Almog, Joseph - Nature Without Essence
Almog, Joseph - Nature Without Essence
Almog, Joseph - Nature Without Essence
ense-making animals that we are, we would like to understand Nature. I grew up being taught and thinking on my own steam that if only we could understand the essences of things, we would understand the things proper. Essence was the key to Nature. I thus saw the great modern essence-dissolver, Quine, as wrong at the seams when he stigmatized the study of essence as merely engendering an illusion of understanding. And so my present findings are surprising; at least, they surprised me. The familiar essentialist lineone I trace back to Aristotle, Descartes, and, in our times, the inventive metaphysics of Kripke is driving us away from, not closer to, the real nature of things. This line promised us a sort of Hubble telescopeessencesable to reveal the deep structure of reality. As often in such philosophical undertakings, we fall in love with the means and forget the original end we linger on the telescopes mirrors and shun the galaxies beyond. I call this methodology Essences (natures!) without Nature. To re-embed us in Nature, we must excise the telescopic high technologyessences and let raw global (capital-N) Nature makeproduce by intra-cosmic processesour (little-n) local natures, be they the natures of the primes and right triangles, of whales and diamonds, all the way down to singularities, such as the natures of Queen Elizabeth II and this particular volcanic peak, Krakatoa. I characterize the alternative methodology as pursuing Nature without essence. Descartes hailed essences as the light of Nature. But his light was not real lightintra-cosmic radiationand by nature, he meant true and immutable natures (essences!) given prior to and independently ofNature. It was this kind of armchair x-ray vision that led Quine to berate essences as engendering an illusion of understanding. The findings below reveal a double illusion. On the metaphysical front, the natures of things are neither exhausted nor even partially given by their defining essences. On the epistemological front, knowledge of (enlightenment about) the nature of thingswhich, I argue, we do achieve in this lifeis not reached by reasoning from
* Dedicated to the memory of Paul Hoffman, whose unexpected death took from us a dedicated student of essence and a philosophical gentleman. The paper urges a turnabout against my earlier work on nature, essence, and necessity. For detailed references to earlier work, the onset of the turn, and my intellectual debts, see the final footnote of the paper. 0022-362X/10/0707/360383 2010 The Journal of Philosophy, Inc.
associated essences but by interacting intra-cosmically with real Nature by means of its true light (energy transfer). i. the cradle of essentialism By the time Descartes wrote, there were two paradigmatic models of essence (real definitions)mathematical kinds and God. Both are cosmic outcasts, items existing apart from the material cosmos, with its natural-historical developments such as diamonds and whales. When Descartes describes the essence of the (piece of) wax (flexible, extended, and so on) in his Second Meditation, he operates at a very abstract level, assimilating this essence to the purely intellectual grasp we haveaccording to his famed Fifth Meditationof the essences (true and immutable nature) of a triangle and God. In providing an essence for such an item, we provide an encapsulating formula defining the phenomenonto be God is to be the supreme perfect being; to be a triangle is to be a three-sided polygon. The essentialists capsule is meant to satisfy two desideratait is both existence- and truth-exhaustive. It is existence-exhaustive because it specifies an attribute the satisfaction of which is logically necessary and sufficient for being, for example, God or a triangle. Second, the capsule is truth-exhaustive because it promises that all the structural truths about triangles, God, and so on, follow from the attributive essence. Subsequent attempts to extend essentialism to natural-historical phenomena such as (the kinds of) physics, chemistry, and biology; a variety of artifactual kinds; and even, supposedly, particular historical individuals, follow this initial paradigm, with local tweaking. Perhaps in the natural-historical cases we must do a little peeking at the world (Whales are mammalian! Diamonds are made of carbon!). After this quick glance, however, we again assign existence- and truthexhaustive essential attributes, giving us (i) logically necessary and sufficient conditions for being a whale or a diamond, from which follow (ii) all the structural (necessary) features (propria) of whales and diamonds. For Descartes, the case of God is modeled after the mathematical case of the triangle. In other discussions, in ancient Greece or in our time, while the case of God is bracketed away, the case of mathematical natures (and our understanding thereof) remains the cornerstone. I am happy to conjecture, in the mantle of an amateur historian of ideas, that if essentialism did not seem to us to work for mathematics, nobody would have tried to apply the idea to the intracosmic natural-historical kinds of physics and biology. The primality of mathematics as a paradigm cuts our work for us. We must understand essentialism in its ground-zero caseas applied
to primes and trianglesif we are to assess its extendibility to natural kinds and historical individuals. ii. ground zero of the essentialist mans dream: mathematics1 Let us take the simplest mathematical casethe natural numbers and attend to Richard Dedekinds analysis of the essential nature (his words, in his letter to Wilhelm Keferstein) of that structure he calls N:
Which are the mutually independent fundamental properties of this sequence N, i.e. those properties which are not deducible from one another and from which all others follow? How should we divest these properties of their specifically arithmetical character so that they are subsumed under more general concepts and such activities of the understanding, which are necessary for all thinking, but at the same time sufficient, to secure reliability and completeness of the proofs, and to permit the construction of consistent concepts and definitions?2
1 My title is a variation on jugendtraum (the young mans dream), which is the name Leopold Kronecker gives to a generalization-seeking program in number theory (taking off from a ground-zero case regarding all finite Abelian extensions of the rational numbers). Like the young mans dream, our essentialist mans dream begins with a ground-zero case of understanding-structuremathematicsin which (he thinks) he has established a very powerful result about the role of essences. He then looks to (dreams to) generalize the technique to natural-historical extensions, such as physical and biological kinds. 2 Dedekinds 1890 letter to Keferstein is reproduced and translated with helpful annotations in Hao Wang, The Axiomatization of Arithmetic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, xxii, 2 ( June 1957): 14558. I first discuss arithmetic, which first was cast as the most elementary case in the late nineteenth century. Earlier, Euclidean geometry was regarded as another (or the) primal case. I turn to Euclidean geometry after arithmetic. For Aristotles conception of Euclidean space and a foundational organization of his body of work, see Jonathan Lear, Aristotles Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophical Review, xci, 2 (April 1982): 16192. For modern discussions of axiomatizations of Euclidean space (including the case of the Archimedean axiom), see immediately below in the text. For a basic introduction to the modern axiomatic project and David Hilberts rationalist-essentialist program in particular, see Hilberts Mathematical Problems, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, viii, 10 ( July 1902): 43779. Also important are Hilberts Axiomatic Thought (1918) and Logic and the Knowledge of Nature (1930), both reproduced in William Bragg Ewald, ed., From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, vol. 2 (New York: Oxford, 2000), pp. 110515 and 115766, respectively. Kurt Gdel offers related reflections on axiomatic thinking. The introduction to his 1929 thesis begins beautifully, with what is in effect a paragraph-by-paragraph response to Hilberts discussion of Problem Two (see Gdels Collected Works, vol. 1 (New York: Oxford, 1986)). Gdel further reflects on the complete-understandability project in his 1946 Remarks on Definability (Collected Works, vol. 2 (New York: Oxford, 1989)), and in his 1951 Gibbs lecture, Philosophical Theorems in the Foundations of Mathematics (Collected Works, vol. 3 (New York: Oxford, 1995)). Ernst Zermelos key paper for building the operation set of is the 1930 paper wherein lies his second-order categoricity result for his axioms (up to a rank of the hierarchy) (see On Boundary Numbers and Domains of Sets: New Investigations in the Foundations of Set Theory, From Kant To Hilbert, vol. 2, pp. 121933). The strong infinity axioms (as in the axiom F of
