Elements of Vedic Astrology Charak
Elements of Vedic Astrology Charak
Elements of Vedic Astrology Charak
=ttt-t =:
t t=:
It may also be relevant here, in the
light of the above9 dicta, to point
out that Parashara and other seers
had a clear concept that Drishti
(or aspect) is applicable to the
divisional charts as much as to the
Lagna chart.
Varga Relative Value
1. Griha/Lagna 6
2. Hora 2
3. Drekkana 4
4. Navamsha 5
5. Dwadashamsha 2
6. Trimshamsha 1
Total 20 units
This means that predictions should not be made on
the basis of the Lagna chart alone. At least the above
six vargas must be considered, and each varga given
the relative importance as indicated by sage Parashara.
Certainly, no predictions should be made without
at least considering the Navamsha along with the
Lagna chart.
sf ttt;ff;tftf rt=t= ttf:ttt t
Thus ends the first chapter of the Laghu Jatakam of
Varahamihira titled The Strength of Signs.
(To be continued)
Laghu Jatakam (Continued from page 17)
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22 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2
e carried night soil, he was im-
mune from the foulest, most
nauseating of smells emanating from
rotting garbage dumps which he vis-
ited several times a day with trolley
after trolley of the litter, cow dung,
horse dung, and much else painstak-
ingly swept up from his stretch of
road. Everybody agreed that though
Ratti Ram the sweeper literally handled
dirt, he had a heart of gold. If he found
some unfortunate beggar scrounging
for scraps amongst the garbage and
rubbish dump, he would, without
hesitation, take credit from the chai
(tea) shop owner and hand it over to
the overjoyed beggar. If he found an
injured or abandoned animal, he would
pick it up and take it home or leave it
at our home. Hed once taken home an
eagle which had somehow damaged
its wing, and looked after it till it could
fly again. If a woman in his biradari
(community) was beaten up by a
drunken husband, he would offer her
shelter for the night.
A widower in his late fifties, Ratti
Ram was the pradhan (headman) of
the sweepers community down on
Kanwali Road. And once he changed
out of his often ragged, none too clean
sweepers clothes, what an impressive
pradhan he made. His greying hair and
bushy salt and pepper moustache
coupled with his dignified bearing and
gentle smile commanded immediate
respect. In the evenings, while his two
daughters prepared dinner and his two
sons fetched water and lit the kerosene
lantern, he would sit on a cot outside
his neat little mud house and hold
court as he drew deeply on a hookah
(hubble bubble).
And whenever the
Municipal Corpora-
tion and the sweep-
ers got into a con-
frontation, Ratti Ram
would be at the fore-
front. Playing the
role of a statesman
to the hilt, he would
protect the rights and
demands of his fel-
low sweepers even
as he held open the
door for negotiations.
He usually managed
to guide the stale-
mate to a finale in
which both the Mu-
nicipal officers and
the sweepers felt
they had won the
He was at the
height of his glory
when tragedy struck Ratti Ram. He
was knocked down by a speeding
truck while he was sweeping the road
on a cold, misty winter morning. In
time, Ratti Rams fractured legs healed,
but not completely, and in his crippled
state, he could no longer carry out his
duties as a sweeper effectively. Walk-
ing even a hundred yards brought on
the pain. The cot outside his mud
dwelling became his permanent refuge
as his sons stepped into his shoes and
took over the stretch of road which had
been Ratti Rams domain for so long.
But the sons couldnt match the quality
of work which had been Ratti Rams
hallmark, and our staircase which had
been spick and span with the banisters
shining brightly during Ratti Rams
The Sweepers Ghost
Stories from Veenu Sandal
From the Realm of spirits
tenure was now dusty more often than
not. We all missed Ratti Ram his
work as well as his personality and
every morning, his sons, Satpal and
Mahinder, were greeted by what soon
became a standard query : How is
Ratti Ram?
