M.sc. Foods and Nutrition
M.sc. Foods and Nutrition
M.sc. Foods and Nutrition
Advanced Physiology Advanced Food Science Essentials of Macro Nutrients (out of papers I, II & III) Health and Fitness Essentials of Micro Nutrients Nutrition Through Life Cycle Food Microbiology (out of papers I, II & III) (out of papers IV, V & VI) Human Rights Food STDS and Quality Control Nutritional Biochemistry Diet Therapy Community Nutrition
5 5 5 3 5 5 5 4 4 2 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3/6 3/6 3 3
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 25 25
I Year II Semester
Paper II
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
25 25 25
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Exam hrs
Uni. Exam.
75 75 75 60 60 150 75
Core Practical Elective III Elective IV (Non-Major Subject) II Year IV Semester Core Core Practical Core Practical
3 3
3 3
25 25
Elective V
Paper V
Research Methodology and Applied Statistics (out of papers VII, VIII & IX) Research Methodology and Applied Statistics Core Project/Dissertation with viva voce Food biotechnology
6 9 12
5 4 4 10
3 3/6 3/6
25 40 40 50
3 120
3 90
100 100 100 100 100 100
Exam hrs
(with effect from 2008-2009)
I SEMESTER PAPER I ADVANCED PHYSIOLOGY Objectives To enable the Students to : Learn the Physiological conditions related to Nutrition Understand the recent advances in Applied Physiology.
UNIT-I Cellular basis of Physiology - Body fluid compartment, membrane potential, Inter cellular communication - Homeostasis. Biochemical aspects of muscle tissue - structure, chemical composition, mechanism and energetics of muscle contraction, muscle fatigue. Biochemical aspects of nerve tissue - structure, composition & functions of nerve tissue. Special senses - only physiology of sense organs.
UNIT-II Endocrinology and Reproduction Anatomy of endocrine glands and Reproductive organs. Hormones - Mode of action, functions of hormones of the endocrine glands - Pituitary, Adrenal,
UNIT-III Respiration and Gastro - Intestinal Oxygen requirement for nutrients, composition of inspired and expired gas, partial pressure of gas, diffusion gradient and gas flow, transport of oxygen and CO2, Hemoglobin affinity for O2 and dissociation. Anatomy and function of Gastrointestinal Tract, movement of intestine. Mechanism of secretion of gastric juice. Hunger, Appetite, Satiety - physiological and psychological factors affecting food intake, circadian rhythm in GI tract secretions.
UNIT-IV Circulation and Excretion Blood - composition, functions of formed elements of blood and plasma proteins, origin and conduction heart beat, ECG-interpretation, Latest development in cardiac condition, cardio vascular mechanism and homeostasis. Excretion - formation of urine, characteristics of urine, constituents of urine, acid - base balance. normal and abnormal
UNIT-V Immunity - Properties, natural and acquired Immunity, features of immune responses, antigen - antibodies - types, properties, antigen - antibody interaction, Auto immune disorder and allergy.
References 1. Biochemical Aspects of Nutrition - Ed by Kurio yogi, Japan Scientific suppliers Univ.press. 2. Health Promotion - Cavol Jeans, Westsniter and Forbes Crowley, J.B.Lippin Cott & Co.
UNIT-I Food Groups Cereals - Rice & wheat and other Millets - Composition and Nutritive Value. Starch - Sources, Characteristics, Principles of Starch cookery. Batter and Dough - Structure, Principle, Properties, Different types of flour, Gluten properties, Gluten formation. Flour - Types, properties. Bread - yeast leavened, Quick bread, pastries, Role of ingredients & preparation cakes - Role of ingredients & preparation.
UNIT-II Pulses - Composition, types, Cooking methods, factors affecting cooking quality, nutritive value, toxic constituents and its removal, Germination and factors affecting Germination . Vegetables - Structure, Classification, Composition, Methods of Cooking, Changes on Cooking - pigments, Nutritive value. Fruits - Structure, Classification, Composition, Ripening of fruits, changes on ripening, Pectic substances, Cooking changes.
UNIT-IV Milk and Milk Products - Composition, Nutritive value, Constituents, Properties of milk, Effects of acid, Salt, Heat on milk proteins and coagulation. Milk products Ice cream, Types, Crystal formation and Dairy forms. Fats & Oils - Types properties of fat relating to cooking, Rancidity, Tests for radcidity, Hydrogenation, Changes in fat during heating, Factors affecting fat absorption, Shortening, Use of fat in tenderness of cooked products.
