Making A Longbow by Simon C B Day

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Making a Longbow by Simon C B Day

Introduction & Explanation Method Tensioning the Bow Bow Strings The Bowyers knot Introduction & Explanation Making a longbow is a fun and rewarding experience. Standing in amongst a row of archers with a fine bow, gives you an amazing feeling of "Aha I made this". The following instructions are based on experienced gained during a Living History training weekend when I made a bow under the expert tuition of Colin Levick. Method Testing the Poundage Stringing the Bow Checking your draw length Making a Tiller

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In order to make your longbow, you will need to start with a stave of wood (dimensions 1.5" x 1.5" x "the height of the person using it"). For my bow, I have used Ash, but many other close even-grained woods are suitable. The stave itself should ideally be from the middle cut of the wood, rather then the corner, and have a few knots in it as possible. This means that the wood will have optimum strength and last longer.

First of all take your stave and decide which is to be the back of the bow (i.e. the bit that faces away from you), then mark it lightly with a pencil. To work out which side is the best for the back, look at the way that the grain is flowing through the wood and try to visualize the finished bow in the shape. Once this has been decided, you need to mark the stave as follows and trim off the shaded area using an axe, knife or saw:

N.B. On this diagram, the back of the bow is the bottom line of the stave. The length of the non-shaded ends is " and the height of the mid-point is 1 1/8".

On the back of the bow, find the mid-point of the centre line and mark it. Do the same at each end, so that the three points form a perfectly straight line. Taking these end points, mark 3/16" either side either side of the back of the stave, and link then with the ends of the middle line (see below). Trim off the shaded area.

N.B. On this diagram, you are marking the points on the back of the bow. The marker line at the left hand end of the diagram is 3/16" and the one on the right is 3/8". Now that you have a basic bow shape, you need to trim off the corners of the stave to give a more rounded shape. This is best done with a spoke-shave or surform/rasp. In cross section, this is roughly the shape that youre after (remove the shaded areas):

While trimming the bow to match the diagram above, you should ensure that no bulges or dips occur along the length of the bow. To do this, continually look down the length of the bow, working as you do so. If bulges to occur, then smooth them off. If dips occur, then you will need to trim the entire bow to remove them. It is important that you try to keep the shape of the bow uniform on both sides at all times, otherwise the bow will not pull correctly. Once you have reached a stage that you are happy with, you can test the flex of the bow by placing one end by the instep of your foot, your opposite hand on the other end, and pulling the middle towards you with your other hand. Ensure that the back of the bow is facing away from you. As you do this, you will notice some stiff areas of the bow (sometimes its easier to get someone else to do this as they can get a better view). Do not try to flex the bow too far at this point. Trim down these stiff areas so that the bow flexes evenly all down its length. Once you are happy that your bow is even and flexes nicely, you can make some nocks on either end to hold the string. These should be around 2" from the ends of your bow and are best made using a round needle file. Starting with the side of the bow, make a small mark at 45 degrees, so that the top of the mark is towards the end of the bow (see diagram below)

Repeat this on the other side of the same end of the bow, then join them up (see below). Repeat this at the other end of the bow.

Now that you have created the bow and put nocks on it, you need to teach the wood to bend. This is very important, because if you dont, then the first time you draw the bow it will snap! To teach the wood to bend, you will need to put a string on your bow that is NOT under tension (see the section below), and use a tiller (see later for instructions how to make one). The way a tiller works, is that the bow is placed into the space at the top so that it is horizontal, with the back of the bow uppermost. Then pull the bow string SLOWLY down to the first notch. While the string is in this position, examine the bow checking that it is not pulling to one side, and that the overall curve is smooth with no straight areas. Mark these stiff areas with a bit of charcoal. Gently release the string to its natural position, remove the bow from the tiller, unstring it and trim the areas marked with charcoal. Restring the bow, put it back onto the tiller and take it to the first notch again. Repeat this as many times as necessary until no stiff areas remain on the bow and the bow curves smoothly. Once you are happy with that, take the string to the next notch and perform the same checks/actions. It is a good idea to let the wood rest for around 20-30 minutes between visits to the tiller, so that the sinews within the wood do not start to break. Once you have reached the fourth notch on the tiller, you can add a little bit of tension to the string. Repeat the slow progression through the notches of the tiller, checking for and trimming any stiff areas until you once again reach the fourth notch. It is very important that these stages are not rushed, or the wood will strain too quickly, the sinews will start to snap and your bow will not reach its full potential or will simply snap. Again, add a little more tension to the string, repeat the checking until you reach the fourth or fifth notch. At this point you can put the string under full tension (see below) and work down the tiller.

