Theaetetus and The History of The Theory of Numbers
Theaetetus and The History of The Theory of Numbers
Theaetetus and The History of The Theory of Numbers
Wasserstein Reviewed work(s): Source: The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 8, No. 3/4 (Nov., 1958), pp. 165-179 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Classical Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 12/03/2013 07:19
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8 uTV
r7 ows Theaetetus, 147 d.) This famous passage has given rise to much discussion and some perplexity. Theodorus the mathematician is represented by Theaetetus as proving the irrationality of the square roots of the (non-square) numbers from 3 to 17:
EVEXEo70. (Plato,
'He took the separate cases up to the root of 17 square feet; and there, for some reason, he stopped.' (Transl. Cornford.) The passage is of great importance in the history of Greek mathematics for more than one reason. Theaetetus is said to have generalized the proof of the irrationality of square roots of non-square integers; and thus his connexion with this passage is important because Plato here obviously implies that Theodorus was not giving a generalized proof-otherwise, why should he go up to
17 ? If Theodorus did not know the generalized proof, he clearly had to proceed by enumeration and proof of particular cases. But, if so, why stop at 17? The simplest explanation seems to be that he had to stop somewhere, and 17 was as good a place as any.' However, more interesting questions remain: what was Theodorus' proof? And how was this generalized by Theaetetus? And, perhaps most interesting of all, why did the generalization have to wait for Theaetetus? Did the Pythagoreans, who seem to have been very excitedz about the discovery of the irrationality of the square root of 2, never try to extend their inquiries into a field of such great interest to them? Did Theodorus, who knew proofs applicable to particular cases, never try to formulate the proof in a general way ? Theodorus (in Plato's dialogue) started from /3, not from 12. Why? Obviously, because that case had been dealt with before, by Pythagoras or the
Pythagoreans.a By the time of Theodorus it was known. There is indeed no
SSee Hardy and Wright, Introduction to the
rO; Aoyov
KGL . ..
Theoryof Numbers(3rd ed.), p. 43. See also Appendix below. 2 Their excitement was probably caused not so much by joy at the great discovery, as by its disturbing implications for their metaphysical doctrine: here was a case where no number relationship could be established. The legend invented by the Pythagoreans to the effect that the man who first divulged the discovery died in a shipwreck is a sufficient indication of the disturbance that the 'irrational' caused in the Pythagorean school. See Schol. in Eucl. Elem. Io, p. 417 Heiberg: rcv yap HvOayoptv Adyos rdv 7r7v
avis ripcrov E'ayaydvra rorl70 rrEpl rorTWv OEplav Els The Scholiast's suggesvavayl rrepLrr~o~EveV'. not without interest:
i'Tows vir7ovro
El 7LS
aV jvX'7
T7h (W,
TOY 77)S
de Vit. Pythag. 34-. 246-7, p. 132 Deub. 3 See Cantor, Vorlesungen Gesch.d. Maz. them. i. 154-5. The claim made by K. von Fritz ('The Discovery of Incommensurability by Hippasus of Metapontum', Annalsof Maxlvi [i9451, 245) that 'the tradition thematics, is unanimous in attributing the discovery to a Pythagorean philosopher by the name of Hippasus of Metapontum' seems to me to be devoid of all foundation. So far from being unanimous, the tradition is, I believe, nonexistent. I know of no single ancient author
stead of El ... radTL7 .rnSpicLoL read perhaps div . . ..) See also 7LS r;Xfl Iambl. ErLpaLv
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need to insist that this was all that was known. It could be argued (see, e.g., Geometry Thalesto Euclid,pp. 213-14, and Zeuthen, Oversigt from Allman, Greek overdet Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Forhandlinger, Selskabs 1910o,p. 418, and 1915, P. 339) that the Pythagoreans knew more than the irrationality of 12; that if they knew the case of 12 they must have seen or at least suspected that there were other cases of irrational square roots; that perhaps even the proofs given by Theodorus of the particular instances up to <I7 may have been Pythagorean doctrines rather than his own personal contributions. On the other hand (as is pointed out by Zeuthen, loc. cit.), the Pythagoreans were perhaps content with /2: it was enough to establish the existence of irrationals. Or perhaps we should rather say that they were shocked; and that that shock may have inhibited further inquiry. However that may be, we need not decide this question. For, as I shall try to show, the originality of Theodorus may have consisted not in the extension of the theory of irrationality from /2 to other particular cases (even if that is to be ascribed to him), but in the realization that the traditional method did not lend itself to automatic generalization, and in the determination of the preconditions for a generalized proof on the basis of the traditional method. It is, then, tolerably certain that at least <2 and the proof of its irrationality was known. And if the Pythagoreansknew or suspected the existence of more than that single case, such extensions may not have been so well known outside the Pythagorean school. There is this further point to be noted: scholars' have argued as if Plato representedTheodorus as having made a new and very exciting discovery; but an unprejudicedreader of the dialogue will not, I think, be immediately convinced of the truth of that impression. It is at least conceivable that Plato means no more than that Theodorus was demonstratingnot a new discoveryof his own, but something which though known to professional mathematicians might be new and interesting to his young hearers. From a passage in Aristotle we know what the traditional proof was (Prior
