Representations - 35 Dowling Street Launceston

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Attachment 5 - 35 Dowling Street Launceston - Representations

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
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Document Set ID: 3588757
Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: Colin Nye

Sent: Wednesday, 3 May 2017 9:44 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: DA0175/2016 Toll Transport - 35 Dowling St, Launceston TAS

To: General Manager Launceston City Council

I am writing to express my concern at the proposed development. I am a landowner in Racecourse Crescent.

I received notice of the development via a concerned neighbour on the 3rd of May . I have not received any other
notification of the proposed site upgrade.
I would be pleased if you would consider my comments even though I understand that comments closed on 2nd May.
In brief my concerns are:
A large transport terminus should not be located near a residential area. (Noise, 24 hour operation, industrial lighting)
The current facility is responsible for considerable noise on the truck route.
I had the understanding that Toll had originally planned to relocate its facility to Western Junction.
The Brighton Transport Hub provides a more appropriate model.
It is inappropriate for large numbers of container trucks to use Dowling St, Racecourse Crescent, Cimitiere St, as the
access route to The Toll facility. These are city and residential streets.

Yours sincerely

Colin Nye

Sent from my iPad

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: PlanningAlerts <> on behalf of K Wolfswinkel

Sent: Wednesday, 3 May 2017 8:23 AM

To: Council
Subject: Comment on application DA0175/2016

For the attention of the General Manager /

Planning Manager / Planning Department
Application DA0175/2016
Address 35 Dowling Street Launceston TAS 7250
Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight terminal; extension and
Description refurbishment to existing buildings and construction of new buildings and rail link, new
signage and 3-lot subdivision in 11 stages
Name of
K Wolfswinkel
Address of
Email of

With the proposed DA for the Toll site, there is huge concern for the future noise levels, heavy vehicle
traffic and night time disturbance for the Newstead, east launceston area.
I hope the concerns of residents are taken into account when considering this development.

This comment was submitted via PlanningAlerts, a free service run by the OpenAustralia Foundation for the
public good. View this application on PlanningAlerts

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017

The General Manager

Launceston City Council
Town Hall, 18-28 St John Street
Launceston, TAS 7250

1 May 2017

Development Application Reference: DA0175/2016

35 Dowling Street

Dear Sir

Please find as follows comment relating to planning application for 35 Dowling

Street, Launceston (DA0175/2016 - Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail
freight terminal; extension and refurbishment).

My comment is from two perspectives:

.1. As an investor who has recently purchased

with a DA capacity under the existing residential zoning for 6-8 units (Previously 12
were approved but we have chosen to discontinue that permit)

.2. As a future resident who had purchased a home at with the

intention of this being a retirement dwelling in Launceston for my wife and myself.

Our professional activity is developing subdivisions on the Sunshine Coast; prior to

this we developed town houses in the region for 15 years, plus similar activity in
regional NSW . We are there for intimately acquainted with normal council best
practice regarding project proposals that have some impacts upon neighboring

From that aspects our concerns with the current proposal are as follows:

.1. Noise abatement.

General traffic volume aside, the most significant impact upon residential amenity
from this proposal is the potential increase in the piercing sound of the reversing
forklifts. Whilst such devices are arbitrated as necessary safety devices for the
relevant worksite, there is very little consideration given to their impact on
neighboring residential areas. The former should not have priority over the latter.
In this instance, where the current activity and proposed increased level of activity is
so close to a long-standing residential precinct there should be some professional
recognition of the need for noise abatement measures and suggestions as to how
this issue can be addressed. The DA Application appears silent on this.

In the areas in which we operate noise abatement is a major priority in protecting

residential zoning from industry or transport corridors. It is par for course that
where possible buffer zones are secured; and where not possible, substantive
structures such as perimeter noise-abatement fencing are formally required. It is
simply out of the question for council to deem this matter not relevant it must be

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The other concern is credible and transparent evidence of the problem itself: it
would be unusual for a Noise Report contained in the initial DA to be accepted
normally council officers would dictate the standard required (e.g. protection of
nearby residences) and place a condition on the Applicant to provide a consultants
report with remedies including the standard of noise abatement fencing required
as sufficient. In essence Australian Standards identified by independent consultants

It is suggested this would be an appropriate course of action in this case.

.2. Operating Hours.

All of the above becomes more critical when extended or loosely defined operating
hours apply to the industrial site in question. Anecdotal evidence available to me
suggests that the Toll operation already has forklifts that fire up early in the morning
before normal residential rising time; and continue well into the evening.

This already disrupts young families and has an untoward impact on neighbours.
The fact that this is allowed, or not formally controlled at present, is bad enough.
The thought that a greater, larger facility would be given approval to operate without
ANY time-frame of operating hours is completely unacceptable. The absence of any
such proposal or offer in the Application suggests unlimited activity is the desire of
the application.

