all the Bidders with same price shall be considered of
equal rank/standing in the order.
46.1. For each line item the Bidder quoting the lowest price (L1 price) will be identified and
shall be declared as the Selected Vendor. In case of multiple Bidders quoting the L1
price, all such Bidders (“L1 Bidders”) will be declared as Selected Vendors.
46.2. For each line item (i.e., type of pump), option to match L1 price will be initially extended
to other bidders. MEDA reserves the right to decide the nos. of vendors as per
46.3. For each line item, the Bidders other than the L1 Bidder(s) will be given a period of 7
days to match the L1 price. In case a Bidder wishes to match the L1 price, such matching
shall be communicated to MEDA only through email. The 7-day period shall commence
from the date on which the L1 price is intimated to all the eligible Bidders (through
email), and will culminate at 11:59:59 PM of the 7th day after such intimation by MEDA.
For example, in case MEDA intimates the L1 price on 25.09.2024, the above deadline for
L1 matching shall expire at 11:59:59 PM on 31.09.2024. Any communication after the
expiry of the above deadline will not be entertained, and decision taken by MEDA in this
regard shall be final and binding on all parties.
Note: In all cases, matching of Prices will be on individual line items within the price bid
table on total cost (on F.O.R basis, exclusive of GST) for complete scope of work.
Page 38 of 164
46.4. MEDA reserves the right for the variation of allocated quantity.
46.5. Further, in case a Vendor is not able to supply quantity allocated to them as per
scheduled timelines, MEDA reserves the right to shift the part/full quantity to another
Vendor, who has matched the price.
46.6. MEDA reserves the right to select the bidders for acceptance of L-1 matching consent.
In order to allow MEDA sufficient time to implement SPWPS based on the prices discovered
under this tender, all prices discovered under this tender will remain valid for 24 months
from the date of opening the price bids, which will be announced by MEDA. Within this 24-
month period, vendors have no right of refusal to complete the allocated work.
At the end of selection process, MEDA will issue the Letters of Award (LoAs) of Vendors. In
case of a Consortium being selected as the Selected Vendor, the LoA shall be issued in the
name of the Consortium. Each Selected Vendor shall acknowledge the LoA and return
duplicate copy with signature of the authorized signatory of the Selected Vendor to
respective MEDA within 15(Fifteen) days of issue of LoA, failing which it will be deemed to
have been accepted by the Bidder.
If the Selected Vendor, to whom the LoA has been issued does not fulfil any of the conditions
specified in Bid document, then MEDA reserves the right to annul/cancel the LoA of such
Selected Vendor also imposing the penalty such as encashment of BG or/and Blacklisting.
In all cases, MEDA’s decision regarding selection of Bidder based on price or annulment of
tender process shall be final and binding on all participating bidders.
50.1. MEDA reserves the right to carry out the performance review of each Bidder from the
time of submission of Bid. In case it is observed that a bidder has not fulfilled its
obligations in meeting the various timelines envisaged, in addition to the other
Page 39 of 164
provisions of the RfS, such Bidders may be debarred from participating in MEDA’s any
future tender as decided by competent authority of MEDA.
Page 40 of 164
51. Following terms used in the documents will carry the meaning and interpretations as
described below:
51.1. “ACT” or “ELECTRICITY ACT, 2003” shall mean the Electricity Act, 2003 and include
any modifications, amendments and substitution from time to time.
51.4. “BID” or “PROPOSAL” shall mean the documents submitted by the Bidder towards
meeting the techno-commercial and financial qualifying requirements, along with the
price bid submitted by the Bidder and submissions during the e-Reverse Auctions, if
applicable, as part of its response to the RfS issued by MEDA.
51.5. “BIDDER” shall mean Bidding Company or a Bidding Consortium submitting the Bid.
Any reference to the Bidder includes Bidding Company/ Bidding Consortium, Member
of a Bidding Consortium including its successors, executors and permitted assigns and
Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium jointly and severally, as the context may
51.8. “CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT” shall mean a person practicing in India or a firm whereof
all the partners practicing in India as a Chartered Accountant(s) within the meaning of
the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
For Bidders incorporated in countries other than India, “Chartered Accountant” shall
mean a person or a firm practicing in the respective country and designated/ registered
under the corresponding Statutes/ laws of the respective country.
51.9. “COMPANY” shall mean a body corporate incorporated in India under the Companies
Act, 2013 or any law in India prior thereto relating to Companies, as applicable.
51.10. “CONTRACT YEAR” shall mean the period beginning from the Effective Date of the
Contract Agreement and ending on the immediately succeeding 31st March and
thereafter each period of 12 months beginning on 1st April and ending on 31st March
provided that:
Page 41 of 164
i. in the financial year in which the Scheduled Commissioning Date would occur, the
Contract Year shall end on the date immediately before the Scheduled
Commissioning Date and a new Contract Year shall commence once again from the
Scheduled Commissioning Date and end on the immediately succeeding 31st
March, and thereafter each period of 12 (Twelve) Months commencing on 1st April
and ending on 31st March, and
ii. Provided further that the last Contract Year of this Agreement shall end on the last
day of the Term of this Agreement.
51.11. “CONTROL” shall mean the ownership, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% (fifty
percent) of the voting shares of such Company or right to appoint majority Directors.
51.12. “CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDING” shall mean more than 50% of the voting rights and
paid-up share capital in the Company/ Consortium.
51.14. “EQUITY” shall mean Net Worth as defined in Companies Act, 2013.
51.17. “JOINT CONTROL” shall mean a situation where a company has multiple promoters
(but none of the shareholders has more than 50% of voting rights and paid-up share
Page 42 of 164
be only one Lead Member, having the shareholding of not less 51% in the Bidding
51.22. “NET-WORTH” shall mean the Net-Worth as defined section 2 of the Companies Act,
51.23. “O&M/ AMC” shall mean Operation & Maintenance/ Annual Maintenance Contract of
the supplied equipment’s.
51.24. “PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL” shall mean the paid-up share capital as defined in Section 2
of the Companies Act, 2013.
51.25. “PARENT” shall mean a Company, which holds more than 50% voting rights and paid
up share capital, either directly or indirectly in the Project Company or a Member in a
Consortium developing the Project.
51.26. “PROJECT” shall mean Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems (SPWPS).
51.27. “PROJECT INSTALLATION” The Project (SPWPS) will be considered as installed if all
equipment as per rated project capacity has been installed.
51.31. “ULTIMATE PARENT” shall mean a Company, which owns more than 50% (Fifty
Percent) voting rights and paid-up share capital, either directly or indirectly in the
Parent and Affiliates.
Page 43 of 164
The following formats are required to be submitted as part of the RfS. These formats are
designed to demonstrate the Bidder’s compliance with the Qualification Requirements set forth
in Section 4 and other submission requirements specified in the RfS.
Format 7.1
(The Covering Letter should be submitted on the Letter Head of the Bidding
Company/Lead Member of Consortium)
Ref. No.
From: (Insert name and address of Bidding Company/ Lead
Member of Consortium)
E-mail address#
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
Sub: Response to RfS No. ………. dated for (Insert title of the RfS)
We, the undersigned [Insert name of the ‘Bidder’] having read, examined and understood in
detail the RfS including Qualification Requirements in particular, hereby submit our response to
We confirm that in response to the aforesaid RfS, neither we nor any of our Ultimate Parent
Company/ Parent Company/ Affiliate/ Group Company has submitted response to RfS other
than this response to RfS, directly or indirectly, in response to the aforesaid RfS (as mentioned in
Format 7.8 under Disclosure) OR We confirm that in the response to the aforesaid RfS, we have a
Group Company who owns more than 10% but less than 26% in the bidding company as well as
other companies who may participate in this RfS, and accordingly, we have submitted requisite
undertaking as per Format 7.8A in this regard {strike out whichever not applicable}.
Page 44 of 164
In case of Joint Venture:
Participation (Yes/No)
Sr. No Pump Capacity/Position/Type (No/Blank cell will be
Assumed as No only)
1 3HP Submersible DC without USPC
2 5HP Submersible DC without USPC
3 7.5HP Submersible DC without USPC
3. We hereby declare that in the event our bid gets selected and we are not able to submit
Bank Guarantee of the requisite value(s) towards PBG, within due time as mentioned in
Clauses 13 & 14 of this RfS, MEDA shall have the right to encash the EMD submitted by us.
4. We have submitted our response to RfS strictly as per Section 7 (Sample Forms and
Formats) of this RfS, without any deviations, conditions and without mentioning any
assumptions or notes in the said Formats.
5. Acceptance: -
We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree and accept that the decision made by
MEDA in respect of any matter regarding or arising out of the RfS shall be binding on us. We
hereby expressly waive and withdraw any deviations and all claims in respect of this
We also unconditionally and irrevocably agree and accept that the decision made by MEDA
in respect of finalization of vendor of SPWPS in line with the provisions of the RfS, shall be
binding on us.
Page 45 of 164
7. We are submitting our response to the RfS with formats duly signed as desired by you in the
RfS online for your consideration.
8. It is confirmed that our response to the RfS is consistent with all the requirements of
submission as stated in the RfS, including all clarifications and amendments and
subsequent communications from MEDA.
9. The information submitted in our response to the RfS is correct to the best of our
knowledge and understanding. We would be solely responsible for any errors or omissions
in our response to the RfS.
10. We confirm that all the terms and conditions of our Bid are valid up to (Insert date in
dd/mm/yyyy) for acceptance [i.e., a period upto the date as on 06 monthsfrom the last date
of submission of response to RfS].
11. Contact Person
12. We have neither made any statement nor provided any information in this Bid, which to the
best of our knowledge is materially inaccurate or misleading. Further, all the confirmations,
declarations and representations made in our Bid are true and accurate. In case this is
found to be incorrect after our selection as Selected Vendor, we agree that the same would
be treated as our event of default.
Thanking you,
Name, Designation, Seal and Signature of Authorized Person in whose name Power of Attorney/
Board Resolution/ Declaration.
Page 46 of 164
Format 7.2
(Applicable Only in case of Consortiums)
(To be provided by each of the other members of the Consortium in favour of the Lead member)
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act, the Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT M/s having its registered office at
………………………….……., …., and M/s …………………….…. having its registered office at, (Insert
names and registered offices of all Members of the Consortium) the Members of Consortium
have formed a Bidding Consortium named……………………. (Insert name of the Consortium if
finalized) (hereinafter called the ‘Consortium’) vide Consortium Agreement
dated……….……………… and having agreed to appoint M/s…………………………….…as the Lead
Member of the said Consortium do hereby constitute, nominate and appoint
M/s…………….…………. a company incorporated under the laws of ……….………and
having its Registered/ Head Office at
…………………….……….as our duly constituted lawful Attorney (hereinafter called as Lead
Member) to exercise all or any of the powers for and on behalf of the Consortium in regard to
submission of the response to RfS No…………….
We also authorize the said Lead Member to undertake the following acts:
It is expressly understood that in the event of the Consortium being selected as Selected Vendor,
this Power of Attorney shall remain valid, binding and irrevocable until 05 years from
We as the Member of the Consortium agree and undertake to ratify and confirm all whatsoever
the said Attorney/ Lead Member has done on behalf of the Consortium Members pursuant to
this Power of Attorney and the same shall bind us and deemed to have been done by us.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF M/s................................................................................................., as the Member of
the Consortium have executed these presents on this………. day of under the Common Seal of
our company.
