Sobre o Alliance
Sobre o Alliance
Sobre o Alliance
quipe Achitecture des Systmes et Micro-lectronique Laboratoire dInformatique de Paris 6 Universit Pierre et Marie Curie 4, Place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
The Alliance package is a complete set of CAD tools for the specication, design and validation of digital VLSI circuits. Beside the tools, Alliance includes also a set of cell libraries, from standard cells for automatic place and route tools, to custom block generators to be used in high performance circuits. This package is used in more than 250 universities worldwide. Each Alliance tool can operate as a standalone program as well as a part of the complete design framework. After introducing briey the design methodology, we outline the functionnality of the tools. Experiemental results conclude the presentation. Alliance runs on any Unix system. It is freely available on ftp, and includes binaries, leaf cells libraries, on-line documentation, and tutorials.
The Alliance package is the result of a ten years effort spent at the former MASI Laboratory of the Pierre et Marie Curie University (UPMC), in Paris. During these years, our major goal was to provide our undergraduate and graduate students with a complete CAD framework, designed to assist them in digital VLSI CMOS course. The Architecture team at MASI focuses its activity on two key issues: computer architectures using high complexity ASICs, and innovative CAD tools for VLSI design. Strong interaction exists between the people working on computer architectures and the one working on CAD tools. The main CAD action aims at fullling both the needs of experienced designers by providing practical answers to state-of-the-art problems (logic synthesis, procedural generation, layout verication, test and interoperability), and novice designers, by providing a simple and consistent set of tools. Our VLSI design ow is therefore based on both advanced CAD tools that are not available within commercial CAD systems, such as functional abstraction or static timing analysis, and standard design/validation tools. Unlike versions of Alliance up to 3.1 that where released including sources, version 3.2 and up will not be available with the source code. Source is however still available, but only upon request to The release of the source is now subject to a non disclosure agreement.
order to allow the designers to easily port their designs from one silicon supplier to another. The main point in this approach is that the pitch matching constraints in both x and y direction are kept through technological retargetting. The translation, fully automated, relies on a technological le suited to a given process. These les can be generated directly from the process design rules. Also technological les for several processes are available through the CMP and EuroPractice services, provided you signed a NDA for the process.
1.3 Modularity
According to the interoperability constraints, each Alliance tool can operate as a standalone program as well as a part of the complete Alliance design framework. Each Alliance tool therefore supports several standard VLSI description formats : SPICE, EDIF, VHDL, CIF, GDS2. In that respect, the tools ouputs are fully usable under the Compass and Cadence Opus environnement, provided these tools have the necessary conguration les. The Alliance tools support a zerodefault top-down design methodology with not only construction tools layout editor, automatic place & route but also validation tools, from design rule checker to functional abstraction and formal proof.
1.4 Compactness
Unlike commercially available CAD systems, the Alliance CAD Framework suits the limited ressources of low-cost workstations. For small educational projects 5000 gates , a Unix system with 8 to 20 Mbytes of memory, appropriate disk storage (30 Mbytes per user), and graphic capabilities (XWindow) is sufcient.
1.5 Easiness
All tools and the proposed design ow are simple to teach and to learn. In any situation, easiness and simplicity have been prefered to sophisticated approaches. To each tool correspond a unique behavior and utility. Each step of the design methodology corresponds to the use of one or a few tools, for which the usage is well identied. From a pratical point of view, both on-line documentation (Unix man) and paper are available with each tool of the Alliance package.
Alliance design ow
We refer to the term "design ow" as a sequenced set of operations performed when realizing a VLSI circuit. In the design ow, we rely on a strict denition of all the objects and design functions 2
found in the process of designing a VLSI chip. The design ow is based on the Mead-Conway model and is characterized by its top-down aspect. Below we introduce the major steps of the basic design methodology. It emphasizes the top-down aspect of the design ow, and points out that our methodology is breaked up into 5 distinct parts, the latter being not available yet within Alliance: capture and simulation of the behavioral view, capture and validation of the structural view, physical implementation of the design, layout verication, test and coverage evaluation. The design ow also includes miscellaneous tools like layout editor for the design of the cell libraries, and a PostScript plotter for documentation.