Nearby residents occupy a residential precinct that has been approved by council.
Council must protect their entitlements accordingly. It should not consider approval
of any activity that negative impacts upon those rights, e.g. by way of sharp abrasive
noise pollution, simply because an applicant happens to be close by. One way to
ameliorate the impacts of the proposed activity is to impose operating hours limits
that are both reasonable and fair.

The bottom line is that if the applicant cannot abide by such limits then they should
not be making an application for a site so close to residential zoning.

.3. Pre-existing rights.

The residential precinct extending down Dowling St, along Croydon and even
Cypress Street has been a traditional part of the Launceston community landscape.
For instance, the property we have just purchased at 4 Croydon Avenue is a house
constructed in 1917.

There is an onus on Council to seek to protect that traditional use from any new
applicant in an adjoining zoning that is more recent, and implicit in the application
in a new or greatly expanded level of activity that will be of further hindrance,
interference or disruption to that established residential community.

Council cannot ignore that obligation; and whilst jobs and economic growth are
desirable for the overall community, it should not come at the price of any section of
that community loosing their right to peaceful enjoyment of residential occupation
that were implied by the zoning they are in. Council has to be prepared to draw a
line to protect existing rights.

.4. DA time-lines.
It is of concern that there appears to be a certain sneakiness in the submissions
dates, period for public input and related strategy surrounding this submission. This

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is not a basis for objection, but suggests that the proposal is not entirely transparent
and able to face the full test of public examination. That fact alone suggests the
applicant itself is conscious of a range of issues that may not fare well under the full
spotlight of proper examination.

.5. Truck volumes and train operations.

There is an underlying implication in the application that if approved, the site will
expand into a multi-transport hub that will have such critical mass and economic
significance that further planning or operating constraints will be deemed
unreasonable. Council should be aware of that implication when considering this
application. All future growth in activity will be to the increasing detriment of
residential amenity and the viability of this area as a place for families and retirees
to live in the manner to which they should normally be entitled.

.6. Future investment.

Our own intention on the site we own is to develop townhouses that in todays value
would be in the order of $350,000. That is a total of $2.5M or thereabouts of
investment value. One of the reasons we have undertaken this is to be nearby the
University development at Inveresk, a mere 1 km away. That project is one that
council is promoting and encouraging, in particular publicity material about how
such a major community project will both require and stimulate residential
investment and facilities nearby. It would appear the consideration of a major
transport hub in Dowling Street without noise abatement or a limit in operating
hours is in conflict with that bigger objective.

Our investment is only small compared to that proposed by the applicant. However
that is not the issue: rules apply to all projects and proposals and rules should apply
here to prevent unreasonable impacts.

Should council agree to allow such a fundamental conflict to occur, by approving the
Application without any constraints, I would doubt our own investment would

Overall, the DA application raises some significant and unaddressed issues, and it is
silent on aspects in which some professional consideration would have been
obviously necessary. Council planners have an obligation to request these
information vacuums are filled. Please keep us informed as to progress so we are
able to continue to comment further.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Tilt.

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: PlanningAlerts <> on behalf of Dorothy Runciman

Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2017 3:13 PM

To: Council
Subject: Comment on application DA0175/2016

For the attention of the General Manager /

Planning Manager / Planning Department
Application DA0175/2016
Address 35 Dowling Street Launceston TAS 7250
Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight terminal; extension and
Description refurbishment to existing buildings and construction of new buildings and rail link, new
signage and 3-lot subdivision in 11 stages
Name of
Dorothy Runciman
Address of
19 Denis Drive
Email of

It is incomprehensible that this application, with the potential to adversely affect so many people and
families, should even be considered.

The suburbs of Newstead and East Launceston are desirable suburbs to buy a home or seek aged care, close
to the city, schools, hospitals, parks and all that city living has to offer. However, even with the current level
of activity from the Toll and Tas Rail sites residents from Dowling Street to High Street are disturbed at
night by the noise. If the application is to progress, many residents may well feel forced from their homes in
search of somewhere where they can have an undisturbed nights sleep. Their property values may decline
and the dream that many in the area have worked so hard to achieve, lost.

Why has it not been possible for Toll to find an alternative site? One would think that a location such as
Western Junction where rail, road and air transport/freight come together in one place would be a far more
suitable location such for such an operation. It is centrally located in the State and is already successfully
used by SRT Logistics (a transport company operating fright services throughout Tasmania and Victoria
including shipping across Bass Strait). Unlike Toll, you see few SRT trucks travelling through the busy city
streets let alone passing large numbers of homes and schools.

We are not anti-development and support the creation of jobs in Launceston, however, we do not support
the extension and redevelopment of this site.

We trust that you will consider the implications of this application and protect the rights of Launceston City
Rate Payers.

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Yours sincerely
Dorothy and Martin Runciman

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Dayle Stagg

Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:10 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: DA0175/2016


I live at and received no advice regarding the dxistance of this application. I only
became aware of this in the last 30 minutes, so this is necessarily brief, and reviewing the 374 page
application in detail is just not possible.