For and on behalf of Consortium Member M/s………………………….
-------------------------------- (Signature of person authorized by the board)
Designation Place:
Page 47 of 164
person authorized by the board of the Lead Member) Attested
Lead Member in the Consortium shall have the controlling shareholding in the Company as
defined in Section-6, Definition of Terms of the RfS.
Page 48 of 164
Format 7.3 C
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune 411007
Page 49 of 164
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the courts
at _______________ shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in such form
and with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as against the
Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger, amalgamation,
restructuring or any other change in the constitution of the Guarantor Bank.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank and accordingly
SIA shall not be obliged before enforcing this BANK GUARANTEE to take any action in any court
or arbitral proceedings against the selected Vendor, to make any claim against or any demand on
the selected Vendor or to give any notice to the selected Vendor or to enforce any security held
by MEDA or to exercise, levy or enforce any distress, diligence or other process against the
selected Vendor.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is
restricted to INR ___________ (Indian Rupees ________________________ Only) and it shall remain in
force until ……………. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this
Bank Guarantee only if MEDA serves upon us a written claim or demand.
Signature: ____________________
Name: ___________________
Power of Attorney No.: _______________
______ [Insert Name and Address of the Bank]
Contact Details of the Bank:
E-mail ID of the Bank:
Banker's Stamp and Full Address.
Dated this ____ day of ____, 20__
1. …………………………………….
Name and Address
2. ………………………………….
Name and Address
1. The Stamp Paper should be in the name of the Executing Bank and of appropriate value.
2. The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be executed by any of the Scheduled Commercial
Banks as listed on the website of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and amended as on the date of
issuance of Bank Guarantee. Bank Guarantee issued by foreign branch of a Scheduled
Commercial Bank is to be endorsed by the Indian branch of the same bank or State Bank of
India (SBI).
Page 50 of 164
Format 7.4
The Board, after discussion, at the duly convened Meeting on … .. [Insert date], with the consent
of all the Directors present and in compliance of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 or
Companies Act 2013, as applicable, passed the following Resolution:
1. RESOLVED THAT Mr./ Ms……………. , be and is hereby authorized to do on our behalf,
all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our response to
RfS vide RfS No. for .............(insert title of the RfS), including signing and submission of all
documents and providing information/ response to RfS to MEDA, representing us in all
matters before MEDA, and generally dealing with MEDA in all matters in connection with
our bid for the said Project. (To be provided by the Bidding Company or the Lead
Member of the Consortium)
2.FURTHER RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 or
Companies Act, 2013, as applicable and compliance thereof and as permitted under the
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, approval of the Board be and is
hereby accorded to invest total equity in the Project. (To be provided by the Bidding
[Note: In the event the Bidder is a Bidding Consortium, in place of the above resolution at
Sl. No. 2, the following resolutions are to be provided]
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 or
Companies Act, 2013, as applicable and compliance thereof and as permitted under the
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, approval of the Board be and is
hereby accorded to invest (%) equity [Insert the % equity commitment as specified in
Consortium Agreement] in the Project. (To be provided by each Member of the Bidding
Consortium including Lead Member such that total equity is 100%)
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT approval of the Board be and is hereby accorded to participate in
consortium with M/s [Insert the name of other Members in the
Consortium] and Mr/ Ms………………., be and is hereby authorized to execute the Consortium
Agreement. (To be provided by each Member of the Bidding Consortium including Lead
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT approval of the Board be and is hereby accorded to contribute such
additional amount over and above the percentage limit (specified for the Lead Member in the
Consortium Agreement) to the extent becoming necessary towards the total equity share in the
Project Company, obligatory on the part of the Consortium pursuant to the terms and conditions
contained in the Consortium Agreement dated ….. executed by the Consortium as per the
provisions of the RfS. [To be passed by the Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium]
(Signature, Name and Stamp of Company Secretary)
Page 51 of 164
1) This certified true copy should be submitted on the letterhead of the Company, signed by
the Company Secretary/ Director.
2) The contents of the format may be suitably re-worded indicating the identity of the entity
passing the resolution.
3) This format may be modified only to the limited extent required to comply with the local
regulations and laws applicable to a foreign entity submitting this resolution. For example,
reference to Companies Act, 1956 or Companies Act, 2013 as applicable may be suitably
modified to refer to the law applicable to the entity submitting the resolution. However, in
such case, the foreign entity shall submit an unqualified opinion issued by the legal
counsel of such foreign entity, stating that the Board resolutions are in compliance with
the applicable laws of the respective jurisdictions of the issuing Company and the
authorizations granted therein are true and valid.
Page 52 of 164
Format 7.5
WHEREAS, each Member individually shall be referred to as the “Member” and all of the
Members shall be collectively referred to as the “Members” in this Agreement.
WHEREAS MEDA desires to install SPWPS under RfS for (insert title of the RfS);
WHEREAS, MEDA had invited response to RfS vide its Request for Selection (RfS) dated
WHEREAS the RfS stipulates that in case response to RfS is being submitted by a Bidding
Consortium, the Members of the Consortium will have to submit a legally enforceable
Consortium Agreement in a format specified by MEDA wherein the Consortium Members have
to commit equity investment of a specific percentage for the SPWPS.
In consideration of the above premises and agreements all the Members in this Bidding
Consortium do hereby mutually agree as follows:
1. We, the Members of the Consortium and Members to the Agreement do hereby
unequivocally agree that Member-1 (M/s ), shall act as the Lead Member as defined in the
RfS for self and agent for and on behalf of Member-2, to submit the response to the RfS.
2. The Lead Member is hereby authorized by the Members of the Consortium and Members to
the Agreement to bind the Consortium and receive instructions for and on their behalf.
3. Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in this Agreement, the Lead Member shall
always be liable for the equity investment obligations of all the Consortium Members i.e. for
both its own liability as well as the liability of other Members.
4. The Lead Member shall be liable and responsible for ensuring the individual and collective
commitment of each of the Members of the Consortium in discharging all of their respective
equity obligations. Each Member further undertakes to be individually liable for the
performance of its part of the obligations without in any way limiting the scope of collective
liability envisaged in this Agreement.
5. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the share of each Member of the Consortium in the
issued equity share capital of the Vendor is/shall be in the following proportion:
Page 53 of 164
Name Percentage
Member1 ---
Member2 ---
Total 100%
6. In case of any breach of any equity investment commitment by any of the Consortium
Members, the Lead Member shall be liable for the consequences thereof.
7. Except as specified in the Agreement, it is agreed that sharing of responsibilities as
aforesaid and equity investment obligations thereto shall not in any way be a limitation of
responsibility of the Lead Member under these presents.
8. It is further specifically agreed that the financial liability for equity contribution of the Lead
Member shall not be limited in any way so as to restrict or limit its liabilities. The Lead
Member shall be liable irrespective of its scope of work or financial commitments.
9. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of India
and courts at Pune alone shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in all matters relating thereto
and arising thereunder.
10. It is hereby further agreed that in case of being selected as the Selected Vendor, the
Members do hereby agree that they shall furnish the Performance Guarantee in favour of
MEDA in terms of the RfS.
11. It is further expressly agreed that the Agreement shall be irrevocable and shall form an
integral part of the Contract Agreement and shall remain valid until the expiration or early
termination of the Contract Agreement in terms thereof, unless expressly agreed to the
contrary by MEDA.
12. The Lead Member is authorized and shall be fully responsible for the accuracy and veracity
of the representations and information submitted by the Members respectively from time to
time in the response to RfS.
13. It is hereby expressly understood between the Members that no Member at any given point
of time, may assign or delegate its rights, duties or obligations under the Contract
Agreement except with prior written consent of MEDA.
14. This Agreement
a. has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of each Member hereto and constitutes
the legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligation of each such Member;
b. sets forth the entire understanding of the Members hereto with respect to the subject
matter hereof; and
c. may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by each of the Member sand
with prior written consent of MEDA.
15. All the terms used in capitals in this Agreement but not defined herein shall have the
meaning as per the RfS.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Members have, through their authorized representatives, executed
these presents on the Day, Month and Year first mentioned above.
Page 54 of 164
1) Signature-----------------------
Name: Address:
2) Signature ---------------------
Name: Address:
1) Signature -----------------------
Name: Address:
2) Signature ----------------------
Name: Address:
Page 55 of 164
Format 7.6
E-mail address#
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
Sub: Response to RfS No. dated for__________.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We certify that the Bidding Company/Member in a Bidding Consortium is meeting the financial
eligibility requirements as per the provisions of the RfS. Accordingly, the Bidder, with the
support of its Affiliates, (strike out if not applicable) is fulfilling the minimum Net Worth criteria,
by demonstrating a Net Worth of Rs.………….. Cr. (………………… in words) as on the last date of
Financial Year 2023-24.
This Net Worth has been calculated in accordance with instructions provided in Clause 42.1 of
the RfS.
Name of Affiliate(s)
Name of Bidding Relationship with Net Worth (in Rs.
whose net worth is
Company Bidding Company* Crore)
to be considered
Company 1
*The column for “Relationship with Bidding Company” is to be filled only in case the financial
capability of Affiliate has been used for meeting Qualification Requirements. Further,
documentary evidence to establish the relationship, duly certified by a practicing company
secretary/ chartered accountant is required to be attached with the format.
Exhibit (ii): Applicable in case of Bidding Consortium
(To be filled by each Member in a Bidding Consortium separately)
Page 56 of 164
Name of Member: [Insert name of the Member]
For the above calculations, we have considered Net Worth by Member in Bidding Consortium
and/ or its Affiliate(s) per following details:
Further, we certify that the Bidding Company/ Member in the Bidding Consortium, with the
support of its Affiliates, (strike out if not applicable) is fulfilling the Minimum Average Annual
Turnover Criteria, by demonstrating a MAAT of INR _________ (________in words) for the three
Financial Years, namely _____, ____ and _______.
Exhibit (i): Applicable in case of Bidding Company
For the above calculations, we have considered the MAAT by Bidding Company and/ or its
Affiliate(s) as per following details:
Name of AT AT AT
Name of Affiliate(s) Relationship (in Rs. (in Rs. (in Rs.
Bidding whose AT is with Bidding Crore) Crore) Crore)
Company to be Company* FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023-
considered 22 23 24
Company 1
*The column for “Relationship with Bidding Company” is to be filled only in case the financial
capability of Affiliate has been used for meeting Qualification Requirements. Further,
documentary evidence to establish the relationship, duly certified by a practicing company
secretary/chartered accountant is required to be attached with the format.
Page 57 of 164
Member whose AT is Company* Crore) Crore) Crore) (in %age) in
Company to be (If Any) FY FY FY Bidding
considered 2021-22 2022- 2023- Consortium
23 24
Company 1
Company 2
* The column for “Relationship with Bidding Company” is to be filled only in case the financial
capability of Affiliate has been used for meeting Qualification Requirements. Further,
documentary evidence to establish the relationship, duly certified by a practicing company
secretary/chartered accountant is required to be attached with the format
Further, we certify that the Bidding Company/ Member in the Bidding Consortium, with the
support of its Affiliates, (strike out if not applicable) is fulfilling the Profitability Criteria, by
demonstrating a Profitability of INR _________ (________in words) for the two Financial Years,
namely _____ and _______.
Page 58 of 164
documentary evidence to establish the relationship, duly certified by a practicing company
secretary/chartered accountant is required to be attached with the format
# PBDIT: Profit before Depreciation Interest and Taxes
(Signature & Name of the Authorized Signatory) (Signature and Stamp of CA)
Membership No.
