Theatre History Unit Exam

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Grade 7 Drama

The Task Simply use your research skills to answer as many questions as you possibly can in the two class periods provided. You can use the internet. You can also use the books and your notes for your research.

Evaluation You need to have a certain number of answers (points) correct in order to gain a certain STATUS. These scores will be part of your course grade that evaluates your research skills, awareness of available resources and awareness of theatre in other cultures.!

WHATS IN IT FOR ME? The Challenge The exam with the highest points, and thus the highest status will receive a special prize for this unit! To make it a healthy and friendly competition, you may work in partners. Each partner must do a fair share and must not share with others. Any partners caught cheating or not participating will be required to participate alone from scratch and will be ineligible for the prize.


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Using the following terms, draw an arrow pointing to their location.!

! ! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Proscenium Arch Apron Thrust Gallery Stage Right Stage Left Upstage Downstage Lights Footlights Where the groundlings would be?!

JAPANESE THEATRE 1. What type of Japanese theatre does this photo show?!

COMMEDIA DELLARTE 2. Which character is Mr. Burns based on from Commedia DellArte?

WHERES THIS FROM? 3. From what form of theatre do we see gladiators?


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16. The audience in Spain watched a bullght and the audience in Shakespeares theatre watched a _______ before the show began.! 17. A black cloth hanging in front of the action that you can see through is called a ______________.! 18. __________________ are lines suspended above the 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name 3 types of Japanese Theatre.! Japanese Bunraku theatre uses masks as their only costume. True or False?! Shakespeare also wrote poems which were called limericks. True or False?! The rst people to be credited with written plays were the _______________________.! Acting out positions in ____________________ was common with cavemen, Sanskrit, African and Native theatre.! 19. What are the 2 major parts of the Greeks theatre?! 20. Which country does Sanskrit theatre come from?! 21. Who is the main character in African folk tales? ! 22. What type of creature is it?! stage to raise and lower scenery.!


In Native theatre the elders used ___________________ to explain how things were created and how things happened in their history.!

10. Theatre stems as far back as the ________________ where they would gather together and act out the ______.! 11. In Shakespeares theatre they raised a __________ to note when there was to be a performance.! 12. ________________ was the rst actor.!

23. Who are the three types of stock characters in Sanskrit plays?! 24. Shakespeares theatre burned down in what year?! 25. What was the suspected cause?! 26. This accident took place during which play?! 27. When was Shakespeare born?!

13. Shakespeares theatre was called __________________.! 14. When a piece of stage extends out towards the audience it is called a ______________________.! 15. The frame of the stage is called a ________________.!

28. How many plays did Shakespeare write?! 29. During your spare time as a young man in Elizabethan times, what would you do?! 30.


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1. 2. 3. 4.

What would you be doing if you were a young woman? ! Name 4 types of plays that Shakespeare wrote.! Who is Lord Chamberlain?! How was a pigs bladder used as special e%ects?!

28. What epidemic was just ending the year Shakespeare was born?! 29. What river ows past the Globe Theatre?! 1. What was the job of a tireman in the theatre! 2. How were bears involved in the entertainment of Elizabethean people?! 3. Women played the female roles on the Shakespearean stage. True or False? 62. What did the master of revels do?! 63. Why is the term Elizabethan used to describe this time period?! 64. In what year did the new Globe Theatre open?! 65. Which play does the quote, All the worlds a stage, come from?! 66. Which character said that line?! 67. What movie is based on The Taming of the Shrew?! 68. Oberon, Puck and Bottom are from what play?! 69. How much were the cheapest tickets for a Shakespearean play back then?! 70. Shakespeares plays were published immediately after they were performed. True or False?! 71. Why were some plays referred to as comedies?! 72. Whom was Juliet commanded to marry?! 73. They come from waring and feuding families, yet they fall deeply in love, marry, and commit suicide all in one week. What is the name of this play?!

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Why were hazelnuts scattered on the ground where the groundlings stood?! Name 2 modern day (living) actors who have played Hamlet on screen.! What play has these lines? O, Beware, my lord of jealousy. It is the green-eyed monster.! Which Canadian city hosts the largest Shakespearean festival in North America?! What are the names of Shakespeares parents?!

10. How old was Shakespeare when he died?! 11. Name 2 di%erent things that trap doors were used for in Shakespeares theatre.! 12. What was on the ag of the original Globe Theatre?! 13. What is the motto of the Globe Theatre?! 14. How many people could the original theatre hold?! 15. The Globe is located in what city?! 16. Which play has these characters: Fabian, Feste, Malvolio?! 17. Claudius, Gertrude and Polonius are found in which play?! 18. Double, double, toil and trouble... is from which play?! 19. Who said the lines from the previous question?! 20. What year did Shakespeare die?! 21. Who was Shakespeares wife?! 22. You are a young person in Elizabethan England, what would you be learning in school?! 23. Alonso, Prospero and Stephano are from which play?! 24. What was Shakespeares rst name?! 25. Actors in Shakespeares time got paid how much?! 26. What was breeching?! 27. What was a shilling made of?!

74. What Greek festival marked the harvest of the grapes?! 75. What are a group of people who speak in unison on stage called?! 76. What form of theatre uses these?! 77. What is the only thing a performer needs to perform?! 78. Theatre is known as the _______________ art.! 79. What type of artwork was created to honour the dead (cavemen and others)?! 80. Japanese Noh theatre always uses music. True or False?


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GRAVE DIGGER The lowest of the low... It must have been a pretty pathetic attempt or we just might be destined to dig you a grave.! Number Correct 0-10! Points _______________

DIRT FARMER A step up from digging graves. At least you got a job... If you can call farming in mud and living in a house of sod a job.! Number Correct 11-20! Points ___________________

BLACKSMITH A hard-working tradesman. Unfortunately, you work way too hard for too little money. You sleep with clenched sts and cant open your hands-on rainy days.! Number Correct 21-30! Points __________________

COMMONER Well you are one of the normal folks... sort of. Your job is boring, you dont smile that much, but hey... at least you dont smell like a horse!! Number Correct 31-40! Points __________________

THESPIAN Finally, respect. You are above most people... except for the fact that you have to dress up as a member of the opposite sex half the time. Fame has its drawbacks.! Number Correct 41-50! Points ____________________

ALE SLINGER The bartender at the local pub is a lucky and enamored fellow. The tips are great and you can even drink while you work. However, dishes are still dishes.! Number Correct 51-60! Points _________________

LAND OWNER Now we are getting somewhere! You have a roof over your head and sheep to feed. Your very own spot of dirt on which to raise a family.! Number Correct 61-70! Points _____________________

ROYAL WARRIOR You are the tops! It doesnt get much better than you, except for the chief. You have now attained the status of the most desirable friend and foe of your peers.! Number Correct 71-79! Points _________________

CHIEF You are the top banana, the cream of the crop, the big kahuna. It is clear that some are born to achieve greatness. Way to show o%!! Number Correct 80! Points _________________


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