My concerns are:

Measurement of noise levels taken for the week commencing 24 December. This is not a normal week!

Noise arising from trains has not been considered.

Increase of operations to 24/7.

Monitoring of noise levels if the application is approved.

I expect LCC to exhibit a greater care towards residents impacted by this application in terms of

I also have difficulty understanding why so many trucks are permitted to transit Racecourse Crescent in
terms of domestic load for people using retail and sporting facilities, especially with so many children using
these facilities during the day and into the evening. Surely Boland Street would bea better option.


Carol Gordon

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2017 11:33 AM
To: Contact Us
Subject: Fwd: Reference DA0175/2016

>> To
>> The General Manager
>> Launceston City Council
>> As ratepayers of In regards to the above proposal we wish to object to the Development Application
>> The noise levels and hours of operation have increased steadily over the last couple of years and have become
concerning,any increase would be intolerable as it affects how we are able to live in our property as a result.
>> I note that the noise levels were inspected at quite a strategic time in the normal operation of the business and
would not be representative of what normal operations noise levels are.
>> Is there a proposal that if it goes ahead further noise level monitoring is a condition of operation?
>> The condition of the streets has deteriorated and the dust levels have increased over the last couple of years.
>> We have a crane yard and earth moving businesses located in the street,which over the last year or so have
become busier and operate out of normal business hours causing more street noise during normally quieter times,so
with the potential increases resulting from this proposal we would ask that you carefully review the application with the
comfort of neighbouring residents in mind.
>> Best regards,
>> Mark Daly

And Kelly Brown

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Document Set ID: 3588757
Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: PlanningAlerts <> o

Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 11:21 PM

To: Council
Subject: Comment on application DA0175/2016

For the attention of the General Manager /

Planning Manager / Planning Department
Application DA0175/2016
Address 35 Dowling Street Launceston TAS 7250
Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight terminal; extension and
Description refurbishment to existing buildings and construction of new buildings and rail link, new
signage and 3-lot subdivision in 11 stages
Name of
Rebecca Page
Address of
Email of

Dear Alderman,
As neighbours in close proximity to the proposed development, we have major concerns. Especially as our
property has unimpeded direct views of the whole development and surrounding area. We already feel that
our previous approaches to the Launceston City Council have fallen on deaf ears in regard to the existing
problems that this company is causing.

We have found ourselves regularly being woken at all times of the night by reversing beepers from forklifts
and extremely loud engine breaking from Tolls heavy vehicles. After contacting the council to inform them
of these issues and enquire about noise regulations for the area we were told that they had no idea and
would get back to us. Since then, we have been found out there is no possibility to complain about these
problems as when we were contacted by Katherine Fitzgerald from the council she told us that there were
no such limits in place for either operating hours, noise levels or nuisance lighting and that perhaps that
is the nature of their business.

Why this individual business in particular is allowed to impact people at all hours of the day and night with
whatever noise level they feel like producing is questionalble but what is most disturbing is that Im certain
that council is unaware of the extent of the current issues as the is no record of surrounding residences
concerns or complaints. The proposed development will only further compound these problems.

Currenlty, all other business activity within the same Light Industrial Zone is what I would consider
reasonable, operating between 8am and 5pm. This is not the current case for the Toll operations at Dowling

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In the limited review period given our own hectic schedules we have documented a few of our concerns
with the development application submitted and its so called supporting documents obtained and
downloaded from