Regn. No. of the CA’s Firm:
(i) Along with the above format, in a separate sheet on the letterhead of the Chartered
Accountant’s Firm, provide details of computation of Net Worth and Annual Turnover duly
certified by the Chartered Accountant.
(ii) Certified copies of Balance sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Schedules and Cash Flow
Statements are to be enclosed in complete form along with all the Notes to Accounts.
Page 59 of 164
(To be submitted on the letterhead of the Bidder)
We, hereby provide this undertaking to MEDA, in respect to our response to RfS vide RfS
No. dated , that M/s (insert name of the Bidder), or any of its Affiliates is not a wilful
defaulter to any lender, and that there is no major litigation pending or threatened against M/s
(insert name of the Bidder) or any of its Affiliates which are of a nature that could cast a
doubt on the ability or the suitability of the Bidder to undertake the Project.
Page 60 of 164
Format 7.8
From: (Insert name and address of Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium)
Tel.#: Fax#:
E-mail address#
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
We hereby declare and confirm that only we are participating in the RfS Selection process for the
RfS No. dated and that our Parent, Affiliate or Ultimate Parent or any Group Company with
which we have direct or indirect relationship are not separately participating in this selection
We further declare that the above statement is true & correct. We undertake that if at any stage
it is found to be incorrect, in addition to actions applicable under the RfS including but not
limited to cancellation of our response to this RfS and LoA, we, i.e. M/s (enter name of the
bidding company/member in a consortium), including our Parent, Ultimate Parent, and our
Affiliates shall be suspended/debarred from participating in any of the upcoming tenders issued
by MEDA.
We also understand that the above is in addition to the penal consequences that may follow
from the relevant laws for the time being in force.
We further declare that we have read the provisions of Clause 38.4 of the RfS, and are complying
with the requirements thereto. Accordingly, we are also enclosing necessary certificates
(Annexure to this format) in support of the above compliance under the RfS. We understand that
in case of us being selected under this RfS, any of the above certificates is found false, MEDA
shall take appropriate action as deemed necessary.
We further declare that we are fully aware of the binding provisions of the ALMM Order and the
Lists(s) thereunder, while quoting the price in RfS for (Enter the name of the RfS).
Page 61 of 164
We further understand that the List-I (Solar PV Modules) of ALMM Order, Annexure-I of the OM,
issued by MNRE on 10th March, 2021 and updated by MNRE from time to time. We also
understand that the Modules to be procured for this project, shall be from the List-I of the
ALMM Order applicable on the date of invoicing of such modules.
We also further understand and accept that we shall be liable for penal action, including but not
limited to blacklisting and invocation of Performance Bank Guarantee, if we are found not
complying with the provisions of ALMM Order, including those mentioned above.
Thanking you,
Page 62 of 164
Format 7.8 A
From: (Insert name and address of Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium)
Tel.#: Fax#:
E-mail address#
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
We hereby declare and confirm that in terms of the definitions of the RfS, M/s (enter name of
the common shareholder) is our Group Company, and has a direct/indirect shareholding of less
than 26% in the bidding company. M/s (enter name of the common shareholder) also
holds directly/indirectly less than 26% shareholding in other Companies which may participate
in this RfS, i.e., RfS No.
We undertake that M/s (enter name of the above common shareholder) is not a party to
the decision-making process for submission of response to this RfS by M/s (enter
name of the bidding company/member in the consortium). We further undertake that while
undertaking any action as part of our response to RfS, we are not complicit with other such
bidders participating in this RfS, in which M/s (enter name of the common shareholder)
has less than 26% direct/indirect shareholding, if any.
We further declare that the above statement is true & correct. We undertake that if at any stage
it is found to be incorrect, in addition to actions applicable under the RfS including but not
limited to cancellation of our response to this RfS and LoA, we, i.e. M/s (enter
name of the bidding company/member in a consortium), including our Parent, Ultimate Parent,
and our Affiliates shall be suspended/debarred from participating in any of the upcoming
tenders issued by MEDA for a period of 2 years from the date of default as notified by MEDA.
We also understand that the above is in addition to the penal consequences that may follow
from the relevant laws for the time being in force.
Page 63 of 164
We further declare that we have read the provisions of Clause 38 of the RfS, and are complying
with the requirements as per the referred OM dated 23.07.2020 except Sl. 11 of the OM,
including subsequent amendments and clarifications thereto. Accordingly, we are also enclosing
necessary certificates (Annexure to this format) in support of the above compliance under the
RfS. We understand that in case of us being selected under this RfS, any of the above certificates
is found false, MEDA shall take appropriate action as deemed necessary.
We further declare that we are fully aware of the binding provisions of the ALMM Order and the
Lists(s) thereunder, while quoting the price in RfS for (Enter the name of the RfS).
We further understand that the List-I (Solar PV Modules) of ALMM Order, Annexure-I of the OM,
issued by MNRE on 10th March, 2021 and updated by MNRE from time to time. We also
understand that the Modules to be procured for this project, shall be from the List-I of the
ALMM Order applicable on the date of invoicing of such modules.
We also further understand and accept that we shall be liable for penal action, including but not
limited to blacklisting and invocation of Performance Bank Guarantee, if we are found not
complying with the provisions of ALMM Order, including those mentioned above.
Thanking you,
Page 64 of 164
Annexure to Format 7.8/7.8A
(To be submitted on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company/ Each Member of Consortium)
E-mail address#
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
This is with reference to attached order No. OM no. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July 2020 issued
by Department of Expenditure, MoF, Govt of India.
We further declare that the above statement is true & correct. We are aware that if at anystage it
is found to be incorrect, our response to the tender will be rejected.
Dated the _day of , 20….
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Page 65 of 164
Format 7.9
[Insert the name of the Sole Bidder/all members of the of Joint Venture/Consortium] having its
Joint Venture/Consortium)
hereinafter referred to as
"The Bidder/Contractor"
Page 66 of 164
Section I - Commitments of MEDA
1. MEDA commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:
a. No employee of MEDA, personally or through family members, will in connection
with the tender, or the execution of the contract, demand, take a promise for or
accept, for him/herself or third person, any material or other benefit which he/she
is not legally entitled to.
b. MEDA will, during the tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and fairness.
MEDA will in particular, before and during the tender process, provide to all
Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential/
additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in
relation to the tender process or the contract execution.
c. MEDA will exclude from evaluation of Bids its such employee(s) who has any
personal interest in the Companies/Agencies participating in the
Bidding/Tendering process
2. If Managing Director obtains information on the conduct of any employee of MEDA
which is a criminal offence under the relevant Anti-Corruption Laws of India, or if there
be a substantive suspicion in this regard, he will inform its Chief Vigilance Officer and in
addition can initiate disciplinary actions under its Rules.
Page 67 of 164
f.The Bidder/Contractor will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all
payments he has made, or committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or
any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and/or with the
execution of the contract.
g. The Bidder/Contractor will not misrepresent facts or furnish false/forged
documents/information in order to influence the bidding process or the
execution of the contract to the detriment of MEDA.
2. The Bidder/Contractor will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined
above or be an accessory to such offences.
Section III- Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts
1. If the Bidder, before contract, has committed a serious transgression through a violation
of Section II or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility as Bidder into
question, MEDA may disqualify the Bidder from the tender process or terminate the
contract, if already signed, for such reason.
2. If the Bidder/Contractor has committed a serious transgression through a violation of
Section II such as to put his reliability or credibility into question, MEDA may after
following due procedures also exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future contract
processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the
severity of the transgression. The severity will be determined by the circumstances of
the case, in particular the number of transgressions, the position of the transgressors
within the company hierarchy of the Bidder/Contractor and the amount of the damage.
3. If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has restored/recouped the damage caused by
him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, MEDA may revoke the
exclusion prematurely. However, decision of MEDA in this regard shall be final and
binding on the bidder/Contractor.
1. If MEDA has disqualified the Bidder from the tender process prior to the finalization of
vendor under Section III, MEDA may forfeit the applicable Bid Security/Earnest Money
Deposit under the Bid.
2. If MEDA has terminated the contract under Section III, MEDA may forfeit the Contract
Performance Security of this contract besides resorting to other remedies under the
1. The Bidder shall declare in his Bid that no previous transgressions occurred in the last3
years with any other Public Sector Undertaking or Government Department that could
justify his exclusion from the tender process.
2. If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
tender process or the contract, can be terminated for such reason.
1. MEDA will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all Bidders.
2. MEDA will disqualify from the tender process any bidder who does not sign this Pact or
violate its provisions.
Page 68 of 164
Section VII - Punitive Action against violating Bidders / Contractors
(Signature) (Signature)
(For & On behalf of MEDA) (For & On behalf of Bidder/ Partner(s) of Joint
Venture/Consortium/ Contractor)
Name: Name:
Designation: Designation:
Witness 1 : Witness 1 :
Witness 2 : Witness 2 :
(Name & Address) (Name & Address)
Page 69 of 164
Format 7.10
(The Covering Letter should be submitted on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company/ Lead
Member of Consortium)
From: (Insert name and address of Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium)
E-mail address#
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
I/ We, (Insert Name of the Bidder) enclose herewith the Price Bid/Financial Proposal for
selection of my/our firm fin line with the Price Bid Schedule enclosed herewith.
I/We agree that this offer shall remain valid for a period up to the date as on 24 months from the
due date of submission of the response to RfS and such further period as may be mutually
agreed upon.
Dated the _day of , 20….
Thanking you,
We remain, Yours faithfully,
Name, Designation, Seal and Signature of
Authorized Person in whose name
Power of Attorney/ Board Resolution/ Declaration.
1. For each line item (i.e., type of pump), there can be only one price applied for by the Bidder. If
the bidder quotes two prices or combination thereof for the line item, then the bid shall be
considered as non-responsive.
2. If the bidder submits the financial bid in the Electronic Form at ETS portal not in line with the
instructions mentioned therein, then the bid shall be considered as non- responsive.
3. Price requirement shall be quoted as a fixed amount in Indian Rupees only. Conditional
proposal shall be summarily rejected.
4. In the event of any discrepancy between the values entered in figures and in words, the
values entered in words shall be considered.
5. Price should be in Indian Rupee up to two decimal places only.
Page 70 of 164
Format 7.11
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
We hereby confirm that we are not on the Banning List by MEDA or Public Sector Project
Management due to poor performance or Corrupt/ Fraudulent/ Collusive/ Coercive Practices or
any other reason or banned by Government department/ Public Sector on due date of
submission of bid.
Further, we confirm that neither we nor our allied agency(ies) are on banning list of MEDA or
the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy.
We also confirm that we are not under any liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings
or bankruptcy.
In case it comes to the notice of MEDA that we have given wrong declaration in this regard, the
same shall be dealt as Fraudulent Practices and we shall be banned by MEDA for a period which
shall be decided by MEDA.
Further, we also confirm that in case there is any change in status of the declaration prior to
contract, the same will be promptly informed to MEDA by us.
Page 71 of 164
Format 7.12
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
We declare that we will be using indigenously manufactured solar panels with indigenous solar
cells and modules. Further, we are agreeing to accept and follow Guidelines issued by MNRE on
22-07-2019 and its subsequent amendment(s).
Further, we hereby undertake that I/We certify that we/our Collaborator/JV Partner are/is are
not being under debar list/undergoing debarment period on account of breach of the code of
integrity under Rule 175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for giving false declarations of
local content.
