The End of The World As We Know It

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The end of the world as we know it!

An astrological perspective

I write this in the spirit of raising awareness to what is happening in our world with the ending of a 248 year cycle of Pluto conjunct its own South Node
in Capricorn and the beginning of a new cycle. This new cycle will correlate with the end of the world as we know it and the emergence of a new
paradigm which will change the existing reality for the majority of people and living beings on the planet.

I will share my view on the upcoming transits and their specific potential correlations and meaning for what is to come, based on my observations of
society and astrology relative to this topic over the past twelve to thirteen years. This observational cycle correlates with my own Jupiter/Uranus cycle.
My Uranus is in Scorpio and last time Jupiter was in Scorpio I stumbled upon what are called “conspiracy theories”. In these past twelve years I have
been able to understand to a point, what is true and what is not true relative to the alternative media movement, conspiracy theories and mainstream

I´m sharing my views because there´s so much confusion and disinformation out there. If people are aware of what´s coming they can consciously be
a positive part of the change. This article might seem negative to some but it´s the truth that I have been able to understand over these past years. My
intention is that those who read this article may be informed and thus make intelligent decisions for themselves and others. Many astrologers are
counsellors and thus are in positions to help others who might not have the same level of awareness or emotional capacity to deal with crisis. This
article is intentionally simple enough to be read by non astrologers but was also intended to be for the professional astrologer, counsellor, healer,
psychologist or anyone who deals with people in general who can benefit from understanding the direction we are heading in.

Enter Reality

Jeffrey Wolf Green taught that the South Node of Pluto correlates with the transition from Matriarchal times to Patriarchal times around 8000 years
ago. Pluto´s South Node is currently at 21 Capricorn. Matriarchal times were times in which humans lived according to natural laws instead of man
made laws. Man made laws correlate with Capricorn/Saturn/Tenth House as an archetype as do social structures, regulations and morality. What we
have witnessed over these past few thousands of years ever since the transition from the Matriarchy to the Patriarchy, is a progressive distortion of
nature and natural laws, a super imposition or juxtaposed system that over rides the natural world, done primarily by powerful groups of humans which
have been controlling the Earth´s resources, including animals and other humans, for their own benefit. Pluto and it´s South Node are the root from
which all symbols in the chart are based upon because Pluto correlates with the collective evolution of Souls on the Planet and it´s South Node with it
´s past. In Capricorn they correlate with the past 8000 years of how reality has been structured on the planet and the reality we live now is the
crystallization of all that came before in our history.

The symbols I will speak of such as Uranus in Taurus or Gemini share the baseline of the South Node of Pluto in Capricorn and the emerging new
reality based on the desire for those in power to maintain the status quo. The reality we live on Earth is based upon a history of dominance and

The Piscean age of deception and ultimate truth

If we go back to the time of the beginning of the Piscean age around Year 0 A.D. the world was ruled by overt violent force and through the deceptive
religious institutions that emerged, we can verify that through religions people all over the globe were forced into indoctrinated belief systems based on
guilt and fear. Jesus is said to have died for our sins. We were taught at young ages about the Garden of Eden myth. Keeping things simple, the myth
suggests that women are the cause for mankinds spiritual downfall. This in combination with the teaching that Jesus died for our sins creates the
subliminal belief that we are sinners and that women are the root of all evil, leading to a subconscious feelings of impurity in both men and women.
Men subconsciously project blame onto women and women are made to feel responsible for being impure. Many religions demonized or suppressed
women´s natural roles and the feminine principle in various ways, having the same effect on societies today. Just look at what some practices are still
in effect today such as female genital mutilation, not receiving equal pay, not allowed to show their faces or the teaching that women were created
from a mans rib.

We live in a world where masculine dominance and the desire to accumulate resources and status (Capricorn) is more important than the value of life
itself. It´s o.k. to destroy an ecosystem in the name of economic growth because we were taught to capitalize and compete. Inherent in the current
system there is a fundamental lack of respect and care for life. Care, nurturing and the sacred feminine all correlate with Cancer, the sign of the
mother. Interestingly the North Node of Pluto, our collective evolutionary intention, is in Cancer!

