Article 3
Article 3
Article 3
Preuves d’indexation
Lake Guiers is the largest reservoir of surface water in discharge or potability standards was carried out.
Senegal. Located in the north of the country, it has a
morphology characterized by a north-east and south-west
elongation. With 50 km long, 7 km wide and a volume of 2. Materials and Methods
680 million m3, it is a flat plat and a little deep lake with a
depth estimated to 2 m. Its center north has a free water 2.1. Location of the Project Area and
and its south is dominated by macrophytes, Typha
domingensis [9]. Its northern part receives water from the
Identification of Measurement Points
Senegal River via the canal of Taouey [10]. The Keur Momar Sarr (KMS II) treatment plant is
In this present work, we have carried out a characterization located south of Lake Guiers, along the D302
of the physicochemical and chemical parameters of the departmental road, in the Louga region, in the eponymous
waters of Keur Momar in order to gain visibility on the department, 3 km north of the town of Keur Momar Sarr,
evolution of these parameters. Then, a comparative study capital of the commune of the same name.
between certain chemical elements measured and the The Figure 1 below shows the location of our study area.
Figure 1. Location map of the Keur Momar Sarr plant (KMS II)
For this work, we have chosen five points for taking • Point 4 presents the sample taken from the water
analytical samples, which are the measurements, namely: intake for treatment in the plant.
• Point 1 presents the sample taken from the left bank. • Point 5 corresponds to the sample of water already
• Point 2 corresponds to the sample taken in the treated in the plant.
middle of the lake. The Figure 2 shows the location of water quality
• Point 3 corresponds to the sample taken from the measurement points.
right bank.
49 Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry
As for schoeller Berkalov's diagram, it makes it Temperature has a significant effect on the ecology of
possible to represent the chemical facies of several waters. all lake basins [12].
Each sample is represented by a broken line. The This table shows that the temperature measured at
concentration of each chemical element is represented by points 1, 2, 3 and 4 has seen a slight variation and is between
a vertical line in logarithmic scale. The broken line is 26.4 and 26.9°C. These temperature values correspond to
formed by connecting all the points representing the those measured on the raw water at Lake level.
different chemical elements. When the lines intersect, a However, the temperature value obtained at the level of
change of facies is highlighted. the treated water in the plant which corresponds to point 5
The Stabler diagram is used to quickly determine the is 28°C and is slightly higher than the other values of
different titles of a water (alkalimetry title, strong acid salt the other measurement points in Table 1. This high
title and hydrometry title). temperature could be justified at the time of measurement
The Wilcox diagram is mainly used to assess the risk of (13 h 45mn) where we note a strong heat at the time of
soil salinization. It uses electrical conductivity or total sampling [13].
dissolved charge for this. The turbidity varies between 26.4 and 28 uTN, the
The diagram is divided into four classes of salinity maximum value has been noted at the level of point 1. The
(x-axis) and four classes of risk of sodization (y-axis). turbidity measured at point 3 is substantially equal to that
obtained at point 5 which is 26.8 uTN. However, we note
that the turbidity is very high compared to the permissible
3. Results and Discussion value which is 5 uTN according to the WHO [14].
Turbidity is an indication of the transparency, clarity of
3.1. Presentation of the Results Obtained water and is caused by fine suspended particles that do not
settle in time [15].
after Measurement and Analysis The salinity state of the soil can be obtained by
3.1.1. Physicochemical Parameters measuring the electrical conductivity of water [16].
It is also a function of the temperature of the water, it is
The Table 1 provides information on the results of the more important when the temperature increases [17].
analyses obtained after measurement.
Table 1. Results of chemical and physicochemical parameters obtained from the analyses
Measuring points
Parameters Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5
(left bank) (middle of the lake) (right bank) (hydrant) (factory)
Temperature (°C) 26,4 26,9 26,6 26,4 28
Turbidity (uTN) 28 23 26,7 25,2 26,8
Conductivity (µS/Cm) 257 260 256 251 271
pH (25°C) 7,64 7,69 7,83 7,87 7,26
pH saturation (Langelier’s formula) 8,04 8,07 8,17 8,21 8,35
Langelier index 0,4 0,38 0,34 0,34 1,09
Total alkalinity (mg/L) 82 76 78 64 46
Calcium hardness (mg/L) 44,9 44,89 34,69 38,76 38,77
Total Hardness (mg/L) 104,08 138,78 102,04 97,96 100
CO2 (Tillman’s formula) (mg/L) 3,81 3,14 2,34 1,75 5,13
Total Cations meq/L 1,64 1,52 1,56 1,28 0,92
OH- (mg/L) 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,003
HCO3- (mg/L) 99,46 92,11 94,3 77,3 55,98
HCO32- (mg/L) 0,26 0,28 0,39 0,36 0,06
SO42- (mg/L) 16,2 16,1 16,6 16,6 31
Cl- (mg/L) 39,99 39,53 33,45 36,35 44,53
Sum of anions (meq/L) 3,1 2,97 2,85 2,65 2,82
H+ (µg/L) 0,0254 0,0226 0,0164 0,0150 0,0609
Ca2+ (mg/L) 17,96 17,96 13,88 15,51 15,51
Mg2+ (mg/L) 14,38 22,81 16,35 14,38 14,87
Na+ (mg/L) 25,99 25,7 21,74 23,63 28,95
K+ (mg/L) 3 2,8 3,1 2,8 3,8
Sum of cations (meq/L) 3,3 3,98 3,08 3,07 3,37
DCO (mg/L) 17 19,2 15,9 19,9 17,9
Zn2+ (mg/L) 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03
Pb2+ (mg/L) 0,82 0,87 0,91 1,09 0,6
PO43- (mg/L) 0,39 0,39 0,32 0,18 0,13
Fe2+ (mg/L) 0,24 too low 0,13 0,12 too low
NO3- (mg/L) de N too low 0,01 not available not available too low
NO2- (mg/L) de N 0,01 0,01 0,01 15 too low
Total Nitrogen (mg/L) de N 25 17 Too low 15 too low
51 Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry
The conductivity values measured at the water level of Compared to other ions, protons (H+) and hydroxide
the lake did not exceed the Senegalese discharge standard. ions (OH-) exhibit abnormally high mobilities in aqueous
Water acidity and metal contamination are environmental solutions [26].
