AeroModeller Model Maker Plans Handbook 1963
AeroModeller Model Maker Plans Handbook 1963
AeroModeller Model Maker Plans Handbook 1963
T h e A E R O M O D E L L E R — e a g e rly a w a ite d e v e ry m o n th by
tho usan ds o f e n th u s ia s ts a ll o v e r th e g lo b e — is th e w o rld 's
p r e m ie r m o d e l a e ro n a u tic a l m a gazine . E ve ry issue is
w ith in fo r m a tio n on th e la te s t typ e s o f m o d e l
e ro p la n e s, w h e th e r g lid e rs , die se l-e n g in e d , ru b b e r-d riv e n ,
c o n tro l-lin e , o r ra d io -c o n tro lle d . U p -to -th e -m in u te designs
in re c e n t e d itio n s in c lu d e d e lta s, d u c te d fans,
h e lic o p te rs , w o r ld re c o rd h o ld e rs — a h o st o f b e a u ti-
d ra w n plans e n a b lin g a n yone to b u ild e x a c t re p lic a s o f
o r w in n in g m o d e ls. S pecial a rtic le s and designs
a re re g u la r ly fe a tu re d , and e ve ry issue
one fu ll-s iz e plan , e n a b lin g a m o d e l t o be b u ilt
o u t o f th e b o o k. A c c u ra te th re e -v ie w d ra w in g s o f
fu ll-s iz e a ir c r a ft, h is to r ic a ir c r a ft o f th e tw o w a rs
b e tw e e n , plu s o th e rs o f spe cia l in te re s t, a re
and e n jo y a w o rld -w id e re p u ta tio n a m o n g s t
The A rt o f C overing.............. 22
Auto Rudders .............. ... 94
Doping and Finishing 23
Plastic Moulding .............. ... 100
International Model Requirements 36
46 Aircraft Radio Control ... 102
Team Racing Requirements ...
52 Hull Construction ... 146
Trimming for F lig h t..............
S8 Use o f L in e s ......................... 148
Buildmg from P la n s ..............
70 D/T Safety Devices .............. ... 152
Operating Glow Plug Engines
P lan s
Flying Scale Power 12 Unorthodox Designs 89;133
Flying Scale Rubber 24 Radio Control Models 91; 96
Flying Scale Gliders and Jetex 29 “ Favourite” Series ..............
Control Line Scale .............. 30 Racing Yachts.......................... ... 106 THE FAMOUS A.P.S. & M.M.P.S. P U N S
Control Line, Stunt 36 Sailing Craft .............. ... 112
Control Line. Combat 42
Control Line, Speed.............. . 43 Power Boats .............. 115. 130. 134 TO HELP YOU TO BUILD AND
Controi Line. Team Racers ... 44 H yd ro p la n e s......................... ... 126
Control Line, Rat Racers 45 Airscrew Driven Hydroplanes ... 128 OPERATE BETTER MODELS
Waterplanes .............. 47 Model Cars ......................... ... 136
Sports F/F Power .............. 49; 54 Space M o de ls......................... ... 140
Contest F»F Power .............. 59 I.C. Engines .......................... ... 142
A irfoil Sections .............. 64 Steam Engines .............. 142 Published b y :
Open Class G lid e r s ............. 66 Miscellaneous ... 142
A/1 Gliders .................................. 72 Racing Model Cars .............. ... 143
... 144
A/2 Gliders ....................... 73 Prototype Car Plans
Rubber Models ....................... 78 Norman Ough Warship Drawings 151 38 Clarendon Road. Watford, Herts.
Solid Scale Plans ....................... 84 Marine Miniatures .............. ... 153 This catalogue supersede! all previous Ittues.
Tailless Gliders 87 Books for M odellers.............. ... 154
Autogyros & Helicopters 90 Order Form .............. ... 159
always been the most popular in Ů.S.A.)
ONCE again it is our pleasant task to
present a revised PLANS HAND has meant that a shon introduction to their OVERSEAS SUPPLIERS
BOOK. A number of changes have been use should be welcomed. Some other
made; many new plans have been added articles are purely pictorial—but tell their A U S T R A L IA
to the range and this has meant that some stories adequately. Central Aircraft Co (Pty) Ltd .
designs offered in previous editions have Our plans, books and magazines are in 8 Princes Walk.
demand throughout the world and we Melbourne. C .l, Victoria.
been omitted where interest in that par
ticular style of model may have waned, or regularly supply enthusiasts everywhere, NEW ZEALAND
later productions are improved versions so that our mail is something of a stamp-
Modelair Ltd.,
which have ousted the original design. collectors’ delight. We have added below 322/4 Broadway.
However, we would mention that master some of our principal distributors, but we Newmarket, Auckland.
tracings have been retained and we can shall be delighted to open accounts with
always supply virtually any model plan model shops of good standing anywhere
which has ever been in our list. We have in the world where currency regulations N O R T H A M E R IC A
also taken the opportunity of adding addi permit, or to channel such enquiries to a Eastern News Distributors Inc.,
tional articles of general interest to start local main supplier. By and large, this 255 Seventh Avenue.
our readers on the right lines. The growing HANDBOOK will go mainly to the New York I. N.Y.
interest in radio control has made the ordinary modelling fan, and we would Los Angeles Magazine & Hobby Co..
somewhat longer features on that subject conclude with the advice repeated through 9587 Jenny Avenue.
imperative, whilst a more general use of out the book to choose designs within Los Angeles 45. California.
glow engines in this country (they have your present ability to be sure of success.
or inadequate addressing. B. Beckman & Co.. AB.
Postal Orders / Cheques / International Jakobsgatan 24.
HOW TO ORDER Money Orders should be made payable to Stockholm C., Sweden.
Please use chc official Order Form "Model Aeronautical Press Ltd.*', and
provided in this book, and always quote crossed.
the following vital details: CODE LETTER A ll orders value 10s. Od. and over are MAGAZINE TRADE
PRINT your name and full address TO COVER POSTAGE AND PACKING.
clearly in block capitals at both top and Book orders require Is. Od. extra to Argus Press Ltd..
bottom of Order Form. Neither we nor cover cost o f special packing and postage 19 T u d o r Street, London. E.C.4.
the G.P.O. can accept responsibility for for titles up to and including 12s. 6d.
packages lost or delayed through incorrect Above that POST FREE.
"R eir Disc"
Talte or
i/«fir pieh !
Put the rig/t? engine in your A.P.S.
designed model and you will have Grading the World’s engines so that It will be found that many diesels equal
the perfect combination for many due allowance be made for differences glowplug engines of larger capacity, that
hours of model living. tn characteristics and power output has the “point-five” sue diesels are divided,
meant that no less than fourteen classes and that the method of mounting is also
Is y o l k engine going to help you select are used to segregate the vast range from defined. “ Radial” mounting generally
your next model ?—or arc you selecting .15 to 26 c.c. The classes arc lettered implies an engine with a front rotary
a design and then buying an engine to from A to O and to find the grading for induction valve via the crankshaft.
su it' Either way. this table of the your particular engine, just follow· the Such an engine may require slight modi
World’s model engines, the majority of line against its name until you reach the fication to your A.P.S. selection since the
which are in full scale production this “power coding” column. majority of British power units are
year, will help you take your pick. In each caption to Aeromodeller Beam” mounted. Alteration is simple
The old scheme of dassitying engine Plans Service power driven designs, in every case when beams are specified
utility against its capacity used to serve equivalent code letterings arc included on the plan. First measure the distance
as a standard yardstick—until engine between the plan number and its price. from the rear of the propeller to the rear
design unfolded new techniques, new For exampie:- face of the “Radial” engine mount and
power levels. For example, there are indicate this on the plan with a vertical
B I-P L A r line on the side view. This will be the
some 1.5 c.c. diesels equal in usefulness PET 582 C.D.E 4 (,
to others of 2.5 capacity. Conversely posiuon of your new “Radial” bulkhead
there are 2.5 c.c. engines with “slogging'’ This is an exceptional example capable and the beams should be sawn off flush
power at lower revs per minute, that of taking a wide range of power units; to allow a key to be made with the i-in.
equal much larger engines for use in a but we quote it because giving more than plywood radial mount.
sport model, yet fall below requirements one code letter means that all engines Should die design be a profile type,
lor 2.5 c.c. when employed for a contest with these quoted codes will be suitable for example P E T 4 9 9 S T O M P E R
model. and capacity is more or less disregarded. a bulkhead can be attached directly to
the front of the fuselage, the existing beams once a popular item in even- model shop design to that particular mounting, for
deleted, and block balsa tillers used to and nowadays a rather neglected feature. modification is still possible with a
streamline and support the engine mount Every A.P.S. design can be converted minimum of ingenuity. Likewise, engines
ing. If the design calls for radial from beam to radial in this way, but de with rear disc R.D.) induction, such as the
mounting then one must first consider signs that specifically call for one or E.D. 2.46 c.c. “ Racer” call for additional
whether beams are at all possible A tank other of Beam or Radial mounting are clearance immediately behind the engine
or structure of some importance may duly captioned, for example PE T 453 to allow access to the carburettor.
prevent a full set of beam mounts being Fokker D .R .l, which is “Radial” or
inserted through the existing bulkhead. U.488 Jum ping Jim inv, which is “ Beam”. P ropeller Selection
In such cases, use metal angle hearers, This docs not necessarily restrict the Against each engine there are three
sizes of propeller. These are basic dimen
sions derived from practice in the field,
contest flying, sports flying and designer’s
INSERT N E * BULKHEAD advice. Use the size given if you have
T0NGUED ONTO SHORTENED any doubt on your own selection—and
remember—large airframes .72 in. for
2.5 c.c.) require an extra inch in prop
diameter, keeping advised pitch, and
ADO RADIAL MOUNT smaller airframes 48 in. for 2.5 c.c.)
BULKHEAD JOINTED can be cut by as much as half an inch
Gear the pitch of your prop against
the rate of climb and engine r.p.m. 4 in.
BEAM MOUNT FROM pitch for a fasr climbing contest model
RADIAL ADD EXTRA and 12,000-13,000 r.p.m. engine) or
If BULKHEAD Í FIT step up the pitch for slower sports models
(6 in. pitch for 7,000-9,000 r.p.m.). A good
up is to lit the prop back to front" lor
first test flights when full thrust is not
Above all: mount your engine firmly,
MOUNT Í BALSA FAIRING treat it with the respect it deserves and
give it a fair chance—you can always
rely on the A.P.S. design to make full
use of the power it develops.
W O R L D ’S M O D E L E N G IN E S (excluding Soviet Product»)
Cylinder RECOM e
p 2 RANGE IN G * _c
cc cu. in». * Λ Sport Contest c / l
B R IT IS H ...............
B R IT IS H A llb o n B am bi
15 009 21 25 75 10-14000 4x2 R or B 9/16 FR A
K a lp e r ...............
32 019 251 402 875 9-11000 5x3 — — B 11/16 SP
FR E-D. Baby
E.D Baby 47 028 312 37S 1 4 10-12000 5x3 6x3 6x3 B i
FR Frog SO ...............
Frog SO 49 030 343 33 1 25 11-13000 6x3 6x3 6x4 B i
FR A llb o n D a rt.
55 036 35 35 1 25 9-14000 7x4 6x3 6x4 R or B I I 16
6x4 FR E lfin S ...............
E lfin .5 536 0327 329 385 IS 10-12000 6x4 6x4 R
034 350 356 6-I60C0 7x4 5x6 6x* 1116 FR A .5. 55
A S 55 566 1 5 B
RR C o b ra 049
799 0487 406 376 4 8-16000 6x4 6x3 6x4 B i
6x4 FR A M. 049
A -M 049 83 0506 421 364 1 75 9-13000 6x3 6x4 B
FR D. C. B an tam
762 0465 410 352 1 s 10-18000 6x3 5x3 6x4 B 11/16
6x4 6x4 FR Frog 049 ...
F rog 049 808 0492 400 392 1 8 8-15000 6x3 B
FR Frog 80 M k II
F rog 80 M k II 80 049 400 392 19 7-14000 7x4 6x4 6x6 B
047 SP M ills P 75 ...............
M ills P 75 75 335 .516 2 6 12000 8x4 7x4 6x6 B i
FR A llb o n M e rlin
76 047 375 420 1 75 9-14000 8x4 7x4 6x6 R or B 13 16
SP A m c o .87 ................
A m c o .87 87 053 375 5 1 75 7-9000 8x4 8x4 7x6 B 13 16
FR A llb o n S p itfire
A llb o n S p itfire 975 059 425 42 3 9-12000 9x4 8x4 7x6 R or B
RD E. D. Bee
E D. Bee 98 059 437 420 2 75 8-11000 9x4 8x4 7x6 B
8x4 FR Frog 100 M k. II
Frog 100 M k. II 1 02 062 416 460 3 6-14000 8x5 7x5 B
A M . 10 1 0 061 426 430 3 11-14000 8x4 7x4 7x6 B FR AM. 10 .........
97 059 424 420 8x4 FR M.E. H e ro n
M.E. H e ro n 2 4 7-14000 7x6 7x6 B
09 500 460 9x4 7x4 8x4 116 RD Frog V ip e r
Frog V ip e r 1 48 Η 8-16000 B
09 500 460 8x4 7x4 7x6 1 16 RD Frog V en o m
Frog V en o m 1 48 3 75 8-12000 B
09 FR P A W . 1.49
P A W 1 49 1 473 494 469 3 S 7-18000 9x4 7x4 7x6 B
FR O liv e r T ig e r C u b II
O liv e r T ig e r C ub II 1 46 089 4659 523 ** 7-17000 9x4 8x4 3*4 B
1 49 092 500 462 7x4 RD E.D. S uper Fu ry
E.D. S uper Fu ry 3 75 8-17000 9x4 7x6 B
M ills 1.3 1 33 081 406 625 3 25 5-8000 9x5 9x4 8x6 B SP M ill» 13
RD E.D. H o rn e t
E D H o rn e t 1 45 085 531 4 3 25 9-13000 9x5 8x4 8x6 B
E.D. F u ry 090 5 468 8x4 RR E.D. Fury
1 5 3* 8-14000 9x5 8x6 B
A M. IS 1 48 089 517 430 8x4 7x6 FR A M 15
3 7-15000 9x5 B
FR J.B. A to m
J.B A to m 1 47 09 536 397 3 12 8-10000 8x4 7x4 7x6 R or B 15 16
F rog 149 & 150 1 49 091 5 46 8x4 8x6 R or B FR. RR Frog 149 & 150
3 25 11-14000 9x5
E lfin 1.49 1 49 091 503 466 8x4 FR E lfin 1.49
2 6 ll-UOOO 9x6 8x6 B ί
E lfin 1.49 BB 091 RR E lfin 1.49 BB
1 49 503 46 4 10-15000 9x6 8x4 8x6 B
FR E A llb on Ja velinA S ab re
AllbonJavelinSr Sabre 1 49 091 525 42 3 10-12000 8x6 8x4 8x6 8
E lfin 1.8 PB 1 8 NO 505 562 FR F E lfin 13 PB
3 25 8-12000 10x6 9x4 8x6 R
E lfin 1.8 BB RD F E lfin 1.8 BB
1 8 110 503 562 4 1 8-14000 10x6 8x4 8x6 B
E.D. C o m p . Special 2 0 122 5 625 SP E E.D. C o m p . S pecial
5 75 6-8000 10x6 8x6 8x8 B 'i
A lie n -M e rc u ry 25 2 4 147 57 562 4 8x4 r FR G A lle n M e rc u ry 25
10-13000 10x6 9x6 B
E.D. Racer 2 46 IS 59 55 5 4 10-15000 10x6 9x4 9x6 B RD G E.D. Racer
W O R L D 'S M O D E L E N G IN E S (excluding Soviet Products)
Cylinder RECOM.
* 1
RANGE IN G · • 1c
cc. cu. ms. Sport Contest C L
2 46 15 578 570 5 8-13000 9x6 8x4 9x6 B 1 1/16 RD G D.C. A llb o n Rapier
Elfin 2.49 PB & BB 2 48 t5 554 625 3 4 9-IJC X 10x6 8x4 8x6 B or R FR. RR G Elfin 2.49 P B & BB
Frog 249 2 4? . 151 58 568 6 8-16000 11x6 10x4 9x6 B 1 1 16 FR G Frog 249
2 49 152 578 578 8-17000 10x6 9x4 9x6 B FR G Rivers Sil. S treak II
P A W 2.49 III 2 46 IS 592 532 S 8-17000 10x6 8x4 9x6 B FR G P A W . 2.49 III
O liv e r T ig e r III . . 2 424 1479 SSI 620 S5 8-16000 9x6 8x4 8x6 B FR G O liv e r T ig e r III
E TA 15 2 48 15 558 620 5 75 8-18000 9x6 8x4 9x6 B 1 18’ RD G ETA IS
P A W . I9D 3 128 1912 642 590 5 5 7-16000 10x4 8x4 8x6 B FR H P .A.W . I9D
3 46 211 607 642 7* 8-17000 10x6 8x5 9x6 B li' FR H Rivers S il. A rrw 3.5
Frog 3 49 3 43 2C9 666 600 6 S 8-14000 10x4 9>6 9*6 B RD G Frog 3.49
ETA 19 M k 2 3 254 1985 640 617 4 5 9-18000 9x6 8x4 8x6 8 RD H ETA 19 M k 2
D.C. Tornado 4 972 303 567 585 10 8-14000 11x4 9x6 9x8 R J D .C T ornado
3 42 2C9 687 562 4 25 10-12000 11x6 10x4 10x6 R or B 1 FR H A m co 3.5 PB
3 42 209 687 562 5 5· I0-I3GC0 11x6 10x4 10x6 B IJ RD H A m co 35 BB
3 42 209 687 562 4 5 10-14000 11x5 9x4 9x6 B 1 FR H A lie n -M e rcu ry 35
3 43 209 587 562 5 5 8-IICOD llx ó 10x6 10x8 B H H D.C. Manxm an
3 46 211 656 625 6 5 8-HCOO 12x6 10x5 10x6 e li RD H E.D. H u n te r
4 92 3 781 625 10 8-14000 12x6 10x4 10x6 B 1 5 16 RD J M iles Special
ETA 29 (glow ) 4 95 3 75 .672 6 5 10-14000 10x6 9x5 9x6 B li RD J ETA 29 (g lo w )
4 95 3 75 68 7 75 7-110» 11x6 10x4 9x6 R or B li FR J Frog 500 (g lo w )
M crco 35 $ 794 353 800 703 7 5 8-I6COO 11x6 ICx4 ICx6 B 1 5/16 FR L M erco 35
T a p lin T w in 6 920 420 6S6 621 15 6-10000 10x8 — 10x8 B IJ FR J Ta plin T w in
2 47 IS 59 55 4.75 8-13000 11x6 8x4 9x6 8 I* FR G Typhoon R250
Typhoon IV 4 82 29 74 66 8 75 9-14000 12x3 10x4 10x6 B li RD J Typhoon IV
O skar 150 1 5 09 S 46 3 9-12000 10x5 8x4 8x6 B ί RD F O skar 150
A ero 2S0 2 47 IS 59 55 4 5 8-13000 11x6 9x4 9x6 B I* FR G A ero 250
.5 030 33 33 1 34 10-15000 6x4 6x3 5x6 R FR B Super T ig re 28
8 43 33 43 1 SI 10-14000 6x4 6x4 6x6 R FR Super T ig re 29
95 C59 43 40 2 S 8-14000 8x4 6x4 6x6 B or R FR Super T ig re 25
B arbin i B 38 99 061 4 43 2 10-!3000 9x4 8x4 6x6 B arbim 8.38
Super T ig re 22 1 23 072 495 395 1 75 7-12000 6x6 7x4 7x6 8 1 FR E Super T ig re 22
1 49 051 52 43 3 e-!40oo 9x6 8x4 8x6 B or R Super T ig re 26
2 46 59 55 4 8-14000 9x5 8x3 i 8x6 B Γ FR G Super T ig re 20 & 23
2 482 1514 591 552 6 8 - i 6000 10x4 8x4 8x6 B G Super T ig re G20D
2 47 IS 57 59 4 8-12000 9x4 8x3* 8x6 8 FR G B arbin i B.40
3 28 19 59 64 5 S 8-I4CO0 11x6 10x4 9x6 B or R FR H Super T ig re 27
Super T ig re 19 A 21 4 82 25 75 67 8 5 8-12000 11x6 10*4 9*6 B 1i Super T ig re 19 & 21
9 81 604 98 79 14 9-16000 14,4 10x6 11x8 8 RD Super T ig re 24
Penna .............. 10 0 607 1 015 75 9-16000 14x4 10x6 11x8 B Penna
•D e fin itio n s : R radu B beam. FR fro n t rotary. SP Ud«port RD rear disc RR car r « c
Dimensions w ith B are for distance in inches between bearers fcranWcase clearance) for Beam mounting.
W O R L D 'S MODEL E N G I N E S (e xclu d in g So v ím Product«)
e f RANGE ING· J 25
cc cu ins. £ 5 Sport Contest C/L
Cox Tee Dee 010 163 010 237 226 i 16-34000 3J" supplied. R FR B Cox Tec Deo 010
Cox 3 i' x 2 }' three
Cox Tee Dee 020 327 0199 300 282 .85 13-23000 Blade or Cox *x2i* R FR B Cox Tcc Dee 020
K & B Infart 327 020 281 331 1 12-15000 5x2 5x2 R FR A K & B Infxnt
O K Cub 6 039 39 336 li 11-16000 54x4 54x4 R FR B OK Cub
Baby Spitfire 72 0*5 375 406 1 10-13000 t : 6x3 6x3 R FR C Baby Spitfire
OK Cub (glow & D) 8 049 420 36 It 9-I4C00 6x4 5x4 5x4 9 r or R FR C OK Cub (glow & D)
Atwood 8 049 420 36 li 9-14000 6x4 51x3 54x3 R FR C Atwood
Holland Wasp 8 049 420 36 9-I4COO 6x4 54x3 S43x R FR c Holland Wasp
Holland Hornet 795 048 422 35 2 8-15000 6x4 51x3 54x3 R FR c Holland Hornet
K & B Torpedo 8 049 396 406 |X 10-15000 5x3 5x3 5x3 R FR c K & B Torpedo
McCoy Diesel 8 049 405 386 |i 7-15000 7x6 6x4 6x6 R FR c McCoy Diesel
Wen-Mac 8 049 42 37 |X 9-16000 6x3 5x3 5x3 9 f or R FR c Wen-Mac
Thermal Hopper 8 049 406 366 |1 11-18000 6x3 5x3 5x3 R RR c Thermal Hopper
Co* Babe Bee 81 0494 406 362 ji 12-16000 6x4 6x4 6x4 R RR c Cox Babe Bee
Cox Golden Bee 81 0494 406 362 |1 10-17000 6x4 6x3 6x4 R P.R c
Royal Baby B 049 396 406 li 10-15000 6x4 6x3 6*3 B FR c Royal Baby
Allyn Skyfury 6 049 420 36 li 9-14000 6x4 54x3 54x3 R FR c Allyn Shyfury
Atwood 83 051 420 37 9 14000 6x4 51x3 S}x3 R FR c Atwood
Royal Spitfire 1 06 065 44 420 |i 8-12000 7x4 6x4 6x6 a FR D Royal Spitfire
OK Cub 1 21 074 479 415 i| 10-13000 7x4 6x4 6x4 3 i ' or R FR D OK Cub
O K Cub (Diesel) 1 23 075 48 415 2 7-12000 8.4 7x3 7x6 9 1* or R FR E OK Cub (Diesel)
OK Cub 16 09 51 S 2 8-13000 8x4 7x3 7x6 8 1· or R FR D OK Cub
McCoy Diesel 1 61 09 5 5 2 6 7-12000 9xS 8x4 8x6 B 5/16* FR E McCoy Diesel
Arden 16 09 495 516 2 6 8-12000 8x4 7x4 6x6 R FR D Arden
Fox 09 1 639 099 530 453 3 8-16000 7x4 6x4 6x6 Ror B SP D Fox 09
Fox 15 2 415 147 593 537 4 9-16000 9x4 8x4 8x6 B 1* FR G Fox IS
K & B ISR 2 485 1516 599 537 4 9 10-18000 9x3 8x4 8x6 B I** FR G K & B ISR
Cox Olympic IS 2 423 1478 585 55 4 10-19000 9x4 8x3 6x6 B 1* RR G Co* Olympic IS
Cox Tee Dee 15 2 449 1494 585 556 4 10 -i6000 9.4 8x4 8x6 B 15/16 FR G Co* Tee Dee IS
O K Cub 2 45 14 6 530 2 75 9-15000 9x3 7x6 9 IJ* or R FR F OK Cub
K & B Torpedo 2 43 15 595 535 3 75 10-14000 9x3 S t 7x6 9 1* or R FR G K & B Torpedo
OK Cub 3 25 19 655 59 3 11-13000 9x6 8x4 8x6 3 l i ' orR FR G OK Cub
OK Bantam 3 25 19 656 59 H 9-12000 10x6 9x4 8.6 8 1* RD H OK Bantam
Arden 3.25 19 635 625 4 16 8-12000 10x4 8x4 6x6 R FR H Arden
Vcco 3 25 19 63S 63 6 11-14000 11x6 9x6 9x8 B FR J Vcco
K & B Torpedo 3 25 19 64 62 Si II-14CO0 11x6 9x6 9x8 9 li' FR J K & B Torpedo
McCoy 3 25 19 625 630 4 10-14000 MxS 8x4 8x6 8 FR H McCoy
Cameron 3 25 19 64 62 5 6-14000 10x6 9x4 9*6 3 li' FR H Cameron
Fox 3 25 19 65 6 44 11-12000 10x6 9*6 10x6 B H' FR J Fox
K&8 3 75 23 63 62 56 II-I4CO0 11x6 9x6 9x8 B 1 3,16* FR J K&B
Ohlsson 3 75 23 687 625 5 6-12000 11*5 9x4 8x8 a ii' FR H Ohlsson
Fox 4 09 .25 738 .6 41 * 8-14000 11x6 10x4 9x6 B FR J Fox
Ohlsson 4 9 29 76 660 5 7-11000 11x5 10x4 9x6 9 FR H Ohlsson
K & B Torpedo 4 9 29 725 724 7y 8-13000 MxS 10x4 10x6 B li' FR J K & B Torpedo
McCoy ... 49 29 75 672 6 11-14000 10x8 9x6 9x8 B RD J McCoy
W O R L D 'S MODEL E N G IN E S (excluding Soviet Products)
Cylinder RECOM
£ o
cc cu. ms. <2 X S port Contest C L
D a v id A n d e rs o n ... 2 46 15 551 630 Si 6-12000 11x6 9x4 9x6 B FR D a v id A n d e rs o n
T a ip a n I.S 1 500 091 511 453 3Λ 7-16000 8x4 7x4 7x6 FR E T a ip a n 1.5
B urTord S abre 15 1 42 091 503 466 3 8-12000 9x6 8x4 7x6 R FR E B u r fo rd S abre 15
S abre 250 2 46 IS 55 620 4* 8-14000 10x6 9x4 8x6 B 1' o r R FR G S abre 250.
T a ip a n 2.5 BR 2 506 1529 576 587 Si 8-16000 9x4 8x4 8x6 B I I 16- FR G Taipan 2.5 BR
G lo -C h .e f 19 3 30 1994 640 620 8-16000 9x6 9x4 9x6 B FR H G lo -C h ie f 19
G lo -C h ie f 29 4 92 30 739 700 7* 8-17000 11x4 9x6 10x6 B If FR i G lo -C h ie f 29
B u rfo rd S abre 19 3 27 19 64 620 6 9 -4 0 0 0 10x6 9x6 9x8 B FR H S abre 19
S abre 49 8 2 49 89 79 8 9-13000 11x8 10x6 10x6 B FR L S abre 49
• D e fin itio n s : R radtal. B beam. FR fro n t rotary SP sideport- RD rear disc RR rear reed.
Dim ensions w ith B are fo r distance In inches between bearers (crankcase clearance) fo r Beam mounting.
• Also available m FR (Front Rotary) versions.
W O R LD 'S M O D E L ENGINES (excluding Soviet Products)
Cylinder RECOM
á 1
cc cu. Ins. Sport Contest C/L
W ilo Boy .71 043 394 354 6-12000 8x4 7x4 6x6 R FR C W ilo Boy
W ebra Piccolo 78 049 .41 35 4 8-14000 8x4 7x4 6x6 R FR c W ebra Piccolo
WAF 1 98 060 402 472 2* 8-12000 8x4 7x4 6x6 B FR D WAF 1
BW M 100 98 060 433 4C5 h 8-12000 8x4 7x4 6x6 B or R FR D BW M 100
Taifun Hobby & RS 99 060 424 43 2 7-13000 8x4 7x4 6x4 B FR. RR D Taifun Hobby & RS
W ilo Fox 1 36 082 472 472 2f 8-13000 9x6 8x4 7x6 R FR E W .lo Fox
Taifun Record 1 49 09C .512 441 8-12000 9x6 8x4 7x6 B FR E Tamfun Record
BW M 150 ! 49 09C .5 *61 H 8-12000 9x6 8x4 7x6 B or R FR E BW M 150
W ebra Record 1 48 099 512 453 3 8-14000 9x6 8x4 8x6 B or R FR F
Taifun H u rrika n 1 51 092 S07 457 3 8 10-14000 8x5 7x4 7x6 BΓ RR F Taifun H u rrika n
W ebra 1.7 glow 1.7 10 .513 515 9-13000 8x4 7x4 7x6 B 15/16· FR E W ebra 1.7 glow
W ilo 245 2 45 149 61 512 3V 7-13000 10x6 9x4 9x6 B FO F W ilo 245
W ebra Mach. 1 2 47 15 .61 51 11-14000 10x6 8x4 8x8 B RD G W ebra Mach. 1
BWM 250D 2 47 15 56 64 sj 8-10000 11x4 10x4 9x6 B FR F BW M 250D
W ebra W in n e r 2 46 .15 56 64 8-12000 10x6 9x4 9x6 B or R FR G W ebra W inner
Jaguar 2 47 15 59 55 5 7-10000 11x4 9x6 9x6 B FR F Jaguar
M etro 2.47 IS 59 5S 4 7-10000 11x4 9x6 9x6 B FR F M etro
Taifun Tornado 2.47 .15 59 55 H 8-14000 10x6 8x4 9x6 B FR G Taifun Tornado
W ilo Pony 2 47 IS 59 55 3} 8-12000 10x6 9x6 9x8 B FR G W ilo Pony
Taplin Blizzard 2.477 151 593 547 8-16000 9x6 8x5 8x6 BΓ RR G Taifun Blizzard
W ebra Kom et 2 454 175 551 627 4 9-15000 9x4 8x6 8x6 B I** FR G W ebra Kom et
W ebra Bully 3 416 208 650 627 H 8-13000 9x6 9x6 9x6 B !±* FR G W ebra Bully
Taifun Bison 3 629 2214 631 703 6 8-15000 9x6 9x* 8x6 B FR H Taifun Bison
Taifun 3.5 .............. 3 44 210 65 61 H 9-13000 11x6 10x6 9x8 B FR H Taifun 3-5 ...
M icron ............. 8 04 .4 4 2 5-10000 8x4 7x4 6x6 B $P D M icron ..............
Maraget 9 053 406 48 2 5-10000 8x6 8x4 6x6 B SP D Maraget
Maraget Meteore . 15 093 SI 48 8-13000 10x5 9x4 8x6 R FR E Maraget Meteore
Lc Simoune HR 15 I.S 093 .51 48 2J 6 10000 9x6 8x4 8x6 B { ' or R FR E Le Simoune HR 15
Meteore 2 47 15 59 551 4 9-14000 10x6 9x* 9x6 B i* FR G Meteore
REA 4 79 29 74 66 6 8 12000 10x6 10x4 9x6 B FR H REA
M icron 28 5 305 74 68 6 9-14000 10x6 10x4 9x6 B FR H M icron 28
M icron 29 5 305 .74 68 7* II-I400C 10x5 9x5 9x6 B RD J M icron 29
M icron 10 ............ 10 60 95 86 8 9-13000 11x6 10x6 10x8 B FR K M icron 10 ..............
Alag X-4 1.517 0925 .512 0*4 2+ 8-16000 8x4 7x4 7x6 Bi' FR E Alag X-4
M oki S-2 2 465 1503 590 550 5 10-19000 9x4 8x4 8x6 B l* · FR G M oki S-2 ............
Kastor 2 48 15 554 625 5 8-14000 10x6 8x4 8x6 R FR G Kastor ..............
A m ro .............. 10 .607 1.015 .75 14 9-16000 14x6 10x6 11x8 B RD N A m ro ..............
W O R L D 'S MODEL E N G IN E S (excluding Soviet Products)
C ylin d e r RECOM
(o a )
1 1 RANGE IN G *
cc. cu. ins. S port C o nte st C /L
B yra 1 5 09! 494 455 31 10-13000 9x4 7x4 7x6 B 15/16' RD F B y ra ................
B y ra 2 47 15 .56 .64 Ή 8-14000 10x6 9x4 8x6 B Γ RD G B y ra ................
F u ji 8 049 402 4 1 8-9000 6x4 51x3 6x4 B or R FR B F u ji ............................
K o D ie se l 8 049 .420 36 2 9-14000 6x4 S i*J 6x5 R FR C K o D ie se l
K o D ie se l . . 1.6 099 51 5 3 9-14000 8x4 6x4 6x6 R or B FR E K o D ie se l
O S D ie se l 1 5 095 5 49 3 8-12000 8x4 6x4 6x6 B RD D O S D ie se l
F u ji 1 6 099 5 5 21 9-12000 8x4 7x3 7x6 R or B FR D F u ji ...........................
