Fiber Stress For Wood Poles
Fiber Stress For Wood Poles
Fiber Stress For Wood Poles
Wood poles have been used to support utility distribution lines for well over 100 years. Over that time, specifications for a wood utility pole have evolved from the closest available tree stem more than 15 ft in length to straight, durable timbers of lengths ranging up 125 ft and base diameters of as much as 27 in. The continued success of wood poles in this application is due in part to the development of consensus standards. These standards define the phrase minimum acceptable to the satisfaction of both users and producers. They also encourage more competitive pricing by relaxing species as well as quality limitations, opening the market to a broader range of available timber resources. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard ANSI O5.1 is an internationally recognized standard that has served as a guide for selecting the quality and size of wood utility poles for more than 70 years. From its inception, this standard has addressed issues of relative load capacity as well as physical quality to allow for species substitutions. In 2002, the relative strength evaluations previously published as a designated fiber stress took on added meaning when they were defined to represent the mean of the distribution of pole groundline strength values for various species. The change in meaning was accompanied by a more rigorous evaluation recognizing a change in strength with height and notation that pole strength distributions have a coefficient of variation of 20%. This paper reviews the history and philosophy of the ANSI designated fiber stress to help the reader more fully understand and appreciate the significance of changes adopted by the American Standards Committee O5 (ASC O5) in 2002. Keywords: pole, ANSI standard, fiber stress, strength, history
June 2005 Wolfe, Ronald W.; Kluge, Robert O. 2005. Designated fiber stress for wood poles. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-158. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 39 p. A limited number of free copies of this publication are available to the public from the Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, WI 537262398. This publication is also available online at Laboratory publications are sent to hundreds of libraries in the United States and elsewhere. The Forest Products Laboratory is maintained in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDAs TARGET Center at (202) 7202600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 202509410, or call (202) 7205964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
ANSI ASA ASC O5 ASTM COV CSA DFS EPRI LRFD MOR NESC REA American National Standards Institute American Standards Association Accredited Standards Committee O5 American Society for Testing and Materials coefficient of variation Canadian Standards Association designated fiber stress Electric Power Research Institute load-and-resistance-factor design modulus of rupture National Electrical Safety Code Rural Electrification Administration
SI conversion factors
English unit inch (in.) square inch (in2) foot (ft) pound per square inch (lb/in2) temperature (F) Conversion factor 25.4 6.45 0.3048 6.895 [TF 32]/1.8 SI unit millimeters (mm) square centimeter (cm2) meter (m) kilopascal (kPa) temperature (C)
Page Introduction.......................................................................... 1 Objectives ............................................................................ 2 Background.......................................................................... 2 Pole Strength........................................................................ 5 First National Standard Specification for Wood Poles ... 6 Subsequent Standards for Wood Poles ........................... 6 Addition of H-Class ...................................................... 10 Wood Pole Test Data ......................................................... 10 ASTM Wood Pole Test Program .................................. 10 EPRI Wood Pole Test Program .................................... 11 Nominal Strength ............................................................... 11 Initial Estimates............................................................. 11 Test Data and In-Service Performance ......................... 13 ANSI O5-02.................................................................. 19 Conclusions........................................................................ 20 Observations ...................................................................... 21 Literature Cited .................................................................. 22 Appendix AEffect of 2002 Revision on Pole-Class Strength Distribution.......................................................... 24 Appendix BWood Pole Test Data Sources .................... 26 Appendix CData Used to Derive DFS for Long Poles................................................................................... 27 Appendix DClass Oversize Adjustment......................... 39
Round timbers have been used structurally for centuries. Over the past 140 years, round timbers have been used primarily for utility structures. As in so many other areas of timber use, increased demand and competition from other materials have spurred development and efficiency in the structural use of poles. There is little doubt that Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison played key roles in initiating demand, but it is the influence of consensus standards (preservative treatment, strength tests, and material specification) that has enabled wood to retain a dominant role in support structures for telecommunications and electric power utilities. Prior to 1930, there was little demand for standards that rigorously addressed issues of the design capacity of wood poles. The National Bureau of Standards (1927) began development of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) for this purpose in 1913. Early concerns focused on durability and cost. American chestnut and western redcedar were preferred for their durability. The second edition of the NESC (1916) recognized southern pine as a viable pole species after the development of creosote treatment. In that edition, southern pine was listed along with western redcedar and chestnut as having an ultimate bending strength of 5,000 lb/in2. By 1927, northern white cedar was added, with an ultimate strength of 3,600 lb/in2, and the bending strength of dense southern pine was rated at 6,500 lb/in2. By this time, accumulating knowledge and experience related to the strength of wood poles indicated that somewhat higher values might be allowed (Wilson 1923). A Sectional Committee on Wood Poles was formed by the American Standards Association (ASA) to evaluate available data, and the NESC made provisions for use of new values as approved by the ASA. Decisions by this committee are discussed in detail by Colley (1932).
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In June 1931, standard specifications for wood poles were approved by the ASA (Jones 1931). These standards incorporated a pole classification system originally developed by the American Bell Telephone Company in a standard specification aimed at maintaining uniform reliability for pole structures, despite a range of species. The standards quantified pole capacity using existing cantilever test data to assess groundline stress at failure for each recognized pole species. This value was then used to determine pole groundline dimensions required for each pole length and species. While changes have been made to the designated fiber stress (DFS) values referenced by the ASA standard, this basic approach to classifying poles remained unchanged for over 70 years. As utility structure loads and importance increased, design became more of an issue. Most utility companies began using larger poles by the early 1960s, but they attracted little attention in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard until 1972 when H-class pole sizes were introduced. Shortly thereafter, greater attention focused on the fact that the largest poles tested to that point were 55 ft in length with a butt diameter of 19 in., while the standard implied a knowledge of capacities for poles up to 125 ft long with a 30-in. butt diameter. Research conducted over the next 20 years pointed to the need for change to the traditional pole classification algorithm. As larger poles were shown to have a lower groundline stress at failure, the need to incorporate a pole size adjustment in the algorithm became apparent. This issue was added as an annex to the ANSI standard in 1986, but no changes were made to the pole size classification tables. In the late 1990s, discussions about revising the NESC recommendations for wood pole design focused on discrepancies between the results tabulated in the ANSI annex and DFS reported in the standard. The Accredited Standards Committee O5 (ASC O5), which was responsible for maintaining the ANSI O5.1 standard, adopted a more rigorous definition of the ANSI DFS, which enabled them to indirectly recognize a size effect without changing the existing pole size classification tables. Redefining DFS to be the
Former chairman of ASC O5. Former chairman of ASC O5 fiber stress subcommittee.
actual groundline strength rather than the groundline stress at which a pole would fail and recognizing a change in strength with height basically results in reductions in the load capacity of poles where the failures are likely to be well above groundline. While the recommended strength change with height is easy to apply, it does not recognize variations between species, and that detracts from the premise of uniform reliability across species.3 The DFS values are all derived to represent dry strength, yet tabulated dimensions are explicitly declared to be green dimensions (sec 5.2 ANSI O5.11986). The standard suggests a 2% reduction in circumference for drying, which corresponds to a 6% reduction in section modulus or dry moment capacity. For poles that remain above fiber saturation in the groundline region, the dry strength gives a estimated moment capacity that is 86% (1/1.16) of the DFS. No adjustment is suggested for this situation. Slight inconsistencies in the development of size classification are to be expected in a material specification. This has little impact on design when the design standards are independent of the material specification. In 2002, however, the ANSI O5.1 DFS values were considered to represent a basis for probability-based design of utility structures. The standard includes a statement about the DFS values that implies some degree of certainty that these truly represent average groundline strength values. It also states that poles have a bending strength coefficient of variation (COV) of 20% independent of species, species grouping, or size. Changes made to standard definitions to justify changes to the standard could have some impact on the assumed reliability of existing as well as future utility structures. It is therefore essential that some documentation be provided to explain the basis for the past as well as the current interpretation of ANSI fiber stress values.
power utility industries. We next describe the evolution of the standard material specification, with emphasis on the evaluation and use of DFS values. Finally, we provide a summary and rationale for strength adjustments used to convert values derived from standard test procedures to values considered representative of utility poles. The objective of this review is to provide documentation for future generations of the decisions made by consensus committees that have significantly influenced the evolution of the ANSI O5.1 standard. The change made in 2002 was the most significant of the standards 70-year history. This paper is intended to highlight the significance of that change by offering a before and after glimpse.
For over 140 years, wood poles have provided a low-cost solution to the problem of supporting utility wires for telecommunications and electric power. Wood poles presented a readily available resource when the first transcontinental telegraph line was constructed in 1861. By 1900, wood poles were being used to support electric power as well as telephone lines. Over time, utility companies gained experience at selecting poles that best met their needs for durability and load capacity. The growing demand for durable wood poles spawned the need for nationally recognized standards. Bell Laboratories initiated efforts to develop test standards and material specifications for wood poles. In 1913, the National Bureau of Standards initiated the NESC to support design consistency for utility supply and communication installations throughout the United States. This was the first standard to publish pole strength values. In 1915, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) published the first standard material specification for round timber (ASTM D 25). This standard was intended for timbers to be used as piling but, except for the larger allowable knots and more lenient requirements for spiral grain afforded poles, it was identical to the standard specification for wood poles proposed by Bell Laboratories that was adopted as a national standard 15 years later. In 1924, the American Bell Telephone Company and the U.S. Independent Telephone Associations American Standards Association (ASA) formed a Sectional Committee on Wood Poles. This committee used average pole strengths from the Bell Laboratories database to establish an interchangeable speciespole-size classification system. The Bell Laboratories strength data were obtained using a cantilever bending test that eventually was adopted by the ASTM and designated ASTM D 103649. This test provided estimates of relative groundline strength for each species. The ASA committee adopted a 10-class system comprising a series of tip load capacities increasing in increments of 25%. Groundline moments corresponding to these loads, divided
This paper reviews the history of the ANSI O5.1 standard specification for wood poles from the time that poles were first used as utility structures up to 2002, when the ANSI standard made its initial transition from being just a material specification to being a pole design standard. First, we trace the growth of the wood pole industry in response to rapidly changing technology in the telecommunications and electric
The pole specification was originally formulated by the American Standards Association (ASA) and was referred to as ASA O5.1. In 1972, the ASA was renamed the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The designation for the pole standard was changed to ANSI O5.1 and the standard was managed by the Accredited Standards Committee O5 (ASC O5).
by the relative strengths determined from existing data, provided the groundline section property requirements for each pole speciesclasslength combination. In 1931, the ASA adopted and published the first standard specification for wood poles. This standard contained minimum pole quality specifications as well as minimum required dimensions for 10 pole classes. The first seven of these classes were considered structural; classes 8, 9, and 10 were nonstructural. At that time, only four species were accepted for utility poles: western redcedar, Douglas-fir, southern pine, and northern white cedar. As new species and new data for accepted species were introduced, the committee refined its analysis of assigned DFS values and size class tables. President Roosevelts introduction of the Rural Electrification Administration in 1935 provided a definite impetus to the market for wood utility poles. By the end of World War II, annual production had grown to 8.1 million poles. To meet the growing demand, the ASA standard accepted a number of minor species in 1948. As there were no pole data for these species, the ASA committee assigned DFS values on the basis of published smallclear bending strengths adjusted for a relationship between full-size poles and small clear (ASTM D 143, ASTM 2000) test values determined for lodgepole pine. Questions about the selection of these DFS values prompted ASTM to sponsor a wood pole research project, beginning in 1955, to assess the bending moment capacity of distribution poles. The final report of that program (Wood and others 1960) became known as the ASTM wood pole report, and it formed the basis for revision of the ANSI DFS values in 1963. Large poles used for transmission structures became more of an issue with the introduction of six larger H-classes in 1972. These structures were used to support high voltage power transmission lines. The greater potential costs and safety hazard resulting from failure of these structures prompted design engineers to apply more rigorous design standards than had traditionally been used for distribution poles. The addition of these larger pole classes sparked discussion about the efficacy of the existing DFS values that had been supported by tests of smaller poles, most of which failed close to the groundline. One result of this discussion was the addition of a strengthheight function introduced as Annex A to the ANSI O5.1 standard in 1979. In the 1980s, a second major research project, sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), was conducted to assess the load capacity of large poles. An initial effort was made as part of this research (Wolf 1979) to summarize published full-size pole test data in the form of a computerized database. Results of the ASTM- and EPRI-sponsored studies were compiled along with historic data. Statistical analyses of these data formed the basis for the probability-
based-design guidelines that were added as Annex C to the ANSI O5.1 standard in 1986. Wood maintained its dominance as a utility pole material throughout the 20th century but gradually lost market share. As power utilities built higher voltage lines with large conductors and longer span, more steel came into use. Spincasting of steel-reinforced high strength concrete poles also had a major impact on markets for wood transmission structures. Poles fabricated from these materials are perceived by structural engineers as being more precisely engineered and therefore more reliable than wood poles. The shift to steel and concrete in the more highly engineered transmission structures was accompanied by recognition among engineering professionals of the benefits of promoting the use of a loadresistance factor design (LRFD). This design methodology, when tied to a statistical or reliability basis, generally shows greater benefit for materials with lower variability when used in non-redundant systems. A move by the NESC to adopt an LRFD design basis increased industry pressure for better, more reliable strength data. Efforts initiated by competing interests who supported the NESC led to a reevaluation of the ANSI O5.1 standard. Options debated by the ASC O5 included the following: 1. Retain the philosophy of classifying poles according to their load capacity under standard test conditions and recognize size effect and strength disparities highlighted by EPRI research (Phillips and others 1985, Bodig and others 1986a,b). 2. Adopt a more rigorous analysis that attributes observed disparities to taper differences and height effects, and classify poles according to assumed groundline strength. The proposed analysis supported a groundline strength equal to the historic DFS for all species, but required designers to recognize a change in strength with height. Bodig and others (1986a,b) attempted to evaluate the strength of poles by assigning an ANSI class to each test pole and evaluating load capacity on the basis of ANSI minimum dimensions. This procedure accounted for effects of over sizing in that each test pole within a given class was assumed to have the dimensions dictated by minimum butt and tip circumferences and a linear taper. Pole load capacity, characterized as the groundline stress at failure, was assumed to provide a conservative estimate of strength at any location, as assumed dimensions were generally found to be conservative. This approach showed the ANSI DFS values to provide an appropriate estimate of mean strength for distribution poles and for Douglas-fir and southern pine transmission poles. It also indicated a slight size effect, varying by species, which made the DFS values unconservative when applied to western redcedar transmission poles.