stresses that negatively affect several aquatic organisms in However, we note a dominance of sodium ions Na+
lakes [18]. with a maximum of 28.95 mg/L followed by ions Mg2+,
The acidity or alkalinity of the water is measured in Ca2+.The permissible magnesium content in natural waters
terms of pH or hydrogen ion concentration, neutral water belongs to the range [20-30mg/L] [27]. Based on this
has a pH of 7, if the pH value is less than 7, this water is indicator, we concluded that the magnesium concentration
acidic. Similarly, water is alkaline if the pH value is is low at the other measuring points except point 2 where
greater than 7 [19]. we have 22.81mg/L.
The results of analyses of the potential of Hydrogen pH Regarding the result obtained after the analysis of the
show that the water in the lake is soft in nature. All electrical conductivity at point 5 which corresponds to the
measured values are between 7 and 8. water treated in the Keur Momar Sarr drinking water
A discussion on the measurement of alkalinity in treatment plant, we can conclude that this value complies
bicarbonate-containing waters and acidic waters is with WHO standards. The concentration of iron ions in the
presented as a step towards the development of a treated water admits a value that is too low and is lower
standardized approach in aquatic sciences [20]. than that established by the WHO, as is the nitrate level
The results of total alkalinity obtained after analysis -
NO3 .Sodium is an abundant metal, always associated
show that the value found at point 1 is higher compared to with chemical elements There are many minerals
the other points, unlike point 5 where we note a low value containing sodium, mainly in the group of silicates,
compared to the other measured. The results obtained in halides etc [28].
points 2 and 3 are almost identical in point 4. Abnormally high levels may come from industrial or
Today, the technical importance of water hardness is domestic input. The sodium concentration in drinking
more concerned about corrosive effects on the calcium water is normally less than 50mg/L, but it may increase
hardness is practically constant at points 1 and 2 where we during softening (by ion exchange) treatments of
have a value of 44.9 mg / L or 4.49 ° F as well as points 4 calcareous water [29].
and 5 whose value is 38.77 mg / L or 3.877°F, these An epidemiological study has shown that water
values show that the water of the lake is soft. containing a high sodium content leads to an increase in
The measured hardness values are high with a blood pressure [30].
maximum of 138.78 in point 2 and a minimum of Nitrates have no toxicity to humans and their limitation
97.96 mg/L in point 4. The values obtained in points 1, 3 in food and drinking water is no longer based on any
and 5 are equal to 104.08, 102.04 and 100 mg/L serious health justification [31].
respectively. The measured chemical oxygen demand (COD) has a
maximum of 19.9 in point 4 and a minimum of 15.9 mg/L
3.1.2. Chemical Parameters in point 3. The values obtained in points 1, 2 and 5 are
The CO2 content is high at point 5 which is equal to respectively equal to 17; 19.2 and 17.9 mg/L.
5.13 mg/L and low at point 4 with 1.75 mg/L. However, Heavy metals are low in the study area, the threshold is
a slight variation is noted in points 1 and 2 of equal to 1.9 mg/L which corresponds to the lead content at
respective values 3.81 and 3.14 mg /L. The concentration point 4 level.
of CO2 decreases when the temperature rises and when In this part, we presented the major causes of the
the water is put in the presence of a gas phase low in differences in values obtained in certain measuring points
CO2 [21]. CO2 storage in aquifers is one of the most and also modeled these results in software to have a better
promising options for reducing atmospheric CO2 visibility on the quality of the water.