Dedekind proposes two desiderata for such essentialist-axiomatic analysis. The first is descriptive completeness: the axioms must specify up to isomorphism the target structure, here the natural numbers. The second is deductive-computational completeness: Dedekind would like the understanding to track through the structure and deduce all the truths that follow. Dedekind considers an arbitrary domain D admitting a map M that is one-one from D to D. He also assumes a certain ground object g in D that is not given as an output of the map M. This much gives Dedekind infinite structures. Let us call such domains Dedekind successor structures. Dedekind worries that the map M might admit into such structures many alien intruders, entities that (arithmetically speaking, for a moment) have infinitely many predecessors and thus are unlike the standard natural numbers, each of which has only finitely many predecessors. Of course, if we were allowed to use the determiner finitely many, we could rule out the alien intruders. But this would be a vicious circle in a conceptual analysis meant to specify a numeric essence in the most fundamental terms. Dedekinds solution is set theoretic. For instance, take the intersection of all such M-chains, the smallest among the Dedekind successor structures. This he calls the simple infinite system. Therein lies his analysis of the essence of N. In fact, we must be a tad more cautious than Dedekind. Here he specifies a certain isomorphism class of sequences, what we call omega sequences (his simple infinite system). Let us call this set-theoretic kindwhose instances are such set-made omega sequencesthe kind of Dedekinds omega sequences (DOS). Dedekind makes a further substantial conjecture that N just is DOS. We will examine this more closely below, but for the moment, let us assume the conjecture and focus on the kind DOS. There are reasons to worry about the feasibility of Dedekinds essentialist project. In Dedekinds time, before much sophistication was reached about the limits of formal systems, problems already were brewing. There were algebraic (or, if you will, purely model-theoretic) reasons to worry whether the informal compactness of logical reasoning can be combined with descriptive completeness. To give us a sense
replacement) are independent and do not concern us here. Zermelos work on finite sets in connection with a categorical understanding of the natural numbers (a case we will consider via Dedekind) is in Sur les ensembles finis et le principe de linduction complte, Acta Mathematica, xxxii, 1 (1909): 18593. Our essentialist mans dilemma (categoricity or compactness but not both) applies in all these cases.
of the impossibility result percolating here, I mention a quick (but not dirty) way to see the problem. Suppose God came to Dedekind and said, I have a straightforward solution to your descriptive completeness condition. Just write the condition everything x is such that x50 or x51 or x52 or. I have now specified uniquely the target domainthe natural numbers. Indeed, God, would retort Dedekind, but you have specified it in ways which are not computable by us humans. We are finite minds and can form only finitely long sentences (and arguments). Your divine characterization is descriptively complete, but it does not allow us understanding by means of computations we can carry out. Furthermore, the notion of logically following in your language will not be compact and thus will not be locally representable to finite minds. Either way, God, I cannot get an essence for N that is both descriptively and computationally complete.3 There is more in this vein in the domain of primal mathematics. Ironically, the essentialists dilemma just raiseddescriptive or computational completeness but not bothattaches to the original paradigm for the essentialist/axiomatic project, our understanding of the nature of Euclidean space. For this dilemma strikes Dedekinds notion of (the completeness of) the real line, eventually put in full axiomatic form by Hilbert in his 1899 axiomatization of Euclidean
3 Such a reply would not have been available to Dedekind in 18881890. The insight was available by the time of Skolems work on compactness and nonstandard models (see footnote 18 below). Still, as I will show, quite apart from the understanding that emerged between 1922 and 1930 of the limits of formal systems, there was purely modeltheoretic (algebraic) information available to Dedekind that could have clued him in to the tradeoff between descriptive completeness and consequence compactness. That is, any retreat to a consequence-compact (and mind-friendly) characterization of N would admit those alien intrudersmeaning, nonstandard models of Nand hence descriptive incompleteness. When teaching Dedekind and Hilberts 18881900 work on axiomatization, I amplify on this alternate, purely model-theoretic routevia algebraic work on field extensionsto draw out the tension between the compactness of semantic consequence and the categoricity of axiomatization. I should also note that Gods trouble here (namely, that his descriptively complete characterization is incompact and thus mind-boggling) is not contingent upon this particular choice of the infinitary axiom. Other such familiar descriptive-completeness inducers are also incompact, including: (i) use of the infinitary omega rule; (ii) use of the generalized quantifier finitely many (to characterize the numbers in terms of each item in the domain having at most finitely many predecessors); (iii) use of the notion finite set (as in so-called weak second-order logic and as developed by Zermelo, see below), and (iv) the demand that the critical functions Dedekind introduces (addition, multiplication) be recursive functions (recall that nonstandard models of first-order Peano Arithmetic involve nonrecursive interpretations for addition or multiplication). Once the standard model, and thus the numbers structural truths, are given uniquely incompactness strikes.
geometry.4 Again, we find the split between (i) descriptive completeness afforded by a fuller (second-order) language and (ii) the tractability of logical consequence (compactness). Here is a simple illustration of the problem.5 Very early in Euclids work on overlapping circles sharing a point, he wishes to be able to presuppose that, given a segment (a straight line going a certain distance) AB, we can cover it by laying over it finitely many times another, shorter segment CD. We often call this the Archimedean character of lines. To so prove, Euclid needs to assume the continuity of lines (in Euclidean space). Now, when our language is strong enough to express the continuity intuitions, we do indeed get a categorical characterization of Euclidean space (with the notion of line coming as one would like it to beArchimedean). But the notion of consequence is not compact (our language uses the idea of finitely many essentially). When we fall back on a restricted language with a mere schema for continuity (allowing us to characterize-analyze the features of the line only by means of the resources of the formulae definable in our formal first-order language), we get nonstandard models, with what is called the hyperreal line, filled with infinitesimally small segments all close to a given point. iii. summary: problems with the ground-zero case of the essentialist mans dream So much for the dilemma threatening the essentialist mans dream a theory that is at once exhaustive of the structure of the domain and allows us to reason to all the domains structural truths. However, there is one more problem here, and it lurks in Dedekinds reaction to the intrusion of the unintended twin alien structures. I will call this new problem of Dedekinds (with an eye to extensions to natural-kind cases, immediately below) the H20 problem of mathematics. I so call it because, as with our understanding of water, it is natural to initially encapsulate our understanding in a functional essence/concept relating to how water looks and tastes; in the analogous case of the numbers, we would give a first-order (or: purely algebraic) characterization of the structure coming up in arithmetical computations. But we soon discover that this kind of surface-functional characterization is not exhaustive.