One morning, Satpal and Mahinder
failed to come on duty : they were
busy, we learnt later, with the funeral
preparations for Ratti Ram who had
died during the night. Many suspected
that Ratti Ram died of a broken heart
at his virtual immobility. Even as we
mourned the passing away of a good
man, we began noticing changes. Long
before Satpal and Mahinder arrived
with their long brooms and the trun-
dling trolley, the road would be swept
Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 23
clean, our staircase would be spick
and span, the banisters would be
shining. And every time we would
begin to exclaim, Surely, this is Ratti
Rams handiwork, we would bite
back the words, because Ratti Ram was
dead. And despite the strange timing
of the improvements around, we would
reassure ourselves with an Agatha
Christie-like line, Dead men dont
sweep. But it was almost as if Ratti
Ram was determined to prove that he
was still a force to reckon with. About
a fortnight after he died and the quality
of sweeping and cleaning improved
e was obnoxious. And he had
some appalling ideas about hy-
giene. A waiter in an unpretentious
little eating house near the railway
station in Dehra Dun, Biru had a
remarkable sense of timing. He would
stick his forefinger into his nose just as
he was about to place whatever you
had ordered on the table. He would
scratch his crotch with a spoon and
then put it right back with the other
clean spoons. He would happily wipe
the sweat and grime off his face with
a napkin and then promptly use the
same napkin to wipe plates.
He was also lecherous. Whenever a
buxom, well endowed lady entered
Peshawri Hotel, as the eating joint was
called, he would stare unabashedly at
certain places and then, when putting
down the plates, would pretend to be
clumsy and give her a dig with his
elbow, never mind the presence of the
unfortunate ladys escort. Birus gall
and lust knew no bounds and he was
soon boasting that he would soon lay
every servant girl in the vicinity and
their mistresses too whenever he got
a chance.
Embarrassed and fed up, the owner
of Peshawri Hotel sacked Biru, who
lost no time in joining a gang of opium
smugglers who obtained the drug in its
raw form from the poppy fields in
mountain villages beyond the beauti-
ful hill station of Chakrata. In just a
couple of months, Biru, the one time
unkempt waiter, transformed himself
into a replica of a movie hero. The
small hotels near the railway station
continued to be his favourite haunts.
But expensive clothes, expensive
shoes, expensive perfumes and expen-
sive girls became his trademarks. He
walked with a swagger and spoke with
an insolent drawl and it was whispered
that he never kept a girl with him for
more than one week. Rumour also had
it that the girls, after several nights of
debauchery, dissappeared mysteriously,
but nobody could say whether they
were murdered or simply left wherever
they had been picked up originally.
One day, Biru himself dissappeared.
Some thought hed gone to Bombay,
the glamour city of movies, while
others thought he may be on the run
from the police. Most people heaved a
sigh of relief at his departure and he
was quickly forgotten. About a fort-
night after his absence was noticed
by people in the area, Shyam Lal,
our chowkidars fourteen year old son,
came to me with a strange story. Biru
had been murdered, he said, stabbed
repeatedly in the stomach, and his
body had been doubled up and dia-
bolically shoved into a large plastic
Punishment for the Murderers
remarkably, we were surprised to find
a puppy with a broken leg whining
outside our door. The chowkidar
swore nobody had come up the
stairs. A few days later, we found a
bedraggled, half dead bat baby left
on a piece of paper outside the door.
My father became suspicious, and we
decided to keep a vigil. At the crack
of dawn, just after the chowkidar left,
we heard footsteps coming up the
stairs and then the unmistakable sound
of a broom. It was Ratti Ram back
at work, and weve heard the ghostly
footsteps and the invisible broom
drum which contained liquid ammo-
nia, and thats why nobody had been
able to smell his dead body. My parents
were in Delhi at that time, and Shyam
Lal had been on duty almost
continously at our flat, otherwise, de-
spite his age, despite his obvious terror,
I may well have suspected him of
having a hand in the alleged murder.
Shyam Lals terror arose not so much
from the thought of the murder but
from his encounter at night with the
dead Biru who had instructed him
clearly and explicitly to inform the
Arhat Bazaar police station. Unfortu-
nately, Shyam Lal wasnt told or couldnt
remember where the liquid ammonia
drum containing Biru could be found.
The police fanned out and began
making enquiries. A day later, after
checking several drums, the hunted
drum was found, and Birus disfigured
body was pulled out with great diffi-
culty. It didnt take long for the police
to track down Birus murderers and
bust a gang, albiet minor, of drug
traffickers. Nobody came forward to
claim Birus body and his remains
were, after the post mortem, cremated
by the police and a charitable
organisation. But the story doesnt
end here. Biru appeared before Shyam
Lal again and assured him of help
anytime after Shyam Lal too crossed
over to the world of the dead. Death,
obviously, is no barrier to taking re-
venge or showing gratitude.
ever since whenever weve been up at
the first light of dawn. Barely two
years ago, on a day when the rain was
hammering incessantly on the roof
and the rain waters on the road were
swirling as if the rain gods had forgot-
ten to attend to the flood gates, a tiny
black kitten with a mangled ear meow-
ing piteously was left at our door.
