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The document discusses a research study on critical success factors in executive coaching from the perspective of coachees in the Irish health service. Some of the key factors that emerged from the study include coachee autonomy, trust in the coach, confidentiality, and opportunities for self-awareness and reflection.

The study focused on identifying the critical success factors in executive coaching from the coachees' point of view.

Some of the critical success factors that emerged from the study are coachee autonomy in the coaching process, trust in the coach, the confidential nature of coaching sessions, protected reflection time, using the coach as a sounding board, and opportunities for growing self-awareness through honest challenge.


By Rose Doyle

(A dissertation submitted to the University of Dublin, Trinity College in partial fulfilment of the degree of M.Sc.Mgmt)


My thanks to all those without whom I would not have arrived at this point. They will recognise themselves, individually and collectively.


This study focussed on the following question: what are the critical success factors in executive coaching, from the coachees points of view? My hypothesis was that patterns would emerge across individual perceptions of the process and across recommendations for the future, although I did not predict what these might be. The setting consisted of multiple agencies across the Irish health service in 2004 2005, to which I was given access by the Office for Health Management. The OHM had organised two rounds of executive coaching for senior managers in 2000 2002. The focus for the research design was provided by Downeys (2003) definition of coaching and by a model of evaluation borrowed from training, Kirkpatricks (1996) four levels of reaction, learning, transfer and results. I contacted the forty managers who agreed to participate in order to explore levels 1 to 3 with them. The difficulties of applying level 4 were too well-documented for me to attempt it within the constraints of this study. I interviewed five managers; surveyed thirty-three others and analysed the data using a grid of fourteen categories. The critical success factors that emerged from this study were: coachee autonomy regarding the decision to embark and selection of the coach, resulting in his investment in the process trust in the coach: his integrity, competence and loyalty the confidential nature of the bilateral sessions protected reflection time during and after sessions (e.g. learning log) using the coach as a sounding-board the opportunity for growing self-awareness accompanied by honest challenge.

Respondents were also asked for their recommendations on the future use of executive coaching within their organisations. A divergence emerged between a group favouring a highly structured approach involving tripartite agreements for the organisation, coach and his manager and a code of standards for coaches, on the one hand and a group taking a contingency approach, on the other. My findings corroborate those of a USA study on coaching outcomes and only partially, those of a German study on inputs to the process. They add some data on the importance of autonomy, trust, confidentiality, reflection time and self-awareness, to the relatively limited body of empirical research on the evaluation of executive coaching, using Kirkpatricks levels. As I see it, the implications of these findings for the Irish health service, as it moves into what Greiner (1998) called the coordination phase, are that future national decision-makers should consider (a) mainstreaming emotional intelligence into management development and (b) the dilemmas inherent in executive coaching, as the use of such informal developmental opportunities becomes more widespread, such as the tension between organisational goals and individual autonomy.


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 RECENT TRENDS IN MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 6 EXECUTIVE COACHING .................................................................................................................................. 7 EXECUTIVE COACHING IN THE IRISH HEALTH SERVICE................................................................................... 8 EXISTING RESEARCH ...................................................................................................................................... 9 THE PRESENT STUDY ...................................................................................................................................... 9 The research question ................................................................................................................................... 9 The hypothesis............................................................................................................................................. 10 Guide to the following chapters .................................................................................................................. 10

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................... 11 COACHING, EXECUTIVE COACHING AND RELATED SERVICES: DEFINITIONS.................................................. 11 Myles Downey............................................................................................................................................. 12 Robert Hargrove ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Robert Dilts................................................................................................................................................. 15 Edgar Schein............................................................................................................................................... 16 COACHING MODELS AND APPROACHES ........................................................................................................ 17 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 GROW......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Intentional change ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)......................................................................................................... 19 Other models and approaches .................................................................................................................... 21 MY UNDERSTANDING OF EXECUTIVE COACHING.......................................................................................... 23 EVALUATION OF TRAINING INTERVENTIONS ................................................................................................ 25 Kirkpatricks four levels.............................................................................................................................. 26 Holtons transfer inventory......................................................................................................................... 29 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON THE EVALUATION OF COACHING ............................................................................. 30 American and European literature ............................................................................................................. 30 USA study................................................................................................................................................... 32 European study ........................................................................................................................................... 35 Summing up................................................................................................................................................. 36

CHAPTER 3 : METHODOLOGY AND METHODS .................................................................................................. 37 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................... 37 METHODS .................................................................................................................................................... 37 DESCRIPTION OF THE SAMPLE ...................................................................................................................... 37 Research instruments .................................................................................................................................. 39 Response rates ............................................................................................................................................ 41

CHAPTER 4: THE RESULTS........................................................................................................................................ 43 4.1 4.2 4.3 EXPLANATORY NOTES ................................................................................................................................. 43 SURVEY AND INTERVIEW - FINDINGS ........................................................................................................... 44 UNOBTRUSIVE RESEARCH - FINDINGS .......................................................................................................... 63

CHAPTER 5: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................ 66 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3

EXPLANATORY NOTE ................................................................................................................................... 66 OVERVIEW OF SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS IN THE LIGHT OF GENERAL LITERATURE ........................................... 66 Decision to embark ..................................................................................................................................... 66 Selection of a coach .................................................................................................................................... 68 Perceptions of process ............................................................................................................................... 68
General reaction ........................................................................................................................................................... 68 Specific reactions ......................................................................................................................................................... 69


Perceptions of learning............................................................................................................................... 71
Development areas ........................................................................................................................................................ 71 Catalysts for learning..................................................................................................................................................... 72 Reflection with peers..................................................................................................................................................... 72

5.2.5 5.2.6

Perceptions of transfer of learning ............................................................................................................. 73 Pre-requisites for introducing coaching ..................................................................................................... 74

5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 5.8.5

A CONSIDERATION OF THE FINDINGS IN LIGHT OF THE STUDIES EXAMINED .................................................. 77 A CONSIDERATION OF THE FINDINGS IN THE LIGHT OF THEORIES OF EVALUATION ....................................... 78 FINDINGS THAT ONLY PARTIALLY SUPPORT THE HYPOTHESIS ...................................................................... 80 LIMITATIONS OF THE PRESENT STUDY .......................................................................................................... 80 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH ............................................................................................ 81 IMPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY FOR EXECUTIVE COACHING IN THE HEALTH SERVICE ..................................... 81 Context a crisis of control........................................................................................................................ 81 Perceptions of executive coaching .............................................................................................................. 82 A contingency approach.............................................................................................................................. 83 Chief executive coaching ............................................................................................................................ 83 Key issues.................................................................................................................................................... 84

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 87 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH ......................................................................................................................... 87 SUMMARY OF MAIN FINDINGS ...................................................................................................................... 87 IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH ................................................................................................................ 90 FUTURE RESEARCH ...................................................................................................................................... 90 FINAL THOUGHTS ......................................................................................................................................... 91

APPENDIX 1 .................................................................................................................................................................... 92 APPENDIX 2 .................................................................................................................................................................... 98 REFERENCE LIST ....................................................................................................................................................... 107


Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power. Lao-tzu

Il est plus facile dimiter Jupiter que Lao-tseu.



Recent trends in management development

The year 2006 will mark the tenth anniversary of the European Year of Lifelong Learning.

In the intervening period, two ideas have gained credence in the field of management development: that managers need to develop their emotional intelligence in order to succeed, and that personal and professional development is an on-going process, which is best linked to the job.

This has influenced the ways in which management development is perceived, designed and delivered. The trend is growing in Ireland as elsewhere, and in both the private and public sectors, towards customised programmes (Economist, 2004). Organisations increasingly look to diversify their management development practice, to encompass both formal and informal delivery methods. Informal designs, meaning alternatives to classroom-based programmes, include outward bound activities, action learning sets and executive coaching.


Executive coaching

Of these, executive coaching is probably the fastest growing niche. Perhaps it is the service for our post-modern times, as the old-style psychological contract breaks down, and the sense of community at work is lost, leaving many executives adrift in the Gesellschaft. At the same time, organisations realise the need to re-align organisational and personal goals more closely and to show that they value their people. Executive coaching appears to satisfy that Gemeinschaft or community need nicely (Lee and Newby, 2004).

At its best, executive coaching is one of the arrows in the quiver of development interventions (Manocha, 2004). It normally extends over a sufficiently long period for behavioural changes, at least, to become habit; it is focussed on the managers real work situation and provides for continuous feedback and practice. It can range from business consultancy, through weighing up strategic or tactical alternatives with an external sounding board, to self-analysis. For senior managers who feel uncomfortable about participating in a management programme with their reports or peers, or find it difficult to find the time to attend a formal course off-site, it can also provide a form of one-on-one skills development.

However, coaching in all its guises is currently on the defensive, having been described as the new black (Manocha, 2004) at the 2004 conference of the Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) and the expected perk in virtually every executive suite by Mannix (2004), among others.

Berglass (2002) oft-quoted article lists three main dangers of executive coaching: that coaching at the sports end of the spectrum offers deceptively easy answers and quick fixes; that coaches limit their interventions to behavioural results; and that some exploit the hold they have over their clients. Another, lesser, risk is that, through its individualistic emphasis, coaching may encourage the very silos the organization is trying to transform (Ready, 2004: 100).

The current defensiveness is due partly to the fact that the coaching business, which remains unregulated even at the executive end of the market, has witnessed an explosion in recent years.

Membership of the International Coach Federation (ICF) went from 1,500 in 1999 to 7,000 in 2003. At that point, it was worth $1 billion worldwide, which the Harvard Business School expected to double within two years (Economist, 2003).


Executive coaching in the Irish health service

Where the USA leads, Ireland is not slow to follow: OConnor and Mangan note that although coaching and mentoring were only ranked in fifth position for all management levels, they are methods which are gaining momentum. Many organisations commented that in the future they would be engaging in executive coaching and mentoring on a broader scale (2004:18).

The Irish health service has made much progress in management development in the past decade, particularly since the creation of agencies at national level such as the Office for Health Management (OHM) and of regional functions such as Learning and Development Managers. Executive coaching is a growth area in the service, in that it has moved in the last five years from a novelty to a sought-after support. In the past two years, I have sourced executive coaches for a number of managers and learned something of the market. Coaching is offered at quite different rates by coaches, consultants, trainers and psychologists, few of whom will articulate their methodologies to the buyer in advance.

I think it is important from the corporate buyers point of view (which is my own current position and may well be that of the future national HR function in the Health Services Executive) as well as from the future coachees point of view, to identify more clearly what works well and what works less well in the coaching process. Without wishing to be prescriptive, I think that a better understanding of this, based on the recent experience of colleagues across the health sector, would facilitate a more informed selection of coaches and a more effective use of their services, within the growing suite of management development interventions. Presumably, the findings would also be of some interest to coaches.


Existing research

One way in which coaches address the current defensiveness is through research focussed on the evaluation of coaching. Carol Braddick (2003) quotes Stratford Sherman, co-author of a recent Harvard Business Review article on the wild west of executive coaching (2004), as saying that the demand for quantitative data comes into being independent of any understanding of what measurements are possible in coaching. Braddick points out that coaching activity is far ahead of the empirical research with business research providing a commendable interim landing (2003: 4).

When I first chose to address the evaluation of executive coaching in my thesis in the autumn of 2004, I found little evidence in the literature of empirical studies adapting training evaluation methods to this area. In fact, the USA Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research represented the only source I found of empirical studies, at that point.

However, over the period of writing, the theme has surfaced in European publications, e.g. in the CIPD survey Coaching and buying coaching services (2004) and in the December 2004 issue of the European Mentoring and Coaching Councils on-line publication, The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching, which was entirely devoted to evaluation.

This sets the context for my own study.


The present study


The research question

My research question is: what are the critical success factors in executive coaching, from the coachees point of view?

In other words, in what areas did they find executive coaching to be of benefit and how did this come about ?. 9

What worked less well in the coaching process and why? How did they apply their learning to the workplace? In addition, we explored the suggestions they would make, were executive coaching to be introduced more widely into their organisations.

I asked these questions of a group of managers in the Irish health service, using an evaluation approach borrowed from training, that of Donald Kirkpatrick (1996). I applied the first three of his four levels of evaluation: the participants reaction to the process, his perceptions of learning and of transfer of learning, i.e. performance.


The hypothesis

My study represents exploratory research, as there were few existing studies to which I could refer (Collis and Hussey, 2003: 10).

My hypothesis was that patterns would emerge across coachee experiences and recommendations although I did not predict what those patterns might be.


Guide to the following chapters

Chapter 2 contains the literature review which covers the two fields of coaching, including executive coaching, and evaluation.

Chapter 3 describes the methodology and methods used.

Chapter 4 presents the findings. The major part of the chapter is devoted to the survey findings and a smaller section describes the results of my unobtrusive research.

Chapter 5 incorporates an analysis of the main findings, with reference to the literature in organisational behaviour, coaching and evaluation and to existing studies. In addition, I have addressed the limitations of the present study, pointed to avenues for future research and identified some implications for the Irish health service.

Chapter 6 presents the conclusions.

Appendix 1 contains the semi-structured interview and Appendix 2, the questionnaire. 10




My focus in the literature review was formed by the purpose of my research: to identify the critical success factors in the initial round of executive coaching within the health service, which began in 2000, using an evaluation approach borrowed from training and development.

I first examined the various definitions of coaching, including executive coaching, and the related services with which coaching can sometimes be confused. Whether or not coachees were conscious of the models used, I thought it important to give an overview of the models and approaches in use, as these constitute a key element in any discussion of the provision of coaching services. Moving on from coaching to evaluation, I examined the principle approaches used in training and development and selected one. Lastly, I looked at a number of existing studies on coaching evaluation to compare methods, focus and results.

I will now discuss these four areas in turn:

coaching, executive coaching and related services: definitions coaching models and approaches evaluation of training interventions empirical studies of evaluation of coaching.


Coaching, executive coaching and related services: definitions

In addition to the various meanings ascribed in the literature to the term coaching, related terms such as mentoring and counselling can be used interchangeably with coaching. These are relevant here because many managers in the health service are familiar with the notion of internal mentoring and because of the remedial label which still clings to coaching, and the consequent confusion with therapy.


I will begin by examining three influential contributors to the practice and definition of coaching: Downey, Hargrove and Dilts and then look at Scheins input to the debate.


Myles Downey

No discussion around coaching can take place without reference to Myles Downey, who gave a new lease of life to Gallweys The inner game of tennis and whose influence continues through his writings, The School of Coaching at The Industrial Society and latterly, the website .

Downey defines coaching as the art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another (2003: 15). This definition is used as a reference point by many authors. I used it when conducting my research. Downey distinguishes between directive (or push) and non-directive (or pull) coaching.

While admitting that it is difficult to differentiate between mentoring and coaching, Downey (2003: 23) refers to a mentor as someone usually more senior or more experienced who is appointed or chosen to help and advise another employee. The relationship is almost always outside any line-management relationship. The objectives are usually long term and centre around the mentees progress in his career.

This definition is relevant in the setting of the Irish health service as many agencies have been exposed to mentoring in this guise, (i.e. internal, off-line and not directly related to performance management ) through the auspices of the Office for Health Management (OHM), which called on the services of David Clutterbuck in 2001. He emphasises the transformational aspect of mentoring, placing it firmly in the arena of personal development (Clutterbuck and Megginson, 2005).

Downey distinguishes between coaching and counselling. I use the term counselling here in the therapeutic sense, as opposed to one who gives counsel or advice. Coaching, according to Downey, is concerned with the individual; with the relationship between him and his task or job; and with the context of the organisation in which the individual works. Counselling, being more holistic, is concerned with the relationship between the individual and the context in which that individual operates, both family and communitymost counselling is remedial (2003: 23). 12

Downeys distinction between coaching and counselling is further refined by Anderson and Kampa-Kokesch (2001) who list a number of key differences between the two, including the collection of data from a variety of sources in coaching; the possibility for the coach to be more directive; and the more collegial nature of the coach-coachee relationship. They conclude by saying that although the principles of counselling-therapy can enhance executive coaching, the main difference is the depth to which issues are pursued and addressed (2001: 211).

Witherspoon refers to coach meaning a carriage and hence to conveying a valued person from where he or she is to where he or she wants to be. He proposes a working definition of executive coaching, which is very close to Downeys base: an action-learning process to enhance effective action and learning agility (2000: 167).

He adds the notion of the coaching continuum, which serves to refine Downeys and his own broad-ranging definitions and permits of a tighter definition of executive coaching itself. Witherspoons coaching roles range across the continuum from coaching for skills, through coaching for performance and for development, to coaching for an executives agenda.