Analytics I. 23. 41Ia23-30) w7lVTEyap o0 SL 70)
attributing the discovery to Hippasus. We have indeed the legend mentioned by Iamblichus (Vit. Pyth. I8. 88, p. 52 Deubner; cf. De 25, p. 77 Festa) to the effect that Hippasus was drowned at sea as a punishment for divulging the Pythagorean secret of how to inscribe a dodecahedron in a sphere; and this legend is obviously confused with the similar legend connected with the divulgation of the discovery of irrationality (see preceding note). But that confusion does not afford any reason for suggesting that Hippasus, because he is said to have suffered the same fate as the man who published the secret of irrational numbers, must have been identical with that man. And, of course, there is even less justification for identifying Hippasus not only with the divulger but also with the discoverer of irrationals. It may be of interest that this confusion is one of which Iamblichus already knew: see Vit. Pyth. 34. 247, P. 132 Deubner, where we are told the story of the punishment of the man who had divulged the secret of the dodecahedron inTEpalvorTES70 t/yv 4odvvic0Uov scribed in the sphere. It is followed by the remark that 'some say that it was the man who divulged the secret of irrationality and incommensurability who suffered this (punishment)'. It may perhaps be useful to mention here that what v. Fritz calls an 'obviously S. corrupt reading in some manuscripts', . namely dAdywvin the Eudemian Summary, in Proclus, in Eucl., p. 65, seems in fact to be not only the right reading but also the unanimous tradition ofall manuscripts. There does not seem to be any manuscript evidence at all for dvaAodywv dvaAoyu4v or which are apparently based on no more than a note in See August's Euclid (i. 290): 'alii dvaAodyowv'. Booksof Euclid'sElements, Heath, The Thirteen i. 35'. Se.g. Zeuthen, 'Sur la constitution des livres arithm~tiques des ~S1ments d'Euclide et leur rapport la question de l'irrationalit6', in Oversigt over det Kgl. Danske VidenskabernesSelskabs Forhandlinger,1915. See also i. Heath, GreekMathematics, 206.
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oEUI-OS cUrUOyLSOV'aCL, Uutal/3v?17~FaYL6JO L "d 7~EpTTE ro7~S JprIOLS
' ' aCpxlp E) r3 8' LoUvarov r U7rroEUows" 3sELKVVOV(JV, orav 3LcL TO Yw~EUT~a T~IIS OL~OJ a~tl~fLE7pOS- ~7 OT7L 3Lc/E7POS
LUa Y7vIEUoaC "r& TLZTEPL 7" t/LEV0o I7V V7T'EW5 ELcvaU 8LcafLErpoV E)s
VAAUhoytSEraL, r VEL aG~LErpoV 7-V CV7GaaLVw. also See SElKvvaULV, EvUoS Uv/aI &Ld r ErTTEL ro7S
83atLcErpov UvJLETzrpov rO alluded to is given in Euclid Io. I an interpolation). See (which may becprooLs. 17 Heiberg, Euclid.iii. 408, app. 27.' It may be represented as follows: Theorem: is not a rational number. 12 Proof: Suppose <2 is rational. Then it must be of the form m/n, this fraction being in its lowest terms. Then, if m/n = 12,
i'aa cELVCL
n2 -?=
and so
Therefore m2 is divisible by 2. Ifm2 is divisible by 2, m is also divisible by 2. Take m = 2p; m2 4p2; but mn2 2n2,therefore4p2 = 2n2, and 2p2 = n2. Therefore nz is divisible by 2, and, if so, n is also divisible by 2. But if both mand n are divisible by 2, then this contradictsour initial assumption that the fraction m/n is in its lowest terms, or, in other words, that the numerator and the denominator have no factor other than I in common. (It will be observed that where Aristotle speaks of odd and even, we, while using what is basically, in this case, the same criterion, call it divisibility or indivisibility by 2.) Now, it is clear that the proof of the irrationality of the square root of 3 is practically the same as that of the irrationalityof the square root of 2, and that it can be used without any change whatsoever in method for the proof of the irrationality of the square root of any prime number. It can also be used in the same way for proving the irrationality of the square root of a composite number that is not a multiple of a square number, or, in other words, that does not contain any prime factor more than once. But it is equally obvious that the proof will have to be modified in the case of numbers that, though not squarenumbersthemselves,are multiples of square numbers. It is easy to show, for example, that the proof employed for 2 and 3 will do for 5, 7, II, 13, 17, and so on; that it will also do for 6, Io, 14, 15, and so on, that is to say, composite numbersnot being multiples of square numbers; but that it will not do, in its unchanged form, for non-square composite numbers that are multiples of square numbers, such as, for example, the numbers 8, I2, or 18. To show that this is so one need point out only that one of the essential steps in the proof, namely the inferencethat ifm2is divisible by a given number, then m must be divisible by that number too, is not a valid inference in the case of numbers that are multiples of square numbers.Thus, for instance, if m2 is divisible by any of the numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, or for that matter, by 6, I0o,
See also the note by Alexander Aphrodisiensis on An. Pr. I. 41a26. (It is to be observed that Alexander in this note [p. 260,
30, of the Berlin edition] uses the verb rroAv= to square, a sense which is "AaaL6{tv to unknown L.S.J.)