The South Node of any planet correlates with the past of that planet, just like the South Node of the Moon correlates with our personal past lives. The
North Node of a planet correlates with a necessary future orientation and evolutionary direction.

Since we are talking about Pluto and its past we have to consider the dynamic of power. Pluto correlates with power. Capricorn correlates with
structures and the world system which is currently in place. Within the context of the Piscean age, we have a system that accumulates the resources
of the world in the hands of a minority which has been operating though deception and/or force.

In the age of Pisces deception has been the norm rather than the exception. Kings and popes were rulers by “divine right” and if not then by sheer
force. The religious deceptions and delusions ran and continue to run deep for vast amounts of the population due to indoctrination and a lack of
discernment to understand what is true and what isn´t. People have been killing in the name of God for thousands of years believing their version of
the truth, their religion, their God is the right one yet, those which have realized the ultimate know this is all delusional. Those who have understood the
essence of existence, what some call God, know that its root is pure consciousness and love.

A good book to read about how major religions teach God is love is “The Holy Science” by Sri Yukteswar. It´s available to read online for free.

Industrial Revolution 1, 2, 3, 4

In 1770 Pluto was conjunct its own South Node and that is when the beginning of the industrial revolution took place. This is when we learnt how to
use steam to power mechanical machines. Then in 1870 there was a second industrial revolution which expanded upon the first one and used
electricity to power production. This was when Pluto was in Taurus trine its South Node in Capricorn. When Pluto trined it´s South Node again but this
time from Virgo in 1969 there was the third industrial revolution connected to nuclear energy and microprocessors. Now the Fourth will be digital,
internet based and a greener revolution. The industrial revolution is considered by some economic historians as one of the most significant events in
history. It was a game changer and predatory capitalism, which is based on the total distortion of natural law and exploitation of nature, had the ability
to rise to another level as humans began to mass produce from then onwards.

The whole economic system as we know it really started to take off after the industrial revolution. Now with Pluto on it´s South Node again that cycle is
coming to an end as a new cycle emerges and the world will be metamorphosed once more. One main thing that will change with this cycle will be the
move from fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources yet since Pluto correlates with both evolution and resistance to evolution, we can expect
that those who control the fossil fuel industries and those who are connected to them will resist the move to new forms of energy or will attempt to
suppress or take them over in some way.
If we remember the context of total control of the resources and life forms in the hands of a few, which has been the norm and continues to be the
norm, and we see Pluto in Capricorn on its South Node as a death and a rebirth of the system which has been evolving rapidly through capitalism for
this past Pluto cycle around the Zodiac, we can expect a total planetary takeover through the use of advanced technology, with various deceptively
false pretexts as a justification.

This will be in place effectively around the time Saturn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn at 22 degrees as both begin their new cycle relative to Pluto´s
South Node in January 2020. There will be all sorts of corporate mergers (like Monsanto and Bayer) and technologies, regulations and policies that will
have the effect of creating a new reality which will be an even bigger distortion to natural law then what came before. It´s already being prepared under
various pretexts yet most people are not paying attention because the big elephant in the room of the Piscean age is brainwashing via propaganda
and subliminal messages. Outright deceit and treason by people doing the opposite of what they state.

I´m going to share what I see is going on in our world relative to this mega corporate, military and technological take over. It seems like science fiction
but everything here is verifiable.

Agenda 21/2030 the New World Order

“Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments
and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”

The United Nations is implementing Agenda 21 or 2030. It´s supposedly a world wide agenda to end poverty and make the world more sustainable yet
their take on sustainability isn´t to focus first on the environment, cap the wealthy, redistribute resources and de centralize power, it´s exactly the
opposite. They want people to live in smart cities which are presently being implemented in many places around the world but, it´s being implemented
without public knowledge or awareness as to what it entails. The governments and tech companies are invested in creating technological cities that
monitor everyone and everything via sensors connected to artificial intelligence to manage in the name of sustainability. Connected to a centralized
system run by who, the U.N.? They are re-classifying the geographic areas of the planet and will be limiting access to various areas as seen in the
map of the U.S.A.