Executive coaching can thus be distinguished from the more narrowly focussed skills or performance coaching, although it may well include elements of both, at the initiative of the coachee. Witherspoon defines the remit of executive coaching as personal, business, and/or organizational issues or concernssometimes the sessions border on life coaching, as the executive considers his or her life purpose and personal challenges (2000: 170).

Moving from coaching in general and executive coaching, in particular, it is time to examine the term life coaching which, as Witherspoon rightly points out, can form a part of executive coaching.

The term life coaching is used so loosely that a single definition is impossible. Streisand (2004:117) refers to a Google search for life coach which turned up 140,000 results, posted by people ranging from former herbalists to hobby-shop owners. In contrast, it is clear that Downeys (2003) idea of coaching is business-focussed, whether it is provided by an internal (usually on-line) or an external (or executive) coach. From M Sc OB class discussions and from my own experiences, both of life coaching and of sourcing coaches to work with managers in my organisation, I know that many executive coaches would dispute 13

Downeys rigid criterion of relevance to the job, claiming that their contract is with the individual, irrespective of whether the organisation pays for the coaching. Further, they would argue that some element of life coaching is acceptable in a business or executive coaching setting, even if this ultimately results in the individuals choosing to leave the organisation. Alongside this acceptance of the holistic nature of coaching, there exists some disquiet among coaches around the dangers of veering into the counselling arena.


Robert Hargrove

To return to executive coaching, the second major influence I will discuss is Robert Hargrove. His masterful coaching (2003) is firmly planted in the organisational context, where the coach, through a powerful partnership, unearths what people care passionately about and encourages them to declare the impossible possible.

Through an ontological, rather than an intellectual, process, the coachee comes to see himself in a new way. Through a body of declarations and commitments to the future, in other words, by defining it, he makes it so. Then, in conversation with a coach, he can focus on becoming the kind of leader he needs to be in order to bring about the desired organisational transformation. Hargrove draws heavily on the work of Senge (1999) and Argyris and Schon (1996) for ideas such as personal mastery, defensive routines and the ladder of inference.

Hargroves emphasis is on long-term (one year) partnership between coach and coachee. He has a preference for encouraging the leader to first declare an impossible future, as opposed to the predictable future towards which most managers work. He thinks this process works better than attempting to re-frame the mindset.

Hargroves debunking of some myths around coaching is timely, from the point of view of my project, insofar as those same myths still hold some sway in the Irish health sector, where the use of coaching as a means of development is still relatively limited:

coaching is not a last gasp for washouts (2003: 4) but for winners who seek an edge coaching is about creating futures, not just filling gaps coaching integrates individual and group performance and development coaching is a continuous process, not an annual event.



Robert Dilts

The third author I will discuss is Robert Dilts, whose main contribution lies in his construct of neurological levels and the related distinction he makes between what he calls small c and large C coaching (2003).

According to Dilts, small c coaching derives from the sports coaching model; it focuses on behaviours and helps to develop conscious competence. Large C coaching, on the other hand, is concerned with double-loop learning, where theories in use are changed (Argyris and Schon, 1996). Dilts calls this learning the how as well as the what. Double-loop learning is defined by Cummings and Worley as organisational behaviours directed at changing existing valued states or goals (2001: 671).

Dilts describes large C coaching as providing support on a number of levels. His neurological levels are based on Batesons hierarchy (1972) of logical levels of learning 0 to 4. These logical levels of learning range from no change to revolutionary change, as can be seen in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Logical levels of learning (adapted by Dilts from Bateson, 2003)




Level 4

revolutionary change

opening the door to uncharted possibilities

Level 3

evolutionary change

transition of role, outside the box

Level 2 Level 1

discontinuous change incremental change

a switch in values making corrections through behavioural flexibility, still inside the box

Level 0

no change

stuck in a rut


The neurological levels, which were developed from the logical levels, represent a neurolinguistic programming or NLP model. From my reading and from my contacts with coaches, I conclude that NLP exerts a powerful influence on coaching today. Further relevant readings feature in section 2.3, Coaching models and approaches.

Diltss label of sponsorship to denote the coachs being there for the coachee, believing in his goodness and potential, is relatively recent. The under-lying idea, that the coach needs to show genuine empathy for the coachee, is widely accepted (Hargrove, 2003; Dembkowski and Eldridge, 2003). It is close to Carl Rogers idea of unconditional positive regard (as cited by Skiffington and Zeus, 2003: 244).

Diltss levels, accompanied by the corresponding level of questioning on the coachees part and appropriate level of support to be offered by a large C coach, rise from the basic to the spiritual, as shown in Table 2.2 below.

Table 2.2 Neurological levels (Dilts, 2003)




Spiritual Identity Values and beliefs Capabilities Behaviours Environment

For what? Who? Why? How? What? Where and when?

Awakener Sponsor Mentor Teacher Coach Guide and caretaker

2.2.4 Edgar Schein

Finally, moving on from the practice literature around the specific area of coaching, and into the related but separate area of consultation, Schein (2000) asks the pertinent question : are coaching and consultation one and the same?


He suggests that coaching is a subset of consultation and that, to be successful, both must start by creating a helping relationshipwhich involves the learner/client, identifies the real problems, and builds a team in which both the coach and the client take responsibility for the outcomes (Schein, 2000: 72).

Schein claims that coaches often slip inappropriately into the role of trainer. He also suggests that a coach might have to go along with whatever the client wants in contrast with a consultant (whether internal or external) who must consider the needs of the larger client system and, if necessary, challenge the CEOs goals (Schein, 2000: 70 - 71). In relation to executive coaching, this would be disputed today by professional bodies such as the European Mentoring and Coaching Council which seek to establish ethical standards for coaches. However, I would agree with Scheins assertion that, in the case of executive coaching, the coach, like the consultant, should have the ability to move easily among the roles of process consultant, content expert, and diagnostician/prescriber (2000: 72) on condition that he can judge the appropriateness of each mode. I would suggest that, in addition, the shifts between roles should be clearly signalled to the client. I will return to Scheins influence on coaching models in section 2.3.6.

Taking Downeys definition as a statement of principle, Hargroves niche is the long-term business coaching of chief executives, involving double-loop learning and Diltss is taking coaching to the spiritual level. To sum up, there are niches in the world of coaching and this differentiation exists also within business and executive coaching. In addition, there are important differences between coaching and the related services of mentoring, counselling and consulting.


Coaching models and approaches



This section offers a critical analysis of a number of coaching models and approaches. It does not pretend to be an exhaustive review of the models in use, rather, to give a flavour of what coaches may offer and what organisations commissioning coaching services might seek.


Clarity around methods used has been identified as a critical success factor in coaching (Dembkowski and Eldridge, 2004). Some consideration must be given here to the models coaches could potentially use, therefore, even though the focus of my research was on the coachees, whose knowledge of the models used was sometimes limited.



The best known model is John Whitmores GROW: Goals, Reality, Options, Will (2002). Whitmore argues that awareness (i.e. focussed attention) and responsibility are necessary preconditions for the GROW sequence to work. He places his approach in the humanistic school of psychology, of which Maslow was one of the founders : where the fulfilment of human potential is seen to occur through self-awareness and where emotions are valued.

The GROW model can sometimes be discussed in reductionist terms; the on-line argument on in 2004 between proponents of RGOW and the original sequence could be viewed in these terms. Despite its pragmatic emphasis on organisational performance, Whitmores own model is more transformational than behavioural. In fact, it is closely related to Hargroves (2003) masterful coaching in that he encourages the coachee to dream first (hence the relegation of reality-testing to second place), then to address end goals, performance goals and finally the process, in that order. His method is non-directive. He maps coaching across Maslows hierarchy of needs (1943), stating that coaching corresponds to the top two levels : self-esteem and self-actualisation. Further, he considers that coaching can be of benefit as people develop from a position of conscious competence: performance cannot be sustained where there is no learning or where there is no enjoyment.


Intentional change

Boyatzis, Howard and Taylor (2004) propose the intentional change model which also starts from the development of a desired image. They describe a process of sustainable improvement in habits:

1. development of ones ideal self 2. assessment of ones strengths and weaknesses when comparing ones real and ideal selves 3. development of a learning agenda and plan 18

4. experimentation and practice with new behaviours 5. establishment of a trusting relationship with someone who can help, i.e. the coach. This step can also be the first.

What differentiates the approach of Boyatzis et al is their use of the notions of positive and negative emotional attractors (PEA and NEA). They point to research showing that people can move towards either attractor. The PEA arouses the parasympathetic nervous system; it allows a person to open himself to new possibilities. Similar psychological and behavioural patterns occur when people consider their dreams for the future and when they consider their strengths. In contrast, the NEA arouses the sympathetic nervous system and pushes a person to fix things that are wrong.

To make a sustainable change in behaviour, Boyatzis et al argue, a person needs to start with the PEA and move on through the NEA. The implication for development interventions, including coaching, would be that learning plans replace gap analysis and performance improvement plans. Finally, the conclusion is that (coaching) is most effective when it sets out to make good people even betterremedial coaching doesnt work (Neff Patterson, The Hay Group UK, as quoted by Boyatzis et al (2004: 30)).


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

To begin by taking an external view, Skiffington and Zeus state that NLP consists of a set of models, skills and techniques to organize ideas and actions for improved communication, positive change and personal and professional growth(it includes) an understanding of the brain (and of) communication aspects of our information processing(and of our) behavioural and thinking patterns (2003: 240). In addition, they point to its links with Gestalt and transactional analysis principles.

Jago and McDermott

Ian McDermott is a UK-based NLP coach and a prolific writer. Jago and McDermott (2001) offer a short explanation of what NLP is : the psychology of excellence. It has four pillars: rapport, setting your goal, sensory acuity and behavioural flexibility. They provide a description of how an NLP approach to coaching works (some of which is common to all non-directive coaching while some is specific to NLP); a selection of NLP coaching tools 19

such as contrastive analysis and modelling; and finally a series of exercises, to be done alone or with a coach, focussed on success in different areas of life, such as making work rewarding.

Dembkowski and Eldridge

Dembkowski and Eldridge (2003) based the ACHIEVE coaching model on the GROW model, combined with some NLP elements. The seven steps are: assess current situation; creative brainstorming of alternatives to current situation; hone goals; initiate options; evaluate options; valid action programme design; encourage momentum.


Rosinski (2003) points to parallels between coaching and cross-cultural awareness training. He draws on transactional analysis and NLP and proposes a cultural orientations framework accompanied by GLOBAL criteria : genuine, leverage, outcome-based, balance, assessmentbased and limited in number. While this might seem to mark a descent into catchy acronyms, I found Rosinskis work to be more thought-provoking than this might indicate. It includes, for example, a fresh look at the possible uses of the Johari window (Luft and Ingham, 1955) in coaching.

Bridoux and Merlevede

Bridoux and Merlevede (2004) place spiritual intelligence at the top of a pyramid incorporating emotional and informational intelligence. Alongside Diltss idea of awakener, this may herald the next major trend in executive development, although creative intelligence is spoken of in the same vein elsewhere. They also propose a number of useful instruments, using the neurological levels mentioned in section 2.2 of this chapter, for use in the coaching context, including the meta-SWOT analysis (table 2.3) and the consequence quadrant (table 2.4).


Table 2.3 Meta-SWOT analysis (Bridoux and Merlevede, 2004)

1. How do I move from: threat to opportunity, using: environment behaviour capabilities values and beliefs identity spirituality

2. How do I move from: weakness to strength, using: environment behaviour capabilities values and beliefs identity spirituality

Table 2.4 Consequence quadrant (Bridoux and Merlevede, 2004)

What will happen What wont happen

If I do X If I do X

If I dont do X If I dont do X

What do I stand to gain What do I stand to lose

If I do X If I do X

If I dont do X If I dont do X

These instruments are presented here as examples of the types of instruments coaches may offer which have their basis in a solid body of literature.


Other models and approaches

There are many other approaches to be found in the literature, some of which, like co-active coaching, offer a true model. Most represent ideas or tools, to be integrated with others in order to form a flexible but coherent approach to coaching. I have chosen to highlight the elements that help to build a fuller picture of the coaching methods in use.

In their co-active coaching model, Kimsey-House, Sandahl and Whitworth (1998) propose a designed alliance where the clients fulfilment, balance and the process are supported by curiosity, intuition, self-management and action learning.


Their starting point is that the client is naturally creative and whole; that coaching must address his whole life; and that the agenda comes from the client. The following three approaches present coaching as an organisational development (OD) intervention.

Diamante, Giglio and Urban (1998) identified resilience at individual and organisational level, and congruent internal transformations, as the key enablers in adjusting to change. They situated coaching as a critical part of the organizational development process and divided it into three phases : building commitment and personal transformation; moving the executive forward; and facilitating the personal transformation. I found this model persuasive in that :

it identifies effective coaching as an OD intervention it makes explicit use of findings on commitment and consistency it incorporates alternatives, e.g. in relation to feedback instruments it addresses such issues as coachees becoming internal coaches and the tripartite agreement involving the coach, the coachee and his manager.

ONeill (2000) proposes a combination of action research and a systems perspective for increased leverage; uses Scheins Process consultation (1988) as a reference point; and proposes a sequence of contract plan live-action coaching de-briefing.

Alexander and Guthrie (2000) developed the Process Advising (PA) role as a specialised form of coaching that emphasises learning, personal development, and effective action in a specific leadership situation (2000: 257). The main feature appears to be its focus on specific leadership challenges and its pre-ordained structure for the six months of sessions (face-toface ands telephone). The Process Adviser may deviate from the structure. PA is proposed as way of supporting large numbers of managers simultaneously as advocate, partisan and adherent (2000: 259), terms which any coach would recognise. The authors claim that the main difference between PA and coaching is that Process Advisers do not offer expert advice; develop particular management skills; or act as business consultants.

Moving on from OD, Jue and Wedemeyer (2002) propose a pragmatic spirituality for the workplace. It includes techniques for (a) maximising the intuitive process through qualitative interpretation of icons (or images), which have many layers of meaning and (b) quantum


decision making, which has to do with formulating questions, processing the icon responses and implementing ones intuitive inputs. While these are not formally presented as coaching techniques, they can be used as such by a coach who has dealt with his own issues or unfinished business.

Bagshaw and Bagshaw (2002) describe a Swedish initiative blending personal coaching by an icoach and web-based training. Ibility, the organisation responsible, has coined the term ibility to mean the match between what you do, what you can do, and what you want to do. Their approach is based on the following principles: recall, develop deeper insight, generate possibilities, define strategies of action. GE, for example, uses such a blend of personal and on-line coaching in skills development for middle managers.

The following two approaches make explicit use of stories and story-making to reinforce learning.

Thiers CLUES model (2003) is a tool designed to help the coach to make sense of his observations, under the headings of characteristics, language, underlying motives, energy and stories.

Lee (2004) suggests the LASER coaching process: learning, assessing, story-making, enabling and re-framing.

Parsloe and Wray (2004) propose a 3-D technique where the coachee considers the hurdles present in the situation; in the people involved; and in himself, before considering options and taking appropriate action


My understanding of executive coaching

Taking the varied approaches above into account, this is what I think executive coaching is and I will be using this as a benchmark throughout.


As regards the coachee,

it is a self-directed activity, irrespective of how the coach and coachee are first brought together therefore, it demands a certain amount of emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1996), including the confidence to learn more about and to challenge oneself a strong internal locus of control (Cameron, Whetten and Woods, 2000) is an advantage, in that the coachee then naturally feels that he can modify his behaviour or beliefs. Resource constraints did not permit me to analyse this aspect of coachees personalities

intrinsic motivation (Bowditch and Buono, 2001) is more critical than extrinsic in determining the success of coaching.

As regards the coach,

he starts from the assumption that people want responsibility; that they want to build self-esteem and identity into their work; that they are motivated to do their best and choose to take responsibility

he must combine empathy with detachment he must be willing to give up control.

As regards the process,

executive coaching is a partnership of equals: a relationship of trust which has as its aim to unlock a persons potential to maximise his performance, by increasing his responsibility in this regard (Hargrove, 2003)

therefore, at a fundamental level, it is about increasing the coachees awareness of how he can influence the situations in which he finds himself learning is more likely to take place if the coachee is at least happy within the process (Boyatzis et al, 2004); all the better if peak experiences form a part of the process (Skiffington and Zeus, 2003)

coaching involves allowing the coachee to set his own goals (Whitmore, 2002), which may range from business to inter-personal to whole life issues


it can move between small and large C coaching (Dilts, 2003) and normally lasts between six and twelve months, i.e. a sufficient period for the coachee to go through an action learning cycle

absolute confidentiality is essential or, if this is not the organisational norm, there must be clarity and agreement by all parties up-front regarding what may be disclosed by the coach to the organisation

while it is not the appropriate intervention to turn around an under-performer (Wasylyshyn, 2003), it may, in some cases, be regarded as an acceptable alternative to training in certain inter-personal skills.

