Applications of Fuzzy Logic in The Control of Robotic Manipulators

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Fuzzy Sets and Systems 70 (1995) 223 234


Applications of fuzzy logic in the control of robotic manipulators

Clarence W. de Silva
Industrial Automation Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z4
Received June 1994


Fuzzy logic has been utilized at several hierarchical levels of a typical robotic control system. Four broad levels of application may be identified task design, system monitoring (including self-tuning and self-organization), information filtering and preprocessing, and in-loop direct control. Even though the need for fuzzy logic is felt mostly at upper levels of the control system, the present applications are mainly concentrated within the lowest level, perhaps driven by convenience rather than necessity. This paper surveys several applications of fuzzy logic in the control of robotic manipulators. Applications are grouped into four hierarchical categories, broadly corresponding to an existing architecture of a robotic control system. Such a classification can be beneficial in ascertaining the appropriateness of fuzzy logic for the specific control task.
Key words." Robotics; Fuzzy logic control; Intelligent control; Hierarchical control

I. Introduction

Productivity and product quality of an automated manufacturing process rely on the accuracy of the individual manufacturing tasks such as parts transfer, assembly, welding, and inspection. In modern manufacturing workcells many of these tasks are carried out by robotic manipulators. The performance of a robotic manipulator depends considerably on the way the manipulator is controlled, and this has a direct impact on the overall performance of the manufacthring system [17, 39]. The control problem associated with a robotic manipulator is not trivial, particularly in real-time control at bandwidths of the order of 100Hz.

Frequently cited reasons for this include strong nonlinearities present in manipulators (dynamic nonlinearities such as Coriolis and centrifugal accelerations, geometric nonlinearities arising from large-excursion kinematics, and physical nonlinearities such as friction and backlash), dynamic coupling between components, unplanned influences (e.g., changes in the desired trajectory for reasons such as obstacle avoidance, and unexpected changes in the pay load), and unknown factors (e.g., model errors and parameter uncertainties). Many algorithms are available for controlling a robot. Many of these control techniques depend on a dynamic model of the robot, and are termed

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C.W. de Silva / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 70 (1995) 223-234

model-based control. Available control algorithms include feedforward control [1,33], resolved motion control [44, 45] nonlinear feedback control [23, 40] sliding mode control [38, 47], model-referenced adaptive control [22] and least-squares adaptive control [6, 18]. Kinematic and kinetic (dynamic) formulations are useful in modelling and control of robots [28, 42]. Furthermore, computationally efficient recursive algorithms are necessary for real-time computation of dynamic variables for control [-8, 18, 25]. The control techniques mentioned above fall into the category of hard-algorithmic control. They are crisp in the sense that control laws are presented in the form of well-defined computational algorithms that generate control actions quantitatively. In some (particularly, high-level) tasks, hard-algorithmic control does not provide the desired performance in robotic manipulators. One reason for this shortcoming is that there are many factors in a manipulator, its task, and its environment that are "qualitative and fuzzy" in nature, and cannot be expressed in precise quantitative terms. For example, there is a difference in the way a human hand grasps a light bulb and the way it grasps a rubber ball. But translation of this process accurately into a control algorithm for a robot is quite difficult and may involve a set of protocols which cannot be expressed as a precise algorithm. These rules will represent the "knowledge" associated with the particular task and generally will be qualitative and incomplete, and could be improved through experience and learning. Knowledgebased control is important in this context. In particular, fuzzy control, where control rules may be expressed as a set of fuzzy linguistic statements, has been employed for this purpose.