There are many active groups against Agenda 21 and the United Nations but they won´t be in the mainstream media. There have been attempts to
halt its implementation through resolutions such as this one from Kansas:

“Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas: That we recognize the destructive and insidious nature of United
Nations Agenda 21 and hereby expose to public policy makers the dangerous intent of the plan… “

State of Kansas Approved House Resolution, 2012

House Resolution No. 6032

By Committee on Federal and State Affairs 5-2
. 1  A RESOLUTION opposing and exposing the radical nature of United
. 2  Nations Agenda 21 and its destructiveness to the principles of the
. 3  founding documents of the United States of America.
. 4  WHEREAS, The United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan
. 5  of environmental extremism, social engineering and global political
. 6  control that was initiated at the United Nations Conference on
. 7  Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992;
. 8  and
. 9  WHEREAS, The United Nations Agenda 21 is being covertly pushed
. 10  into local communities throughout the United States of America through
. 11  the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives through local
. 12  "sustainable development" policies such as Smart Growth, Wildlands
. 13  Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects and other "Green"
. 14  or "Alternative" projects; and
. 15  WHEREAS, This United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called
. 16  "sustainable development" views the American way of life of private
. 17  property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership,
. 18  individual travel choices and privately owned farms as destructive to the
. 19  environment; and
. 20  WHEREAS, The United States federal government nor any state or
. 21  local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21, the
. 22  influence of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
. 23  has now infiltrated approximately 600 local and regional entities in the
. 24  United States, with as many as 54 of such entities withdrawing
. 25  enrollment during 2011, due to the negative consequences experienced
. 26  through implementation of Agenda 21; and
. 27  WHEREAS, According to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy,
. 28  social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people to
. 29  benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the
. 30  environment, which would be accomplished by redistribution of wealth:
. 31  Now, therefore,
. 32  Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas:
. 33  That we recognize the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations
. 34  Agenda 21 and hereby expose to public policy makers the dangerous
. 35  intent of the plan; and
. 36  Be it further resolved: That the federal government and all state and
HR 6032 2
. 1  local governments across the country should seek to be well informed
. 2  about the underlying harmful implications of the implementation of
. 3  United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for "sustainable
. 4  development", and that we hereby endorse rejection of its radical policies;
. 5  and
. 6  Be it further resolved: That the Chief Clerk of the House of
. 7  Representatives shall send an enrolled copy of this resolution to each
. 8  member of the Kansas Congressional Delegation.
In January 2020 Saturn and Pluto will conjoin at 22 degrees Capricorn. 2020 is the year that the 5g network is set to be ready to go online and that is
when we will have the internet of things and the internet of everything, connected to an A.I. system in which home appliances have cpu´s, cameras,
various types of sensors and microphones which connect to the internet, relaying information back to the A.I. system of “global governance”. Some say
the 5G network is military grade which is also a weaponized system, able to target individuals or groups of people anywhere as it will have real time
access to everything, even seeing through walls into homes and other structures. The technology might enable what are called DEW´s. Directed
Energy Weapons. ADS Active Denial Systems. ELF Extremely Low Frequencies and EMF Electro Magnetic Frequencies. These can all be
weaponized systems which apparently have already been in use on the public. Once this system is set and running we will effectively be living within a
digitally controlled open air prison. The symbols speak for themselves as both Saturn and Pluto will be in a new phase conjunction to the South Node
of Pluto, marking the beginning of the “new world order”.
The microwave technologies like ADS presently used can heat up our skin making it feel like it´s burning and there have been cases of people on the
internet and of people I know who have had these symptoms. Doctors think they are phantom symptoms or some form of hallucination and give them
medications which suppress the symptoms. I have seen many new age websites which promise the famous ascension of the planet to a new phase of
harmony which speak of these symptoms as side effects of the ascension process. To me these are disinformation sites in order to confuse the public.
Again remember the age of deception! The symptoms they speak of are all the same symptoms as the side effects of these weaponized and other
technological systems.

Head aches
Memory loss
Mental fog
Burning skin
Strange sensations under the skin
Feeling depressed or angry or feelings of futility and wanting to give up on life
Joint pains
Ascension flu

What this points to is a total disinformation campaign that targets all people in all wakes of life including those highly individuated who look for
alternatives to the consensus narrative.