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14, then it is obvious that m is also divisible by that number. But ifm2is divisible by a number like 8 or 12 or 18, then it does not at all follow that m must also be divisible by that number. To take only one example: take m2 = 62 = 36. This is divisible by 18 (i.e. 2 X 32) and also by 12 (i.e. 3 X 2"). But m = 6 is not divisible by either of these two numbers. The proof employed hitherto can of course be very easily adapted to numbers that are multiples of square numbers; but the fact that it has to be so adapted vitiates the attempt at generalization of the proof suggested by Heath (Gk. i. Mathematics, 205). It is there argued that Theodorus is not likely to have employed the traditionalproof, because that is capable of very easy generalization, that is to say, the generality of the proof would have become apparent long before in the enumeration of cases /'I7 had been reached. Since he did go on to 4I7, that, so argues Heath, suggests that his proof was not the traditional one, but a proof that was not capable of such easy and almost selfevident generalization. Unfortunately Heath's argument is weakened not only by the obvious objection that it would be hard to believe that Theodorus was not conversant with the traditional proof,' but by the graver difficulty that what Heath representsas a very simple generalization is not a valid generalization at all. He writes: 'We can put the proof quite generally thus. Suppose that N is a nonsquare number such as 3, 5, ..., and, if possible, let N =r=m/n,where m, n, are integers prime to one another. Therefore m2= N. n2; therefore m2 is divisible by N, so thatm also is a multiple N' (my italics). of After this the proof proceedsin the traditionalway so that the matter is disposed of in a few more steps. But everything that comes after this is of no immediate interest to us. For the words italicized above represent an invalidstep in the argument. The divisibility of a square number m2 by a number N implies the divisibility of m by that number N only where N is not itself the multiple of a square number. Where N is e.g. 8 or 12 or 18 or any such number that contains the same prime factor more than once, the inference 'if m2is divisible
SThat the traditional proof is indeed 'traditional' (i.e. known before Theaetetus) is
accepted by most scholars; see, e.g., Cantor, Vorlesungen zur Gesch. der Mathematik, i. 155; 'Mathematisches zu Aristoteles', Heiberg, Abhandl. Gesch. Math. Wiss., IgO4, p. 24: 'dieser alte pythagoriaische Beweis'. And the case is well argued by Zeuthen (1915, pp. 357-62). The arithmetical character of the proof and its reliance on the distinction between odd and even (in the case of the square root of 2) seem to stamp the proof as Pythagorean. A further argument in favour of its Pythagorean origin is its obvious relationship with the so-called Pythagorean theorem (Euclid I. 47) which is attested as Pythagorean by many, though admittedly late, authorities. For reference see Heath, The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, i. 351. He also quotes Heron, who ascribes to Pythagoras a general rule for the formation of right-angled triangles with rational integers as sides. And the well-known Eudemian in Summary
Proclus (ed. Friedlein, p. 65) attributes the discovery of the theory of irrationals to Pythagoras; the scholiast on Euclid I o. I, Heiberg, vol. v, pp. 415-16, attributes the discovery of incommensurability to the Pythagoreans. See Heath, op. cit., p. 353: 'The investigation (of I. 47) from the arithmetical point of view would ultimately lead Pythagoras to the other momentous discovery of the irrationality of the length of the diagonal of a square expressed in terms of its side.' The use of lypaqe in the Platonic dialogue does not, of course, refer to the geometrical character of the proof. At most it means that Theodorus drew a figure to demonstrate the existence such lengths; that they were irraof tional needed a further, arithmetical, proof with which the 'Existenzbeweis' to which EypabE in that case refers, had nothing to do. Heath in fact gives good reasons for thinking that lypabe means no more than 'he was
proving'. See Gk. Math. i. 303-
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by N, then m also is divisible by N' is invalid. Thus the possibilityof generalization assumed by Heath does not really exist in that very simple form.' And this seriously diminishes the cogency of his conclusion that because Theodorus apparently did not hit upon the generalization he is unlikely to have used the traditional proof. In fact the valid generalization is slightly more complicated than that assumed by Heath. It could be put as follows: N not being a square number has no rational square root. For, suppose it this has: then it must be of the form mmn, fraction being in its lowest terms. Then, if
-= VN, n
Now, although it does not follow that m too is divisible by N (that would follow only if N is a square-freenumber) we can at any rate say that if m2is divisible by N then m is divisible by the square-freefactors of N. Call them a. Then m = ar and
- N
a2r2= Nn2
But N is either (I) = a or (2) a multiple of a, say ap (where p is of course a square number). Then either (I) where N = a
therefore a divides n2 and since a is square-free (by hypothesis) it must also divide n. Or (2) where N = ap (a being square-free,p being square)
a2r2 a2r2 N ar2 =n2 a 2 n2.
ap p N p Therefore n2is divisible by a, and since a is square-free,n also is divisible by a. But if a divides both m and n, this contradicts the initial assumption that m/n was in its lowest terms. It will be seen at once that this generalization of the traditional proof is somewhat more complicated than one might think at first sight and that it is necessarilymore complicated than that assumed by Heath. But of course the complication would have presented no difficulty to a mathematician like Theodorus, and we must still ask ourselveswhy he and others before him did not hit upon the almost self-evident generality of a method that they already applied in particular cases. We have seen that the generalization presents a few more complications than the particular cases. It is here, I think, that we must still look for an answer
SZeuthen (1915, p. 341) makes the same mistake as Heath: '. .. l'application de la demonstration en question g ces difflrentes
racines ne prtsenterait que cette seule diff&rence qui r6sulte de la substitution d'un nouveau nombre g celui dont on part.'