4 Hilbert also alludes to this axiomatization in Problem Two of his Mathematical Problems (op. cit.) in which he set the essentialist mans we must know, we will know program. 5 For background, consult Robin Hartshorne, Geometry: Euclid and Beyond (New York: Springer, 2000).
It allows unintended twins, alien intruders with different structures water lookalikes that are not H20 and lookalike infinite structures that are not the natural numbers. What is more, this nonexhaustiveness is in the very nature of such functional-algebraic characterizations they admit of extensions. How are we then to segregate the intended core structure? 6 The common response is to shy away from surface-functional concepts and move to a deeper level of structure. In the case of water, we specify the structure at the atomic level by characterizing our intended liquid as hydrogen hydroxide. Dedekinds move is analogous, stepping one level down from mundane combinatorial arithmetic and into a primitive set-theoretic language, an atomic-level language of mathematics rich enough to give us a description cutting off the intruding twins. Now, with the exhaustive hydrogen hydroxide and the smallest infinite set (of course not just cardinalitywise but vis--vis the right well ordering) we may wonder whether we are out of the woods. The question now arises of our grasp of the deeper atomic language. How are we to understand hydrogen and oxygen? How are we to understand all one-one maps on the domain (or all arbitrary subsets of the domain)? If we apply a surface-functional, definitionalist understanding at this level, we are back at square one, open afresh to alien intruders, pseudo-hydrogen and oxygen lookalikes, and, in tow, pseudo-theories of subsets or finitude.7 The only way to stem the resurgence of alien intruders at the atomic level might be to understand directly the atomic notionsoxygen and hydrogen, or the notions of arbitrary subset and finitely many not understand them through further conceptual essentialist definitions. We thus will be saying, The buck stops here, and we can no longer employ understanding by way of definitional essences (axioms); we must now rest our case on direct cognition of some primitive notions of mathematics (Nature). This problem of Dedekinds, which I called the H20 problem of mathematics, is one we shall return to later. It sends us looking for what it means to understand the H20 nature of water and, more generally, for how to understand our account of the natures of natural (nonmathematical) kinds.
6 We can view Hilary Putnams twin-earth cases (and those discussed below) as such extensions displaying the limits of qualitative characterizations. See Putnam, Reference and Meaning, this journal, lxx, 19 (Nov. 8, 1973): 699711. 7 Consider, for instance, Leon Henkins second-order logic, formal understanding of subset. See Henkin, Completeness in the Theory of Types, Journal of Symbolic Logic, xv, 2 ( June 1950): 8191.
iv. natural-historical kinds and the essentialists dilemma We are not the first to wonder about the feasibility of the essentialist program when it comes to natural kinds. Locke worried about just this question: simultaneously getting an essence that is both real (completely descriptive) and mind-friendly. He thought (without traversing the just-mentioned mathematical landscape) that we are trapped in such a dilemma. There is a real essence of gold all right, but it is mind-boggling, for it consists of an alignment of tiny physical particles making up the metal, and this alignment is inaccessible to the mind. On the other hand, the concept (essence) that is mindfriendly, for example, yellow shiny metal admits of alien intruders, that is, fools gold. We might think that Locke was as worried as we areno complete understanding-description of gold or tigers can combine metaphysical adequacy (genuine characterization) with human understanding.8 Modern work by Kripke and Putnam on the essences of natural individuals and kinds responds optimistically to Lockes dilemma. Compared to Aristotles real definitions, Kripke and Putnam offer us enhanced essences, but essencesformulable in one short sentence and locally graspableall the same. Kripke and Putnam appear to present an intermediary to Locke, in between his Nature-definitive but mind-boggling real essence and his mind-friendly but not definitive nominal essencex is water iff x is hydrogen hydroxidea deep-structure essence that is both mind-friendly and metaphysically definitive.9 v. kripke-putnam: enhanced essentialism of kinds made of nature? It is often acknowledged that deep-structural essentialism is not as successful (for the Kripke and Putnam enhanced-essentialism project)
Says Locke: Essence may be taken for the very being of anything, whereby it is what it is. And thus the real internal, but generally (in substances) unknown constitution of things, whereon their discoverable qualities depend, may be called their essence. the supposition of essences that cannot be known; and the making of them, nevertheless, to be that which distinguishes the species of things, is so wholly useless and unserviceable to any part of our knowledge, that that alone were sufficient to make us lay it by, and content ourselves with such essences of the sorts or species of things as come within the reach of our knowledge: which, when seriously considered, will be found, as I have said, to be nothing else but, those abstract complex ideas to which we have annexed distinct general names. See John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, vol. 2, trans. Alexander Campbell Fraser (New York: Dover, 1959), pp. 26, 28. 9 For Kripke, see his Naming and Necessity (Cambridge: Harvard, 1980), Lecture III and pp. 15658 (in the appendix). For Putnam, see Reference and Meaning, op. cit.
when it comes to biological species (or other such historically sensitive kinds, like nations, continents, and so on; I will focus here on biological species). It is admitted that structural identityat the genetic leveldoes not suffice for species identity. Animals roaming jungles on some planet at the other end of the galaxy with the tigerlook and the tiger genetic make-up but with a disjoint evolutionary history are not of the same species as the earthly tigers. While this form of cosmic historicity is granted for species, it is taken as a peculiarity of species; ordinarily, kinds are considered ahistorical and exhausted by deep-structure definitions. I want us to look closely at the alleged contrast between species and substances, for I would like to argue that the cosmic historicity of species is not an exception that makes the rule. All kinds are Nature-made, and by intra-cosmic historical processes. It is just a question of isolating the right form of cosmic historicity for a given (type of ) kind. Why are species and substances thought to differ so deeply? Perhaps the guiding thought hereat least, so it is often put to meis that to be a tiger, the newly born cub Nick has to be engendered by tigers. Thus, to be a tiger one has to come from tigers, and thus one has to be connected back through the pertinent branch of the tree of life. However, it is said, to be water or gold one need not have come from water or gold. And so any old material at the other end of the galaxy that displays the right structureis made of oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the right way, or of protons and electrons in the right way (adding up to atomic number 79)is an instance of water or gold, respectively. For physical-chemical kinds, deep-structure identity is sufficient for kind identity and existence. vi. localist essentialism I have stated two claims regarding the sufficiency conditions of kind identity according to deep-structure essentialism. First, the essentialist claims that for the identity of chemical kinds, satisfaction of the sheer structure-concept (hydrogen hydroxide, for water) is sufficient. Second, it is claimed that the satisfaction of another structure-concept, made of DNA D, is insufficient for the identity of the species tiger. The two claims are illustrated by alleged (im)possibility claims about twin earth cases. It is not possible to think of a twin planet with hydrogen hydroxide that is not water. On the other hand, it supposedly is possible to contemplate a twin earth with items of DNA D make-up that are not members of Felis tigris. Both claims seem to me to rest on a blind spot. The blind spots are related: the essentialist uses a conceptual essence that is an abstraction away from cosmic history; he replaces a cosmic process with
