Insulator Type Tests PDF

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The document outlines various type tests that are performed on disc insulator units and strings to verify their electrical and mechanical performance.

Tests include verification of dimensions, thermal mechanical performance, voltage withstand, residual strength, impact resistance, etc. Strings are also tested for voltage withstand, mechanical strength and pollution withstand.

Acceptance criteria for verification of dimensions testing includes tolerances for disc diameter, unit spacing and creepage distance based on the insulator rating.



On single units Sl Nature of test Reference: standard/document no 1 Verification of dimensions Approved drawing Disc diameter - do Unit spacing - do Creepage distance - do Radial & axial run out - do 2 Thermal Mechanical Powergrid tech specn & Cl 20 of IEC 383performance test 1/93 3 PF Voltage withstand and Powergrid approved GTP & Cl 20 of IEC flashover test (Dry & Wet) 383-1/93 4 LI withstand and flashover Powergrid approved GTP & Cl 20 of IEC test (Dry) 383-1/93 5 Visible discharge & RIV Powergrid approved GTP, IS 731/71 & test IEC 437/97 6 Residual strength IEC 797 7 Steep wave front test Powergrid tech specn 8 Impact test Powergrid tech specn & ANSI C 29.2

On string with hardware fittings Sl Nature of test no 1 PF voltage withstand (Wet) 2 SI voltage withstand (Wet) - only on strings used for 400 kV & above 3 LI voltage withstand & flashover test (Dry) 4 Voltage distribution 5 Mechanical strength test 6 7 8 Vibration test Power arc test Artificial Pollution test (only on anti fog discs) Reference: standard/document Cl 10 of IEC 383-2 Cl 11 of IEC 383-2 Cl 9 of IEC 383-2 Powergrid tech specn Powergrid tech specn Powergrid tech specn IEC 1467 IEC 507

TYPE TEST PROCEDURE TEST ON SINGLE UNITS 1) Verification of dimensions Following physical dimensions shall be checked on 10 samples in accordance with the drawing approved by Powergrid. a) b) c) d) e) Disc diameter Unit spacing Creepage distance Verification of eccentricity Gauge check of socket cap & Ball pin

Disc diameter
a) Reference standard a) Purpose/critically testing Approved drawing

of Influences the creepage distance of the single unit and also gap between insulator strings in case of double, triple & quad strings b) Test procedure Check the outer diameter of disc & verify compliance with the drawing c) Acceptance criteria 120 kN 255 +/- 11mm, 160 kN & 210 kN 280 +/- 12 mm, 120 kN A/F 280 +/- 12 mm, 160 kN A/F 305 +/13 mm d) Instruments used Out side caliper & scale

Unit spacing
a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Approved drawing of Influences the overall length of the string and hence the phase to ground clearances. Check the ball pin to ball pin distance of the single unit & verify compliance with the drawing 120 kN 145 +/- 4 mm, 160 kN & 210 kN 170 +/- 5 mm. Marking block & vernier height gauge

Creepage distance
a) Reference: standard b) Purpose/critically testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria Approved drawing of Influences the electrical performance especially under pollution Using adhesive tape the shortest distance between the socket cap & pin is measured accounting only the porcelain surface. Normal disc 120 kN 315 mm + 60/- 0 160 kN 330 mm + 40/- 0 Anti fog 120 kN 430 mm + 60/- 0 160 kN 475 mm + 40/- 0 Steel scale & adhesive tape

e) Instruments used

Radial & axial run out

a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically testing c) Test procedure Approved drawing of It is a measure of alignment of socket cap, porcelain and ball pin. Influences the mechanical strength of the unit The insulator is placed under light tension between suitably mounted coupling pieces. The two coupling pieces shall be on the same axis and shall be free to rotate. Two dial gauges are arranged as shown so that they make contact with the maximum diameter and at the tip of the outer most rib. The insulator is rotated through 360 deg and the max variation in the readings of the dial gauges is recorded. Radial run out - < 3 % of disc dia Axial run out - < 4 % of disc dia Dial gauge

