Thermal Power Project
Thermal Power Project
Thermal Power Project
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above)
Clause No.
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1- 1 2- 1 2- 2 2- 4 2- 14 2- 16 2- 19 3- 1 3- 2 3- 5 3- 18 3- 22 3- 23 4- 1 4- 1 4- 3 4- 8 4- 8 4- 10 5- 1 5- 3 5- 6 5- 8 5- 9 5- 16 5- 17 5- 18 5- 21
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Annexure-2A 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Annexure-3A 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Annexure-4A 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Annexure-5A
Introduction Brief description of coal handling plant system Design criteria and broad features Performance requirements Codes and standards Typical scope of work for coal handling plant Section- 3 : Ash Handling Plant Introduction System description Design criteria and broad features Performance requirements Codes and standards Typical scope of work for ash handling plant Section- 4 : Fuel Oil Handling Plant Introduction System description Design criteria and broad features Performance requirements Codes and standards Typical scope of work for ash handling plant Section- 5 : Water Treatment Plant Introduction System description Design basis Layout requirements Broad technical features Performance guarantees Performance guarantee tests Codes and standards Typical scope of work for water treatment plant
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above)
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Introduction System description Sea water cooling Design Criteria Design requirements and broad features Performance and guarantee tests Codes and standards Typical scope of work for circulating water system Section- 7 : Fire Protection, Detection and Alarm System Introduction System description Design criteria Section- 8 : Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System Electrical system-Design criteria Electrical system-General technical requirements Control & instrumentation system-Design criteria Section- 9 : Civil Works General Specific Requirements Drawings
6- 1 6- 2 6- 3 6- 4 6- 6 6- 15 6- 16 6- 17
7- 1 7- 1 7- 4
8- 1 8- 2 8- 25
9.1 9.2
9- 1 9- 23
Typical coal flow diagrams for 2 x 500MW thermal power plant (with wagon tippler and unidirectional yard conveyer) Typical coal flow diagrams for 2 x 500MW thermal power plant (with wagon tippler, trash hopper unloading and reversible yard conveyer) Typical flow diagrams for ash handling plant- 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (vacuum system) Typical flow diagrams for bottom ash handling, ash disposal & water system plant- 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (submerged scrapper chain conveyor system) Typical flow diagrams for bottom ash handling, ash disposal & water system plant- 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (jet pump system) Typical flow diagrams for ash handling plant- 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (pressure system) Typical flow diagram Fuel Oil unloading, Storage and Handling (HFO) for 2x500 MW coal based Thermal power plant Typical flow diagram Fuel Oil unloading, Storage and Handling
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above)
(LDO) for 2x500 MW coal based Thermal power plant) Typical plant water scheme for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant Fly Ash-Dry + Emergency wet, Bottom ash wet with ash water recovery Typical plant water scheme for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant Fly Ash-Dry + Emergency HCSD, Bottom ash wet with ash water recovery Typical flow diagram for raw water PT plant for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant Typical flow diagram for DM plant for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant Typical flow diagram for CW system for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant Key Single line diagram (Typical) 2x500MW & above coal based TPS
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above)
Section- 1 (General)
A coal based thermal power plant consists of large number of integrated plants/systems and equipment having mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & control and civil components. The plant systems and equipment can be broadly classified into following two categories:i) Main Plant comprising of steam generator, steam turbine and generator along with their associated auxiliaries. Balance of Plants (BOP) system which includes all plants and equipment other than those included in main plant system. The major components of BOP system include coal handling plant, ash handling plant, fuel oil handling & unloading system, water treatment system, circulating water system and fire protection, detection & alarm system.
Requirement of Main Plant system can be standardized and are not site specific except for coal quality and cooling water temperature which are fairly uniform for indigenous coal and Indian ambient conditions. The equipment involved are highly technology oriented and world wide, there are limited manufacturers of main plant equipment as huge investment, infrastructure and R&D establishment are involved. CEA have already prepared Standard Technical Specification for main plant package of sub-critical thermal power project 2x (500 MW or above). As regards BOP systems, a number of site specific input parameters are involved which have to be kept in view while designing various systems. For example while designing coal handling system the site specific points to be considered include station capacity, quality and source of coal, coal transportation mode, topography and geometry of the area while for ash handling system, station capacity, ash content in fuel, mode of ash disposal, ash utilization potential, layout and pumping distances have a bearing on the design of ash handling system. In view of site specific variations, it is very difficult to draft a standard technical specification incorporating for all possible alternatives of plant systems and equipment. Accordingly, attempt has been made to evolve standard design criteria/ guidelines which will be a useful reference document and help the utilities in sizing and selection of equipment and drawing up a detailed specification specific to the plant.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above)
Section- 1 (General)
This document is divided into nine sections as detailed below: Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 General Coal handling plant Ash handling plant Fuel oil handling System Water treatment plant Circulating water system Fire protection, detection & alarm system Electrical and C&I System Civil Works
Each section covers the technical description of the plant systems and their various alternatives, design criteria/ guidelines for selection of plant system & equipment, broad technical details, performance guarantees aspects and applicable codes & standards etc. A typical scope of work for a 2 x 500 MW plant including for mechanical, electrical, C&I and civil works is also given as an Annexure to each system. Wherever possible, drawing illustrating flow diagrams of the system have also been enclosed to enhance clarity of the text.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant)
INTRODUCTION The coal handling plant (CHP) in a thermal power station covers unloading of coal, its crushing, storage and filling of boiler bunkers. The planning and design of the CHP is site specific and depends on the following factors: L LL LLL LY Station capacity Coal source and quality Coal transportation mode Topography and geometry of the area for coal handling system
Station capacity Station capacity determines the quantum of coal to be handled by coal handling plant and thus the capacity of coal unloading system, crushers, coal conveying system etc. Generally for unit size of 500 MW and above, one coal handling plant is provided to cater for two units. For lower sizes, coal conveying system may cater to maximum three units to limit the outage of units in the event of failure of coal handling plant. If a plant consists of non-identical units (in terms of size), then separate CHPs may be necessary to cater to different bunker floor levels due to non-uniformity of unit sizes. Provision of interconnection between separate CHPs may also be provided. Coal source and quality Source of coal for a thermal power station may vary i.e indigenous run of mine coal, indigenous washed coal or imported coal. Quality of the coal (GCV, HGI, moisture content etc.) determines the specification of coal handling equipment apart from the quantity of coal to be handled. Presently need for providing facilities for blending of indigenous and imported coal is also being felt in view of the shortage of Indian coal. Some time coal blending may also be resorted for environmental reasons. Blending can be done in many ways. One method is to provide facility in coal handling system to lay indigenous and imported coal in layers on the belts while conveying coal to bunkers. These coal layers would get mixed while falling into bunkers. The other method is to fill one bunker with imported coal and other bunkers with indigenous coal and then adjust the mill parameters to achieve the optimum heat load of the burners.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) Coal transportation mode The selection of particular mode of transportation of coal depends on the location of power plant with respect to coal mines/ coal sources and other site conditions. Various transportation means such as rail or other captive systems such as merry go round (MGR), belt conveyors are adopted. For coastal stations, unloading is done from ships/barges through belt/pipe conveyors, rail etc. Most of the power stations receive coal through rail. Power stations located near to the indigenous coal source (i.e. mine mouth) receive coal through their own MGR and those located far away (load centre stations) from the coal mines receive coal rakes through Indian Railway network. The coal received at power station may be unloaded by means of track hopper or wagon tipper or by combination of both depending on the type of wagons (BOBR or Box-N wagons) in the coal rakes expected to be received at the station. Topography and geometry of the area for coal handling system Layout of coal handling system varies with topography, geometry of the area, coal storage requirements as well as wind direction. No. of transfer points may also vary with topography and geometry of the area.
Coal unloading system As mentioned above, the coal received at power station may be unloaded by means of wagon tipper or track hopper or by combination of both depending on the type of coal rakes to be used for transportation of coal to the station. Generally coal rake consists of 58 wagons, each wagon carrying payload of 60 tons. The two unloading systems are briefly described below: Track hopper unloading system The coal received through bottom discharge (BOBR) wagon rakes is unloaded in under ground R.C.C. track hopper. Paddle feeders are employed under track hopper to scoop the coal and feeding onto underground reclaim conveyors. Belt weigh scales are provided on these conveyors for measurement of coal flow rate. Wagon tippler unloading system The coal received from Box-N wagons is unloaded in underground RCC hoppers by means of rota side type wagon tipplers. Side arm chargers are employed for placement of wagons on the tippler table and removal of empty wagon from tippler table after tippling. Provision are kept for shunting locomotives for handling rakes incase of side arm charger having some problem. Apron feeders are employed under each wagon tippler for
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) extracting coal from wagon tippler hopper and feeding onto underground reclaim conveyors. Belt weigh scales are provided on these conveyors for measurement of coal flow rate. 2.2.2 Coal crushing Coal unloaded in the wagon tippler hoppers/track hoppers is conveyed to crusher house by belt conveyors via pent house and transfer points depending on the CHP layout. Suspended magnets are provided on conveyors at pent house for removal of tramp Iron pieces. Metal detectors are also provided to detect non-ferrous materials present in the coal before crushers. Conveyors leading to crusher house have facility for manual stone picking, at a suitable location after penthouse. In line magnetic separators are also provided at discharge end of conveyors for removal of remaining metallic ferrous tramp from the coal before it reaches the crushers. Coal sampling unit is provided to sample the uncrushed coal. The size of the coal received is normally (-) 300 mm which may, however, depend on coal tie up. The received coal is sized in Crushers (Ring Granulators) from (-) 300 mm to (-) 20 mm. Screens (vibrating grizzly type or roller screens) provided upstream of the crushers screen out (-) 20 mm coal from the feed and (+) 20 mm coal is fed to the crushers. A set of rod gates and rack & pinion gates is provided before screens to permit maintenance of equipment downstream without affecting the operation of other stream. The crushed coal is either fed to coal bunkers of the boilers or discharged on to conveyors for storage in coal stockyard through conveyors and transfer points. 2.2.3 Coal Stacking & Reclaiming at Stockyard Crushed coal is sent to stockyard when coal bunkers are full. Stacking/ reclaiming of coal is done by bucket wheel type stacker-cum- reclaimer moving on rails. The stacker-cumreclaimer can stack coal on either sides of the yard conveyor. During stacking mode coal is fed from conveyors on boom conveyor and while in reclaim mode, yard conveyor discharges coal on the yard conveyor itself for feeding coal to bunkers through conveyors and transfer points. The yard conveyor can be reversible type depending on layout requirement. When coal is required in the bunkers and crusher is not in operation, coal is reclaimed by the stacker cum-reclaimer and fed to the coal bunkers. Emergency reclaim hopper (ERH) can be provided to reclaim coal by dozers when stacker cum- reclaimer is not in operation. Emergency reclaim hopper can also be used for coal blending. Coal stockpile is provided with required storage capacity depending on location of plant vis--vis coal source. Metal detectors and in-line magnetic separators are also provided before feeding to bunkers for removal of metallic ferrous tramp from reclaimed crushed coal. Coal sampling unit is provided to sample crushed coal of (-) 20 mm size. Belt weigh scales are also provided, on conveyors for measurement of flow rate of as fired coal.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant)
The Coal Handling Plant is also provided with sump pumps at suitable location in underground buildings to drain out water. The Control room, office room and RIO (Remote Input/ Output) room is provided with air conditioning system. The MCC rooms is provided with pressurized ventilation system. The tunnel portion is provided with supply cum exhaust ventilation system. Necessary monorails with manual or electric hoist are provided for handling various equipments of CHP. Flap Gates or movable head system are provided at transfer points for dropping coal from one conveyor to other conveyor and also changing the coal flow stream. For controlling the coal dust nuisance plain water dust suppression system is provided over coal stockyard, track hopper top, wagon tippler top. Dry fog type dust suppression system is provided at all transfer points and crushers at conveyor receipt and discharge points. Dust extraction system is provided at crusher house for screening feeder and belt feeders below crushers and bunker floor. Necessary service water, potable water and cooling water system is provided in CHP area as per requirement. 2.2.4 Typical scope of work for 2x500 MW thermal power project is attached at Annexure 2A Typical flow diagrams (as listed below) of coal handling system for 2 x 500 MW are enclosed : 1. Drawing no. CEA-TETD-CHP-001 (Typical coal flow diagram for 2x500 MW thermal power plant (with wagon tippler unloading and unidirectional yard conveyor) 2. Drawing no. CEA-TETD-CHP-002 (Typical coal flow diagram for 2x500 MW thermal power plant (with track hopper, wagon tippler unloading and reversible yard conveyor) 2.3 2.3.1 i) DESIGN CRITERIA AND BROAD FEATURES Capacity of CHP and Major Equipment Peak daily coal requirement shall be met by 14 hrs operating hours of coal handling plant so that balance 10 hrs per day are available for upkeep and maintenance. Ten (10%) percent margin shall be considered over the peak daily coal requirement (based on GCV of worst coal and normative heat rate) for arriving at the rated capacity of the coal handling plant. Margin is provided to take care of the variation in the GCV of the coal received, aging of the equipment and different operating conditions of the CHP equipment. Typically for a 2x500 MW plant, capacity is worked out as under: Plant Capacity Heat Rate PLF GCV of Worst Coal Specific coal requirement Daily Coal Requirement Hourly Coal Requirement 1000 2450 100 3150 0.78 18666.67 777.78 MW kCal/kWh % kCal/kg kg/kWh Tons TPH
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) Peak daily coal requirement for BMCR flow Working Hours Plant Capacity Add 10% margin Rated Capacity Rated Capacity (rounded off) 833.00 14 1428.00 142.80 1570.80 1600.00 TPH Hrs TPH TPH TPH TPH
Typically, two streams of conveyors and equipment shall be provided for coal handling system with rated capacity of 1600 TPH for a 2 x 500 MW power plant. Rated capacity would vary with calorific value of the coal intended to be used. Capacities of different equipment for 2x500 MW plant shall be under. Sl No Equipment No. of equipment Typical rated capacity (2x500 MW) 6000 MT 1200 TPH 20 Tips/hr 800 TPH 880 TPH 880 TPH per 450 TPH
1A OR 1B* 2 3 4.
5. 6 7
01 2x75% (W)+ 2x75% (S) Wagon Tipplers 2 (W) +1 (S) Apron Feeders 2 (W) +1 (S) Crushers 2x55% (W)+ 2x55% (S) Vibrating grizzly 2x55% (W)+ screens 2x55% (S) Vibro - feeders for 6 nos. (as emergency reclaim requirement) hoppers Stacker-reclaimer 1X100% (S-R) Conveyors Yard Conveyor
DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Mechanical Equipment / Systems General The sizing and selection of the vital equipment viz. crushers, screens, paddle feeders etc. covered under the system shall be based on the following characteristic of coal and operating conditions:
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) i) All mechanical, civil and structural system design shall consider: a) b) ii) Simultaneous running of both conveyors at rated capacity. Round the clock operation of coal handing plant
The coal delivered to the power station shall be of size 300 mm & below. However occasionally 1-2% coal of 400 mm lump size may also be encountered. HGI of the coal shall be between 45 to 65. Normally moisture content in coal will vary between 12% to 15%. However for design purposes, moisture content of 20% shall be considered. Due to open cast method of mining involved, the coal may contain shale and sand stone as high as 20%. Also occasionally metal pieces like broken shovel teeth, brake shoe, wires etc., may also come alongwith coal from open cast mine. The coal as received shall contain varying percentage of fines. Coal with such fines may tend to form adhesive lumps, particularly during monsoon when surface moisture is at its maximum value. For the purpose of volumetric computation, the bulk density of the coal shall be taken as 800 kg/m3. Therefore, for calculation of belt conveyor capacity, their drives and drive motors kW requirement, and sizing (volume calculations) of chute, hoppers etc. the above bulk density shall be considered. For all other purposes viz. for stresses/ load on structures, torque calculations the bulk density of the coal shall be taken as 1200 kg/ m3. The motors, gear boxes, couplings and pulleys for conveyors shall be standardized and no. of types shall be limited to minimum possible. All hoppers and tunnels shall be provided with sump pumps (1 operating + 1 standby). The drive motor of all the sump pumps shall be mounted at least 1.0 metre above the floor / ground level. The sump pumps shall be suitable to handle coal slurry and impeller shall be of non-clog type. The Coal Unloading System shall be capable of unloading the rake within the time as stipulated in the latest Commercial Policy (Freight) of Indian Railways. The currently applicable Policy of 2007 stipulates 7 hours unloading time for a coal rake for BOX, BOX-N, BOXNHA etc type wagons and 2 hours 30 min for BOBR type wagons. Wagon Tipplers
Wagon tipplers shall be suitable to handle any type of wagons being used by Indian Railways as on date for transportation of coal as per IS-10095 (Latest edition) and shall conform to all stipulations with regard to suitability for handling wagons having width, height and length over coupler faces as indicated by RDSO at the time
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) of approval of wagon tippler drawings. xi) The wagon tippler shall be rotaside type suitable to unload a coal wagon by lifting and rotating it sideways. The angle of tip shall be at least 150 giving 60 angle to the side of the wagon for emptying the coal contents into the hopper below. Wagon tippler design should take care of locomotive movement over tippler table at creep speed. The wagon tippler design shall conform to latest edition of G-33 and its amendments issued by RDSO. The tippler shall be designed to allow passage of all standard broad gauge (1676 mm) Indian Railways diesel locomotives over tippler table at creep speed. The tippler shall be designed to accommodate 150 Tons locomotive as per G-33 requirement. An electronic static weighing system shall be provided to measure / record the quantum of coal, wagon wise on the wagon tippler table before & after tippling. It shall have a minimum accuracy of 1% of the gross weight of the wagon. Side arm charger xiv) The side arm charger shall be suitable to handle 58 numbers of loaded wagons weighing 110 Tons. Thus, side arm charger shall be used for indexing forward the rake of 58 nos. loaded wagons, placing decoupled wagons on the tippler table and out hauling the empty wagons. Wagon Tippler Hopper xv) The wagon tippler hopper shall be of RCC construction and adequately sized to accommodate the coal load for at least three (3) nos. 8 wheeled wagons (180 tons) of RDSO design used by Indian Railways. For effective volumetric capacity computation of the hopper, the angle of repose of coal shall be considered as 37. The minimum valley angle of the hopper shall be considered as 60. Steel gratings of mesh size 300 mm x 300 mm over wagon tippler hopper shall be provided. The hopper and gratings shall be designed for movement of font end loader/bulldozer over them. Bull-dozer weight shall be considered as about 35T. Track Hopper xviii) Track Hopper shall be under ground RCC structure and gunited with 50mm thick guniting with effective coal holding capacity of 4000 Tonne. The valley angle shall not be less than 60 deg. Track hopper complex shall be provided with covered structural shed. Track hopper shall be 200 m long with one maintenance bay of 15 m on each side of track hopper with hatches & monorail with hoist. Provision shall be made for compressed air connections for opening / closing the wagon doors during unloading. Track hopper shall have removable type steel grating cover with opening
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) of 300 mm x 300 mm.. xix) For effective volumetric capacity computation of the hopper, the angle of repose of coal shall be considered as 37. There shall be Electric hoist / manual hoist for handling of the equipment during maintenance. The path way of monorail shall be close enough for easy handling of the equipment to be lifted. Extension of the monorail out side the building shall be minimum three (3.0) meter from the out side of the wall / column of the building. Apron Feeder xxi) Apron feeders shall be of robust construction and designed for handling ROM coal as specified and without any choking particularly during rainy season when coal is sticking. A dribble conveyor shall be provided below apron feeder for proper clean up. Paddle Feeder xxii) Each paddle feeder shall have capacity to scoop out coal at the guaranteed capacity in both forward and reverse motions with no indication of wheel slipping. The carriage shall automatically reverse its motion, when two paddle feeders operating on the same track come within a predetermined distance. Suitable anticollision device (infrared and mechanically operated limit switch type) shall be provided. Rope actuated stop switches shall be provided along the traveling structure for emergency use. Metal Detector xxv) Metal detectors shall have high reliability with enough sensitivity to detect 25mm aluminum sphere below the burden of coal in case of synthetic belting. However, for steel cord belting the sensitivity shall be 40 mm. It shall also detect other metals, like brass, copper, stainless steel, manganese steel, bars, scraps etc. It should ignore magnetite/iron and shall distinguish between metal pieces and magnetite/iron. Electronic Belt Weigher xxvi) The electronic belt weigher for measurement of coal flow rate and quantity shall be provided at specified locations. System shall be complete with flow rate indicator, totaliser, control panel etc.
xxvii) The electronic belt weigher shall be designed for continuous automatic weighing, metering and printing of coal flow. xxviii) Belt weigher shall be designed for a range of 20% to 120% of rated capacity with an
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) accuracy of atleast (+) 0.25 percent throughout its range. Belt weigher provided on Stacker Reclaimer Boom Conveyor shall have accuracy (in the horizontal position of Boom) of (+) 1 percent for the range of 20% to 120% of boom conveyor rated capacity. In-line Magnetic Separator and Suspended Magnet xxix) The magnet shall be able to separate M20 bolts & nuts, and 50 kg MS plates / MS bars of L/D ratio of less than 5. The magnetic separator shall be located such that it picks-up tramp iron from coal trajectory after it has been discharged from head pulley. Coal Sampling Unit xxxi) The coal sampling units suitable to give Samples conforming to ASTM-D-2234 shall be provided for taking samples from any of the two streams running at guaranteed capacity.
xxxii) The normal input feed size shall be considered as (-) 300 mm for coal sampling unit before coal crusher. However occasionally (-) 400 mm lumps may also arrive. Coal lump size after crusher (as fired coal) shall be (-) 20mm. However occasionally (-) 50 mm lumps may also arrive in crushed coal. Vibrating Grizzly Screen xxxiii) The screen shall be capable to segregate the (-) 20 mm size of coal alongwith coal dust, any muck & muddy coal (which is likely to be encountered during rainy season) etc. The segregated material shall be directly fed onto the corresponding belt conveyors/feeders through separate hoppers/chutes provided under each screening feeder. The width of vibrating screening feeder shall match to feed the material uniformly over the entire length of crusher rotor without any deflectors in the feeding chute. Crushers xxxiv) Ring granulator type crusher shall be provided for sizing the input coal to (-) 20 mm size. Crusher shall be supplied complete with accessories and subsystems. The crusher shall be capable of delivering the normal rated output even when handling damp sticky coal having maximum moisture content. No clogging or building up of material on the crushing element shall develop. Stacker cum- Reclaimer xxxv) Stacker-cum-reclaimer shall operate on rail track running for adequate length to cover the entire coal stockyard. The wheel load of stacker-reclaimer shall not exceed 27.0 tonnes. The ratio of boom length (as specified) to the rail track gauge shall not exceed 5. Top of rail level shall be maintained at 0.7 m above the ground level, i.e.,
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) coal pile base level unless specified otherwise. Suitable number of rail scrappers shall be provided. xxxvi) The minimum track gauge for Stacker-cum-Reclaimer shall be 7 m. xxxvii) Rate of bucket discharges shall not exceed 55 per minute. Stockpiles xxxviii) The stockpiles of coal will have adequate storage for at least as per the table given below and the coal consumption for this purpose shall be based on normative heat rate and average GCV of design and worst coal. Sl No 1. 2. 3. Plant location Pit head Load center Coastal Coal stock (in terms of no. of days of coal consumption) 15 days requirement 30 days requirement 30 days requirement
Maximum coal stockpile height shall be 10 m. Angle of repose of stored crushed coal shall be 37 degree. Chutes and Hoppers xxxix) The minimum valley angle of chutes shall be 60 degrees from horizontal. xl) Transfer chutes shall be adequately sized and sloped to ensure smooth flow of coal without any accumulation anywhere. Direct impact of material on conveyor belt shall be avoided by providing an inclined surface at 60 degrees valley angle at the feeding point to guide the material in the direction of belt travel. Further, chute construction below flap gate shaft shall be such that there will not be any accumulation of coal dust between chute and flap gate in that zone. Drive Selection xlii) xliii) All equipment drives except crusher drive shall be capable of starting on full load. The motor rating for all the equipment shall have a minimum margin of 20% over the required kW. For short belt conveyors and traveling trippers, drive motor shall be rate fir 150% of actual requirement. The service factor for selection of gearboxes, flexible couplings, brakes, etc., shall be minimum 1.5 on the motor rating. Single LT drive motors shall be used for conveyor drive ratings up to 160 KW. For conveyor drive rating beyond 160 KW, single HT drive shall be used for conveyors. However for boom conveyor drive and intermediate conveyor drive on stackerreclaimer, single LT motor may be used above 160 KW also. For the bunker 2-10
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) conveyor (tripper conveyors) drives only, single snub LT drive motor shall be used upto 200 kW rating. xlv) The type of high speed coupling between motor and gear box shall be as follows: a) For motor rating up to 30 kW - Resilient type flexible coupling b) For LT motors of above 30 kW - Traction type fluid coupling c) For HT motors - Actuator operated scoop type fluid coupling Belt Conveyor System xlvi) Belt conveyor system shall be designed as per the latest edition of Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials published by Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association or equivalent International Standard. Slopes of conveyors, wherever applicable, shall not exceed 16 degree depending on the lump size and other governing factors. The conveyor shall be horizontal at the feed point as far as possible. In case the same is not possible, the inclination at the feed point shall be limited to 6 degree.
xlviii) The belting shall be of either synthetic fabric such as Nylon-Nylon/PolysterPolyamide, Steel Cord. etc. with rubber covers of adequate flexibility to give a troughing angle of 35 deg. xlix) Fire resistant covers shall be provided for all conveyor belting breaker fabric shall be provided for all belts. The covers shall be FR Grade conforming to CSAM422M87 type-C / Equivalent DIN 2.2 to 3 of Canadian Bureau of Mine specification belting for surface installation. The minimum strength of belt shall be 1200 KN with 5 mm top cover & 3 mm bottom cover (min). Min number of plies shall be four (4). The flame test shall be carried out as per ISO 340 stipulation. All overground and overhead conveyors shall be located in suitably enclosed bridge structure. The conveyor bridge shall have permanently colour coated steel sheeting covers on roof and both sides, properly screwed or locked to steel structure as required. Adequate provision of windows shall be kept. A continuous slot opening of 500 mm shall be provided on both sides just below the roof sheeting. Belt Protection Equipment li) Pull chord type (manually reset type) emergency stop switches shall be located on both sides of belt conveyors at a spacing of 20 m along the walkways for the entire length of conveyors for emergency stopping of conveyor. Belt sway switches of self resetting type shall be provided at a spacing of 45 m to limit belt sway to permissible extent.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) liii) liv) Zero speed switch shall be non-contact (proximity) type electronic switch. One no. chute blockage switch of proven type shall be provided at a suitable height on each leg of the conveyors discharge chute, vibrating screens by pass chutes, crusher feeding chutes, tripper discharge and feeding chutes nearest to the skirt boards. Chute blockage switch shall trip the feeding conveyor in case of chute blockage and protect the feeding conveyor equipment. Chute blockage switch shall also be provided at each leg of mobile tripper and shall trip the tripper conveyor. Stone Picking lv) Manual Stone Picking arrangement at a suitable location in the conveyor gallery before the crusher house shall be provided complete with platforms, overhead lighting, handrailings, suitable seating, safety hook & holding arrangement for manual pickers, disposal chutes to ground level etc. Dust Extraction (DE) System lvi) Design and construction features of DE system shall be generally in conformity with the recommendation of American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Electrical System For design requirements of Electrical System, Section 8 of this document may be referred to. i) Instrumentation and Control Coal handling Plant shall be controlled through microprocessor based PLC system covering total functional requirements of sequence control, interlock & protection, monitoring, alarm and data logging. Entire CHP shall be controlled from following points: a) PLC based control system in CHP control room near crusher house consisting of control Desk (housing CRT/keyboard, annunciator and mimic), PLC Panels, I/O racks, along with its power supply arrangement etc. for the control of entire CHP. Some I/O may be located remotely in Wagon tippler MCC room and on bunker floor. It shall be possible to monitor the coal handling plant from the main DCS through serial link. Independent PLC based control system consisting of control Desk, PLC Panels, I/O racks, along with its power supply arrangement etc. for the control of each stacker cum reclaimer. Independent PLC based control system consisting of control desk, PLC panels, I/O racks along with its power supply arrangement etc. for the control of wagon tipplers.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) d) Dust extraction / suppression system shall be operated from the respective control panel provided locally with the equipment / system. Dust extraction/suppression system shall operate when the coal conveying system is in operation and bunker ventilation systems shall operate round the clock. Control system for stacker cum reclaimer, wagon tipplers, dust extraction / suppression system shall be interfaced to the CHP control room. Local start/stop push button stations, de-interlock switches to be mounted near each equipment for start / stop during maintenance of the system.
e) f)
For design requirements of Control & Instrumentation system, Section 8 of this document may be referred to.
Civil Works For design requirements of Civil works, Section 9 of this document may be referred to. i)
Layout and Maintenance Requirements The sizes of the junction towers, transfer points and crusher house and the floor elevations shall be finalized considering a minimum clear walkway space of 1200 mm around the equipment in each floor. The clear distance between the floors shall be minimum 3000 mm and the headroom shall be suitable for handling / removing the equipment at the head end and tail end. Adequate space around the crusher in the crusher house shall be provided for opening the cage of the crusher and for removal of the shaft. Partitions with slide doors shall be provided in the crusher house between the crushers to enable maintenance of standby crusher when the other crusher is operating. Adequate maintenance space and handling facilities shall be provided on both sides of the partition wall All transfer points shall have separate debris disposal chute upto last operating floor. Minimum clearance between the bottom of the tail pulley and floor in junction tower / crusher house / transfer house / tunnel shall be 600 mm. Wherever the conveyor crosses the road, a minimum clearance of 8 M shall be provided below the structure. At the rail crossings, this clearance shall be as per the Indian Railways requirement. Side and central walkways for double stream conveyors shall be 800mm and 1100mm wide respectively. The side walkways for single conveyors shall be 800 mm on one side and 1100mm on the other side.
iii) iv)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) vii) Provision shall be kept with platforms and ladders for crossing over the conveyors at approximately every 100m intervals of route length and minimum one per conveyor.
System Performance Requirements The coal handling system and equipment shall perform satisfactorily to meet the guarantee requirements as stated hereunder:
After the coal handling system is ready, the same shall be tested at rated capacity to prove the performance of the system and equipment. The guarantee requirements shall be met without undue vibrations in the conveyor supports, junction towers, crusher house, transfer houses, etc. Each crusher shall be capable of crushing rated capacity with specified maximum lump size of coal even while handling damp and sticky coal having 20% moisture (including surface moisture) during monsoon season. The largest size of output particles shall not exceed those specified in the specification. The fines (-1 mm) generated by the crusher shall be limited to 10%. Screens shall screen out 95% of material having dimension of (-) 20 mm even during rainy season. Stacker / reclaimer shall be stable under specified design condition and shall meet all the requirements specified. The bucket wheel reclaimer shall reclaim coal at the rated capacity specified while handling well compacted, damp and sticky coal during rainy seasons. The capacity shall be arrived at on working for 4 hours over complete cross section of the stockpile. Also, the stacker shall stack coal at the rated capacity specified. All drive motors shall be suitable for direct-on-line starting and capable of starting fully loaded conveyors / feeders. Noise level produced by any rotating equipment (other than crusher) individually and collectively should not exceed 85 dBA at a distance of 1.5 metres from it in any direction under any load condition. Vibration level of equipments at bearings shall not exceed the following limits for different equipment. Vibration levels shall conform to the limits specified below and shall be measured as per VDI 2056 / BS 4675. Equipment Peak to peak limit: At the bearing of drive pulley, motor and gear box for the following equipment: i) Boom conveyor of stacker/ : 115 microns Reclaimer
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) ii) All other equipment/ : Conveyors/feeders etc. 75 microns
On the floors and columns of junction towers, Crusher 200 microns house and conveyor, Gallery walkways Crusher 160 microns for speed of 750 rpm
At the outlet of the dust extraction system, the dust concentration shall not exceed 100 mg/Ncu.m.
2.4.2 Performance Guarantee tests: Performance Guarantee Tests shall be conducted in such a way that all the conveyors in both the streams are covered. For this purpose it may be necessary to repeat the Performance & Guarantee tests until all the conveyors are covered. Contractor shall also demonstrate that all intermediate equipments can perform as per specification and design requirement. Simultaneous operation of both the paths in conveyor streams shall also be demonstrated during PG Test. Tests to be conducted shall include: i) Capacity in T/Hr (equivalent to 100% of rated) of conveyor system including the intermediate equipments for each of the two parallel conveyor streams separately or any combination thereof. Each stream and each path shall be tested at rated capacity for 24 hours to prove that the system functions satisfactorily without any trip due to overload or system fault. For the purpose of conducting guarantee test coal, flow shall be divided into following coal flow paths: a) Wagon tippler/ track hopper to coal bunkers b) Wagon tippler/ track hopper to crushed coal storage via stacker cum reclaimer c) Wagon tippler/ track hopper one stream to crushed coal stockpile and other stream to coal bunkers d) From crushed coal stockpile to coal bunkers via stacker cum reclaimer e) From crushed coal stockpile to coal bunkers via emergency reclaim hoppers ii) Guaranteed capacity in T/Hr of the following : a) Paddle Feeders b) Apron Feeders
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) c) d) e) iii) Crushers Stacker Reclaimer Wagon tippler with side arm charger
Total power consumption for all the equipments including auxiliaries with single stream operation of longest flow path (listed at 2.4.2.i.a) at guaranteed capacity except intermittent loads such as lighting, hoists, coal sampling units, sump pumps, elevators, dust suppression/elevation, ventilation, service/potable water system
CODES AND STANDARDS The design, manufacture, inspection and testing of the Coal Handling System shall comply with all the currently applicable statues, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment is to be installed. The equipment shall confirm to the latest edition of the following standards & codes. Other internationally acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or higher performance, shall also be accepted.
Belt Conveyor System IS:11592 : Code of practice for selection and design of Belt Conveyors. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials published by Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association. IS:7155 : Codes of Practice for Conveyor Safety. IS:1891 (Part-I) : General Purpose Belting IS:8598 : Idlers and Idler Sets for Belt Conveyors IS:4009 (Part-II) : Conical Head Grease Nipples IS:8531: Pulleys for Belt Conveyors. IS:226 : Structural Steel (Standard Quality) IS:4682 : Codes of Practice for Lining of Vessels and Equipment for Chemical Processes. IS:11592 :Code of practice for selection and design of Belt Conveyors. CAN / CASA - M422 M87 : Canadian standard association. IS:2062 Steel for General Structural Purposes - Specification Drive equipment like gears etc. IS:3688 : Dimensions for shaft ends IS:3681: General plan for spur & helical gears IS:7403 : Code of practice for selection of standard worm and helical gear boxes
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant)
Belt Scales/ Weighers NEMA Standards NEC IS:11547 For electronic circuit enclosures. Electronic weighing in motion system.
Dust Control Equipment IS:778 : Gun Metal gate, globe & check valves for general purpose. BS:5150 :Cast Iron Gate Valve for water works purposes BS:5152 :Cast Iron Globe Valve for water works purposes BS:5312 :Cast Iron Check Valve for water works purposes IS:1239 : Mild Steel tubes & fittings. IS:2379 :Colour for the identification of pipe line. IS:3589 :Electrically welded steel pipes for water, gas & sewage (200 to 2000 mm) IS:5312 : Swing check type reflux (non return) valves. IS:1520 : Horizontal centrifugal pump for clean, cold fresh water. IS:5120 :Centrifugal pump for clean, cold & fresh water. BS: 5169 & BS:1123 : Air Receivers. ANSI B 31.1:Code for pressure piping. Hydraulic institute Standards of U.S.A IS:210 Cast Iron IS:318 Bronze Ventilation equipment IS:3588 : Specification for electrical axial flow fans. IS:2312 :Propeller type AC Ventilation fans IS:3963 :Specification for roof-extractor units IS:4894 :Centrifugal Fans IS:655 :Specification for Metal Air Duct ARI:210 :Standard for Unitary air conditioning equipment. ARI:270 :Standard for application, installation and servicing of unitary equipment. IS:8183 :Specification for bonded mineral wool. IS:661 :Thermal insulation for cold surfaces.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) IS:4671:Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purpose. IS:8148 :Packaged Air conditioners. Crushers & Vibrating Screens IS:8723 Dimensions for vibrating conveyors and feeders with rectangular or trapezoidal trough IS:286 Austenitic-Manganese Steel Castings - Specification Monorail and Hoists IS:3938 IS:3832 IS:2429 IS:6216 IS:8610 IS:210 Chutes and Hoppers IS:4682 :Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes. IS:226 : Structural Steel (Standard Quality) Elevators IS:4722 Rotating Electrical Machines Specification IS:325 Three-phase induction motors IS:1753 Aluminum conductors for insulated cables IS:1554 Specification for PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables : Specification for Electric Wire Rope Hoist : Chain pulley blocks : Round steel short link chain :Short link chain grade 80 :Points hooks with shank for general engineering purposes : Cast Iron Castings
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) ANNEXURE 2A
TYPICAL SCOPE OF WORKS FOR THERMAL POWER PROJECT (2x500MW) : COAL HANDLING PLANT 2A.1.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of coal handling plant typically covers the design, engineering, manufacture, inspection and testing at manufacturer's works, supply, packing and delivery at project site, unloading, storage and in plant transportation at site, erection, supervision, precommissioning, testing, successful commissioning, performance testing and handing over of coal handling plant of the thermal power project. Scope of work shall include all mechanical, electrical, C&I, accessories, civil, structural and architectural works to make the system complete. Typical scope of work for 2x500 MW thermal power project includes: 2A.2.0 Mechanical i) Underground RCC track hopper with four (4) Nos. paddle feeders OR Three (3) nos. rota side wagon tipplers alongwith side arm chargers and electronic weighing bridges, three (3) nos. wagon tippler hoppers and three (3) nos. apron feeders Note: Stations with track hoppers may also additionally have wagon tipplers to take care of eventuality of non- availability of BOBR wagons. In such a case, two (2) nos. wagon tipplers may be provided with hoppers and apron feeders) ii) Belt conveyors (2x100% streams) from wagon tippler hoppers/track hopper upto crusher house complete with tunnel, conveyor gallery, pent house and transfer points. Covered conveyor galleries with steel trestles shall be provided for all over-ground conveyors. Following shall also be provided on each belt conveyer before crusher house: a) Suspended magnets for removal of tramp iron pieces b) Metal detectors c) Electronic belt weighers d) Manual stone picking platforms e) Coal sampling unit alongwith online analysers f) In-line magnetic separators for removal of small and tramp iron pieces escaped from suspended magnets
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) iii) iv) Four (4) nos. vibrating grizzly screens before crushers. Sets of gates each comprising of one rod gate and one actuator operated rack & pinion gate at inlet to each of the vibrating grizzly screens and at inlet to vibro feeders in emergency reclaim hoppers. Crusher house (CH) accommodating four (4) nos. crushers and associated vibrating grizzly screens, gates, passenger cum goods elevator, conveyors, chute work alongwith actuator operated flap gates, monorails & hoists, hoist maintenance platform, external and internal staircases, hand rails and other equipments such as coal sampling unit, dust suppression, dust extraction system etc. Four (4) nos. crushers including crusher supporting foundations, vibration isolation system with springs & viscous dampers, vibration monitoring system etc. Belt conveyors (2x100% streams) from crusher house upto coal bunkers complete with conveyor gallery and transfer points.
vi) vii)
viii) Belt conveyors (2x100% streams) from crusher house upto yard conveyor for coal stacking complete with conveyor gallery and transfer points. ix) x) xi) Reversible Yard conveyor (1x100%) with independent drives for stacking and reclaiming modes. One (1) nos. reversible Stacker cum Reclaimers with electronic belt weighers mounted one on each reversible stacker reclaimer. Emergency reclaim hoppers with vibro feeders and belt conveyors (2x50%) complete with conveyor gallery and transfer points for interconnection with conveyor between crusher house and bunkers. Belt conveyors from yard conveyor complete with conveyor gallery and transfer points for interconnection with conveyor between crusher house and bunkers.
xiii) Following shall also be provided on each belt conveyer before coal bunkers: a) Electronic Belt weighers b) Coal sampling unit alongwith online coal analyser c) In-line magnetic separators d) Metal detectors xiv) Complete chute work and motor operated flap gates between various conveyors in all Transfer points and crusher house. xv) Four (4) Nos. motorized traveling trippers, two (2) nos. for each unit.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) xvi) Two (2) nos. passenger - cum goods elevators to serve various floors of the crusher house (CH) and one (1) no. passenger cum goods elevator in transfer point near boilers. xvii) Adequate number of ventilation equipment for ventilating the track hopper, wagon tippler hoppers, emergency reclaim hoppers, underground tunnels, transfer points, crusher house and bunker bays (housing tripper conveyors) xviii) Pressurised ventilation system for all switchgear rooms, MCC rooms. xix) Exhaust fans in all battery rooms and toilets xx) Air conditioning of main CHP control room, local control rooms for track hopper, wagon tipplers, stacker/reclaimer and office rooms.
xxi) Adequate number of sump pumps in hoppers, transfer points complete with individual discharge piping with fittings and valves upto nearest plant drain. xxii) One (1) No. belt vulcanizing machine along with belt jointing facilities xxiii) Complete dust suppression system for control of fugitive dust in track hopper, wagon tippler hopper, paddle feeder, transfer points, crusher house, coal stock yard complete with enclosed pump houses, water tanks, pumps, drives, hoisting arrangements, piping, valves etc. as briefly specified below : a) Plain water dust suppression around the Track Hopper top and wagon tippler top through fogging nozzles. b) Plain water dust suppression around stockyard through sprinklers c) Complete plain water dust suppression system with two (2) nos. pumps and one (1) tank mounted on paddle feeder or on trolley including ring header inside track hopper for supplying plain water. d) Complete dry fog type dust suppression system at all Transfer Points, Crusher House both at discharge and loading points including all electrical and accessories. e) Belt Sealing arrangement in Bunker bays for control of dust coming out of coal Bunkers. xxiv) xxv) xxvi) Complete dust extraction system for control of fugitive dust in crusher house and bunker floor with complete water tanks, pumps, drives, hoisting arrangements, piping, valves etc. Service water, potable water system and cooling water system for complete coal handling plant. Monorails and electrically operated hoist blocks as well as hand operated chain pulley blocks for servicing/installation/easy replacement of drive machinery, different types of
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) pulleys for all conveyors and other equipment from ground level to their locations and vice-versa. xxvii) Four number bull dozers of minimum 400 BHP diesel engine for dosing coal into emergency reclaim hoppers and coal stockpile maintenance xxviii) Drainage of all CHP buildings, track hopper, wagon tippler hopper, emergency reclaim hoppers, tunnels, conveyor galleries and coal stock yard including all civil & structural works. xxix) Fire protection provisions to meet TAC and IS 3034.