List of imported components used in the manufacturing of solar water pumping system:
Page 72 of 164
Format 7.13
(To be submitted on the Letter Head of the Bidder)
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
We are agreeing to accept that the same make of solar panels, pumps, VFD/inverter/controller
for which the test report is to be submitted to the Implementing agency, as per MNRE’s latest
revised solar pump testing procedure issued in 2023 and amendments thereof, will be supplied
by us.
In case, if some different make of solar panels, pumps, VFD/inverter/controller will be supplied
during the implementation or AMC period, we will submit the test report for that particular
make component(s). We also agree that such test reports shall be issued by the National
Institute of Solar Energy and any other lab accredited by NABL for testing of solar PV water
pumping system as per MNRE specifications and testing procedure.
Page 73 of 164
Format 7.14
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
We are agreeing to accept that the test certificates are to be submitted to the Implementing
Agency, reports as per MNRE’s revised technical specifications and testing procedures issued in
2023 (latest) and amendments thereof, is submitted along with Bid. Else, our Bid will stand
cancelled, without any prior intimation. These certificates shall be submitted either in original
form or attested copy by the issuing test lab.
Page 74 of 164
Format 7.15
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to certify that the products/items being offered/ quoted against ref. RfS----------------
by M/s…………………………………………….. meet the definition of domestically
manufactured/produced Cyber Security Products as per Para 4 of MeitY notification vide File no.
1(10)/2017−CLES dt. 02.07.18 and the bidder shall strictly abide by all provisions of the subject
Printed Name------------------
Page 75 of 164
Format 7.16
Page 76 of 164
Annexure – A
Page 77 of 164
Annexure – B
Instructions –
c. Important Note - Interested bidders have to download official copy of the RfS & other
documents after login into the Mahaetender Portal. If the official copy of the documents
is not downloaded from Mahaetender Portal of within the specified period of
downloading of RfS and other documents, bidder will not be able to participate in the
Page 78 of 164
Annexure - C
3. प्रकल्पाांतगगत आस्थाठपत करण्यात आले ले सांयांत्र : सौर कृ ठिपांप क्षमता : ------- अश्वशक्ती
Page 79 of 164
Page 80 of 164
Format 7.17
Page 81 of 164
Format 7.18
From: (Insert name and address of Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium)
E-mail address#
The Director General,
(A Government of Maharashtra Institution)
Aundh Road, Opposite Spicer College, Near
Commissionerate of Animal Husbandry, Aundh Pune-411007
Vide this declaration this is to certify that that M/s… (Name of the Bidder) has all the
models(e.g. Model-5, Model-6 & Model-7, it is mentioned w.r.t. 5HP-DC-Submersible pump) of
the Solar Water Pumping System as specified in the table, category/type-wise of the pumps (5
HP-DC-Submersible) as per the MNRE specifications published vide 41/03/2018-SPV Division
dated 22.03.2023(latest), for which the firm is participating in the bid and will furnish the
required test reports and details of the models specified: Shut Off-Head (meters), Dynamic-Head
(meters), Water output (Liters per day), No. of stages in the model, diameter of each stage of the
respective model, Diameter of the discharge pipe (in inches) to MEDA for supply of such pumps.
The details of the different models which are to be supplied by the firm:
Type/Category of the Model No. as per MEDA Specification, to be
S. No.
Pumps supplied by the firm
Page 82 of 164
Format 7.19
The details of the different model(s) for which test certificate(s) is/are not currently available
with the bidder and same will be submitted:
Model No. as per MNRE Specification,
S. No. Type/ Category of the pump
to be supplied by the firm
Page 83 of 164
Page 84 of 164
These specification covers design qualifications and performance specifications for Centrifugal
Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Water Pumping Systems from 1HP (0.75kW) to 25 HP (18.75 kW)
suitable for bore-well, open well, water reservoir, water stream, etc., and specifies the minimum
standards to be followed under MNRE Schemes.
In addition to the terminology specified in IS 5120 and IEC 62253, the following shall also apply
2.1 Static Water Depth — It is the depth of water level below the ground level when the
pump is not in operation.
2.2 Draw-Down — It is the elevation difference between the depth of static water level and
the consistent standing water level in the bore-well during the operation the of pump set.
2.3 Submergence — It is the minimum height of the water level after drawdown above the
pump suction casing.
2.4 Manometric Suction Lift — Manometric suction lift is the vacuum gauge/suction
manometer reading in the meter of the water column when the pump operates at suction lift.
2.5 Static Suction Lift —Suction lift/head is the vertical distance between sump water level
and centre of pump inlet.
2.6 Daily Water Output — It is the total water output on a clear sunny day with three times
tracking of SPV modules, under the ―Average Daily Solar Radiation‖ condition of 7.15 KWh /
m2 on the surface of SPV array (i.e., coplanar with the SPV Modules).
2.7 Wire to Water Efficiency — It is the combined system efficiency of SPV Module,
Converter/Controller with Inbuilt MPPT mechanism, Motor-Pump set and piping.
2.8 SPV Pump Controller — Pump Controller converts the DC voltage of the SPV array into a
suitable DC or AC, single or multi-phase power and may also include equipment for MPPT,
remote monitoring, and protection devices.
2.9 Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) — MPPT is an algorithm that is included in the
pump controller used for extracting maximum available power from SPV array under a given
condition. The voltage at which SPV array can produce maximum power is called 'maximum
power point' voltage (or peak power voltage).
3.1 General
3.1.1 SPV Water Pumping System set uses the irradiance available through SPV array.
The SPV array produces DC power, which can be utilized to drive a DC or an AC motor-pump
set using pump controller.
Page 85 of 164
3.2 A SPV Water Pumping system typically consists of:
3.2.1 Motor Pump Set see 3.4.
3.2.2 SPV Pump Controller
3.2.3. Provision for remote monitoring unit for the pumps shall be made in the pump
controller using GSM/GPRS Gateway with Geo tagging and through an internal/external
arrangement having following basic functions:
a) Controller shall be assigned with a unique serial number and its live status shall be
observed remotely on online portal through login credentials;
b) Live status shall indicate whether controller is ON/OFF
c) The parameter that is, the water output, water flow rate (calculated based on
parameters), in fault condition; array input voltage/current and power shall be logged at an
interval of 10min;
d) Controller shall have a back up to store the data locally (at least for 1 year)
Page 86 of 164 Remote Monitoring System (RMS)
The detailed Specification of RMS is attached at Annexure I.
3.3 Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Array
3.3.1 SPV array contains specified number of same capacity, type and specifications modules
connected in series or parallel to obtain the required voltage or current output. The SPV water
pumping system should be operated with a SPV array of minimum capacity in the range of 900
Wp to 22500Wp, measured under Standard Test Conditions (STC). A Sufficient number of
modules in series and parallel could be used to obtain the required voltage or current output.
The power output of individual SPV modules used in the SPV array, under STC, should be a
minimum of 300 Wp, with adequate provision for tolerances measurement. Use of SPV modules
with higher power output is preferred.
3.3.2 Modules supplied with the SPV water pumping systems shall have a certificate as per IS
14286/IEC 61215 specifications or equivalent National or International /Standards. STC
performance data supplied with the modules shall not be more than one year old.
3.3.3 Modules must qualify to IS/IEC 61730 Part I and II for safety qualification testing.
3.3.4 The minimum module efficiency should be minimum 19 percent and fill factor shall be
more than 75 percent.
3.3.5 Modules must qualify to IS 170210 (Part 1) for the detection of potential-induced
degradation - Part 1: Crystalline silicon (Mandatory in case the SPV array Open Circuit voltage is
more than 600 V DC)
3.3.6 In case the SPV water pumping systems are intended for use in coastal areas the solar
modules must qualify to IEC/ IS 61701 for salt mist corrosion test.
3.3.7 The name plate of SPV module shall conform to IS 14286/IEC 61215.
3.3.8 Module to Module wattage mismatch in the SPV array shall be within ± 3 percent.
3.3.9 Any array capacity above the minimum array wattage requirement as specified in these
specifications for various models of SPV Water Pumping Systems is allowed.
3.3.10 The SPV modules must be warranted for output wattage, which should not be less than
90% of the rated wattage at the end of 10 years and 80% of the rated wattage at the end of 25
3.3.11 The RFID tag shall be placed inside the glass laminate of the SPV modules.
3.4 Motor-Pump Set
3.4.1 The SPV water pumping systems may use any of the following types of motor pump sets:
a) Surface Mono-set.
b) Submersible motor-pump set.
c) Any other type of the motor-pump set after approval from Ministry.
3.4.2 Motor
The motors of the motor-pump set may be of the following types: -
a) AC Induction Motor.
Page 87 of 164
b) DC Motor, PMSM/ SRM.
3.4.3 The ―Motor-Pump Set‖ should have a capacity in the range of 1 HP (0.75 kW) to 25 HP
(18.75kW) and should have the following features:
a) The closed coupled or mono block DC/ AC centrifugal motor-pump set with appropriate
mechanical seal(s) which ensures zero leakage.
b) The motor of the capacity ranging from 0.75kW to 18.75kW shall be AC/DC. The suction
and delivery head will depend on the site-specific condition of the field; and
c) Submersible pumps could also be used according to the dynamic head of the site at
which the pump is to be used.
3.4.4 The pump and all external parts of the motor used in the submersible pump which are in
contact with water, should be of stainless steel of grade 304 or higher as per IS 6911and IS
3444.The motor pump set shall have 60 months guarantee and therefore, it is essential that the
construction of the motor and pump shall be made using parts which have a much higher
durability and do not need replacement or corrode for at least 60 months of operation after
installation. Further for submersible pumps used in coastal areas or bores with higher salinity,
stainless steel of grade 316 or a higher grade may be used.
3.4.5 The suction/ delivery pipe shall be of HDPE or uPVC column pipes of appropriate size,
electric cables, floating assembly, civil work, and other fittings required to install the Motor-
Pump set. In the case of HDPE pipes the minimum pressure rating of 8 kg/sqcm-PE100 grade for
pump sets up to 3 HP, 10 kg/sqcm-PE100 grade for 5 HP pump set as per IS 10804 and further
higher minimum pressure rating for above 5 HP as appropriate shall be used.
3.5 Module Mounting Structures and Tracking System
3.5.1 The SPV modules should be mounted on metallic structures of adequate strength and
appropriate design, which can withstand the load of modules and high wind velocities up to 150
km per hour. The raw material used and the process for manufacturing of module mounting
structure including welding of joints should conform to applicable IS 822. The module mounting
structure should be hot dip galvanized according to IS 4759. Zinc content in working area of the
hot dip galvanizing bath should not be less than 99.5% by mass.
3.5.2 To enhance the performance of SPV water pumping systems arrangement for seasonal
tilt angle adjustment and three times manual tracking in a day shall be provided. In order to
make structure rigid, the gap between Telescopic pattern supports should be minimal, further,
for bearing of centre load of whole structure only pins should be used instead of threaded bolts.
3.5.3 The general hardware for structure fitment should be either SS 304 or 8.8 grade as per
IS 6911. Modules should be locked with antitheft bolts of SS 304 Grade. Foundation should be as
per the site condition, based on the properties of soil. Foundation can be done either with the
help of ‗ J Bolt‘ (refer to IS 5624 for foundation hardware) or direct pilling, it should be decided
as per the site and relevant IS i.e., IS 6403 /IS 456 /IS 4091 /IS 875 should be referred for
foundation design.
