Sec 53

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35 .

: I Induction and Recursion

-. a recursive definition of the sequence {an}, n =
:. _. , .. . if
a an = 6n. b) an = 2n + l.
e an = lO
. d) an = 5.
a recursive definition of the sequence {an}, n =
: __ . 3, .. . if
a) a
=4n-2. b) a
e an = n(n + 1). d) an = n2.
. Ler F be the function such that F (n) is the sum of the first
'1 positive integers_ Give a recursive definition of F(n).
1 . GiYe a recursive definition of Sm(n), the sum of the inte-
ger m and the nonnegative integer n.
11. GiYe a recursive definition of Pm (n), the product of the
inreger m and the nonnegative integer n .
." Exercises 12-19 In is the nth Fibonacci number.
12. Prove that If + + ... + I;; = Inln+1 when n is a
positive integer.
13. Prove that 11 + /3 + ... + hn-l = hn when n is a pos-
iti e integer.
* Show that In+! In-l - I;; = (_1)n when n is a positive
* 15. Show that 10/1 + hh + ... + hn-1hn = whenn
is a positive integer.
* 16. Show that 10 - h + 12 - . .. - hn-l + hn =
12n-1 - 1 when n is a positive integer .
. 1 . Determine the number of divisions used by the Euclidean
algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of the Fi-
bonacci numbers In and In+1, where n is a nonnegative
integer. Verify your answer using mathematical induction.
18. Let
A = [i
Show that
An = [li:1
In ]
when n is a positive integer.
19. By taking determinants of both sides of the equation in
Exercise 18, prove the identity given in Exercise 14. (Re-
call that the determinant of the matrix is ad - be.)
* 20. Give a recursive definition of the functions max and
min so that max(a1, a2, .. . , an) and min(a1 , a2, . .. , an)
are the maximum and minimum of the n numbers
aI, a2,., an, respectively.
*21. Let aI , a2, ... , an, and b1, b2, ... , b
be real numbers.
Use the recursive definitions that you gave in Exercise 20
to prove these.
a) max ( -aI, -a2, .. . , -an) = - min(a1, a2 , . . . , an)
b) max(a1 + b1 , a2 + b, . . . , an + bn)
S max(al , a2, ... , an) + max(bl, b2 , . .. , b
c) min(a1 + b1, a2 + b2 , . .. , an + bn)
:::: min(al , a2, ... , an) + min(b1, b, ... , bn)
22. Show that the set S defined by 1 E Sand s + t E S when-
ever s E Sand t E S is the set of positive integers.
23. Give a recursive definition of the set of positive integers
that are multiples of 5.
24. Give a recursive definition of
a) the set of odd positive integers.
b) the set of positive integer powers of 3.
c) the set of polynomials with integer coefficients.
25. Give a recursive definition of
a) the set of even integers .
b) the set of positive integers congruent to 2 modulo 3.
c) the set of positive integers not divisible by 5.
26. Let S be the subset of the set of ordered pairs of integers
defined recursively by
Basis step: (0,0) E S.
Recursive step: If (a, b) E S, then (a + 2, b + 3) E S
and (a + 3, b + 2) E S.
a) List the elements of S produced by the first five ap.
plications of the recursive definition.
b) Use induction on the number of applications
of the recursive step of the definition to show that
51 a + b when (a, b) E S.
c) Use structural induction to show that 51 a + b when
(a , b) E S.
27. Let S be the subset of the set of ordered pairs of integers
defined recursively by
Basis step: (0,0) E S.
Recursive step: If (a, b) E S, then (a, b + 1) E S,
(a + 1, b + 1) E S, and (a + 2, b + 1) E S.
a) List the elements of S produced by the first four ap-
-J3lications of The recursive definition.
b) Use strong induction on the number of applications or
the recursive step of the definition to show that a ::: 2h
whenever (a, b) E S. .
c) Use structural induction to show that a S 2b when-
ever (a , b) E S.
28. Give a recursive definition of each of these sets of ordered
pairs of positive integers. [Hint: Plot the points in the sel
in the plane and look for lines containing points in the
set. ]
a) S = {(a, b) I a E Z+, bE Z+, and a + b is odd}
b) S={(a,b)laEZ+,bEZ+,andalb}
c) S={(a,b)laEZ+,bEZ+,and3Ia+b}
29. Give a recursive definition of each of these sets of or
dered pairs of positive integers. Use structural induction
to prove that the recursive definition you found is correct.
[Hint: To find a recursive definition, plot the points in the
set in the plane and look for patterns.]
a) S = {(a, b) I a E Z+, b E Z+, and a + b is even)
b) S = {(a , b) I a E Z+, b E Z+, and a or b is odd}
c) S = { (a , b) I a E Z+, b E Z+, a + b is odd, and 31 h)
30. Prove that in a bit string, the string 01 occurs at most one
more time than the string 10.
31. Define well-formed formulae of sets, variables represent-
ing sets, and operators from C U, n, -}.

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