Team Packet 2013

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Team Divisions
Anyone is eligible to form a team. At least six (4mile) or four (10-mile) team members must cross the finish line to place in the team standings. You may enter a team in one of the three divisions:



Date: Saturday, June 15, 2013 Starting Times:
Wheelchair 10-mile 4-mile Competitive 2 & 4 Mile Modine Fun Run Walk Cree Kids Dash Mascot Challenge 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.


members must be an employee receiving a W2 from that particular business/ corporation.


Race Distances
Participants can choose from 4 routes: 2-mile or 4-mile Modine Fun Run 4-mile or 10-mile Competitive

Start Line:
Racine Family YMCA, 725 Lake Avenue Downtown Racine

Landmark Credit Union Mascot Challenge

If your company or group has a mascot, we urge you to enter him/her in this fun post-race activity. For more information on the Mascot Challenge, contact Pete Henkes at 262-633-2291.

Finish Line:
On Main Street between 5th & 6th Street at Monument Square (4 blocks from start)

Post-race Festivities
Post-race festivities will take place at Monument Square and Sam Johnson Parkway. There will be music to entertain you and beer, athletic drink, water, fruit and snacks until the awards begin at approximately 10:30 a.m.

Awards Presentation-Post Race Activities:

Sam Johnson Parkway, Main Street, Downtown Racine. Enjoy live music along with refreshments and the awards presentation

Team Awards
Traveling Team Trophies will be awarded to the winning teams in the Corporate and Open divisions in the 4 mile and 10 mile Competitive Runs. The scoring members of the top five teams will also receive an individual medal. Team scoring is based on the combined time of the teams first six eligible runners (4 mile) or first four eligible runners (10 mile). VISIT OUR WEB SITE..

Cree Kids Dash

The Cree Kids Dash is for kids 8 under. It will be a 200 meter dash at 10:00, on the Sam Johnson Parkway. All participants will be given Kids Dash ribbons when they finish. There is no entry fee for and parents may sign-up their children at the starting line of the dash at 9:45am

Corporate Cup Challenge

Teams participating in the Lighthouse Run are eligible to earn points in the Corporate Cup Challenge. For more information, contact Nette at the Racine Family YMCA office at 262-634-1994.

Visit for more information

1. Recruit a Team


Come out and support the YMCA's Strong Kids Scholarship Campaign and enjoy a day of fun, exercise, music and refreshments with your co-workers, family and friends. We look forward to another great year. See you there.

2. Collect Registrations/Fees
Collect entry forms, make sure all forms are signed, t-shirt and race are filled out Collect entry fee from each participants ($15 Fun Run/Walk, $20 4&10 Mile) Collect team entry fee from participants or team company/organization

3. Complete Team Packet

Complete Team Entry Form/Checklist (making sure and all information if filled out and the t-shirt count is correct) Complete Captains Team Roster Make a copies for yourself Collect camera ready artwork for t-shirts, no larger than 11 x 11 black and white copy. The more legible the image, the better the reproduction on the t-shirt. Email a high resolution PDF file of your artwork to Deadlines: may 30th for printed shirts and delivery, June 7th non-printed and no delivery

4. Mail or Drop off Competed Team Packet to

Lighthouse Run 2013 c/o Racine Family YMCA 725 Lake Avenue Racine, WI 53403 Include: Team Entry Form/Checklist Team Entry Fee All Individual Entry Forms (signed and filled out) All Individual Entry Fees Captains Team Roster Camera Ready Artwork (Black & White copy or PDF as an emailed

5. Team Packet Pickup

Once your packets are ready for pickup we will contact you. Packets turned in before Thursday May 30th, 2013 can be delivered to the captain Any questions please contact Leann Pomeroy at

Visit for more information

May 30, 2013 June 7, 2012 (No logo/No delivery of T-shirts)


Runners in the 4 & 10 Mile competitive runs will be issued a race number with a MYLAPS Systems BTag attached. Runners must have their race number worn on their chest to be timed. The BTag is disposable and it does not have to be returned.