UNIT-V Sugar cookery - Types of sugar, Properties, Crystallization, Stages in Sugar cookery, Application in Indian recipes. Beverages - Classification, Nutritive value, Preparation of milk based beverages. Spices and Condiments - Uses and abuses.
References 1. Food Science and experimental foods, Swaminathan, N. (1987) Ganesh Publications, Madras. 2. Food chemistry, Meyer L.M.(1969) Van Noustrand Reinhold co., New York. 3. Foundations of Food Preparation, London. Peckham, C.G. (1979),The Macmillan co.,
4. Food Theory and Applications, Paul P.C. and Palmer H.H. (1972), John wiley and Sons, New York.
UNIT-I : CARBOHYDRATES History, classification, sources, functions, digestion, absorption, utilization and storage, hormonal regulation of blood glucose, role of carbohydrate in dental caries. Dietary fiber - Development and concept, role of fib rein lipid metabolism, colon function, blood glucose level and GI tract functions - Disadvantages of Dietary fibre.
UNIT-II : LIPIDS History, classification, sources, functions, digestion, absorption, utilization and storage, effects of deficiency and excess of fat, lipotropic factors, role of saturated fat, cholesterol, lipoprotein and triglycerides and EFA in the diet.
UNIT-III : PROTEINS AND AMINOACIDS History, classification, sources, functions, digestion, absorption, utilization and storage, protein quality evaluation, nutritional classification of aminoacids, aminoacid balance, imbalance and toxicity, aminoacid pool.
UNIT-IV : ENERGY History, energy value of foods, SDA, energy production, factors affecting thermogenesis, energy utilization by cells, energy output - BMR, physical activity, factors affecting energy input - hunger, appetite, energy balance, measurement of energy content of food.
Reference 1. Food, nutrition and Diet Therapy by Krause and Mahan. 2. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease by Young and Shills. 3. Nutrition Principles and Application in Health Promotion by Switor and Growley. 4. Fiber in Human Nutrition by Gene.A.Spitters and Fona D.J Aruen. 5. Text book of Biochemistry by G.R Agarwal, Kigan Agarwal And O.P.Agarwal.
References 1. Wardlow and Insell - Perspectinein Nutrition. 2. Mary Bronsow Merki and Dow Merki - Health - a guide to wellness 3. Jangalaw Bishop - fitness though aerobic dance. 4. Eleanor Whitney - understanding nutrition.
UNIT-I : HOMEOSTASIS MAINTENANCE Water - Distribution of water in the body, balance . role of water, Water balance, Fluid
Electrolytes - Electrolyte content of fluid compartments, Functions of electrolyte, Sodium, Potassium and Chloride, Absorption, Transport and balance, Factors affective electrolyte balance and hydrogen ion balance.
UNIT-II : FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS Vitamins A,D,E, K - Chemistry, Functions, Physiological action, Digestion, Absorption, Utilization, Transport, Storage, Excretion, Source, RDA, Deficiency, Diagnosis of deficiency, Toxicity, Interaction of fat soluble vitamins with other nutrients. Hypo and hyper vitaminosis. UNIT-III : WATER SOLUBLE VITAMINS Thiamine, Riboflavin, B12, Folic acid, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic acid, Niacin, Biotin, Ascorbic acid - Chemistry, Functions, Physiological action, Digestion, Absorption, Utilization, Transport, Storage, Excretion, Source, RDA, Deficiency, Diagnosis of deficiency, Toxicity, Interaction of fat soluble vitamins with other nutrients.
UNIT-V : MICRO MINERALS Iodine, Fluoride, Mg, Cu, Zn, Se, Manganese, Chromium, Distribution in the human body, Physiology, Function, deficiency, Toxicity and Sources.
References 1. Advanced Nutrition and human metabolism by James L. Groff & Sareen Gropper 2. Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy by Sue Rodwell Williams 3. Fundamentals of Nutrition by Lloyd, L.F. and Mc. Donald & Crompton 4. The vitamins Fundamental aspects in Nutrition and Health by Convlos F.G. 5. Absorption & Malabsorption of Mineral elements by Alan R. Lisy, Noel. W. Solomons. 6. Human Nutrition and Dietetics by Davidson & Passmore 7. Nutrition and Integrated Approach by Pike & Brown.