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to our question. For while the complications would not in themselves present any great difficulty to a mathematician (though even here we must not underestimate the difficulty of reasoning that proceeds from step to step with algebraic symbols, or rather, with their equivalent verbal expressions,a procedure not as intimately familiar and easy to Greek as to modern mathematicians), yet the presence of these particular complicationsmay have made clear to the rigorous mathematician a difficulty so fundamental and so elementary that it might remain unnoticed in the application of the method to particular cases as long as no attempt at generalization was made. I refer to the doubt that a rigorousmathematician must have felt when, or if, he tried to generalize the traditional proof in the manner indicated above, about the cogency of an argument like: if m2is divisible by a then m also is divisible by a. Obviously the necessity for this step in the argument would make the mathematician consider the different possible cases. And as we have done above he would find that the argument does not hold in the case where a is the multiple of a square number. But even when the possibilitiesare narrowed down to a -= any prime number, the statement though apparently true would still seem to the rigorous mathematician to require proof. Needless to say he would also think about cases where a is neither prime nor a multiple of square numbers, i.e. where a is a non-square, square-free,composite number. In brief the rigorous mathematician who tried to generalize the traditionalproofwould have thought hard about such matters as prime numbers, composite numbers of various forms, and in particular, about the cogency of the step in our argument that we have discussed above; in other words, he would see that the above proof really depends on something else that has to be proved first. Now, such a preliminary proof does indeed exist: Euclid, 7. 30, proves that if c divides ab, and c is prime, then c must divide either a or b. Our case, that of a square number, is no more than a special example of this; that is to say: the product ab is such that a = b; and thus, the prime that divides a or b in Euclid's theorem will divide both a and b; i.e. where we are dealing with a number that is not just a product of two numbers, but a product of two equal numbers, in other words: a square number, Euclid's theorem can be read like this: if c is a prime and divides a square number it will also divide the square root of that number. And that is what is needed for the generalization above discussed. The connexion between Theaetetus and the arithmetical books of Euclid seems well established. It is suggested by the evidence and the matter is examined by Zeuthen who comes to the conclusion that the mathematics of Book 7 of Euclid must be attributed in its essentials to Theaetetus.' Yet in the same article Zeuthen argues (as does Heath after him) that the particular
Zeuthen, 1910, p. 421; he gives examples
of terminological parallels between Euclid (7, Def. 16 and i8) and the passage in the Theaetetus. regards Book 1o we have the As statement of the scholiast on Io. 9 who expressly says that that theorem was the discovery of Theaetetus (see Heiberg, Euclid, v. op. cit. v. 654) that part of the subject-matter of that book was derived from Theaetetus. Generally, we are told by Proclus (in Eucl.
gether the Elements and perfected many of the theorems of Theaetetus'. The practically certain case for pre-Euclidean provenance of part at any rate of the contents of the arithmetical books is supported by a letter of Eratosthenes given by Eutocius (Archimedes, ed. Heiberg, iii. I02 ff.).
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proofs employed by Theodorus cannot have been adaptations of the traditional proof: for, he argues, these would have led to the generalization; and also there would have been no need for Plato to single out Theodorus' discovery for special praise. However, we have seen that the generalized formulation of the proof requires rather more than a mechanical substitution of algebraical symbols for particularnumbers: that the attempt to generalize leads to complications which suggest a preoccupation with the fundamentals of the theory of numbers. On the other hand, contrary to what one might expect, the fundamental difficulty, namely the need first to prove what we now have in Euclid cases like the 7. 30,' does not necessarily enter into the proof for particular square roots of 2, 3, 5, 6, etc., since for each particularnumber we can substitute for the preliminarygeneral proof of the critical inference 'c dividing aZimplies c dividing a' a special proof by enumeration of cases, without relying on Euclid I think thereforethat the most economical use of the evidence will still make it possible to assume that Theodorus' proof was in fact the traditional proof; that Theodorus did not proceed to the generalization, because he was well aware of the need (in the generalization) of a more fundamental treatment of such subjects as prime and composite numbers, factorization, etc.; and thatit
was preciselythis refisal of the rigorousmathematician enunciate general theorybased to a on doubtful foundations that led his pupil Theaetetusto investigatenot only theproblem arithmetical of irrationalitybut also themorefundamental questions;thus the generalized 7- 30.2
theory of irrationality will not only depend on fundamental number-theory: it will be seen to have led directly to a preoccupationwith the latter. We should in this way have (I) a logical sequence: preoccupationwith irrationalityleading to work on fundamental arithmetic of the kind found in Euclid 7-9; and (2) we could fix historically point where this kind of arithmeticwas systematized. the In saying that Theodorus did not and could not generalize a proof of which he used the particular applications, one need not of course assume that he could not enunciate conjecturally the general theorem whose general proof he did not know. In fact he may have wanted by the enumerationof the cases up to 17 to suggest the general theorem; that may be the reason why he went so far as 17. But there is a limit to everything, even a mathematics lesson; and that is why he went no farther. Thus we may disagree with Heath and Zeuthen on both counts. First, we need not account for anything particularly original in Theodorus' proof to make it worthy of Plato's mention; indeed, there is nothing in Plato's text to suggest that Theodorus had made a new discovery; and so we can, on that count at any rate, assume that his was the traditional proof. Yet though his proof was not original, we may still think of him as an original mathematician:
It is of course 7. 30, not as v. Fritz (in
P.W. s.v. Theodorus,
The latter is the enunciation of the theorem that if two numbers are prime to one another, then their squares will be prime to one another; and so also with their cubes. But it is clear that what we need for our proof is 7- 30o, that is to say, the theorem 'if c divides ab, and c is prime, then c divides either a or b', with a simple substitution of a square number for ab, that is to say, taking a = b. Else-
says, 7. 27.