And I now know one thing for sure :
death doesnt change the qualities of
your heart. A salute to you, Ratti Ram:
as you were in life, so you are after
death. Gentle. Conscientious. A soul
who still cares.
24 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2
edic astrology places great impor-
tance on the groundbreaking for a
building. Though there was appar-
ently no ceremony for such a ground-
breaking of the World Trade Center,
there is documentation for the start of
work on actual groundbreaking. In the
New York Times dated August 6, 1966
(p. 21, column 3), this small headline
appeared: Jackhammers Bite Pave-
ment to Start Trade Center Job. The
lead sentence reads as follows: The
early morning quiet along the Hudson
river waterfront was shattered yester-
day as construction began on the $525
million World Trade Center.
Upon further investigation, I found
that construction workers in New York
City usually begin work between 7 and
8 AM at the latest, breaking for lunch
around 11 AM, finishing up between
3 and 4 PM. Given that this was the
first day of construction, with the need
to assign workers tasks and lay out
equipment very likely workers ar-
rived around 7 AM and began the
actually groundbreaking within the
next 15 to 30 minutes maximum. I
have rectified the chart to 7:17 AM
EDT; August 5, 1966; NYC.
In establishing the birth chart of the
WTC, I would hold that that moment
was more important astrologically than
the other various dates that occurred
later. All of this was preceded by
legislation passed in FebruaryMarch
1962 by the states of NY and NJ,
clearing the way for the building of
the WTC. Other relevant dates have to
do with the start of steel construction
(August 1968), the first tenant occu-
pancy at the North Tower (December
1970), and the first tenant occupancy
of the South Tower (January 1972). A
ribbon cutting ceremony was held on
April 4, 1973, but this was well after
the buildings started to be tenanted.
Furthermore, as there was consider-
able controversy around many factors
to do with acquiring the land in
Manhattan, the building and the
architecture of the WTC, no doubt any
public celebration of the WTC was
geared to minimize the initial opposi-
tion to the project. (In the early years
there was even difficulty in finding
tenants to fill the WTC. After several
years, the New York State government
took over 40 floors.)
The Vedic chart for 7:17 AM EDT on
Friday, August 5, 1966 has an Ascen-
dant of 4:07 Leo the sign of majesty
and magnificence. The Moon is at 4:10
Pisces, almost exactly on the 8th house
cusp an ill omen to start especially
tightly conjunct Saturn at 5:47 Pisces.
Mars-Venus-Jupiter in Punarvasu
nakshatra in the sign of Gemini (11th
house) would seem fine, except that
Mars, the karaka (significator) of real
estate is losing a planetary war with
Venus. A planetary war occurs when
two planets are within one degree of
conjunction in the same sign. (Only
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and
Saturn qualify for a planetary war.)
Venus wins the war in this case due to
its greater brightness in the heavens, as
well as being of advanced degree of
longitude over Mars. And as the war-
rior planet it does not tend to
surrender gracefully. Notice the war
takes place in the sign of Gemini,
where Mars battles over ideas and
information. Mars in Gemini is in the
sign of its planetary enemy Mercury.
The current eclipse axis is Gemini-
Sagittarius, from August 31, 2000
through March 2, 2002. Note also that
on the day of the attack September 11,
2001, Mars-Ketu in Sagittarius was
transiting opposite Moon-Rahu-Jupiter
in Gemini. Mars-Ketu is explosive in
fiery Sagittarius, especially in Mula
nakshatra, and Rahu-Jupiter in Gemini
designates the religious fanatic, espe-
cially in Ardra nakshatra.
Though the WTC Ascendant is in a
fixed sign, it is notable that no planets
are either in fixed signs or in earth
signs. This would lend greater stability
and longevity to the building. To have
lasted a little over 35 years from the
time of groundbreaking, I assign the
WTC Navamsha Ascendant to the
fixed sign of Taurus. In the Navamsha
chart, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are
situated in Taurus, with Moon and
Saturn in the 4th house in Leo. The
dashas that occurred up through late
May 2001 were Saturn and Mercury
respectively. Ketu dasha began May
28, 2001, according to the 7:17 AM
chart. Ketu is Ava Yogi planet, a planet
that can cause misfortune to the indi-
vidual or entity with this birth chart.