a defining concept. The essentialist strips away cosmic history (to wit: nonlocal information which is, in Lockes sense, mind-boggling) and hopes he can reconstruct all there is to water and tigers from local, static-instantaneous snapshots, as if the generative cosmic history is redundant. Let us now develop this account of localist essentialism in some detail. vii. the incompleteness of localist essentialism The first issue before us is the alleged sufficiency of various essentialist definitions of kinds and how twin-earth cases bear on them. It is often said, using the idea of accidental swamp tigers, that items (the description says animals, but this is unwarranted) with DNA D could materialize by quantum accident in a swamp, but they would make no tigers. In like manner, a lump of cells structurally isomorphic to a tigers heart could arise in the swamp, but since it is not pumping blood in an animal (tiger), it is not really a heart. Living stuffanimal kinds or organ kindstranscends the purely structural, as it transcends the purely qualitative. I will call he who so claims the vitalist essentialist.10 I think the vitalist observes something correctthe indispensability of nonlocal historical interactive processesbut draws the wrong theoretical conclusionthat conceptual definitions need to be preserved and so must be amplified to contain functional and historical conditions. At the root of the vitalists argument about the essence of living kinds lies a persisting abstractionism. Writers like Thompson invoke a depleted notion of instantaneous chemistry-physics, devoid of allusion to dynamical processes. The structural feature entity of DNA D is given in static, abstract terms, as a configuration of molecules plotted purely geometrically and disconnected from the cosmic processes giving rise to it. This abstractionism generates two interrelated mistaken claims. The first is that such swamp replicas satisfying the structural conditions are indeed possible. But they are not. What made in real life the real exemplarthe real tiger or heartwas not that it satisfied a structural predicate. What made it was a particular energyinvolving generative cosmic process. And absent such an active cosmic causea complex process assembling particular ingredients in a particular niche under particular pressuresno tiger species and no
10 A forceful example is provided by The Representation of Life, Part One of Michael Thompsons Life and Action (Cambridge: Harvard, 2008), pp. 2582. I read such claims as tracing back in inspiration to work by Philippa Foot and Elizabeth Anscombe on what is termed a Neo-Aristotelian approach to biological kinds. I owe thanks here to discussions with Mandel Cabrera.
hearts would emerge. So, first, the only way for such animals to emerge and for hearts to evolve is by cosmic processes. The threat to which the vitalist respondsthe abracadabra mushrooming of structural twins is illusory, for it is only the process by which the original living kinds emerged that made them the kinds they are. No such process, no emerging kinds. Conceptual definitions do not produce kinds.11 Next to the vitalists second mistake. Having frightened himself that a structural defining predicate can have an unintended, accidental as it were, satisfier (swamp tigers and hearts), the vitalists remedy is another dose of conceptual definitionalism. Just as the structuralist threw out the unintended qualitative twin intruders (twin-earth water ) by injecting structural conditions into his predicative essence, the vitalist blocks structural twin alien intruders by injecting functional and historical conditions into his defining predicates (animal descending from ur-group T, organ pumping blood). The vitalists proposed lesson is that essentialism is quite right, and it only needs an epicycle definition infusing functional-historical information. His lesson should have been orthogonalthe very method of conceptual definition is wrong at the seams. A definition, whether qualitative, structural, or functional, cannot replace a real causal cosmic process. Since we are about to hit an analog issue in the philosophy of language regarding the definition of names (rather than things and kinds of things), let me explain the vitalists mistaken theoretical conclusion by reflection on the semantic analog. The analog semantic question is what describes correctly the linguistic function of a name like Aristotle, what explains its reference to that ancient Greek philosopher. Ever since Frege, semantic definitionalists have posited a meaning (Frege: sinn) for the name; the meaning/sinn is their semantic analog to the conceptual essence, as ontologically defining of the kind. Frege was a first-wave meaning definitionalist. His meaning for Aristotle involved surface predicates such as is given by the description the teacher of Alexander the Great. It is pointed out against Freges surface-meaning definitionalism that (i) it is possible that the referent, the man Aristotle, might not have taught Alexander, and (ii) as in the twin cases, someone else might have been Alexanders
11 The Thompson technique of imagining a molecule-to-molecule identical physical twin of mine that is not thinking or acting is as bankrupt as he who imagines, as in Kripkes Naming and Necessity (op. cit.), that this wooden table is iced or (and here Kripke himself errs, in my view) that my Zombie twin with his C fibers afire feels no pain. See more on such imaginative illusions below. I dissected them in my Pains and Brains, Philosophical Topics, xxx, 1 (Spring 2002): 129.
teacher. Very well, the second-wave meaning definitionalist replies, look out for a descriptive meaning that is modally rigid, one that is satisfied only by the man Aristotle in all possible worlds. Yet problems still abound for the meaning definitionalist. In their semantic work, Kripke and Donnellan point out that the way a word comes to function in my mouth as a name for Aristotle is not at all by my head having a descriptionrigid or otherwisewhose satisfier is Aristotle. My head may have no such definite description. Rather, a process in history starts in the man Aristotle, and information from him is transmitted through that cosmic process all the way up to me. I am bound to that Greek man by the external process that brought his name to me, any (rigid) description in my head notwithstanding. Very well, says the epicyclic third-wave meaning definitionalist, take this very process and make a descriptive condition out of it, namely, individual at the origin of the chain leading to our use of Aristotle. This is the definitive meaning explaining why the name Aristotle refers to that Greek man, for it is he who satisfies the condition.12 The third-wave meaning definitionalist misunderstood Kripke and Donnellans insight. Kripke and Donnellan did not point to the role of historical transmission in order to put a complex description into my head, the satisfaction of which is criterial for using the name. On the contrary, they pointed to the overall falsehoodat the seamsof the Fregean idea that the linguistic function of names is explained by a defining conceptual meaning. Rather, we look to worldly processes in cosmic history to explain how one objectthe man Aristotlegave rise to a name. By spatio-temporal energetic transmissions, the name ended up in another cosmic agent, Joseph Almog, who is thus linked to that ancient Greek man. To think this energy-based linkage is a conceptual meaning is a category mistake. An energetic cosmic process is not a conceptual definition. In the case of biological kind identity, similar remarks apply to the epicyclicfunction- and history-involvingontological definitionalism of the vitalist. What the emergence of tigers and hearts teaches us is not that we should make the defining-concept conditions relate, in the former example, to sexual reproduction in that ur-group T, subsequent DNA transmission, and so on; and in the latter, the need, under earthly gravitational conditions, to pump blood to feed brain and
12 See Kripke, op. cit., note 38 where Robert Nozick so responds. Many others have so responded. I ignore the (important anti-definitionalist fact) that the description is not unique for any persons also called Aristotle; separating them in a conceptually pure way is very hard. But no matterlet there be only one person so called.