UNIT-I Recommended allowances - RDA for Indians, basis for requirement, computation of allowance based on energy expenditure, components of energy expenditure. General concepts about growth and development through different stages of life.
UNIT-II Nutrition in Pregnancy Stages of gestation, maternal weight gain, complications of pregnancy, maternal physiological adjustments, nutritional problems and dietary management, importance of nutrition during and prior to pregnancy, teenage pregnancy - nutritional problems and dietary management, planning a menu.
UNIT-III Nutrition during Lactation Physiology of lactation, hormonal control and reflex action, efficiency of milk production, problems of breast feeding, nutritional composition of breast milk, nutritional concerns during lactation, special foods during lactation, dietary modification, planning a menu.
Nutrition in Infancy Infant feeding, nutritional needs, premature infant and their feeding, weaning foods. Feeding problems, infant formulae lactose intolerance, planning menu.
UNIT-IV Nutrition in school children - feeding school children and factors to be considered. Planning a menu, feeding problems, packed lunch. Nutrition during Adolescence - changes in growth and development, hormonal influences, Age at menarche - factors affecting age at menarche, psychological problems, body image, disordered eating behaviour, nutritional problems, planning a menu.
UNIT-V Nutrition in Adult and Elderly Nutrition and work efficiency, Menopausal and post menopausal women, hormonal changes, nutritional requirement, planning a menu. Physiological changes in aging - Psycho-social and economical factors affecting eating behaviour, social situation, knowledge and belief, institutionalization, common health problems, nutritional requirement, modification in diet, feeding old people.
References 1. Roberts Nutrition Work with Children, Martin S.R., 1963, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 2. Assessment of Nutrition Status of the Community, Jellife D.B. 1966, WHO, Geneva. 3. Nutrition in the Sub-Tropics and Tropics, Jellife D.B. 1968
UNIT-I Classification of microorganism, morphology of yeast, mould, bacteria, virus, algae and protozoa.
UNIT-II General principles underlying spoilage of food, fitness and unfitness of food for consumption, contamination and spoilage of non perishable and perishable foods.
UNIT-III Food in relation to disease - food born diseases, food infection, intoxication, microbial toxins - types, bacterial poisoning and infection - causative agents and sources , symptoms and prevention of Staphylococcal food poisoning, botulism, salmonella, bacillus infection, E.coli, food poisoning of fungal origin - ergotism, aflatoxin.
UNIT-IV Control of microorganism - Principles of preservation, Preservation by high and low temperature, chemical preservatives, salt, sugar as preservative, new trends in preservation.
References 1. Food microbiology - Adams, M.R. and Moss M.O. 2. Foundations in Microbiology - Kathleen Talaro and Arthur Talaro 3. Industrial Microbiology - Patel, H.P. 4. Industrial Microbiology - Casida 5. Industrial Microbiology - Prescott and Dunn 6. Microbiology - Concepts and Applications - Paul A. Ketchum 7. Microbiology - Concepts and Applications - McKane and Kandel 8. Bergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology - IX edition 9. Elements of Biotechnology - Gupta 10. Elements of Biotechnology - Singh 11. Food Technology - Latest Issues
FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 1. Identification of microorganism - Yeast, mould, algae. 2. Simple staining, grams staining and hanging drop preparation. 3. Identification of microorganisms in curd. 4. Identification of mould in bread. 5. Bacteriological testing of milk. 6. Observation of culture characteristics and preparation of culture media. 7. Preservation using preservatives. low temperature, high temperature and chemical
NUTRITION THROUGH LIFE CYCLE Menu planning, Preparation and Presentation for the following Pregnancy Lactation Infants Pre-schoolers School going children Adolescence
UNIT-I Definition of Human Rights - Nature, Content, Legitimacy and Priority - Theories on Human Rights - Historical Development of Human Rights. UNIT-II International Human Rights - Prescription and Enforcement upto World War II Human Rights and the U .N .O. - Universal Declaration of Human Rights International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Optional Protocol. UNIT-III Human Rights Declarations - U.N. Human Rights Declarations - U.N. Human Commissioner. UNIT-IV Amnesty International - Human Rights and Helsinki Process - Regional Developments - European Human Rights System - African Human Rights System - International Human Rights in Domestic courts. UNIT-V Contemporary Issues on Human Rights: Childrens Rights - Womens Rights - Dalits Rights - Bonded Labour and Wages - Refugees - Capital Punishment. Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution - Directive Principles of State Policy Fundamental Duties - National Human Rights Commission.