2. Robotic control system

A robot is a mechanical manipulator which can be programmed to perform various physical tasks. Programmability and the associated task flexibility are necessary characteristics for a robot, according to this commonly used definition. Autonomous operation would be desirable under special circumstances; for example, in space-based or extremely

hazardous activities. Furthermore, a robotic task might be complex and the environment might be unstructured to the extent that some degree of intelligence would be required for satisfactory performance of the task. There is an increasing awareness of this [17, 39] and there has been a trend to include intelligence, which would encompass abilities to perceive, reason, learn, and infer from incomplete information, as a requirement in characterizing a robot. A robot may be interpreted as a control system. Its basic functional components are the structural skeleton of the robot; the actuator system which drives the robot; the sensor system which measures signals for performance monitoring, task learning and playback, and for control (both feedback and feedforward); the signal modification system for functions such as signal conversion (e.g., digital to analog and analog to digital), filtering, amplification, modulation and demodulation; and the direct digital controller which generates drive signals for the actuator system so as to reduce response error [7, 9]. Higher level activities such as task description, procedural decomposition, subtask allocation, path planning, activity coordination, and supervisory control are also integral within the control system. A schematic diagram of such a control system, primarily from the hardware perspective, is given in Fig. 1. In fact, in a typical scenario, the robot is merely an integral component of a workcell or even a multiple-workcell production system. Functions of an overall system may be represented by a hierarchical structure, as shown in Fig. 2 [10]. Basically, the actions of the robot have to be planned and properly coordinated depending on the tasks to be accomplished and on the environment within which the robot would operate. Control requirements for a robot could be identified by considering the activities within each level of a system architecture, as in Fig. 2. Process tasks are defined at the system-host level and decomposed into subtasks and associated procedures. This information is downloaded into the cell-host computer, which manages the workcell operation. The cell host assigns subtasks to all the components (robots, machine tools, parts transfer devices, etc.) and coordinates their operation. In particular, the

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PC80486 Intel80486 Memory Display Interrupt Control Keyboard (teach pendant) ]

CustomizedBoards Board Signal l Ii l Control Output Decoder Supply ~I Power Amplifier Conditioning


I Quadrature Encoder

k-fEstimator v_
/-f Analg t ~ Input Current t - ~ Sensing PUMArobot

Tem ra l'i Sensing ;::

AT-Bus Input
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .


Fig. 1. A schematicdiagram of the control systemof a research robot.

cell host has to provide a sequence of robot operations (end-effector positions, orientations, and movements) expressed in a Cartesian coordinate frame of the task space of the robot, along with the necessary timing signals for task synchronization and also for object-handling information (e.g., pick, place, tool-change). The associated trajectories have to be properly planned for smooth operation. Since the robot is driven by the actuators at its joints, the task-space Cartesian information has to be transformed into the joint space, which provides the reference commands for actuating the joints. The low-level controller, using proper feedback sensory signals, ensures that the robot joints are moved faithfully according to these reference commands. is complex and ill-defined, analytical modelling becomes difficult. Furthermore, experimental modelling might be infeasible as well, particularly if the inputs and the outputs are not accessible for accurate sensing. Under these circumstances, modelbased control approaches will be unsuitable, and control techniques that employ model identification (e.g., some classes of adaptive control and nonlinear feedback control) will fail. Then, assuming that sufficient knowledge or experience on the plant is available, that could be expressed as a set of control protocols, perhaps containing fuzzy terms, one is presented with an excellent opportunity to attempt fuzzy logic control for the plant. Since the human experience in controlling a plant is typically of low-bandwidth and supervisory nature, one may conclude that direct, in-the-loop control using fuzzy logic is not well-justified unless the time constants of the plant are high (e.g., 1.0 s or more) and the required control bandwidth is sufficiently low (e.g., 1.0 Hz or less).

3. Application categories
Several conditions have been commonly identified [13] under which fuzzy logic may be effectively used in controlling a plant. For example, if a plant


C.W. de Silva / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 70 (1995) 223-234

Level 4

Task Description Procedural Decomposition Sub-Task Allocation

Level 3

Sub-Task Modification

Reference L Command Generation r

J Workcell Component Coordination

Workcell Level 2 Monitoring

Signal Preprocessing

Performance Tuning




=lj coo,to

Fig. 2. The hierarchical structure of a robotic system.