2.4 Verication
In our VLSI class, we intend to show that VLSI verication is at least as important as VLSI physical design. For that reason, we have introduced in the design ow powerful tools to perform behavior, netlist and layout verications. The correctness of the design rules is checked using the design rule checker druc. An extracted netlist can be obtained from the resulting layout. Lynx, the layout extractor operates on both hierarchical and attened layout and can output both attened netlists (transistor netlist) and hierarchical netlists. The transistor netlist is the input of the yagle functional abstractor. Yagle provides a VHDL data-ow behavioral description, identical to the one that feeds asimut, from the transistor netlist of a circuit. The resulting behavior can be compared to the initial specications using either asimut with the functionnal vectors used for the validation of the behavioral specication, or formally proved equivalent, thanks to the formal proof analyzer proof. When extracted hierarchically, the resulting netlist can be compared with the original netlist by using the lvx tool. Lvx, that stands for Logical Versus Extracted, is a netlist comparator that matches every design object found in both netlists. The critical path of the circuit, and an estimate of its delay, can be obtained using the static timming analyzer tas.
Every Alliance tool has been designed to simply interface with each other, in order to support the proposed design ow. Nevertheless, each tool can also be used independently, thanks to the multiple standard formats used for input and output les. 4
Behavioral view
Structural view
genlib fpgen
ring bbr scr cheops dpr genlib
Physical view
Figure 1: How the tools are linked on the data structures. One of the most important characteristics of the Alliance system is that it provides a common internal data structure to represent the three basic views of a chip: the behavioral view, the structural view, the physical view. Figure 1 details how all the Alliance tools are linked together around the basic behavioral, structural and physical data structures. The process independence goal is achieved with a thin xed-grid symbolic layout approach. All the library of the system use this approach successfully. Layouts have been targetted to ES2 2m, 1.5m, 1.2m, 1.0m and 0.7m technologies, the AMS 1.2m technology and SGS-Thomson 0.5m technology. Chips have been fabricated successfully through the CMP services on these technologies.
3.1 Tools
asimut is a VHDL logic simulator. The supported VHDL subset allows both structural and behavioral data-ow description (without timing information). Complex systems and microprocessors, including INTEL 8086 and MIPS R3000 have been successfully simulated with asimut. Asimut is based on an event-driven algorithm and powerful representation of boolean functions using binary decision diagrams.
genpat is a language interpreter dedicated to efcient descriptions of simulation stimuli. It generates an ASCII le that can act as an input of asimut. A genpat le format to MSA translator allows the generation of appropriate simulation patterns for the Tektronix LV500 tester. This allows to perform functional tests when the circuits comes back from the foundry. bop is a logic optimizer and logic synthesis tool. The input le is a behavioral description of the circuit using the same VHDL subset as the logic simulator. The boolean equations described in VHDL are optimized so to minimize the number of boolean operators. The output is a new, optimized, data ow description. scmap is a logic synthesis tool. The output is a netlist of gates. scmap can map a data-ow description on any standard-cell library, as long as a VHDL data-ow description is provided with each cell. c4map is a logic synthesis tool. It has the same functionnality than scmap, but runs without a predened standard-cell library, thanks to an internal cell compiler. syf is a nite state machine synthesizer. More precisely, syf assigns values to the symbolic states used for the automaton description, and aims at minimizing the resulting logic for both state transistion and output generation. The input is a fsm description, using a dedicated subset of VHDL that includes process description. The output is a behavioral description of the circuit using the same VHDL subset as the logic simulator. The output of syf is to be synthesized into a netlsit of gates using scmap. glop is a gate level netlist optimizer. If the output of the logic synthesis takes into account the internal delays of the cells during the mapping phase, it doesnt take into account the fan-out problems. Netoptim work is to ensure that the drive capabilities of all cells are correct, and to try to minimize the delays on the critical pathes in inserting buffers where appropriate. genlib is a procedural language for netlist capture and placement description (there is no schematic editor in the Alliance system). Genlib provides a consistent set of C primitives, giving the designers the ability to describe VLSI circuit netlists in terms of terminals, signals and instances, or circuit topologies in terms of placement of abutment boxes. Genlib is mainly used to build parameterized netlist and layout generators. genview is a debugging tool for the development of the layout view of parameterized generators. It is a graphical environment that integrates