AE 9000 USERS MANUAL With Printer Interface PDF
AE 9000 USERS MANUAL With Printer Interface PDF
AE 9000 USERS MANUAL With Printer Interface PDF
This document contains information that is the property of Automatic Electric Ltd. This document may not be copied, reproduced, reduced to any electronic medium or machinereadable form, or otherwise duplicated, and the information herein may not be used, disseminated or otherwise disclosed, except with the prior written permission of Automatic Electric Ltd. Automatic Electric Ltd reserves the right to revise the documentation and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of Automatic Electric Ltd to provide notification of such revision or change.
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................... 4 Keypad Operation..................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Mode Key............................................................................................................ 4 2.2. Navigation Keys.................................................................................................. 4 2.3. Enter key ............................................................................................................. 5 3. Display........................................................................................................................ 5 3.1. Run Mode........................................................................................................... 5 3.2. Configure Mode ................................................................................................ 9 3.3. Display Previous Energies . ............................................................................. 12 3.4. Select Pages for Auto Scroll Display......................................................... ... 14 3.5. Testing Mode .................................................................................................... 14 4. Reference Standards.. 15 5 . Assembly, Service and maintenance .. 15 5.1 Assembly 15 5.2 Service. 16 5.3 Maintenance 17 6. Packing, Transport and Storage.. 17 6.1 Packing 17 6.2 Transport 17 6.3 Storage.. 17 7. Service and Warranty... 17 7.1 Service 17 7.2 Warranty.. 18 8. Specifications . 19 9. MODBUS Communications: ................................................................................... 20 9.1. Writing Configuration Parameters (except CTR/PTR ratio): ........................... 20 9.2. Reading Configuration Parameters: .................................................................. 20 9.3. Writing configuration parameter for CTR/PTR ratio: ...................................... 21 9.4. Reading Parameters Online: ............................................................................. 24 9.5. Reading Logged Data: ...................................................................................... 26 9.6. Reading Interruption Data: ............................................................................... 27 9.7. Power on interruption ....................................................................................... 28 10. Installation Instruction 28 10.1 Mechanical Installation ... 28 10.2 Electrical Installation... 29 10.3 Wiring Diagram .. 29 11. Ordering Information . 30 1. 2.
1. Introduction
The AE-9000 (multifunction meter-MFM) will compute, store and display and print various parameters, in single phase or three phase 3-wire/4 wire systems. Stored parameters/ data can be accessible to user through RS485 interface. The AE-9000 (multifunction meter-MFM) along with AE-prin will print the On-Off time for the previous day, Total On Time and Total Active energy for the previous day as well as Total On time and Total Active energy of previous month. This is useful function for the DG monitoring. This document provides detailed steps for the user in order to set-up and operates the system. The user can also edit the configuration during run time and view the current configuration details on 7 segment LED display panel using a 5 key keypad, which are described in this document. The user may also configure and view parameters remotely via MODBUS communication.
2. Keypad Operation
The keypad for AE-9000 consists of total 5 keys. 1. Mode Key (M) 2. Up Navigation Key () 3. Down Navigation Key () 4. Right Navigation Key () 5. Enter Key (E)
Configuration Mode respectively. The Right Navigation key is used for scrolling to the immediate right cursor position from the current cursor position in Configuration Mode and to start auto scrolling in run mode.