Books for Reference: 1. International Bill of Human Rights, Amnesty International Publication, 1988. 2. Human Rights, Questions and Answers, UNESCO, 1982 3. 4. 5. 6. Mausice Cranston Desai, A.R. Pandey Timm. R.W. - What is Human Rights - Violation of Democratic Rights in India - Constitutional Law. - Working for Justice and Human Rights.
UNIT-I Principles of quality control - Raw material process control and Product inspection. Food adulteration and hygiene - definition, Common adulterants in different foods, method of detecting adulterated foods.
UNIT-II Food additives - Definitions, Types, Action. Leavening agents - Definitions, Classifications. Colour of foods - Natural colours, certified artificial colours, Non-certified colors, Use and Optimum levels.
UNIT-III Enzymes of importance in food processing - Carbohydrates, Proteases, lipases, oxidoreductases, hydrolases. Standards for foods - Milk and milk products, Fruits and Vegetables, Beverages and Fleshy foods.
UNIT-V : EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF FOODS Sensory Evaluation of foods - Requirement for conducting sensory tests, Types of test, limitation of sensory evaluation. Objective methods of evaluation of food. Improvised instruments used for Indian recipes.
References 1. Food chemistry by H.D. Belitz, 2. Food Additives - R.J. Taylor 3. Enzymes in food processing by G.G. Brich, N. Blakerbrough & K.J. Parker 4. Natural colour for food & other uses - J.N. Counsell. 5. Marketing Managements - Concepts and practice - by T.N. Chhabra & S.K.Grover. 6. Food Science, Chemistry and Experimental foods by M. Swaminathan. 7. Food Science by Sri Lakshmi .B.
UNIT-I : BIOLOGICAL OXIDATION Enzymes and co-enzymes involved in oxidation and reduction, respiratory chain, phosphates in biologic oxidation and energy capture, role of respiratory chain and mechanism of phosphorylation.
UNIT-II : METABOLISM Of CARBOHYDRATE Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle, HMP shunt, bioenergetics, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism - galactosemia, glycogen storage disease, pentosuria, abnormal level in blood glucose.
UNIT-III : METABOLISM Of LIPIDS Biosynthesis and oxidation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, glycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol, bioenergetics, disorders of lipid metabolism, lipoproteins and their significance.
UNIT-IV : PROTEIN And AMINOACID METABOLISM Biosynthesis of protein, general catabolism of aminoacids, deamination, transamination, urea cycle, disorders of aminoacid metabolism - phenyl ketonuria, cystinuria, albinism, alkaptonuria, maple syrup disease.
2. Text book of Clinical Biochemistry, T.A. Ramakrishnan (1994), Publications, Chennai. 3. Text book of Biochemistry and Human Biology, Talwar G.P.,Srivatsava LN. and Mondgil K.D., New Delhi, Prentice Hall. 4. Clinical Chemistry in Dignosis and Treatment, Philip R. (1988), New York. Jean E Zilwa, Peter A. Pannale, New
5. Text book of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations, Devlin D.T. (1997), York, John wiley and Sons.
6. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, Plummer D.T. (1997) New Delhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company. 7. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, Cromwell L.Weibel F.J. and Pfeiffer E.A. (1996), New Delhi, Prentice Hall. 8. Electrolytes , Body fluids and Acid Base balance, Eccles R. (1993), London, Edward Arnold - A division of Hodder and stoughton. 9. DNA Protein interactions, Andrew Travens, (1993), Chapman and Hall Pub. London.
Objectives To enable the students to : understand the principles of diet and Nutrition in the cause and treatment of disease. understand the modifications in nutrients and dietary requirements for therapeutic condition. learn recent concepts in dietary management of different diseases.
UNIT-I Principle of Nutritional care, Types of hospital diets. Nutrition Support Techniques, Eneteral feeding - indications, Types - Nasogastric, Gastrostomy, Jejumostomy and Rectal feeding - requirements and advantages. Parenteral feeding - Nutritional Support, Formula feeds and Complications in TPN.