In 2002, the premise of a size effect in poles prompted debate over possible changes to the DFS values. ASC O5 accepted the explanation that large taper in western redcedar transmission poles caused them to fail in weaker wood well above groundline. Projecting failure location strength to the groundline, then adjusting for drying in service, conditioning, and a class-oversize effect justified leaving the ANSI DFS value unchanged. Adopting a change in strength with height adjustment to explain the apparent lower groundline capacity for larger poles when tested in the standard cantilever configuration required acknowledging a reduction in strength with height in the standard. It was felt that this reduction in strength with height would have little effect on the strength of wood transmission poles as the centroid of transverse loads in service is generally more than 2 ft from the tip, placing maximum stress closer to the groundline. Gravity loads, however, have the opposite effect: they tend to move the location of maximum stress higher on the pole, closer to the expected location of failure in the standard test. Table 1 compares values derived for poles over 50 ft in length using the traditional groundline stress-at-failure analysis and the approach adopted by the ANSI committee in 2002. The data for this comparison are primarily from the EPRI-sponsored research conducted in the 1980s (Goodman and others 1981, Phillips and others 1983, Bodig and others 1986a,b). All poles 50 ft and longer from these studies are included in this analysis. Table 1 basically compares the pole load capacity denoted as the groundline stress at failure under a standard test load to an estimate of groundline strength extrapolated from the failure location. The modulus of rupture at the failure location (MORfl) was determined from actual pole dimensions at the point of failure. This value was extrapolated to a groundline strength (MORgl) using a strengthheight model presented in Annex A of the 1992 standard and included in the main standard in 2002. Table 1 highlights the dilemma faced by ASC O5. Values shown in this table were all derived for poles 50 ft in length tested by the ASTM standard D 1036 cantilever test procedure. Groundline stress at failure is determined as the maximum groundline moment divided by the measured groundline section modulus. It represents a relative measure of pole capacity regardless of failure location. For long slender poles, the point of maximum stress (moment/section modulus) often occurs above the groundline. Assuming that wood pole strength decreases with height, it is possible that the point where stress exceeds strength will actually occur above the point of maximum stress. These effects make the longer pole appear weaker in terms of groundline stress at failure. Rather than change the tabulated DFS values and pole dimensions in response to test results, the ASC O5 chose a new definition of DFS that required no change. The new definition identifies DFS as the groundline strength of an
ANSI-classified, dry, conditioned pole. This new definition was deemed to have little effect on distribution size poles as they generally failed close to the groundline, making the previous definition of groundline stress at failure synonymous with groundline strength. For poles in lengths 50 ft and longer, the groundline strength was derived considering change in strength from the failure location using a model originally proposed by Bohannan (1971) to model strength reduction with height. Other changes included a maximum increase of 10% for drying in service, compared with 16% referenced in 1963, and an adjustment for class oversize effect (see Appendix D). The change in definition of DFS solved one problem but created others. Drying and conditioning adjustments to the DFS on their own are not new; class oversize was not previously used to adjust the DFS values, but it was considered to present inherent conservatism in the sizing of poles. These factors took on new meaning, however, when the definition of DFS changed. The ANSI standard declares tabulated pole dimensions to be measured in the green condition. For a material specification, the 6% change from green to dry section modulus has little impact as these are treated as relative strength values. The dry/green section modulus ratio varies slightly between species, having little impact on relative pole dimensions when the largest pole in a class has a 25% greater section modulus than the smallest. In 2002, however, the change in definition of DFS from a groundline stress at failure of the pole to groundline strength gave these adjustments new meaning. The fact that the dry strength, derived as 1.16 times green strength, was used to derive dimensions to be measured in the green condition means that the green section modulus is 16% below that required to carry the designated class load. This corresponds to a 63% probability of failure (see Appendix A). The class oversize adjustment added for poles 50 ft and longer in the 2002 standard increased that probability of failure at the ANSIdesignated load. This means DFS applied to longer poles infers a lower reliability for transmission poles than for distribution poles The ANSI standard suggests that dry circumference will be 2% less than that measured in the green condition. This corresponds to a 6% lower section modulus. To carry its class load using dry strength, a pole of average strength sized in the green condition will therefore have a load capacity 6% below the implied capacity. Assuming a 14% strength coefficient of variation (Wood and Markwardt 1965), this translates to an implied capacity that is 0.42 standard deviations above the average strength, corresponding to a 66% probability of failure. As the moment capacity decreases faster than the moment with pole height, this probability of failure is likely to increase slightly toward mid-height.
4 2
Table 12002 ANSI derivation for DFS for poles 50 ft long from EPRI databasea Fiber stress property (lb/in2) Species Douglas-fir Southern pine Western redcedar
n is number of full-size poles tested in each length category. Groundline stress is based on measured dimensions. MORfl is modulus of rupture at failure location; MORgl is estimated groundline strength based on MORfl; DFS is groundline strength adjusted for conditioning, drying in service, and class oversize. For southern pine and Douglas-fir, a 10% increase for drying in service is countered by a 10% reduction due to high temperature pretreatment conditioning.
Pole Strength
Early evaluations of pole strength focused more on the comparison of wood species than on the selection of wood over other materials. It was not until the mid- to late 1960s, when the demand for power required larger, more reliable structures to support high voltage lines over long distances and through major metropolitan areas, that structural engineers became concerned about rigorous design standards for wood poles. One of the earliest public references to pole strength was the NESC. In 1915, the second edition of the NESC listed three species: creosote treated southern pine, American chestnut (no longer available), and western redcedar. All three species were denoted as having the same bending strength (5,000 lb/in2). As species options increased, pole users realized that not all species have the same strength and that they could not simply replace a pole of one species with the same size pole of another species. So, between 1920 and 1930, awareness of the need to classify poles by bending load capacity increased. In 1920, the NESC (3rd edition) adopted the ASTM definition of Dense (6 rings/ inch and 33% or 50% summerwood in annual rings more than 2 in. from pith) and assigned dense southern pine a bending strength of 6,500 lb/in2. The 4th edition of the NESC, published in 1927, included northern white cedar with an ultimate bending strength of 3,600 lb/in2. The first minimum quality specifications for wood utility poles were published in 1931. They included speciesdependent minimum dimensions as well as physical appearance properties and were presented as a consensus standard agreed to by a group comprising wood pole producers, users, and general interest members. The specifications were published as a nationally recognized consensus standard under ASA guidelines.
In the first half of the 20th century, wood pole DFS values were changed a number of times in response to the introduction of new data. In the second half of that century, the introduction of new data resulted in a change to the definition of DFS rather than the values. When the ASA O5 standard committee was initiated, scientists from the Forest Products Laboratory of the USDA Forest Service advocated the use of standard, smallclear test values as a more consistent basis for assessment of pole load capacity. They cited inconsistencies in the full-size pole test data that compromised the credibility of these data as a design basis. The values ultimately selected represented a compromise heavily weighted in support of poorly controlled full-size pole test data. In 1955, the ASTM initiated a study to provide new, more credible test data (smallclear as well as full-size pole strength tests) that influenced the last changes to DFS values implemented in the ASAO51963 standard in the 20th century. Adoption of the larger transmission-size poles in 1972 sparked some question about the applicability of the existing DFS values to larger poles. Tests of larger poles, conducted in the 1980s, suggested a significant reduction in groundline moment capacity of larger poles when tested following the standard full-size pole test (ASTM D 1036). This initiated debate in both Canada (Bhuyan and Chetwynd 1994) and the United States over how this should be acknowledged in the load-capacity-based pole size classification tables (ANSI O5.1 and CSAO15 (CSA 1990)).
The groundline moment resulting from this load divided by the DFS for the species gives the groundline section modulus required for each pole size class. This relationship has remained unchanged for load requirements for pole classes 1 through 7. Classes 8, 9, and 10 were defined simply by tip circumference and were intended to cover lightly loaded lines.
where C is class (1 through 7) and P transverse tip load capacity of class C pole.
Table 2Strength values available to 1930 ASA committeea Full-size poles Average MOR (lb/in2) 3,621 6,065 6,480 8,026 8,784 Relative strength (lb/in2) 41.2 69 73.8 91.4 100 Approx. relative strength (%) 45 67 75 100 Small clear green wood Standard ultimate fiber stress (lb/in2) 3,600 5,600 6,000 7,400 8,000 Relative strength of standard value (%) 45 70 75 92.5 100
Species Northern white cedar Western redcedar Chestnut Southern pine (creosoted) Southern pine (untreated)
n 56 151 98 121 55
Colley (1932).
ASA O5.11948 After World War II, the ASA standards were revised to produce the new ASA O5.11948 standard, which attempted to resolve the discrepancies between values derived from standard tests of smallclear samples and those derived from full-scale pole tests (Wilson and Drow 1953). The committee dealt with this problem by first plotting the smallclear values (ordinate) versus pole-test values (abscissa) for average modulus of rupture (MOR) (Fig. 1). Drawing one line at 45 through the origin indicated that for most species, the pole values exceeded the smallclear derivations. Lodgepole pine, which was considered to have given satisfactory performance for years when designed at 6,600 lb/in2, showed the greatest difference between smallclear and full-scale pole test values for the species shown in Figure 1, except for western hemlock. Data from the Canadian Forest Products Laboratory at the time showed higher values for western hemlock, which would have pushed the value above the designated line. The ASA committee decided that a second line through the origin and the lodgepole pine coordinates should be used to define the fiber stress values for all species. This line defined values 20% greater for poles than for smallclear wood. A horizontal projection to this line from the (smallclear, pole) strength coordinates for each species defined the average value to be used in defining standard ultimate strength in the ANSI standard. Ratings assigned to new species were taken as less than or equal to 1.2 times the measured smallclear average MOR.
To minimize the number of dimension tables required, stress categories were developed by dividing the range of projected pole strength values into nine segments. The general philosophy was to provide 10% increments, but there was some deviation based on historic precedence. With this grouping, the design values ranged from 6% to 20% above the MOR determined from smallclear tests. A similar procedure to that described in the previous text was employed using western redcedar as the basis. This procedure also gave values for poles that were greater than values from the average smallclear MOR values, but to a lesser degree. Table 3 compares values derived using lodgepole pine and western redcedar bases to what was ultimately published in the 1948 ASA O5.1 standards. Note that in 1948, the committee decided to retain the values for northern white cedar, western redcedar, and southern pine that were published in the 1931 standard. Species introduced by the war committee in 1945 were given the higher values derived using the lodgepole pine basis. ASA O5.11963 The last changes to wood pole DFS values (Table 4) occurred in response to new information obtained from the ASTM wood pole research program (Wood and others 1960). The 1963 ASA O5.1 standard added four species (Alaska cedar, Engelmann spruce, white spruce, and Sitka spruce), removed one species (pond pine), and changed fiber stress values for four species (Douglas-fir, southern pine, northern white cedar, and western redcedar).
Figure 1Comparison of tests of smallclear specimens and full-scale tests used as 2 basis for DFS values on right (lb/in ).
Table 3Designated fiber stress values adopted in 1948 on basis of smallclear testsa ASA fiber stress (lb/in2) Species Northern white cedar Englemann spruce Western redcedar Ponderosa pine Jack pine Lodgepole pine Red pine Western fir Western hemlock Douglas-fir Southern pine Western larch
Clear wood MORa (lb/in2) 4,200 4,200 5,100 5,000 6,000 5,500 5,800 6,100 7,600 7,800 7,500
Lodgepole pine basis 5,200 5,200 6,000 6,000 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 7,400 8,400 8,400 9,400
Western redcedar basis 4,800 4,800 5,600 5,200 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,600 7,400 7,400 8,400
ASA 1948 basis 3,600 5,600 6,000 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 7,400 7,400 7,400 8,400
Table 4ASA O5.1 1963 derivation of ASA fiber stress values based on standard smallclear specimen tests Adjusted strength (lb/in2) FPL39/ASTM ASA O5-48 3,600 5,600 8,400 6,600 7,400 7,400 6,600 7,400 Pole MOR (lb/in2) 5,370 8,500 4,810 8,180 8,990d 8,990 8,450e 8,920 9,600 Clear wood a (lb/in2) 4,250 5,120 8,180 5,490 7,590 7,970g 7,340 7,300 8,670 8,570 5,950 6,060 5,790 5,890 5,700 6,140 6,450 5,660 5,580 4,540 Green clear wood b,c,d 4,560 5,500 7,900 5,900 7,340 7,275 6,700 6,600 7,920 7,820 6,390 6,510 6,220 6,300 6,120 6,590 6,930 6,080 5,990 4,880 Drying b,d,f Small clear woode 4,950 5,960 8,577 6,400 7,960 7,900 7,272 7,220 8,580 8,480 6,930 7,060 6,750 6,860 6,640 7,150 7,510 6,590 6,500 5,290 ASA O5.163 (lb/in2) 4,000 6,000 8,400 6,600 8,000 8,000 6,600 7,400 7,400 6,600 6,600 5,600
Species Northern white cedar Western redcedar Western larchg Lodgepole pine Douglas-fir Yellow pineg Loblolly Shortleaf Longleaf Slash Western fir Red Grandg Noble Silverg White Western hemlock Alaska cedar Sitka spruce White spruceg Engelmann spruce
a b
n 46 54 50 45 106 9 40 41 11
Values from Wood Handbook (USDA 1955). Reduced for variability effects. c Increased 5% for form effect. d Reduced for conditioning: 0.9 for boultonizing (Douglas-fir, larch) and 0.85 for steaming at <245F (southern pine). e Increased 8% for form effect. f Increased 16% for drying in service. g Clear wood strength values for these species changed enough in 1966 to have a significant impact on the ASA derivation, but since these are minor species the changes were never recognized by the ASA standard.
The 1963 standard also made an explicit declaration that the specification was intended only for poles loaded as cantilever members subject to transverse load resulting in maximum moment at the groundline. More than 30 years of experience in observing the performance of wood poles and relating that performance to pole specifications weighed heavily in the selection of the DFS values used to classify poles using a standard definition of cantilever load capacity. Factors considered in the selection of DFS values included traditional adjustments adopted in the 1930svariability, form factor, conditioning effects, and moisture content. The effects of high temperature conditioning on wood had been studied rather extensively. The other adjustments, however, which dated to discussions prior to 1940, were not well supported by theory or data but had been referenced in selection of values given in previous standards. These factors are discussed in more detail in the section titled Nominal Strength. For those species for which there were no or limited full-scale pole test data, the committee referenced published values for smallclear bending strength (Wood and Markwardt 1965, USDA 1955). Table 4 compares the values given in the 1948 (column 2) and 1963 (column 9) versions of the ASA O5 standard. The intermediate columns show the scenarios considered by the committee that appeared to have the greatest influence on the assignment of DFS values. These include values derived from the ASTM wood pole report (Wood and others 1960) (Table 4, columns 3 and 4) and published clear wood values (column 5). Columns 6 through 8 show these values adjusted to take into account pretreatment conditioning, drying in service, and between-study variability. There was no standard set of parameters used to select a DFS value (column 9). This was, in the words of Wood and Markwardt (1965), a system of rationalizations that afforded the technical basis supplemented by engineering judgment.