a genlib interpreter, a step by step debugger, and a window in the which the circuit under construction is visualized. All the parameterized generators of Alliance have been developed using this tool. Part of the ROM generator grog under construction is shown gure ??. Genview uses the GNU gcc compiler parameterized for a virtual architecture as basis to its genlib interpreter. fpgen is a language that has moreorless the same functionalities as genlib, but it is dedicated to datapath description. Its primary difference with genlib is that it allows to manipulate vectors of cells, like 32 two inputs nand gates or a 32 bits adder. It contains many primitives that greatly simplify the description of operative parts, in an optimized manner. scr is a place and route tool for standard-cells. The placement system is based on simulated annealing. The channel router is an adaptation of the greedy router of Rivest-Fidducia. Feedthroughs and power routing wires are automatically inserted where needed. The input is a netlist of gates. The output is either an hierarchical (channels are instanciated) or attened (channels are inserted) chip core layout without external pads. A specialized router is used for core to pad routing. Dpr is a place and route tool for bit slice oriented datapath. It privilegies the direct connexions between cells, and allows to used optimized blocks, like a fast multiplier or a register le, within the datapath. Most parameterized generators available in Alliance follow the bit-slice structure of this datapath compiler. This tool allows to mix some glue logic directly within a datapath. This functionnality doesnt exist in commercial tools. 6
bbr is a gridless channel router that allows to route together two blocks having different topologies. For example the control part of a microprocessor realized in standard cell, and its operative part done as a datapath. Bbr is pretty tricky, and should be used with care. Ring is a specic router dedicated to the nal routing of chip core and input/output pads. Ring takes into account the various problems of pad placement optimization, power and ground distribution. A set of symbolic pads is included in the package. S2r is the ultimate tool used in our design ow to perform process mapping. S2r stands for "symbolic to real", and translates the hierarchical symbolic layout description into physical layout required by a given silicon supplier. The translation process involves complex operations such as denotching, oversizing, gap-lling and layer adaptation. Output formats are either CIF or GDSII. S2r requires a parameter le for each technology aimed at. This le is shared with druc, lynx, graal, dreal and genview. From an implementation point of view, these tools use a bin-based data-structure that has very good performances. druc is a design rule checker. The input le is a - possibly hierarchical - symbolic layout. It checks that a layout is correct regarding the set of symbolic design rules. This correctness must be ensured in order for s2r to produce a layout compatible with the target silicon foundry. Lynx is a layout extractor. The input is a - possibly hierarchical - layout. The layout can be either symbolic or real. The output is an extracted netlist with parasitic capacitances. The resulting netlist can either be hierarchical or attened (transistor netlist). Lvx is a logical versus extracted net-compare tool. The result of a run indicates if the two netlist match together, or if there are different. Note that lvx doesnt work at the transistor level. yagle is a functional asbtractor/disassembler for CMOS circuits. It provides a VHDL DataFlow behavioral description from the transistor netlist of a circuit, by rst extracting a pseudogate netlist, and second translating each pseudo-gate in boolean equations. The input le is a - possibly extracted - attened transistor netlist. The output is a simulable behavioral VHDL model (data-ow without timing informations). Yagle can be distinguished from commercial CAD abstractors by the fact that it does not need a predened cell library or transistor patterns. Furthermore, the use of a purely algorithmic approach compared to a pattern matching one implies a huge gain in performance. tas is a static timing analyzer. It takes as input a transistor netlist and produces a le containing all the combinatorial paths of the circuit, the critical path being outlined. proof performs a formal comparison between two data ow VHDL descriptions that share the same register set. Proof supports the same subset of VHDL as asimut, bop, scmap and yagle. graal is an hierarchical symbolic layout editor. It requires a X-Window graphical environment and the Motif libraries. Graal is used for cell layout design or hierarchical block construction. It provides an on-line DRC and automatic display of equipotential nets. Editing a cell under graal is shown gure ??. L2p creates a Postscript le from a layout, symbolic or real.
Each object in the library has, for static ones, or produces, for dynamics ones, three views at least : the symbolic layout, that describes the cell topology. the netlist, in terms of transistor interconnections. the behavior, specied in VHDL data ow form. Area loss due to the symbolic layout compared to micron design has been estimated ranging from 10% to 20%. In any case, loosing area is affordable, where loosing years is not.