3. Display
The AE-9000 display has different behavior in all the operating modes described as follows:
LED Row 3 : LEDs: I, R, Y, B v. Page5: Avg. Freq., Neutral Current, THD % LED Row 1 : LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: F, NI, THD vi. Page6: Pf. For all three phases. LED Row 1 : -1.8 8 8 LED Row 2 : -1.8 8 8 LED Row 3 : -1.8 8 8 LEDs: Pf., R, Y, B vii. Page7: Total Power Active, Apparent, Reactive. LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : (M/k) LEDs: TOT, W, VA, VAR viii. Page8: Total Active Energy (Import+Export). LED Row 1 : LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: Wh, TOT xi. Page9: Total Apparent Energy (Import+Export). LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: VAh, TOT x. Page10: Total Reactive Energy (Import+Export). LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: VArh, TOT
xi. Page11: Total Run Hours (Import+Export). LED Row 1 : run.h LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: TOT xii. Page12: Phase Angle for all three phases. LED Row 1 : LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: , R, Y, B xiii. Page13: Phasor Angle for all three phases. LED Row 1 : LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: , RY, YB, BR xiv. Page14: Active Power of all three phases. LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : (M/k) LEDs: W, R, Y, B xv. Page15: Apparent Power of all three phases. LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : (M/k) LEDs: VA, R, Y, B xvi. Page16: Reactive Power of all three phases. LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : (M/k) LEDs: VAR, R, Y, B
xvii. Page17: Active Energy (Import). LED Row 1 : LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: Wh, Imp xviii. Page18: Apparent Energy (Import). LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: VAh, Imp xix. Page19: Reactive Energy (Import). LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: VArh, Imp xx. Page20: Run Hours (Import). LED Row 1 : run.h LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: Imp xxi. Page21: Active Energy (Export). LED Row 1 : LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: Wh, Exp xxii. Page23: Apparent Energy (Export). LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: VAh, Exp
xxiii. Page22: Reactive Energy (Export). LED Row 1 : (M/k) LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: VArh, Exp xxiv. Page24: Run Hours (Export). LED Row 1 : run.h LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: Exp xxv. Page25: Maximum Demand LED Row 1 : LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : LEDs: W, VA xxvi. Page26: On Hours LED Row 1 : On.h LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : The pages can be manually cycled through, by pressing the Navigation Up and Navigation Down keys in Manual Scroll Mode. The Pages can also be displayed in auto scroll mode with a scroll rate of 5 sec. per page by default. The Pages to be displayed in Auto Scroll Mode will be configurable by the user through Key pad. In manual scroll mode, all pages will be displayed. To switch from manual scroll mode to auto scroll mode, press the Right Navigation.
the digits using the Navigation Right key, change the values using Navigation Up and Navigation Down keys to increment and decrement the value respectively, and press Enter Key to confirm the value for the selected parameter to select any configuration parameter use UP & Down key. Once a parameter is set, then press MODE (M) key two times to exit from Configuration Mode. i. P h a s e , Three phase. LED Row 1 : PhAS LED Row 2 : 3 Ph. LED Row 3 : ii. S t a r connection, Delta connection LED Row 1 : con LED Row 2 : StAr. LED Row 3 : Note:- This Page is not present in single phase operation iii. Primary C T ratio . LED Row 1 : CtPr LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : iv. Secondary C T ratio. LED Row 1 : CtSE LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : v. Primary P T ratio . LED Row 1 : PtPr LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : vi. Secondary P T ratio. LED Row 1 : PtSE LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : vii. S c r o l l time. (Min-3 sec to Max-10 sec in 1 sec steps) LED Row 1 : Scr.t. LED Row 2 : 8.8. LED Row 3 : viii. S e t integration time period.(Min.-5 minutes to Max-30 minutes in 1 minute steps) LED Row 1 : Int.P. LED Row 2 : 8.8. LED Row 3 :