Most of the ANSI DFS values appear to be based on clear wood strength with no adjustment for grade effect (Table 4, last column). Values such as those for western hemlock, western larch, lodgepole pine, and the western fir group, unchanged from the 1948 standard, appear to be more closely aligned to adjusted smallclear strength values than to full-scale pole test results. Northern white cedar was assigned a value close to the published clear wood value with no adjustment. For Alaska yellow cedar, western redcedar, and spruce, selected values were close to the clear wood strength adjusted for form (Newlin and Trayer 1924), variability (0.93), and in-service drying. Changes to full-scale pole data and published smallclear strength values introduced subsequent to the 1963 standard had no effect on the ASA O5.1 values. In 1963, the Forest Products Laboratory played a dominant role in setting allowable stresses. The smallclear strength values referenced by ASA O5.1 were those published in the Wood Handbook (USDA 1955). Industry concern over the dominant role played by the Forest Products Laboratory led the ASTM Committee on Wood to introduce Standard methods for establishing clear wood strength values (ASTM D 2555) in 1966. In that standard, clear wood values for several species were changed from the values reported in the Wood Handbook. These changes, however, were never acknowledged by ANSI in the form of a revision to the 1963 DFS values. This supports the conclusion that these values were never tied to any algorithm that references published wood strength values. Table 5 shows how the ASTM changes to clear wood strength values (D 255566) would have affected the ASA fiber stresses. Despite the fact that no significant changes were reported for the strength values for yellow pine poles, there was a change to the way species group clear wood
Table 5Effect of changes in clear wood strengtha 1963 ASAO5.1 fiber stress (lb/in2) 8,000 8,400 6,600 6,600 6,600 7,400 6,600 5,600 D 255566 clear wood strengthb (lb/in2) 7,590 7,652 5,839 6,169 6,410 6,637 4,995 4,750 Adjusted clear wood strengthb (lb/in2) Green 6,861 6,920 5,860 6,200 6,440 6,670 5,020 4,770 Dryc 1.16 (Green) 7,923 8,020 6,800 7,190 7,470 7,730 5,820 5,530
Species Southern pine Western larch Grand fir Noble fir Silver fir Western hemlock White spruce Englemann spruce
ASA O5.1 DFS values not modified to recognize changes in clear wood strength presented in ASTM D 2555 standard. b Reduced for variability effects (0.93), increased 8% for form effect, adjusted 0.9 for kiln drying for pine and larch (air-dry for other species, 1.0). c Increased 16% for drying in service.
stresses are derived. The ASTM D 2555 standard requires that these values be assessed by weighting according to standing timber volume (7,590 lb/in2) rather than using an average of the subspecies mean values. For the other species listed, average green clear wood values were changed by the ASTM D7 committee to reflect changes in the supporting data. In 1963, the ASA O5 committee reduced the number of pole classes by one. Classes 8, 9, and 10 were not rated as utility poles. Rather they were used in construction of pole buildings. The suggestion to drop all three classes was countered by the agreement to drop only class 8, leaving the gap between utility and construction poles.
in the ANSI appendix and up to 50% lower than values derived from tabulated class tip and 6-ft-from-butt circumferences. In addition to information on how size classes were determined, the ANSI annex provides some cautionary statements. Of particular importance is the note regarding the assumption that maximum stress occurs at groundline. This is theoretically correct only if the circumference at groundline is less than or equal to 1-1/2 times the circumference at the point of load. If this is not the case, maximum stress is likely to occur some distance above the groundline. Prior to 2002, the DFS was derived to represent the average stress at failure rather than groundline MOR and could be used with ANSI minimum dimensions to conservatively estimate pole capacity regardless of the location of maximum stress.
Addition of H-Class
In 1972, along with the change from the ASA designation to ANSI came the addition of an appendix that provided information on the assumptions made in developing the tabulated pole size classes. Load capacities assumed for each pole class were moved from the main body of the standard into the appendix, and these values were expanded to include the new H-class poles. Unlike the standard classification for distribution poles that is inversely related to pole size/capacity, the new size designations (H1 through H6) correlate directly to pole size and capacity. To simplify discussion related to the ANSI size classes, an index (i) is used, ranging from 0 to 12 and correlating to pole size from class 7 (smallest of utility poles) to H6 (largest transmission pole). The class loads for these poles fit a quadratic function (Eq. (2)): Class load = 1200 + 250i +50i2 Tip circumference values for ANSI class poles follow a linear function of this class index. Tip circumference = 15 + 2i (3) (2)
The groundline circumferences are derived to provide the section moduli required to resist the groundline moments imposed by the class loads applied transversely at a location 2 ft from the top of the pole (ASTM D 10361999). The estimated groundline circumference is then extrapolated to a circumference 6 ft from the butt to give the ANSI tabulated values. To estimate a 6-ft-from-the-butt circumference from the calculated groundline value, ANSI incorporates speciesdependent circumference tapers, also given in the ANSI appendix. The origin of these taper values is uncertain, and they appear to have changed slightly over time. In 1974, Bohannan and others evaluated survey data collected for southern pine, Douglas-fir, and western redcedar pole producers. Their analysis showed mean circumference tapers for these three pole species (0.34, 0.31, and 0.46 in/ft, respectively) to be 20% to 50% greater than the values noted 10 14
strength values for Douglas-fir, yellow pine, and western redcedar. In addition, the data strengthened the committees confidence in standard smallclear tests as a basis for evaluating pole strength, leading to an increase in the DFS for northern white cedar. Wood and Markwardt (1965) provide a synopsis of the committee decisions that led to these changes. Table 4 compares results published in the ASTM pole report, Wood and Marwardts work (FPLRP39), and the ASA O5 standards. Key points gleaned from the ASTM study that influenced subsequent decisions related to pole strength include the following: Average groundline strength of poles is closely correlated to strength of smallclear samples taken from the butt section. Change in strength with height is correlated to change in specific gravity. Strength of young fast-grown poles having fewer than 6 rings per inch in the outer 2 in. is significantly lower than that of poles having 6 or more rings in the outer 2 in. Poles in the 55-ft length category have lower groundline MOR than do 25-ft poles.
procedure. The references for these studies are listed in Appendix B. These data were made available to the ANSI O5.1 committee for use in supporting current and future utility pole standards. In 1994, Bhuyan and Chetwynd (1994) used a large portion of the data generated by the EPRI project along with privately sponsored testing of poles to provide a basis for evaluating the classification stress values published by the Canadian pole standard (CSA O15) as well as ANSI. They reviewed values for western redcedar, yellow cedar, red pine, jack pine, lodgepole pine, southern pine, and Douglasfir. Their analysis of this data showed that test data for western redcedar, plantation-grown red pine, and some southern pine poles produced in the last 10 years and classified by the CSA O15 standard have load capacities that are one class lower than that implied by the standard. ANSI O5.1 classification stresses are greater than those of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for these three species. The two most significant conclusions drawn from this work are (1) as pole size increases groundline moment capacity decreases and (2) western redcedar pole test data do not support the classification stress values, especially for poles greater than 50 ft in length.
Nominal Strength
Throughout the recorded archives that constitute the history of the ASA/ANSI O5 material specification, there are numerous discussions related to the meaning of the strength values selected as a basis for classifying wood poles. Design values for wood poles have traditionally been established by the NESC, as was discussed in the Introduction. For the past 60 years, however, the NESC has referenced the ASA/ANSI standard DFS values as a basis for wood pole design values. It is interesting to note that until the 2002 revision of ANSI O5.1, the DFS values were treated solely as a basis for relative size classification within the standard: the standard provided no assessment of these values in terms of the probability density function for bending strength. This changed in 2002 when the committee decided to redefine DFS as a groundline fiber strength that represents the mean value for a strength distribution having a coefficient of variation (COV) of 20%. The following text provides the background discussion that led the committee to make this change.
Initial Estimates
The natural variability of a material such as wood adds to the complexity of balancing design safety and economic feasibility. In the early 1930s, the ASA O5 committee adopted an analysis procedure that was assumed to give a 3% probability of failure for poles in a distribution system where each pole is assumed to carry its ASA O5 class load. This analysis relied on four basic assumptions (Colley 1931):
11 15
1. Pole strengths are normally distributed. 2. The average pole in any size class has an actual groundline section modulus that is 12.5% greater than that calculated on the basis of the minimum class circumference. 3. Creosoted southern pine poles have a mean strength of 8,026 lb/in2 and standard deviation of 1,348 lb/in2; western redcedar has an average strength of 6,065 lb/in2 and standard deviation of 1,151 lb/in2. These data provided the basis for assigning a 17% COV for bending strength for all pole species. 4. Poles are used in a redundant system in which three in-line poles share load, each carrying load in proportion to its relative stiffness. The first two assumptions were reasonably conservative. The load increment between consecutive size classes was initially set at 25%. This meant that groundline section moduli for poles of a given length had a 25% increment between classes. If the average pole within a class is assumed to have a section modulus that falls midway between its class minimum and that of the next larger class, it will have an approximately 12% higher groundline bending moment capacity than that of a pole having the minimum class dimension. This means that the groundline stress on the average pole is 1/1.12 or 0.892 times4 the DFS. Colley (1931) points out that the sectional committee on wood poles chose to set strength values slightly below the determined averages to address concerns over technical problems apparent in the data. There was concern among committee members that moisture content variations in test poles had a significant impact on species strength values that were being used to establish size classification tables. Rather than reject the data, the committee chose to apply a confidence adjustment for bending strength, publishing values calculated to be one-half the standard deviation below the measured mean. Data available at the time showed a range of within-sample strength COVs of 17% to 23%. Rather than derive this for each species, the committee chose a variability factor ( = (1 0.5)) based on the COV () of 17%. As a result, nominal resistance values were set as 92% of the mean test strength. In 1963, the ASA committee adopted the same confidence adjustment on mean strength. At that time, the ASTM data showed COV values ranging from 10.8% to 16%. The committee assumed a COV of 14% and recalculated this variability factor to be 0.93. In 1963, this adjustment was
warranted on the basis of small within-class sample size rather than variations in moisture content below fiber saturation at time of test. In an attempt to assess the true meaning of the DFS value, Colley (1931) evaluated the product of variability and oversize adjustments in terms of standard normal deviations. For poles of classes 4 through 7, the product of class size adjustment (0.89) and variability (0.92) is 0.82. For a normal distribution having a COV of 17%, this factor times the mean gives a value equivalent to 1.055 standard deviations below the mean which equates to the 14th percentile of a normal distribution. The committee then attempted to show that this value actually represented the 3rd percentile of in-service pole strength by proposing that a utility distribution line represents a loadsharing system. Theoretically, if the load on any one pole is distributed in a manner to cause the loaded pole and two adjacent poles to deflect together, each pole might be assumed to carry a share of the load proportional to its relative stiffness. Given a perfect correlation between stiffness and strength, one might also assume that each pole is then loaded to the same proportion of its load capacity. This means that failure will not occur until all three poles have been loaded to capacity. So, the capacity of the system is limited by the average strength of three poles in series rather than the weakest pole. The distribution of the average values of three poles will have a variance equal to one-third the variance of the individual values. Equating the ANSI DFS (mean pole capacity, adjusted by the variability and class-oversize adjustment factors) to a fractile of a normal distribution using Equation (4) provides a basis for estimating the probability that a pole in a load-sharing system will fail at a load that represents the average single pole capacity.
k (0.892)X = X 1 3
where is k coefficient of variation (assumed to be 17%), variability of adjustment (assumed to be 0.92), and normal distribution variable.
Solving for k gives the value 1.827. Assuming that the adjusted strength representing the average stress on three adjacent poles is 1.821 standard deviations below the mean strength of three adjacent poles suggests that the DFS represents the 0.03 fractile of the distribution of strengths of three-pole load-sharing assemblies. This analysis involves three flawed assumptions. First, there is no rigid load distributing element in a distribution line that will redistribute load laterally to adjacent poles in such a manner that all three poles will deflect equally. If such a mechanism did exist, the correlation between stiffness and
Today, the pole load increment varies from 27% for the smallest pole class to 14% for the largest, so the groundline stress on the average pole will vary from 0.88 to 0.93 times that estimated on the basis of minimum dimension.
12 14
strength would not be perfect, so the reduction in variability would not be as large as 1/31/2. Second, the basis for the variability factor (0.92) was a lack of confidence in the data. The adjusted value was the committees estimate of mean performance for green poles that met their minimum specifications, and should not have been included in the expression. Finally, load sharing is an engineering judgment, not a material property, and has little meaning in a material specification. It does not appear that the NESC, which provided design recommendations on the basis of the ASA pole strength values, treated these values as though they were lower fractiles. It was standard practice at the time for timber engineering standards to recommend design values as 25% of the mean strength. The 5th edition of the NESC (1941) adjusted ultimate strength by a factor of 0.25 for grade B and 0.375 for grade C. This would have been overly conservative if applied to a 0.03 fractile of the pole strength distribution. By the early 1960s, design standards for wood began referencing a lower 5% exclusion for strength divided by 2.1 to account for duration of load effects. When applied to a population having a COV of 30%, this results in 0.25 times the mean. So, by the 1960s, the NESC approach was recognized as compatible with recognized timber engineering standards.
longer poles that are likely to fail further away from groundline and to exhibit a lower groundline stress at failure. While standard tests provide a means of assessing relative value between species and pole sizes, they rarely address all design issues. In the case of wood poles, DFS values used to set pole size class include some adjustment to account for effects of high temperature conditioning and drying in service. Conditioning Preservative treatments are what make wood a viable option for use as poles. Their effect on strength is therefore of vital concern to pole producers. Many studies conducted to assess treatment effects on strength have concluded that any strength reduction is due to high temperatures involved with pretreatment conditioning. This conditioning sterilizes the pole and removes excess water, making the pole more conducive to treatment. The committee responsible for the 1963 version of the standard recognized potential strength reductions of 15% for steaming and 10% for boultonizing. The steaming reduction was supported by research studies conducted by Betts and Newlin (1915), Wilson and others (1930), Buckman and Rees (1938), Stamm (1956), and Thompson (1969). The ASTM pole research program (Wood and others 1960) provided data that suggested that previous studies on steaming effects were non-conservative. The average strength of treated western larch and southern pine poles was less than 85% that of untreated poles. The difference in western larch was attributed to the lower specific gravity of the treated poles compared with that of untreated poles. In the case of southern pine, the committee attributed the large reduction to the fact that the poles were conditioned following the guidelines of the AWPA standards C155 and C455, which permitted the poles to be subjected to 259F for 8 to 13 h. During the conditioning processes, temperatures reached as high as 267F on four of the charges. These older standards were considered to be too destructive and not representative of state of the art in 1963. Erickson and Dohr (1959) compared bending strengths of longleaf pine poles at a range of conditioning times and temperatures and confirmed MacLeans findings: on average, poles that were steam conditioned at 245F for 15 h showed a 16% loss in bending strength. The data of Erickson and Dohr also showed a reduction in variability, which led to the observation that a 13% loss in bending strength occurred at the 5th percentile. Drying Effects Wood drying in service has a mix of effects on load capacity. Wood strength and modulus of elasticity are known to increase with drying below the fiber saturation point, while section property is reduced as a result of shrinkage (Wolfe 2000). Drying checks that open as poles dry may expose poorly treated wood to trapped dirt and moisture, promoting 13 15
local decay pockets. Excessive drying and weathering in arid environments may cause poles to lose strength over time. For most heavy timber engineered applications, these effects are considered to be offsetting. Eggleston (1952) supported the premise that the green groundline strength basis was appropriate for the ASA pole size classification. He evaluated butt-soaked dry poles and concluded that except in soils so dry that pole butt moisture content would not exceed the fiber saturation point, the strength of the tops of southern pine poles in service is probably very close to the (saturated) groundline strength. Rhatigan and Morrell (2002) reported an average of 19% to 40% moisture content at groundline for creosoted Douglasfir poles that had been in service for 35 years, suggesting that the assumption of dry in-service conditions is nonconservative. Kulp (1957) reported finding decay in poorly treated wood above groundline. He found that 1.7% of 1,885 southern pine poles placed in test installations were removed after an average 15 years of service; 5 failed within 13 years of service as a result of decay. These poles had been treated with coal tar creosote. Kulp reported that 1.7% of the remaining poles were deteriorated as a result of decay or termite attack after 6 to 18 years of service. In semi-arid regions of Montana and the Dakotas, the tops of 6.1% of butt-treated lodgepole pine poles were partly decayed after 5 to 8 years of service, and the tops of 28% of butt-treated western redcedar poles had light to moderate shell-rot after 9 to 15 years of service. Light top decay around spur marks was present in 21% of untreated northern white cedar. Kulp did not report moisture content, but the incidence of decay is a reasonable indication that moisture content exceeded 20% in these poles. Research in support of increasing pole strength for drying in service was reported by Wilson and others (1930) and by the ASTM pole study. These studies showed a 10% strength increase for shortleaf pine poles and 14% strength increase for lodgepole pine when dried to 20% moisture content. Further support for recognizing the dry strength of poles was gained from a survey conducted by the REA that showed that moisture content 4 ft above ground was lower than 20% in a high percentage of poles (Wood and Markwardt 1965). The REA data included more than 1,400 poles in a region north and east of 40N,100W (Kansas/Nebraska line, west of Missouri, north of Cincinnati, Ohio) and 700 poles to the south and east of that point. More than 1,200 poles were surveyed between mid-Kansas and the California/Nevada border; 33 were surveyed west of that point. The survey showed that moisture content at 4 ft above ground exceeded 20% in 13% of poles surveyed in the southeast region, 4% in the moderate northeast region, and fewer than 1% of poles west of the Colorado/Kansas border.