UNIT-II Diet in Febrile condition Short duration - Typhoid, Influenza, Malaria, Long duration Tuberculosis. Diet in deficiency diseases - PEM, Vitamin A, Anaemia Surgery - Physiological response, Metabolic Consequences, Stage of Convalescence, pre and post operative diets. Burns - Metabolic changes in protein and electrolytes and Nutritional support. Diet in Energy Imbalance - Underweight and obesity, Etiology and dietary management. Diet in allergy - Common food allergens, test for allergy - Skin test and Elimination diet and Treatment for allergy.
UNIT-IV Diseases of the Gastro intestinal system- Disorders, Etiology, Symptoms and dietary management of Acute gastritis, Chronic gastritis, Peptic ulcer - duodenal & gastric Intestinal disease - Flatulence, Diarrhoea and Dysentry, Constipation, Celiac disease, Tropical sprue, Irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, colon cancer, Ulcerative colitis. Liver disease - Hepatitis, cirrhosis, Jaundice, fatty liver, cholecystits and cholelithiasis, Hepatic coma. Pancreas - Pancreatitis, Acute and chronic Diabetes Mellitus - Etiology, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, complications and treatment. metabolic alterations,
UNIT-V Diseases of the Kidney - Etiology, Symptoms and Dietary modification, Nephritis, Nephrosis, Acute and chronic renal failure, Nephrolilthiasis, Transplantation and dialysis, Dietary Modification. Dietary modification and Nutritional Support for cancer and HIV.
References 1. Hypertension assorted topics, Hedge et al., (1995), Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay. 2. Manual of Nutritional Therapeutics, 2nd edition, Alpers (1991), Publications, Washington.
Little Brown
Journals 1. IJND 2. JADA 3. Arogya journal of health science - Mysore 4. Lancet 5. BMJ 6. AJCN 7. ICMR bulletin 8. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of India.
UNIT-I Definition and brief study of community, family, village and block. Malnutrition - causes, ecological factors, effects of malnutrition, protein deficiency diseases - PEM, Kwashiorkor - incidence, prevalence, epidemiology. The package programmes of immunization, nutrition education, feeding programmes, and measures to overcome malnutrition. Vitamin deficiency - A, B1, B2, Niacin, C, D - prevalence, programmes to combat. Nutritional Anaemia - Prevalence, programmes to control. IDD and fluorosis - Prevalence, causes, symptoms and programmes to control.
UNIT-II Assessing the food and nutrition problems in the community - socio economic diet survey, anthropometry, clinical examination, laboratory examination for common nutrition problems.
UNIT-III Nutrition and National Development, National nutritional policy - Aim, objectives, guidelines and thrust areas. PDS - Public distribution system, Agricultural planning New strategies.
UNIT-V Demographic changes due to malnutrition. IMR, MMR, Mortality, morbidity rate, birth rate, sex ratio, poverty level. Nutrition education - Merits, planning, evaluation and conduct. Health care delivery - PHC, School Health services and their role in preventing communicable diseases.
References 1. Health and hygiene - A Lesties Banks and Hislop J.A, Universal Tutorial Press, London. 2. Challenges in Rural Development - Senha H.K, Discovery publishing. 3. Food consumption and planning - Vol 5, International encyclopedia. 4. Theory and Practice of Public Health, Oxford university press, London. 5. Applied Nutrition and Health Education, Sabarwal .B, Common wealth publishers, New Delhi. 6. Foundations of Community Health Education, Mc Graw Hill, London. 7. Nutritional Problems of India, P.K.Shukla, Prentice Hall, India.
BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS 1. Determination of Saponification Number. 2. Determination of Acid Number 3. Determination of Reichert Meissl Number. 4. Estimation of Creatinine in urine - Jaffs method. 5. Estimation of Serum cholesterol - Zaks method. 6. Estimation of Blood glucose - O -Toluedene method. 7. Estimation of Serum proteins by Biuret method. 8. Estimation of Albumin / Globulin ratio by biuret method.
