His Time. Perlman (ed.), Philip and Athens, reprints a number of important articles. On Euboea in the 340s see P. A. Brunt, Euboea in the Time of Philip II, CQ2 xix 1969, 24565; J. M. Carter, Athens, Euboea and Olynthus, Hist. xx 1971, 41829. The view championed by Ellis, that in 346 Philip would have preferred to cooperate with Athens against Thebes but was frustrated by Demosthenes, was first advanced by M. M. Markle, The Strategy of Philip in 346 BC, CQ2 xxiv 1974, 25368. For Speusippus letter see Natoli, The Letter of Speusippus to Philip II. The Eretrian law to protect the democracy is published by D. Knoepfler, Loi drtrie contre la tyrannie et loligarchie, BCH cxxv 2001, 195238 and cxxvi 2002, 149204. PHILIP II OF MACEDON 327 On military technology see especially Marsden, Greek and Roman Artillery, i. Historical Development. On the origins of the Fourth Sacred War see P. D. Londey, The Outbreak of the 4th Sacred War, Chiron xx 1990, 23960 (not planned by Philip). On the battle of Chaeronea see N. G. L. Hammond, The Two Battles of Chaeronea (338 BC and 86 BC), Klio xxxi 1938, 186218, of which the part on 338 is reprinted in his Studies in Greek History, ch. 16; W. K. Pritchett, Observations on Chaironeia, AJA2 lxii 1958, 30711. On Philips territorial settlements after the battle see C. Roebuck, The Settlements of Philip II with the Greek States in 338 BC, CP xliii 1948, 73102 = his Economy and Society in the Early Greek World, 13150 (and reprinted in Perlman [ed.], Philip and Athens, ch. 12 but by a printers error there the first half of the article was originally omitted). On the murder of Philip, Alexander was suspected by E. Badian, The Death of Philip II, Phoen. xvii 1963, 24450; Olympias by R. Develin, The Murder of Philip II, Antichthon xv 1981, 8699; the official verdict was accepted by N. G. L. Hammond, The End of Philip, in Hatzopoulos and Loukopoulos (eds.), Philip of Macedon, 16675; Olympias and Alexander are exonerated by E. Carney, The Politics of Polygamy: Olympias, Alexander and the Murder of Philip II, Hist. xli 1992, 16989. For tomb II at Vergina as that of Philip and one of his wives see N. G. L. Hammond, The Evidence for the Identity of the Royal Tombs at Vergina, in Adams and Borza (eds.), Philip II, Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Heritage, 11127 = his Collected Studies, ii. 27187, and for the reconstruction of the skull as Philips skull A. J. N. W. Prag et al., The Skull from Tomb II at Vergina: King Philip II of Macedon, JHS civ 1984, 6078; in favour of Philip Arrhidaeus and Eurydice see Borza, In the Shadow of Olympus, 25666. On the Hecatomnids of Caria see Hornblower, Mausolus. For the story of Nectanebos dream see L. Koenen, The Dream of Nektanebos, BASP xxii 1985, 17194; for Speusippus letter see Natoli, The Letter of Speusippus to Philip II. The satrap stele is translated by Bevan, A History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, 2832; and the episode of Khababash is discussed by Briant, From Cyrus to Alexander, 71718 with 101718, S. Burstein, Prelude to Alexander: The Reign of Khababash, AHB xiv 2000, 14954. On Hermias of Atarneus see P. Green, Hermias of Atarneus and His Friendship with Aristotle, in Heckel and Tritle (eds.), Crossroads of History: The Age of Alexander, ch. 2. Against Diodorus account of Bagoas and the Achaemenid royal family see Briant, From Cyrus to Alexander, 76980 with 10334; also E. Badian, Darius III, HSCP c 2000, 24168.