ix. S e t data logging time period.(Min-1 minute to Max-120 minutes in 1 minute step) LED Row 1 : LOG.P. LED Row 2 : 8.8.8. LED Row 3 : x. R S 4 8 5 network ID LED Row 1 : n.I.d. LED Row 2 : 8.8 (Hex Value) LED Row 3 : xi. R e m o t e T e r m i n a l U n i t e LED Row 1 : rtu LED Row 2 : on LED Row 3 :oFF xii. R e s e t Energies LED Row 1 : rES.E. LED Row 2 : y LED Row 3 : n xiii. S e t user password. LED Row 1 : PSd. LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : xiv. S e t Date. LED Row 1 : dAtE. LED Row 2 : 8 8.8 8. LED Row 3 : 8 8 8 8. xv. S e t Time. LED Row 1 : tIM. LED Row 2 : 8 8.8 8. LED Row 3 : xvi. Voltage/ Current THD. LED Row 1 : thd LED Row 2 : LED Row 3 : C xvii. U A R T baud rate LED Row 1: b.r. LED Row 2 : 48.96. LED Row 3 : 19.38. xviii. P r i n t D a t a
vi. P a g e 6 : Previous Apparent Energy(Export). LED Row 1 : Pr.En. LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : LEDs: VAh, Exp vii. P a g e 7 : Previous Reactive Energy (Export). LED Row 1 : Pr.En. LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : LEDs: VArh, Exp viii. P a g e 8 : Previous Run Hours (Export). LED Row 1 : Pr.En. LED Row 2 : run.h LED Row 3 : LEDs: Exp ix. P a g e 9 : Previous Total Active Energy (Import + Export). LED Row 1 : Pr.En. LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : LEDs: Wh, TOT x. P a g e 1 0 : Previous Total Reactive Energy (Import+Export). LED Row 1 : Pr.En. LED Row 2 : (M/k) LED Row 3 : LEDs: VArh, TOT xi. P a g e 1 1 : Previous Total Apparent Energy (Import+Export). LED Row 1 : Pr.En. LED Row 2 : (M/k)
xii. P a g e 1 2 : Previous Total Run Hours (Import+Export). LED Row 1 : Pr.En. LED Row 2 : run.h LED Row 3 : LEDs: TOT
The Display will be as follows LED Row 1 : Mry LED Row 2 : PASS LED Row 3 : OR LED Row 1 : Mry LED Row 2 : FAIL LED Row 3 :1/2/3 FAIL 1: BANK 1 fail FAIL 2: BANK 2 fail FAIL 3: BOTH bank fail
4. Reference standards
This meter is manufactured according to the following valid standards: IS 14697:2004 AC Static Watt-Hour Meters, class 1 & 2 Specification (up to Amendments 4) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) .Testing and measurement techniques . Direct acting analoge static watt hour meter.
IEC 61000-4:2008
IS 1248
It is located to the vertical panel in appropriate height, in case of necessity it can be mounted in any other position, but access to the frontal panel must be assured. The device can be located in groups with other meters, but under the device there must be left sufficient space for the leads connection. In a case, that the meter is intended to be used for centralized data connection through RS 485 Bus, there must be assured also display reading (LED) as well as access for the probe to the optical serial interface. The panel cut out of 92 X 92 mm (+0.1mm). is to be required for fixing of meter. The panel cut out of 142 X142 mm (+0.1mm). is to be required for fixing of Printer (AEprin) The device and Printer are intended for fixing by using two nos. of side clamps provided with meter. After fixing the meter to connect in accordance with its connection diagram given in the back side terminals of the meter (event. in accordance with annexed documentation). Connection of the device to the network can be performed only by persons with corresponding qualification. It is necessary to care about correct connection of the circuits for RS 485 Bus, especially to maintain the polarity (marked with A & B on backside terminals of meter). Also the connection to Auxiliary circuit of meter. For Connection to AE- Prin use the RJ-45 wire provided . Please do not connect this RJ- 45 wire to any PC, Laptop or telephone Jack or any other device other than to interconnect the RJ45 jacks provided on the Backside of AE 9000 and AE- Prin . In order to comply with correct meter installation principles, it is important to follow the procedure, as described below: To locate device into appropriate height suitable for register ( display) reading; Fixing points and a space for connection wires must be in accordance with a dimension drawing of the device. For mounting to use Standard accessories for fixing/ openings of the meter; To connect meters in accordance with the connection diagram located on back side of the terminal cover; Use minimum 1.5 Copper wires for connection of Voltage, Current & Auxiliary circuit & use two core separate wire for RS 485 Bus connection. It is recommended to provide series fuse (with proper insulated fuse base) of 1Amp. Rating for Auxiliary circuit connection. To care about correct connection of Current polarity, voltage line & neutral circuits, Auxiliary circuit & RS 485 Bus connection wires;
After mounting there is necessary to perform adjustments of meter, the following parameters need to set before checking of meter functions. Set CT & PT Ratio as per requirement. Set Star or Delta connection. Selection of Electric circuit i.e. Single / Three phase.