H ope 16 099 .5 .5 >1 8-14000 8x4 7x3 7x6 B FR D Hope
K O G lo w 1 6 099 49 51 2 8-14000 8x4 7x3 7x6 B FR D K O G lo w
M a m iy a . . 1 6 099 5 5 1} 8-14000 8x4 7x3 7x6 B FR D M a m iy a
O S P et 1 61 098 529 448 21 8-15000 8x4 8x3 7x6 B FR E O S P et
E nya 09-11 ... 1.60 0978 .500 498 31 7-15000 8x4 7x4 7x6 B FR E E nya 09-11
E nya I5 D M k II 2 448 149 589 547 7-17000 10x6 8x4 8x6 B 1 3/16' FR G E nya I5 D M k II
M ax OS 2 5 15 597 540 31 10-14000 9x4 8x3y 8x6 a 15/16 FR G M a x OS
K O D ie se l 2 5 15 59 55 4 8-14000 10x6 9x6 9x6 B FR G K O D ie se l
F u ji 15 2 .5 15 59 .55 4 8-14000 10x5 8x4 8x6 B FR G F u ji IS
M a m iy a 15 ... 2 5 .15 577 56 4 8-14000 10x5 8x4 8x6 B FR G M a m iy a IS
M a m iy a 3.25 19 625 630 31 9-15000 10x5 9x4 9x6 B FR G M a m iy a
KO 3 25 19 625 630 9-15000 10x5 9x4 9x6 B FR G KO
H ope 3 25 19 63 63 12-16000 10x6 9x4 9x6 B FR G Hope
E n y a ................ 3 25 19 63 63 42 12-16000 10x5 9x4 9x6 B or R FR G Enya
H ope 5 29 71 71 8-13000 10x6 9x5 9x6 B FR J Hope
Enya 29-3B 4 94 .3012 735 .710 9-16000 10x6 9x6 10x6 B 15/16' FR J E nya 29-3B
F u ji ................ 5 29 75 67 &i 12-14000 10x6 9x5 9x6 B FR J F u ji
F u ji R a ce r ... 5 29 75 67 54 13-16000 11x6 10x4 9x6 B FR J F u ji R a cer
OS 5 29 74 68 7 8-13000 11x6 10x4 9x6 B FR J OS
M ax OS 5 29 .738 .7 6 10-14000 11x6 10x5 9x6 B FR J M ax OS
KO 5 29 74 68 Si 8-15000 10x6 10x4 9x6 B FR J KO
M a m iy a 5 29 75 67 6 8-15000 10x6 9x5 9x6 B RD J M a m iy a
O S N e w 36 5.75 35 8 7 6 10-13000 12x6 10x6 10x6 B FR K O S N e w 36
M ax OS 5.75 .35 8 7 7 10-14000 12x6 10x6 10x6 B FR K M a x OS
F u ji ................ 5.75 .35 75 75 6 13-15000 12x6 10x6 10x6 B FR K F u ji
E nya 60 & 63 10 60 94 875 14 10-16000 4x6 12x6 12x8 B FR N E nya 60 & 63
M a m iy a 10 .60 94 875 16 10-16000 4x6 12x6 9x12 B RD N M a m iy a ...............
the engine from a lifeless object to some blow hard through the exhausts to clear
thing with the urge to “go”, and as you the excess mixture, and to release com
continue to swing the prop, you’ll find pression.
there is an active “plop” as compression Should the piston be completely dry on
S ta rtin g a Diesel drives the prop over.
Choke again, and repeat the swing at
inspection through the ports, then the
choking has not been sulfidem, or the
the prop, only this lime putting a real needle valve setting is not open enough.
effort into it. Start by putting your fore It is better to err on the rich or "open”
M o u n t t h e e n g i n e firmly and fit the finger against the topmost blade, about side for first starts—providing you release
propeller on the shaft by slipping it in halfway along and push the prop over the comp, screw when compression seems
position, turning the engine until the piston compression with a smart swing of both too great.
can be moved no further against com wrist and arm. At the same ume take a After a while, you get into the swing of
pression, and tightening the prop nut firm grip on the compression screw at the things, and soon you are rewarded with
with the propeller pointing at “twenty-to- cylinder head, and hold this set at the a start. Once the engine has begun to run,
two’’ as on a clock. Left handed people position indicated in the instructions. After leave it as set for a few seconds and take
should treat this as "ten-to-four”. Now- a few sharp flicks of the prop, there should stock by watching the exhaust and listening
swing the prop over in an anti-clockwise be some reaction in the form of a mild to the note. Smoky, rich exhaust is cured
direction. The engine is dry, still and firing stroke—or if you are extraordinarily by screwing in the needle waive, and
there is little “feel” about it. Fill the tank, lucky, the engine may burst into full a staccato misfire indicates the need lor
open the needle valve by unscrewing it song straightaway. more compression. Most engines start
the required number of turns from fully If the engine refuses to show any for the first time in this condition, and will
closed, and choke the engine. This means inclination to work, look through the not harm themselves if allowed to run
placing the spare forefinger over the exhaust ports and see if the top of the rich. Should the note sound laboured,
carburettor, and rotating the prop one piston is at all wet with fuel. If it is, then gradually dying off in r.p.m., then the
turn. Engines with the carb. in front will use the compression screw as though you engine is over-compressed to some degree,
indicate that fuel is entering the engine have your hand on the pulse of the engine, and the comp, screw must be slackened off.
as you observe the flow through the tubing. treat it as you would a human, and raise
Should there be a conglomeration of the compression by screwing in the
bubbles in the pipeline, then we must “vernier" as one maiker calls the tommy
choke again to get the line full of fuel. bar or comp, screw*. But do not be a “CC” MODEL AERO ENGINE
Now try another swing at the prop. Don’t ENCYCLOPAEDIA
for over-compression is dangerous, and is 208 Pages. sue 8, * 5j in.. 75,000 w o rd s and o v e r
be afraid of it, it certainly will not fire, as signified by a hydraulic lock when it is 300 illustrations mak« th is the m o st co m p reh e nsive
ail you are doing is filling the crankcase impossible to rotate the propeller. This work on all aspects o f m o d e l a e ro engines, co n
with a mixture, and creating a fine mist also indicates that our choking has been struction. use. tuning, m aintenance, data, tables.
of fuel throughout the moving parts. This too generous, the cure being to set the Fully cloth bound. 3 -c o lo u r d u s t co ver.
(Postage and packing me. 13s. 6d. Price 12s. 6d.
little amount of lubrication will change piston at the bottom of its stroke, and to
Flying Scale P o w e r
By E. J. Riding
This tncyde undercart, high-wing design lends
itself admirably to flying. Simple construction.
O E -H A V IL L A N D D .H . C.2 BEAVER A V RO A V IA N SPORTS Span 54 in.
By A. Moore By R. Booth FSP 331 B, C, D ★ ★ 5/6
A beautiful scale version of an ideal subject for Accurate model of a popular light aircraft of
model flying. Slabsided, with but one wing strut the early ‘30’s and one o f the simpler biplane
and cantilever undercarriage. Span 60 in. prototypes. Span 35 in.
FSP 388 E. F. G * 5/6 FSP 468 C. D * * 6/-
C H I L T O N D .W . I
By J. M. Greenland
A sturdy replica o f the interesting low-wing
monoplane, to IA in .-l ft. scale. Span 36 in.
FSP 340 B .C .D *
C E S S N A 172
By W . P. Holland
This 72 in. I '6th scale model of she popular
American lightplane is the answer to those who
want an easy to build large model for radio
conversion. Knock-off wings and shock absorbing
trike u/c.
FSP,448 G, H * * 10/-
A V R O 504 K S O P W IT H PUP
By P. E. Norman By R. Booth By G. E. Fisher
W orld War I favourite In attractive free-flight This one-twelfth flying scale model is one of the One of the best-known W .W . I scouts. The
form. 40j in. span, with pendulum control and finest designs yet produced. Winner of many 404 in. model has an excellent and extremely
contests, the realism of this machine is remarkable. stable performance. To 1,8th scale.
a surprisingly flat glide. To l/8th scale.
Span 36 in. FSP 305 D, E * * 5,6
FSP/453 F, G (ra d ia l) ★ * * 6/·
FSP 343 C. D * * 5/6
D.H. GIPSY M O T H A 36 In. I/I0 th scale version o f the famous By V. King
A revised plan of an old favourite, and a very 1926 fighter arranged for free-flight aerobatics 35 In. scale model of a famous W .W . I fighter for
successful light radio model, for which details are by pendulum control. Tough structure and crash builders with a little experience. Features pen
given. Span 604 in. proof design. dulum rudder and complete accuracy. I/9th scale.
PSP, 135 H , J, K (ra d ia l) ★ * 10 - FSP,410 F, G (ra d ia l) * * * 5/6 FSP 545 C. D * ★ 6/-
P. Z .L . P - 24 F I G H T E R
Flyin g Scale P o w e r By O. F Bryant
An inch to the foot version of the gull wing
fighter, built for fast flying, with knock-off parts
and pendulum elevators 35 in. span, this model
is extremely robust.
FSP 487 E. F * * 6;-
A famous bet ween-wars aircraft. The model uses
one motor, w ith dummy airscrews on the outboard
engines. Span 40 in.
FSP 445 B ★ ★ 4 '-
L U S C O M B E 8 A " S K Y PAL'*
By F. Lees
A contest winner both for appearance and
quality flying. Has many “ knock-off" features and
can be dismantled for easy transport. Full booklet
of gen with each plan of this outstanding 63 In.
scale model
FSP/503 E, F * * 6 j·
By J. M. Greenland
Masterpiece of low-wing scale model design,
and most realistic in flight. Span 51$ in.
FSP 290 D. E * * ★ 56
Z A U N K O E N IC By D. P. Golding An unusual type of construction, combined
By i . Greenland A successful low-wing scale power model of w ith automatic, pendulum operated elevators,
39 in. version of the German experimental one of the outstanding Miles racing designs. makes this model attractive to the advanced
parasol lightplane. fully slatted, complete with modeller. Span 32 in.
Scale flight appearance. Span 52 in.
instructions. FSP 372 F * * * 56
FSP 434 F .C * * * ·/·
FSP 392 B. C, D ★* 5/6
By V. King By R. Burns
The Ί 4 - Ί 8 fighter in miniature. Pusher engine, A 52 in. version of this ideal subject. Robust
J O DE L D . 9 B c b e detachable boom tail supports, pendulum rudder, and very practical design.
By Hob Fang-Chiun and high degree o f stability are features o f the FSP, 425 F. G * * 5/6
Neat replica of the famous French lightplane most unusual 39| in span scale model.
with pendulum o r "fixed" rudder. Detachable FSP 495 C ★ ★ 6/-
381 in. wing, easy structure and a super flyer.
FSP59I B, C * * 4/6
S .P .A .D . S-7CI S C O U T
By L C. Bagley
A perfect scale version of the attractive 1914-18
fighter Span 38 in. I 8th F.S. scale.
By D. Marsh
The dual-control version of one of the immortal
Hart variants This accurate 38 in. replica is one
of the most realistic scale models ever.
FSP 476 C ★ ★ ★ 61-
By E. Fearnley
REPUBLIC SEA-BEE High wing cabin model of 36 in. span. Pleasing
By H. J. Towner lines are developed from a simple sheet balsa
Unusual, yet a good flyer, this model w ill appeal fuselage construction.
to the enthusiast who enjoys building as much as FSP 568 B or C * 3/-
flying. Span 531 in. W E S TLA N D LYSANDER
FSP 319 D*. E, F 7/6 A completely redesigned and modernised version
o f an old favourite, and a most impressive model.
Span 60 In. N ot recommended for R/C.
FSP/160 G ★ ★ 7/6
A complete revision of the popular rubber
driven design by Eddie Riding for small motors.
Span 36j in.
FSR/2II B, C * * * 3/6
By John Lamble
Easiest to build scale power model in our range,
a 32 in. span version o f the popular light plane
By John Coasby w ith pendulur
R.E.8 FSP 497
Low-wing authentic scale model of a Finnish
By D. R. Hughes
home-built lightplane with racy lines. 45 in. span
Span 43 in., this is a I/I2 th scale model of the
and specially suitable for low power, slow flying.
famous W .W . I “ Harry Tate" two-seat observation
FSP 637 C. D, E * * 5/-
and reconnaissance aircraft.
By P. W hittaker
Near scale version of the famous low altitude
Flehter with robust construction, knock-off wings,
BLACKBURN and engine off-set. cleverly incorporated In con-
1912 M O N O P L A N E «ruction. W in * jp»n 26J In.
By A. M. Finu cane
Perfect I/8th scale. 48 In. span model of a pioneer FSPiun °· * * *
monoplane, this 'O ld-tim er1, w ill fly as well as
any of its modern counterparts.
FSP 567 C or D * * ★ 6/-
By J. D. McHard
Finest o f all A.P.S. single-engined scale model TIGER M O TH
plans, this elegant I/8th scale model o f the famous By A/M Staff
1917-1918 fighter is extremely accurate and one of A magnificent 44 in. span model of one o f the
the most attractive models in the air. Sheeted best known aircraft ever. Ries extremely well
fuselage and full colour detail. Span 44 in. with magnificent air of realism.
FSP/M6 E. F ★ ★ * 7/6 FSP, 555 D, E o r F ★* 6/-
There is no other form of model cover
ing that approaches the strength weight
ratio of silk or nylon, yet very few modellers
appear to take advantage of this fact-First
thoughts must certainly be for economy
i •
B .A . SW A L L O W By J. D. MeHard B ,R G. Moulton
By J. W Coasby Mick Mannock's famous fighter in full detail The famous "S pirit of St. Louis” in perfect
Authentic 50 in. span model of a popular low- on specially-printed plan with copious instructions, scale with r«b for rib or alternative simple wing
wmg lightplane Pendulum rudder, simple con ten photo illustrations. Fine performer with structure; 34 in. span, knock-off wing on what is
struction and detachable wings. tough construction. Span 27 in. virtually a square box fuselage.
FSP 560 B. C or D » * 46 FSP 682 B. C * * 3,6 FSP 663 B. C * * 5-
By K. McDonough The fabulous "Hannibal ’ London-Pans Ajriiner
SOPW ITH CAMEL The diminutive Tabloid makes an ideal scale for either control line or free-f ight. 2 or 4 engines
By F. C. Saunders subject and perfect jt h scale little Free Flightcr Very detailed drawing for this 65 in. model, makes
The Camel needs no introduction to flying spanning 2S\ Inches for .3 to .8 c.c. engines. light work c f the involved structure Recom
enthusiasts, and this 25 oz.. 42 in. model captures FSP8I0 B. C. * * 76 mended for all scale enthusiasts
the atmosphere of this historic fighter. I 8th scale. FSP 615 2x ‘»C. D” (Free flig h t) * * * 8 6
FSP/441 D. E * ★ ★ 6-
FOCKE W U L F STOSSER L U T O N M I N O R (P ro to ty p e ) V .A . W A L R U S
By B. Barton By W alter E. Mooney By AEROMODELLER Staff
Pre-war German trainer has novel insignia, A 22$ in. span replica of a famous lightplane for 38 in. span perfect scale model of famous war
makes a fine, stable fiyer w ith pleasing lines, the diminutive engines. Flies well with Davies time amphibious pusher. Sheet hull construction
stringered fuselage, detachable wing halves. Charlton Bambl and Cox Pee Wee engines. and detachable wings make it a tough design for
Span 42 in. FSP 697 A. B a * 2,6 over land o r water flying.
FSP/617 C. D A * 4/9 FSP 661 C. D A * 1,6
J U N K E R S J u87 ST U K A
\ ^
Famous German dive bomber in true scale for By G. Cannon
AU STER B4 A M B U L A N C E One o f America's most popular Service aircraft
By A. A. Stowed free flight or controline. An outstanding design
of attractive appearance, using .5 c.c. for free- modelled to |$ in — I f t . scale. 45 in span, this
SS in. span, the roomy fuselage o f this ambulance low-wing design is really easy to handle.
freighter proves excellent for radio-installation. flight and 2.5 c.c. in C/L version; 34 in. wingspan.
FSP CL 675 B or G ★ A 5/- FSP 554 C or D a ♦ A 6r
FSP, 531 D. E a a 6 /-
all over once only, i.e., a wrinkle cannot before doping, and is soft and non
be removed by a second, local shrinkage. rustling; its appearance is very much like
Only a small amount of dope is required paper handkerchiefs. Water-shrinking is
for air-proofing, and a glossy finish is definitely undesirable, but shrinkage is
fairly easy to achieve. considerable and strength astonishing
Japanese tissue is nowadays only after doping.
available on rare occasions. In a good Two heavyweight tissues are obtain
range of colours, it can be distinguished able, Burmese (white only) and heavy
by a visible stripe which runs in one weight Modelspan, which can be had in
direction through the sheet, and has a five colours. Both these materials are
definite grain. It will tear fairly easily tough, opaque papers, slightly rough to
down the grain but only with reluctance the touch when undoped. Water-shrinking
across; in the same way it shrinks more is advisable before doping, and it is not
T he c o v e r in g of a model aircraft across the grain than along it, so that for really easy to obtain a high-gloss finish
used to be one of the trickiest parts of the best results the grain should always run without adding a fair amount of weight.
construction; modem materials have along the longest length of the area All of these tissues may be attached
largely simplified the process but it still being covered. Shrinking and doping is with the same adhesives and the technique
does constitute a major stage in the as for hard tissue. of application is generally similar. The
production of a model and one which, The first really specialised British most popular adhesive is white photo
especially in the case of beginners, offers covering paper, Modelspan, appeared in paste, such as Gripfix or, in tube form,
something of a headache. Of the three a limited range of colours soon after the Tissue Paste. The limitation of this
main covering materials, tissue, silk, and war and is now extensively used through material is that it is soluble in water, and
nylon, by far the greatest use is made of out the world. Fibres running in all trouble can thus arise when a concave
the first. Probably 99 out of ever)· 100 directions identify the paper, and it will surface (e.g., wing undcrcambcr) is water-
models are wholly or partly tissue covered, tear (before doping) at any angle. Shrink shrunk; the paste is loosened by the water
and there are six mam types of tissue for age is even in all directions, but local and the tissue pulls away as it shrinks.
the job. shrinking can be induced after initial In such cases a waterproof adhesive is
Lightweight tissues, in order of weight, shrink. So great is the potential con required, and Tissue Cement, a thinner,
are (i) hard (or Swedish) tissue, (it) Jap traction that water-spraying or steaming slightly slower setting cement than is
anese tissue, (Hi) Lightweight Modelspan. is entirely unnecessary, and the covering used for balsa, caters for this. Many
The first of these is a smooth, crackly need only be doped to produce a smooth, builders use this cement for all covering
paper which can be tom with equal strain wrinkle-free surface. Getting a gloss is work. Gum or mucilage is also employed,
in any direction and is available in a wide not difficult. while the use of thick clear dope is
range of colours. It requires dampening The only medium weight tissue available becoming more widespread, especially
(not soaking) with water after application is known as rag tissue, and is obtainable with the more porous papers. Flour paste
in order to shrink it, and it shrinks evenly only in white. It looks alarmingly weak is sometimes used, but tends to make the
tissue soggy and locally weak. so that all wrinkles are worked out. (v, Trim
The secret of covering is to use as off to within i in. of the edge and paste
large a panel of tissue as can be attached the edge down. Completely cover a frame
without wrinkling, ending the panels before shrinking, and always cover all
where a definite break of contour appears woodwork, even sheeting. If water-
(e.g., at dihedral breaks}. Small pieces shrinking is to be used, spray the water
must be used for compound curves (e.g., on with a Flit gun or similar, and allow to
round fuselage noses, etc.). Only the outer dry naturally over a period of 24 hours.
edge all round needs to be pasted, except All tissue needs at least one coat of clear
where concave surfaces occur, when the dope, except in the case of ultra-light
covering must be stuck to each individual frameworks, when banana oil is used to
member (e.g., each rib on the underside of airproof the covering without shrinking it.
an undcrcambered wing). The procedure Colour dope and fuel proofer should only
is: (i) Cut a panel of tissue to the shape be applied when the tissue pores are
of the pan, allowing 1 in. extra all round, completely filled with clear dope. M a n y o t h e r w i s e excellent models are
(p) Apply paste (or cement) to the Silk or nylon covering is tremendously ruined by a poorly-doped covering job,
framework (edge only, except as above). strong, though a little heavier. The and some even refuse to fly because of
(«0 Lay the tissue lightly in place, press material is best applied wet, i.e., soaked over-enthusiastic application, especially
the centre of one end down, and stretch in water, and squeezed out. Ordinary of colour. The normal covering materials
along the length and press the centre of balsa cement, a strong glue, or very require, as a rule, no more than three
the other end down, (rø) Stretch the tissue thick dope are the usual adhesives, and coats of thinned clear dope and nothing
to the full width at the centre of the sides pins may be used to keep the fabric in further. In many cases two coats arc
and press down, then work from this position while the glue dries. The same
point to each end, adjusting the tissue general technique as for tissue is used, sufficient, and when hard or even Japanese
and care should be taken to get the warp tissue is used, one coat is frequently
and weft of the material in line and square. enough.
Several coats of clear dope are needed to Dope has two main functions, increasing
T o ensure speedy d e live ry please the efficiency of the model and adding to
quote plan num ber, nam e and price fill the pores. The frayed edges left when
in y o u r o rde r. trimming down to final size are easily its aesthetic appeal. Clear dope adequately
lass-papered off after the first coat of dope. fulfils the first of these, which may be
Please ensure th a t y o u r o rd e r Is
f uccessive coats of clear dope should be subdivided into, in order of importance,
(i) air-proofing, (it) strengthening, and
cle a rly stated and accompanied by
applied until no pin holes appear in the
covering, when colour dope may be applied (w) tightening the tissue. Note that the
the c o rre c t re m itta n ce and yo u r name
and fu ll address in B L O C K LETTERS. and rubbed down as detailed above. Silk shrinking effect of dope is least important.
or nylon, applied properly, are virtually Air-proofing of the covering is essential
crash-proof. for good performance and the application
of dope accomplishes this by depositing position, or to use transfer sheets. Banana
over the pores and fibres of the material oil may be used to protect transfers, etc., Flying Scale
a thin skin of cellulose, rather on the lines and also to give a general gloss to a model,
of a celluloid film laid over the original
covering. This film prevents air passing
although, again, weight increase is very
marked. Fuel-proofer also carries its Pow er
through the material, slightly increasing weight penalty, but is advisable (with
lift but decreasing drag to an astonishing glow-plug engines essential) especially
extent. around the nose.
Colour dopes are used purely to improve Good, soft brushes and a bottle of
a model’s appearance and should be used thinners are essentials for a good finish—
very sparingly. A coloured model is a few coppers saved here may ruin an
visible further away, both in the air and otherwise first-class model. Dope should
on the ground, if the right colours are be flowed on fairly thin, and the brush
chosen. A model embodying large areas passed over the suiface only once. Allow
of colour should use coloured tissue, which each coat to dry thoroughly before further BUCKER JU N G M EIST ER
is considerably lighter than a doped applications. When no “pin-holes” or By W. L it e r & W. Newman
finish but requires a fraction more care pores can be seen on the tissue surface An easy to build inch span free flight scale
no further dope is needed. * model for .5-.8 c.c. engines. This is the In-Line
in application. Red, yellow, and orange engmed version of the aircraft, considered to be
are the best for visibility, and flying A concours finish is usually obtained one of the finest aerobatic mounts available.
surfaces of this colour with a darker by («) tissue covering, (n) dear doping FSP807 C. * * 4 /-
(black, blue, etc.) fuselage are normal one coat, (tit) applying up to four coats of
practice. Coloured tissues thus improve sanding sealer and rubbing down with the
efficiency. Coloured dopes are pigmented, finest flour paper, (if) applying up to
and thus increase weight tremendously, seven coats of thin colour, rubbing down
besides tending to make tissue a little every other coat, (c) rubbing down with
brink. When used, three thin coats are metal polish, and, finally, applying a coat
much bener than one “treacly” one, and of car polish. A sprayed finish offers no
it is advisable to limit the application of real advantage over brushwork when this
colour to a little decoration, or to the technique is followed. Trimming is done BRISTOL M O N O P L A N E SCOUT
with ruling pen, compasses and fine By B Barton
fuselage only. To give depth of colour, it Specifically designed for easy yet true to scale
pays to use the nearest-coloured tissue for brushes, making use of masks. Cellophane construction, th.s one-e.ghth scale fg h te r from
the covering which is to be doped. tape is excellent for masking; make sure W.W.I. is ideal for 1-1.5 c.c. engines. Very easy to
Alternative (and lighter) means of the edge is pressed really well down by build with scale stringers and rib positions. Build
running the thumbnail along it. (Some ing sequence and colour scheme given on plan.
colour-trimming are to cut the trim shapes Span 46 in. A nice slow flier for calm days.
from coloured tissue and dope them in experts even go so far as to dear-dope the FSP.759 D, E * * 7/6
edge to prevent colour from creeping.)
Flying Scale
PFALZ Di l i
By F. Palmer
Superb details In this German W .W .I. fighter
design oy Canadian modeller from Calgary. Is a
beautiful flier, realistic in every way. yet practical
in construction. Ideal project for those who already
By C. R. Moore
have other W .W .I. free flight scale models. Spar An Interesting model embodying many novel
in. for 1.5 c.c. or iow power 2.5 c.c. features and gadgets from this well-known exponent
FSP/775 F, G **★ 10/- of scale model art. Span 42 In.
P O T E Z 75
By Vic Dubery
FSR 193 ★ * ★ Ψ
All balsa sheet model o f the French recon
naissance pusher. 21 in. span and though designed
for rubber power, could be modified for a Bambi.
Hawk or Kalper Diesel.
By P. J. AJlnutt
From Canada comes this I I2tn scale model of
the famous “ Bulldog" The machine uses some W ESTLAN D LYSANDER
spruce and ply in its rib for rib, stringer for stringer By H. Boys
construction. Full colouring and marking details Many hundreds of tnls design have been built
By H. J. Towner
g-ven on plan. Winner of many Canadian scale Fine type of low-wing design, and a tip-top and successfully flown. The design lends itself
competitions Span 33j In. Engines 1-1.5 c.c. admirably to flying scale work. Span 50 in.
performer as a model. Span 39 in.
FSP/762 D. E * * * 76 FSR 165 * * * 3/- FSR 161 * * * * *r
A jure flyer, with high performance capabilities.
Construction closely follows full-size machine.
Span 36 in.
FSR 195 * * 2/6 A fine flying example of a well-known American
Flying light plane. Scale I Inch to I foot. Span 33* In.
FSR 264 * * ★ 3
Scale R u b b e r
Half-Inch to I foot version of the famous i
fuselage fighter. Span 26 In
FSR 158 * * D O R N I E R 27
By D. Garrett H AND LEY PAGE H A L I F A X
Anothcr larger version is also available. A 27 Ins. span rubber powered scale model of a By W Jones
Span 42 in. modern German hghtplane for the painstaking Model of the well-known bomber, for experienced
FSR/159 * ★ enthusiast. Plans include modifications to take builders only One rubber motor crank-driving
3—.75 c.c engines. all props. Span 49* in. Can be used as a basis for a
FSR. P 796 B. * * S/- control-line model with sheet covering and heavier
FSR 140 * * * * 6,'-
ByE.J. Riding IQI, jň D.H. TIGER M OTH
A j ih inch scale model of the famous Ι7 Η -Ό By C. R. Moore
biplane. Span 55 in. Build a model of this famous training machine.
FSR 215 The model is capable of high performance, and AIRSPEED E N V O Y
a picture in flight. Span 44 in. By H. J. Towner
FSR, 197 a ★ 46 A well proven model by an acknowledged
expert in this sphere of model work. Span 52 in.
Can be used as a basis for a control-line model
with sheet covering and heavier structure.
FSR 126 AAA 3/-
M I L E S M .48
By H. J. Pridmore
This fine looking low-wing is a good free-flight
performer, and is also convertible to control-line
Span 36^ in.
By E. J. Ridmg
A simple, high wing model of this popular light
aircraft. Good performance and autnentic appear
ance make this a winner Span 37 in.
FSR 272 ★ ★ 3/-
By K. H Hodgson
One of our most popular scale designs, and with
structural modifications capable of being con BLÉRIOT M O N O P L A N E
verted to C L Span 36 in. By J. M. Greenland
BRISTOL BULLET FSR 129 ★ * 36 M ilitary version of exceptional charm and fine
By E. J. Riding
A super detailed flying model by one of Great performance. Complete with "p ilo t", and true
Britain's foremost authorities. Span 37 in. W ith to scale. Span 44 in
FSR 275 ★ ★ ★ 6/6
I c.e. power conversion.
FSR 126 * * 36
By K. H. Hodgson STAR
A spectacular performer a: all times, and a
delightful exercise in constructional technique
Span 40 inches. Not illustrated To guide modellers In their choice of
FSR 100 * * * 36 plan, we have instituted a four star grading
system in this catalogue. Beginners can
By J. M. Greenland rely upon the single star designs as being
An accurate replica with scale area tailpiane. simple to construct and easy to operate,
Excellent performance. Span 30 in. whilst the experienced modeller can be
FSR 156 assured of advanced design, sometimes
calling for plan interpretation in a four
star model.
For example:
* Beginner’s, o r ultra simple design with
specific instructions.
* * Advanced over beginner stage, yet
still simple in structure.
* * ★ For more advanced modellers.
design calls for practical experi
S . E .5 ence m either construction or
By S. L. Spittle T L A N D W I D G E O N III
By E. J. Riding operation according to type.
Favourite old-timer in flying scale form, this * ★ ★ * Very advanced, an "experts"
model is a fine performer and very stable. Span A first-class flying type with extreme stability.
subject, capable of high contest
28 in. Ideal for the beginner at scale work. Span 364 in.
KR 211 * * 3,- performance.
FSR 274 * * ★ 3/6
Flying Scale G lid e rs
By R. H. W arring and W . Dean By O. J. Lee
A flying scale model glider with many interesting A fine flying scale model of the famous troop-
constructional details. Flies as well as it looks. carrying glider, and w ith a superb performance.
Span 46 in. Span 50 in. .
FSC 144 * * * 4- FSG.2I9 * * Φ
By R. Armstrong
Unique and inexpensive Jetex 50 design for the
Flyin g Scale contest flyer Prototype did I : 35 from 10 sec.
motor run. U ltra lightweight, ultra simple con
struction. Surprising performance. Span 15^ in.
By J. Wilson
A 54 inch scale model of a popular training glider
used in many clubs and by the R.A.F. for A.T.C.
Cadeu. Has good flying qualities although true
FSG 692 nr + 5/-
D . H . 108 ( S W A L L O W )
B R E C U E T 90 1 By D. P. Golding
By A. Milion Scale model for Jetex 100 power by a scale
Elegant French high performance sailplane with expert. Capable of most realistic performance. M E T E OR IV
very high aspect ratio 67^-in. wing capable of It closely resembles this full-size high-speed |et Twin engined scale model for two "Jetex 100"
surprising performance. Planked fuselage. plane in every detail and in the air. units— most realistic In flight. Span 211 in
FSG 680 * ★ 3.6 J/479 ★ * 3/- J 293 + * * 2/.
Jetex C o n tro l Line
F I ZZLE By i. M. Bodey
By I V. Dowsett A 61 in. span multi engine model of the famous
AERO C O M M A N D E R 680 S U P E R
Plan includes lull details for tw o versions. tricycie undercarriage version of the ’’Shack” .
By J. D. McHard
us«ng either Jetex 50 o r 100 unit. Thu outright Simplified structure. For any engine combination
A 53|-ln. span model o f America’s famous high
total of 5-6 c.c. A sure crowd pleaser and a good
contest model has te rrific rate of climb and has wmg twin engined executive transport. Plan gives
flier, even after one or two engines have cut out.
won several contests. makings for Pres. Eisenhower’s own aircraft.
CL 746 E. F. G * * * 86
J S99 * 3- Planked fuselage structure, part sheeted wing. For
two I 5 c.c. to 2.5 c.c. engines, side mounted
Tricycle undercarriage.
CL 733 E, F, G * * + 86
A R R O W 100
By Ian Dowse«
Contest winner by well-known "Jetex" designer,
with one flight of 18 min O.O.S. to its credit
Quick to but id and easy to trim . Span 24 in.
J/SII * 3/-
Licences By Clive Hall By C. B Hail
Radio control enthusiasts are reminded A 20 in span model of the famous between wars A delightful scale model of the R.A.F.’s first aJN
that a licence is necessary before they fighter. Spritcly performance with moderate stunts mc-tal fighter Robust construction allows model to
may operate transmitting equipment. For make it a most rewarding project for 1.5 c.c. take many hard knocks. Simple to build and easy
details apply Radio Branch. Radio and engines. Extensive sheet areas make for easy and to fly. this model w ill give hours of pleasure Sp3n
Accommodation Department, G.P.O quick construction 221 in. for engines 1*1.5 c.c.
Headquarters, London. E.C.I. CL.745 E. F * * 3/4 CL,742 D. E ★*
C o n tro l Line
By Cltve B. Hall
17^ »n. wingspan near scale model o f the R.A.F.
piston-engined trainer with ultra-simple con
struction including all sheet wing and tail surfaces.
Has an inclined engine mounting at 45 deg. and
D.H. M O S Q U IT O plan includes full information on a remote-
By A M Staff controlled pylon to enable any model of this size
A beautifully accurate scale control-liner of to be piloted in true manner from outside che PIPER A P A C H E
40 in. span, suitable for any pair of diesels totalling By J. Stivala
more than 4 c.c. All sheet covered and extremely A 37 in span model of the famous American
robust. executive transport aircraft, featuring planked wing
CL 570 F.CorH *★ 7/6 and fuselage and tricycle U C. Specially created
for the scale enthusiast with smaller engines.
Marking and colours for a British registered machine
given on plan. Engines 1-1.5 c.c_
CL 756 E. F * + 66
C o n tro l Line Scale
V I C K E R S V I S C O U N T 701
By J. M. Bodey
L O C K H E E D P38 L I G H T N I N G Queen of »II the scale this 1.18th
Βχ A. Troberg scale. 62} in. spar» beauty is a great favourite.
39 In. span twin for wide range o f engines to Colour livery for BEA, Capital and A ir France. D . H . 88 C O M E T
perfect scale with simple structure and high Relatively simple structure. For a combination By J. Last
speed performance. of 7 c.c. In engines. Original used two 2.5. two Famous England-Austraila a«r racer to I'18th
CL, 671 E, F, G * * 7/6 scale for two .75-1 c.c. engines. Full insignia and
C L 701 F, G. H M u lti * * * 86 cockpit data on a Super detailed plan for this
29$ in. span controlIner.
CL 694 C, D ★ *
S O P W I T H I* S T R U T T E R
By B. Sichi
Super semi-scale stunter for big engines that
w j II Αχ through all manoeuvres with ease. 48 in.
span gives generous wing area, gun and marking TIPSY JU N IO R
details on plan. Βχ H. G. Hundlebx
An ideal design for scale adaptation, this model C E S S N A 310
CL 651 H, J, K ★ * 7/6 Βχ E. R. Atkins
has swept the board at manx meetings. Available
in three sizes to suit your engine. Colourful American executive twin for small
SOPW ITH TRIPLANE engines. Full detail on this fine plan for easx
French version o f the popular British •■Tripe” , CL 321 281 in. ' D. E (ra d ia l) 46
CL 322 34 in. G. H (ra d ia l) 56 construction o f this 27 in. miniature. Also cabin
this little machine is delightful to handle. Span Interior, and colour pattern.