In the Bhava chart (i.e., equal house
chart from the Ascendant degree),
Ketu falls in the 4th house of real estate
an even worse omen for Ketu dasha
and the well-being of the WTC. The
exact sub-period on September 11,
2001 was Ketu-Ketu-Saturn, an un-
stable sub-period in an unstable dasha.
There is an arresting resonance
between this WTC chart and that of
the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.
That chart is for September 27, 1996,
Kabul, Afghanistan. The time is un-
known, so I have used 12 noon local
time. There is similarly a close
Moon-Saturn conjunction in Pisces
just following a lunar eclipse at 10:28
Pisces at 7:21 AM local Kabul time the
same day. In each case the Moon-
Saturn combination falls in the
nakshatra of Uttara Bhadra, known as
the warrior star and associated with
people who are fiercely protective in
looking after those close to them.
The Taliban takeover chart for Sep-
tember 27, 1996 shows Moon-Saturn-
Ketu in Pisces opposite Sun-Rahu in
Virgo. Jupiter is the 5th planet in a dual
sign, at 14:53 Sagittarius. The only
planet in a fixed sign is Mercury, at
25:13 Leo. Currently, the USA is
World Trade Center Chart
Edith Hathaway
Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 25
completing its military attack on the
Taliban regime of Afghanistan. The
Bush administration believes the
Taliban regime is indirectly respon-
sible for the WTC attack for its
harboring and protection of Osama
Bin Laden in Afghanistan since 1996.
Whatever the case, Moon-Saturn in
Pisces shows the suffering of the
people. The new post-Taliban govern-
ment was sworn on December 22,
2001. A 12 noon chart gives an
Ascendant of 10:09 Pisces, Moon at
00:32 Pisces, and seven planets in
dual signs all except vargottama
Mars in Aquarius and vargottama
Saturn in Taurus in mutual aspect.
Mars and Saturn in fixed signs may
not be enough to promise longevity
for this new regime, though it
does promise a mighty struggle for
foreign dominance over the future of
Afghanistan no doubt due to its
geographical proximity to the phe-
nomenally large oil reserves beneath
the Caspian Sea.
Lagna 405' Mars 2330' Venus 2423'
Sun 1912' Mercury(R) 717' Saturn(R) 547'
Moon 410' Jupiter 2635' Rahu 2758'
10 12
August 5, 1966
7:17 hours EDT
New York
8 2
1 3
7 9
4 12
5 11
Saturn (R)
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26 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2
Astrology is an ancient and divine
science. It has survived and expanded
over the entire existence of mankind.
Why then is a debate needed over
what is getting changed in astrology in
the 21st century?
Basically astrology is a study of the
heavens and an attempt to relate
celestial phenomena with events on
earth, both at an individual as well
as a global level.
Interpretations have been defined
by our seers in the form of a number
of dicta expressed as shlokas and
These are valid for ALL time and do
not get altered through our definitions
of the millenium.
However, the interpretation of the
same aphorisms has to be adapted to
modern times and changed living
conditions usually expressed as DESHA,
We shall try to examine the changes
in lifestyles and the human condition
due to technology and other factors
influencing the demands for astrologi-
cal counselling in the 21st century and
how we as a community need to gear
ourselves up for performing our role
Changes Driven by Technology
We are living in the space age.
Permanent stations have already
been set up at the poles. Astronauts
have been orbiting the earth for ex-
tended periods of time. In the not too
distant future space stations are likely
to be established on the moon and
maybe in deep space.
It is time for astrologers to start
thinking about the lagna as well as the
interpretation of horoscopes in such
situations.The Prasna chart is prob-
ably of more urgent relevance.
There has been a revolution in the
field of communication.
In these days of instant everything
the astrologer may also have to modify
the approach to the interpretation
and evaluation of charts as less clues
pertaining to omens (shakunas) may be
available. This is because questions
are being increasingly posed over the
telephone, through e-mail and shortly
possibly via video-telephone.
As a consequence of better commu-
nications faster responses are also
demanded of the astrologer.