A survey of the existing applications of fuzzy logic in robotic control reveals that these applications could be grouped into the following four main categories: 1. In-loop direct control 2. Information filtering and preprocessing 3. System monitoring 4. Task design In the context of a hierarchical control system of the type shown in Fig. 2, it is reasonable to presume that the logical use of fuzzy logic would be for high-level control tasks. This argument may be justified in many ways; for example, higher level tasks are relatively complex, ill-defined, would not be supported by precise sensory signals, and would require a relatively higher degree of intelligence in the associated decision making process. Even though, some effort has gone into incorporating

knowledge-based control at the system level, for example, in a flexible manufacturing cell, much of the available work is devoted to adding a soft controller directly into the servo loop of a robot. This aspect will be addressed next.

3.1. In-loop direct control

A common application of fuzzy logic control in robots is within the joint-servo loops as an integral part of the direct-digital controller 1-34, 36, 41]. It has taken several different forms, but a common architecture is shown in Fig. 3. Here, the fuzzy logic controller "infers" the control action (U) for a joint actuator of the robot, on the basis of the observed (measured) values of the position error (E) and the change in error (CE). Typically, a triangular or trapezoidal set of

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Quartized Error (E) & Change in error (CE)











Fig. 3. Application of fuzzy logic control in a servo loop of a robot (process).

membership functions is used for these variables, as given in Table l(a). A fixed set of rules may be employed for decision making. Alternatively, a selforganizing rule base may be utilized, as presented in Table 1. In this latter case, one starts with a preliminary rule base, a performance enhancement table (Table l(b)), and an estimate for the delay time of the system (determined through experience, experimentation, etc.) which is expressed as the number of sampling periods (m). The main steps involved in determining the control action are summarized below: 1. Read from the table, the enhancement V corresponding to the current context variables (E, CE).

2. Consider the control rule R' that was applied m samples ago, with the corresponding control action U. 3. Enhance the control rule R' to a new rule R" with a modified control action of U + V. 4. Modify the existing rule base R according to R.ew = [R and (Not R')] or R". 5. Determine the present control action using Rnew. 6. For the next control cycle (sample period) repeat steps 1-5, until the end is reached. Note that the rule base evolves (self-organizes) during the control process. For example, an initial rule base with zero entries (null control actions) developed into what is shown in Table l(c), in the


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Table 1 Parameters of a self-organizing fuzzy logic controller for a robot (a) Membership functions for error (E), change in error (CE) and control action (U) Fuzzy value -6 + + + + + + -

Membership function -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.3 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0.7 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

very large large somewhat large medium small very small zero very small small medium somewhat large large

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.7

(b) Performance enhancement table

E -6
-6 -5

CE -5
0 0

0 0

-2 -1

-3 -2

-4 -3

-6 -4

-6 -4

-6 -5

-6 -5

-6 -6

-6 -6

-6 -6

-1 0

-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6

0 +l +2 +3 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6

0 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6

0 0 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +5 +6

0 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

-1 0 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +4 +4 +6

-2 -1 -1 0 +l +1 +2 +3 +4 +6

-2 -1 -1 0 0 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

-3 -2 -1 -1 0 0 0 +1 +2 +3

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 +1 +2

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0 +1

-5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0 0

-6 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0

(c) Rule base in the lOth run

E -6
--6 --5

CE -5
0 0

0 0

--4 0

--4 0

--6 -4

--6 --5

--6 --6

--6 --6

--6 --6

--6 0

--6 0

--6 --6

-3 0

--3 --2 --1 0


0 0 0 0

2 3 4 0

0 0 3 0

0 0 0 3

0 0 1 0

-2 0 0 2

--5 0 --2 0

-4 0 -4 0

--6 --4 --2 0


0 0 0 --1

--6 0 0 0

--6 0 0 0

--6 --6 --6 --6


2 3 4 5 6

0 0 0 0 6

5 0 0 0 0

0 0 6 6 6

0 0 0 0 6

0 0 0 0 6

0 0 0 0 6

0 0 0 0 6

0 0 0 0 5

0 0 0 0 4

0 0 0 0 3

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

--6 0 -4 -6 6

C.W. de Silva / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 70 (1995) 223-234