This information was available to the ASA committee in 1963 when it decided to consider drying in-service to account for a 10% to 16% increase in bending strength values determined in the green condition. Discussions leading to the acceptance of these increases included concern for the length of time from installation to the point a pole actually reaches 20% moisture content and the fact that for most poles, the highest stress occurs in a region where moisture remains at fiber saturation. In most cases, these increases offset reductions caused by pretreatment conditioning, resulting in values that appeared to be representative of the test data. It was only for species such as western redcedar that did not require high temperature conditioning that the drying effect noticeably increased strength above that determined in green pole tests. As the ANSI standard was considered a material specification and not a design standard at the time, no reference was made to these assumptions or to any required adjustments for poles to be used in wet environments. The DFS values were used by ANSI only to set relative dimensions in the pole size classification tables. They were not considered by ANSI O5.1 to be a design basis. In 1986, ASC O5 made an explicit declaration that the tabulated pole circumference values were to be measured in the green condition. This was done to address questions about undersized dry poles. The fact that the tabulated green circumferences are derived using estimates of dry groundline strength is of little consequence when the only concern is size classification to ensure species interchangeability. If the standard is to promote the DFS values as a basis for design, however, it should be remembered that the ANSI class loads are not a good measure of the load capacity of the classified green pole. As discussed earlier in this paper, a major problem with using dry strength to set a green dimension is that the failure probability for the target pole is greater than 50% at the designated class load. A green pole sized using the dry strength will have a strength that is over one standard deviation (or 16%) below the strength required to carry the designated class load. When this pole dries, it will have a section modulus 6% below that required of a dry pole. The offsetting effects of shrinkage and fiber strength increase with drying, combined with the results of the EPRIfunded research on poles taken out of service, suggest that taking an increase in strength for drying in service is nonconservative. The EPRI research included a limited set of 74 western redcedar, 49 southern pine, and 11 Douglas-fir poles taken out of service after 30 years that had average strengths 20% to 30% less than that of new counterparts. The effect of drying in service most likely varies with exposure conditions as well as species. An across the board adjustment was not warranted, and ASC O5 provided neither recommendations nor warnings about adjusting load capacity for drying.
Pole Shape The relationship between in-service capacity and standard test capacity is influenced by physical aspects of the pole and test specimen. These may be placed in three categories: 1. Form, relating to round as opposed to prismatic sections. 2. Taper, relating to change in section property over pole length. 3. Size, relating to weak-link theories, which suggest that average extreme fiber strength will decrease as size increases. Pole formForm effect refers to differences in the strength assessment of round as opposed to rectangular sections when using the standard engineering model for stress in a bending member. This model, which estimates stress as an inverse function of section modulus, assumes that stress is uniform across the width and varies linearly with distance from the neutral axis of any section. Newlin and Trayer (1924) concluded that this model gives roughly an 18% higher value for stress at failure for round than for square wood sections. Basically, the researchers found that square and round sections having the same cross-sectional areas had the same bending moment capacity. Because the square section has an 18% greater section modulus, its calculated stress at failure is 18% less than that of the round section. Therefore, when estimating the strength of a round section on the basis of published smallclear square section strength, some form effect should be recognized. Pole taperWood pole taper has played a major but largely unrecognized role in the history of structural performance of ANSI poles. Table 6 summarizes measured and implied wood pole tapers that have had some influence on this standard and on the history of pole performance. The ANSI pole size classification relies in part on measured pole taper values, but the size classification tables hold conservative implications in this regard for the pole user. In deriving the 6-ft-from-the-butt (6FB) circumferences in the size classification tables, the values listed in Annex B of the
Table 6Pole taper values
ANSI O5.1 standard (see Table 6) are used to transfer required circumference dimension from groundline to the 6FB location. In selecting an ANSI pole, however, a pole designer must assume that it will have the designated minimum tip and 6FB circumferences given for its class. The corresponding taper is the difference in these dimensions divided by the length between them. As the tip circumferences vary in increments of 2 in. and the 6FB circumferences for any length change in increments exceeding 2 in., the implied tapers increase with pole size. Table 6 provides a comparison of 55-ft and 80-ft poles; the low values in these cases are for class 7 poles and the high values for class H6 poles. Table 6 also provides measured tapers reported by Bohannan and others (1974) and Wood and others (1960). The circumference values reported by Bohannan were determined from measurements of poles ranging in length from 55 to 80 ft. These data showed no consistent relationship between taper and pole length. In all cases, however, the taper appeared to increase with groundline circumference as implied by the ANSI tables. Woods data, which was determined for 25- to 55-ft-long poles, showed a definite increase in taper with pole length for southern pine and western redcedar, but the evaluation did not provide a comparison across size classes. Comparing ANSI Annex B values to those reported by Bohannan suggests possible undersizing for longer poles. While the ANSI butt taper values appear to be about average for the 25- to 55-ft poles reported by Wood, they fall below the median values reported in Bohannans survey for each species (0.021 vs 0.028 for southern pine, 0.017 vs 0.027 for Douglas-fir, 0.032 vs 0.039 for western redcedar). The implication is that on average, for poles >50 ft in length where the groundline is above 6 ft from the butt, the 6FB dimension required to give the necessary groundline section modulus will be underestimated using the ANSI Annex B value. Projecting back to groundline using the implied tapers in the ANSI tables results in an undersize groundline dimension for the classified pole.
Taper (in./in.)a Pole length (ft) 5580 2555 55 80 Southern pine Low 0.014 0.015 0.021 0.033 0.030 Med. 0.028 0.021 High 0.045 0.029 0.021 0.043 0.040 Low 0.011 0.012 0.017 0.033 0.030 Douglas-fir Med. 0.027 0.017 High 0.050 0.017 0.017 0.043 0.040 Low 0.018 0.024 0.032 0.047 0.038 Western redcedar Med. 0.039 0.032 High 0.077 0.042 0.032 0.055 0.049
Taper has a definite effect on how stresses are distributed in a pole. Stress is not distributed linearly in a tapered cantilever beam. The bending moment (M) for a cantilever increases at a constant rate from the point of load application to the reaction. However, when divided by the section modulus (S), which increases as a cubic function of distance from the load point, the quotient (M/S) or stress is an inverse quadratic function that increases at a decreasing rate. If the taper is steep enough or the cantilever long enough, the stress stops increasing with distance from the load point and may decrease. This means that the point of maximum stress in a tapered cantilever does not necessarily coincide with the point of maximum moment. For a linearly tapered, round cantilever beam of uniform homogeneous material, the quotient M/S will reach its maximum value at a point where the pole circumference is 1.5 times the circumference at the point of load. Under these conditions, the distance from the point of load to the point of maximum stress (X) can be estimated as
X = 0.5C lp
and growth rate, which are partly related to species and partly influenced by the environment. Change in strength with heightChange in strength with height and size effect are two overlapping yet independent issues used to characterize the perceived reduction in strength with pole size. When ANSI O5.1 adopted the Hclasses in 1972, the specification treated these classes the same as the distribution pole classes in that the poles were sized as single pole cantilever beams. Unlike distribution poles, however, many of these larger poles were used in multi-pole structures (such as H-frames), which required cross-bracing that imposed critical stresses at close to midheight above groundline. The concern for critical stress occurring at or above mid-height prompted Bohannan (1971) to evaluate change in pole strength with height and to propose a strengthheight adjustment that defined the lower boundary of strength change with height on the basis of the limited data available at the time. This model took the form
X Fx = Fgl 1 0.5 L
where Clp is circumference at load point and circumference taper. For most distribution poles, Equation (5) suggests that the maximum stress location will be at groundline. The estimated maximum stress location for a class 1 55-ft pole, however, would be 6 ft above groundline for southern pine and 18 ft above groundline for the average western redcedar using tapers taken from Wood and others (1960) or median values reported by Bohannan and others (1974). Of course, this purely geometric derivation provides only a rough approximation of how stresses vary in an actual wood pole. There are other variables to consider when predicting where a pole will fail. If maximum stress occurs at 6 ft above ground in dry wood and the groundline is saturated, it is likely that the groundline stress will exceed the saturated strength before maximum stress will exceed dry strength. Physiological effects such as knots, juvenile wood, strength change with height, and diving grain exposed in the debarkingpeeling process also present points of weakness that might initiate a failure at a location other than the point of maximum stress. Material variabilityBecause wood is a product of nature rather than a manufacturing process, its strength is much more variable than that of most commonly used engineering materials. Wood strength varies not only between trees but also within a tree. Between-tree variability in strength is attributed to growing conditions (e.g., nutrients, rainfall, length of growing season, competition) and within-tree variability to factors such as the transition from juvenile to mature wood, the occurrence of branches and reaction wood, 16
In developing this model, Bohannan reviewed the limited available data on change in pole strength with height. The ASTM pole data provided data on failure strength as a function of location. Other sources provided information on incremental tests of pole sections from the butt to the tip and on specific gravity changes with height (Okkonen and others 1972). After collecting this information, Bohannan derived his model to characterize the lower boundary of strength as a function of location with respect to pole length. The model, based on measured dimensions of test poles, was intended to provide a conservative estimate of the strength of the pole at height x above the groundline. Annex A, which was introduced in 1976 and added in 1979, incorporated Bohannans model as nonmandatory information. It stated that the basic premise of the model is that it would be used only when actual dimensions are known and acknowledged that a reduction in fiber stress with height is not required when analyzing a pole based on minimum size and assumed linear taper values given in ANSI tables. Soon after appendix A was added, this adjustment became a major issue of concern among ASC members as it held implications beyond the concern for multi-pole structures. Members realized that strength reduction also had an impact on smaller poles. One member showed that a 60-ft class-4 southern pine or Douglas-fir pole would have a critical section 26 ft above the groundline and require 3.5-in. greater circumference at that point. Loss of strength with height continued to be an issue of debate into the early 1980s despite the fact that it was published in an annex and was not an official part of the ANSI main standard.
As part of the EPRI-sponsored pole research conducted in the 1980s, undamaged sections of test poles were retested to assess change in strength with height. The retest sample included 58 southern pine, 87 Douglas-fir, and 32 western redcedar poles. Strength change with height based on measured dimensions was compared to strength change based on ANSI minimum dimensions. Results confirmed that the conservatism inherent in the use of ANSI minimum dimensions and the assumption of a linear taper countered any strength loss with height for Douglas-fir and western redcedar. Bodig and Goodman (1986) and Phillips and others (1985) confirmed the efficacy of Bohannans model for southern pine when based on measured dimensions. When the data are reevaluated using minimum class dimensions, however, the relationship becomes
X Fx = 9400 1 0.176 L
Figure 2 shows relative strength values for various species and pole size classes. The relative value in this case is expressed as a fraction of the 1963 DFS for southern pine (8,000 lb/in2). Figure 2 suggests that for the ASTM tests, relative strength varies with pole size. However, it must be noted that the class 1-55 and 9-25 plots represented only 5 or 6 tests in each species, whereas the class 6-30 samples ranged from 15 to 43 tests. This observation did not attract much debate in 1963 when the ASA standard dealt only with distribution poles and design capacity was a relatively minor issue. It did, however, attract attention in 1980 when test values from the EPRI-sponsored study were low by comparison with ASTM values. The change in strength with pole size is attributed in part to geometry and tree physiology. As noted previously, maximum stress in a tapered round cantilever of uniform properties will occur at the location where the circumference is 1.5 times that of the point of load. For poles of a given groundline dimension, the longer the pole the greater the chances of failing at a location significantly above groundline. The greater the distance between groundline and the failure location, the greater the assumed difference between groundline strength and groundline stress at failure. Because the poles in the ASTM study were evaluated on the basis of groundline stress at failure and not actual groundline strength, there is some question as to the source of the apparent size effect seen in that data. However, the majority of these poles would be expected to fail close to the groundline. At the time the EPRI study results were published, the evaluation of groundline stress at failure was still considered to be the easiest way to deal with the evaluation of pole capacity. A tendency for a decrease in groundline stress at failure with an increase in pole size presented in the EPRI
This means the strength reduction is roughly 9% by midheight when based on minimum class dimensions compared to 25% with actual dimensions. Size effectWeibull (1984) developed his extreme value distribution on the basis of a weak-link theory that predicts reduction in mean strength as size increases. Wood (1956, 1958) first noted a size effect in poles while working on the ASTM pole study and reported the effect for poles less than 50 ft in length. Erickson and Dohr (1958) showed a decrease in tree strength with age: trees more than 200 years old have lower strength than younger trees. The effect of size on load capacity has been noted for most engineered applications of wood (Bohannan 1966).
2 Figure 2Relative strength (fraction of 8,000 lb/in ) of five species in three size classes tested in ASTM wood pole research. LL is longleaf pine, SL shortleaf pine, Lblly loblolly pine, WL western larch, DF Douglas-fir, WRC western redcedar, and LPP lodgepole pine.
study raised some concern among committee members about acknowledging these results in the material specification. At that time, the ANSI O5.1 standard attributed no design significance to DFS values. These values were used only as a basis for establishing the pole circumference 6 ft from the butt for the ANSI pole size classification. The premise of species interchangeability inherent in this classification system was not violated if size effect was treated as a design consideration, rather than a material variable. The committee decided to acknowledge the EPRI results in Annex C as additional information for those interested in promoting the application of probability-based design to utility structures. In this way, the burden of using or ignoring these effects was left on the designer with relatively minor impact on the ANSI standard. Without code recognition by the NESC, probability-based design was not used for design. Nevertheless, interest in the Annex C values continued and this information provided the basis for calibration studies of competing design methods. Annex C Results of the EPRI-sponsored research to promote the use of probability-based design for wood transmission structures were summarized in the form of a condensed introductory guideline and published as Annex C of the ANSI O5.1 standard specification. This guideline was written to be compatible with the established groundline capacity classification system presented in the ANSI O5.1 standard. To address the size effect made apparent by this analysis, the technical advisory committee to that project recommended separating the data into two distinct length categories (<50 ft, 50 ft) with a discrete reduction in strength at the 50-ft length rather than adopting a continuous function to account for size effect. In the evaluation of these strength values, all data were adjusted to the minimum groundline dimensions corresponding to the ANSI class of each pole rather than using the measured dimension. The groundline circumferences used to determine groundline bending strength were the ANSI-class minimum values. These are the values an engineer assumes for an ANSI pole in calculating pole moment capacity. The values presented in Annex C are therefore appropriate only for use with ANSI-class pole minimum dimensions. In addition to differentiating by length and adjusting for the ANSI-class minimum dimensions, the larger pole values were adjusted to remove any pole size bias. As the EPRI study indicated, the effect of groundline circumference on pole strength and test poles was greater for western redcedar (largest pole H4-70) and Douglas-fir (largest pole H2-75) than for southern pine (largest pole 1-75), leading to the conclusion that the southern pine data had an inherent size bias. As a result, ASC O5 felt that all test values should be adjusted to the equivalent class 2-65 circumference value.