20 In. CL 323 39$ in. H , J, K, L, M (ra d ia l) 6 6
★ ★ C L 638 2 engines B, C, D ★ * 49
CL 361 D. E ★ * 2/6
C o n tro l Line
By C. Kempen
Between wars biplane fighter w ith very desirable D O U G L A S A 26 IN V A D E R
proportions including long undercarriage Plan By D. Declcy
has detail for Dutch A ir Force markings. Capable Accurately-detailed scale model of one of the
of mild aerobatics. 30 in. wingspan. most attractive W .W . II twins. 46 in. span, for
C L 7 I2 tw o engines. Speed 55 m.p.h. with tw o 1.49 c.c.
CL 520 E. F. G, H * ★ D O R N I E R 215
By Capt. C. Milam
Connoisseur’s model Most detailed of all A.P.S.
scale plans, and a design that w ill satisfy the most
exacting enthusiast. Cabin internal detail, m otor
th ro ttle control, colouring data and relatively
simple construction, for this all-sheet covered
44 in. twin.
CL 627 2 engines G. H ★ * ★ 76
By D. Dee fey
JU NKER S Ju87 STU K A A scale stunter. accepted for publication a*ter
By AEROMODELLER Staff six months development in detail design. W ill
Famous German dive bomber in true scale for do all aerobatics except square loops. Span
free flight or controline. An outstanding design 39^ in.. 262 sq. in. area.
of attractive appearance, using .5 c.c. for free- CL 385 H, J ★ * 5/6
A'ght and 2.5 c.c. in C/L version; 34 in. wingspan.
FSP,CL/675 BorG ★* 5/-
F O K K E R F V I I b 3M M ESSE RSC Η M I T T Me . I 0 9
By L. Ackroyd By A. D. Klngswood
True scale 54 in. version o f the famous "Southern W orld War II fighter to 24 in. span with Inverted
Cross" with full internal detail. For single engine engine, all sheet covered surfaces, tough construc
n nose and two free wheeling props on nacelles. tion and ideal for sport flying. O ng|ra |
Detachable wing tips, a scale contest winner. 1.5 c.c. diesel.
CL 688 G, H, J * * 7/6 CL/709 E, F * 36
By H. J. Pridmore
By D Decley By J. M. Bodey
Thoso who p re fir scale fidelity with their nodel
Super-scalc-model of the famous American A most accurate reproduction o f the anti
work Will find this design. 'ts snappy per
"pursuit ship" Fully aerobatic, or perfect as a submarine search aircraft, with drop-off "do lly"
formance. well to their liking Span 31 in.
concours project. Span 36 in. undercarriage and all balsa sheet covering 38 in.
CL 336 G, H * * 36
CL 539 H. J * * 76 span and capable of aerobatics with a good 3.5 c.c.
diesel, it is also admirable for conversion to the
U.S.A. Carrier Deck Landing type of contest.
CL 631 G. H * * 66
By L Ackroyd
Winner of the scale event at the 13th New
Zealand Championships, this superb l£ in. to I ft.
control line replica for 2.S to 3.5 c.c. motors, L O C K H E E D SIRIUS
features retracting undercarriogt. wing flaps and By W . Musciano
th ro ttle control via J. Roberts Flight Control Line Flying scale model of the famous American
mechanism 45 ins. Span machine, this version can be fitted with either
CL 790 G. H floats or wheel undercarriage. Span 32 in.
C L/328 H, J * * 3,6
WACKETT BOOMERANG By F. H. Buck’and and A. D Kngswood
By C. A. Taylor Famous wartime a m ph ib ian in any of three
Popular full-stunt model of a well-known versions for water or land flying: any combination
war-time Australian aircraft. Span 38 in. of engine totalling 4 c.c. or more. Wing span 63 in.
CL 433 G, H (Radial) * * 4- CL 606 G * * + 76
DAKOTA MK.III By W . P. Holland
By J. Last and J. M Bodey Control line scale model of a famous Italian
By F. Beatty A irue-scale control-line model of the famous executive aircraft of most pleasing and out-of-the-
Unusual W orld War I Biplane fighter to 3(k n ru t shape, featuring Gull wing, nosewheel under
workhorse of the air, for a pair of 1.5 c.c. engines
span, and capable of all manoeuvres with a power carriage. swept fin and tw in pusher engines. Span
designed by two of the most experienced m ulti
ful 3.5 c.c. diesel A most attractive and colourful 42 ins. for tw o 1-1.5 c.c. engines.
engined model flyers m this country. Plan gives
sjbject for scale contests. extensive and exclusive colouring and marking CL 824 t wo D. E. F. * * Π -
CL 623 G. H * * 49 detail. Span *7 * in. A very popular '•Twin” with
A.P.S. followers.
CL 765 2 o ff F ★* 86
By G. Pentland M A C C H I- C A S T O L D I MC-72
The Mk. VIII Spitfire as used by R.A.A.F. in By E Blzzozero
$ E.A.C. is made semi-scale for full stunt flying on A 25$ in. scale model o f the world's fastest piston
a 29 or 35 engine. Span of 53^ in. offer ample LOCKHEED P2V-7 NEPTUNE
By J. M Bodey engined float plane and world speed record holder
wing area for all aerobatics, is flapped, has all latest in that class. For 2.5 c.c. engines, the plan incor
design features incorporated by Australian design, An exciting and unusual 37ý in. span tw in engined
scale control line model for two .8-1.5 c.c. engines. porates details for a contra-rotating propeller
ssued by arrangement with Kookaburra Plans assembly.
Service. Tricycle U;c and all sheet covering.
C L 783 t w o o f C . D , E. ** 7/6 CL,788 G. * * * 7/6
CL 776 J. K. L ★* 10/—
In te rn a tio n a l M ode l C o n tro l Line,
R e q u ire m e n ts
The Federation Aeronautique Internationale ft. Motor run, 10 seconds. These rules applied from
(F.A.I.) is the international governing body for 1961 onwards.
control of model flying and Issues certain specifica 3. G liders must conform to the "N o rd ic "
tions to which all models entering international formula. T o u l area· 32 to 34 dm2 (495 to 525 sq
contests or claiming W orld Records must comply. ms.), minimum total weight 410 gms. (14.5 ozs.),
These specifications are detailed in the F.A.I. length of launching cable. 50 metres maximum
Sporting Code. Section 4. Aeromodels (164 ft.).
For Record purposes In c o n tro l-lin e speed
W in g A re a (Total projected area of the horizontal models, three classes are recognised plus jet speed:
or oblique Wing ard Tail surfaces) must be less Class I Up to 2.5 c.c.. line length 15.92 metres
than, or equal to. 150 dm2 (16.142 sq. ft.). (52 ft. l i ins.) CHEETAH
W e ig h t.—The total weight in flying trim must Class II Up to 5 c.c.. line length 15.92 metres By E. Wiggaf
not exceed 5 kgs. (11.023 lbs.) (52 ft. 2* ms.). "Flatfish" sidewinder stunt machine up to all
Loading.—The loading on the supporting surfaces, Class 111 Up to 10 c.c.. line length 19.9 metres the tricks Anti-blanketing tail and stout con
as defined above must be between . . . 3.93 oz.. (65 ft. 3* ins.). struction. with folding unbreakable prop. Span 23 in.
per sq ft and . . . 16.38 oz. per sq. ft., except for CL 313 D, 1 (beam ) * ★ 2/6
control-line models, the maximum being 65.52 For W o rld C ham pionships only Class I speed
oz. per sq. ft. ar.d Radio Control models, the is used. Models must have a minimum area of
maximum being 24.51 oz.. per sq. ft 31 sq. ins. per c.c. and not exceed a loading of
M o tiv e Power P e rm itte d .—Rubber. Mechanical 32.76 oz.'sq. ft.
engine or direct Reaction. In the latter case the
weight o f the engine should not exceed 0.5 kg. The F.A.I. team racing specification includes
(17.63 ozs.) and the total weight of the model the following points:
including fuel. I kg. (35.27 ozs.). A. Maximum engine capacity 2.5 c.c.
1. Models with ru b b e r m o to rs must conform Ď. T o u l area (wing and tail) 12 dm2 min. (186 sq.
to the '■Wakefield” formula. T o u l area 17-19 dm2 ins.)
(263.5—294.5 sq. ms.). Minimum weight. 230 gms. C. Minimum fuselagedimensions at pi lo t’s position
(8.113 ozs ). Maximum weight of rubber 50 gms. height 100 mms., width 50 mms. ( 2 x 4 ms.).
(1.7635 oz.). This latter rule applying from 1958 Minimum cross section (6.045 sq.
onwards. ins.).
D. Maximum capacity of fuel tank 10 c.c.
2. Models with mechanical m o to rs must
E. Minimum line diameter 0.3 mm. (0.0118 In.). L I L· 2 O W I E
conform to the following formula: Power loading,
F. Maximum weight 700 gms. (24.6 oz.). By B. T. Faulkner
for each I c.c. capacity. 3C0 gms. (10.581 oz.). Max. A pleasant to fly. scml-streamllned stunt model.
motor capacity 2 5 c.c. Area loading between It must be stressed thatthe foregoing are extracts
from the rules, and fuller details are available in Span 22 in.
20— 50 gms. (.7054— 1.76 oz.) per dm2 (15 5 sq. ins.) CL 339 D 2 6
or in othei words, between 6.59 and 16.35 oz. sq. the S.M.A.E. Rule Book. ★ *
By Vic Smecd
A stunt job with improved looks. Short-
J UGGLER coupled and streamlined fuselage, cowled engine.
By C. Bates Span 30 in.
A simple stunter. featuring sheet fuselage sides, CL 350 F, G ★ * 3/6
balloon tank. 270 sq. in. area. Span 38 In HAPPY HARO LD
CL 389 H .J * 3/6 PRI N C E S S
By N. J. Butcher
By G. Cornell
Developed from a number of designs by a team
Elegant, up-to-dace and a beauty to fly. this 34 in.
of eontrol-linc cxpcrts. this model can go through
elliptical winged model is happy with 1.5 er 2.5 c.c
the book" with the greatest of ease. Span 30ý in.
engines and will go really “ square" in the S.M.A.E.
Stunt schedule. Extensively detailed plan with CL 342 F, G (ra d ia l) * 36
many installation sketches.
CL 724 F. G * * 66
By H. G. Hundleby
Midwing. American type sidewinder, fully stunt-
able. and with drop-off undercart. Span 32 in.
CL 303 E. F. G * 36
334C £
By Peter R ussell'·
Gold Trophy winner in 1956 3nd a fine stunt ARIEL ELF C A T
model with fighter-like appearance, this was the By R. J. North By J. H. Bailey
most popular plan for 1956 in the concrolme A simple, fully stuntable model suitable for Designed to meet the demand for a 1-1.5 c.c.
sphere Designer can provide moulded canopies beginners. Easy construction and handling. Span stunter. this 32 in. model has wir.g flaps, racing
for this 42 in. model. 30 In. lines and easy construction.
“ “ ★ * 6 ’- C L 325 F, G (ra d ia l) * 4/- CL 703 D, E, F * *
C o n tro l Line S tu n t
By D. Christopher
Jet-llke lines on the 47$ in. span stunter for 3.5-
By F. L. Warburton 5 c.c. engines. Coupled flaps and elevators. Long
54 In. span full aerobatic eontrolmer for 5 c.c.- nose for smooth manoeuvres. Follows the I960
8 c.c. engines, by one of Britain's leading aerobatic By Fernando Balilo design trend for construction. W ill "square'' and ;
fliers, based on the headline making Lockheed U-2 Semi-scale stuncer based upon the Spanish-built fly in all conditions.
aircraft to give a steady line pull throughout all Messerschmitt 109 fighter. Has flaps coupled to C L 771 H. J
stunt manoeuvres and smooth take-offs and elevators, detachable wing, simple sheet balsa
landings. fuselage construction. Is 52j In. span.
C L '798 J, K, L. ★★ 10/- CL 640 H , J, K ★ 6,6
By F. L. Warburton
56 in. span semi-scale control line stunt model
with 610 sq ins. wing area for really top class
By Henri Stouffs By A. Hew itt aerobatic performance w ith large 5 c.c. to 10 c.c.
Thick-wing stunt design flown to win the Probably one of the best known stunt models glow motors. A first class design by one of Britain*
aerobatic class In the 1954 W orld (control-line) ever, and certainly one of the best performers. most expert fliers with all the most modern and
Championships at The Hague. Span 39 in. Span 35» in. A Gold Trophy winner. desirable features.
C L 574 G, o r H * 4.6 C L 457 G * + 4/- CL 820 J .K .L M . ★ *★ * 10/-
METEOR By J. W . Coasby
By K. Muscutt Fully streamlined stunt model for medium-sized
FO XSTU NTER A 75 m.p h. stunter. Features sleek lines, out engines. Span 40 in
By J. W. Coasby board wmg flaps, cowled motor; area 300 sq. in. CL 363 H. J
A fully flapped stunter capable of very tight Span 38 in.
manoeuvres and high speed stunting. Spar» 42 in. C L 397 3 * * *
Area 350 sq. in.
CL 406 J. K *
By G. Stowers and E. Taylor
A good looking cabin stunt model. U ltra stream F I R E B R A N D M K . II
lined. resembles a fighter aircraft. Span is 27£ in.. By R. Cooke
133 sq. in. area. An expert's design featuring almost unbreakable
CL, 364 F, G * * 26 fuselage construction of circular form. Span 42* in.
Has won many Northern stunt events. 326 sq. in.
wing area.
C L 380 H ★ ★ 3/6
By P. Smith L I L ABNER
By A. E. Burch
Winner of the 1954 •'Gold” Trophy, this 36 «π.
A fully flapped stunter that is fast flying and
control-line stunt model uses an inverted engin®·
capable of every known manoeuvre.
stream-lined fuselage, making It one of th€ CL/478 H (ra d ia l) * 46
handsomest stunt designs produced. . ,
CL 557 G, o r H * * * 40
C o n tro l Line S tu n t
By K. Lau mer By W P. Holland
A 36 inch span aerobatic trainer for I c.c. to This 28 in. span model for 1.5 c.c. is fully stunt-
1.5 c.c. engines (larger sires can be used by experi able. and also makes a neat, easy to build trainer
enced fliers) that combines good looks with with I c.c. Handsome, raked lines are in keeping
simplicity. Trike undercarriage. with latest design trends and the semi-scale By R. G. Moulton
CL «06 D .E .F . * 5 /- appearance leads itself to bright decoration. Special stunt trainer w ill fly the "book'· on low
CL 773 D. E, F * 3/- power, uses new style thick section, fully derailed,
eighteen stage instructions on plan. ideal for
modellers wanting to learn how to loop: rhe
By J. W Coasby
Elegant high-performance stunt model capable
o f holding its own with any. Span 46 in.
CL 455 i. K * * 4/6
Please ensure th a t y o u r o rd e r is
H O P IT By W. Morley th
clearly stated and accompanied by
th e c o rre c t re m itta n ce and yo u r name By E Higlett Large stunter for those who like
and fu ll address in B LO C K LETTERS. An easy to build cabin stunter. 275 sq. in. wing manoeuvres on long lines. Big in. w 2
area. Spar 35 in. has flaps and all modern features. a _
C L 417 H. J ★ 3/6 CL 587 H. J. K * *
C o n tro l Líne S tu n t
As a first attempt at control line flying this By P Weaver By W A. Pollard
24 inch trainer for 1-1.5 c.c. engines cannot be Australian stumer by Queensland's crack stunt Very easy to make and surprisingly acrobatic
beaten. Full instruction sheet included contains flyer. A big model that is a certain ‘’full-stunt” despite the small engines It normally carries, this
details for a ‘Rigidrist" control line handle to job of top contest standard. Span 50 in. Area design is one of the most popular small stunters
teach correct pilot technique. The ideal trainer. 510 sq. in. and weight 28 oz. in our range. Only 21 <n. span.
CL 808 D. E, F. * 3/6 CL 489 J. K * * * 46 CL/693 B, C, D * 3/6
By R. E Brown
COUGAR SKIFFLER This 580 square inch stunter for 5 c.c upwards
By T. W. J. Stoker By D. Platt w ill fly through all ''square” manoeuvres in the
45-in. coupled flap design with easy sheet Streamline semi-scale full aerobatic stunter with latest stunt schedules, and has been designed to
fuselage assembly and thick wing section. Ideal coupled flaps and thick wing section for square incorporate all latest ideas for smooth flying,
for stunt beginners. manoeuvres; 47 in. span. 420 sq. m. wing area. wingspan 54 m.
CL 673 H. J * * s* CL 6*5 H, 1 * * '/* CL 727 JK * * 6 /-
C o n tro l Line C o m b a t
By G. Aldrich By J. Templeman
By R. Smith Specially commissioned design for British combat All-wing 33-in. span combat design for quick
This most unusual flying wing typ* of control- by American champion stunt flyer, has amazing construction and capable of small looping radius.
liner has proven practically indestructible in the manoeuvrability with radical design approach. Extremely tough yet light.
hands of absolute novices. Capable o f all known Capable of all manoeuvres including square figure C L '674 G, H * ★ 5-
stunts, the method o f construction is simple yet eights. Span 36$ in.
amazingly rugged. Span 20 in. CL 687 G. H * * 5/-
CL.'369 F. G * 2/6
By G. Johnson & D. Pinckerc
RAZOR BLADE Join the Combat brigade w ith this hot design
By Adolpho Tristany from two leading U.S.A.F.E. flyers. 30i in. span for
Leading British Combat "W in g "—a fast flying 2.5 to 3.5 c.c. motors, designed to be simple to
and very manoeuvrable model for the up to 3.5 c.c. Spanish Combat Champ, w ill turn on a sixpence,
cheap to make, indestructible when silk covered. build, but extremely strong. Does 86 m.p.h..
class. W ill withstand loads of punishment. Span using a 3.5 c.c. glow motor.
32f in. span for wide variety of motors.
32 In. C L 648 G. K * 46 C L 780 G, H . * * 4/6
C L 729 G. H * *
By G. Copemar.
Here’ s the Combat model with more cuts to Its
credit than your modelling knife. High speed,
Combat or stunt model of top contest standard manoeuvrability, smoothness o f flight, efficient tank
o to make a top-knotch design. 35 In. span for
ail sheet tail and fuselage construction, cheap to
make, suitable for experts or beginners. Span 32 in. ?.5 c.c. to 3.5 c.c. engines.
is 7 ©zs. of zippy controlmer for I -1.5 c.c. engines. C L 799 G. H . ★★ Ai
CL 704 G, H * 3/6 W ith 20$ in. span, it w ill fly at over 80 m.p.h.
w ithout a streamer.
C o n tro l Line Speed CL 785 D, E, F. * 2/4
» By U. Rossi G Ο Ο K
An F.A.I. class speed model from Italy, By P. W right
exceptional contest record. Including first place at British Class I record holder at 111.8 m.p.h.
the 1959 C riterium of Aces in Brussels and I960 Combined Metal. Baisa and Hardwood construction.
World Championships. Model has done 145 m.p.h. CL 501 G * * 36
Simple to build. Span 21$ In. Engines 2.5 c.c. Based FLASH
on the Italian light alloy speed pan. marketed by By J. G. Carter
Rossi. Class III speed model. Has done 110.7 m.p.h.
CL 749 G * * 3/6 CL 375 G. H * * 26
C o n tro l Line T e am
R a c e rs
V Λ '
Near-scale line* of th>s small Team Racer make >t By N. Butcher By C. M. Milford
suitable for pure sport flying as well as contest work A i'-sheet model by one of the leading experts Team racer. 22 in span and approximately
20-m. span, with novel wing construction in sheet, in team race circles. 75 m.p.h. with E D. 2.46. 13 or. weight. Easy to construct, easy to
and neat uic it flies at 70 m.p.h. with A.M.I5. and a regular winner. fly—and very easy on the eye'
CL 708 D.E. * * 36 C L SIS G. * 3/· CL 486 F.G. * * 3/6
By R. G. Moulton
Two racers on the same plan, capable of 90
m.p.h. with a 5 c.c. racing motor. A semi-scale SUPERMOUSE
Canada, trike u/c and very simple construction, By K. A. Day
version o f the famous De Havilland Racer. meets the S.M.A.E. Class A specification. 18-in.
70 or 125 sq. In. Rat Racing remains unhindered by detailed rules,
span. and w ill appeal to the many individualists.
C L /4 II G,J. ★ ★ * 3/6 CL 678 G. * * 3/6 Top line performance does not necessitate
‘‘tuned'’ engines. Models arc easy to build and fly.
This larger version for 5 c.c is 27 in. span, flies at
80 m.p.h. or more.
CL 823 G. H .J , K. ★* 46
By W . Hume A very successful S.M.A.E. class B team racer.
Team racer of unconventional lines, but First class contest record including placings in
excellent performance. Developed while serving most o f the big competitions throughout the
with the R.A.F. in Egypt. country, and first in the I960 National Champion
ships. Embedded metal motor mount, and fuel
tank detail. Span 33± in. for 5 c.c. engines, particu
larly the ETA 29.
CL/763 J * ★ 46
By S. Rymill
Very fis t racer with out-of-the-rut appearance
ind first-class contest record. Span 25 in. quick (and cheap) results- Span is 22 In.
CL 509 G. * * 46 CL 825 E, f , C. ★ J /-
1. A Team Race shall consist of tw o or more and centre line o f model in flight shall
models, each made to the correct specification, be 52 ft. 3 In., line thickness 0.0118 ins.
flown at the same time, in the same circle over (f) Maximum weight 24.6 ozs.
a predetermined distance. The winner shall 7. Class B.
be the first to cover the required distance (a) Engine capacity 2.51 c.c. to 5 c.c.
from the standing start. All models must start (b) Minimum effective wing area 133 sq. in
at the same time and be flown in an anti (c) Maximum fuel capacity 30 c.c.
clockwise direction. (d) Minimum width of fuselage at cockpit shall SUPER S A IN T
2. No entrant may enter more than one model in be 2 in. By K. Marsh
each class per meeting. (e) Minimum depth of fuselage from top of Upright motor and top-class performance
3. Models shall be cither scale or semi-scale in cabin to bottom of fuselage or in the case characterise this Class B racer wh ch has won the
appearance and if semi-scale must have a raised of an open cockpit made from the cop of Davies Trophy. 29 in. span.
windshield or cabin. pilot's head to bottom of fuselage shall be
CL 465 J.
4. Team racing is divided into three classes, 4 In. Engine cowling extending below the
according to the engine capacity. I.c., Class cockpit shall not be Included in fuselage
*A. Class A and Class B. depth.
5. Class { A (f) Minimum landing wheel diameter shall be
a) Maximum engine capacity 1.5 c.c. I in.
b) Minimum projected wing area 90 sq. ins. (g) Distance between centre of control handle
(c) Maximum fuel capacity 6 c.c. and centre line of model shall be 60 ft.
(d) Minimum fuselage dimensions I* x 3 ins. Minimum line diameter 0.0124 in.
(e) Minimum wheel diameter I in. 8. In the case of Class *A and Class B. a 6 ft
(f) Distance between centre of control handle radius circle plus a further clearly marked
and centre of model. 46 ft. 8 ins. circle of 10 ft. radius must be clearly marked
(5) Minimum line diameter 0.010 ms. for the pilots and a further clearly marked By P. Cameron
6. Class A Specification. (F.A.I. Spec.) circle of a radius of 10 ft greater than the Ten final placings in twelve major contests make
0) Maximum engine capacity 2.5 c.c. distance specified for the flying lines, must be this an outstanding Class ''B " racer. Easy but
b) Minimum effective total area 186 sq in provided. No pilot shall leave the 20 ft. circle rugged construction, fast and stable flight. Span
(c) Maximum fuel capacity 10 c.c. once a race has commenced until directed to 27* m.
(d) Minimum fuselage dimensions at pilot's do so by the starter. In the case of the Inter CL, 544 J. * 4/6
position, heighc 4 ins., width 2 ins. Mini national Class the radius o f the flight c rcle
mum cross-section 6.045 sq. ins. must be at least 62 ft. 4 ms. The radius o f the
(e) Minimum landing wheel diameter shall be pilot circle must be at least 9 ft 10 Ins. The A lw ays quote plan num ber, nam e and
I in. pilot's flying area shall also be clearly marked price in yo u r o rd e r and use an o rd e r
(f) Distance between centre of control handle at a radius o f 6 ft. fo rm i f possible.
W a te rp la n e s
TIGRE ByW. B. Hcginbotham
By Ken Long An angular but attractive design. Robust and
One of Britain's most successful current rule well proved by hours of over-water flying. Span
F.A.I. class team racers. The design has been 51·$ >n.
tnoroughly and practically tested over a long W P 423 E, F. G * * 5/4
period by the Wharfedale team. First in the I960
British team selections and placed 4th in I960
World Championships, has beaten 5 mins, for the
10 kilometer distance many times. Span 3B$ in for L O E N IN G OL-9
2.5 c.c. engines. By C. F. Stuby
CL,741 G * * Unusual 47 in. I 12th scale bipe flymg boat of
pre-war U.S Navy, simple construction with
detachable wings.
W P 650 E. F * * * 7/6
By J. Sheppard
A proven floatplane w ith consistent performance
and splendid water stability. Simple construction,
ideal for the novice. Span 40 in.
By C. Taylor
Fast, monowheel Class B racer delivers top line PET 496 D. E * * 46
performance with a standard unrcworked ETA .29.
Plan incorporates the all-important prototype tank
detail. Span 30$ in. for 5 c.c. engines
CL 803 J. K. ★* 44
By Kjell Rosenlund DUCK FOOT
Beautifully proportioned F.A.I. class Team Racer By R. Swindon
Dy Sweden's master of the art and winner of the A true amphibian with high mounted engine
1961 C riterium of Aces in Brussels. A genuine and reversible wheel position for "up or down
100 m.p.h. plus racer. High aspect ratio. 35$ in Takes off equally well from land or water Wing
span elliptical wing. span 32 in.
CL 774 G. * * 5/— W P 411 B. C * *
W a te r p la n e s
By D. C. Macvean
m e r m a i d A novel gull-wing machine for the smallest
J. F. P. Forster engines. Skip" bears the lines of a pre-war fighrer
A. rugged 71 In. flying boat for open sea flying Simple construction, and very rewarding per
with a wealth of experience behind It. Recom formance. Both land and waterplane version g.ven
mended for more advanced builder). on plan. Span 25* in. Engines 0.16 c.c.-0.44 c.c.
WP'141 H. J * * * 7/4 Original would take a Bamb. or a Pee-Wee.
WP 7S8 A. B * ★ 4/- KITTIWAKE
By A R. Parker
Holder of the British waterplane duration record,'
this twin-motored flying boat Is simpie to build,
yet offers hours of fun. Counter rotat ne props., j
snappy take off. Novel centre boom for flotation.1
Span 45 In.
W R 757 * * 5H
By L Ellis
Remarkable delta for over land or water flying,
MIRANDA using slotted propeller on mid-mounted engine.
By W . P. Holland Detachable tall and w,ng surfaces for transport,
Amphibious model, with a detachable plug-m hull permits rough ground landings. Span 44* in.
undercarriage. Large cabin and streamline engine WP/4W E. F * * 10,-
nacelle make this a most attractive design. Wing
span 49 In.
W P 60S C, D ★ * 4/6
SEA NYMPH By Vic Smeed
By Vic Smeed Most popular beginner's sport model in A.P.S.
Small flying boat, featuring simplified hull con Simple cabin power model designed especially for
struction and high wing mounting. Takes off in the beginner. Either 36 In. or 44 in. span, both on
25 to 40 feet; affords a pleasant phange in both plan. Seaplane version also given.
construction and flying. Span 36 in. PET 398 C, D, E * 3/4
W P 542 C, D * 5/·
S p o rt Pow er
By C. E. Bowden
A really long-life sport design which can easily
be converted for radio control. Features slotted
wings. 68 In. span.
PET/225 G, H , J * * 7/6
CHERUB By R. Twomey
A realistic sports model embodying many smart
By Vic Smeed
An aptly named "baby". All sheet fuselage and constructional features, and a certain concours
simple wing construction make It an Ideal model winner. Pendulum rudder incorporated.
for any beginner. Span 30 In. PET 547 C. D 46
PET 485 B. C * 46
By Brian Lewis By R. Darr
Quick building, strength and attractive lines Struts give a semi-scale appearance to this
ensure popularity for this 33 In. span design easy-to-build streamlined 36 in. sports model.
Excellent fo r the newcomer to power fly me Specially created to pack away into a small space
PET, 553 B orC ★ 46 PET 678 B. C * * 3. 6
By Vic Smecd
Mosc popular beginner's sport model In A.P S.
Simple cab n power model designed especially for B R O O K S B IP L A N E
the beginner. Either 36 in. or 44 m. span, both on By B. Brooks
plan. Seaplane version also given. No bipe was ever more famous than tn«s one
PET 398 C, D. E * 3,6 the prototypes of which have flown for hundreds
PE E W IT of airborne hours Amazingly stable a“ d realistic,
By P. Gasson ideal for raoio conversion, span 66 r
An interesting 21 j in. span free fig h te r for .020
glow motors (.3 c.c.) or up to .46 c.c. diesels. A
fast climber.
By K. Laumer
O O O H IC K Y A slick 29 inch span sport free fig h te r for .5 to
By John Swift .8 c.c. engines, the Sharp Scooter has eye appeal Beginner's power mode! with alternative I
from every angle. Simplest possible structure fuselages, profile contest o r cabin sports. Very 1
Diminutive biplane, with a sparkling perform
enables the modeller to put this model In the air tough and virtually fool and crashproof. Spar
ance. Only 25 in. span, it can be dismantled and 454 in
carried about in a small case. with a minimum of delay.
PET 804 B. C. ★ 4/6 PET 470 D. E * 46
PET 56S B or C ★ * 3/-
By G. W. W . Harris
PO PSIΕ A beginner's model with a good performance.
By Vic Smeed Span 45 in.
Rugged sports model. 38j In. span, capable of D EBUTANTE PET 136 C. D. E ★ * 36
accommodating lightweight radio-control and By Vic Smeed
absorbing a tremendous amount of punishment. As the name implies, a pretty model with high
PET 460 C. D. E * * 6'- performance and unblemished character. Specially
printed pfans include full photo detail and in
structions for this 40 m. cabin sports job.
PET 493 C, D, E * 26
By I. Edlin By M. W. Thompson
A 36 inch span all sheet balsa model for tethered Easily constructed slabsider power model, de-
flying as described in AEROMODELLER MAY 1962 signed for. precision flying. Span 50 in.
or general sport free flight. For up to .46 c.c. PET 346 D. E 36
By Mick Smith
A Concours d'Elegance winner with excellent
flying characteristics. Two huge plans measuring
132 in. x 38ý in. and special instructions for this
8-foot beauty An ideal subject for the connoisseur
and "big stuff" radio-control enthusiasts.
PET S04 J, K, L, M * * * 12 6
By J. W. Coasby S P I T F I R E II
Robust semi-scale model. 84 m. span, with By J. F. P. Forster
excellent performance. Only slight modification Low-wing model based on thé famous British
required for radio conversion. fighter. Span 63 in.
PET 280 H, J *★ * 7/6 PET 194 H, J * * * 8/9
A l l FREE- f l i g h t MODELS require a the glide trim. Correa by one of the The glide trim can only be finally
certain amount of individual trimming, first methods shown in Fig. 1, depending on adjusted by getting the model up to a
to establish a satisfactory glide and then, in whether the model appears over- or under- height (e.g., under a short power run. or
the case of rubber- or engine-driven air elevated. Use the method which is easiest by tow launching) and observing the glide
craft, to stabilise the “power on” flight. to apply, or seems most logical. Make only path which it enters from true free flight.
Warps or mal-alignment of the wings and small adjustments at a time, and only one Fine adjustments can be made at this
tail surfaces should be corrected before adjustment at a time. Then you can stage to get the glide trim right, which is
taking a model out for its initial test flights. observe the effect of each change. very important in the case of a contest
Also it should be checked to see that the If wing or tailplane settings are ad model.
balance point is close to the specified justed, remember that the smaller the For maximum glide duration the model
design position. Lacking any information angle between the wing and tailplane should be trimmed out to fly nearly on the
balance the model at mid-chord position. settings the smaller the resulting longi stalling point. This can be achieved by
Hand launched glide tests, carried out in tudinal stability. The wing should always correcting for under-elevation until the
caLm weather, provide a rough check on have a greater angle of incidence. model is just stalling. Then add enough
turn to correct the stall. The flattest glide
r/ci comes from a more under-elevated trim,
when the model will travel the greatest
distance from a given height, but will be
flying much faster and descend more
rapidly.—Fig. 2. If under-elevated from
this trim, the model will fly even faster
still and descend more rapidly, at a steeper
gliding angle. Glide speed is a good indica
tion of glide trim. Aim for the slowest
Torque reaction tends to turn a model
to the left. All rubber models benefit from
turning to the right under power, which
calls for right sidethrust, or packing the
noseblock around to the right. Right
sidethrust may also be used to straighten
out or turn power models to the right.
Some power models, however, are flown to
the left under power, when little or no
sidethrust may be used.
Only small amounts of sidethrust should
be used as any amount in excess of about PINKY
21 degrees tends to produce spiral in By C. Read
stability. Remember, too, that adding Unusually smart little low wing sports free
a turn is one method of curing over flighter of 35^ inches wing span ,5-.8 c.c. powered.
elevation. Hence with sidethrust less Completely stable In flight and offers to any
modeller a great deal o f enjoyment.
dmanthrusi is required. PET 813 C. * * 5/-
H a v e Y o u r Y e a r ’s
C opies B o u n d
Each year more and more readers take
advantage of our Binding Service, which
for 15- converts your twelve monthly
issues of Aeromodeller or Model Maker into
an attractive and permanent addition to
the bookshelf The completed volume,
cloth-bound with heavy board covers and
Power-on trim is achieved by adiusting gold-blocked lettering on the spine,
the thrust line by packing the noscblock includes a comprehensive index for the
rubber models) or slewing the motor whole year and forms a valuable and easy KW O D
.power models).—Fig. 3. Downthrust reference. By E. Clutton
Send your twelve issues, securely packed, Novelty is the key to this quadraplane design,
prevents stalling under power and should with remittance for 15,- to: though not w ithout purpose, for it can be flown
be added as required, once the glide trim AE R O M O D E L L E R and MODEL within the boundaries of a small field. Span 20 ins.
has been finalised. It is not necessarily MAKER B I N D I N G DEPT.. for .5— 8cc engines.
wasteful of pow’er, provided it is not useil 38 Clarendon Rd., W a tf o r d , Herts. PET787 C. * 4/4
s h r i m p By M. Bridge By G. R. W oollett
By G. D. Pik« Attractive 40 In. Sport flyer suitable for be A sturdy cabin power model employing semi-
siabsider cabin model with parallel ginners All-sheet fuselage and simple tapered elliptical wing and tail surfaces. Attractive
High * ,n£
chord wmgs. For small engines. Span 25$ in. wing construction with constant thickness ribs appearance. 42 in. span.