Uranus in Taurus, Smart Cities and the “Sustainability Mantra”

Now as of this writing Uranus is entering Taurus and while there will be an acceleration of groups of people moving to the countryside in order to live
closer to the Earth in sustainable ways, there is also an obscene desire from certain corporations like Monsanto to control the food resources of the
world for their benefit while stating we need GMO´s to feed the worlds population. In his speech at the Web Summit 2017 in Portugal, The U.N.
Secretary General stated that “to resist innovation is stupid” and that “it´s time to deregulate”. What he means to me is that it´s time to give free reign to
corporations to plunder the Earth. The message the U.N. and others are spreading is that we absolutely need their new technology in order to survive.
What they mean is that they need the technology for their empire to survive. The rationale is that we humans are over consuming the resources of the
Earth and it´s not sustainable. That´s true but we need to remember that the people in power, in governments, big institutions and corporations are the
ones who have shaped society to be this way, all for their benefit.

Those in power want their tentacles in every single aspect of human life, to distort and profit off of everything.

Uranus in Taurus is correlating with technologies such as 3d printing of food, food created in a lab, synthetic biology which will create all sorts of
hybrids and new life forms and of course new technologies that will be able to extract more of the Earth´s resources. In a positive light there will also
be inventions and groups of people coming together to protect the environment, life forms and resources of the planet.

Uranus in Taurus for some can be liberation through self sufficiency and a return to simple values which promote life itself yet to many it might very
well be the opposite, as Uranus correlates with trauma as well. Trauma to many life forms and to groups of humans which will have a harder time
surviving because of depleted resources or who will be consuming certain new types of foods which no one knows what the results will be. Mental
trauma due to violations of value systems and the consequences, as our inherent value systems are structured to promote life and not to profit off it.
Trauma as a result of groups of people not being able to grow food, their crops will fail because of the ongoing destruction of the atmosphere and
climate due to anthropogenic causes, including artificial climate modification, which we will look into a little further in this article.

Cover of the economist in 1988

Uranus in Taurus will correlate with digitization of money and resources so that everything can be monitored, quantified and controlled in real time in
the name of sustainability. When I say everything I mean it. From sensors in the trash cans to robot police, A.I. analysis of traffic to control it leading to
automatic fines, the virtual money being directly taken from our accounts in real time. The system will be privately or “semi privately” owned since our
representatives act more like front men for those in power and have progressively been indebting us to the international banks which are privately
owned. In my view that´s why the financial system has been structured the way it is, to get countries in debt so that their natural resources and
populations can be privatized. Therefore the system will be used to extract as much from people as possible. Everything possible will be a service.
One such service will be trash disposal as there will be sensors in trash cans to measure how much and what we throw away, in order to make us pay
under a new system called PAYT (pay as you throw). Expect to see each time more robots shown in a positive light in the media as they begin to
introduce robots into society this year of 2018 along with the smart cities. They will first create areas to progressively introduce robots to the public so
everyone can see how cool they are and accept this technological wave that is building up.

Cameras with facial recognition and behaviour analysis can lead to all sorts of social discriminations and pre-crime scenarios in which people are pre-
judged based on their emotions, facial expressions, chemical and electromagnetic changes, temperature changes and even thoughts sooner or later
when the computers advance enough to do so. Everything will be monitored in real time virtually everywhere if it´s setup the intended way. Again, the
root of the sustainability problem are the people behind the mega corporations and the fossil fuel industries which have been promoting the
unregulated consumerism in our “civilized” societies. Smart cities are here to regulate and control the crap out of everyone in the name of
sustainability. They are sending out the message the world is over populated and therefore we should control the populations growth. I agree with the
fact we over consume but that is different from over population and again, who has been benefitting from this consumption? Who has amassed vast
amounts of wealth and resources? Gaia Sofia our beautiful home planet along with all lifeforms have been greatly harmed in the process of these
people amassing vast resources. If we want sustainability and equality then we need to redistribute the resources these people took from the land and
start to regulate corporations and wealthy individuals in various ways to make them sustainable and accountable.
All images/article quotes copyrighted by their respective authors

Smart cities are nothing more than glorified prison.