2A.3.0 Electrical System / Equipment Two no. feeders shall be provided from 11kV Station Switchboards for Coal Handling Plant. Further, distribution of power supply at 3.3kV and 415V voltage levels and all other required electrical equipment for putting coal handling plant into successful operation shall be in the scope of work of CHP supplier. The 415V supply shall be arranged either through 11/ 0.433kV or 3.3/ 0.433kV LT auxiliary transformers. However, 415 V supply for boiler floor MCC shall be arranged from respective 415 V unit PMCC. Typically, following electrical equipment shall be included : i) ii) iii) iv) 11/ 3.3kV and 11/0.433kV or 3.3/0.433kV auxiliary transformers 11kV, 3.3kV and 415V Switchgears HT and LT busducts Power and control cables including cables from 11 KV station switchboards and 415 V unit PMCC. Cable laying alongwith cabling accessories, cable trays and termination/ jointing kits of cables, and fire sealing HT and LT Motors 220V DC system comprising of battery banks, chargers and DC distribution boards Complete illumination system for internal and external lighting of associated plant and building Complete grounding and lightning protections and its interconnection with nearest earth mat Emergency stop push button for all HT and LT motors
vi) vii)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) 2A.4.0 i) Control & Instrumentation System Control desk cum panel housing CRT / keyboard, mimic, annunciator etc. in the main coal handling system control room Microprocessor based programmable logic control (PLC) system for operation, control and monitoring of the Coal handling plant from the coal handling system control room. It shall be possible to monitor the coal handling plant from the main DCS in the Unit Control Room through serial link. Independent PLC based control system for stacker cum reclaimers with facility to communicate with CHP control room through radio frequency communication. PLC based control for coal unloading at wagon tippler/track hopper complex along with static weigh bridges. Local control panels for traveling trippers, dust extraction / suppression system. These local panels shall be interfaced to the CHP control room. Communication facility between CHP Control Room and all the strategic workings areas such as Wagon Tippler/track Hopper Control Room, Stacker-Reclaimer Control Cabin, bunker floor, unit control room etc. VHF communication facility shall also be provided between the engine driver and operating personnel in Wagon Tippler/track Hopper Control Room. Instrumentation and control cables including laying and termination Power supply system for C&I system including redundant UPS system, batteries, charges etc. All Instruments integral to CHP equipment for control, monitoring and operation of the equipment/plant/ systems such as: a) Belt sway switches b) Pull chord switches c) 2 Nos of zero speed switches- 1 at head end and 1 at tail end for each conveyor. d) Vibration monitoring system for crushers and drives e) Motor overload switches for conveyor drives f) RTDs for conveyor drive motors and crusher motors g) Zero speed switches for screen
vii) viii)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) h) Level switches in dust suppression system water tanks and devices as required 2A.5.0 Civil Works i) The civil works to be performed shall cover providing all labour, materials, construction equipment, tools and plant, scaffolding, supplies, transportation, all incidental items necessary for successful completion of the work. The work shall involve earthwork in excavation including controlled blasting and very deep underground excavation, extensive de-watering, shoring and strutting, sheet piling, back filling around completed structures and plinth protection, area paving, disposal of surplus excavated materials, piling, concreting including reinforcement and form work, brick work, fabrication and erection of structural / miscellaneous steel works, inserts, architectural items & finishes such as plastering, painting, flooring, doors, windows & ventilators, glass and glazing, rolling shutters etc., permanently colour coated profiled steel sheeting, anchor bolts, R. C. C. trenches with covers, laying and testing of water pipes, sanitation, water supply, drainage, damp proofing, water proofing and other ancillary items. The work shall be carried out both below and above ground level and shall include basements, equipment foundations including vibration isolation systems, grounding, slabs, beams, columns, footings, rafts, walls, steel frames, brick walls, stairs, trenches, pits, access roads, culverts, conveyer galleries, trestles, penthouses, track hopper, wagon tippler hoppers, emergency reclaim hoppers, underground tunnels, crusher house, transfer towers, buildings for switchgear and control room, finishes, complete architectural aspects, drainage, sanitation, water supply (from terminal points to various buildings, conveyor galleries) and all other civil, structural and architectural works associated with the complete Coal Handling Plant. All buildings shall be complete with all electrical, civil, structural, architectural works, cable trenches, fire safety walls, foundation, earth mat, fencing, earthing for transformers. All cables, duct banks, trenches, cable trestles shall be complete with associated civil/ structural work and necessary civil foundations. Buildings to be provided shall include the following : a) b) c) Underground/partially underground transfer points (RCC construction) Overground transfer points and Crusher House (steel construction) Electrical & control buildings (RCC construction) listed below: Main switchgear cum central control room building near crusher house Wagon tippler/track hopper switchgear cum control building near wagon tippler/track hopper complex Switchgear room for Stacker cum- Reclaimer Office complex for O&M staff and storage rooms near main control room other field
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 2 (Coal Handling Plant) iv) v) Scope shall also include supply and laying earthing mat all around the periphery of buildings, structures, and outdoor equipments, as per the approved drawings. The analysis, design and detailed drawing for the structures like track hopper, wagon tipplers tunnels etc. coming below the railway track shall be got approved from the concerned railway authority before taking up construction. Arranging construction water from underground sources, storage in underground/ overground tanks and taking the water to construction site through pipelines by pumping or by road tankers etc., including all necessary accessories, tools & tackles etc. Access roads to all buildings/facilities of CHP including construction and maintenance of temporary access roads for approach to the building/facilities for construction/erection activities.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
INTRODUCTION In a coal based thermal power plant, huge amount of ash is generated which has to be disposed off continuously. Typically for a 2x500 MW plant, the amount of ash generated is around 300 to 400 TPH depending on gross calorific value and ash content of worst coal. The ash handling system covers evacuation of ash and disposal in wet, semi wet and dry form. The ash is produced in two forms viz. fly ash which is of fine texture and bottom ash which is comparatively coarser. The ash entrained in the flue gases and captured in electro-static precipitator (ESP) is termed as fly ash and the ash which falls at the bottom of the boiler furnace is known as bottom ash. Small quantities of ash are also collected in the air preheater, economizer and stack. The design of ash handling system in a power station is based on the following considerations:
Station capacity , gross calorific value and ash content of worst coal Station capacity, gross calorific value and ash content of worst coal determine the quantum of ash to be handled and thus the sizing of the equipment in Ash Handling Plant.
Utilisation potential and mode of ash disposal As per MOE&F stipulations, full capacity dry fly ash extraction system is provided to facilitate utilization of fly ash in dry form. Wet slurry system is additionally provided to cater to 100% ash and is used to dispose the balance unutilized fly ash till its full utilization is achieved. Alternatively high concentration slurry disposal system (HCSD) may be adopted. In cases where full utilization of fly ash is possible from the inception of the power plant on continuous basis, wet slurry disposal can be avoided for fly ash. The bottom ash is, however, disposed off in slurry form in most of the power stations. In some of the power stations, semi-wet method of disposing bottom ash is adopted by use of hydro-bins and the ash collected is then disposed off directly from hydro bins for end use. Lately dry bottom ash collection and disposal has been adopted in one of the power stations in the country.
Layout, conveying/pumping distances etc. Sizing of transport compressors for transporting ash up to silo, vacuum pumps / conveying compressors for ash evacuation from ESP, slurry pumps for transporting wet ash slurry
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
upto ash pond depend upon layout of the plant, conveying/pumping distances, topography of the area, routing of pipelines etc. For example, elevation and distance of ash pond from pump house affects the size of the slurry pumps. Higher distance and elevation can lead to requirement of booster pumping in some cases. As such the size of various ash handling equipment is site specific and depends on various factors as above. 3.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The ash handling system of a power station normally consists of the following: 3.2.1 i) Bottom Ash (BA) System Bottom ash of each boiler is collected in a water impounded, storage type, double V /3V shaped hopper. It is pertinent to note that shape of hopper depends on amount of bottom ash generation, which varies from project to project, based on source of coal. Each Bottom Ash hopper has provision for continuous make-up and overflow. Two (2) discharge outlets are provided under each V-section. Each outlet is fitted with a feed gate and clinker grinder. The ash at the exit of the clinker grinder gets mixed with the water to form slurry while pumping with the jet pump. Each jet pump is provided with independent bottom ash slurry transportation pipeline upto common ash (fly ash & bottom ash) slurry pit for pumping finally to the ash pond. Alternatively, dry type hopper with submerged scrapper conveyor system is provided which evacuates bottom ash on continuous basis. The bottom ash slurry in this case may be sent to a bottom ash slurry sump, but the use of gravity flow is used to the extent possible. The system consists of dry type bottom ash hoppers, submerged scrapper conveyors, clinker grinders, bottom ash slurry sump / trench upto common slurry pit etc. The coarse ash collected from the economizer hoppers is connected to the bottom ash hopper top (above the maintained water level) by means of an adequately sized sloping pipe (for transporting slurry by gravity) in case of jet pump system. However if calcium content is high in economizer ash or bottom ash hopper storage capacity is not adequate, then economizer ash is disposed off separately. For submerged scrapper conveyor (SSC) system, normally the ash from economiser, is evacuated and conveyed continuously in wet form and the ash slurry is led to ash slurry pump house, through trenches. Fly Ash System (ESP, Air preheater, Stack) Evacuation and transportation of dry fly ash is done in two stages, i.e. from ESP collection hoppers to the intermediate surge hoppers by vacuum conveying system/ pressure conveying system and from the intermediate surge hoppers to storage silos near plant boundary by pneumatic conveying. Air preheater and duct hoppers ash can be conveyed pneumatically, and connected to buffer hopper/collector tanks of ESPs. Alternatively, ash from air preheaters and duct hoppers can be evacuated and conveyed continuously in wet form and the ash slurry led to ash slurry pump house, through trenches.
3.2.2 i)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
In addition, wet disposal system (to be operated during initial period of plant operation or during emergency when dry disposal is not possible) for fly ash is also provided which directs the fly ash to wetting units to form the slurry and thereafter pumping the same to common slurry pit using jet pumps. Wet disposal system can be medium slurry type or high concentration slurry type. Ash Water System The entire water requirement of the ash handling system is met from cooling tower blow down of the station and decanted recovery water from the ash pond. A connection from raw water is also provided for fast fill and emergency makeup purposes. Clear water as necessary for equipment sealing and cooling is provided from station clarified water. In case of once through system in coastal stations, water for ash handling is tapped from return header of CW system.
3.2.3 i)
Ash water system consists of ash water sump, HP water pumps, LP water pumps, economiser ash water pumps etc. BAHP (bottom ash high pressure) pumps are used to extract bottom ash from both units sequentially in case of jet pump system and continuously in case of SSC system. In case of jet pump system, BAHP pump supply water for jet pumps, BA hopper flushing, seal trough & gate housing flushing etc. In case of SSC system, BAHP pumps supply water for quenching, BA trench jetting, seal trough flushing, gate cooling, BA sump agitation etc. In case of jet pump system, BALP (bottom ash low pressure) pumpsl supply water for refractory cooling, BA hopper cooling water to maintain hopper water at 60 deg.C, BA hopper fill, seal trough make up/fill, slurry sump hopper make up water etc. In case of SSC system, BALP pumps supply water for refractory cooling, cooling water for upper trough of SSC to maintain water temp. at 60 deg.C, seal trough make up, cooling water to inspection windows, wash water to grinder, BA sump make up, ash slurry sump make up etc. Fly ash HP water pumps (FAHP) supply water to wetting heads, air washers, F.A. slurry/trench jetting, combined ash slurry sump make up, combined ash slurry sump agitation etc. Alternatively common HP water pumps can be used for fly ash and bottom ash requirements in place of dedicated BAHP and FAHP. Seal/cooling water pumps are provided for gland sealing of slurry pumps, vacuum pumps and cooling of compressors. In order to conserve water used in wet ash disposal, an ash water recovery system is provided to recirculate the decanted water from the ash pond and re-using this water for ash handling purposes.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Ash Disposal System Dry disposal The dry fly ash from ESP hoppers is conveyed to intermediate surge hoppers, which are located as close to the ESP as possible. Fly ash collected in intermediate surge hoppers is pneumatically conveyed to storage silos in a separate area near the plant boundary, with independent access from where it is unloaded into the open trucks or bulkers. Wet disposal While bottom ash handling and disposal shall be in wet mode, wet disposal of fly ash is to be resorted during initial period of plant operation or during emergency when dry disposal is not possible. Fly ash and bottom ash slurry is led to common ash slurry pit. PT plant clarifier sludge is also discharged into common ash slurry pit. This combined slurry is then pumped to the ash pond through ash slurry pipelines by centrifugal type low speed ash slurry pumps The ash slurry pumps may be required to be placed in series (maximum three) for meeting high head requirement while pumping to long distances and higher elevations. In case of excessively high head requirement of ash slurry pumping a booster station may also be required between ash slurry pump house and ash pond. Ash slurry is discharged in the ash dyke at strategic locations to ensure even filling of ash pond using pipe garlanding around the dyke. Alternatively, high concentration slurry disposal (HCSD) system is employed, which uses the slurry concentration between 55 % - 70 % depending on specific slurry rheology.
Ash Handling System Operation The MOE&F notification dated 03.11.2009, stipulates for a 100% ash utilization within four years of commissioning for new plants and reduced land area (50 hectares for a 500MW unit) for emergency ash pond. The ash handling plant should therefore, adopt the following modes (option I & option II) of operation: Option I 1. Fly ash disposal: Dry mode (normal continuous operation) and in wet slurry mode (initial operation period and emergency operation when dry disposal is interrupted )
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Option II 1. Fly ash disposal: Dry mode (normal continuous operation) and in HCSD mode (initial operation period and emergency operation when dry disposal is interrupted )
2. Bottom ash disposal: Wet mode Alternatively, bottom ash can be disposed in semi- wet mode. 3.2.6 Typical scope of work for 2x500 MW thermal power project is attached at Annexure 3A Typical flow diagrams (as listed below) of ash handling system for 2 x 500 MW are enclosed : 1. Drawing no: CEA-TETD-AHP-001 (Typical flow diagrams for fly ash handling system - 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (vacuum system)) 2. Drawing no:CEA-TETD-AHP-002 (Typical flow diagrams for fly ash handling system- 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (pressure system)
3. Drawing no:CEA-TETD-AHP-003 (Typical flow diagrams for bottom ash handling, ash disposal - 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (submerged scrapper chain conveyor system)) 4. Drawing no:CEA-TETD-AHP-004 (Typical flow diagrams for bottom ash handling, ash disposal - 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant (jet pump system) 3.3 3.3.1 a) DESIGN CRITERIA AND BROAD FEATURES Capacity of ash handling system Bottom ash disposal system (water impounded hopper type) The water impounded hopper system employs a storage type of hopper and the ash is extracted on an intermittent basis by means of jet pumps. In order to specify the no. of hours of ash storage, number of times the hopper to be emptied and the conveying rates in term of hours of operation of the conveying system, the following methodology is to be followed. The number of hours of storage of ash in the hopper is determined by calculating the hopper volume considering the following aspects: i) The maximum water level in the hopper under hot conditions shall be as per the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer. The effective ash level shall be considered at least 600 mm below the maximum water level. The side wall submergence shall be 2.0m (min.) 3-5
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
iv) v)
The angle of inclination of hopper walls with horizontal shall be 45o (min.) For the purposes of calculation of hopper volume, the bulk density of bottom ash shall be considered as 0.65 ton/m3 . All the equipments (clinker grinders, jet pumps & piping) shall be located preferably above ground and accordingly the bottom of the hopper shall be kept 1.5m or more above ground. `Inkpot shape of the hopper shall be discouraged to the extent possible.
The determination of volume with above criteria dictates the no. of times the hopper is to be emptied in one shift. Whereas it shall be endeavored to maximize the storage capacity of B.A. hopper, the minimum acceptable storage capacity shall not be less than 5 hours. If the capacity available is more than 8 hours then the hopper would be emptied once in a shift in 90 minutes period and if the volume available is less than 8 hours but more than 5 hours then the hopper would be emptied twice in a shift in 45 minutes period each.. Each unit shall have two jet pumps working simultaneously, in case the shape of hopper is double V ( generally for 500 MW units) and three jet pumps working simultaneously, in case the shape of hopper is triple V ( generally for 600/660/800 MW units).
Bottom ash disposal system (submerged scrapper conveyor type) In case of continuous type bottom ash removal system employing submerged scrapper chain conveyors, the system shall be capable of removing bottom ash continuously at a rate equal to the bottom ash generated (when firing worst coal on BMCR basis), from furnace bottom of each unit.
Dry Fly ash disposal system Fly ash system shall be designed to remove fly ash from each unit in maximum 6 hours per shift of 8 hours while firing worst coal.
Ash slurry disposal system i) Ash slurry disposal rate from ash slurry sump to dyke shall be sum of bottom ash conveying rate and fly ash conveying rate as given below: Bottom ash conveying rates arrived at as per the criteria mentioned at Clause a) above if the water impounded hopper system alternative is adopted OR
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Normal bottom ash collection rates as at Clause b) if the submerged scrapper chain conveyor system alternative is adopted. During soot blowing conditions, the slurry concentration shall increase. The fly ash handling system shall be assumed to operate continuously and the fly ash collection rates shall be same as the rates considered for sizing pneumatic conveying system, for the purpose of sizing of the disposal system.
ii) iii)
The slurry line velocities shall not exceed 2.8m/sec. The value of `C factor to be considered for arriving at the pressure drop shall be 140. In case HCSD system is used for ash slurry transportation, the following shall be taken into account: Range of concentration for ash slurry pumping shall be 55% to 70% by weight Ash pipe line velocity 1.8 m/sec. maximum. HCSD pump operating range 10% to 100% of rated flow. Shut-down restart capability for pumping operation minimum 12 hrs. The high concentration slurry shall be disposed in disposal area such that no significant free water is released from the slurry. The high concentration ash slurry disposal pump shall be positive displacement type.
Fly ash storage silos The storage silos shall have sixteen (16) hours storage capacity based on fly ash generation with design coal at 100% MCR.
Ash water recovery system Recovery water collection arrangement from pond will be designed for collection of 70% water delivered through slurry pumping.
Typically for a 2 x 500 MW power stations the system capacities shall be worked out on per unit basis as under: Unit Capacity Heat Rate PLF GCV of Worst Coal Specific coal requirement Daily Coal Requirement 500.00 2450.00 1.00 3150.00 0.78 9333.33 MW kCal/kWh % kCal/kg kg/kWh Tons
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Daily Coal Requirement Peak daily coal requirement for BMCR flow Ash Percentage Ash Generated per Unit ESP Ash APH Ash Chimney Ash Total fly ash Evacuation Time per shift Fly ash system evacuation capacity per unit Furnace Bottom ash Economiser ash
388.89 416.50 46% 191.59 172.43 9.58 0.96 182.97 6.00 243.96 say 240 47.9 9.6
Design Requirements Mechanical Equipment / Systems General i. Ash collections at various points expressed as percentage of total ash generated when firing worst coal on BMCR basis. a) b) c) d) e) Bottom ash collection Ash collection in economiser Fly ash collection in air pre heaters Fly ash collection in ESP Fly ash collection in chimney hopper 25% 5% 5% 90% 0.5%
ii. Basis of various tanks capacities shall be as below a) b) c) d) e) Common slurry pit (each compartment) Ash water sump Bottom ash over flow tank Drain sumps Recovery water sump : 5min : 30min : 10 min : 10min : 30min
iii. Density of ash in kg/m3 shall be taken as follows. 1) For volume consideration a) Bottom Ash b) Fly Ash 2) For load consideration a) Bottom Ash b) Fly Ash 3-8
650 750
1600 1600
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
3) The particle density for ash conveying systems shall be taken as 2000 kg/m3 . iv. Conventional Lean slurry concentrations The ash concentration (w/w) for shall be as given below: a) For combined slurry disposal 28% max. b) For fly ash slurry disposal 30% max. c) For bottom ash slurry disposal 25% max. v. Design capacity for vacuum pumps & compressors shall have 10% margin. Slurry pumps shall have 10% margin over and above total slurry disposal head requirement. Water pumps shall be provided with 15% margin. Standby arrangement for Ash handling system Bottom Ash System 100% standby for clinker grinders, jet pumps with independent pipelines for each jet pump outlet or 100 % standby for submerged scrapper conveyor (SSC) and clinker grinders 100% standby for vacuum pumps (or conveying air compressors), collector tanks, wetting heads. 100% standby for blowers for buffer hopper and storage silos, instrument air compressors, air locks/pump tanks. 100% standby for transport air compressors, and each conveying line shall have dedicated compressors (1W+1S). Minimum one (1) number standby pneumatic conveying line for each unit. Ash slurry disposal One pump stream as operating standby and one pump stream as maintenance standby. Independent pipelines for each pump stream 100 % standby for BAHP pumps, BA overflow pumps, Seal water and sludge pumps. Minimum 50 % standby for BALP, FAHP and cooling water pumps.
Water system
Bottom Ash Hopper vi. The hopper shall be made from tested quality mild steel plates of thickness not less than 10 mm (IS:226) and suitably stiffened with rolled steel sections. The top 1100 mm of the hopper including seal trough shall be constructed of 6 mm thick SS : 316. It shall be lined with refractory of minimum thickness 230 mm. Bottom Ash Water Impounded Hoppers Discharge Gates
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
vii. Each gate shall be capable of discharging 100% (percent) of the contents of one hopper section, within the specified time. Electric drives for gate operation are not acceptable. The material of gates shall be as below:
Gates Gate wear liners Housing wear plates/ Impingement Plates Housing Clinker Grinders
Cast Iron IS:210, Gr.FG-260. 6 mm thick SS : 316 25 mm thick Cast Iron IS: 210, Gr FG 260
viii. The clinker grinder speed shall not exceed 40 rpm and the grinder drive motor speed shall not exceed 1000 rpm. The clinker grinders shall be provided with a reversing mechanism to reverse the direction of the grinder rolls should an obstruction stall the grinder. The clinker grinder (915 mm wide) shall crush large clinkers to suitable size [normally to (-) 25 mm for transportation through pipeline. The material of construction shall be as under:
Carbon Steel (IS:2062) ,10 mm thick. 12-14% (percent) Mn. Austenitic steel plates to IS:276, 10 mm thick Hadfields Manganese steel (ASTM A128, 1214% Mn) casting shop hardened to 300-BHN at all working surfaces and work hardened to 400 BHN at site. Stainless Steel 304/EN-8. Hardened stainless steel 410/416 10mm thk mild steel (IS:2062) lined with wear resistant liners as above.
Jet Pumps ix. The Jet pumps shall be designed so that it will convey ash at the rated capacity with a minimum of 25 mm wear on the diameter of the throat. The material shall be wear resistant and proven type. Typically, the material shall be as per below: 3-10
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Alloy Cast iron as per IS:4771 type 1 (a) minimum 4.5% (percent) Nickel with hardness of minimum 500 BHN. C.I. Grade FG-260 as per IS:210 Ceramic lined Stainless Steel /Tungsten carbide
Bottom Ash Hopper overflow Tank x. Each overflow tank shall have an effective storage capacity of minimum ten (10) minutes. For volumetric calculations the density of stored contents shall be taken as 1 t/m3 and for load calculations the density of stored contents shall be considered as 1.1 t/m3. xi. The tanks shall be constructed of tested quality mild steel plates for minimum 10 mm thickness. The tanks shall be complete with all make-up, drain, overflow and other associated piping and valves.
Submerged Scraper Chain Conveyor xii. The scrapper chain shall be Cr-Ni based alloy steel with minimum hardness of 750 HV (equivalent to 63 RC or 690 BHN). The upper surface of the chain shall be case hardened to a depth of minimum 3mm to offer abrasion resistance. The size of the chain shall be provided with a factor of safety of minimum five (5) over the required chain pull during startup condition with the upper trough being filled with ash up to maximum water level. In no case the dia of the chain shall be less than 26mm. Vacuum Pumps xiii. The vacuum pump shall be of the low speed liquid ring type driven by an electric motor. xiv. The design shall also take into account the possibility of vacuum pumps sucking in flue gas containing SO2 and SO3 from the ash collection chutes. Wetting Heads xv. Wetting head shall be constructed of alloy cast iron while the water nozzles shall be constructed of hardened stainless steel 400 series with minimum 500 BHN. Intermediate Surge Hopper
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
xvi. The capacity of the Intermediate Surge Hopper shall be adequate to store one hour fly ash collection of a unit. It shall be complete with all other equipment needed for ash intake, ash discharge and fluidisation etc. The material of construction shall be 10 mm thick M.S. to IS:2062 with 20 mm thick abrasion resistant Alloy C.I/ 10mm thick SS liners of 300-350 BHN hardness at sloping surfaces and outlet area. Vent Filters xvii. Pulsating type bag filters of adequate capacity shall be provided on silo top and intermediate surge hoppers for separating ash dust air and efficiency to achieve 50 mg/Nm3 air quality. Vent fans shall be provided complete with drive motor and accessories. The material of bag shall be suitable for 1600C continuous temperatures with occasional excursion to 2000 C. Adequate anti-static protection will be taken (if required) in design to prevent any possibility of dust explosion within the silo/bag filter. The performance of the bag filter shall not get affected with 10% of the bags plugged. Fluidizing Air Blowers xviii. 2x100% fluidizing blowers shall be provided for fluidizing ESP hoppers and intermediate fly ash silos with dedicated heating units to maintain the temperature of fly ash above 1600C for establishing free flow. Air lock vessels and valves xix. Material of construction for air lock vessel shall be minimum 10mm thick MS plates to IS: 2062 and shall be designed as per ASME section VIII or IS: 2825 with a corrosion allowance of minimum 3 mm. xx. Ash intake/ Ash discharge valves shall be dome type/ rotary segregating type/ cone type. The size of Ash intake/Ash discharge Valves shall be as per system requirements. Material of Construction shall be as below: a. Body : Alloy cast iron with 250 BHN minimum hardness. b. Dome/segregating slide/cone: Minimum 10mm thick SS/alloy CI 300-350BHN. c. Seat (as applicable) : Replaceable type alloy CI or SS smooth finished, hardened to 250 BHN minimum. xxi. Valves shall be provided with suitably located poking port/access plug/panel if applicable. xxii. All valves shall be subjected to cycle testing for at least 15 cycles on-off operation to ensure smooth operation. Transport and Conveying Air Compressors xxiii. Compressors shall be screw type. At least 10% margin shall be provided on compressor capacity over and above the maximum flow requirement. 50 Degree C ambient and a RH of 100% shall be considered for design of capacity of compressors.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Instrument Air Compressors, Air Receivers, Air Drying Plants xxiv. 2x100% (percent) capacity instrument air compressors shall be provided for each unit xxv. Each compressor shall be provided with an air receiver of ample size so that delivered air pressure is kept with in 5% (percent) of rated pressure without excessive start/stop operation in the working cycle. Air receivers shall be located convenient to compressor discharge. The receivers and associated fittings shall comply with BS:5169 and BS:1123 or other approved standards. xxvi. Air drying plants shall provide reliable, moisture free compressed air supply. Pressure conveying pipes for dry fly ash xxvii. Class-D cast iron pipes conforming to IS : 1536 or BS:1211. In case of pressure conveying system MS pipes to IS:3589 of 6.3mm wall thickness is also acceptable for conveying pressure greater than 2 bar. HP & LP Water Pumps xxviii. Each unit shall be provided with 2x100% HP water pumps with adequate capacity and head. The pumps shall be of horizontal, centrifugal direct driven type. The HP water pumps shall be sized on the basis of the flow and head requirement of the ash handling system as required. The HP water pumps shall be constructed of the following materials: a. Casing 2% Ni Cast iron to IS:210 Gr. FG 260. b. Impellers Stainless Steel to ASTM A351 Gr. CF8M. c. Shaft - Stainless steel type 410 hardened. d. Shaft Sleeves - Stainless steel type 316. e. Bolts/Nuts - Steel ASTM A 193/194. The material of construction for LP pumps shall be similar to HP pumps. Ash Slurry Pumps xxix. The slurry pumps shall essentially be slow rpm pumps. The rotational speed of the impeller at design point shall not exceed 1000 rpm. These shall be designed to pump the slurry upto the ash pond taking into account the distance and ultimate height of the ash pond embankment. xxx. The ash disposal pumps shall be designed limiting the impeller tip speed to 28 to 30 m/sec. xxxi. The ash disposal pumps shall be constructed of materials that equal or exceed the corrosion-erosion resistance of the following materials:Casing (inner & Outer) Impeller Alloy cast iron 27% chrome with 550 BHN (minimum). Alloy cast iron 27% chrome with 550 BHN 3-13 Hardness Hardness
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
xxxii. Adequately sized motor operated or solenoid operated pneumatically actuated metal to metal seated knife edge gate valves, the valves shall strictly meet the testing requirements of MSS-SP 81 code for seat leakages. The material of construction shall be as under: Body/Cover: Cast iron FG-260 to IS:210(min. 10 mm thickness) with alloy C.I./S.S Deflection cone (minimum 400 BHN hardness) for knife edge gate valves OR Carbon steel to ASTM A 216 Gr WCB (0.3% carbon max.) for WCB for plug valves. Stainless steel with min. 400 BHN Hardness on wear surface for knife edge gate valves OR Carbon steel to ASTM-A-216 Gr. WCB with hardness of 400-450 BHN suitably impregnated for low friction. Stainless steel (SS-316) for knife edge gate valves OR IS:1875 Class C made out of ASTMA-105 (forged carbon steel) and will be suitably impregnated for low friction.
Dry Fly Ash Storage Silo xxxiii. The main fly ash storage silos shall be of reinforced concrete construction. xxxiv. It shall have facilities for dry ash unloading into covered road tankers and conditioned fly ash in open road tankers with two blanked connections along with isolation valves shall also be provided in the silo for future. xxxv. The unloading conditioners and chutes individually, shall unload ash at a rate not less than amount of fly ash generated at BMCR conditions. xxxvi. The storage silo shall be designed to provide a clear headroom of 6 m for a road tanker to come under the silo and receive the ash from the retractable chutes. To facilitate locating these chutes over the road tanker opening, it shall be possible to move the chute in all directions in the horizontal plane. It may be noted that unloading system from Silo shall be suitable for both rail wagon unloading and closed tanker/open truck unloading. xxxvii. The dust loading from the outlet of the bag filters shall not exceed 50 mg per Nm3 under any operating condition with 10 per cent bags plugged.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Silo Fluidizing Air Blowers xxxviii. Each main fly ash silo shall be provided with adequately rated 2x100% silo fluidizing blowers with dedicated heating units for maintaining temperature of fly ash above 1600C for establishing free flow. Electrical System For design requirements of Electrical System, Section 8 of this document may be referred to. Control and Instrumentation System For design requirements of Control & Instrumentation system, Section 8 of this document may be referred to. Civil Works For design requirements of Civil works, Section 9 of this document may be referred to. Layout and Maintenance requirements i. While deciding the layout of buildings namely ash slurry pump house, ash water pump house, air compressor house, silo complex the following parameters shall be considered: a) Minimum clear working space around the equipment shall be 1200 mm. In case of vertical suction / discharge pumps, the clear space shall be distance between edges of pedestals of adjacent pumps & the same shall be 1200 mm. In case of horizontal/suction discharge pumps distance between outer of suction pipe of one pump & outer of discharge pipe of another pump shall be 1200 mm minimum. Distance between inside face of column to edge of pump/pedestal shall be 1200 mm minimum.
b) c)
Suction & discharge header shall be routed inside the building. In case of two (2) rows of pumps/equipment located in parallel, minimum distance between the equipment shall meet the following criteria. Clear distance between edges of pedestals/motors of pump located parallel shall be 2000mm. In case of space provided is acting as the handling space for the equipment by overhead crane the space shall be maximum size of
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
equipment being handled plus the clearance of 500 mm minimum on either side with the stationary equipment. d) e) Withdrawal spaces of equipment.
In case of provision of crane inside the building, provision of minimum 550 mm clear walkway at crane rail level on both the side of the building. Building height shall take care of the following parameters Head room for the piping/cabling shall be 2500 mm (minimum). In case of handling of the equipment one over the other, the clearance between moving & stationary equipment shall be 500 mm (minimum). In case of handling of the equipment on the side of the other equipment, ground clearance of moving equipment shall be 2500 mm (minimum). Head room of 2100 mm over crane rail level walkways. Pipes & cables shall be routed overground inside/outside the building.
No pipe trenches are to be routed overground inside or outside the building. However, cable slits can be provided for routing of cables from the over head cable trays to the respective motor of the equipment cable slits shall be finished to surrounding floor level with adequate cushioning of sand. One maintenance bay of 6m (minimum) x the width of the building shall be provided in slurry pump house, air compressor house and ash water pump house. Two (2) nos. of rolling shutters of size 4000 x 4000 mm (min) shall be provided one at the entrance and the other at exit of maintenance bay. In case entrance & exit of maintenance bay is common i.e. on the same side, only one rolling shutter of size 4000 x 4000 can be provided. Valves shall be located such that they are accessible from the regular floor of the building, as far as possible. Valve operating platforms alongwith approach ladder/cage ladder shall be provided for the valves which are not accessible from the floor of the building. Each equipment room shall be provided with alternative exits in case of fire/accidents as per requirement of factories act and statutory bodies/insurance companies. Hoist maintenance platforms alongwith approach ladder shall be provided, preferably at the end of the building. Fresh air supply/exhaust air fans shall be located at a minimum height of 2500 m.
k) l)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
The following criteria in addition to those specified above shall be followed for sizing the various buildings. A) Ash slurry pump house a) Ash slurry pit shall have be two sump compartments . Each sump compartment shall be sized for five (5) minutes of storage capacity of total slurry flow between high & low level. Not more than two pump streams shall take suction from one sump. Hand railing shall be provided all around the sump top. Two (2) nos. access ladders 600 mm wide shall be provided to access bottom of the sump b) 1.5 M (clear) wide RCC passage way shall be provided along the length of pump house, after last pump in each stream. c) Two (2) nos. 1200 mm wide staircase shall be provided, one on either end of the pump house for entry into dry pit i.e. bay housing first stage pumps. d) Two nos. rolling shutters of 4 m x 4m (min) size shall be provided. e) Ash slurry sumps shall be clear of intermediate columns. Further the pump house shall also be provided with columns only at periphery without any intermediate columns.
Ash Water Pump House a) Sump shall be provided along the entire length of the building. Hand railing shall be provided all around the sump top. b) Ash water sump shall be clear of intermediate columns. Further the sump house shall also be provided with columns only at periphery without any intermediate columns. c) Two (2) nos. 1200 mm wide stair case shall be provided on either side of the sump, to reach on the top of the sump. d) Two (2) number access ladders 600 mm wide shall be provided to access bottom of the sump.
General a) Grating shall be provided to cover the complete sump for all sumps including sumps in the combined ash slurry pump house, Ash water pump house, silo area and surge and setting tanks in bottom ash overflow treatment area. Further the grating platforms required in any of the buildings housing ash handling system equipments shall also be supplied including the structural steel supports. b) All the RCC trenches and drains shall be provided with grating. Wherever the depth of the trench increases to 2.5 M, the trench shall be converted into underground tunnel. Suitable manhole covers with access ladders at suitable
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
intervals shall be provided. Further the trench in between the two ESPs as also in passageways in boiler and ESP area shall be provided with heavy duty precast covers for movement of heavy duty equipment. c) All the buildings shall be provided with columns only at periphery without any intermediate columns. d) Fly ash silos shall be located in a separate area near the plant boundary, with independent access. e) The vacuum pumps and conveying air compressors shall be kept as close to the ESP as possible to reduce energy requirement and better effectiveness of vacuum and compressed air used in pneumatic conveying.
3.4 3.4.1 a)
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Performance and Guarantee Tests The performance guarantee tests shall be conducted for Seven (7) days continuous operation of the boiler at 80% to 100% load. In case of any major breakdown in any of the equipment disrupting the operation of Ash Handling Plant, the breakdown period shall be added to the testing period of 7 days.
b) The performance guarantee test shall be conducted to prove uninterrupted operation of ash handling plant of each unit separately as they are completed and all units simultaneously when they are completed. The ash handling plant shall be operated with its normal auxiliaries, (as applicable commensurate with the number of boiler units in operation) without using standby pumps or any other standby equipment.
The parameters guaranteed shall have no tolerance value whatsoever. The equipment and systems offered shall be guaranteed to meet the following performance. (a.) Bottom Ash Handling System In case of intermittent type bottom ash removal system employing water impounded hopper and jet pumps, the system shall be guaranteed to meet the following performance: i) Continuous effective extraction, crushing and conveying of bottom ash generated during various modes of boiler operation to the ash slurry sump and the continuous effective pumping of combined slurry from this sump to the ash slurry dump area. The extraction of bottom ash shall be done twice in every shift of eight (8) hours. The total time for evacuating the four (4) hour collection of bottom ash corresponding to maximum collection rates specified shall be as per clause 3.3.1.a). Power consumption (kW) as measured at motor input terminals for all motors operating during continuous effective ash extraction rate as outlined in a (i) above.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
In case of continuous type bottom ash removal system employing submerged scrapper chain conveyors, the system shall be guaranteed to meet the following performances. i) Continuous effective discharge, crushing and sluicing of bottom ash generated during various modes of boiler operation to the bottom ash slurry sump and the continuous effective pumping of slurry from this sump to the main slurry sump in ash slurry pump house for onward effective pumping from main sump to the ash slurry dump area. ii) Conveying Capacity of submerged scrapper chain conveyor: (a) Continuous normal conveying capacity 50 or 25 T/hr as the case may be) of the submerged scrapper chain conveyors with the linear speed of chain not exceeding 2.0 m/min. (guaranteed extraction rate). Dead start capability of submerged scrapper chain conveyor i.e. it shall be able to start and discharge the bottom ash with water filled trough full of bottom ash upto maximum water level.
iii) Power consumption (KW) as measured at motor input terminals for submerged scrapper chain conveyors, ash crushers and pumps operating at the guaranteed conveying rate. iv) Rated capacity at rated head of all pumps v) The continuous effective conveying and pumping as stated above shall be established by no stagnation of ash or slurry at any point in the complete system and with all interlocks, protections and sequential operation working satisfactorily. (b.) Economiser and Air Pre-heater Ash Handling System Continuous effective conveying of ash collected in economiser, economizer bypass, primary air preheater and secondary air preheater slurry trench; from economiser/air preheater slurry trench to ESP fly ash slurry trench; from ESP fly ash slurry trench to sump of combined ash slurry pump house. The continuous effective conveying of ash as stated above shall be established by no stagnation of ash or slurry at any point in the complete system and with all interlocks, protections working satisfactorily. (c.) Fly Ash Handling System i) Continuous effective conveying of fly ash from all fly ash collection hoppers i.e. ESP hoppers, generated during various modes of boiler operation upto collector tank/ buffer hoppers, from buffer hoppers to ash storage silo and from collector tank to the ash slurry sump and the continuous effective pumping of ash slurry from this sump to dyke area. The fly ash collected in each unit in every shift of eight (8) hours corresponding to maximum ash collection rates shall be extracted in six (6) hours.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
The continuous effective conveying and pumping as stated above shall be established by no stagnation of ash or slurry at any point in the complete system and with all interlocks, protections and sequential operation working satisfactorily. Rated capacity at rated discharge pressure of each air compressor/blower/vacuum pump as applicable. Power consumption (kW) of air compressors/blowers/vacuum pumps, as applicable, as measured at motor terminals when operating at the rated capacity and pressure as stated in c(3) above. The performance listed in (iii) & (iv) above shall be performed on test rig at the vendors works and actual motor shall be used for this purpose.
iii) iv)
v) (d.) i) ii)
Ash water and Seal Water Pumps Rated capacity at rated head of each ash, seal and flushing water and other water pumps. Power consumption (KW) of each ash, seal and flushing water pump and other pumps as measured at motor input terminals when operating at the rated capacity and head as stated in d (i) above. The performance listed in (i) & (ii) above shall be performed on test rig at the vendors works and actual motor shall be used for this purpose. Ash slurry Disposal Pumps Rated capacity at rated head of each ash slurry disposal pump. Power consumption (kW) of each ash slurry disposal pump as measured at motor input terminals when operating at the rated capacity and head as stated in (e)(i) above. The power consumption figure shall be corrected to take into account ash slurry as the pumping medium. The performance listed in (i) & (ii) above shall be performed on test rig at the vendors works and actual motor shall be used for this purpose. Power consumption The actual power consumption for the complete ash handling plant of two (2) units shall be worked out by using the following formula: P P p = = = (p n f) Total power consumption. Power consumption of the Individual drives listed below, at motor input terminals without any negative tolerance during PG test (at shop or site as the case may be) No. of drives in operation Weightage factor for the various drives as listed below 3-20
iii) (f) i)
n f
= =
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
List of weightage factors for various drives. S. No. 1. Drive Bottom Ash Crushers Weightage Factor 0.5 for jet pump system & 1.0 for submerged scrapper conveyor system 0.5 for jet pump system & 1.0 for submerged scrapper chain conveyor system 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
3 4. 5. 6. 7.
Bottom ash L.P. Ash Water Pumps Fly ash water pumps Bottom Ash Slurry Transportation pumps Submerged scrapper chain conveyor (i) Fly ash conveying air compressors with air drying plant (ADP) (ii) Fly ash conveying vacuum pumps (iii) Transport air compressor with air drying plant
1.0 0.5
BA hopper cooling water over flow water pumps Ash slurry disposal pumps Seal/cooling water pumps Instrument air compressor with air drying plant
9. 10. 11.
Using the above computation method, if the actual power consumption exceeds the guaranteed power consumption, liquidated damages shall be payable.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
CODES AND STANDARDS The design, manufacture, inspection and testing of the Ash Handling System shall comply with all the currently applicable statues, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment is to be installed. The equipment shall confirm to the latest edition of the following standards & codes. Other internationally acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or higher performance, shall also be accepted. Air Compressors, vacuum pump, Air Receivers, Air Drying Plants BS-1571 (Part I&II). Acceptance test for positive displacement compressors and exhausters IS : 6206 Code PTC-9 IS: 5727 IS : 5456 BS : 726 IS : 3401 ISO : 1217 Pipes IS : 1536 or BS:1211 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage IS:3589 Pumps IS 1520 Horizontal centrifugal pumps for clear, cold fresh water. IS 5120 Technical requirements for rotodynamic special purpose pumps IS 5639 Pumps handling chemicals & corrosive liquids IS 5659 Pumps for process water. IS 6536 Pumps for handling volatile liquids. API 610 Centrifugal pumps for general refinery service. Standards of Hydraulic Institute of U.S.A. Steel Pipes for Water and Sewage (168.3 to 2 540 mm Outside Diameter) Specification Guide for selection, installation and maintenance of air compressors, plants with operating pressures upto 10 bars Displacement compressors, vacuum pumps and blowers Glossary of terms relating to compressor and exhausters. Code of practice for testing of positive displacement type air compressors and exhausters. Compressor performance test. Silica Gel Displacement Compressors-Acceptance tests
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
3A.1.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of ash handling plant typically covers the design, engineering, manufacture, inspection and testing at manufacturer's works, supply, packing and delivery at project site, unloading, storage and in plant transportation at site, erection, supervision, pre-commissioning, testing, successful commissioning, performance testing and handing over of coal handling plant of the thermal power project. Scope of work shall include all mechanical, electrical, C&I, accessories, civil, structural and architectural works to make the system complete.
3A.2.0 SCOPE OF MECHANICAL WORKS The scope of work comprises turnkey supply, erection and commissioning of complete mechanical works of ash handling system for two (2) nos. boiler of 500 MW nominal rating and their associated electrostatic precipitators. The scope of work also includes supply and erection of dry fly ash storage silos for ash utilization purposes. 3A.2.1 The scope of work shall include the design, engineering, manufacture, shop fabrication, assembly, testing and inspection at manufacturers work, type testing wherever applicable, packing, ocean shipment, marine insurance, custom clearance, port clearance and handling, inland transportation, inland transit insurance, delivery at site, unloading, handling, storage and in plant transportation at site, complete services of erection including erection supervision and site testing, inspection, all associated civil, structural and architectural works, insurance during, storage, erection and commissioning, performance testing and handing over to the Owner, of Ash handling system. 3A.2.2 The equipment and materials to be supplied shall form a fully comprehensive Ash handling system. Any items though not specifically mentioned but which are required to make the plant complete in all respects for its safe, efficient, reliable and trouble free operation shall also be taken to be included, and the same shall be supplied and erected. 3A.2.3 The work consists of mechanical and electrical work and equipment, all associated civil, structural and architectural works, Control and Instrumentation equipment, mechanical services and pipe work and electrical services associated with this ash handling system, the principal features of this system being:
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
A wet ash conveying system for ash collected in the boiler furnaces, economizer/economizer bypass duct and air pre heater ash hoppers including treatment system of Bottom ash hopper overflow water. A dry fly ash conveying system for the ash collected in electrostatic precipitators collection hoppers. A dry fly ash transportation and storage system which includes dry ash storage silos. Combined fly ash and bottom ash slurry disposal system. Ash water supply system. One (1) no. pendant controlled overhead traveling crane to handle the equipment in Ash water pump house, as specified complete with runway rails with necessary rail clamps, bolts, splice bars and end stops for each of the runway.