PET 300 B, C + * 2/6 PET, 585 C, D o r E ★ 46 PET 308 C, D * * 3/6
Η . V . 450 L IN N E T By B. A. Stnegier
By Henri Varache By R W oollett Nifty sport biplane of very attractive and
Magnificent design by world record holder. Lightweight low-wing design. 42$ in. span, with practical lines and h.’ h degree of stability. 28ý in.
Radio Control conversion sheet is included with tricycle gear and other semi-scale features. Easy wingspan, sheet fuselage sides, easy-tc-build and
plan at no extra cost. On two sheets. Span 72 in. to build and fly. a sure flyer.
PET 262 J, K. U M * * * 76 PET(537 C, D *★ * 4 6 PET 695 B. C * * 3.6
By A.M. Staff
A beginners design. Cheap to build and eas/ to
fly. A perfect introduction to the pylon power
model. Very tough Span 36 in. For engines
.5-.8c.c.. gives contest performance with the
"h o t" 049's or moderate flights w ith less power.
PET 768 B. C * 4/ -
By C. A. Shaw
Cabin tricycle model of pretty appearance and
good performance. Extremely safe to fly. Span
40 in.
PET,461 C, D * * 4/-
By J. C. Trinder
Low-wing sport design for .75 c.c.- I c.c. engines
ard having a near-scale appearance. Gets its name
for ability to withstand rough landings on bad
terrain. 48 in. wingspan, two-piece wings, open
cockpit or bubble hood.
PET 705 C. D * * 5/-
By S. Qureshi
Beginner’s design for Pakistan, this Is a perfect
"first tr y " at power modelling. Simple, easy to
build design. Span 38y in Engines .75 c.c.-l c.c.
A very docile model to trim .
a *
By Vic Smeed
PET754 C. D ★ 4/- Trim cabin Biplane with round top fuselage and
realistic lines, span 30 in.
PET 384 D. E * * 36
The pert little cabin design for small motors is By J. B. Cracknell
perfect for small field flying. High tail deep cabin Novel fuselage cross-section with turbo-jet lines
and distinctive nose give the machine an exclusive and trike u c make this an advanced design, yet
air. Very easy to build. Span 29J in. Engines .5- easy to construct on basic fuselage crutch; 42 in.
.8 c.c. span with all sheet tail surfaces.
PET 760 B. C * 41- PET 662 B. C. D ★ * 4-
By F. Hempsall
Elegance of appearance and performance make
M A M ’ SELLE this one of the most popular power models In
By Vic Smeed our range. Span 60 In.
Most attractive cabin sport plane with elliptical PET 268 F. G, H * * 5/6
section fuselage and neat nose cowling. A fine
flyer in all conditions. Wing span 37^ In.
By W . A Edwards
A consistent, strong model, suitable for younger By Vic Smeed
Neat little pusher model, of straightforward
modellers. Span 34 in. construction with all-sheet fuselage. W inner of
PET 515 D * 3/- 1953 Bowden Trophy. Stable flight, excellent take
offs and landings. 44 in. span.
PET 528 C, D * * 6/-
By S. Kemp
ETHEREAL LADY Good looking semi-scale biplane for .5-.9 c.c. VENTURE
By Vic Smeed engines. Sound design, developed over a long By M. Campbell
Cabin contest power model, elliptical fuselage, period. Leading and trailing edge slots, give an air Semi-scale, open cockpit biplane for inverted
parallel chord wings with elliptical tips Sea e of realism. Span 35 in. Engines 55-.98 c.c. motors. Span 42 in. Great for precision flying.
appearance Span 48 n. PET 769 C. D * * 6- PET 391 E. F. G * * 56
PET 291 E. F * ★
By J. Humphreys By Vic Smeed C H ATTER BO X
Highly successful biplane design that has fell To Aeromodellcr I c.c. Payload specifications, this By Vic Smeed
competition performance. Span 30 in. Very robust, For pure sport, or radio control this smart 30 in
42 in. model is suitable for sport flying or contests. span cabin model Is ideal. Takes escapement or
flies like a fighter. Excellent for beginners.
PET,367 C, D * 3/6 "Galloping Ghost" control with light weight radio
PET/522 D, E ★ 4/6 equipment.
PET RC7I5 B, C * 3/-
PR O P - S E C R E T
By W. P. Holland Join a C lu b
Large pseudo-jet Airliner with the airscrew
operating through a slot amidships. A Fine novelty Modellers, no matter what their ex
subject with excellent flight characteristics perience or interests, can do no better
Wing span 54 in. than join their nearest model club and
U 604 E, F * * 4/6 enjoy the operation of their models with
SCYTALE like-minded companions.
By R. A. Chivrall The Society of Model Aeronautical
Large near-scale model fo r sport or radio Engineers is the controlling body for all
control conversion. Voluminous cabm permits clubs in the British Isles, and membership
use of bulky R C equipment and well spaced of this society automatically entails
structure makes i t an easy model to build. Two insurance for all types of models, as well
plan sheets give full detai for this 78 in beauty. as many other benefits obtained by a
PET 636 G. H . J ★ * * *3 6 centralised controlling body.
An application form for associate
BI-PLAY membership or the address of your nearest
By W P. Holland club can be obtained by sending a stamped
Sport Biplane with a sleek cabin, four separate addressed envelope to the S.M.A.E. Ltd.,
wing halves, easy construction and for a wide Londonderry House. 19 Park Lane.
power range. Sheet fuselage and torsion bar
London. W .l.
undercarriage. Span 45 in.
PET S82 C. D. E ★ ★
it need only be a small sheet of ply and two instances, however, this proves
BUILDING it will save the plan from being cut. impossible, and in such cases the second
half can be shown by (i) slipping carbon
T racing
FROM There are several ways of transferring
drawn-out pans to the wood from which
paper face up under the plan and then
carefully going over the drawing; this
produces a reverse half on the back of the
PLANS they must be cut. These are (r) lay tracing
paper over the plan and carefully trace the plan, (b ) Pin the plan against a window,
face to glass, and trace the drawing
outline with a soft pencil, ensuring that
W i t h OUR Plans Service continuing to the plan is lying on a smooth, hard surface. through on to the back of the plan.
expand there must always be new Turn the tracing paper over on to the (til) If you do not wish to keep the plan,
builders taking advantage of our wide wood and go over the lines from the back, damp the required parts lightly with
range, many of whom may not have which will transfer the original tracing. paraffin, which renders the paper trans
worked from a plan before and who may (») Slip carbon paper under the plan and parent, enabling the second half to be
therefore be unaware of the odd hints align the material by feel; go over the built on the back. The paraffin will dry
which make the work much easier. These drawing very carefully with a hard penci!. out and the plan become once more
notes are written for such modellers, but opaque after, about three weeks.
(ni) Place the wood under the plan and
old hands may find them useful. pin-prick carefully round the outline,
G eneral Use remove die plan and connect up the
.Most builders like to preserve their marks in the wood with a hard pencil,
plans, and since many parts are actually (it) If you do not require the plan to be Flyin g Scale P o w e r
built over the drawing there is always the kept in good condition, cut out the drawn
danger that the cement used will run and parts and paste them direct on the wood.
stick the plan to the framework Even if This is not recommended for components
a modeller doesn't mind his plan getting longer than 12 inches since distortion
into a mess, the bits of paper have to be occurs during the paste-down. When
sanded off the model, so that it is a good several identical pieces arc required (e.g.,
idea to prevent this adhesion if possible. wing ribs) paste the cutting on thin ply
Covering the part of the plan in use with or aluminium to make a template. Time
waxed or greaseproof paper is one method; can be saved by numbering or
alternatively, the drawing can be rubbed identifying parts as cut. T IP S Y N IP P E R
with a stump of candle or a piece of soap Occasionally, due to price or con By C. C. Badger
wherever a joint occurs. Either system venience of production, only one wing half Free-flight. but capable of C'L or even R,C
conversions, this simplified version of the Tipsy
means that the completed framework can can be shown. This is rare, but when it is prototype has perfect modelling proportions.
be lifted off cleanly and easily. A separate done the second wing half is normally Span 37 in., detachable wing halves.
board for cutting out parts is also useful; superimposed over the first. In one or FSP,73I C .D * ★ 5/-
C ontest P o w e r PEE W E E C R E E P
By Pete Muller
Diminutive 18$ w. span "contest'· type model
for the U.S. Pee Wee .020 engine. Climbs like a
trne- ·
PET/732 A.B * * 2/6
By T. St rasberger
A small power duration model by a leading
J) By L. Piesk
Yugoslavian designer. Light weight gives fantastic
performance. Details of floats or normal under- • Most Impress vc model at the 1958 W orld F F
carriage on plan. Span 33* In. Champs., this F.A.I. rule model of 50 in. span for
I 5 c.c. engines, has a startling rate o f climb and
PET63S B. C * 4-
magnificent glide. The performance is there . . .
P U L T E RI the rest is up to you!
By O. Niemi PET/747 E. F * * V"
F.A.I. Power design from Finland. Simple to build
and easy to trim. Flat bottomed wing section for
ast climbing. Many contest successes in Finland and
the Nordic Countries, including 2nd Nordic
Countries Championships. I960. Span 60 «η., for
2.5 c.c. engines in F.A.I., or 3.5 c.c. if flown in open
P E T 764 G Jk * * 7,6
By T. Strassberger
29 in. span, this model is designed by a
Yugoslavian modeller Suitable for a begini
first contest machine.
PET 527 C *
C o n te s t P o w e r
By A. Young
winning $A free flight model of 45
wingspan and simple as can be for ease of
construction and flying. Suns all .8 c.c. (.049 cu. in.)
motors. Placing! in a whole string of contests,
prove this to be a tip-top competition design.
PET 812 C .D . *★ ST
By K. Hoover
Radical departure from the conventional free
flight power layout, this $A or open contest design
nas high thrust line and low wmg with Jedelsky O LY M PI A N
all-sheet section construction. Three versions for By L. Barr
8 to I c.c. motors Largest version. 51 ins. span. 58 in. span open free flight power design
PET 793 C, D ploying new construction system of light weight
to take full advantage of the high power i Q weight
ratio of the lastest glow motors, though ,t $Jits
any 2.5-3.5 e.c. engines.
PET 789 G .H . * + * 7/6
By E Fresl
Winner of Yugoslavian national land and sea
plane contests, with a three-year record of com
petition successes. Fits all F.A.I. requirements.
Span 46 in.
PET 543 G * ★ * 6.-
By T. Smith
By N. G. Marcus Tom Smith’s design represents more than two
Hoi contest mode1 w m n tr of many important years' intensive study of the high climbing mode
events, and rated the fastest climbing model in Ultra light construction and novel design detail
the 2 5 dass Built-up profile fuselage, multi-spar make n a model for the man who wants the fastest
wings, warp resistant construction 50$ in. wing possible rate o f climb. Span 45 in.
span. airframe weight 12 oz. PET 563 F or G * * * */*
PET 711 F. G * * ♦ 5-
C o n te s t P o w e r
By B. Wheeler
One-time W orld Championships winner. Side-
mounted motor and 52". tail-plane. Wings may
LIL' A U D be made in tw o halves, when model w ill pack in
By J. A. Gorham 8 x 8 x 3 3 inches box. Span 45£ in.
Extremely fast climbing F.A.I. model, PET 510 E, F * * 4,6
recommended for beginners in contest flylft£
potent for the more advanced. Span 40 in. Y -B A R W
PET 446 E, F * ★ By A. J. Brooks
Profile fuselage contest winning pylon design
with large tailplane and rear mounted fin, for
F.A.I. or Open events. Span 40 In.
PET 590 E. F * 4,6
By George Fuller
Slab-sided contest power model with prize-
winning perfori•mancc. Very easy and inexpensive
to build. Span 48 in.
PET 499 E. F
J HI-BALL “ B; W . B. Hart
W By P. Neate Unique swept forw ard wing 3r
r A super performance contest model with ^ c*'? n to tu r e s on this 40-in. span
pylon wing fixing. Span 36 in
an inexpensive experim ent fo r sp
PET 271 D, E * *
PET, 667 D. E *
^In tern a tio na l class power model with twin fins
and boom type fuselage. Excellent performance
w ith small motors Span 39 In.
PET 452 D * * 3/-
By R. A. Collins
An elegant contest design which includes
detachable wing halves, etc., for easier trans
portation. Span 60 in.
PET 377 Η * * ★ 5/6
n i g -nog
By Tom Smith
One of Britain’s fastest climbing open power
models, the I960 record holder and winner of
Shelley. Hamley and Frog Senior 66 in. PY L Ο N I U S
span polyhedral wing. For the experienced power By P. Christianson
flier only. 3.5-5 c.c. A simple contest pylon model by a leading
PET781 H, J. ★★★ 8.6 Danish designer. Features large wmg area and
generous tail surfaces. Span 51} in.
PET 402 G (ra d ia l) * * 36
ELF A X E ....
By John Lamble
High thrust line contest power model. Span 46
with wing area 329 tq. in EUREKA M IC ]
PET 473 E, F (Beam ) * + By G. Stringwell
Competition free flight power model for open
class contests and modified version of Norman
Marcus’s original Eureka. High performance with
both light glow engines and heavier diesels. Span
49 ins. for 2.5-3.5cc. engines. A very fast climber,
very stable.
_ 3 j T ------- ^ 3 ? PET 711 G, H . *★ * * I-
By G. Schmid By B. Eggleston
Powered sailplane type of contest model, with High performance contest winning design for
safe climb and magnificent glide. Second place F.A.I. or open events, especially suitable for vertical
at 1952 W orld Championships. Span 74 in. take-off. Wing span 50 in.
PET, 508 G, H * * «/- PET 609 G * *
C o n te s t P o w e r
S W IS S MISS By M. Green
By Lanfranchi and Colllnson British Nationals winner in open power. 1957.
This "model of the year" for 1954 placed 2nd this 55j in. high climber can be ballasted to meet
in both the European and W orld Championships. weight requirement for 1958 F.A.I. rules. Diagonal
Easy to build and fly. is 58 in. span. ribs, sheet covered fuselage and pylon.
PET 571 G, H o r J * * 6- PET 686 G. H * * 6/-
By G. Gunter
A larger contest model for open events, and
noted for a very rapid climb. Span 50 in.
PET 419 H * + * 3/6
DREAM WEAVER To guide modellers in their choice of
By D. Posner plan, we have instituted a four star grading
Outstanding fast climber for F.A.I. or Open system in this catalogue. Beginners can
events, w-ch tremendous contest record, achieving rely upon the single star designs as being
116 mins out of possibfe 136 mins, during 1956 simple to construct and easy to operate,
W ill handle up to 6 c.c. power in expert hands. whilst the experienced modeller can be
Span 56 in. assured of advanced design, sometimes
PET 653 G, H * * * 76 calling for plan interpretation in a four
star model.
For example:
★ Beginner’s, or ultra simple design with
specific instructions.
* ★ Advanced over beginner stage, yet
still simple in structure.
SLIC K STICK ★ * * For more advanced modellers.
By P. Buske 11 design calls for practical experi
Outstanding F.A.I. contest design has a string ence in either construction or
of major contest successes gamed over the past operation according to type.
three seasons. Span 56j in. * + ★ * Very advanced, an "experts"
PET 550 G. o r H * * * 6- subject, capable of high contest
N .A .C .A . 4415 - - - - - S/14
By J. Baguicy
There are many aeromodellers who would plot
their own choice for airfoil section: but for the fact
that they find the procedure o f creating percentage
N .A .C .A . 6409 - - - -
N .A .C .A . 6412 - - - -
N .A .C .A . 6512 - - - -
N .A .C .A . 6712 - - - -
- S/15
- S/16
- S/17
- S/18
grids too tedious. The sheet contains a set of grids U.S.A. 5 - - - - - - - S/19
ranging a: convenient and popular size intervals - S/20
U.S.A. 27 - - - - -
over no less than 25 chords ranging for 3 to 14 in.,
to suit all types o f model. Indispensable for the U.S.A. 35B - - - - - - S 21
serious designer. EIFFEL 400 - - - - - - S 22
FOR EASIER BUILDING 761 3/6 EIFFEL 431 - - - - - - S'23
The only comprehensive selection o f G R A N T X-8 - - - - - S 24
airfoil sections In the w o rld is at your G O TTIN G EN 387 - - - - S '25
Many of the flying models in the A.P.S. use - S26
service— forty-eig ht o f the most useful original airfoil sections or modified standard G O TTIN G EN 398 - - -
sections, covering all types o f models. sections for which no sheets are available. G O TTIN G EN 413 - - - - S /27
Sheets I— 36 each give 31 accurate profiles All plans give all required details for wing G O TTIN G EN 426 - - - - S '28
in steps o f 1/5 in. from 3 in. up to 9 in. construction, and customers are therefore G O TTIN G EN 436 - - - - S'29
requested not to write in for " such and such G O TTIN G EN 532 - - - S/30
Sheets 37— 48 each give 41 steps fro m 4 in.
a moael and a irfo il sections to s u it" — it S/31
up to 12 in. chord. delays their orders and usually means G O TTIN G EN 602 - - -
W e regret that it is no t possible to considerable time absorbed in our accounts SIKORSKI GS-I - - - S/32
supply airfoils specially draw n, to chords department in making a refund of the N.22 - - - - - - - S/33
outside the ranges quoted. surplus Ad. N.60 -------------------------------- S/34
A ll sections are prin ted in solid black on C.72 - - - - - - S/35
w h ite and may be pasted d ire c t on to sheet M A R Q U A R D T S-2 - - S, 36
R.A.F. 15 - S/1
and cut o u t fo r use as permanent templates. R.A.F. 19 - S/2 N .A .C .A . 0018 - - - - S/37
N o more tedious p lo ttin g and risk o f R.A.F. 30 - S/3 CURVED PLATE 417a - S/38
inaccuracy In draw ing you r own sections R.A.F. 31 - S4 DAVIS (A — 9; B— I ) - - S/39
__make you r choice and build w ith ease R.A.F. 32 - S/5 SIGURD ISAACSON 53009 S/40
and confidence! R.A.F. 33 - S6 SIGURD ISAACSON 53507 S/41
CLARK Y - S/7 DAVIS (A— .93; B— . 17) - S/42
per sheet, JO U K O W SK I - - - -
plus 2yd. post. CLARK Y-H S8 S/43
O r set o f 48 1 5 '- N .A .C .A . 97 S, 9 DAVIS (A — I ; B— 2) - - S/44
sheets post N .A.C .A. 98 $10 LDC-2 - - - - - - S/45
N .A .C .A . 4309 Si l l 60% C LARK Y - - - - S 46
When ordering these sheets please quote N .A .C .A . 4612 - - - - S 47
reference number only—thus— for R.A.F.32 N .A .C .A . 4409 S 12
N .A .C .A . 4412 S/13 60% R.A.F. 30 - - - - S/48
store simply—' sheet(s) $/$.'*
S/1 S / 17
S /3
S/4 S/20
S/5 S/21
S/6 S/22
S /7 5 /2 3
S /8 S/24
S /9
S/2 8
S /2 9
S /3 0
S / 15 S/31
S/16 S/32
O pen Class G lid ers
By L. G. Temple
A super contest type model from the Temple
stable. Sturdy yet light construction makes this
,dea< for contest work. Span 72 in
AEGEUS MICK F A R T H IN G g l i d e r G .II9 * * * 3/6
By R. H. Warring A lightweight glider by an acknowledged expert
A glider for the beginner, with an advanced in this class. Span 40 in. DAEDALUS
performance. Simple construction Span 42 in. G 228 * * 26 By O. Roser
G;I06 * 26 A Hungarian design featuring Jedelsky all sheet
wing structure, of high aspect ratio. W orld Cham
pionship class performance. Span 88Í in., was
flown in the 1959 Internationals.
G 748 * * 5 /-
By T. Hervey
Designed for the younger modeller, with all- FU G ITIV E MK.I
sheet sides and simple construction, yet with By D. C. Butler
realistic appearance Span 30 in. Lightweight sailplane, one-time winner of the
Q 263 * 1/6 Pilcher Cup. Easy construction with all-sheet
fuselage and semi-pylon wing. 50 in. span.
G 258 * * 3/6
By R. F. L. Gosling By R. Firth
Pro*bably the most popular glider in our range, A ‘‘quickie” model of high performance. Light
many hundreds of this model have been built weight construction gives it every advantage for
and successfully flown. First-class performance. the ‘‘open” type of contest. Span is 58| in. and
Span 50 in. wing area 292 sq. in.
G 148 * ★ 2/3 G,49l ★ ★ 46
By M. Richards
A high performance “ suitcase” type sailplane,
of easy construction and ideal for contest use. LULU ΜK.II
Span 51 in. W A L T H E W GLIDER
By R. Scott By J. Barker
G 302 * * 3/6 A high-performance sailplane o f extremely simple
A novice's first glider, this model hjs simple
yet strong construction. Span 29 in construction, and an ideal beginner’s model.
<3/341 * 2/6 Span 50 in.
G 338 * 3/6
By D. M. Dent
An Interesting glider based on a fighter design
outline. Very realistic In flight. Span 42 in. EV A N D ER
Gy 107 ★ ★ 2/9 By D. R. Murrln
Robustly constructed model for the enthusiast.
Has fine flying qualities. Span 66 in.
G/224 * * 3/6
N U M B E R 96 A
Standard Sc. Albans club "open” glider design, a By A. J. Smith
•'bigger" machine evolved from the combined Theory into practice. A simple high-performance
experience o f five of Britain’s leading contest design by the author of “ Simple Aerodynamics” .
fliers. Span 84 inches. Span 60 in.
G/814 * ★ 9 /- G/192 ★ * 3/6
By E. Smith By P. Gilbert V
Shoulder wing high-performance contest sail Slope soarer by one of Britain’s most expert
plane. utilising laminar flow wing section. Span sailplane builders. Simple structure, neat appear
82j in. gi ance. has been used with towline and R;C. Span
G 310 * * * B0 72 in.
G 379 * *
By L. Gabriels
ruggedly-designed sailplane, ready to stand PERES I
up to hard knocks In rough weather flying. By Dr. Ing. Piatclli
High performance. Span 72 in.
This leading Italian expert has here designed
MEANDERER G 368 * * 56
a high aspect ratio sailplane of outstanding
By J Baguley performance Span 120 in.
96-in span, large lightweight, can meet F A I. G 242 * * * 6/6
rules, has fine contest record, very simple con
struction. two-piece wing Averages 2 : 50 from
For full-size sailplane enthusiasts we have line. drawn up twenty-six of the world’s leading
G 683 * * 7/* sailplanes to a scale of onc-hundredth. Each
sailplane is drawn as a complete three-view,
and the whole sheet offers an interesting
study in full-size design, etc. A ll twenty-six
drawings on one sheet size 25 in. x 38 in
G 558 46
By Vern Clements By Jim Waldron
A 15 m. chuck g id e r in profile or pod and boom A sailplane that turns beginners into experts
form and a little glider for indoor work, only 6 in. Winner of countless contests, designed for all
span. An ideal plan to introduce the novice to this weather conditions and quite easy to build.
type of flying 73 in. span. Detachable wing halves.
G 730 * 26 G 622 * * 6/6
By R. Minney
Largest size sailplane to P.A.I. limits. Cabin
By Captain K. Laumer type slabsider. even chord wings with elliptical
For the "pocket-money” restricted youngster of tips. Span 137 in.
seven to 12 years of age. this is a perfect hand G 306 ★ ★ 13/6
launch (throw) glider introduction to our fascinat
ing hobby. It takes little money and skill
to produce a Whizzler capable of providing endless O p e n Class
fun. A real toughie 24 Incher.
G/791 ★ 2/4
G lid e rs
When thoroughly prepared and ready
O pe ratin g G low a fuel supply with the tank on a level
with the crankcase, and fit a prop at the to start, connect'the fuel line to the tank
"quarter to three" position as on a which should be filled, do not choke the
carburettor and then hook up the plug
Plug Engines clockface, securely tightening the prop
nut. Now blow through the fuel supply immediately prior to flicking over. Now
tube with it connected only to the needle flick hard: the engine should lire, continue
valve body, and adjust the needle valve to run. sucking fuel through the tube
HE glowplug form of ignition for an
T internal combustion engine is one
of the very original principles, used
control until a steady hiss is heard at the
jet in the centre of the intake tube.
from the tank and giving the impression
of running rich. Allow to pick up for
five seconds or so, disconnect the lead
Next remove the plug, and connect
before either diesel or the spark ignition with the battery. One lead to the top of off the top of the glowplug (the other can
systems. the plug, the other to the plug body, or be more or less permanent for test
Our glow is provided by a wire element, earth if the plug is left resting by its body purpose on a mounting lug or other
usually platinum, which becomes incan on the engine cylinder head. There is no convenient earthing point), then watch
descent when shon circuited in a 1.5 volt need for concern over polarity, just as the characteristics.
(for U.S.A. plugs) or 2.2 volt (British long as one lead cannot touch the other, The engine should be rather rich for
plugs) circuit, and retains incandescence and that the alligator clips are safely the first run, not two-stroking but never
once the engine is firing, so that the spaced on the plug, then the element theless operating smoothly with copious
short circuit can be removed and the should glow bright orange. Dull red will fumes from the exhaust and lots of noise.
engine runs as a self-contained unit. indicate a poor contact, low battery or To get the engine to two-stroke, simply
Plugs vary in construction, even come current leak in the circuit. If the plug lean out the mixture by screwing the
integral with the cylinder head, and the glows rapidly to white heat, disconnect needle valve into its body, quarter turn
most common means of fitting the wire immediately as it is most probable that at a time and waiting a moment between
clement is to have it in a tightly wound there is too much current going through adjustments to check the effect in revolu
coil of about 5 to 7 turns, Platinum- the element and there is a danger of tions per minute. To stop the engine,
Iridium wire of about .015 diameter. blowing out and fusing unless a resistance simply screw the needle valve fully home
Current drain on the booster battery is is fitted. American plugs on lead acid and the effect will be that the engine
high, being around 2 to 5 amps, so it is accumulators are specially susceptible. speeds up to a peak speed, dies off and
better to remove the battery terminal Once satisfied that the blow is present, stops fairly abruptly through the fuel
connection as soon as the engine fires, or we should inject a little of the special starvation. This will give the experience
for any period when the engine is not fuel through the plug hole, fit the plug needed to identify too lean a fuel setting.
actually being flick started. Dry batteries and flick over a few times without
of the large bell-cell type, arranged in connecting the plug. A drop of fuel in Run the engine rich for the first 30
parallel pairs, are satisfactory. the intake also helps this way to free up minutes of its life, and after the first
To set the engine ready for starting, the engine ready for a quick start and the minute or so. stop it and tighten the
mount it securely in a test stand, arrange lubrication helps to seal the piston fit head bolts while still warm.
The simplest way of cutting a set of sharp and only a few ribs are required, is to Only the root and tip rib profiles need
tapered wing ribs is by the “sandwich” use only one template corresponding to the be calculated and plotted (β). The ordinates
technique (1). Templates of the root and largest rib and cut the taper ribs individu for each station for each of the other ribs
tip ribs are cut from in. ply or similar ally. The first rib (rib 1) is cut directly from are then established by drawing the wing
hard material, the number of ribs required the template (3). On the balsa sheet then in spanwisc section, joining the 10 per
then being cut oversize as rectangles of mark the exact length of rib 2 and the cent, root rib station ordinate (height) to
balsa. The balsa strips are then stacked, trailing edge depth required (4). The rib 1 the 10 per cent, tip rib ordinate, and so on.
preferably rubbed over a sheet of sand template is then lined up over these mark Thus the corresponding 10, 20, 30, 40,
paper to make sure that all the bottom ings—it will be “skew” to the edge of the etc., per cent, chord station ordinates can
edges are level, and the “sandwich” com sheet—and rib 2 cut. Rib 3 is cut in a be measured dire« for plotting the in
pleted by fitting the two ply templates at similar manner by first marking out and dividual ribs, and will be accurate for
each end, holding together with pins. “skewing” the template still more, and so both equal and unequal rib sparing. To
The ends of the “sandwich” are then on to complete the set of ribs required (5). avoid confusion, ordinate lines forward
trimmed to shape (2), when the balsa of the deepest part of the section are best
strips are simply carved and sanded down The geometric method of marking out plotted on one drawing, and ordinates aft
to shape the individual ribs. Ribs slots individual ribs for a taper wing is tedious, of this on a second drawing (7). Instead of
should be cut or filed before separating the but is the most accurate and the only straight lines, of course, these ordinate
stack. For a set of ribs for the opposite method really suited to plotting ribs for lines can be curved, such as required to
wing, the “sandwich” is assembled the compound or curved tapered planforms. give true elliptic taper on an elliptic
other way round. In this case the individual ribs arc all planform wing.
A better method where the taper is drawn out and cut to these outlines.
By R. Cizek
A/l Class Gliders A 47 in. span A /l from a leading Czech designer.
Ideal for young beginners and capable of averaging
regular flights o f up to two minutes from 164 ft.
of line.
By C. Campbell
A /l class glider of 52J In. span by a Scottish V:
enthusiast. Simple structure, w ith even chord
" W ” brace wing rib pattern wing Makes an ideal
"second” glider in one’s aero-modelling career.
G/786 ★ 4 /-
By Martin Bridge
Refined high performance model to the popular
class of small glider. Plan includes photo of finished
model and complete instructions. Span 45^ In.
U.S. Nationals winner and holder of several
duration records. LA M O U E T T E
G 643 _ ★ 3/6 By R. Cizek
Czech expert. Rad Cizek is renowned for his
clever, high performance, contest models and this
one is no exception. The A; I class, which i t meets
fr admirably (Span 47 in.) is likely to become widely
A tcL Μ I N l-EG AL
adopted. Already Include in U.S.A. and European By R. Hyvarinen
contests programmes, it w ill be a perfect event A 55 inch span A /l glider from Finland featuring
for La Mouette. Jedelsky aerofoil all-sheet balsa wing for rugged
C/774 * * 3 /- "all weather" performance (capable of a 2 minute
S I ESTA average) and the advantage of no tissue covering.
By P. Gasson G/822 * 5-
To A, I specification, this novel 48 in. span glider
has all-sheet construction and can be built ready
to fly in an afternoon! Elegant lines and good
G 696 * 3/6
By Vic Smeed
Simple + 4 in. design to A /l specification.
Already very popular for C|ub - O M model
contests this design is a certain success
G/594 * 2/4
By J. Hancock
Ultra short nose A^2 for thermal snifting.
Successes include several wins at big rallies;
easy construction allows for breaking down to
TOPSCORE small parts for transport. 65 In. span.
By J. B. Hannay G 583 * * _ 4/6
British leading A/2 design, proven over many QUICKIE
years A contest winner with construction simple By R. Monks
enough for beginners. Unusual tip fins on 73-in. One of the most popular and successful A/2
wing with tongue and box attachment. Placed sailplanes ever; simple construction, has won
8th in 1957 W orld Championships. innumerable contests. Span 66$ in.
G 684 ★ + $/- G 517 6/-
By P. Law
78$ in. semi-pod-and-boom glider capable of a A/2 G liders
still-air average of 4 mm. 20 sec. from a 328-feet
line. Tongue and box wing fitting, auto-rudder, SERAPH
etc. Bv D. E. Butler
G/519 * * pod and boom, long moment arm A 2
design is the culmination o f a series of gliders on
similar lines, and capable of near-maximums In
still air from a 164-feet line. 64 in. span.
G 533 * ★
By G. T. Lefever
High aspect ratio A/2 design which placed top
In the 1955 British Trials. A fine all-weather
flyer, this model has been developed through four
flying seasons. Wing span 79 in.
G 602 * *
FI N N A I R By G. Brcwin
/ By I. Haahtela Leading British A/2 design in 1957 U.K. Team
Contest winning 51$ in. span A ll design from Trials has sheet diamond fuselage, drooped T.E.
: niand. capable of high performance, yet easy section and tip fins for shallow dihedral on 66-in.
to build. Mixed hardwood and balsa construction. two-piece wing.
G,672 ★ * 4/6 G 676 * 5/-
By Bob Amor
Second plíce In 1956 W orld Championship
gained by this outstanding 75-In. span British
design with latest style thin wing section and
slender fuselage. An efficient all-weather design.
G 645
By R. H olt
Very simple beginners A/2 model w ith top class B.G.44
performance. W inner of Thurston Trophy and By Bora Gunic
many high placing In other national competitions. A W orld's Championship Holder, this Is the
Span 48 in. ■'cream” among A 2 class gliders. Ultra short nose
GSI 6 * 46 and special wing section; not easy to build; but
certainly one o f the best. Span 66 In.
NEBULA G/498 * ★ */-
By R. Yeabsley W A LT HEW A 2
International specification glider design by By Roland Scott
Roy Yeabsley. Simple construction with a first- A design for beginners, to Nordic specifications.
class performance. Span 72 In. V e ry simple construction and a fine flier. 50 In.
G /55Í * * 6/-
G 426 W Ě I^ *
A/2 Gliders
By G. Kinney By W . Pullen
Leading U.S.A. A/2 glider of 72 inches span, Longer tail moment version o f the famous
with emphasis on rigidity, strength and flight A lta ir w ith other features from Lucifer, by another
stability. Complicated though warp free structure, South Essex clubman. Simple to build and with
is not one for beginners. Original made seven two-piece wings measuring 76 in. span, it boasts
consecutive maxlmums under contest conditions. high performance for little constructional effort.
G/817 *★ * 7 /- G/71/ * 5/-
By Max Hacklinger
The elite amongst International A/2 class
gliders, this 86 In. span German design by Max
Hacklinger w ill reward the conscientious modeller
who likes intricate detail in construction. Has
many novel features.