We can´t stop the emerging new world order but we can surf the wave and be part of it by getting proactive within our emerging reality. With every
crisis there is an opportunity for growth and at the beginning of this new cycle there will be many opportunities for individuals to get involved in the
shaping of the new paradigm and their future communities.

We need to demand that corporations and individuals cannot own more than an X amount of capital or resources. We need to do hard science and
make sure that the new technologies are not going to be harmful to the biosphere. We have been indoctrinated in a system which dominates and
abuses nature but what if we taught people to love it and preserve it instead? Uranus the awakener transiting through Taurus can correlate with a
necessary awakening to new value systems. Values which reflect the need to sustain nature in order for humans to sustain themselves on the planet.
Taurus correlates with whatever we need for survival and whatever is needed for survival equals what we value.

We need to focus on what really matters and shift our attention to grow organic food locally so that our nutrition is in our own hands, return to plant
based diets and medicines so that we stop killing animals and making them commodities, The meat industry is one of the most horrific things on the
planet and is causing harm to ourselves in the form of deforestation and toxins in our bodies. We need to stop living like we own this place and realize
it´s all alive, all life. Evil is Live inverted and interestingly evil likes to turn life into destruction. By us consuming the planet many times more that what
we really need to thrive we are actually acting under the influence of evil. We have the hard won knowledge and technology to make life on Earth a
paradise a possibility but for that we need to focus on creating that reality instead of all the nonsense we have been conditioned to live and have made
the individual choices to follow through upon.
The elephants in the sky and in our living rooms: Geoengineering and Brainwashing
Conspiracy theories or actual conspiracies? Draw your own conclusions.

There has been an active ridiculization of anyone who utters the word chemtrails yet if one speaks of geoengineering and SRM it´s totally different
words simply explaining the same thing. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that the sky is totally altered because of what are being called “persisting

Double speak, using words to trick people is a very common way of deceiving the population into thinking something is beneficial while in fact it´s not.
It´s effective for the majority of the population because they simply don´t do much critical thinking and blindly follow the official narrative, no matter how

If they need to hide what´s going on and go through great measures to brainwash and trick people, then it can´t be healthy.

There is an active geoengineering and solar radiation management program going on at least in Europe and America under the guise of halting climate
change but, when we begin to dive into what´s really going on, the scientific evidence points to the fact: a big part of climate change is a direct result of
the geoengineering! Another case of groups of people profiting off the destruction of nature while their stated goal is to help nature. This is a
controversial topic and I can speak of direct knowledge from observing the skies, doing research and speaking to official government agencies about
what is going on. The official narrative is that chemtrails are conspiracy theories and that the trails in the sky are all water vapor yet, at the same time
we have those who are doing this, in part from Harvard University and from the Carnegie Institute for Science, openly state their intentions to geo
engineer the planet in the future. They are doing it now as so many can clearly see in our skies and through lab tests for the same things which are
stated in their technologies and respective patents yet, there has been a massive brainwashing campaign to ridicule anyone who uses the chemtrail
word and a subliminal campaign to brainwash the public into accepting “persisting contrails” as normal and to accept large scale climate engineering.

Below are some images which should be taken very seriously and show how people are being subliminally programmed to accept the aerosol spraying
as normal, specially children.
All images/article quotes copyrighted by their respective authors

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg


"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our
meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."
He went on to explain:
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the
world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world
bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries."
-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany

The brainwashing and conditioning is so rampant and so well done that people pay for it and elect total strangers they see on a t.v. to rule them.
People get brainwashed into supporting their governments to poison them, to send them to fight wars which serve certain mega wealthy individuals,
corporations and their political front men.

The media´s purpose is actually to alter and condition our perception of reality. Reality correlates with Saturn/Capricorn and brainwashing with Pluto/
Uranus because of the manipulation of the subconscious.

The main brainwashing machines of the western world are:

The education systems, schools and universities.

The mainstream media, newspapers, radio, t.v., certain internet sites and search engines.


The music industry.