3.5.4 Details of Module Mounting Structure (MMS) for pumps of capacity 1HP and abovewith
SPV modules of the capacity around 350Wp are attached at Annexure-II. These are indicative of
minimum standards and the vendors may install MMS with higher standards, which shall be
certified by the recognized civil/mechanical/structural engineering department of any IIT/NIT
or IISC. The format of the certificate is placed at Annexure-III.
Page 88 of 164
3.5.5 In case of use of SPV Modules of capacity higher than that specified above, the size and
weight of each SPV module will also increase. In such cases, the appropriate changes shall be
made in the MMS design so that the stress on the individual structural members do not exceed
the stress in the corresponding members in the MMS designs given in Annexure-II.
3.7 Protections
The system should be provided with all necessary protections like earthing, Lightning, and
Surge Protection etc., as described below:
1) The Earthing shall be done in accordance with the IS 3043 including its amendments and
updated versions.
2) The Earthing system should be designed in such a way that it should be able to restrict the
potential of each conductor according to the level of insulation applied and magnitude of
the current conducted through human body should be less than the value that can cause
ventricular fibrillation of heart.
3) Earth connections shall be done in such a way that they are visible for inspection and all the
earth electrodes can easily be tested at any point of time.
4) It is recommended to keep the value of resistance of earth electrode less than 5 ohms.
5) All the materials, fittings etc. used for doing earthing shall conform to the Indian standard,
wherever exists.
Page 89 of 164
6) The actual value of soil resistivity should be considered while designing the earthing system
at the site and for reference, selection criteria of the site, for any type of soil treatment to
improve earth electrode resistance, etc. the IS 3043 shall be referred.
7) The electrode material should be selected according to the corrosivity of the soil in which it
is used, for the relation between resistivity and corrosivity of the soil and method to
safeguard the conductor against excessive corrosion, the IS 3043 shall be referred.
8) It is recommended for selection of type and installation of the earth electrode, the
provisions of the IS 3043 should be considered. However, the pipe or rod-type earth
electrode is preferable.
9) In case of the two-earth electrode or more, the separation among them should be twice the
length of the electrode driven in the ground. Except in special conditions (for e.g.- where the
soil is hard to dig out), a number of electrodes in parallel are to be preferred over a single
long electrode.
10)The provisions given in the IS 3043 should be considered, while selecting or connecting the
earthing/protective/grounding conductor from the components to the earth pit.
11)Separate earthing conductor shall be provided for the controller, motor-pump set and SPV
array etc., for its connection to the earthing pit and it should be continuous in nature for
electrical conductivity. However, even for the earthing of light current equipment (for
example, high voltage testing equipment), the cross-sectional area of the earthing lead shall
not be less than 6 mm2.
12)For the maintenance of the earth electrode and measurement of the Earth electrode
resistance the provisions of IS 3043 shall be referred.
13)Motor shall have suitable provision for earthing to facilitate earthing of the motor as per IS
3043 at the time of installation. In case GI pipes are used for the purpose of earthing the
motor, an earthing connection may be made to the discharge pipe clamps. However, in case
of HDPE/uPVC column pipes, a separate metallic cable from the motor to the control panel
shall be provided for earthing purpose, and if a four-core cable is used, then the fourth core
that is not connected to the terminals can be used for earthing.
14)Lightning protection shall be provided as per IEC 62305 and IEC 63227 standards including
its amendments and updated versions.
15)An external lightning Rod, of height sufficient to meet the requirement of Lightning
Protection System (LPS) designed to comply with the class III or higher (Class-I / Class-II),
based on the site requirement including the area-specific lightning activity, shall be
16)Arrangement and positioning of the separate air-termination systems (external lightning
rod) can be determined using different methods given in the IEC 62305-3. While
determining the position following points are to be considered such as: -
a) The structure to be protected is fully located within the protected volume provided by
the air-termination system.
b) There should be a separation distance between the air-termination system and SPV
power supply system to prevent dangerous sparking against parts of the SPV power
supply system in case of direct lightning. The separation distances determined in
accordance with IEC 62305-3 & IEC 63227 shall preferably be maintained.
c) The possibility of the SPV modules being shadowed by air-termination systems shall be
taken into account and distance from the SPV modules can be calculated using the IEC
17)A separate earth electrode is required for the dispersion of the lightning current into the
ground with suitably low value of the earthing resistance i.e., less than 5 ohm. And the
minimum length (l1) of vertical earth electrodes for lightning protection level III or higher
shall be determined according to the IEC 62305-3.
Page 90 of 164
18)The cross-section of the metal sub-structures used for the connection of the lightning
arrestor to the earth electrode should be no less than 16 mm2 Cu or 25 mm2 Al or GI of
equivalent current carrying capacity should be used, which will also depend upon the class
of the Lightning protection system.
19)The earth pits given with the SWPS {i.e., Earth pit(s) for the BoS system (other than LA) and
Earth Pit for LA} should be made equipotential bonded to each other.
4.1 Under the ―Average Daily Solar Radiation‖ condition of 7.15kWh / sq.m. on the surface of
PV array (i.e., coplanar with the SPV modules), the minimum water output from a SPV
Water Pumping System at different ―Total Dynamic Heads‖ should be as specified below:
i) 110 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 10 meters
(Suction head, if applicable, minimum of 7 meters static suction lift corrected for
atmospheric pressure and water temperature) and with the shut off head being at least 12
ii) 55 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 20 meters
(Suction head, if applicable, minimum of 7-meters static suction lift corrected for
atmospheric pressure and water temperature) and with the shut off head being at least 25
iii) 38 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 30meters and
the shut off head being at least 45 meters.
iv) 23 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 50 meters and
the shut off head being at least 70 meters.
v) 15 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 70 meters and
the shut off head being at least 100 meters.
vi) 10.5 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 100 meters
and the shut off head being at least 150 meters.
vii) 9.5 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 120 meters and
the shut off head being at least 180 meters.
viii) 7.5 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 150 meters and
the shut off head being at least 225 meters.
ix) 5.5 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 200 meters and
the shut off head being at least 300 meter.
Page 91 of 164
x) 4.5 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 250 meters and
the shut off head being at least 375 meters.
The actual duration of pumping of water on a particular day and the quantity of water pumped
could vary depending on the solar intensity, location, season, etc.
Indicative performance specifications for the Shallow and Deep well SPV Water Pumping
Systems are attached at Annexure IV.
i) 99 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 10 meters
(Suction head, if applicable, minimum of 7-meters static suction lift corrected for
atmospheric pressure and water temperature) and with the shut off head being at least 12
ii) 49 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 20 meters
(Suction head, if applicable, minimum of 7-meters static suction lift corrected for
atmospheric pressure and water temperature) and with the shut off head being at least 25
iii) 35 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 30 meters and
the shut off head being at least 45 meters.
iv) 21 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 50 meters and
the shut off head being at least 70 meters.
v) 14 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 70 meters and
the shut off head being at least 100 meters.
vi) 9 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 100 meters and
the shut off head being at least 150 meters.
vii) 8.5 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 120 meters and
the shut off head being at least 180 meters.
viii) 6.7 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 150 meters and
the shut off head being at least 225 meters.
ix) 5.0 Liters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 200 meters and
the shut off head being at least 300 meters.
x) 4.0 litters of water per watt peak of PV array, from a Total Dynamic Head of 250 meters and
the shut off head being at least 375 meters.
The actual duration of pumping of water on a particular day and the quantity of water pumped
could vary depending on the solar intensity, location, season, etc.
Indicative performance specifications for the Shallow and Deep well SPV Water Pumping
Systems are attached at Annexure V.
5.1 The AC motor-pump set shall be tested independently for hydraulic and electrical
performance as per the relevant IS specification including the following test
a) Constructional requirements/features
b) General requirements
c) Design features
d) Insulation resistance test
Page 92 of 164
e) High voltage test
f) Leakage current test
In case of the DC motor-pump set for (a), (b), (c) declaration will be given by the vendor and for
(d), (e), (f) the relevant clause of IS 9283:2013 will be followed for testing until BIS notifies the
Standard about it. Once the Standard gets released, then it will be effective for DC motor-pump
set from its Date of notification.
5.2 Testing of SPV Water Pumping System shall be done as per the procedure specified by
the MNRE.
6.1 The SPV Water Pumping Systems shall be guaranteed for their performance of the
nominal volume rate of flow and the nominal head at the guaranteed duty point as
specified in 4.1 under the ―Average Daily Solar Radiation‖ condition of 7.15 kWh/m2
on the surface of SPV array (i.e., coplanar with the SPV modules. The actual duration of
pumping of water on a particular day and the quantity of water pumped could vary
depending on the solar intensity, location, season, etc.
6.2 Solar Photo Voltaic Water Pumping Systems shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer
against the defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a
period of at least 60 months from the date of commissioning.
6.3 Sufficient spares for trouble free operation during the guarantee period should be made
available as and when required.
7.1 The motor-pump set and Controller used in SPV Water Pumping Systems shall be
securely marked with the following parameters declared by the manufacturer:
7.1.1 Motor-Pump set
a) Manufacturer's name, logo or trade-mark;
b) Model, size and SI No of pump-set (To be engraved/laser marked on the motor frame);
c) Motor Rating (kW / HP);
d) Total head (m), at the guaranteed duty point;
e) Capacity (LPD) at guaranteed head;
f) Operating head range (m);
g) Maximum Current (A);
j) Voltage Range (V) and;
k) Type - AC or DC Motor-Pump set;
l) Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) Array Rating in Watts peak (Wp);&
m) Country of origin.
Note: -In addition, a metal name plate containing the above details shall be fixed on the Module
Mounting Structure for the information of user.
7.1.2 Controller
a) Manufacturer's name, logo or trade-mark;
b) Model Number;
c) Serial Number;
Page 93 of 164
d) Voltage Range(V);
e) Power Range (kW) for Controller;
f) Current rating (A);&
g) Country of origin.
8.1 An Operation and Maintenance Manual, in English and the local language, should be
provided with the solar PV water pumping system. The Manual should have information
about solar energy, photovoltaic, modules, DC/AC motor-pump set, tracking system,
mounting structures, electronics and switches. It should also have clear instructions
about mounting of PV module, DO's and DONT's and on regular maintenance and
Trouble Shooting of the pumping system. Helpline number, Name and address of the
Service Centre and contact number of authorized representatives to be contacted in case
of failure or complaint should also be provided. A guarantee card for the modules and
the motor pump set should also be provided to the beneficiary.
