Autociro: FLIGHT, September Y, 1939. A
Autociro: FLIGHT, September Y, 1939. A
Autociro: FLIGHT, September Y, 1939. A
T the m o m e n t the C40 Autogiro is not available to the public a n d , as the type is of special interest to t h e Air Ministry a n d Admiralty, no figures can be given. T h e C.40 is t h e production version of the experimental " j u m p s t a r t " models, a n d carries two people, side by side, in a semi-enclosed cabin. The machine both leaves the ground and lands without forward r u n , b u t , in the air, behaves like and is controlled in the same m a n n e r as the older C.30 t y p e , with direct control. Makers : The Cierva Autogiro Co., Ltd., London Air Park, Felt ham, Mddx. Demonstrating the new C.40 Autogiro from suitably impossible country. In this photograph the machine has just left the ground from a point beside that where the spectator is standing.
IGIN sold with modified F o r d engine, the ORlively AaLnLdY manoeuvrablea Chilton single-seater monoplane can now b e obtained with an inverted four-cylinder Train engine, which n a t u r a l l y improves the performance Span 24ft. Length 18ft. Weight empty 380/6. All-up weight 650 lb. Max. speed i^m.p.h. Cruising speed 115m.p.h. Landing speed 35m.p.h. Initial rate of climb .. i . o o o f l . / m m . Standard range 400miles. Price 375 With the 44 h.p. Train engine the little Chilton single-seater is even tidier than the Ford-engined prototype. Work has been in progress on the building of a twoseater Chilton. This is a side-by-side seater cabin monoplane to be fitted with a W a l t e r Mikron engine or other unit of similar power a n d weight. T h e designers h a v e concen-
very considerably. I t is a low-wing cantilever monoplane of all-wood construction a n d is fitted with large-area split trailing edge flaps. T h e figures below are for t h e Trainengined version. A version was shortly to h a v e been fitted with a Continental flat-four of 50 h . p . a n interesting combination.
trated on providing ample room for the two occupants, with especially good all-round visibility. N o figures are yet available. Makers : Chilton Aircraft, Hungerford, Berks.
HTHE Moth Minor, which is now -*- in full production, m a y b e described as the logical successor to the D . H . Moth. I t is a n all-wood cantilever low-wing monoplane, fitted with the new Gipsy Minor engine of 90 h . p . T h e two occupants are seated in t a n d e m , with the pilot in the front seat. T h e Minor is stressed for aerobatics a n d is intended as an inexpensive t y p e for training and touring. In d u e course a cabin version will be ready for production.
Moth Successor : The new D.H. Moth Minor, which is an inexpensive machine for touring and training. It is normally flown from the front seat.
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