We have been experiencing record droughts and extremes in weather that are artificially created which I have been witnessing for years and which
have intensified ever since the U.N. COP 23 conference on climate change on November 30th 2017 in Bonn Germany. After that day the aircraft
spraying of reflective aerosol particles intensified dramatically, the alteration of weather too, to the point that almost all the weather is now artificial
where I live per my observations. If one goes to the NASA satellite EOSDIS there you can actually monitor the amount of aerosols and the Sulfur
Dioxide in the atmosphere. They have the dates which they started to monitor each component in the atmosphere and Sulfur Dioxide began to be
monitored exactly on the 30th November 2017! You can´t make this stuff up. To add an interesting note Saturn was at 27 degrees Sagittarius, the
Galactic Center. This is a clear symbol for the control of nature and distortion of natural law.

Sulfur dioxide as a gas is toxic and lethal to humans and is one of the main pollutants in the atmosphere because of fossil fuels. Geoengineering and
solar radiation management technologies use this stuff? No wonder it´s hidden in plain sight, because it´s illegal and for good reasons. Their logic is to
protect the atmosphere with more pollution? Besides Sulfur dioxide there are nano particles of heavy metals being sprayed all over the globe such as
aluminum, barium and strontium which are making their ways into the food chain, which accumulate in our brains as they cross the blood brain barrier.
These heavy metals are exactly the components described in the SRM and geoengineering patents which are numerous. Aluminum is showing up in
extremely high levels in the soil, water and blood tests. We are seeing higher rates of dementia and alzheimers. Aluminum is known to be connected to
alzheimer´s. We are also seeing an increase in PM10 and PM2.5 particulate pollutants which are causing increased rates of respiratory and
cardiovascular diseases.

There are each time more people actually looking at the sky who witness the formation of haze by aircrafts while the weather changes yet, mainstream
media calls people conspiracy theorists and at the same time are intensifying their subliminal messages of what is actually going on through movies,
cartoons, press releases and even car commercials.

When we analyze all these facts together and join the dots the conclusion is large scale deception. Anyone doubting these facts should do some
research into the matter. The reason I´m focusing on geoengineering so much is because it´s such a huge distortion of nature and shows how deep
the deceptive abilities of those who run the world actually are. To me we should all be very preoccupied about what is going with the climate and
geoengineering because it may very well lead to our extinction.

All images/article quotes copyrighted by their respective authors

David Keith from the Carnegie institute, both are proposing geoengineering the planet. They say we need to do it in the future but as we can see it´s
been going on for years.

Cloud machines reported on BBC news.

Bill Gates Funding Geoengineering Research

“Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has been supporting a wide array of research on geoengineering since 2007, ScienceInsider has learned. The
world’s richest man has provided at least $4.5 million of his own money over 3 years for the study of methods that could alter the stratosphere to
reflect solar energy, techniques to filter carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, and brighten ocean clouds. But Gates’s money has not funded
any field experiments involving the techniques, according to Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Palo Alto, California.
Caldeira and physicist David Keith of the University of Calgary in Canada have been in charge of deciding how to dispense the money. The pair have
been informal energy and climate advisers to Gates for several years, and they say they remain independent. "This is philanthropic money and when it
arrives [to Calgary] Gates does not control it," says Keith.
Recipients of the funding include Armand Neukermans, an inventor based in Silicon Valley who is working with colleagues to design spray systems for
the marine clouds, and students and scientists working for Keith and Caldeira. Funding has also helped support scientific meetings in geoengineering
in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Edinburgh, Scotland, and aeronautics research related to altering the stratosphere.”

This to me is one of the biggest scandals of our times as it shows how deeply brainwashed people are, to the point they can´t even see what is
blatantly going on in front of their eyes. The Sun which radiates energy and light to the whole solar system is being blocked and people don´t realize it.

