Basement Developments - Neighbours' Survey-Westminster
Basement Developments - Neighbours' Survey-Westminster
Basement Developments - Neighbours' Survey-Westminster
Introduction The main purpose of this report is to understand and evaluate the effects of basement developments on residents within the Westminster North constituency. The survey was distributed to 914 residents over three wards, Abbey Road (AR), Bayswater (BW) and Regent's Park (RP). From this we received a total of 84 responses. Though a relatively small response, the issues feed into a wider debate about housing within the Westminster borough. Westminster as a whole is currently suffering from an acute housing crisis, to which the wealthier parts of the borough are not immune. There is a seismic shift currently taking place within the borough in terms of the profile of those buying, developing and living in the most expensive areas and properties. This report aims to highlight one aspect of this change in the form of basement developments, the impact and concentration of which are affecting residents lives, and aims to be a small step towards filling a far wider picture of the state of housing within Westminster. Summary A handful of respondents thought basement works not to be intrusive, and that they were a necessary intervention due to the lack of space in central London. However the majority of respondents cited a number of issues with these developments. It should be noted that respondents who stated they have been adversely affected include residents of a street where there has been development work, leading to associated problems with noise and traffic, as well as direct next door neighbours to a basement excavation. The overwhelming number of respondents lived at their property whilst the works were started and for the duration of the works. 58% stated that the works lasted 12 months or longer. Both the concentration and the length of time taken to complete basement developments were raised by respondents as a major concern. Indeed, the impact of a number of developments on smaller streets and mews are compounding the other problems that the scale of such work brings.
Thinking about the most recent basement development in the vicinity of your home, how long did the development take?
Up to 6 months Between 6 and12 months 4% 10% 12 months or longer Cannot say
28% 58%
A number of respondents gave examples of damage to their property directly due to an adjacent basement development. As one wrote, Cracking in ceilings and walls, mice arriving from excavation into garden. (Respondent) Although not a huge proportion of respondents cited property damage or subsidence on this scale, every instance such as this is alarming, particularly in instances where it is also reported that there are no clear means to pursue related damages. The lack of take up of Party Wall Agreements is also concerning. Only 27% of those who were eligible took up this option. 21% who felt they were eligible for a Party Wall Agreement did not manage to secure one. 49% of respondents stated they did not qualify. One respondent detailed that; We are just starting the process of negotiating a Party Wall Agreement. We anticipate significant problems, because basically the developers do not care about our wellbeing or our right to peaceful enjoyment of our home. For example, the house is owned through an offshore company, which has been put in place to avoid UK taxation. The result is that the homeowner is essentially judgment-proof. So in the worst case scenario, if significant damage is caused to our property, we could have no recourse against the true owners because they have shielded themselves with the offshore company. The Party Wall Act provides that we can ask for security, which we will do, but we expect that to be contested because it is a cost item for the developers. We also want to be named as additional insureds on their insurance policy, but again expect resistance because it is a cost item for the developers. (Respondent)
Half of all respondents stated that nearby basement works had affected their property. A number of respondents wrote that of a number of ill effects during development works, mainly those of vermin and pests being dispersed from the excavation site. Other effects included the impact to drainage, causing flooding and damp to the property.
The following numbers reveal the true problems facing all residents regarding basement developments. Many of the respondents were affected directly by works carried out by their neighbours, but we found that even non-direct neighbours of households undertaking below ground works are not precluded from any associated impact. Both groups have been clearly affected negatively by excavation works. This is most clearly shown in the answers submitted to the question below.
With reference to the graph above, the level of noise, traffic, vibration and dust associated with the developments represented real problems for residents. Many respondents cited their disbelief at the lack of care and attention paid to these aspects of the build that Westminster Council would have had to consider before approving any such development. As one respondent put it,
Constant noise and dust during the development and more than likely the movement of all the earth under so many properties undermines all the properties in the vicinity (Respondent)
Other issues raised by respondents included the conduct of builders working on the excavation and developments works and the suspension of parking bays (in some cases for over a year and up to 18m in length). On the whole, the impact on the general environment of the surrounding residential area was of acute concern, from the dust to the debris and building materials reportedly being left on the pavement for an indeterminate amount of time. Respondents wanted a system where they could register formal complaints against this sort of anti-social behaviour.