Page 94 of 164
456:2000 Plain and reinforced concrete- Code of practice (Fourth Revision)
811:1987 Specification for cold for med light gauge structural steel sections
(Second Revision)
822:1970 Code of procedure for inspection of welds
IS875:Part1: 1987 Code of practice for design loads (Other Than Earth quake) for
buildings and structures:Part1deadloads-Unit weights of building
materials and stored materials(Second Revision)
694:2010 Polyvinyl Chloride Insulated Unsheathed—And Sheathed Cables
/cords With Rigid And-Flexible Conductor for Rated Voltages-Up To
And Including450/750 V
1079:2017 Hot rolled carbon steel sheet, plate and strip-Specification (Seventh
1161:2014 Steel tubes for structural purposes-Specification (Fifth Revision)
1239 (Part Steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steel fittings-Specification:
1):2004 Part1 steel tubes (Sixth Revision)
2062:2011 Hot rolled medium and high tensile structural steel-Specification
(Seventh Revision)
2629:1985 Recommended practice for hot-dip galvanizing of iron and steel (First
2633:1986 Method for testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated
articles(Second Revision)
3043:2018 Code of Practice for Earthing
3444:1999 Corrosion resistant high alloy steel and nickle base castings for
general applications-Specification
4091:1979 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations for
transmission line towers and poles(First Revision)
4759:1996 Hot-Dip zinc coatings on structural steel and other allied products-
Specification(Third Revision)
5120:1977 Technical requirements for roto dynamic special purpose
pumps(First revision)
5624:2021 Foundation bolts -Specification(First Revision)
6403:1981 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow
6745:1972 Methods for determination of mass of zinc coating on zinc coated iron
and steel articles
6911:2017 Stainless steel plate, sheet and strip-Specification
7215:1974 Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures
8034:2018 Submersible pump sets-Specification(third revision)
9079:2018 Mono set pumps for clear, cold water for agricultural and water
Supply purposes-Specification (third revision)
9283:2013 Motors for submersible pump sets
9968(Part1):1988 Specification for elastomer insulated
cables:Part1forworkingvoltagesupto andincluding1100volts(First
10804(Part I):2018 Recommended pumping systems for agricultural purposes: Part 1
Surface pumps
10804(Part2):2018 Recommended pumping systems for agricultural
purposes: Part 2 Submersible pump set
14220:2018 Open well submersible pump sets - Specification (first revision)
14536:2018 Selection, installation, operation and maintenance of submersible
pump set - Code of practice (First Revision)
Page 95 of 164
IS/IEC61701:2011 Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules First
IS17210 (Part1): Photovoltaic (PV) Modules — Test Methods for the Detection of
Potential- Induced Degradation Part 1 Crystalline Silicon
IS/IEC60034-1:2004 Rotating Electrical Machines ─ Part 1 Rating and Performance
IS/IEC61683:1999 Photovoltaic System-Power Conditioners — Procedure for Measuring
IEC62253:2011 Photovoltaic Pumping Systems – Design qualification and
performance measurements
IS14286:2010/IEC61215: Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (Photo Voltaic (PV))
2005 modules - Design Qualification and Type Approval (First Revision)
17429:2020 Solar Photovoltaic water pumping systems-Testing procedure
IS/IEC61730-1:2016 Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification Part 1 Requirements
for Construction
IS/IEC61730-2:2019 Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification Part 2 Requirements
for Testing
IEC60068-2-6:2007 Environmental testing – Part 2-6: Tests – Test Fc: Vibration
IEC60068-2-30:2005 Environmental testing – Part 2-30: Tests – Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic
(12 + 12h cycle)
IEC62305-1/2/3/4 Lightning Protection
IEC63227 Lightning and Surge Voltage Protection for photovoltaic (PV) power
supply systems
IEC61643-31 Low-voltage surge protective devices
IS/IEC 60947: PART 1: Low - Voltage switchgear and control gear: Part 1 general rules (First
2007 Revision)
Page 96 of 164
Specifications for Remote Monitoring System (RMS)
The Remote Monitoring System shall be capable of providing and handling the following:
a. Solar System Performance: DC Voltage, DC current, AC output Current, Power, Drive
frequency, Energy, etc.
b. Pump Performance: Running Hours, Water Discharge (Output), etc.
c. RMS Performance: % of Device Connectivity, % of Data Availability, etc.
d. Geo Location: Real time latitude and longitude should be captured with an accuracy of
less than 10m horizontal. This is required to ensure that system is not moved from its
original location.
e. Events and Notifications: Faults related to Pump Operation, Solar generation,
Controller/Drive faults like overload, dry run, short circuit, etc.
f. Consumer Management: Name, Agriculture details, Service No. Contact Details, etc.
g. Asset Management: Ratings, Serial Number, Make, Model Number of Pump, SPV Module
and Controller, Geo Location, IMEI number (of communication module) and ICCID (of
h. Complaint and Ticket Management: Complaint management system is a part of
centralized monitoring software platform.
i. Consumer Mobile Application: Generation, Running Hours, Water Discharge, Complaint
logging, etc.
Page 97 of 164
iv. Manual Mode: - Pump can be made to run into manual mode from field. To save
ground water, provision for remote operation is required so that farmer can
switch on and off remotely.
b. Communication Modes:
i. Push Data on Event/Notification: such as pump on, pump off, protection
operated, etc.
ii. Push Data Periodically: important parameters of solar pump (as mentioned
above) should be pushed to central server on a configurable interval. Default
interval should be of 15 minutes. However, if required, it should be possible to
configure the periodic interval in multiples of 1 minute starting from 1 minute
and up to 15 minutes. Further, in case of any abnormalities or events, RMS should
push on event immediately.
iii. Command on Demand: It should be possible to send commands via GSM or GPRS
to RMS either to control pump operations or to update configuration.
c. Communication Protocol:
RMS should provide data on MQTT protocol to establish communication with thousands
of systems.
d. Security:
i. Communication between RMS and Server should be secured and encrypted using
TLS/SSL/X.509 certificate etc.
ii. As a part of IoT protocol, Authentication and Authorization should be implemented
using a token/password mechanism
e. Message Format: RMS should provide data in a JSON message format as per
requirement of implementing agency.
f. Data Storage: In case of unavailability of cellular network, RMS should store data locally
and on availability of network it should push data to the central Server. Local data
storage should be possible for one year in case of unavailability of a cellular network.
RMUs should have configuration updates over the Air of multiple parameters such as IP,
APN, Data logging Interval, Set Points etc. is essential. Software updating should be
possible with 2G and even without the presence of SD card. Software updating process
and/or failure to update software shouldn‘t disrupt pumping operations.
RMS should be connected to the Solar Energy Data Management Platform of the
implementing Agency.
g. RMUs should have configuration updates over the Air of multiple parameters such as IP,
APN, Data logging Interval, Set Points etc. is essential. Software to be updated through
"Programming over the air" on SIA server. Software updating process and/or failure to
update software shouldn‘t disrupt pumping operations. Manufacturer should consider
Programming Over the Air (POTA) instead of Firmware Over the Air (FOTA) to update
configurable parameters such as server IP, URL, Port, APN, Periodic Interval etc.
Page 98 of 164
Page 99 of 164
a) Standard MMS of 4 modules for 1 HP;
b) Standard MMS of 6 modules for 2 HP;
c) Standard MMS of 10modules or combination of standard MMS of 4 Modules and
standard MMS 6 Modules for 3 HP;
d) Combination of two standard MMS of 8 modules or combination of standard MMS of
10modules and standard MMS 6 modules for 5 HP; and
e) Combination of three standard MMS of 8 modules or combination of two standard MMS
of 10 Modules and one standard MMS 6 modules for 7.5 HP and so on.
B-2.12.2 For ascertaining hot dip galvanizing of fabricated structure following shall be referred:
a) Minimum coating required shall be as per IS 4759;
b) Testing of galvanized material;
c) Preece test (CuSO4 dip test) (IS 2633);
d) Mass of zinc (IS 6745 or IS 4759); and
e) Adhesion test (IS 2629).
Sl No. Part Name Cross Section Length (mm) Quantity Per Set
Sl No. Part Name Cross Section Detail Length (mm) Quantity Per Set
2. TOP PLATE 300OD — 1
(Common for all)
Sl No. Part Name Cross Section Detail Length (mm) Quantity Per Set
4and 6Modules 60 ×60 ×3.6 3300 1
8and 10Modules 112 ×61 ×3.6 3300 1
Sl No. Part Name Cross Section Detail Length (mm) Quantity Per Set
4and 6Modules 50 ×50 ×3.6 3300 2
8and 10Modules 80 ×40 ×3.2 3300 2
Sl No. Part Name Cross Section Detail Length (mm) Quantity Per Set
4Modules 80 ×50 ×15 ×2 2050 4
6Modules 80 ×50 ×15 ×2 3100 4
8Modules 80 ×50 ×15 ×2 4150 4
10Modules 100 ×50 ×15 ×2 5200 4
All dimensions are in mm.
This is to certify that the MMS structure drawing along with the
foundation…………………………..(copy enclosed) supplied by……………………(Vendor Name) is
evaluated at our structural Engineering Department facility
at………………………………………(College Name) and it is found superior ( in terms of the structural
integrity/ load bearing capacity/ stress on the individual structural member) to the MMS
structure along with foundation specified in the Specification of Solar Water Pumping System
notified by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)videF.No-41/3/2018-
SPVDivisiondated 06.03.2023.
The following are the changes when compared to the MNRE‘s MMS suggestive design:-
These are the following improvements in the MMS design submitted by the vendor over the
MNRE‘s MMS suggestive design:-
PV array (Wp) 2700 2700 4800 4800 4800 6750 6750 6750
Motor Pump-set
3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5
capacity (HP)
Shut Off Dynamic
12 25 12 25 45 12 25 45
Head (meters)
297000 148500 528000 264000 182400 742500 371250 256500
(fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot
Water output
alheadof1 alheadof2 alheadof1 alheadof2 alheadof3 alheadof1 alheadof2 alheadof3
* (Liters per day)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
meters) meters) meters) meters) meters) meters) meters) meters)
* Water output figures are on a clear sunny day with three times tracking of SPV panel, under
the ―Average Daily Solar Radiation‖ condition of 7.15 kWh/ sq.m. on the surface of PV array
(i.e. coplanar with the SPV modules).
1. Suction head, if applicable, minimum of 7 meters static suction lift corrected for
atmospheric pressure and water temperature.
2. For higher or lower head / PV capacity, or in between various models; water output could
be decided as per the clause 4 (i.e. Performance Requirements) specified earlier.
3. If submersible pumps are used in lieu of surface pumps, the water output must match that
of the surface pumps as specified in this table.
Description Model-3 Model-4 Model-5 Model-6 Model-7 Model-8 Model-9 Model-10 Model-11
PV array(Wp) 3000 3000 3000 4800 4800 4800 6750 6750 6750
Motor Pump-set
3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Shut Off
Dynamic 45 70 100 70 100 150 70 100 150
69000 45000 110400 72000 50400 155250
(fromat 101250 70875
Wateroutput (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot (fromatot
otal (fromatotal (fromatotal
* al al al al al al
headof3 headof70 headof100m
(Liters per day) headof50 headof70 headof50 headof70 headof10 headof50
0 meters) eters)
meters) meters) meters) meters) 0meters) meters)
*Water output figures are on a clear sunny day with three times tracking of SPV panel, under the
―Average Daily Solar Radiation‖ condition of 7.15 kWh/ sq.m. on the surface of PV array (i.e.
coplanar with the SPV modules).
1. For higher or lower head / PV capacity, or in between various models; water output could
be decided as per the clause 4 (i.e. Performance Requirements) specified earlier.
2. If surface pumps are used in lieu of submersible pumps, the water output must match that
of the submersible pumps as specified in this table.
Motor Pumpset
3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Shut Off
Dynamic Head 12 25 12 25 45 12 25 45
*Water output figures are on a clear sunny day with three times tracking of SPV panel,
under the ―Average Daily Solar Radiation‖ condition of 7.15 kWh/ sq.m. on the surface of PV
array (i.e. coplanar with the SPV modules).
1. Suction head, if applicable, minimum 7 meters static suction lift corrected for
atmospheric pressure and water temperature.