As regards the environment,

my belief is that coaching can often be more effective if it is regarded in a holistic manner, as part of an OD intervention (Diamante et al, 1998), and if it is integrated into the organisations overall approach to management development. This would include linking coaching with change initiatives and succession planning. It does not imply that the organisation can be directive regarding the precise areas covered

I am not convinced that it is possible to demonstrate tangible, direct effects of executive coaching on the bottom line. However, it is possible to evaluate participant and/or colleagues perspectives on whether and how transfer back to the workplace took place, where appropriate.

I will now move on from the topic of coaching to that of evaluation.


Evaluation of training interventions

In this section, I will focus on the two main approaches to evaluation in training and development : Kirkpatrick and Holton. I will analyse how Kirkpatrick has been applied to coaching and whether Holton might be used in a similar way.



Kirkpatricks four levels

The principle authority in the area of training evaluation remains Donald Kirkpatrick, nearly fifty years after his four-level model was first published. As described in Great ideas revisited (Kirkpatrick, 1996), the four steps are:

reaction : a measure of how the participant feels about a particular programme learning : a measure of the knowledge acquired, skills improved or attitudes changed as a result of the programme behaviour: a measure of the extent to which the participant changes his behaviour on the job (transfer of learning) results: a measure of the final results that occur due to training (e.g. reduced costs, less employee turnover).

Although designed to clarify the meaning of evaluation of training and to offer guidelines on how to proceed, Kirkpatricks levels have been applied to the evaluation of other types of learning interventions also, including coaching.

However, like many training programmes, coaching - where it is evaluated at all - is often evaluated at level 1 only, as evidenced by research carried out for the School of Coaching at the Industrial Society (Industrial and Commercial Training, 2002) and the CIPD Training and Development Survey 2004.

There are frequent exhortations in literature to organisations which commission coaching services to extend evaluation to cover all four Kirkpatrick levels (Jarvis, 2004; Gray, 2004).

My view is that the first three levels can be used but that moving to level 4 is very difficult. Braddick (2003) cites a number of return on investment studies. She points out, rightly, in my view, that when used to promote coaching, ROI percentages, create noise that distracts from what we really need to understand what works well in coaching. the prevalent use of these return figures by promoters of coaching creates a misleading picture that this return is potentially replicable across all types of coaching (2003: 5). I found few accounts of empirical studies of the evaluation of coaching (see section 2.6 for a description of two such studies) and no transferable models.


However, Grays paper (2004) on the principles and processes involved in coaching evaluation is helpful in refining Kirkpatricks approach in a general way, as applied to coaching. It takes a contingency approach to the selection of interventions and a holistic approach to coaching within the organisational context.

Among the reasons she gives for evaluating coaching activities are the following:

it provides a critical window on professional practice as a new development initiative, coaching should be evaluated with a view to improvement. This is particularly important in the absence of a single professional structure

evaluation helps organisations to identify the strengths of individual coaches and to identify the most appropriate applications of their styles it can assist in comparing coaching with other learning interventions.

All of these are relevant to the continued provision of coaching services in the health service today.

Who should evaluate coaching? Gray cites Hays four-cornered contract (1995) involving the coachee, the coach, the organisation (HR) and the coachees line manager as potential evaluators. Gray recommends collaborative evaluation involving all stakeholders and weighs up the advantages and disadvantages of using internal and external evaluators.

She points out that the how of evaluation will depend on the why and the who. She cites Easterby-Smith (1994) who classified evaluation into four schools of thought. When listing these approaches below, I have included my analysis of the applicability of each within the health service:

experimental : apart from the difficulty of identifying comparable control groups, and of isolating the effects of coaching from other factors, I doubt that the experimental approach would be accepted in the health service, on equity grounds.


systems: the emphasis on providing feedback to sponsors and coaches on outcomes is useful but, according to Easterby-Smith (1994), is better suited to technical skills development. The issue of confidentiality around what, precisely, can be fed back would also arise here. Gray suggests limiting coach feedback to a consistency of themes for organisational change

illuminative : the multiple perspectives might well be interesting, e.g. with regard to unexpected outcomes, however, the health service like any organisation would want some more concrete, actionable results

goal free : this approach emphasises the process, which to my mind is an essential part of understanding whether or how executive coaching works.

Gray mentions four other approaches to evaluation:

decision-making: where evaluation aims to assist management in taking decisions around the future of coaching. This forms a part of this study insofar as the findings will help me and, I hope, others to set some structures around coaching services in the future

goal-based: this approach was the one favoured by a majority of my respondents for future use, although it was not the framework within which they had experienced coaching. For the purposes of goal-based evaluation, objectives are usually expressed in terms of behaviours, which would be normal practice in my organisation when drawing up specifications for training. This corresponds to evaluation at Kirkpatricks level 3. Gray warns that evaluation poses problems at both levels 3 and 4, which are not always well understood

professional review : validation and accreditation (this refers to coaching qualifications) interventionist: action research and action learning are popular OD interventions in the health service. Although time-consuming, such a collaborative approach might well have a place in future evaluation of coaching.

Gray concludes by saying that the evaluation of coaching today seems to centre on the systems and goal-based approaches. These serve a purpose but the danger is that such evaluation may miss key aspects of the process and indeed some of its intangible outcomes.


My conclusion is that Kirkpatricks levels 1 - 3 can be used to evaluate executive coaching. Unlike Gray, however, I would see some problems even with level 2 evaluation (learning), given the confidential and indeed intangible nature of some of the learning commonly engaged in. Braddick (2003) has argued cogently against false claims for business results (level 4) that can be attributed solely to coaching. Easterby-Smiths goal free approach (1994) seems to me to have a legitimate place, as a way of refining Kirkpatricks level 1 (process) evaluation in relation to executive coaching. I will now turn from Kirkpatricks to Holtons approach to training evaluation.


Holtons transfer inventory

Although Kirkpatrick remained unperturbed by accusations that his model was merely a taxonomy, it is a fact that his four levels do not expalin how to evaluate learning. Elwood Holtons conceptual model of transfer of training (Bates, Holton and Ruona, 2000) represents the best known attempt to fill this gap.

Holton says, reasonably, that learning is of little benefit to organisations unless it is somehow transferred to performance. He identifies three primary outcomes of training: learning; individual performance; and organisational results. These correspond to Kirkpatricks levels 2, 3 and 4.

What is important about Holtons contribution is his emphasis on the individuals learning as part of the collective performance and the advance he made in methodology to measure the transfer of learning to the workplace. His sixteen-scale Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI) allows for a more rigorous measure of transfer variables than has heretofore been possible. In addition, he has produced a sub-model, which focuses on the transfer of learning to individual performance.

Holton suggests that three crucial factors affect transfer of learning, which he defines as the application, generalizability and maintenance of new knowledge and skills (Bates et al, 2000: 334):

motivation to transfer (supported by the expectancy, equity and goal-setting theories)


transfer climate (Holton was not very clear what precisely constitutes the climate but identified the line manager as a key support) transfer design (including the degree of correspondence between the training and the work settings; placing the focus on underlying principles during training so that the learner can apply them later; the relevance of the competencies taught, to individual and to organisational problems).

To my knowledge, Holtons model has not yet been applied to the evaluation of coaching. He himself says that it is best used as a pulse-taking diagnostic tool in an action research approach to organizational development (Bates et al, 2000: 357). There is little evidence in the literature that such extensive, formative evaluation of coaching is being carried out in any case (Gray, 2004). I suspect that another reason behind the non-application of Holtons model is to be found in its complexity and in his near-impenetrable writing style.

With regard to using these models in my research, I did not attempt to use Holton as a basis for my survey although I did find his analysis of transfer useful in formulating some of my questions, e.g. around organisational support for coaching. I found his model too complex to interpret, adapt and apply in the time available. My decision was to use Kirkpatricks levels, complemented by the literature and by my experience, as buyer of services, for my survey.

Having looked at the principle influences on the evaluation of training, which apply in practice to coaching as well, I will now give a brief overview of the trends I identified in literature emanating from the USA and from Europe, then analyse one empirical study from each setting.


Empirical studies on the evaluation of coaching

2.6.1 American and European literature

Many of the articles on executive coaching referenced in the course of this thesis refer to the need to evaluate coaching. I found few studies of the effectiveness of coaching which dealt with executive, as opposed to skills or performance, coaching and which were sufficiently clearly written up to be of use here. As Braddick (2003) notes, many and varying percentage 30

increases in productivity as a result of training and coaching are cited, usually around skills development, sometimes without sufficient explanation of how the evaluation was carried out. This is consistent with statistics on research around coaching cited by Freas and Sherman in the aptly titled article, The wild west of executive coaching (2004).

In the USA, in addition to writings associated with the International Coach Federation (ICF), there exists a distinct psychological school and body of literature around coaching, which is represented by the Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. A strongly felt need to categorise coaching providers, as psychologists or non-psychologists, runs through journal articles.

This is reflected, for example, in the literature review around executive coaching (Anderson and Kampa-Kokesch, 2001) which makes a qualitative distinction between the psychological literature on executive coaching and the rest, to which the authors refer as the training and development and management bodies of literature.

Their review contains brief accounts of a number of empirical studies, including that by Gegner (1997). Gegner surveyed forty-eight managers and interviewed twenty-five of the same group. One of Gegners themes, sustained behavioural change, was similar to my focus on Kirkpatrick level 3. Defining Whitmores (2002) pre-conditions for the GROW model, awareness and responsibility, as coaching outcomes, she found that 70-93% of coachees considered coaching to be highly or somewhat effective. However, as regards methods, Anderson and Kampa-Kokesch considered her measure of transfer flawed, as it was self-rated and not considered over time.

Turning from American to European literature, almost all of the latter which I consulted originated with UK authors. Both USA and UK coaches are currently concerned by the wild west image of coaching (Freas and Sherman, 2004) and are looking to protect the reputation of the profession, in part through solid research. European peer-reviewed literature appears to regard knowledge of psychology and of training and development, or management/business/strategy as equally valid. Some of the less extreme contributors to the Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, such as Richard Diedrich of The Hay Group, take a similar view (Diedrich and Kilburg, 2001).


There are currently four professional coaching bodies in the UK: in addition to the ICF (which is represented in thirty-three countries including Ireland), there exist the Association for Coaching; the Coaching Psychology Forum and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council - EMCC (Jarvis, 2004). Names associated with the EMCC include Whitmore, Clutterbuck, Parsloe and Hay. Their on-line journal is entitled The International Journal of Coaching and Mentoring and incorporates both peer-reviewed and practice literature.

I have selected two studies here, primarily for their relevance to my own area of focus, i.e. success factors in executive coaching specifically, although neither referred explicitly to Kirkpatrick. I had carried out my research before reading either study. As they come from the two journals mentioned above, they also happen to represent the American and the European approaches, both of which are pertinent in a country continually re-positioning itself between Boston and Berlin.

In the following section, I will critically analyse the following:

a first evaluation, which was carried out in the US between 2001 and 2003 (Wasylyshyn, 2003)

a second evaluation, which hails from Europe and is an English language account of a study originally written in German. The survey took place in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 2003 (Dembkowski and Eldridge, 2004).


USA study

Wasylyshyn (2003) surveyed 106 executives whom she had coached between 1985 and 2001, and achieved a response rate of 82%. Apart from the fact of her own direct working relations with respondents and the period (1985 2001 as opposed to 2000 2004), her sample differed from mine in that it focussed on the private sector; it was set in the USA; and the vast majority were male (85%). As regards her methods, respondents had more than one choice on each question, which must be kept in mind when evaluating the relatively high percentage figures on any one of a range of answers to any given question.

She asked questions around the following themes : selection of a coach; executives reactions to working with a coach; the arguments for and against internal and external coaches; the 32

focus of the coaching process; indications of successful coaching; coaching tools used; and sustainability of learning and behaviour change.

In addition, she made some suggestions as regards the executives who are most likely to benefit from executive coaching, concluding that this intervention is best used with successful executives and other high-potential employees, while internal mentoring or coaching should be used for recoverable cases of poor performance and out-placement, for what she terms rescue fantasy scenarios (2003: 105). While our themes were similar, the main difference in emphasis between Wasylyshyns approach and mine lay in the importance she lent to clinical psychology as part of the effective coachs portfolio. I had not included this explicitly in my survey nor had the topic been raised at any of the interviews. Wasylyshyn states that there are coaching engagements that require the specific expertise of professionals who have been trained clinically especially if sustained behaviour change is the desired outcome (2003: 97). Graduate training in psychology was the number one credential or experience criterion for executives selecting a coach, according to her survey. It is worth considering whether there was an inbuilt bias in her particular sample, in that these were people who had chosen to be coached by her, over a number of years; who chose to reply to her survey and were conscious that their replies were being returned to her.

I have summarised the themes of Wasylyshyns research and her findings in table 2.5. She did not refer explicitly to Kirkpatrick, however, she did cover levels 1 3 (reaction, learning and transfer) in her questioning.

Table 2.5 Summary of Wasylyshyns findings (2003) Selection of coach The top three criteria (education and work experience) were graduate training in psychology (82%); experience in/understanding of the business (78%) and an established reputation as a coach (25%) The top three were the ability to form a strong connection with the executive (86%); professionalism, meaning intelligence, integrity/honesty, confidentiality, objectivity (82%); and use of a clear and sound methodology, meaning delivers truth constructively, contextual grounding, unearths core issues, use of psychometrics (35%) 33

Personal characteristics of an effective coach

Executives reactions to working with a coach

76% were positive about the prospect of working with a coach; 31% were guarded; 6% were negative There was a 100% positive response in favour of external coaches, primarily for reasons of trust and confidentiality; at the same time, there was a 76% negative response, linked to external coaches lack of company or industry knowledge. This was mirrored by 70% positive response in favour of internal coaches (who know the business) and a 79% negative response (potential conflicts of interest, concerns around trust, confidentiality and skill level) 56% wanted personal behaviour change; 43% wanted to enhance leadership effectiveness; 40% wanted to foster stronger relationships (emotional intelligence); 17% wanted personal development (defined as legacy, career management, life stage transition); and 7% wanted to focus on work-family integration The three highest rated coaching tools were (face-to-face) coaching sessions; (customised) 360 feedback; and relationship with the coach (chemistry, trust/confidentiality, availability) while testing and leadership readings also scored high

Arguments for and against internal and external coaches

Focus of the coaching process:

Coaching tools favoured by executives

Indications of successful coaching:

The top three were sustained behaviour change (63%); increased self-awareness and understanding (48%); and more effective leadership (45%). Wasylyshyns stunning finding was that, on a 1 10 scale, over halfreported a sustainability level between 6 and 8; over a third were at the 9 10 level. She attributed this to a combination of her own qualities and a well-qualified, highly motivated group of clients (2003: 104)

Sustainability of learning and behaviour change


2.6.3 European study

Dembkowski and Eldridge (2004) have written up Tanja Schmidts 2003 survey of 600 coachees, in the context of the European Mentoring and Coaching Councils efforts to establish a common understanding of evaluation methods and standard-setting. The authors begin by noting that the literature around coaching evaluation recognises three distinct elements: structural quality (inputs); process; and results quality (whether at the level of satisfaction, learning, transfer of knowledge or business parameters). Schmidts focus was on inputs.

From her base at the Technical University in Berlin, Schmidt contacted 150 coaches in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, asking them to distribute four questionnaires each to coachees. Based on the 15% response rate, and using factor analysis, she ranked the success factors as perceived by coachees, defining success factors as those factors that are prerequisites for achieving defined objectives for a coaching programme and/or provide the client with a concrete experience of success.

Schmidt concluded that the following nine factors, in descending order, represented the key success factors in coaching, where, although it was not stated, I take it that 1.0 = fully necessary for success: Qualifications of the coach (personal credibility, education, experience, expertise, overall regard) factor.67 Involvement of the coach (own motivation and ability to build an atmosphere of trust) factor .65 Clarity and goals (for both parties around roles, methods, actions) factor .55 Trust and quality of the coaching relationship (accepting, open) factor .48 Coach-setting (the extent to which the coachee is willing to invest in the process; organisational perceptions of coaching) factor .40 Coachee autonomy (everything that helps the coachee to take personal responsibility and a self-reflective approach) factor .40 Co-operation (rapport, equality) factor .37 Methodological variety (which pre-supposes continuing professional development; a variety of training and experience on the coachs part as well as formal coach training) factor .33


Diagnosis (shadowing, feedback from the performance management system, not merely psychometric testing) factor .28.