body. Rather, from these cosmic-history observations we have learned that the method of essentialist definitions of kinds is fundamentally wrong. Yet again, the essentialist tries to abstract a local, mind-friendly essencea definitionto substitute for an actual cosmic process. viii. on being water (and ice and vapor) I have argued that the definitionalist errs by abstracting away from differences in cosmic processes, freezing real, dynamic processes in snapshot-concepts. The same mistake occurs in defining what water is by the structural predicate x is hydrogen hydroxide. Some years ago Mark Johnston pointed out that ice, liquid water, and vapor make intuitively different and feature-discernible (manifest) kinds. I concur and would add that they are not merely different to the eye or touching hand but are also different in (little-n) nature and so made by different processes of (capital-N) Nature. The definitionialist latches onto a certain level of abstraction, suppresses the interactive, thermodynamical processes undergone by the hydrogen hydroxide molecules, and selects a single formulaic kindhydrogen hydroxide. In doing so, he substantially resembles the prior generations surface-qualitative definitionalists, who abstracted over static (thermodynamics-free) chemical differences between Earth water and twin-earth twin-water, the difference between H20 and XYZ structures. One level down, the modern essentialistin the Kripke-Putnam veinopts again for abstraction in lumping ice, water, and vapor into one kind. In fact, if Nature itself were to speak, it would describe different processes of molecular cohesion (covalent bondage), different manners of statistical behavior of the atomic ingredients as the stuff gels, melts, and vaporizes. There is more in Natureand the natures it produces by its processesthan the abstract, common H2O formula. The natureas induced by Natures thermodynamical processesof each kind is different.13
13 Based on such considerations, it now may be appreciated why I find the original twin-earth Kripke-Putnam claim that a sensation can be identical to my sensation of water but produced by a totally different chemical unfounded. The postulation rests on abstracting an internal image as the full sensation, shedding the water-involving process by which I came to have the bodily sensation. Like remarks apply to Kripkes popular claim that there could be what are often called zombies, items that feel no pain while nonetheless having the same brain configuration I do when I feel the pain of a needle in my arm. Yet again, the facile postulation of such zombies rests on an MRI-esque image of a brain state (the firing of C fibers) combined with an abstraction away from the process by which they come to fire. Were we to embed ourselves in the process, we would find that already ingrained in the C fibers firing is my feeling the pain. See my Pains and Brains, op. cit. Finally, the explanation here given applies to grounding Johnstons correct intuition that diamonds and carbon are, by nature, distinct kinds.
ix. the unity of cosmic kinds I mentioned earlier that it is said that whereas chemical kinds go by structural conditions, biological kinds require allusion to cosmic processes. I would like to explain why this oft-professed distinction rests on a blind spot. The blind spot has its source in the observation that to be a tiger one must come from tigers, but to be water one does not have to come from water. It is then concluded, erroneously, that only the former kind involves irreversible generation processes. The error lies in not appreciating that to be water one still must come from somewhere in the cosmos, indeed, from hydrogen and oxygen. Following our remarks about the differentiation of ice, liquid water, and vapor, we may say more strongly that, in each case, one must combine the relevant atoms by a particular process under specific environmental (thermodynamical) conditions. Thus, for there to be liquid water in the world, already there must have been in the cosmos oxygen, hydrogen, and a process of molecular bondage of the pertinent kind. And there is more. Just as, for any two tigers, we can climb back through the tree of life and find a common ancestor (and common DNA structure), for any drops of water we can climb back through the cosmic tree of being and find a common stock of materialsoxygen and hydrogen. Indeed, that is the key message of the present essay: no-thing is alien to no-thing in the cosmos. One level up, for example, the (living) kind of tigers and (nonliving) kind water share a common stock of ancestor materials. And on it goes: all kinds trace back through the tree of being to common elements. I do not say this in the merely aesthetic spirit of a cosmic fraternity of all kinds. The common cosmic basis of all kinds is critical to understanding how carbon makes up the many kinds of the living, how water makes up much of the tigers body, why potassium levels matter in my muscles, why a certain absence of lithium in the brain is dangerous, and so on. This cosmic unity of kinds is also salutary in discouraging man(-kind) from indulging in illusions of being a demigod visitor (or resident alien) in Nature, as if categorically disjoint from all other natural kinds. The famed ancient philosopher was right, of course, in saying that nothing human is alien to me, but he also could have said that nothing cosmic is alien to us humans. x. kripke: historicity of language versus ahistorical metaphysics So much for embedding in cosmic history the natural kinds of biology and chemistry. At this point, readers familiar with Kripkes seminal Naming and Necessity might wonder about an incongruity between
his definitionalist account of the essence of kinds (and the induced necessities) and his definition-free account of naming. Kripkes account of the metaphysics of names does not start from us late users of words who might ask, Isnt there a conceptual definition, a meaning, in my head governing the use of the name Aristotle and by means of which I reach out of my head through cosmic history to Aristotle, the cosmic object? Rather, his account starts at the other end, with the cosmic object Aristotle. The name comes to us from ancient times by an intra-Nature transmission process, by the light (energy) of Nature. An object-of-Nature generates a process that transfers to me the name. By riding back that cosmic wire I can use the name competently, to refer to that source object. On the other hand, Kripkes metaphysics of necessity/essence does seem to start with us thinkers and our heads, with the conceptual (even if upgraded deep-structure) essences, with which we reach into Nature and its objects (kinds). We must use (structural) concepts to track and differentiate Natures structure. The present account of the natures of things removes the incongruity. We simply generalize Kripkes insights about the natures of a subclass of the things (the linguistic things) to all things. We understand this thingthe name Aristotlenot by grasping an essence, its semantic meaning, and defining which name it is. In the very same way, we understand this thingthe man Aristotlenot by grasping a local conceptual essence, whether superficial or deepstructure. We understand the mans nature by being in contact with Natures product: the man himself. Just as I can have the name in mind because Natures processes infused me with it, I can have the man in mind because Natures processesreal light bouncing from that manembedded this man in my mind and so made me, one Nature development, able to think of that other Nature development, the man Aristotle. xi. the flight from essence and natures return: quine vindicated We are not the first to spot the connection between forms of essentialism about language and forms of essentialism about nonlinguistic things. Quine famously said, Meaning is what essence becomes when divorced from the object of reference and wedded to the word. This conceptual character of essence is a two-way street. Quine may well have said, Essence is what meaning becomes when divorced from the word and wedded to the object of reference. My blind spot in 25 years of enthusiastic essentialism has been to ignore this conceptual lineage of essence and, in tow, not listen to ordinary language (this
last is the original sin). I have been taking this key word nature, as used for example in the tigers nature, to just be the cognate of the word essence. At the same time, I took it to be a mere homonym of the word Nature. My project here is to undo this tone deafness. Little-n nature is no cognate of essence, and further, nature there is only one: Nature. Little-n natures, such as the tigers nature, are simply developments of Nature. We may well call it our Nn principle:
(Nn) The nature of x = Nature at x