1) There has obviously been years of detailed planning by Toll with no consultation of the local residents,
and we have only 2 weeks to review and analyse the impact of a 380 page submission. Neighbouring
residences need to be properly informed and have a longer time period than only two weeks to review and
comprehend such a major development.
2) The VIPAC site sound data was collected over the Christmas period which contained 3 public holidays.
This is not a representative study in our opinion.
3) The day-time and night-time representative impact sound recording by VIPAC on Cypress street was
recorded 15 minutes apart, around 6pm one afternoon and each representative sample only lasted 5 minutes
in duration. Surely this should have been a continuous noise study to reveal the extent of the impact and it
should have been located at one of the effected properties and not at a distance further from the site than the
impacted neighbouring residences are. Our property has a floor level 10m RL above the Toll facility, so
there is an unobstructed noise path directly to a large portion of the house, including three bedrooms, the
noise impact is not adequately represented by the VIPAC study.
4) The study by VIPAC has not included the noise generated by trains in the sound model. This is a major
omission of the impact of the neighbourhood.
5) What is the train operation schedule proposed by Toll and TasRail, what operational limits would be
imposed given that site operations are listed as 24hrs.
6) The VIPAC study states that the reverse beepers are a specific and nuisance noise, so surely the
optimisation of the site would have included relocating these operations so that noise is not towards the
front boundary of the lot and included the use of sound barriers and other noise mitigation techniques.
7) The development application only considers the properties with in 100m of the proposed site. The
distance from all areas of the Toll facility to the bedrooms of our property are between 150m to 500m. An
Australian Acoustical Society study shows that both broadband and tonal reversing beepers are typically
Clearly Audible to Dominant at 200m from operating machinery and seldom Disappear at ranges of
400m. When all members of family are woken during the night this clearly show that the sound is distinct,
noticeable and loud (at all times). This makes the 100m distance used by the application appear quite
8) Warehouse storage in the application is increasing three-fold, but we are to rest assured that there will be
no additional impact. This is somewhat hard to believe.
9) The application highlights the need to plant at least 82 trees at 10m tall to comply with the planning
scheme yet only half the trees required have been proposed. These trees are sorely needed to soften the
impact of the sound and lighting problems produce by Toll and its current operations, let alone when it
10) There is not a definitive description by the developer in terms of their planned Day-time and Night-time
activities, hours of truck and train arrivals, or any guarantee that this Major Transport Hub will not need to
increase its operational activities to recover its investment.
11) Closure of the Bell Bay storage will only reduce the Invermay heavy vehicle traffic. All other
Southbound heavy vehicle traffic is the same or increased. Peak traffic for the staff from this facility will
affect local traffic.
12) GHD traffic count does not show the traffic at the Cimitere to Racecourse intersection where toll trucks
often cut in front of traffic and hold up shoppers trying to access Kmart complex and local residents. This a
major safety issue for vehicles and pedestrians using this intersection an area that is already very congested
at most times of the day.
13) It is suggested that the removal of haulage from Bell Bay will result in less traffic, but provide no
supporting evidence. The percentage of operations of this haulage is not given in terms of the businesses
total operations and is ambiguous at best.
14) The building plans clearly shows that the structures being proposed are higher than the 13.5m level
specified in the application. This may need to be reviewed.

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15) The VIPAC study show the assumption that all staff leave site by 6pm but then models forklifts
operating overnight.
16) The proposal includes a new truck wash station and refilling station, currently these activities are
conducted offsite. Will fuel fumes and wash spray also effect nearby business and residents?
17) TNT, TOLL, and several local freight companies are all located at the airport industrial complex
including the Woolworths food distribution centre. One has to ask why TOLL alone feels that the Boland St
site is suitable for such a major transport hub, when others do not.
18) While two copies of the folding light poles are included, there is no installation map of where these are
to go and in particular no mention of the height proposed for these lights. The existing lighting
configuration is already causing major light pollution to neighbouring residences. With all curtains and
blinds fully closed within our home there is still a bright glow such that we don't need a night light and
several of our security cameras do not switch to infrared night mode. Looking directly out any of the back
windows of our house towards the Toll facility at night is blinding. Its concerning that they are proposing
to install more lights. Soon it will out shine the Aurora stadium!
19) The application proposes subdividing the existing lot into three separate lots, under the pretence that
each subdivision could later be individually sold. However, this is somewhat deceptive as the division is
clearly a distortion of the planning scheme as each lot individually requires 1-2 entrances, giving additional
entry/exit points for the planned facility.
20) Promises of reduced traffic are suggested however the installation of a four5 lane wide, 40m long
waiting bay, does not provide confidence that this will be the case. Currently, trucks are not spilling onto
public roads preventing passage, so why would an efficiency improvement of existing operations with no
planned operational increase need such a design?
21) The GHD truck paths shown require trucks entering the facility to deviate into oncoming traffic to enter
the site. How is this an improvement in design!
22) The VIPAC noise analysis has specifically only shown noise modelling of the site based activities but
ignores the impact of the 170 heavy vehicles per day driving along the residential streets. In the noise model
their location is a stationary location within the boundary of the lot. This is not representative of what
happens. Typically, vehicles of this size have noise levels of at least 55dB. The trucks are driving directly
only meters from, or directly past residential properties, the Toll proposal does not limit this activity to day
time only, so this would be a clear violation of the VIPAC suggested 40dB noise limit as they drive through
our public streets during the night.
23) 40 highlift container loaders normally operate at our nations wharves and heavy industrial complexes,
not in a Light Industrial Area at the discretion of the local council. Transport and Storage facilities are only
allowed within the light Industrial zone at the discretion of the council, thus this type of business is what I
would consider a distorted use of a light industrial zoning.
24) Since when does Light Industrial zoning become suitable for Heavy Industrial applications, such as the
major transport hub that Toll is proposing?

Yours truly,
Rebecca Page.

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 7:10 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: Application DA0175/2016 Objection

Good evening,

I am writing to raise objection to the further development of the Toll site.

We reside on with the train yard directory over our back fence. We are very concerned at the increased
noise levels that this development will bring, both at the Toll yard and the train yards.

My husband and I both work full time, and have 2 small children. Being able to sleep without disturbance is extremely
important to us.