3A.2.4 Bottom Ash Handling System Bottom ash handling system starts from the boiler furnace bottom to the disposal of ash slurry in the sump of combined ash slurry pump house, consisting of: (a.) In case of intermittent type bottom ash handling system employing W-type water impounded hoppers and jet pumps, the plant shall include, at least, the following basic elements. 1. Two (2) numbers water impounded bottom ash hoppers of structural steel complete with hydraulically operated discharge gates, refractory cooling arrangement, hopper overflow, water seal boxes, sluicing headers with nozzles, seal trough with overflow connection, refractory lining, access doors, observation and inspection glass windows, poke holes, supporting steel structures, platforms, stairs and all accessories as specified and as required. 2. Eight (8) numbers clinker grinders complete with drive motors, rails, fluid coupling, gear reducers and accessories as specified as required. 3. Eight (8) numbers jet pumps along with discharge gate housing, using flushing and drain connection, etc. as specified and required. 4. Eight (8) lengths of bottom ash slurry transportation basalt lined pipes (one (1) no. independent pipe line for each Jet pump) complete with basalt lined pipe bends, fixtures, elbows, gaskets, nuts, bolts, structural steel supports and other accessories as specified and as required, from the outlet of jet pumps to the ash slurry sump in the Ash slurry pump house. 5. All make up, overflow, drain and other piping, valves and accessories, including hangers, pipe supports etc. as required and necessary to complete the bottom ash handling system.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
In case of continuous type bottom ash handling system employing dry type bottom ash hopper cum transition chutes and sub-merged scrapper chain conveyors, the plant shall include at least, the following basic elements. 1. Two (2) numbers dry type bottom ash hopper of structural steel, each hopper complete with hydraulically/electrically operated hopper isolation gates with provision for manual operation, seal troughs with overflow connection, refractory lining, access doors, inspection glass windows, poke holes, quenching nozzles, supporting steel structures, platforms, stairs and accessories as specified and as required. 2. Four (4) nos. of 100% capacity (one (1) no. working + one (1) no. standby for each unit) or Eight (8) nos. of 50% capacity (two (2) nos. working + two (2) nos. standby for each unit) submerged scrapper chain conveyors, complete with hydraulic drive with gear reduction unit (if necessary) of suitable design, as specified and as required. Standby scrapper conveyor shall be installed adjacent to the working scrapper conveyor units. The standby scrapper conveyor units shall not be connected to boiler and the same shall be brought under the boiler bottom, whenever the working scrapper conveyor unit is to be taken out for maintenance. The Scrapper units shall be provided with rails, wheels and suitable motorized self propulsion arrangement to facilitate their removal from under the boiler furnace and its replacement with the standby scrapper conveyor unit. 3. Four (4) nos. or eight (8) nos. clinker grinders complete with drive motors, fluid couplings, gear reducers and accessories as specified and as required. 4. Rails for grinder and water filled trough assembly. 5. All make-up, overflow and drain piping with necessary valves and accessories including hangers and supports as required and as necessary to complete the bottom ash handling system. 6. Bottom ash slurry transportation pumping system starting from the bottom ash slurry sump to the main slurry sump in ash slurry pump house consisting of : i. Six (6) streams of horizontal bottom ash slurry transportation pumps and motor sets, variable speed hydraulic coupling complete with all the accessories of drive and mounting as specified (Three (3) nos. for each unit, out of which one will be working, one will act as normal standby and other stream will act as maintenance standby for each unit) Six (6) lengths of bottom ash slurry transportation basalt-lined MS lines complete with bends, fixtures, elbows, gaskets, nuts, bolts, structural steel supports and other accessories as specified and as required from the bottom ash slurry transportation pump house(s) to the ash slurry sump in the Ash Slurry Pump house. Twelve (12) nos. solenoid operated pneumatically actuated knife edge gate valve at the suction and discharge of bottom ash slurry transportation pumps.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
7. Cast iron liners for lining the slurry trench and alloy cast iron liner for lining the sump. 8. All jetting nozzles for the trenches and agitating nozzles for slurry sump as specified and as required. 9. Four (4) numbers vertical sump drainage pumps (slurry duty) with motors complete with piping, valves, fittings, supports, inserts, sleeves etc. 10. Two (2) mono rail hoist (one (1) for each unit) for BA slurry pump handling, complete with runway rails, necessary rail clamps, bolts, splice bars and stops for the runway. 3A.2.5 Common for Bottom Ash Handling (i) One (1) number flushing equipment below each economizer /economizer bypass duct, primary and secondary air pre heater hoppers, complete with flushing nozzles, expansion joints, vertical pipe connections, gaskets, slurry discharge and overflow pipes and necessary fixing clamps and structural steel supports as specified and as required. One (1) number hopper isolation valve assembly below each economizer/economizer bypass duct, primary and secondary air pre heater hoppers as specified complete with hopper connecting flanges, gaskets, nuts, bolts etc. MS disposal pipes for transfer of economizer / economizer bypass duct hoppers and air pre heater hoppers ash slurry from flushing apparatus to economizer /APH slurry trench complete with pipe bends, fixtures, elbows, gasket, supporting steel structure etc. Cast iron liners for lining the slurry trenches. All instrument air piping to the various valves and instruments complete with fittings, valves, pressure reducing station, filters, flanges, gaskets, nuts and bolts, hangers, supports, etc, as specified as required. Dry Fly Ash Conveying System Scope under this portion for dry fly ash conveying system starts from electrostatic precipitator ash collection hoppers outlet onwards and consist of :(a.) For Vacuum Conveying System (i) One (1) no. material handling valve/feed valve at the outlet of each ESP hopper. One (1) no. chute isolation valve at the outlet of each ESP hopper. Expansion joints wherever required shall also be provided. Eight (8) nos. Mechanical vacuum pumps along with drive and accessories for each unit. Out of Eight (8) nos., four (4) nos. shall be working & four (4) nos. shall be dedicated standby for each unit. The valves at the suction of vacuum pumps shall be segregation valves. 3-26
(iv) (v)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Dry fly ash conveying cast iron pipes from ESP hopper outlet onwards up to buffer hoppers/collector tanks complete with valves, specialties, bends, pneumatic actuators, structural steel supports, platforms, etc. Four (4) nos. fly ash surge-cum-collection buffer hoppers each complete with supporting steel structures, platforms, stairs, aeration system, primary collector, secondary collector along with bag filter etc. or target box along with bag filter etc. for each unit. Eight (8) nos. collector tanks each complete with wetting heads, airwashers, seal boxes supporting structure, platforms etc. for each unit. Monorail hoists for handling vacuum pumps and buffer hopper aeration blowers complete with runway rails, necessary rail clamps, bolts, splice bars and stops for the runway.
(v) (vi)
For Pressure Conveying System (i) One (1) no. material handling valve/feed valve at the outlet of each ESP hopper. One (1) no. chute isolation valve at the outlet of each ESP hopper. Expansion joints wherever required shall also be provided. One (1) no. air lock/pump tank below each ESP hopper. Four(4) nos. air compressors along with drive and accessories for each unit. Out of four (4) nos., two (2) nos. shall be working and two (2) no. shall be standby. Each compressor shall be provided with a dedicated refrigerant type air dryer and air receiver. Dry fly ash cast iron piping from ESP hopper outlet onwards up to buffer hoppers complete with valves, specialties, bends, pneumatic actuators, structural steel supports, platforms, etc. Four (4) nos. fly ash surge-cum-collection buffer hoppers each complete with supporting steel structures, platforms, stairs aeration system, primary collector & secondary collector along with bag filter or target box along with bag filter etc. for each unit. Twenty four (24) nos. feeders (three nos. per buffer hopper) for dry ash and Twenty four (24) nos. wetting units along with supporting steel structures, platform etc. below buffer hoppers in each unit for converting ash into slurry. Out of twenty four (24) nos., sixteen (16) nos. shall be working and eight (8) nos. shall be standby
(ii) (iii)
3A.2.7 Common for vacuum and pressure Conveying system (i) (ii) All interconnecting compressed air/exhaust pipelines complete with valves and fittings and supporting steel structure. M.S. Disposal pipes for transfer of slurry from collector tank to fly ash slurry trench with supporting structures. Fly ash slurry trench shall be provided below collector
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
tanks to transfer fly ash slurry from collector tanks to slurry sump in the combined ash slurry pump house as specified and as required. (iii) (iv) (v) Cast iron liners for lining the slurry trench up to ash slurry pump house. All nuts, bolts and jointing materials at flanged termination points. Mechanical ventilation (supply/exhaust fans) for different areas in vacuum/extraction compressor house and air conditioning of main control room housing DDCMIS based main control desk. One (1) no. pendant controlled electrically operated overhead traveling crane for each conveying air compressor house as specified complete with runway rails, necessary rail clamps, bolts, splice bars and stops for each of the runway. Two (2) x 100% instrument air compressors for each unit i.e. one (1) working and one (1) standby, along with its dedicated air drying plants, air receivers complete with motors, valves, pads and pipelines along with supporting steel structures to meet the complete requirement of ash handling plant such as actuation of material handling, segregation valves ; various water and airline valves, slurry valves; bag filter cleaning etc. Two (2) x 100% capacity aeration blowers per unit for aeration upto buffer hoppers, wetting head/collector tank tower during dry/wet mode of operation, each complete with dedicated heaters, valves, pipelines including supporting steel structure, insulation, silencer, filters and all other accessories as specified and as required. Suitable ventilation and lighting system shall be provided for tunnel section of slurry trench.
3A.2.8 Wet Fly Ash Slurry System This system shall consist of : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Eight (8) [four (4) working and four (4) stand-by] wetting heads Eight (8) [four (4) working and four (4) stand-by] collector tanks Eight (8) [four (4) working and four (4) stand-by] air washers. One (1) ash slurry line from each collector tank to the common ash slurry pit.
3A.2.9 Dry Fly Ash Transportation and Storage System Scope under this portion for dry fly ash transportation and storage system starts from the outlet of buffer hoppers and consists of :-
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Eight (8) nos. of pump tanks/air locks for each unit, two each at the outlet of each buffer hoppers, for transportation of dry fly ash to storage silos. Out of two (2) nos. pump tank/air lock at the outlet of each hopper, one will be working and one will be standby. Four (4) numbers (2 working + 2 stand by) transport air compressors for each unit along with silencer, filter, drive motor, after cooler along with all other accessories and supporting structures, platforms etc. as specified and as required. Four (4) numbers (2 working + 2 stand by) refrigerant type air dryer for each unit along with accessories as specified and as required. Four (4) numbers (2 working + 2 stand by) air receivers for each unit along with safety relief valve, automatic drain trap and other accessories as specified and required. Six (6) (4 working + 2 standby for each unit) lengths of cast iron pipes for both units for fly ash conveying from buffer hoppers to storage silos, including pipe rack, trestles, platforms, access stairs and other associated supporting steel structure and other accessories as required. Four (4) nos. dry ash storage structural steel or RCC silos with systems for road and rail loading of dry fly ash and complete with an aeration system, dust separators and all other accessories as required and as specified. The silos shall be complete with all fittings, accessories and supporting steel structures, access staircases, platforms, as required for safe and reliable operation and maintenance of dry fly ash storage system. Aeration plant consisting of silo aeration blowers (one for each silo + one common standby) each complete with dedicated heaters, valves, pads and pipelines including supporting steel structures, insulation, silencer, filter and all other accessories for aeration of silos. One (1) no. air receiver along with safety relief valve, automatic drain trap and other accessories complete with supporting steel structures to meet the complete requirement of ash storage silo such as actuation of silo ash inlet valves, segregation valves ; various water and airline valves, slurry valves ; bag filter cleaning etc. Target box and bag filter assembly along with pulse jetting arrangement, fan units etc. and other accessories. Four (4) nos. Slide plate type isolation valves below each storage silos and six (6) nos. silo inlet valves as specified. Four (4) numbers of rotary drum type hydro-mix conditioner units along with drive motor, rotary feeder, one (1) number for each silo, along with associated water piping and valves, for unloading the conditioned fly ash into trucks. Five (5) nos. ash conditioner pumps (1 for each unloader + 1 common standby) for conditioned ash unloaders along with drives and controls as required and specified.
(m.) Four (4) number of Dry fly ash unloaders (one for each dry fly ash storage silo) along with rotary feeders, telescopic chutes and other accessories as specified and as required. (n.) (o.) All necessary hydraulic or pneumatic actuators. All interconnecting compressed air pipelines complete with valves, fittings, pipe rack and supporting steel structure.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
(p.) (q.)
2 x 100% wash water pumps along with drive motor and accessories in silo area along with dedicated hose pipe. 2 x 100% vertical sump drainage pumps along with drive motor and accessories in silo area to pump the accumulated ash water to the combined ash slurry disposal pump house sump including piping along with necessary valves, fittings, supports, etc. as specified as required. One(1) number pendant controlled overhead traveling crane each in transport air compressor house and silo area utility building to handle the equipment in the transport air compressor house and silo area utility building pump & blower room, as specified complete with run way rails, necessary rail clamps, bolts, splice bars and end stops for each of the runway. All nuts, bolts and jointing materials at flanged termination points. Mechanical ventilation (supply/exhaust fans) for different areas in utility building.
(s.) (t.)
3A.2.10 Ash Slurry Disposal System Scope under this portion for ash disposal system starts from ash slurry sump in the combined ash slurry pump house and consists of : In the combined Ash Slurry pump house (i) Four (4) streams of horizontal ash slurry disposal pumps complete with drive motors, variable speed hydraulic couplings, for first stage pumps and fixed belt drive arrangements for subsequent stages, base plates, foundation bolts, inserts, embedments and accessories as specified and as required. Four (4) lengths each of twelve and half (12.5) km length of ash slurry disposal pipelines (excluding the length of bends & fittings from the ash slurry pump house to the ash dyke including the lines around the ash dyke and extensions into the dyke at a number of discharge points complete with basalt lined bends, specialties, fittings, fixtures, pipe couplings, gaskets, nuts, bolts, clamps, embedments, structural steel supports for piping system and other accessories.
(iii) Complete ash slurry piping along with bends, supports along with bolts, nuts, clamps etc. inside the ash slurry pump house. All the piping inside the pump house shall be basalt lined. (iv) Eight (8) nos. adequately sized motor operated or solenoid operated & pneumatically actuated metal to metal seated knife edge gate valve/100% tight shut off rubber lined knife edge gate valves/plug valves shall be provided at the suction and discharge of combined ash slurry disposal pumps. Four (4) nos. slurry sump compartment isolation valves. Eight (8) nos. of manually operated plate valves at the slurry disposal pipelines outlets in the dyke area as specified and as required.
(v) (vi)
(vii) Two (2) nos. vertical sump drainage pumps with motors complete with piping, valves, fittings, supports, inserts, sleeves etc.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
(viii) Alloy Cast iron liners (as specified) for lining the ash slurry sumps. (ix) One (1) no. pendant controlled overhead traveling crane to handle the equipment in ash slurry pump house, as specified complete with runway rails with necessary rail clamps, bolts, splice bars and end stops for each of the runway. Mechanical ventilation (supply exhaust fans) for different areas in ash slurry pump house and switchgear rooms.
(x) 3A.2.11
Ash Water Pumps, Water Piping and Accessories : (a.) All types of Ash water pumps namely Bottom ash LP water, Bottom ash HP water, Fly ash HP water, Flushing water pumps etc. complete with drive motors, base plates, foundation bolts, inserts, embedment and accessories as specified and as required. Complete ash water pipe lines, valves, fittings, pipe rack, structural steel supports for piping system and other accessories as specified and as required. The ash water pumps namely Bottom ash LP water, Bottom ash HP water, Fly ash HP water, Flushing water pumps are to be located in Ash water pump house. Seal/cooling/other water pumps and motors complete with all the accessories of drive and mounting as specified and as required.
3A.2.12 Bottom ash over flow water system (i) (ii) One (1) number Bottom ash over flow water storage tank for each unit, one (1) number settling tank and one (1) number surge tank, including their structural steel supports. Minimum one (1) number settling tank and minimum one (1) number surge tank common for both units including its structural steel supports, platforms, staircases and all accessories.
(iii) Two (2) number bottom ash over flow water pumps (one (1) working and one (1) standby) for each unit complete with drive motors, variable speed hydraulic coupling and other accessories as specified and required for pumping BA hopper/SSC upper trough cooling water overflow from Bottom ash overflow water storage tank/sump to settling tank. (iv) Bottom ash overflow water pipes from BA hopper to BA overflow water storage tank in case of jet pump system or to BA overflow water sump in BA slurry pump house in case of SCC system, from BA overflow water tank/sump to suction of BA overflow water pumps, from discharge of BA overflow water pump to settling tanks complete with valves, fittings, structural steel supports etc. Overflow transfer pipes to transfer clear water from surge tank to over ground sump of ash water pump house, by gravity flow. Two (2) nos. sludge pumps, to remove sludge from settling & surge tank to sump of combined ash slurry pump house. Any treatment facility required to ensure that bottom ash over flow water total suspended solids is restricted to 100 ppm.
(v) (vi)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
3A.3.0 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Two no. feeders shall be provided from 3.3kV Station Switchboards for Ash Handling Plant. Further, distribution of power supply at 415V voltage level and all other required electrical equipment for putting ash handling plant into successful operation shall be in the scope of work of AHP supplier. The 415V supply shall be arranged through 3.3/0.433kV LT auxiliary transformers. Separate arrangement shall be made for providing power supply to ash water recovery pumps switchgear. Typically, following electrical equipments shall be included : i) ii) iii) iv) 3.3/0.433kV auxiliary transformers 3.3kV and 415V switchgears HT and LT busducts Power and control cables including incoming cables from 3.3 kV station switchboard. Cable laying alongwith cabling accessories, cable trays and termination/ jointing kits of cables, and fire sealing HT and LT motors 220V DC system comprising of battery banks, chargers and DC distribution boards (if required) Complete illumination system for internal and external lighting of associated plant and building Complete grounding and lightning protections and its interconnection with nearest earth mat Emergency stop push button for all HT and LT motors
vi) vii)
3A.4.0 CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM i) Microprocessor based programmable logic control (PLC) system for operation, control and monitoring of the entire ash handling plant from the ash handling system control room located near ash slurry pump house. One number operator work station and one number programmers work station shall be provided common for both units. In addition, a back up panel housing mimic, annunciator, push buttons, indicating
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
lamps etc. shall also be provided. It shall be possible to monitor the ash handling plant from the main DCS in the Unit Control Room through serial link. ii) PLC based control system, one for each unit, for control of various drives in bottom ash area. Necessary push buttons, control/selector switches, lamps, meters, annunciation windows etc. These systems shall also be controllable from main ash handling control room. PLC based silo control panel along with mimic for control of various drives in silo area. Necessary push buttons, control/selector switches, lamps, meters, annunciation windows etc. These systems shall also be controllable from main ash handling control room. Relay based local control panel for ash water recovery system pumps located in ash pond area. Necessary field instruments viz. level switches for hoppers/sumps/tanks, pressure/ vacuum gauges, d.p. gauges, pressure/vacuum switches, temperature sensors etc.
3A.5.0 SCOPE OF CIVIL WORKS The works to be performed under this package consists of design, engineering, construction, leveling, grading, providing and supplying all labour, materials, consumables, construction equipment, temporary works, temporary storage sheds, temporary site offices, constructional plants, fuel supply, tools and plant, scaffolding, supplies, transportation, all incidental items not shown or specified but reasonably implied or as necessary for successful completion of the works, including Contractors supervision and in strict accordance with the drawings and specifications, including revisions and amendments thereto, as may be required during the execution of work. 3A.1.1 The complete works under this scope is referred to as Civil, structural and architectural works. Buildings including pump houses, MCC / switchgear rooms, sumps / tanks, transformer and other equipment foundations, pipe supporting structures & trestles/ thrust blocks, including foundations / pedestals / trestles / thrust blocks / hoppers, silos / bins, drains / trenches, area drainage, plants and systems, facilities, etc. as per system requirement, as specified elsewhere in this specification. The scope of civil/architectural works is defined hereunder for clarity. However, bidder shall have to carry out all civil/architectural works to complete the ash handling system, even if the scope is not explicitly defined hereunder: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Combined Ash slurry pump house along with related sumps. Ash water pump house along with related sumps. Air compressor house Vacuum Pump House & Blower sheds. Switchgear/control room/RIO rooms 3-33
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
6. 7.
Bottom Ash Transportation pump house alongwith related sumps (if applicable) Supporting structure for bottom ash hopper, Buffer hopper & collector tank and supporting structure and foundation for settling tank and surge tank, transformers and other misc. foundations. Bottom Ash Hopper (BAH) structure supporting foundations and foundations for buffer hopper & collector tank tower shall be provided by owner. The bidder shall provide the location of supporting columns of BAH , buffer hopper & collector tank tower and loading data on the columns in his bid to enable the Employer to design the foundation. The supply of foundation bolts assembly including templates of above structures is in bidders scope. Insert plates, anchor bolts etc. for cable tray supports Pipe racks along with foundations. F.A transportation pipe trestles and foundations. Grating shall be provided for the entire length of pipe trestles. B.A. slurry pipe pedestals. Bridges/ Culverts for roads / pipe crossings/nallah/boundary wall etc. Supporting structure for Dry Ash Silos alongwith foundations. Silos including utility Building, office and switchgear rooms including paving, fencing, sentry house, gate, drainage etc. for silo area. supply and laying earthing mat all around the periphery of buildings, structures, and outdoor equipments, as per the approved drawings.. Access roads to all buildings/facilities of AHP including construction and maintenance of temporary access roads for approach to the building/facilities for construction/erection activities. Cable trenches, cable slits as required for bidders and owners equipment installed in the plant and buildings under contractors scope. Insert plates / support beams as required for cable tray supporting arrangement and supporting channels in cable trenches below owners switchgears/distribution board/panels. Transformer foundations with required cable slits , soak pit, fire wall, fencing & gates. HT/LT switchgear buildings for ash handling system. Ash slurry pipe pedestals and thrust blocks/ culverts including garlanding of ash dyke.
18. 19.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Survey for all areas under the scope including the ash pipe corridor ( inside and outside the plant boundary) and development of layout of pipes. Any culverts/ road crossings , if required based on or site conditions , the same shall be provided including all statutory clearance from concerned authorities for crossing his pipe/trestles over road / rail / culverts / nallah etc. Maintenance road along ash pipe corridor. Wherever the maintenance road approaches cart roads, bridges etc. the longitudinal slope shall not be steeper than 1 : 20.
3A.1.2 The nature of works shall generally involve earthwork in excavation including controlled blasting and very deep underground excavation, extensive de-watering, shoring and strutting, sheet piling, back filling around completed structures and plinth protection, area paving, disposal of surplus excavated materials, piling, concreting, including reinforcement and form work, brick work, fabrication and erection of structural / miscellaneous steel works, inserts, architectural items and finishes, such as plastering, painting, flooring, doors, windows and ventilators, glass and glazing, rolling shutters etc., permanently colour coated profiled steel sheeting, anchor bolts, R. C. C. trenches with covers, laying and testing of water pipes, sanitation, water supply, drainage, damp proofing, water proofing and other ancillary items.
3A.1.3 The works shall have to be carried out both below and above ground level and shall be involving, basements, equipment foundations including grounding, slabs, beams, columns, footings, rafts, walls, steel frames, brick walls, stairs, trenches, pits, access roads, culverts, trestles, finishes, complete architectural aspects, drainage, sanitation, water supply ( from terminal points to various buildings ) and all other civil, architectural and structural works associated with the Ash Handling System works. 3A.1.4 Scope of the bidder shall also include supply and laying of 40 mm Dia MS rods as earthing mat, placed at a distance of 1.0M away and at depths between 0.60M and 1.00M all around the periphery of buildings, structures, and outdoor equipments. Risers of 40 mm Dia MS Rods and connecting to the above Earthing mat shall also be supplied and laid in position by the Contractor. Risers shall be laid upto a height of 300 mm above the local Ground level, at each of the columns of the buildings on outside of the buildings, and minimum 2 ( Two ) numbers for structures and outdoor equipment. The contractor scope shall also include supplying and laying of necessary number of 3.0 M deep vertical 40 mm Dia MS Rods Earthing electrodes and connecting them to the Earthing mat and the supplying and laying of 40 mm Dia MS Rods for connecting the Contractors earthing mat with the Owners earthing mat separately at two locations. (i) Cable trenches, cable slits as required for contractors and owners equipment installed in the plant and buildings under contractors scope.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 3 (Ash Handling Plant)
Insert plates / support beams as required for cable tray supporting arrangement and supporting channels in cable trenches below owners switchgears/distribution board/panels. Transformer foundations with required cable slits , soak pit, fire wall, fencing & gates
Instruments, materials, access to works etc. to the Engineer, for checking the correctness of the civil works. Conceptual arrangement of civil works supported by calculations along with tender bids. Later on, detailed construction drawings and design calculations for all civil works for static as well as dynamic analysis (wherever essential) shall be submitted for approval prior to undertaking construction work. 3A.1.5 Construction Water Arrangement for construction water of required quality. All borings, pipe lines, pumps, water tankers, underground and over ground storage tank, etc. whatsoever required for taking the water from the underground source to the site of work shall be provided / erected / constructed / maintained by the contractor at his own cost. 3A.1.6 Concreting For the concreting works covered in the package, provision for batching plant of suitable capacity (depending upon the concreting requirements of work schedule), with printout facility, with transit mixers etc.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
INTRODUCTION The fuel oil handling and storage system in a thermal power station covers unloading of the fuel oil, its storage and transfer to the day oil tanks. Fuel oil (FO/LSHS/HPS) are generally used for the initial start up of the boiler and upto a load of 30% MCR. Fuel oil is also used for coal flame stabilization upto 40-50% MCR of the steam generator. In addition to above, light diesel oil (LDO) is also required to start the unit from cold condition when steam is not available for HFO heating. LDO is also used for oil flushing of unloading header/ pipelines. LDO can also be used for Auxiliary boiler. The fuel oil may be received in a power station by rail tankers or by road tankers depending on the logistics. Based on the kind of tankers received the unloading facilities are planned. However, a small facility of LDO road tanker unloading is generally envisaged in addition to the rail tanker unloading.
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Fuel Oil Handling system of a power station essentially consists of the following:
Fuel oil unloading system Heavy fuel oil is unloaded by rail tankers as mentioned above. Unloading system involves heating of high viscosity fuels such as furnace oil, LSHS & HPS. The heating is normally done by steam tapped off from the auxiliary steam header. The unloading of oil rake consisting of 80 wagons of 22.3 kL each, is done in 8 hours duration (3 hours pumping & 5 hours wagon placement including heating of wagons). Suitable unloading headers, about 700 meter long covering entire length of the rake, along the railway tracks are envisaged for quick unloading. This process involves use of unloading pumps for transferring the fuel oil to the storage tanks. Two separate arrangements are provided for unloading LDO - one from rail and another from road tankers. Road unloading facility is relatively smaller.
Fuel oil storage and transfer to day tanks The heavy fuel oil is stored in the storage tanks. These tanks are heated to maintain a suitable temperature by supplying steam through floor coil heaters. Heavy fuel oil tanks
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
are also provided with suction heaters with steam as the heating source to heat the oil before sending it to transfer pumps. The fuel oil unloaded into main storage tanks is transferred to the day oil tanks for sending it to oil pressurizing station from where it is sent to the burners, as and when required. The oil is transferred from main oil tank to day oil tank using the transfer pumps. During this process the fuel is freed from mechanical impurities by means of filters. 4.2.3 LDO storage and transfer to day tanks The light diesel oil is stored in the storage tanks. LDO is further transferred to the day oil tanks for sending it to oil pressurizing station from where it is sent to the burners, as and when required. The oil is transferred from main oil tank to day oil tank using the transfer pumps. During this process the fuel is freed from mechanical impurities by means of filters. 4.2.4 Steam and Condensate system The heating steam required for floor heater and suction heater in HFO/LSHS/HPS storage tanks, HFO/LSHS/HPS unloading headers, piping and pumps is supplied at about 16 kg/cm2 at saturated condition from Auxiliary Steam Header. Steam pressure is reduced to 4 kg/cm through a pressure reducing station, located near the fuel oil tank firm area, and distributed to the following heating applications: a) b) c) d) e) f) HFO/LSHS/HPS unloading header and piping HFO/LSHS/HPS railway wagons. HFO/LSHS/HPS unloading and transfer pumps and valves. HFO/LSHS/HPS storage tank floor heaters and suction heaters. HFO/LSHS/HPS unloading and transfer piping upto the day tank. Drain oil tank at main tank farm area.
Drain oil system Clean oil spillage from unloading and transfer pumps in pump house is collected in a drain oil tank. This drain oil tank is located in the unloading pump house area. Drain oil pumps transfer the drained oil to either of the HFO/LSHS/HPS storage tanks. The drain oil tank is insulated and provided with steam coil heater to maintain the temperature for flow-ability inside the tank as required for those of HFO/LSHS/HPS storage tanks. Dirty oil spillage from unloading area and unloading/transfer pump house is be collected in an oily sump.
Typical scope of work for 2x500 MW thermal power project is attached at Annexure 4A Typical flow diagrams (as listed below) of ash handling system for 2 x 500 MW are enclosed :
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
1. Drawing no: CEA-TETD-FO-001 (Typical flow diagram Fuel Oil unloading, Storage and Handling (HFO) for 2x500 MW coal based Thermal power plant) 2. Drawing no: CEA-TETD-FO-002 (Typical flow diagram Fuel Oil unloading, Storage and Handling (LDO) for 2x500 MW coal based Thermal power plant)
i) The following shall be considered while sizing the plant: a) Heavy fuel oil unloading system shall handle one rake of HFO/LSHS/HPS of 80 wagons (max) at a time. The capacity of each wagon is 22.3m3. The unloading time shall be 8 hours (3 hours pumping & 5 hours wagon placement including heating of wagons, if required). b) LDO unloading system shall handle 40 wagons (max) at a time. The capacity of each wagon is 22.3m3. The unloading time shall be 8 hours (8 hours pumping). c) LDO unloading system shall handle 8 road tankers (max) at a time. The capacity of each tanker is 9.9m3. The unloading time shall be 4 hours (3 hours pumping & 1 hour tank placement). d) Capacity of heavy fuel oil storage tanks shall be maximum of the following: To store one full rake of 80 wagons each of 22.3 M3 HFO requirement for one of the boilers under operation with oil only at 25% BMCR for 100 hours in a month. Minimum capacity of each tank shall be 2000 M3
e) Capacity of LDO storage tank shall be maximum of the following: To store one rake of 40 wagons each of 22.3 M3 Cold start up of two boilers at a time with all the burners operating at their maximum capacity at 10% BMCR for about 6 hours per day. Steam blowing operation of any one of the boilers with all the burners operating at maximum capacity at 10% BMCR for about 12 hours per day Minimum capacity of tank shall be 1000 M3
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
ii) Typically for a 2 x 500 MW power station the system capacities shall be as under: Sl No Equipment No. of equipment Typical rated capacity (2x500 MW) 150m3/hr 100m3/hr 50m3/hr
1 2
4 5 6 7 8 9
HFO Unloading Pump LDO Unloading Pump (for rail tanker) LDO Unloading Pump (for road tanker) HFO Tanks LDO Tank HFO Day Tank LDO Day Tank LDO Day tank for Auxiliary boiler Sump pumps in Unloading pump house Sump pumps in Oil water separator Drain oil pumps
1x100%(W)+1x100% (S)
10 11
1x100%(W)+1x100% 1x100%(W)+1x100%
Design Requirements
Sulfur Ash
1.8% 0.02%
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
Relative density at 15C Pour Point (C max.) Kinematic viscosity at 38C Water (Volume percent) Gross Calorific Value (Kcal/kg, avg) Flash point (C min)
Heavy fuel Oil Characteristics Total sulfur content Gross calorific value (Kcal/kg) Flash point Water content by vol. Sediment by weight Asphaltene content by wt. Kinematic viscosity, CSt at 50C Ash content by weight Acidity (inorganic) Pour point Heavy Furnace Oil IS:1593-71 Grade GV 4.5% max 11,000 66C min 1.0% max 0.25% max 2.5% max 370 max 0.1% max Nil 24C max
ii. The unloading system shall be compatible with the latest designs of fuel oil wagons as indicated by RDSO. The current design of Railway wagons are TOH and TORX types. iii. In case due to layout constraint for placing of 650 meter long rake for unloading is not possible then the rake can be unloaded by splitting in two parts and the unloading header shall then be located in between the two tracks designated for unloading of oil rake. iv. In case of multiple tanks for fuel storage, tank transfer lines with NRV (non return valve) shall be provided using the unloading pumps. v. Dyke size shall be as per OISD-118 guide lines. vi. The temperature to be maintained for handling the oil shall be 10 deg. C. above its pour point except for HFO which shall be handled at 50 deg. C. vii. 100% capacity of the pressure reducing station shall correspond to the maximum steam requirement under the worst (lowest temperature) ambient condition for the following conditions put together: a) b) c) d) Unloading of one full rake of railway wagons. One heavy oil storage tank in heating mode One heavy oil storage tank in 'Maintain' temperature mode. One suction heater in operation.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
viii. Steam condition after pressure reducing station shall be 4 kg/cm2. ix. The system layout should meet the requirements of Indian Explosive Acts and approval in this regard shall be taken from Chief Controller of Explosives. Pumps x. HFO/LSHS/HPS unloading pumps shall be of steam jacketed, positive displacement twin-screw type. xi. LDO unloading pumps and LDO transfer pumps shall be of positive displacement twinscrew type. xii. Drain oil pumps shall be of vertical centrifugal type. xiii. The pumps shall be capable of operation in parallel. xiv. Material of construction for major components will preferably be as below: a. Pump casing: Cast iron grade IS 210 FG 260 b. Screws: 13% Chrome Steel c. Rotors: AISI 431 or equivalent d. Shaft: Stainless steel e. Shaft seal: 30% Chrome steel mechanical seal Fuel oil tanks xv. Fuel oil storage and day tanks shall be of Cone roof, vertical cylindrical, atmospheric pressure welded steel tanks, conforming to IS:2062 Gr.B or approved equal welded construction designed, fabricated and installed in accordance with IS:803. The tanks shall have sloping bottom 1 in 100 towards an adequately sized sump inside the tank to enable complete draining of the contents. Sufficient number of plugged holes shall be provided in the bottom plate of the tanks for bottom testing as per IS:803. xvi. Conical roof with a slope of not less than 1 in 16 to ensure drainage of rain water shall be provided supported over the tank wall periphery; and the tank shall have single central column. The roof shall be designed for a live load of 250 kg/m2. xvii. All shell course plates shall be accurately bent at required radius. Care shall be taken during bending to prevent plate skewing. For butt-weld joints, edges shall be prepared which shall be uniform and smooth throughout. xviii. Each shell course shall be of uniform height throughout longitudinal weld in any plate. Makeup for the course width shall not be permitted. Shell plates in each course width shall be so arranged that all vertical joints are staggered having a minimum of 600 mm stagger.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
xix. HFO/LSHS/HPS tanks shall be provided with floor coil heater and suction heaters. The tanks shall be insulated with 40 mm thick mineral fibre blocks for personnel protection and heat conservation purposes Strainers xx. For oil strainers, the open area ratio (i.e. straining area to the inlet area ratio) shall be 10:1 xxi. The strainer shall have screen of stainless steel (AISI-304) construction with wire diameter of about 0.01 inch. and open area of about 50%. Strainer screen in unloading line shall be of 40 mesh & that in pressurising side shall be of 80 mesh. xxii. Strainer body shall be made of mild steel. No cast iron component shall be used in F.O. system. Insulation and cladding xxiii. Insulation materials shall be inhibited and of a low halogen content Insulation materials shall contain no asbestos. xxiv. All piping operating above 50C shall be insulated with lightly resin bonded mineral wool insulation. xxv. Equipment and ductwork operating at elevated temperatures shall be insulated with mineral fiber insulation conforming to IS:8183 and have a density of 144 to 200 kg/m. xxvi. Ribbed or fluted aluminum lagging for equipment and ductwork shall be 1 mm minimum thickness. Flat aluminum lagging shall be 1.3 mm minimum thickness Emissivity of cladding material shall be considered as 0.2. Electrical System For design requirements of Electrical System, Section -8 of this document may be referred to. Control and Instrumentation System For design requirements of Control and Instrumentation System, Section -8 of this document may be referred to. Civil Works For design requirements of Civil works, Section 9 of this document may be referred to.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
i. While deciding the layout of buildings namely Fuel Oil Pump House building the Bidder shall consider the following parameters. a) Minimum clear working space around the equipment shall be 1200 mm b) In case of space provided is acting as the handling space for the equipment by overhead crane the space shall be maximum size of equipment being handled plus the clearance of 500 mm minimum on either side with the stationary equipment. c) Withdrawal spaces of equipment. ii. One maintenance bay of 6m (minimum) x the width of the building shall be provided.
Demonstrate heating capability of steam system Full load power measurement of motor for various pumps Capacity of the HFO unloading & transfer pumps Capacity of the LDO unloading (road and rail) & transfer pumps Capacity of the Drain oil pumps Demonstration of steam system parameters
CODES AND STANDARDS The design, manufacture, inspection and testing of the Fuel Oil Handling System shall comply with all the currently applicable statues, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment is to be installed. The equipment shall confirm to the latest edition of the following standards & codes. Other internationally acceptable standards/codes, which ensure equal or higher performance, shall also be accepted. OISD 118 IS 1593 IS 1460 IS 817 IS 823 API 620 API 650 Layouts for Oil and Gas Installations including tank farm for storage of crude / products. Code for Heavy fuel Oil (HFO) Code for light Diesel Oil (LDO) Code of practice for training & testing of metal arc welders. Code of procedure for manual metal arc welding of mild steel Recommended rules for design and construction of large welded low pressure storage tanks Welded steel tank for oil storage
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
API 12D IS 803 IS 816 IS 4503 ANSI B31.1 API 600 API 602 API 598 BS 1873 BS 1863 BS 5351 API 599 IS 8183 Group 4 IS 9842 Group 3 IS 277 IS 7413
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel (B & PV) Code : Section VIII, Division I, Pressure Vessel. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel (B & PV) Code : Section IX, Welding & Brazing qualification. Large welded production tanks Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of vertical mild steel cylindrical welded oil storage tank Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild steel. Code for design & manufacture of Heater Design of power piping system Code for design & construction of gate valve for sizes 50 NB or above Code for design & construction of gate valve for sizes below 50 NB Code for testing of gate valve Code for design & testing of globe valve Code for design & testing of check valve Code for design & testing of ball valve Code for design & testing of plug valve Specification for Bonded Mineral Wools Specification for Preformed Fibrous Pipe Insulation Specification for Galvanised Steel Sheet Code of practice for the Application and Finishing of Thermal Insulating Materials at temperatures between 40 Deg.C and 700 Deg.C
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
4A.1.1 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of fuel oil handling system typically covers the design, engineering, manufacture, supply, assembly and testing at manufacturers works, inspection, packing, forwarding, delivery FOR site and handling with storage at site (i.e. taking delivery of materials from carriers, transportation to site), fabrication (as needed), erection, trial run, testing and commissioning including painting protection of fuel oil handling system. The statutory approval for fuel oil unloading, transfer and storage system from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be obtained by the bidder. Typical scope of work for 2x500 MW thermal power project includes:
4A.1.2 Mechanical i) One (1) no. 400 NB (min.) heavy fuel oil unloading manifold, 686 meter length, complete with eighty (80) stand pipes with flexible hoses of 8 M length, with tank heating arrangement. ii) One (1) no. 300 NB LDO unloading manifold, 686 meter length, completed with eighty (80) stand pipes with flexible hose of 8 M length iii) One (1) no. 200 NB LDO unloading manifold completed with eight (8) stand pipes with flexible hoses of 8 M length for connecting to road tankers. iv) Five (5) nos. 150 kilolitre per hour capacity, 4 kg/cm2(g) discharge pressure, direct AC driven horizontal twin screw type steam jacketed heavy fuel oil unloading pump sets. v) Two (2) nos. 100 kilolitre per hour capacity, 4 kg/cm2(g) discharge pressure, direct AC driven horizontal/vertical twin screw type light diesel oil unloading pump sets for unloading rail tankers. vi) Two (2) nos. 50 kilolitre per hour capacity, 4 kg/cm2(g) discharge pressure, direct AC driven horizontal twin screw type LDO unloading pump sets for unloading road tankers.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
vii) Simplex type strainers (one for each pump) each having a capacity equal to that of the pump with isolating valves, drain valves, vent valves with goose neck piping and other accessories. viii) Two (2) nos. 25 kilolitre per hour capacity and 4 kg/cm2(g) horizontal twin screw type pumpset for transferring HFO from storage tank to day tank. ix) Two (2) nos. 25 kilolitre per hour capacity, 4 kg/cm2(g) horizontal centrifugal pumpsets for transferring LDO from storage tank to day tank. x) Two (2) nos. 25 kilolitre per hour capacity, 4 kg/cm2(g) horizontal centrifugal pumpsets for transferring LDO from storage tank to day tank for auxiliary boiler. xi) Two (2) Nos. sump pump set of capacity 30 M3/hr complete with all accessories of drive and mounting in FO Unloading pump house. xii) Two (2) nos. drain oil pumps of capacity 5 M3/hr and two (2) nos water pumps of capacity 30 M3/hr. xiii) Two (2) nos. 2000 KL capacity vertical cylindrical heavy fuel oil storage tanks with accessories. xiv) Two (2) nos. 200 KL capacity vertical cylindrical HFO day tanks with all accessories. xv) Two (2) nos. 500One (1) no. 1000 KL capacity vertical cylindrical light diesel oil storage tank with accessories. xvi) Two (2) nos. 100 KL capacity vertical cylindrical LDO day tanks with all accessories located in the day tank farm area. xvii) One (1) no. 150 KL capacity vertical cylindrical LDO day tank with all accessories located in the day tank farm area for Auxiliary boiler for storage of LDO. The tank shall be located in the vicinity of the auxiliary boiler. xviii) One (1) nos. pressure reducing and de-superheating station for reducing steam pressure to 4 kg/cm2 xix) One (1) no. oil water separator along with pumps xx) One (1) no. drain oil tank of 10 m3,and One (1) no. drain oil tank of 2 m3 xxi) One (1) no. condensate tank of suitable capacity for main tank area and one no. for day tank farm area. xxii) All piping and valves for fuel oil and LDO 4A.1.3 Electrical System/ Equipment
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
Two no. feeders shall be provided from 415V Station Switchboard for Fuel oil system to feed LT loads of entire fuel oil facilities for unloading, storage and forwarding. All 415V switchgears shall be located in fuel oil building switchgear room. Typically, following electrical equipment shall be included: i) ii) iii) 415V switchgears Power and control cables Cable laying alongwith cabling accessories, cable trays and termination/ jointing kits of cables, fire sealing and installation of equipments LT motors Complete illumination system for internal and external lighting of associated plant and building Complete grounding and lightning protections and its interconnection with nearest earth mat Emergency stop push button for all LT motors
iv) v)
4A.1.4 i)
Instrumentation & Control System Relay based local control panel for operation, control and annunciation of various drives for fuel oil handling facilities in fuel oil pump house. It shall be possible to monitor the fuel oil tank level from the main DCS in the Unit Control Room through serial link. Instrumentation and control cables including cables laying and Power supply system for C&I system Instrumentation as required for the system. Civil Works The civil works to be performed shall cover providing all labour, materials, construction equipment, tools and plant, scaffolding, supplies, transportation, all incidental items necessary for successful completion of the work. The work shall involve earthwork in excavation, extensive de-watering, shoring and strutting, sheet piling, back filling around completed structures and plinth protection, area paving, disposal of surplus excavated materials, piling, concreting including reinforcement and form work, brick work, fabrication and erection of structural / miscellaneous steel works, inserts, architectural items & finishes such as plastering, painting, flooring, doors, windows & ventilators, glass and glazing, rolling shutters etc., permanently colour coated profiled steel sheeting, anchor bolts, R. C. C. trenches termination
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 4 (Fuel Oil Handling System)
with covers, laying and testing of water pipes, sanitation, water supply, drainage, damp proofing, water proofing and other ancillary items. ii) All buildings shall be complete with all electrical, civil, structural, architectural works, cable trenches, fire safety walls, foundation, earth mat, fencing, earthing for transformers. All cables, duct banks, trenches, cable trestles shall be complete with associated civil/ structural work and necessary civil foundations. Buildings to be provided shall include the following : a) Fuel Oil Pump House Fuel Oil Tanks and dykes around it Paving required in the FO area v) vii) Scope shall also include supply and laying earthing mat all around the periphery of buildings, structures, and outdoor equipments, as per the approved drawings. Access roads to all buildings/facilities of Fuel oil handling facilities including construction and maintenance of temporary access roads for approach to the building/facilities for construction/erection activities.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
5.1 i)
INTRODUCTION In a coal fired thermal power plant, water is required for various applications such as condenser cooling, ash disposal, heat cycle make up, equipment cooling, service water, potable applications and other miscellaneous applications. Raw water available from river, canal etc. is required to be treated to suit the particular application. Various types of treated water used in a coal fired power stations are: a) Clarified water as cooling tower make-up and service water b) Demineralisd water for heat cycle make-up, equipment cooling system, condensate polishing plant regeneration etc. c) Filtered & disinfected water for potable water requirement. ii) The water treatment scheme to be adopted for production of above types of treated water depends on the source & quality of raw water. Mainly surface water (river, canals, lakes etc.) and seawater are the primary sources of raw water for coal fired thermal power plants. Since raw water quality varies in quantum of suspended solids, organic matter, turbidity, hardness, dissolved salts, silica, colour & odour etc., the treatment scheme is designed and adopted keeping in view the plant requirements and the environmental norms stipulated by MOEF and the local pollution control authorities. Design of plant water system is based on the best possible economy of water and least possible pollution of the water source. This can be achieved by: a) Increasing the cycle of concentration (C.O.C.) for circulating water keeping in view the raw water quality and water requirement for ash handling plant and other low grade application requirements. Cooling tower blow down is used to meet the above said requirements so that waste water being drained outside the plant boundary is minimal. Typically, C.O.C. of 5 is selected for circulating water. b) Recycling of liquid effluent recovered from waste sludge of clarification plant (through centrifuges/ belt press filters) and filter backwash back to clarifiers thereby reducing the net consumptive water requirement of the plant.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
c) Dry fly ash handling system and recycling of ash pond decanted water for ash handling. d) Segregation of waste based on oily & non-oily waste waters and treating them through oil separators, clarification and reverse osmosis system for recycling or use in low grade applications. iv) Typical scope of work for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant is indicated at Annexure 5A. Drawing no. CEA-TETD-AS-01 (Four Sheets) titled Typical plant water scheme for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant for various modes of ash handling system is enclosed. Drawing no. CEA-TETD-AS-02 titled Typical flow diagram for PT Plant for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant and drawing no. CEA-TETD-AS-03 titled Typical flow diagram for DM Plant for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant are enclosed.
