IMM Swastika

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Cross Cultural Misapprehensions over Swastika in the West

By Pankaj Rathore Ratika Kapoor Saurav Tibrewal Sunil K.Bhatia Vilok Parekh

Introduction Cross Cultural Comparison of Swastika Use of Swastika by the Nazis Causes for Change in Perception Proposed Ban on Swastika Commercial

Products Recommendations

Evolution of Swastika Said to have originated in the upper Paleothic Period i.e. 10000 BC In Neolithic Period i.e. 5000 BC, it was given the rotational symmetry It was first worshipped in the Bronze Age as a Suns Wheel Early Indian Swastika symbols were found in Lothal and Harrappa in the Indus Valley Civilization


It was used in ancient Greek, Baltic and Celtic

architecture For the First time used in Christianity in the Cross Victory of Christ over death

Cross Cultural Comparison of Swastika


It is used as a symbol of religion and well being

I. Hinduism Represents the form of Brahma Found all over Hindu Temples in the form of signs, altars, picture, iconography Most Commonly used Religious Symbol in Indian Households

II. Buddhism Swastika was brought from India to the oriental countries in 5th Century BC

It was called manji or wan in mandarin, man in Korea and van in Japan & Vietnam Meaning All Eternities The symbol of philanthropic association in China called Red Swastik Society

III. Jainism

More prominently used than in Hinduism Symbol of the 7th Jina or Saint

Cross Cultural Comparison of Swastika


Period before Nazis It was mostly used as a good luck charm, worn on medals Swastika greetings were sent for best wishes and good luck

After Nazi

Change in perception Due to popular usage, adopted by Hitler on the

new Nazi flag Became a symbol of the Ancient Aryan Race Created concept of racial purity People in the West immediately started connecting Swastika with the Nazi leading to anti Nazism

Use of Swastika by the Nazis

Adopted by the Nazi Party as the official

emblem Represented the struggle for victory by the pure Aryan race which made the Swastika the symbol of racism. High investment in Military beliefs Became a symbol of rise of Fascism( alienating democracy, liberalism and Marxism). Nazi flags bearing the Swastika was used in Jewish concentration camps and all areas of Nazi invasion

Causes for Change in Perception

Swastika was the symbol of Facism which

rejected ideologies of democracy, liberalism and marxism Swastika became the symbol of Hitlers ambition who was against capitalism and socialism. Hence, alienating the countries following these beliefs The Nazis were responsible for death of 11 million men, women and children; thus Swastika became the death symbol

Contd.. The activities of Nazis led to the break up of Germany in 1945 causing great embarrasment to a once great country

This changed the German perception towards its own political party

Proposed Ban on Swastika Commercial Products

Our Views

Swastika being the symbol of the Nazi power brings back bad memories of World War II in the west Swastika has been the religion symbol for the last 12000 years in the east Keeping cultural view points, ban on Swastika products is both justified and unjustified, depending on the cultural context

Try to avoid the Swastika symbols while

exporting to the West, keeping the cultural sensitivity in the mind Prevailing laws shall also be kept in mind The 12000th year old true meaning of Swastika has been overshadowed by the 60 year old memory

Thank you

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