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82nd Fighter Group

Issue 87
In This Issue: News of your fellow 82nd FGA members & coverage of a great Seattle Convention,

Association Newsletter

January 2013

The 82nd Fighter Group Association

1566 East Saint Charles Place Inverness, Florida 34453 352-341-0890 website: www.82ndFighterGroup.org email: admin@82ndFighterGroup.org The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization

The Presidents Page


Leo A Fisher

L.C. Lute Thompson


John Netzer Parliman


Nancy Medley Manduano


he reunion in Seattle this September was a great success with perfect weather. It didn't rain on us once all week long. In the business meeting we settled a very long and trying problem with a majority vote of all in attendance. We also made some new appointments: namely Nancy Medley Manduano, daughter of Olen, our 95th Unit Representative, as Secretary; Bill Mason as Headquarters Representative, taking the post his father held for many years; and Bill Hattendorf as Editor of our newsletter, whose father is a past president and a good golfer. So you see the family tradition is carrying on. After the reunion Edie and I joined the Ostroniks and Parlimans at the Round Up in Pendelton, Oregon. We also enjoyed the hospitality of the Ostroniks son, Sam, and his wife, Kim, in Milton-Freewater, Oregon. Then we went on to visit an Indian School in Montana and one in South Dakota. We dropped a few coins into their coffers. Joel Gray is still working hard on the Memorial and has reported a couple old P-38's being restored in Colorado Springs. If you hear of any others please let us know. All donations to the Memorial Fund are greatly appreciated. Lastly, I want to express my deepest appreciation to Hank Phillips for honchoing the newsletter over the past 15 years. I know he really enjoyed doing it and hope he now equally enjoys reading it. Don't forget your dues coming up and save up for New Orleans. Stay well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Harley C. Vaughn

W.S. Will Hattendorf George C. Marvin John C. Hendrix R.M. Monty Powers, Jr. Donald T. Foley John J. Kane

William T. Mason

Olen L. Medley

Richard Ostronik

R.E. Dick Gadbury (Emeritus) G.L. Jerry Powell


Bill Hattendorf

Leo A Fisher 2

Judy Netzer Parliman

82nd Fighter Group Seattle Reunion

5-9 September 2012
he lovely Embassy Suites in Seattle was alive with excitement as the 82nd FGA gathered once again in honor of our WW II veterans and in celebration of our special friendships. Lois and Mel Roalsvig outdid themselves with a fabulous reunion from start to finish. At registration, we each received an 82nd FGA reunion champagne glass and P-38 insignia-imprinted napkins. The 82nd banner was hanging proudly above the balcony and was a most welcome sight as we arrived at the hotel. The hospitality room was hosted by Nan Conver and Peggy and Steve Powell. The champagne flowed and we enjoyed some wonderful delicacies like smoked salmon

(donated by a fisherman friend of the Roalsvigs) and a beautiful hors doeuvres bouquet which Lois made and served. Members once again brought WW II memorabilia which brought back lots of memories. We appreciate those of you who took the time to assemble and transport these most precious items. Thank you.

The original distinguished gentlemen of the 82nd Fighter Group.

One of many planes on exhibit at Seattles Museum of Flight.

Will Hattendorf and Olen Medley with a restored P-38.

The hotel lobby was a popular spot each night as we enjoyed complimentary cocktails and hors doeuvres The golfers (Leo Fisher, Marc Buonaguidi, Bob Carpenter, Dick Ostronik and John Parliman) took off Wednesday morning for some fun on the Foster Golf Links in Tukwila. Leo the Lion was low scorer. The girls were invited to join the boys for lunch. It was a great event. Thursday morning was spent at a private tour of the Boeing Flight Museum. In the evening, we enjoyed an Argosy dinner cruise on Elliot Bay. It was a beautiful evening the food was absolutely delicious. Friday was a full day beginning with a tour of the Boeing plant at Everett with lunch at the Hilton Garden Inn. This plant is the home of the 747, 767, 777, and 787 Dreamliner. After lunch a small group toured Bob Hammers ME Restoration Hanger while the ladies enjoyed wine and snacks on the air conditioned bus. On to Paul Allens Museum where we viewed a personal collection of flyable