Consumptive water requirement for 1000MW for various modes of ash handling system
S.No Type of ash handling System Bottom fly Wet Wet * Refer to note 2 Notes: 1. The water consumptions listed above include evaporation loss from raw water reservoir sized for 7 days storage. The water storage (in days) may vary from site to site depending upon the reliability of raw water source and the evaporation loss thereof. 2. During initial period of plant operation till the achievement of 50% dry fly ash collection and utilization, the water requirement for wet fly ash handling will be met from water drawn from raw water reservoir in addition to waste water of CMB. Water allocation during this period shall be appx 6 cusecs more than indicated above. However, as soon as ash water recovery & recirculation comes in to effect the above additional requirement from raw water reservoir will not be required for wet fly ash handling. Normal Dry mode Emergency- Wet Normal Dry mode Emergency- HCSD COC Water Consumption m3/h Cusecs
1 2
5.0 5.0
2900* 2850
28.4 28.0
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
3. Water consumption for both the options listed above can be further reduced by: a. If the water quality permits cycle of concentration can be increased to minimize the quantity of CT blow down & hence the waste water. b. Waste water, mainly CT blow down, 75-80% can be recovered and recycled by providing RO plant and subsequent RO reject can be used for coal dust suppression. 5.2 5.2.1 i) SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Raw Water Reservoir and Pump House The raw water from river, canal etc. is brought up to plant raw water reservoir located within the plant boundary. Reservoir is open type in two compartments. Capacity of reservoir is selected based on the reliability of raw water source such that storage can meet the plant water requirement during period of nonavailability of water from the source. Raw water from plant reservoir is supplied to pre-treatment plant by raw water pumps. Emergency water requirement for ash handling plant, when running in wet mode, is also supplied from discharge of raw water pumps. Pre-Treatment (PT) Plant i) The pre-treatment plant produces clarified water for meeting the requirement of clarified water applications of the power plant viz. cooling tower makeup, service water and input water for producing potable and DM water. For surface waters, typical pre-treatment scheme involves raw water chlorination, aeration through cascade aerators and clarification through conventional gravity clarifiers or reactor type clarifiers. In case raw water contains high level of colloidal silica, provision of separate clarifier, involving relatively higher level of chemical dosing, is made for producing input water for DM plant. Typical PT plant for 2x500 MW capacity consists of one number aerator cum stilling chamber (common for both clarifiers), two nos. reactor type clarifiers, clarified water tank and pump house. Water from aerator flows by gravity up to the clarified water storage tank through inlet channels (one for each clarifier) and clarifiers. Clarified water from clarified water storage tank is pumped through horizontal pumps, installed in the clarified water pump house, for cooling tower make-up, DM plant, potable water plant, service water tank and other miscellaneous use such as APH washing, power water for raw water chlorination, Air conditioning & ventilation system make up etc. The provision for supply of CT make up by gravity flow from clarifiers can also be considered, if feasible. In case clarified water is to be used for fire fighting the storage of clarified water for firefighting may either be in a separate storage tank or a dead storage is provided
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
in clarified water storage tank. Accordingly, the fire water horizontal pumps may be housed in a separate pump house or otherwise be installed in clarified water pump house. v) A common two storied chemical house is provided for handling and storage of chemicals for pre-treatment plant such as lime, alum, polyelectrolyte coagulant aid and for housing dosing equipments such as tanks, pumps etc. Chemicals are stored on the ground floor whereas chemical dosing equipment is installed on the first floor. One number overhead storage tank is provided on the top of chemical house to provide storage of filtered water to be used for preparation of the chemicals, flushing of equipment etc. This tank is filled from the discharge of DM plant pressure filters. In case of coastal stations where source of sweet water is not available, sea water is treated to produce input water for potable water; service water and DM make up water. Typical pre- treatment scheme involves chlorination, clarification, double filtration by gravity or pressure filters (to achieve desired silt density index necessary for safety of downstream reverse osmosis plant membranes) and one stage or two stage reverse osmosis as per application requirement. Filtration Clarified water is filtered for providing input to DM plant and for use as potable water. This filtration may be done in gravity filters (common for potable and DM water) or in separate pressure filters. Raw water having high level of nonreactive silica, hardness and oil/ grease calls for introduction of ultra filtration in the pre-treatment scheme which separates particles on the basis of their molecular sizes. 5.2.4 Chlorination During various stages of treatment, water is chlorinated to inhibit organic growth in the water retaining structures/ equipment such as clarifiers, storage tanks, cooling tower sumps, channels, condenser tubes & piping etc. and for disinfection of potable water. Additional treatment may be required for potable water depending upon quality of source raw water. Chlorine dosing, by chlorine gas cylinders, is extensively used in thermal power plants for this purpose. However, for coastal plants electro chlorination is also an economical option. 5.2.5 i) DM Plant The DM Plant is meant to supply demineralised water for power cycle/ condensate make-up, make-up for equipment auxiliary cooling system, CPU regeneration, HP/LP dosing system etc. Conventional demineralising plant (DM), i.e. process of removing the mineral salts from water by ion-exchange method, consisting of cation, anion and mixed bed polisher, is used for production of demineralised water from filtered water with total dissolved salts (TDS) level of up to 500 ppm. Depending upon the concentration of various ions in water, weak
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
cation & weak anion exchangers are introduced in DM streams. For production of demineralised water from sea water (in case of non-availability of sweet water source for coastal plants), having TDS in the range of 35,000-45,000 ppm a two stage RO plant followed by mixed bed exchanger is employed. ii) Typically, 3 x 50% DM streams are provided for 2 x 500 MW plant and output water from all the DM streams is stored in the DM Water storage tanks. Condensate make-up pumps and boiler fill pumps supply DM water for various power cycle consumptions of the plant. Waste water treatment system All the wastewater generated at various facilities of the plant is segregated at the source of generation and is subjected to treatment according to their type and characteristic. A basin termed Central Monitoring Basin or CMB is provided for equalization of all effluents - treated or otherwise. Part of treated water collected in the CMB is pumped for coal dust suppression system, plantation & dry fly ash handling system. Balance water is disposed off as per the applicable guidelines of pollution control authorities. Method of handling different types of wastes generated is given below: Waste Treatment PT plant clarifier Sludge is collected in a sludge sump and pumped to thickener. Solid waste is removed by centrifuges. Pressure sand filter Nil back wash waste Side stream filter Nil back wash waste DM plant neutralized in a regeneration waste dedicated neutralizing pit near DM plant building Condensate collected & neutralized polishing unit in a common regeneration waste neutralization pit Boiler blow down Nil (BBD) Disposal Clear water is led to inlet of clarifier. Solid waste is disposed by dumpers to land fill. Sent directly to the common inlet chamber of raw water pumps for its recycle taken to ash slurry sump Neutralized regeneration effluent pumped to CMB
Collected in BBD collection pits, one for each boiler, and pumped to CT sump Cooling tower Nil Part to be used up for ash blow down handling system and balance (CTBD). CTBD to be sent to the CMB Plant service waste To be treated by oil The treated water from lamella water water separator, lamella clarifiers to be transferred to
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
clarifier. CMB. Coal pile area run Run off to be Clear overflow from the settling offs channelised to twin pond to be pumped to the CMB. settling pond. A bye-pass weir to be provided for bypassing clear water to the nearby storm drain during rainfall. Fuel oil storage Oily effluent to be Treated effluent to be pumped and handling area pumped to oil water to the CMB. effluent separator (OWS).
5.3 i)
DESIGN BASIS The design basis given hereunder is based on the following assumptions: a) b) c) d) ii) Plant Capacity: Raw water source : Mode of Fly Ash Handling: Cycle of concentration: Two (2) units of 500MW each Canal Dry Five (5)
Typical raw water analysis considered for canal is as under: S. No. Constituents i) pH ii) Conductivity, micro mhos/cm iii) Turbidity, NTU iv) Calcium hardness as CaCO3 ppm v) Magnesium hardness as CaCO3 ppm vi) Sodium as CaCO3 ppm vii) Potassium as CaCO3 ppm viii) Total cations as CaCO3 ppm ix) P-Alkalinity as CaCO3 ppm x) M-Alkalinity as CaCO3 ppm xi) Chloride as CaCO3 ppm xii) Bicarbonates as CaCO3 ppm xiii) Sulphate as CaCO3 ppm Concentration 8.2 450 20-500 110 95 100 10 315 Nil 250 30 250 25
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
xiv) Nitrate as CaCO3 ppm Floride as CaCO3 ppm xv) Total Anions as CaCO3 ppm xv) Dissolved silica, mg/l as SiO2 iii) 5 5 315 8
Typical consumptive requirement at COC of 5 for 2 x 500 MW thermal project is as under: S.No. Description Requirement, m3/h 1 Cooling tower make up 2476 2 DM water 120 3 Potable water 52 4 Service water 200 5 Sludge 18 6 Bottom ash 256* 2901 say 2900** Total * Cooling tower blow down is used for bottom ash handling, hence not considered. ** Includes evaporation loss from reservoir, sludge & filter backwash water recirculation Clarification plant shall be designed for 120% of the total calculated consumptive water requirement. The aerator surface flow rate shall not be less than 0.03 m2/m3/hr. The velocity of water through the stilling chamber shall be low enough in the range between 0.05 to 0.08 m/sec and residence time shall be minimum 60 seconds to avoid any turbulence of the incoming water. The overall area of clarifier shall be based on an average flow velocity not more than 3m3/m2/hr. The unit shall be designed with a minimum retention time of 90 minutes. Design of the sludge removal system should be such as to reduce loss of water during sludge blow off within 3% of rated flow.
Various chemical dosing equipment in the pre-treatment plant shall be designed for the following minimum dosing rates: a) Alum as Al2 (SO4)2 b) Lime as Ca(OH)2 c) Coagulant aid : : : 70 ppm 30 ppm 2 ppm
A minimum free board of 300 mm shall be provided in all the water retaining structures of PT Plant (such as stilling chamber, clarified water distribution chamber, clarified water storage tank, overhead filtered water tank, sludge sump etc.) above the maximum water level / overflow level as the case may be. Raw water & potable water chlorination plant shall be designed at a dosage level of 5 ppm & 2 ppm respectively.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
viii) DM plant shall be sized to meet the heat cycle makeup at the rate of 3% of the boiler MCR, makeup water for closed cycle ECW system, CPU regeneration & any other requirement envisaged. Cation & anion exchangers shall be designed for 20 hours of operation cycle followed by 4 hours regeneration period in a day of 24 hours. Mixed Bed shall be regenerated after minimum 140 hours of operation. Typical figures of water treatment plant for 2 x 500MW are as under: S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5.4 i) Equipment/ Facility Raw Water reservoir Raw water pumps Aerator Carifier Clarified water storage tank CT make up pumps DM plant feed pumps Service water pumps Potable water pumps DM water storage tank Raw Water chlorination plant Potable water chlorination plant Potable water filters Lamella clarifier/ tube settler Thickener Centrifuge Configuration/ Capacity 4,90,000 m3 (7 days ) 4 x 1500 m3/h 3000 m3/h 2 x 1500 m3/h 1500 m3 3 x 1250 m3/h 3 x 60 m3/h 2 x 100 m3/h 2 x 120 m3/h 3 x 1000m3 2 x 20 Kg/hr 2 x 250gm/hr 2 x 50 m3/h 1x100 m3/h 1x100 m3/h 5x25 m3/h
LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS Layout for water pre-treatment plant shall be designed in such a way that all facilities (e.g. aerators cum stilling chambers, inlet channels, clarifiers, clarified water storage tanks, filter water storage tank, chemical house first floor, etc.) are interconnected by at least 1 meter wide walkway at appropriate elevations with hand railing one meter high on both sides. Operating platforms shall be provided for all the structures such as aerator cum stilling chamber, clarifier, sludge chamber etc. along with hand railing. Chemical storage shall be on the ground floor & chemical preparation & dosing equipment shall be located on first floor of chemical house. The chemical house shall have sufficient unloading space, wide corridors for movement of staff & chemicals, etc. Raw water chlorination equipment (Chlorinators, evaporator, Chlorine Ton Containers, etc.) will be located indoor in a RCC building adjacent to Chemical House.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
v) Potable water chlorination equipment (Chlorinators, Chlorine Containers etc.) shall be located within Demineralization plant building. Pressure filters, activated carbon filters, Ion exchange units and Regeneration equipments shall be located in DM plant building of RCC. The height of DM plant vessel area building shall not be less than 8 meters. The layout of all equipment and accessories shall be developed in a way to facilitate easy accessibility and maintenance of all equipment. Various Systems/ equipments/ structures/ buildings shall be designed in such a way that they are approachable from main roads by means of access roads/ pathways. Proper access for maintenance of equipment shall be provided as per system requirements. All tank and sumps shall be provided with access rungs and dewatering pits. Adequate provision of space for maintenance of equipments shall be kept in all the areas/facilities/ buildings. BROAD TECHNICAL FEATURES Mechanical i) Raw water reservoir & pump house Raw water reservoir of RCC construction in twin compartments shall be provided with free board of one meter shall be provided above the maximum water level. Walk way around the reservoir (minimum 1.2m wide) and one meter high hand railing through out the periphery & partition wall shall also be provided. Reservoir shall be suitably lined with HDPE film to avoid any seepage from bottom & from walls. ii) Aerator & stilling chamber The aerator shall be of stepped design and shall allow water to flow downward after spreading over inclined thin sheets and the turbulence is secured by allowing the water to pass through a series of steps and baffles. The aerator riser shall not be more than 250mm & tread shall not be less than 400mm. Required exposure time provided by adequate number of steps in the aerator. iii) Clarifier Clarifiers shall be of sludge recirculation type with integral variable recirculation arrangement to internally re-circulate sludge at adjustable rate to produce clarified water of consistent effluent quality at seasonal varying hydraulic load and turbidity. Clarifiers shall be provided with radial launders.
v) 5.5 5.5.1
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
Bridge type rake arm and suitable equipment (turbine/ impeller) shall be provided for internal sludge recirculation. Sludge removal system design shall consist of central sludge sump with rotating pickets and back flush arrangement for proper control of sludge accumulation at the bottom. All structural/ support material shall be of steel construction and suitably braced to provide rigidity. Clear width of the bridge shall not be less than 1200 mm. Each of the clarifier shall be provided with a gate at the outlet for isolation of any of the clarifier for maintenance. iv) Chemical preparation and dosing equipment Quick lime shall be dissolved in the slaking tanks and the resultant slurry (about 10% W/V) from the slaking tanks shall be transferred to the lime solution dosing tanks by lime slurry transfer pumps. Lime slaking and preparation tanks shall be sized for 24 hours requirement of lime dosing for all clarifiers and provided with 2 x 100% lime slurry transfer pumps. Each clarifier shall be provided with one (1) number each of lime, alum and polyelectrolyte solution dosing tanks. Each dosing tank shall be sized for 8 hour operation plus 25% margin. One (1) tank shall be provided as common standby for each type of chemical. Chemical solutions shall be dosed by dosing pumps. One working dosing pump for each clarifier with one standby dosing pump shall be provided for each type of chemical. MOC for slaking / preparation and dosing shall be RCC/MSRL. All slaking/preparation/ tanks shall be provided with charging platform and SS316 dissolving basket. Slow speed SS agitators shall be provided for each tank. v) Sludge/backwash/ drain disposal system of PT plant Sludge from clarifiers shall be taken to twin compartment RCC construction sludge pit of capacity minimum 4 hours or 400m3, whichever is higher. Desludging of clarifier will be done once/ twice in a shift of 8 hours. Each section of the sump shall be provided with agitation by air agitation system consisting of 2 x 100% air blowers. vi) Potable water plant Potable water plant shall be designed to produce desired quality of drinking water for both plant & colony. Any other treatment if essentially required to make the filtered water as potable water of acceptable quality shall also be provided. Filtered water from the filters shall be duly chlorinated, by PT chlorination plant, to achieve the desired concentration of chlorine in potable water. For colony, the potable water supply line shall be laid up to a suitable point outside the plant boundary with suitable interface (flanged end valve connection)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
by the bidder. Onward supply of potable water to colony shall be in the scope of owner. Vertical pressure sand filters incorporating dual filter media of quartz sand and anthracite shall be provided for production of filtered water. The filters shall be lined with rubber/ epoxy from inside. The pressure filters shall be of welded mild steel construction as per IS: 2825 designed for maximum working pressure and capable of withstanding a hydrostatic test pressure of 1.5 times the design pressure. The normal flow rate through the filters shall not be more than 10 m3/hr/m2. A minimum 50% free board shall be provided over the filtering bed depth. The minimum bed depth of filtering media, excluding the support material, shall be 1200 mm, of which 700 mm shall comprise of quartz sand and 500 mm of anthracite. Back washing of pressure filters shall be done once in 24 hours on line. Filter backwash shall be taken to common inlet chamber of raw water pumps. Loss of head gauge shall be provided locally on the filters. The back-washing rate shall be between 25-30 m3/hr/m2 of bed area. The flow rate of air shall be 50 m3/hr/m2 of filter bed area. vii) Raw & Potable water chlorination plant In raw water chlorination system, chlorine will be dosed in stilling chamber of pre- treatment plant to remove organic matter present in raw water. Raw water for chlorination booster pumps will be supplied from the clarified water storage tank. For potable water chlorination system, chlorine will be dosed in filtered water at the outlet header of pressure sand filters. The water to the booster pumps will be supplied from the discharge header of pressure sand filters. (For Technical features & other relevant details of equipment refer Section-6) viii) DM Plant The analysis of the filtered water to be adopted for design of DM plant shall consider the chemical dosing in the PT plant. The plant shall be designed for continuous and simultaneous operation of all the streams. a) Activated Carbon Filter The flow velocity shall not exceed 15 m/hr. The bed depth, excluding support material, shall be minimum 1200 mm and at least 75% free board shall be provided over the bed depth. The inlet distribution system shall be header lateral type. The vessels shall be lined internally with suitable anticorrosive lining or coating to prevent corrosion. Back washing of activated carbon filters should be done once in 24 hours using filtered water. Backwash waste water shall be taken to common inlet chamber of raw water pumps of PT plant.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
b) Ion exchange units The Ion exchange units shall be vertical, rubber lined welded plate steel construction and fabricated as per IS: 2825. The vessels shall be rubber lined to a thickness of 4.5mm. The cross sectional areas for cation & anion vessels shall be determined for a maximum flow rate of 30m3/hr/m2. The cross sectional areas for mixed bed vessels shall be determined for a maximum flow rate of 45m3/hr/m2. At least 100% free board shall be provided for all ion exchange vessels. The resin bed depth for cation and anion vessels shall not be less than 1.5 meter. The resin bed depth for mixed bed vessel shall not be less than 1.0 meter. Deration factor of minimum ten (10) % shall be considered in resin exchange capacities for the design of all ion exchange vessels. c) Ion exchange resins i) Cation exchanger resins - High capacity, strongly acidic, sulphonated polystyrene, macroporous cation exchange resins in bead form shall be supplied for strong cation exchange unit.
ii) Anion exchanger resins Strongly basic, isoporous/macroprus, type- I in OH form, regenerated with caustic soda shall be supplied for strong base anion unit.
iii) Gel type resin shall not be acceptable iv) The attrition loss of the cation resins shall be guaranteed not to exceed 3% per year for the first three years of operation, whereas for anion resins attrition loss shall not be more than 5% per year during first three years. d) Cation regeneration Cation resin shall be regenerated by hydrochloric acid (30-33% M/V technical grade IS: 265 or equal). i) The capacity of each acid unloading/ transfer pumps pump shall be at least 10 m3/hr with minimum 15mwc head.
ii) Bulk acid storage tanks of carbon steel as per IS 2062, shall be provided. The tank shall be of rubber lined mild steel construction. The outlets from both the tanks shall be bussed together. The tanks shall be provided with double isolating valves at the outlet.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
c) The capacity of acid measuring tank shall be sufficient to hold total quantity of 30 % HCl required for at least one regeneration with adequate margin of minimum 25%. The tanks shall be of MSRL construction. d) Cation regeneration pumps shall draw suction from degassed water storage tanks. e) Anion regeneration The anion exchange resins shall be regenerated with sodium hydroxide (48% w/v rayon grade in lye form as per (IS: 252) solution of suitable strength. The equipment configuration to be provided for receiving & unloading of alkali and anion regeneration shall be similar to that envisaged for cation regeneration. Power water pumps to be provided for anion units shall draw water from DM water storage tanks. f) Degasser Tower and Tank The degasser be forced draft type and shall be equipped with motor driven blowers. The degassed water storage tank shall be of RCC with effective capacity sufficient to hold one hour downstream water plus regeneration water requirement for one stream. The outlet from the tower will be through a PVC air seal tube going to the bottom of the degassed water storage tank of RCC. g) Drain Neutralisation System i) The neutralising pit shall be of RCC construction in twin compartment. Minimum effective storage volume of each pit shall be sufficient to store all waste water from one cation, anion and mixed bed unit with 50% margin. Provision of baffles shall be made to mix the wastes by recirculation and acid/alkali dosing.
iii) The capacity of waste recirculation and disposal pumps shall be selected as per the requirement of emptying one neutralising pit in maximum half hour. iv) The capacity of each acid/ alkali measuring tank shall be sufficient to hold acid/alkali for one neutralisation with 30%margin. ix) Lamella Clarifier/Tube Settler
a) The tube settler/ lamella Clarifier of RCC shall be designed with minimum
side water depth of 4 M. The overall area of unit shall be based on an average flow velocity not more than 5 M3/hr/M2.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant) b) Unit shall be circular/rectangular with distinct tube / plate separation zones,
sludge thickener zone, clear water zone and oil skimming zone. The tube settler/ Lamella Clarifiers shall be counter flow or cross flow type. Walkway (bridge) and platform to approach all the internals shall be provided. Clear width of the bridge shall not be less than 1200 mm. Clarifier shall be provided with one RCC flash mixer and flocculation Chamber at its upstream. Chemical shall be added to the water in the flash mixer.
c) The length of the tubes/plates shall not be less than 1.5 M. The cross
sectional area of each tube shall be such that the effective hydraulic diameter is minimum 80 mm. In case of plate type separator the distance between the successive plates shall be 50 mm (min). The material of tube pack shall be UV inhibited virgin PVC or GRP (glass reinforced plastic).
d) The tube/ plates shall be easily accessible for the cleaning purpose. The tube
pack / plates shall be placed inside the separator such that these may be individually removed for maintenance even when separator is operating. x) Chemical Dosing Pumps The pumps shall be of simplex type, positive displacement, plunger design and driven by electric motor through suitable speed reduction unit. The stroke shall be continuously adjustable to given capacity variation in 0-100% range. Adjustment of capacity shall be done manually and during operation of the pump. The adjusted capacity should be read directly from the dial of the setting thimbles. xi) Vertical (wet Pit) Pumps Pumps shall be of vertical shaft, single/ multi-stage, submerged suction, turbine / mixed flow type design. The pumps shall be rated to run at 1500 rpm. Margin between shut-off head and operating head shall not be less than 20%. Pumps shall be designed for continuous (normal) operation and as well as for intermittent operation. The MOC of vertical pumps shall not be inferior to the following: Suction Bell Casing / Bowl Impeller Impeller Shaft, Pump & line shaft, Shaft coupling, Shaft sleeves xii) Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps Horizontal centrifugal pumps shall conform to Indian Standard specification IS: 5120, 9137, 5639, 5659 or 1520 (latest revision). They shall be made of : : : : 2%NiCI;IS:210Gr FG 260 2%NiCI;IS:210Gr FG 260 ASTM A351 CF8M SS ASTM- A 276- Gr. 410
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
materials suitable to handle the fluids specified. However, DM water supply & regeneration pumps shall be of stainless steel construction. The pumps shall be rated to run at 1500 rpm. Margin between shut-off head and operating head shall not be less than 20%. The MOC for horizontal pumps shall not be inferior to the following: Casing / Bowl Impeller /wear rings Shaft, shaft sleeves Shaft sealing arrangement xii) : : : 2%NiCI;IS:210Gr FG 260 SS 316 SS-410 Mechanical seal
Pressure Vessels and Storage Tanks a) General design Criteria i) Pressure vessels shall be designed as per IS 2825. All pressure vessels shall be designed and tested to withstand 1.5 times the design pressure. Design of all vertical cylindrical atmospheric storage tanks containing water, acid, alkali and other chemicals shall conform to IS: 803.
ii) The design of Demineralised water storage tanks (Vertical type) shall conform to IS: 803. Supporting frame where required shall be in accordance with IS: 800. The tank shall be "Non-pressure" fixed roof type, centrally supported with atmospheric vents. iii) All vessels/tanks without inside rubber lining shall have a corrosion allowance of minimum 2 mm and mill allowance (minimum 0.3 mm) for shell and dished ends. Thinning allowance of 2 mm (minimum) shall be considered for dished end. iv) Design of all horizontal cylindrical atmospheric storage tank containing water, acid, alkali and other chemicals shall conform to BS: 2594. All the atmospheric tanks shall have sufficient free board above the Level High/Normal Level as the case may be. The overflow level shall be kept at least 20 cm or 10% of vessel height above the Level High/Normal Level for all the tanks except for the DM tanks for which a minimum height of 300 mm shall be provided over the High Level. Further, a minimum 100 mm free board shall be provided above the top of overflow level to the top of the tank. Wall thickness of atmospheric tanks shall not be less than 6 mm. b) Special Accessories for Vessels /Storage Tanks Water seal shall be provided for the overflow line of DM and degassed water storage tanks (for DM System). The vent and overflow lines of alkali
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
preparation /measuring / day tanks and vent line of DM storage tanks shall be provided with Carbon-di-oxide absorber of proven design to prevent contamination from atmospheric air. The vent and overflow lines of acid measuring tanks shall be provided with fume absorber using suitable packing material, such as pall rings/rasching rings. c) Protective linings, painting etc. Rubber lined vessels shall be provided with natural rubber lining of total thickness not less than 4.5 mm. Surface hardness of rubber lining shall be 65 +/- 5 deg. A (shore). xiii) Piping Piping shall be adequately designed and Material of construction shall be suitable to the service intended. Electrical System For design requirements of Electrical system, Section VII of this document may be referred to. 5.5.3 Control and Instrumentation System For design requirements of Control & Instrumentation system, Section VIII of this document may be referred to. Civil Works For design requirements of Civil Works, Section 9 of this document may be referred to. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES i) Pre-treatment plant Water quality at clarifier outlet at rated capacity shall be: a) Turbidity : < 10 NTU b) pH : 7.0-7.5 c) Organic matter : <0.05 ppm d) Iron : <0.3 ppm ii) Pressure filters Turbidity iii) DM plant Effluent water quality shall be guaranteed to meet the following requirements, at rated capacity: : < 2 NTU
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
a) At Mixed bed outlet Reactive Silica Conductivity at 25OC pH < 0.02 ppm as SiO2 < 0.1 micromho/cm 6.8 7.2
b) At the outlet of Anion Exchanger Reactive Silica Conductivity at 25OC pH < 0.1 ppm as SiO2 < 5 micromhos/cm > 7.5
e) At the outlet of Activated Carbon Filter Free Chlorine iv) Tube settler/lamella clarifier a) Outlet Turbidity: <10 NTU b) Oil content : < 5 mg/l v) CMB outlet a) b) c) c) 5.7 i) Suspended solids pH Temperature Oil and grease : 100 mg/l (max.) : 6.5 to 7.5 : < 5oC above the raw water temperature. : < 10 mg/l Nil
PERFORMANCE AND GUARANTEE TESTS The following tests will be conducted at the manufacturers works:
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
a) Hydrostatic tests for all pump casing, pressure vessels, pipes, valves and fittings. b) Integrity of lining of vessels and equipment by Spark testing. c) Water fill test of all tanks. d) Performance testing of the pumps & blowers. e) Testing of control panels & M.C.C. ii) The following tests and checks shall be made at site in the presence of the purchaser: a) Satisfactory operation of each equipment. b) Net continuous output over a period of 2 days (or two regenerations) for the plants covered under plant water system. c) Tests required for establishing the guaranteed performance and chemical consumption. 5.8 Codes & Standards All materials, equipment and safety regulations shall comply with applicable provisions of the latest edition of relevant Indian Standards and other applicable codes/ standards. The following Indian standards (latest edition) shall be applicable to this specification unless otherwise specified: IS: 803 IS: 816 IS: 817 IS: 822 IS:1363 IS:1367 IS:2062 IS:2002 IS:2825 IS:3133 IS:4049 IS:4682 IS : 458 IS : 554 IS : 778 Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of Vertical Mild Steel cylindrical welded oil storage tanks. Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild steel. Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders. Code of procedure for inspection of welds. Black hexagonal bolts, nuts and locknuts (dia 6 to 39 mm) and black hexagon screws (dia to 24 mm). Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners. Specification for weldable structural steel. Steel plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and High temperature service including boilers. Code of unfired pressure vessels. Manhole and inspection opening for chemical equipment. Specification for formed ends for tanks and pressure vessels. Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes Rubber Lining. Concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement). Pipe thread for pressure tight joints. Gunmetal gate, globe and check valves for general purpose.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
IS : 14846 IS : 783 IS : 1239 IS : 1363 IS : 1364 IS : 1536 IS : 1537 IS : 1538 IS : 1703 IS : 2062 IS : 2379 IS : 2685 IS : 2712 IS : 2825 IS : 3006 IS : 3114 IS : 3042 IS : 3589 IS : 3952 IS : 4038 IS : 4192 IS : 4736 IS : 4984 IS : 4985 IS : 5312 ASTM-A 106 ASTM - 53 AWWA-C-504 AWWA M11 ANSI:B - 16.5 ANSI:B - 31.1 IS : 1520 IS : 5120 IS : 5639 IS : 5659 IS: 1710 IS: 5120 HIS IS 10221 Sluice valves for water purpose. Code of practice for laying RCC pipes. Mild steel tubes and fittings - Part I & II. Black hexagon bolts, nuts and lock nuts. Precision and semi-precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts and lock nuts. Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes for water, gas and sewage. Vertically cast iron pressure pipe for water, gas and sewage. Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. Ball valves (horizontal) plunger type including floats for water supply purposes. Structural steel fusion welding quality. Colour for the identification of pipe line. Code of practice for erection, installation, and maintenance of sluice valves. Gaskets. Code of unfired pressure vessels. Acid resistant SWG Pipe. Code of practice for CI Pipes. Single faced sluice gates (200 to 1200 mm). Electrically welded steel pipes for Water gas & sewage (200 to 2000 mm). Cast Iron butterfly valves for general purposes. Foot valve for water works purposes. Part-I Rubber lining. Hot dip zinc coating on steel tubes. High Density polyethylene pipes. Unplasticised PVC Pipes. Swing check type reflux (non-return) valve Part-I. Gr.C Seamless carbon steel pipe. Seamless carbon steel. Rubber seated butterfly valve. Steel Pipe A Guide for design and installation. Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings. Power Piping code Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps for clear cold fresh water. Technical requirements of rotodynamic special purpose pumps Pumps Handling Chemicals & corrosion liquids. Pumps for process water Vertical Turbine Pumps for clear cold fresh water. Technical requirement of rotor dynamic special purpose pumps. Hydraulic Institute Standards U.S.A. Code of practice for coating and wrapping of
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
IS:8034 IS:5120 IS:1435 underground mild steel pipelines. Submersible pumps for clear cold fresh water Technical requirement of Rotodynamic Special Purpose pumps. Specification for Platform Weighing Machines
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
ANNEXURE-5A 5A.0 SCOPE OF WORK Typical scope of supply of Water Treatment System for 2 x 500MW thermal power plant is described as follows: 5A.1 5A.1.1 Mechanical Raw water pump house a) Four (4) number vertical wet pit type raw water pumps complete with motor & accessories with three (2 working + 1 standby) for pre-treatment plant raw water supply and one for emergency ash handling plant water supply. b) Discharge piping up to aerator and ash handling system along with isolation valves, non-return valves and RE joints etc. at discharge of each pump. c) Removable protective screens, sluice gate(s) for each chamber. 5A.1.2 Pre-Treatment Plant a) Set of control valve with upstream and downstream isolation valve and a motorized by pass valve at the inlet to aerator b) One (1) number aerator cum stilling chamber of RCC construction with inlet channels to individual clarifiers along with isolation gates. c) One (1) number flow measuring element (parshall flume) of RCC Construction in inlet channel of each clarifier. d) Two (2) x 60% reactor type clarifiers of RCC construction, along with associated equipment and drives. e) One (1) number complete sludge handling system consisting of one number RCC sludge pit (2 sections) of minimum capacity 400 m3, sludge bleeding arrangement (manual & timer operated), sludge piping from clarifiers up to the pit, associated valves etc., three (3) x 50% sludge disposal pumps (vertical and non-clog type) with drives and associated valves, piping etc. up to thickener, emergency sludge disposal piping from sludge disposal pumps up to bottom ash slurry pit, two(2) x 100% air blowers of oil free type, its drives and associated accessories, piping from blowers to each section of the sludge pit for air scouring of sludge. f) Two storey chemical house of RCC construction for chemical handling, weighing, preparation & dosing system for each type of chemical and storage for one month requirement of each chemical to be dosed in pretreatment section.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
g) One no. partly underground twin compartment clarified water storage tank of RCC construction for half an hour capacity of plant (two hours in case CT make up is supplied by gravity from clarifier) clarified water requirement at full load. h) Underground type clarified water pump house of RCC with following pumps complete with motor, accessories, suction and delivery piping up to final delivery point, non-return valves & isolation valves at the discharge, discharge header etc: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) ix) i) 3 x 50% CT make up pumps 3 x 50% DM plant feed pumps 2 x 100% service water pumps 2 x 100% potable water pumps 2 x 100% chlorination pumps 2 x 50% APH wash pumps 2x100% capacity dewatering pumps Any other pumps/equipment envisaged during detailed engineering.
Overhead filter water storage tank of RCC, of capacity minimum 5m3, for supplying water for chemical preparation located on top of chemical house with water supply line associated valves, piping, fittings etc.
DM plant a) Three (3) x 50 % streams of DM plant. Each stream shall consist of: Pressure filter with accessories Activated carbon filter with accessories Cation exchanger with accessories Degasser system consisting of degasser tower, 2 x 100% degasser blower with drive & accessories, degassed water storage tank, degassed water transfer pump with drive & accessories. v) Base anion exchangers with accessories vi) Mixed bed exchanger with accessories b) Regeneration equipment for cation, anion & mixed bed units including: Chemical preparation/ measuring tanks- 2 x 100% for cation (acid) and 2 x 100% for anion (alkali), and 2x100% each of acid and alkali for mixed bed regeneration ii) Regeneration pumps (2 x 100% degassed water & 2 x 100% DM water) with drive & accessories. iii) MB Regeneration blowers (2 x 100%) with drive & accessories. iv) Ejectors c) Four (4) number power cycle DM make-up pumps, 2 x 100% for each unit complete with drive motor, accessories and piping up to the main plant terminal point. i) i) ii) iii) iv)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
d) Two 2) x 100% Boiler fill pumps complete with drive motor, accessories and piping up to the main plant terminal point. e) Sodium sulphite dosing system consisting of 2 x 100% dosing tanks with agitators & 2 x 100% dosing pumps. f) Acid receiving, unloading, storage facility including storage tanks for one month (minimum 50 m3) requirement consisting of 2 x 50% bulk acid storage tanks and 2x 100% unloading pumps with hoses. g) Alkali receiving, unloading, storage facility including storage tanks (minimum 20 m3) consisting of 2 x 50% bulk alkali storage tanks and 2 x 100% unloading pumps with hoses. h) Three (3) number DM water storage tanks for total of 24 hours of DM water requirement of the plant at full load operation. i) Drain neutralisation system including twin compartment RCC neutralising pit, sumps & trenches, priming chambers, two (2) x 100 % disposal pumps with drive, accessories and MSRL piping up to CMB, alkali & acid measuring tanks (2 x 100% each) etc. Overhead filtered water storage tank of RCC, of capacity minimum 5m3, for supplying water for fume absorbers & safety shower of DM plant.
Potable and Service Water System a) Potable water plant comprising of 2 x 100% pressure filters, 2 x 100% air blowers, potable water storage tanks (2 x 50 m3) of RCC and distribution piping through out the plant. Any other treatment if essentially required to make the filtered water as potable water of acceptable quality shall also be provided. b) Piping, including valves & fittings up to the inlet chamber of raw water pumps for disposal of filter backwash waste water. c) Overhead service water tanks (2 x 100 m3) of RCC and distribution piping through out the plant.
Chlorination Plant The following equipment shall be provided for each chlorination stream of raw & potable water chlorination: a) Chlorine containers
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
i. Raw water chlorination-minimum 900 kg capacity -4 nos or one month requirement, whichever is higher. ii. Potable water chlorination- 65 kg capacity - 3 nos or one month requirement , whichever is higher. b) Chlorine gas strainer- 2 x 100% per stream c) Evaporator (for Raw water chlorinator)-One for each stream d) Pressure regulating valve- one per stream e) Chlorinator- one per stream f) Suction strainer for chlorinator water booster pump-one for each pump g) Chlorinator water booster pump with piping-One for each stream h) Flexible connector pipes i) Liquid chlorine & gas pipelines, j) Residual chlorine analyser, leak detection and safety equipment, chlorine absorption system etc. 5A.1.6 Waste water treatment plant a) Sludge treatment system i) One number sludge thickener of adequate capacity (minimum 3 % of maximum raw water inlet to both clarifiers). ii) 3 x 50% thickened sludge transfer pumps along with drives & accessories. iii) 2 x 100% dewatering polyelectrolyte tanks & 2 x 100% dosing pumps. iv) 5 x 25% centrifuges (4W +1S) of SS316 construction along with drives & accessories. v) 4 no closed dumper trucks, each of 9T capacity. b) Boiler Blow Down i) Two (2) number Boiler Blow Down (BBD) collection sumps of RCC, one for each unit. ii) 2 x 100% BBD transfer pumps (for each sump) , its drives, associated piping , valves etc. up to CMB c) Plant service water waste i) One (1) number RCC waste service water (2 sections) sump for collection of waste service water by tapping waste water main plant drains and required connection from the plant drain up to the sump. ii) 2 x 100% plant service waste water transfer pumps, its drives, associated piping, valves etc. iii) One (1) number tube settler/ lamella clarifier of RCC Construction along with RCC flash mixer. iv) Sludge Pipeline (Cast Iron) with associated valves from the tube settlers/ lamella clarifiers up to the sludge pit of Clarifiers of PT plant by gravity flow/ pumping.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
d) Coal pile area run offs i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Two (2) no. Inlet connection channel from the Coal Stockyard area drains upto the Coal Slurry Settling Pond (CSSP) to transfer waste water laden with coal dust to the CSSP. Two (2) numbers of CSSP of RCC Construction along with bye-pass weir to be provided for bypassing clear water to the nearby storm drain during rainfall One no. RCC (twin section) decanted water sump for collection of overflow water. Two (2) numbers (1W+1S) coal decanted water pumps along with its drives, associated piping, Valves etc. Two (2) numbers portable submersible type pumps for draining the water from the CSSP, with hose pipes etc. By pass arrangement before settling pond & after overflow collection sump during rainfall.
e) Central Monitoring basin (2 sections) of RCC construction and capacity 1000 m3or four hours (whichever is higher). f) 2 x 100% final effluent disposal pumps & overflow system for final disposal of treated water from CMB along with its drives, associated piping , valves etc up to the coal dust suppression system, plantation, dry fly ash collection system etc. 5A.1.7 Resins, filter media, degasser tower packing etc. for all types of vessels covered under the specification. Safety shower & eye wash facility for DM plant chemical area (storage & regeneration) & chlorination plant. The concrete filling of all pressure vessels & ion exchange units, if required. Service/ instrument air distribution piping for entire plant water system. All integral and interconnecting piping, globe valves, diaphragms valves, gate valves, control valves and all types of pipe supports, flanges, nuts, bolts and gaskets, cable racks, pipe/ cable bridges and clamping arrangements required for entire water treatment plant system covered in scope of work. Material handling equipment such Electrically operated monorail hoist, chain pulley blocks etc. for pump houses (including sludge pumps), centrifuge building, thickened sludge pumps & chemical houses for operation and maintenance of the equipment. Air conditioning of control room and ventilation of various buildings covered under the scope of work.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
5A.1.14 Supply of all types of chemicals, greases, lubricants etc. Suitable standard lubricants as available in India shall be supplied. One set of necessary tools and tackles required for operation and maintenance of the plant. Adequate number of weighing scales as required. Civil works i) The civil works shall include to cover providing all labour, materials, construction equipment, tools and plant, scaffolding, supplies, transportation, all incidental items necessary for successful completion of the work. The work shall involve earthwork in excavation, de-watering, shoring and strutting, sheet piling, back filling around completed structures and plinth protection, area paving, disposal of surplus excavated materials, piling, concreting including reinforcement and form work, brick work, culverts, CW ducts, fabrication and erection of structural / miscellaneous steel works, inserts, architectural items & finishes such as plastering, painting, flooring, acid/alkali proof lining, doors, windows & ventilators, glass and glazing, rolling shutters etc., permanently colour coated profiled steel sheeting, anchor bolts, R.C.C. trenches with covers, laying and testing of water pipes, sanitation, water supply, drainage, damp proofing, water proofing and other ancillary items. All buildings shall be complete with all electrical, civil, structural, architectural works, cable trenches, fire safety walls, foundation, earth mat, fencing, earthing for transformers. All cables, duct banks, trenches, cable trestles shall be complete with associated civil/ structural work and necessary civil foundations. Buildings/ facilities to be provided shall include raw water reservoir, raw water pump house, aerator, stilling chamber, inlet/outlet channels, clarifiers, chemical house, sludge sump, sludge pump house, clarified water storage tank, clarified water pump house, DM plant building, degassed water storage tanks, DM water pump house, neutralizing pit, potable water tanks, service water tanks & chlorination plants building including ton container storage, waste water treatment plant sumps/ tanks, central monitoring basin, thickener, centrifuge house etc. Scope shall also include supply and laying earthing mat all around the periphery of buildings, structures, and outdoor equipments, as per the approved drawings. Access roads to all buildings/facilities including construction and maintenance of temporary access roads for approach to the building/facilities for construction/erection activities. Electrical works i) There shall be one no. 415V switchgears located each in Raw water pump house and DM plant building. Power supply to raw water pumps and fire water pumps shall be provided from Raw water pump house switchgear and supply to other areas viz. Pretreatment, Clarified water, Chlorination plant, DM water etc. shall be provided from DM plant switchgear.
