Api I C2
Api I C2
Api I C2
MEEC 2011-2012
Industrial Automation
(Automao de Processos Industriais)
Introduction to PLCs
Slides 2010/2011 Prof. Paulo Jorge Oliveira Rev. 2011/2012 Prof. Jos Gaspar
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Industrial Automation
Chap. 1 Introduction to Automation [1 week] ... Chap. 2 Introduction to PLCs [2 weeks] Components of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Internal architecture and functional structure. Input / output interfaces. Interconnection of PLCs . ... Chap. 3 PLCs Programming Languages [2 weeks]
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Bibliography :
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Operating Specifications
A key must be required to be used in the model of the automatic-manual selector. A counter of the number of operations should be incorporated in the solution, to identify when maintenance is required. The maintenance must be at each 10000 operations, ... etc
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Phases of a Project in EE&CS: (Automation included) Preliminary Study Preparation Execution Conclusion
Specifications Technical solution choice Execution of techn. drawings Documentation Software development Installation Software installation Tests Start of operation Start of exploitation
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Architecture of PLCs
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address data
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Architecture of PLCs
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Problem [Petruzella96]: A mixer motor is to be used to automatically stir the liquid in a vat when the temperature and pressure reach preset values. In addition, direct manual operation of the motor is provided by means of a separate pushbutton station.
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Architecture of PLCs
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8.2.1 The Input and Output Scans When the inputs to the PLC are scanned the physical input values are copied into memory. When the outputs to a PLC are scanned they are copied from memory to the physical outputs. When the ladder logic is scanned it uses the values in memory, not the actual input or output values. The primary reason for doing this is so that if a program uses an input value in multiple places, a change in the input value will not invalidate the logic. Also, if output bits were changed as each bit was changed, instead of all at once at the end of the scan the PLC would operate much slower. [From Hugh Jack (PLCs book)]
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The inputs must be active for at least one scan cycle to have impact (no uncertainty) in the internal PLC state and indirectly in the outputs.
Exception: interrupts...
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Q: Worst time interval for an input to have impact on an output (with probability one)?
A: 2 * Scan Period
Q: Smallest time interval (with probability greater than zero) that the change in one input can impact in one output?
A: Scan Period Read Time Write Time = Execution Time
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Horizontal scanning
Vertical scanning
Scanning rungs...
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8.2.2 The Logic Scan Ladder logic programs are modelled after relay logic. In relay logic each element in the ladder will switch as quickly as possible. But in a program elements can only be examines one at a time in a fixed sequence. Consider the ladder logic in Figure 8.4, the ladder logic will be interpreted left-to-right, top-to-bottom. In the figure the ladder logic scan begins at the top rung. At the end of the rung it interprets the top output first, then the output branched below it. On the second rung it solves branches, before moving along the ladder logic rung. [From Hugh Jack (PLCs book)]
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Components of PLCs: Input and output interfaces 2.1 AC input module (discrete)
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Components of PLCs: Input and output interfaces 2.1 AC input module: simplified implementation
Components of PLCs: Input and output interfaces 2.2 AC output module (discrete)
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Components of PLCs: Input and output interfaces 2.2 AC output module (discrete)
Components of PLCs: Input and output interfaces 2.3 DC input module (discrete)
Attention to:
Galvanic isolation
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Components of PLCs: Input and output interfaces 2.4 DC output module (discrete)
Connections to terminals ...
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Isolation to the noise Isolation relative to disturbances on the network Efficiency Consumption Size (volume and weight) Robustness relative to load variations
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