2. For higher or lower head / PV capacity, or in between various models; water output
could be decided as per the clause 4. (i.e. Performance Requirements) specified earlier.
3. If submersible pumps are used in lieu of surface pumps, the water output must match
that of the surface pumps as specified in this table.
Model- Model-
Description Model-3 Model-4 Model-5 Model-6 Model-7 Model-8 Model-9 10 11
PV array(Wp) 3000 3000 3000 4800 4800 4800 6750 6750 6750
Motor Pump-set
3 3 3 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Shut Off
Dynamic Head 45 70 100 70 100 150 70 100 150
*Water output figures are on a clear sunny day with three times tracking of SPV panel, under the
―Average Daily Solar Radiation‖ condition of 7.15 kWh/ sq.m. on the surface of PV array (i.e.
coplanar with the SPV modules).
1. For higher or lower head / PV capacity, or in between various models; water output could
be decided as per the clause 4 (i.e. Performance Requirements) specified earlier.
2. If surface pumps are used in lieu of submersible pumps, the water output must match that
of the submersible pumps as specified in this table.
These Guidelines lays down basis for the testing set up and testing procedures for Solar
Photovoltaic (SPV) water pumping system. The SPV water pumping system covered are
centrifugal pumps of all types from 1HP (0.75 kW) to 25 HP (18.75 kW).
The Indian and IEC Standards listed at Annex A contain provisions which, through reference in
this text, constitute provision of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated in Annex A. The latest editions of the indicated standards should be
3.1 Systems
3.1.1 Stand-Alone Solar PV Water Pumping System
A Solar PV Water Pumping System in stand-alone operation is neither connected to the grid nor
to battery bank and is comprised mainly of the following components and equipment:
SPV modules, cabling, controller, motor pump-set, and hydraulic piping. Combination of all these
components shall be unique. Any change in combination will be treated as different model of
pumping system.
3.1.2 Motor-Pump Set
The Motor-pump set consists of the pump (centrifugal pump) and the driving motor.
3.1.3 Controller
The controller converts the DC power (DC voltage & Current) of the PV array into a high or low
DC voltage power, or converts this DC power into single -phase or multi-phase alternating-
current power (voltage or alternating current) suitable for driving the motor of Motor-pump set.
NOTE: - The Controller may also include equipment for MPPT, monitoring, metering and for
protection purposes.
3.2 Parameters
Following parameter shall be referred during testing of SPV pumping system:
Parameter Symbol Unit
(1) (2) (3)
4.1 Test Set-Up
Illustration(s) of test set-ups are shown in Figure 1 & Figure 2, and a block diagram of required
test set-up is shown in Figure 3. All test set-ups shall conform to applicable model test set-ups
referred above and the water level in the sump well, locations of the throttle valve, flow meter
and pressure gauge/sensor connections as indicated in the test set-up(s) shall conform to Figure
1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 accordingly.
4.2 Precautions for Test Setup:
Before initiating testing of the SPV pump the following precautions must be followed:
a) In case of a direct coupled pump-set, proper alignment of input pipe, output pipe and the
sensors shall be ensured;
b) Air tightness in suction line shall be ensured and the general layout of the system pipe
work shall be designed to avoid airlocks;
c) The offset pipe of suction line shall either be horizontal or inclined upward towards the
pump and shall never be inclined downward towards the pump to avoid air trapping;
d) For the delivery head, a pressure gauge/sensor shall be connected to the delivery line with
tapping as shown in Figures 1 or 2 or 3. The tapping shall be flush with the inside of the
pipe and shall have its axis at right angles to the direction of flow. The pipe set up between
Parameter Symbol Unit
(1) (2) (3) (4)
SPV Array voltage Va V ≤1percent
SPV Array current Ia A ≤1percent
Pressure/head as measured p Kg/cm2 ≤2percent
Flowrate Q lps ≤2percent
Solar irradiance Ee W/m2 ≤2percent
i. 10 ±15%=±1.5meter ±0.5meter
ii. 20 ±10%=± 2meter ±0.5meter
iii. 30 ±10%=±3meter ±0.7meter
iv. 50 ± 8% =± 4meter ±0.8meter
v. 70 ± 7% =±4.9meter ±0.8meter
vi. 100 ± 7% =± 7meter ± 1meter
vii. 120 ± 7% =± 8.4meter ± 1meter
viii. 150 ± 7% =± 10.5meter ± 1meter
ix. 200 ± 7% =± 14 meter ± 1meter
x. 250 ± 7% =± 17.5meter ± 1meter
1. Dry running: System shall shut down within one minute/manufacturer specification in
dry running condition (when the water level goes below pump inlet).
2. Open circuit: System shall not operate if any phase become open circuited, the controller
shall be tripped within one minute/manufacturer specified time.
3. Short circuit: System should not operate if any two or all three-phase short circuited.
4. Reverse polarity: System shall not malfunction if polarity of input power is reverse.
Note: Per second data for hot and cold profile may be downloaded from MNRE website using the
following link: - https://mnre.gov.in/solar/standard-specs-cost
Recording, measurement & logging of flow for the period of hot profile, cold Profile and Realistic
condition needs to be done.
5.4 Remote Monitoring System Verification
Provision for remote monitoring of the installed pumps shall be made in the controllers through
an integral arrangement and it shall be capable of providing live status/parameters through
online portal.
6.1 Solar Radiation Measurement
Solar radiation at co-planar with the Module surface shall be measured using a pyranometer.
Response time of the pyranometer should not be more than 15 seconds. The interval between
two readings should not be more than one minute for the calculation of average daily solar
6.2 Measurement of Head
6.2.1 Delivery Head
Digital pressure gauge/sensor shall be used, also a data logging system shall be used for
calculation of average head through day. Interval between the two readings shall not be more
than one minute for the calculation of average head. Accuracy for pressure sensor shall be
within ± 0.5 percent.
6.2.2 Suction Lift
Suction lift shall be kept constant by mean of vertical distance between sump water level to
centre of Pump impeller. Correction in suction lift shall be applied as per atmospheric pressure
at the testing place and water temperature.
Suction lift shall be adjusted minimum 3 time in a day as per average water temperature and
barometric pressure, by adjusting water level of tank.
Following formula can also be used on behalf of table 4 y = -0.0007 x2 + 0.0130 x +0.3079
y = Correction in Static suction lift x = Average water temperature.
10.2 Computation of Total Head for Submersible Pump-sets
Total head H = Hd + Z + [(Vd2) / 2g] Where:
Hd = Delivery gauge/sensor reading in meters of water column;
Z = Gauge distance correction factor for delivery gauge. Distance between gauge/sensor center
to tank water level (refer figure 1).
Vd = Velocity at delivery gauge/sensor connection in m/s; g = Acceleration due to gravity in
10.3 Total Water Per-Day
Total water output per day shall be calculated by Integration (Sum) of flow rate with respect to
time. Integration shall start from the time when pump set achieve desired constant head in
morning time (start point refer figure 5) and end at the time when pump set unable to achieve
desired constant head in evening time (End point refer figure 5).
In case if Average Daily Solar Radiation found less than requirement then test shall be
performed on next sunny day.
10.4 Water Output Per Day Per Watt Peak
Water output per day per watts peak (liter/Wp) = Water output (Liters) per day at specified
head / Array STC power in watts-peak
If pump achieved constant head at 8:15:30 AM (Start point in figure 5) and in evening Pump
unable to keep constant desired head at 17:45:30 PM (End point in figure 5).
Flow rate in lps is recorded from 08:15:30 AM to 17:45:30 PM (start point to endpoint) If the
average calculated is 3.55 lps, then the total flow will be
Total duration of flow = End Time - Start time
= 17:45:30 - 8:15:30
= 9 h: 30 m: 0 s Total duration from start to end in seconds:
= (9x3600) + (30x60) + (0x1) = 34200seconds
Total discharge per day in liters = Average flow in lps x Total no of seconds
= 3.55 x 34200 = 121410 liters
For a realistic test, correct total flow at reference Average Daily Solar Radiation as specified in
MNRE specifications.
In order to have uniformity, the test reports issued by the Labs shall use a common format
developed by NISE. The test report shall be issued only in the name of applicant and shall clearly
indicate that whether the Solar PV water pumping system qualify as per MNRE specifications or
not along with the details. A soft copy of test report shall also be provided to the applicant and
shall be made available on web-portal of test lab, which may be accessed by the implementing
agencies for verifying the authenticity of the report.
In case a test lab has tested and issued approval certificate for a particular model of SPV
pumping system using a particular brand and a particular Wp of SPV Modules, SPV Modules of
other brand may also be used for the purpose for the same model of SPV pumping system
without going for re-testing of complete SPV pumping system with other brand (or the higher
Wp of same brand) of SPV Module, provided the test lab certifies that the SPV Module of other
brand(or originally tested brand) is at least of same wattage capacity and its parameters and
characteristics are not inferior to the brand of SPV Module with which the model of SPV
pumping system was tested and certified by the testing lab. In addition, the total wattage
II. Proposed electrical properties of USPC when operating motors other than motor- pump set:
Controller should be able to run SPV pumping system as per MNRE specifications as well as any
other type of motor of suitable rating, subject to the load characteristics of the equipment in
which the motor is used is any of the following:
a) Constant torque loads
b) Constant power loads
c) Quadratic loads
d) Impact loads
e) Hydraulic loads
Subject to the maximum torque being not more than 150% of the rated torque of the motor.
IV. To ensure energy efficiency of solar PV system and to maintain reliability of PV
installation against aging effect, module mismatch with time, partial shading, etc., the
desired USPC properties and configuration should be as follows:
(a) Static MPPT efficiency of USPC should be equal or more than 98%during operation of 10
to 100% of rated STC PV power, and average MPPT tracking efficiency in the dynamic
condition should be greater than 97 % with hot and cold profiles when feeding the water
pumping, hydraulic or heating loads, so as to maintain MPPT irrespective of variation in
solar energy or irradiance.
(b) USPC efficiency should be as follows for the operation at 80% rated STC power of the PV
V. There should be Mode selection located on control panel of the USPC along with
display and user should be able to select either to run motor-pump set of any other
application. The software/firmware required to operate these applications must get
automatically loaded when an appropriate position of the switch is engaged.
VI. USPC must have at least four numbers of three phase output cables to feed power to
the applications. The output power cable for specific application should get selected
automatically upon selection of applications via keypad or via mobile or via remote
control connectivity. The manual selector switch should not be used at the output to
manage different loads. This is to ensure the hassle-free operation of applications by
farmer with adequate safety.
VII. USPC based Solar system must be equipped with Remote monitoring and remote fault
(a) Remote monitoring features should be integral part of solar pump controller and should
provide time wise remote monitoring of PV voltage, PV Power, Water output, head, when
used in solar pump mode. When operated in farm equipment mode, it should show, PV
voltage, PV power, motor voltage, motor current and motor frequency.
Test Lab
Sr. No. Test Performed Expected result Remarks
Motor current
Operation at different Power value should be
Above ........................... Watt DC
output from array should be recorded (for
output Should not stop functioning
8 with all four load recorded by torque
at any load condition. Observation
types (Array wattage the lab with behavior)It must
should be recorded.
as per MNRE model: all agrarian be almost
irrespective of
available DC power
Example 4800 Wp from array (motor
array) running condition).
