Assessment of Groundwater Quality For Irrigation Use

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SARALA* et al Volume: 1 Issue: 3

ISSN: 2319 - 1163 215 - 219


Associate Professor, Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science & Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, A.P, India,

The availability of groundwater, namely fresh water is too less. This situation provokes the scientific community to further research in the field groundwater exploration of fresh water and natural recharge estimation, which are the most important components essential to formulate dependable groundwater management strategies in scarcity, affected regions. Hydrochemical studies were conducted in Chinnaeru river basin of Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Water samples from 28 locations were collected from bore wells during May 2011 and analyzed for different physico-chemical parameters. Based on various indices and water quality standards, the water is classified for safe drinking and irrigation uses. The concentration of fluoride in groundwater ranges from 0.4-2.9 mg/l. Piper diagram reflect that the water belong to Ca+2Mg+2HCO3- to Na+HCO3- types. The Wilcox diagram suggests that most of the samples are within the permissible limits which can be used for irrigation. High fluoride content in groundwater can be attributed to the continuous water rock interaction during the process of percolation with fluorite bearing country rocks under arid, low precipitation and high evaporation conditions of the study area. The low calcium content in rocks and soils and the presence of high levels of sodium bicarbonate in soils and waters are important factors favouring high levels of fluoride in waters. The basement rocks provide abundant sources of fluoride in the form of amphibole, biotite, fluorite and apatite. The high fluoride concentration areas are demarcated and de-fluoride plant were installed to treat the water for safe drinking purposes.

Index Terms: Groundwater, Bore wells, Wilcox diagram, Piper diagram, Fluoride content. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*****--------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION
Water is one of the most indispensable resources and is the elixir of life and primary cause for the origin of life on earth planet. Water constitutes about 70% of the body weight of almost all living organisms. Life is not possible on this planet without water. It exists in three states namely solid, liquid and gas. It acts as a media for both chemical and biochemical reactions and also as an internal and external medium for several organisms. About 97.2% of water on earth is salty and only 2.8% is available as fresh water from which about 20% constitutes groundwater. The main source of water in the earth is through rivers, lakes, oceans and the subsurface groundwater aquifers. Groundwater is highly valued because of certain properties not possessed by surface water. Water can be used for various purposes like domestic, agriculture, industrial and etc. Due to increase in human population and technology growth day by day, the available storage of groundwater is over exploited without considering its adverse effect on the aquifer system, which causes depletion in water level and deterioration in quality of groundwater. The availability of groundwater, namely fresh water is too less. The storage of groundwater mostly depends on the rainfall and how much recharge is taking place during rains. But due to non-uniform distribution of rainfall and failure of monsoon in our country, the existing available groundwater resources are not able to meet the increasing demand of human population. This situation provokes the scientific community to further research in the field groundwater exploration of fresh water and natural recharge estimation, which are the most important components essential to formulate dependable groundwater management strategies in scarcity, affected regions. The present study gives out the objectives, to estimate the cations and anions for the groundwater samples and to assess the groundwater quality by Pipers diagram and Wilcox diagram.


In order to assess the groundwater quality for irrigation uses a Chinnaeru river basin is selected. The basin is situated 30 km away from Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh State, India. Geologically the area consists of granites, gneisses and pegmatite of igneous origin belonging to the Archaean age. The study area is located between 170.38' N 170.50' N latitude and 780.78' 790.96' E longitude. The granites are pink and grey in color, hard massive to foliated and well jointed. The soil cover is of well developed residual soil of weathered granite. The soil is fairly permeable with brownreddish colour. The soil can absorb most of the rain except for more intensive rains, which can cause considerable surface flow and erosion.

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C.SARALA* et al Volume: 1 Issue: 3

The groundwater occurs in the weathered granite under semiconfined conditions and the fractured solid bedrock under the groundwater table. The average depth of groundwater is about 10-12 meters. These rocks posses negligible primary porosity but due to secondary porosity by deep fracturing and weathering, they are rendered with a porosity and permeability, which locally form potential aquifers in the study area. The location map of the study area is shown in fig. (1).

ISSN: 2319 - 1163 215 - 219

parameters like pH, Total Dissolved solids, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Chlorides, Sulphates, Carbonates, Bicarbonates, Nitrates and Fluorides are analyzed as per BIS standards. Piper diagram is also plotted to analyse the groundwater parameters. The sodium adsorption ratio in the study area is estimated by Wilcox diagram.