G 573 ★★★ 61-
By C. P. Varetto
By D. Aldridge
W inner o f the I960 "Europa Cup" International
The 1955 Queen's Cup Winner, a very simple in the Saar, this leading Italian A/2 mixes the well
A/2 with excellent contest record. Constant
proven features of several well-known designs with
chord wines make it suitable for beginners.
the elegance o f the designer's own original ideas.
Wing span 64 in.
72 in. span.
G '6I4 * 41- G/782 ★★★ 7/6
By H. Thomann
SANS EGAL Europe’s most advanced A/2 design in 1958 by
By R. Hyvarinen Swiss expert aerodynamicist; 80-ln. span, rolled
Nordic countries Championship winner, a super sheet fuselage boom, asymmetric weight balanced,
job in all respects with admirable all-weather per turbulated wing. Very high performance.
formance. 80 in. wingspan w ith detachable halves, G/681 * * * 7/6
hardwood wisely used for spars and longerons.
G/725 * * * 7/6
The simplest and least expensive is single
channel, and in its most basic application
this gear is used just as a switch to
operate a sequence of rudder movements
by means of an escapement or actuator.
The sketch- shows a typical installation
in an electric powered 20 in. launch,
using two No. 800 batteries for the main
motor and 3 U 11 cells for the clockwork
actuator, which is a clockwork escapement
with the addition of a contact breaker to
give stop (or half speed) in one of the
neutral positions. This contact breaker
could be a contact maker used to switch
another escapement in. Several operations
can. in fact, be introduced by such
additions, but the limiting factor is
usually the memory of the operator or
the number of turns possible on the
clockwork motor.
Electric escapements (or actuators) are
available, which do the same job. Care
must be taken in selecting equipment,
however, since some electric actuators
will not work from—or will damage—
all-transistor relayless receivers. Transis
tor receivers, too, may be sensitive to
interference from motor sparking, and
RADIO control of mode! boats is
probably the most rapidly expanding
towns which are excellent for boating
and do not involve long trips. In addition,
may not work if mounted close to the
main motor as is the receiver drawn.
branch of both radio and model power equipment weight is not so critical (except Your dealer should be able to advise on
boats, since there are so many advantages where high speeds are the aim) and a suitable equipment.
and so few snags. Weather is far less of a failure or loss of control does not so often Rudder movement is divided into four
consideration than it is for aircraft, space result in a lost or broken model. classes—sequential, (sometimes called
required is far less, and many stretches Radio, in itself, is divided into single “ escapement-only” or, more simply,
of water are to be found in or near channel and multi-channel equipment. “ bang-bang rudder"), optional or selec-
over side or through transom. A silencer whip aerial is slightly more efficient,
tive (full rudder, left or right at will), but less convenient: keep the aerial away
progressive (the rudder moves gradually is essential—we don’t want to lose the
use of ideal sites from noise nuisance, as from HT wires and electric motors.
and may be stopped at any intermediate Insulation is desirable between the tiller
position: this is usually movable in either has happened so often with aircraft.
direction, i.e. optional progressive), and The silencer also should act as an oil and the rudder actuator or servo, a
trap, to prevent fouling the water. plastic link being best. Adjustment must
proportional, in which the rudder be provided in the tiller linkwork so that
"follows" the control exactly and can Radio-wise, the receiver should be
be moved to any position from any mounted on a block of foam rubber or the rudder can be neutralised precisely.
position. suspended by springs or rubber bands, A clutch on rudder and, particularly,
so that high frequency vibration isdamped throttle servo is an advantage.
The average boat, especially as used in out. Everything should be slightly off Clean and check the boat after each
competition, is fitted with four-channel the floor of the boat to prevent' damage day's running, and check everything
radio. In normal multi-channel equip from water in the bilges. Invisible soldered immediately before the next outing,
ment the single-channel carrier wave is joints, such as under the switch panel etc., particularly batteries—a little damp can
sent continually and when a control is should be boxed in to prevent splashing ruin a battery or corrode a vital contact.
selected, a "tone" is superimposed on the and subsequent corrosion. Wires should By following these simple rules, plus the
carrier. Up to ten different tones can be be anchored near joints, so that an rules of good soldering and the instruc
sent with most model radio outfits but inadvertent pull is not taken by the joint. tions supplied by the radio manufacturer,
with a four-channel set provision for All wires should be braided or slipped you can expect long and trouble-free
selecting only four is made. The receiver through tubing and tucked neatly out of service and many hours of enjoyable
responds to the appropriate tone sent, the way along the sides of the boat. A running.
and the four tones normally provide
progressive left and right rudder and
progressive open and close throttle.
By G. Mellar
Contours winning slab sider. Sheet s.ded
fuselage and simple wing construction make this
special tailplane for A/2 version. Winner of many an A 2 for the tyro. Uses the M.V.A. 301 section
contests, this sailplane is easy to build and simple
By B. Hansen and is 69± In. span.
to fly.
Tough structure on this all-weather A 2 design G 50 0 * 6 *
G 475_______________ * * 6/-
by Danish Champ. Model has a long pedigree of
contest success. Simple to build, very strong.
AEROMODELLER '9 in. Uses Hansen’s own special airfoils.
* * 7,-
Informative leaflets dealing with the following
subjects are available on receipt of a stamped and
self-addressed envelope plus, where applicable,
stamps to the value shown Each leaflet covers the
subject as completely as possible and is Intended
to aid you in your enjoyment of acromodelling.
R u b b e r P o w e re d By R Downes
A neat, handy little model with fine flight
capabilities. Span 29 In.
D e sign s D 'l IS ★ ★ 1/9
By Bill Dean By K. Laumer
Revival of one of our most popular little rubber- A 30 in. span rubber driven model with especially
driven models in a new and up-to-date form. W I TC Η Μ K . I simple construction to set the beginner on the way
A truly perfect little flyer, and very pretty to By G. Woo IIs to a successful modelling career. Sure Flyers w ill
watch in flight. Plans contain fully illustrated A robust duration model with a high average teach the basic techniques and provide a great deal
building instructions. 20 in. wingspan. duration. Span 45 In of fun.
D 494 * 2/6 ★ ★ 3,6 D 800 4 '-
By F. J. Rogerson JEEP
A Canadian designed stick type model with By C. A. Shaw
a te rrific performance. Span 34 in. A good general purpose model w th consistent
By R. S. Brewer D 128 * 2,6
Neat 32 in. low-wing design for sport flying with »rformance. Span 28 In.
sheet type fuselage sides and easy assembly. A fine * I/*
flyer for club one-model events.
D/718 * * 34
By K. Laumer L. Barr Introduction to the Popular “Coupe D ’Hivcr"
Intended as a minimum-cost Introduction to 39 inch span high performance Open Rubber continental rubber driven class and provides a
rubber power flying to teach the youngest model class model for local field flying or major contests. fine starting point as a "firs t” rubber-powered
lers the intricacies of power adjustment, this Simple construction make this design quite suitable model. A sound introduction to the contest type
18 In. span flit-about is a perfect follow-on from for the novice, and high performance w ill reward model and contest practices. Span 39 ins. with
Capt. Laumer's Whizzkr throw glider. the effort put into building only 10 grams of rubber motor.
D/7T7 * 2/6 D 818 * * 6/- D 809 * 3/6
e s t r e l l i t a
9 By G. Woo!Is
30 In. low Wing that makes a fine sport model _ ARISTOCRAT
r small field flying. Two-piece wing, special # By E. Stoffel
mmated prop, full dethermaltser details. High wing, semi-streamlined cabin Wakefield
616 * * a 3' e re model w ith exceptional good looks and
.rformance. Span 43$ in.
’' l l ! * ★ * 3;6
9 By B. Cracknel I
Pert little 30 in. rubber model capable of
extremely good performance. Simple and In T A L I S M A N M K . II
expensive to build and fly. pleasing appearance. By L. W . V Turner
A diamond F.A.I. design w ith pylon mounted
D 541 * * 3/- wmg and streamlined nose Span 37 In.
J U N I O R MI SS D 382 * ★
By Vic Smeed
Lightweight rubber model. Suitable for t
Zinners, quick and easy to build. Span 20 m. LITTLE AUK
By J. Trinder #
30 in. amphibious design can be fitted with
Always quote plan num ber, name and floats o r normal u/c for excellent contest per
price in yo ur o rd e r and use an o rd e r formance In club events. Free wheeling prop
fo rm i f possible. Sturdy yet simple construction.
WR/685 * $/-
Rubber Powered
By George Wool Is
By J. O'Donnell This 36 In. span Ughi-weight rubber-driven
Open contest design suitable for Wakefield
model features diamond fuselage, wing ara
events with ballast. An outstanding performer In
end-plates, and single-bladed folding prop. Simple
RAFF V either category. Span 42 in.
r v c il a. J. J. construction and fast clim b.
By N. G Marcus^ * a 46
A ilabsided. lightweight contest model with
single bladed folding prop and single wire under
cart. Span 32 In.
0 .» * * 3/-
C O P L A N D ’S WAKEFIELD By N. G. Marcus
A "h o t" contest model built to F.A.I. require
By R. Copland
A beautifully streamlined contest model by the ments. and winner of many contests. H gh flight
times on every flight. Span 29j in.
accepted British expert in this field of aero-
modelling. Span 44 in. D 348 * * A 36
D; 121 ★ * * 46
By B T. Faulkner By Norman Marcus
36 In. lightweight rubber model conforming A very successful design already victor of
to 1/3 rubber weight rules. Easy to handle and many contests, including a third place at the Irish
capable of regular 2» minute flight. Nationals and 10th in British Nationals. Span 42 in
D/529 δ * * 4/6 D 416 sr * 36
By M. G. Green
A design to meet the latest Wakefield model
rules. O f 44 in. span, model features box section
O . H IG Η . O fuselage and many practical construction methods.
By G. Reich and Joe Elgin D 541 * * 4;-
Two U.S.A. experts of the renowned Cleveland
Model Club designed this Wakefield as a high
performance model for the novice. Extra plan detail
for difficult parts, tough structure. 44 inch span.
D 724 ★ ^ 5/-
By R. H. Warring
A simple, shoulder wing style contest model in
typical Warring fashion. Span 38i in.
0,794 * * 3/4
To guide modellers in their choice of
plan, we have instituted a four star grading
system In this catalogue. Beginners can
rely upon the single star designs as being
simple to construct and easy to operate,
whilst the experienced modeller can be
assured of advanced design, sometimes
calling for plan interpretation In a four
star model.
For example:
★ Beginner's, or ultra simple design with
specific instructions.
★ ★ Advanced over beginner stage, yet
still simple In structure.
★ ★ ★ For more advanced modellers,
design calls for practical experi
ence in either construction or
operation according to type.
★ ★ ★ * Very advanced, an 'experts'*
subject, capable o f high contest
original plan. The basic step is to draw
in a datum line on the plan, and work
Scaling p lan s from a similar line on the fresh drawing.
Simple geometry, including accurate
Scale D ra w in g s
measurement of distances and angles, Renowned fo r their accuracy, the famous A.P.S.
docs the rest. If curves are to be re
up o r dow n produced, plot several points in by
rang« of highly detailed 3-view scale plans are
produced especially for the builder of “ solid'’
measurement, and connect up with a models, and find an increasing interest among the
thin wooden (; in. by i in.) or stiff ranks of full-size aviation enthusiasts.
celluloid spline pinned in place. The following schedule of designs gives (fl) the
I t SOMETIMES happens that an in reference number under which the required
tending builder has by him a power P hotostats drawing should be ordered, also (b) the code letters
plant which is too large or too small for Many firms undertake the reproduction denoting the scale sizes m which the design is
a design which takes his fancy, especially of large drawings, etc., in the same or produced.
in the boat and car fields. In a case Plccse note that we cannot supply designs other
different scales, and all the customer than those listed, and each design is available only
such as this, there is no objection to a need do is mark two clear vertical lines m the scale categories indicated by the code letter
plan being increased or decreased in size on his original drawing and give the It is totally uneconomic to both the customer and
to suit individual requirements. There desired distance between those marks for ourselves to produce single items to a special scale.
are two ways of producing a drawing of the finished print. Normally these This list is added to monthly as new designs are
3 different size, to re-draw the essential verticals should be placed at easily produced in the AEROMODELLER. Make sure you
obtain your copy regularly each month In order
parts to the desired size, or alternatively recognisable points, such as the stem and to be aware of the full range o f these accurate
to have them photostaticaUv reproduced. stérn extremities of a boat hull, etc. drawings.
Re-draw ing For a very large reproduction, the finished PRICE 2s. 6d per design pack
A straight-edge, a set-square, a pair of print may be in two or more sheets (Each pack comprises drawings to tw o scales,
which require fitting together before use. and m the majority of cases, statistical information
compasses, a rule, a protractor, and a and photographs invaluable to the builder and or
spline for curves, plus some ability for The obvious advantage of this system collector.)
mental arithmetic, are the basic require is that every detail is enlarged (or reduced) Code V ... .. 1240th Scale
ments for scaling a plan up or down. to the same scale with no possibility of Code N ......................... I/144th Scale
When an awkward conversion factor is error. Code O .................................. I 96th Scale
CodeJ. L. M. S ......................... 1.72nd Scale
involved [c.g., 2.65 x full-size) an Code A. B. C. D. E. T I 48th Scale
elementary knowledge of the slide-rule Fully detailed drawings o f the S.E.Sa (Hispano
Code K. F ... ... I/36th Scale
Suiza engine), on three large sheets, to I 10th scale.
or a pair of proportional dividers are a Price 9 - per set. Code U I'32nd Scale
great help. Frequently only a few parts Fokker D .VII to I 10th scale, showing full con Code G. H .............. ... I 24rh Scale
require drawing frames and keel for ..j... 3n<j "fyj·· pjans are fine-line block printed;
structional detail c f the full-size aircraft.
others are dye-line printed.
example in a model boat) and other com Price 9 - per set.
It is essential th a t th e c o rre c t reference
ponents can be worked direct from the Perfect for the ardent scale modeller
num bers are quoted on all orders.
B R IT IS H 2167 106 Comet 1 N & M •2729 Hart A & F 2360 Valiant Μ& N MEYER
A.N.E.C. 2168 110 B&L 2731 Hurricane S& L 2659 Sup*marine Walrus A & J 2701 Little Toot A & K
2007 Missel Thrust IV H only •2681 82A Tiger Moth A & F LUTON •2722 Vimy B& L L O V IN G -W A Y N E
AR M S TR O N G |2680 Venom Series S& T 2256 Minor J& K •2725 Stranraer B& L 2707 Love A & K
W H IT W O R T H •2690 89a Rapide A only 2247 Buzzard J& K W E S TLA N D LO C K H E E D
2014 Siskin Ilia A &J •2708 60 Moth A & F MILES 2398 Wyvern T.F. Mk. IV A & J 2657 F.94 Starfire A & J
2651 Meteor N.F.I4 A &J •2735 D.H.4 A & F 2063 M.2I Hawk Speed 6 A & J 2684 W hirlw ind HARS A & J 2757 FI04G A&J
2736 AW650 Argosy N & M 2752 Comet 4B N &C 2292 Sparrowjet A & J M cD o n n e l l
A M E R IC A N 2747 F4H-1 Phantom II B & L
2016 Autocar J.58 A &J 2696 E.P.9 A& L 2300 P.56 Provost AERONCA NO RTHRO P
A& J
2018 Ambulance B.4 A &J E N G L IS H ELECTRIC 2301 Mew Gull P.6 2401 100 F only 2738 NI56 Freedom Fighter
A &J
AVRO 2171 Canberra 2 B&L 2661 Jet Provost II B O E IN G B& L
A &J
2023 707A A &J 12704 Cambcrra B(l).8 S & T PRESTWICK 2415 B.47 Μ& N N O R T H A M E R IC A N
2038 Vulcan 1 N &M 2650 P.l B&L 2302 Pioneer II A& J 2673 F4.B4 A only 2489 F86E Sabre A & J
2675 504 A only F.E. R.E. 2710 P.26a A & J 2491 100A Super Sabre B & l
2702 Shackleton M.R.III M only 2669 F.E.2B J& F •2703 RE8 A & F •2753 Stearman PT 13. 17. 18 12717 FI00D Super Sabre S & T
2744 748 Airliner N & Č FAIREY A & F 2647 Harvard A & J
2758 Rota (Cierva 30) 1/18 & J 2188 Swordfish III A &J 2724 S.R. 177 CHANCE V O U G H T PESCO
B.E. 2664 Gannet T l and A.S.I. B & L SHORT 2658 Cutlass F7U-3 B& L 2745 Special (Roscoc Turner's)
•2716 2e & l2Ae A & F 2656 Fairey FD2 A & J 2307 S.A.6 Sealand 2668 Crusader F8U-I B& L J& F
B LA C K B U R N 2672 Fantome A only 2317 Seamew 2723 Crusader F8U-3 B& L REPUBLIC
A &J
2052 Monoplane 1912 A only FO LLAN D S.E. CHESTER Í 2700 F84-F Thunderstreak
2743 Airedale A &J 2196 Midge/Gnat A &J •2694 $.E.5a A & F 2726 Jeep racer E& H S& T
B O U LTO N PAUL GLOSTER S O P W IT H C O N V A IR 2713 F.I05B Thunderchief
2055 P.lll A& J 2205 Gamecock A &J 2741 Triplane A& J 2653 YF-102 (Prototype) L only B&L
•2689 Overstrand B&L 2742 VI Racer A &J 2320 Buffalo A &J 2226 F. 102 (Production) Bonly RYAN
BRISTOL 2214 Grebe 1 A &J 2686 Snipe A &J CURTISS 2688 "Spirit of St. Louis" L & F
•2718 Bulldog lla A & F •2714 Gladiator A& F 2699 Camel A& J 2671 Cleveland A only •2732 W right Flyer A& F
2060 Brabaron 1 M only 2217 Javelin G.A.5 B&L •2698 Hawk P6-E and 2734 Pearson-Williams
2751 Tabloid A & J
2116 Britannia Μ& N t2670 Javelin Mk. 1 S& T 2754 Dolphin Goshawk FIIC-2 A & F Mr. Smoothie 1/32 & J
A &J
2117 171 M M Sycamore A « J 2220 Meteor VIII A &J SU PERM AR IN E •2739 JN4D Jenny A & F DUTCH
•2692 F2B Fighter A & F 2221 Sea Gladiator A &J 2331 S6B A& J 2755 Navy Racer CRI. 2.3 J & U FOKKER
12709 Britannia 312 N & O 2225 IVB Seaplane A only 2335 Sparrow (1 '48th scale) 6d. D O U G LAS 2636 F.VIIA B&L
C H IL T O N H A N D L E Y PAGE 2347 Spitfire Vb and Vc A & J 2445 F4D-I Skyray A &J 2662 D.23 A &J
2119 D.W.Ia (Train.) J& K 2234 Victor B.l Μ& N 2740 Spitfire IX & XVI L & H 2649 Skyhawk A & J
•2677 Heyford ERCO FRENCH
DART L only 2048 Type 541 Swift A &J
H AW KER 2446 Ercoupe 4I5G A only 2648 Druine Turbl K& J
2124 Kitten II F only 2355 Swift F4 and 5 A only
2241 P.l067 Hunter GREAT LAKES 2655 Druine Turbulent K& J
2125 Pup J& K A &J 2356 508 A &J
2049 Woodcock •2748 Special (Harold Krler's) 2646 Jodel Bebe J& K
DE H A V IL L A N D A& J 2357 510 A &J
2250 N7/46 Sea Hawk A & J A & F 2645 Sud-Ouest Vautour B&L
2144 75a Hawk Moth F only 2359 525 A & J
2251 Hart A & J GRUMMAN 2665 Lcduc 021 A & J
2149 88 Comet (Austr.) A & J VICKERS
*2663 Hunter V 2683 F9-F8 Cougar A &J 2685 Morane Parasol.
2163 115 Vampire Tram. A & J L& B 2730 Vanguard N & M
2164 T.K.4 •2727 Fury (Biplane) A & F •2706 Gulfhawk & F3F-2 A * F T yp *L A& J
K only 2358 Viscount 700 & 800 Μ & N
D A N IS H 2676 Albatros D .lll & C A N A D IA N GLIDERS
•2679 Spad XIII H only D.Va H only 2633 Avro Canada CF.I00B 2682 R A F. Training Gilders,
*2693 Mysterc Series S& T 2637 KZIII Lark A only
2705 Albatros C 3 A&J B& L Cadet I. λ 3 .Eton.
2695 Nord Griffon A & J P O L IS H 2563 Klemm L25/IA A&J Prefect, Sedburgh N only
2720 SE.5003 Baroudeur A & J 2652 D.H. O tter B& L
2733 PZL Pile B & H 2666 Messerschmltt G.558 26 High - performance
2728 Nieuport 17c B& L Me. I09E A & J Sailplanes I/I00th scale
2750 Dassault Mirage III B & L R U S S IA N IT A L I A N
2580 Zaunkonlg F& J 4/6
MIG A only
2646 Mlg 15 2687 Junkers Ju. 87D & G L & B 2674 Flat CR.42
S W E D IS H A & J 2715 Flat G.9I A & J
2712 Bueker Jungmelster A & F
2660 Saab 32A Lansen A & J GERMAN 2697 Pfalz Dr. I A&J • Drawings marked thus are * Drawings marked thus are
2691 Fokker D.VII A & J 2719 Roland D Vlb A&J those featured in the those featured in the Aero·
B E L G IA N 2667 Fokker D.VIII A & J 2737 Hannover A&J Aeromodeller "Famous modeller "A ircra ft in
2711 Hanrioc H D.I A & J 2678 Fokker DRI Trlplane J & F 2749 Dornier Do 28 A&J Biplanes*’ series. Service" series.
2721 Tipsy Nipper K & J 2746 Albatros Dll A & J 2756 Etrlch Taube A&J
Line Length— 60 ft. plus or minus 6 In. 6. The "Le Mans" s u rt shall be used for all races.
F.A.S.T.E. Line Diameter—.014 in. minimum.
Pull Test—30 lbs. min.
7. Pit Crews must stand 5 feet away from the
model at least 10 seconds before the starting
1. Models shall have a fixed two-wheel, conven signal.
R a t Race R u le s tional undercarriage.
2. There shall be no restrictions placed on wing
8. Racing altitude w ill be maintained between
10 and 25 feet. Overtaking w ill be above other
OBJECTIVE. It is the purpose of the following area, fuselage cross section or fuel tank capacity. models.
rules and regulations to give modellers a simpli 3. Models shall be arranged for counter clockwise 9. No whipping is allowed.
fied form of team racing; therefore, rules are flying. 10. Pilots must walk around within the 5 ft. radius
kept to a minimum. 4. Models shall pass a general safety inspection circle when flying.
G ENERAL. A ll S.M.A.E. regulations covering the prior to each race o r heat. 11. During p it stops, the pilot must move to 10 ft.
flyer, the model, and the flight, shall be applicable, 5. Team w ill consist of one pilot, two pit crew. radius circle, crouch, and ground his control
except as specified below. RACES handle and lines.
AGE C LA S S IF IC A T IO N 1. 70 Lap Heat—one refuelling stop is mandatory. 12. Pit crews and equipment w ill remain outside
JUNIOR—Contestants of 18 years o f age and under. Motor must be completely stopped for refuel the 70 ft. safety circle in class II and the 62 ft.
All members o f the R R Team (pilot and two pit ling. Best times go forward. safety circle for class I.
crew members), w ill be 18 years of age and under. 2. 140 Lap Final—two refuelling stops mandatory. 13. Crew members may enter the racing zone at
OPEN—Contestants o f 19 years of age and over. 3. Failure to make necessary pit stops w ill result right angles to the flight path to retrieve models
M O D E L C LA S S IFIC A TIO N S in disqualification. only.
CLASS I PROCEDURE 14. If in the opinion o f the judges, a contestant,
Engine displacement .000— .201 cu. In. (or to 3.293 1. Teams w ill be called to the racing area 5 minutes with deliberate or malicious Intent, conducts
c.c). prior to the start of the race. himself (or performs any flight manoeuvre) so
Line Length. From centre line of handle to centre line 2. Recommended number of aircraft constituting as to endanger other pilots or team members,
of model—52 ft. 2 ins. a race shall be four (4). cause damage to other models, o r to flagrantly
Line Diameter. .012 In. minimum. 3. There shall be a minimum of 15 ft. separation disregard any of the aforementioned rules
Pull Test. 15 lbs. min. between aircraft in starting position. (either pilot or crew members) such action shall
CLASS II 4. Two minutes warm-up time shall be allowed result in the disqualification of the team from
Engine Displacement— .000—.40 cu. In. (00—6.55 each team. the race.
C .C .). 5. Mechanical starters w ill not be permitted. 15. FLY SAFE— BE SAFE.
a t i n g k i d n e y B U Z Z A R D II
By F. G. Birden By C. S. West
le-rut all-wing design re An unusual design In which the wings
'flying saucer"- Span I5j forward sweep, and a high fin. Span 48 In.
* * TG.298 * *
By S. R. Crow
> ^ A recognised English expert Is res
.' for this unique and extremely stable
■***■*■''’’ Excellent duration ensured. Span 32In.
TG 241 ★ ★ *
By R. W . Roeser
Advanced 87 in. swept-forward tailless design
of most attractive modernistic lines. Ψ
TG 458 * * ★ 6-
G liders DACTYL
By C. M. Holden
True flying wing glider without centre pod
fuselage, and elevon controlled. Span 60 in. X E RN ES
TG 326 * * 36 By L C. Harris
An all-wing sailplane of futuristic lines with
excellent flying characteristics. Span 84 m.
TG 394 ★ ★ 36
By J. S. Osborne
A very successful tailless design to international A .V.I0 STRUIJKPLANK
tF A-1.) specification. Designed by a Dutch winner By Guy Borge By T. van Tennenboeck
of many national and international competitions. This machine, designed by a French expert, This Dutch designed "flying ironing board" Is
A thoroughbred. Span 80 In., very stable on the is of especially easy construction, and ideal for of simple construction, and Has fine flying
towline. the beginner. Span 40 in. characteristics. Span 60 in.
U/739 ★* * 7/6 TG 240 * * 3h TG 345 ★ * 3/6
By G. Bravey By H. F. Wilde
Easy co build and fly, this flying wing power A universal 63 in. span tailless model that can 4
model offers a refreshing change From the con be either power or glider. British record holder (
ventional. Span 29 in. in tw o classes, simple construction, all ribs drawn ■
U/559 Beam only: F.R S.P.: B, o r C. ★ 3/6 for section change.
U 630
j a v a h a w k
By P E. Norman
Unique ducted fan design by Britain’s recognised
expert in this field. Ply formed fuselage gives very
PETE’S PLANK strong yet light structure. Full details for building
By P. B. Wyatt model and fan are given on plan. This model climbs
Flying wing power model. 650 sq. fust'. For 1.5 c.c. engines. Span 27·$ in.
Span 54 in. Remarkably stable. U/740 E, F **★ 7/6
U,429 D,E. + +
By J. N. Lancaster
A real delta model with all the full-size delta
characteristics. Perfectly stable at all speeds and
remarkably hard to stall. 35 in. span.
U.490 C,D. * 4;6
By Η. E. Males M A N X ARROW
Interesting machine for those keen on unusual By G. S. West
multi-engined F F models. Has tw o rear mounted High aspect ratio flying wing power assisted
V U LT A N glider. Span 66 in. Fascinating to watch in the air
By L E. Ellis engines after the style of modern jet airliners.
Simple construction. Span 48» ·η. for tw o engines with slow elegant flight.
One of the most successful F/F delta designs, 26
.5-.8 c.c.. w ill fly equally well on one engine after 407 A B
and tremendously popular. The e'ghth of a
development series, super-stable and very robust. the other has failed, remarkably stable m windiest
43$ In. span. conditions.
V/538 D.E. ★ * 6* U 752 B, C -*■ -* 66 y
U n o rth o d o x
D esigns
C Η ERPA A By R. A. Guncrlp
By Laurie Ellis A twin engine free flight model of highly
ACE OF D IA M O N D S Unorthodox tailless with a fantastic power experimental layout. Flics tall First, Is a splendid
range and suitable for sport flying, PAAIoad or performer on one or two engines and has 55 in.
By G. W ool Is
Radio Control conversion. Pusher engine, cwo- wmg span. Breaks down Into many components
Remarkable model design based on concepts of
piece wings of extra strong construction, 60 In. for easy transport.
Norman Hall-Warren. Unique stability factors
allow it to fly In all conditions. Plan gives full detail span. U 624 2 engines D.E.F. * * * 76
U/618 D.E.F.G * * 6/6
or the 36 in. span diamond wing and attractive
cabin fuselage.
U/707 B.C. * * 5/6
A u t o g ir o s
By J. S. W hite
Completely new ornithoper conception em·
ploying double sets of wings, and holder of the FLAP HAPPY
British Record for this type of machine. Can be By P. Schoenky By D Cooper and R. Coles
flown both in and out-doors, and is a fascinating This most unusual model is one of the few really The ideal introduction to autogiro flying. The
opportunity to get out o f the rut. successful ornithopters yet produced Holder of Sixteenth in a line of experiments, success is
American records. Span 41 In. uaranteed. 32 in. dia. rotor.
U/562 * * 4/6
D 333 * * 36 t1532 D.E. ★ * 46
R a d io
C o n tro l
By Laurie Ellis BEACONEER
Twin rotor autogiro completely, eliminates GASSER By R. Godden
torque troubles and enables the model to be By Ken Willard Simple 63 in. slope soarer for Radio Control
trimmed for fliehc direction. Flies well In all Leading American single-channel radio design operation. W ill accommodate all types of R/C gear
weathers, particularly in strong wind. by the leading expert in this field. Designed as a Details on plan for W right Relaytor and standard
U/644 C.D. * * 3/6 pylon racer, but equally spectacular as an acrobatic Rx actuator systems Detachable wing halves,
machine. Simple to build, and sparkling perform specially strengthened fuselage w ith ply nose
H e lico p te rs ance. N ot recommened as a first R/C model. Span
40 in. For engines l.5 -2 .5 cc , most popular o f all
doublers. Single channel only.
RC 770
radio designs for those who like to fly fast and
RC/744 F ,G * * 66
Bv F. G. Boreham TW I D D L ER Diminutive all-sheet lightweight for transistor
Three-in-one plans for easily made Helicopters By E. R. E. Morse ised receivers, and escapements Radio equipment
by Britain’s leading exponent of the type, also a Very successful helicopter powered by two should not weigh more than 3^ oz. w ith tuttenes.
full-size Helicopter expert 21 In. diameter for Jeiex 50b units, only 15 in. diameter and with very Designed by an expert for relatively inexperienced
.5 cc. and 31 in. dia. for .75 c.c. plus a scale Bristol simple sheet construction. W ill soar to great height modellers to enjoy miniature R/C model flying
Sycamore profile fuselage. and safely descend under auto-rotation. w ith Cox Pee Wee power. Span 24 in.
U/713 B.C. ★ ★ 4/- J/702 * 2/6 RC 766 B a ★ 4 /-
By Tommy Ives and P. Lovegrove and pulse p ro p o rtio n a l data
A single- or multi-channel tone set for modulated All published information on single channel
transmitters. Temperature stable, can be built for proportional radio control summarised in special
£4. weighs 2-y ounces, needs only two small batteries booklet to cover the fascinating subject. Includes
R a d io C o n tro l and measures 3 in. x l j in. Current rise from
0.2 mA to 4 mA.
topline U.S.A. and British expert advice with
installation circuits for pulsed rudder. Galloping
RC 728 * * 2b Ghost Rudder Elevator with or w ithout engine
control and simple dual proportional. A reference
R A D IO C O N T R O L W IT H V IB R A T IN G PROGRESSIVE STEERING book "m ust" for R C fans.
A reprint booklet of the series of step by step Simply built actuator giving selective progressive
articles featured in MODEL MAKER in 1958 under steering control for boats, etc., with single
the same title . These detailed instructions enable TRANSM ITTER FOR
channel radio. Can be adapted to incorporate RADI O-C O NTR O L
even the inexpert to build a satisfactory trans normal aircraft type escapement.
m itterand receiver for up to six channels. Reference By F. C. Judd (G2BCX)
M M 344 ★ ★ lb 27 MC'S. Design. Based on Ultraudion oscillator,
number MM,608. price 3 9 me. post.
AM; IVY TO NE TRANSMITTER this transmitter uses two valves and w ill operate
RECEIVER FOR By T. H. Ives to maximum input of 5 watts. Made from easily
R A D IO -C O N TR O L An inexpensive Tone modulated, hand-held obtainable commercial parts. On one sheet, size
By F. C. Judd (G2BCX) transmitter employing printed circuit baseboard 17 x 21 in.
Based on Ultraudion oscillator as a super- for ease o f construction. C ircuit employs a single M M 234 * * 2/6
regenerative detector. XFGI valve used with a 3A5 valve. Full descriptive construction data.
relay in the anode circuit to control selector RC 801 ★★ 2/ - AM /IVY TRANSMITTER
Weight approximately 3* oz. Suitable boats, By T. H. Ives
cars, model aircraft. Parts easily obtainable. On HILL TRANSMITTER Revised and modernised version of a well known
one sheet size 17 x 21 in. By E H ill set for Carrier Wave operation. Intended fo r the
M M 238 * * 26 A ground based transm itter to last a modelling beginner to radio control work where low cost
life-time. Starting with the basic carrier wave unit, is so often all important, the circuit uses one valve
HILL 2-VALVE RECEIVER a newcomer can add single channel tone and finally only. Simplified "tag-board" construction. Full
By E. R. Hill a control box for tuned reed multi-channel opera pictorial wiring diagram and stage by stage instruc
Eight-page booklet gives full constructional data tion. Frequency is crystal stabilised. tion in non-teehnieal language. A hand-held unit.
for both standard and miniature versions of most RC 802 * ★ 2/ - RC/794 2 /-
successful carrier-wave set for aircraft, current
RC 664 * ★ 2/- FOR T O M I T O R M O N IT O R By T. H. Ives
The 27 m,c waveband monitor published in A carrier wave operated receiver to match the
A E R O M O D E LLE R T R A N S IS TO R Rx Radio Control Models 4 Electronics March 1962 AM-Ivy Transmitter and designed to thesame
By Tommy Ives w ill be invaluable to R C modellers to detect specification for simplicity and ease of construction.
Popular carrier wave set for small models, "Pirate* transmissions. We offer etched and For relay or relayiess operation with additional
follows fast pulsing has lightweight and low battery drilled printed circuit base panel boards ready for transistor switcher unit of equal simplicity. Base
drain virtues. circuit assembly.