5.2 Service
Digital Multi function meters of the type series AE 9000 do not require any service, except the processes of data reading and occasional parameterization (recalibration) within the range of description given in this manual and regular verification in periods, determined for a given meter type in a corresponding country of utilization.
5.3 Maintenance
Digital Multi function meters of the type series AE 9000 do not require any proper regular maintenance. It is sufficient to remove from the meters dust and to maintain cleanness of interfaces and accessibility to the display. After elapsing of period of verification it is supposed their detailed cleaning and checking verification of the measurement precision.
6.2 Transport
Digital Multi function meters are very precise measuring devices and in accordance with this they must be carefully handled during manipulation and transport. Excessive shocks may influence their functionality and precision in unfavorable way. When sending the meters by transport it must be marked by the symbol glass handles with care.
6.3 Storage
Digital Multi function meters to store at the temperature with ambient temperature from -25 C to +70 C in a dry and dust free ambient without aggressive gases and vapors. Average relative humidity value should not to overpass RH 75 %.
7.2 Warranty
By this warranty Automatic Electric Ltd. (Hence forth make AEL) assures the product is free from defects in material and workmanship, for a period of 12 months from date of delivery. AEL is responsible for the design and assures that the product has and will maintain the performance determined by technical standards for the above mentioned period. The features of the product are described in manual along with detail mounting instructions. AELs only obligation under this warranty is to repair or replace product subject to these warranty terms conditions. AEL is not liable for any loss or damage relating to products this warranty or otherwise, including economic or intangible loss of profit/revenue. The liability under this warranty will in no case exceed the price paid for product. The warranty does not cover: 1. Installation or use of product in a manner inconsistent with technical standards. 2. Misuse including treatment resulting in physical or aesthetic damage or changes in product or damage to LED. 3. Repair or attempted repair by persons other than the one nominated by AEL. 4. Accidents, fire, liquids, chemicals, flooding, vibrations , excessive heat, electrostatic discharges Including lighting, other external forces or impacts.
8. Specifications
Type Input voltage V AC Voltage Overload Input Current A AC Current Overload Auxiliary supply 1 / 3-Phase-3-wire/ 4wire (Programmable through front panel). 110V or 415 V ( L-L ) 1.5 time for 10 sec 1A or 5A 50A max for 3 sec AC / DC : 85 V - 300 V
For Voltage / Current - 0.2 VA max per Volt/Amp input, Burden Frequency Resolution Response Time Accuracy Class Auxiliary - 3VA max. 45 Hz - 55Hz RMS 4 digit, Integral 8 digit <300ms 1.0 (optional: 0.5).
RS485 communication Two wire half duplex Baud rates -2400, 4800, 9600, 19200. Isolation Demand Interval Environmental Mechanical Size Protection Conform to Casing Keypad LED Indication 2k VAC isolation for 1min. Between communication and other circuit. Programmable from 1 to 30 Minutes. Operating Temp. -10 to +70 C. storage temp.-25 to +70C, Humidity 0%-95% non condensing. Bezel : 96 x 96 mm Depth : 83mm behind Bezel IP54 for front Display. IS13779 /IEC 62052-11 & 62053-21. ABS Black H II 21 5 Functional keys 31 individual discrete LEDs for parameter information
9. MODBUS Communications:
Parameter display and Configuration of MFM can also be done from a remote location via MODBUS communication. Following sub-sections describe the MODBUS function codes used and, addresses for each parameter for display and configuration. The display parameters can only be read from the unit using function code 0x03, while the configuration can be read using function code 0x03 and modified using function code 0x06. Frame: <address><function code><data address><number of bytes>/<data><CRC>
For configuration parameters exception code 03 indicate that the data send is out of the boundary limit.