17.5 17.48
Latitute (in degrees)

GW2 GW1 GW3 GW28 GW27




LATITUTE (in degree)

Latitute (Degree)


17.46 17.44 17.42 17.4


GW9 GW10 GW7GW8 GW11 GW12


GW24 GW25 GW23







10 70 75 80 85 90 95


GW15 GW16 GW14 GW17 GW18









LONGITUDE (in degree)

Longitude (Degree)

GW20 GW19

Groundwater Sample Location


17.5 17.48





Latitute (in degrees)










17.46 17.44 17.42 17.4 17.38


Longitude (in degrees)

Fig.2 Groundwater Sample Locations in the Study Area 4. RESULTS

0km 2km 4km










Longitude (in degrees)

Fig.1 Location Map of the Study Area

Groundwater samples were collected in pre-cleaned 1 litre polyethylene bottle following APHA, 1995 method from the bore wells, which are used for the irrigation purposes during May 2011 period. The water samples from the wells were collected after pumping out water for about 10 min to remove stagnant water from the well. Twenty eight groundwater samples are collected and analysed for major cations and anions. The groundwater sample locations in the study area are represented in fig. (2). The various groundwater quality

It has been observed from the analysis that the Nitrate concentration is exceeding the permissible limits in the groundwater samples collected at Erravattet Thanda, Gollaguda Village, Madhram Thanda 1, Madhram Thanda 3, Nagireddy palli Village, Erram palli Village and Tukkapuram Village. At Gudur Thanda, Pagidipalli Village, Gudur Village, Anamptla Village, Makhdumpalli Thanda, Madhram Thanda 3, Srinikunta Village, Bollapalligandinagar Village, Bollapalligandinagar Thanda, Suryapalli Village and Nandanam Village the fluoride concentration is exceeding the permissible limit. The groundwater quality parameter values in the study area are shown in the Table1. The average values of the each quality parameter are shown in the Table (2).

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C.SARALA* et al Volume: 1 Issue: 3

Well No. Sample Location pH EC (s/c m) GW1 GW2 GW3 GW4 GW5 GW6 GW7 GW8 GW9 GW10 GW11 GW12 GW13 GW14 GW15 GW16 GW17 GW18 GW19 Gudur Thanda Pagidipalli Village Gudur Village Anamptla Village Erravattet Thanda Gannegani Thanda Makhdumpalli Village Makhdumpalli Thanda Gollaguda Village Gollaguda Thanda Ravipadu Thanda Ravipadu Village Anjpur Village Madhram Village Madhram Thanda 1 Madhram Thanda 2 Madhram Thanda 3 Srinikunta Bollapalligandinagar Village GW20 Bollapalligandinagar Thanda GW21 GW22 GW23 GW24 GW25 GW26 GW27 GW28 Suryapalli Village Nagiredd palli Village Nandanam Village Nyamatupalli village Nyamatupalli Thanda Erram palli Village Tukkapuram Village Bommaipalli Village 7.48 7.36 7.78 7.51 10.16 7.58 7.58 7.65 1409 998 1946 1283 204 1479 1419 1191 845.4 598.8 1168 769.8 122.4 887.4 851.4 714.6 477 167 347 288 36.7 113 148 129 8.9 2.6 3.3 2.8 4.7 3.2 2.2 2.8 84.5 55.3 45.9 104 6.9 54.2 46.8 31.4 46.2 114 31.8 95.3 6.2 134 107 23.4 711 365 301 667 14.8 151 261 162 126 109 112 127 2.9 85.9 71.9 60.2 7.99 1528 916.8 286 8.7 43.2 32.7 206 94.8 7.73 7.56 7.82 8.23 7.36 7.64 7.59 7.59 7.48 7.4 8.17 7.72 7.39 7.73 7.55 7.54 7.52 8.33 8.04 878 1438 1370 635 1158 619 535 958 1775 595 630 650 738 1095 939 534 811 1227 1676 TDS (mg/l ) 526.8 862.8 490.2 381 694.8 371.4 321.4 574.8 1065 357 380 390 442.8 657 563.4 320.4 486.6 736.2 1006 Na+ (mg/ l) 137 189 275 131 90.8 75 53 123 169 126 76 71 164 101 73 61 161 255 306 K+ (mg/ l) 2.1 3.1 2.8 6.6 1.8 1.8 1.7 6.7 117 19.7 1.7 2.4 4 3 5.2 4 45.8 4 11.4 Mg+2 (mg/l ) 20.1 41.5 40.1 37.5 83.1 39.1 25.1 43 42.9 28.3 40.6 41.8 40.8 47.9 45.2 40.2 63.8 36.4 49.8 Ca+2 (mg/ l) 22.5 116 63.1 85.2 235 34.8 46.8 20.1 47.7 61.8 34.3 92.8 48.7 45.2 113 69.8 78.9 48.2 27.8 Cl(mg/l ) 101 418 240 102 395 31.5 11.9 96.3 202 95.3 44.7 122 182 138 153 71.9 145 153 239 SO4-2 (mg/l ) 30.5 55.9 72.8 50.2 120 21.9 10.4 48.9 101 39.6 35.2 59.8 58.2 102 126 31.8 55.7 77.8 96.5