But that, too, is unnecessary: for there we are told that if two numbers are prime to one another the square of one of them will be prime to the other: what we need does not follow from it. Whereas at 7. 30 the enunciation ofclab -+ cia or clbobviously includes, as
a special case, cla2 -- cja. 2 See on this Hardy and Wright, Introduc-
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there must have been originality in him if he had an inkling of the insufficiency of a mechanical generalization of the traditional proof without previously proving what we now have in Euclid 7. 30. Secondly: nor yet is the generalization of the traditional proof quite so easy as Heath and Zeuthen thought. If it is easy enough to become apparent by a mere enumeration of cases, it yet brings in its train complications that lead to the realization of fundamental difficultieswithout the solution of which the generalized proof, as distinct from the conjectural enunciation, of the theorem is impossible. We conclude therefore: I. The proof employed by Theodorus may well have been, indeed is extremely likely to have been, the traditional proof. 2. The fact that this was not generalized, so far from leading us to think that the traditional proof could not have been used, fits exactly into the picture of the rigorous mathematician who refuses to jump his fences before he has come to them. The intimate connexion of Theodorus' pupil Theaetetus with the theory 3. of irrationality and withfundamental arithmetical theory suggests that it was the realization of difficulties inherent in the former that led to a preoccupation with parts at least of the latter. APPENDIX An ancient commentator on the Theaetetus Kommentar Platons (Anonymer zu ed. Theaetet, H. Diels and W. Schubart,Berliner ii, Klassikertexte, 1905) mentions some interesting suggestionsconcerning the two questions: (a) Why did Theodorus start with 1/3, not with /2 ? (b) Is there anything about 1/I7 that made it appropriate for Theodorus to stop there? On the first question he says interalia that it had been suggested that Plato made Theodorus begin with J3 because he had already shown in the Meno that the square on the diagonal (of a square) was twice as great as the original
square; see col. 28, 37 to col. 29, I: KcU &rrovv 70 ... ET 7ETpLoWvoV tqLEpov79) rro&dEu aUv (sic) KCLTCL irA vpiv, c~A'd dbacnv, %' S E'v 7 MYVL E8ELrEV i5 & 'r6 '7apiTA6Ev, aa3o" c7 i&Laywvrov
rrAEvps. On the second point we read that the question had been asked why Theodorus stopped when he reached 17. One suggested answer,I he says, was that
ITThc$oLdv eo
'Errd YdP
(Ev)cXEt?) ,o op0o EVXE, E, O-L 0o ,&cuPEt~aL t-a ECT1~W ' ivo, E'dv Aacnra E1Y aIs70 . uoL ovorS ro&w"A o o WV LEUoS (sic) EKKCU8EKa KaC O)KTWKal8EKa,
0Vs dwpov&,
S 71'
xThe commentator does not seem to accept this answer. He himself suggests, 35, 2136, 35, that 17 may have been an appropriate place to stop because it is the first number after I6; and 16 is the number of the only
square in which the number denoting the sum of the sides is equal to the number denoting the area of the square, since 44+4+4+4 = 4 x 4.
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'Theodorus was both a geometer and a musician.' He thereforecombined here a geometrical with a musical theorem. The geometrical one was concerned with the roots (or squares), the musical with the number 17. For
this term . . . ?,2 because the tone cannot be divided into equal semitones.
The tone interval has the ratio 9/8. Now if one doubles the number 8, and also the number 9, one obtains the results 16 and 18, between which the number 17 is the (arithmetic) mean dividing the extremes into (geometrically) unequal ratios, as has been shown in the commentary to the
What does this mean ? The musical interval of a full tone cannot be exactly divided into two semitones. The reason for that is that the ratio of the tone is mean between 9/8. To find the semitone we would have to find the geometric 9 and 8, or, what essentially comes to the same, between 9/8 and I. The geometric mean between 9/8 and I would be a number such that its square = 9/8. It would thereforebe /(9/8). But there is no such rational number; the square root of a fraction of the form a+ I/a is irrational; there are no adjacent squares in the seriesof integers.3Now, since a geometric mean representingthe intervalratio of the semitone cannot be found, what is one to do? Perhaps the next best thing to do is to take the arithmetic mean instead, knowing that it will not give an exact division into equalsemitones. That clearly is the meaning of Edv
drraudays 17/16, the arithmetic mean between I and 9/8); and thus, the commentator reasons, the number 17 may have had a special significance for Theodorus. For if we use it once as the denominator and once as the numerator,we obtain two ratios, 18/17 and 17/16, both of which are approximations to the geometric mean; and they have the additional virtue of resulting,when multiplied with each other, exactly in 9/8, the ratio of the full tone. But what our author gives us here is clearly a garbled, or at any rate a shortened, version of an explanation that must have been clearer and more explicit than this. And indeed he goes on to refer to an explanation to be found elsewhere:s
' EV
TL'acOV'TOCtaOUw. be certain that this refers to a commentary of his own (so Diels and Schubart 8dE3K7tt in their Index, s.v. 'Kommentare'); one might in that case perhaps have expected the explanation here to have been a little clearer. On the other hand,
refer to commentaries of his own on the Phaedoand the Symposium, that it so is at least possible that here too he means a commentary of his own. However that may be, there certainly was a fuller treatment elsewhere of the matter adumbrated in this short passage. Now, we read the following passage in Proclus, Tim. 195 a (on Plato, Tim. 35 b) :
..7TEP... 70)
two other references in this commentary, at 48. IO and 70. I2, quite clearly
w~ovs T4LLvE~aeL
I do
means here.
It has been suggested to me that it may perhaps mean 'comes in', 'enters into the argument'.
3 Cf. Euclid, Sectio Canonis,Mus. scr. gr. ed. Jan, prop. 3, p. I52; also Archytas ap. Boeth. de mus. iii. I I = Vorsokratiker6, 47 A i9, P- 429. See Heath, The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements,ii. 295.