3.2.1 Standard cell library The sclib library contains boolean functions, buffers, mux, latches, ip-ops, : : : (around 70 cells). All the cells have the same height, share the power and ground lines on east and west side, and have pitched I/Os in metal2 on north and south side. They are supposed to be used with a usual standard cells place and route tool, such as Alliances scr, Compass or Cadence. These cells are to be used primary for glue logic, since optimized operators can be obtained using dedicated generators, as stated paragraph 3.2.2. The logic tool can map a behaviral VHDL onto this library. The gure 3.2.1 below shows the difference between sclib and dplib regarding the shape and contents of a cell.
nwell_28 o_1
i2.1 vdd.0
f.1 vdd.1
3.2.2 Datapath libraries There are two kinds of datapath libraries: dplib is a cell library dedicated to high density data-paths. It must be used in conjunction with the data-path tools fpgen and dpr. The cells in dplib have the same functionnalities as the ones in sclib, but have a topology that is usable only within a datapath. Scmap can also map a behavior onto the dplib library. fplib is a set of above 30 regular functions that are useful in the design of a datapath. These functions range from a n inputs nand gate to a n times m register le. Here the cells share the power and ground lines in metal2. A powerful dedicated over the cell router can route custom blocks and logic glue in the same structure. Among the fplib functionnalities, four optimized blocks generators should be presented in more details, as they reect the quality of this library. All the generators are build with a tiler using a dedicated leaf cell library. Their output is a symbolic layout, a VHDL behavior, a set of pattern for test purpose, a netlist, an icon, and a datasheet indicating size and timing estimation for a given technology. The structural parameters varies according to their functionalities. optimized generators for datapath operators: rsa, a fast adder generator, with propagation time in log nb and size in nb log nb, where nb is the number of bits. Its has 2 or 3 input buses, and if needed a carry input. It may be used as a substractor or adder/substractor. Params Meaning Range nb number of bits 3 to 128 cin carry in true or false csa three inputs adder true or false ovr overow ag true or false rfg, a static register le generator. It has one write address , and one or two read address. It may be operated as a set of level-sensitive latches or edge triggered ip-ops. Params Meaning Range nb number of bits 2 to 64 nw number of words 2 to 256 bus number of read bus 1 or 2 op mode of operation latch or ipop low reduce power consumption true or false power bsg, a barrel shifter generator. Possible operations are : logical right shift arithmetical right shift logical left shift arithmetical left shift right rotation left rotation Params Meaning nb number of bits
Range 3 to 64
amg, an integer modied booth algorithm array multiplier. the x and y inputs are independent, and pipeline stages can be inserted in the circuit. Params Meaning Range nx number of bits of the x operand 8 to 64 ny number of bits of the y operand 8 to 64 ps number of pipeline stages to be inserted in the 0 to min( nx , 2 ny circuit 2 )-1 3.2.3 Custom libraries Two full-custom parameterized generators are also available. They produce stand-alone blocks, that are to be routed only at the oorplan level with other blocks, using either bbr or better xcheops. ROM and RAM generators: grog, a generic ROM generator. The interface is an address bus, a clock and an output enable signal, and a data out bus. The coding format to specify the ROM contents is a limited subset of VHDL. Params Meaning Range nb number of bits 1 to 64 nw number of words 64, 128, 256, n 512, 1 n 8 hz tri-state output true or false rage, a RAM generator. The interface has a read/write address, a write signal indicating if a read or a write is to be performed, and a clock. Params Meaning Range nb number of bits 2 to 128 nw number of words 128 to 4096 aspect aspect ratio narrow, medium or large ud unidirectional, ie share the same bus for data in true or false and out All these generators have been designed using the Alliance CAD tools, for both design and verication phases.
3.2.4 Pad library Alliance provides also a pad library. This library also uses a symbolic layout approach, and therefore a whole chip can be targeted on several technology without even the core to pad routing. A very robust approach has been enforced, as the pads are subject to electrostatic discharge, and also more sensible to latch-up than the other parts of the circuit due to the amount of current that ows through them. Chips using these pads have been fabricated on ES2 1.0m, AMS 1.2m and SGS-Thomson 0.5m technology and work as expected.