WW II airplanes including an ME 109 with the Daimler Benz engine and the only FW 190 still flying. We had a wonderfully fulfilling day, and were ready to return to the hotel for, hopefully, a nap before cocktails and food. The make- your-own taco party was delicious and lots of fun. Many of us retired to the hospitality room to continue partying. Our banquet was most enjoyable. President Leo Fisher did a super job of emceeing the event. The food was delicious. The 3-piece band provided great dancing music Edie and Leo reminded me of the song I Could Have Danced All Night. The raffle brought in $356 for the Memorial Fund. Thanks to the Roalsvigs for the gold P38 charm, Steve and Peggy Powell for the hi-ball glasses representing each unit and the Parlimans for a framed photograph of the stacked P38s autographed by the attendees of the 1984 reunion. The annual presentation of the roses started by Ben Mason in

At left: Al Campbell in front; Fred Graham, Dick Ostronik, Charlie Pinson, John Kane, Leo Fisher, Don Foley and Jerry Powell

At right: the 95th FS contingent: Olen Medley, Bob Carpenter, and Will Hattendorf

Enjoying the dinner cruise on Lake Union and Lake Washington.

honor of the woman who supported their men during the war was continued in Bens honor. This will remain part of the reunion tradition. It was wonderful to see so many people willing to help with anything. That speaks so highly for the spirit of the 82nd FGA and the benefit of team work. Special thanks to Nan Conver, Peggy and Steve Powell, Mary and Marc Buonaguido, Christine Roalsvig, Candice Buehler, Dick and Sylvia Ostronik, Kathy and Bob Priest, Nancy Medley-Manduano and the many other wonderful people for the great support. To Mel and Lois, thank you doesnt seem like enough. Your love and dedication to the 82nd FGA was evident in everything you planned. Lois, the gourmet delicacies you served in the hospitality room added so much to the ambiance. So, to you Lois and Mel, a huge THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. I felt a bit of melancholy Sunday as most folks

departed. We are a special family of friends and its always hard to say goodbye. We shall meet again in a year in New Orleans. This is my final correspondence as secretary and regular contributor to the newsletter. Bill Hattendorf would love to receive your letters and ideas for the newsletter. I am ever grateful that John and I found the 82nd FGA years back and look forward to many years more of friendships. Of note, something unusual occurred in Seattle this year not a drop of Sylvia, thank you for providing rain gear we have it packed up for next year just in case!! Best wishes to you all for a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. Judy

Left: the 97th FS contingent: Don Foley, Jerry Powell, Mel Roalsvig, George Rivest and Leo Press.

At right: John Parliman and the 95th Heritage members Len Coleman, Meade Stewart, Bob Priest and David Bloxsom

More Scenes from Seattle Convention

Memorabilia from Jerry Powell. Left: Shell casing that was lodged in the radiator of Mel Roalsvigs P-38 engine due to scraffing an ammunition train.

Thanks so very much to Sylvia Ostronik for all the great pictures from this years Reunion!

Mels gun on display in the Hospitality Room

After the Reunion, the Fishers, Ostroniks, and the Parlimans attended five days at the Pendleton Round-Up in Pendelton, Oregon

Nan Conner did an outstanding job working the Hospitality Room

Will Hattendorf with daughter Dee & grandaughter Elizabeth (who won the gold P-38 charm at the banquet drawing).

Golfers: Front: John Parliman, Al Campbell; Rear: Mel Roalswig, Bob Carpenter, Dick Ostronik, Leo Fisher; later joined by Mark Buonaguiki?

Leo Press (first timer to Reunion) and old pal, host Mel Roalsvig.

Steve and Peggy Powell all smiles.

Nancy Medley Manduano enjoying the Taco Party buffet.

2012 Treasurers Report

to the 82nd Fighter Group Association Annual Report:
The financial statement for the fiscal year 1 July 2011 30 June 2012 that was presented at the annual meeting is included on the next page. Account Balances as of 30 November 2012: Operating Account Reunion Fund Memorial Fund Legal Fund Total $ 4,436.56 2,101.21 4,704.00 1,000.00 $12,241.77

By-Law Changes:
The Association By-Laws were amended in Seattle, changing the designation of post WW2 active and retired Air Force members to Heritage and other individuals to Honorary. A section on standards of conduct titled Obligations of Membership was added as well as a section explaining the duties and selection process for unit representatives.

Memorial Update
President Fisher reported on the status of the memorial at the annual meeting. Edwards AFB Museum construction is on hold and does not seem like a viable option. Since the 82nd already has plaques at the March Air Museum, the Air Force Museum and the Air Force Academy, enhancing one of those areas seems more reachable. Joel Gray, grandson of Monty Powers and a member of the memorial committee, has suggested constructing an engraved stone bench to create a contemplative area in front of one of the plaques. Those at the annual meeting indicated their agreement with this option and we will proceed in that direction.