There is also likely to be a change
in the type of questions asked of the
astrologer. A few examples may be:
a. Can you select a muhurta for re-
entry of a space vehicle?
b. Can you provide a suitable muhurta
for advanced biotechnology ex-
Mundane Astrology
Several parts of the world are devas-
tated by earthquakes every year and
seismological inputs do not appear to
be adequate both in terms of accu-
rately predicting the time factor as well
as intensities to take precautionary
measures. An addition of astrological
inputs could probably significantly
improve the situation. In order to
incorporate these inputs there has to
be acceptance of the relevance of
astrological inputs which can happen
only with an attitudinal change at the
governmental level. Significant impact
of astrological parameters cannot be
assessed by individual contributions
but by a systematic and organised
approach with enormous institutional
Weather prediction is also an area
where astrological inputs could pro-
vide good support to the meteorologi-
cal department . Of late there has
been some improvement in weather
prediction in the short term through
satellite pictures and analysis using
large data bases.
Nevertheless precise guidance is
still elusive. The direction of a storm
and wind speeds are forecast which
frequently fail to cross the coast at the
appropriate place or the cyclone
abruptly changes its mind and moves
in an unexpected direction. Astrologi-
cal inputs pertaining to those exact
locations may probably improve re-
Also astrology could provide long
term forecasts say, over the next de-
cade which satellite information cer-
tainly cannot cover.
National leaders could make good
use of mundane astrological inputs
regarding the general helath of the
nation and specific problem areas
which may arise during a given period
of time.
Spiritual Rejuvenation
There appears to be an enhanced
interest worldwide in spiritual matters
even amongst the youth. The west
appears to be getting disillusioned
with materialism and is turning to the
east for guidance in matters outside
the see and touch world.
The question of human evolution
in a conscious manner by choice is
being seriously studied. Till now evo-
lution occurred in stages governed
mainly by the demands of the environ-
ment and the role selected for homo-
In this area astrology has a major
role in not only providing an insight
into the current level of spiritual
evolution of an individual but also
providing guidance on the best path in
the current lifetime for rapid advance-
ment in the spiritual dimension.
Astrology in the Twenty-First
S N Tekur
Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 27
Some interesting work has been
documented by several astrological
savants looking at Rahu and Ketu as
the karmic control planets and as
indicators of the current life learning
and mission. The general disposition
of planets also gives important clues as
to the directions that are suitable for a
soul at its current state.
Extra Saturnine Planets
Our seers do not seem to be unaware
of the extra-saturnine planets.
One conjecture is that the effects of
the extra-saturnine planets have been
accounted more effectively through
the influences of Rahu and Ketu. When
our seers could consider the effects of
the upagrahas which are synonymous
with the moons around the major
planets they certainly knew about Ura-
nus, Neptune, Pluto and maybe several
yet undiscovered planets. Some re-
searchers have tried to define the
house lordships and Karakatvas of these
planets. From western astrology it ap-
pears as though these planets may be
used only to more systematically elabo-
rate the current situation exemplified
by Desha, Kaala and Paatra stated in
our literature.
Expectations from the New
Generation Astrologer
In the not too distant past the demands
made of the astrologer were not
too stringent. With increased general
awareness the expectations have
risen very sharply.
Previously, an astrologer was con-
sidered competent if he was able to
draw up a decent looking chart and
make a few pronouncements with
adequate seriousness. However, in
todays world of computerised astrol-
ogy detailed charts with all possible
diagnostic tools are available at the
press of a button. The astrologer is
expected to correlate all the informa-
tion and integrate all the different
techniques to provide a much more
authentic review of the current prob-
lems of his client and suggest better
courses of action than was hitherto
possible. The 21st century astrologer
needs to increase not only his profi-
ciency in analysis but also his credibil-
ity by providing value added services.
A more detailed explanation is de-
manded together with probably newer
and more acceptable remedial mea-
sures which provide better insights
into the mechanisms involved in their
method of operation.
For instance, the rashi and navamsha
charts together with the current dasha
and bhukti was considered adequate
to provide counselling.
Now, apart from the bhava charts,
the divisional charts are considered
more or less essential. The ashtakavarga
bindus, shadbala and bhava bala to-
gether with annual charts are routinely
used. There appears to be considerable
interest in different dasha systems
which could be adopted based on the
conditions of birth as well as verifica-
tion through past events.
Relationship of the auric levels with
the planetary strengths indicated by
the shadbalas and use of colour as
well as alternate healing techniques
such as reiki, meditation, etc., need to
be examined.
Expert Systems and Artificial
The intuitive factor can never be
replaced in the astrological domain.
