Pluto Annihilates Global Loakshark Hustle

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Astrology is the supreme science that tells whats really going on. In fact, its the only science that can tell you what will occurif you know how to read the celestial indications. Back in the 70s the astrologer who wrote a book I liked something like A Stargazers Notebook predicted that Plutos entry into Scorpio would bring new sexual diseases. Not long afterwards, AIDS and Herpes entered our lexicons. With Pluto in Capricorn, old established financial and banking institutions will crumble and undergo radical transformation. That process has already begun. Entire governments will be destroyed and changed. Communism will resurface and whole economic systems will be forced to alter they way they function. Because Capricorn is ultra conservative and resistant to change, Plutos transformative energies will operate suddenly and explosively. In reality, the devastations and destructions wrought by Pluto were occurring beneath the surface for lengthy periods, but when they manifest, it will seem to be sudden. Look to Saturn, Capricorns ruler, for more hints about the great change.

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3/23/2013 9:19 AM


Because Capricorn rules prisons, Pluto in Capricorn will completely transform the world prison systems, including length of sentences. When Saturn is in Virgo, the Pluto change will focus on turning prisons into labor camps. In the more enlightened energy centers (like Minnesota) this will take the shape of job training, education in trades, prison employment for higher wages to get prisoners prepared to compete in the job market. In backward places like Delaware, the prison hustlers will tend to push for quasi slave labor camps, though theyll package them under euphemistic terms like making restitution to society or community service initiatives. The current financial implosion of the global loanshark operators (so-called investment bankers) manifests in great worry (Saturn in Virgo) and will create great tightening of the job market. Health insurance and benefits will also be affected for the worse. When Saturn enters Libra, the Pluto in Capricorn energy will affect marriages. Due to financial hardships, couples will stay married longer. Pluto also brings great wealth. The loansharks are already hustling to clean up (some more) on the financial crisis. They are picking Americas pocket to the tune of a trillion dollars. When an Astrologer says a planet, house or sign rules something, it means it has a definite effect upon those things. For example, Saturn and Capricorn rule time, old age, cemeteries, enclosed areas, mountains, bones and all types of (underlying) structures. In Pluto in Capricorn, time itself may finally be destroyed. We may really come to grips with Einsteinian relativity time and finally grasp that time is an effect (and illusion) of motion. (The Honorable Elijah Muhammad already taught this in 1972 in Theology of Time.) We may realize that time is simultaneous and can be expanded or contracted by consciousness. When astrologers say that something is a correspondence of a particular planet or sign, they mean that it functions like that celestial body on its level of activity. For example, gold, fathers, presidents, single mothers, superiors all will correspond to the Sun. Contemplation will reveal why. Diamonds, parties, diplomats, music, dance, kidneys and marriage correspond to Venus. There is not much more than a semantical difference between rulership and correspondence.
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3/23/2013 9:19 AM


Planets indicated WHAT action is occurring. Signs show HOW celestial energy is manifesting. Houses show WHERE (i.e., in which area of life) the effect of the planets action will be felt. For example, Venus beautifies, it harmonizes, it socializes. So if Venus is in Gemini, then an astrologer would look for beautiful speech or communication. If Venus were in the 9th house (college, church, travel), then the person might employ her beautiful speech as a lecturer, minister or ambassador. Planets are like verbs; they show action. Signs are like adverbs; they modify the planetary action. Houses are like nouns; they show the person, place or thing affected by the modified planetary action. Pluto which rendered plutonium also corresponds to enormous power. Now, call your favorite physicist and tell them that while Pluto is in Capricorn a really lucky physicist can discover how to get energy from the infinite field of time. There will also be more Philadelphia Experiment things going on. Perhaps this artificial timeline were living through (since terminators went back to off JFK) will be ended and our true timeline restored. Amir is the author of Black Angels and The Egyptian Tree of Life. Black Angels can be purchased through Amazon, and The Egyptian Tree of life ebook by emailing

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