I would particularly like it noted that the noise measurements used in the application would have been taken at one of
the quietest times of the year, and is in no way an accurate reflection of the noise we already live with.

I urge the council to vote no to this application, and to actively take measures to reduce existing noise levels.

It would seem to me that such a development would be more appropriate for an industrial area, where residents
whom reside mere minutes from the CBD, would not be affected.


Andrea Porte

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Document Set ID: 3588757
Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 2:58 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: DA1075/2016

General Manager
Launceston City Council
Launceston Town Hall
Launceston, 7250

Dear Sir/Madam,

re DA0175/2016 : upgrade of Toll Transport Hub 31-35 Dowling St

I am writing to raise my concerns about the noise and light pollution at night
that are likely given this upgrade.

As a nearby resident I am already affected by noise and light at night from

the Toll depot. In particular, backing alarms of forklifts and trucks worse
between 0400-0600 hours, and a high beam spotlight which beams directly
into two upstairs bedrooms in my house.

I believe that the proposed upgrade would also included increased noise
from trains and rail services, loading and unloading I expect, and I have
serious concerns that this would also add to the exisiting interference from
noise and light.

Your faithfully,

Katharine Norris

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 11:57 AM
To: Contact Us
Subject: Reference DA0175/2016

We, as owners of the properties at object to the

proposed changes to train operation detailed in the above application because we
arent satisfied that the evidence provided in support of the application is a proper
representation of the likely consequences of those changes.

Yours faithfully

Kristi Seymour and Angela Edwards

Level 3 Cimitiere House t 03 6337 5555

Document Set ID: 3588757

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Dayle Stagg

From: Gloria <>

Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 10:27 AM
To: Contact Us
Subject: Application DAO175/2016

It has just come to our notice that Toll have applied for a development at 35 Dowling Street.

We live in St James Close and are worried about the noise that is liable to come from that area particularly of a
night. We already here a lot of racket from fork- lifts, containers and trains of a night and we believe this will
increase considerably.

This should not be allowed to happen on the edge of a large residential area. It should be out at Western Junction
or some other country area where it would cause less disturbance.

Gloria and Michael Edwards

8 St James Close

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 8:29 AM
To: Contact Us
Subject: Reference DA0175/2016

To Whom It May Concern

I was surprised to hear of the above mentioned application and have major concerns in relation to the impact it will
have on me.

I live over the fence from the trains at no. The early morning trains already toot their horns
and wake us up, so running at all hours will be a nightmare.

As I understand the DA for the noise disturbance modelling is based on their current use on site and does not
consider any noise for the railway yards and or use of trains. Further more noise levels were measured over the
period 24th December 2016 to 31st December 2016 which you could not consider to be a normal week of operation.

Please log this as a formal representation. I know there are many other home owners/residences that also share the
same concerns.

Kristi Seymour

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Launceston City Council
Town Hall, 18-28 St John Street
Launceston, TAS 7250

30 April 2017

Dear General Manager

We are writing in connection with the proposed redevelopment and extension to the TOLL site at 35
Dowling Street, Launceston (DA0175/2016 - Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight
terminal). We have significant concerns and object strongly to this development application.

My partner, two young children (aged 1 and 3) and I live in less than 200m from the
site for the proposed redevelopment/extension. We purchased the property in 2012 for its close
proximity to the city and to utilise the many parks, facilities, shops and services within the city. We have
painstakingly restored and renovated our 100 year old property over this time and now have grave
concerns for what effect such large and significate proposed development could mean for our property
value and the attraction for other young families to return to the city.

Our greatest concern however, is noise pollution. Over the past few years we have had two children
and we (as most parents of babies and young children) are extremely aware of the negative effects of
sleep disturbance on ones mental at even physical health and wellbeing.

Currently we hear and are both annoyed and disturbed during the night by both noise from the TOLL
site and Rail Depot and our 3 year old even wakes up to the sound of the forklifts and train whistle
during the night and comes running to our room. My 9 year old niece experienced years of nightmares
as a result of trains rumbling down the tracks some distance from her home when she and her family
lived in Perth (Tas). I dread that we too, will be forced to move from our family home if the level of
noise from these sites were to increase as the result of unregulated/restricted night operations.

We am concerned about the accuracy of predicted/modeled noise levels included in the development
application as the measurements used to base their modeling on were taken over the period which
included Christmas and Boxing Day public holidays when the site was clearly not operating at it usual
level. It is also of great concern that the modelling did not take into account any impact and resulting
noise increase due to the relating increase in rail activity to service the site.

We were also unable to see in the DA a description of the activity which is currently undertaken at night,
which is already causing us disturbance, and a description of how this would compare to what is being

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After speaking with the EPA (Noise) Specialist, we learned that there was no exact acceptable levels of
noise in residential areas and that each case needed to be examined on its own merits. We hope that
this is the case in this instance.