When we relate this back to astrology and Pluto in Capricorn on its own South Node and think of Capricorn as our personal responsibility and
maturation processes, we can see how we are treated like children by the authorities, Saturn, as we have given our sovereignty away little by little by
allowing others to choose our fates. Little by little we personally and collectively make subtle inner choices to conform out of a need to maintain the
status quo of our lives and societies but, what we conform to is our own demise. Choice making connects to Pluto. When we allow things to get worse
and do not confront tyranny, it gets to a point where our ability to change the situation becomes very limited. We are allowing evil forces, which
correlates to Pluto too, to create a structure, Saturn, around and soon to be inside us, which once totally set will be a world wide web based high tech
prison. I know all of this is daunting and may be overwhelming but if one does the research, joins the dots and looks at the transits it becomes quite

When we relate geoengineering back to the fact that Pluto and its South Node correlate with the fossil fuel industries, the evolutionary need to move to
more sustainable sources of energy and the fact that Pluto also correlates with the resistance to evolution, we can now understand that another reason
for the ongoing artificial dimming of the sky with sulfur dioxide and to geoengineer the planet is so that the fossil fuel industries can continue their
business! Instead of stopping the extraction and burning of fossil fuels they found a way to cool the planet so that the industry can continue without
contributing to global warming. This was stated on T.V. in my country by the president of the National Council of Sustainable Development who also
stated that it is being funded by Bill Gates. That they were thinking of doing exactly what was just stated and for those same reasons.

The american military had already stated their intentions to control the weather by 2025 and the document is available online. “Weather as a force
multiplier, owning the weather by 2025”.

The U.N. has made treaties banning such things such as ENMOD in 1977 which bans the use of weather modification or weather warfare yet this is
exactly what is going on. Weather modification and weather warfare against the populations, hidden in plain sight. Even tectonic warfare, psychotronic
warfare, ultrasonic warfare and more are all stated technologies in military documents such as Nasa´s “Future of War” which seem to be used on the
population in varying degrees. If the weather is all controlled then that means the extreme weather and catastrophic events are intentional. Tectonic
weather means the ability to use earthquakes as weapons.

This is hard to accept yet it´s happening and if you research these things they are all there in plain sight.

Connected to this are ionospheric heaters like H.A.A.R.P which are used to alter the ionosphere and climate with high power microwaves and for other
military applications. I´m not really knowledgeable about this technology but some state it´s a weaponized system just like the 5G and capable of
psychotronic warfare, earthquakes (tectonic warfare) and storms or droughts. Apparently the same symptoms mentioned prior like tinnitus, headaches
and others are being experienced by people all over the world because of these technologies.

H.A.A.R.P Antennas
When we see clouds with these patterns it´s because they have been microwaved and are part of geoengineering or have military applications. I have
personally seen planes make trails which then look exactly like the cloud in the photo after they presumably get zapped.

A comprehensive website dedicated to exposing geo engineering and its negative effects on the climate is:
Dane Wiginton who runs the site is refreshing to hear because of his courage, passion and persistence in addressing this issue head on.

Rapid futuristic Growth

At the end of 2020 we will have an interesting new cycle between Jupiter and Saturn. Their cycles relate to growth of societal structures and will be
making a conjunction in Aquarius. This will initiate a new technological cycle in which the growth will be connected to the internet and big data. Many
new business opportunities will arise and the economies will change due to the changes in society, many based on technology. Some will grow
opposing what is emerging and return to old conventional ways of life and others might split from the mainstream to grow in their own new ways or
even rebel against the system. I find it interesting as a precursor to Pluto in Aquarius in 2025 because Aquarius and Uranus are accelerators so it
might very well be the acceleration of social changes creating a rapid build up to the singularity. The world will be very different by then and afterwards
too. Uranus in Taurus rules Jupiter and Saturn in their new cycle together and one correlation can be to the universal basic income as Taurus connects
to our income. There will be shifts to the structure of the economy and possibly economic shocks to parts of the world populations who were not
expecting it at all as Uranus/Aquarius correlate with sudden events that shock us into objective awareness. Because Uranus/Aquarius rules sound and
light there might be interesting advancements relative to the use of sound frequencies and light spectrums to be used for various reasons including
healing. Music may also be totally revolutionized by artificial intelligence or new technologies that allow people to break new ground in these areas.