Nutrition Relief and Rehabilitation Assessment of food needs in emergency situations. Food distribution strategy identifying and reaching the vulnerable group Targeting Food Aid. Mass and supplementary feeding. Special foods / rations for nutritional relief. Local production of special foods. Local food rehabilitation. Organization of mass feeding / general food distribution Feeding centres Transportation and food storage. Sanitation and hygiene Evaluation of feeding programmes. Household food security and nutrition in emergencies. UNIT-V Public nutrition approach to tackle nutritional problems in emergencies. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Goyet, Fish V, Seaman, J. and Geijaer (1978). The management of nutritional emergencies in large populations, WHO, Geneva. 2. Refuge Nutrition Information system (RNIS). Newsletters UNACC / SCN SubCommittee on Nutrition. 3. Bradley, A. Woodruff and Arabella Duffield (July, 2000), Assessment of Nutritional status in emergency affected populations Adolescents, special supplement, UNACC/SCN sub-committee on nutrition. 4. Young, H, Mears, C (1998): Acceptability and use of cereal based foods in refugee Camps. Oxfam working paper, Oxfam publishing Oxford, U.K. 5. UNHCR (1999) UNHCR Hand Books of emergencies 2nd edition Geneva, UNHCR.
UNIT-V Probability - Theorems, Simple Problems, Distributions - Binomial Poisson distribution, normal distribution, their properties and simple problems. Testing of significance - Large and Small sample tests - t test, Chi square test, and F test - simple problems. Writing a research report - format of thesis writing with eg. References 1. Research in Education, John W. Best and James V. Kahn, Prentice Hall of Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi - 110001, 2000. Seventh Edition,
2. Statistical Method, S.P. Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons, Educational Publishers, 23, Drayage, New Delhi - 110002, 2001. 3. Research Methodology in Social Sciences, AN. Sash and Amorite Singh, Himalaya Publishing House, Ramrod, Dr. Baler Margi, Gorgon, Bombay - 400 004, 1992. 4. Methodology of Educational Research, Likes Kohl, Third Edition, Vices publishing House Ltd., 576, Misfit Road, Jaguar, New Delhi 110014. 5. A Handbook of Methodology of Research, Pajama P. Decades, Sri.Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Post, 1983, Coimbatore District, South India, Latest edition. 6. Form and style in Thesis Writing, Villiam Giles Campbell, Houghton Mifflin Company, Bostol 1954 (Latest Edition). 7. Research Methods, Kothari. 8. Wilkinson & Bandrekar 9. Johngeltuns 10. Saravanavel 11. O.D. Krishnasamy 12. Pauline and Young 13. Goode and Batte
1. Collection of Primary and Secondary data i. ii. iii. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Direct personal Interview - schedule Drafting questionnaire Pilot study for validating Judgement Sampling Quota Sampling Convenience Sampling Random Sampling Stratified Sampling
2. Sampling Techniques
3. Classification of data 4. Formation of frequency distribution 5. Tabulation of data - Types of Tables (eg) 6. Diagrammatic Representation of data i. ii. iii. iv. Graphs - Different types Bar diagrammes Pie diagram Histogram
7. Calculation of Mean, Median, Mode and SD 8. Correlation Analysis 9. t test and chi-square test
Objectives: To be aware of the growing Importance of Biotechnology To know the applications of Biotechnology in food UNIT-I Biotechnology - Definition, Scope , Application. Gene cloning - Definition, Basic concepts, Characteristics of ideal cloning vector, Plasmid, Bacteriophages, Cosmid and Phasmid Eg. PBR 322.
UNIT-II Fermentation Technology - Definition, Steps in fermentation, Design of bio reactors, Medium & Micro organism. Microbial products - Primary, secondary metabolites, Vit B12, Citric Acid, Penicillin & alcohol.
UNIT-III Enzyme Technology - Production of enzymes - Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Lactase and pectinase, Use of enzymes in food & beverage industry (eg Cheese, fruit, juice, Wine, Meat tendarizing & dairy)
UNIT-IV Plant tissue culture - Basic requirement for tissue culture Lab, Media & Techniques (Basics only)
UNIT-V Biotechnology & Health care Vaccines - Types, Biogas & Bio ethanol production, Concept of Bio - remediation, Hazards of genetic engineering.
References 1. Biotechnology, Kumars V. Saris Publications, Kanyakumari. 2. Biotechnology, Singh B.D. Kalyani Publications, New Delhi. 3. A text book of Biotechnology, Dubey , R.C. S Chand & Co, New Delhi. 4. Gene Technology, publishers Ltd U.K. Davson, M.T., Powel, R,. and Gannon F. Bios scientific
5. Basic Biotechnology, Rev, Fr, Dr. Ignasimuthu, S.J. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication Co Ltd., New Delhi.