Topology Preliminaries
In this lecture we review some basic notions from topology, the main goal being
to set up the language. Except for one result (Urysohn Lemma) there will be no
Definitions. A topology on a (non-empty) set X is a family T of subsets of
X, which are called open sets, with the following properties:
(top1 ): both the empty set ∅ and the total set X are open;
(top2 ): an arbitrary union of open sets is open;
(top3 ): a finite intersection of open sets is open.
In this case the system (X, T ) is called a topological space.
If (X, T ) is a topological space and x ∈ X is an element in X, a subset N ⊂ X
is called a neighborhood of x if there exists some open set D such that x ∈ D ⊂ N .
A collection N of neighborhoods of x is called a basic system of neighborhoods
of x, if for any neighborhood M of x, there exists some neighborhood N in N such
that x ∈ N ⊂ M .
A collection V of neighborhoods of x is called a fundamental system of neighbor-
hoods of x if for any neighborhood M of x there exists a finite sequence V1 , V2 , . . . , Vn
of neighborhoods in V such that x ∈ V1 ∩ V2 ∩ · · · ∩ Vn ⊂ M .
A topology is said to have the Hausdorff property if:
(h) for any x, y ∈ X with x 6= y, there exist open sets U 3 x and V 3 y such
that U ∩ V = ∅.
If (X, T ) is a topological space, a subset F ⊂ X will be called closed, if its
complement X r F is open. The following properties are easily derived from the
(c1 ) both the empty set ∅ and the total set X are closed;
(c2 ) an arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed;
(c3 ) a finite union of closed sets is closed.
Examples 1.1. A. The standard topology T on R is defined as
T = D ⊂ R : D is a union of open intervals. .
The term “open interval” is suggestive of the fact that every such interval is an
open set. Likewise, every closed interval is closed in this topology. For a point
Let us start by constructing V0 and V1 . We use property (n0 ) to find open sets
U, W ⊂ X, with
A ⊂ U ⊂ U ⊂ W and W ∩ B = ∅,
and we simply take V0 = U and V1 = W .
The construction of the family (Vt )t∈D is carried on recursively. Assume, for
some integer n ≥ 0, we have constructed the sets (Vt )t∈Dn with property (i) and (ii)
(satisfied for t, s ∈ Dn ), and let us construct the next block of sets (Vt )t∈Dn+1 rDn .
We start off by observing that for every t ∈ Dn+1 r Dn , then the numbers
t± = t ±
belong to Dn . Apply (n0 ) to the pair of disjoint closed sets V t− and X r Vt+ to
find two open sets U, W ⊂ X such that
V t− ⊂ U ⊂ U ⊂ W and W ∩ X r Vt+ = ∅.
Notice that the equality W ∩ (X r Vt+ ) = ∅, coupled with the inclusion U ⊂ W ,
gives U ∩ (X r Vt+ ), so we get U ⊂ Vt+ . We can then define Vt = U , and we will
obviously have the inclusions
(3) V t− ⊂ Vt ⊂ V t ⊂ Vt+ .
Now the extended family (Vt )t∈Dn+1 will also satisfy property (ii), since for t, s ∈
Dn+1 with t < s, one of the following will hold:
• either t, s ∈ Dn , or
• t ∈ Dn , s ∈ Dn+1 r Dn , and t ≤ s− , or
• t ∈ Dn+1 r Dn , s ∈ Dn , and t+ ≤ s, or
• t, s ∈ Dn+1 r Dn , and t+ ≤ s− .
(In either case, one uses (3) combined with the inductive hypothesis.)
Having constructed the family (Vt )t∈D , with properties (i) and (ii), we define
the functions f : X → [0, 1] by
inf{t ∈ D : x ∈ Vt }, if x ∈ V1
f (x) =
1, if x 6∈ V1
Claim 1: The function f is equivalently defined by
0, if x ∈ V 0
(4) f (x) =
sup{t ∈ D : x 6∈ V t }, if x 6∈ V 0
Let us denote by g : X → [0, 1] be the function defined by formula (4). Fix
some point x ∈ X. We break the proof in several cases
Case I: x ∈ V 0 .
In particular, using (ii) we get x ∈ Vt , for all t ∈ D, with t > 0, and since
x ∈ V1 , we have
f (x) = inf{t ∈ D : x ∈ Vt } = inf{t ∈ D : t > 0} = 0 = g(x).
Case II: x 6∈ V1 .
Using (ii) we have x 6∈ V t , for all t ∈ D, with t < 1, and since x 6∈ V 0 , we have
g(x) = sup{t ∈ D : x 6∈ V t } = sup{t ∈ D : t < 1} = 1 = f (x).
Case III: x ∈ V1 r V 0 .
Start with a point x ∈ f −1 (t, ∞) , which means that f (x) < t. Using (6), there
exists some s ∈ D with f (x) < s < t, such that x ∈ Vs , so x indeed belongs to
the right hand side of (11). Conversely, if x belongs to the right hand side of (11),
there exists some s < t such that x ∈ Vs . By the definition of f (x), it follows that
f (x) ≤ s < t, so x ∈ f −1 (∞, t) .
1 The condition (usc) means that f is upper semi-continuous, while the condition (lsc)
means that f is lower semi-continuous.
§1. Review of basic topology concepts 7
Start with a point x ∈ f −1 (t, ∞) , which means that f (x) > t. Using (8), there
exists some r ∈ D with f (x) > r > t, such that x 6∈ V r , that is, x ∈ X r V r , so x
indeed belongs to the right hand side of (12). Conversely, if x belongs to the right
hand side of (12), there exists some r > t such that x ∈ X r V s , i.e. x 6∈ V r By
the equivalent definition of f (x) given by Claim 1, it follows that f (x) ≥ r > t, so
x ∈ f −1 (t, ∞) .