There also appears to be a lack of mitigation measures described in the application to control and
prevent steady background noise or to contain or minimse variable noise such as forklifts to avoid sleep
disturbance. At a minimum we would have expected to see dome description of mitigation technology
described in the various Noise Control Guideline documents produced by other states including VIC, QLD
and NSW such as (but not limited to): sound barrier systems, insulation and the use of efficient
enclosures for noise sources, the adjustment of reversing alarms on heavy equipment by limiting
acoustic range to immediate danger/using broad band or other low level impact reversing alarms,
efficient muffler design, using quieter engines such as electric instead of internal combustion or more
simply limiting the times of operation or considering an alternative site.

Our amenity and wellbeing is not just at risk of being more adversely affected by increased noise
pollution but also traffic, dust and light pollution. Our familys and our communitys amenity (including
residents, hospitals, schools and aged homes) is already moderately affected by noise, train and truck
movement from this industry and at great risk of being severely impacted by this proposal development.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss our concerns further at mediation or some form of community

Yours faithfully

Wendy Runciman & Rhys Davies

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Sunday, 30 April 2017 8:44 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: DA0175/2016 - Development Application Representation Letter

The General Manager

Launceston City Council

Town Hall, 18-28 St John Street

Launceston, TAS 7250

30 April 2017

Development Application Representation Letter

Reference: DA0175/2016

Dear General Manager

We wish to submit a formal representation relating to the planning application for 35 Dowling Street,
Launceston (DA0175/2016 - Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight terminal; extension
and refurbishment).

My wife and I have lived in our home on the corner of

years. We bought this property to enjoy a peaceful retirement with pleasant amenity, close to the city and
its many services.

We are deeply concerned about our peace and amenity should the planning application be approved. Our
main concerns include (but are not limited to) the increased noise from the TOLL site including fork lifts,
trucks, wash bays and refrigeration on site but equally, the increased noise from the Tas Rail
Depot and trains at the end of our street.

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Currently we are disturbed at night by both the noise from TOLL and Tas Rail operations in the near
vicinity of our property. If this development was to be approved and allowed to operate both day and night
we cannot begin to imagine the sleep disturbance and potential harmful effects to our physical and mental
health and wellbeing as a result of long term annoyance and sleep disturbance.

We believe the planning application lacks suitable noise/sound control measures and no restriction on hours
of operation. We are concerned about the absence of any consideration of the impact of increased rail to
service the development or the mention of any form of noise monitoring during or after construction.

We, as all residents in and around the proposed development, have the right to amenity and a good nights
sleep. We are vulnerable to the impacts of noise and trust that you will consider the implications of the
planning application and ensure that our and our communitys amenity is preserved.

Yours sincerely

Murray and Margaret Earnshaw

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: Claire Fawdry

Sent: Thursday, 20 April 2017 8:29 AM
To: records
Subject: DA0175/2016 - 35 Dowling St - representation email 2/2

Email 2 of 2.

Claire Fawdry | Town Planner | City of Launceston

T 6323 3378 |

Dear Claire,
Having been awaken by Toll around 5am this morning, (1.2 km away) could you please add some further points to my

1. I note the massive buildings planned exceed the the maximum allowed height by 30-40%

2. The amount of tree and greenery has been reduced by 50%. It all points to a massive ugly tin shed city.

3. The water catchment area and run off from this site with massive roof areas and hard pan ground surfaces will be
With truck wash and refuelling planned on site added to all the oil dripped from these large transport vehicles and
leakage from stored containers and hazardous materials, I do not believe the DA has addressed this issue
anywhere near
adequately, considering the state of our storm water and sewerage systems and our sad river (drain) situation.

Sincerely Robert Davies

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Sunday, 30 April 2017 8:09 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: Reference DA0175/2016

To Whom It May Concern

We have major concerns in relation to the above DA.

As I understand the DA for the noise disturbance modelling is based on their current use on site and does not
consider any noise for the railway yards and or use of trains. Further more noise levels were measured over the
period 24th December 2016 to 31st December 2016 which you could not consider to be a normal week of operation.

Can you please confirm and provide evidence points that there is sufficient regulations and or recommendations to
address the significant (and there will be ) increase in noise to the surrounding residence

Your prompt response to this is required as Im sure there are many other home owners/residences that also share
the same concerns.

David & Anna Martin

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Saturday, 29 April 2017 7:00 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: application DAO175/2016

General Manager

Launceston City Council

Dear Sir

Re Development Application DAO175/2016 by Toll

My wife and I live at Newstead 7250.

The noise level from Toll in the very early hours of the morning is very noticeable and is
heard at our house.

We understand that your council tested noise level over the week 24th Dec to 31st Dec 2016,
which if this is so is not a normal week of operation.

Whatever your test disclosed our & later owners hearing early in the morning is relevant to
this Application.

The Development by Toll of their property at 35 Dowling Street to enable them to operate
24 hours per day 7 days per week will mean a significant increase of rail use.

