MI LARA Revised Medical Marihuana Registry Forms
MI LARA Revised Medical Marihuana Registry Forms
MI LARA Revised Medical Marihuana Registry Forms
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry P.O. Box 30083, Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-0395 www.michigan.gov/mmp
for Registry Identification Card
For Applicants/Patients 18 years of age or older Please call our office if you have any questions Submit ALL documents in ONE envelope We recommend the applicant/patient submit the application packet Type or print legibly
NEW: I have never applied before or my registry ID card is expired RENEWAL: My current registry ID card is not expired
For Renewal Application Changes: Patient Address Change Patient Name Change Caregiver Address Change Plant Possession Caregiver Name Change (Documents required; see question #2 on page 2)
Patient Adding or Changing to New Caregiver (List the new caregivers information in Section B) Section A: APPLICANT/PATIENT INFORMATION: (REQUIRED)
For Renewals: Current Card Registry ID Card Number: P_________________________________________ Male Female
Legal Name (First):____________________________________ (MI):______ (Last):______________________________________________ Social Security Number:________________________________________________ Date of Birth:___________________________________ Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Apt/Lot #_______________________ City:___________________________________ Zip:_____________ Phone Number (with area code):____________________________________ Alternate Phone Number (with area code):________________________________________________ **A patient who is 18 years of age or older is not required to designate a caregiver** To add or change to a new caregiver, you must complete Section B and refer to questions #8-9 on page 2. Leave Section B blank ONLY if you are NOT designating a caregiver.
(if applicable)
<-------- OR -------->
To ensure this application is complete, the Applicant/Patient must answer YES to all of the applicable questions below:
1. Did you, the applicant/patient, answer all of the fields correctly and legibly in Section A?........................................ 2. For renewals, is a copy of documentation provided for a name change?
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
(I.e., marriage/divorce decree, legal name change document, valid MI driver license or Michigan ID, etc).. YES
(if applicable)
Are all of the fields for the caregiver answered correctly and legibly in Section B (if applicable) (if you, the patient, designated a caregiver)?................................................................................................................ YES Is only one box checked in Section C for person who is allowed to possess the patients Marihuana plants?.......... YES NO
(if #5 is NO, #6 must be YES)
Did you, the applicant/patient, sign and date this application in Section D below?..................................................... YES
OR, is a copy of a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or legal guardianship with (if #6 is NO, #5 must be YES) signatory authority provided, if the applicant/patient is unable to sign this application?............................................... YES NO Is a valid, clear copy (front and back) of the applicant/patients Michigan driver license or Michigan ID provided OR your photo ID and Michigan voter registration provided?.............................................................. YES Is a valid, clear copy (front and back) of the caregivers Michigan driver license or Michigan ID provided OR his/her photo ID and Michigan voter registration provided (if you, (if applicable) the applicant/patient, designated a caregiver in Section B)?....................................................................................... YES Is a copy of the Caregiver Attestation, correctly and legibly completed by the caregiver, provided (if applicable) (if you, the applicant/patient, designated a caregiver in Section B)?........................................................................... YES
(if #11 is NO, #12 must be YES)
10. Is the Physician Certification provided?........................................................................................................................ YES 11. Is the $100.00 Registration Fee included, payable to State of Michigan-MMMP?....................................................... YES Enter the $100.00Check or Money Order #__________________________ 12. OR, if you are eligible for the reduced fee, is the $25.00 Registration Fee included, (if #12 is NO, #11 must be YES) payable to State of Michigan-MMMP? (Additional documents required-See #12)... YES NO Enter the $25.00 Check or Money Order #_____________________________
(if applicable)
13. Is the acceptable supporting documentation for the reduced fee included?.................................................................. YES Examples of acceptable supporting documentation for the reduced fee are available at www.michigan.gov/mmp. 14. Check the program you, the applicant/patient, are currently enrolled in which qualifies you for the reduced fee: Full Medicaid Social Security Disability Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 15. Make a copy for your records and mail only one complete application, the check or money order, and all required documentation in one envelope to: Michigan Medical Marihuana Registry Program PO Box 30083 Lansing, MI 48909
If this application is denied, the patient will receive a certified letter of explanation. You can then resubmit a copy of the application, with all required documents, for reconsideration up to 2 years from the date the fee is received. If this application is approved, it will be processed in the date order received. The patient, and caregiver if designated, will be issued and sent a registry ID card to the mailing address provided on this application. If you have not received a denial letter, an approval letter, or some form of notification within six (6) weeks from the date the MMP receives your valid application, please contact our office at 517-373-0395 and select option #3. Please allow a full 6 weeks. After submitting this application, any changes to your record (address, caregiver, name, etc.), prior to your registry ID cards expiration, should be submitted on a Change Form with the required fee. We recommend not submitting a Change Form within 60 days of submitting your renewal application.