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UvEyyvs EKaGTov Ka~ sE4av7Es 86 (v E'Ada wy 70" 7TV
ETY aAA74Awv Aa/3do'es #E17ToKaL&KaoV
J -roi AXEIpt~ao9 o) AO'yo9.3'L ~"ArraWv E'c'TTL Aoaowv JvycyKr7s 8 EcWV OUTO9 (EUUOV MSS.) ? 7)/UdTOVov,
aKpt1oj E(ErrTraKaCKa~KaTO, o0vWrS. EKKELCOw yap
Koo 7 V E#EKKCtdyoV d#E9rE1aKUGC8KaTOV TOy Ka ovt/Lvov AdEtaTo9, .LEovYa OU ? 7 J7n LrOViocU, avvayovacw, TOa r
too avvEyyv9 OVYaS Aodyov9 eaCPEp 7v 7LTrowVov 7TdoyooV Ka u7o &aT7/ja awViUovTo, V dpV. 7d 6Ov a~EpTpwv 7"bV EUTW 0 odyositLovav E'virrdau ydp apefPLy7TKn7 (LEUOd7T71T0 WV"TPo To UXvO (LE (LErW 7TOLe?7E Aodyovoao.77TpTO Ev
TOVTOVU yo/800o9
84L tE(a?
TWYEjtW V 70VrnUTOYV JU. oY, (09 alT dTWY lTj rpd EXWV
C~j TOl
~Eq%7aK(UEa~s ?rrp
ydp Uvs
TO V W9 KaCTOVTO8dEL4OtEV V EYTOVTOI TO9i 7 7 rTUV(LEVWKV arTO(SlEaY E(dJT Tl JPeO/o&S 7bV [TrrpS JAWowv Adyov, 70o AElra70SO EoE1TTaKa,3EKadoV LY atOt L v, TO sEB raKaESKGLKaTOVy ITAEdVWV (Ev yap avTrov--Y]" vrEpEX, U JAawY IToAApdpa !ovdaw, 70~oI At4-LaTo 70 EUaLY77 LY AiAAXoV
/LyoLaWo. ?/LLTrovLov &arvjLaTo9, WUTE
UTL "r 7
LELWV L. Adoo0,Ef davayK 7VLO EIUT r?709 t one 'About the leimma must know this: since no superparticularratio can be cut (divided) into equal ratios it is impossible to comprehend (i.e. to express) the semitone in numbers (i.e. as numerical ratios). Instead one takes the ratios that are proximate to each other, viz. 18/ 7 and 17/16 and, show(18/17 being smaller than ing that 18/17 is greater than the so-called leimma is the exact semitone) one infers that the ratio of the leimma thereforealso necessarily smaller than the semitone (i.e. the exact semitone). Now, that it (i.e. the ratio of the leimma)is smaller than 18/17, and that this (i.e. the ratio 18/17) is smaller than the semitone, is shown in the following way: take the number 16, and take the number that stands to I6 in the ratio of 9/8, namely 18. Now the number I7 if put between these divides the ratio 9/8 into unequal ratios that are near to the semitone ratio, and it differs by a unit from the extreme terms. 'Now it is clear that it will make the ratio to the smaller term greater. For in every arithmetical mean the ratio is greater in the smaller terms, is so that 18/1 7 is smaller than the semitone. But the leimma smaller than (that 18/17 as is clear from Plato's terms: for 256/243, the ratio of the leimma this ratio is in its lowest terms I shall demonstrate when I have shown that is the leimma-ratio in fact the ratio of these numbers, i.e. 256/243) is smaller
than 18/17 [to 243]: for it exceeds by 13 units: while 1/17 of 243 consists is of more than 13 units. All the more thereforethe ratio of the leimma smaller
than the semitone interval, so that what is left to (make up) the full tone, is i.e. the ratio of the apotome, necessarily greater than the semitone.'
Srrp ... XEppaL'ro~:
is The leimma the 'residue' that is 'left' when two full tones (each of the ratio
9/8) are cut off from the fourth (8& -Ecaapwov). For example, the ratio of the is major scale moving upwards) to the tone F, i.e. &t rTEcTipwyV, 4/3; the ratio
tone C (for the sake of simplicity I am assuming here the ordinary modern
C to D is 9/8; D to E is 9/8; what is the ratio of E to F ? This ratio is obtained by dividing 4/3 twice by 9/8, or, what comes to the same, once by 8I/64. The
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result is 256/243. To make this clearer: we know C:D = 9:8 therefore D:E E=9:8 C:E = 8I:64.
Now, if the ratio of C to E is known and likewise the ratio of C to F, then there is a ratio E to F which we must find: call it X. Then 81/64 multiplied by X = 4/3, 8IX = 256/3 X= 256/243.
(TfLV aKpL43WS ', uo7dVwOV. AE'y7EC 86 KOLV(JS /1V KQl ElXE Ov AOyov 7- ULy Orrp~s s. See also Ptol. Ad4jILcL, erLv~-ov18&ws nameleimma is said Harm.i. IO0. The by Proclus (p. 211 7- to have been used c)
See Plato, Tim. 36 b; Theon Sm. p. 86 H.; Gaudentius 12. 342. 7 ff. Jan:
by Plato.