d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used

Gauge check for ball & socket coupling

a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically testing c) Test procedure IEC 120 of It is carried out to verify the compliance of the ball & socket coupling with relevant gauges. The socket cap & ball pin of the insulator shall be checked with the relevant standard calibrated GO & NOT GO gauges. The samples shall comply with the standard gauges. Compliance with gauges Standard Calibrated Gauges

d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used

2) Thermal Mechanical performance test

a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically testing c) Test procedure Powergrid tech specn & Cl 20 of IEC 383-1/93 of To check the mechanical performance of the samples under simultaneous tensile loading and extreme varying temperatures. This test is carried out on 20 samples. The test is carried out in a specially constructed thermal chamber. A tensile load equal to 70 % of the specified EM load shall be applied and the temperature inside the chamber shall be varied from 30 deg to + 40 deg C in a duration of 24 hours. Minimum tensile load of 70 % shall be maintained through out the 24 hours duration and shall be released and reapplied after every 24 hours. After completing 4 cycles of 24 hours each, the tensile load shall be released & temperature brought down to the ambient and the units shall be subjected to EMS test. No failure during thermal cycles or during EMS test is permitted. After EMS test, Average (X) & Standard deviation (S) is calculated & statistically evaluated. No failure during thermal cycles or during EMS test is permitted. The test results shall meet the following criteria. X (R + 3 ) where R is the rated EM strength Thermal mechanical test M/c, Tensile testing M/c & PF transformer

d) Acceptance criteria

e) Instruments used


3) PF Voltage flashover & withstand test Dry condition

a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically testing c) Test procedure IEC 383-1 of To verify the flashover & withstand voltage of the single unit using PF voltage under dry condition The test is carried out on 3 samples. Voltage is applied to the ball pin of the insulator & the socket cap is earthed. 5 flashovers are applied & average value obtained. The voltage is reapplied and maintained at the specified value for a duration of 1 minute & no flashover is permitted during this interval.. The test values are corrected to the standard atmospheric condition. The value obtained shall be greater than the specified value 120 kN F/o >75 kV, W/s >70 kV 160 kN F/o >80 kV, W/s > 75 kV PF testing transformer & arrangement for suspending the insulator in vertical condition

d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used

Wet condition
a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically testing c) Test procedure IEC 383-1 of To verify the flashover & withstand voltage of the single unit using PF voltage under Wet condition The test is carried out on 3 samples. Water of specified resistivity & precipitation is sprayed on the test sample. After wetting the sample for 5 minutes Voltage is applied to the ball pin of the insulator & the socket cap is earthed. 5 flashovers are applied & average value obtained. The voltage is reapplied and maintained at the specified value for a duration of 1 minute & no flashover is permitted during this interval.. The test values are corrected to the standard atmospheric condition. The value obtained shall be greater than the specified value. 120 kN F/o >45 kV, W/s >40 kV 160 kN F/o >50 kV, W/s > 45 kV PF testing transformer, arrangement for suspending the insulator in vertical condition, Rain making equipment

d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used

4) Dry LI voltage flashover & withstand test a) Reference standard b) Purpose/criticall y of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used IEC 383-1 To verify the flashover & withstand voltage of the single unit using LI voltage under dry condition The test is carried out on 3 samples 120 kN 110 kV/120 kV Impulse Generator

5) Visible discharge & RIV test a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used IEC 60-1 & 437 To verify the specified test voltage The test is carried out on 3 samples Visible Discharge voltage > 18 kV RIV < 50 micro Volts PF testing Transformer, RIV meter

f) Residual strength test a) Reference standard IEC 797

b) Purpose/critically of Verification of the minimum mechanical testing strength of insulator stubs with out shed when used in string. c) Test procedure This test shall be carried out on 25 samples. Samples shall be subjected to temperature cycle test as per IEC 383-1. The sheds shall be broken using hammer blows and no part of the broken shed shall be greater than the maximum diameter of the socket cap. The stubs shall then be subjected to tensile load applied between the metal fittings and value recorded. Average (X) & Standard deviation (S) of the test values shall be calculated and compared with the factor k (0.65) d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used (X 1.645 )/R 0.65 Tensile testing machine