Membership Dues Update:

Nancy Medley Manduano 95F is the new Association Secretary. For dues and membership questions, death notices and other secretary issues, contact Nancy at 1015 East 19th Street, Tulsa, OK 74120. Phone: 918-857-4460. manduano@sbcglobal.net. Dues increases as voted at the annual meeting are effective as of 31 March 2013. WW2 & Family members: $25 Honorary, Associate and Heritage members: $20 This dues increase will help cover the cost of the newsletter. The mailing label on your newsletter or the cover email with attached newsletter will indicate your current status. Codes begin with a C or D: C=Current, D=Due; followed by the appropriate dollar amount.

Terry Massick:
The membership at annual meeting voted reluctantly but unanimously to rescind Terrys membership and refund his 2012 dues. This was an unfortunate but necessary result of his behavior over the last 18 months that was not seen as being in the best interests of the Association. Any communications from him have nothing to do with our Association. You may request he drop you from his contact list and return any materials you sent him for his website if you wish to do so. Respectfully Submitted,

Newsletter and Roster:

Bill Hattendorf 95F, is the new newsletter editor and roster keeper. Please send any news notes and/or contact information changes to Bill Hattendorf at 7 Houghton Point South, Swanzey, NH 03431. Phone: 603-283-8950. bill@hatsoffdesign.com.

John Netzer Parliman 95F Treasurer

82nd Fighter Group Association

Financial Statement
1 July 2011 30 June 2012 Beginning Balance (all accounts): Receipts: Donations Internet Regular Memorial Legal Total Dues Associate Honorary Family Sustaining Total Profit 2010 Receipts 2011 $100.00 $ 652.00 $ 2,771.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,523.00 130.00 60.00 1,090.00 890.00 2,170.00 12.11 1,775.00 $ 8,480.11 $ 8,146.11


Total Receipts Payments: Internet 600.00 Supplies Postage Newsletter Belt Buckles Roster Bank Charges Total Payments Ending Balance (all accounts): 205.66 188.58 1,090.15 623.50 79.75 77.00

$ 2,864.64 $13,761.58

Keeping In Touch
Notes from Members
Hank received a message from Dan Hughes, son of Jack Hughes 97th, stating that he passed away a year ago December and that he always enjoyed reading the 82nd newsletter and recalling stories about the unit. Katie Kroeger (widow of Harold Kroeger/96th) wrote that she wished she could have been at the reunion. She visited Seattle with family in the past and was amazed there is so much room at the top of the Space Needle! Hank Phillips reported that he had a wonderful 90th birthday reunion in his old Idaho stomping grounds with 40 relatives and friends. He and Marlene missed being at the reunion, but had a great mini-reunion in St Augustine with the Fuereders, Faheys and Ostroniks. Hopefully we will see Lilo, George, Dianna and Paul in New Orleans next year. Fern Morgan wrote that she missed attending the reunion and really appreciated the card the attendees sent her. She and Jim Monyhan 96th wanted to be there, but health issues kept them home. Sadly Jim passed away after a long illness September 25th. JoAnn Norris writes that she and Roy celebrated their 65th anniversary with family this summer. She, Roy and Chip are doing fine and send their best. Jerry Powell writes he enjoyed a great reunion and says its too bad its only once a year. Bettye Russell wrote that her husband, Eugene Russell 96th, passed away this summer. She reminisced about the wonderful memories she has from the 15 reunions they attended, the last being in Dallas in 2007, where their five sons were present. Joan Farnham mailed that her husband, Everett Farnham 96th, passed away on August 26, 2012 after a 3 year illness. They were married 67 years. Elsie Krug wrote that her husband, Hubert L Krug 96th, passed away on March 4, 2012. Cheri Buonaguidi wrote she missed being at the reunion, hears it was a great success and is appreciative for the warm reception afforded her mother, Barbara, in Seattle. Dick Ostronik was honored at a Veterans Day program at the Wilson Middle School in Glendale, CA. His participation in the European Theater was noted and he received a certificate of commendation from the mayor.