N* x 2 Bytes
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x83 01 or 02 or 03 or 04
For CTR/PTR ratio write multiple registers code is used. Since PTR/CTR primary & secondary value are of 2 word long , while write holding register can send only one byte of data at a time so because of this write multiple register code is used to send both 2 word together. Here in code we have sent both primary & secondary value of CTR/PTR together. This is done so that the ratio can be computed immediately and error can be flagged if ratio is invalid. If primary and secondary are sent independently, ratio computation may not be correct with new value of one parameter and old value of another. The ratio of CTR/PTR is calculated from the primary & secondary value, & depending upon that if the ratio is within the maximum limit than the primary & secondary values are stored in memory otherwise no change in the output takes place. Example: Consider that if we want to set PTR ratio as 1000 for that we have consider PTR primary value as 1000 & PTR secondary value as 1. So the data that will be sent through modbus is given below 01 10 00 FC 00 04 08 03 E8 00 00 00 01 00 00:
Here 01 is the slave address, 10 is the function code, 00 FC is the PTR primary address. 00 04 is the quantity of register, 08 is the no. of byte, 03 e8 00 00 is the value for PTR primary i.e. is 1000 & 00 01 00 00 is the value for PTR secondary i.e. is 1. Exception code logic: If incorrect function code : Exception code = 01 If registers requested not in range 0 32 : Exception code = 03 If requested addresses invalid : Exception code = 02 If Slave internal error : Exception code = 04 Modbus Map for Configuration Parameters Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Parametr Phase Topology (Star/Delta) CT Ratio Primary CT Ratio Secondary PT Ratio Primary PT Ratio Secondary Scroll MD Integration Data Logging Time Set user password Pages to be displayed in auto scroll mode along with display order Parameters to be logged Current date and Time Page Register Command for reset Speed & memory register Reset calibration Reset Phase Calibration Parameter Address F0 F2 F4 F8 FC 100 104 106 108 10C 110-142 148 1B6 1B8 1C0 1C2 1C4 1D6 1D 1D D No of words 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 28 56 5 1 1 1 1 1 Multiplyig factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Table below will give values that can be sending from application software for system configuration: In the table given below the parameter value starting with 0x is the hex e.g. 0x3 is the hex value of 3 & all other value is in decimal format. In modbus all the decimal value has to be converted into hex before sending in into the system.
Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15
Parameter Single Phase Three Phase Star Topology Delta CT Primary CT Secondary CTR ratio = CT Primary/ CT Secondary PT Primary PT Secondary PTR ratio = PT Primary/ PT Secondary Scroll Time MD Integration Data Logging Time Password Pages to be displayed in auto scroll mode along with display order Parameter to be logged
Value 0x01 0x03 0x01 0x00 Max = 5000 Min=1 Max = 5 Min=1 Max = 1000 Min = 1 Max =220KV Min=1 Max = 110 Min=1 Max = 2000 Min = 1 Max = 10 Min=3 Max = 5 Min=30 Max=120 Min=1 Max = 9999 Min = 0 For Set send 0x01 and for reset 0x00 for per page
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
For set send 0x01 and for reset send 0x00 Current Date and Time Data will be send following format <Hour><Min><Date>< Month><Year> Hour Max =23 Min=0 Minute Max=59 Min=0 Date Max =31 Min=1 Month Max= 12 Min= 1 Year Min =2009 Page Register Max = 4 Min= 0 Speed & memory register Memory max = 4 min = 2 (Read only) Max Speed can be 4800 = 1 9600= 2 & 38400 = 3 (Read only) Reset Phase calibration 0x0000
The limits checks are provided by first comparing the address of the incoming message with the assigned address for the various parameters in order to know that message belongs to particular parameter. Now the value in the message is compared with the boundary limits of that particular parameter & if the value is out of the boundary range then exception value [03 = illegal data value] is
returned otherwise that value is updated Before Reading Configuration Parameters, Master has to write the value 0x04 to the Page register.