10th run of a simulation. The scaling factors and gains (GE, CGE, GU) have to be properly chosen or adjusted for improved performance. There is some flexibility in choosing the membership functions (Table 1(a)) as well. An early application of fuzzy logic for direct control or robots is found in 1,24]. A self-organizing fuzzy controller has been successfully applied to an experimental robot in 1-37]. Direct fuzzy control has been applied to a simulation of a walking robot and the results have been favourably compared with those using an adaptive controller in [20]. In 1,43] a direct fuzzy controller is applied in the trajectory control of a mobile robot. Some parameters of the rules are "tuned" using a neural network. Simulation results are given. Direct fuzzy control has been applied to a two-link rigid robot in [31]. In this work a proportional plus integral (PI) controller is employed for fast response and zero steady-state error, and the fuzzy logic controller is used in the conventional sense, as a proportional plus derivative (PPD) controller, to achieve adequate damping and satisfactory transient response. In 1-32] direct fuzzy control has been applied to a single-link flexible robot. In addition, the nonlinear effects are compensated for using a "nonlinear effects negotiator". Some simulation results are given. An experimental investigation of a laboratory robot under direct fuzzy control is given in [30]. The performance is compared with that which uses conventional PPD control, and is found to be superior. The two joints of a robot are directly controlled using fuzzy logic in 1,4]. Simulations are developed in a specific software environment, and good performance is demonstrated. One obvious drawback in the robotic applications outlined above is that the fuzzy control laws are implemented at the lowest level; within a servo or direct-digital-control (DDC) loop, generating control signals for process actuation directly through fuzzy inference. In high-bandwidth processes such as robotic manipulators, this form of fuzzy control implementation would require very fast and accurate control, in the presence of strong nonlinearities and dynamic coupling. Another drawback of this direct implementation of fuzzy logic control is that the control signals are derived from inferences which are fuzzy, thereby directly

introducing low-resolution errors into the control signals. A third argument against the conventional, low-level implementation of fuzzy control is that in a high-speed process, human experience is gained not through manual, online generation of control signals in response to process outputs, but typically through performing parameter adjustments and tuning (manual, adaptive control) operations. Hence it can be argued that, in this case, the protocols for generating control signals are established not through direct experience but by some form of correlation. Of course, it is possible to manually examine input-output data recorded from a highspeed process. But, there, on-line human interaction is not involved and again the experience gained would be indirect and somewhat artificial. It is rather unfortunate, then, that a majority of the fuzzy logic applications in low-level direct control of robots are limited to computer simulations. Furthermore, the cases considered are situations where dynamic modelling itself is not difficult, thereby defeating at least one purpose of choosing fuzzy logic. Other applications are found where fuzzy logic has been employed to "fuzzify" at least in part, a low-level control algorithm. Examples include fuzzy, model-referenced adaptive control (MRAC) [3] where the conventional MRAC scheme [22] is employed to adapt an in-the-loop fuzzy controller, and fuzzy, sliding-mode control (SMC) where a fuzzy rulebase is employed to switch between the sliding surfaces in a conventional SMC scheme 1,47]. These techniques have been applied to robotic-type actuators and may be easily extended to complete robots.

4. High-level fuzzy control

Knowledge and artificial intelligence may be incorporated at all levels of a robot-integrated control system of the type shown in Fig. 2. Even though the difficulties due to friction and backlash can be significant, dynamic modelling of a robot alone is not a serious problem. Also, conventional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control has produced satisfactory performance in robots operating in structured environments. Model-based


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control techniques have further improved this performance. It is the nature of the task and the environment within which a robot has to operate that will call for a high degree of intelligence with necessary knowledge for controlling the robotic activity. For example, to carry out the command "Move the end effector from point A to point B along a straight-line in 2.0 s", a robot should not need intelligent control, assuming that the workspace is free (no obstacles) and the actuator capacity of the robot is not exceeded. But, if the command is to "Assemble a pump" then it would need sophisticated control, particularly if the parts are not properly organized and some parts might be either missing or would not match. Fuzzy logic, as a robot control method, is more appropriate in the upper levels of the hierarchical system of Fig. 2.

Several applications of this type are considered in this section.