However, just as the power of the
computer is currently being effectively
used to enhance the utility of astrology
by relieving the astrologer of routine
computation and giving him more
time for analysis, it is possible to
consider using newer techniques such
as expert systems and artificial intelli-
gence to enhance the quality of coun-
selling . In expert systems, the meth-
ods of integration and analysis used
by masters in the field are carefully
studied and mimicked using advanced
software. This requires close interac-
tion between the software specialists
and astrologers with high standing and
acknowledged as masters. This pro-
cess is not far different from current
efforts to integrate Sanskrit studies and
the rich knowledge base of the Vedas
through computers.
However, for any such efforts to
become meaningful and effective it is
necessary for the scientific community
to accept and become more deeply
involved in astrology. The stigma at-
tached to overt involvement in astrol-
ogy by leaders of the scientific commu-
nity should be overcome.
An attempt has been made to visualise
the trends towards basic changes as
well as applications of astrology in the
21st century.
There cannot be any fundamental
changes as this science has already
taken into account all possible correla-
tions between mankind, other lifeforms
and the eternal celestial drama. Popu-
lar debate on the implications of the so-
called 13th rashi are merely attempts
by vested interests to create confusion
in the minds of the general populace.
Twenty-first century astrology has
to adapt itself to changes in social
structure, lifestyles, and new demands
for guidance both at individual as well
as organisational and state levels. There
has to be a higher level of integration
in all facets of life to which modern
astrology has to cater.
Hopefully astrological inputs will
also be one of the parameters in
analysis and decision making at vari-
ous levels of organisations and govern-
ment when due recognition is forth-
coming to this field in the new
Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra
Jyotish Acharya, M.A. Ph.D.,
a wel l known
hol i sti c astrol o-
ger, author and
palmist is avail-
able for sincere
and outstand-
i ng astrol ogi cal
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28 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2
Lessons in Palmistry
Vinay Aditya
he most important part of
Cheiromancy is the study of lines
on the hands. We have, in the previous
lessons, discussed Cheirognomy which
is the study of mounts on the palm. No
two hands are alike, not even of the
twins. In fact no two hands are alike
even if they belong to one and the same
person. Most often, the left hand is
significantly different from the right. As
mentioned by Cheiro, there is an old
saying on this point: 'The left is the hand
we are born with; the right is the hand
we make. Therefore, the left hand is the
inherited one showing the subconscious
mind and natural characteristics of the
person and the right hand shows the
discipline, training, learning, environ-
ment, experience and the traits the
person has acquired since birth. For
this reason, the right hand changes more
frequently and reflects the conscious
and the operative mind.
Major lines do not change signifi-
cantly but minor lines come and go.
They represent the hopes and frustra-
tions, the present circumstances, the
future planning and coming events. In
traditional Indian palmistry, the left
hand was given more importance for
women and the right hand for men.
But in our experience, we have found
that even for women, the right hand
should be given more importance while
reading the hands, since the modern
woman is also an entity that is thinking,
learning, evolving, managing and plan-
ning all the time. And these changes
are better reflected in the right hand.
The fact that womens left side of the
brain (intuitional side) is more devel-
oped than the mans, is not important
here. After all most women are also
right handed just as most men are. For
left handed men and women, the left
hand may be seen more closely.
If the right hand is better marked than
the left hand, it means that the person
has improved since birth and is living
upto his fuller potential. Events marked
in both hands are surer to happen as the
sub-conscious and the conscious mind
are operating in tandem.
Major Lines in the Hand
There are five major lines and several
minor lines in the hand. Minor lines
may not be found in a great majority
of hands. It is not necessary that even
all the major lines are present in
every hand.
1. The Line of Life : Starting from under
the mount of Jupiter it encircles the
mount of lower Mars and the mount
of Venus. Its exact course on the hand
gives vital clue about the health and
vitality of the person. Though disease
is seen from every part of the hand
but it must have a corresponding
mark on the life-line too. Astrologers
relate it akin to Lagna and Lagnesha.
For any line to indicate the best
results, it should be long, narrow and
deep, pinkish in colour, without
irregularities, breaks or crosses. A life-
line like this promises long life, good
health and strong vitality.
If the life-line starts from the base
of the mount of Jupiter instead of
the side of the palm, it means that the
person has been quite ambitious right
from the beginning.