The English-language account is most likely a summary as it contains no information on the composition of the sample or on the models on which the evaluation was based. It is difficult to map this account of the study across more than Kirkpatrick level 1 (reaction). I find the detail and complexity of the ways in which coaches were enabled to describe their reactions to the coaching process of great interest, however. It seems to represent an example of EasterbySmiths goal free evaluation (1994). Some attention was paid to the transfer climate also (Bates et al, 2000), particularly under the theme of diagnosis. For this reason, I found this article useful when analysing the results of my survey.

This concludes the fourth and final section of the literature review.

2.6.4 Summing up

I started this chapter with the search for definitions of coaching and of executive coaching. I moved through related services and the coaching models and approaches which draw on schools as varied as NLP and process consultation. The latter part of the literature review was concerned with training evaluation methods and their applicability and application to executive coaching. I recognise that Holtons transfer inventory contains the potential for more elaborate evaluation of coaching in the future. For my purposes, I decided to use Kirkpatricks evaluation levels. The following chapter will deal with the methodology and methods I used in attempting to identify success factors in executive coaching in the health service.





The basic paradigm is positivist or quantitative.

My hypothesis was that, although there were individual stories of how people experienced executive coaching, patterns would emerge across those stories and across the recommendations they would make for the future. I wanted to understand whether and how access to this alternative avenue of development both in personal and career terms made a difference to them. Although I did not anticipate what precisely they would be, the patterns emerging across these stories might well be extended to other similar settings.

As regards my ontological assumptions, my position is that of a critical realist, in that I believe that reality exists independently while at the same time it cannot fully be known. This situates my research in a post-positivist framework (Guba and Lincoln, 1994).




Description of the sample

The number of managers having taken up executive coaching in my organisation insofar as I was aware was too small, and the period over which they had been coached, too recent, to enable me to use it as a valid basis for a survey.

Therefore, I contacted the Office for Health Management (OHM) in order to gain access to a wider sample. The OHM is one of a number of national health agencies which were established in the late nineties, to help develop better HR practices across the service. According to its website,, the OHM saw its primary role as being to facilitate management and organisation development for the health and personal social services. 37

It was subsumed into the Health Services Executive (HSE) in January 2005, in the first wave of structural changes in the national health reform programme. Its activities have consisted of launching national HR Development initiatives for managers in the health sector. These include models for personal development planning and learning needs analysis; management competency frameworks; and pilot projects such as executive coaching. These projects are intended to form a basis for a common approach to HRD across agencies in the future health structures, in contrast to the fairly fragmented approach taken by individual boards and other agencies heretofore.

As regards the executive coaching exercise, the OHM contacted CEOs of health boards and agencies in 2000 and in 2002, asking them to nominate participants at senior level. The OHM indicated verbally to me that it was implicitly understood, for the first round at least, that senior meant members of the corporate team (Director of Function, Deputy or Assistant CEO, CEO). The process of internal selection was left to individual CEOs and the OHM accepted all nominations. They provided a panel of coaches, based in the UK and Ireland, and, for the first round, co-funded a set number of coaching sessions.

The OHM granted me access to a group of senior managers across the health agencies in Ireland who had availed of its first two rounds of executive coaching over the period 20002004.

In July September 2004, the managers self-selected to participate in this research by replying to a letter from the OHM, asking whether they would agree to participate in my project, either by being interviewed or by filling out a questionnaire. Of the fifty-four managers contacted by the OHM, forty replied to say that they would participate.

The selection of the sample to be identified in a survey must be based on an objective criterion. This selection method may well have introduced a bias into the research, in that it is possible that some managers who did not feel comfortable with, or pursue, coaching did not reply. For reasons of sensitivity and confidentiality, the OHM was reluctant to allow me access on any other basis.

To counteract this bias in so far as possible, I contacted all the managers who agreed to participate in my research and used a variety of research methods: unobtrusive research, interviews and questionnaire. 38

The word senior was not defined at any stage in the coaching arrangements being studied here. However, judging from the grade of respondents, it was restricted in the main to grade 8 and above, i.e. General Manager (functional officer), Director of Function (e.g. HR), Assistant or Deputy CEO and CEO. To put this grading in context, managers would also exist at grades 5 (frontline supervisors) to 7.

The settings ranged from regional health boards (usually covering three counties each), through national organisations (such as Cheshire Homes, An Bord Altranais, or the Crisis Pregnancy Agency) to large hospitals in the Dublin area. It should be noted that, at the time I carried out the interviews, the Health Service Executive had just come into being and the CEOs of the health boards, at least, were aware that most were expected to seek a future outside the new structure.


Research instruments

Given that I took a quantitative approach overall, a survey in the form of a written questionnaire seemed the most appropriate means of data collection. Unobtrusive research into OHM documents and semi-structured interviews constituted the initial stage. A measure of methodological pluralism was thus ensured.

Based on initial readings, including the Kirkpatrick evaluation model, on input from coachees outside the sample, and the unobtrusive research (see section 4.3), I devised categories of questions, beginning with the individual, semi-structured, face-to-face interviews which preceded the written questionnaire.

A semi-structured interview is one in which there is flexibility in the phrasing and order of the questions although the schedule consists of a list of preformulated questions, which can be neither omitted nor added to (Hutchinson and Wilson, 1992:117). This should enhance data objectivity, so that any inbuilt bias, which I brought to the process, would not drive the process of data collection.

I used the interviews to identify the themes which could most usefully be explored in the questionnaire. I field-tested my interview questions, firstly with a colleague and a middle manager from the private sector who had undergone coaching and, secondly, in the course of the first interview. 39

The final interview schedule, and indeed the questionnaire, included a combination of some questions inspired by Kirkpatrick (1996), Holton (Bates et al, 2000) and Dilts (2003). The questions covered coachee perceptions of the process (Kirkpatrick level 1), of learning (level 2) and of transfer (level 3). A separate section addressed the notion of a coaching culture and coachee recommendations for introducing executive coaching more widely into their organisations.

I accepted that, despite whatever precautions I took to be neutral in interviews or indeed in writing up my findings, I came to this exercise with certain values around the potential value of coaching which would influence the process of data gathering, collation and conclusions. I was aware that I must factor the existence of biases into my methodology. Methodological triangulation using qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection represented one way of containing such bias. In addition, I identified another, external researcher to critique my writing up, including categories and patterns.

There is also a gender aspect to the interviews. I am conscious that my natural interviewing style is to show empathy for the unit being studied rather than to maintain an absolutely neutral stance in the face of everything being said or indeed left unsaid. This empathy is one of the three principles of the feminist perspective (Hyde 1994). Rosenthal (1996) argues that male and female researchers can obtain significantly different data from their subjects.

I interviewed the managers at their workplace; with their permission, I recorded the interviews; and I worked directly with the tapes rather than transcripts. I analysed the tapes using a grid made up of fourteen categories, based on the themes which composed the semistructured interview (appendix 1).

A preliminary analysis of the interviews resulted in a questionnaire (appendix 2), which I piloted with two managers of the group of forty. As some modifications were made after the pilot, these two responses were not included in the analysis of the responses. The purpose of the questionnaire was to generate some quantitative data around the key themes as they had emerged from the interviews, i.e. to point to patterns in the coachees experiences and suggestions.


A second analysis of the interview tapes was used to identify some richer data, such as comments on perceptions and reasons for choices, that I then wove into the questionnaire results written up in chapter 4.

The questionnaire - a mix of open and closed questions - was sent out in February 2005. I analysed the responses to the questionnaire, question by question, to identify patterns between and within the individual responses.

As regards ethics, I am aware that the health service is a small world and thus gave an undertaking of confidentiality around individual contributions, in advance, to all potential interviewees and respondents. I decided against disclosure (regarding my own experiences of coaching) although it might have encouraged openness, to avoid contaminating my findings.


Response rates

Of the forty managers who replied to the OHM to say they would be willing to participate in my research, out of a total of fifty-four contacted, I arranged face to face interviews with seven. The forty included twelve CEOs and seven Assistant or Deputy CEOs, while the other respondents held diverse senior to middle management positions.

Those to be interviewed were chosen to reflect the gender balance in the overall sample (roughly 50-50); a geographical spread across the country; both the acute and primary care areas of the health sector; and the different grades represented in the sample. Thus, interviews were arranged with:

CEO of a health board CEO of a national agency Chief Executive of a hospital Deputy CEO (primary care) of a health board General Manager senior administrator senior health professional.


One interview was cancelled when it transpired that the manager in question had not actually been included in the OHM scheme, while another was cancelled at a point where it was not possible to re-schedule. One manager requested and received the questions in advance. An unforeseen bias crept into the group, as a result of the cancellations, so that the more senior group (CEOs, chief executives, Assistant CEOs) was more heavily represented than intended. All five interviews took place in January 2005.

The questionnaire was emailed to thirty-three managers in February. By way of motivation, I promised respondents that I would donate 2 to a named charity for every questionnaire returned within the deadline. Replies came back over three weeks. The response rate was just under 50% in that sixteen of the thirty-three questionnaires were returned. As responses to the questionnaire were anonymous, it was not possible to compare relevant characteristics of respondents and non-respondents.

To summarise the response rates: 54 managers were contacted by the OHM 40 agreed to participate 5 were interviewed 3 indicated that they had not received coaching, either through the questionnaire or earlier 2 piloted the questionnaire of the 30 remaining, 15 filled out the questionnaire.

The following chapter contains the results obtained from the sample described here.




Explanatory notes

This chapter presents the results of the survey, the interviews and the unobtrusive research.

Section 4.2 follows the structure of the questionnaire, which was divided into the following sections:

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

classification questions profile of the coaching experience decision to embark selecting a coach areas for coaching coaching process perceptions transfer of learning perceptions pre-requisites for introducing coaching

Observations from interviews are interspersed through the text where appropriate. The interview structure followed the same general lines as the questionnaire; however, it included a small number of additional topics and went into more detail on some themes.

I have used the terms respondent to indicate someone who filled in the questionnaire and interviewee for those I met face to face. I have referred to interviewees and to respondents in the text as he, irrespective of their gender, as an additional guarantee of anonymity for what is a small sample.

Respondents could give multiple answers to many questions (e.g. criteria used to select a coach). This must be kept in mind when evaluating the relatively high figures relating to options within those questions.


In all questions where ranking was involved, a minority ticked options but did not rank them, with the result that it was not possible to give a completely accurate picture of the correlation between the number of times a particular option was chosen and the ranking given to it.

The tables give questionnaire results only, as the questions posed in the interviews were not identical in every case with those in the questionnaire. In the key, total refers to the number of respondents who ticked a particular option while ranked 1-3 refers to those within that total who ranked the option among their top three in terms of importance.

Given the small size of the sample (fifteen completed questionnaires), I decided that further statistical analysis of the findings could give an impression of spurious validity. No information was gathered on the sixteenth respondent, who indicated that he had not had coaching, so the following tables refer to the data collated from fifteen questionnaires.


Survey and interview - findings


Classification questions

Fifteen respondents indicated that they had availed of the executive coaching offered by the OHM. The respondents were fairly evenly divided between male and female, as shown in table 5.1. To put this in context, twenty-two of the original forty were female and eighteen were male.

Table 5.1 Gender distribution

Gender (Q2)

1 6 male female Unknow n 8


There was also an even distribution among the senior administrative grades: the forty were composed of twelve CEOs or equivalent; seven Assistant CEOs; seven Directors of Function or equivalent; five General Managers; and nine others, including six of unidentified grade. No clinicians in post (consultants or directors of nursing) or social or health professionals (therapy managers) appeared in the sample, although the interviews revealed that some coachees had transferred across to the administrative stream. Table 5.2 shows the breakdown of the fifteen respondents by grade.

Table 5.2 Distribution of grades

Grade (Q3)
1 1 4

CEO Assist CEO Director of Function General Manager Grade 8



The three most senior levels CEO or equivalent, Assistant CEO and Director of Function would have formed the corporate or senior team of the former health boards. General Managers - although one grade below Director of Function - held very responsible posts; they were accountable for performance management at county or hospital level. Two respondents came from the middle management layer grade 7/8. The grading system was well understood in the smaller health agencies or hospitals outside the board system and no respondent used other terms to situate himself within the system.

When asked how long they had been in post at the time of starting the coaching sessions, six replied less than one year; three, between one and three years; and six replied more than three years. No pattern was discernible.



Profile of the coaching experience

This referred to the number and format of sessions and to such aspects as venue and duration.

Most respondents had started their coaching sessions shortly after the offer was made: in 2001 (seven) or in 2002 (three). However, three waited until 2003 and one until 2004, while one did not reply.

As regards the format of the sessions, all fifteen had face-to-face sessions. Two held telephone sessions as well. None indicated that email had been used, although this had come up in the pilot phase.

The venues listed in the questionnaire were those mentioned at the interviews (table 5.3). No respondent indicated that he felt uncomfortable with the venues used although this had come up in a number of interviews: outright opposition to the coachs idea of using a hotel lobby; deliberate search for offices off-site; a feeling that the coachs office was unsuitable for coaching.

Table 5.3 Venues used for coaching

Venue (Q7)

2 9 Own workplace Coach's workplace Hotel lobby 9 2 Other

The OHM suggested a series of ten sessions. In light of this, it is interesting to see that four respondents chose to have five sessions or fewer; six had between six and ten sessions; and five had more than ten sessions (table 5.4). These five would thus have had to seek funding for the additional sessions from their own organisations.


Table 5.4 Number of coaching sessions

Num ber of sessions (Q8)

4 5 1 to 5 6 to 10 > 10

Most respondents coaching sessions lasted between one and two hours (eight) or over two hours (six). No one indicated sessions lasting under one hour, which may mean that, where the telephone was used, it was not for an entire session, rather, for short conversations between sessions.

Almost all respondents (twelve) continued coaching over a period of eleven months or more although some indicated uneven frequency of sessions. Two respondents indicated a total period of between six and ten months. One said that the coaching experience had lasted for under five months; this persons views of the experience were negative. One interviewee indicated a similarly short duration; he had been sent by his manager and used the sessions to address one personal/professional issue.

When asked what changes they would make to the coaching format today, half of the respondents (eight) replied none.

The other half said that they would modify: 1. time-lines: they would agree more structured time-lines (e.g. a session every two months) or they would agree all dates at the beginning. They would limit the number of sessions (to eight) or they would spread the sessions over a longer period (18 months) 2. selection : they would meet two or three coaches before selecting one 3. learning supports : they would use a journal or diary to help them remember what they had covered.



Decision to embark

Interviewees had the opportunity of describing their understanding of coaching before embarking. A number mentioned a combination of personal and professional development and others, a sounding board, safety valve or external advice. A small number of coachees had had previous experience of coaching or mentoring.

Taking into account the fact that the OHM offer was an external or artificial stimulus, which was made to the whole service and thus could not take account of stages of individual development, respondents were asked to identify and to rank the reasons behind their decision to embark on coaching.

Only one respondent explicitly acknowledged the fact that the opportunity happened to be offered by the OHM.

As table 5.5 shows, the two principle reasons for respondents to embark on coaching were as an alternative to formal training or education and because the coachee had taken up a new post. The significance of these options is mirrored by the number who ranked them as the first, second or third most relevant factors in their decision to take up coaching.

Table 5.5 Reasons for embarking on coaching

Decision to embark (Q12)

10 8 6 4 2 0 Changes / work environment Alternative to T&D Suggested by Manager New job Stress Other


Ranked 1-3


Changes in the environment and stress represent the next most common reasons. Only two coachees were acting on their managers suggestion.

This contrasted somewhat with the findings of the interviews, where stress; a feeling that further, formal education was not the answer to current issues; and the absence of a confidant (either ones manager or another) were most frequently mentioned.

Thirteen of the fifteen respondents said that it was entirely their choice to take up coaching while the other two said that it was not entirely so.


Selecting a coach

Knowing that the OHM had provided a panel of coaches, and using the themes which had come up at interviews, I asked respondents to identify the criteria which they had used to select a coach. They had the option of ticking as many criteria as applied.

The most common basis for selecting a coach was gut feeling (ten), followed by experience (divided equally between a preference for public and for private sector experience) and references or recommendations (table 5.6).