5A.1.16 5A.2
iii) iv)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
ii) Power supply to various drives and equipments of lamella and CMB disposal pumps shall also be arranged from DM plant switchgear. However, power supply to various collection sumps covered under waste water treatment plant shall be arranged from nearby switchgear/ MCC, as these are generally distinctly located. Two no. Incoming power supply feeders of 2x100% capacity for each of the above switchgear shall be provided from 415V Station Switchboard separately. Further, distribution of power supply for putting water treatment system into successful operation shall be in the scope of work of supplier. Separate DC supply feeders shall also be provided at main plant DC board. Typically, following electrical equipments shall be included: a) 415V Switchgears b) Power and Control Cables c) Cable laying along with cabling accessories, Cable trays and termination/ jointing kits of cables, and fire sealing d) Motors e) DC distribution boards (if required) f) Complete illumination system for internal and external lighting of associated plant and building g) Complete grounding and lightning protections and its interconnection with nearest earth mat h) Emergency stop push button for all motors 5A.4 i) C& I works Control Desk cum Panel housing CRT/ keyboard, annunciator in DM plant control room. Microprocessor based programmable logic control (PLC) system, located in DM plant control room, for operation, control and monitoring of the entire water treatment system comprising of (a) Raw water system, (b) Pre-treatment plant, (c) DM plant and (d) Waste Water Disposal System. One number operator work station and one number programmers work station shall be provided common for both units. It shall be possible to monitor the DM plant from the main DCS in the Unit Control Room through serial link. Local control facility for operation and control of various drives in clarifier in pre treatment plant (i.e. rake mechanism drive motor, flocculator agitator motors, sludge motor etc.) located on each clarifier bridge. Relay based local control panel for chlorination system in chlorination system control room with status in DM plant control room. Local control facility for waste water disposal system pumps Instrumentation and control cables including cables laying and termination.
v) vi)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500W or above) Section- 5 (Water Treatment Plant)
vii) Power supply system for C&I system including redundant UPS system, batteries, charges etc. The necessary instrumentation viz. flow, pH, conductivity indicator/ transmitter, silica analyser and recording devices along with all necessary, level switches, pressure gauges etc shall be provided for complete water treatment plant.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
6.1 i)
INTRODUCTION Circulating water system is provided for supplying water to the condenser for condensing the LP turbine exhaust steam. It is also used for secondary cooling of boiler and turbine auxiliaries. The circulating water system may be of once through type or closed cycle recirculating type using cooling tower. Once through condenser cooling system is used for direct cooling of the condenser when cooling water is available in abundance such as sea water for coastal power stations. Closed cycle condenser cooling system using cooling towers is employed when plant water is drawn from fresh water sources such as river, canal, lake, and reservoir. As per MOE&Fs stipulation dated 2.1.1999, the power plants installed after 1.6.1999 and based on fresh water sources to meet their water requirement are not permitted for adoption of once through condenser cooling system keeping in view thermal pollution aspects of the source water body. As such, all inland power plants have to adopt the cooling towers. Sea water based cooling towers are also adopted at coastal sites depending upon techno-economic considerations. Two types of cooling towers are adopted - mechanical induced draft type or natural draft type depending upon techno-economics involving capital cost and operating expenses and consideration of site specific issues. In general, mechanical induced draft tower are preferred for power plants located near the pit head as operating expenses are low on account of lower cost of power generation at the pit head, and natural draft tower are preferred for the power plants located at load centers (far off from pit head) as these do not involve any rotating equipment, thus saving on costly power. Air flow rate through NDCT depends upon density difference between ambient air and relatively hot & humid light air inside the tower. For sites with considerable duration of high summer ambient temperatures coupled with low relative humidity values adequate density difference would not be available for proper design and operational performance of NDCT. For such sites IDCT should be preferred over NDCT. In case of once through system, desilting arrangement and traveling water screens of appropriate mesh size are provided at the intake section to prevent debris and biological species in source water from entering to cooling water and plant water systems. In case of sea water based cooling water system, debris filters of appropriate mesh size shall be provided at upstream section of
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
condenser for further removing debris from the cooling water and thus reducing fouling of condenser tubes. vi) Typical scope of work for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant is indicated at Annexure 6A. Drawing no. CEA-TETD-AS-04 titled Typical flow diagram for CW system for 2 x 500MW coal based thermal power plant is enclosed. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Circulating water Pumps i) For majority of the plants, the CW system envisaged is recirculation type system using clarified water with cooling towers. CW pumps supply cold water from cooling towers into intake ducts/ pipe headers to pass it through the condensers and plate heat exchangers of auxiliary cooing system. Hot water from the condensers/plate heat exchangers (PHE) is taken to the cooling towers through discharge ducts/ pipe headers. CW pumps are normally of vertical wet pit type. However, concrete volute pumps are also used, particularly for sea water applications. The discharge of CW pumps for one unit is connected to a common pipe header (separate for each unit). Circulating water from CW pump house is supplied to the plant condensers located in the main plant building and from outlet of the condensers to the cooling towers of individual unit. Cooling water for PHEs is tapped from upstream of the condenser and return hot water piping is connected back to the downstream of the respective condenser. Separate set of pumps (ACW pumps, to be installed in CW pump house), may also be provided to supply cooling water for PHEs. Cold water from the cooling towers flows under gravity to the CW pump house through an open cold water channel. Each unit is provided with independent intake and discharge steel lined duct for circulating water. The CW pump house shall be provided with trash rack and stop logs. The water level in the CW pump house fore-bay/sump shall be regulated/ controlled by means of butterfly valve in the CW makeup line. Cooling Towers As mentioned earlier, two types of cooling towers are adopted - mechanical induced draft type or natural draft type. The mechanical induced draft type cooling tower is of single or double inlet, cross flow or counter flow type with the fans located on top of the tower. The natural draft type cooling tower is of counter flow or cross flow type with draft for air flow through the packing provided by buoyancy effect of hot and humid air inside the tower shell as compared to outside ambient air. Packing can be of
ii) iii)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
splash type or film type. However, splash type packing is preferred for both types of cooling towers. 6.2.3 i) CW Make- up and Treatment System Circulating water quality in terms of desired COC is maintained by effecting blow down from colder side i.e. discharge of CW pumps and used in low grade applications such as ash handling system, coal dust suppression & gardening etc. Water loss due to evaporation, drift & blow down is replenished by make-up water supplied by CW make-up water pumps installed in the clarified water pump house. For preventing the microbiological growth in the CW system, chlorine dosing is provided. Shock dosing of Chlorine is carried out in the fore bay of CW pump house. Apart from chlorine dosing in the circulating water, dosing of sulphuric acid, scale inhibitor, corrosion inhibitor and biocide inhibitor as required is done for the control of scale formation, corrosion and organic fouling in the CW & ACW system. Side stream (SS) filters are provided in clarified water based closed cycle cooling water system to reduce the turbidity in circulating water on account of suspended solids in make up water and atmospheric dust ingress through cooling tower. The SS filters shall treat a fraction of circulating water, of the order of 2% of CW flow.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
cooling rate by 5 to 8 percent (depending on salt concentration). Approach temperatures used for design of towers must consider the effect salt water has on tower performance. For instance, if a 4C approach temperature is considered practical for fresh water based cooling tower, 5C approach would be acceptable for a salt-water system. Keeping in view the discharge water temperature limitations for coastal power plants, cooling tower blow down is effected from the colder side of CW circuit i.e. from the discharge header of CW pumps. The blow down is partially used for ash handling and remaining blow down is discharged back to sea. For construction of sea water based cooling towers organic corrosion inhibitor (MCI Type) is mixed in concrete above water zone. A 2mm thick 100% solid polyurethane coating is applied on all concrete & steel members in water zone and hot water basin to protect the surface from the effect of sea water. Distribution piping of PVC perform well in salt water service. The fan blades may be of glass reinforced polyester or epoxy coated aluminum. Gear reducers, bearing housings and fan hubs may be made of cast iron provided they are protected with a heavy coating of epoxy enamel. Mechanical equipment supports and welded steel fan hubs should also be protected with a heavy coating of epoxy enamel. Since stainless steel resists salt water very well in areas which are highly aerated, drive shafts and fasteners in the mechanical equipment should be made with type 316 stainless steel. 6.4 6.4.1 DESIGN CRITERIA Capacities for a typical 1000MW unit (2 x 500MW) are as follows:
S.No 1 2
Numbers 8 (6 Working +2Standby) IDCT 4 (2 for each unit) OR NDCT 2 (1 for each unit) 4 streams
Capacity 24,000 m3/h each 33,300 m3/h each with cooling range of 9.5 deg C 66,600 m3/h each with cooling range of 9.5 deg C 225 kg/h each 225 m3/h each
3 4
CW pumps The CW pumps shall be provided on unit basis. The standby pumps shall be provided common to more than one unit depending upon total number of CW pumps.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
CW pumps shall be of vertical wet pit type, non pull out type, mixed flow design with single stage impeller suitable for continuous heavy duty application. These pumps shall be directly driven by a constant speed squirrel cage induction motor. i) Rated discharge The rated capacity of the CW pump(s) shall be as per cooling water requirement of the condenser and secondary cooling water requirement of plate type heat exchangers. If separate set of auxiliary cooling water pumps are provided for heat exchangers, the capacity of CW pumps shall get reduced accordingly. For design of CW pumps, the requirement of cooling water for the condenser shall be taken corresponding to operation of the unit at VWO (valve wide operation) condition with design condenser pressure and 3% cycle make up. ii) Total head Total head of the pump shall be calculated as a sum of the following: a) Static lift from minimum water level in CW sump to center line elevation of hot water distribution header in the cooling tower (in case of closed cycle system) or condenser seal pit level (in case of open cycle system). b) Discharge velocity head c) Friction drop in the entire CW system with minimum 10% margin. d) The bowl head of the pump shall be calculated by adding the losses through the pump column, discharge elbow and entry losses at suction to the total head of the pump as calculated above. e) The selected head of CW pump shall provide for adequate margin so that pumps are capable of supplying equipment design flow at 47.5 Hz frequency of power supply. 6.4.3 i) Cooling Tower The cooling tower(s) shall be designed for a flow rate corresponding to maximum cooling water requirement of the condenser and auxiliary cooling water system. The design range of the cooling tower shall be equal to design temperature rise across the condenser plus one deg.C for IDCT and shall be equal to design temperature rise across the condenser for NDCT. The design wet bulb temperature of the cooling tower shall correspond to the ambient wet bulb temperature which is not exceeded by more than 5% of the time during four (4) summer months in an average year plus recirculation allowance (applicable for IDCT only). The recirculation allowance as per Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) code shall be considered
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
iv) For natural draft cooling tower, the design relative humidity shall be appropriately selected based on annual variation of relative humidity in combination with annual variation of wet bulb temperature. The design approach to the design wet bulb temperature for arriving at the design cold water temperature shall generally not exceed 5 deg C for mechanical induced draft cooling tower and 6 deg C for natural draft cooling tower. Side stream filtration Side stream filters shall be designed to filter about 2% of the total CW & ACW flow. The filters shall be designed for maximum flow velocity of 10m3/h/m2. 6.4.5 Chlorination Shock dosing of chlorine shall be done in the forebay for half an hour per shift for a shift of 8 hours. Dosing rate of 5 ppm shall be considered for design of CW chlorination plant. 6.5 6.5.1 i) DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND BROAD FEATURES Mechanical Equipment / Systems CW Pumps Pump speed & cavitations The suction specific speed available (i.e. specific speed calculated with available NPSH) shall not be greater than 8500 US units at minimum water level. Pump speed shall be based on the suction specific speed available. The design, construction and speed of the pumps shall be such as to minimize cavitations and ensure a long and trouble free service. The suction specific speed required (i.e. specific speed calculated with NPSH required) of the pump shall not exceed 12000 US units. Net positive suction head required (NPSHR) shall be less than Net positive suction head available (NPSHA) during all operating conditions including run out condition. ii) Drive motor rating Continuous motor rating (at specified design ambient conditions) for CW pump shall be at least ten percent (10%) above the maximum load demand of the driven equipment in the entire operating range to take care of system frequency variation. iii) Pump characteristics a) The pump shall have stable head capacity characteristics continuously rising towards shut off conditions.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
b) All the pumps shall be identical to one another and shall have identical characteristic curves and shall be capable of running in parallel continuously without any restriction.
c) The pumps shall operate satisfactorily single or in parallel without cavitations or any deleterious effects, undue vibration or noise at all water levels from minimum to maximum. d) The rated duty point for circulating water pumps shall preferably be within 2 to 3% of best efficiency point. iv) Critical speed The operating speed of the pump shall not be too close to the first critical speed, i.e. N should be less that 0.8 NC1 or greater than 1.3 NC1 Where N = Operating speed NC1 = First critical speed First critical speed should be more than reverse run away speed. v) Pump sump Sump design for the CW pump house shall meet the requirements of Hydraulic institute Standards (HIS), USA. vi) Hydraulic transient study Hydraulic transient analysis shall be carried out for the complete CW system to decide the following: a) Pump discharge valve closing sequence and rate of closure for pump stopping and pump tripping conditions. b) Number, size and location of air release valves. c) Condenser inlet and outlet valve closure rate. d) Pump discharge valve opening sequence and rate of opening during pump start-up condition. vii) Hydrostatic test for CW pump The pump bowl, column and discharge head assembly shall be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic test pressure equal to twice the bowl discharge pressure at rated capacity or 1.5 times the shut off head, whichever is greater.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
viii) Model test of CW pumps For the specific speed of the offered pumps, the bidder should have carried out the model study. The specific speed of the model tested should lie within + 5% of the specific speed of the pump offered. In case model test has already been not conducted, a model test for the offered CW pump shall be conducted to predict the performance of the prototype. Model test shall be conducted in vertical position and shall include the cavitations test. The model pump head should be the same as the head of the prototype pump, and should be run at such a speed that the specific speed is the same as that of the prototype. i) Cooling tower Arrangement and Spacing of IDCT The axis of the mechanical induced draft cooling tower shall be oriented along the summer wind direction. Adequate clear space shall be provided on both the air inlet sides of the cooling tower as per requirements of the relevant codes. For installation of more than one cooling tower, the arrangement and minimum distance between two adjacent cooling towers shall be as per recommendations of CTI Code of USA. ii) Spare Cells for Mechanical Draft Tower The number of spare cells per tower shall be one number in case of double air inlet cells and shall be two nos. in case of single air inlet cells. All the cells including spare cell (s) shall be identical in shape, size and capacity. iii) Cooling tower structure The RCC structures of the cooling tower including structures either in contact with falling water or moisture/ water vapor shall be designed as uncracked and as stipulated in IS :11504-1985. The platforms, staircases, walkways etc. shall be designed as per IS: 456 and IS: 800. iv) Cooling tower basin a) The basin shall be designed for a water depth of at least 1.0m from minimum water level with free board of at least 0.50 m above maximum water level. The basin and cold water discharge channel shall be capable of handling 120% of the design flow without any overflow. The basin outlet shall be sized for a water velocity not exceeding 1.0 m/sec at minimum water level. b) The Cold water basin including sump, partition wall, sludge pits, cold water channel, stop log gate, and hot water basin shall be designed considering water upto full level in the basin and no water on other side. The permissible leakage from stop log gate shall not exceed the stipulations of relevant IS codes or 15 litres per meter run of the contact whichever is lower.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
c) The basin floor shall have slope of minimum one in 120 from towards the drain sump in the cooling tower. For ND tower, the basin shall be divided into two equal parts by water tight RCC partition for the purpose of cleaning and maintenance. From the drain sump, water shall flow into an external sludge sump of adequate capacity. Arrangement for drainage of water/ sludge from the sump shall be provided. d) Cold water outlet shall be provided with a removable flow measuring weir, a trash rack and a steel stop log gate. Suitable handling arrangement with a monorail and a chain operated hoist will be provided. v) Packing/ fill a) The splash type packing shall be of either pre-stressed concrete or PVC type. The packing/ fill material shall be easily installable and shall promote a high rate of heat transfer consistent with low resistance to air flow. The packing shall provide for easy and free access of air to its all parts, and maintain uniform water and air distribution throughout the packing/ fill volume. The packing/ fill material shall be highly resistant to deterioration and shall be fire retardant. b) The splash bars shall be horizontal and adequately supported to prevent sagging and damage. The water shall be uniformly distributed over the splash bars and no channelling should occur in any part of the tower. c) The PVC material shall be ultraviolet ray stabilized using titanium dioxide. Only virgin PVC material shall be used and finished fills shall be white or light cream in colour. vi) Drift eliminators The drift eliminators shall be designed to keep the drift loss to a minimum and the same shall not exceed 0.05% of total water in circulation. The drift loss shall be kept to a minimum by providing proper number of air flow direction changes across the eliminators. vii) Induced draft fan a) Induced draft fans shall be of axial/ propeller type having aerofoil section blades with provision of pitch adjustment unto +5 deg. from the normal setting. The blades shall provide uniform velocity from hub to tip with low noise and vibration. b) The number of blades shall not exceed twelve (12) and the blade tip velocity shall not exceed 65 m/sec. c) All the rotating parts of fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced as per ISO 1940, Gr- 6.3. d) The fan characteristic curves shall be developed based on model study of geometrically similar fan in a wind tunnel test.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
viii) Reduction gear box a) The reduction gear box shall be heavy duty type suitable for installation in outdoor and humid environment. The gear drive shall be enclosed type and shall operate in oil bath. The gear shall be of spiral bevel or worm type and the reduction may be accomplished either in single stage or multistage. b) The design rating of the gear box shall be arrived at after considering a minimum service factor of 2.0 and thermal derating effects at 50 deg. C. The piping for oil level gauge/dipstick and thermometer shall facilitate draining and refilling of oil from outside the stack. c) The gear boxes shall utilize non-hygroscopic oil for lubrication and its temperature shall be kept within the recommended limits during all operating conditions. The guaranteed life of reduction gear unit shall not be less than one (1) lakh hours.
d) Each fan unit shall be fitted with a low oil level and high vibration cut out switches which may be preferably mounted on the gear box. ix) Fan motor a) The CT fans including motors shall be designed with adequate margins so as to meet the rated performance at 45 C ambient temperature and 47.5 Hz frequency of power supply. b) To protect the motor against corrosion resulting from drift from the cooling tower, suitable concrete housing shall be provided with adequate ventilation. i) Natural Draft Cooling Tower Arrangement and Spacing of NDCT For natural draft cooling towers, the clear distance between two adjacent cooling towers at still level shall be kept at least half the diameter of the tower at basin sill level as provided in IS:11504-1975. ii) Specific Requirements of NDCT a) Four (4) nos. aviation warning lights (GEO ZH 750 aviation neon low intensity or equivalent) shall be provided at the top each cooling tower, spaced 90 degree apart and shall meet the recommendations of ICAQ and Director General of Civil Aviation, India. The Aviation warning lighting system shall also conform to the latest Indian Standard IS :4998. The photoelectric light detectors installed for monitoring the north sky shall cause the control unit to energise the aviation lighting system when the north sky illumination on the vertical surface decreases below 35 candles and deenergised when the same increases beyond 58 candles. b) The following loads shall be considered for the design of cooling towers:
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
i) Dead Load ii) Wind load as per IS:875-1987 (latest) iii) Earthquake forces as per IS:1893 latest (corresponding to Zone iii) iv) Loads due to temperature effects: The temperature difference between the inside and the outside faces of the cooling tower shall be considered as per thermic design but not less than 10 deg. C. Further, a temperature variation of 50 deg.C shall be considered for each face on account of suns radiation. v) Constructional loads vi) Loads due to foundation settlement, if ay vii) Any other load likely to act on cooling tower viii) Loads due to aerodynamic effect The combination of different loads for design purposes shall be in accordance with IS:875-1987 (latest). c) The inclination of the raker columns shall closely match with the meridionial slope at the base of the integral shell so that the load transfer to foundation takes place predominantly as axial force in the columns. The basin wall shall be integral with the thickened pedestals under the raker columns and shall be designed as uncracked section as per IS:3370. d) The tower shall be designed as per IS: 11504-1985. The shell shall be designed as a uncracked section and the permissible tensile stresses in concrete as given in IS: 456-1978 shall not be exceeded. The pile foundations (cast in situ driven piles) shall be used for the cooling tower and shall be designed in accordance with IS : 2911 (Part I/Sec 1 II and III-1979). i) Design of CW Ducts CW Duct CW duct from CW Pump house up to condensers and from condenser to cooling towers shall be steel pipe encased in reinforced cement concrete. The steel pipes shall be encased in concrete of grade minimum 20 and minimum thickness of concrete shall be 300 mm all-round up to 2100 mm dia pipe and 500mm allround for higher dia pipes. The minimum thickness of steel pipe shall be as follows including corrosion allowance of 5mm. a) For pipes up to 2200mm dia 12mm. 14 mm. 16 mm.
b) For pipes from 2200mm dia to 3200 mm dia c) For pipes greater than 3200 mm dia ii) Air release valve -
The air release valves shall be provided on CW pump discharge and CW ducts/ piping. These valves shall be of double air kinetic type to function as automatic
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
air-release-cum-vacuum breaker valve(s) with their number and size as per hydraulic transient study. i) CW Chlorination plant The chlorination plant shall be complete with ton containers, evaporators, expansion chambers, gas filters, chlorinators, ejectors, booster pumps, chlorine liquid and gas pipelines, fittings, valves, mechanical exhaust system for 35 air changes per hour, and all necessary instruments, interlocks & protections etc. The complete installation shall meet the requirements of Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur, India and the statutory regulations prevalent in India. Layout and design etc. of the chlorination system shall be got approved from the Chief Controller of Explosive, by the bidder before commencement of work. Ton Containers Filled chlorine ton-containers, capacity not less than 900 kg, shall be provided to store chlorine in liquid vapour phase. Each Chlorine Ton-Container will be mounted on two (2) nos. metallic bracket type Roller Supports. These brackets will be mounted on civil foundation and all necessary anchor bolts, inserts, nuts etc. Automatic switchover system shall be provided with manifolds, valves, instruments & fittings. Material of construction shall conform to ASTM -A-285 Gr.C The chlorine ton containers and auxiliary tonner valves shall be of approved design by the Chief Controller of Explosives. The number of tonne containers to be provided shall be for twenty (20) days requirement of chlorine dosing for the plant. iv) Evaporator Electrically heated constant temperature water bath type evaporator shall be provided to vaporise liquid chlorine into gas form for further feeding into the chlorinator. Vaporizer body for evaporator shall be Seamless steel tubes as per ASTM-A-106 Gr.B and Flanges of IS: 2002 Gr. B Plates. v) Chlorinators Chlorinator shall be of vacuum solution feed type. Chlorinator Cabinet will be fibreglass, self colored, resistant to corrosion by chlorine gas and chlorinated water solution. The chlorinator shall be complete with vacuum regulation valve (automatic), automatic pressure and vacuum relief valve, chlorine feed rate adjuster, adjustable throat ejector with ball check valve, vacuum trimmer and drain relief valve, ejector power water supply system, pressure vacuum and flow rate gauges etc. Chlorine gas strainer, 2 x 100% (for each chlorinator), shall be provided. MOC shall be Carbon steel and filter media shall be spun fibre glass wool.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
Motive water for the chlorination plant shall be tapped from the CW pumps discharge header and its pressure shall be boosted by 3 x 50% capacity centrifugal pumps as per requirement of the chlorinators. Suction strainers, Bourdon Gauge with diaphragm seal type, shall be provided for each pump. vi) Chlorine Leak detection and safety equipment The leak detectors shall be provided in the chlorinator and evaporator areas as well cylinder area. All working tonners shall be provided with full hoods & others with half hoods, interconnected & leading to the neutralisation tower of leak absorption system. Automatic chlorine leak detection & absorption system shall be provided for tonners. The chlorine leak absorption system shall be sized for absorption and neutralisation of about one tonne chlorine leakage within one hour. The principle of operation for absorption system is to pass the leaked chlorine along with ambient air to the neutralisation tower (with counter flow of absorbent) for chlorine absorption. i) CW dosing system CW dosing shall be designed keeping in view the following requirements: a) Corrosion rate in mild steel part of the system component shall not exceed 3 mpy as measured by mutually agreed procedures. b) Scale shall not exceed 15 Mg per square decimetre of the total internal tube surface area of the condensers of the units in one year. b) Corrosion rate on stainless steel shall not exceed 1 mpy as measured by mutually agreed procedure. c) pH 7-8 d) Turbidity- < 20 NTU f) Non-toxic effluent. No treatment should be required for the blow down water. ii) Acid dosing a) Acid dosing system (98% H2SO4) shall be provided for pH correction in CW system and sulphuric acid shall be used for this purpose. b) The pH of CW system shall be analysed in a sampling station. This analysis would be used to proportionally control the addition of sulphuric acid by stroke control of the dosing pumps in order to maintain pH within the operation range of around 7-8. A pH recorder shall be installed on the local control panel near the acid dosing unit.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
e) Design and configuration of sulphuric acid storage tank (CS construction), acid measuring tanks, unloading system etc. shall be shall be as indicated in water treatment section. f) Acid measuring tanks, pumps etc. shall be sized considering minimum dosage rate of 150 ppm based on CW make up flow rate and for 24 hours dosing requirement of the plant. iii) Chemical inhibitor dosing a) Suitable scale, corrosion & biocide inhibitor shall be fed to prevent deposition of scales on heat transfer surfaces. The chemical inhibitors shall be of non-foaming & non-toxic type. b) The dosing chemicals proposed shall be freely available in India. Heavy metals based chemicals such as chromate; zinc etc. shall not be acceptable. Further, the chemicals shall not have any deleterious affect on any component of the CW system. Organic polymer / organic phosphorous / organic phosphate based chemical shall be used. c) Performance curves of the suggested chemical with respect to variation in various constituents of the circulating water viz. Hardness, suspended solids etc. shall be provided. Any dispersant (if required) shall also be included by the bidder. d) The chemical used in the treatment programme shall be subject to the approval of State Pollution Control Board. g) All tanks, pumps etc. shall be sized based on minimum dosage rate of 25 ppm based on CW make up flow rate and for 24 hours dosing requirement of the plant. h) Storage tanks shall be of MS construction with inside rubber lining. i) Side stream filtration plant Filters shall be designed to remove Total Suspended Solids (TSS) of circulating water operating at high COC and atmospheric dust ingress in the system. Effluent turbidity shall not exceed 2 NTU. The input water to the side stream filters shall be tapped from the discharge of CW pumps and the effluent shall be led to the CT sump. Waste water arising from the backwashing of filters shall be led to bottom ash handling plant. Details specification of filters, air blowers & backwash pumps shall be as indicated water treatment section. Electrical System For design requirements of Electrical system, Section VII of this document may be referred to.
iii) 6.5.2
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
6.5.3 Control and Instrumentation System For design requirements of Control & Instrumentation system, Section VIII of this document may be referred to. Civil Works For design requirements of Civil Works, Section 9 of this document may be referred to. PERFORMANCE AND GUARANTEE TEST CW pumps i) After the manufacture, all the CW pumps shall be performance tested at the manufacturers works to determine the power consumption and to establish the performance characteristic as per requirements of IS: 9137, standards of the Hydraulic Institute, USA or equivalent. Performance test at design duty point shall be done keeping minimum submergence of the pump identical to that specified for the site conditions.
6.6 6.6.1
ii) During shop tests no negative tolerance shall be permitted on head (H), capacity (Q) and the pump efficiency (n). Accuracies of instruments used shall be + 1.5% or better for measurement of flow and + 0.5% or better for measurement of pressure and power. 6.6.2 Cooling Tower Performance testing of mechanical induced draft cooling tower shall be carried out as per ATC-105 at a time when the atmospheric conditions are within the permissible limits of deviation from the design conditions. For natural draft cooling tower, the performance testing shall be carried out in accordance with BS 4485 or approved equal. Correction curves shall be applied for correction of the test results for deviation of test conditions such as flow rate, cooling range and wet bulb temperature and dry bulb temperature/ relative humidity ( for NDCT only) from their respective design. The test shall be conducted by CTI approved agency in presence of employer. 6.6.3 CW Treatment system The following tests and checks shall be made at site in the presence of the purchaser: a) Satisfactory operation of each equipment. b) Tests required for establishing the guaranteed performance and chemical consumption. 6.6.4 Chlorination plant Chlorination system shall be performance tested at site for dosing capacity of individual chlorinator capacity.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
6.7 CODES & STANDARDS All materials, equipment and safety regulations shall comply with applicable provisions of the latest edition of relevant Indian Standards and other applicable codes/ standards. The following Indian standards (latest edition) shall be applicable to this specification unless otherwise specified: IS: 1520 IS: 1710 IS: 5120 IS: 5639 IS: 5659 IS: 2594 IS: 3832 IS: 804 IS: 1536 IS: 1537 IS: 2002 IS: 226 IS: 2825 IS: 4682 IS: 6393 IS: 6547 IS: 2062 IS: 1239 IS: 3589 BS: 5155 AWWA-C-504 Horizontal, centrifugal pumps for clear, cold fresh water Vertical turbine pumps for clear, cold fresh water Technical requirements for rotadynamic special purpose pumps Pumps handling chemicals and corrosive liquids Pumps for process water Horizontal mild steel welded storage tanks Hand-operated chain pulley block Rectangular pressed steel tanks Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage Steel plates for boilers Structural steel standard quality Code for unfired pressure vessels Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for chemical processes-rubber lining Steel pipe flanges Electric chain hoist Structural steel (Fusion welding quality) Mild steel tubes, tubular & other wrought steel fittings Electrical welded pipes for water, gas & sewage (200 to 2000mm) Cast iron & carbon steel butterfly valves for general purpose Rubber seated butterfly valves Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) code Hydraulic Institute standards (HIS) of USA
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
ANNEXURE-6A 6A.0 SCOPE OF WORK Typical scope of supply of circulating water system for 2x500 MW thermal power plant is described as below: 6A.1 6A.1.1 Mechanical Circulating water (CW) pumps a) Eight (8) numbers (6 working + 2 standby) circulating water pumps of vertical wet pit type, mixed flow design and self water lubricated complete along with motors and associated accessories. b) Electro-hydraulically operated butterfly valve (with actuators), isolating butterfly valve and rubber expansion joints at discharge of each pump. Electrically operated butterfly valves for interconnection of standby pumps to operate as common standby for both the units. c) One number CW re-circulation line for each unit, suitable for handling a flow of 50% of one CW pump flow with electrically operated butterfly valve(with actuators). d) Complete piping including discharge piping/header of CW pumps, CW duct from CW pump house to condensers and from condensers to the cooling towers, blow down piping (up to ash handling plant and central monitoring basin of ETP), fittings & valves and other accessories as required. e) EOT crane for handling & maintenance of CW pumps and monorail and electrically operated pendant control hoist arrangement for maintenance of stop logs and trash racks. f) One number trash rack for CW pump house bay and two numbers of stop logs for CW pump house. g) Air release valves, with isolation valves, in CW piping as per the system requirement. h) Hydraulic transient analysis of CW system. i) CW pump model study and CW pump house/ sump model studies as required.
Cooling Towers Four (4) numbers induced draft cooling towers, two (2) for each 500 MW unit, complete with associated accessories
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
Or Two (2) number NDCTs of adequate capacity, one for each 500MW unit, complete with associated accessories. 6A.1.3 6A.1.3.1 CW Treatment System Chlorination Plant a) 4 x 33.3% chlorinators with 2 x 100% gas strainers for each chlorinator. b) Evaporator for each chlorinator complete with rupture disc, expansion chamber, heating element, water chamber, pressure relief valve etc. c) Pipe manifold with accessories d) Chlorine liquid and gas pipelines, e) Ton containers for one month requirement with hoods. f) Residual Chlorine analyser g) Automatic leak detection and absorption system consisting of leak detectors, 2 x 100% blowers, chlorine absorption tower, caustic preparation & recirculation tank & 2 x 100% caustic solution pumps. h) Safety equipments 6A.1.3.2 Chemical dosing system a) Sulphuric acid dosing i) 2 number acid storage tanks with total capacity for one month requirement of acid for both units. ii) 2 x100% acid unloading pumps iii) 2 x 100% acid measuring tanks iii) 2 x 100% acid dosing pumps b) Chemical inhibitors dosing (scale/corrosion/ biocide inhibitor) One storage tank/ container for each type of chemical inhibitor for one month requirement of plant. ii) 2 x 100% dosing barrels/ tanks for each type of chemical inhibitor iii) 2 x100% dosing pumps for each type of chemical inhibitor iv) Platform type weighing scale, if required. 6A.1.3.3 Side stream filtration plant i) Fourteen (12W + 2S) numbers of pressure filter type side stream filters each having filtering capacity of 225 m3/h. ii) 3 x 100% filter air blowers, (2W +1S) iii) 3 x 100% backwash pumps(2W +1S) i)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
6A.1.3.4 Two (2) number automatic safety showers with drench & eye bath units, one each for chlorination plant & chemical dosing system. One (1) number overhead tank of adequate capacity to supply clarified/ filtered water for dilution/ chemical preparation, safety shower etc. for entire CW treatment system. Material handling equipment such chain pulley blocks, motorized travelling trolley & monorail etc. for operation and maintenance of CW treatment system. All integral and interconnecting piping, globe valves, diaphragms valves, gate valves, NRVs, control valves and all types of pipe supports, cable racks, pipe/ cable bridges and clamping arrangements required for entire CW system. Air conditioning of control rooms & ventilation of various buildings. Distribution piping for service air & instrument air, as required. Supply of first fill of all types of chemicals, greases, lubricants etc. One set of necessary tools and tackles required for operation and maintenance of the plant. Civil Works i) The civil works to be performed shall cover providing all labour, materials, construction equipment, tools and plant, scaffolding, supplies, transportation, all incidental items necessary for successful completion of the work. The work shall involve earthwork in excavation, de-watering, shoring and strutting, sheet piling, back filling around completed structures and plinth protection, area paving, disposal of surplus excavated materials, piling, concreting including reinforcement and form work, brick work, fabrication and erection of structural / miscellaneous steel works, inserts, architectural items & finishes such as plastering, painting, flooring, acid/alkali proof lining, doors, windows & ventilators, glass and glazing, rolling shutters etc., permanently colour coated profiled steel sheeting, anchor bolts, R. C. C. trenches with covers, laying and testing of water pipes, sanitation, water supply, drainage, damp proofing, water proofing and other ancillary items. Buildings/structures to be provided shall include; a) CW pump house b) Cooling towers c) CW treatment plant d) Side stream filtration plant e) Chlorination plant including ton container storage etc,
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
All buildings shall be complete with all electrical, civil, structural, architectural works, cable trenches, fire safety walls, foundation, earth mat, fencing, earthing for transformers. All cables, duct banks, trenches, cable trestles shall be complete with associated civil/ structural work and necessary civil foundations. iii) iv) Scope shall also include supply and laying earthing mat all around the periphery of buildings, structures, and outdoor equipments, as per the approved drawings. Access roads to all buildings/facilities of CW system including construction and maintenance of temporary access roads for approach to the building/facilities for construction/erection activities. Electrical Works Two no. feeders shall be provided from 11kV Station Switchboard for CW system. Further, distribution of power supply at 415V voltage level (CW treatment & chlorination system) and all other required electrical equipments for putting CW system into successful operation shall be in the scope of work of CW system supplier. All 11kV and 415V Switchgears shall be located in CW pump house Switchgear room. The 415V supply shall be arranged through 11/0.433kV LT auxiliary transformers. In case of IDCT, separate 415V switchgear shall be provided for CT pumps and power supply to this switchgear shall be arranged from 415V CW P/H switchgear. Separate DC supply feeders shall also be provided at main plant DC board. Typically, following electrical equipments shall be included: 11/0.433kV auxiliary transformers 11kV and 415V Switchgears LT Bus duct Power and Control Cables Cable laying along with cabling accessories, Cable trays and termination/ jointing kits of cables, and fire sealing f) HT and LT Motors g) DC distribution boards (if required) h) Complete illumination system for internal and external lighting of associated plant and building i) Complete grounding and lightning protections and its interconnection with nearest earth mat j) Emergency stop push buttons for all HT and LT motors 6A.4 i) C& I Works Control desk cum - panel housing CRT/ keyboard, annunciator, in CW plant control room. The operation of CW pumps and associated valves shall be integrated with Purchasers DDCMIS for B-T-G package of respective unit with provision of operation of CW pumps from respective unit OWS as well as from local control panel to be provided in CW pump house. PLC based local control panel for operation and control of various drives for Chlorination system. a) b) c) d) e)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant for Thermal Power Project 2 X (500MW or above) Section- 6 (Circulating Water System)
iii) Relay based local control panel for operation and control of various drives for CW treatment plant. Instrumentation and control cables including cables laying and termination Power supply system for C&I system including redundant UPS system, batteries, charges etc. The necessary instrumentation shall be provided for CW system including a. Vibration monitoring system for CW pimps and motors which shall be hooked up with respective unit DDCMIS by serial communication. b. Chlorine leakage detector - Chlorine absorption and neutralizing system would come in to service automatically on detection of chlorine leakages exceeding a stipulated level.
iv) v)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System)
INTRODUCTION The fire protection, detection and alarm system is provided for thermal power station to protect the plant against fire damage to avoid loss of life and property. Fire detection system is provided to detect fire in its incipient stage and to actuate the fire protection system to extinguish fire. Alarm system gives warning in case of fire to prompt fire fighting staff and other operation personnel to take necessary action. In addition to fixed automatic system, portable and mobile systems are also provided for fire extinguishing.
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Clarified water is used for fire fighting service. Dedicated storage of clarified water of around 4000 M3 for fire water purpose is kept in two nos. fire water storage tanks. Horizontal fire water pumps are provided in Fire water pump house. Jockey pumps are also provided to take care of system losses and these are also located in Fire water pump house. Alternatively dedicated storage of clarified water of around 4000 M3 for fire water purpose can also be kept in clarified water storage reservoir. Horizontal fire water pumps shall be provided in clarified water pump house. Jockey pumps are also provided to take care of system losses and these are also located in clarified water pump house. In case raw water is used for fire fighting purpose, the dead storage of raw water is kept in raw water reservoir and fire water pumps & jockey pumps are kept in raw water pump house. The complete system is divided into the following: i) ii) iii) Fire protection system Fire detection and alarm system Fire station and other facilities
7.2.1 Fire protection system: Following types of fire protection systems are provided: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Hydrant system Automatic high velocity & medium velocity water spray system Automatic fixed foam system for fuel oil storage tank Automatic inert gas system Potable and mobile fire extinguishers
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) a) Hydrant system Hydrant system comprises of hydrant pumps (2 motor driven + one diesel engine driven + one diesel engine driven as standby), pressurization arrangement [2 nos. motor driven jockey pumps (1 w + 1 standby), 2 nos. air compressors (1 w + 1 standby), hydropneumatic tank], water mains network, hydrants (landing valves, internal hydrants, external hydrants, water monitors), hoses, instantaneous couplings, etc. Hydrants are located throughout the power station area. In case of fire, hose is coupled to respective hydrant valves and jets of water are directed to the fire. Hydrant system is kept pressurized continuously to normal working pressure. b) Automatic high velocity water (HVW) & medium velocity water (MVW) spray system It consists of spray pumps (1 motor driven main pump + 1 diesel engine standby), pressurization arrangements, water mains network, wet detection system comprising QBD, deluge valves, isolation valves, Y-type strainers, spray nozzles/projectors, spray nozzles piping network, detection & control system, piping, valves, other accessories etc. The system is automatic and is activated by a dedicated detection system to be provided for each equipment/area. The system is kept pressurized continuously to normal working pressure up to the deluge valves. c) Automatic fixed foam system for fuel oil storage tanks Automatic fixed foam system is envisaged for main HFO/LSHS and LDO storage tanks. In case of fire, the foam system for the respective tank gets automatically activated on detection of fire by probe type heat detectors provided inside the fuel oil tanks resulting in pouring of the foam water mixture on the oil surface inside the tank and foam blanketing the burning oil surface thereby cutting the oxygen supply and extinguishment of fire. The fixed foam system consists of foam concentrate storage tanks, foam pumps (1W+1S), balancing line with automatic controlling valves, foam makers, discharge outlets, interconnection piping, valves, fittings instrumentation and control system. In addition, semi-fixed system consisting of a separate foam solution ring main around the tank farm area with foam hydrant valves at regular intervals is also provided. Water for foam system for main fuel oil and LDO storage tanks and MVW spray for main LDO storage tank is tapped from nearest hydrant system header. d) Automatic inert gas system The inert gas system uses any of the inert gas like, Argon, Nitrogen, Inergen or Argonite as inert gas agent. The system consists of inert gas cylinders filled with the agent gas, cylinder mounting accessories, cylinder manifold, automatic discharge valves, discharge piping, nozzles, automatic operating devices, manual actuation devices/ abort switches, etc. The system is automatic and is activated by a dedicated detection system to be provided for each hazard area.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) e) Portable and mobile fire extinguishers Portable and mobile fire extinguishers of pressurized water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder and foam type are provided for each room/area of power station as per TAC guidelines in addition to fixed fire protection system. 7.2.2 Fire detection and alarm system Fire detectors are provided in all areas and buildings of thermal power stations to detect the fire in its incipient stage, give alarm and actuate the fixed fire protection system provided to extinguish the fire. Type of fire detectors for various areas depends upon the fire risks. In addition to automatic fire detectors, manual call points are also provided throughout the power station for manually initiating alarm in case fire is noticed by some body. The fire detection and alarm system consists of various types of fire detectors, control cabling, fire alarm panel in control room / control equipment room, CHP control room, ESP control room, switchyard control room service building and administrative building, repeater panel in fire station, PLC based panel in fire water pump house and foam pump house, etc. 7.2.3 Fire station & other facilities Fire station is provided with facilities to park fire tenders, fire control room, fire officer room, store, dormitory for fire staff etc. Repeater panel is provided in the fire station to monitor and control the fire in power station. This panel is provided with audio-visual alarms regarding status of fire in different areas, status of deluge valves, repeat annunciations from main fire detection and alarm panel in unit control room, PLC based panel fire water control cum alarm panel in fire water pump house & in foam pump house. Following facilities/equipment shall be provided in the fire station: i) ii) iii) iv) v) One foam tender with supplementary agents - carbon dioxide and dry chemical powder conforming to IS: 10460 (latest) One water tender as per IS:950 (latest) One dry chemical tender 2000Kg as per IS 10993 (latest) One fire jeep Miscellaneous equipment such as oxygen masks with cylinders and other accessories, industrial canister type masks for chlorine contaminated areas and for general purpose, first aid kits, telescopic ladders, fiber glass blankets, fire suits etc.