This was done using a linear regression between groundline stress at failure adjusted for ANSI minimum dimension (AMORgl) and the ANSI 6-ft-from-butt circumference (c) AMORgl = a + bc (8)
Regression parameters (a, b) are provided in Table 7 along with the ANSI minimum circumference at groundline for the class 2 65-ft poles (46.5 for Douglas-fir and southern pine, 51.5 for western redcedar). Groundline stress values derived for poles greater than or equal to 50 ft in length (Bodig and others 1986a,b) are shown in the last column. The difference between mean distribution pole values (test poles ranging from 25 to 50 ft) (ANSI O5.1; App. C, Table C1) and the values for an ANSI class 2 65-ft pole (ANSI O5.1; App. C, Table C2) represents the effect of pole size on groundline stress at failure. Despite the effort to keep design information separate from the material specification, the ASC O5 was forced to address disparities highlighted by the Annex C guideline. An initiative by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) to revise utility structure design procedures of the NESC raised questions about the efficacy of the ANSI DFS values for design of transmission structures. The primary concerns included the effect of pole size and the bending strength values found for western redcedar poles. The IEEE requested a recommendation from the ASC O5 on values to use for design to retain a uniform reliability across species and class sizes. This prompted the ASC O5 to consider options for recognizing disparities between the ANSI fiber stress values adopted in 1963 and those determined on the basis of larger pole tests summarized in Annex C. An initial recommendation to recognize the effect of pole size was to use a stepped allowable fiber stress. With this option, large poles would have a single, reduced DFS that would be less than the published value for small poles. This would result in a sudden jump in the required circumference when that transitional pole size was reached. It seemed awkward and unrealistic that a slightly larger pole would suddenly have less strength, and this too was rejected.
Table 7Regression parameters to account for size effect on poles (Bodig and others 1986)
18 22
Wolfe and others (2001) proposed the use of a continuous function that would maintain the traditional approach to pole capacity evaluation, but it was rejected as too complicated and too costly for pole producers. This approach retained a relationship between the groundline moment capacity (Mgl) and groundline circumference (Cgl) similar to that used previously (Eq. (9)) but with parameters that were derived empirically from a statistical evaluation of the 5% lower exclusion bending strength versus groundline circumference (Eq. (10)).
M gl = kC gl 3
M gl = AkC gl B + 3
Rather than change the method of deriving DFS values and the tabulated circumferences, ASC O5 opted to change the definition of DFS from a relative measure of pole groundline moment capacity to an estimate of groundline strength (see Appendix A). Prior to 2002, the DFS was evaluated as the groundline stress at failure for a dry, treated pole loaded as a cantilever beam with a transverse load applied 2 ft from the top. The sole ANSI O5.1 use of this value was to represent a relative measure of pole capacity as a basis for pole size classification. A number of attempts were made by committee members (Colley 1932, Wilson and others 1953) to attach a level of statistical significance to the derivation, but their assessments were all based on assumptions that were never supported by data or any rigorous analysis of field performance. The ASA and later the ANSI standards were strictly material specifications that presented the DFS values as only a relative measure of pole strength. In 2002, the DFS was redefined as the fiber strength of dry, treated wood. The ANSI standard added statements of significance that these values represent the means of distribution of groundline fiber strength and that these distributions are known to have a COV of 20%. The standard states that these evaluations were made with sufficient precision to be used for probability-based design. The new definition introduced an acceptance of design liability by ASC O5 as the DFS value is now defined to represent wood strength at a specific location as opposed to relative pole capacity used simply to set pole size classes. Using data provided by the EPRI project (Phillips and others 1985, Bodig and others 1986) (Appendix C) the committee derived groundline strengths (MORgl) for poles in lengths of 50 ft and longer on the basis of measured modulus of rupture (strength) at the failure location (MORfl) and the strength height relationship proposed by Bohannnan (1971). Prior to 2002, DFS values included adjustments for variability in test data attributable to handling and test procedures (0.93), high-temperature conditioning, and drying in service. This approach was retained for poles shorter than 50 ft based on the assumption that they normally fail at the groundline. For the 2002 revision of the ANSI O5.1 standard, however, the ASC O5 supported dropping the adjustment for variability and accepting a maximum 10% increase for drying in service, originally recommended by Wood and Markwardt (1965) for longer poles. A new adjustment, also adopted for long poles, was a classoversize adjustment that varies from 7% to 13%, depending on the pole class size. Due to its variation with class size, this adjustment requires an iterative procedure to match the product of adjusted DFS and average class section modulus to a designated class load moment (discussed in Appendix C). This adjustment decreases the probability that poles within a size class will have a groundline bending moment 19 21
(9) (10)
For poles used only in distribution structures, the value of B was set to zero giving an equation identical to Equation (9) except that the A parameter represented a L5%EL value for bending strength. A calibration factor is also included to adjust for the lower values found for western redcedar. For the three species used for transmission structures (southern pine, Douglas-fir, and western redcedar), the B parameter had a negative value. This means that the groundline moment capacity did not increase as rapidly with an increase in groundline circumference as it did using Equation (9), thus accounting for the observed size effect. This approach retained the simplicity of the ANSI approach to pole classification as well as species interchangeability, but it required too many changes to the established ANSI values. The perception that this would cause significant changes in class sizes prompted many producers to conclude that transition costs would be prohibitive. Targeting a lower 5% exclusion value for bending rather than a mean value meant that the class loads would have to be reduced. Despite the fact that this could be done with little impact on class circumference values and would be compensated by warranting higher resistance factors in design, it gave the appearance of reducing the capacity of wood poles. ANSI DFS values had traditionally represented a value close to the mean strength at groundline for distribution poles: 5% lower exclusion values are roughly 30% less than the traditional DFS values. Finally, this approach acknowledges a larger gap between the ANSI DFS and measured mean strength of western redcedar than exists for the other species. Members of ASC felt this was not adequately substantiated. They explained the strength gap as the result of deficiencies in the test and analysis procedures when evaluating a species with large taper in the lower half, which caused failures to occur higher in the pole giving a groundline moment at failure that was not representative of groundline moment capacity.
capacity that exceeds that imposed by the designated class load (see Appendix A). The resulting values are shown in the column labeled DFS in Table 1. Comparing these DFS values to the DFS values that would have been derived using the previous definition shows a 14% advantage for Douglasfir and southern pine and a 44% advantage for western redcedar. In 2002, groundline strength of poles in lengths 50 ft and longer were extrapolated from the failure location using the strengthheight model previously presented in Annex A of the ANSI O5.1 standard. As change in strength with height is now an inherent part of the evaluation of groundline strength, it is required that this model be used when assessing the strength profile for ANSI poles. Adoption of this model to estimate groundline strength, however, detracts from species interchangeability. Groundline circumference values are still calculated on the basis of section modulus required to resist the class-load-induced groundline moment. Using the projected groundline fiber strength rather than the groundline stress at failure means that the groundline dimension does not account for the occurrence of a failure above groundline. The larger the taper of a pole, the greater the distance from groundline to the point of maximum stress and the greater the difference between groundline stress at failure and groundline strength. Unless the groundline circumferences are adjusted to account for this, poles of the same class but different taper will have different load capacity While the decision to change the DFS value from a relative measure of pole capacity to a measure of bending strength applicable only at groundline constituted a significant change to the standard, on its own this decision had a minor impact on solving the problem of size effect that was apparent in the test data. The change that had the greatest impact on maintaining the traditional DFS values was the adoption of a classification oversize adjustment. The analysis presented in Appendix C shows that the projected MOR at groundline, when adjusted for only conditioning and drying in service (5,530, 6,950, and 7,720 lb/in2 for western redcedar, Douglas-fir, and southern pine, respectively) is still significantly less than the ANSI DFS values for these species (6,000, 8,000, and 8,000 lb/in2, respectively). Adjusting DFS values so that the average, rather than minimum-sized, pole in a class will be sized to carry the ANSI-designated class load gives DFS values of 6,040, 7,640, and 8,530 lb/in2, respectively. The effects of these changes on ANSI values are discussed in Appendix A. Small poles are still sized using DFS values that were derived assuming a 16% increase for drying in service but with no increase for class oversize. Long poles (>50 ft) are assumed to have a dry strength 10% greater than the measured green value. But they are also given a 7% to 13% increase for class oversize. Despite the fact that poles are sized using values adjusted for drying in service, ANSI 20 22
notes that the tabulated circumferences are intended to be measured in the green condition and that a reduction in section modulus of up to 6% due to shrinkage should be expected. This means that a minimum-sized pole of average strength and more than 50 ft in length could be overstressed by as much as 24% (1.1 1.13), whereas the averagestrength minimum-sized distribution pole would be overstressed by 16% if required to carry its class load in the green condition. If loaded in the dry condition, an average strength minimum-sized long pole would be overstressed by 13% to 20% at the class load (6% due to shrinkage and 7% to 13% for the class oversize adjustment), whereas the smaller, minimum-sized distribution pole would be only 6% under capacity at the designated class load. The fact that the probability of failure of the average ANSI pole loaded to its class load in a standard cantilever test went from 50% or more (depending on strength variability assumed) prior to 2002 to 70% or more after 2002 (see Appendix A) is really not a critical issue as long as the pole user realizes that class loads are used simply to classify poles. There should be some concern, however, that the new definition of DFS for long poles has been inflated by 7% to 13% above dry strength and a dry pole is likely to have a section modulus 6% below that of a green pole. This suggests that the DFS for long poles should be reduced by 20% when calculating the groundline strength for design purposes. The most obvious drawback to this change is the confusion it creates over the meaning of the ANSI fiber stress value. The engineer will still use the minimum dimensions permitted for the pole class selected to assess capacity. The pole selection must be made by first assessing the load profile. Using the ANSI dry DFS and the change in strength and circumference along pole length, the engineer must determine the required minimum section property profile for portions of the pole expected to dry in service and then decrease the DFS by 10% (16% for short poles) to check section property required in any wet regions. Once a required profile has been established, it can be compared to ANSI-tabulated dimensions to select a class size. The difference in average failure probability at the designated class load for long and short poles will most likely be of little importance provided the design engineer references the tables simply as a catalog of ANSI size codes.
The practice of classifying green poles by groundline circumference determined on the basis of dry strength is inappropriate for design applications. The ANSI standard should derive class dimensions on the basis of green strength and suggest an adjustment for drying above groundline.
The practice of sizing long poles so that the average size pole is defined by the minimum required section modulus and of sizing short poles so that the smallest permissible size pole is defined by the minimum required section modulus leads to inconsistency in pole reliability. ANSI should apply the same bias to all pole classes. For species having ANSI DFS values derived from published smallclear tests, values should be modified to reflect the changes implemented in ASTM D 2555. It is more conservative for taper values used to project 6-ft-from-butt dimensions to err on the high side. Comparison of taper values reported in Annex B of the ANSI O5.1 standard appear low by comparison to those determined by Bohannan. This could result in undersizing for poles more than 40 ft in length. The relationship between strength and pole size is not adequately characterized by the strength-reduction-withheight function adopted by ANSI. The relationship between pole size and strength as evaluated over the past 50 years suggests that it would be technically more correct to reduce the allowable fiber stress with increasing pole size (volume) rather adopting an untested model to project groundline strength from strength at the failure location. Pole design should focus on differences between stress and strength profiles, setting design as a fraction of the load at which the maximum difference is zero. The ANSI O5.1 standard currently instructs users to consider change in strength with height only when the point of maximum stress occurs above groundline. The DFS derivation adopted in 2002, however, extrapolates strength from the point where the difference between stress and strength are the greatest (failure location); not the point of maximum stress. Suggesting a design approach to prevent stress from exceeding strength would add credibility to the design method presented and would make wood pole strengths comparable to that of other materials. The wood pole industry should continue to work on refining its knowledge of pole physiology and shape to provide more reliable wood pole structures and a more credible standard. Also, if the producers can be encouraged to revise the class circumference tables, then interspecies exchangeability can be restored.
cation, the committee was able to maintain the standard size classifications established 40 years ago, despite the realization that they did not represent uniform reliability across species or across classes within a given species. The methods outlined in Annex C brought ANSI up-to-date with utility-structures engineering, but they suggest a need to recognize a size effect when designing wood pole transmission structures. The committee responsible for the ANSI O5 standards (ASC O5) has attributed the perceived problem of a size effect to change in strength with height. The committee must decide if it wants ANSI O5.1 to remain a material specification or to assume the role of a wood pole design standard. The standard needs a stronger technical basis to bring it into alignment with Annex C. Before ANSI O5.1 moves too far into the realm of a design standard, it would be beneficial to develop technical support for assumptions made and to more carefully consider their impact on the market for utility poles. The fact that poles are generally classified in the green condition means that groundline section modulii derived using the new dry definition of DFS values for large poles may result in undersized poles. A size class adjustment is appropriate only when converting the DFS, used to set size class dimensions, to a design value. It is not appropriate to adjust test data for size class effect to derive a size class dimension as it leaves the false impression that all poles having a strength greater than or equal to the DFS in a given size class have the capacity to carry the designated class load. If loads on a large pole are located to induce maximum stress at groundline, where moisture could be at or above fiber saturation point, a pole whose required groundline dimension is derived on the basis of dry strength will be undersize. Thus, in addition to including a reduction in strength with height, the standard should include a moisture adjustment for critical sections being within 4 ft of the groundline. The fact that this new derivation requires recognition of a change in strength with height means that this becomes mandatory for all poles. The committee is basically assuming that small poles fail close to the ground where change in strength with height is minimal. The strength change profile (Eq. (7)) is undoubtedly conservative in the lower half of trees; even for small poles it indicates that the critical stress location is above groundline. The result is that the strength change with height evaluation is required for any poles designed using the new ANSI standard. If the committee wishes to design poles with this degree of sophistication, the strength profile must be derived to present a more accurate picture, not only of fiber strength change but of section property change.
The ANSI O5.102 standard appears to magnify the disparities between the main body of the standard and Annex C. Annex C presents what has been viewed as technically correct and compatible with established timber engineering methods compromised by what is politically and economically acceptable to users and producers. By keeping design information in an annex, separate from the material specifi-
Literature Cited
ANSI. 1997. Specifications and dimensions for wood poles. New York, NY: American National Standards Institute. ASTM. 1966. Standard methods for establishing clear wood strength values. Standard D 255566. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM. 1999. Standard test methods of static tests of wood poles. Standard D 103699. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM. 2000. Standard test methods for small clear specimens of timber. Standard D 14394. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. Betts, H.S.; Newlin, J.A. 1915. Strength tests of structural timber treated by commercial wood preserving processes. Bull. 286. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bhuyan, G.; Chetwynd, D. 1994. Strength and stiffness of new wood utility poles. Rep. 119D 1010. Montreal, Canada: Canadian Electricity Association. Bodig, J.; Goodman, J.R. 1986. Western redcedar data and size effect. Wood pole properties. Review and recommendations for design resistance data. EPRI EL4109, Vol. 3. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute. Bodig, J.; Goodman, J.R.; Brooks, R.T. 1986a. Western redcedar data and size effect. Wood pole properties. Review and recommendations for design resistance data. EPRI EL4109, Vol. 3. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute. Bodig, J; Goodman, J.R.; Phillips, G.E.; Fagan, G.B. 1986b. Douglas-fir dataWood pole properties. Review and recommendations for design resistance data. EPRI EL4109, Vol. 2. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute. Bohannan, B. 1966. Effect of size on bending strength of wood members. Res. Pap. FPLRP56. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Bohannan, B. 1971. Heightstrength relationship for round timbers. Working document for ANSI O5.1 committee use. Bohannan, B.; Habermann, H.; Lengel, J.E. 1974. Taper of wood poles. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPLGTR2. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Buckman, S.J.; Rees, L.W. 1938. Effect of steaming on strength of southern yellow pine. In: Proceedings, American Wood Preservers Association. 34: 264296.