2. The Line of Head: Its normal starting
point is the same as that of life-line
but it travels across the palm and
divides the palm in two parts. It
normally ends below the mount of
Mercury or, if a little short, below the
mount of the Sun. Line of head primarily
indicates the mentality of the subject,
intellectual strength or weakness, level
of concentration, and quality and direc-
tion of thinking. It is extremely impor-
tant to realise that the same
head-line will give vastly different indi-
cations as per the type of hand. Line
of head, when straight, clear, unmarked,
indicates practical commonsense and a
love of material things. If it is sloping
towards the end, it denotes imaginative
mind as opposed to practical mind. If
the line is sloping right from its start,
there is a leaning towards imaginative
work in accordance with the type of
hand, like music, painting, literature or
mechanical inventions. When the line is
too sloping (drooping towards the mount
of the Moon, it denotes romance, ideal-
ism divorced from pragmatism, and
Bohemianism. Ending in a fine fork
will mean literary talent of the imagina-
tive kind. If rest of the hand also
indicates so, too drooping a line ending
on the mount of the Moon indicates
suicidal tendencies. When the life-line
and Head line are closely connected in
the beginning, the life is guided by
reason, but the subject is extremely
sensitive about ones self. He is also very
cautious in all enterprises related to self.
When the space between life-line and
head-line is medium (1 to 4 mm), the
subject feels free to carry out his plans
as per his thinking and ideas. This
spacing also denotes self-reliance, en-
ergy, quick decisions and a strong go-
ahead spirit.
But if the space between life-line
and head-line is too wide (5mm
and more), it indicates all the above
qualities in excess: overconfidence, fool-
hardiness, impulsiveness, jumping to
Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2 29
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conclusions without paying attention
to reason. Such people specialise in
act first, think later.
When the head-line is very high in
the hand so that the space between it
and heart-line is too narrow, it means
that the head will rule over heart
completely if that line is the strongest,
and vice versa.
3. The Line of Heart: It starts from the
mount of Jupiter (or in its vicinity) and
travels across the palm, under the
mounts, up to the percussion. This line
reveals not only the muscular and vital
strength and action of the heart itself
but as a result of these conditions also
the strength and character of love and
affection. The heart-line is a repository
of our love affairs and emotional en-
tanglements as also of our heart-breaks.
When it runs clear and deep with good
pink colour (not red, not white), it
indicates a well adjusted, emotionally
satisfied sympathetic, warm hearted in-
When the line rises from the middle
of mount of Jupiter it denotes develop-
ment of the sentimental and idealistic
side of the affections. Such a man is
firm, strong and reliable in his affec-
tions. He does not marry beneath his
station and will rarely have extra-marital
relationships. The idea of love is heavily
tinged with sensualism and self
gratification in preference to mutual
satisfaction for a man whose heart-line
starts from the middle of mount of
Saturn. Such people place minimal
value at fore-play in sexual practices. If
the line of heart rises from between the
two fingers or mounts, it indicates
middle ground idealism in love with
practical and commonsensical attitude.
4. The Line of Fate: This line is variously
known as the line of destiny or Satur-
nine line. It starts from the wrist and
traverses upto (or in the direction of)
the mount of Saturn. This line indicates
material success and some authors call
it the 'satisfaction derived from material
possessions'. All events related to pro-
fessional rise and fall are best indicated
on this line. When fate-line rises from
the wrist upwards and goes unhindered
upto the mount of Saturn, it indicates
extremely good fortune and success in
all enterprise. If this line rises from
the mount of the Moon, success will
be dependent on the help, fancy and
caprice of other people. In a womans
hand such a fate-line may mean mar-
riage in a wealthy family or assistance
from some one influential. If the fate-
line rises from life-line it denotes suc-
cess through hard work and personal
merit. If it is entwined with the life-line
in the beginning, it means that the early
period of ones life has been sacrificed
to the wishes of parents or relatives. A
fate-line that terminates on the mount of
Jupiter is a sign of great success and
achievement and realisation of ones
5. The line of Sun: It runs from the wrist
to the mount of the Sun but only in a
rare hand does it appear full length.
Often it is short and appears only above
the heart-line. This line is also known
as the line of Apollo or line of Fame.
According to Benham its most appropri-
ate name should be line of capability
(or possibility). Those who have this
line well marked have a certain talent,
brilliance or facility to shine in some
sphere of life. It is wrong to say that
this line always denotes artistic pursuit
and fame as many authors would like
us to believe. Which sphere of life
the person is likely to be successful in
will be indicated by the type of hand
and whether he belongs to mental,
practical or material world. This line
acts as a sister-line to the fate-line
and it augments the weaknesses of the
fate-line. This line is not necessarily
present in the hands of successful
people, but when it is present it
surely makes success easier to achieve
due to the innate brilliance of the
The major lines undergo transforma-
tions in their indications according to
several modifiers. That will make the
subject matter of a separate lesson.