Sirens A siren is provided on TG building unit control room roof capable of being clearly heard over a radius of 2 KM all around it for at least 3 minutes continuously over a background noise of Power Station. A highly luminous coloured lamp placed over siren shall glow when the siren is switched on.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) 7.3 7.3.1 i) DESIGN CRITERIA General All equipments/system components of complete fire protection & detection system should have the approval from one of the following: a) b) c) d) e) ii) BIS Underwriters Laboratories of USA VDS - Germany FM USA LPCB UK
The complete fire detection and protection systems shall be designed in conformity with TAC/NFPA/IS No. 3034/OISD. Fire protection system shall be designed as per the guidelines of Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) established under Insurance Act 1938 and /or NFPA. Types of fire detectors for various areas Multisensor type smoke detection system : a) All switchgear / MCC/Control rooms of main Plant, ESP/VFD, switchyard extension, various auxiliary buildings like ash handling system, compressed air system, ECW system, condensate polishing plant, water treatment plant, pump houses, service building, battery rooms , etc. b) Below false ceiling areas of all air conditioned rooms of main plant building, service building, ESP/VFD building, various control rooms of auxiliaries as defined in Sl. No. (a) above, return air ducts of inert gas protected areas.
7.3.2 i)
ii) iii)
Photo electric type smoke detectors for above false ceiling for all air-conditioned areas. However, combination of both multisensor and photoelectric smoke detectors for above & below false ceiling of Inert gas protected areas & various cable galleries. Further, Smoke detectors of multisensor type shall be provided inside all cubicles/ panels of control room, control equipment room and UPS/ Battery charger areas. Linear heat sensing cable and infra red fire detectors shall be provided for coal conveyors. Linear heat sensing cable shall also be provided for cable galleries in addition to photoelectric and multi-sensor type smoke detectors. Probe type rate of rise cum fixed temperature shall be provided for main fuel oil and LDO storage tanks. Quartzoid bulb heat detection system for equipment protected by HVW spray system, coal conveyors, fuel oil tanks and fuel oil pump houses protected by MVW spray system.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) vi) 7.3.3 i) Manual call points for complete Power Station at suitable locations. Design philosophy for hydrant system The fire protection system design viz. water requirement, fire water reservoir, number of main fire pumps , number of standby fire pumps, hydrant points, branch pipes etc. shall be designed as per TAC guideline. Minimum terminal pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2 shall be maintained at the farthest / remotest hydrant point. Three hydrant ring mains shall be provided and entire power plant area shall be suitably divided amongst these ring mains. These ring mains shall be interconnected with isolation valves. It shall be possible to enable to take up part of any of the ring mains for maintenance without any loss of system in the balance part. All the landings of boiler staircases, turbine buildings, and other multi-storied structures, transfer points in the coal Handling plant, etc shall be provided with hydrant landing valves. Water monitors shall be provided for tall buildings, coal stockpiles, ESP areas, apart from ground hydrants and landing valves. All hydrant pipe mains/ pipe lines shall be routed underground as per TAC. The underground pipe lines shall be provided with coating and wrapping as per IS: 10221 / IS:15337. Road, rail, cable trench, cable channels or pipe trench crossing shall be through RCC hume pipes of appropriate pressure class. In main plant area, pipes shall be laid in RCC trenches (with pre-cast slab covers). All hydrant valves should be of stainless steel conforming to IS:5290. Fire hydrants shall be spaced 45 meters apart. For buildings etc., at least one hydrant shall be provided for every 45 meter of external wall measurement. Hydrants shall not be located less than 2M from building. No building shall be deemed to be protected by a hydrant unless such hydrant is within 15M of the building. When height of structure, tower exceeds 15M, the concerned hydrants shall be replaced by water monitors. Design philosophy for spray system For HVW spray system the water pressure at any projector/spray nozzle shall be not less than 3.5kg/cm2 and not greater than 5.0 kg/ cm2. For MVW spray system minimum water density and minimum pressure shall be as under: Area Cable galleries Coal conveyors L.D.O. storage tanks Minimum water density 12.2 LPM/m2 10.2 LPM/m2 10.2 LPM/m2 Minimum pressure 2.8 kg/cm2 1.4 kg/cm2 1.4 - 3.5 kg/cm2
v) vi)
7.3.4 i)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) ii) The spray system for the boiler burner front shall cover all the fuel oil and coal burner elevations, its adjacent piping structures, floors etc. The spray system for the fuel oil pumping station or fuel oil tank shall also cover the piping near the vicinity. In cable galleries the water spray shall cover the exposed area of all the trays and racks. As far as possible fire compartmentalization shall be done in case of cable galleries, cable vaults, cable spreader rooms, electrical equipment rooms etc. The spray system for the coal conveyor system shall cover the exposed area of both the forward and return conveyors and idlers. In transfer points, crusher house, track hopper, pent house etc., the water spray shall cover the drive equipments, pulleys, chutes, other equipments of the floor and at various elevations. Wet type fire detection system using quartzoid bulb detectors shall be provided for HVW / MVW spray system employed for coal conveyors, transformers, etc. In case of fire, QB detector shall break due to heat and pressure in wet detector network resulting in fall in pressure, which shall actuate the respective deluge valve resulting in water spray on the protected equipment. All spray pipe mains/ pipe lines shall be routed underground & provided with coating and wrapping as per TAC. Road, rail, cable trench, cable channels or pipe trench crossing shall be through RCC hume pipes of appropriate pressure class. Each deluge valve shall be suitable for automatic actuation. Each deluge valve shall also be provided with a LCP from which valve may be operated remote manually. In addition, each deluge valve shall also be provided with an operational latch / hand lever. Design philosophy for foam system The operation of foam system shall be automatic with the aid of fire detection system provided for the fuel oil tank with a provision for manual operation. Foam concentrate shall be provided in 2x100% capacity foam concentrate tanks. It shall be discharged to the foam pumps inductors through 2x100% capacity foam pumps (one motor driven and another diesel engine driven) through balancing line, with control valves, flow controllers etc. The foam application rate shall be 5 LPM/m2 as per NFPA-11. Water for foam system shall be tapped from the nearest hydrant header. Design philosophy for inert gas system Complete design shall be approved and listed by UL/FM /VDS /LPCB.
7.3.5 i)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) ii) Design, manufacture and installation of inert gas fire extinguishing system shall be in accordance with NFPA-2001 standard and all the system components / equipment shall be certified by UL/FM /VDS /LPCB The complete volume of the rooms including the above false ceiling shall be considered for estimation of quantity of gas and containers. When determining the gas quantity, the leakage losses from the enclosure shall be taken into account. Further volume of re-circulating type air conditioning system and its duct work (at least upto the automatic fire dampers of the ducts) shall be considered as a part of the total volume so that the design concentration is achieved throughout the hazard area. Further gas quantity shall be adjusted for ambient pressure & temperature conditions. Centralised inert gas system along with 100% standby / reserve gas quantity and cylinders shall be provided for each of the following: a-i) Unit control room and control equipment room including programmer room, panel room, etc. a-ii) UPS / Battery charger room b) Coal Handling Control Room c) Switchyard Control Room vi) The discharge time period shall be such that the design concentration is achieved within 60 seconds. The flow calculations shall establish this criteria. Operating devices shall be by mechanical, electrical and pneumatic means conforming to NFPA-2001. The power supply to electrical actuators shall be backed up with reliable battery supply. Such batteries shall be charged automatically by battery chargers. Facility for manual release of gas through push buttons shall be provided. In addition, local manual release through lever operation shall also be provided near the cylinder banks. Further, manual abort switches shall be provided for each of the area/zone. Appropriate warning signs shall be fixed outside of those areas protected by the system and also in areas where the gas may spread indicating the hazard clearly. Apart from written warning signs, audio-visual type warning signs i.e. hooters & strobe lights shall be provided for pre-discharge and post- discharge activity. To prevent the loss/release of gas automatically or manually during maintenance, the system shall have the facility of "LOCKOUT". Fire water pumps & pump house Capacity, discharge pressure and quantity of pumps for the hydrant water system and spray water system shall be individually designed as per the recommendations of Tariff Advisory committee. For 2x500 MW thermal power station, two electric motor driven pumps & one diesel engine driven pump each of 410m3/hr capacity at rated discharge
7.3.7 i)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) head of 105mwc shall be used as main pumps to supply water to hydrant system network. One diesel engine driven pump of same capacity and head shall be used as standby hydrant pump. ii) Horizontal type centrifugal pumps shall be provided for hydrant, spray and jockey pumps. These shall be located in fire water pump house. Clarified water shall be used for fire fighting purpose. .Maximum speed of the pumps shall be 1500 rpm. However for jockey Pumps, speed up to 3000 rpm shall be acceptable. The motor driven pump and the corresponding diesel engine driven pump shall be completely interchangeable. Dual power supply arrangement shall be provided for the motor driven pumps. Spray pumps capacity & head shall be designed on the basis of the following criteria whichever is higher : a) Maximum capacity required for the largest risk area/ equipment of HVW spray system OR Simultaneous operation of three zones of MVW spray system of cable galleries OR Simultaneous operation of three zones of MVW spray system of coal conveyors
b) c)
For 2x500 MW, main spray pump of 410m3/hr capacity at rated discharge head of 120mwc shall be used to supply water to spray system network. One diesel engine driven pump of same capacity & head shall be used as standby spray pump. iv) The water pumping arrangement (for hydrant/spray system) shall be provided with automatic pressurization system with jockey pumps. There shall be 2x100% capacity jockey pumps. Capacity of the jockey pumps shall be as per the recommendations of TAC, 2 nos. electric motor driven jockey pumps each of 40 m3/hr at 110 mwc are recommended Booster pumps (for hydrant/spray system) if required shall be provided for maintaining required pressure at higher elevation. The capacity of these pumps shall be as per system requirements/ TAC rules. The pumps shall be motor driven and diesel engine driven pumps of identical capacity shall be kept as standby. v) The headers of spray and hydrant system shall be interconnected with an isolation and a non-return valve so that hydrant pumps can feed to spray system but not vice-versa. The diesel engine drive of the pump shall conform to the requirements of TAC. Each of the diesel engine shall be provided with batteries (2x100%) and battery chargers (2x100%). Motor of all the pumps shall be rated for continuous duty and shall be generously designed. The continuous motor rating shall be at least 10% above the load demand of driven equipment at design duty point or 5% above maximum power requirement of the driven equipment whichever is higher. The rating shall be such that the motor shall not
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) be overloaded at any operating point of driven equipment from zero to full load. The rating of the drive shall in any case be not less than the power required to drive the pump at 150% of its rated discharge. viii) The pumps shall comply with the regulations of BIS/Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) and shall be approved by TAC. The fire water pump house layout shall have sufficient space for the maintenance of the pump and diesel engine. Further the pump house shall be provided with a electrically operated overhead travelling type crane of capacity capable of lifting heaviest component but not less than 5 metric tonnes capacity. Areas to be covered by different types of systems Hydrant system shall be provided for complete power plant area and all buildings. The following areas are to be covered by HVW spray system a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) iii) All transformers located in transformer yard of main plant. All other transformers of rating 10 MVA and above. Steam turbine lube oil storage tanks & its purifier units. Boiler burner fronts. Central lube oil tanks (both clean oil & dirty oil units) and purifier units. Boiler feed pumps lube oil tanks, coolers, consoles etc. Generator seal oil system tanks, cooler assembly etc. Turbine oil canal pipelines in main plant.
7.3.8 i) ii)
Areas to be covered under MVW spray system a) b) c) d) All cable tunnels/cable galleries/cable vaults/cable spreader rooms and cable riser/shaft All coal conveyor transfer points, crusher houses, all coal conveyor galleries, conveyor tunnels etc. LDO & DAY oil storage tank. All the fuel oil pumping stations (HFO+LDO) and DG building.
iv) v)
Automatic fixed foam system shall be provided for main HFO and LDO storage tanks. Areas to be covered by inert gas extinguishing system a) Main plant unit control room (CCR), control equipment rooms and other associated rooms including areas above false ceiling. b) UPS & inverters rooms
Fire extinguishers or requisite type shall be provided for each area / room of station as per TAC guidelines.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) 7.3.9 Design philosophy for fire detection and alarm system General i) One (1) no. PLC panel along with two nos. operator works station one operating & one engineering shall be provided in fire water pump house to indicate the status of each pump, healthiness of power supplies, etc. Alarms from these panels shall also be available to operator at repeater panel in fire station and at main fire detection and alarm panel in unit control room. The main fire detection and alarm panel to be located in unit control room shall cover the fire detection and protection system of the complete plant. This shall give audio-visual alarms for fire in each of the risk area / equipment, status of the fire detectors and protection system, etc. In addition, hooter/sounder shall be activated in each of the respective area provided with fire/smoke detection system. The fire alarm panel shall have separate LCD display to indicate the address of each device and clear text about the location of the alarm/ trouble. It shall record the event within the non-volatile system historical memory. All devices shall be individually identifiable for its type, its zone location, alarm set value, alarm and trouble indication by a unique alpha numerical label. iii) One (1) fire alarm panel each at coal handling control room, ESP control room, switchyard control room, service building & administrative building shall be provided to exhibit alarms from detection and protection from respective areas Alarms from all the panels shall be repeated at repeater panel in fire station. Complete fire detection, alarm and monitoring system from the panels shall be operated on DC supply. The panels shall be provided with 2x100% batteries and 2x100% battery chargers with provision for automatic change over from mains to batteries, automatic charging etc. All control cables/power cables for fire protection, detection and alarm system shall be1100 V grade, 1.5mm2 core size, stranded tinned copper conductor, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, GI armoured and overall FRLS PVC sheathed. The fire alarm system of each unit shall be provided with necessary interface hardware and software for interconnection with DDCMIS for exchange of signals to the unit control room through a serial link. The control system shall be Programmable Logic Control based. All types of smoke & heat detectors shall be of addressable type. Conventional smoke and heat detectors with interface modules are not acceptable. Each zone of LHSC (linear heat sensing cable) detector and each IR (infra-red) detector shall be provided with interface module.
iv) v)
viii) ix)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) Smoke Detection System i) The design coverage area for smoke detectors to be considered shall not exceed 25 M2 for A/C area per each type of detector and 35-40 M2 per detector for non-A/C areas. Wherever both the multi-sensor type & photo - electric type smoke detection systems are provided, cross zoning of the signal shall be employed to initiate the fire extinguishing system of that area. Multisensor type detectors shall be provided for return air ducts of each room which shall consist of intake probe, detector housing, and exhaust pipe etc. The detector shall be mounted outside the duct.
iii) Detection System for Coal Conveyors i) The LHS cable detector for each conveyor shall be provided for forward and return conveyors & rollers. The detection zone/loop divisions of LHSC system shall match with the MVW spray system. Upon detection of fire by LHSC detector, the spray system shall be initiated. It shall also initiate spray system for the two adjacent zones after a time delay settable at site. The LHSC detector may be either Digital or analogue type. The infra red type (IR) detectors shall be suitable for detecting moving fires in coal conveyors and at least one detector shall be provided for each of the conveyor. IR detectors shall trip the running coal conveyor in case of detection of fire as well as give audio-visual annunciation locally and as well in fire alarm panel. The IR detector shall be outdoor type weather proof and shall be able to function continuously in heavily coal-dust prone atmosphere without regular maintenance. The IR detector shall be designed to reject deceptive phenomenon such as electric arc, heaters, artificial light sources (HPSV/LPSV/incandescent lamps etc.) Each of the IR detector shall be provided with purging arrangement.
iii) iv)
vii) Detection system of cable galleries i) In cable galleries, MVW spray system shall be actuated either by detection of fire by linear heat sensing cable detectors or by fire signal from smoke (after cross zoning) detection system. Apart from the automatic operation of spray system in the detected zone the adjacent two zones shall also be sprayed with water automatically after a set time delay simultaneously.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 7 (Fire Protection, Detection And Alarm System) ii) LHSC detector shall run in a zig-zag fashion (with an included angle of minimum 900 in tray. The detection zone/loop divisions shall match with MVW spray zones.
7.3.10 Design requirement for piping and valves i) Piping for all fire protection systems shall generally be laid under ground. At cable trench/rail/road crossings, fire water pipes shall be laid inside hume pipes of suitable ratings. Material of Construction Buried Pipes
ii) a.
Mild steel as per IS:1239 (Part-I) heavy grade (upto 150 NB) & as per IS:3589 Gr.410 (above 200 NB) b. Overground pipes Mild steel as per IS:1239 (Part-I) medium grade (upto 150 NB) & as normally full of per IS:3589 Gr.410 (above 200 NB) water : c. Over Ground These shall be galvanised as per 4736 medium grade. pipes normally empty but with periodically charge of water &air To prevent soil corrosion buried pipes shall be properly lagged with corrosion protection as per S: 10221 / IS:15337. Over ground pipes shall be provided with one coat of primer and three coats of Synthetic enamel paint. However, in case of corrosive environment, overground pipes shall be provided with one coat of epoxy resin based zinc phosphate primer followed up with three coats of epoxy resin based paint pigmented with titanium di-oxide.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System)
8.0 ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM : General design requirements of Electrical and Control & Instrumentation systems for various BOP packages described in Sections 1 to 7 are elaborated in this Section. 8.1 8.1.1 Electrical System - Design Criteria : 11kV/ 3.3kV incomers from Station Switchgears to 11kV/ 3.3kV Station Auxiliary Plant/ System Switchgear shall be through 11kV adequately rated cables. For 3.3kV incomers from transformer to Switchgear, Cable/ Busduct shall be acceptable. For 415V system, busduct shall be used for incoming connection from transformers to the switchgear and interconnecting sections between switchgear wherever transformer rating is 1000kVA and above. The loads shall be met by auxiliary transformers based on the criteria that each switchgear/ MCC/ Distribution board shall be fed by 2xl00% transformers/ feeders and, these shall be rated to carry the maximum load expected to be imposed. Each of the above boards shall be sectionalized. The system shall be provided with adequately segregated supplies to main and standby auxiliaries, so that failure of supply to main auxiliary shall in no way jeopardise the standby auxiliary feed. All equipments viz. switchgears and all auxiliary transformers shall be sized with 10% margin at all ambient from 00 to 500C after considering final load requirements at peak conditions at corresponding ambients. The voltage ratio, taps, impedances and tolerances of transformers shall be optimised to ensure that the auxiliary system voltages under the various grid and loading conditions are always within permissible limits and the equipment are not subjected to unacceptable voltages during operation and starting of motors viz. BFP etc. All 11kV, 3.3kV buses shall have facility for auto/ manual live changeover facility. All 415V switchgears fed from transformers shall be provided with live manual changeover. Auto changeover to the reserve supply source shall be arranged for critical 415V switchgears/ MCCs to prevent the loss of a unit or to ensure the equipment safety. 11kV, 3.3kV and 415V switchgears, MCCs and DBs shall be provided with interlock to ensure that the different supplies and transformers are never operated in parallel and to
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) avoid the fault level to exceed the switchgear capability, except during momentary paralleling in case of on-load changeover. 8.1.8 The motors of rating 160kW and above shall be provided with remote controlled electrical circuit breakers and switch fuse contactor feeders shall be provided for other motors. A typical single line diagram (Drg No. CEA-TETD-EL-01) of the power supply arrangement is enclosed for reference. Electrical System - General Technical Requirements : Transformers :
8.2 8.2.1 The transformers shall be provided with delta-connected primary and a starconnected secondary with the star point brought out and resistance earthed for 3.3kV system and solidly earthed for 415V system. The transformers shall have following technical parameters : a) b) Type Service Two winding Outdoor (Oil Filled) / Indoor (Dry type : epoxy cast resin/ resin encapsulated type) However, indoor dry type shall be preferred) Three 50 Hz ONAN for oil filled/ AN for dry type As per system requirement. As per system requirement. Continuous As per IS:6600 40 kA for 1 second 40 kA for 1 second 50 kA for 3 second 3.3 kV 11 kV -----Uniform---28 75 12 10 40 3.6 3 -1.1
c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)
Number of phases Frequency Type of cooling Ratings Impedance Duty Over load System fault level 11 kV 3.3 kV 415V Windings Insulation - Power frequency test level (kV rms) - Basic impulse level (kV peak) - Highest voltage for each winding (kV)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) l) Earthing a) 415V : solidly grounded, b) 11kV, 3.3kV : earthed through resistance to limit the current to 300A or high resistance grounding through artificial earthing transformer and earthing resistance. Off circuit tap changer with 5% in steps of 2.5 % on HV side 11 kV 3.3 kV 0.433 kV 12 3.6 1.1 75 40 --
m) n)
Tap changer
Bushing - Rated voltage(kV) - Basic Impulse level (kVp) -Wet, dry power withstand voltage (kV) 28 10 3 - Min. creepage distance (mm) 300 90 25 - Mounting (mm) Tank / Transformer body Terminal details -High Voltage(3.3 &11 kV) Busduct - 433V phase and neutral Busduct/ Cable box However, non-segregated busduct for transformers rated 1000kVA and above shall be provided. Temperature rise over an ambient of 500C Out-door transformers : In top oil (measured by thermometer) In winding (measured by resistance) b) In-door transformers : In winding (by resistance method) a) 500C 550C 900C or lower as permissible for class of insulation offered
F or better (for dry type transformers) A or better (for oil filled transformers) As per NEMA Pub TR-1 Noise level at rated voltage and frequency Neutral Grounding Resistor : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Resistance (ohm) Rated current and duration Application Service Resistor materials Max. allowable temp. rise Mounting Enclosure degree of protection
As per requirements 300A for 10 seconds Grounding of 11kV and 3.3 kV system Outdoor Punched stainless steel grid element 3500C 12kV grade insulator (for 11kV)/ 3.6kV grade insulator (for3.3 kV) IP-33 as per IS-2147
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) i) Terminal bushing Rated voltage
Rated current Basic Impulse level Quantity Mounting j) Terminal details : - To transformer neutral - To earth Codes and Standards : IS:2026(Part I to IV) IS:6600/ BS:CP:1010 IS:335 IS:3639 IS:2099 IS:2705 IS:3347 IS:3202 IS:2147 IS:2071 IS:3637 IS:1271 IS:5 IS:10028 Part I, II, III IS:5561 C.B.I.P. publication 8.2.2
12kV grade insulator (for 11kV)/ 3.6kV grade insulator (for3.3 kV) 300 A 75kVp (for 11kV)/ 20kVp (for 3.3kV) Two each Roof of enclosure Copper flat of minimum 50mm x 6 mm Through GS flat of size 50mm x 10mm
Power transformers Guide for loading of oil immersed transformers New insulating oil for transformers and switchgears Fittings and accessories for power transformers High voltage porcelain bushings Current transformers Dimensions for porcelain transformer bushings Code of practice for climate proofing of electrical equipment Degree of protection Method of high voltage testing Gas operated relays Classification of insulating materials for electrical machinery and apparatus in relation to their stability in service Colours for ready mixed points Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of transformers. Electric power connectors Manual on transformers The technical parameters of 11kV and 3.3kV bus ducts are given below : 11 kV a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Number of phase Frequency Nominal voltage Highest system voltage One minute power frequency withstand voltage (dry and wet) Impulse voltage withstand value with 1.2/50 micro-sec wave shape Continuous current rating Short time current rating for 1 second Dynamic current withstand rating 3 50 Hz 11kV 12 kV 28 kV 75 kV as required 40kA 100 kA(peak) 3.3 kV 3 50 Hz 3.3 kV 3.6 kV 10 kV 40 kV as required 40kA 100kA(peak)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) j) k) l) n) Type of cooling Type of bus enclosure Service Clearance of live parts in air - Phase to phase - Phase to earth Busbar material Enclosure and partition material Minimum thickness of enclosure Minimum thickness of partition Insulators and bushings - Rated voltage - One minute power frequency withstand voltage - Dry - Wet - Impulse voltage withstand value with 1.2/50 micro sec. wave shape. - Minimum creepage distance - Material of insulator Size of earthing conductor (mild steel) Design ambient temperature. Maximum temperature when carrying rated current continuously - Bus conductor: Bolted joints (Plain or tinned) Bolted joints (silver plated) - Bus duct enclosure Natural Phase segregated Indoor/ Outdoor As per IS ---do-----do--Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy 3 mm 2 mm 12 kV Natural Phase segregated Indoor/ Outdoor As per IS ---do----do-Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy 3 mm 2 mm 3.6 kV
o) p) q) r) s)
t) u) v) The bus ducts will be installed partially indoor and partially outdoor and shall be suitable for hot, humid and tropical atmosphere. The maximum temperature of the bus conductor and enclosure shall be as mentioned above when operating at maximum ambient temperature and carrying rated current continuously. For outdoor portions, the effect of solar radiation shall also be considered. Codes and Stadards : IS:226 IS:737 IS:800 IS:1367 Part-13 IS:2099 IS:13947 Part-1 IS:2544 Structural steel (Standard quality) Specification for wrought aluminum and aluminum alloys, sheet and strip (for engineering purpose). Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction. Hot dip galvanised coatings on threaded fasteners. Bushing for A.C. voltage above 1000 volts. Low voltage switchgear and controlgear Porcelain post Insulators for system with normal voltage greater
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) than 1000 volts. Methods of testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated articles Hoot dip zinc coating on structural steel and allied products. Specification for wrought Aluminum alloys bars, rods, tubes and sections for electrical purposes. Interconnecting bus bars for A.C. voltage above 1KV upto and including 36KV. Metal enclosed bus. Effect of Solar radiation on metal enclosed bus.
IS:2633 IS:4759 IS:5082 IS:8084 ANSI C-37:23 ANSI C-37:24 8.2.3 Motors : All the motors shall be suitable for an ambient temperature of 500C and relative humidity of 95%. The motors shall be suitable for operation in a highly polluted environment. Voltage and Frequency variations : Frequency Voltage Combined Voltage level : 1) 2) 3) Fault level 1) 2) 3) 11 kV and 3.3 kV 415V 220V DC 40kA for 1 second 50kA for 3 second 25kA for 1 second Upto 160 KW Above 160 kW and upto 1500 kW Above 1500 kW 415V 3.3 kV 11 kV (+) 3% and (-)5% a. () 6% for 11kV/ 3.3 kV b. () 10% for 415 V 10% (absolute sum) System grounding 1) 11 kV and 3.3 kV 415V 220V DC Earthed through resistance to limit the current to 300A or high resistance grounding through artificial earthing transformer and earthing resistance Solidly grounded Ungrounded
2) 3) Degree of protection : 1) 2) 3) 4) Indoor motors Outdoor motors Cable box indoor area Cable box outdoor area IP 54 IP 55 IP 54 IP 55
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) Type : a) AC Motors: - Squirrel cage induction motor suitable for direct-on-line starting. - Crane duty motors shall be slip ring type induction motor b) Rating a) Continuously rated (S1). However, crane motors shall be rated for S4 duty i.e. 40% cyclic duration factor. Maximum continuous motor ratings shall be at least 10% above the maximum load demand of the driven equipment unless otherwise specified, under entire operating range including voltage and frequency variations. Motors starting shall be as per IEC-60034 (part 12) DC Motors: Shunt wound.
c) Temperature Rise Air cooled motors Water cooled motors 700C by resistance method for both class 130(B) and 155(F) insulation. 800C over inlet cooling water temperature, by resistance method for both class 130(B) and 155(F) insulation. Starting voltage requirement All motors (except mill motors) : 80% of rated voltage for motors upto 4000 kW 75% of rated voltage for motors above 4000 kW For mill motors : 85% of rated voltage for motors above 1000 kW 90% of rated voltage for motors upto 1000 kW All motors shall be either totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) or totally enclosed tube ventilated (TETV) or closed air circuit air cooled (CACA) type. However, motors rated 3000 kW or above can be closed air circuit water cooled (CACW). For hazardous location such as fuel oil facilities area, the enclosure of motors shall have flame proof construction conforming to Group IIB of IS:2148.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) Winding and Insulation : Non-hygroscopic, oil resistant, flame resistant Two hot starts in succession, with motor initially at normal running temperature 3) 11kV, 3.3 kV AC motors Class 155(F) : with winding temperature rise limited to class 130(B). They shall withstand 1.2/50microsec. Impulse Voltage wave of 4U+5 kV (U=Line voltage in kV). The coil inter-turn insulation shall be as per IEC-60034-Part 15 followed by 1 min power frequency high voltage test of appropriate voltage on inter turn insulation. 4) 415V AC and 220V DC Class 130 (B) motors Noise level and vibration shall be limited within the limits prescribed in IS: 12065 and IS: 12075 respectively. Motors rated above 1000kW shall have insulated bearings to prevent flow of shaft currents. Codes and Standards : IS:325, IEC:60034 IS:996, IEC:60034 IS:3177, IEC600:34 IS:4722 8.2.4 11kV and 3.3kV Switchgears : Three phase induction motors Single phase AC motors Crane duty motors DC motors 1) Type 2) Starting duty The switchgears shall be indoor, metal clad, draw out type. The feeders rated 2000kW and above shall be provided with Vacuum/ SF6 circuit breakers. However, the motor feeders below 2000kW rating shall have vacuum/ SF6 contactors backed up by HRC fuses. The operating mechanism of the circuit breakers shall be of the stored energy type DC motor operated charging springs. 10% spare feeders with at least one of each type of highest rating shall be provided in each switchgear. The circuit breaker, contactor and switchgear assembly shall have the following technical parameters : a) System parameters 1) 2) 3) Nominal System voltage Highest System voltage Rated Frequency 11 kV 12 kV 50 Hz 3.3 kV 3.6 kV 50 Hz
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) 4) 5) Number of phases System neutral earthing Three Three
Earthed through resistance to limit fault current to 300A or High resistance grounding through artificial earthing transformer and earthing resistor
One minute power frequency withstand voltage - for Type tests - for Routine tests 1.2/50 microsecond Impulse withstand voltage Max. system fault level including initial motor contribution Dynamic withstand rating Control supply voltage - Trip and closing coils - Spring charging motor
7) 8)
9) 10)
------220V DC ----(240V AC can be accepted for off-site areas) ----- 240V AC ---500C
Continuous current rating at 500C as per system requirements ambient 2) Temperature rise - 400C for plain joints - 550C for silver plated joints Constructional requirements 1) Cable entry - Power cables - Control cables 2) 3) Bus duct entry Earthing conductor Short circuit breaking current - AC component - DC component 2) Short circuit making current 40 kA As per IS 13118 or IEC 62271 100 kA (peak) Bottom Bottom ----Top--Galvanised steel strip
Circuit breakers 1)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) 3) 4) 5) 6) e) f) Operating Duty Total break time Total make time Operating Mechanism B 3min MB 3min MB Not more than 4 cycles Not more than 5 cycles Motor wound spring charged energy type as per IEC 62271 2.0 kV (rms) stored
Relays One minute power frequency Meters 1) Accuracy class for Energy accounting and audit meters - on each incoming feeder of 11kV/ 3.3kV buses -on all 11kV and 3.3kV motor feeder - other meters All meters shall also meet CEA regulations on Metering In case, numerical relays having built-in features of energy measurement of requisite accuracy are provided in switchgear, separate energy meter is not necessary. One minute power frequency 2.0 kV (rms)
2) g)
2.0 kV (rms)
Current Transformer 1) 2) Class of Insulation Rated output of each Class E or better Adequate for the relays and devices connected, but not less than fifteen (15) VA.
Accuracy class Measurement core for energy accounting and audit meters - on each incoming feeder of 11kV/ 3.3kV buses -on all 11kV and 3.3kV motor feeder - other meters All CTs shall also meet CEA regulations on Metering Protection core - differential and core balance CTs - other protection CTs
PS 5P20 4) Minimum primary earth fault current to 3 A be detected by core balance CT Voltage Transformers
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) 1) 2) Rated voltage factor Measurement - for energy accounting and audit - for others All VTs shall also meet CEA regulations on Metering Protection Voltage class Rupturing Capacity Rated current j) Surge arresters 11 kV 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Nominal discharge current (8x20 500 Amp micro second) Maximum system voltage 12 kV 3.3kV 1.2 continuous for all VTs, and 1.9 for 30 sec. for star connected VTs Not inferior to 1.0S 1.0 3P 11kV Adequate for 100 kA (peak) As per application 3.3kV
3) i) Fuses
Max. standard impulse spark over 25 kV (without any positive tolerance) voltage (peak) 25 kV 8kV Residual voltage at nominal discharge current Temporary over voltage capability (rms) - For 10,000 seconds 12 kV 3.6kV - For 5 seconds 14.3kV Inside the switchgear panel -----------------3.3kV 3.6kV 50Hz 220 V DC AC-3 4.3kV Installation Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Rated frequency Control supply voltage Utilization category Current transducers a) b) c) d) Input Rated frequency Output Accuracy 0-1 A (CT secondary) 50 Hz 4-20 mA (2 Nos. decoupled) 0.5%
6) k) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) l) 1)
Voltage transducers
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) a) b) c) 3) a) b) c) d) 4) a) b) c) d) 5) a) b) c) d) e) Protection : a) Incomer, bus-coupler and outgoing feeders except motor and transformer feeders b) Time graded over-current protection Under voltage protection for bus to trip motors under sustained under voltage conditions Earth fault relays shall be provided for selective tripping of feeders Input Output Accuracy Input Rated frequency Output Accuracy Input Rated frequency Output Accuracy Input Rated frequency Range Output Accuracy 110V, 50 Hz (from VT secondary) 4-20 mA (2 Nos. de-coupled) 0.5% 3 phase, 3-wire 1 A (CT secondary) 110 V (VT secondary) 50 Hz 4-20 mA (2 nos. de-coupled) 0.5% 3 phase, 3-wire 1A (CT secondary) 110V (VT secondary) 50 Hz 4-20 mA (2 nos. decoupled) 0.5% 110V (VT secondary) 50 Hz 45 to 55 Hz 4-20 mA (2 nos. decoupled) 0.5%
VAR transducers
Watt transducers
Frequency transducers
Outgoing 11kV/3.3kV, 11kV/433V auxiliary service transformers feeders Inverse/ Definite time over-current protection (with instantaneous element) Buchholz protection (for oil filled transformers) Zero sequence/ earth fault current protection for transformer feeder protection Winding temperature high (alarm and trip) Oil temperature high (alarm and trip) (for oil filled transformers)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) Zero sequence protection on LV side (neutral CT to be provided in case of solid grounding)
Outgoing 11kV, 3.3kV motor feeders : Instantaneous short- circuit protection Over-load protection with unbalance current feature Differential protection (for motors above 2000KW) Locked rotor protection, if not covered by the overload protection Zero sequence current protection Winding/ bearing temperature protection by means of RTDs connecting the same to DDCMIS. Surge arrestor : The surge arrestors shall be provided for all motor/ transformer feeders and shall be metal oxide, gapped or gap less type generally in accordance with IEC 60099-1 and suitable for indoor duty. These shall be mounted within the switchgear cubicle between line and earth, preferably in the cable compartment. Surge arrestor selected shall be suitable for non-effectively earthed system and rating shall be in such a way that the value of steep fronted switching over voltage generated at the switchgear terminals shall be limited to the requirements of switchgear. Metering : The energy meters shall be provided as per the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations,2006 and its amendments. However, the energy accounting and audit meters shall be provided in general : - on each incoming feeder of 11kV and 3.3kV buses. - on all 11kV and 3.3kV motor feeders. Energy accounting and audit meters shall be of accuracy class of 0.2S. The accuracy class of CTs and VTs shall not be inferior to that of associated meters. In case, numerical relays having built-in features of energy measurement of requisite accuracy are provided in switchgear, separate energy meter is not necessary. Relays and meters : a) The protective relays shall be static or numerical type. However, numerical type shall be preferred. All relays, auxiliary relays and devices shall be of reputed make and types proven for the application and shall be subject to purchaser approval. The relays and timers shall have appropriate setting ranges, accuracy, resetting ratio, transient over-reach and other characteristics to provide required sensitivity to the satisfaction of the owner. Relays shall be suitable for efficient and reliable operation of the protection scheme. Necessary auxiliary relays, timers, trip relays, etc. required for complete
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) scheme, interlocking, alarm, logging, etc. shall be provided. No control relay, which shall trip the circuit breaker when relay is de-energized, shall be employed in the circuits. c) Relays shall be flush mounted on the front with connections at the rear shall be draw-out or plug-in type/ modular case with proper testing facilities. Provision shall be made for easy isolation of trip circuits for testing and maintenance. Auxiliary relays shall be provided in the trip circuits of protections located outside the board, such as buchholz relay, temperature indicators, fire protection, etc. Suitable measures shall be provided to ensure that transients present in CT and VT connections due to extraneous sources in 400kV system do not cause damage to static circuit. Control circuits shall operate at suitable voltage of 110V AC or 220V DC. Necessary control supply transformers having primary and secondary fuses shall be provided for each MCC, 2x100% per section. However the breakers shall operate on 220V DC. The auxiliary bus bars for control supply shall be segregated from main bus bars. The control supplies shall be monitored. Contractor shall fully co-ordinate overload and short circuit tripping of breaker with upstream and down stream breakers/ fuses/ MCCBs motor starters. Various equipments shall meet requirement of Type-II class of coordination as per IEC. In case of remote controlled breaker panels, following shall be provided. Each feeder shall have local/ remote selector switch. Closing from local shall be possible only in test position whereas closing from remote shall be possible in either service or test position. Tripping from local shall be possible only when local/ remote selector switch is in local position. Tripping from remote shall be either breaker in service position or selector switch being in remote position. i) Suitable self powered transducers as per IS : 12784 Part - I for feeding signals to panel mounted electrical meters (ammeters, voltmeters, VAR meters and watt meters etc.) and DCCMIS shall be provided. The motor feeders for essential auxiliaries shall have contactors with delayed drop-out feature adjustable up to three seconds.
j) Codes and Standards : IS : 722 IS : 996 IS : 1248 IS : 13947 AC electricity meters Single phase small AC and universal electrical motors. Direct Acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and Accessories Degree of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switchgear
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) and control gear Porcelain post insulators for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000V Current transformers. Voltage Transformers Electrical relays for power system protection Metal enclosed switchgear and control gear Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy bars, rods, tubes and selections for electrical purposes. Code of practice for phosphating of iron and steel. Specification for static protective relays. AC contactors for voltages above 1000 volts and upto and including 11000V. Low voltage fuses HV fuses Specification for indoor post insulators of organic material for system with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V upto and including 300 kV AC dis-connectors (isolators) and earthing switches for voltages above 1000V Guide for uniform system of marking and identification of conductors and apparatus terminals. Specification for high voltage AC circuit breakers. Metal oxide surge arrestor without gap for AC system High voltage alternating current circuit breakers. Non-linear resistor type gapped arrestor for AC systems High voltage metal enclosed switchgear and control gear. Recommendation for substitute test for switching over voltage test
IS : 2544 IS : 2705 IS : 3156 IS : 3231 IS : 3427 IS : 5082 IS : 6005 IS : 8686 IS : 9046 IS : 9224 IS : 9385 IS :9431 IS : 9921 IS : 11353 IS : 13118 IEC-60099 part 4 IEC-62271100 IEC-60099-1 IEC-60298 CIGRE WG 13.02 Ch.-3 8.2.5 The switchgears shall be indoor, metal clad having following features : Circuit Breakers Switchgear MCC/ VDDC ACDB/ DCDB System parameters 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Voltage variation Rated frequency Frequency variation 415VAC 433V 10% 50 Hz (+) 3 to (-) 5% 220V DC 240V DC 190 240V DC --air break, three pole, spring charged, horizontal drawout type, suitable for electrical operation Fully drawout type, single front Fully drawout type, single front Fixed type, single front
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) 6) 7) System earthing Maximum system fault level solidly grounded 50kA for 3 seconds Unearthed 25kA for 1 second All 415V switchgears, AC and DC distribution boards (DBs), etc shall have following features :
a) b)
e) f)
Shall be of single front, fully draw-out, metal enclosed, indoor, floor mounted and free standing type. All frames and load bearing members shall be fabricated using mild steel structural sections or pressed and shaped cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 2mm. Frame shall be enclosed in cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 2mm (CR). Doors and covers shall also be of cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6 mm. Stiffeners shall be provided wherever necessary. Removable gland plates of thickness 3mm (hot/ cold rolled sheet steel) or 4 mm (nonmagnetic material) shall be provided for all panels. For motors above 160kW, remote controlled electrical circuit breakers, and for smaller motors, switch-fuse contactor feeders shall be provided. The other outgoing feeders would be switch-fuse units or moulded case circuit breakers. The switchboards/ MCC/ DBs of 1600A and above rating shall be of DOP IP42 and of IP52 for less than 1600A rating. Minimum air clearance in air between phases and phase-earth shall be 25 mm for busbars and cable terminations. For all other components, the Clearances shall be at least 10mm. Wherever above is not possible except for horizontal and vertical busbars, insulation shall be provided by anti tracking sleeving or barriers. However for horizontal and vertical busbars, clearances specified above shall be maintained even when busbars are insulated/ sleeved. In case of DCDBs/ fuse boards, the busbar system shall be insulated or physically segregated with barriers to prevent interpole short circuit. Metering : The energy meters shall be provided on LV side of each incoming transformer feeder of 415V buses as per the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations,2006 and its amendments. Energy accounting and audit meters shall be of accuracy class not inferior to 1.0S as per CEA regulations. The accuracy class of CTs and VTs shall not be inferior to that of associated meters. In case, numerical relays having built-in features of energy measurement of requisite accuracy are provided in switchgear, separate energy meter is not necessary. Relays : a) The protective relays shall be static or numerical type. However, numerical type shall be preferred. All relays, auxiliary relays and devices shall be of reputed
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) make and types proven for the application and shall be subject to purchaser approval. The relays and timers shall have appropriate setting ranges, accuracy, resetting ratio, transient over-reach and other characteristics to provide required sensitivity to the satisfaction of the owner. b) Relays shall be suitable for efficient and reliable operation of the protection scheme. Necessary auxiliary relays, timers, trip relays, etc. required for complete scheme, interlocking, alarm, logging, etc. shall be provided. No control relay, which shall trip the circuit breaker when relay is de-energized, shall be employed in the circuits. Relays shall be flush mounted on the front with connections at the rear shall be draw-out or plug-in type/ modular case with proper testing facilities. Provision shall be made for easy isolation of trip circuits for testing and maintenance. Auxiliary relays shall be provided in the trip circuits of protections located outside the board, such as buchholz relay, temperature indicators, fire protection, etc. Suitable measures shall be provided to ensure that transients present in CT and VT connections due to extraneous sources in 400kV system do not cause damage to static circuit. Control circuits shall operate at suitable voltage of 110V AC or 220V DC. Necessary control supply transformers having primary and secondary fuses shall be provided for each MCC, 2x100% per section. However the breakers shall operate on 220V DC. The auxiliary bus bars for control supply shall be segregated from main bus bars. The control supplies shall be monitored. Contractor shall fully co-ordinate overload and short circuit tripping of breaker with upstream and down stream breakers/ fuses/ MCCBs motor starters. Various equipments shall meet requirement of Type-II class of coordination as per IEC. In case of remote controlled breaker panels, following shall be provided. Each feeder shall have local/ remote selector switch. Closing from local shall be possible only in test position whereas closing from remote shall be possible in either service or test position. Tripping from local shall be possible only when local/ remote selector switch is in local position. Tripping from remote shall be either breaker in service position or selector switch being in remote position. i) Suitable self powered transducers as per IS : 12784 Part - I for feeding signals to panel mounted electrical meters (ammeters, voltmeters, VAR meters and watt meters etc.) and DCCMIS shall be provided. The motor feeders for essential auxiliaries shall have contactors with delayed drop-out feature adjustable up to three seconds.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) Protection : a) 415V AC and 220V DC Incomers Time graded short circuit protection on incoming supply feeder circuit breakers to main switchgears (PCCs and MCCs) Instantaneous over-current protection on all outgoing feeders Under- voltage protection for 415V bus Sensitive earth fault detectors shall be provided in DC system to annunciate earth faults
415 Volts motor feeders 1) Contactor controlled motor feeders (Motors up to 200 kW) Instantaneous short circuit protection on all phases through HRC cartridge type fuses rated for 80 kA rms (prospective breaking capacity at 415V). - Thermal overload protection - Single phasing protection for motors protected by fuses 2) Breaker controlled motors feeders (motors rated above 200 kW) Instantaneous short circuit protection on all phases Overload protection on two phases Over load alarm on third phase Earth fault protection Under voltage protection Hand reset lockout relay with a blue lamp for monitoring - Spare feeders - 20% spare feeders with atleast one of each type and rating shall be provided in each switchgear. 415V Non-segregated phase busduct : a) The entire bus duct shall be designed for dust, vermin and weather proof construction. A suitable aluminium sheet flange-protection hood shall be provided to cover all outdoor bus duct enclosure joints to facilitate additional protection against rain water ingress. All horizontal runs of bus duct shall have a suitable sloped enclosure top to prevent retention of water for both indoor and out door portion of bus ducts. Bus duct enclosure shall have a degree of protection of IP-55. The material of the conductor shall be aluminium. The bus bars shall be rated in accordance with the service conditions and the rated continuous and short time current ratings. All steel structures required for bus duct support shall be hot dip galvanised.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) d) Technical Data i) ii) iii) iv) Type 1 min. power freq. withstand voltage Max. short circuit withstand current Momentary dynamic current withstand Non-segregated 2.5 kV 45kA/ 50kA for 1 second 94.5/ 105kA (Peak) Codes and Standards : IS : 5 IS: 694 IS : 722 IS : 1248 IS : 13947 Part 1 IS : 13947Part-2 / IEC-60947 IS : 2551 IS : 2629 IS : 2705 IS : 13947Pt 4,Sec-1 (IEC-60947) IS : 3043 IS : 3072 IS : 3156 IS : 3202 IS : 3231 IS : 13947 Colours for ready-mixed paints and enamels. PVC insulated cables for working voltages upto and including 1100V AC Electricity Meters Electrical Indicating instruments Degree of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage Switchgear and Control gear AC Circuit Breakers Danger Notice Plates Hot dip galvanising Current Transformers Contactors and motors starter for voltages not exceeding 1000 V AC or 1200 V DC Code of practice for earthing Code of practice for installation and maintenance of Switchgear Voltage Transformers Code of practice for climate proofing of electrical equipment Electrical relays for power system protection Air-Break Switches, air break disconnectors, air Break disconnector and fuse combination units for voltages not exceeding 1000V AC or 1200 V DC. General Requirements for Switchgear and Control gear for voltages <1000 V Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium alloys for electrical purposes. Code of practice of phosphating of iron and steel LV switchgear and Control gear Control current devices and switching element Specification for factory built assemblies of Switchgear and Control gear for voltages upto and including 1000V AC and 1200V DC Static Relays HRC Cartridge fuses Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of switchgear and control gear
IS : 13947 Pt. - I IEC 60947 IS : 5082 IS : 6005 IS:13947 Pt.-5 Sec.1, IEC-60947 IS : 8623(3 parts) / IEC-60439 IS : 8686 IS : 13703 / IEC60269 IS : 10118 (4 parts)
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) IS : 11171 IS : 11353 IS : 12021 IS:8084 Updated upto:1992 ANSI C37:20 DC System : Specification for dry type transformers Guide for uniform system of marking and identification of conductors and apparatus terminals Specification of control transformers for switchgear and Control gear for voltage not exceeding 1000V AC Interconnecting bus bars for A.C. voltage above 1KV upto and including 36KV. Switchgear Assemblies including Metal enclosed Bus.