The ratio of the forma - I ). No such (superparticular) p-isa a a ratio can be 'cut' into equal ratios, i.e. one cannot find a (rational) geometric mean between a and a+ i. To find the exact semitone ratio one would have to find the length of a chord such that the length of the chord producing the lower tone has to the semitone chord the same ratio as the latter has to the length of the chord producing the higher tone. For instance, C:D = 9:8; what length of chord will produce the exact semitone between C and D? Obviously the length of C will be to its length (i.e. to the length of the chord producing C sharp) as the latter is to the length of D. But, if C equals 9, D equals equals 8 ; therefore 8; 9: C sharp = C sharp:8, i.e. C sharp is the geometric mean between 9 and 8. But there is no rational geometric mean' between a and a+ I, or, in this case, between 8 and 9. For if 9:X = X:8 X2 = 72, then X = 72 = 6/2, which is irrational. That is why it is impossible to express the exact semitone in numbers, i.e. as a numerical ratio. Though, of course, physically, and geometrically, there is no such difficulty; think only of the progressionof semitones on the tempered pianoforte.
. ..
To find a rational geometric mean between 9 and 8 is impossible.By doubling the two terms one obtains 18 and 16. The arithmetic mean between these is I7. This number is then used to obtain two new ratios viz. i8/i7 and 17/16; these are rational approximations to the square root of 9/8. I8/I7 < 4(9/8); 171i6 > 4(9/8). And multiplied by each other they produce exactly 9/8.
See p. I72, n. 3.
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This, i.e. that 18/17 is greater than 256/243, will be shown below.
AKpLf3WS iiLTrOVOU' cvcowv o70 The antecedent of 8. is, of course, ~'E&rr n'-aKatcLK-ov. That this is smaller than the semitone will also be shown-3v below. auv&youaLV. . . X6yos: If the leimma is smaller than I8/I 7 ( Edav-rES 'vTY tLEOVa and if I8/I7 is smaller than the EqbErTaKalaEKaTOV semitone (&s iv ... Ar~crwov AElC'oS), 70'o then, afortiori, the leimma is smaller than the semitone. .. q7wrovlov), 7.
Ss jv
In what follows Proclus establishes the premisses of this conclusion one by one: (i) That I8/17 is smaller than the semitone. (2) That the leimma is smaller than 18/17.
y~p 6 t: = twice the denominator of the fraction 9/8. I6 18: 6 = 9:8 (18 = twice the numerator of the fraction 9/8).
ELS GvOous SaLEmp'bvwyrbysoov hbyous rOess IfrlLvVOU SLcTerfilaroS CLOVbIL SLa4ApWv 7Thv GKpwV:
'The number I7 if put between these (i.e. between I6 and I8) divides the ratio 9/8 into unequal ratios that are near approximations to the semitone ratio; it differs by a unit from the extreme terms.' The two ratios 18/17 and 17/16 are near approximations to the ratio of the semitone, being respectively just smaller and just larger than the geometric mean between I and 9/8. On the whole procedure adopted here see also
Aristid. Quintil. iii. I 14 Meibom; Plut. Moral. HEpt AvTqiaip #bvXoyovias' rs I021I c-e; Boethius, de Mus. cap. I6; Exc. Neap. ? I9 (Jan, p. 416); Ptol. Harm.i. Io; Theon Sm. p. 69 H.; Gaud. 14. 343. I ff. J. KG', 8-hOV ,ro,rV Wy"nps GovL pct p'dE()o nOL ELA6yov' Ev agoyhp ' rT
&pLOprrrLLKl ~LEOo'rQT)'rTL ,V EX PEV (V
'i 6
iv 'rots
"TIVLTOVLOU" 'Now it is clear that it will make the ratio to the smaller term greater. For in every arithmetical mean the ratio is greater in the smaller terms, so that 18/17 is smaller than the semitone.' Three terms are involved: 16, 18, and, the arithmetic mean, 17. It is clear that the ratio of i7 to the smaller term, 16, viz. 17/1i6is greater than the ratio of the larger term to the middle term, that is to say than I8/1 7. Compare, for this, Archytas, Fragment 2 Diels-Kranz, pp. 435-6 (from Porph. in Ptol. Harm. p. 92) : pAlra" YL 7PS s . .. 7pELS OfV, KKo 7 aPLLp-7LKO/-LEV EJVWTL X 7TPOS ITEP V ,ovUcLK XEL, 70"7Rp KaGraY Tvroav .V.TEPOXaV opOL
SEVTEpOSrpirov acorT7/La
sEV7rpOU odyOV 7 Kat V ZVTEPoXEL. 7v EIV 7O 7TV paoyk (VUtL7TrEL 7,a7O 8W 7 /LE /LELov, tLeLdvlOVW /LEov.
This content downloaded on Tue, 12 Mar 2013 07:19:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
0 W'riE E
'so that 1i8/17 is smaller than the semitone'. The ratio of the semitone is 1/(9/8); multiplied by itself that gives 9/8. But 9/8 is also the product of 18/17 and i7/16. These are not equal to each other, and therefore one of them must be greater than the semitone, and one smaller. But 18/17 is smaller than I7/16. Therefore 18/17 is smaller than the semitone (and, of course, 17/16 is greater than the semitone). A simple test: (i8\2
'r4 XEd c 324 9
Having established the first premiss, viz. that 18/17 is smaller than the semitone, he now proceeds to establish the second premiss: that the leimma is smaller than 18/17.
EXwVAyov . trou yp avs rposs rov (7jY rov hES.LCaLros i?E4rr'rcLKcLSKGKrOU ['rrpOs rTOvU-y]I
h.Xdaaov &'r
'The ratio of 256 to 243, which is the ratio of the leimma, is smaller than
I8/I7.' (MSS. 'smaller than 18/17 to 243'.) This is proved in the next sentence etc. VTEPEXEL,
rp8, -rbvopy must be deleted. It makes no sense at all; and it is in fact omitted in one of the good manuscripts; see ed. Diehl (Teubner).