On the present reading, natures are not second-order objects, attributes (predicates) of purported objects, but very much the cosmic individuals themselves, Natures objects. With conceptual essences gone by the board and only cosmic (capital-N) Nature and its development to live by, what picture emerges regarding the littlen natures of things? First, as pointed out early on by Quine in Two Dogmas of Empiricism, we need not expect an elite class of truths by nature to be somehow squeezable out of the defining class of essential attributes. There are no such predicative essences. To say that Joseph is by nature human is not to say that my defining predicative essence contains (entails) humanity. It is to say that the process of Nature that generated me was part and parcel of Natures development and sustenance of the species mankind. What makes me human is not a case of formal causation, the logical relation of satisfaction between me, the flesh-and-blood man, and an essential attribute (for example, is a rational animal). What makes me human is the process by which I was made in the first place, a case of efficient causation. What made me human was an intra-cosmic process, wherein the species Homo sapiens had me made, by energy transfer, from two other species members. This holds the key to why I am by nature (and thus by Nature) human. Though I play soccer and teach philosophy, I do not do so by my very nature. It was not part of Natures production process of Joseph Almog to make me at the outset a soccer player or philosopher. There is no prior Cosmic Nature phenomenonas the Homo sapiens species iswhich is a kind of philosophers or soccer players and which by cosmic energy exchanges made Joseph Almog emerge as a tiny bud on the tree of soccer players or philosophy teachers. I am such a tiny bud on the human species tree. Second, the switch from formal to efficient causation that grounds being human as fundamental to what Joseph is (but not his playing soccer) points to a more generalized switch brewing here. This general switch concerns the metaphysical primality of the familiar
notions of (i) necessary conditions (for being Joseph) and (ii) the process sufficient for making Joseph. When we proceed by essence and formal causation, we focus on necessary conditions for the given target phenomenon. We have a given subject (and never mind how it came to be)Queen Elizabeth II, the species of whales, the substance goldand the essentialists premium is on bringing the Nature-singularity, the object, under a key classificatory concept (form) provided by human reason. The predication is human must be justified as more revelatory than is a soccer player. This is the key for the essentialist: classificatory predication. It is only a subsequent extension of this prime idea that leads us to cobble together enough such essential predications to make an individuative essential property. Coming up with a concept that can effect individuation within the sortal categorysegregation of Joseph from all other humansinvolves quite a struggle. We encountered this problem above in the recurring appearance of alien intruders, unintended twin satisfiers of the essential (necessary) conditions for being a tiger or gold, let alone for being Joseph or the Nanga Parbat. The alien-intruders syndrome is anything but accidental. Our reason-made form (essence-concept) is trying to catch up with the singularities of Nature. In Nature proper, the singular thing (species, substance) is, of course, as determinate and as distinct as can be. On the other hand, in our metaphysical radars, our thin tracking concept is inevitably behind, potentially satisfied by a variety of twins. We need to upgrade the concept, enrich it with segregative information ( Joseph is the human being who was originated by sperm and egg A; whales are the mammalian species with DNA W ; gold is the yellow metal with atomic number 79). Our forms run behind Nature because they abstract from the distinct cosmic process that in history efficiently differentiatedas part of bringing the singularity into existencethe specific item in question. It is as if we understanders turn up after the show is over; the specific production processes have all taken place, and now, with rather generic categorizations, we are trying to reconstruct, using our conceptual toolbox, what it took Nature to achieve by a vast array of specific cosmic processes. Of course, we can, in the above manner of the structuralist and the vitalist, infuse conceptual essences with process-related information reflecting Natures actual productive work. But at the outset, conceptual essence is focused on categorizing, boxing un-individuated items in similarity classes. Individuation becomes a challenge. In contrast, when we proceed by efficient causation, we never run into individuation problems. At the outset, each thing is introduced
and thus individuated by its maker, the pertinent cosmic production process. Indeed, the diversity of various singularitiesyou, me, the tigers, the elephants, and so onemanates from an underlying cosmic unity. As in a tree structure, the specificity of this bud as opposed to that one is underlined by their emerging from a shared common branch. Their differentiation, their distinct processes of coming into existence, take place by a variation on a common basis: me, you, Obama, all develop as variations on the human tree, the humans as a variation on the primate tree, and so on. As inherent in our above Nn principle, each Nature singularity is a variation on a commonly shared cosmic kernel. The singular nature developed here is Natures development at this locale. On this efficient causation methodology, Josephs being human is no longer the key predication to be supplemented by a variety of add-on relational essentialities: JA was born in the twentieth century; he is a mammal; his body is made of carbon and water; he is Leahs son. The process by which Nature has generated me, the process that has generated the little-n nature of JA, has it all: the humanity making up Joseph as a branch, the mammalian-hood making up the humans (that make up Joseph) as a branch, the period in cosmic history when all this is produced, the carbon and water exploited in the production, Leahs egg being critical, and so on. In so shifting to the efficient process, we have reversed logical priorities between necessary conditions and sufficient conditions. The conceptual essentialist starts with essential predications, necessary conditions P for being Joseph(necessarily) if Joseph exists, then Joseph is P. To assemble a sufficient condition is logically posterior it is to assemble a cluster of necessary conditions that no one but Joseph has. Sufficient conditions are thus necessary conditions that add up to cosmic uniqueness; no wonder such sufficient conditions are a precious rarity. However, when we proceed by following Natures own course, the necessary conditions are a byproduct of the differentiation process that generated me. My being human is a byproduct of the generation process that produced this specific human bud, me; so is your being human a byproduct of your distinct, singular cosmic generation process. Necessary conditions for x are byproducts of the process that sufficed for Nature to produce x. Third, again with Quine, we note the dissolving of any category of super truthtruth solely by conceptual analysis, truth solely by meaning relations, truth by essence alone. All truths are historical, and truth is made by goings-on in cosmic history. If difference there is between Josephs being human and his playing soccer, it is one of placement in that mans history, the soccer playing being subsequent to and conditional upon the production of that man.
xii. more upgraded essentialism: dedekind and mathematical kinds So much for the unified natural cosmic kinds, all little-n natures, products of Natures development. But what of the kinds that started off the essentialists program, the mathematical kinds? How do they fit into Nature? And, of course, still pending is what we called, following Dedekinds work, the H20 problem of mathematicsin what vocabulary do we attain a delineation of specific mathematical kinds such as N ? XII.1. N as a Nature-kind. The question before us is what is the nature of the natural numbers, the structure N. I am going to give two answers to this question, one I believe in and one due to Dedekind. On the key issue of how to understand the nature(s) in question, there will not, in the end, be any difference. My own view is that the natural numbers are the numbers (0), 1, 2, 3 . There are many set-theoretic sequences (sequences made of sets) that are isomorphic to them (they make up the instances of the kind DOS). As mentioned, there are various contexts where one may let set-theoretic sequences (omega sequences whose individual members are sets) represent the natural numbers. But practiced number theory or Diophantine geometry really talks about what it seems to talk about: (natural, rational, real, complex, quaternion, and so on) numbers, points, lines, curves, and so on. Dedekind, a most distinguished algebraic geometer, surely engaged in such talk. It involved no set theory.14 In earlier work,15 I explained how when Nature exists, some-thing exists, that is, Nature does, and thus at least one thing exists, and this is enough to generate the number kind One. For any kind to exist in Nature, I argued, there must be a generating instance of the kind. This is true of the tigers (perhaps we need here an interbreeding plurality) and of water (we need a water molecule, and for that we need hydrogen and oxygen, and so on). And for the arithmetic kind One to come into being, at least one Nature-thing, including Nature
Of course, if Dedekind were asked the model-theoreticbut not number-theoretic question, Are any set-theoretic structures isomorphic to N preserving the truths of N ? the answer would be yes (as proved by Dedekind in Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? sections 13234). This is a theorem in the set-theoretic model theory (of an axiomatic theory), not in practiced number theory, where the number theorist speaks not of set-theoretic structures but ofnumbers (and functions and curves and so on, just what Dedekind talked about, for example, in speaking of prime ideals, Riemann surfaces, and so on). 15 Almog, Nothing, Something, Infinity, this journal, xcvi, 9 (September 1999): 46278.