8.2.6 DC system comprising of DC storage batteries suitably rated Trickle and Boost chargers and DC distribution boards shall be provided to cater the normal DC loads. The DC system shall be generally comprising of : 1x100% sets of 220V of either LeadAcid Plante or Nickel-Cadmium Battery banks catering CHP load shall be provided. The Ampere-hour capacity of DC storage battery shall be based on half an hour supply. 2x100% float cum boost charger shall be provided for each battery bank. Codes and Standards : IS : 266 IS : 1069 IS : 1146 IS : 1652 IS : 3116 IS : 8320 IS : 6071 IS : 10918 IS : 1069 ANSI-C 37.90a IS:5 IS : 694 IS : 1248 IS:13947 Pt-1 IS : 13947 IS : 3231 IS : 3842 IS : 3895 IS : 4540 IS:6005 IS:6619 Specification for sulphuric acid Specification for water for storage batteries Specification for rubber and plastic containers for lead acid storage batteries Specification for stationary cells and batteries, lead acid type (with plant positive plates). Specification for sealing compound for lead acid batteries. General requirements and methods of tests for lead acid storage batteries Specification for synthetic separators for lead acid batteries Specification for vented type Nickel Cadmium Batteries. Quality tolerances for water for storage batteries Guide for surge withstand capability tests Colours for ready mix paints. PVC Insulated Cable for working voltages upto and including 1100V Specification for Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments. Degree of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switch gear and control gear. Specification for low voltage switch gear and control gear Electrical relays for power system protection. Application guide for Electrical relays for AC System Mono-crystalline semi-conductor Rectifier Cells and Stacks Mono crystalline semi-conductor Rectifier assemblies and equipment. Code of practice for phosphating of Iron and Steel Safety Code for Semi-conductor Rectifier Equipment.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) IS:6875 Control switches (switching devices for control and auxiliary circuits including contactor relays) for voltages upto 1000 VAC or 1200V DC IS : 9000 Basic environmental testing procedures for electronic and electrical items. IS:13703 Low voltage fuses for voltages not exceeding 1000 V AC, 1500VDC. EEUA-45D Performance requirements for electrical Alarm Annunciation system 8.2.7 Power and Control cables and Laying & Termination : For 11/ 3.3kV system, Power cables shall be XLPE insulated with conductor and insulation screens armoured and FRLS PVC outer sheathed. The 415V system cables and control cables shall be 1.1kV grade, PVC insulated, armoured and FRLS PVC outer sheathed. The sizing of all power cables shall be done on the basis of current rating taking into account proper de-rating factors for temp. deration and group deration. However, 11/3.3kV cables shall be chosen on the basis of magnitude of fault current and fault clearing time. Certain important auxiliaries shall be provided with fire survival (FS) cables as these cables can withstand 7500C for three (3) hours. Cable shall have suitable filters laid up with the conductors to provide a substantially circular cross section before the sheath is applied. The constructional requirement shall be as follows : a) 11 kV system power cables - The cable shall be 11kV/11kV (unearthed) grade, heavy duty, stranded aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, provided with conductor screening and insulation screening, galvanized steel wire/strip armoured, flame retardant low smoke (FRLS) extruded PVC of type ST2 outer sheathed. 3.3 kV system power cables - The cable shall be 3.3kV/3.3kV (unearthed) grade, heavy duty, stranded aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, provided with conductor screening and insulation screening, galvanized steel wire/ strip armoured, flame retardant low smoke (FRLS) extruded PVC of type ST2 outer sheathed. 415V system power cables - The cable shall be 1.1kV, grade, heavy duty, stranded aluminium conductor, PVC Type-A Insulated galvanized steel wire/strip armoured, flame retardant low smoke (FRLS) extruded PVC type ST1 outer sheathed. Control cables - The cable shall be 1.1kV grade, heavy duty, stranded copper conductor, PVC Type-A insulated, galvanized steel wire/ strip armoured, flame retardent low smoke (FRLS) extruded PVC of Type-ST1 outer sheathed.
d) Special properties : All the above cables shall be conforming to the relevant Indian/ IEC standard in general, with the following special properties: a) Oxygen Index of the outer sheath shall not be less than 29, when tested as per ASTM-D-2863.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) Temperature Index of the outer sheath shall not be less than 2500C, when tested as per ASTM-D-2863. Halogen acid contents in outer sheath shall not be more than 20%, when tested as per IEC-60754. The maximum smoke density in percent light absorption should not exceed 60% in case of PVC compound and 20% in case of fire survival cables, when tested as per ASTM-D-2843. Swedish chimney test as per SS-4241475 class F3 and ladder test for flammability as per IEEE-383.
e) All cables shall be run in GI cable trays/ rigid GI conduits as far as possible. Cable trays shall be ladder/ perforated type. Cable tray support system shall be pre-fabricated. Cable trays shall have standard width of 150 mm, 300 mm and 600 mm and standard lengths of 2.5 metre. Minimum thickness of mild steel sheets used for fabrication of cable trays and fittings shall be 2 mm. The thickness of side coupler plates shall be minimum 3 mm. Cable installation shall be carried out as per IS:1255 and other applicable standards. Termination and jointing kits for 11/ 3.3 kV grade XLPE insulated cables shall be of proven design and make and type tested. Termination kits and jointing kits shall be premoulded type, tapex type or heat shrinkable type and shall be type tested as per IS:13573. Wherever the cables pass through walls/ floors, fire proof cable penetration seals rated for two hours shall be provided. The system offered shall be of proven type as per BS:476 (Part-20) or equivalent standard. Codes and Standards : IS:1554 (Part-I) IS:1554 (Part-II) IS:7098 (Part-II) IS:3961 IS:8130 IS:5831 IS:2982 IS:3975 IS:5609 IS:6380 IS:434(I and II) IEC:540 PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables for working voltage up to and including 1100 V. PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables for working voltage from 3.3kV upto and including 11kV. XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cables for working voltages from 3.3 kV upto and including 33kV. Recommended current ratings for cables. Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords. PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables. Copper conductor in insulated cables and cords. Mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armouring cables Specification for low frequency wirers and cables with PVC insulation and PVC Sheath. Spec. of elastomeric insulation of sheath of electric cables. Specification for rubber insulation cables The methods for insulations and sheaths of electric cables and
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) cords (elastomeric and thermoplastic compounds). Impulse tests on cables and their accessories. High voltage test techniques. Calculations of the continuous current rating of cables (100% load factor). IEC:288 Nominal cross-sectional area and composition of conductor of insulated cables. IEC:502 Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltages from 1.00 kV upto 30 kV. NEMA-WC-5 Thermoplastic insulated wires and cables for transmission and distribution of electrical energy. IEEE:383 Standard for type test for class IE electric cables, filled splices and connections for nuclear power generation stations IEC: 332-1 Test on electric cables under fire conditions. ASTM-D-2843 Standard test method for density of smoke from burning/ decomposition of plastics. ASTM-D-2863 Test for determination of Oxygen Index. IEC-754-I Test method for acid gas generation. IEC-331 Fire resisting characteristics of electric cables. SVENSK Standard SS- 4241475 Class F3 BICC Hand Book For cables in fire regarding temperature index-chapter-6 IEC:230 IEC:60 IEC:287 8.2.8 Lighting system: The auxiliary building shall be provided with a) Main Lighting system for full illumination under normal power supply conditions and shall operate from 415/ 240V AC Power supply tapped from respective 415V switchgear b) Emergency lighting system for reduced illumination operated by DG supply feeders during failure of main power supply. It will cover only 20% of fixtures in the building and associated area and c) Minimum emergency lighting system for reduced illumination during failure of main power supply with the help of 220V DC batteries/ supply feeders. Various lighting branch boards shall be fed directly from 415V switchgear through 1:1 transformers to reduce fault level. If the fault level can be contained in 9kA by virtue of cable impedence involved, then use of 1:1 transformers can be dispensed with. Illumination Levels and Type of Fixtures and Luminaries : SN Location Average Illumination level (lux) 200 300 100 Type of Fixture
1. 2. 3. 4.
Switchgear rooms Control Room Battery rooms Street lighting - primary roads - secondary roads
Industrial trough type fluorescent Mirror optics with anti-glare features Totally enclosed corrosion resistant/ vapour proof HPSV street lights
20 10
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) 5. 6. 7. 8. Outdoor storage handling and unloading area Permanent stores Garage/ Car parking Facility building, canteen 20 150 70 150 HPSV flood light, weather proof Industrial trough type fluorescent Industrial trough type fluorescent Industrial trough type fluorescent
Earthing and Lightning Protection system: Earthing system shall be designed to meet the following requirements:- Earthing and lightning protection for the entire areas or buildings covered shall be provided in accordance with IS 3043, IS 2309, IEEE 80 and IEEE 665 and Indian Electricity Rules/ Acts. Earthing system will be designed considering suitable corrosion allowance based on earthing conductor material and type of soil, for a service life of at least forty (40) years for maximum fault current or system fault current of 40kA whichever is higher for 1 second. The minimum rate of corrosion of earthing conductor shall be considered as 0.12mm per year while determining the conductor size. The material of the earthing conductors shall be as follows : a) b) c) Conductors above ground level and in built Galvanized steel up trenches Conductors buried in earth Mild steel Earth electrodes Mild steel rod The sizes of earthing conductors for various electrical equipments shall be as below: Equipment a) b) c) d) Main earth grid 11kV switchgear/ equipment 3.3 kV switchgear/ 415V switchgear/ Transformers 415V Motors - above 125 kW - 25 kW to 125 kW - 1kW to 25 kW Control panel/ desk Push button station/ Junction Box Columns, structures, cable trays and bus ducts enclosures Earth conductor Earth conductor and in built-up trenches buried in earth 40 mm dia. MS 65x12mm GS flat rod 65x12mm GS flat 50x6mm GS Flat
e) f) g)
50 x 6mm GS flat 25 x 6mm GS flat 25 x 3mm GS flat 25 x 3 mm GS flat 8 SWG GI wire 50x6mm GS flat
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) Metallic frame of all electrical equipment shall be earthed by two separate and distinct connections to earthing system, Each continuous laid lengths of cable tray shall be earthed at minimum two places by GS flats to earthing system. Earth pit shall be constructed as per IS:3043. Electrodes shall be embedded below permanent moisture level. Minimum spacing between electrodes shall be 600mm. Earth pits shall be treated with salt and charcoal if average resistance of soil is more than 20 ohm metre. Earthing conductor shall be buried at least 2000mm outside the fence of electrical installations. Every alternate post of the fences and all gates shall be connected to earthing grid by one lead. Lightning protection system shall comprise vertical air terminations, horizontal air terminations, down conductors, test links and earth electrodes. Air terminations, down conductors and test links shall be of galvanized steel conductors and earth connection below ground level shall be of mild steel rod. 8.3 8.3.1 Control & Instrumentation System - Design Criteria : A totally integrated instrumentation and control system covering the total functional requirements of sequential control, interlock, protection, monitoring, alarm, data logging, fault analysis etc. to ensure operability, maintainability and reliability with latest state of art shall be provided. The control system shall be Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based. All electrical instruments, solenoid valves shall be provided with explosion proof enclosure as per National Electric Code (USA) Article 500, Class-I, Division-I located in the hazardous areas, viz. Fuel oil area, Coal handling area etc.. Further, all fittings, cable glands etc shall be strictly as per NEC recommendation article, 500 to 503. Environmental Conditions Instruments, devices and equipments for location in outdoor/ indoor/ air-conditioned areas shall be designed to suit the environmental conditions indicated below and shall be suitable for continuous operation in the operating environment of a coal fired station and also during periods of air-conditioning failure without any loss of function, or departure from the specification requirements covered under this specification.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System)
Outdoor location 55OC max 4OC min Indoor location 55 OC max 4OC min Atmosphere Atmosphere 95% max 5% min Air Air IP 54** IP 54** Atmosphere Atmosphere 100% max 5% min Air (dirty) Air (dirty) IP 55*** IP 55***
Air-conditioned areas 245 OC normal 50OC max * * Atmosphere Atmosphere 95% max 5%.min Air Air IP 22 IP 22
** For non-ventilated enclosures. For ventilated enclosures, protection class shall be IP 42. *** With a suitable canopy at the top to prevent ingress of dripping water. 8.3.4 Operability & Maintainability a) The design of the control systems and related equipments shall adhere to the principle of Fail Safe operation wherever safety of personnel/ plant equipment is involved. Fail Safe operation signifies that the loss of signal or failure of any component shall not cause a hazardous condition. However, it shall also be ensured that occurrence of false trips are avoided/ minimised. The types of failure, which shall be taken into account for ensuring operability of
Relative humidity
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) the plant shall include but not be limited to: b) Failure of sensor or transmitter Failure of main and/ or redundant controller/ other modules Loss of motive power to final control element Loss of control power Loss of instrument air
The choice of hardware shall also take into account sound maintainability principles and techniques. The same shall include but shall not be limited to the following: Standardization of parts Minimum use of special tools Grouping of functions Interchangeability Malfunction identification facility/ self surveillance facility Easy modular replacement Fool proof design providing proper identification and other features to preclude improper mounting and installation Appropriate de-rating of electronic components and parts
Programmable Logic Controller based control system a) Each PLC unit shall be provided with two processors; one for normal operation and one as hot standby. In case of failure of working processor, there shall be an appropriate alarm and simultaneously, the hot standby processor shall take over the complete plant operation automatically. The transfer from main processor to standby processor shall be totally bump-less and shall not cause any plant disturbance whatsoever. In the event of both processors failing, the system shall revert to fail safe mode. It shall be possible to keep any of the processors as master and other as standby. The standby processor shall be updated in line with the changes made in working processor. The PLC system shall be provided with necessary interface hardware and software for dual fibre-optic connectivity & inter-connection with station wide LAN for two-way transfer of signals for the purpose of information sharing. Two (2) nos. PC based Operator Work Stations shall be provided for control & monitoring and programming function with each PLC. The sequence startup mode shall be of the following types. Automatic Mode
In this mode of operation, the sequence shall progress without involving any action from the operator. The sequence start/ stop command shall be issued from
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) the TFT/ KBDs. Semi-Automatic Mode
In this mode of operation, once the sequence is initiated, the step progressing shall be displayed on the TFT. But the step execution command shall be prevented and shall be sent by the operator via the keyboards. It shall be possible to bypass and/ or simulate one or more criteria to enable the program to proceed. This facility shall allow the program to be executed even if some criteria are not fulfilled because of defective switching device, etc., while the plant condition is satisfactory. All the criteria by-passed shall be logged and displayed. It shall be possible to put the system on the auto-mode after operating it on semi-automatic mode for some steps or vice-versa, without disturbance to the sequence operation. Operator Test Mode
It shall be possible to use the sequential control in operator guide mode/ test mode i.e. the complete system runs and receives input from the plant and the individual push button stations (where provided)/ keyboards but its command output is blocked. The whole programme, in this case shall run in manual mode. This mode shall allow the operator to practise manual operation using step and criteria indications. The actual protection should remain valid during this mode of operation also. The sequence shall be started by putting the sequence on 'auto' and on receipt of 'start' command from the OWS or from a higher level group/ protection action as defined. The sequence shall then progress as per the defined logics. It should be possible to select alternative operation in the same sequence depending on certain process/ equipment condition. Some step can be automatically by-passed also based on certain process/ equipment condition. When the expected results of the sequence are reached the sequence is considered as "End". If during sequence initiation or sequence progressing or during normal running of the drive, a shutdown criteria is present, the sequence shall be stopped and the shut down sequence initiated. e) Priority of different commands shall be as follows: i) Manual intervention shall be possible at any stage of operation. Protection commands shall have priority over manual commands and manual commands shall prevail over auto commands. In PLC controller, memory shall exist as to where the sequence was aborted due to power supply failure, so that further operation from that point can restart on restoration of power supply. This restart shall be through operators intervention, so as to enable verification of readiness of other related equipments.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System)
Input/ Output (I/O) Modules i) The PLC system shall be designed according to the location of the input/ output cabinets whether in the same cabinet or mounted in a separate rack. I/O modules for all type of field input signals (4-20mA, RTD, thermocouple, non-changeover/ changeover contact inputs etc.) and outputs from the control system (non-changeover/ change over contact, 24/48VDC output signals for energising interface relays,4-20mA output etc.) shall be provided. Redundant I/O modules shall be provided for critical applications. Electrical isolation of 1.5kV with optical couplers between the plant input/ output and controller shall be provided on the I/O cards. The isolation shall ensure that any inadvertent voltage or voltage spikes shall not damage or mal-operate the internal processing equipment. The I/O system shall facilitate modular expansion in fixed stages. The individual I/O cards shall incorporate indications on the module front panels for displaying individual signal status. Individually fused output circuits with the blower fuse indicator shall be provided. All I/O points shall be provided with status indicator. Input circuits shall be provided with fuses preferably for each input; alternatively, suitable combination of inputs shall be done and provided with fuses such that for any fault, fuse failure shall affect the particular drive system only without affecting other systems. All I/O cards shall have quick disconnect terminations allowing for card replacement without disconnection of external wiring and without switching of power supply. The following monitoring features shall be provided: Power supply monitoring Contact bounce filtering Optical isolation between input and output signals with the internal circuits In case of power supply failure or hardware fault, the critical outputs shall be automatically switched to the fail-safe mode
Keying-in of individual wire connectors shall be provided to ensure that only the correct card is plugged on the I/O module. It shall be possible to remove I/O module without disconnecting wiring from field inputs or outputs. There shall be atleast 20% spare capacity available on input,
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) output and memory modules, over and above the system requirement. ix) Binary Output modules shall be rated to switch ON/ OFF coupling relays of approx. 3VA at 24VDC. Analog output modules shall be able to drive a load impedance of minimum 500 . Output module shall be capable of switching ON/ OFF inductive loads like solenoid valves, auxiliary relays etc. without any extra hardware. Only one changeover contact shall be provided in MCC for control and interlock requirement. Further, multiplication, if required, shall be done in PLC. All input field interrogation voltage shall be 24V DC or 48V DC. In case of loss of I/O communication link with the main processing unit, the I/O shall be able to go to predetermined fail safe mode with proper annunciation. 20% spare I/O modules in each system cabinet shall be provided.
xii) xiii)
xiv) g)
Data Communication System (DCS) Redundant communication controllers shall be provided to handle the communication between I/O Modules (including remote I/O) and PLCs and between PLCs and operator work station.
Operator interface displays/ logs Suitable displays and reports for control operation and monitoring shall be provided.
Control and power supply scheme i) For PLC system, redundant 24VDC power supply shall be provided. Necessary redundant transformers and redundant chargers with 24VDC battery back-up shall be provided to derive power supply from 415V, 3-phase redundant incomers of 415V MCC. For separately mounted I/O racks, separate power supplies shall be provided. Power supply module shall be of adequate capacity to supply all modules. In addition 20% spare capacity for future shall be provided. All the drives shall be switched ON/ OFF through 24VDC coupling relays to be provided in HT/ LT switchgears. ii) Each set of PC along with TFT shall be provided with smart type line interactive Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) with software and hardware for remote management along with features of surge suppression and AVR facility. The
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 8 (Electrical and Control & Instrumentation System) UPS shall be of sufficient capacity of at least 30 minute at machine load. iii) The battery shall be sealed maintenance free Ni-Cd type or Plante type Lead Acid batteries with long life and shall be able to provide a back-up for one hour at full load requirement of the complete control system.
Annunciation system Annunciation system shall be integral part of PLC system. Field contacts shall be acquired through PLC only. The annunciation sequence logics shall be implemented as a part of PLC controllers. The annunciation window lamps mounted on control panel shall be driven through contact output modules of PLC.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
9.1 9.1.1
GENERAL Intent and Scope This section covers technical requirements for design criteria/guidelines for civil and structural works for Balance of Plant Packages. The scope of civil works has been described in respective Section of Balance of Plant packages.
9.1.2 i)
Site Grading and Leveling Design criteria Leveling and grading shall be carried out by selected cutting and filling of existing ground surface and earth. The cutting and filling requirements should balance each other to avoid earth from borrow pits as far as possible. Different grade levels may be adopted for different areas. Following levels may generally be adopted for the plant:a) Formation level of the plant b) Road level of the plant c) Finished floor level of all buildings : : : +0.0M +0.2M +0.5M
Formation level of the plant shall be kept minimum 1.0 m above the highest flood level (HFL). ii) General site excavation and fill General site excavation and fill shall establish a uniform, stable working surface in active station areas, provide for positive drainage compatible with natural drainage system around buildings and other structures, and provide adequate soil cover for underground utilities. Before the placement of fill material, the existing sub grade shall be prepared as follows:a) All vegetation, organic or otherwise incompetent material shall be removed. The remaining in-situ material shall be compacted to the depth and density determined by the detailed design. Slope stability, moisture and density relationship, and compaction requirements shall be determined as a result of the geotechnical field and laboratory investigations.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
b) The size of the general site fill is defined by its geometrical boundaries. These shall be established in conformity with the arrangement of site facilities and the site design parameters subject to constraints imposed by the interfacing systems. c) The natural soil strata and fill material shall be tested for presence of sulphates and chlorides. In the event high percentages of such compounds are found to be present, required special treatment/coatings shall be provided to the concrete and reinforcement surfaces for foundations and structures below ground for protection against the deterioration during the life-time of such structures. iii) Structure backfill a) Structure backfill shall provide stable fill around and adjacent to structure foundations and buried utilities. All organic and other existing material which can cause settlements due to soil volume change shall be removed prior to placing the fill material. Backfill shall be placed and compacted to the required limits. The use of heavy equipment or inundation for placing structure backfill shall be prohibited.
Slope protection Slope protection shall protect earth slopes from erosion due to storm water runoff and wind damage or other natural phenomena consisting of grass cover, grout filled fabric forms rip rap. The type of slope protection shall be determined by expected velocities of storm water run off.
9.1.3 i)
Roads Design criteria a) The roads system shall provide vehicular access throughout the plant area including access to all building and structure etc. The system shall provide access to all building and major activity areas of the site. The roads system shall be subjected to heavy vehicles and construction equipment during construction. All roads shall be subject to heavy wheel loads of off-road haul trucks, wheel loaders, and scrapers. Road system shall be designed for minimum class A loading or higher conforming to IRC standards. All roads should be provided with adequate camber as per IRC standards. The roads shall be divided into two types of roads as follows:1. All main roads shall be 8 meter wide with raised foot path on both sides of roads. All secondary plant roads shall be 4.5 meter wide provided with 1.5 meter wide hard shoulders on either side and shall be for access to plant auxiliary areas
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
and buildings. Peripheral road along the boundary wall shall have adequate nos. of watch towers as per requirement. d) Secondary access roads within the station complex shall be constructed during the site preparation phase of construction with RCC culvert at road junctions to cater for crossing of drains/cables etc. to avoid major road cuttings at a later date. All roads shall be constructed on prepared sub-grade and stone sub-base and base of two (2) layers of water bound macadam each of minimum 75 mm thickness, with Gr. II crushed rock aggregate conforming to IRC-19 laid over prepared sub-base. The sub-grade for the road shall be the natural ground, which shall be cleared of all loose material, organic matter, grass etc, scarified, rolled and compacted to proctor density of 95%. The sub-base shall consist of crushed stone laid to a minimum thickness of 200 mm, in 2 layers of 100 mm compacted thickness each, with Gr. I aggregate conforming to IRC-19. All the roads shall be topped with Asphalt concrete 50 mm minimum thickness. Road side drainage shall be provided preferably on both sides of road. The total thickness and composition of the layers of the pavement shall be provided as per IRC 37. Design of flexible pavement.
Road sub-grades a) b) The sub-grades shall provide uniform and stable foundations for the roads. Embankment fill material shall consist of specified fill material obtained from excavation at other onsite grading areas, buildings, or roadbeds. This material shall be placed and compacted to the density and geometry determined by the detailed design to provide the strength required and to limit settlements within the allowable limits.
Type of roads a) b) c) Access within the plant site shall be provided by a system of roadways. Roads shall be three types: Type I, Type II and Type III. Type I roads shall be 8 meter wide and consist of asphalt paved carriageways with 1.5 m wide hard shoulders. Type II roads shall be 4.5 m wide with 1.5 m wide hard shoulders on either side. Type III roads, 3 meter wide, shall be provided along the plant boundary for access for security and maintenance. All roads shall be surfaced with gravel during the construction period. Occasional applications of a dust palliative material shall be used to minimize the dust problem during the dry seasons. All Type I and Type II roads shall have a minimum turning radius of 15.2 m. Bollards shall be provided along side all type roadways near equipment which requires protection. Spare duct banks shall be provided under all type roads spaced at 100 m intervals.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Signs shall be provided for vehicle management and shall meet Indian standards. All signs shall be dual worded in both English and the local Indian language.
9.1.4 i)
Storm Water Runoff Drainage Design criteria a) Grading shall provide stable sub-grades for transportation facilities, flow ways for the transportation of runoff, flood protection, and stable earth surfaces for access and for handling of materials during plant construction and operation. Storm water runoff drainage shall direct runoff from roof drains and other areas to the proper drainage collection basins or to natural drainage as appropriate. Rainfall runoff shall be directed from facility areas and construction lay-down areas in a manner which allows maximum freedom of vehicular traffic patterns. Various classes of compacted earth fill materials with stone base shall form roadbed embankments, foundation bearing surfaces, and stable earth surfaces for access roads and parking areas. Grading and engineered ditches shall direct the site drainage. Roof drainage and ditch flow shall be based on a 1 in 50 year frequency rainfall event for the power block area, the railroad, and for the plant access roads. Whenever possible, drainage shall run parallel to roadways and traffic areas to direct runoff to culverts used in the storm water runoff drainage system. In case collection basin is provided, the basin shall be designed to contain general site drainage, neutralization basin flows, oil/water separator flows, and service water system flows, septic tank. The basin shall be sized to contain the 24 hours storm runoff from two recent consecutive rainfall events and shall be designed not to have a normal discharge.
e) f)
Storm water runoff drainage and culverts Offsite runoff entering the site from surrounding areas shall be routed around the site area through the use of overland flow, open channel flow, and underground piping. Runoff originating from areas of the site not disturbed by construction activities or unit operation shall be allowed to flow to the natural site drainage system. Runoff from disturbed areas of the site shall be controlled as described below:a) Open areas shall be sloped a minimum of 1 percent to drain away from buildings and structures towards drainage channels. All runoff shall be conveyed by gravity to the drainage system. Open drains shall be utilized primarily except for roof and floor drainage. In areas where surface space limitations prevent the use of open drains, catch basins/pits shall be used. Catch basins shall discharge to the nearest open drain through underground piping. RCC box culverts/pipe culverts shall be used to pass flows under roads, railroads, and other locations where surface conveyance would not be practical. For pipe culverts, reinforced concrete
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
pipes class NP3 conforming to IS-458 shall be provided. For all other underground piping work reinforced concrete pipe class NP2 of IS-458 (minimum) shall be provided. b) All plant drains shall be of covered RCC construction and shall be rectangular in shape. Drains shall be provided with RCC slab covers if required from aesthetic and operational requirements. MS edge angles shall be provided on the drain side walls supporting the cover slabs. The pre-cast cover slabs shall also be provided with MS flats/angles for edge protection. All culverts shall be equipped with headwalls and aprons at both the upstream and downstream ends. Wherever vehicular or other loading is anticipated to occur over drain covers, these shall be designed for it. The general site drainage system shall be designed for a 1 in 50 year frequency rainfall event for the power block area and for the main access roads. Culvert wall thickness shall be sized to provide adequate strength and allow for corrosion protection over the unit lifetime. The opening shall be sized to carry the design flow most efficiently accounting for the constraints of the discharge channel and the embankment. All runoff from outside area flowing through the site shall be suitably diverted to the natural drainage system by constructing the open channels, underground pipes or closed channels as per site requirement. The natural drainage system may need to be modified to take care the additional discharge from the site. The plant area drainage shall be designed to cater to storm water run off resulting from a three (3) hour storm or 1 hour rainfall intensity with a return period of 50 years which ever is higher. The three (3) hour values shall be based on the recommendation of Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). The plant storm water drainage shall be designed taking into account the finished grade levels of the plant and invert levels of existing drains, area drainage pattern within and outside plant area, intensity of rainfall etc. The maximum velocity for pipe drains and open drains shall be limited to 2.4 m/sec and 1.8 m/sec respectively. However, minimum velocity of 0.6/sec. for self cleansing shall be ensured. Bed slope not milder than 1 in 1000 shall be provided.
Road Drainage a) Runoff from onsite road roadbeds and other embankments shall be collected and directed to general site drainage. Roads and their embankments shall be sloped to drain to toe drains which shall collect and transport the runoff. Intermediate culverts shall convey runoff through embankment fills. Toe drains and culverts shall be designed as described in general site drainage. Drainage system study within plant boundary as well as outside the plant boundary shall be carried out.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
9.1.5 i)
Drains and Plumbing General The drains and plumbing system shall carry contaminated and other waste fluids by gravity to a waste collection and treatment system through an over ground piping system and embedded underground pipes.
Major Components The drains and plumbing system shall consist of the following major components:a) b) c) d) Roof drains. Trenches, floor, equipment, and oil drains. Hot drains. Plumbing.
Description a) The drains and plumbing system shall consist of drain trenches covered with precast RCC covers or gratings, floor drains, feeder drain pipes, down comers, bell-ups, inspection chambers/manholes with covers, main pipe headers, and supply piping. This system, along with the interfacing waste collection and treatment systems shall drain the floor drains and fixtures to the proper drainage or treatment facility. All components of the drains and plumbing system shall be designed to ensure efficient drainage of the associated areas or equipment. The water or storm drainage facilities and piping shall be located at elevations to allow gravity drainage adequately.
Roof Drains Design Criteria a) The roof drains shall transport rainfall runoff from roofs to the grading and storm water runoff drainage system. The roof drains shall be sized for the roof area runoff for a maximum rainfall per hour at site. Fixing of rain water gutters and down pipes for roof drainage shall conform to IS-2527.
Plumbing Design Criteria a) The plumbing shall consist of all the hot and cold water supply distribution piping from the potable water header connection to and including the plumbing fixtures. The plumbing fixtures shall include water heaters, lavatories, urinals, toilets, etc. The plumbing shall be rigidly anchored to walls and steel with suitable pipe hangers
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
or wall brackets. All plumbing materials and fixtures shall be of the best quality and make conforming to relevant IS codes with water conserving features and shall be as approved by Purchaser. b) The plumbing shall be sufficient to supply the quantity of water required by the plumbing fixtures. All plumbing work shall correspond to IS-2065 and IS-1172. The design, layout, construction etc of drains for waste-water, surface water and sewage together with connections, manholes, inspection chambers etc., used within the building and from the building to the septic tank or treatment works shall conform to IS-1742.
Concrete/Steel Structural Design Codes and standards All design criteria must conform to the latest edition of the Indian codes and standards or other Internationally accepted standards which ensure a quality equal to or higher than the Indian standards unless otherwise specified. Indian Standards Different Bureau of Indian standards codes (IS) Special publications (SP) Indian Road Congress standards (IRC) National Building Codes (NBC)
If any, standard/ clauses of the standard contains a provision which is inconsistent with a provision in Indian standard, the more stringent requirement as per the interpretation of the Owner/Purchaser shall prevail. All design work shall be carried out on the basis of latest edition of applicable codes and standards mentioned. Natural Phenomena Design Criteria The design criteria based on the natural phenomena (wind speed, seismicity, ambient temperature and relative humidity) are discussed below. i) Wind speed a) The basic wind speed shall be based on IS: 875 (part 3). This basic wind speed shall be used to determine wind load for all structures. All structures shall be designed for wind forces in accordance with IS: 875 (Part 3) for site specific information with reference to basic wind speed Vb at 10 metres above mean ground level. The risk co-efficient K1 & category of terrain, but notwithstanding the values of the above mentioned parameters, the design
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
wind pressure so computed at any point shall not be taken less than 1500 N/sq.m for all classes of structures, i.e. A, B & C as defined in IS-875(Part 3). c) Along wind forces shall generally be computed by peak (ie 3 second gust) wind speed method. Along wind forces for slender & wind sensitive structures shall be computed for dynamic effects using gust factor or gust effectiveness factor method. The structure shall be designed for higher of the forces obtained from gust factor method and the peak wind speed method. Analysis for dynamic effects of wind must be undertaken for any structure which has a height to minimum lateral dimension ratio greater than 5 & if fundamental frequency of structure is less than 1 HZ. Susceptibility of structure to across wind forces, galloping, flutter/ovalling etc. be examined and designed/detailed as per recommendations of IS: 875 (Part 3). The size & relative position of other structures likely to enhance wind loading on structure under consideration shall be considered. Enhancement factor, if necessary, shall be estimated and applied to wind loading. Damping in structures
The damping factors to be adopted shall not be more than as indicated below: Welded steel structures Belted steel structures Reinforced steel structures Steel stacks 1.0% 2.0% 1.6% As per IS:6533 & CICIND model code whichever is more critical
Seismicity a) b) The zone factor as per IS: 1893 shall be applied for the plant site. The seismic risk zone for this site determined from the IS : 1893. Seismic loading shall be used in the design of structures. Wind load and seismic load shall not be considered to act simultaneously. Under seismic condition, the whole frame except the roof, shall be assumed loaded with 50% design live load. No further reduction in column live load shall be considered as per clause under seismic conditions. Dynamic analysis of buildings and structures shall be carried out in accordance with clause 7.8 of IS 1893. All structures and equipment shall be designed for seismic forces adopting the site specific seismic information provided in IS: codes and using the other provisions in accordance with IS: 1893 (Part 1): 2002 and IS: 1893 (part 4) : 2005. Pending finalization of Parts 2,3 and 5 of IS : 1893, provisions of part 1 shall be read along with the relevant clauses of IS : 1893 : 1984, for structures other than the buildings and industrial structures including stack-like structures.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
A site specific seismic study shall be conducted for project site. The peak ground horizontal acceleration for the project site, the site specific acceleration spectral coefficients ( in units of gravity acceleration g) in the horizontal direction for the various damping values and the multiplying factor (to be used over the spectral coefficients) shall be modified as per Annexure-B of IS 1893 (Part 4):2005.
Horizontal seismic acceleration spectral coefficients in units of g (Site Specific) Period Sec Damping factor (as percentage of critical damping) 1% 1.6% 2% 3% 5%
Vertical acceleration spectral values shall be taken as 2/3rd of the corresponding horizontal values. The site specific design acceleration spectra shall be used in place of the response acceleration spectra, given at figure-2 in IS : 1893 (Part 1) and Annex B of IS : 1893 (Part 4). The site specific acceleration spectra along with multiplying factors specified in Annexure-1 includes the effect of the seismic environment of the site, the importance factor related to the structures and the response reduction factor. Hence, the design spectra do not require any further consideration of the zone factor (Z), the important factor (I) and response reduction factor (R) as used in the IS : 1893 (Part 1 and Part 4). Damping in Structures The damping factor ( as a percentage of critical damping) to be adopted shall not be more than as indicated below for : Steel structures : 2% 5% 3% 2%
Method of Analysis 1) Since most structures in a power plant are irregular in shape and have irregular distribution of mass and stiffness, dynamic analysis for obtaining the design seismic forces shall be carried out using the response spectrum method. The number of vibration modes used in the analysis shall be such that the sum total of modal masses of all modes considered is at least 90 percent of the total seismic mass and shall meet requirements of IS : 1893 (Part 1). Modal combination of the peak
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
response quantities shall be performed as per Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) method or by an acceptable alternative as per IS : 1893 (Part 1). 2) In general, seismic analysis shall be performed for the three orthogonal (two principal horizontal and one vertical) components of earthquake motion. The seismic response from the three components shall be combined as specified in IS : 1893 (Part1 ). For buildings, if the design base shear (VB) obtained from modal combination is less than the base shear ( VB) computed using the approximate fundamental period (Ta) given in IS : 1893 : Part 1 and using site specific acceleration spectra with appropriate multiplying factor, the response quantities (e.g. member forces, displacements, storey forces, storey shears and base reactions) shall be enhanced in the ratio of VB/VB However, no reduction is permitted if VB is less than VB. For regular buildings less than 12 m in height, design seismic base shear and its distribution to different floor levels along the height of the building may be carried out as specified under clause 7.5, 7.6, & 7.7 of IS : 1893 (Part 1) and using site specific design acceleration spectra. The design horizontal acceleration spectrum value (Ah) shall be computed for the fundamental natural period as per clause 7.6 of IS : 1893 (Part 1) using site specific spectral acceleration coefficients with appropriate multiplying factor Further, the spectral acceleration coefficient shall get restricted to the peak spectral value if the fundamental natural period of the structure falls to the left of the peak in the spectral acceleration curve.
Design/Detailing for Ductility for Structures The site specific design acceleration spectra is a reduced spectra and has an inbuilt allowance for ductility. Structures shall be engineered and detailed in accordance with relevant India/International standards to achieve ductility.
Temperature Systems and system component design criteria which require ambient temperature extremes shall use the range from minimum to maximum temperature existing at site for dry-bulb temperatures.
Relative humidity i) ii) Absolute maximum Highest monthly mean : : 100% As per site condition
Design Loads
9 - 10
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Design loads for all structures shall be determined according to the criteria described below, unless the applicable Indian building code requires more severe design conditions. i) Dead loads Dead loads shall consist of the weights of the structure and all equipment of a permanent or semi-permanent nature including tanks, silos, bins, wall panels, partitions, roofing, piping, drains, electrical trays, bus ducts, and the contents of tanks measured at full capacity. However, the contents of tanks and other loads of semi-permanent nature shall not be considered as effective in resisting column uplift, overturning and sliding. ii) Live loads a) Live loads shall consist of uniform live loads and equipment live loads. Uniform live loads are assumed unit loads which are sufficient to provide for movable and transitory loads, such as the weight of people, portable equipment and tools, planking and small equipment, or parts which may be moved over or placed on floors during maintenance operations. These uniform live loads should not be applied to floor areas which shall be permanently covered with equipment. Equipment live loads are calculated loads based upon the actual weight and size of the equipment and parts to be placed on floors during dismantling and maintenance, or to be temporarily placed on or moved over floors during installation. Floors and supporting members which are subject to heavy equipment live loads shall be designed on the basis of the weight of the equipment in addition to a uniform load of 500 kg/m2, or specifically defined live loads, whichever is greater. Each member in the floor which may carry these loads shall be designed for the heaviest piece or pieces of equipment arranged in the most critical position. For loads caused by moving equipment over the floor for installation, consideration shall be given to the shoring of beams and floor from floors below. When moving equipment over floors for installation, stress increases of 25 percent are permitted in beams and columns. Live loads shall be used as follows:Description Grade floors slabs Maintenance area in ground floor Storage areas Suspended floors and control room floor Roofs (concrete slab) Floor slabs 1500 kg/m2 (minimum) 3000 kg/m2 Actual load of stored material or 1500 kg/m2 (minimum) 1500 kg/m2 (minimum ) or actual whichever is higher 250 kg/m2
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Floor slabs 750 kg/m2 for grating/ chequered plate 500 kg/m2 for supporting beams
Areas designated for different loadings on the same floor shall be clearly and permanently marked. e) Column live loads Live loads carried from the floors to the columns shall include 100 percent of the roof live load. In addition to the roof live load, the columns must carry floor live load. If the floor live load is 500 kg/m2 or less, no reduction in live loads carried from the floors to the columns is allowed. If the floor live load is greater than 500 kg/m2, reduction in live loads carried from the floors to the columns shall be considered as per clause 3.2 of IS-875 (Part-2) for design. However, reduction in live load from all floors to be carried by the member under consideration shall not exceed 20% irrespective of the codal provisions. iii) Impact loads Impact loads shall be added to other loads for components supporting reciprocating or rotating machines, elevators, hoists, cranes, or other equipment creating dynamic forces. The following impact loads shall be used, unless analysis indicates higher or lower values:a) b) Elevators Hoists and cranes: Vertical Horizontal-lateral -25 % of the maximum static wheel load. 20 % of the sum of the lifted load plus the weight of the hoisting component. 10 % of the total moving load. -100 % of lifted load.