The Alliance CAD system handles many le formats. They are summarized here. A le can be either read, using a parser, or written, using a driver. Behavioral view: dataow VHDL parser and driver. Structural view: VHDL parser and driver. EDIF parser and driver. Spice parser and driver. Compass parser and driver. Alliance parser and driver. Hilo driver Physical view: Alliance parser and driver, for symbolic layout. Compass parser and driver, for symbolic layout. Modgen parser and driver, for symbolic layout. CIF parser and driver, for real layout. GDSII parser and driver, for real layout. Being able to understand and write many le formats is a must. First, in a development environment, as it allows to check the validity of tools on other CAD systems. Second, because some tools are not available or desirable within Alliance, but may be useful however: it is possible to feed an other software with a design in that situation. The experience showa that many of these formats are used daily. For example, the design that we fabricate through the CMP services are transmitted using the GDSII format. The nal DRC on these les are performed using Cadence pdverify. An other example: Alliance does not have a fault simulator yet. However this kind of tool is very useful to evaluate the fault coverage of a set of vectors and must be introduced in a VLSI class. This is hopefully easilly done using the Hilo output of Alliance that feed the hifault simulator.
The complete Alliance CAD system contains about 600 000 lines of C code, and over 600 leaf cells. It compiles and runs on most Unix system, and requires the basic X-Window library X11 plus Motif. The distribution tape shows that there are three kinds of les: common data structures and manipulation primitives. parsers/drivers to read and write external le formats. actual tools.
transistors 17 000 35 000 60 000 200 000 875 000 650 000 350 000
Functionality one bit processor for SIMD architectures dynamic data encryption chips switch-router for T800 transputerss oating-point RISC microprocessor Very Long Instruction Word processor SIMD systolic and associative processor Message router for parallel machines
Figure 4: Various chips designed with Alliance. Alliance as been developed in order to simplify cooperative work between the CAD tool designers. The existence of a common data structure framework releaves the developer of many burdens: reading and writing many le format, conceptualizing the VLSI objects, writing classical high level and nevertheless complex functions, ... All the Alliance tools share these data structures and their related functions. So each tool communicates with the other ones smoothly, by construction.
Alliance is used for both educational and research purposes. We relate our experience below.
Educational aspects
The Alliance System has been extensively used during the past eight academic years (89-97) as a practical support of two undergraduate courses: one on CMOS VLSI design, the other one on advanced computer architecture. These initiation courses lasts 13 weeks with a 2 hours lecture and 4 hours spent using the Alliance system per week, and involves 60 students and 3 teachers. The VLSI design course is for students that have no previous knowledge on VLSI design and mainly come from two distinct channels: "computer science" and "electrical engineering" masters of sciences. During this course, students are required to design and implement an AMD2901 compatible processor, starting from a commercial data-sheet. The chip, with a complexity of about 2000 transistors, is designed by groups of 2 or 3 students. The main interest in this course is to teach the design methodology. Most of the Alliance tools are used during this class. The architecture course focuses on the way processor architecture, from the system point of view and not from an implementation one. Typical CISC and RISC processors are studied, and part of them modelized using our VHDL subset. In that class, only the asimut simulator is used. Alliance is also used in an intensive graduate course, for the design of the 32 bits microprocessor dlx RISC processor 30000 transistors . This course lasts two months, and aims only at the implementation : the high level behavioral model of the processor is given to the students. During that period of time, all the Alliance tools are used.
Research projects
These projects range from medium complexity ASICs developed in 6 months by a couple of designers Data-safe, TNT, Smal, Rf264,etc...) to high complexity circuits (FRISC, Multick, StaCS, Rapid2, Rcube) developed by a team of PhD students.
The three largest circuits described in table 4 use not only standard-cells but also parameterized generators for regular blocks like RAMs, data-paths, or oating-point operators. The FRISC and TNT projects successfully used the Cadence and Compass place and route tools, and therefore prove the interoperability of the Alliance system. A picture of the StaCS processor is shown gure ??.
We are very satised to use a set of tools of our own for teaching CMOS VLSI design for two good reasons. First, we simply cant afford 50 high end workstations to run commercial CAD systems like Compass, Mentor Graphics or Cadence. Second, both the Compass and Cadence system have been used in research project at MASI. They are powerful and sophisticated environments but are much too complex for novice undergraduate students. The great advantage of the Alliance CAD system is that we have done our best to stick to the basic yet powerful concepts of VLSI design. To each tool correspond a unique functionnality, that cannot be changed or worked around by parameter les. At last, we experienced that the technology migration and process independence are key issues. Hence, it is crucial to rely on a portable library at the symbolic layout level. The Alliance package is now in use all over the world, and more than 250 sites have registered today. It is available through anonymous ftp at, under the /lip6/softs/alliance directory. There is an Alliance mailing list, where users can share their views and problems, and our team is always ready to answer questions. The address of this mailing list is The support of Alliance can be joined at