Homemade Desserts - The Ultimate Comfort Food: Raspberry Pudding

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Homemade Desserts The Ultimate Comfort Food

Nothing will make you happier than homemade puddings and custards. Sweet and delicious, these treats will leave you licking the bowl. Raspberry Pudding Ingredients 28g gelatin 300ml water 420ml whipping cream 720ml raspberry puree 5 egg whites 225g sugar Red currants, (for garnishing) METHOD Bloom (soak) the gelatin in water. Whip the cream to medium peaks. Cover and refrigerate. Warm half of the raspberry puree in a saucepan. Remove from heat and set aside. Stir the dissolved gelatin into the puree until well incorporated. Add the remaining puree into the mixture. Cool the raspberry mixture to 21 degree Centigrade. Put egg whites and sugar in a mixing bowl and place over a pan of simmering water. Stir constantly with a balloon whisk until the mixture reaches 70 degree Centigrade. Transfer the bowl to an electric mixer and whip at high speed until stiff peaks form. Gently blend 1/3 of the meringue into the raspberry mixture to lighten it. Fold in the remaining meringue, thoroughly incorporating. Fold in the chilled whipped cream. Pipe or ladle pudding into serving bowls. Chill and serve garnished with redcurrants. Chocolate Pudding Ingredients 320g bittersweet chocolate 35g butter 5 egg, (separated) 30ml water 70g sugar 300ml double cream, (whipped) Icing sugar and cream, (for garnishing) METHOD Combine chocolate and butter in a glass bowl and set over a pan of simmering water to melt. Combine the egg yolks with 15ml water and 35g of sugar and whisk in a bowl over pan of water simmering to 64 degree Centigrade for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and whip until cool. Combine the egg whites with the remaining sugar and whisk over a pan of

water to 64 degree Centigrade. Remove and beat until the mixture cools. Using a spatula, fold the chocolate mixture into the egg yolk mixture followed by the egg white mixture. Fold in the whipped cream and mix well. To garnish sprinkle the chocolate pudding with icing sugar and cream

Lemon Pudding
Ingredients Melted butter, (to grease) 4 eggs, (separated) 1tbsp finely grated lemon rind 160ml fresh lemon juice 330ml milk 150g self-raising flour 215g castor sugar Pure icing sugar, (to dust) METHOD Preheat oven to 180 degree Centigrade. Brush six 250ml (1-cup) capacity ovenproof dishes with melted butter. Whisk the egg yolks, lemon rind, lemon juice, milk, flour and 140g castor sugar in a bowl until smooth and combined. Use an electric beater to beat the egg whites in a clean, dry bowl until soft peaks form. Beat in the remaining castor sugar until egg whites are thick and glossy. Fold one-quarter of egg white mixture into lemon mixture. Fold in remaining egg white mixture. Divide among the dishes. Place in a roasting pan. Add enough boiling water to the pan to come halfway up the sides of the dishes. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden. Dust with icing sugar.

Caramel Custard
Ingredients 4 egg yolks 1 whole egg 60g sugar 200ml condensed milk 150ml milk 1tbsp vanilla essence 1tbsp butter, for greasing 1/2 cup sugar Berries and icing sugar, (for garnishing) METHOD Combine egg yolks, whole egg and sugar and whisk until the sugar is dissolved. Slowly add condensed milk followed by milk. Finally add vanilla essence for flavour. Grease four custard cups with butter. Melt sugar in a small heavy frying pan, while stirring constantly

until a caramel syrup forms. Pour syrup into prepared custard cups. Pour the egg yolk mixture on top. Place in a bain-marie and bake at 180 degree Centigrade for 45 minutes. Let it cool. Invert the custard on a plate and garnish with berries and icing sugar.

Carrot Pudding
Ingredients 100g butter 50g brown sugar 1 whole egg 1tbsp baking powder 250g flour 1tbsp cinnamon powder 50g carrots, grated 30g raisins 30g pineapple, (chopped) A pinch of salt Strawberry, sliced, (to serve) Mixed berries, (to serve) Mint leaves, (for garnishing) Candied sugar, (for garnishing) Method Preheat the over to 180 degree Centigrade. In mixing bowl mix butter, brown sugar and egg until fluffy. Sift baking powder, flour and cinnamon into another bowl, then add carrots, raisins, pineapple and pinch of salt. Combine the two mixtures together and mix well. Pour the batter into a cake ring and bake for an hour. Serve warm on a bed of strawberry slices garnished with mint leaves and candied sugar

Date and Ginger Pudding

Ingredients 50g sugar 50g butter 2 whole eggs 30g dates, (chopped) 10g candied ginger, (chopped) 50g vanilla sponge cake Raspberry and redcurrants, (for garnish) Mint leaves, (for garnish) Caramel sauce, (for garnish) Method Preheat the over to 180 degree Centigrade. Mix sugar and butter in a mixer and add eggs

one at a time. Mix in the dates and ginger. Break vanilla sponge cake into small pieces and add to the date and ginger mixture. Divide the mixture into two mini moulds and bake for 50 minutes. Cool to room temperature, garnish with raspberry, redcurrants, mint leaves and caramel

Rice Pudding
Ingredients 800g milk 150g white short grain rice 130g sugar 200g cream 8 egg yolks 40g cornflour Seeds from 2 vanilla pods Strawberry, (chopped for garnishing) Vanilla sticks, (for garnishing) Cinnamon powder, (for garnishing) Method Mix milk, rice and half of the sugar in a saucepan and cook for 12 to 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a bowl mix together cream, egg yolks, cornflour, vanilla seeds and the remaining sugar. Whip fast, then transfer to the saucepan and mix until the pudding thickens (the temperature should be around 73 degree Centigrade). Pour the pudding into small ramekins chill in the fridge for a couple of hours. Garnish and serve.

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