Horizontal-longitudinal c) Rotating and reciprocating equipment d) Hangers supporting floors and platforms Steel members supporting
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
100 percent..
Equipment loads Equipment loads shall be specifically determined and located. For major equipment, structural members and bases shall be specifically located and designed to carry the equipment load into the structural system. For equipment weighing less than the live load, the structural system shall be designed for the live load. Equipment loads shall be noted in the design calculations to permit separation in calculation of uplift and stability.
Access walkways, stair, handrails, and ladders Design loads shall conform to the requirements of IS: 875 (part I and II) and the minimum requirements following, whichever are the most severe: a) The walkways shall be designed for the dead loads of the structure plus a superimposed live load of 500 kg/m2 uniformly distributed, or a concentrated load of 500 kg at any point, whichever produces the most severe effect. Stair treads shall be designed for a distributed load of 225 kg/linear meter of tread width or a concentrated load of 100 kg, whichever produces the most severe effect. Handrail forces shall be 100 kg applied outward at the center of the span and vertical between posts. Ladders shall be designed to withstand a line load of 100 kg or, alternatively, a number of line load units of 100 kg, the number of units and their spacing being in accordance with the anticipated usage of the ladder.
Test load The test load shall be defined as the gravity load imposed by method necessary to test vessels, tanks, equipment or piping.
Wind loads Wind load for all structures shall be based on IS: 875 (part 3). Basic wind speed shall be as specified in IS: 875(part-3).
Seismic loads The seismic risk zone for the site shall be determined from the IS: 1893. Under seismic condition, the whole frame except the roof shall be assumed loaded with 50% design live load. No further reduction in column live load shall be considered as per clause under seismic condition.
Construction loads
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
The integrity of the structures shall be maintained without use of temporary framing struts or ties and cable bracing insofar as possible. However, construction or crane access considerations may dictate the use of temporary structural systems. Special studies shall be made and documented to ensure the stability and integrity of the structures during any periods involving use of temporary bracing systems.
Estimated loads Loadings imposed by equipment shall be specifically determined or estimated before detailed structural design. Estimated loadings shall be noted as such in hand calculations or computer input and verified as information is made final.
Dust Load All buildings and structures shall be designed for dust load of 50 kg/m2.
Thermal load Thermal loads shall be defined as forces caused by changes in temperature. The primary source of thermal loads in an industrial plant is the expansion or contraction of vessels and piping. Another source of thermal loads in a redundant structure is the expansion or contraction of the entire structure or individual structural components.
Future load Loads from future expansion shall be considered when so directed by the purchaser./owner. Future loads may include any of the loads listed above.
Surge load Surge loads may occur in some vessels or equipment. In such cases, the magnitude and direction of the load shall be given by the equipment supplier.
Miscellaneous load Miscellaneous loads shall be defined as loads that do not fit into the categories listed in this section. Typical miscellaneous loads are loads, during erection, maintenance and repair or forces due to creep, shrinkage or settlement. For the design of individual structural components, realistic load combinations in accordance with the relevant design standards shall be considered. All loadings considered in the design shall be justified with supporting details.
General Requirements
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Reinforced concrete structures shall be designed in accordance with the latest Indian standards IS: 456- Building code requirements for reinforced concrete. Structural steel buildings shall be designed in accordance with latest IS 800. Building code requirements for steel buildings. The design of all structures shall be such that differential and total settlements or other movements shall not exceed acceptable limits and full provision shall be made for all expansion and other joints. Structural members subjected to flexure shall be designed to have adequate stiffness to limit deflections or any deformations that affect strength or serviceability of a structure adversely. The maximum allowable deflections of structural members shall be in accordance with the relevant design standards and/or the limits prescribed by the machinery manufacturers (whichever is less). The superstructures and foundations subjected to vibrations (the primary source of these vibrations being the unbalanced forces generated by rotating or reciprocating equipment) shall be designed such that vibrations will be neither intolerable nor troublesome to personnel and will not cause damage to the machine or structure. The natural frequency of the whole of the superstructures and foundations or parts thereof and all structures adjacent thereto shall not coincide with the operating frequency of the vibrating equipment. The differences between frequencies and the dynamic analysis of the superstructures and foundations shall be in accordance with the relevant design standard.
viii) The dimensions of all the buildings shall be such as to provide adequate space for the safe installation and proper operation, maintenance and repair of all plant and equipment. Design of steel connections i) Fabrication drawings shall be prepared according to the provision of IS: 800, IS: 816, IS: 9595, IS: 1367 and IS: 9178. Connection of vertical bracings with connecting members and diagonals of truss members shall be designed for full tensile capacity of the bracings. Size of fillet weld for flange to web connection for built-up section shall be as follows:a) b) Full shear capacity or actual shear whichever is more for box section. 80% of full shear capacity or actual shear or 0.5 times of the web thickness whichever is more for I section weld shall be double fillet.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
All welds shall be continuous. The minimum size of the fillet weld shall be 8 mm.
Shear connections shall be designed for 75% of section strength or actual shear for rolled sections and 80% of section strength or actual shear whichever is higher for built-up section or rolled section with cover plates. Moment connections between beam and column shall be designed for 100% of moment capacity of the beam section. All butt-welds shall be full penetration butt-welds. The connection between top flange and web of crane girder shall be full penetration butt-weld and for bottom flange, connection may be fillet weld.
vi) vii)
viii) Connection of base plate and gusset members with the columns shall be done considering that total load gets transferred through weld. ix) Splicing: All splicing work shall be full strength. Field splicing shall be done with web/flange cover plates. For exceptional cases, the field splicing shall be designed for 50% of load carried by the cover plates and remaining 50% load through full penetration butt-weld. Shop splicing for all sections other than rolled shall be carried out by full penetration butt-welds with no cover plates. Splicing for all rolled sections shall be carried out using web and flange cover plate.
Foundations Foundations for Building i) General a) Detailed geo-technical investigation shall be required to be carried out to ascertain the safe bearing capacity and appropriate type of foundation for heavy equipment and structures. The geo-technical exploration, testing and analysis information shall be used to determine the most suitable bearing method to support each foundation. The bearing method may include engineered fill, piling, drilled shafts, pressure injected footings or soil densification.
Bearing capacity The foundations shall be designed for the following factors of safety:Shallow foundations Deep foundation systems : : 3.0 2.0
Settlement criteria
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Allowable settlements, elastic plus consolidation, shall be limited as follows:Total settlement Differential settlement : : 38 mm 6 mm
Foundations for equipment shall be designed to meet the total and differential settlement established by the equipment manufacturer if they are more stringent than the allowable settlements listed above. Foundations for buildings shall be designed to meet the total and differential settlement as required for the building function if they are more stringent than the allowable settlements listed above. iv) Settlement and expansion joints a) Joints are to be arranged in such a way that stresses and strains caused by settlements, temperature, differential settlement, etc do not adversely affect the structures. This primarily applies to differently loaded areas and structures having different foundations or foundations of different depths. The settlement joints shall run through the complete structure down to foundation level, the expansion joints however shall stop on the top level of foundations. The joint width which is to be at least 2 cm is to be planned considering all relevant factors (settlements, tilting, movements, aspects etc.). Settlements of all relevant structures shall be measured, recorded and shown in diagrams according to IS: 8009 Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundation.
Foundations at different depths Foundations at different levels should be based beyond a load spread angle of /30 (against the horizontal). Otherwise, the load influence (e.g. earth pressure) of the higher level structures on the lower ones must be taken into consideration.
Safety against uplift For all parts of the structures extending into the ground water, safety against uplift has to be guaranteed during all execution stages, especially when ground water lowering is terminated.
Shallow foundations Shallow foundations shall rest on the natural bearing soil. For this kind of foundation especially the following standard is to be applied: IS: 1080 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations on soil
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
IS: 6403
viii) Pile Foundations The pile foundation shall be of cast-in-situ bored piles as per IS: 2911 or approved international standard (relevant part). a) Only RCC piles shall be provided. b) Minimum diameter of piles generally shall be 450 mm. The allowable load carrying capacity of the pile in vertical compression shall be limited to its structural capacity. The uplift and lateral load capacities shall be restricted to 20% and 5% respectively of the allowable load capacity in vertical compression. However, the pile capacities to be adopted shall be the least of the estimated design values and that obtained from the pile load tests. Maximum permissible lateral deflection at pile head shall be 5.0 mm. c) Only straight piles shall be used. d) The piling work shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of IS: 2911 (relevant part) or approved Inter- national Standard and approved construction methodology. e) The pile shall be tested for vertical, lateral and uplift capacity. The safe load shall be as per IS _ 2911 (Part-IV). Foundation for rotating Equipment Special foundation requirements for rotating equipment i) The foundation systems for rotating equipment shall be sized and proportioned not to exceed the bearing and settlement criteria and to assure satisfactory performance of the equipment. In addition to a static analysis, a dynamic analysis shall be performed to determine the fundamental frequencies of the foundation system. To preclude resonance, the fundamental frequency of the foundation shall be 25 percent removed from the operational frequency of the equipment. The dynamic behaviour of the foundation shall meet the requirements of IS: 2974 (part I to IV) Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations. All rotating equipment shall be provided with rigid foundation system or vibration isolation spring system mounted foundations. The vibration isolation system supplied should be of proven make, consisting of steel helical spring units and viscous dampers (providing damping resistance in all three planes).
iii) For minor equipments supported on building structures, floors etc. suitable vibration isolation shall be provided. 9.1.8 Underground Structures
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Loads In addition to other loads, the following loads shall also be considered for underground structures:i) Earth pressure Earth pressure for all underground structures shall be calculated using co-efficient of earth pressure at rest, co-efficient of active or passive earth pressure (whichever is applicable). ii) Ground water pressure Ground water pressure due to the highest water table at the location shall be considered. iii) Surcharge load Minimum surcharge load of 20 kN/m2 shall be considered for the design of all underground structures located in the vicinity affected by vehicular traffic; including channels, sumps, cable and pipe trenches etc to provide for increase in earth pressure due to vehicular traffic. iv) Hydrostatic load and buoyancy Hydrostatic load is the load due to water pressure. The design of structures shall include hydrostatic loads when applicable. The buoyancy load is equal to the weight of the volume of displaced water.
Design Concepts i) RCC water retaining structures like storage tanks shall be designed as uncracked section in accordance with IS:3370 (Part-1 to IV) by working stress method. However, fore-bay, water channels and substructure of pump houses shall be designed as cracked section with limited steel stress as per IS: 3370 (Part 1 to IV) by working stress method. For design of all underground structures foundations/ground water table shall be assumed at finished ground level. Earth pressure for all underground structures shall be calculated using coefficient of earth pressure at rest. Co-efficient of active or passive earth pressure whichever is applicable depending upon the structural configuration. However, for the design of sub-structure of pump houses, earth pressure at rest shall be considered. For design of all underground structures/foundations, ground water tables shall be assumed at the finished ground level unless specified otherwise.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Earth pressure for all underground structures shall be calculated using coefficient of earth pressure at rest, co-efficient of active or passive earth pressure whichever is applicable depending upon the structural configuration. However, for the design of sub structure of pump houses, earth pressure at rest shall be considered.
Liquid Retaining/Conveying Structures i) All RCC liquid retaining/conveying structures shall be designed as uncracked sections with reduced steel stresses in accordance with IS : 3370. All water retaining structures shall be tested for water tightness as per the provisions of IS : 3370 and IS : 6494 and chemical injection grouting to be provided, incase required.
Substructures of Pump Houses, channels/tanks and other underground structures containing liquid, the following conditions shall be considered in addition to loading from super structure for design of sub structure. i) ii) Water pressure from inside upto full height and no pressure from outside. Earth pressure, surcharge pressure and ground water pressure from outside and no water pressure from inside. Base slab of pump houses shall also be designed for different combinations of pump sumps being empty during maintenance stages with ground water level at finished ground level. All pump houses/sub structures shall be checked for stability against sliding during construction. In case where dead load provides the storing moment, only 0.90 times the characteristics dead load shall be considered. Factor of safety shall not be less than 1.40 under most combinations. All pump house/sub structures shall be checked for stability against over turning and shall not be less than 1.20 due to dead load. Design against uplift due to ground water table at finished level during construction with minimum factor of safety of 1.20 against uplift considering 0.9 times dead load. Inclined wedge action shall be limited to 15 degree. Factor of safety of 1.0 shall be considered for dead weight of structure and earth resting on sides in vertical plane with provisions of pressure relieve valves/flaps valves etc. shall not be permitted to counter the buoyancy. The inclined wedge not considered.
Following loading conditions shall be considered, in addition to the loading from super structure for the design of sub structure of pump house, channels, sumps, tanks, trenches, tunnels and other underground structures :
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Water pressure from inside and no earth pressure, ground water pressure & surcharge pressure from outside (applicable only to structures which ate liable to b e filled up with water or any other liquid). Earth pressure, surcharge pressure and ground water pressure from outside and no water pressure from inside. a) Design shall also be checked against buoyancy due to the ground water during construction and after construction and after construction stages. Minimum factor of safety as per IS : 3370 against buoyancy shall be ensured considering empty condition inside and ignoring the superimposed loadings. Provisions of pressure relieve valves/flap valves etc. shall not be permitted to counter the buoyancy. Base slab and piers of the pump houses shall also be designed for the condition of different combination of pump sumps being empty during maintenance stages with maximum ground water level. All underground structures in Foundation, Tunnels, Trench shall be designed for full mobile crane load or additional surcharge of 5.9 T/m2. Intermediate dividing pier of pump sumps and partition wall (if applicable) in channel shall be designed considering water on one side only and other side being empty for maintenance.
All pump houses and other substructures (wherever applicable) shall be checked for stability against sliding and overturning during construction as well as operating conditions for various combinations of loads. Factor of safety for these cases shall be taken as mentioned in relevant IS Codes or as stipulated elsewhere in this specification Overground Structures i) The design of steel structures shall be done by working stress method. Design and fabrication shall be as per provisions of IS : 800 and other relevant IS standards. Structural member shall be of minimum 6 mm thickness. For design of coal binds and ash hoppers, IS : 9178 (Part 1 to III) shall also be followed. Welding shall be used for fabrication and joints. For site connections, welding or High Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) bolts shall be used. In few cases for shear connection or removable beam connections, bolted joints with M.S. block bolts may be adopted. For HSFG bolt connection, IS : 4000 shall be followed. IS : 816 and IS : 9595 shall be followed for welding of structures. Welding shall be of minimum 6 mm thickness.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Trestles supporting coal/ash conveyor galleries shall be so proportioned that the transverse deflection of trestles due to wind/seismic load shall not exceed trestle height/1000 as stipulated in IS : 11592. All structures close to railway line shall have clearances conforming to Railway norms. The following loads are considered for design : a) b) c) d) e) Density of bottom ash shall be 650 kg/cu.m. for volume calculations. Density of bottom ash shall be 1600 kg/cu.m. for load calculations. Density of fly ash shall be 750 kg/cu.m. for volume calculations. Density of fly ash shall be 1600 kg/cu.m. for load calculations. Density of dry fly ash to be considered for design of supporting structures for dry fly ash conveying pipes shall be taken as 1000 kg/cu.m. The pipes shall be considered with dry fly ash.
The design and construction of RCC structures shall be carried out as per IS : 456. Working stress method shall be adopted for the design wherever specifically mentioned. For design and construction of steel-concrete composite members, IS : 11384 shall be followed. A minimum clearance (clear head room) of 8 M shall be kept for all road/rail crossing and in other areas as specified elsewhere for all pipe/cable galleries conveyors etc. Before and after the crossings, barrier of suitable height shall be constructed so as to prevent the approach of cranes having height more than 8 M etc. upto the pipe/cable racks.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
9.2 9.2.1 i)
SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Coal Handling Plant Track Hopper The track hopper extends more than 10 m below ground level and has to withstand considerable earth pressure. If the ground water level is high, precautions have to be taken to prevent empty hoppers tendency to float by increasing the dead weight of whole construction or increase the width of base slab and use weight of soil above the projections to counteract the tendency. The beams supporting track over hopper should be as narrow as practicable so that discharge coal from railway wagons is not impeded.
Wagon Tippler Hopper Wagon Tippler Hopper shall be of RCC underground structure of required length & size as per design. The wagon tippler hopper is designed as per criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for the storage of granular and powdery materials as per IS : 4995 Part 1-1974 General Requirements and Assessment of Bin Loads. and Part-II , Design Criteria. The wagon tippler and conveyor tunnels shall be provided with adequate slopes and sumps for dewatering. The spacing of sumps shall not exceed 50 meters. The wagon tippler hopper shall be provided with structural steel shed for full length with roof and side cladding with colour coated steel sheeting.
Reclaim Hopper Reclaim hopper shall consist of RCC hoppers with liners and steel bar grid at top designed for passage of dozer. A structural steel shed above reclaim hopper shall be provided. It is part underground & part over ground structure.
Underground Works All the conveyor tunnels shall be designed for dozer load of approximately 36 Tons or to withstand movement of crane 150 Ton self weight. Suitable inserts at 3 m intervals shall be embedded in both sides and undersides for supporting cables. Drains of 250 mm depth shall be provided for drainage of tunnels and sump pits at 50 m intervals of 1.5 m deep. The clear head room of 2.5 m shall be provided in tunnels.
Transfer Points/Drive House Transfer points shall be in steel framed construction with pre-coated galvanized steel sheeting above 2 m and brick work below 2 m. Floors of all transfer points shall be in RCC. Independent staircase shall be provided to all transfer points with landing facility at all floors. The underground transfer points shall be completely in RCC construction with brick wall cladding above ground.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Conveyor Tunnels All conveyor tunnels shall be designed for dozer load of approximately 36 tons or to withstand movement of crane with loads of cranes as per manufacture. Crushers shall be supported on spring and Visco-damper system. Suitable inserts at 3 m intervals shall be embedded in both sides and underside for supporting cables. Drains of 250 mm depth shall be provided for drainage of tunnels and with sump pits at 50 m intervals of 1.5 m depth. The height of tunnels shall not be less than 2.5 m. All conveyor tunnels shall be designed to withstand the load due to movement of crane having 150 T self wt. at a maximum speed of 5 km/Hr.
Crusher House The crusher house building shall be provided with number of floors. The building super structure shall be of structural steel frame. All flooring in crusher house shall be of RCC. Crusher equipment foundation shall be in RCC and provided with independent building structure and foundations to avoid transfer of vibrations to crusher house building. The crusher foundations shall be provided with spring and Visco-damper system. Crusher house building shall be provided with brick walls upto 2 m from ground floor and side cladding thereafter. Equipment hatch with removable grating shall be provided. The lift beam shall extend 2 m outside the crusher house for removal of equipment to ground.
General Design Requirements Bulk density of coal shall be taken as 800 kg/m3 for capacity calculation and 1050 kg/m3 for stress on structure for Structural Design. For calculation of coal load on moving conveyor, a multiplication factor of 1.60 shall be used to take care of inertial forces, over burden and impact factor. For Rail tracks passing over wagon tippler hopper/tunnels/loco having 160 T self weight & with 60 fully loaded wagons having 110 T gross weight of each wagon shall be considered.
Galleries and Trestles a) Galleries, trestles, transfer points, buildings shall be designed to withstand wind pressure as per BIS Codes. The conveyor gallery structure & trestles shall be designed considering both conveyors operating simultaneously. b) Dynamic analysis of conveyor galleries and conveyor supporting system shall be carried out for spans greater than 25 m. c) Permissible deflection for latticed frame work floor beams shall be span/325 minimum clear head room of 2.50 m shall be provided in conveyor galleries, trestle spacing shall not exceed 15 m as far as possible. d) The clearance between top of road and bottom of conveyor gallery where crane is likely to pass shall be 8 meters minimum.
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e) 3.15 mm thick seal plate shall be provided where gallery crosses roads/buildings/railway tracks extending additional 5 meters on both sides of crossing. f) For all conveyor galleries, a minimum clear gap of 300 mm at top & 150 mm at bottom and side sheeting shall be provided for natural ventilation. The GI sheet on roof shall be 22 gauge & onside shall be 24 gauge. g) For natural lighting in conveyor gallery every sixth panel of side sheeting shall be provided with F&P translucent sheets which shall be staggered on opposite sides of gallery. x) Main switchgear cum Central Control Room The complete CHP is operated from a building located near crusher house. It shall be RCC building of minimum size 15 m x 25 m. It will house MCC/electrical, battery room and control desk/mimic panel/relay panels. The space for MCC etc. shall be provided with exhaust ventilation system. Central control desk area shall be provided with false ceilings suitable for air conditioning. Coal yard office & electrical maintenance room shall be provided on first floor with attached toilets & drinking water facilities. Coal yard office shall be air conditioned. All electrical buildings/control room shall have a clear head of 3.50 m (minimum) at all floors. The Building shall be complete with toilets, drains, plumbing space conditioning for air conditioned area and false ceiling and glass panels. xi) Wagon Tippler/Track Hopper Control Building Wagon Tipper/Track Hopper Control Building shall be located in Wagon Tippler/Track House Complex. & will house appropriate electricals such as MCC battery room at ground floor. The control room shall be located at first floor complete with glass panels all round to have full view of rake unloading (i) the building will be of RCC construction with air conditioning space to locate mimic panel weigh bridge control panel & space for operators.(ii) Space for MCCs/Junction Boxes/other electrical equipment etc shall be provided with pressurized ventilation system. (iii) Ventilated Battery room and (iv)Two toilets & drinking water facility xi) Coal Stock Pile The angle of repose for coal stock pile is assumed as 37o . The height of stock pile is assumed as 10 m height. Civil & Structural designing tunnels shall be suitable to cater to all loads due to passing of dozer which may weight upto 35 tonnes.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Ash Dyke
The ash dyke in the power plant is constructed with ash and is constructed in stages. The starter dyke around storage pond has a capacity to store ash for five years of plant life. The raising of dyke is done in stages of 3M. effective height increase. The starter dyke is constructed as an earthen embankment with excavated earth from ash pond area and is made strong enough to withstand load from all the future stages as well as the ultimate ash filling. The ultimate dyke is kept within 20 m. and the top 0.5 m to 1.0 m of ash bund is covered with good earth . 50 M. wide green belt is also to be provided all around the ash dyke The slurry accumulates within pond till water level reaches the design FRL i.e. 1 meter below dyke top in each phase. The upstream side slope shall be protected by 115 mm thick brick layer laid over a 50 mm thick sand cushion and 750 m thick LDPE lining. Bottom of pond is provided with 300 mm thick sand layer over 500 m thick LDPE layer. This layer protects the water entry from ash pond to dyke. The downstream side slope will be protected by 50 mm thick cast-in-situ concrete apron cast in panels of 1.50 m x 1.20 m approximately. A rock toe of 750 mm height using 100 mm 400 mm thick graded stones laid over 150 mm thick sand graded filter will be provided in the toe. Discharge pipe in RCC encasing with PCC bedding shall be laid upto decantation wells. A steel bridge shall be provided over ash dyke upto decantation well and with steel trestle and concrete foundation. Decanted water with low percentage of ash from ash pond shall go to stilling pond by means of circular RCC collecting wells which are provided with vents at various levels, which can be blocked progressively as the level of ash settles in the pond rises. The water from the collecting wells in the stilling ponds is led to the ash water recovery system for further treatment by means of pipes Ash Pond Stability Analysis Seismicity :- The horizontal seismic coefficient is worked out taking 1.50 as Important factor as per IS : 1893 (Table-4). The dyke is designed as homogeneous section. The soil parameters considered for stability analysis are found as per field investigations from field investigations . .The design parameters considered for stability analysis are Unit weight, cohesion, angle of internal friction for ash , bund fill material and Foundation. Top width of dyke is generally kept as 6.0 m Upstream dyke slope is generally kept as 2H :1 V and with no berm Downstream side slope is 2.25H :1VAt bottom and a berm of 1.5 m at intermediate level. The slope above berm is of 2H: 1V The upstream side slope is protected by 115 mm thick brick layer laid over a 50 mm thick sand cushion and 750 m thick LDPE lining. This layer protects the water entry from ash pond to the dyke. The downstream side slope is protected by 50 mm thick cast-in-situ concrete apron cast in panels of 1.50 m x 1.20 m. A rock toe of 75 mm height using 100 400 mm thick graded
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
stones laid over 150 mm thick sand graded filter is provided in toe. The slope stability analysis of dyke is carried by a suitable slope stability analysis software. a) The three loading conditions considered for stability analysis are empty stage condition with 10 KN/sq.m. on top width as surcharge and without earthquake forces and with earthquake forces. Two stage loading with ash fill of 3 H : 1 vertical with forces/surcharge without earthquake and with earthquake. Three stage loading with ash fill and 3 H :1 vertical with two road Berms with surcharge without earthquake forces and with earthquake forces.
Supports for ash pipes: a) Over ground pipes shall be supported on RCC footing with top of pedestal at least +500 mm above ground level. RCC of
RCC culvert shall be constructed with culvert top generally not more than +100 mm above road. For water body/Nallah suitable structural arrangement with 800 mm wide walkway shall be provided with minimum clearance of 1.50 m above highest flood level. Centre to centre distance of pedestals for ash disposal pipes shall be designed on the basis of pipe diameters. Maximum centre to centre distance of supports shall be restricted to 7.0 m. Thrust block shall be provided at locations where direction of ash pipe changes
Oil Tank foundations Tank foundations can be of earth type foundation or concrete ring wall foundation. Pile foundation with raft/pile cap shall be provided where soil conditions are adverse or foundation can subside due to poor soil conditions. For earth foundation, tank is supported over compacted fill of gravel, coarse sand, over which 75 mm minimum compacted crushed stone, screenings/fine gravel, clean sand mixed in Hot Asphalt 8 to 10 percent by volume is laid, rolled & compacted in slope of 1 in 100 from centre of tank as detailed in IS : 803 1976.
Raw Water Reservoir The raw water reservoir shall be provided with HDPE sheet at bottom & sides on a 100 mm thick cushion of sand. The lining shall be protected by 75 mm P.C.C. (M 15) cast-in-situ concrete in panels set on 25 mm thick 1:4 mortar. Side slope of 1:2 is generally provided for raw water reservoir.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
9.2.5 i)
Natural Draft Cooling Tower (NDCT) NDCT shall be of reinforced concrete construction and of hyperbolic shape in vertical section and circular in plan. The analysis and design of NDCT is done considering wind and seismic loads in addition to dead and imposed loads. The effects of temperature & moisture variations are also considered. The cooling tower basin and structure shall be constructed of reinforced cement concrete. The tower basin shall be designed as uncracked section. Each basin is divided in two parts for hydrostatic pressure. As specific requirement, natural draft cooling towers shall be designed for 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ii) Dead load Imposed load (including construction loads) Wind load Earthquake loads Thermal loads
Dead Loads Dead loads shall include the weight of structure complete with finishes, fixtures and partitions and shall be as per IS 875 (Part 1). Dead loads for NDCT shall include self weight of structure, weight of fill materials, weight due to algae growth, weight of falling water , weight of hot water pipe, weight of water in hot water channel and distribution system including the self weight of channel and distribution system.
Basin, sump, duct & underground pipe Covers for hot water channels HW distribution basin Walkway inside CT distribution basin iv) Construction Loads
Besides earth pressure under dry and wet condition, an additional surcharge of 2.0 T/m2 shall be taken. 0.30 T/m2
0.30 T/m2
Temporary loadings likely to be imposed during construction shall also be considered in design of CT structures. v) Wind Load :Basic wind speed is taken at 10 m above mean retarding surface as per IS 875. Risk coefficients, terrain category, topography factor shall be k3 as per IS : 875. Wind loading shall be calculated as per gust effective factor (GEF) as well as by
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
peak wind method & higher of the two values is adopted, while calculating wind load. The term b shall be taken as diameter of the throat in Fig. 10g IS 875 (Part 3) 1987. For design of Raker columns, a load enhancement factor of 1.43 shall be applied to wind loading calculated to account for natural turbulence in the incident wind resulting from obstructions and as well as adjacent cooling tower. The wind pressure distribution around shell shale be calculated as per Cosine Fourier given in Appendix A of IS 11504. The actual design wind pressure is obtained by multiplying the basic wind pressure (Pz) by coefficient p (as Appendix A) and the wind load enhancement factor 1.43 based on wind tunnel test; the total load enhancement factor will be taken as maximum of i) ii) 1.43 factor as per wind tunnel test 1.10
For tower sizes more than 100 m height & 120 m in base diameter, acro-elastic model testing in wind tunnel shall be done as the wind pressure distribution suggested in Appendix A of IS 11504 is applicable for towers not more than 100 m in height & 120 m base diameter. The cooling towers in group shall be spaced at clear distance of not less than 0.50 times the base diameter of largest cooling tower in group. A damping factor of 1% of critical damping shall be considered while analyzing the structure for wind induced ovalling oscillations as well as any dynamic phenomenon involving wind effects. vi) Earthquake Load a) Seismic Zone as per IS : 1893 2002 shall be considered for evaluation of seismic forces. The tower shall be designed with sufficient ductility. Modern analysis using response spectrum method shall be done for design of tower, raker column/seismic loads.
b) c)
Temperature Load : (a) For temperature loading, the total temperature variation shall be considered as 2/3rd of average maximum annual variation in temperature. The structure shall be designed to withstand stresses due to 50% of total temperature variation. Temperature effects due to solar radiation shall also be considered for one sided solar radiation effect.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Detailed analysis of actual thermal gradient by considering temperatures inside the tower & outside ambient temperature variation of 30 C to 500 C shall be carried out.. An effective temperature difference of at least 250 C across shell thickness constant over the height and following a sine function along half the circumference shall be considered.
Method of Analysis The analysis shall be carried out using a finite element modeling software. Design shall be carried out using working stress method as per IS 11504 and IS : 456.
Foundation of Cooling Towers a) Cooling tower shall be provided with suitable foundation & checked for uplift forces considering empty conditions with ground water table at finished ground. A minimum factor of safety of 1.20 against uplift shall be ensured. Depth of basins shall be fixed to allow for proper flow of water by gravity upto CW.
Liquid Retaining Structures Design of cooling tower basin, sump, outlet channel, HW distribution basin,/HW channel shall be designed as per IS 3370.
Shell Analysis & Design (a) Shell shall be designed as per C1 6.3 of IS 11504 & minimum grade of concrete shall be M-30. Bending analysis be carried out for shell using finite element. Boundary conditions shall be as outlined in 6.3.1 of IS 11504. Provisions of IS : 2210, IS : 2204 & BS 4485 shall also be followed. Buckling of Tower Shells Critical dynamic wind pressure & shell buckling shall be checked using dynamic wind pressure. The factor of safety against buckling shall not be less than 5 for completed tower.
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Induced Draft Cooling Tower IDCT consists of R.C C basin for collection of cold water , it has a de-sledging sump and outlet channel. The floor of the basin shall be sloped 1:500 towards the drain sump. The flow of water shall be controlled with a stop log arrangement. Raft type foundation shall be provided for columns. For superstructure the beams/slab etc shall be of M25 grade as per IS-456 The civil structures in contact with water shall be designed as per IS : 3370 .Cooling tower cells shall be of RCC Column, beams and walls. Cell division partition wall shall be cast in situ RCC or precast concrete block.. Hot water channel shall be of RCC covered with pre cast/ cast in situ concrete slab. Gear box and fan assembly shall be supported over beam. Dynamic load shall be considered for design of beams supporting fan. One RCC stair case on each side of cooling tower shall be provided at gable end
9.2.7 i)
Chimney Design Criteria The chimney shall be RCC Construction comprising of two nos. steel flues, one for each unit supported from floor at 10.00 m below top of chimney and enclosed by wind shield of reinforced concrete shell. The chimney flues will be of corrosion resistant steel., with mineral wool insulation. Secured by G.I .Chicken wire mesh to insulate whole exterior of the flues. The design & construction of steel chimney liners shall be based on published report by fossil power committee, power Division, ASCE. The flues are supported from floor at EL-10.0M from top and restrained laterally at several levels by access/ restrained platforms. Corrosion allowance shall be considered over structural considerations. The chimney roof shall be of reinforced concrete & with provision for water proofing and acid by laying acid resistant tiles in acid resistant mortar. Arrangements shall be provided for flue gas measuring instruments with necessary arrangement of earthing. Opening in the shell shall be provided for duct work, access door etc. The total plan area of openings at a particular section shall not be more than 15% of plan area of concrete shell at that location. The maximum width of opening shall be limited to an angle of not more than 30 degree subtended at center of concrete shell. The extra reinforcement around opening shall be highest given in a) IS _ 4998 (Part 1)
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
b) c)
ACI 307 Reinforced concrete chimney and tower by M.Q. Pinfold. The valve & k1 shall be taken as 0.11 as per data on page No. 186 Minimum half the number of extra horizontal havs in shell around the opening to continue for circle round both faces and both sides.
Materials All material shall conform to IS Codes. However, the following shall apply : The flue duct shall be of COR TEN B. Top 10 M length of liner shall be fabricated from stainless steel grade 316 L.
Platform supporting Structure The floor supporting beams shall take support on shell by making a pocket in the shell and Elastomeric bearings shall be provided below supporting beams. The platforms shall be designed for following loads 1) Dead Load 2) Live load on platforms during operation and maintenance ( 750 Kg/m2) for chequered plate & 500 Kg/m2 for platform supporting beams 3) Construction Loads of 750 Kg/m2 4) Maximum deflection of platform beams shall be L/325.The Beams will be epoxy painted And as such no corrosion is taken into account
Foundation Foundation system shall be either bored cast in situ piles with pile cap or raft foundation. Circular cap or Raft shall be provided. Reference shall be made to CICIND Chimney book 2005, Design is based as per working stress method. Foundation will be designed for SRSS of across wind and concurrent along wind response.
Platforms Shall satisfy the requirement of aviation warning lights as per IS : 4988: I.C.A.O regulations & instructions issued by Director General of Civil Aviation. The minimum clear width shall be 1000 mm & minimum live load shall be 500 Kg/m2. At roof level and all platform levels on upper surface 35 mm acid resistant tiles conforming to IS : 4457 over water proofing shall be provided. The average thickness shall be 10mm & shall be sloping outwards.
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Roll up Door A rolling steel chain operated door of 4.0 m x 5.0 m shall be installed at base of shell for trucks could inside as per detail conforming to IS: 6248 Metal Rolling Shutters & rolling grids
Personnel/ Access Doors A Steel door of size 100 mm x 2100 mm shall provide access at grade level
Hatch A mild steel hatch shall be provided as an access to the roof of the chimney. It shall be constructed of two outer sheets not less than 3mm thick mild steel with Steel stiffeners and to withstand Live load of 300 Kg/m2 . Hatch shall be painted with acid and heat resistant epoxy paint on both sides
Elevator Chimney Elevator within R.C.C shell with staircase shall be provided for transportation of personnel and equipment
Liner Hood /Cap The Liner hood is fabricated from 10 mm thick aluminum plate. It covers the annular area packed with insulation material between stainless steel flue cladding to protect insulation from surrounding flue gas environment
Acid Drains & Manholes Due to condensation within flue, acid drains at base with provision of stainless steel pipes & the acid is lead to manholes which is diluted by flushing system
Chimney Roof & Roof Drainage The roof is of R.C.C. slab supported on MS beams. Roof is sloped towards rainwater down take pipes for drainage within interior of the shell.
Flue Support Arrangement The flue shall be of Top Hung type & supported from top. Support bracket and bearing assembly shall be bolted to the locally thickened portion of the flue & in turn support the flue on the support platform. The arrangement shall cater to thermal movement of flue elements.
Chimney Painting The entire inside surface of shell shall be painted with acid & heat resistant black bitumen paint as per IS : 158. The top 15 M outside surface of the shell shall be painted with acid and heat resistant paint in alternate bands of signal red and
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
white colour. The remaining portion shall be painted with cement based water proof paint as per IS : 5410. The spacing of bands shall be as per I.C.A.O. Guidelines. xv) Platform Supporting Structure The floor supporting beams shall take support on shell by making a pocket in the shell and elastomeric bearings shall be provided below supporting beams. The platforms shall be designed for following loads xvi) Flue Ducts The function of chimney flue duct is to exhaust the combustion gases from the boiler. Flue ducts are designed to protect the chimney shell from high temperature, prenuve and corrosive abrasive properties of the gases & protected from weathering elements by means of aluminum cladding. Resin bonded mineral coal insulation of density not less than 96 kg/cu.m. shall be laid in two layers composed of 40 mm & 25 mm thickness on external surface of steel flue. The insulation shall be tightly secured to the exterior surface of the liner by impaling them on studs welded to the surface at 450 mm c/c both horizontally & vertically. The studs shall extend minimum 25 mm beyond insulation and provided with circular or square speed washers. 20 gauge galvanized wire mesh with 25 mm hexagonal pattern conforming to IS : 3150 shall be wrapped around with minimum 150 mm overlap. The mesh is tied in place with 16 gauge GI wire at 300 mm centers. Insulation for exposed portion of flue at top shall be 150 mm & in 2 to 3 layers with minimum density of 200 kg/cu.m. The maximum deflection at top is limited to H 500 where H is the total height above foundation. The lower values in the range of valves specified in IS-4998 (Part 1) for dynamic modulus of elasticity shall be taken. The static modulus of elasticity of concrete shall be 5000 fck. Maximum spacing of reinforcement in shell shall not be more than 250 mm Vertical bars shall be uniformly spaced. xvii) Permissible Stresses for Chimney Shell The stresses in steel reinforcement & concrete shall not exceed limits as per cl. 7.0 of IS : 4998 1975. For Dead load + Wind the permissible stress in concrete shall not exceed 0.28 fck. xviii) General Criteria
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
The chimney flues will be corrosion resistant steel of type COR TEN B with mineral wool insulation outside. The flues shall be sized to give effective nominal gas velocity of 20 m/sec. under design operating conditions. The height of chimney is dependent upon Flue gas efflux velocity Sulphur dioxide content of the flue gas calculated from sulphur content of fuel Maximum burning rate of fuel Topography of surrounding area Height of adjacent buildings Size of adjacent buildings. The natural draught produced by chimney is dependent upon height of chimney, temperature difference between flue gas & external air. Provision to be made for ducts to expand both circumferentially and vertically without producing stress in concrete chimney shell. Thickness of flue duct shall be minimum 6 mm.
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)
Internal and external platforms is generally provided at 40 m intervals .Internal platforms will be of structural steel supported over RCC shell. A Structural steel staircase is provided to access platforms. An opening in windshield at ground level shall be provided for installation of flue with suitable door for access of personnel & trucks. Aviation obstruction lighting for warning aircraft of chimney obstruction shall be provided. xix) Basis of Design The reinforced concrete twin flue chimney is designed in accordance with IS4998(both 1975 & 1992 edition as applicable) and Criteria for design of Reinforced concrete chimney for reference ACI-307-1979 specification for design & construction of reinforced concrete chimney for items not covered in Indian /CICIND Code (International Committee for Industrial Chimneys and stacks). The chimney shell is modeled as Beam elements made of annular conical sections of appropriate diameter and thickness . Chimney foundation shall be in concrete grade M-30 with minimum cement concrete of 400 kg/cu.m & wind shield shall be grade M-35 with minimum cement contant 425 kg/cum. 43 Grade OPC for concrete foundation & shell be used.
Loading and their Combinations Dead load:- All permanent loads due to weight of chimney shell, internal platforms and lining supported on them, ladders, flue ducts, staircase etc. Imposed load:9 - 35
Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Imposed load on service platform around chimney shall be 500 kg/sqm & design live load shall be 750 kg/sq.m during construction / erection. Imposed load from ducts joining the chimney shall be considered .
Analysis Calculation of natural frequencies and mode shape shall be carried out. For this purpose chimney shaft is idealized as vertical cantilever with limited masses at different nodes. These nodes shall be provided at each platform. Minimum five modes will be considered. a) Wind Loads :Wind load will be based on IS:4998(Part-I) and 875 (Part3) Dynamic analysis shall be carried out and stability ensured under such conditions. Along Window Static Analysis The basic wind speed ,terrain category, K1 & K2, K3 Values will be as per table 2 of IS:875 (part-3). The gust factor will be calculated as per code IS:4998,(PartI). Dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete as recommended in IS.4998(Part1) is used for calculating natural frequencies of chimney, Cd is taken as 0.80 for concrete shell, along wind respose of chimney shall be calculated as per gust factor method as in (A-5.1)& Simplified method as in A-4.10 of IS-4998-Part-1, for design, higher of the along wind loads shall be used. b) Across Wind The across wind response of chimney will evaluated as per section A-4&A-5of IS-4998(Part-1). CL will be assumed as 0.16 & S=0.20. Higher of the two moments shall be considered for design of chimney . c) Ring Moments due to Wind The circumferential ring moments due to wind is calculated as per clause 5.40 of IS:4998(Part 1); The wind induced stresses in concrete and steel shall be calculated as per cl.No D-2.2.7, D-2,.2.28 & D-2.2.29 of IS -4998 (Part 1).
Component Design Criteria The concrete shell shall be designed as per working stress method as per load combinations. The modular ratio shall be calculated as per Annexure -3 of IS 456 (a) (b) ( c) (d) Dead load Dead Load + Wind Load Dead load +Earth Quake force Dead load +Temperature effects
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Standard Design Criteria/Guidelines for Balance of Plant of Thermal Power Project 2 x (500MW or above) Section- 9 (Civil Works)
Dead load +wind load +Temperature effects Dead load + Earth quake+ Temperature effect Circumferential stresses due to temperature effects Circumferential tensile stresses due to wind inducing ring moment Circumferential Compressive stresses due to wind induced ring moment combined with temperature.
In load combination (a) to (i) ,dead load considered shall be with or without the weight of steel lining for flues whichever condition is more critical. 1. Across wind loads shall be combined with co-existing along wind loads. The combined design moment shall be taken as SRSS(Square root of summation of squares) of the moments due to across wind loads and co-existing along wind loads. 2. The concrete shell shall support platforms, the beam supporting the platform shall be made to rest on shell by making a pocket in shell, elastromeric bearing pads are provided below main girders & steel-lead bearing for other beam. 3. Minimum shell thickness is 350 mm at top & 750 mm at junction of shell with foundation junction. 4. The maximum deflection at top is limited to H 500 where it is the total weight above foundation. 5. The lower valves in the range of valves specified in IS-4998(Part 1) for dynamic modulus of elasticity shall be taken. 6. 7. 8. The static modulus of elasticity of concrete shall be 5000 fck. .
Maximum spacing of reinforcement in shell shall not be more than 250 mm. Vertical bars shall be uniformly spaced.
Permissible Stresses for Chimney Shell The stresses in steel reinforcement & concrete shall not exceed limits as per cl. 7.0 & IS: 4998:19H, for dead load + wind the permissible stress in concrete shall not exceed 0.28 . The chimney flues will be corrosion resistant steel of type COR TEN B with mineral wool insulation. c) Reinforced concrete chimney and tower by M.G. Pinfield. The valve of K1 shall be taken as 0.11 as per data on page No. 186. Minimum half the number of extra horizontal bars in shell around the opening to continue for circle round both faces and both sides.
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