Once you have reached the draw you require for your bow (see the section about measuring your draw length - below) , you can put a couple of coats of boiled linseed oil on it to protect it from the weather. Tensioning the Bow
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To have a string that is not under tension, simply extend the string to that it is firmly attached in the nocks at both ends of the bow, but the wood itself does not bend. Tension can be increased by slightly shortening the string, so that the bow bends a little when strung. It is best to shorted the string an inch at a time so increase the tension slowly. When the bow is at full tension, the distance between the middle of the bow (i.e. where you hold it) and the bowstring should be the same as your clenched fist with the thumb stuck out. This is known as the fistmele (a fancy archery term). Bow Strings
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When buying bow strings, it is important to remember that three main types are available. These are no loops, one loop and two loops. Personally, I have found that one loop strings are best as it is possible for the archer to set the length of the string to be perfect for their use. To tie the second loop (for the bottom of the bow) you will need to use a bowyers knot (see below). The Bowyers knot
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A bowyers knot is designed so that it will not slip when tension is put onto it. 1. First form a loop by passing the end of the string underneath the main body of the string, so that the loop is about 1" in diameter. 2. Next, pass the end of the string back over the main part of the string.

3. Pass the end of the string up through the loop on the non-moving side of the loop.

4. Repeat the loop twice more

Testing the Poundage

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To test the poundage of the bow, attach a fishing scale to the string while the bow is on the tiller and slowly add weights to it until the string reaches the draw that you require. This will give you the "x pounds draw at y inches" required when checking your bow for competition/combat purposes. If the finished bow is a higher poundage than your require (i.e. you want to use it in combat and its too strong), then evenly trim the bow and go back through the routine of checking it on the tiller. Stringing the Bow
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To string your bow, ensure that the lower end of the bowstring is attached correctly in the lower nock using a bowyers knot. Place the lower end of the low to the inside of your right foot with the top of the bow being in the left hand. Ensuring that the back of the bow is towards you, gently pull the middle of the bow towards you with your right hand and slide the top loop of the bowstring into the top nock with your left hand. This is written with a right handed person in mind. For a left handed person, simply reverse everything. Checking your draw length
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To check the length of your draw, place one end of a long stick on your chest, with the other end running between your palms. Lift your arms so that they are horizontal and mark the stick at the point where the ends of your fingers are. This is just beyond your maximum draw. When "training" the bow on the tiller, you will need to draw the bow to this length, or when you come to full draw when using the bow, it will snap. Making a Tiller
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A Tiller is the piece of equipment used to "train" the bow to bend without breaking. Basically, it is a vertical piece of wood with a number of notches cut into it at fixed intervals, with a semi circle cut out at the top which the bow can rest in. The whole thing is supported on a suitable base. The tiller itself should be made out of a good hardwood which can resist a lot of pressure since when the bow is under tension, a lot of pressure will be put onto the notches. This tiller is designed to fold flat for easy transport. To make a tiller you will require a hardwood plank (1.5" x 2" x 8) and either screws and/or dowel to join the pieces together.

The first notch should be 7.5" from the top of the tiller. There should be 16 notches all together with a distance of 1.5" between the top of one notch and the top of the next notch.

Join all the pieces together as per the diagram above, except for the 1.5" x 1.5" block which is tied onto the base piece to prevent the arm from falling over. If this piece is attached, then the tiller will not fold flat.

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