Conclusion Because of the niche, urban nature of basement developments and lack of priority it therefore receives in national debate, more needs to be done by London local authorities. The evidence we have collated points towards the need for local authorities to take a more holistic approach towards these developments. It should be noted that Kensington and Chelsea are starting to take this matter up and are pushing for the creation of Traffic Management Plans which would have to be provided and implemented with every application. Noise and traffic are major problems associated with these developments, particularly on narrow streets and mews, clearly impacting on everyone living within the area and not just next-door neighbours to basement conversions. Timing of developments should also be taken into account in the Planning process. With these developments taking on average over a year to finish, it would not be unreasonable for a local authority to look at the current developments under construction in a given area and take this into consideration when approving any future developments. A residential street should not be turned into a building site, as many respondents feel has been the case where they live.
The development went on for over two years. The mews was filled with vans during that time. The mews appears to have sunk as a result of the excavation work. My house has cracked badly. Yet, I as a neighbour had no way of protecting my home and my interests unless I sued the developer which I could not afford. The developer has damaged the mews in a number of ways, yet it is impossible to get him to put the damage right. He had added two new bathrooms to the property and is now suggesting residents in the mews should install and pay for a new water and sewerage system, as the current (which the whole mews shares) cannot cope with all the extra loos and showers that he, and another developer, have added to their property. Everyone who lives in this mews objected to the basement being added, yet Westminster City Council granted permission for it, ignoring totally the potential damage to the mews, and the effect the development would have on the lives of the people living in the mews.(Respondent)
As indicated in the passage above, a feeling of helplessness permeates many of the responses. When a homeowner is facing a company which is effectively hidden offshore, replete with money and resources they themselves could never compete with, it is very difficult to accord accountability to the damage caused to property and streetscape. Local authorities where basement developments are occurring need to work to rectify this inequality. Even after planning permission has been granted, the job of supervising and enforcing the law on these developments still has to be done. This must be dealt with at the planning stage, specifically looking at restrictions on traffic, working hours and basement depths. Local authorities must conceive of an effective complaints and enforcement procedure involving both the local Planning and Environmental Health departments to ensure control and management of these developments. The work of Kensington and Chelsea needs to be acknowledged in this area. An important step forward would be for Westminster to align itself with the proposed policies for basement developments that Kensington and Chelsea set out in its own public consultation, as it seems to offer the clearest guidelines to improving this difficult area of planning.
Box 2: Proposed policy Policy CL7 Basements Basement development must be of the highest quality. The Council will require Basement development to adhere to the following requirements: a. The basement must not exceed 75% of each garden of the property. Where the findings of the analysis of the surface water conditions of the site demonstrate surface water drainage will not be maintained, this percentage will be reduced. The unaffected garden must be in a single area. b. The basement must not comprise more than one additional storey except on larger sites which are less constrained and where it can be demonstrated that traffic and construction impacts can be successfully mitigated c. There must be no loss, damage or long term threat to trees of townscape or amenity value, and the ability of future tree planting of a suitable size and scale both on site and in neighbouring gardens must not be prejudiced. d. The scheme must not cause substantial harm to heritage assets15. e. The development must maintain and take opportunities to improve the character of the building, garden or wider area, with external elements such as light wells, roof lights, plant and means of escape being sensitively designed and discreetly sited. f. The basement must not introduce light wells and railings to the front or side of the property which are visible from the street, where these are not a feature of that street. g. The development must include a sustainable urban drainage scheme including a minimum of one metre of permeable soil above any part of the basement beneath a garden. h. Where the basement is to be constructed under an existing building, the dwelling or commercial property to which the basement relates must be adapted to a high level of performance in respect of carbon emissions and this must be verified at pre-assessment stage and after construction has been completed. Where a new building with a basement is proposed, the same applies to the entire building. i. The submitted application must demonstrate how traffic and construction activity will be organised so as not to harm road safety, significantly increase traffic congestion, nor place unreasonable inconvenience on the day to day life of those living and working nearby. j. The submitted application must demonstrate how the construction will be carried out in such a way as to minimise potential impacts such as noise, vibration and dust for the duration of the works; k. The submitted application must demonstrate how it is intended to safeguard the structural stability of the application building and nearby buildings.
Applicants are also advised to look at policy CE2, Flooding, in considering basement proposals.