Folded Wings / Fly-By of Honor

James Monyhan 96th 25 Sept 12 Jack Hughes 97th Dec 11 Hubert L Krug 96th 4 Mar 12 10 Everett Farnham 96th 26 Aug 12 Eugene Russell 96th 7 Jun 12

How Many Have You Attended?

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Corpus Christi, Texas Denver, Colorado San Antonio, Texas Atlanta, Georgia Boise, Idaho Dayton, Ohio Long Beach, California Ashville, North Carolina Denver, Colorado St. Louis, Missouri Seattle, Washington San Angelo, Texas Destin, Florida Boston, Massachusetts Scottsdale, Arizona 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Houston, Texas Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Detroit, Michigan Tucson, Arizona Sacramento, California Hartford, Connecticut San Diego, California Oshkosh, Wisconsin Washington, DC Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas Cincinnati, Ohio Las Vegas, Nevada San Antonio, Texas Palm Springs Seattle, Washington

2013 => Plan to be with us in New Orleans, Louisiana, on 25 October!

Details and registration information will appear in the May newsletter.

82nd Fighter Group National WW2 Memorial Commemorative Brick Program

NOTE: Please allow four to six weeks to receive confirmation of your purchase, your commemorative brick certificate and (if applicable) your commemorative book(s). All bricks purchased by May 1, 2013, will be installed on the Museum's campus next Winter. Line 1 maximum 18 characters (includes characters, punctuation and spacing)

Line 2 maximum 18 characters (includes characters, punctuation and spacing)

Line 3 maximum 18 characters (includes characters, punctuation and spacing)

IMPORTANT: Please double check for accuracy the brick message you entered in the fields above. If you are adding a special edition commemorative book, no corrections or changes can be made once you submit this form. Your Order: q $200.00 Commemorative Brick ONLY

Add $50 for commemorative book displaying a digital representation of your brick. 82nd FGA Brick Jjnjp38@centurylink.net 352-341-0890 (Home) 352-422-5792 (Cell)

Make check payable to:

Mail form and check to: John Netzer Parliman 1566 East Saint Charles Place Inverness, FL 34453 Your Name: Address: Phone & Email:

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ____________________



National WW2 Museum Commemorative Bricks

ruce Loewenberg 82F is very aptly serving as our liaison to the Museum and met with Museum officials while at a conference there in early December where he talked about the role of the 82nd in North Africa in 1942. The Museum is generating funds by offering commemorative bricks for $200 each to be placed in the walkways of the Museum campus. They have offered to lay our 82nd commemorative bricks together. This is a special accommodation for groups. There will be a border around the 82nds bricks and Bruce and I are working with the executive committee to authorize capstones designating the 82nd FG as a whole as well as

the individual squadrons so that members individual bricks will fall under their appropriate unit. Bricks are 3 lines of 18 characters each and cost $200.Check the museum website to see what the bricks look like. www.nationalww2museum.org Click Honor in the top banner and then Brick. To assure the bricks are properly placed, we will collect the forms and money and mail them as a batch to the museum. The deadline is May 1st and the bricks will be laid late in 2013. The form is attached. Make checks payable to the 82nd FGA Brick and mail the form and check to the John Parliman at the address shown.

Newsletter Transition
Date: Fall 2012 To: All officers and members of the 82nd Fighter Group Association From: Hank Phillips This is to announce my resignation as newsletter editor of the 82nd FGA. I became editor starting with the 37th edition dated 1 August 1996. I must say that it has been a rewarding experience for me and hope that our members benefitted from useful information that was passed along. The job was not easy for me in that I was preceded by Dick Linginfelter, a master story teller. Dick's newsletters were filled with stories of 82nd members that had been together since the group was organized in 1942 back in the states. Dick and I were good friends and he helped me a lot, first in Foggia where he was the operator and instructor for the instrument flight simulator, then later passed along pertinent stories from his old 82nd friends for my newsletter. I am indebted to Bill Hattendorf and pleased for his volunteering for Newsletter editor. I hasten to add that knowing the abilities of his sister, Delia, and his father, Will, he will produce newsletters for which we will all be proud. Sincerely,

H.P. Hank Phillips

Leftright: son Lowell, wife Marlene, Hank, son Dennis, Dennis' wife Carol, and Lowell's son Wesley from the 2011 reunion.


Another Phillips pose from the 2011 Reunion: Lowell, Marlene, Hank and Wesley

82nd Fighter Group Association

Bill Hattendorf, Newsletter Editor 7 Houghton Point South North Swanzey, New Hampshire 03431

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