Table 5.6 Criteria used to select a coach

Selection criteria (Q14)

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Geography Experience / private sector Experience / public sector References / recommendation Gut feeling Gender Other


Among interviewees, experience (whether of the public or the private sector, depending on the individual) combined with the rapport experienced at the first meeting represented the most common reasons given. Coaches were variously described as re-assuring, interested in how Id got this far and assertive.

Some looked at gender and geography in addition. The numbers were too small to permit of generalisation but those who wanted a coach of their own gender were female while those who consciously sought the opposite were male.

Geographical considerations were of interest to an even smaller number; however, two points should be noted here. First, almost all Irish-based coaches on the panel were based in Dublin and, while it is not possible to ascertain where the fifteen respondents were based, twenty of the forty managers who agreed to participate in the research were also based there. Second, the term geographical considerations covers a multitude of situations ranging from managers who rejected the idea of a UK-based coach, through some who made a six-hour round trip to meet their coaches to others who chose a coach in their own area of Dublin to avoid travelling across the city.

When asked what they would do differently to select a coach today, over 50% (nine) said "nothing". The others would:

meet two or three coaches before deciding make enquiries from acquaintances (recommendations) attach more weight to private sector experience and to the coachs qualifications consider the costs trust their own judgement more.

Interviewees also said that they would meet a number before selecting a coach. One said that he would consider a contract, as used in the UK.



Areas for coaching

Next, respondents were asked to identify and to rank the areas in which they wanted the coachs help, then to say in which of these areas they wanted to work on their behaviour and/or on their values and beliefs. Respondents placed interpersonal relations clearly at the top of the list of areas for coaching (table 5.7). If one combines the ranking with the desire to modify behaviour, role clarification and business strategy came second and third, respectively. Finally, although work-life balance was ranked relatively low, almost everyone who identified it wanted to modify behaviour in that area.

Table 5.7 Areas on which coachees wanted to focus

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Business Strategy

Areas for coaching (Q16)

Career Interpersonal Development relations

Role clarification

Work-life balance


Total marked

ranked 1-3


Values / beliefs

Interviewees specified that, where they wanted to work on values and beliefs, it was more a question of refining them, or checking whether they were appropriate to the evolving situation, than changing them. When asked what made them persist with the coaching, almost all gave a variation on the theme of I finish what I start.


Perceptions of the process

All fifteen respondents thought that the coaching sessions had served as a sounding board for them. Interviewees thought so too; one used the term negatively, wondering whether his unstructured two hour chat with a sounding board had served any purpose.


With regard to the coachs methods, six said that the coach had used the GROW model; one, NLP (in combination with GROW); and seven did not know what methods had been used.

Respondents and interviewees were clearer on the subject of the learning supports used (see table 5.8). With two exceptions, one of whom had used a diary only and the other, nothing, all had used two or more supports in combination and three had used all the supports listed. Others brought results of personality or 360 analyses done previously to the coaching process.

Table 5.8 Learning supports used

Supports used (Q19)

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Selfanalysis tools 360 feedback Learning log / diary Homework Other None

The majority felt that the coach had challenged them sufficiently during the process (table 5.9). The welcome novelty for a senior manager, of having a safe space and someone who could challenge him, was mentioned a number of times in interviews. One interviewee described the rational process by which he had selected a coach different to himself, in order to ensure that he would be challenged.

Interviewees had the opportunity to go into more depth on their experiences :

asked what they took for granted, all replied confidentiality and the coachs integrity; some added the coachs competence following the initial meeting one reported that his coach had referred him to a counsellor, for an issue that went beyond the remit of coaching, and recommended training for the development of influencing skills.


Table 5.9 Challenge by the coach

Sufficiently challenged (Q20)

yes no


Respondents were asked a number of open questions to evaluate their perceptions of the coaching process.

The most positive element within the process was :

the opportunity for self-analysis including the challenge to ones views (eight) trust in an external coach (five) others mentioned encouragement, having a sounding board, learning new ways of dealing with old problems and the fact that such services were now regarded as worthwhile by the organisation.

One interviewee identified the advice the coach didnt give as very positive.

When asked what made that element positive, most respondents (ten) attributed it to the coachs competencies while three referred back to themselves as coachees (better selfawareness, prioritisation leading to better work-life balance, setting specific goals). One mentioned the confidential nature of the process and another, the acknowledgement that such support was available for staff.


Seven of the fifteen found nothing within the coaching process to describe as the least positive element. The others mentioned :

the structure (two) the time between sessions was too long so that objectives became hazy or that the number of sessions was too limited the coach (three) his lack of understanding of the coachees work environment; lack of feedback from the coach; or being told nothing new by the coach the coachee (three) - difficulty in prioritising protected time; in setting focussed goals; or exhaustion after travelling the distance required which meant that it took a few days to assimilate and use what had been explored.

Two interviewees mentioned what they considered to be odd or inappropriate disclosure on the coachs part. On another issue, one extrapolated from his experience to say that many male coaches just would not have the capacity to empathise sufficiently with the gender issues arising as more female managers reach higher level posts, e.g. choices around fertility. He added that the mere fact of a coach being female would not guarantee such empathy either.

Respondents answers to a related question, to identify the reasons for the least positive element, were consistent. Two people addressed the structure (suggesting that a maximum time be set between sessions or taking additional sessions). Three people mentioned that the coach had insufficient knowledge of the public sector/health service; that too much direction was left to the client; or that the coach took insufficient account of the coachees level of experience. Two people acknowledged that the difficulties regarding protected time or distance resulted from their own choices.

The question what felt uncomfortable at the time but turned out to be relevant? elicited responses in the interviews but caused discomfort in itself. A number mentioned growing selfawareness. Remembered reflections included is this the kind of manager I am? and it wasnt easy admitting my strengths; we dont usually talk about that.

In the questionnaire, the question was re-worded as what element didnt feel relevant at the time but turned out to be useful? Only four answers were received. Two referred to career development issues (CV, applications); one, to the usefulness of the whole coaching process; and one, to an exploration of family influences.


Most coachees said that they and their coaches had evaluated the process (table 5.10).

Finally, thirteen felt that in hindsight the coach selected had been the right one for them and two indicated the contrary.

Table 5.10 Evaluation of the process carried out

Evaluation done (Q26)

yes no



Transfer of learning

Respondents were asked to identify the areas in which they felt they had made positive behavioural changes after the coaching (table 5.11). Twelve indicated progress on two points or more; of these, four felt they had made progress on all areas listed. Interpersonal relations which had headed the list of areas for coaching was top of the list (twelve), followed by work-life balance and focussing.

Under other, better self-understanding; looking at things differently; and monitoring performance were listed. One indicated that no improvement occurred as a result of coaching.


Table 5.11 Areas in which coachees felt they had made an improvement

Areas of improvement (Q28)

None Other Focussing Interpersonal relations Work-life balance Dealing w ith stressful situations Delegation



When analysing the nature of the outcomes, interviewees mentioned:

that, in a context where they could achieve little on their own, they listened to people in a more active way; ran meetings differently; gave people more time and space to accept changes (three)

gaining help in moving from the technical to the broader, strategic perspective if one is ready (two) stress reduction - putting more distance between oneself and conflict through analysis and reflection (two) an acceptance that one cannot do it all and that colleagues can be selected to complement existing strengths (one) a commitment to continuing personal development, for themselves and for others (one) a realisation that the time for talking was over; it was time for action (one).

When asked to identify the main triggers for these improvements (table 5.12), respondents placed time out at the head of the list, i.e. simply having the opportunity to think about the areas in question (fourteen of the fifteen) or having the coach as a sounding board (twelve). Six mentioned concrete tools; one, support from colleagues; and one other, the coachs encouragement.


Table 5.12 Main triggers for improvements

Main triggers (Q29)
1 1 1 Sounding board 12 Tools Opportunity to think Colleagues' support 14 Other None

Interviewees recognised the cumulative effect of coaching and other developmental work they had done, be it analysis instruments, development programmes or simply exposure to new ways of managing people.

Only three of the fifteen changed jobs after coaching. One of the three was the person with the most negative perception of the coaching experience.

Five of the fifteen said that, having been coached, they went on to coach others. In the interviews, this question caused some confusion so that some people addressed the idea of coaching their direct reports (some had done so without labelling it) while others said that they had recommended executive coaching to one or two individuals.

Half of the sample (eight) had been asked by someone in their organisation whether they had benefited from coaching while the other seven had not. This was in contrast with the findings of the interviews, which had seemed to indicate that coachees did not talk about the experience at work, unless to suggest coaching to a colleague, on a bilateral basis.

When asked whether they or their organisations had gained more from their coaching, the majority (ten) said that the benefit was equal, while four thought that they themselves had gained more and one thought the effect was neutral. All but one felt that - whether they had indicated the gain was equal or in their favour this was the way the way things should be.


There was near-unanimity around the impossibility of achieving the same learning by other means: no one thought that structured networking with peers would produce the same result, while only one respondent felt that regular sessions with his manager would do so.

Interviewees pointed to the confidentiality and absolute trust as the key factors here. On suggested that high-level residential management programmes could provide a safe forum. However, as the Irish health sector was so small, he went on to say that people found themselves in competition with each other so that the one-on-one situation was actually the only place where they could safely discuss the topics they addressed through coaching.

In addition, a number mentioned moments of truth where I got my energy from, around values and beliefs, or the effects of ones style on others which they felt would not have occurred elsewhere. In the same vein, one said that coaching helped him to set higher goals, even if some of them were aspirational and another identified coaching as the catalyst for his on-going journey of self-discovery and development.

On a five-point scale, the majority of respondents (thirteen) thought that the coaching had been very or quite effective (table 5.13).

Table 5.13 Coachee evaluation of effectiveness of coaching

Overall effectiveness (Q36)

1 1 0 Very effective Quite effective Don't know 4 9 Slightly effective Ineffective


Respondents appear to have interpreted the related question why? in terms of outcomes or inputs, or both, which makes interpretation of their responses difficult. The outcome-type reasons given for the very or quite effective views were: effects either on the business or on how business was done : I got results when I implemented suggestions or strategies I was shown; the consequences were visible; staff noticed a difference (two) self-awareness : it met my needs at that point; I took a pro-active stance; I had greater insight; I re-built my self-confidence and achieved a 100% work/life balance (one).

Those who looked at the inputs which made coaching very or quite effective pointed to: trust (five); time to think (four); and the coachs expertise (one).

The single respondent who perceived the coaching to have been slightly effective pointed to the coachs lack of understanding of his work environment and to travel time. Finally, the person who found the coaching ineffective said it was boring and took no account of my experience.


Pre-requisites for introducing coaching

Here, respondents were asked to indicate the structure and guidelines they would set around the process of executive coaching, if it were to be introduced more widely into their organisations.

The first question concerned the level in the organisation at which they would introduce coaching (table 5.14).


Table 5.14 Management level at which coaching should be introduced

Managerial level to be coached (Q38)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Corporate management team Senior managers Middle managers Front-line supervisors Other

The majority (seven) would introduce coaching for senior managers (defined as General Manager level) and upwards. Three would limit it to corporate team members, while four would limit it to middle managers (Grade 7/8) and above.

Interviewees identified the same level General Manager and two justified this by saying that this was the level at which strategy and delegation became serious challenges.

Respondents were asked to rank the criteria they would use for selecting a panel of coaches (table 5.15).

Table 5.15 Criteria for selecting a panel of coaches

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Cost

Selecting panel of coaches (Q39)

Exp / private sector

Exp / public sector



Ref / recom'ded



Ranked 1-3


The same options were given here as had been offered to describe their earlier selection of their own coaches, with the following exceptions. Cost was added here; it had not been a factor for all coachees when selecting their own coaches as the OHM had co-funded the first exercise. Here, I removed the option gut feeling which appeared to me more applicable to an individual decision. When ranking is taken into account, references/recommendations and experience of the public sector came first and second, followed by experience of the private sector and geographical considerations. Cost and gender came fifth and sixth, respectively.

Interviewees said that external coaches would certainly be needed for the most senior managers, because of the need for total confidentiality. They would set the following criteria for inclusion in a panel of coaches: track record (which I took to mean references); experience, including experience of the public sector; qualifications; high levels of selfawareness.

Respondents were then asked how they would select managers to be coached, again by ranking the criteria they would apply (table 5.16). Looking at the results of the ranking process, selection on a voluntary basis (described in the questionnaire as expressed an interest) proved the most popular method (ten), closely followed, however, by selection on the basis of performance issues (eight) and succession planning (six).

Table 5.16 Criteria for selecting managers to be coached

Selection of coachees (Q40)

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
de v m th an ei ce rm an ag er s' R re ec c en tp r R om ec ot en io ta n rri va l/ Su he cc al es th si on pl an ni ng Vo lu nt ar y ba si s m ng m nt O th er

at te nd ed



Al re ad y


O n

pe rfo r

Ranked 1-3


Interviewees nuanced their view by saying that coaching should not be confined (or indeed offered) automatically to the General Manager grade but should take account of the business strategy and the individuals personal growth. In practice, a number had offered the chance to individual reports but were not sure the offer was always welcome. One had offered brief coaching (360 feedback plus three sessions) to all senior team members, all but one of whom had taken it up.

Finally, respondents were asked to indicate the guidelines they would set around the coaching process. The twelve replies received broke down as follows:

three respondents recommended a needs assessment to precede the intervention. Two spoke of facilitating staff to identify where they needed coaching or of self-directed learning. One said that the line manager would need to explain at the start why staff had been sent for coaching

on the selection of coachees, two respondents said that coaching should be limited to those who were willing to increase their competency and their outputs or to explore how they might change. One said that coaching should be limited to staff who were likely to remain in the service for a time

five respondents recommended the introduction of a contract involving the coach, the coachee and the organisation. The contract should incorporate clear terms of reference, written objectives, timeframes, agreement on what would be accepted as evidence of changed behaviours, organisational supports to be provided to facilitate the coaching process

five respondents said that coaches should sign a code of standards. One felt that coaches should agree not to coach those who did not improve three respondents would select different coaches to satisfy different needs or use a panel of internal and external coaches. Others said that they should understand the unique Irish environment or be familiar with the health sector. They should be able to provide toolkits of materials and strategies

by way of supports, one recommended that, if the line manager is aware that a subordinate is being coached, he should review progress with him both during and after the coaching. The same person recommended the use of a learning log and that coaching sessions be held off-site. He framed this by saying that coaching should be to the benefit of both staff and the organisation.


All interviewees discussed coaching in relation to performance management :

one said that he made an explicit link between coaching and performance review/development plans in cases where performance was already good and kept them separate in cases where general performance was less good, in other words, coaching was presented as developmental only in that case as a means of encouraging the person to work on his development points

two said that they had suggested coaching to individual reports in a non-threatening context, e.g. discussions around performance related awards one referred to his managers suggestion that he embark on coaching as the feel good side of performance appraisal one coached his reports on development points discussed in performance review.

In addition to performance management, by way of guidelines, interviewees raised the issues of value for money (cost and limited number of sessions); the levels of trust necessary to put a tripartite agreement in place involving the coach, coachee and his line manager; the organisations readiness and how directive it was appropriate to be about the objectives of coaching in light of that. While some organisations had limited experience of mentoring, none had widespread experience of executive coaching or indeed of coaching as a management role. One felt that resorting to unstructured, one-on-one external coaching could fan rampant individualism and pull an organisation apart.

This concludes the account of the findings of the interviews and questionnaire.


Unobtrusive research - findings

Turning to the unobtrusive research, this was limited to the OHM website and to two documents : its letter to CEOs in 2000 offering to organise coaching and its evaluation, two years later, of the subsequent, 2001, round of executive coaching.

The OHM website, which I accessed in March 2005, contains some information on developmental interventions aimed at interested members of the health service.


These include a repository of documents designed as an introduction to themes such as coaching and mentoring models and strategies, including co-active coaching (KimseyHouse et al, 1992). The website also includes contact details of service providers including executive coaches; however, the site makes clear that the details are not vetted or recommended by the OHM.

In 2000, the OHM wrote to CEOs in the health service offering to organise coaching for senior managers. They framed it as a more tailored and flexible (form) of development which would directly address their unique development needs, given that many such managers would already have been exposed to some form of management development and might experience constraints in getting time out for their own development (OHM, 2000: 1).

In 2002, the OHM carried out telephone interviews with twenty-four of the thirty-one managers who had elected to participate in the coaching exercise launched the previous year. The evaluation report, which was sent to CEOs (OHM, 2002), reported that managers had been asked five questions. Those of relevance here were :

the benefits to them of the coaching programme problems or difficulties they had encountered whether or not they would recommend coaching to other senior health service managers.