Caregiver Attestation
PROOF OF MICHIGAN RESIDENCY IS REQUIRED TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY The person the applicant/patient is designating to be their primary caregiver must complete this form in its entirety. This form must be submitted by the applicant/patient along with his/her application or change form.
If the applicant/patient has never had a Michigan registry ID card or if the patients card will expire within the next 60 days, they should submit this attestation with an application form. If the applicant/patient has recently submitted their application or renewal application, they should submit this attestation with a change form. If you have questions on which form to use, please contact the MMP at 517-373-0395.
I, ______________________________________________________________________________, do hereby declare each of the (Print CAREGIVERS NAME above) below statements are true and accurate: The designated caregiver must initial each line below: ___ ___ ___ I am at least 21 years of age at the time I am signing this Attestation. I acknowledge at the time I am signing this Attestation I am not a caregiver for more than 5 qualifying patients. I will not possess more than 2.5 ounces of usable marihuana and 12 marihuana plants for this qualifying patient if the applicant/patient named below designates me to possess his/her marihuana plants on the application or change form submitted with this Attestation (see Section C of the application or change form). I have provided a front and back copy of my Michigan driver license or Michigan state ID (OR a front and back copy of my photo ID and Michigan voter registration) to this applicant/patient to submit his/her application or change form. I have never been convicted of ANY felony offense involving illegal drugs. I have not been convicted of ANY felony offense within the past 10 years. (Attestations received on or after April 1, 2013) I have never been convicted of ANY felony that is an assaultive crime as defined in Section 9a of Chapter X of the code of criminal procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 770.9a. (Attestations received on or after April 1, 2013) Some examples are listed below (this is not an all-inclusive list). If you have questions, please seek legal counsel. Stalking or aggravated stalking Assault with intent to commit felony not otherwise punished Conduct proscribed under MCL 750.81 to 750.89 as felony; intent [to commit conduct against a pregnant individual in order to cause or which leads to a miscarriage or stillbirth, or other harm to the embryo or fetus] Felonious Use of Explosives (MCL750.200-MCL750.212a) Terrorism: Violation of the Michigan Anti-Terrorism Act (MCL750.543a-750.543z) Felonious Assault Assault with intent to maim Attempted murder, 1st or 2nd degree murder Assault with intent to commit murder Assault with intent to commit CSC or CSC 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th degree Carjacking Manslaughter Mayhem Larceny of money or other property
Threats/assault against employee of Family Independence Agency Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder; assault by strangulation or suffocation Leading, taking, carrying away, decoying, or enticing away child under 14 Kidnapping/Prisoner taking person as hostage Assault with intent to rob and steal; armed or unarmed Use or possession of dangerous weapon ___ ___
I understand that my caregiver registration will become null and void if I am convicted of a felony offense. I am willing, able, and eligible to serve as the primary caregiver for: Print Applicant/Patients Name: ______________________________________________________
Caregiver Attestation
All fields below must be completed.
Legal Name (First):____________________________________ (MI):______ (Last):___________________________________________ Social Security Number:_____________________________________________ Date of Birth:___________________________________ Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________________ Apt/Lot #_______________________ City:________________________________ Zip:_____________ Phone Number (with area code):____________________________________ Alternate Phone Number (with area code):_____________________________________________ List any maiden names or nick names used now or in the past that you, the caregiver (male or female) have used. Attach a separate page if more space is required.