If this development goes ahead the noise level by Toll will affect a great many homes in
Elphin Wood Subdivision.

The new extension of Landsborough Avenue & the subdivision off that Avenue will be
really affected by the increased rail use as a result of the Toll Development.

We strongly object to this envisaged development as its consequence will lower house
values in part of this subdivision,

A copy of this letter is being sent to the Mayor.

Yours sincerely.

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Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Carlyle (Carl) Sherriff & Jennifer Sherriff

Cc to Mayor (Mr Albert Van-Zetten)

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

Sent: Saturday, 29 April 2017 12:31 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: Development - application DA0175/2016. Toll

Attention General Manager

It has come to our attention that Toll have submitted a development application at 35 Dowling Street.

My wife and I would like to object to this development because:

The existing noise produced from this commercial operation currently starts early in the morning most week days and
as we live in a two storey house we hear every day the noises of reversing trucks and forklifts etc which either wakes
us up or restricts our ability to return to sleep.

We can only imagine the unbearable increase in the noise level if this development gets approval to operate 24/7.

I currently suffer from sleep apnea and on many occasions the noise generated from the current Toll operation and
indeed the trains from Tasrail cause me to wake and it's very difficult to get a good nights sleep.

As such my health at age 66 years I need a good nights sleep.

I also understand that the noise disturbance modelling completed was measured at a possible inappropriate time and
not a normal week of operation!!!

As residents we wish to enjoy the Peace and tranquil surroundings that Newstead has become well known for and we
are concerned that if Council allow this development to proceed then the area will lose its reputation and effect and
upset many residents.

In addition to the unwanted noise levels we are also concerned as to the possible impact this development would
have on the value of our property and if the potential buyers of real estate at the time of sale would be discouraged by
this development and the noise generated to an unhappy community.

Please do not approve this development and encourage Toll to develop in a more appropriate location.


Darrell and Carol McKenzie

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: PlanningAlerts <> on behalf of Murray Earnshaw

Sent: Sunday, 30 April 2017 9:29 PM

To: Council
Subject: Comment on application DA0175/2016

For the attention of the General Manager /

Planning Manager / Planning Department
Application DA0175/2016
Address 35 Dowling Street Launceston TAS 7250
Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight terminal; extension and
Description refurbishment to existing buildings and construction of new buildings and rail link, new
signage and 3-lot subdivision in 11 stages
Name of
Murray Earnshaw
Address of
Email of

My wife and I bought our home in to enjoy a peaceful retirement with pleasant amenity, close to
the city and its many services.

We are deeply concerned about our peace and amenity should the planning application be approved. Our
main concerns include (but are not limited to) the increased noise from the TOLL site including fork lifts,
trucks, wash bays and refrigeration on site but equally, the increased noise from the Tas Rail Depot and
trains at the end of our street.

Currently we are disturbed at night by both the noise from TOLL and Tas Rail operations in the near
vicinity of our property. If this development was to be approved and allowed to operate both day and night
we cannot begin to imagine the sleep disturbance and potential harmful effects to our physical and mental
health and wellbeing as a result of long term annoyance and sleep disturbance.

We believe the planning application lacks suitable noise/sound control measures and no restriction on hours
of operation. We are concerned about the absence of any consideration of the impact of increased rail to
service the development or the mention of any form of noise monitoring during or after construction.

We, as all residents in and around the proposed development, have the right to amenity and a good nights
sleep. We are vulnerable to the impacts of noise and prey that our and our communitys amenity is

Yours sincerely
Murray and Margaret Earnshaw

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: PlanningAlerts <> on behalf of S Fenton

Sent: Monday, 24 April 2017 8:02 AM

To: Council
Subject: Comment on application DA0175/2016

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed

For the attention of the General Manager /

Planning Manager / Planning Department
Application DA0175/2016
Address 35 Dowling Street Launceston TAS 7250
Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight terminal; extension and
Description refurbishment to existing buildings and construction of new buildings and rail link, new
signage and 3-lot subdivision in 11 stages
Name of
S Fenton
Address of
Email of

I agree with all the comments by R Page. I have considering contacting council to find out what if any.
noise restrictions are in place for this area. I live on the edge of this district and am regularly awoken by
reversing beeps and trucks in the small hours of the night. Not to mention security alarms that constantly go
I would not support and further development of this area if there is any chance of more noise pollution.