CSA 1990. Wood utility poles and reinforcing stubs. CAN/CSA O1590. Etobicoke, Ontario: Canadian Standards Association. Colley, R.H. 1932. Ultimate fiber stresses for wood poles. Bell Telephone System, Tech. Pub. Monograph B615. New York, NY: Bell Telephone Laboratories. Eggleston, R.C. 1952. Pole strength tests. Forest Products Journal. April, pp. 324. Erickson, E.C.O.; Dohr, A.W. 1959. Effect of steam conditioning on the strength of treated longleaf pine poles. Interim rep. Madison, WI: ASTM Wood Pole Program P&E. Goodman, J.R.; Vanderbilt, M.D.; Criswell, M.E.; Bodig, J. 1981. Probability based design of wood transmission structuresstrength and stiffness of wood poles. EPRI EL2040, Vol. 1. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute. Jones, R.L. 1931. New standard specifications for wood poles. Bell System Technical Journal, September, pp. 514524. Kulp J.W. 1957. Second report on tests of service life of poles in REA-financed electric systems. REA Bull. 16932. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification Administration. MacLean, J.D. 1951. Rate of disintegration of wood under different heating conditions. In: Proceedings, American Wood Preservers Association. 47: 155168. MacLean, J.D. 1953. Effective of steaming on the strength of wood. In: Proceedings, American Wood Preservers Association. 49: 88112. National Bureau of Standards. 1927. National Electrical Safety code, initiated 1913. Newlin. J.A.; Trayer, G.W. 1924. Form factors of beams subjected to transverse loading. Rep. 181. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Reprinted October 1941 as Rep. 1310. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Okkonen, A.; Wahlgren, G.; Maeglin, R. 1972. Western wood density survey. Forest Products Journal. 22(7): 3741. Phillips, G.E.; Bodig, J.; Goodman, J.R. 1985. Background and southern pine data. Wood pole properties. Review and recommendations for design resistance data. EPRI EL4109, Res. Proj. 13522, Vol. 1. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute. Rhatigan, R.G.; Morrell, J.J. 2002. Seasonal variations in moisture content of in-service poles in the Willamette Valley. In Proceedings, International conference on utility line structures. Ft. Collins, CO: Engineering Data Management Inc. and Colorado State University.
Stamm, A.J. 1956. Thermal degradation of wood and cellulose. Industrial Engineering Chemistry. 48: 413417. Thompson, W.S. 1969. Factors affecting variation in compressive strength of southern pine piling. In: Proceedings. Washington, DC: American Wood Preservers Association. USDA. 1940. Wood handbook. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 326 p. USDA. 1955. Wood handbook. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 528 p. Wilkinson, T.L. 1968. Strength evaluation of round timber piles. Res. Pap. FPLRP101. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wilson, T.R.C. 1923. Results of some strength tests on wooden poles. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wilson, T.R.C.; Drow, J.T. 1953. Fiber stresses for wood poles. No. D1619. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wilson, T.R.C.; Carlson, T.A.; Luxford, R.F. 1930. The effect of partial seasoning on the strength of wood. In Proceedings. Granbury, TX: American Wood Preservers Association. Wolf, J. 1979. Bending strength of roundwood timber poles: a summary and evaluation of literature. Unpublished. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wolfe, R.W. 2000. Design stress derivation for ANSI poles. In: Proceedings, International conference on utility line structures; 2000 March. Ft. Collins, CO: Colorado State University and Engineering Data Management Inc. Wolfe, R.W.; Bodig, J.; Lebow, P.K. 2001. Derivation of nominal strength for wood utility poles. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPLGTR128. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wood, L.W. 1956. Testing poles for the American Society for Testing and Materials. Interim rep. P&E 134. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wood, L.W. 1958. Strength tests of wood poles. Interim rep. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wood, L.W.; Markwardt, L.J. 1965. Derivation of fiber stresses from strength values of wood poles. Res. Pap. FPLRP39. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory.
Wood, L.W.; Erickson, E.C.O.; Dohr, A.W. 1960. Strength and related properties of wood poles. ASTM final rep. Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials.
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2002, the variability adjustment (0.93) is still considered to be an inherent part of those values. This adjustment was not used, however, in the 2002 derivation of DFS for long poles (50 ft). In 2002, ANSI adopted an adjustment for class oversize effect for long poles. This adjustment was previously acknowledged as a design consideration (Annex C of the ANSI O5.1 standard), but it was not included in the previous derivation of DFS values, which are used to set the pole class dimensions. This adjustment basically realigns the designated class load with the median-size rather than the minimum-size pole in a given size class. Multiplying the minimum allowable section modulus for a pole classlength combination by the DFS thus gives the moment capacity of the median long pole and the minimum short pole. This suggests that for a given pole class, an average strength median sized long pole and an average strength minimum sized short pole have the groundline moment capacity implied by their designated class load. Other changes adopted in 2002 that affect the conclusions about the ability of a pole to resist the implied groundline moment capacity include the adjustment for drying in service and the assumed strength variability. In 1963, two drying-in-service adjustments were considered, 1.1 and 1.16. The latter value was preferred for derivation of DFS for the primary pole species. In 2002, an adjustment of 1.1 was adopted for long poles. The implication of this change is that short poles that are more likely to be critically stressed at groundline have a larger increase for drying inservice than are poles more likely to fail above ground. As for the variability of pole bending strength, the 2002 version of ANSI O5.1 declares that wood poles have a strength coefficient of variation of 20%. This value is higher than previously referenced by ANSI and higher than that obtained for data presented in the ASTM study (Wood and others 1960) or the EPRI-sponsored study (Bodig and others 1986). The following analysis provides a comparison of pole strength as defined by ANSI standards before and after the 2002 revision. All assumptions are based on values either provided in ANSI O5.1 standards or taken from discussions that support those values. This analysis includes only those parameters that were modified in 2002. It assumes that removing adjustments for variability, drying in service, and class oversize effects from ANSI DFS values truly represents mean groundline strength of green poles adjusted for the effects of pretreatment conditioning. This analysis also focuses only on the strength at the groundline. There is little support for the premise that
The change in definition of DFS allowed ANSI to acknowledge the observed size effect (Bodig and Goodman 1986) discussed in Annex C of the O5.1 standard as being a result of a change in strength with height rather than a groundline dimension. The advantage of this change is that it provides a basis for retaining established DFS and therefore the ANSI class groundline dimensions for all pole classes. To justify maintaining the same DFS for long poles, ANSI adopted as mandatory the change-in-strength-with-height function previously presented in the non mandatory Annex A. The inverse of this function was used to estimate groundline strength for long test poles that failed above groundline. As the inverse of this function was used to evaluate groundline strength, the function becomes a mandatory adjustment for anyone concerned about the strength of poles in locations other than the groundline. The 2002 derivation of DFS for long poles did not include the adjustment for variability inherent in the established DFS values. The variability adjustment, originally introduced in 1931 and re-approved in 1963, was proposed to counter the effect of testing poles that had unknown moisture gradients at the time of testing. This was basically a confidence adjustment that reduced the measured mean by a half standard deviation. In 1963, ASA O5 elected to use a 14% coefficient of variation for bending strength of poles on the basis of results published in the ASTM wood pole report (Wood and others 1960). As there were no changes to the derivation of DFS for poles under 50 ft in length in
24 28
Table A1Normalized distribution parameters for ANSI poles before and after 2002
scenarios provides a basis for evaluating the effect of the 2002 changes on implied pole capacity.
Table A2Maximum value for uniform distribution of normalized section moduli
Distribution parameter Long poles b Variablea Drying in service Variability Class oversize Strength COV Normalized mean () Normalized SD
a b
Class Max
2 1.22
1 1.20
H1 1.19
H2 1.17
H3 1.16
H4 1.15
H5 1.14
H6 1.13
strength change with height is the same for all species and pole classes, and we know that tree geometry varies with species as well as growing conditions. For this comparison of effects of the 2002 change, it is not necessary to address that issue except to acknowledge that the adjustment for change in strength with height function adopted by ANSI adds a degree of conservatism to the analysis of pole capacity. Table A1 lists normalized distribution parameters for pole strength implied by the ANSI derivation of DFS. Three variables listed (drying in service, variability, and class oversize adjustment) are those that vary between long and short poles in the 2002 standard and between long poles before and after 2002. The normalized mean value is the ratio of the mean strength in the green treated condition to DFS. The normalized strength distributions thus have a mean value () with the same coefficient of variation (COV = ) as the actual pole strengths. For example, on average, a long, class 2, green pole will have a mean strength that is 82% of the DFS value and a standard deviation ()of 0.16. Mean strength is less than DFS because the DFS includes increases for drying and class oversize. Short poles have a mean strength of 93% of the DFS because of the 7% reduction for variability in combination with the 16% increase for drying (1/[(1.16)(0.93)]). A distribution of pole moment capacities can be generated using a method known as random-products generation. This is done by randomly choosing a normalized strength from a normal distribution having a mean value and a coefficient of variation and multiplying by a randomly chosen normalized section modulus (random class value divided by the minimum required for the class). The section modulus is selected assuming a uniform distribution with a range from 1.0 to the maximum for the pole class (see Table A2). Repeating this process 6,000 times for each of the four
As the revisions for long poles incorporated in 2002 shift average capacity from the minimum-size to the median-size pole in the group, it is not surprising that fewer poles within a pole class have the groundline moment capacity implied by the designated class load. The comparison of load capacity distributions shows that at the 5th percentile, the load capacities for the H6 and the class 2 long poles were 57% and 55% of the implied capacity, respectively. For the short poles, the 5th percentile value was 62% of implied capacity; for class 2 poles evaluated prior to 2002 ANSI parameters, poles at the 5th percentile had 73% of the implied capacity. The mean strength of the H6 and class 2 long poles was 91% of the implied capacity. As stated earlier, this is due to the use of a dry strength being used to size a green pole. Values for short poles and the pre-2002 analyses showed the mean strength to be 102% of implied capacity. Overall, only 35% the distribution of long poles was capable of carrying the implied groundline moment. The 2002 analysis of short poles and the pre-2002 analysis resulted in more than 54% of poles in a given class having capacity that exceeded that implied by the designated class load. This analysis suggests that the ANSI 2002 change created a gap in the inherent capacity of short and long poles. This is of minor consequence for ANSI O5.1. Pole sizes corresponding to any ANSI class are the same as they were prior to 2002. For the utility engineer, however, it is noteworthy that only slightly more than a third of the long poles selected on the basis of groundline moment divided by the ANSI DFS have the groundline moment capacity to resist that DFS in the green condition. For those concerned about the future use of round poles as engineered components, there is a definite advantage to cooperating with those committees responsible for design of utility structures (ANSI C2/NESC and ASCE committee on wood) to assure that they understand the basis for the difference between the ANSI DFS as applied to long and short poles.
25 27
Ontario: Canadian Dept. Mines and Resources, Domestic Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. McElhannay, T.A.; Perry, R.S. 1928. Tests of relative strength of green-cut and fire-killed western cedar pole timber. Circ. 22. Forest Service, Department of Interior. Canada. McGowan, W.M. 1960. Strength of Douglas-fir telephone poles. Tech. Note 15. Vancouver, B.C.: Western Forest Products Laboratory. McGowan, W.M. 1962. Strength of western hemlock power and communication poles. Tech. Note 27. Vancouver, B.C.: Western Forest Products Laboratory. McGowan, W.M.; Smith, W.J. 1965. Strength and related properties of western redcedar poles. Dept. Pub. 1108, Vancouver, B.C.: Western Forest Products Laboratory. Platt, J.C. 1955. Breaking strength of red pine poles. Rep. 55587. Ontario, Canada: Hydro-Electric Power Commission. Platt, J.C. 1958. Strength tests of jack pine poles. Rep. 58149. Ontario, Canada: Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. Platt, J.C. 1958. The strength tests of wood poles: western redcedar and red pine. Rep. 58206. Ontario, Canada: Hydro-Electric Power Commission. Phillips, G.E.; Goodman, J.R.; Bodig, J. 1986. Wood pole properties. Vol. 1, Background and southern pine. EPRI EL4109, Res. Proj. 13522. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute. Public Service Company of Colorado. 1980. Twenty-five new mechanically pretreated poles. Tested at Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Thompson, W.S. 1969. Effect of steaming and kiln drying on the properties of southern pine poles. Part i. Mechanical properties. Forest Products Journal. 19(1): 2128. Wilson, T.R.C. 1917. Results of some strength tests on wooden poles. Madison, WI: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Wood, L.W.; Erickson, E.C.O.; Dohr, A.W. 1960. Strength and related properties of wood poles. West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials.
26 28
initial estimate of groundline section modulus required. Poles are initially classified by these minimum section modulii. The class load is calculated as
Pi = 1200 + 250i + 50i 2
where i is an index corresponding to the size class (0 for class 7, 12 for class H6), and Pi is the ANSI-designated load for class index. The class oversize adjustment is defined as
Acos = ( Pi +1 + Pi ) /( 2 Pi )
This simplifies to
Acos = 1 + 50(3 + i ) / Pi
Application of this adjustment requires an iterative evaluation of minimum class size. Test poles are first classified using the estimated groundline strength (i.e., 8,000 lb/in2 for southern pine and Douglas-fir) to match the pole to an ANSI load class (Pi) (Eq. (C1)) and required minimum groundline dimension. The poles projected groundline strength is then adjusted by Acos (Eq. (C2)). The average of adjusted values is used to recalculate minimum required section modulii for each pole class, and the test poles must be reclassified to recognize possible pole class change. This is repeated to convergence, resulting in a groundline strength that gives an average within-class section modulus the average capacity to carry the designated class load. Table C1 shows the values derived at three stages in the derivation of the DFS for long poles. These values were derived using test data provided by EPRI-funded research on transmission-sized poles (Bodig and Goodman 1986, Bodig and others 1986b, Phillips and others 1985). MORgl is an estimate of the average groundline strength as projected from the measured stress at failure. MORgl is MORgl adjusted for drying in service and conditioning. DFS is the designated fiber stress which, when multiplied by the minimum section modulus for a designated pole class-length, gives the average pole moment capacity for that class length. Table C2 summarizes the resulting minimum groundline circumferences and oversize adjustment factors corresponding to the new DFS values. The oversize adjustment is ratio of average to minimum section modulus for each pole class. Test-pole projected groundline strengths were multiplied by these factors in the derivation of the average species DFS values. Values used for each pole are provided in column 8 of Tables C3, C4, and C5. The variability adjustment originally incorporated in the first ASA O5 standard and continued in 1963 to counter effects of variability introduced by sampling, handling, and 27
test methods was not used in this derivation. This was discussed in Rollins report but not included in his final tally of strength values. If we assume a coefficient of variation of 14%, the adjustment of a half standard deviation would be 0.93 and the values reported in Table C1 would be changedto 5,630 lb/in2 for western redcedar, 7,130 lb/in2 for Douglas-fir, and 7,960 lb/in2 for southern pine. MeasuredCOV values ranged from 15% to 19% for the test poles. This would give variability adjustments ranging from 0.90 to 0.92.