RC 736 * ★ ★ lb R C 8 I6 7/6
R a d io
C o n tro l
M o d e ls BLISTER
By P. E. Norman
Designed by one of Britain’s most ingenious
By Bob Palmer & Dick Larsen
A 70 ins. span multi-channel radio control aero
modellers to AEROMODELLER specification for batic design w ith attractive appearance. W ill fly
good looking, near unbreakable thrilling sports inverted with little down trim . For 6 to 10-channel
radio control model to suit 2.5 c.c. engines. Span radio equipment and 6 to 10 c.c.. .35 to .60 cu. in.
Α2ί inches. motors. A favourite in many countries.
R C 8 I5 G ,H . ★★* 10 6 RC 792 K. L, Μ, N. * ★ 10/-
By R. G. Moulton By W . P. Holland BA N D BOY
Beginner’ssemi-scaletough radio control modelfor A "quickie” Radio Control trainer fo r single By Vic Smeed
simple single channel systems. Airframe Is designed channel rudder-only systems, this 36 Ins. span A pleasant pure sport or radio control model for
1-1.5 c.c. model features all balsa sheet covered simple single channel radio systems of light weight.
to give the greatest possible strength and still
wing and nose-wheel undercarriage fo r pleasant Perfect for the "Sunday Afternoon” flying session.
provide an easy to build model of light weight.
take-offs. A real "toughie” . Spans 36 in. for 1-1.5 c.c. engines.
Span 47| ins. for 1-1.5 C.C. engines.
RC 811 D. E. F. 6/6 RC 777 D. E. * 6/6
RC 821 D. E, F. ★★ 66
W o r l d 's O n ly
R a d io C o n tro l M odel
w as s ta rte d in response t o a q u e s tio n n a ire c irc u la te d to
p o te n tia l e n th u s ia s ts a ll o v e r th e w o rld , and is n o w s e ttlin g
d o w n in its th ir d y e a r to s u p p ly in g e x a c tly w h a t its re aders
w a n t. M o n th by m o n th i t b rin g s th e w o r ld ’s m o s t in te re s t
in g n e w e q u ip m e n t t o its pages w ith p ra c tic a l c o m m e n t,
o ffe rs th e la te s t in c irc u its , p ra c tic a l a rtic le s on in s ta lla
tio n , c o n tro l system s and th e lik e . Basic th e o ry is also
co ve re d to g e th e r w ith occa sio nal m o re advanced m a te ria l
f o r th o se a b le t o a p p re c ia te it . By and larg e, h o w e v e r, i t
a im s t o express its c o n te n ts in te r m s w ith in th e e n jo y m e n t
o f th e ave ra g e e n th u s ia s t. B e g in n e rs ’ a rtic le s a p p e a r e ve ry
m o n th . S te p -b y -s te p c o n s tru c tio n o f re c e iv e rs , tra n s
m itte r s and accessories have a lre a d y led to a n u m b e r o f
v a lu a b le m a n u fa c tu re r-m a g a z in e tie -u p s w h e re b y p a rts
and k its a re re a d ily a v a ila b le . A ll ty p e s o f ra d io c o n tro l
m o d e ls a re fe a tu re d , in c lu d in g a ir c r a ft, boats, yach ts and
la n d veh icle s. I f y o u a re in te re s te d in ra d io c o n tr o l th is is
y o u r m a g a z in e — th e re isn’ t a n y th in g lik e i t a n y w h e re
in th e w o r ld ! 5 2 pages s;2e 81 x 5 -j ins. (handy pocket
on good quality paper. Copiously
with photos, circuit drawings, point-to-point
wiring diagrams, dimensioned panels and
printed circuit boards. Single copies 2s.
Published on 2nd Friday of the month prior
to cover date.
Price in U.S.A. and Canada 40 cents. $4.00
per year by post.
R a d io C o n tro l M o d e ls
By F. Dunn
Outstanding multi-channel 72 in. low -w m f that
has won ail major events throughout the world.
Aileron, motor, rudder and elevator control
detailed in precise high standard drawings covering
R .6 -B SPARKY no less than three large sheets.
By Allan Rowe By H. G. Hundleby RC 699 K .L .M .N * * ★ * 15/-
A 60 m. contest fin n e r In New Zealand and a Highly manoeuvrable 48 in. radio control stunt
perfect trainer for beginners, this unusual pusher mode of simple, very study construction and
design takes many of the risks out of one's first breath-taking performance.
R C venture. Glider type structure eliminates RC 447 E,F. * ★ 4/-
undercarriage, e tc
RC 578 E,F, o r G. * if ·
RΟ Η M A SM O G HOG By G. Upson
By S. Miller By H. Bonner Designed specifically for slope soaring with radio
A rugged R C model for general flying or. America’s Champion multi-channel design, control, this glider has many unique and practical
without radio, an excellent sports design. Suitable capable o f nverted flying, loops, bunts, controlled features to commend i t as an ideal model for the
for R C beginners and w ill take most radio take-offs Rugged construction. 74j-in. span, semi- purpose. 72 In. span, takes all forms of radio gear,
equipment. 64 in. span. symmetrical wing. original used the H ill set with Mighty Midget servo.
RC 546 H. * if - RC 659 HAK. ★ * 7,6 G RC698 * * 66
R a d io
C o n tro l
RUDDER-BUG M o d e ls
By O r. W aiter Good
The result of years of development w ork by one
of the world’s recognised experts. O f simple
construction, the design Is an outstanding,
stable model of ample dimensions to house most
types of equipment. Span 72 in.
RC 366 H ,J. ★ * II /-
W A V E G U in c
By F. B urto,
Ar ? Cln dr '? , n f° r radio-controlled A small but very efficient R C model. Suitable
aerobatics, able to stand up te the r0 h and for lightweight receivers o f all makes. Span 48 in.
tumble of a heavy landing. Span t2 In. Capacious RC376 D.E. * * 36
fuselage w ill take any receiver
RC 592 G.H. ★ ★ 6;- G O LIA T H
By G. W W . Harris
Semi-scale high-wing power model, cabin type
based on the Auster Suitable for Radio-control
Span 108 in.
RC,3I2 K.L.M . * * * 18 6
By Vic Smeed G U ID A T O By N. W . Davis
For pure sport, or radio control, this smart By B. Sichl Tubby biplane for radio control or sport flying
30-m. span cabin model is ideal. Takes escapement Simple design for radio beginners with handy with many attractive features, flight proven over
or "Galloping Ghost" control with lightweight access to cabin and practical design features several years; has enclosed cowled engine.
radio equipment. Trike u/c. 6$i-in. span. 48-m. span.
PET, RC 715 B—C * 3/- R C677 G ,H . * * 86 RC 670 G ,H . * * 7.6
R a d io C o n tro l
M o d e ls
By Alfred Bickel By Charles Riall
Outstanding design that has won highest 56-inch miniature of Smog Hoe specially designed
By W . Biesterfeld International honours two years in succession for Galloping Ghost control Superb plan detail
Radio model of the year 1956". this 36-in. Swiss Nats, winner, both in glider and power includes wiring data and many practical features for
Delta, also suitable for sport F F. is very easy to versions as detailed in this plan. W ill tow to crashworthiness. Highly recommended design for
build despite its attractive streamline shape For 650ft altitude or more, a Fine R C subject for all pulse-proportional enthusiasts—offers "poor
pusher engines. the radio beginner 85 in. span. man s m u lti" control advantages with most
RC 649 E.F. * * + 6* RC 628 C.D.E. * ★ 76 manoeuvres possible, also a fast pylon racer.
RC 734 E FG * * * 86
B e g in n e rs
Please N o t e
If you have never built a radio control
UPROAR model before, choose a proved design and
By C. Olsen fit rudder control only. Every radio flyer,
Symmetrical wing and small size make this a including experienced pilots, has found
ELECTRA fully aerobatic design for multi-channel in the rudder control quite enough to cope with
By Vic Smeed "hot-stuff" class. Simple construction aimed for at first; the next step, engine control, can
Designed as a stable and rugged model for easy repair work and inexpensive outlay. W m nt follow when you have a few hours’
beginners in radio flying. 54 in. span. Up to 14 oz. of several British contests, and the outstanding experience.
of radio gear. Ultra-simple construction R C design of 1958. Span is 72 m.
RC 506 G ,H . * · 5/- RC 710 H,J ra dia l only * * * * 8,6
The F a v o u rite
— mixed plans fo r popular small models
Three attractive rubber-driven models including
two scale types o f the Piper Pacer and Max Holste Plastic M o u ld in g
MH.I52. plus Rigid Midget, a novel racy free
lance design. All about 21-in. span, these designs
are inexpensive to build and cater for the com The general method of moulding cock
mercially-produced plastic propellers. Recom pit covers, etc., from transparent plastic
mended for indoor R.T.P. Speed and Scale Contests. sheet has been described many times in
U/658 * * 2/6 the past. The process of heating the sheet
to a ‘ plastic” state and then forcing over
Not illustrated a suitable male panem (or forcing the
mould into the heated sheet) is capable of
OCTET giving excellent results. Without the re
Eight all-balsa chuck gliders including scale
versions of the famous Hawker Hunter. Sabre quired “know-how”, though a lot of time
and Super Sabre designs in a complete course of —and sheet plastic!—can be wasted fol
flying with this type of model. Perfect for club lowing such general instructions. Hence
groups, this inexpensive introduction to aero- we are describing this specific method of
modellmg takes one from the elementary stage
up to the high performance American record-
obtaining first-class mouldings which can
holding all-balsa chuck glider design. be made at least equal in quality to com
U/657 * 2/6 mercial mouldings, and usually better.
Starting point, as in other methods, is
to draw out a full size pattern of the shape
Please ensure th a t yo ur o rd e r is required (1). This must be slightly under
clearly stated and accompanied by size to allow for the thickness of the sheet
the co rre ct re m itta n ce and yo ur name material forming the moulding. On a
and fu ll address in B LO C K LETTERS.
typical canopy “draw” , the thickness of
the moulded part is usually half the original
thickness of the plastic sheet—this thin WOOOaUKfSjUK USUSíC
ning down being inevitable since the
original sheet is expanded in area during
moulding and since it docs not change in
volume, must lose thickness. Bear this in
mind when deciding what thickness of
canopy you want and start with sheet
twice as thick.
The pattern can be carved from balsa
or hardwood. The former material is
quite suitable for drawing one or two off.
Hardwood is better where a fair number of the heating time has been too short.
identical mouldings are required. This Some improvement may result from pre
pattern need not be finished perfectly heating the pattern by laying on top of the
smooth and free from grain marks for heater. The same is true if the moulding
ordinary mouldings. tears. If the finished moulding has bubbles
The next step is to cut two identical ply in it, or has a rough surface, then the
plates appreciably larger than the base of plastic has been overheated. If the
the pattern (2). Plate B, which becomes the material looks overheated but is very
bottom plate, is cut out to take the pattern difficult to mould (i.e.' requires extreme
with a clearance all round equal to the pressure at stage (10)), then increase the
plastic sheet thickness. Plate A is cut out clearance on plate B. If the bottom of the
in similar fashion, but with a more gener moulding (top when removed from the
ous clearance. The clearance on plate B mould) has a rough or flattened surface,
is not critical provided a moulding “tight” check that there is sufficient clearance
to the bottom edge of pattern is not between plate B and the table and that the
required, but it must be large enough not moulding is not actually being forced into
to jamb the sheet in the final moulding contact with the table surface.
process. In other words, it can be oversize The other thing to remember is that the
without giving trouble, other than an best mouldings will only result from
exaggerated “draft” on the bottom edge of using plastics suitable for pressure moulding.
the moulding. The two plates are con Not all plastic sheet moulds well, or gives
veniently located and locked together with satisfactory results. Celluloid, and standard
a couple of dowels (3). acetate sheet, is not easy to mould in deep
If the material is too rigid to form draws, as the heating time is quite critical.
properly at stage (10), then most probably If overheated, it bubbles, if underheated
it may draw, but will also go milky white plates. If the final moulding has to be plate B to give this clearance, making
in patches. So try to get acetate sheet, or trimmed flush with the bottom edge of sure that they are well clear of the cut-out
similar, specified for pressure moulding. the pattern, another spacer (about 1/16 in. portion. Then arrange the height of the
Perspex sheet will break or tear if under- thick) should be fined to give an extra heater so that the top of plate A is about
heated; or bubble if overheated. Flexible depth of draw. This will eliminate the j in. below the level of the heating elements.
PVC is easy to mould, but tends to go chance of getting a curled edge at the The complete moulding cycle is then
cloudy (and, of course, gives a flexible bottom of the trimmed moulding. shown in steps (7), (8), (9) and (10). First
moulding). Rigid PVC is an excellent Various methods of heating the plastic of all the heater must be switched on and
material for opaque mouldings. sheet can be used but for consistent sufficient time allowed for it to heat up to
For really detailed mouldings, the same results uniform heating is essential. Hence maximum, uniform temperature. With
technique can be used with some reworking a specially made heater is usually the best twin elements this may take up to twenty
of the pattern (11). In this case the pattern proposition, rather than using an electric minutes.
must be finished perfectly smooth as every fire or gas fire, cooker oven, etc. A proper The plastic sheet is cut to size and
surface mark will show up. Details such heater also enables the moulding operation sandwiched between the two mould plates
as frames, etc., can be added by fitting to be properly timed. A and B (9). The sheet should overlap at
wire, card, thin ply strips, etc. (11). A suitable heater is easily made by least one inch all round the cut-out.
Each panel area should then be ventilated fitting a standard electric fire element in a Make sure, too, that the sheet is clean and
by drilling with a very fine hole. In conventional ceramic mount (5). A single, free from scratch marks. When sure that
practice, it is easiest to drill a number continuous element rated for the mains the heater has reached constant tempera
of larger holes through the back of the voltage applicable will give strong heating ture, slide the plates underneath and
pattern assembly and link up to these with but best results are usually obtained by start a watch to check the heating time (8).
the fine holes drilled through the actual joining two elements in series, so that the The heating time required will depend on
pattern surface. The holes must be small heater operates at dull red heat (or almost both the type of plastic and its thickness. It
as otherwise they will show up as small ‘black’). This increases the heating time is best determined by experiment with a few-
‘pips’ on the final moulding. required but is virtually equivalent to trial rims. The plate unit can be withdrawn
The pattern itself is increased in depth infra-red heating, as used in industrial at regular intervals and the state of the
by the thickness of plate A (the cut-out processes. plastic observed. It is ready for moulding
piece from plate A can be trimmed down The heater can be supported, upside when it is showing definite signs of
for this spacer). A balsa pattern is best down, on wooden blocks (6) or on any deformation or slight sagging, or is plastic
assembled with hardwood dowels (4). suitable stand. Leads should be taken out enough to be pushed out of shape readily
With a hardwood pattern, woodscrews can well away from the front of the unit and with a blunt piece of wood. As a rough
be used for assembling on the pressure bar. completely insulated. The height of guide, heating time required is usually of
The latter is any convenient size of mounting is decided by first finding what the order of 1 to 11 minutes with
hardwood strip some 2 to 3 inches longer height plate B has to be blocked up for the 30/1,000 in. plastic with ‘dull’ heating,
than the plates so that it overlaps each end finished moulding to have about a J in. and proportionately longer or shorter for
when the pattern is laid in the mould clearance. Blocks can then be fitted to thicker or thinner material, respectively.
Firstly, one needs an easy-to-tune radio
set. Transmitter should never need tuning
once it has been tested at the factory and
the average commercial receiver should
be scry simple to tune, with a wide band.
That is to say, there should be a wide
(1-2 turns) tolerance on the ferrite tuning
coil slug: through which the Rx should
have the necessary current rise to operate
the relay or. if no relay, the escapement.
But we will deal with this later.
Secondly, one needs a robust, smoothly with a 1.5 or 2.5 c.c. motor. This is large
functioning, rubber-driven escapement. enough for R/C installation and not
Single This should operate on 3-4J volts.
Thirdly, one needs a model. This should
excessively expensive to construct.
When choosing radio gear, remember
be a docile, stable flyer with robust these points. A "tone" or “ modulated"
Channel construction. Pay particular attention to
the choice of motor for the model, this
Rx needs only one tuning control, which
is the tuning slug, and nowadays does
should be flexible, with no tendency to
R ad io excessive vibration. Ideally, a first model
not call for a meter to register current
rise when tuning. On the other hand, the
should be about 48 in.-54 in. span. less expensive, but usually heavier
C o n tro l
T here w a s a t i m e when it was an
embarrassment to recommend a reliable
set of R/C equipment for the beginner,
because there was no such thing. Radio
was not only ultra-sensitive to tune, it
rendered the operator super-sensitive.
Nowadays, however, there arc many
reliable sets on the market and unerring
radio is the rule rather than the exception.
Any expert will tell you that he started
with single channel—this is the only way,
so let us list the things required for that pencefe
tope wires in pioc*
first R/C flight.
“ Carrier wave” sets have in addition a Repeal the process at a distance of 100 ft. shocking, isn't it? Take care and see that
second sensitivity control. to make sure of the range. the wiring is 100 per cent, safe and sure.
Having bought your radio, wire up When you have built vour model,
everything on the bench, with batteries transfer the radio from the bench and Having completed the model and radio
and escapement hooked up to the decide on the layout. A study o f the installation, you are ready for flying.
receiver. typical layout illustrated will give an Carefully trim the model to fly straight
Switch on. When you press the button idea of what is required. The escapement and level Tunc the Rx. If everything is
on the transmitter, the Tx will emit a can be mounted to a bulkhead. The working (and it should be!) you can
signal which is picked up by the receiver R.Vind batteries should be shock-mounted start the motor and launch the model into
at what is known technically as the “ first in foam rubber, with the heavier batteries wind with about two-thirds of full power.
stage” . This signal is converted, and in front of the Rx. Do not use foam Do not touch the Tx button until the
amplified by succeeding stages into an plastic for mounting, it telescopes to model has gained sufficient altitude to
electrical current strong enough to induce nothing and has little in the way of manoeuvre without danger of hitting the
the necessary magnetic field in the relay protective qualities. Support all wiring ground—a lot of height can be lost in
coil to “ pull in" the relay armature (or well, remembering just one broken wire that first nervous turn. That's about all
escapement if a relay is not utilised). in flight can cause the complete destruc there is to it. The model is up there, the
The relay is in fact a switch and its tion of your equipment and model— rest is up to you.
contacts are used to activate the escape
ment circuit. Nowadays the most com
mon Receiver circuits use a miniature
M u lti-C h an n el R/C
valve for the “ first stage'1, followed by These are non-self-neutralising (in
two, or in some cases three, transistor
amplifying stages, ending with a relay.
T HEtional
particular advantage of conven
multi-channel systems is fact they have no neutral posi
tion) and again demand two
direct selection of a particular control
To tune the Rx to the Tx, switch on and service required. At the same time the separate signalling channels to
hold the signal on. Dial the tuning slug system is inherently more complicated drive in either direction.
using the correct non-metalic tool, first (electronically) and more expensive and (iii) Sequence switches (or motorised
one way and then the other, until you demands the employment of motorised servos) which will respond to one
hear the escapement “ pull-in”. You are actuators or multi-servos. In general, channel and give either step-by-
now in rough tune. Again dial in both such servos are of three basic types— step scquepce movements or pro
directions to determine where exactly gressive movement up to a limit,
the escapement “ falls-out”, and set the (i) Self-neutralising servos with according to the duration o f signal.
slug midway between these two points. ‘bang-bang’ action and controlled In the latter case a spring return
You are now on tune. It is just the same by two separate channels. is normally necessary (although
as operating the tuning on a sound wave (ii) Progressive multi-servos which return to neutral can be provided
domestic receiver—all one has to do is are ‘inched’ into position depend by switchgear and a second bat
to find the optimum for best reception. ing on the duration of signal. tery with reverse polarity).
The majority of functions are per
formed by types (i) and (ii). In many
cases the same servo can operate as
either type, simply by change or con
nection, The main field of application
of type (iii) servos is where a limited
number of control channels is available
and sequence switching on one channel
can provide additional services on that
one channel.
It should be noted that a single-channel
actuator (servo or escapement) can also
be operated by any single channel of a
multi-channel receiver. This would appear
to have distinct possibilities for multiple
control operation via compound actuators
using a minimum of channels—and thus
minimum cost of equipment. Whilst this
is preferable to the use of 'Cascaded'
escapements with single-channel signal
ling and does overcome some of the
'time delay' trouble associated with this
system, it is not generally satisfactory.
Certainly it is inferior to true multi off one channel only instead of two (as another particularly useful control for
channel operation in practice and a true would be normal practice with a progres flying smooth manoeuvres and for main
multi system, even with limited control sive multi-servo). taining smooth inverted flight. Anything
channels, can generally produce a It is far more important, however, to less than coverage of the four main
superior performance. The principle use cover all the main flying first in order control surfaces, independently selected,
of single-channel actuators with multi to obtain complete control of the aircraft. represents limitations to the system and
channel equipment is, in fact, virtually This not only permits of adequate con thus to the performance that can be
limited to engine speed control, giving trol under all conditions but enables the achieved in flight. To a certain extent
a 'changeover' throttle movement (self- design to be ‘tailored’ for maximum some of these limitations can be offset
neutralising actuator) or three-position manoeuvrability. The main flying con by designing the model particularly for
sequence throttle (four-position, non trols essential for complete control are— a certain set of controls, but this can only
neutralising actuator) This makes it rudder, elevators, engine speed and be done at the expense of loss of per
possible to operate the throttle control ailerons, in that order. Elevator trim is formance in other respects.
Three of these classes are recognised inter
R acin g M od e l nationally. the " A ", the 6 metre, and the Marble
head; the last-mentioned Is probably the most
popular class of model yacht at present in existence.
Y a c h ts Would-be yacht builders are advised to contact
their local clubs before finally deciding upon the
design, since few clubs race every class of model, S A X O N
and there Is little point in producing a class boat By B. H. Priest. M.I.Mar.E.
for which there is no local competition. Full-size lines drawing for an A-class yacht equal
Model yacht racing in this country is controlled In addition to the above officially recognised to any contemporary, Developed over seven
by the Model Yachting Association, who recognize classes. 3 further class was introduced by "Model years’ hard racing L.O.A. 81 in.. L.W.L. 55 in..
i n official classes, though one, the I2M, is now Maker" at the beginning of 1955. and this is known L .W .L beam 14.6 in., sail area 1,560 sq. in., dis
virtually non-existent. Each class has special rules, as the Half-Marblehead or M.M. class. The principal placement 56.5 lb One of the finest " A ” boats ever.
but the general characteristics In order of size are characteristics o f the specification are a maximum M M 452 * * * * IS/·
as follows. length of 25 In. and a maximum sail area of 216 sq.
“ A " CLASS m. The idea behind this class is to provide a cheap
Built to a special formula. A " boats are normally and easily-built boat of interest to newcomers and
between 6 and 7 ft. long and between 50 and 70 lb junior yachting enthusiasts, and it is hoped that
displacement, with a mast up to 8 ft. in length official recognition w ill be granted to the class
carrying a sail area averaging around 1.650 sq. in when sufficient models are being raced
These boats are also built to a special rule and By Η. B Tucker
approximate 6 ft. In length, weigh somewhere
between 25 and 30 lb., and carry a sail area of
roughly 11-1.200 sq. In.
A C la ss “ A " class of boat moderate beam and round
easy section. L.O.A. 78.4 in.. L W L. 56 in., dis
placement 57j lb., sail area 1,479 sq. in. Three
6 METRE sheet plans giving all lines, full-size sections,
Very popular In Scotland, these beats arc the dimensioned sail plan. etc.
nearest approach to scale model yachts and are M M 320 * * ★ * 15/-
built to rather an Involved rule. Length is normally
a little over 5 ft., displacement in the order of
32 or 33 lb.. plus a crew weight of 2 lb., carrying
somewhere between 11 and 1.200 sq. in. of sail.
O f American origin. Marbleheads are built to
the simplest specification, the main features of By B. H. Priest, M.I.Mar.E
The 1957 National and International A*' class
which arc a maximum length of 50 in., and a
champ, incorporating some remarkable characteo-
maximum sail area of 800 sq.m. Displacement is
istics and an excellent saiier under all conditions.
normally between 20 and 24 lb. Particularly easy to handle during racing L.O.A. An attractive “ A " class design featuring narrow
36 i n . RESTRICTED 79 in.. L W L 54 in., beam I3 | in., displacement beam. L.O.A. 78 in.. L.W.L. 54 in., beam 14 in.,
The smallest recognised class, the basic rules
521b., sail area 1.550 sq. in. Fullsize lines through displacement 53 lb Designed for good all-round
bemg that the hull must fit into a box 36 x 9 x 11
out. performance but at best in light weather.
with a maximum displacement of 12 lb. Sail area
MM/482 * ★ * * 21/- M M 444 * ★ * * 12 6
is unlimited.
BOLERO H A LC E YO N By D. A. MacDonald
By Η Ε Andrews A dual purpose design to 10-rater or American
By John A. Lewis
A proved full-keel " A " Class yacht of most A successful design on latest modern principles X class rules. L.O.A 80^ in.. L.W.L. 60 in., maxi
attractive appearance; one of the few successful Complete drawing with half-size sheer and water- mem beam 10 in., displacement 28$ lb. Half-size
full-keelers l.W .L . 54.2 L.O.A 39± in. Max beam line plans, and full-size body plan. Sail plan with sheer and waterlines, full body plan, sail dimen
15.2 in., displacement 55.5. three suits fully dimensioned. L.O.A. 69 in.. sions. etc.
M M '559 ★ 12 6 L.W.L 52 in . beam IIJ in ., displacement 30.6 1b M M 329 * * * * 96
M M 229 * + * * W
X _________3
By J. Lewis
An extremely powerful " A " Class design of Classic 10-Rater design by S W ittv. L.O.A. Long water-line 10-rater developed from
72 in,, maximum beam l l j m . . S.A. 1.142sq.m. Halceyon. fully contemporary and easy to build
very handsome lines, employing many o f this
Weight 26J lb. Half-size sheer and waterline plans, by any usual method. L.O.A. 72^ in.. L.W.L. 55 in .
designer's successful IQ-R features. L.O.A. 84 m.
full-size body plan, sail pian. on one sheet, size beam 11 * in . displacement 28± !b. Full body plan,
L.W.L. 55 in. Draught 12.2. Displacement 59J lbs
38 x 28 in. other lines half-size.
M M 606 ★* ★★ IS/- M M 336 * * * * 6-
M M 313 * * * * 96
IO -R a te rs
By S. W itty By S. W itty 54-in. waterline 10-rater displacing 28i lb
Lightweight 10-rater o f attractive lines. L.O.A. An elegant 10-rater with a displacement of Beam 12 in.. L.O.A. 76i in., sail area I.TlO sq m
73J in . L.W.L. 54 in., beam 11.6. displacement 28J lbs. and draught 14 in Performs well under A straightforward design embodying all proved
25 lb. Full-size body plan and fin lines, half-size all conditions. L O A. 73 in. L.W.L. 54 in. Beam desirable features Half size sheer and waterlines,
sheer and water lines, etc. II .I in. fullsne body plan and fin lines
M M 427 * * * * 86 M M 565 * * * * 86 M M 479 * * * ♦
M a rb le h e a d s
B LUE FIN A 10-rater sharpie which has won many races.
By S. W itty Extremely simple construction and particular
74 in. overall 10-rater with 54 in. waterline and emphasis on portability with split rnast. detachable
30.2 lb. displacement. Features a shallow hull keel, etc Complete fullsne drawings with
section on 12 in. beam. SUN KISS
structural detail. L.O.A 66J in . L.W.L. 52 in.,
M M 547 * * * * 10- By A. R Lassell and T. Thorsen
displacement 23j lb.
A Champion American design with full details of
M M 504 * * * 12 6
unique sliding rig and the designer’s own sailing
instructions, blidmg rig details full-size as are all
S I X -F I V E Marblehead Racing Yacht L O.A 50 in. Maxi
By S. W itty mum beam 9.92 in Displacement 17.6 lbs. Designed
A pleasing 10-rater on conventional lines, but on metacentric shelf principles based on Admiral
embodying all known advances. L O.A. 75.35 in., Turner’ s theoretical balance equations. Complete
W.L. 55.5 in., beam I I . I in., displacement 30 1b. with all hull lines, half-sail plan for three suits.
M M 515 * * * * 10 - M M 106 * * * ★ 10 6
By B. H. Priest By D. A Macdonald
Winner of the 1954 Model Maker Trophy on its A tried and proved heavyweight Marblehead
By S. W itty
first outmg. and a Marblehead to satisfy experi with top-class performance in any weather, for
A 22*lb. Marblehead of narrow beam (9.4 in.)
enced skippers. Features seal-flipper fin. forward planked or carved construction. Full-size waterline,
and medium-heavy displacement of 22 lb. Draft is
flare, aft turrblehome. L W.L. 47 in., maximum beam sheer, and body plans, etc. Beam II in., displacement
unusually deep at 11.6 in.
11 in., displacement 22 lb. 23J lb.
M M 551 ★* * * 10 6
M M 342 * * * * 10 6 M M 408 . * * * 10 6
By S. W itty A modern and attractive Marblehead with By B H. Priest
A design developed from the popular '‘Hornet*’. design features to assist planing in hard weather An attractive Marblehead of very modern design
An attractive craft o f good all-round performance. Commercial glassfibre hulls are available. Beam featuring flattnh floors and powerful sections,
L.O.A. 50 In. L.W.L. 48^ in. Beam 10.1. Displace 10.3 In., displacement 21 lb. specially suited to sliding rig. L W.L. beam 10^ m..
ment 21 lbs. displacement 23$ lb. Full-size body, sheer and
MM 472 ★ * * * 10 6
waterline plans with reduced sail plan on one
M M 462 * * * * 10/-
SAIDA By W . J. Daniels A sheet of fullsizo and fittings for
By D. A. McDonald Complete with full-size hull lines, reduced size Marblehead yachts, also suitable for many
An excellent Marblehead 50 800 design, well sailplans for three suits, and 12-page illustrated 10-raters, etc. Fullsize booms, etc., drawn with
suited to beginner or expert. A reliable performer instruction booklet Beam 10 in., displacement all fittings, plus reduced deck plan. etc., to show
under all conditions. Full-size hull lines, reduced 20 lbs (Note special Vane Gear suitable for this location of remaining terns, especially suitable
sail plans. Beam 10 in., displacement 20: lbs. yacht is also available ) for China Boy.
M M ,295 * * * * 7/6 M M , 201 ★ ★ ★ ★ 10/- M M 503 * * 46
^ -------------------■--------------------------------- ^
By S. W itty By Bernard Reeve. M.S.N.R. W I N D B I RD
A powerful Marblehead of attractive shape A 36-in. Restricted Class Yacht of experimental By Η. B. Tucker
22j lb. displacement. 10.1 in. beam. Keynote of design that finished fourth in 1953 Nationals. Low free-board and easy lines characterise this
design is careful attention to dynamic balance. For “ bread-and-butter" type construction. On design which exploits to the full the M.Y.A. 36 in.
M M 508 * * * * 10 6 two sheets. Including sailplan with three suits, rule Excellent for bread-and-butter construction.
and all fittings details, sire 47 x 28 in. and Details for four suits of sails, full-size lines, etc
33 x 29 in. M M 349 + + * * 96
M M 776 ★ * * 96
\ ___3
By D. A. Macdonald By W . J. Darnels
A top performing sharpie (hard chine) Marble A new 36 in. Restricted Class Yacht designed
A 36 in. Restricted Class Racing Yacht, designed
head which has won many regattas and is also by one of the leading experts. Construction Is as a hard chine sharpie for easy construction.
excellent for radio cbntrol. All construction detail on ■'bread-and-butter'· principles, and in view Full size lines, detailed step-by-step instructions
included on the plan. Beam I 4 In . displacement of moderate size and simple lines can be tackled and sailplan. One one sheet, size 47 x 36 in.
16$ lb. by comparative novice. Complete with hull lines, M M 284 * * * * 76
M M SOI ★ ★ * 10/6 profiles, body plan and half-breadth plan Full
illustrated building instructions including details
36in. R e stricte d of all deck fittings and Brame steering gear
LANCET M M 190 * * 96
By T. J. Lance
36-m. Restricted Class Hard Chine Sharpie.
Capable of meeting the best racing today, and an
economical boat to build. Intended for k it pro
duction. parts are few and together with sails and LEO
fittings can be obtained at competitive prices. A simple 30 in. yacht by W . J. Daniels, for those
Complete with building instructions on two sheets, wanting a small sailing craft for pleasure sailing.
sue 40 x 30 In and 20 x 15 in. Beam 74 in., displacement 8$ lb.
M M 266 · é 96 M M 511 ★* 5/·
Exactly as above—the same boat, but giving
full details for rib and plank construction, again
M isce lla n e o u s
in balsa o r hardwood. Please ensure that your order EXC ALIBU R
clearly states code A or B to ensure correct plan By S. W itty
being despatched. A 10-rater featuring a flying fin and a choice of
M M 355 ★ 4/6 two hulls. Length o.a. 74£ In., I.w.l. 54j ins.,
beam I l i ins. or 12 Ins., displacement 21 or 23 lbs.
SEA U R C H I N M M 637 ***-+ 10 -
By Vic Smeed
Illustrated (MM2) with W ater Baby above, this RED H E R R I N G
ts a hard chine boat to the MM 25 in. class, suitable By John Lewis
for ply or all-balsa construction. FqJI details given A very fine 10-rater of 34.4 lbs. displacement on
for all parts, including rigging and vane. a w.l. of 55 Ins. and beam of 11.4 ins. L.o.a. 76 ins.
M M 361 * 4/6 This yacht is a close sister to the highly successful
Sirocco design
Not Illustrated. M M ,663 * * * ★ 12 6
By D. A. MacDonald By John Lewis
25 in. MM class design for builders of a little Developed from Moonshine, incorporating modi
experience Partly based on circular arc principles fications learned from a season’s racing with this
M M Class and an excellent all-weather design. Full hull lines,
sail suits, explanatory details for building from
top class A design. L.o.a. 8I£ ins., I.w.l. 55 ms.,
displacement 60 lbs. on I.w.l. beam of I4£ ins.
lines. MM/670 * * * * 15/-
This is a new yacht class introduced by “Model M M 366 + ★ * * 4/6
Maker", to encourage the newcomer and junior V IT A L SPARK
DRAKE By John Lewis
in the yachting world. The rule is based roughly
A simple hard chine M.M. design with bulb 54 in. W.L. A class of 51.7 lbs displacement
upon the popular Marblehead rating divided by
two. hence the half Marblehead. iM . or. as it has keel and minimum of internal structure. Ply W.L. beam 13.6. l.o.a. 79.5. sail area 1545 sq. ins.
construction, all hull parts shown, reduced sail Maximum sail area for minimum waterline and
come to be known. M M. Class.
plan. 25 in. I.o.a. displacement.