Among the benefits, managers mentioned an independent sounding board and a safe place to talk. Areas covered included: specific workplace problems; career progression; role clarification; strategy; and work-life balance. A pattern emerged of moving from operational to strategic issues as sessions progressed.

No significant difficulties were reported by those contacted; what seemed most important was the development of a good relationship with the coach. Managers who were nominated without explanation took more time to get involved in the process.

All managers would recommend coaching to others although they pointed out that it might not be suitable for all senior managers and that a menu of development options should be made available. 64

On the evidence available, which included feedback from coaches, the OHM decided to organise a second round of coaching in 2002, this time passing on the full cost to the employers.

These documents formed the background information to my interviews and survey.




Explanatory note

In this chapter, I will discuss the significant findings of my research in the light of:

general literature (organisational behaviour and theory, coaching) the two empirical studies described in chapter 2 theories of evaluation, specifically Holton.

In addition, I will indicate what I see as the limitations of the present study, recommendations for future research and implications for executive coaching in the Irish health service.


Overview of significant findings in the light of general literature

In this section, I will discuss the most significant findings under the following four themes, taken from the survey instrument: decision to embark; selection of a coach; perceptions of the process; and perceptions of transfer. I will also cover the main findings in relation to coachee recommendations for future recourse to coaching.


Decision to embark

I found that the interviewees demonstrated high levels of self-awareness. Admittedly, they were speaking after the event. However, Whitmore (2002) identified awareness and responsibility as pre-requisites and Greco (2001) says that usually, executives who seek coaching can already put a finger on their own problems.

Although Whitmore (2002) says that successful coaching often starts with a consciously competent coachee, a number of interviewees alluded implicitly to limited conscious incompetence, in a defined area, as a catalyst for taking up coaching. They had either recently taken up a new post or had realised that further formal education would not help them to deal 66

with key aspects of their current jobs (most often interpersonal relations). A number of interviewees made explicit the current expectation within the health service, that managers should complete a masters degree, whether an MBA or something else as one put it, once they reach General Manager level, but said that coaching represented a step further in ones personal and professional development. It is possible that the OHM literature primed the target audience in this regard (see section 4.3).

This corroborates Mintzbergs theory (1990) that MBAs ignore the extent to which management is a craft, which is often learnt more easily in the workplace even if the weakness, in this case, was attributed to other degrees also. It lends credence to Kotters view (1982) that management training courses present simplistic ways of dealing with interpersonal relations and that new managers can get up to speed more quickly by concentrating on their real tasks of agenda setting and network building.

Interviewees also referred to the need to escape groupthink (Janis, 1971) and the fact that, as Boyatzis et al describe it, in cultures where the boss is respected, feared and always addressed with formality, executive coaches provide an especially convenient and safe way to develop and change (2004: 26).

Female managers referred to stress at work as an additional reason to take up coaching. One mentioned that it was not the done thing to talk to ones (male) manager about ones difficulties; at the same time, she felt guilty about taking time out for coaching. Another felt some unease at the distributive injustice she perceived around the privileged few, the golden circle who had access to coaching. In parallel, male managers referred to the old lonely at the top syndrome (Greco, 2001). All found it useful to talk ideas through with outsourced suppliers of candor (Freas and Sherman, 2004: 85) before addressing a manager, a team or the board.

Finally, what managers indicated about the difficulty of carving out time for coaching confirms Mintzbergs image of managers as jugglers who gain control of their own time by turning those things (they wish) to do into obligations (1990: 175), e.g. committing to coaching sessions in order to protect time for reflection.


5.2.2 Selection of a coach

The most common way managers made this decision was intuitive, based on a reading of the various coaches CVs and then on the rapport they felt on first meeting with the coach they had selected from the OHMs panel. No first-time coachees considered meeting a number of coaches before deciding. This may be an example of satisficing (Bowditch and Buono, 2001) or priming (Aronson, 2004), as the OHM literature suggested a pre-meeting, but not a number of them.

If they were to select another coach, half of the sample indicated that they would seek recommendations or meet with two or three potential coaches before selecting one. This confirms the findings that most companies locate coaches through referrals (Greco, 2001) and that coaches often measure success by the number of referrals they get from their network of clients (Gray, 2004). A tentative trend emerged showing that, while a manager might choose a coach he perceived to be similar to himself on the first occasion, he would be more likely to choose someone complementary to him on a second occasion (e.g. in terms of gender, experience and possibly age).

This exercise was unusual in that it was administered nationally but it is interesting to note that no manager appears to have thought it worthwhile to contact his local HR department for support in any form (e.g. recommendations). This would indicate that HR departments were not perceived to be fulfilling the role of strategic partner to the business (Ulrich, 1997).


Perceptions of process

General reaction

At Kirkpatricks level 1 (reaction), thirteen of the fifteen respondents and all interviewees but one claimed that coaching had been very or quite effective. Thirteen also felt they had selected the right coach for them. This corresponds with earlier findings such as those of Hall, Hollenbeck and Otazo (1999), that most coachees report overall satisfaction with the process.


It is possible that a bias towards satisfaction was inherent in the sample as it was self-selected. It may be too that coachees were reciprocating the loyalty they had received from their coaches or that they felt close to the coaches as a result of their having witnessed their own self-disclosure (Aronson, 2004). Given that only one manager had considered alternative coaches before selecting one, it is possible too that there are elements of confirmation bias or dissonance reduction as a consequence of a decision for which they felt personally responsible and which demanded an effort over a period of a year (Aronson, 2004).

A pattern emerged among those who felt that coaching had been slightly effective or ineffective although this is tentative, as the numbers were small. Two blamed the coach, which might be interpreted as ego-defensive (Aronson, 2004) but may also be a heuristic to describe a more complex set of circumstances. In addition, one had been assigned a coach and the other two, unusually within this sample, said it had not been entirely their decision to take up coaching. This would point to the importance of the decision to embark and coach selection being voluntary.

Specific reactions

An analysis of respondent replies shows that the most positive elements in the process were perceived to be:

the opportunity for self-analysis, accompanied by honest challenge (over half) trust in the coach integrity, competence and loyalty (one third).

Interviewees referred to developing the ego strength to tolerate errors in oneself (Aronson, 2004) which recalls Carl Rogers proposal that self-awareness and self-acceptance are prerequisites for personal growth (Rogers, 1961 as cited by Cameron et al, 2000). They mentioned going through a series of uncomfortable epiphanies or discoveries (Boyatzis et al, 2004) in the safety of the coaching relationship, for which the indirect catalyst had been either developmental assignments (e.g. promotion into the strategic arena) or hardships (e.g. difficult subordinates).


Although the survey did not explore such issues as the sensitive line (Cameron et al, 2000), it can be extrapolated from coachees positive evaluation that coaches dealt sensitively with this, both by framing the data emerging from self-analysis or 360 tools and by being supportive of self-disclosure. In a way, it is unsurprising that self-disclosure was regarded as the most positive aspect. Aronson points out that it brings about a strong feeling of relief, a general feeling of well-being (2004: 320), which leads to the second element, trust in the coach.

Of the five bases for trust listed by Bowditch and Buono (2001: 124), the three most frequently mentioned by managers in relation to their coaches were integrity, competence and loyalty. These appear to have formed the basis for the psychological contract which enabled coachees, as a number described it, to reduce ego-defensive routines, at least in coaching sessions, which would be the norm in their organisational settings.

As regards elements of the process with which coachees were less satisfied, and in some cases this had to do with the coach himself, no one said that he had raised the issue with the coach. Such issues ranged from the practical (time between sessions, choice of venues) to the fundamental (insufficiently challenging, coachs lack of understanding of the work environment, disclosure, even one case of lack of empathy). Whether this was due to the attribution of position or expert power (Kotter, 1977) to the coach, or to some other factor, was not explored.

One interviewee described how the coach quietly dropped one area which the coachee wanted to follow up. It appeared to me that this was because he had sought a business consultancy service, which the coach may have felt went beyond the remit of executive coaching, but it is interesting that the coach did not explain this. The fact that the unwillingness to confront issues within the process worked both ways might indicate that the real reason was national culture. Because Irish culture (and, by extension, that of the health service) is what Trompenaars and Woolliams call a diffuse culture (2003: 31), where relationships and context matter enormously, it may be that neither party wished to upset the other by confronting the problem head-on.



Perceptions of learning

Turning to Kirkpatricks level 2 (learning), I did not ask for specifics of what individual coachees had learned as I felt this would be intrusive. Development areas

The main areas on which coachees wanted to focus were : interpersonal relations role clarification strategy

The first presents no surprises as it emerged from Wasylyshyns (2003) survey also. Freas and Sherman say that being a good listener, for instance, comes up all the time. Evidently, listening isnt what business schools teach (2004: 88).

To turn for a moment to the work environment, I had identified the theme of role clarification through unobtrusive research into OHM documents. This does not feature prominently in the literature. The on-going felt need for this in the health service may be partly as a result of disjunctive socialisation patterns (i.e., a lack of formal induction process), where newcomers need to work out for themselves what to learn, and to the absence of formal performance management at individual level. Also, despite appearances, the health boards at least did not function as machine bureaucracies, leaving many managers without the technostructural support or clear divisions of responsibility which would characterise such a form (Mintzberg, 1998).

Those who looked for assistance with strategy referred to this in terms so varied that it was apparent that, individually, they were looking at strategy through different lenses (design, experience); at different levels (corporate or business unit); or from the point of view of change management (Johnson and Scholes, 2002).

71 Catalysts for learning

For the majority, the main catalysts for learning were: time to reflect (all bar the one who found coaching ineffective) using the coach as a sounding board (80%) learning supports or tools (over a third).

Interestingly, relatively few respondents made an explicit link back to growing self-awareness as a result of self-disclosure or coach/360 feedback (which was included under the heading learning supports) as catalysts (Cameron et al, 2000). This could be because of the phrasing of the questions or the constraints of the questionnaire as a tool. Three interviewees referred spontaneously to ways in which coaching combined with other forms of on and off the job learning to improve performance, or to the usefulness of 360 feedback as a baseline for learning.

Regarding time out, this emphasis recalls the descriptions by Kotter (1982) and Mintzberg (1990) of how effective managers really spend their working days. The inherent risk is that, often more inclined to move on than to reflect deeply, executives may reach the top ranks without addressing their limitations (Freas and Sherman, 2004: 85).

ONeill (2003) says that coachees most often use their coaches as mentor, business consultant, teacher, taskmaster and spiritual guide. The role most prized by my sample was that of sounding-board. Looking at the issues most often raised in the process and at the results claimed, it is likely that the role of sounding-board was more active (though not directive) than the term suggests and that it would have covered at least the first three in ONeills list.

Of the supports used, the learning log attracted most comment: gratitude on the part of those who used it, either immediately after or between sessions and regret, on the part of those who found that it was difficult to recall what had been covered. Reflection with peers

Respondents were adamant that similar results could not have been achieved through structured networking or with their managers.


This contrasts somewhat with feedback from the customised leadership development programme, Facing and solving complex problems (FSCC), at the Centre for Creative Leadership (Horth, Palus, Pulley and Selvin, 2003). The programme combines a two-day joint learning module with eight weeks of action learning, including coaching. (As it happens, while 360 feedback was perceived to be most valuable, the FSCC module and coaching were rated second by participants.) The conclusion drawn by Horth et al is that what works is taking time away from the norm of continuous partial attention (2003: 38) for deep reflection with peers, as participants then realise how many problems they have in common.

The explanation may be that the managers in my sample were in general more senior than those for whom the FSCC was designed and that they engaged in self-analysis, with twothirds taking 360 feedback data as a baseline, to an extent that could not be done with others, particularly from within the service. Managers could find themselves in direct competition for posts, as one interviewee remarked. My experience is, firstly, that the norm within the service would not be towards self-disclosure or indeed the widespread application of the theoretical knowledge many people have of personality types or emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1996). Second, it is possible that the culture is fragmented, i.e. high on sociability and low on solidarity, which would not encourage honest feedback (Goffee and Jones, 1996).


Perceptions of transfer of learning

This represents Kirkpatricks level 3 (improved job performance) and, in this study, transfer was self-rated only. The significant time lapse, between the end of the coaching process and the survey, may have been a disadvantage when recalling the process itself but allowed coachees to evaluate transfer over a period of years.

A self-rating is not as credible as self-rating combined with 360 feedback. What is persuasive about the self-ratings is that interviewees, who had the opportunity to describe this in more depth, argued against their self-interest by making relatively modest claims for permanent changes in behaviour.


The areas in which respondents claimed to have transferred learning, i.e. to have improved their performance, were:

interpersonal relations, which corresponded to their top priority for coaching work/life balance, which had not been a high priority and thus represents an unforeseen outcome from my point of view focussing.

The personal outcomes mentioned by interviewees touched on all aspects of emotional intelligence, albeit with individual nuances: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill (Goleman, 2004). All interviewees referred to modifying their selftalk (Braiker, 1989) and all said that the changes in behaviour had been permanent.

What was described corresponded in a number of cases to a shift from some features of a pace-setting to some features of authoritative and democratic leadership styles (Goleman, 2000). Specifics included: more active listening, particularly at meetings; an acceptance that people need to feel involved throughout a change process and that change, quite simply, takes time to be embedded. In effect, people were saying that they were more effective, especially at influencing, as a result of being more flexible and that they had learned some of Congers art of persuasion (1998) such as the need to connect emotionally.


Pre-requisites for introducing coaching

There was a majority view that, if executive coaching were to be introduced more widely into the health service, it should be offered to managers from General Manager grade upwards. Two interviewees justified this by identifying this grade as the first point where strategy and delegation present real challenges. In effect, they identified the point at which executive coaching becomes most useful as equating to the point in Katzs graph showing managerial skill emphasis at different management levels(1986), where the manager uses technical skills less and conceptual skills more.

A difference in approach emerged between interviewees and respondents as regards the guidelines to be set around coaching, in that the latter seemed to tend towards theory X-type assumptions (McGregor, 1960). They wanted to be sure in advance that coachees would represent a good return on investment (ROI). They recommended a tripartite contract 74

incorporating clear terms and objectives. They would look for a code of standards from coaches, at minimum covering confidentiality. A slim majority would have managers go for coaching on a voluntary basis as opposed to being nominated because of performance issues.

Looking at their four recommendations in turn, and starting with ROI, the difficulty of evaluating at Kirkpatricks level 4 (business results or ROI) is well-documented (see section 2.5.1). In terms of investment, a short residential course at any of the prestigious management schools can cost the equivalent of a years coaching. Organisations cannot force employees who have been coached to stay, in any case.

Second, given that the health service is only now at the stage of introducing team-based performance management, tripartite contracts involving objectives set by the coachees manager might not be timely, at least in the short-term. On the other hand, it is logical that the selection of a panel of coaches be undertaken in a more structured way and there is no shortage of guidelines for organisations selecting coaches. Jarvis (2004) presents measured and exhaustive guidelines on behalf of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD). Downeys website and individual authors, such as Bobkin (2002) and ONeill (2003), proffer variations.

Third, as regards a code of standards for coaches, this is currently exercising the minds of a number of professional bodies including the EMCC. Competence (including continuing professional development and supervision); boundary management and integrity feature in the current EMCC text on . The issues go far beyond the principle stated concern of the respondents to my survey, i.e. confidentiality.

The questionnaire could not explore what exactly respondents understood by confidentiality, in light of their attachment to a tripartite agreement. Trompenaars and Woolliams (2003) identify the tension between the coachee and the organisation that pays for the service as one of the dilemmas of coaching. Their suggestion for reconciling this dilemma is based on the Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) commitment to give maximum focus (2003: 261) to the coachee within the context of the organisational goals. According to the authors, LHH is one of the largest suppliers of coaching today in the USA. Their position is clarified by Greco (2001), who quotes the managing director of executive coaching and leadership development at LHH as saying that coaching should be totally tied to business results but that sessions remain confidential. 75

Curiously, to my mind, in light of the quasi-moralistic debate, around the qualifications one needs in order to coach, to which she contributes (see section 2.6.2), Wasylyshyn is quoted as using the code I think you might lean in and do a reality check by way of alerting HR that a coachee may want to leave the organisation, which technically, apparently, is not breaching confidence (Economist, 2003).

Greenfield and Hengen define confidentiality as the right of an individual not to have those communications imparted in confidence revealed to third parties (2004: 9). They describe a lawsuit, which points to the dangers, in an unregulated profession, of not clarifying up-front the boundaries of divided loyalty to the coachee and to the organisation and conclude by recommending that coaches carry malpractice insurance.