Table C2Minimum class groundline circumference and corresponding class oversize adjustment used to derive DFS for long poles
Groundline circumference (in.) for different species and various pole lengths (ft) Class load Class 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (lb) 1,200 1,500 1,900 2,400 3,000 3,700 4,500 5,400 6,400 7,500 8,700 10,000 11,400 Western redcedar 50 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 55 58 61 64 67 70 55 34 37 40 43 47 50 53 57 60 63 66 70 73 60 35 38 41 45 48 52 55 58 62 65 68 72 75 70 37 40 44 47 51 54 58 62 65 69 72 76 79 Douglas-fir 50 31 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 59 62 65 65 34 36 39 43 46 49 52 56 59 62 65 68 71 75 36 38 41 45 48 52 55 59 62 65 69 72 75 Southern pine 50 30 32 35 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 57 60 63 65 33 35 38 41 44 47 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 75 34 37 40 43 47 50 53 57 60 63 66 70 73 Oversize adjust 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.07 1.07
Table C3Groundline data for southern pine Failure location (in.) 12 42 60 96 168 90 51 114 0 159 168 177 15 30 225 36 0 213 180 93 48 0 96 120 54 96 9 240 84 87 264 306 12 186 384 88 440 387 380 324 258 150 6 312 297 360 0 330 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 9,476 7,113 9,673 6,830 8,603 7,967 8,734 7,277 6,448 6,149 7,114 7,175 7,195 9,447 5,621 6,018 8,475 9,993 5,729 7,446 7,669 9,905 5,506 6,451 6,059 8,985 9,024 7,062 10,005 5,966 7,071 10,191 7,735 8,568 6,667 6,566 7,233 5,991 8,619 6,818 5,058 5,793 7,066 7,774 6,884 6,632 7,980 4,345 Groundline circumference (in.) 46.0 44.8 43.1 42.0 41.5 43.1 43.2 42.0 45.1 41.5 43.6 43.7 44.5 41.5 44.0 42.8 43.6 41.3 42.4 44.0 44.6 41.9 43.4 41.6 42.1 43.0 43.0 42.8 49.1 51.4 48.7 50.4 48.0 49.1 51.2 49.0 50.3 52.0 50.3 52.7 50.6 50.5 53.5 49.0 50.8 49.0 51.4 48.6
ID P010 P014 S004 S005 S006 S007 S008 S012 S034 S039 S040 S041 S042 S055 S062 S074 S081 S082 S098 S105 S108 S109 S111 S112 S113 S114 S116 S120 S001 S009 S013 S016 S022 S025 S031 S035 S037 S049 S053 S063 S064 S066 S073 S100 S101 S102 S107 S110
Length (ft) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
MOR (lb/in2) 9,371 6,955 9,632 5,665 6,871 7,717 7,748 6,935 6,448 5,509 6,699 6,171 7,190 9,169 4,506 6,080 8,475 8,953 5,196 7,340 7,386 9,905 5,564 5,792 5,915 7,711 9,047 5,666 9,539 6,074 6,735 8,523 7,662 7,252 6,001 6,402 5,316 4,649 6,733 5,098 4,095 5,601 7,105 6,462 6,306 4,918 7,980 3,783
MORgl (lb/in2) 9,481 7,250 10,227 6,246 8,207 8,454 8,151 7,796 6,448 6,512 8,002 7,449 7,296 9,444 5,762 6,300 8,475 11,281 6,294 8,067 7,746 9,905 6,135 6,554 6,242 8,502 9,127 7,383 10,169 6,490 8,363 11,007 7,730 8,405 8,001 6,846 7,088 6,199 8,977 6,699 5,057 6,298 7,137 8,393 8,075 6,557 7,980 5,000
Oversize adjust 1.100 1.100 1.108 1.108 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.100 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.100 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.100 1.108 1.108 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.100 1.100 1.108 1.100 1.108 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.093 1.100 1.093 1.100 1.100 1,093 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.108
AMORgl (lb/in2) 10,429 7,975 11,332 6,921 9,165 9,368 9,032 8,639 7,093 7,272 8,867 8,254 8,026 10,545 6,385 6,981 9,391 12,598 6,974 8,939 8,521 10,976 6,798 7,319 6,916 9,421 10,113 8,181 11,186 7,139 9,267 12,108 8,566 9,245 8,801 7,531 7,797 6,773 9,875 7,319 5,563 6,927 7,797 9,232 8,882 7,213 8,778 5,540
Table C3Groundline data for southern pine (continued) Failure location (in.) 264 234 210 0 276 21 396 57 306 441 39 252 21 0 369 240 0 456 180 342 360 30 375 396 54 102 198 300 264 396 154 0 78 45 210 168 189 42 228 312 309 261 210 99 39 360 72 171 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 8,404 7,714 7,876 10,534 6,899 6,556 4,233 7,097 6,578 6,267 9,321 8,045 8,783 8,785 5,981 8,557 7,366 6,539 7,854 7,722 5,730 7,751 6,683 7,030 8,410 7,288 8,675 7,137 8,108 8,731 9,499 10,338 8,412 7,618 3,588 8,980 7,062 8,224 8,280 7,913 4,965 6,514 7,709 6,376 8,173 6,478 7,555 7,994 Groundline circumference (in.) 51.0 47.1 49.0 47.4 47.6 48.1 46.3 46.1 49.2 48.0 47.6 48.1 46.8 46.9 48.8 47.0 48.6 47.4 46.6 48.2 46.4 48.8 46.0 48.4 45.4 46.1 45.8 48.6 49.2 45.5 43.9 42.8 43.9 46.4 48.5 42.4 43.2 43.2 43.3 45.6 44.9 44.0 43.3 42.8 46.0 43.7 45.1 43.4
ID S115 S002 S003 S010 S011 S014 S015 S030 S032 S033 S046 S047 S054 S059 S069 S075 S078 S079 S080 S083 S088 S092 S094 S095 S106 S117 S118 S119 S018 S019 S021 S023 S027 S028 S036 S038 S045 S051 S052 S058 S060 S070 S071 S077 S085 S091 S097 S099
Length (ft) 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
MOR (lb/in2) 7,031 6,321 6,522 10,534 5,784 6,548 3,380 6,714 5,926 4,047 8,925 6,508 8,467 8,785 4,492 7,865 7,366 3,966 7,280 6,747 4,612 7,755 5,337 5,157 8,013 6,498 7,955 6,151 6,483 5,398 8,391 10,338 8,371 7,189 4,960 7,776 5,777 8,012 7,353 6,812 4,319 5,812 7,427 6,296 8,208 5,022 7,894 7,705
MORgl (lb/in2) 8,731 7,639 7,717 10,534 7,262 6,651 4,507 7,009 7,653 5,396 9,189 7,994 8,600 8,785 5,989 9,556 7,366 5,288 8,394 8,996 6,149 7,930 7,116 6,876 8,345 7,027 9,315 7,898 8,050 7,197 9,466 10,338 8,882 7,436 5,869 8,876 6,713 8,268 8,839 8,848 5,594 7,197 8,788 6,792 8,451 6,696 8,337 8,817
Oversize adjust 1.100 1.108 1.100 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.100 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.100 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.125 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.117 1.108 1.117 1.117 1.117
AMORgl (lb/in2) 9,604 8,465 8,489 11,673 8,047 7,370 4,994 7,766 8,418 5,979 10,183 8,858 9,530 9,735 6,637 10,590 8,162 5,860 9,302 9,969 6,814 8,788 7,885 7,619 9,319 7,786 10,322 8,752 8,855 8,037 10,570 11,544 9,918 8,240 6,503 9,985 7,496 9,233 9,870 9,880 6,246 8,037 9,813 7,584 9,365 7,477 9,309 9,845
Table C3Groundline data for southern pine (continued) Failure location (in.) 312 132 444 236 258 36 504 189 204 75 405 105 0 225 42 396 0 282 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 7,097 6,989 6,523 6,285 8,712 8,172 8,698 9,450 9,410 7,903 7,231 7,016 9,302 8,711 10,139 8,678 11,204 7,246 7,579 Groundline circumference (in.) 42.8 52.7 50.8 48.5 47.0 49.1 49.3 49.7 48.8 47.8 49.3 55.7 49.4 46.8 50.9 49.3 49.9 55.1
ID S103 S017 S020 S024 S026 S029 S043 S044 S048 S050 S056 S057 S072 S086 S087 S089 S093 S104
Length (ft) 65 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
MOR (lb/in2) 5,207 6,616 4,947 5,447 7,166 8,023 6,238 8,419 7,989 7,390 5,475 6,768 9,302 7,872 9,740 5,629 11,204 6,624
MORgl (lb/in2) 6,763 7,222 6,596 6,409 8,573 8,211 8,317 9,570 9,180 7,760 7,300 7,252 9,302 9,187 10,007 7,505 11,204 8,072 7,798 0.99 7,720
Oversize adjust 1.117 1.100 1.108 1.108 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.117 1.108 1.093 1.108 1.117 1.108 1.108 1.108 1.093 1.10
AMORgl (lb/in2) 7,552 7,945 7,309 7,102 9,573 9,099 9,217 10,604 10,173 8,666 8,089 7,924 10,308 10,259 11,089 8,317 12,415 8,819 8,618 8,532
6,826 Average Adjusted for drying in service (1.1) and conditioning (0.90) Adjusted value
Table C4Groundline data for Douglas-r Failure location (in.) 12 72 24 0 0 42 96 24 90 150 33 24 18 0 75 9 48 66 36 0 54 0 24 30 0 18 6 36 151 18 48 174 138 168 0 0 69 0 54 0 85 150 84 228 0 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 7,715 7,492 7,482 7,483 6,656 5,765 7,156 7,046 6,315 5,411 7,016 5,738 7,067 5,302 6,640 7,875 5,512 6,750 5,828 5,727 7,783 7,801 8,846 7,625 8,768 6,698 5,380 7,340 5,853 5,636 9,423 5,295 6,667 6,713 7,076 6,881 7,351 5,375 6,091 5,514 6,630 5,740 7,288 3,957 8,768 Groundline circumference (in.) 46.9 45.6 47.3 47.3 45.1 48.7 46.2 46.2 45.7 47.2 45.4 47.5 47.2 49.7 45.0 47.2 46.6 47.0 45.8 46.2 45.4 45.6 46.3 45.2 44.2 47.6 50.2 48.8 48.5 46.8 48.2 50.3 48.5 48.6 49.3 50.8 52.1 50.5 52.2 55.1 53.0 55.3 54.2 53.9 49.8
ID D010 D013 D031 D039 D057 D058 D091 D092 D093 D094 D095 D097 D100 D101 D108 D110 D118 D120 D128 D137 D148 D152 D156 D164 D168 D009 D012 D034 D038 D096 D099 D103 D105 D124 D125 D011 D037 D056 D142 D008 F043 F061 F044 F067 D001
Length (ft) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 65
MOR (lb/in2) 7,561 7,197 7,338 7,483 6,656 5,785 7,094 6,992 5,363 4,769 6,874 5,773 6,917 5,302 5,866 7,792 5,461 6,370 5,741 5,727 7,613 7,801 8,594 7,446 8,768 6,692 5,326 7,043 5,829 5,541 9,137 4,708 6,175 6,042 7,076 6,881 6,540 5,375 5,769 5,514 5,792 5,520 6,498 2,942 8,768
MORgl (lb/in2) 7,650 7,737 7,513 7,483 6,656 6,030 7,822 7,158 5,875 5,580 7,101 5,910 7,040 5,302 6,326 7,861 5,727 6,805 5,949 5,727 8,033 7,801 8,799 7,669 8,768 6,811 5,357 7,298 6,828 5,639 9,583 5,663 7,128 7,217 7,076 6,881 7,009 5,375 6,088 5,514 6,312 6,459 7,061 3,754 8,768
Oversize adjust 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.10
AMORgl (lb/in2) 8,415 8,510 8,264 8,231 7,322 6,589 8,604 7,874 6,463 6,138 7,811 6,501 7,744 5,793 7,010 8,647 6,300 7,486 6,543 6,300 8,837 8,581 9,678 8,436 9,716 7,492 5,853 7,973 7,460 6,203 10,470 6,187 7,788 7,885 7,731 7,472 7,611 5,873 6,611 5,955 6,854 6,975 7,626 4,055 9,645
Table C4Groundline data for Douglas-r (continued) Failure location (in.) 261 60 48 12 276 30 360 90 300 54 294 270 255 78 240 276 90 204 30 156 84 108 0 120 54 60 252 72 192 84 180 120 78 204 138 64 4 39 30 36 102 18 0 78 162 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 6,051 6,656 5,979 7,646 6,229 6,001 5,493 7,122 7,863 6,617 6,694 6,904 6,093 6,618 7,598 5,008 6,405 7,795 8,084 8,078 6,316 6,227 6,943 9,505 5,977 9,660 9,114 6,789 8,508 7,023 7,825 6,707 5,859 7,595 6,373 7,391 8,359 7,169 7,476 6,326 6,639 6,338 5,789 6,356 7,170 Groundline circumference (in.) 51.7 51.5 50.6 50.2 49.4 49.3 53.2 50.8 49.9 50.4 54.0 50.6 50.8 49.4 48.2 50.2 49.8 50.6 50.5 49.3 46.6 46.4 46.0 44.5 46.4 46.0 45.1 45.5 44.9 43.3 46.2 43.8 45.5 45.7 44.4 46.3 45.7 44.2 44.6 44.2 46.4 44.3 45.0 43.7 43.4
ID D004 D015 D027 D028 D030 D040 D045 D051 D054 D059 D072 D073 D088 D098 D130 D141 D144 D150 D153 D163 D021 D090 D127 D135 D146 D149 D155 D159 D166 D003 D005 D007 D019 D026 D033 D036 D042 D047 D055 D064 D066 D070 D075 D083 D085
Length (ft) 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
MOR (lb/in2) 5,559 6,473 6,216 7,679 5,420 5,682 4,822 6,828 7,320 6,559 6,322 6,570 5,740 6,123 7,793 4,734 6,003 7,045 7,984 7,416 5,750 6,253 6,943 8,967 6,094 9,189 7,350 6,601 7,199 6,800 7,858 6,516 5,747 7,795 5,964 7,491 8,354 6,805 7,424 6,216 6,223 6,298 5,789 6,540 6,847
MORgl (lb/in2) 6,884 6,773 6,444 7,748 6,805 5,811 6,429 7,313 9,400 6,831 8,072 8,203 7,069 6,497 9,469 5,944 6,430 8,293 8,165 8,380 6,130 6,794 6,943 9,838 6,347 9,614 9,028 6,971 8,386 7,249 9,061 7,149 6,098 9,175 6,640 7,862 8,379 7,007 7,592 6,386 6,729 6,383 5,789 6,939 7,776
Oversize adjust 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12
AMORgl (lb/in2) 7,572 7,450 7,089 8,522 7,541 6,439 7,025 8,045 10,340 7,514 8,820 9,024 7,776 7,199 10,493 6,538 7,073 9,122 8,981 9,286 6,792 7,529 7,753 10,985 7,033 10,736 10,081 7,784 9,365 8,095 10,118 7,983 6,809 10,246 7,414 8,779 9,356 7,824 8,478 7,131 7,457 7,127 6,464 7,749 8,683