4.1. Information preprocessing

Learning may be interpreted as repeated preprocessing of information through an intelligent sensor. Consider the model shown in Fig. 4, for a knowledge-based hierarchical control system [10]. Level n of the hierarchy satisfies the relation:
~. = q.[(F.,. ~_.)~(f .,.- , ~ . . - , ) $ ."

~(_F,,l il)q) d,+ l].

Here, ii denotes sensory information (feedback) from level i and dr denotes an inference (control actions including planning/reference commands) at

Sensory/Feedback Filter Level n Functional/Control Knowledge Base


E.n,n- 1

Knowledge-Based Actions d_.,

I F.~,~-2


t.n-2 Sensory Information

Fig. 4. A model for a knowledge-based hierarchical control system.

C.W. de Silva / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 70 (1995) 223-234


level j. Also, G_, is the knowledge system in level n, _F,,i the preprocessor for information from level i to be used by 0_,, a generalized transitional operation, and ~) a generalized combinational operation. Information generated at low levels generally has a high resolution and tends to be less fuzzy. Such information may not be needed in its entirety at high levels, and also may be incompatible with the knowledge systems that deal with such information at these high levels. For example, the encoder signals from the joint motors of a robot are essential for servo control (low-level direct control). But, for system tuning purposes, the complete signal would not be needed. It has to be preprocessed to obtain, say peak values, offset, speed, and the significant frequency bands. In addition to purely quantitative (analytical) processing, some qualitative preprocessing (for example, through past experience and heuristics) might be useful. In that case, a lowlevel sensor and a knowledge-based preprocessor, as modelled in Fig. 4, may be termed an "intelligent sensor". This model is further explored in [13]. In this section, we will consider some applications of fuzzy logic for information preprocessing or filtering, in robotic control. A hierarchical system for robot control is given in [15, 16]. In the associated control structure, there is a knowledge system for each degree of freedom of the manipulator. This knowledge system is termed a servo expert which monitors the error response of the particular degree of freedom of the manipulator. This monitored data forms the context for the servo expert. Inferences are made according to the rules in the knowledge base, independently, without considering the response from an independent secondorder process. Expertise for interpreting such responses should not be difficult to gain, particularly from process control practice. For example, a desirable response can be specified in terms of appropriate measures for characteristics such as: error, speed of response or bandwidth, and stability, [11]. It is clear that the servo experts serve as intelligent sensors/preprocessors in this application, and their knowledge base may be represented as a set of fuzzy rules. When two or more mobile robots work cooperatively, tracking of one robot by another may be treated as an intelligent preprocessing task.

In the work reported in [27] ultrasonic sensors are used by robots to track or avoid other robots. The ultrasonic signals are preprocessed to obtain the necessary control commands for navigation. In robotic assembly, it is useful to identify and correctly locate the necessary parts to be assembled. Fuzzy logic is employed in [35] to preprocess the information from a mechanical vibration sensor for object location. The sensor is mounted at the end effector of a robot, and consists of a rigid platform attached to a flexible column. When an object is held rigidly on the platform, the associated natural frequency changes, and this represents the sensory information. There are inherent problems of indeterminacy and noise. Preprocessing using a set of fuzzy rules has produced good results, as shown through experimentation.

4.2. System monitoring

System monitoring is intimately related to information preprocessing, because the latter process is usually a prerequisite for the former. Monitoring of a robotic system may involve performance evaluation of a single robot or a group of components in an entire workcell. In both situations similar system architecture and procedures may be used. The purpose of system monitoring, at a high level, is to determine whether the robotic system performs according to the plan, and if not, establish the course of action to improve the situation. This is different from sensing for low-level control, particularly in view of high-level (intelligent) decision making that is involved in high-level control, which would use a knowledge system and preprocessed information from lower levels of the system. A three-level hierarchical system for monitoring and self-tuning of a robot is described in [16] and of a complete workcell is presented in [12, 19]. Information from the sensors of the workcell components are preprocessed so as to be compatible with the knowledge system of system monitoring. The knowledge base is expressed as a set of fuzzy rules which relate the process conditions to a set of tuning actions or system adjustments, with the objective of maintaining a high level of performance. The approach has been successfully applied to a laboratory workcell for fish processing.