WATER BABY A M M 376 * * ★ 4/6 M M 664 * * * * 15/-
By Vic Smeed
MMI in the above illustration, this is the first
boat to the MM 25 in. class. Can be built in several SE A M E W
ways, plan A showing all details for bread-and- By Vic Smeed
butter (balsa or hardwood) or glass fibre con 36 In. racing catamaran for vane steering. Simple
struction. Everything—including all rigging, vane construction, principally of ply, twin round bilge
gear. etc.—fully detailed. Displacement 55 ois.— hulls, overall beam 18 in. The first *,scΓlous,,
a genuine racing model in miniature. catamaran design for model yachtsmen.
MM. 354 46 M M 533 * * 86
I/24th scale ocean racing yawl with excellent By Η. E. Andrews
sailing characteristics Length 29 Bread-and- A near scale wishbone schooner w ith a 30 in.
with centreboard", On three hull length, for builders with a little experience.
detailed sheets. One of the most attractive models in our rang
MM, 405
Scale model of popular American—and British—
one-design class racing yacht, jth full-size. L.O.A.
I6J In. Beam 6 in. O f balsa and plywood construc
tion and capable o f amusing sailing. On one sheet,
size 29 x 28 in.
MM 258
S a ilin g
M o d e ls
d u t c h a u x i l i a r y
164 in. L.O.A. 134 in. L .W .L Beam 7 in. A
I / 12th scale model of typical Dutch sailing yacht
with auxiliary engine, suitable for sail and model
electric, clockwork or sub-miniature (.5 c.c.) I
diesel engine. On one sheet, size 36 x 28 in.
MM 240 * * 3/6
21 in. scale model based on a 14-foot centre
board gaff-rigged, half-decked sailing dinghy. A
really detailed model. Centreboard lifts In scale BLUEBOTTLE
fashion, hull is dlnkerbuilt. properly clenched, A magnificent 1/10 scale model of the Royal
with watertight compartments. On two sheets, Dragon class yacht. Length 35 in., beam 8 in.
each 40 x 30 In. On one sheet, size 64 x 22 in.
M M /153 ★ ★ ★ 7.6 M M 293 7.6
A pleasing 20 in. L.O.A scale Star class boat, N o n - w o r k in g M o d e ls
with hard chine construction. Braine steering,
all constructional details. An inexpensive little MAYFLOWER
model, excellent for beginners. By R. J Collins
MM 346 A beautiful ship model typical of the Mayflower
type by a well-known authority on period ships.
Authenticity of detail makes this model a real
museum piece. On two sheets. Overall length 21 in.
By Η. B. Tucker
Fullsize 11 ft. skiff designed expressly for open
water model yacht sailing, buc also excellent for
fishing, etc. Seats three with comfort. Simple
economical construction, finished weight approxl·
mately 110 lb. Complete drawings on two sheets.
M M 439 ★ ★ 15/.
24 in. overall hull length. A one-inch to the foot
model. 4-ton Thames measurement centre-board,
hard chine cabin boat that should be of particular
appeal to enthusiasts requiring an elegant scale
model. On two sheets, size 40 x 32 in., and 40 x
24 in. Please quote plan num ber,
MM 152 * * 7/6
nam e & p ric e in yo u r o rd e r
Semi-scale auxiliary engined twin masted
sailing craft of sketch-schooner type. L.O.A.
24 in. Beam 6 i in. For simple construction by
the novice W ill sail under canvas or powered by
small electric motor. On two sheets, size 32 x WILL EVERARD
26 in. and 25 x 13 in. A really authentic i-«n to the foot model o f
MM 274 one o f the famous Everard Fleet of Coastal Sailing
Barges. Drawn with co-operation o f the owners
from the ship's actual lines and sail plan, i t includes
16-page comprehensive step-by-step building
PORTUGUESE DORY instructions, complete with scrap sketches of
Authentic drawings for a 110 full-size exhibition principal fittings and all information necessary
model of a 17 ft. Grand Banks hand fishieg boat. to complete exhibition model. Detailed drawings
A ll equipment carried in the boat is detailed on on four sheets 29 x 22 in. and a fifth sheet (sail
plan, down to bait knife! pian) 38 x 37 in.
MM 563 *★* 10/6 M M 189 ★ * ★ 20-
G etting Sta rte d
w ith B o a ts
Model boating, sail or power, is increas
ing in popularity month by month. Our
range of plans, already the finest in the
world. Is continually expanding to meet
the demand with a carefully balanced
programme designed to cater for both
beginner and expert. If you are thinking
of building a boat for the first time, may
we suggest the following;
N A Sail—Sea Urchin. W ater Baby A or B,
A decorative galleon of the Tudor period, Lancet, or Lady Betty.
circa 1580. designed by a speciálu: in this class of Power—Waterbug. Mistral, or Moonmlst
historical model. Fully detailed drawings of hull, for electric power. Kingfisher o r Scudabout
sails and fittings. One sheet, size 28ý x 21 In. for electric or small diesels. Lorette or
M M 135 * ★ 2/6 Lorelei for larger diesels.
SEA H A W K Scale Types—-Bustler or Silver Mist for
By R. J. Collins SAILING GALLEON electric, Lorosa or Thornycroft MTB for
Colourful Barbary Pirate Xebec. 29 in. in length Practical model, approximately 24 in. overall diesel.
and 18 in. high. Plans and instructions enable length, of a typical galleon o f th$ Armada period. We are sure that. If starting from scratch,
a museum standard model to be produced; also Bread and butter construction, simplified rigging you w ill find the book Boat Modelling",
suitable prototype for conversion to sailing. with interlocked yard bracing for quick trimming. at only 5.- w orth Its weight in gold.
M M 481 * * ★ MM/641 ★★★ 8,6
A detailed model o f a fast post-war ML. suitable
for l|-2jrc.c. motors. Detail drawn In outline only
—suitable only for experienced modellers. Length
31 in.
M M 564
A 16 in. miniature of balsa and ply construction,
based on the Tod Tuna. Powered by any small or
medium electric motor.
★ 4/6
An unusual I/25th scale German rescue boat w ith
round bilge hull and after flooding well carrying a
smaller power boat. Parent length 36j in. For
electric propulsion. A fascinating R C project.
M M 568
A simple 30 In. all-baisa model o f the famous
German battle-cruiser. Powered by Kako 4 o r
similar electric motor. Suitable for radio control.
M M 572 ★★ 6/ -
A 24 in. model of the notorious German pocket .T I N T A G E L
Simply-built lightweight motor yacht, 24 in. in
battleship w ith a beam of 2J in. All balsa con
length, for electric power or up to 2 c.c. engines.
struction. Simple construction for rubber or electric Either balsa or ply construction, depending on
drive. To same scale as Schamhorsr. power.
M M 613 ★★ 4/6
MM/S56 -k W - * * A/-
By Vic Smeed By Vic Smeed
An attractive scale model o f sleek lines suitable A well-known Thames tug In | in. scale, giving
for 3£ c.c. or over. Ply and hardwood construction. 28 in. hull with 6£ in. beam. For electric or steam
Glass fibre hull is commercially available. Length drive, excellent for R/C. W ith Instruction booklet,
46 in., beam 9 | In. but not for beginners.
MM, 560 ★* 10/- M M ; 567 ★★* 86
L.O.A. 33* in. Beam in. A scale Naval Pinnace
built specially for radio-control fo r 2-2|c.c.
M M ,242 ★ * * 10/-
3 lý in., half-inch to the fool version o f the
popular A.S.R.L. Rakish pleasing lines, clear swept
decks. One o f the best for radio-control installa
tion owing to absence of ' b itty ” detail. For any
form of power.
M M .I02 ★ ★ 10/-
W A L T O N T H A M E S A.S.R.L.
32$ in., half-inch to the foot model of 65 ft.
Walton Thames A.S.R.L. Spacious cabin accommo
dation. For diesels of up to 5 c.c. o r other motive
M M /103 ★ ★ 10/-
T H O R N Y C R O F T A.S.R.L.
3 4 In., half-inch to the foot. Revolving gun-
tu rre t. Cabin, control room and tw in dinghies
installed. Suitable for any form o f power.
M M 104 * * 10/-
Semi-scale 30 in. police or customs launch of
remarkable strength and high performance.
Adequate room for R,C. A ll balsa construction,
for up to 3.5 c.c. diesels.
M M 417 ★ ★ 6/-
By Vic Smeed
M o d e l P o w e r B o a ts All-balsa electric semi-scale model o f a typical
30-36 ft. day cruiser, with forward cabin and open
well. Total cost of materials approximately 5/-,
excluding motor and shaft. Length 18 in., any
41-9 v. motor.
M M /348 ★ 3/-
By A rth u r O. Pollard Jr.
Scale model ($ in.— I ft.) of a tug built In I960.
24$ in. length. 6$ In. beam. Lines drawing of hull,
superstructure outlines. For electric drive.
M M 634 * * ★ 86
Detailed working model, complete with ship's
boats, e tc, for electric o r steam propulsion.
Six-page instruction leaflet w ith 17 sketches and
four photos. Available in two sizes.
Electric version. L.O.A. 23$ in., on one sheet Clever automatic steering launch, simple all-ply
34 x 25 in. construction, 27 in. L.O.A. For .75-2.5 engine or
M M 303 5/- electric drive, w ith steering mechanism details.
Steam version. L.O.A. 46$ In . on two sheets. M M 362 ★ * ★ 4/6
5 0 x3 9 in. and 39 x 25 in.
M M ,314 * * * 15/-
By Max Coote By Vic Smeed RIVER C RU ISER “ D U B A R R Y ”
Based on a full-size prototype but given a hard- Simple cabin cruiser for 1-3.5 c.c. diesels or 28 in. hull length A perfect detailed model of
chme hull, this 41$ in. boat is one of the most electric propulsion by ace model aircraft designer, a typical Thames cruiser, complete with centre
successful radio-controlled models produced. For L.O.A. 34 in. Beam 7$ In O f obeche and ply cabin and deck fixtures. Performs well w ith 1.3 c.c.
3.5-15 cc. motors, with speed control details, etc. construction, suitable for novices. dlese! engine. On three sheets.
M M 332 * * ★ I0;- MMj267 * 7/6 MM, 154 * * ★ 15/-
M o d e l P o w e r B o a ts
C U LL A Μ I X — Í in. S C A L E T U G
By Bernard Reeve. M.S.N.R.
L.O.A. 39^ in Beam 10 In. Depth 9* in. A superb
model based on one of the Cement Tug fleet and
ROCKET CLASS FRIGATE authentic in every detail Suitable for radio-control
Simplified scale model o f a well-known type of and steam, or larger i.c. engines, etc. Built on
C H IQ U IT A ■'bread-and-butter" principle.
anti-submarine warship, using all balsa construction. 24 in. hull length. Smart looking hard chine
For any small electric motor. 24 in. L.O.A. M M 256 ★ ★ ★ 15/-
cabin cruiser, suitable for a beginner to tackle.
M M ,400 * 3/- No complications. Suitable for operation by
electric motor, petrol o r diesel engine
M M 156
An unusual semi-scale stern-wheel paddler, as
RIVER TU G used on the Nile or In the Yukon, for electric drive. T O R N A D O
A 12·$ in. scale model Dutch river tug. beam Simple, all-balsa construction, belt-drive paddle. Attractive little semi-scale patrol launch, 15 In.
in., for any small electric motor. Simple A good performer, but restricted to calm weather. in length, for Tornado o r other small motor.
L.O.A. 27 In., Beam 7 in. Balsa construction, cheap to build and operate.
planked construction in balsa.
M M .319 *★ * 5/· M M 422 - * 3-
M M ,451 * ★ 1/4
By G. H. Deason
19 in. model of old-time paddle tug built with
gum strip paper hull, card paddles, etc., electric-
powered. very strong and light.
M M 468 * ★ 3,6
By Vic Smeed
A simplified 24 in. model based on the famous
Thames estuary pleasure boats, employing paddles
belt-driven from a small electric motor. Very
easy and inexpensive
M M 381 ★ *
H .M .S. C O S S A C K
By Vic Smeed
38 in model of the famous Tr.bal class destroyer R .N .L.B. P L Y M O U T H
of the AJimork incident. Detailed plan, simple By Vic Smeed
L IV E R P O O L TYPE L IF E B O A T construction in balsa and ply. or hardwood if Barnett-Stromness type lifeboat, modelled at
By Vic Smeed preferred. For electric power, large enough for $ in.-I ft. (39 in. I.o.a . 11 in. beam) for advanced
A $-1 ft. model of a well-known type of life small radio control equipment. builders. Bread-and-butter construction, large
boat in current use. A model for experienced M M ,500 * ★ 5/- amount of detail. Authentic drawings on tw o large
builders. 26$ in. L.O.A. for electric power. sheets.
M M 374 ★ ★ ★ 5- M M '418 * ★ ★★ 10/-
T Y P E IX U - B O A T
A scale U-boat for tw in electric motors or SARDINE
equivalent, with or w ithout radio control. L.O.A. N A U T IL U S All-metal (tinplate) submarine o f very simple
45 in.; balsa o r obechi bread-and-butter con A novel rubber-powered submarine w ith auto construction for .5 to 1.5 c.c. diesels. Overall
struction. matic diving gear Overall length 28 in. Simple length 48 in., automatic resurfacing, etc., using
M M 471 * * 7/6 construction and very detailed drawing. schnorkel tube when submerged.
M M 285 * * * 5/- M M 485 * * 76
64 In. Model of an American heavy cruiser. The
original was of all metal construction, but can
equally well be built in wood; for steam or electric
drive with or without R C.
M M 382 * * * + 12 6
One of ihe best-known Mersey ferries, now
named St. Hilary, at 1/72 scale. 26 In. I.o.a. A model
for the detail lover; outlines and body plan only.
MM. 664 ★★★★ 5r
By Vic Smeed
Intriguing 36 n. raised quarter-deck coaster
built o f gummed paper str.p over a simple balsa
frame For electric drive and up to 61b of radio
gear. Can be built conventionally if preferred.
M M , 442 e * ★ 7/6
Μ I S ’ D E E DS
by V ic Smeed
Thames holiday cruiser to ± In. scale,
By Vic Smeed A 34| in. near-scale model of Germany’s only
I in.-l ft scale model of latest Thornycroft 12} ins. length. Includes notes on clin ke r
aircraft carrier. Scale it 25 ft.— I in. and hull is
R.A.F. launch, length 43 in., beam 12* in. Suitable slightly simplified in shape without affecting building o r flush planking. A ny small
for 2.5 c.c. diesels upwards, excellent for radio appearance afloat Balsa construction, electric electric m o to r; has even been b u ilt as a
control. Completely detailed on tw o large sheets. power. cigarette box!
MM/412 ★ * 12 6 M M 676 ★* MM 483 2/6
M.V. A R R A N
By Vic Smeed
31 in. electric powered model of British Railways
Clyde ferry in 4 mm. scale, i.e.. can be built for
00 layouts. Balsa/ply construction, authentic detail.
M M 415 ★ ★ * 5/- •· · - . ..
V O S P E R A.S.R.L.
36 in., half-inch to the foot version c f the 72 ft
prototype O f light construction, may be used with
rubber drive, giving a speed o f about 4 knots. H.M.S. W O L V E R T O N
Fully detailed decking A remarkably fine fully detailed freelance cruiser.
M M 101 * * ,0 ‘ 5 feet length overall. Designed for electric power,
SEA F A L C O N and with full radio-control circuits and diagrams for
All-balsa 18 in. cabin cruiser using all-commercial operation of steering gear, complete w ith deck
fittings etc. and any o f a wide range of electric fittings, funnels, superstructure, guns. etc. On
motors Suitable for miniaturised radio. two sheets, size 78 x35 in. and 7 6 x3 5 in.
MM/632 * * 3/6 M M 286 ★ ★ ★ IS/-
By C. R. and M. Moore
Semi-scale model. 22$ In. L.O.A. employing
rubber drive. Normal cruise 200 yds. In 3$ mins.
Simple construction and fun to operate.
L U f\ L I I i. MM/317 * * 2/6 WATER BUG
By Vic Smeed N A U T IL U S By Vic Smeed
Roomy semi-scale two-berth cruiser. 34 In. By Christian Tavard Tne smallest boat in our range, this 13 in. model
L.O.A.. suitable for R/C and electric, steam, or Outline drawings of the fullsize atomic-powered is an excellent performer with an Ever Ready
1-3.5 diesel drive. Simplified lines for easy American submarine to a scale o f I /100 (36 in.). TG I8 or similar small motor. Very simple, all
building, well w ithin the scope of a beginner. Noi plans for a model, but can be easily adapted. balsa construction and neat appearance
M M 370 * 6/- M M 433 * * ★ ★ 3/- MM/357 ★ 16
By Vic Smeed
An 18 in model of a harbour tug. very close to
scale but extremely simple and inexpensive to
build All-balsa construction, any 3-6 v. electric commercial glassfibre hull, but with full hull
motor. Full detailed plan, w ith colour scheme, etc. details for wooden hull shown on plan For 1-3.5
BLAZER A most popular model. c.c. engines, excellent for radio control.
Large tug model for steam or electric, capable M M 363 * 3/- MM 50S * * 86
of taking heavy radio gear. Total displacement
23 lb., length 42j in., bread-and-butter construc
tion; for builders with a little experience.
M M 487 * * * 10/-
M.V. P A T E K E By Vic Smeed TARPON
Scale shelter-deck type cargo vessel for more Authentic ý in. scale (45 in.) model of Trinity A really lovely Italian-designed cabin cruiser.
experienced builders. Length 50 in., beam 7 in. House pilot tender of simple construction. Two 35 In. In length, fo r electric or up to 2^ c.c.
in. scale). Hull lines, etc., and superstructure sheet plans include all details. For electric or motors. Planked construction, fully detailed plan.
outlines on one sheet. steam drive with o r w ithout radio. Excellent for radio.
M M 424 ★ * ★ * 7/6 M M 393 ★ ★ 15/- M M 494 * ★★
30 in. L.O.A. scale mode of this attractive
double-purpose craft for those who desire authentic
finish to thetr working models. For electric motor B A R D I C FERRY
and battery propu’-s.on By Vic Smeed
MM/282 * * * 7/6 A 42£ in. ( i In.— I ft.) model of a N orth Sea
vehicle ferry launched in 1957 Attractive lines,
Electnc-powercd model of steam yacht. 29| in. plenty of detail work Bread and butter hull base,
■ H j length usmg planked construction with j in
obechi frames and 1,16 in. obechi planking.
M M 478 * * 5-
composite topsides, straightforward for those with
previous experience Electric propulsion.
M M 636 + * + I 12 6
idfe/— l a r ø
By Vic Smeed
A simple 24 in. model of a typical small tramp
steamer built either In balsa laminations or on the
gummed paper system. An attractive little model BILL B A I L E Y -
suitable for beginners. Any small electric motor. FREE L A N C E T R A W L E R S.T.S. D I L Y S I A
M M /465 * 3- L.O.A. 27 m Beam 6 In. Attractive scale type By Vic Smeed
model electric powered and intended for radio 37 in model of modern 18.000-ton tanker to
control or free sailing. Simple construction. I, ISO scale. Bread-and-butter bow and stern
M M 252 * * ★ 5/- with planked midships: for electric power.
M M 470 + * 6/-
By Vic Smeed
R U N A B O U T An extremely popular model, this ·» m.-l ft
18 in. sporty speedboat based on a Chns-Craft (36| in.) scale M.T.B. is absolute·/ authentic and
design Ideal for towing small-scale water-skiers. fully detailed. For electric or 1-3.5 c.c. motors;
Just large enough for miniature R/C. Ply con R C can easily be fitted. Ideal for exhibitions or
struction regattas.
M M 480 * * 3/6 M M 337 * * 7/6
An accurate scale 54 in. paddle steamer for either
metal or timber h u ll. construction, and suitable
for radio control. A ll details for articulated paddles,
V O S P E R R .T .T .L etc., on drawing. Electric drive.
By Vic Smeed M M 528 * * * + 10 -
4 In. scale model of the latest Vosper Rescue
and Target Towing Launch, length 34 in., beam
M A GGA DAN 9^ in.. for 4 to 3^ c.c. diesels, or electric drive.
By Vie Smeed Suitable for radio. Ply construction, authentic
A ^ in. to the foot (30f in.) scale model of a
full-size detail.
famous prototype used for polar transport, etc.,
M M '530 * ★
a model incorporating much detail, just large
enough for R C if desired. Electric motors only.
M M 456 * + * 86
By Vic Smeed
A really elegant b4 In. m otor yacht with 12 in.
FISHER beam, suitable for electric or large i/c propulsion,
By Vic Smeed and excellent for radio. Ingenious construction
22 in. model specially designed for maximum giving choice of methods and either hard chine or
strength with all balsa structure. For .5 to 1.5 c.c. rounded hull, fully explained on plan.
diesels, can be used for radio. M M ,512 * * I0y-
MM/516 * $;-
By Vic Smeed
C O LU M B IN E A small two*berth cabin cruiser which, although
A simple 26j In. cabin launch for up to l^c.c. only 24 in. in length, is large but nevertheless
diesels or electric drive, employing mostly balsa attractive. For I to l^c.c. motors, all-ply
construction, but with some ply parts. construction.
M M 520 * * 5/- ----------- ★ ★ S/-
By Vic Smecd By Vic Smeed
Scale model I in. to I ft. of a fast small motor A 2Mn. round bilge motor vessel of most
yacht. Length 38^ in., beam 12-fr In. A most attractive shape for electric propulsion, and
attractive model for diagonal plank construction, suitable for miniature radio. Balsa planked hull
engines o f 2j to 10 c.c. with ply decks, etc.
M M 550 * ★ ★ 10'· M M 524 * * 3/6 2 ; c.c. H Y D R O P L A N E
Three-point suspension and ultra-simple con
S C U D A B O U T L O RE N A struction are features o f this fast R.T.P. model.
By Vic Smeed By Vic Smeed M M '301 * * 2/-
A really nifty miniature fast cabin cruiser, only A 42 in. small motor yacht for either hard chine
16^ in. m length, fol* up to .8c.c. diesel power or round bilge construction offering six o r seven
or electric motors. Ply construction, room for methods o f building, all explained on plan. For
radio control. electric or up to 10 c.c. engines.
M M 535 * * 3/6 M M 526 * * * 10,-
Hydroplanes amusing.
MM 449 * 1/6
Overall length 21 ^ in.; Beam 7±in. A delightful
miniature racing hydroplane for 5 c.c. engines.
Designed by Norwegian expert, who enjoyed
wide contest success.
MM 183 ★ * 7/6
36 m. hydroplane for radio-control, employing Baby hydroplane for up to 1.5 c.c. motors, Scale model of the 4$L world speed record
two 2 c.c. motors synchronised and driving twin capable of very high speeds. Sponson type design, holder, for up to 1.5 c.c. engines on tether, or
screws. Simple ply and balsa construction. On all ply construction, strictly for tethered running suitable for free running w ith smaller motors.
one sheet. only. Simple ply balsa construction.
MM 289 ★
* ** ★* 5/- MM. 339 * * 26 MM/377 * * 31-
A irs c r e w -D riv e n
H y d ro p la n e s
Scale model of John Cobb's ill-fated contender
for world speed records, for Jetmaster 150. Simple R U N - A - B O A T
all balsa construction. A irscrew -driven hydroplane. 18 ins. x 9
M M ,426 * * 2/6 ins., fo r I c.c. engines. Simple construction
excellent fo r small radio equipment,
positions etc. o f which are given on drawing.
M M 706 * 36 SKATER
By Vic Smeed
Three-float air-driven hydroplane of advanced
design, but straightforward construction, using
balsa and ply. For very fast free-running with
Η Y D R O J ET 1-2 c.c. motors.
Ity m. hull length A modern design for power MM/312 * * 2/6
by the popular Jetex 350 jet unit The model can
be run free or on circular course with a cable.
Capable of very high speeds
M M 172 ★ * 2.6
PI P Unorthodox airscrew-driven hydroplane, capable
By A. F. Palmer Skimming dish type of air-driven hydroplane of
ultra-simple construction and suitable for motors o f up to 75 m.p.h. with up to 2-j c.c. motors. Length
Simple all-baisa hydroplane for 100. 200. or 24 in., for tethered running only. Straightforward
Jetmaster. Tunnelled hull to reduce step suction, of up to .75 c.c. A quick to build model which w ill
give hours of fun on the water. construction from standard materials.
etc. Very fast and easy to build.
M M 316 * 2/- M M '308 w 2;- M M ,350 ★ * * 2/6
By V k Smeed
Large twin pontoon hydroplane, for up to S H A LI N
3.5 c.c. The simplest form o f boat for radio-control, SCOOTER
Attractive alrscrcw-driven hydroplane for .5 to
which can be easily accommodated in the spacious 22 in. A.S.D.H. for .5-1.5 engines,
1.5 c.c. constructed in 132 and 1/16 ply, overall
cabin. Length 24 in. Beam 15 In. Balsa and ply pusher propeller and outrigged rear
length 22 In.
construction. All balsa construction.
M M '475 ★ ★ 3/6
M M /3 II *★ 3/6 MM/435 ★ *
A irs c re w -D riv e n H y d ro p la n e s
HOT FOOT By Vic Smeed
SKIMMER By Peter Holland Air-driven hydroplane of rather more advanced
By Vic Smeed Most unusual three point hydrofoil airscrew construction, but still within the scope of the
A twin pontoon airscrcw-drlven hydroplane of driven boat for up to 1.5 cc. Extremely fast for beginner Designed for tethered running at very
the simplest possible construction, capable of tethered or free running, simple balsa construc high speeds with 1.5 to 3.5 c.c. motors; or free-
excellent performance with up to I c.c. motors. tion, overall length 15 in. running w ith 1.5 max.
M M 310 ★ 2b MM/476 * * 3/6 M M ,309 ★ * 2/6
M o d e l P o w e r B o a ts
L.O.A. ISJin. Beam Sj In. Simply propelled
hydroglidcr capable of fairly high speeds powered FAIRMILE TYPE “ C" M L .
by diesels of up to I c.c. An unusual triangular airscrew hydroplane with By Vic Smecd
MM/235 ★ ★ ★ 3/- a vented step etc., suitable fo r up to I j c.c. free- A ^-m .-l ft scale model of a wartime " little
running. Mainly balsa construction, requires pusher ship", lenth 55 In., beam 8* in Good performance
propeller. with 2A-3| c.c. engines or a combination o f two or
MM/650 * * 3 /- three electric motors Plan includes simplified
method of construction and a true scale body
plan for those who require complete authenticity.
M M 585 10/-
A 19 In. airscrew driven hydroplane for free or H.M.S. KIN G GEORGE V
tethered running. High speed achieved With engines This 37 in. model (1/20 in.) battleship makes an
extremely interesting project for the slightly more
advanced modeller. Powered by any medium sized
electric motor. Suitable for R C. H. M . S . B I T T E R N
M M 590 * * 6/6 A 1/20 In. scale warship using gum paper strip
construction for the hull and a balsa or obechi
superstructure. Powered by any small electric
motor, costs little more than 10/- to build including
motor. Length I4£ In.
M M 587 ★* 3h
By J. M. Drinkwater A 1/10 In. scale model warship, using gum paper
A 17-£ In. long airscrew-driven amphibian model, strip construction for the hull and balsa or obechi T o ensure speedy d e live ry please
capable of fast running on land and water with for the superstructure. Any small electric motor; quote plan num ber, name, and price
.75-1.5 c.c. motors. Unusual but handsome appear can be built for little more than 10/- Including in y o u r o rde r.
ance. ply'balsa construction. motor. L.O.A. 17^ in.
M M '627 * * 3/6 M M 586 * * 3/ -
Μ . Y. P A T R I C I A
An attractive model of all balsa construction,
gives an excellent performance with any medium
sized electric motor Suitable for R/C. LO .A .
21 In. Beam 4 in.
MM/617 * 3/6
By Vic Smeed
One sheet of £ in. balsa and a short length of BRAVE BORDERER
I in. square builds this simple high-speed miniature A 36 in. ( j i n - I ft.) model of Vosper's fastest
submarine, which uses a Mabuchi O rb it 205 or patrol boat, for diesel or electric power. A single
similar small electric motor. Length 15 in., rudder and screw arrangement is shown on the
plan together with a triple arrangement for those M.V. S T E Y N IN G
automatic diving. A delightful 23 in. near scale model collier of
MM/624 ★ 2/6 who prefer absolute authenticity.
MM, 609 + * + 10/- balsa and ply construction. A fairly simple model
although some previous experience is necessary.
For electric power only.
M M 601 * * * 5/ -
By Vic Smeed PIRA N A
An extremely attractive. 21 In. cruiser which can By Vic Smeed
be built from only four sheets of balsa. An ideal A 28 in. express cruiser for medium, large elecric
A 3 5 jln . (I 20 in.-l ft.) model of effective lines
beginners' model; plan includes sketches of con motors o r up to 2* c.c. Advanced hull form with
suitable for R/C. Although balsa and ply con
struction and all full-size parts separately drawn. convexed sections fo r very fast R C performance,
struction makes this model comparatively simple,
Can be built for less than 15,- complete. Suitable simplified hull also detailed for easier construction.
some previous experience is desirable. Powered
for small and medium sized electric motors, will 10 m. Beam, roomy fo r radio, one-piece super
by any medium sized electric motors.
lake miniature R/C. structure.
M M 603 * * 66
M M ,610 36 MM 620 * * 7/6
M ode l P o w e r B o a ts
A 14 in. m odern-style outboard speedboat
fo r use w ith e lectric outboard m otors.
A N N M Balsa construction, attractive appearance
Largest m erchant ship model in Plans and performance.
Service, this modern m o tor coaster has a M M 703 · 3/ 6
pa rticularly clean deck and is a most
practical p rototyp e fo r a w o rkin g model. C A R V E L L E M A J O R
Length 57A in. Larger version o f Carvelle M ino r. 21 in.
S W EET S IX T E E N M M 708 ‘ · * * 15/- length, balsa/ply construction, fo r glowplug
Smart little cabin cruiser. 16 in. in length o r diesel outboards up to IA c.c. o r larger
and 5J in. beam, capable o f accommodating e le ctric units.
simple transistorised R'C. All-balsa con M M '7 02
stru ction, small to medium electric motors.
W e ll-k n o w n German heavy cruiser o f
W o rld W a r II modelled to a length o f 44 in.
3/ 6 H ull lines and superstructure outlines only,
fo r builders w ith previous experience.
M M '7 00 . . . . 6/6
S IR O C C O FAIRET h u n t s m a n
Thames lu x u ry cabin cruiser, 30 in. in 8y Vic Smecd
length, ply or balsa construction, fo r I— l i Handsome 39 in. cabin cruiser fo r 2J— A | i m.__I ft. model of one of the best-known
c.c. diesel o r electric drive. Light con 8 C.C. engines o r large e lectric m otors. fast sea-going small cruisers. 42 In . In length for
stru ction. suitable fo r R'C. H ull shape is S traightforw ard ply construction, modern up to 15 c.c. engines. Hull form is steeply V'd
sim ilar to Vosper Royal Barge (MM356). styling. Excellent fo r radio con trol. monohedron. Ply construction.
M M /704 * * 7/6 MM, 680 * * * Π/ 6
M M '7 09 * ♦ 5/6
A model o f futuristic design employing balsa for A simple all-balsa hovercraft for tethered running,
the main structure with ply engine mount, etc. using a 12 v. electric OO railway motor. An
Suitable for diesel and glow engines o f l|-3 ^ c.c. attractive project fo r the modeller who prefers
Diameter 24 in. the unusual type of model. LO .A . I4£ In.
M M 591 ★★ 5/ - MM, 602 * 3/6
A revolutionary spin-stabilised electric hover
craft for tethered running. All balsa construction,
an interesting and attractive model of “ flying
saucer" appearance. 8 in. Diameter.
U n o rth o d o x
M M 614 * * 2/6
D e sign s
S. R . N I By Vic Smeed
Radio controlled or free running hover vehicle.
A semi-scale model hovercraft Powered by any Simple construction of balsa with hardwood Unusual airscrew driven car for .5-1 c.c. motors,
2j-3$ c.c. engine. The model gives a spectacular mounts, etc. Any engine of .5-1 c.c. Basic size using all-balsa-ply construction and any 2-2* in.
performance over land or water, hovering at 10 in. square. R C if required carried on outriggers. wheels. Speeds up to 40 m.p.h. on tethered
1-2 in., while moving forward at 5-10 m.p.h. Lifting capacity 27 ozs. circuit.
Suitable for R C Size 40 in. x 30 in , all-balsa. M M 570 *★ 4/6 M M 325 * 21-
MM 583 ★* 7/4
M o d e l P o w e r B o a ts r-
'-ΤΓ·'1* ! ! * * ’
By Vic Smeed O LA N
A distinctive small pilot launch, | in.— I ft., By A rth u r O. Pollard Jr.
length 24 Ins., scaled from a Universal Shipyards Thames waterman’s launch. | in. scale. 21 in.
aluminium hull Largely balsa construction, length, featuring double chine hull (may be simpli
By Víc Smeed planked round bilge hull, electric power, suitable fied to single chine as indicated on plan). Suitable
Largest power boat in plans range. 54 In. length fo r small R/C for smaller diesels (up to I c.c.) or electric power.
and 1/ ins. beam, suitable for up to 35 c.c. engines MM/645 ★ 5 /- M M 662 * ★★ 46
or very large electric motors. Λ mce-handllng model
for R/C steering competitions etc. Straightforward
M M 652 * * > 10 6
By Vic Smeed Model of one of Germany’s most famous warships.
A fast 40 In. competition model for 2^— 15 c.c. 554 ins. in length (1,175 scale) drawn in outline
motors. Simple but handsome lines, one-piece only (with hull cross-sections) and suited only to
detachable superstructure, glass-fibre hulls available builders of experience.
at time o f going to press. M M 644 * * * ★ 7/6
M M ,640 * * 86
Modern traw ler model 36£ In. length. 5,16 in.— The famous battle-cruiser to a scale of I 16 in.—
I ft. scale. Bread and butter construction, accurate I ft., giving a length of 54 in. and a displacement
detail. Outlines and body plan only, for experienced of I4 f lbs. Bread and butter hull construction, ply
modellers. etc. superstructure. For electric power.