K.L TOrTO soECtEV Xyov: T70o
'... that this ratio (i.e. 256:243) is in its lowest terms I shall demonstrate when I have shown that the leimma ratio is in fact the ratio of these numbers (i.e. 256:243)'. (The order of the words here is a little odd; I have translated
as if
This, like the noun 1v8T0/jv, is the technical term for the lowest terms of a
ratio or a fraction. HvoLyvis found in this sense at least as early as Plato; cf.
Rep. 546 c. ... 8SLgopyCv
: &'rroSE.avrES ratio 256/243 is demonstrated on pp. 195 e-I96 a (a) That the leimma has the (b) That this ratio is in its lowest terms: p. 196 a (p. 182 Diehl).
It is required to prove that 256/243 < 18/17. 256/243 can be expressed as I+ 13/243 (as exceeding I by 13/243, d1rrEPEXEL . .. 7YgoveCiLv); similarly 18/17 can be expressed as 1+ 1/17. It is therefore now only required to prove that i3/243 < 1/17. This is true if
243 times I3/243
4599.3/4 N
This content downloaded on Tue, 12 Mar 2013 07:19:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
70to o7y
&~waa'v a'
7oO lpXov~ou
From this it follows that the leimma ratio is smaller than the exact ratio of the semitone.
L0 A6yos, E5 avayKlcs G-E KCI AOrObsE5s T-v T-6vov, O;sE-TLTrfjs ~o'To0I4S
The leimma would be the (near) semitone interval between, say, the Third and the Fourth of a (modernupward-moving)majorscale, e.g. E:F = 256:243. Since this is not an exact semitone, another question now arises: what is the ratio of F to F sharp? Suppose F sharp is a full tone above E, that is, E:F sharp = 9:8. Then, if F had been the exact semitone between E and F sharp, the ratio of F to F sharp would have been the same as that of E to F. But F is not the exact semitone. And so F:F sharp is not equal to the ratio E:F. Since the leimma (E:F) is smaller than the semitone, the apotome (i.e. what
is needed to make up the full tone, d Eds rdvov) must be greater. It r7&v Aos will in fact be obtained very simply by dividing 9/8 by 256/243 = 2187/2048; see Proclus, in Tim. p. 195 d (I81 Diehl).
Clearly there is a connexion between the explanation given by the Theaetetus commentator, and referredby him to a Timaeus commentary, and the Proclus passage discussedabove. The Theaetetus commentator not only explicitly says that his explanation is based on a Timaeus commentary but he obviously gives a version, though perhaps a garbled version, of something very much like the passagewe have just examined. Here at once an interestingobservationoccurs: Proclus, of course, wrote much later than the author of the Theaetetus commentary (the latter is dated by Diels-Schubart in the second century A.D. or at any rate not later; this dating is confirmed, in a letter, by ProfessorE. G. Turner). Thus we can take this coincidence as valuable evidence for Proclus' practice of using older commentariesin writing his own.' More importantly the connexion which the Theaetetus commentatorwishes to establish between musical work and work on irrational numbers leads to other interesting reflections: the coincidence of Pythagorean interest in irrational numbers and in scale formationwas certainly not accidental. It is, for instance, easy to show that a first attempt at a mathematical description of the exact mid-point of the scale would result in the discoveryof the irrationality of the square root of 2. For if the ratio of the octave is 2: I, then the mid-point, the geometric mean between 2 and I, would be J2. And it would soon be discoveredthat no matter what lengths are originallyascribedto the two chords
SIt is well known that Greek commentators were in the habit of literally repeating the views of their predecessors when they agreed with them. See, e.g., L. MinioPaluello in J.H.S. lxxvii (1957), 0oo.
This content downloaded on Tue, 12 Mar 2013 07:19:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
producing the octave' there are no numbers which could express the ratio of, say, lower C:mid-scale = mid-scale:upper C. Thus musical theory, as much as geometry, may have led to the discovery of the irrationality of V2. But whether this was in fact so is not really important: the musical consideration would at any rate have provided confirmation of the geometrical and arithmetical considerationsthat had dealt such a shattering blow to the edifice of Pythagorean metaphysics. But here a comfortingthought may have occurred to the Pythagorean: true, the exact mid-point of the scale, or, for that matter, the exact semitone between the two extremes of a full tone interval, cannot be describedmathematically in rational numerical expressions.But then there does not seem to be any need for such description. For in the natural scale the exact semitone and the exact mid-point of the scale simply do not occur. And not only do they not occur but if we introduced them that would at once destroy the basis of our scale formation. (For instance, if F were an exact semitone above E, the ratio C:F = 4:3 would disappear.) Thus the Pythagorean may have comforted himself by the thought that nature, in informing our ear, has shunned the irrational.
Universityof Glasgow A. WASSERSTEIN
as I2; the octave will then be 6, the Fourth 9, the Fifth 8, and the ratio of the Fourth to the Fifth, 9:8; this was then defined as the typical full tone. (See on this also Aristides Quintil. iii. 113 Meibom; Nicom. Harm. i. I2 Meibom; Theon Smyrn. p. 66 H.; Ptol. Harm. i. 5.)
x The numerical ratios of the Octave, the Fourth, the Fifth, and the full tone, i.e. the difference between the Fourth and the Fifth, were, of course known very early as being respectively 2:I; 4:3; 3:2; 9:8. The last ratio is obtained simply by taking the length of the chord producing the fundamental note
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