concentration [22]. The low concentration of iron in water may be related
Anions such as bicarbonate ions HCO3- are the majority to a lack of phosphate addition, its presence of which
with a maximum value of 99.46 mg/L in point 1, followed leads to an increase in the concentration of iron in water
by chloride ions Cl- whose maximum value is obtained in and in some cases, increases in bacterial growth related to
point 5 which is the sample of water already treated in the the nutrient role of [32]. Iron is an essential element for
plant. We still see in point 5, the sulphate ion (SO42-) nutrition, iron deficiencies can have certain effects,
content is maximum for a 31 mg/L. However the including insufficient mental development and activity in
concentration of these sulphate ions remains constant at children [33].
the other points at the limit of 16.6 mg/L. The presence of -
Nitrates (NO3 ) are the dominant nitrogenous form in
sulphates comes from runoff or infiltration in gypsum rivers and groundwater. Their concentration rarely
fields, they also result from the activity of certain bacteria exceeds 0.45 mg/l [34]. Higher values indicate discharges
(chlorothiobacteria, rhodothiobacterium, etc [23]. of wastewater into the source of water withdrawal and
This activity can oxidize hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to excessive use of fertilizers used in agriculture [35].
sulphate [24]. Sulphate is likely in this case to cause Lead is a cumulative toxic element with generalized
diarrhea leading to severe dehydration, digestive disorders effects, the effects are mainly neurological, nephrological,
and nausea can occur and cause acute abdominal pain in hepatic, cardiovascular and hematological [36].
some people [25]. OH- hydroxide ions are extremely low The average threshold for sodium is 200 mg/L in water
for any measuring point. treated according to WHO standards [37]. However, when
As for the cations of the proton ions H+ are extremely comparing with the value obtained on the treated water,
weak at each measuring point. we noticed a big difference. We can then say that this
Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry 52
threshold does not comply with WHO standards. We have characterization of water according to geochemical facies
the same remarks about sulphate. on the one hand and on the other hand to represent the
The carbon dioxide ion content in the treated water is evolution between waters of different geochemistry.
also lower than the WHO reported value of 50 mg/L [38]. The term hydrochemical facies is a function of solution
Scientific findings show a health risk namely decreased kinetics, rock-water interactions, geology and contamination
cognitive abilities, bone decalcification, kidney calcification sources used to describe the quTantities of water that
and oxidative stress [39]. differ in their chemical composition. A convenient method
to classify and compare water types based on ionic
3.2. Observation and Interpretation of the composition is proposed by Piper by plotting the chemical
data on a trilinear diagram [40]. The examination of
Results the hydrochemical contents of major elements in the
The use of the Piper diagram allowed us to represent different types of water reveals the existence of a
the data of the waters of Keur Momar Sarr in Figure 3. certain homogeneity of the dominant cations and anions:
After sampling and analysis, the samples were magnesium and sodium for cations, chloride and sulphate
presented in the Piper diagram in order to make a for anions [41].
Figure 3. Presentation of Keur Momar Sarr water data on the Piper diagram
Figure 4. Presentation of Keur Momar Sarr water data on schoeller Berkalov's diagram
53 Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry
We note that the chlorinated and calcium sulphate represents treated water. The low alkalimetry at point 5 is
facies is dominant, in the triangle of cations, the samples mainly due to chloride, sodium, and magnesium ions.
are mostly located close to the sodium pole (e.g. Figure 3). The Riverside/Wilson diagrams are given in Figure 6
In the triangle of anions, we note a migration of ions to the and Figure 7. These figures represent results after analysis
chloride pole. of the waters of Keur Momar Sarr.
The Schoeller Berkalov diagram gives the representation They are used to assess the risk of soil salinization. For
of the data of the waters Keur Momar Sarr (e.g. Figure 4). this, it uses the electrical conductivity or total dissolved
The Schoeller-Berkaloff diagram allows the representation charge, both relative to the salinity of the water, and the
of several analyses on the same graph, if the concentrations absorption index of the sodium also called “salinizing
are identical, there is an overlay of lines obtained and if power [42].
not, there is a relative shift of the latter. Recent developments in water quality have significantly
According to Schoeller's classification, we find a improved living conditions of riparian populations,
dominance of magnesium ion at the level of cations and a especially in the southern region of the lake. General
dominance of chloride ions at the level of anions followed softening of waters has also accelerated the development
by sulfate ions. of aquatic vegetation already favoured by stabilizing the
The Stabler diagram (e.g. Figure 5) shows the results water level [43].
after analysis of the waters of Keur Momar Sarr. The results obtained after importing the data at these
Reading this diagram shows that points 1, 2, 3 and 4 different diagrams show that the source is of excellent
have a high alkalimetry compared to point 5 which quality as shown in this diagram.
Figure 5. Presentation of the results after analysis of the waters of Keur Momar Sarr on the Stabler diagram
Figure 6. Presentation of the results after analysis of the waters of Keur Momar Sarr on the Wilcox diagram
Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry 54
Figure 7. Presentation of the results after analysis of the waters of Keur Momar Sarr on the Riverside diagram
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