This document contains 31 exercises involving recursive definitions of sequences, functions, sets, and other mathematical concepts. The exercises cover topics like Fibonacci numbers, greatest common divisors, matrices, maximum/minimum values, and more. Structural induction and strong induction are also discussed as ways to prove properties about recursively defined sets and functions.
This document contains 31 exercises involving recursive definitions of sequences, functions, sets, and other mathematical concepts. The exercises cover topics like Fibonacci numbers, greatest common divisors, matrices, maximum/minimum values, and more. Structural induction and strong induction are also discussed as ways to prove properties about recursively defined sets and functions.
This document contains 31 exercises involving recursive definitions of sequences, functions, sets, and other mathematical concepts. The exercises cover topics like Fibonacci numbers, greatest common divisors, matrices, maximum/minimum values, and more. Structural induction and strong induction are also discussed as ways to prove properties about recursively defined sets and functions.
This document contains 31 exercises involving recursive definitions of sequences, functions, sets, and other mathematical concepts. The exercises cover topics like Fibonacci numbers, greatest common divisors, matrices, maximum/minimum values, and more. Structural induction and strong induction are also discussed as ways to prove properties about recursively defined sets and functions.
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: I Induction and Recursion
-. a recursive definition of the sequence {an}, n = :. _. , .. . if a an = 6n. b) an = 2n + l. e an = lO n . d) an = 5. a recursive definition of the sequence {an}, n = : __ . 3, .. . if a) a n =4n-2. b) a n =l+(-1)n. e an = n(n + 1). d) an = n2. . Ler F be the function such that F (n) is the sum of the first '1 positive integers_ Give a recursive definition of F(n). 1 . GiYe a recursive definition of Sm(n), the sum of the inte- ger m and the nonnegative integer n. 11. GiYe a recursive definition of Pm (n), the product of the inreger m and the nonnegative integer n . ." Exercises 12-19 In is the nth Fibonacci number. 12. Prove that If + + ... + I;; = Inln+1 when n is a positive integer. 13. Prove that 11 + /3 + ... + hn-l = hn when n is a pos- iti e integer. * Show that In+! In-l - I;; = (_1)n when n is a positive integer. * 15. Show that 10/1 + hh + ... + hn-1hn = whenn is a positive integer. * 16. Show that 10 - h + 12 - . .. - hn-l + hn = 12n-1 - 1 when n is a positive integer . . 1 . Determine the number of divisions used by the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of the Fi- bonacci numbers In and In+1, where n is a nonnegative integer. Verify your answer using mathematical induction. 18. Let A = [i Show that An = [li:1 In ] In-1 when n is a positive integer. 19. By taking determinants of both sides of the equation in Exercise 18, prove the identity given in Exercise 14. (Re- call that the determinant of the matrix is ad - be.) * 20. Give a recursive definition of the functions max and min so that max(a1, a2, .. . , an) and min(a1 , a2, . .. , an) are the maximum and minimum of the n numbers aI, a2,., an, respectively. *21. Let aI , a2, ... , an, and b1, b2, ... , b n be real numbers. Use the recursive definitions that you gave in Exercise 20 to prove these. a) max ( -aI, -a2, .. . , -an) = - min(a1, a2 , . . . , an) b) max(a1 + b1 , a2 + b, . . . , an + bn) S max(al , a2, ... , an) + max(bl, b2 , . .. , b n ) c) min(a1 + b1, a2 + b2 , . .. , an + bn) :::: min(al , a2, ... , an) + min(b1, b, ... , bn) 22. Show that the set S defined by 1 E Sand s + t E S when- ever s E Sand t E S is the set of positive integers. 23. Give a recursive definition of the set of positive integers that are multiples of 5. 24. Give a recursive definition of a) the set of odd positive integers. b) the set of positive integer powers of 3. c) the set of polynomials with integer coefficients. 25. Give a recursive definition of a) the set of even integers . b) the set of positive integers congruent to 2 modulo 3. c) the set of positive integers not divisible by 5. 26. Let S be the subset of the set of ordered pairs of integers defined recursively by Basis step: (0,0) E S. Recursive step: If (a, b) E S, then (a + 2, b + 3) E S and (a + 3, b + 2) E S. a) List the elements of S produced by the first five ap. plications of the recursive definition. b) Use induction on the number of applications of the recursive step of the definition to show that 51 a + b when (a, b) E S. c) Use structural induction to show that 51 a + b when (a , b) E S. 27. Let S be the subset of the set of ordered pairs of integers defined recursively by Basis step: (0,0) E S. Recursive step: If (a, b) E S, then (a, b + 1) E S, (a + 1, b + 1) E S, and (a + 2, b + 1) E S. a) List the elements of S produced by the first four ap- -J3lications of The recursive definition. b) Use strong induction on the number of applications or the recursive step of the definition to show that a ::: 2h whenever (a, b) E S. . c) Use structural induction to show that a S 2b when- ever (a , b) E S. 28. Give a recursive definition of each of these sets of ordered pairs of positive integers. [Hint: Plot the points in the sel in the plane and look for lines containing points in the set. ] a) S = {(a, b) I a E Z+, bE Z+, and a + b is odd} b) S={(a,b)laEZ+,bEZ+,andalb} c) S={(a,b)laEZ+,bEZ+,and3Ia+b} 29. Give a recursive definition of each of these sets of or dered pairs of positive integers. Use structural induction to prove that the recursive definition you found is correct. [Hint: To find a recursive definition, plot the points in the set in the plane and look for patterns.] a) S = {(a, b) I a E Z+, b E Z+, and a + b is even) b) S = {(a , b) I a E Z+, b E Z+, and a or b is odd} c) S = { (a , b) I a E Z+, b E Z+, a + b is odd, and 31 h) 30. Prove that in a bit string, the string 01 occurs at most one more time than the string 10. 31. Define well-formed formulae of sets, variables represent- ing sets, and operators from C U, n, -}.