At40% Power Supported by This is for Impact
At50% Power USPC loading
At75% Power condition (such as
At100% Power Chaff cutter)
current variation
need to be
USPC need to run all the agrarian load
in variable frequency at the lower
Operation at different irradiance value
should be
output from array with The load may be
all four load types increasedbeyond150%ofratedtorqu
(for torque
(Array wattage as eto determine at what level the
9 behavior) as
MNRE model: Example motor is stalling and stopping and it
it is a
4800 Wp array) must trigger ‗ torque over load‘
function of
At 10 % Power At 25 alert. If it goes beyond 150% of the
V/F ratio
% PowerAt30%Power motor rated torque the USPC must
trip indicating an ‗over load
Soft Startup,
Total circuit Low radiation protection,
10 protection Overload protection,
observation Open circuit protection
Reverse polarity protection
Expected output of individual applications must be specify as per their power rating and SPV
capacity, such as:
1. kg/hour grinding of atta chakki, and granularity.
2. Volumetric Iceing of cold storage in x hours.
3. Output in terms of kg/hours for a specific capacity grass-cutter.
4. Output must be quantified in terms of rate of volume or weight as above for any other
1.Security Architecture
This section highlights the communication security architecture between RMS/DCU and State
SWPS IoT Platform. With this security, architecture, third parties are unable to intercept or
“sniff” the encrypted data. This stops ISPs, employers, local network administrators and
cybercriminals from being able to perform “packet sniffing” to access what the traffic contains. It
also protects against man in the middle (MitM) attacks. This implements Private TLS/SSL VPN to
ensure highest level of security.
In additional to this, use of OTP in every message exchange shall help restrict spammers and
Bots. Such OTP based mechanism will provide transaction level security which is required for
remote operations.
2.RMS Registration
This section details how individual RMS/DCU shall be registered and communicate securely
with State SWPS IoT Platform.
• Every supplier/vendor must Register all unique IMEI (International Mobile Equipment
Identity) of RMS/DCU with State SWPS
• State SWPS will generate individual client certificate for RMS/DCU against unique IMEI
registered and share with supplier/vendor through secured web API interface.
• Every supplier/vendor shall be able to access web API with unique credentials shared
with them.
• Web API shall return individual client certificate, Device Broker url and “info” topic.
Sample Topic structure for Stand-alone Solar Pump shall be: IIOT- 1/Standalone solar
Multiple sub-topics will be formed for communication between RMS/DCU and sate SWPS IoT
Not Applicable
Message Description Unit
"VD":1 Virtual Device Index /Group -
"TIMESTAMP":"2020-05-18 RTC time stamp of RMS/DCUaga install -
17:58:00", Para meters of vd/group
“MAXINDEX”:96 Maximum index of local storage date -
"INDEX":7, Reference of local storage -
"LOAD":0, Local storage retrieval command & status -
"STINTERVAL":15, Period ic interval at which RMS shall store -
and transmit data to server. (in minutes)
"MSGID":"", Message Transaction Id - required for “On -
demand”/”Config” message type,
"DATE":200518, YYMMD
Local storage date D
"IMEI":"1234561234561234", IMEI No. of First Sim to be considered -
always for unique identity of DCU
"ASN_11":"34123450", Pump Controller Serial No. -
DAQ 1-9
Pump Controller 11-19
Meter 21-29
Inverter 31-39
String Combiner Box 41-49
"POTP":"341234", Previous One Time Password -
"COTP":"341234", Current One Time Password -
"PMAXFREQ1":"50.00", Maximum Frequency Hz
"PFREQLSP1":"50.00", Lower Limit Frequency Hz
"PFREQHSP1":"50.00", Upper Limit Frequency Hz
"PCNTRMODE1":"1", Solar Pump Controller Control Mode -
Variable Frequency Status
0 Control Mode
1 CVT Mode for Solar
2 MPPT mode for Solar
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Message Description
"VD":2 Virtual Device Index/Group
"TIMESTAMP":"2020-05-18 RTC time stamp of RMS/DCU aga install
17:58:00", Parameters of vd/group
“MAXINDEX”:96 Maximum index of local storage date
"INDEX":7, Reference of local storage
"LOAD":0, Local storage retrieval command & status
"STINTERVAL":15, Period ic interval at which RMS shall store and
Transmit data to server. (in minutes)
"MSGID":"", Message Transaction Id - required for
“On demand”/”Config” message type,
"DATE":200518, Local storage date
"IMEI":"1234561234561234", IMEI No. of First Sim to be considered always for
Unique identity of DCU
"ASN_21":12345678, Asset Serial Number
DAQ 1-9
Pump Controller 11-19
Meter 21-29
Inverter 31-39
String Combiner Box 41-49
"MTDET1":30012302, Meter Detail
"POTP":"34123450", Previous One Time Password
"COTP":"34123450", Current One Time Password
"MTBLDATE1":18, Billing Dateformeter1
"DATE1":180606, Presentdateformeter1
"TIME1":105400, Presenttimeformeter1
"IR1":20.58, R Phase Current in Amps
"IY1":20.65, Y Phase Current in Amps
"IB1":20.12, B Phase Current in Amps
"VRN1":240.12, R Phase to Neutral Voltage in Volts
"VYN1":242.13, Y Phase to Neutral Voltage in Volts
Not Applicable
Message Description
"VD":5 Virtual Device Index/Group
"TIMESTAMP":"2020-05- RTC timestamp of RMS/DCU against all
1817:58:00", parameter so fvd/group
“MAXINDEX”:96 Maximum index of local storage date
"INDEX":7, Reference of local storage
"LOAD":0, Local storage retrieval command & status
"STINTERVAL":15, Period ic interval at which RMS shall store and
Transmit data to server. (in minutes)
"MSGID":"", Message Transaction Id - required for
“On demand”/”Config” message type,
"DATE":200518, Local storage date
"IMEI":"1234561234561234", IMEI No. of First Sim to be considered always for
unique identity of DCU
"ASN_31":"34123450", Inverter Serial No.
DAQ 1-9
Pump Controller 11-19
Meter 21-29
Inverter 31-39
String Combiner Box 41-49
"POTP":"34123450", Previous One Time Password
"COTP":"34123450", Current One Time Password
"IST1":1, Inverter Status
"IFREQ1":40, Frequency
"IPF1":0.8, Power Factor
"IDC1V1":500, DC-1Voltage
"IDC1I1":200, DC-1Current
"IDC1KW1":200, DC-1 Power
"IDC2V1":243.55, DC-2Voltage
"IDC2I1":420.18, DC-2Current
"IDC2KW1":200, DC-2 Power
"IDC3V1":419.38, DC-3Voltage
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Message Description
"VD":9 Virtual Device Index/Group
"TIMESTAMP":"2020-05- RTC timestamp of RMS/DCU against all
1817:58:00", parameter so fvd/group
“MAXINDEX”:96 Maximum index of local storage date
"INDEX":7, Reference of local storage
"LOAD":0, Local storage retrieval command & status
"STINTERVAL":15, Periodic interval at which RMS shall store and
transmit data to server. (in minutes)
"MSGID":"", Message Transaction Id-required for
“On demand”/”Config” message type,
"DATE":200518, Local storage date
"IMEI":"1234561234561234", IMEI No. of First Sim to be considered always for
Unique identity of DCU
"ASN_41":"34123450", SJB Serial no
DAQ 1-9
Pump Controller 11-19
Meter 21-29
Inverter 31-39
String Combiner Box 41-49
"POTP":"34123450", Previous One Time Password
"COTP":"34123450", Current One Time Password
"SI11":"3.00", SJB1, Channel1Current
"SI21":"5.00", SJB1, Channel2Current
"SI31":"5.00", SJB1, Channel3Current
"SI41":"5.00", SJB1, Channel4Current
"SI51":"5.00", SJB1, Channel5Current
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Message Description
"VD":0 Virtual Device Index/Group
"TIMESTAMP":"2020-05-18 RTC time stamp of RMS/DCU aga install
17:58:00", Parameters of vd/group
“MAXINDEX”:96 Maximum index of local storage date
"INDEX":7, Reference of local storage
"LOAD":0, Local storage retrieval command & status
"STINTERVAL":15, Period ic interval at which RMS shall store and
Transmit data to server. (in minutes)
"MSGID":"", Message Transaction Id - required for
“On demand”/”Config” message type,
"DATE":200518, Local storage date
"IMEI":"1234561234561234", IMEI No. of First Sim to be considered always for
Unique identity of DCU
"POTP":"341234", Previous One Time Password
"COTP":"341234", Current One Time Password
"GSM":1, Device connected to GSM network
"SIM":1, SIM detected (1-detected)
"NET":1, Device in Network(1-innetwork)
"GPRS":"1", GPRS connected (1-connected)
"RSSI":22, Signal Strength
"SD":"1", SD card detected (1 -detected)
"ONLINE":1, Device Online (1-Online)
“GPS”:1, GPS Module Status(1-ON,0-OFF)
“GPSLOC”:1, GPS Location Locked
“RF”:1, RF Module Status(1-ON,0-OFF)
"RTCDATE":180918, RTC Date
"RTCTIME":175800, RTC Time
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Message Description
"VD":12 Virtual Device Index/Group
"TIMESTAMP":"2020-05-18 RTC time stamp of RMS/DCU aga install
17:58:00", Parameters of vd/group
“MAXINDEX”:96 Maximum index of local storage date
"INDEX":7, Reference of local storage
"LOAD":0, Local storage retrieval command & status
"STINTERVAL":15, Period ic interval at which RMS shall store and
Transmit data to server. (in minutes)
"MSGID":"", Message Transaction Id - required for “On
demand”/”Config” message type,
"DATE":200518, Local storage date
"IMEI":"1234561234561234", IMEI No. of First Sim to be considered always for
Unique identity of DCU
"POTP":"34123450", Previous One Time Password
"COTP":"34123450", Current One Time Password
“AI11”:45.5, Analog Input–1
“AI21”:45.5, Analog Input–2
“AI31”:45.5, Analog Input–3
“AI41”:45.5, Analog Input–4
“DI11”:1, Digital Input–1
“DI21”:0, Digital Input–2
“DI31”:1, Digital Input–3
“DI41”:0, Digital Input–4
“DO11”:1, Digital Output–1
“DO21”:1, Digital Output–2
“DO31”:1, Digital Output–3
“DO41”:1 Digital Output–4
Not Applicable
Message Description
"cmd":"write", To write config
"msgid":"130", Server Auto Generated
"APN1":“www” APN Value for sim1
"USR1":"string" sim1 username
"PASS1":"string" sim1 password
"APN2":“Internet” APN Value for sim2
"USR2":"string" Sim2 username
"PASS2":"string" Sim2 password
To restart DCU,1:Execute
"UPDATEINTERVAL":15 Enter update interval in mins.
Heartbeat Update Interval in
Update-24 hour format
Update RTC, 1:
"UPDATERTC":1 Executecommand,0
RTC auto GSM
synchronization ,1: to execute
Pump Remote ON/OFF
Operation (1-ON,0-OFF)
Response Message
Message Description
"cmd":"write", To write config
"msgid":"130", Server Auto Generated
"APN1":“www” APN Value for sim1
"USR1":"string" sim1 username
"PASS1":"string" sim1 password
"APN2":“Internet” APN Value for sim2
"USR2":"string" Sim2 username
Message Description
"cmd":"write", To write config
"msgid":"130", Server auto generated
"APNN1":0 Invalid Key, value will be returned '0'
"USR1":"xyz" Actual value received
Not Applicable