(if applicable)
Signature of Caregiver:
I declare that I am designating the above signed individual to be my caregiver. I have included this caregivers name and information in Section B: Primary Caregiver on the enclosed application or change form. I have included a copy of this caregivers Michigan driver license or Michigan state ID (OR his/her photo ID and Michigan voter registration) and this completed Caregiver Attestation.
Signature of Applicant/Patient:
THE CAREGIVER MUST ANSWER YES TO ALL OF THE QUESTIONS BELOW TO ENSURE THIS ATTESTATION IS COMPLETE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. On page 1, did you, the caregiver, print your name in the designated area at the top?................................. YES On page 1, did you, the caregiver, initial each statement verifying your eligibility to be a caregiver?............ YES On page 1, did you, the caregiver, print the patients name in the designated area at the bottom?............... YES On page 2, did you, the caregiver, complete all fields correctly and legibly?.................................................. YES On page 2, did you, the caregiver, enter all other previous and current names used?................................... YES On page 2, did the caregiver and patient sign in the appropriate designated areas?..................................... YES
(if applicable)
7. Provide this Attestation to the applicant/patient to submit to the MMP with the appropriate application or change form
Physician Certification
Please encourage patients to submit their application packets as soon as possible after you sign this certification.
This certification must be completed and signed by a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery fully licensed by the state of Michigan. **This certification does not constitute a prescription for marihuana.** CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN INFORMATION: (REQUIRED) **TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY**
Physician Name (First):__________________________________ (MI):______ (Last):___________________________________________ Full Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number (with area code):______________________________________________________________________________________ Michigan Physician License Number:
PATIENT INFORMATION: (REQUIRED) **TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY** Male Female Date of Birth:____________________________________
Legal Name (First):_______________________________ (MI):_____ (Last):______________________________________ Date of this patients in-person medical evaluation relating to this certification: _________________________________
I certify that the above named patient has been diagnosed with the following debilitating medical condition (check appropriate box(es)): Cancer Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Glaucoma Crohns Disease HIV or AIDS Positive Agitation of Alzheimers Disease Hepatitis C Nail Patella Other condition not listed, which has been approved as a qualifying condition pursuant to the Medical Marihuana Review Panel (MCL 333.26425a) _______________________________________________________________ Physicians Comments (if applicable): (Please Type or Print Legibly)
Physician Certification
I certify that the named patient on page 1 of this certification has been diagnosed with a medical condition or treatment that produces, for this patient, one or more of the following and which, in this physicians professional opinion, may be alleviated by the medical use of marihuana (check appropriate box(es)): Legibly print the medical condition or treatment Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome Severe and Chronic Pain Severe Nausea Seizures (Including but not limited to those characteristic of Epilepsy.) Severe and Persistent Muscle Spasms (Including but not limited to those characteristic of Multiple Sclerosis.) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Signature of Physician:
PRINT the name and telephone number of contact person at the physicians office to verify validity of this certification: Name: _____________________________________________ Phone Number (with area code): ________________________________________
1. On page 1, is the physician information complete with all fields correctly and legibly typed or printed in the Certifying Physician Information section?.............................................................................................. YES 2. On page 1, did you, the physician, initial each statement verifying compliance with the MMMA?................................. YES 3. On page 1, is the patient information complete with all fields correctly and legibly typed or printed in the Patient Information section?............................................................................................................................................. YES 4. On page 1, did you, the physician, identify the qualifying debilitating medical condition(s) for this patient?................... YES
(Either #4 or #5 must be checked YES)
5. On page 2, did you, the physician, identify the qualifying diagnosis AND state the medical (Either #4 or #5 must be checked YES) condition(s) or treatment for this patient?.......................................................................................................................... YES 6. On page 2, did you, the physician, sign the Certification in the appropriate designated area?........................................ YES 7. Did you, the physician, give this Certification to the patient to submit with their application?........................................... YES 8. Did you retain a copy of this Certification for this patients records?................................................................................. YES