Fourth, on the question of whether coachees should self-select within the grades targeted, interviewees took a more situational or what McGregor (1960) called the theory Y approach. They all discussed coaching in relation to performance management but the majority (four) took a contingency approach as regards how directive the approach should be, in light of organisational and individual readiness. They recognised that even if it were possible or desirable to offer coaching across the board at a given grade, and this was not a foregone conclusion, coaching would not suit all.

In this latter regard, Guttmann (2004) and Goldsmith (2004) distinguish between the coachable and the uncoachable, although the former warns against confusing the uncoachable who are frequently Peter principle managers (Hull and Peter, 1969) with the merely tough to coach (2004: 12).

Thus, in terms of absolute numbers, the findings indicate that managers would prefer a highly structured approach to coaching in the future. This finding should be treated with some care, however, as there did appear to be a correlation between the data collection method and the approach favoured.

In addition, my findings were that those coachees who did not feel full ownership of the decision to embark, or coach selection, had markedly more negative perceptions of the process. The explanations of Boyatzis et al (2004) regarding positive and negative emotional attractors would seem to be borne out here.


However, the structured approach recommended by respondents is consistent with current trends in business coaching both in the USA and in Europe and with Holtons (Bates et al, 2000) approach to evaluation.


A consideration of the findings in light of the studies examined

Looking first at Wasylyshyns survey (2003), I had already distributed my questionnaire when I came across this study. The themes covered in both surveys were practically identical, which was somewhat re-assuring as regards the focus of my survey.

The main difference between her findings and mine was that she found graduate training in psychology to be the top criterion for selecting a coach.

On other points, our findings were similar: both surveys showed that what people wanted was personal behaviour change sustained behavioural change and increased self-awareness were the outcomes in both surveys both samples reported high levels of sustainability.

Turning to Schmidts (2003) study of key success factors in coaching, as written up by Dembkowski and Eldridge (2004), my findings corroborated hers on some points. My survey pointed to the critical importance of coach involvement or ability to build an atmosphere of trust (number two on Schmidts scale) and to trust/quality of the coaching relationship (number four on Schmidts scale) as key success factors.

There was some divergence also. Clarity and goals, and organisational perceptions came third and fifth respectively in Schmidts survey. I found no evidence of clear objectives set by or for the coachees in advance. In the case of CEOs in particular, their organisations were sometimes not even aware that they were being coached. Yet, they reported high levels of effectiveness for the coaching.


Methodological variety and environment-based diagnosis (e.g. shadowing, appraisal results) were not a feature of the coaching described in my survey whereas they were mentioned, albeit at the end of the list, in Schmidts.

Coach qualifications came first and rapport, seventh in Schmidts survey while rapport was the key factor in coach selection (and, by implication, in the trusting relationship built thereafter) in mine.

Lastly, coachee autonomy was placed sixth by Schmidts sample while the wholly voluntary nature of the decision to participate emerged as critical in mine.

It may be that coaching services were more structured in the organisations of the sample contacted by Schmidt while my sample represented a first venture into coaching, on a more individual basis. Costine, Garavan and Heraty (1997) identified the status of qualifications and the lengthy induction, including organisation-specific training and job rotation, which characterise German post-experience management development, which might also explain a part of the divergence.

To conclude, my survey focus and findings are very similar to Wasylyshyns (2003). The second study concentrated on the inputs that made coaching successful and there are some differences, both in factors and in their ranking, between Schmidts (2003) findings and mine.


A consideration of the findings in the light of theories of evaluation

McLean and Yamnill (2001), in their review of the theories and frameworks underpinning Holtons model (Bates et al, 2000) refer to Holtons three factors, motivation, transfer design and transfer climate, which appear to me to be relevant when evaluating the transfer of learning from coaching. As the coachee sets the agenda within executive coaching, to my mind the essentials of transfer design (as defined by Holton, meaning that the training is not too far removed from work) have already been assured.


In relation to the theories of motivation mentioned by McLean and Yamnill (2001), I would make the following points:

given that coaching in the health sector is still restricted to what one respondent called the golden circle, I do not think that equity theory (Bowditch and Buono, 2001) is a significant motivator for those having access to coaching

goal-setting theory comes into play, along with escalating commitment, to explain coachee persistence in a situation where the line manager is involved in setting some objectives. Exactly how realistic this is today, in the health sector, is debatable (see sections 5.2.6 and 5.8). If coaching is effective, and the surveys and literature cited show that it is, then the fact that the goals originate with coachees lends credence also to the theory of Bavetta, Gist and Stevens (1990), that the self-management approach results in a higher level of transfer than goal-setting does

in a variation of expectancy theory, Porter and Lawler (1968) argued against conventional wisdom (that satisfaction leads to performance) by saying that where rewards were adequate, high levels of performance might lead to satisfaction. The rewards referred to by my interviewees were mostly intrinsic, such as a sense of achievement (e.g. the time for talking was over). My study did not encompass a determination of these rewards as adequate or otherwise. Without breaching confidentiality, my perception was that, although many were clearly high-performing, satisfaction levels varied so that, indeed, the common assumption that satisfaction leads to high performance remains unproven.

In relation to transfer climate, Kozlowski and Salas (1997) define this in terms of levels (individual, unit, organisation); of content (both technical and process); and of congruence among these variables. Systems congruence is considered essential for transfer. The level chosen for coaching in my sample was that of the individual. No one had experienced team coaching although one interviewee wondered whether it would not be a more appropriate level for a dysfunctional senior team. Congruence was certainly not explicit, in that none of the organisations from which respondents came possessed a coaching culture, according to them.


Indeed, a number mentioned that, not only did managers not coach staff as a matter of course but, at that time, executive coaching was de facto an undiscussible. In the pilot, one manager noted that there was still a suggestion of incompetence attached to it.


Findings that only partially support the hypothesis

My hypothesis was that patterns would emerge across coachee perceptions of the experience and across their recommendations for the future use of coaching. This was supported in the main by my findings.

However, there were some differences between the interviewees responses and those of the respondents, which may have been caused by fact that the interviewee group was more senior relative to the respondent group or by the constraints of the questionnaire as a tool. The differences were:

at interviews, stress was mentioned as a significant deciding factor in embarking on coaching, but was not ranked highly in the questionnaire half of the respondents had been asked by someone in their organisation whether they had benefited from coaching. This was in contrast with the findings of the interviews, which had seemed to indicate that coachees did not talk about the experience at work

there was a marked difference in the approach interviewees and respondents took to future guidelines for coaching, in that the former were far less directive.

No pattern emerged as to what those coachees, who had had a positive experience, had perceived as the least positive factor in coaching or the reasons for it.


Limitations of the present study

The sample size was small in absolute terms although twenty-five of the forty managers contacted participated in one way or another


A long time had elapsed between the coaching experience and the survey (in some cases, two to three years) so that re-constructive memory may have played a part. The perceptions of transfer were self-rated only.


Recommendations for further research

There is a need for more empirical research on executive coaching in different settings.

As regards process evaluation, I decided not to pursue such variables as career stage, individual learning styles or personality types, and locus of control. The exploration of potential links between such phenomena and the perceived benefits of executive coaching offers an avenue for further research.

On the subject of outcomes, the adaptation of Holtons Learning Transfer System Inventory (Bates et al, 2000) for the evaluation of coaching in general might well produce some richer data regarding transfer of learning than the continuing studies based on Kirkpatricks levels alone.

With regard to the organisation/individual dilemma, a longitudinal research study looking at sustainability of behavioural change (using 360 feedback) and at the use of executive coaching, on an ad hoc basis and as part of an integrated approach to OD and management development, would yield findings of interest to many concerned with personal and professional development, whether on an academic or policy-making basis.


Implications of the study for executive coaching in the health service


Context a crisis of control

Thirty-five years after the creation of the health boards, the health service has experienced what Greiner called a crisis of control (1998: 58) and is now moving into the coordination phase, as the regional boards are subsumed into the Health Services Executive. 81

It can be expected that HR and OD services at national level will take what Costine et al call the corporate classroom approach (1997: 199), i.e., customised, standardised suites of development opportunities, particularly for managers.

As the demand increases for post-experience management development, including executive coaching, it would be logical that the health service would take a more structured approach to diagnosis, learning needs analysis, selection of internal and external trainers and coaches, contracting, design and evaluation. It would also be reasonable that investment in development be framed as an organisational issue and that more emphasis would be placed on the transfer of learning into performance.


Perceptions of executive coaching

Executive coaching is not widely regarded as an integral part of management development in the health service. A remedial label is still attached to coaching in some quarters, even at relatively senior levels.

Notwithstanding this, an understanding that coaching is for winners (Hargrove, 2003: 4) is growing within the service. The demand for the service has extended far beyond the top administrative levels originally targeted by the OHM exercise. It should be possible to build on this bottom-up trend in order to counter fears of a remedial intervention although, as Freas and Sherman point out, executive coaching is not for everyone. Some individuals cant overcome their discomfort with personal inquiry, just as some organizations cant muster the necessary respect for people (2004: 90)

It is possible that much of the business coaching sought and offered in Ireland today is what Dilts (2003) would call small c coaching, focussing on specific behavioural changes over a relatively short period of time. Many of the coachees who replied to my survey were looking for a combination of skills coaching (sometimes by way of induction into a new post); external sounding-board; and business consultant.

There is no reason for managers to look for something more if that is what meets their felt needs. It is difficult to say in any case how many of those offering coaching services would have reached the level of self-awareness or spirituality necessary to offer large C coaching (Jue and Wedemeyer, 2002; Dilts, 2003). 82

5.8.3 A contingency approach

Respect is a deep appreciation of the fact that everyone is always already in the middle of something (Hardingham, 2004).

My view, based on my findings, is that, firstly, it is central to the success of executive coaching that the decision to embark remain voluntary, irrespective of whether the suggestion is made to an individual or as part of induction into a particular grade, and that coachees be assured of confidentiality.

Secondly, and this view is based on the literature (sections 2.2 and 2.3) as much as on my findings, the main emphasis must be developmental, i.e. supporting good people to perform even better, rather than an intervention designed to delay or replace managerial decisions (be they soft or hard) around under-performance. Wasylyshyn (2003) may well be right when she suggest internal coaching (whether on or off-line) for recoverable problem cases, retaining executive coaching for high-potential employees. Johnson (2004) also makes a plausible case for a blend of internal and external coaches.

Beyond this, I would suggest that there is a need to take a contingency approach to the framework for coaching. There are different kinds of needs at individual level (career stages, stages of personal development), at unit level (e.g. team building within and across new structures) and at organisational level (in the context of the move towards a machine bureaucracy). It is preferable to work gradually from the current ad hoc situation to a more structured one, particularly in the current uncertainty where scepticism would inevitably fix a remedial label on coaching, if it were to be made mandatory in any way. Finally, there exist different kinds of coaching (see chapter 2) and there are cultural aspects peculiar to the Irish setting with which coaches need to be familiar.


Chief executive coaching

The niche of chief executive coaching, as described by Hargrove (2003) or Goldsmith (2004), for example, appears not to have emerged as yet in Ireland, so that the same coaches attempt to coach both middle managers in interpersonal skills and chief executives in dealing with strategy or with a board, and possibly using the same approach. My interpretation of my findings is that this is not always appropriate as coaching a chief executive is a skill apart. 83

This is as true of recently appointed chief executives discovering what Lorsch, Nohria and Porter (2004) call the seven surprises for new CEOs as it is of an experienced chief executive looking to turn an organisation around. Some chief executives (though not all) want a coach who has worked at that level. This criterion might not appear so important to HR, which is likely to be more concerned with the coachs qualifications or continuing professional development.

I found one relevant example of chief executive coaching in the UK. The Modernisation Agency - Leadership Centre of the National Health Service (NHS) offers four two-hour coaching sessions over six months to newly appointed chief executives, including those moving from one post to another. The purpose behind this brief intervention is to enable the executives to draw up a personal development plan for the new role, using the existing competency framework. In correspondence with the Leadership Centre, I learned that both parties sign a scope of working arrangements which, inter alia, sets the boundaries around confidentiality. I received from the Centre the evaluation form to be filled out by coachees, which covers Kirkpatricks four levels; it is self-rated only and developmental in focus. By early 2006, the first results should be available which will determine such matters as the retention of individual coaches on the NHS panel.

5.8.5 Key issues

The key issues, as I see them, are presented here. The order is not intended to be strictly chronological. It would be more realistic to attempt first to bring some order to the coaching process and only then to introduce a process for evaluating transfer or indeed results (Braddick, 2003). The process will involve many learning loops:

diagnosing job design in the context of the recent creation of a number of key functions

analysing learning needs in light of changing job demands and design

searching for an authentic balance between shifting organisational demands and developmental opportunities offered, on the one hand, and the reality of personal development, on the other. I would suggest this search as a leitmotiv for management development in the health service. 84

in that wider context, reconciling some of the dilemmas inherent in coaching, e.g. to what extent is it possible within this organisation, at any particular time - to align individual and organisational goals?

identifying the different strands of management development, including emotional intelligence and identifying those needs for which coaching or executive coaching is the appropriate intervention, either alone or in tandem with other interventions

defining the types of coaching and executive coaching available, to the extent that this is useful

setting criteria for the selection and retention of coaches (and coachees)

contracting arrangements : clarifying expectations; setting boundaries including confidentiality - for all parties involved, including coachees managers

deciding whether executive coaching is to be regarded as purely developmental, performance-related (and if so to what degree and in what way) or indeed a combination

developing managers as coaches in order to encourage a coaching culture

agreeing with stakeholders which interventions are suited to an internal, and which to an external, coach, while accepting that individual readiness is critical to success and that regular, constructive feedback is not yet the norm

agreeing which aspects of executive coaching can usefully be evaluated and why, such as the administration of a scheme; perceptions of the process; learning and enhanced job performance, with a view to modifying the process as required

accepting that not everything that is important can be measured, including some aspects of executive coaching

accepting that some executives who have been coached may choose to leave; reviewing current rules regarding repayment of tuition fees on departure. 85

If the health service is to set a common framework for executive coaching, even a loose one, a knowledge of the models in use; the CIPD recommendations (Jarvis, 2004); the work being done on standards through the European Mentoring and Coaching Council; and the experiences of organisations such as the NHS and Bank of Scotland, would serve as a solid baseline.




Purpose of the research

The purpose of my research was to identify critical success factors in executive coaching, from the coachees points of view.

Using Kirkpatricks (1996) approach to the evaluation of training, I explored coachee reactions to the process, their perceptions of learning and of transfer of learning, across settings in the Irish health service, and their recommendations for the future use of executive coaching.

My hypothesis was that patterns would emerge across those perceptions and proposals and this was supported, in the main, by my findings.


Summary of main findings

My study focussed on individual perceptions of executive coaching in the context of a fairly unstructured intervention, at least insofar as coachees organisations were concerned. It provides some data on participants perceptions of the process, inputs and outcomes which, I hope, will be useful within the health service as strategic decisions around management development are considered on a national scale.

It also adds some findings on the importance of autonomy, trust, confidentiality, reflection time and self-awareness to the relatively limited body of empirical research on the evaluation of executive coaching, using Kirkpatricks levels.

Looking first at the decisions to embark and to select a coach, it is important to note that these individual decisions were made in response to the external stimulus of a national initiative in 2000, to organise executive coaching. Thus, these decisions were neither wholly spontaneous nor linked to a local management development or organisational development initiative. 87

The main reasons that members of the sample gave for embarking on coaching was that they had recently taken up a new post or that they were looking for an alternative or complement to formal education or training. Stress was also mentioned.

A very small number indicated that the decision had not been entirely their own and these people reported markedly more negative perceptions of the process.

Coaches were selected mostly in an intuitive basis, except by one manager with prior experience of coaching. A tentative trend emerged in favour of a more rational basis for the decision on a second occasion, based on the idea that the coach should be chosen to complement the coachee.

Turning to Kirkpatricks levels, it is important to note that perceptions in this study were selfrated only, albeit over a period of two to three years in many cases.

The results at Kirkpatricks level 1 (reaction to the process) showed that a sizeable majority were satisfied overall. Those who were not, were those for whom the process had not been entirely voluntary or who had been assigned a coach. What people found most positive about the process was the opportunity for self-analysis and for honest challenge, followed by the trust they had in their coaches integrity, competence and loyalty. No pattern emerged in relation to what people found less positive.