1 Byte 1 Byte
0x83 01 or 02 or 03 or 04
Parameter Address 00 02 04 06 08 0A 0C 0E 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 No of words 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Multiplying factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 100 100 100
Voltage line to line R-phase Voltage line to line Y-phase Voltage line to line B-phase Voltage line to line average Voltage line to neutral R-phase Voltage line to neutral Y-phase Voltage line to neutral B-phase Voltage line to neutral average Current for R- phase Current for Y-phase Current for B-phase Current average Neutral Current Power factor R-phase Power factor Y-Phase Power factor B-phase Power factor average Frequency Phase angle R-phase Phase angle Y-phase Phase angle B-phase
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Phase angle between R-phase and Y-phase Phase angle between Y-phase and B-phase Phase angle between B-phase and R-phase Active power R-phase Active power Y- phase Active power B-phase Active power total Reactive power R-phase Reactive power Y-phase Reactive power B-phase Reactive power total Apparent power R-phase Apparent power Y-phase Apparent power B-phase Apparent power total Import :Active energy(Wh) Import: Apparent energy VAh. Import: Inductive Reactive Energy VARh. Export :Active energy(Wh) Export: Apparent energy VAh. Export: Inductive Reactive Energy VARh. Total :Active energy(Wh) Total: Apparent energy VAh. Total: Inductive Reactive energy VARh. Import : Run hours Export : Run hours Total : Run hours Total Interruptions Current THD Voltage THD Maximum Demand Real Power Maximum Demand for Apparent Power
22 23 24 25 27 29 2B 2D 2F 31 33 35 37 39 3B 3D 3F 41 43 45 47 49 4B 4D 4F 50 51 52 53 55 57 59
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
Since Logged data will be larger than 125 bytes, master would send multiple read requests, in order to read complete logging data. It is unknown to the master before hand as to how many data bytes are logged in memory; hence the master would be required to send the read requests until it receives an exception saying invalid address, which would indicate that all logged data has been read. In case of error in communication at any point during logged data transfer, master may initiate the read from the beginning or from the address where the communication had failed. Since protocol allows only 64 K of memory addressing, the total available memory is divided into 4 pages, numbered 0 3. Hence master has to update the page register in order to read form specific page. It is not possible to read from addresses 0x00 to 0x399 when page register 0 is selected (Reserved for configuration data can be read by selecting Page number 4 as mentioned above). Master will get an exception Invalid Address in case an attempt to read this space is made for page register 0. Only 64 bytes of data can be read per message as opposed to 125 defined by the protocol, in order to maintain proper page boundaries. Once data from one page is read, Master must ensure incrementing the value of page register in order to read
further data. Table below give information about page number and valid address range. Page Number 0 1 2 3 4 Start Add 0x0400 0x0000 0x0008 0x0000 0x0000 End Add 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0x0399
The protocol for log data is given below <0xABAB (16 bit)> <Number of data byte (16 bit)><Actual Data byte (number of data byte)><CRC (16 bit)> In this 0xABAB is header which indicate start of data log frame, next two bytes are give number of data bytes log in log period. After that actual parameter are log. At end of each frame of data logging 16 bit CRC for error check.
(16 bit)> <Number of data byte (16 bit)>< Power On Interruption Hr Min Date Month Year (12bytes)><CRC (16 bit)> In this 0xABAB is header which indicate start of data log frame, next two bytes are give number of data bytes log in log period. After that actual parameter are log. At end of each frame of data logging 16 bit CRC for error check. To indicate a power on interruption 0x00D2 is send.