itself, suffices. If this ur-thing, Nature, exists, the arithmetic kind One exists. So, if Nature exists, One does. Next, if Nature and One both exist, two Nature-bound things exist, and thus we have an original generating instance of the arithmetic (ordinal) kind Two. And it continues: Nature, One, and Two originate Three. In general, once some-thing existsnamely, Nature, the sine qua non of all existencewe are given in tow that infinitely many natural numbers exist. Thus, N is a kind made of individual number kinds 1, 2, 3. On this view, the numbers, like the elementary particles of matter we discussed above in the context of natural kinds, are that common stock of Nature materialsI will let myself call this common stock the DNA of Nature. The common stock comes into existence with Nature; it is what it is for Nature to exist. No mathematics comes later than Nature into existence. But this is just as well, since mathematics neither did nor could exist prior to or independently of Nature.16
16 See ibid. The present discussion is an abstraction. It focuses on how Nature generates One, which together as a pair generate Two, and so on. This is cast as an improvement on Dedekind (or Zermelo or Von Neumann) so as to defend the view that the basic character of the existence of the natural numbers is not set-theoretic. There, I stop. The discussion is not meant to get to the bottom of what it takes for mathematics to exist in Nature, for mathematics does not come into Nature in stagesit comes en bloc. As I explain in The Cosmic Ensemble: Reflections on the NatureMathematics Symbiosis (Midwest Studies in Philosophy, xxxi, 1 (September 2007): 34471), in the ontological order of existence (namely, generation by Nature)as opposed to the pedagogical order by which we are introduced to simple structures (like N and Euclidean space) before more complex structuresNature has written into its very existence (what is called above the DNA of Nature and what Galileo aptly referred to as Natures grammar) the existence of the space-time structure. The existence of Nature just is that space-time existence. This makes mathematically more complex structures ontologically primary. An example discussed in The Cosmic Ensemble is the complex plane and algebraic-geometric structures within it, such as the moduli spaces of elliptic curves or Abelian varieties. The common philosophical impulse (flowing from both Leibniz and Frege) to separate the allegedly prior logical realm of numberslet me call it more generally the algebraic realmfrom the merely posterior, space-dependent synthetic realm of the geometric, strikes me as (i) ill-founded as an account of what is built into the structure of space-time (thus into physical Nature) but also (ii) wrong about the order of dependencies in mathematics proper, where algebraic-geometry structures contain various number systems. One pertinent example is the just-mentioned moduli space of elliptic curves inside the complex plane; for another, the key action of the Galois group over the algebraic numbers cannot be detached from deep results about the structure of the complex plane. At bottom, the point can be made by attending to the mathematically simple notion of variety, as it were, a system of polynomial equations that Leibniz would have liked to make algebraic but which is in effect essentially geometric (or more properly, algebraic-geometric). So the separation, much pursued in philosophy, of the algebraic and the geometric seems to me to
Using the cases of the tigers and water, we may mark the difference between N and DOS as follows. N is like the species of tigers in that an entity n is in N if it originates from the particular lineage Nature, One, Two. On the other hand, the kind DOS is rather like the kind water. A sequence S is a member of the kind DOS if it is isomorphic to some ur-DOS generating sequence DOSNature 5 Nature, {Nature}, {{Nature}} or Nature, {Nature}, {Nature, {Nature}} or . Of course, the sequence N is also in DOS. But what matters from our Nature-engenders-all perspective is that the materials of any omega sequence in DOS come from Nature.17 XII.2. Dedekind s DOS 5 N, and How to Understand Sets. So much for my own view. But what if we assumed with Dedekind that N 5 DOS? Dedekinds set-theoretic analysis faces the same essentialist dilemma we have been addressing. If the understanding of subset is genuinely purely axiomatic, the theory is prey to the problem of unintended satisfiers and the alien intruders return. This was Skolems point in his classic paper, which in effect stated a form of our dilemma: no computationally tractable axiomatic basis can give us a grounding in the target, uncountable structure of sets (nor, it follows, in the target ideas of finitudethe natural numbers). Indeed, Skolem applied his
project epistemological foundationalistic programs and does not reflect mathematical practice, in which algebraic geometry (and algebraic topology) come as unified wholes and are rooted, in the end (at least so I believe), in the structure of space-time. I do not want to go into this complex set of issues here but will do so in some detail in the future. In a nutshell, I would only say that Nature generates the algebraic-geometric inside the complex plane, including familiar number systems like N, Q , and so on. 17 Some formulations of set theory speak of starting from the empty set (I do not know what it is, but I assume its existence is meant not to be Nature-dependent). Zermelo calls the empty set a fictitious object and uses ur-elements in his mature, 1930 theory. There is, of course, nothing wrong mathematically in using some posited, purified ground object. But philosophersoverly happy to read quotes of mathematiciansread deep metaphysics into this trick. In contrast, I point out that, mathematically speaking, the hierarchy generated gives us the same truths (theorems) whether we start with Nature, with the man Zermelo, or with the empty set. If a mathematician (philosopher) wants to use a pure object (whatever that is) as his basis to attain epistemological puritythat is, to know a priori of set existencehe should declare his true, philosophical reason rather than hang on to the alleged mathematical indispensability of the empty set. I note that even conceptual-essentialists like Zermelo and Gdel stress that the concept here analyzed is set-of-things, and both Cantor and Gdel assert that the notion of multitude (plurality) is prior to that of the set as unity. If so, the empty set is not a set-of-things at all, and it is no instance of the concept it is supposed to ground. Sets of things should get goingdo get goingfrom things. In any event, Dedekind was quite clear about all this and demanded a grounding of his kind of DOS in a real ground object (for example, his self ). See immediately below, in section xii.2, my comment on Dedekinds Theorem 66 of Was Sind.