Table C4Groundline data for Douglas-r (continued) Failure location (in.) 12 36 0 30 6 120 162 0 168 75 240 216 54 294 120 6 216 0 108 36 54 63 18 384 31 300 0 450 0 12 0 156 96 240 204 48 216 3 6 408 0 18 240 0 216 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 6,583 8,336 8,092 7,577 7,270 7,528 7,274 7,444 6,272 5,391 6,319 6,920 6,065 6,890 6,886 8,105 7,261 7,696 4,419 5,337 7,428 7,026 7,260 5,412 8,050 6,538 5,348 3,789 4,081 6,698 6,800 6,336 5,865 6,269 6,644 6,918 5,800 8,567 6,799 5,794 7,092 7,278 5,787 6,962 6,918 Groundline circumference (in.) 43.8 44.4 44.4 45.8 43.2 44.4 43.2 52.4 52.3 52.2 53.9 52.6 52.1 52.8 53.0 51.0 52.3 57.8 54.5 56.2 56.9 56.6 55.2 58.9 55.3 62.0 61.6 66.4 59.5 55.4 55.4 55.7 54.0 55.6 55.0 55.9 55.7 55.2 56.2 56.8 56.3 58.2 57.4 56.4 56.8
ID D089 D111 D117 D122 D129 D133 D134 D002 D063 D065 D071 D107 D114 D121 D126 D154 D165 D006 D014 D016 D017 D041 D043 D049 D050 D052 D061 D062 D067 D068 D074 D076 D077 D078 D081 D104 D109 D112 D116 D131 D138 D139 D140 D147 D157
Length (ft) 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
MOR (lb/in2) 6,556 8,428 8,092 7,309 7,203 7,695 6,654 7,444 6,018 5,357 6,415 6,438 5,883 5,935 6,943 8,093 6,147 7,696 4,574 5,259 7,213 6,976 7,082 5,056 8,011 5,747 5,348 3,538 4,081 6,633 6,800 5,665 5,507 5,197 5,716 6,938 5,182 8,550 6,837 4,217 7,092 7,223 5,394 6,962 6,129
MORgl (lb/in2) 6,615 8,658 8,092 7,474 7,235 8,442 7,557 7,444 6,869 5,671 7,795 7,658 6,127 7,578 7,617 8,129 7,312 7,696 4,970 5,402 7,512 7,316 7,177 6,741 8,198 7,380 5,348 4,717 4,081 6,692 6,800 6,401 5,927 6,315 6,728 7,193 6,164 8,569 6,867 5,623 7,092 7,320 6,554 6,962 7,290
Oversize adjust 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.12 1.13 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.07 1.08 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
AMORgl (lb/in2) 7,386 9,668 9,036 8,346 8,139 9,427 8,501 8,188 7,556 6,238 8,516 8,367 6,740 8,280 8,322 8,942 8,043 8,357 5,430 5,867 8,158 7,945 7,842 7,281 8,958 7,931 5,776 5,048 4,407 7,312 7,430 6,952 6,475 6,899 7,351 7,811 6,694 9,362 7,458 6,106 7,701 7,949 7,117 7,560 7,917
Table C4Groundline data for Douglas-r (continued) Failure location (in.) 9 24 78 12 81 258 516 42 84 132 12 192 318 57 37 408 48 192 0 336 210 165 78 234 66 108 0 66 0 90 222 180 150 192 102 216 432 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 5,265 6,543 5,199 7,252 7,029 6,218 4,969 5,783 5,206 6,298 6,966 5,977 6,869 7,506 6,182 5,294 6,381 4,820 8,075 4,284 6,975 6,633 7,401 8,433 8,365 8,549 6,566 6,594 8,202 7,640 6,772 6,889 6,487 6,053 7,104 6,252 5,025 6,730 Groundline circumference (in.) 57.1 57.0 60.2 59.3 61.0 54.4 61.3 52.6 56.8 51.8 53.4 52.9 53.4 52.8 53.6 53.2 52.3 52.7 52.4 56.5 52.2 52.6 53.3 53.5 53.0 52.8 51.6 54.1 51.8 52.3 52.1 52.3 52.8 52.3 53.0 56.9 55.3
Length (ft)
MOR (lb/in2)
MORgl (lb/in2) 5,321 6,663 5,650 7,224 7,323 6,829 7,020 6,032 5,602 6,525 7,070 6,142 7,905 8,048 6,326 6,295 6,544 5,472 8,075 5,249 8,008 6,780 7,503 8,779 8,562 8,488 6,566 6,289 8,202 8,007 6,626 7,661 7,179 6,991 7,737 6,956 5,216 7,020 0.99 6,950
Oversize adjust 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.10 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.04
AMORgl (lb/in2) 5,779 7,236 6,102 7,802 7,909 7,512 7,623 6,635 6,121 7,230 7,777 6,756 8,696 8,853 6,958 6,924 7,198 6,020 8,883 5,735 8,809 7,458 8,254 9,657 9,419 9,337 7,276 6,918 9,089 8,808 7,288 8,427 7,897 7,690 8,511 7,600 5,738 7,720 0.99 7,643
D160 65 5,286 D167 65 6,545 D018 65 5,325 D044 65 7,160 65 6,886 D115 D020 75 5,708 D023 75 5,265 D024 75 5,871 D025 75 5,303 D029 75 5,977 D032 75 7,016 D035 75 5,392 D046 75 6,306 D048 75 7,756 D060 75 6,177 D069 75 4,721 D079 75 6,344 D080 75 4,804 D082 75 8,075 D084 75 4,127 D086 75 6,938 D087 75 6,068 D102 75 7,131 D106 75 7,472 75 8,203 D113 75 7,905 D119 D123 75 6,566 D132 75 6,025 D136 75 8,202 D143 75 7,549 D145 75 5,690 D151 75 6,784 D158 75 6,494 D161 75 6,137 D162 75 7,235 D022 75 6,000 D053 75 3,912 Excluding PSC pole tests 6,480 Adjusted for conditioning and drying in service Adjusted value
Table C5. Groundline data for western redcedar Failure location (in.) 294 270 72 228 174 150 180 54 174 48 150 132 276 120 138 246 42 102 78 60 202 198 0 246 178 108 148 210 204 192 192 228 160 166 240 96 192 198 174 180 196 168 198 270 108 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 2,980 4,310 4,960 4,830 2,640 4,122 3,081 4,409 4,321 3,692 4,365 4,149 3,850 4,672 3,213 3,688 4,009 5,536 2,780 3,699 4,909 4,247 5,445 3,312 6,185 4,003 6,076 4,910 5,122 4,517 3,372 4,308 4,771 2,179 3,819 4,384 3,876 3,901 3,363 2,004 4,889 4,106 5,001 3,256 4,784 Groundline circumference (in.) 54.1 51.1 53.4 53.7 54.2 51.0 52.1 49.4 50.2 54.6 55.7 53.3 58.9 55.4 59.5 52.0 52.2 53.3 56.5 52.0 50.9 50.2 50.5 53.8 50.2 50.6 49.6 51.6 51.4 59.4 58.6 50.4 55.3 69.6 59.0 60.7 61.2 55.8 67.9 66.7 52.4 58.9 58.9 62.5 62.6
ID C91 C92 C93 C94 C95 W001 W002 W003 W005 W009 W035 W036 W037 W040 W046 W064 W065 W066 W067 W069 W082 W083 W084 W094 W096 W004 W008 W011 W013 W015 W016 W017 W018 W019 W020 W021 W022 W023 W024 W025 W026 W027 W028 W031 W034
Length (ft) 55 55 55 55 55 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
MOR (lb/in2) 3,410 4,140 5,060 5,160 2,830 4,049 3,295 4,363 4,256 3,939 4,253 4,231 4,229 4,205 3,935 3,079 3,985 5,521 3,038 3,585 4,673 4,257 5,445 3,873 6,187 4,099 6,126 5,205 4,793 4,627 3,576 4,246 4,867 2,538 4,403 4,613 4,384 4,401 3,719 2,189 5,210 4,718 5,216 3,689 4,942
MORgl (lb/in2) 4,547 5,425 5,401 6,450 3,340 4,738 3,991 4,604 5,119 4,131 4,976 4,852 5,639 4,758 4,542 4,043 4,154 6,127 3,286 3,806 5,807 5,268 5,445 5,085 7,473 4,487 6,948 6,258 5,730 5,468 4,226 5,195 5,581 2,926 5,451 4,997 5,181 5,231 4,322 2,558 6,178 5,452 6,200 4,707 5,410
Oversize adjust 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.09 1.09 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.07 1.07 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08
AMORgl (lb/in2) 4,968 5,967 5,941 7,047 3,649 5,211 4,361 5,064 5,631 4,514 5,404 5,301 6,090 5,167 4,906 4,417 4,539 6,694 3,569 4,159 6,388 5,794 5,990 5,556 8,220 4,972 7,699 6,935 6,349 5,938 4,589 5,757 6,097 3,131 5,920 5,427 5,626 5,715 4,624 2,749 6,796 5,920 6,732 5,084 5,843
Table C5. Groundline data for western redcedar (continued) Failure location (in.) 210 150 300 180 24 180 264 162 210 330 150 198 102 0 192 156 264 0 210 34 108 180 66 270 192 372 186 226 184 12 330 228 198 142 228 6 46 214 208 0 0 282 300 264 192 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 3,858 3,705 3,384 4,207 4,244 4,402 4,413 3,640 4,965 4,337 4,261 3,192 4,344 3,217 3,260 2,563 4,947 3,778 2,844 3,759 4,190 5,225 4,044 2,012 3,822 5,358 4,455 4,779 4,907 5,165 4,003 4,067 5,163 4,459 4,677 4,413 4,228 5,205 4,986 5,122 5,196 3,569 3,310 3,992 3,919 Groundline circumference (in.) 62.2 54.1 60.0 64.7 63.6 48.8 51.4 50.0 63.2 63.5 49.6 56.9 47.3 65.8 63.4 60.6 55.0 60.1 58.9 61.3 48.5 48.4 48.5 66.2 58.2 62.8 59.4 55.2 63.4 49.1 61.8 62.4 62.2 63.4 50.4 50.0 55.8 50.8 48.2 60.4 59.2 64.8 64.7 63.5 69.0
ID W038 W039 W041 W042 W043 W044 W045 W047 W048 W049 W052 W053 W054 W055 W056 W057 W058 W063 W068 W070 W071 W072 W073 W074 W075 W076 W077 W078 W079 W080 W081 W087 W088 W089 W092 W093 W097 W098 W099 W100 W006 W007 W010 W012 W014
Length (ft) 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70
MOR (lb/in2) 3,845 3,833 4,542 4,360 4,433 4,746 4,617 3,987 5,089 4,841 4,170 3,336 4,298 3,217 3,395 2,455 4,525 3,778 3,023 3,742 4,000 5,075 4,209 2,020 4,366 4,189 4,849 4,333 5,343 5,119 4,061 4,040 4,858 4,778 4,628 4,393 4,620 5,219 5,202 5,122 5,196 4,191 3,898 4,213 4,171
MORgl (lb/in2) 4,623 4,357 5,979 5,095 4,520 5,546 5,856 4,582 6,119 6,455 4,740 3,965 4,681 3,217 4,012 2,806 5,739 3,778 3,635 3,846 4,379 5,930 4,444 2,578 5,160 5,585 5,698 5,289 6,265 5,169 5,415 4,943 5,774 5,390 5,662 4,414 4,795 6,297 6,240 5,122 5,196 5,191 4,903 5,140 4,801
Oversize adjust 1.08 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.08 1.08 1.11 1.09 1.12 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.07 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.08 1.11 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.11 1.11 1.09 1.11 1.12 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.07
AMORgl (lb/in2) 4,993 4,792 6,493 5,502 4,882 6,145 6,489 5,077 6,608 6,971 5,252 4,332 5,227 3,457 4,333 3,047 6,313 4,103 3,947 4,176 4,890 6,622 4,962 2,770 5,638 6,032 6,188 5,818 6,766 5,727 5,848 5,339 6,236 5,821 6,275 4,891 5,239 6,977 6,968 5,562 5,677 5,637 5,324 5,582 5,159
Table C5. Groundline data for western redcedar (continued) Failure location (in.) 72 216 264 372 174 90 162 150 228 234 88 358 180 246 300 Groundline stress at failure (lb/in2) 3,517 4,335 5,692 4,420 4,445 4,362 4,090 4,074 4,640 3,819 4,506 4,623 4,800 5,405 4,345 4,200 Groundline circumference (in.) 70.7 60.0 61.2 61.2 70.7 59.2 60.0 59.3 56.9 57.4 56.5 56.3 56.2 55.7 56.8
Length (ft)
MOR (lb/in2)
MORgl (lb/in2) 3,933 4,343 7,099 6,655 5,001 4,973 5,268 4,438 5,196 4,618 4,812 5,565 5,747 6,150 5,069 5,026 19% 1.1 5,528
Oversize adjust 1.07 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.07 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.19
AMORgl (lb/in2) 4,227 4,745 7,757 7,271 5,375 5,433 5,756 4,849 5,716 5,080 5,293 6,122 6,321 6,766 5,576 5,494 19% 1.1 6,043
W029 70 3,740 70 3,702 W030 70 5,819 W032 70 4,991 W033 70 4,407 W050 W051 70 4,667 70 4,685 W059 70 3,983 W060 70 4,387 W061 70 3,880 W062 W085 70 4,524 70 4,206 W086 70 5,040 W090 70 5,117 W091 70 4,030 W095 4,310 Average COV Adjusted for conditioning and drying in service Adjusted initial value
The average of the size-adjusted strength values was then used to recalculate the minimum section modulus required for each class. In some cases, this required reclassification as some poles moved to the next larger class. The process was repeated until no further change was required. The use of this process, along with a 10% increase for drying in service, resulted in average adjusted fiber strength values for poles 50 ft and longer that were close to those used for poles less than 50 ft in length. As a result, the tabulated minimum circumference values remained unchanged, but they must now be recognized as providing reduced capability to carry the designated class load when compared to the minimum circumference values given for shorter poles. ANSI tables represent a catalog of pole sizes. Class loads merely provide a basis for the size classification. The fact that values are derived differently for pole lengths either side of 50 ft is something to be documented but has little impact on design as long as users realize that class load is not synonymous with capacity.
The mean-to-minimum-section modulus ratio (A) is equivalent to the ratio of loads as given by Equation (2). These oversize adjustment values are given in Table D1.
Ai =
Pi + 0.5 Pi
DFS adjustments for ANSI structural pole classes 0 Factor Ai Bi 7 1.12 0.96 1 6 1.13 0.96 2 5 1.13 0.96 3 4 1.12 0.96 4 3 1.12 0.96 5 2 1.11 0.97 6 1 1.10 0.97 7 H1 1.09 0.97 8 H2 1.09 0.97 9 H3 1.08 0.97 10 H4 1.07 0.98 11 H5 1.07 0.98 12 H6 1.07 0.98
39 31