(for logo on T-shirts & delivery of Team Shirts)

Team entry form

Select a Division(s): Competitive Corporate (4 or 10 mile competitive) Competitive Open (4 or 10 mile competitive) Non-Competitive (2 or 4 mile Fun Run/Walk) Organizations Name________________________ Team Name________________________________ Team Captain Name_________________________ Address___________________________________
(no P.O. Boxes, please)

Entry Fee
Please fill in number of team members per category: Total # Fun Run/Walk Members____x$15=______ Total # 4&10 Mile Members_______x$20=______ Team Fee (see Below) XX-Large T-Shirt fee Total due + _________ #______x $2 =_________ $__________

City, State, Zip_____________________________ Captains Day Phone_________________________ Captains E-Mail____________________________

Team Fees 1-25 members=$40 26-50 members=$60 51-100members=$80 100+ members=$100

T-shirt order
Sizes (T-shirt orders will be filled according to sizes below-please verify your total count!) _____Youth (10-12) _____Adult Small _____Adult Medium _____Adult Large _____Adult X-Large _____Adult XX-Large (add $2 per XXL shirt) Total number of participants on your team_____

Please make a photocopy of this form for your records Our Company is participating in the Racine Family YMCA Corporate Cup Challenge Yes No

Free Lighthouse Run sweatshirt

If you recruited 20 members or more for your team please put your sweatshirt size here. (S,M,L,XL,XXL)______
Would you like someone to contact you with more information? Yes No

Attention Team Captain


Please complete this form, listing all your team members. This form must be enclosed with your team registration. Please make a copy of this completed form before you send in your team registration for your own reference (If you anticipate more than 25 participants, please make copies of this form before you fill it out!). You can also use our excel file to fill in your team names.
Member Name Shirt Size 10 Mile Comp 4 Mile Comp 2/4 Mile Fun Run Registration Form Paid

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Visit for more information

Please fill in team name before making copies

ENTRY AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS: In consideration of the acceptance of my entry in the Lighthouse Run on June 15, 2013, I release Lee Enterprises, Inc., publisher of The Journal Times, the Racine Family YMCA, other presenting or supporting sponsors and their respective employees and agents, and any other individuals who are in any way connected with this event (including volunteers assisting with the event) from any liability or claims for any injury or illness that I sustain during my participation in this event or that is in any other way related to this event. I understand that this release applies to myself and my personal representatives, heirs and assigns. I represent that I have adequately trained to participate in this event, recognize that risks of injury accompany such participation and acknowledge that this release is being relied upon by the above persons in permitting me to participate. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.

:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__: :__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:
NAME: Last First

:___: sex
M=male F=female :___: W for wheelchair

Date of Birth
:___:___:___: mo day yr :____: AGE: (raceday)

Address: Number and Street

:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__: __:



FRW = Modine Fun Run/Walk 4C = 4 Mile Competitive 10C = 10 Mile

E-mail address

:__:__:__: - :__:__:__: - :__:__:__:__:

(Area Code) Telephone number

:____: SHIRT SIZE: Y = youth medium

S = small M = medium L = large X = ex-large V = XX-large ($2.00 extra charge)

Team Corporate (C) or Open (O) ______ Team Name

________________________________________________________ Signature Date Entry blank must be signed by participant. If participant is under 18 years of age, signature of legal guardian is required.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cut here

ENTRY AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS: In consideration of the acceptance of my entry in the Lighthouse Run on June 15, 2013, I release Lee Enterprises, Inc., publisher of The Journal Times, the Racine Family YMCA, other presenting or supporting sponsors and their respective employees and agents, and any other individuals who are in any way connected with this event (including volunteers assisting with the event) from any liability or claims for any injury or illness that I sustain during my participation in this event or that is in any other way related to this event. I understand that this release applies to myself and my personal representatives, heirs and assigns. I represent that I have adequately trained to participate in this event, recognize that risks of injury accompany such participation and acknowledge that this release is being relied upon by the above persons in permitting me to participate. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.

:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__: :__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:
NAME: Last First

:___: sex
M=male F=female :___: W for wheelchair

Date of Birth
:___:___:___: mo day yr :____: AGE: (raceday)

Address: Number and Street

:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__:__: __:



FRW = Modine Fun Run/Walk 4C = 4 Mile Competitive 10C = 10 Mile

E-mail address

:__:__:__: - :__:__:__: - :__:__:__:__:

(Area Code) Telephone number

:____: SHIRT SIZE: Y = youth medium

S = small M = medium L = large X = ex-large V = XX-large ($2.00 extra charge)

Team Corporate (C) or Open (O) ______ Team Name

________________________________________________________ Signature Date Entry blank must be signed by participant. If participant is under 18 years of age, signature of legal guardian is required.

Join our team today!!


Presented by

For more information, please contact your Team Captain:

_____________________________________________________ext._____________ All proceeds of the Lighthouse Run benefit the Racine Family YMCA Strong Kids Scholarship Campaign!

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