MM 666 ★ * ★ * 86 M M 672 ★* 10,'-
Electric outboard model, 18 in. in length, all An attractive model, basically a scaled-up
balsa construction, designed for radio control with Scudabout. which gives an extremely nippy p€r_
commercial German actuator. Very simple structure formance on 1^ c.c. engines. Length is 29 in..
can be free run.
MM/626 ★ 4 /-
E. B O A T
By Vic Smeed
Scale } In.— I ft., length 35 in. beam 5 | in., this
model is o f a German S-boat as used in W.W .II.
Round bilge hull, simple construction, balsa can be
used. For electric propulsion o r up to l j C-C.
M o d e l C a rs For rubber, diesel, electric drive, etc.
Overall length 15 in.; Overall width 7$ in.;
Wheelbase 9 in.. Track 6$ In.; Tyres 3 in dia.
Scale model of a popular car des.gned for 4 e c Overall length I2 yin.; Overall width 6$ in.;
Built for M.G.M. Film Model Building Contest.
engines. Wheelbase 7j In., track 3^ in. Fully Wheelbase 94 in.; Track Sin.; Tyres 2$ In. dia.
Elegant finish, dutch driven. For E.D. Bee I c.c.
detailed with development of metal bodywork. For engines ./S to 2.4 c.c
or similar engines.
Bevel drive to rear wheel, w ith clutch detail. M M 199 * w 2.6
MM/277 + + 5/·
Overall length 12$ in.; Overall width 6$ m ;
A miniature model car especially designed to A very simple race car design of Japanese origin
Wheelbase 8$ in.: Track 5* in.; Tyres 2* in dia.
utilise j c.c. engines. For cable operation. Wood for Javelin or similar M ý c.c. motors. Commercial
Popular British speedway design o f all wood parts for m otor adaptation are available, pan and
body construction. Final drive by friction. Can body, suitable for beginner to attempt. W ith
two-page instruction leaflet. body. etc., are all wood.
be adapted for engines 1-3 c.c. M M ,385 it 2/6
MM/165 * 2/6 MMOSS ★ * /*
Β . R. Μ . G. M . F I R E B I R D
By Ken Procter A simple 12 in. model o f this intriguing jet
Designed for 2 j C.c. twin-shaft engines (Oliver, powered car, constructed from hollow block balsa
etc.) A ‘ kitchen table" version of this British and accommodating a Jetex 50 and augmenter
Racing design. Wooden body. Simple construction tube Speeds of up to 20 m.p.h. tethered or free.
for those lacking workshop facilities.
M M 209 ★ ★ * 3/4
By G. H. Deason
A simple card and balsa working model employ
ing any stock small electric motor. Entirely self-
contained and amusing both in construction and
L O T U S Mk. 9 * * 2/6 M.G. MAG NETTE
By Vic Smeed Overall length 15 in.; Overall width 7 in.;
1/12 scale model for j- I J c.c. engines, for rail Wheelbase 10 in.; Track 6 in.; Tyres 3 in. dia.
o r cable track. Simple construction with wooden An Intermed ate model based on Bira’s racing car
bod/ and dural sheet chassis. Drive through used in 1934. Simple construction. For engines
bevel gears. 1-2 c.c.
M M ,434 * * J® MM; 164 * * + 5/-
By G. H. Deascn Overall length 11£ in.; Overall width 5± In.;
A really outstanding working model veteran
A scale model car for .75 c.c. or similar engines Track 4 in.; Wheelbase 7 in.; Tyres 2 in. dia.
car for .5 c.c. diesels. A ll metal construction,
that can win Concours d'Elegance and put on a
entailing some brazmg. etc. Jetex propelled. Fast and simple to build.
good track performance.
M M 375 * * * 3/6 MM/167 ★★ V *
M M 132 * ★ V-
By Vic Srneed Simple all-wood scale-model of the well-known
An ultra-simple car model for 1-1.5 c.c. German car, designed for electric propulsion.
using Meccano gears and inexpensive Block balsa body-work. etc. 15 in. overall length.
T oul cost (less engine) roughly 30 MM 299 * ★ 2/6
M M 448 *
An all-balsa race car for I c.c. engines, this MERCEDES 2|c.c. A U S T IN SINGLE SEATER>
simple model can be confidently cackled by a Both Rheims and Nurburg type Mercedes in Overall length I2 | in.; Overall width 5*: ,0·
beginner and serves as a useful introduction to the same scale on the same plan. Simple con. Wheelbase 8ý in.. Track 4$ in.; Tyres 2$ ·π. «ι3·
cl e racing car world. All parts easily obtainable struetton with any standard bevel gears, etc Easily built and satisfactory to run. For eng'nes
commercial Iy. Both models complete on one drawing. 1-3 c.c. .
M M 305 * 3/·
3/· MM 391 * * 4/6 MM 166 ** ** ***
M o d e l C a rs
Scale model for up to 2$ c.c. motors using easily
obtained commercial dutch and rear axle unit.
Wooden body dipped to aluminium chassis, needs
no workshop equipment.
M M ,367 * * 46
Simplified scale model of a popular vintage
American roadster. Excellent as a decoration to
be incorporated with a table-lamp, etc
MM 324 * * 2/-
M E R C E D E S B E N Z 300-SL
A radio-controlled scale car using a belt-drive
CHEVROLET CORVETTE 2.5 c.c. motor, may also be electric-powered
An all-balsa electrically propelled model of a Radio installation details (not circuit) illustrated
smart modern car, 13$ in. in length. Simple con on plan. Sheet metal pan. balsa coachwork.
struction. uses 3-6 v. motors. Length 17 in.
M M 3S3 * ★ 3/- M M ,322 * ★ ★ 3/6
MECCANO CHASSIS E-SKI-M O by P eter H olland
A simple plan showing the construction of a An airscrew-driven Ice sled comprising one
central ski with outriggers. Can be used on snow, Strange devices based on sound mechanical
chassis from standard Meccano parts to suit up to p rinciples, ingeniously inco rp o rated in these
I c.c. disel. An Aston Martin body to fit (length ice. water, or even wet grass! Balsa construction.
fascinating w o rk in g models
I0 j in.) is also detailed on the plan. For tethered
or. where space permits, free running. 3-
M M 59?
An ingenious pair o f models of simple balsa
construction. Slider being an airscrew driven
hydroplane for up to I c.c. motors to which is F L Ο P A L QJsl G
attached an identical hull fitted with an autogyro An ingenious boat propelled by vibrating plate,
unit. This rises clear of the water when the model which is quite capable of holding its own against
is in action. normal propulsion. All balsa construction, for
M M 454 * 36 small electric motors, length 19 in.
M M 402 * 3/-
Smart land yacht model capable of very high
performance and incorporating such ingenious
devices as a crew ballast swinging out to windward
by an amount proportional to wind pressure on
the sail. Simplified vane gear, easy and very
inexpensive construction, length over all 17 in.,
height 30 In.
MM/466 * *
4/6 \ Γ '
^ R E C: O V E R Y This saucer is amphibious and w ill perform
An unusual amphibian model with both wheels ιπ ξ ε ε β ε ε ε ζ equally well on land or water. Simple contrac
and waterscrew continually driven with 1-2 c.c. tion. mainly of balsa. 13 in. In diameter, for up
motor. Construction mostly from sheet balsa. to 75 c.c. motors
Suitable for radio control adaptation. L.o.a. 19 in. MM, 390 * 2/6
M M 554 * ★ 5/-
This remarkable 3-wheeler finds Its w a/ around , Described as a Tripedal Electronic Ambulator),
obstacles, and resumes its original course once Locomotive, this is a futuristic space model
clear. Easy to build, using any small electric motor, powered by a small electric motor, and it actually
M M 436 ' * 26 Simple construction with wire cranks, etc.
1 M M 380 * r -
Cosmic Ambulatory Medium Elevation Look-out
for survey on other planets. Inexpensive model,
using simple and Ingenious rubber drive mechanism,
walks SO yards on one winding. Bristol board
and balsa construction.
M M '394 + II-
Novel tricycle vehicle employing reaction pro-
S L IT H A pulsion obtained with T.G 18 m otor or similar.
A track-faying vehicle which shoots its track Balsa and card construction.
forward, lowers it in place, runs forward, lifts the M M 419 ★ 26
track and repeats. Any small electric motor, balsa
M M 420 * 3/.
An ingenious 2 ft. high walking robot, powered SPIDER
by two small electric motors (TGI8 or similar). Unusual model running on two six-armed inter-
Balsa and card construction; causes a sensation meshing rotors, employing rubber drive. Capable
whenever it appears in public! of covering considerable distances at high speed
M M 406 * 46 MM/413 * 3/-
Engines By Peter Holland
Unusual caterpillar model of Trans-Antarctic
Expedition vehicle, using simple electric drive
SUCDEN SPECIAL and suitable for miniaturised radio. Scale } in.
By D. C. Sugden to the foot, length 14 in. Simple construction
Developed through seven engines, this design throughout.
Is the ultimate in plain bearing 2.5 c.c. diesels, M M .529 * * 3/6
having higher power output than many commercial
ball-race products. Made entirely on a Myford
ML 7, the prototype peaked with .24 B.H.P. at
12,700 R.P.M. Die-cast crankcases ready for
machining are available w ith the drawing at 12 6d.
inclusive or 8 - each, separately. M isce lla n e o u s
588 * ★ ★ D raw ing o nly 46
Single cylinder oscillating steam engine. ^ in.
bore x | in. stroke, complete with boiler and
spirit lamp Requires minimum tools for con
struction and would power boats approximately
30 in. in length.
M M 546 * * * 3/6
Not illustrated
Designed for construction from the solid w ithout
use of castings. Drawings twice full-size and fully
dimensioned, together with very detailed 6-page
4.000-word step-by-step Instruction leaflet. Suitable
for model cars, boats, e tc . and w ithin skill of
average small lathe operator.
MM.OS I * ★ ★ 5/-
A straightforward 3 c.c. diesel engine using the
TER well-tried sideport induction.
By L. V. R. Haydock M M 507 * * * * 6/6 ο i π r l i c 1T Y
A I5 e .c O.H.V. four-stroke engine of straight By G. H. Deason
forward construction. Bore 1.125 in., stroke 0.875. Novel electric Powered tract,on engine to
Single cam operated valves. Castings available from freelance design, using Mighty Midget or similar
designer. m o to rO v e ra l1length l o ; in. A ll card c o n s tru c ts .
M M ;589 * * * 7/6 MM J y l it it 2 6
3 i c.c. M A R I N E
By C Starnes
Simple but practical 3* c.c. (.20 cu. in.) diesel for
boat use. built on monobloc principle, using a
single commercially available casting or a solid G e a rs
dural block. A flexible and economical motor to
suit a wide range of boats
MM/6S7 ★ * * * 4/6 MOVING C A RR I A G E V A N E GEAR
By A. Wilcock
An ingenious vane steering mechanism whose
tack and tack motion comprises sun and planet
gears in a movable carriage. Straightforward to
make, reliable and precise in action.
M M 631 * * * 3/6
Designed specially for MODEL MAKER'S
Marblehead design Festive, but equally su.table for
any modern design where rudder pintle comes
very close to transom. On one sheet, size 32 x 17 In.
BEAVER M M 245 * * ★ * 26
By L V. R Haydock
Marine 10 c.c. o.h.v. four-stroke for which VANE STEERING GEAR
castings are commercially available. Bore I in., By S. Elphee
stroke £ in. An interesting project for the amateur A simple self-tacking gear that requires no
independent setting. On one sheet (twice full-
lathe user; suits hulls of up to 40 in. by 12 in. beam.
M M '692 * * + * 7'6 size). 20 x 15 in.
M M ,225 ¥ ★ * *■ 16
By J. Weeks
A fully detailed and dimensioned drawing
enabling anyone to construct an efficient Vane
Steering Gear. ‘ M’ class dimensions given, but
also suitable for larger models.
M M ,398 * * it 2,6
A very simple airscrew driven car lor up to I c.c. By A. R. "Gus' Lassel
engines using Meccano wheels, etc. Capable* of The foremost Vane Gear in the world in plan
a good turn of speed Exceptionally strong. form for home construction. On one sheet,
MMSS3 * 26 complete with Elements of Linkage, size 25 x 19 in.
M M 270 * ★ * * 26
Lago Talbot 4J L. G.P.
P ro to ty p e C a r Citroen Cloverleaf.
Connaught Comp. 2-Str.
Connaught Dart ...
MM 411
Μ Μ Ί94
MM 557
Lancia Ferrari F.I ...
Lotus F. I ........................
1 12
MM 179
MM 532
1 12
Plans Connaught F2
Cooper Climax
MM 246
MM 514
Lotus X V .............. 1958 1/12 MM 534
Vauxhall ......................... I9C5 1 12 MM/474 MM 484 1904 Oarracq MM/605 B.R.M. 1956
Vauxhall 30,98E .............. 1913 M 2 MM,'351 Ford Model T Connaught Dart
MM '488 H.W.M. F.2 MM 678 F. I Ferguson
Aston Martin DB4 1958 1/10 MM,628 Lago Talbot 4^ L G.P. 1961 Lotus 20
Bugatti 2SI F.l .............. 1956 1/10 MM,633 MM 489 Mercedes 1938 G.P. MM,685 1961 Ferrari F.l
Cisitalia G.P........................ 1948 1/12 MM,'691 Auto Union 1938 G.P. Bugatti 251
Daimler S.P. 250 .............. I960 1 12 MM 639 MM, 490 Era D Type MM 686 F.l Scarab
Ferguson F.l 1961 1,12 MM 661 Alfa Romeo 158 I960 B.R.M.
Ferrari F.l .............. 1961 1 10 MM 658 MM, 491 Bugatti 3.3 L G.P. MM 687 Aston Martin DB4
Ferrari 555 Super Squalo ... 1955 1 12 MM 707 H.R.G. 4 L. Daimler S.P. 250
Jaguar Type E .............. 1961 112 MM 643 MM;688 Ferrari Berlinetta
MM, 492 Maserat. 4 L G.P.
Lotus 20 ............ 1961 1 12 MM 668 Alta G.P. E Type Jaguar
Maserati Type 61 Birdcage I960 1/16 MM. 697 MM/493 Ferrari 4^ L.
Mercedes Benz W.I96 1954 M2 MM 674 Maserat! 4CLT,48
Mercedes Benz 300 SLR ... 1955 1/12 MM 648 MM/495 Alfa Romeo P3 Mono posto
M.G. EXI8I 1957 18 MM/671 Bugatti 35B
Sunbeam Alpine .............. 1959 18 MM 681 SPECIAL FOR O L D TIM E CAR FAN S
MM,496 Sunbeam G.P.
Triumph T.R.4 .............. 1962 1*8 MM7IQ Delage 4 L. G.P. 1891 PEU G EO T
MM/497 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost fly CHRISTIAN TAVARD
Mercer Raceabout Special drawings of a grand old vehicle which in
MM/498 Vauxhall 30,98E many ways was years ahead of its time. These
P r o t o t y p e C a r P lan s Bentley 4^ L. Le Mans
drawings give all the details for the construction
MM 499 Novi Special o f a museum piece at I 10th scale, and are o f
Gordlni 2 L considerable historical Interest to all car lovers.
The following drawings are produced ac I 32nd MM, 467 36
MM 521 Ferrari Dino 246
scale for the benefit of the many electric rail racer Lancia Ferrari F.l
enthusiasts who employ this scale, and other car MM'522 Cooper Climax
modellers who may care to work to this convenient Lancia D.50 F.l S C E N IC B A C K G R O U N D S
small size for static models. Once again, the plans MM 593 Aston Martm DBR I 300 These are 30 x 40 in. sheets which, when cut In
are merely outline drawings of the fullsize cars and Porsche Spyder 718 half, form 6 ft. 8 ins. of background for electric car
do not show structure for a model. Note that each MM 595 Auto Union 6 L. Type C 1938 circuits, etc. Each sheet has drawn outlines and
sheet consists of two cars. Porsche F.2 1958 details plus full colouring instructions.
MM'594 Ferrari Dino 246 1958 Price is 5 /- per sheet.
MM 457 M.G. Type M.G.A. Lotus F.l 1958
Mercedes Benz 300 SL Sheet A—H illy country with pine trees, no figures,
Μ M596 Cooper Climax 1958 suitable for railway o r car layouts.
MM 458 Triumph TR.2 Aston Martin F.l 1959
Austin Healey 100 MM/675
MM 597 Jaguar Type D Sheet B— Rolling typical countryside with car race
MM.459 B.R.M. 2* L. G.P. Ferrari Testa Rossa
Cooper 1100 Mk. I spectators, advertisements, etc. MM/679
MM 598 D.A. Lubricant Special
MM 460 Ferrari 2* L. G.P. Sheet C—40 in. of background with spectators.
B.R.M. 1959 etc., plus plans for Marshal's Shelter and
Mercedes Benz 2J L G.P. MM 599 Vanwall 1958
MM/461 Vanwall Electric Scoreboard MM/689
Ferrari Dino (basic) 1958
Connaught F.2
H u ll
C o n stru c tio n
B o a t h u l l s are divided into two primary
categories which refer to their actual
cross-sections. The first and simplest of
the two is the hard chine hull, where
definite “comers” exist between the sides
and bottom panels; in such a boat the frames or shadows arc shaped and fitted or stem end, is usually a fiat plate built
sides and bottom panels are virtually flat to a jig which, in power boats especially, in as a bulkhead. Skinning is carried out
for all or most of the length, although may be the actual keel. Longitudinal with the hull upside down, and on com
varying in angle throughout. The round strips arc then affixed to form the inwale pletion the hull is strong enough to be
bilge hull, on the other hand, curves and chine, and sometimes additional removed from the jig (if an external one
gently from gunwale to keel, with no stringers arc added as stiffeners. The is used; and the shadows if any) knocked
suggestion of a “corner”, and calls for planking is then fitted to these strips. out. Interior details and deck, etc., are
rather different constructional methods. The planking is frequently sheets of ply, then added.
etc., which cover the whole side or half Most modelling materials lend them
H AR D CH IN E HU LLS the bottom in one piece; sometimes selves to this type of hull, and balsa,
This type of hull is most often built on diagonal planking is used, when narrow obcchc, spruce, or birch arc often used.
permanent frames or bulkheads which strips of ply, etc., are fitted along the sides The most frequent material specified,
remain part of the finished hull. Occasion and bottom at an angle of 45 deg. to the however, especially for skinning, is resin-
ally, however, “shadows” are used, centre line. In the latter case, double bonded plywood, which is easily available
removable after completion, especially diagonal planking is frequently specified; m all sizes from 1'32 in. thickness upward.
where light weight is desirable. The this means that a second skin of narrow
strips is laid over the first, sloping at 45 deg. ROUND BILG E H U LLS
in the opposite direction. At the bow, a
block or blocks may be called for, to The simplest form of construction for
simplify construction by obviating that hulls of this type is to carve the whole unit
part of the skinning which would need a from the solid, using a timber such as
very sharp change in angle. The transom, pear, holly, lime, yellow pine, or obeche.
V E R T IC A L BREAD t BUTTER!MS reducing the amount of internal hollowing
to be done. After gluemg the planks
centre plan ks
together, the outside is carved to its
finished contours, using templates traced
trom the drawing, before completing the
internal hollowing. Ribs, bulkheads, and
other interior details are added after the
hull shell is completely finished.
An alternative system becoming popular
is “bread-and-buttering on the buttock
lines”, which entails the use of vertical
The most common material for bread-
and-butter construction is obcche, which
is available at most timber yards and
This is an expensive and wasteful means, model shops. Sugar pine, yellow pine,
apart from the difficulty of obtaining good mahogany, and red cedar are also excellent
quality material in sufficiently large sizes,
and as a result “bread-and-butter” build
ing is employed. In this system the
“ bread” is the timber and the “ butter”
the glue used to bond the planks together.
It has the advantage of being less wasteful
and of rendering hollowing much easier.
The hull profile and cross-section are
first divided off on the plan into slices of
the thickness of the planks available, and
the top line of each division is used to
mark off the outline for each slice on the
timber—there is after all, little point in
making a low “slice” the same size as the
top one when it will have to be carved
down anyway. Inside the outline a second
shape is drawn and this shape is also
sawn out and removed, thus considerably w
timbers for this job, though more difficult out, usually suiting with the garboard Note that it is only necessary to trace a
to obtain. strakes (next to the keel). After com half of each section.
Planked hulls, either clincher (over pletion and sanding of the planking, the The desired thickness of the hull should
lapping! or carvel (flush i built, are con )ig is removed and the shadows or other now be decided and drawn on each section,
structed in two ways, depending on whether building aids knocked out before adding i .í ., a 3 in. hull thickness means that a line
permanent frames are fitted. Procedure the internal timbers, etc. With permanent must be drawn parallel with the outside
is much the same, except that permanent frames little internal timbering is line around most of the body, plus the
frames are cut to the cross-section of the necessary' of course. thickening for the inwalc which is standard
hull less the thickness of the planking, Materials for such a hull are normally practice, and of course, any increase in
while in the other case, the temporary ply, 1/4 in. for shadows, 1 16 in. for ribs, thickness desired in the hull floor for the
frames (“moulds” or “shadows”) are cut etc., and mahogany sheet for planking, lead keel in the case of a yacht. It is now
to finished cross-section less the thickness up to 1/8 in. thick. Cedar and some possible to see from any section the re
of the planking and the ribs. The cut pines are also suitable for planking. quired width of any plank from outside to
frames can be fitted with a square piece The best glues to use in boat-building inside (or depth if using the buttock lines)
of timber running along one side of their are the gap-filling resin glues such as at that particular station, and the inside
top edges and screws passed through the Cascamitc “One-Shot”, Aerolite 306, points can be stepped off on to the timber
jig plank into these fillets, or slots can Beetle, etc. and joined in a smooth curve. It is advis
be cut in the jig to accept the top edges able to leave a I 16 in. or so of timber when
of the frames. Where the deck has “sheer”
the frames or shadows must be made
U se of Lines cutting to the line, just to be on the safe
side. When the block is now glued to
up so that their top edges form a straight gether very little work will be required to
line. When set up (upside down), the It will be apparent that if one is sawing complete the internal hollowing, and in
keel, inwales, stem, and transom arc away the insides, it is desirable to cut fairly many instances, for example where a hull
close to the reouired inside shape, and is not required to be ultra-light, no
fitted to the frames, and the ribs (if any) therefore the inside line to which one may hollowing at all may be needed, the inside
lightly pinned in place. Planking is carried safely cut should be plotted. This plotting laminations being left as a scries of steps.
is perhaps the longest job in the whole Gluing the block up under pressure is
process, but the time taken in doing what an operation which has frequently been
is after all very light and quite interesting described and offers no great problems,
work is more than saved when it comes to and it is hardly necessary to say that the
hollowing the hull, which is relatively position of each lamination must be com
heavy' work. The first step is to trace off pletely accurate in the fore-and-aft direc
each cross section of the body plan separ tion, where slight misplacement can escape-
ately, including the lamination lines, cither notice. To this end the separate planks
vertical or horizontal, plus of course, the should be placed on the drawing and the
centre or datum fine, whichever is needed. positions of the next lowest plank care-
fully marked. Most glues allow sufficient taking measurements from the body plan.
shuffling time for the planks to be The timber should be marked out with a
manoeuvred into their exact positions. line at each section station (a simple
It is now· possible to carve the inside and calculation from the original drawing) and
outside of the hull to smooth shape, and the width of the plank at each station
if the planks are absolutely accurate and no measured from the body plan and marked
thickness has been taken up by glue layers, on the wood. A spline to connect the points
the result should be the exact hull shape. in a smooth curve then gives the outside
Unfortunately some builders tend to leave cutting line of the plank; the inside cutting
it at that, with the result that a boat may line can be marked in exactly the same
be oversize or inaccurate in its lines due to way.
minor inaccuracies in assembly, glue thick Many modellers, when confronted with
ness, etc. For this reason, a template at a set of naval architect’s drawings, are
each station should be cut from, preferably, completely baffled, and do not know how
ply or metal sheet, although at a pinch, stiff to use these lines to build a hull. Once the
card could be used. These should be full idea has been explained to them the whole
templates, i.e., one half should be traced thing becomes ridiculously simple.
and then reversed to obtain the complete In the first place, then, let us look at a
shape. The centre line should be clearly set of these lines. Figure 1 shows something
marked, as should the deck level. Now fairly typical in this direction, but rather
when these templates are offered to the simplified; any boat can be drawn in this
hull it will be apparent that any high spots, fashion, and in fact usually is, even though
etc., will be easily discovered. The careful the finished result (in the case of models)
builder starts checking with templates when may not show all these lines. (The hull
he still has at least £ in. of material to
Before leaving the subject of laminated
hulls, let us consider the man who wants
to scale a design up or down. Hven scaling
(X 2, X Í , etc.) is simple with dividers, but
for an odd scale the easiest method is
photostatic enlargement or reduction.
What is not realised is that it is only
necessary to have the body plan photo
stated to the required size and the planks
can be laid out direct onto the wood by
shape is always drawn initially in this way, Now having studied the fundamental The first stage of construction is to
and the actual component parts are de ideas behind composition of the lines, how- obtain timber finished to the exact thick
rived from the original lines.) can we use them to produce a model? ness of the water or buttock line spadngs.
Now take a look at the “side view” of Well, there arc two basic methods of Where this proves impossible, timber of
the hull, known as the Sheer Plan. The building a hull, either by carving from constant thickness can be employed, and
vertical straight lines are of course the solid timber or a solid block made up by the body plan ruled off accurately by pencil
stations at which the body sections form laminations (bread-and-buttering) or by lines into laminations of the actual timber
ing the body plan are taken off, but it will making a framework which can be planked thickness. It is then a simple matter to
be observed that there are also horizontal to produce the desired shape. transfer the point of intersection of the
straight lines, and what is obviously a Let us take the simpler of these two pencil lines and the existing cross-section
family of curved lines. The horizontal first, i.e., the bread-and-butter method. lines on to the sheer or waterline plan at
lines indicate horizontal slices, known as This can be sub-divided into two each station, giving a set of points which,
watcrlincs, and these are drawn out (again approaches, bread-and-buttering on the when connected up, give new buttock or
superimposed one on the other) on the waterlines or bread-and-buttering on the waterlines to which the timber may be cut.
Waterline Plan below. It will be observed buttock lines. With our previous know This is an easy matter if a spline of say
that the cross section stations are also ledge we see instantly that the first of these J-in. sq. timber is used to connect the
shown on this drawing, and there are again means using horizontal laminations, and points, and any inaccuracy or mistakes in
straight lines running parallel from stem the second vertical laminations. The transferring the points will show up
to stem on this view. These are the vertical method of building is very similar for instantly, since the new curves drawn will
slices which give the buttock lines and the either approach, though for a good many not fit in with the “family” already
buttock lines are of course, the family years horizontal laminating was standard existing.
of curves shown in the sheer plan. practice, and few people realised the If the timber is now cut to the lines and
If one takes a pair of dividers and steps advantages offered by vertical laminae. assembled into a block, the result will be
off on the body plan the distance from the The chief among these advantages is that an embryo hull needing very little carving
centre line to the outside of the hull on work is saved in plotting since the planks to outside shape. It will be, however,
any waterline, this measurement will tally will be in pairs as opposed to the hori completely solid, and to reduce the amount
exactly with the measurement from the zontal method where each plank differs. of work entailed in hollowing the hull,
centre line to the outside line on the water Secondly, and almost equally important, most builders cut away part of the inside
line plan at that station, and at that is the case with which the symmetry of the of each plank before gluing the laminations
particular waterline. Similarly, if one steps hull can be checked during construction, together.
off the distance vertically from a datum since it is a fairly easy matter to check
line to any of the intersections on the body that corresponding laminations on each
plan, this measurement will be exactly the side terminate opposite to each other, Further constructional notes can be
same as the distance from a similar datum and arc equal in height at corresponding found in Boat Modelling and Power Model
line to the buttock line at the same station points from the workbench top when the Boats as listed in the book section of this
on the sheer plan. hull is placed upside down on the bench. handbook.
WARSHIP DRAWINGS by N O R M A N A. O UGH (1895 to date)
•>Y more!·) t r r 4 W m m ( w ith N o rm a n K. O u*b Ih ·» · m ngnltnnt d ra w in g » o f B r i t t * V u r t r i » · urvju«»tK »rably the B n e jl tn
3 t h T i i o f W - » « now av ailA b :« th r o u g h X * M M a k e r P l a m S e rv ice F v e ry p o M lb l· d e ta il o f th e (oU -alae eh ip u a c c tira te lv 15' Mk. I and Mk. I(N ) Guns (Capital
ah o w n T he d ra w m e* a v a ila b le a r e a * follow » :
ships) 1913-1959 ( i ' . | ' a n d 1/16"
H.M.S. Curacoa (Scale I" I ' ) ................................................... 9019
P LE A S E N O T E : Some o f these plans have 40m.m. T w in Bofors Guns ( ) I ') 9020
the “ Lines” drawing separate. 16’) 1916-42 £ !/-/- 9007
H.M.S. Shefpeld (Scale l ' = 40m.m. Single Bofors Gun (M k. VII)
(W ho le H ull and full detail) 16') as in 1954 £ 1 /-/- 9008 ( ί'= Γ ) 9021
“ Lines” and “ D e ta il" (2 20m.m. Single and T w in O e rllko n
Enlarged Detail is on all 1/16" Scale D raw Guns ( f I ') 9022
drawings) together ... 10/- 9008a
ings and is to the scale o f I ' = 8 ' . 4 ' Mk. X IX Gun ("C astle” class
H.M.S. Penelope (1936-44)
(Scale I * = I 6 ') detail ( I* Frigates) (±" I ' ) ........................... 9023
= 8 ') £ | /- / _ 9009 4 ' T w in H A /L A Guns (as in m ajority
H.M.S. Duke o f York (Scale Γ
= 16') 1941-58 o f H.M. ships) (±· I ') 9024
DESTROYERS 4 ' 7" Tw in Q.F. Guns (as in “ T rib a l"
Profile and Plan o f Topsides £ 1 /-/- 9001 H.M.S. Vega (Scale Γ 16') and “ J, K and N ” class destroyers)
Lines, body plan and plating 10/— 9001a 1916-45 “ V ” class ... 12/6 9010
H.M.S. W arspite (Scale Γ ( i" Γ ) ..........................................9025
H.M.S. D ering (Scale Γ - 16')
16') as in 1928 w ith tru nked 1934 " D ” class ............... £ |/_ /_ 9011
funnel ........................... £ 1 /- /- 9002 H.M.S. Matabele (Scale l ' = G E N E R A L D E T A IL
Lines Plan fo r 1914 and 1930 10/- 9002a 16') 1936 "T rib a l" class ... £ 1 /-/- 9012 (Scales Various)
B A T T L E C R U IS E R H.M.S. Cadiz (Scale I '= 1 6 ') Anchors and Cables ............... 9027
H.M.S. Lion (Scale Γ 16') as “ B attle" class ............... £ 1 /-/-9 0 1 3 Decks and Deck C o ve rin g s............... 9028
at Jutland ............... 9003 H.M.S. Kashm ir (Scale Γ Cowls and V entilators ............... 9029
“ Lines” only ............... 10/- 9003a 8 ') 1942 “ K " class £ !/_ /_ 9014 Radial and Quadrantlal Davits ... 9030
“ Lines" on ly ............... 10/- 9014a Main D errick (Capital ships) ... 9031
Funnels ....................................... 9032
H.M.S. Amethyst 1943-60 O C E A N M IN E S W E E P E R Boat B o o m s ....................................... 9033
(Scale Γ = 8 ' ) tw o drawings H.M.S. Marvel (Scale l ' = 8 ' ) Forebridge (W arspite) ............... 9034
together ........................... £1 / - / - 9004 “ A lgerine” c la s s ............... 10/- 9015
H.M.S. Hedingham Castle "Lines” , etc......................... 10/- 9015a
(Scale Γ = 8 ') ............... £ 1 /-/- 9005 S U B M A R IN E S A ll 3/6 each o r 7 gun drawings fo r £1 / - / - .
C R U IS E R S E.29 (Scale Γ = 8 ' ) ............... 10/- 9016 Set o f Five prin ts from MODEL MAKER
H.M.S. Dido (Scale Γ = Ι 6 ' ) L.52 (Scale l ' = 8 ' ) ............... 10/- 9017 series on "A ll-S teel C onstruction” Dec.,
1939 to date ............... £ 1 /-/- 9006 Olympus (Scale 1" 8 ') “ O ” 1958 to June. 1959) 9039/40/41/42/43 15 ,-
“ Lines” on ly ............... 10/- 9006a class 10/- 9018 o r 3/6 each.
R .N . S E R V IC E B O A T S
5 0 ' Steam Picket Boat ( £ '= I ') as o/r tAF£Ty MV/CfC*-
in Capital ships. 1908-1940 ... 9035
2 7 ’ W haler ( i ’ = I ') (present day) ... 9036
2 5 ' M otor Boat f ť = I ') (present day) 9037
3 2 'Cutter 1 (±* Γ )
3 2 ' M o tor Cutter j 2 on I sheet 9038
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M O D E L M A K E R A N D M O D E L C A R S has ra p id ly e sta b
lish e d its e lf as th e fin e s t so u rc e o f m o d e llin g in fo r m a tio n
a v a ila b le a n y w h e re in th e w o r ld . N o one in te re s te d in
m o d e ls o f any s o r t can fa il t o be a b sorbe d by its pages,
w h ic h re g u la r ly d e ta il th e la te s t d e v e lo p m e n ts in boats
and cars, as w e ll as h o m e -m a d e to o ls and tip s and gadgets
fo r im p r o v in g one's w o rk s h o p o r to o l- k it.
W it h " M O D E L C A R S " n o w in c o rp o ra te d in its t it l e , th e
m a g a z in e d e v o te s c o n s id e ra b le space t o e le c tr ic m o d e l
c a r ra c in g th a t m o d e rn riv a l to m o d e l ra ilw a y s th a t i t
in tro d u c e d and en co u ra g e d t o its p re s e n t h ig h p itc h o f de
v e lo p m e n t. Its c ove rage o f m o d e l bo ats an d yach ts is
u n e q u a lle d , and its fin e range o f designs a re t o be seen on
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a p p e a r e v e ry m o n th , and its ta le n te d c o n tr ib u to r s lead
ra th e r th a n fo llo w th e la te s t tre n d s in th e m o d e l w o rl
F o r a ll m o d e ls o th e r th a n a ir c r a ft th is is th e m o n th
a n sw e r.