g) Steep Front Wave test b) Reference standard

c) Purpose/critically

Powergrid technical specification To verify the puncture withstand capability of insulator in air when subjected to impulse voltage of high rate of raise. This test is carried out on 10 samples. Each insulator shall be subjected to 5 positive & 5 negative impulses with effective rate of raise of 2500 kV/micro sec. Subsequently the samples shall be subjected to PF flashover test under Dry condition. Average of 3 PF flashovers shall not be lesser than 95 % of the specified Dry PF flashover voltage. No puncture shall occur either during Impulse or PF voltage application LI generator, PF test transformer

of testing d) Test procedure

e) Acceptance criteria f) Instruments used

Typical wave shape

Calculation of steepness Steepness = Voltage/Raise time Voltage = Y x Voltage scale x divider ratio x attenuation Where Y is the peak value measured on oscillogram Voltage scale, divider ratio & attenuation depends on the measuring system Raise Time = T x 2.5 x time scale Where T is time from 50 to 90 % measured on the oscilligram. 2.5 is the factor to get 100 % time. Time scale depends on the measuring system.

h) Impact test i) Reference standard j) Purpose/critically of testing k) Test procedure Powergrid tech specn & ANSI C 29.2 To verify the withstand capability of insulator shed when subjected to mechanical impact. 3 samples shall be subjected to specified Impact load applied to the outer most rim of the insulator. No breakage of the insulator shed is permitted. Subsequently the samples shall also pass PF frequent flashover test. No puncture shall occur during flashover test . 7 N-m for up to 120 kN. 10N-m for above 160 kN disc insulators Impact testing machine & PF test transformer

l) Acceptance criteria m) Instruments used


a. PF voltage withstand (Wet) a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Cl 10 of IEC 383-2 To verify the specified withstand voltage of the insulator string In accordance with IEC 220 kV 460 kV, 400 kV - 680 kV PF Testing transformer

b. SI voltage withstand (Wet) a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Cl 11 of IEC 383-2 To verify the specified withstand voltage of the insulator string under wet condition In accordance with IEC 400 kV - 1050 kVp Impulse Generator, Rain making equipment

c. LI voltage withstand test (Dry) a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria Cl 9 of IEC 383-2 To verify the specified withstand voltage of the insulator string In accordance with IEC 400 kV - 1450 kVp

e) Instruments used

Impulse Generator

d. Voltage distribution (Dry) a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Powergrid tech specn To measure the distribution of voltage across an energized disc insulator string Sphere gap method, % VD = E/Vn x 100 400 kV < 10 % PF Testing transformer, Calibrated spheres

e. Radio Interference Voltage test a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Powergrid tech specn To measure the Radio noise generated by the test sample when subjected to HV stress. IEC 60437 Noise level < 60 dB @ 305 kV for 400 kV strings PF Testing transformer, Coupling capacitor, Radio noise meter

f. Corona test a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Powergrid tech specn To measure the Corona Inception & extinction voltage on the test sample IS 731-1971 Extinction voltage > 320 kV for 400 kV strings PF Testing transformer, dark test hall

g. Mechanical strength a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Powergrid tech specn To verify the Mechanical strength of the insulator set under tensile load Powergrid spec Depends on the insulator rating Tensile testing machine

h. Vibration test a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used Powergrid tech specn To verify the performance of the insulator set under Dynamic loading Powergrid spec Shall withstand 10 million cycles of vibration under specified conditions Vibration inducing equipment

i. Power Arc test

a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used

IEC 1467 To verify the performance of the insulator set when subjected to Power Arcs IEC 1467 The string shall not separate after subjected to 3 shots of 40 kA for a duration of 0.2 s, 0.2 s & 0.5 s. Subsequently the string shall withstand 80 % of the rated tensile load Short circuit generator

j. Artificial Pollution withstand test a) Reference standard b) Purpose/critically of testing c) Test procedure d) Acceptance criteria e) Instruments used IEC 507 To verify the performance of the insulators under polluted condition IEC 507, Salt fog Method & Clean fog method The string shall withstand 3 voltage applications at specified Pollution level & testing conditions PF testing transformer, Pollution chamber

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