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A three-level hierarchical system, similar in concept to above, is presented in [5] for robotic systems. As in the previous structure, the lowest level is dedicated to conventional, direct control. The intermediate level carries out learning (intelligent sensing) functions. The top level has a qualitative reasoning mechanism based on fuzzy logic, and performs decisional control.

4.3. Task design

A robotic task may be decomposed into a set of procedures. This decomposition corresponds to task design and occupies the uppermost level of the hierarchical system shown in Fig. 2. The procedures themselves may be arranged in a hierarchy, with those at the lowest level needing least amount of intelligent decision making/control. Task decomposition, component allocation, trajectory planning, and interaction with an unstructured environment, all may be treated within the category of task design. Some work has been carried out in applying fuzzy logic for this top level of robot activity. In [26] an approach based on fuzzy-logic reasoning is presented for selecting an appropriate type of robotic manipulator for a given task. This approach may be useful not only for assigning a task to a robot, but also in controlling a self-reconfigurable robot, and also in robotic design. Examples are presented in the area of robotic spray painting. Motion planning or trajectory planning of robots is another area within the present category where fuzzy logic has been applied. In [2] a fuzzylogic-based technique is presented for motion planning of a planar robot with redundant kinematics. Obstacle avoidance and task optimization [14] are possible when a robot has redundant degrees of freedom. Fuzzy logic is used to reason the presence of an obstacle (including link overlap), using sensory information (preprocessing). The resulting context is used to take appropriate actions in following the desired trajectory. Moving obstacles are considered in this work, and some simulation results are presented. Path planning is done on line, in this case. Solution of the inverse-kinematics problem is useful in motion planning and controlling of a

robot. Robotic tasks are usually specified as endeffector motions with respect to a Cartesian coordinate frame in the workspace. But, the robot is actuated at its joints, by applying direct control actions. It follows that, for control purposes, endeffector trajectories have to be transformed into joint trajectories, which are expressed in the joint space of the robot. This is the inverse-kinematics problem. A closed-form and unique solution exists only for a limited class of robot, and the solution can be complex and time consuming, in general. For redundant robots, for example, an infinite number of solutions will exist, and some form of optimization or pseudo-inversion would be needed. Humans, however, use their arms to move, position, and manipulate objects very accurately and quickly, without using accurate relationships of inverse kinematics. They use experience, heuristics, and successive correction through visual/sensory feedback for this purpose. The inverse-kinematics problem is, then, quite amenable to a fuzzy-logic based solution. This concept is used in [46]. A more analytical approach, using the extension principle [21, 48], has been presented for this problem in [29]. Another technique based on fuzzy logic for robotic motion control in the presence of obstacles is given in [49]. Robots with redundant kinematics are considered. A hierarchical structure is used to reduce the number of fuzzy rules needed for control. In the scheme, the parameters of influence are arranged in a hierarchical manner, and the control actions for executing a particular movement, are carried out starting with the lowest level and systematically proceeding to the top. Computer simulations for a planar redundant robot are presented here to illustrate the approach.

5. Conclusion

This paper presented a survey of publications dealing with the application of fuzzy logic in robotic control. The applications have been grouped into the four categories: In-loop direct control, information filtering and preprocessing, system monitoring, and task design. This grouping was shown to be consistent with a useful hierarchical structure of control. It was argued that the use of

C.W. de Silva / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 70 (1995) 223-234


fuzzy logic control would be more appropriate for higher level functions in this hierarchy.

This work was supported by grants from the Advanced Systems Institute of B.C., and from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for a fellowship and an NSERC Research Chair in industrial automation.

[14] C.W. de Silva, C,L. Ching and C. Lawrence, Base reaction optimization of robotic manipulators for space applications, Proc. 19th Internat. Syrup. on Industrial Robots, Sydney, Australia (1988) 829 852. [15] C.W. de Silva and A.G.J. MacFarlane, Knowledge-based control structure for robotic manipulators, Proc. IFAC
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control,


[17] [18]

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