Moving on to Kirkpatricks level 2 (learning), the majority wanted to use the coaching sessions to work on interpersonal relations. All wanted to work on their behaviour. Responses regarding values and beliefs were difficult to interpret from the questionnaire; interviewees spoke of wanting to re-visit or refine their values, as opposed to changing them. While I did not ask outright what exactly each coachee had learned, as I felt this would be inappropriate, they did share their perceptions of what helped them to learn. The main catalysts were simply having the time to reflect; using the coach as a sounding board (a term which is open to diverse interpretations, some implying a more active role than others); and the learning supports provided, such as learning logs or 360 feedback. Interviewees underlined the absolute trust and confidentiality which made this learning opportunity unique.

At Kirkpatricks level 3 (transfer of learning or performance), coachees reported that the main area in which they had transferred the learning was that of interpersonal relations. Many 88

interviewees spoke of, and some respondents to the survey used open questions to elaborate on, different aspects of emotional intelligence. They described modifying or diversifying aspects of their management styles, particularly active listening and more participative decision-making processes. One unforeseen result was the amount of behavioural change in regard to work/life balance. People had not indicated this as a priority going into the coaching process.

Like other researchers before me, I did not attempt to evaluate at Kirkpatricks level 4 (results). The difficulties of isolating the effects of one development intervention, such as coaching, and the dangers of extrapolating methods or results from studies of one type of coaching to another, are well documented: the essentially human nature of coaching is what makes it work and also what makes it nearly impossible to quantify (Freas and Sherman, 2004:85).

On the subject of the pre-requisites for introducing executive coaching more widely into their organisations many of which were subsumed into the Health Services Executive on 1 January 2005 a divergence emerged between interviewees and survey respondents. The former took a contingency approach: executive coaching might be useful on a wider scale but would need to be examined in the light of organisational and individual readiness. The latter recommended a highly structured approach, incorporating tripartite agreements involving the organisation, the coach and his manager, preceded by a formal selection process and a code of standards for coaches. They were divided as to whether people should be offered coaching on a voluntary basis or because of performance issues, with a small majority in favour of its being voluntary.

To sum up, the critical success factors, as they emerge (unranked) from this study, are:

coachee autonomy regarding the decision to embark and selection of the coach, resulting in his investment in the process trust in the coach: his integrity, competence and loyalty the confidential nature of the bilateral sessions protected reflection time during and after sessions (e.g. learning log) using the coach as a sounding-board the opportunity for growing self-awareness accompanied by honest challenge. 89


Implications of the research

In chapter 5, I have gone into more detail on the implications of my findings for the future of executive coaching in the Irish health service.

As national HR and OD services are now being established, this is an opportune moment to reflect on the role of organisational development, beyond the immediate demands of the change management process, and on the shape of future management development within the new organisation of 100,000 staff.

Serious consideration needs to be given to mainstreaming the area of emotional intelligence as the starting point for management development.

In this context, executive coaching will not remain forever an ad hoc intervention. However, these findings would point to the importance of reconciling the dilemma inherent between the organisation which provides a suite of developmental opportunities to help align employees with organisational goals, and the very individual nature of some of the informal opportunities, such as executive coaching.


Future research

My findings corroborate those of Wasylyshyns (2003) outcome study in the USA.

The results around trust support those of Schmidts 2003 German study of inputs (as written up by Dembkowski and Eldridge, 2004). However, the inputs to the process from the work environment or transfer climate (Bates et al, 2000) which were rated as critical to success in Schmidts study did not appear to be of such significance to my sample. Autonomy emerged as more important in my survey than in Schmidts.

As I have stated in section 5.8, there are different learning needs, different organisations and different types of executive coaching.


There is a need for more empirical research on executive coaching in different settings (see section 5.7). This could take the form of process evaluation or of outcome studies, perhaps using Holton (Bates et al, 2000) as well as Kirkpatrick (1996). Longitudinal research might usefully look at sustainability of behavioural change and at executive coaching as part of an integrated approach to OD and management development.


Final thoughts

Executive coaching may well have this in common with other forms of coaching, that it suits perfectly the Zeitgeist with its emphasis on individual search for meaning outside traditional structures.

It is differentiated, nonetheless, by its situation in the workplace and more precisely within management development. This means that it will and should be subject to evaluation, as whatever learning ensues is of benefit to the organisation only as it is transferred into performance. The challenge remains, how to design, deliver and evaluate such developmental interventions appropriately without distorting the key roles of the individuals concerned in making it successful: the coach and coachee.

We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T.S. Eliot




Introduction Context Research Question Duration Confidentiality Factual data Interviewee. Job title Gender Date. Time Venue Size of unit (no of WTEs, sites) for which responsible within organisation. Number of direct reports Location. Time in current post.

Pre-existing understanding This interview is about the experience of coaching provided through the OHM in 2001-2003. What does the term executive coaching mean to you? Taking coaching to mean facilitating the performance, learning and development of another, what did you know of coaching before starting this experience through the OHM? Experience of coaching Have you had executive coaching at other times? If so, when and for how long? Decision to embark When you decided to embark on coaching, what post did you hold and in which organisation? When was that? What (other) factors contributed to your decision?


Was there anything else happening in the organisation, or in your life, at that time that acted as a catalyst? (prompt if necessary - e.g. change of job, management development programme, change initiative) If so, what was it and how did it link in with the coaching, in your mind? Was it entirely your choice to take up coaching? What did you do to make the coaching happen? Selecting a coach I understand that the OHM provided a panel of about 7 coaches for you to choose from. What criteria did you use to select a coach? (prompt if necessary - gender, relevant experience, age, seniority, good references, cost, geography, gut feeling) Did you try more than one coach? If so, why and how ? Did you have an informal meeting before deciding to work with one? What happened that influenced your choice of that coach? What would you do differently to select a coach today? Profile of the experience When did you start the coaching sessions (2001 or 2002 or) What format(s) did the coaching sessions take: face to face, telephone, email, other? Where did the sessions take place? Did you feel (equally) comfortable in that venue? I understand that the OHM suggested 10 sessions of two hours each over 12 months. What number of sessions did you have; how long did they last on average? Over what period of months did they take place? What if anything - would you do differently today? Areas Who chose what you were to be coached in : your manager, you, the coach or? (If relevant) what general area did the person who decided the agenda want the coach to help you with? What general area did you want the coach to help you with? (prompt : work-life balance; career development; role clarification; interpersonal relations; strategy; performance or business issues; ) What made you choose to focus on the particular areas selected? In the areas selected, did you want to focus on concrete changes in behaviour, on values and beliefs, or on something else? (What was the something else?) 93

What made you persevere? If you chose the topics, did you find you had chosen the most relevant issues at the start of the coaching? Did the area of focus alter or broaden out? If so, in what directions? How did the fact that it was (or wasnt) your choice to take up coaching influence your experience of it? Is there anything more you would like to add around the selection of areas for coaching? Coaching process perceptions (a) coaching activities

What did you take for granted in the coaching process? Did your coach tell you which methods he was using? What were they? During the sessions, did you notice the coach regularly using a particular coaching method or approach? What were they? (prompt if necessary - e.g. GROW model) Did you use supporting instruments such as self-analysis or 360 feedback? Which types? How structured was the homework to be done between sessions?

What elements within the coaching process (within or between sessions) did you find positive? What made it positive? What elements within the coaching process (within or between sessions) did you find less than positive? What do you think the problem was? What elements within the coaching process didnt feel good at the time but turned out to be positive? Was there enough time within sessions to evaluate how you felt the coaching was going? How did the coach and you do this evaluation? Did you get something on paper to which you could refer back: a learning log, diary or readings? If so, did you use it between sessions? 94


the coach

How important to the effectiveness of the coaching was it for you to like the coach? How important to the effectiveness of the coaching was it for you to respect him? Was your coach male or female? Do you think the mix of (or same) gender in this situation influenced the dynamics of your working relationship? In what ways? Did you feel the coachs primary loyalty was to you as the coachee or to the organisation? Which way did the balance of control fall in the coach/coachee relationship? With hindsight, to what extent do you think this coach was the right one for you? Why? Transfer of learning perceptions (a) behavioural change

Did you find yourself doing some of the same things you had been doing before, only differently? Such as ? Did you find yourself doing some things you hadnt done before the coaching? For how long? How important do you think these differences in your behaviour are? (b) analysing the nature of the outcomes

To what extent do you feel you have the power to change the way you do things? To what extent do you think the coaching process contributed to what you yourself were now doing differently? What other factors intervened to enable / hinder you to change your own behaviour? How did you monitor your achievements? Did coaching help you at that point in your career? In what ways ? Did you consider - or did you act on changing jobs or career direction, during or after the coaching? To what extent do you think the coaching process contributed to that consideration/decision?


Have you embarked in the meanwhile on other forms of personal or management development? To what extent was this a result of the coaching? Did your coaching help your organisation at that point? In what ways ? Did anyone in the organisation ask you whether you had benefited from the experience? Who do you think gained more from the fact that you were coached you or the organisation? Why is that? (c) overall effectiveness

Could you have achieved the same results through other types of development? If so, how ? If not, why not? Overall, what is your perception now of the effectiveness of that coaching experience? Have you had recourse to coaching since then? If so, why and for how long ? Is there anything you would like to add about how you transferred or used what you learned through coaching? Identity Now, Im going to ask you a couple of questions that are a little more personal. Did coaching take you on to bigger questions, such as questioning your values and beliefs or even visualising the kind of legacy you want to leave? Can you say a little more about how that came about within the coaching process? Did you feel challenged at times in the process? How did you feel about that at the time? And now? Can you give some examples of what happened during the coaching process that made you feel you had discovered something about yourself, be it a development point, an existing strength or something else? Practical Application of Coaching Some people think there is a natural cascade effect when a senior manager is coached. Have you found yourself going into coaching mode with reports? If so, did they know what was happening? 96

Do you think a person needs to feel ready for coaching in order for it to work? Do you think people are more or less inclined to accept coaching if it is made clear that this is coaching? Does this organisation have wider recourse to executive coaching (i.e. coaching of senior managers by external coaches)? If so, what does it look like? What works? What doesnt? Does this organisation have recourse to coaching of direct reports (of whatever grade) by line managers? If so, what does it look like? What works? What doesnt? Does this organisation have recourse to in-house mentoring (off-line, more senior manager with an emphasis on personal development)? If so, what does it look like? What works? What doesnt? Finally, there is a theory that many people who experience coaching want to coach in turn. Did you experience this? What have you done about it? Pre-requisites for introducing coaching Can you give some examples of the organisational or political considerations which you think need to be taken into account, if one is to introduce executive coaching along the lines of your own experience - more widely in an organisation? If you were to introduce executive coaching into your organisation, For which grades would you introduce it? How would you select coaches? and coachees ? What guidelines would you set around the coaching process?

If you were to give one piece of advice to your coach today, what would it be?

Wrap-up I have asked all the questions I want to ask. Is there anything you have said that you would like to add to or to clarify? Is there anything else that you see as important in understanding your experience of the coaching process ?





Classification questions

1.Did you have executive coaching through the OHM scheme at some time between 2001 and 2004? YES NO

Tick one box

If you answered no to this question, please stop at this point and return the questionnaire as directed below.

2. Are you: male female

Tick one box


Your grade

What was your grade when you started coaching? Tick one box

What is your current grade? Tick one box

CEO, Chief Officer or equivalent Assistant or Deputy CEO Director of Function General Manager Grade 8 or equivalent Other (please state)

4. How long had you been in your post when you started coaching? < 1 year 1 3 years > 3 years

Tick one box



Profile of the coaching experience

5. Coaching period (tick one box in each row) When did you start the coaching sessions? When did you stop?





6. What format(s) did the coaching sessions take? Face to face Telephone Email Other (please state)

Tick as many options as apply

7. Where did the sessions take place? Your workplace The coachs workplace Hotel lobby Other (please state)

Tick as many options as apply

Did you feel comfortable there? (Y/N)

8. What number of sessions did you have? 1-5 6 10 > 10

Tick one box

9. How long did sessions last on average? < 1 hour 1 2 hours > 2 hours

Tick one box

10. Over what period of months did they take place? 15 6 10 11 or more

Tick one box


11. What changes would you make to the coaching format today (e.g. change of location, frequency, duration)? (hit the insert key at the start and end of your answer) C. Decision to embark

12. Why did you embark on coaching?

Rank the reasons which are relevant to you in ascending order, i.e. most relevant to you = 1 (please use 0 for any reason that is not relevant to you)

Alternative to formal training or education Changes in the work environment New job Stress Suggested by my manager Other (please state)

13. Was it entirely your choice to take Tick one box up coaching? YES NO


Selecting a coach

14. What criteria did you use to select a coach? His/her experience of the private sector His/her experience of the public sector Gender Geographical considerations Good references/recommendation Gut feeling Other (please state)

Tick as many options as apply


What would you do differently to select a coach today? (hit the insert key at the start and end of your answer) .... ..


Areas for coaching 16.

Rank the areas you wanted the coach to help you with, in ascending order, i.e. most relevant to you = 1 (please use 0 for any reason that is not relevant to you)

In the areas you ranked, did you want to change your behaviour? Tick as many as apply

In the areas you ranked, did you want to change your values and/or beliefs? Tick as many as apply

business strategy career development interpersonal relations (e.g. influencing) role clarification work-life balance other (please state)


Coaching process perceptions

17. Do you think the coaching sessions served as a sounding board for you? YES NO

Tick one box

18. use?

What methods did your coach

Tick as many options as apply

GROW (goals-reality-options-will) NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) Dont know Other (please state)


19. Which supports did you use? self-analysis tools 360 feedback learning log or diary homework other (please state)

Tick as many options as apply (if none, leave table blank)

20. Did your coach challenge you enough during the process? YES NO

Tick one box


What element within the coaching process did you find the most positive? (hit the insert key at the start of your answer) . .


What made that positive?

... 23. What element within the coaching process did you find least positive?

24. What do you think the problem was?

... 25. What element within the coaching process didnt feel relevant at the time but turned out to be useful? (hit the insert key at the end of your answer) .. .. 26. Did the coach and you evaluate how the coaching was progressing? YES NO Tick one box


27. With hindsight, do you think this was Tick one box the right coach for you? YES NO G. Transfer of learning perceptions

28. In what areas did you feel you improved after the coaching experience? Better at delegation Better at handling stressful situations Better at maintaining work-life balance Better at interpersonal relations Better at focussing Other (please specify) None

Tick as many as apply

29. What were the main triggers for these improvements? Having a coach as sounding board Being given concrete tools by the coach Getting the opportunity at coaching sessions to think about those areas Support from colleagues Other (please specify)

Tick as many options as apply (if none, leave table blank)

30. Did you change jobs during or after the coaching? YES NO

Tick one box

31. Having been coached, did you coach other people? YES NO

Tick one box

32. Did anyone in your organisation ask you whether you had benefited from the coaching experience? YES NO

Tick one box


33. Who do you think gained more from the fact that you were coached? You Your organisation It was equal

Tick one box

34. Is that how it should be? YES NO

Tick one box

35. Could you have achieved the same results through : YES NO

structured networking with peers? Tick one box

regular sessions with your manager? Tick one box

36. Overall, what is your perception now of the effectiveness of that coaching experience? Very effective Quite effective Undecided Slightly effective Ineffective

Tick one box


Why? (hit the insert key at the start and end of your answer)

. ...



Pre-requisites for introducing coaching

If you were to introduce executive coaching into your organisation, 38. From what level up would you introduce it? Corporate or senior management team Senior managers (one grade down from senior team) Middle managers Front-line supervisors Other (please state) Tick one box

39. How would you select a panel of coaches?

Rank your identified criteria in ascending order, i.e. most relevant to you = 1 (please use 0 for any criterion you would not use)

Cost Experience of the private sector Experience of the public sector Gender Geographical considerations References/Recommendations Other (please state)

40. How would you select staff to be coached, within the grade(s) you identified in question 38? Already attended a management development course Gaps in performance On their managers recommendation Recent promotion Recently arrived in the health service Succession planning Voluntary basis expressed an interest Other (please state)

Rank your identified criteria in ascending order, i.e. most relevant to you = 1 (please use 0 for any criterion you would not use)


41. What guidelines (e.g. for coaches, for staff to be coached, for the organisations benefit) would you set around the coaching process?

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. You may rest assured that it will be treated with absolute confidentiality. Please save the document and return it to or as quickly as possible. Alternatively, you may post it to Rose Doyle, . In any case, please send it back by 18 February because that is my cut-off date for survey analysis. Remember, BOTHAR will receive 2 for every questionnaire returned by 18 February!



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