(To be continued)
30 Vedic Astrology / Volume 6, Number 2
Promise of Marriage: In the chart
under consideration, the seventh lord
is in the sign of a benefic Jupiter.
Two natural benefics, viz., Mercury
and Jupiter, tenant the seventh house
from the lagna. Also the influence
of ninth lord Mercury and fifth
lord Saturn on the seventh house
can be considered to be a positive
The sign falling in the seventh
house of the navamsha chart is Tula
(Libra), the sign of Venus, the natural
significator for marriage. Venus is well
placed in the natal chart in its own
sign Vrisha (Taurus) in the seventh
from the Moon. So no doubt, marriage
seems to be promised to the subject.
Delay in marriage: The marriage is
bound to be delayed due to the
following reasons:
1. The delaying planet Saturn is
aspecting the seventh house from
the ascendant.
Prize Winning Entry: Quiz No. 2
2. The seventh lord of the natal chart
Mars is in a mutual aspect with
Saturn in the navamsha chart. This
is one of the most important fea-
tures of the horoscope in relation to
the marriage.
3. The seventh lord of the navamsha
chart is Venus. It occupies Aquarius
the Badhaka rashi (the sign of
obstruction) for the Aries ascen-
dant. It may be noted that Saturn,
the Badhakadhipati, is aspecting
Venus in the navamsha chart.
Discord is bound to be there on
account of following reasons:
1. The Moon is in fall in the second
house representing family. Classics
term a debilitated planet as chhidra-
graha which means that the planet
is capable of causing quarrels, dis-
sensions and strife.
2. The eighth house and discord: The
eight house in a chart merits special
attention since it has a say in
bickerings and discords. The eighth
is simultaneously ruled and occu-
pied by Venus, the significator of
marriage and is aspected by the
debilitated Moon, clearly indicating
quarrels with the spouse.
3. In my personal studies, I have al-
ways noted that the presence of the
Sun and Mars in the fifth from the
ascendant or the Moon sign is a sure
indicator of ego clashes in married
life. In the case under review, the
Sun-Mars conjunction occurs in the
fifth from the Moon sign.
4. Exchange of signs between the sixth
lord Jupiter and the seventh lord
Mars is not a positive augury for a
harmonious married life, since it
links the house of strife and hostil-
ity with the seventh house of mar-
riage. The presence of Mercury in
the seventh house being the twelfth
lord is also a negative factor.
5. The seventh lord of the natal chart
is Mars. It obtains an inimical sign
Virgo in the navamsha chart. This is
a pointer towards inimical terms
with the spouse. Mars aspecting the
navamsha lagna from the sixth house
is also a bad situation.
6. The conjunction of the seventh lord
Mars with the eleventh lord Sun
(the multiplier) in the dual sign
Pisces indicates multiplicity in rela-
tionships with or without marriage.
Considering all these factors, it can be
concluded that the horoscope prom-
ises a delayed marriage tending to-
wards denial.
The native was of the marriageable
age in Mercury's dasha but due to such
strong delaying factors it must not
have taken place. Ketu normally does
not give marriage. It is rather known to
sever the ties that already exist. Mar-
riage is possible in the Venus mahadaha
beginning in May 1998. If marriage
does take place bickerings and discord
are almost inevitable.
Lagna 2059'41" Mars 907' Venus 406'
Sun 1835' Mercury 603' Saturn 732'
Moon 934' Jupiter 407' Rahu 1223'
Birth Chart
10 4
6 8
Sun Mars
Moon Ketu
Venus Rahu
The following response to Quiz Contest no.2 published in the Vedic Astrology (Vol.5 No.5
2001 was found the most appropriate. We congratulate Ms Madhu N. Nair of Trivadrum
( Subscription No. 1702) who wins the astrology software, Parashara Light Academic,
as a prize.
Quiz: Analyse the Birth Chart, of the female native, given below and comment
about the promise, delay or denial of marriage, or marital discord if any. Born
on April 1, 1964; at 21:05 hrs. (IST); at Long.: 77E13' Lat.: 28N39'. Balance of
Vimshottari dasha at birth: Saturn upto May 14, 1974.
The respondents to our quiz are
requested to use transits wherever
they are applicable.