This comment was submitted via PlanningAlerts, a free service run by the OpenAustralia Foundation for the
public good. View this application on PlanningAlerts


Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: PlanningAlerts <

Sent: Sunday, 23 April 2017 1:18 PM

To: Council
Subject: Comment on application DA0175/2016

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed

For the attention of the General Manager /

Planning Manager / Planning Department
Application DA0175/2016
Address 35 Dowling Street Launceston TAS 7250
Transport Depot and Distribution - road and rail freight terminal; extension and
Description refurbishment to existing buildings and construction of new buildings and rail link, new
signage and 3-lot subdivision in 11 stages
Name of
Address of
Email of

Given the close proximity of the "Light Industrial" Zoning to residential properties, major shopping centre,
schools and college the upgrade of an already too busy and noise polluting business that disrupts traffic
through the CBD and inner business precinct and residential streets. The business has no regards for normal
business operating hours like all of the other businesses in the same "Light Industrial" area. Forklift
reversing beepers and B-Double prime movers operating at 1am, 3am on weekends or week days waking
sleeping children is causing this business to effect the nearby neighborhood. The flood lighting of the
premises already impacts on nearby buildings as well. This is making the residential properties less
desirable and devaluing properties with 5 minutes walk to the City Park and CBD. There is already an issue
of this Transport business effecting the flow of traffic in the suburb, the unrestricted noise and light
pollution is already unacceptable, so why make this worse? It is already unacceptable and disappointing that
the Council will not impose restrictions on this already very busy business, that the Council will not act
upon when questioned to reasonable operation hours. Imagine if we mowed the lawn at 1am the number of
complaints would be huge and the action taken by the Council would be swift and decisive, but because it is
a business why should this be acceptable? And now they want to make more noise with more truck AND
Trains too!
This is not the Launceston that we would choose to live or invest in.

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg

From: Claire Fawdry

Sent: Thursday, 20 April 2017 8:28 AM
To: records
Subject: DA0175/2016 - 35 Dowling St - representation email 1/2

Good morning,

Can this email (1 of 2) be registered as a formal representation to DA0175/2016 please?


Claire Fawdry | Town Planner | City of Launceston

T 6323 3378 |

Sent: Wednesday, 19 April 2017 7:50 PM
To: Claire Fawdry
Cc: Hugh McKenzie - Redirection to personal email
Subject: formalrepresentation to DA0175/2016 Rob Davies

Re DA0175/2016

This appears to be a major expansion of an existing business which in the past has not responded to
problems when raised regarding noise emissions, hours of such noise (early mornings, weekends, public
holidays) and air quality issues.
It seems to be just a shrug of the shoulders and business as usual. There appears to be no public
accountability. This 3 lot subdivision in 11 stages including 2 warehouse sheds both of 6000sqm and over
13m tall is not suited to be alongside
residential and community services, such as schools, hospitals, tourism and university.

With shutting down of storage at Bell Bay and this moved to Launceston, the rail link proposed would
increase rail activity and intensify noise at site with the load/unloading. Prepared in consultation with Tas-
What projections do Tas-rail estimate on freight and routes of service and what hours of increased operation
and noise emissions?

The noise study done by Alex Mcloud is out of date (2015) and totally inadequate in sample time and
location of sensors to affected suburbs. No monitoring was done in residential sites up to 1 km away where
noise is easily apparent on most days.
The DA has noise level recommendations, what happens when these are exceeded, what monitoring and
recourse is in place? Nothing now!!
The DA States "the proposal WILL NOT result in an increase in traffic movements" this is a bold statement,
what happens if this is proven wrong? It also states that there should be no increase in truck
movements. The majority of people that I have
spoken to consider that the current level of large truck movements in and through our city and suburbs is
already an environmental nuisance.

External storage and stacking of containers is most likely to increase given the closing of Toll Bell Bay
This is an eyesore already and is visual pollution. Take a look from Wildor Cres.
Hours of operation should be a major concern to nearby suburbs, tourism hotels,

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
The unlimited hours of operation that currently applies is out of character to site location, no other ratepayer
so close to CBD and residential suburbs has free range to make as much noise as required with no
restriction on hours of such.
Why in our small heritage city do we have to have the major northern Toll depot along side our residential
suburbs and CBD, all other major Toll sites around the nation are located near airports,shipping ports and
large industrial estates.

The above points are my objection to this Development, I make them not only on a personal level but for
the betterment of all that live, holiday and move around in our lovely heritage city, now and into the future.
I can only hope that the Town Planners and Aldermen that represent our city values have the same vision.

Robert Davies
Sent from my iPad

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017
Dayle Stagg


From: Susan Hunte

Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 8:45 PM
To: Contact Us
Subject: DA0175/2016

The General Manager

Dear Sir

I am writing to provide my objection to the above Development Application. I cannot accept the proponent's claim that there will
not be any increase in use, and therefore it is implied that there will be no further impact on surrounding residential areas.

I have only been alerted to this development this evening. It is therefore impossible for me to gain a meaningful understanding of
the 374 page proposal, nor am I able to provide my objections in what might be considered to be an acceptable format. I am not a
professional in any of the applicable areas, just a concerned neighbour who wishes to continue to enjoy my home without further
increase and intrusion from the noise we currently suffer from the Toll yard.

I attach the comments I via the planningalerts website.

kind regards Susan Hunter

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017

Document Set ID: 3588757

Version: 1, Version Date: 31/07/2017

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