point not just to the characterizability of (un)countability, but also to Dedekinds analysis of finite. On Skolems account, to get the natural numbersthat primal structuredo not look for it as the satisfier of some abstract (set-theoretic) axiomatic essence; start with that primitive structure. Dedekind himself did not opt for a purely axiomatic foundation. In section 66 of his Was Sind und was sollen die Zahlen? and again in the letter to Keferstein, he points to a non-axiomatic/essentialist method and instead to an existence-based generative starting point. His ur-omega sequence is Nature-grounded. He gives us: Dedekind, {Dedekind}, {{Dedekind}}. The kind of DOS is grounded/generated by an intra-cosmic (wirklichactual and spatiotemporally embedded) omega sequence. When we say it is the kind of all the omega-sequence structures, we say: it is the kind of all sequences standing in the same structure-relation to the generating cosmic sequence DOS Nature.18 xiii. conclusion: understanding nature by having nature itself in the understanding We started with the gap between Nature and essence. I close with it by going back to a telling example due to Saul Kripke. His example has obsessed me throughout 25 years of essentialist involvement. Every four years or so, I have written a paper struggling with it. I believe I finally understand the example. In the opening passages of his Naming and Necessity (pp. 2324), Kripke mentions his (by his own admission) surprising view about unicorns. He asserts that he has no problem acknowledging predicates with an empty extension, of which it is said that they might have had exemplars (such as, female United States president). Kripke notes that is a unicorn frequently appears as an example of such a predicate: it is said that although is a unicorn has no exemplars, it might have had some. This, Kripke denies. When he gives his argument (pp. 15657), Kripke tells us that the conceptual information associated with unicorn is superficial and
18 This had also been Poincars position in his discussion of Hilberts 1904 paper: no categorical account of the natural numbers could be compact; we must use finitely many as primitive. I read Poincar as anticipating Skolems technical definability work on finitely many. For Skolem, see Some Remarks on Axiomatized Set Theory, pp. 290301, and The Foundations of Elementary Arithmetic, pp. 30233, both in Skolem, Selected Works in Logic, ed. Jens Erik Fenstad (Oslo: Scandinavian University Books, 1970). I should like it noted that it is possible to read Dedekind as specifying an essence first, and only subsequently showing that the isomorphism-type DOS has an actual (wirklich) instantiation, the aforementioned grounded omega sequence. I read Dedekind orthogonally, namely, as generating the isomorphism type from a wirklich, given Nature-based omega sequence.
incomplete. We cannot just peer into a possible world, see animals that look like the unicorns, and say, There go the unicorns. In different such imagined situations, different speciessome amphibian, some reptilian, some mammalianmight display the unicorn look. They cannot all be the unicorns. The unicorns are meant to be a specific species. So put, the problem of the unicorns is their depending on too superficial an essence. Indeed, Kripke says, with tigers we have a genuine essence because we have structural information involving genetic make-up. We do not have such information for the unicorns (p. 156). This is true but inconclusive as an argument. Even if for the unicorns it is too late, surely some modern day Asimov (or a true zoologist) might introduce a new species term, schmunicorns, to designate whatever has specified but unrealized genetic make-up G. In spite of the enhanced character of the defining essence, it still gives us no real species. There are no schmunicorns in cosmic history, and thus there is no species of schmunicorns among Natures fauna. There lies the key to Kripkes unicorns insight, even if he did not intend the argument to go this way (in his last theorem, Fermat asserted a true proposition, even if the reason for it in his head was probably not quite right). There is no unicorns-nature because Nature has never produced unicorns and thus never introduced that distinct little-n nature, the unicorns-nature. Not so with dinosaurs and dodos. In those cases, Nature acted and produced. Local natures evolved, and two distinct species enjoyed a cosmic moment of real existence. This Nature-produced account of the local natures grounds corresponding claims about our understanding. We do understand what it is to be a dodo and a dinosaur because information from those once-existing Nature developments impinges on us (by means of Natures light): we know by the real light of real Nature of the dinosaurs and the dodos. In contrast, we have no understanding of unicorns because there is nothing to begin with in Nature to make for subsequent human understanding. There is the word unicorn and its history, and this we understand fairly well, correctly translating it, as deftly noticed by Keith Donnellan, as licorne and not as griffon (the cognate of griffin). We understand the word because it is historically real and transmitted to us by the light of Nature. We do not understand the purported species because there is no-thing to understand. Let me summarize our findings. Our focus has been the essentialists man dream: complete understanding of Nature by the
by-nature finite human understanding. The project grinds to a halt with what I presented as the idealist conjecture that the pursuit is better undertakenindeed, must be undertakenby way of local conceptual essences/axiomatizations. There, in dissecting the surrogate conceptual essences and the attendant essential truths by analysis, lies the illusion of understanding. The understanding of Nature need not be undertaken from a mental bunker outside it (as many read Descartes thinker in Meditation Is battle with Nature). We often look upon Nature as a sort of complex (evil) genius, an alien enemy we must defeat to undo its hidden encrypted structures. Instead we should think of ourselves, the understanders, as Nature products, each a force-of-Nature, endowed by Nature with his/her cognitive structure, cognitive mechanisms receptive to Natures light and reflective of the information transmitted. Our understanding Nature is nothing but Nature taking its course.19 joseph almog University of California, Los Angeles
19 A word about the volte face urged in this paper. My own The What and the How (this journal, lxxxviii, 5 (May 1991): 22544) was conceived in the mid-1980s as a critique of Kripkes reduction of whatness (nature) to necessity. I developed a whatness(nature)-preceeds-modal-necessity view but continued to think of the whatness (as of the derivative necessity) in local terms, that is, with parameters regarding the items immediate origins. See, for example, my The What and the How II: Reals and Mights, Nos, xxx, 4 (1996): 41333, and Nothing, Something, Infinity, op. cit. It was work in the last decade on two different topics that led to the turnabout. One tributary was a series of classes I taught (some with Tony Martin) on the turn-of-thecentury mathematical axiomatic thinkers: one was dedicated to Gdel, one to Hilberts motif we must know, we will know, and, most critically, one focused on Dedekind and Skolem. In the last, I read off the rationalist mans dilemma vis--vis the limits of axiomatic set-theoretic foundations for arithmetic from Skolem (see the last few pages of the present paper). The other tributary was continued work on Descartes concept of Nature (and true and immutable natures) in a monograph called Cogito? (New York: Oxford, 2008). This drove me to wonder about a theme spanning the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries making Nature-as-a-whole into the prime object of both scientific and metaphysical investigation. Goaded by teaching Nature-theorists like Spinoza with John Carriero, I came to revisit my own modern work on essentialism and natures. This led to the present work. I owe many thanks to Roberta Ballarin, Ori Simchen, Noa Goldring, Moriel Zelikowsky, Tony Martin, David Kaplan, Harry Frankfurt, and Howie Wettstein. Thanks for correspondence are due to Barry Mazur. In earlier times, I had very formative discussions about where essence comes from with Keith Donnellan and my student Dominik Sklenar (alas, lost to philosophy). Consideration of Tyler Burges ideas on modern rationalism was very helpful. Special thanks are due members of the UCLA metaphysics discussion group Antonio Capuano, Paul Nichols, Barbara Herman, and especially Sarah Coolidge, Mandel Cabrera, and John Carriero.