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HCO3(mg/l) CO3(mg/ l) 135.3 147.2 320.4 342.3 113 191.9 302.2 323.8 214.3 296.3 342.5 1557 243.8 207.8 165.4 172.4 539 540.3 482.4 14 15 32 61 13 17 32 43 35 31 32 19 34 19 18 30 56 70 52 NO3(mg/ l) 17.2 52.4 27.6 93.5 395 16.2 13.9 22.3 189 30.9 20.8 66.3 50.8 37.2 141 50.8 122 14.9 31.9 F(m g/l) 2.1 2.7 2.8 1.6 0.4 0.9 1.4 1.6 0.4 1 1.3 0.8 1.3 1.4 0.6 0.9 2 2.2 2.9





357.2 98.4 409.7 189.8 119.3 284.2 177.3 232.4

43 16 47 31 8 23 17 28

8 172 40.5 71.6 34.2 186 107 54.2

2.7 0.8 2.5 1.4 0.8 1.3 1.2 0.8

TABLE (1) Groundwater Quality Parameters in the Study Area

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Groundwater Parameters pH EC TDS mg/l Na+ mg/l K+ mg/l Mg+2 mg/l Ca+2mg/l Cl- mg/l SO4-2 mg/l HCO3- mg/l CO3- mg/l NO3- mg/l F- mg/l Mini mum values 7.36 204 122.4 36.7 1.7 6.9 6.2 11.9 2.9 98 8 8 0.4 Maximu m values 10.16 1946 1167 476.8 116.5 103.5 235.2 711 126 540 70 395.4 2.9 Average values 8.76 1075 644.75 256.75 59.1 55.2 120.7 361.45 64.45 319 39 201.7 1.65

ISSN: 2319 - 1163 215 - 219

Wilcox diagram is drawn for the groundwater parameters in the study area in order to analyse the sodium adsorption ratio. It has been observed that C3S1, C3S2, C3S3 classification types are identified. C3S3 type classification is observed at Gudur Thanda, Pagidipalli Village, Gudur village, Anamptla Village, Erravattet Thanda, Gannegani Thanda, Makhdumpalli Village, Makhdumpalli Thanda, Gollaguda Village, Gollaguda Thanda, Ravipadu Village, Ravipadu Thanda, Anjpur Village, Madhram Village, Madhram Thanda 1, Madhram Thanda 2, Madhram Thanda 3, Srinikunta Village, Bollapalli gandinagar Village, Bollapalli gandinagar Thanda, Nagireddy palli Village, Nandanam Village, Nyamatupalli Thanda, Erram palli Village, Tukkapuram Village, and Bommaipalli Village. C3S2 type classification is observed at the Suryapalli Village and Nandanam Village and C3S3 type classification observed at Nyamatupalli Village. The salinity versus sodium absorption diagram for the analyses of groundwater quality parameters is shown in fig. 4

Table (2) Average Values of the Groundwater Quality parameters A Piper diagram was plotted for the analyses of groundwater samples. Three types of distributions have been observed in the study area according to Piper diagram. Most of the samples are of the type of Ca+2- Mg+2-HCO-3. The samples collected at Gudur Thanda, Pagidipalli Village, Gudur Village, Anamptla Village, Erravattet Thanda, Gannegani Thanda, Makhdumpalli Village, Makhdumpalli Thanda, Gollaguda Village, Gollaguda Thanda, Ravipadu Village, Ravipadu Thanda, Anjpur Village, Madhram Village, Madhram Thanda 1 are Ca+2-Mg+2-HCO-3. Na+-HCO3- type distribution is observed in Madhram Thanda 2, Madhram Thanda 3, Srinikunta Village, Bommaipalli Village, Bollapalli gandinagar Thanda, Bollapalli gandinagar Village, Suryapalli Village, Nandanam Village and Nyamatupalli Village. Nyamatupalli Thanda, Erram palli Village, Tukkapuram Village, and Nagireddy palli Village are Na+-Cl- type. The iper diagram for the analyses of groundwater samples is shown in fig.3.

Fig.4 Wilcox Diagram for the Groundwater samples in the Study Area

For the groundwater samples collected in the study area the nitrate concentration values varied from 8-395.4 and the fluoride concentration values varied between 0.4-2.9. According to Piper diagram three types of classification namely Ca+2-Mg+2-HCO-3, Na+-HCO3- and Na+-Cl- are observed in the study area. 15 groundwater samples are of Ca+2-Mg+2-HCO-3 type, 9 are Na+-HCO3- type and remaining 4 groundwater samples are of Na+-Cl- type of distribution. 53% of the groundwater samples shows shallow meteoric percolation type, while 47% shows deep meteoric percolation type. The overall quality of groundwater in chinnaeru river basin was found to be good according to Piper diagram. According to Wilcox diagram three types of classifications namely C3S1, C3S2, C3S3 are observed in the study area. 21 samples are C3S1 classification type, 5 samples are C3S2 classification type and 2 samples are C3S3 classification type. From the Wilcox diagram it can be concluded that the groundwater available in the chinnaeru river basin is suitable for irrigation purpose.

Fig. 3 Piper Diagram for the Groundwater samples in the Study Area

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ISSN: 2319 - 1163 215 - 219







Dr. C.Sarala, Associate Professor, Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad. Her research interest includes water resources analysis and environmental related problems.

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