Abu Dhabi Polytechnic Hydraulics Oct (Emex 286)
Abu Dhabi Polytechnic Hydraulics Oct (Emex 286)
Abu Dhabi Polytechnic Hydraulics Oct (Emex 286)
CRN: 2185
Laboratory Report
Semester 2, 2020/2021
Submitted by:
Table of Contents
Cover Page ...................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Figures .............................................................................................................. 2
Table of Tables ................................................................................................................ 2
Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 5
Apparatus........................................................................................................................ 6
Procedure........................................................................................................................ 7
Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 9
References....................................................................................................................... 9
Table of Figures
Figure 1……………………………………………..........................…………………….…...………………………..6
Figure 2……………………………………………..........................…………………….…...………………….…...6
Figure 3……………………………………………..........................…………………….…...………………………..6
Figure 4……………………………………………..........................…………………….…...………………………..6
Figure 5 Circuit……………………………………………..........................…………………….…...……………8
Table of Tables
Table 1…………………..……..…………………..........................…………………….…...………………………..6
FluidSIM is thorough programming for the creation, reproduction, guidance, and study of
electro-pneumatic, electro-hydraulic, and computerized circuits. You'll have the option to make
circuits effectively by using drag and drop. You just need to put the things in the circuit as you
need to see them and build the circuit naturally. Straightforward and effective. FluidSIM offers
a natural circuit diagram editor with definite portrayals, everything being equal, sectional view
liveliness, component photos, and video arrangements. Along these lines, FluidSIM is ideal for
use in exercises and the preparation thereof and as a self-study program. It likewise offers
another reenactment center that need not dread a correlation with a more costly uncommon
program, so experts get a decent favorable position. Despite complex actual models and exact
numerical methodology, recreation is incredibly quick.
Hydraulic on camp training (OCT) is a course that teaches students on how to learn and operate
at the Festo workstation and how to execute various activities utilizing hydraulics and electro-
hydraulic devices, FESTO hydraulic workstation. To design and build hydraulic and electro-
hydraulic loops, too. This relies on three key criteria: assembly of components, circuit
architecture (using FluidSIM application). And finally troubleshooting. The activities with
order to execute effectively in both the hardware and software programs, as each had a
significant effect on the results of the activities in hand.
Pumps unit
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Table 1
Figure 5 Circuit
The students performed a circuit that has a sequence of AB+, A-, B- on FluidSIM software.
This task was implemented by setting; two double acting cylinders, three roller lever limit
switches, two double pilot valves and two pump units. One of the limit switches connected to
the forward piston on both double acting cylinders for extension and it was called 2S1.
However, the other two limit switches were 1S1and 1S2. Where the 1S2 was controlling the
backward action for the first double acting cylinder, while the 1S1 is for the retraction action
on the second double acting cylinder.
The experiment was successfully studied and the required operating sequence for the cylinders
was achieved. The experiment used 2 electrically driven hydraulic power units to drive 2
cylinders A and B in the sequence AB+, A-, B- which means that AB both initially extends
followed by retraction of A and later by retraction of B. Roller lever type limit switches were
used to sense the extreme positions for the cylinders and these limit switches gave pilot pressure
to pilot operated spring returned direction control valves. These valves gave pilot to the two
positions of pilot operated main direction control valves in both the cylinder lines. The
experiment demonstrated how hydraulic lines can be manipulated to achieve the desired
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339109573_Experimental_Study_of_Double-