Within all this we need to take into account the collective evolution and acceleration of consciousness that big data and these new technologies lead
to. With many people turning to meditation, shamanism, yoga and various spiritual practices there is also an organic expansion of consciousness.
There is an increasing number of people raising their Kundalini Shakti energy because of these practices and cleaner life styles. As more people raise
Kundalini energy within themselves their intelligence expands as does their awareness, their perception deepens as their third eyes open and they
begin to have a larger energy field which effects others. The more people that awaken the more light of awareness there is in the world which has an
exponential effect. It´s possible that for some groups of people there are increased Kundalini awakenings during this timeframe and increasing at the
time that Pluto enters Aquarius and Uranus enters Gemini which will be trine Pluto in 2025. From the point of view of consciousness there can be an
awakening at this time also through shocking events which can be totally disruptive to large groups of people. What we can be certain of are rapid
innovative changes specially when Pluto enters Aquarius. At the same time Pluto enters Aquarius Neptune will begin a new cycle in Aries. Neptune,
correlates with consciousness itself and we can see the potential for the birth of a new collective consciousness at this time, accelerated
technologically, spiritually and/or through crisis and the need to survive. What we need to realize is that the structure of consciousness itself is
evolving. The structure of consciousness correlates with Capricorn, the reality we experience on Earth is what houses and conditions the collective
consciousness. Something that could lead to a new awareness would be alien contact or disclosure.

Big pharma, Vaccines, Geoengineering and Monsanto.. are they connected to depopulation?

When studying Evolutionary Astrology one learns that when observing transits it´s important to look at the transiting Nodal axis of the Moon as the
South Node correlates to the past dynamics which conditions the present moment and the North Node indicates the necessary direction to be
developed for evolution to occur. Evolution itself correlates with Pluto and the Nodal axis should be seen relative to Pluto´s transit.

In August 2022 Uranus and the Transiting North Node of the Moon will be conjunct at 18 Taurus (trine the South Node of Pluto). This is a transit to look
at relative to the survival of various life forms.

In March 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time then Rx´s back into Capricorn twice. Ingress is Aquarius in November 2024.

As we know survival correlates with Taurus and Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026.
As Pluto gets ready to enter Aquarius it will be squaring the Nodal axis in Scorpio/Taurus. Within the context of what we have been discussing, the
potential for extinction of certain animal and plant species and even potentially the loss of large portions of the human population seems to be a
possibility. The South Node is that which we are emerging from evolutionarily. The North Node is the intended evolutionary direction we need to
develop. With the North Node in Taurus, along with the transit of Uranus in Taurus and the square the Nodal axis will be making to Pluto, we can see a
potentially dangerous time because of the toxicity of the atmosphere and environment. Aquarius rules the atmosphere and Pluto correlates with toxins.
We can possibly expect a darkening of the sky (which is already happening) due to toxins and the effects it will have on the biosphere will possibly
create a crisis in which the core need is to survive because of the North Node in Taurus. Uranus correlates with lungs and the brain so one big
potential problem may be respiratory diseases. There can also be food and water shortages and failing crops all because of geoengineering which is
disrupting the natural weather patterns and EMF which will weaken all the life forms on the planet and possibly causes cancer. Once the 5G network is
running and everything is connected to the internet we will be saturated with all sorts of EMF radiation which besides potentially causing cancer can
weaken our immune systems and contribute to mental health problems.

“India has shut down the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation’s operations and kicked its management out of the country after grave concerns were
raised about the non-government organization’s immunization policies and close ties to Big Pharma.”


Factual logic which tells us that humans have lived for many thousands of years without synthetic medicines or vaccines and we managed to survive.
Now we have all the technology and modern medicine imaginable but are the unhealthiest we have ever been and are advancing towards our own
It´s shocking to see some western countries forecasts, specially the U.S.A, U.K. and Germany which are predicted to lose around 70% of their
population while most other western and NATO countries lose around 25%.

If we look at the global population forecast it´s predicted to decrease from 7.4 to 6.8 billion people by 2025.
On their website there is an explanation of why they predict such outcomes and it´s related to economic/societal collapse, migration and loss of life due
to the collapse. This collapse if it happens will be engineered just like most crisis. I have seen a video of a high level banker, possibly David
Rockefeller (it was a long time ago) stating that in the near future the economic power will be shifting to the East. That seems to be exactly what is
happening and if we look to the forecasts of the Eastern countries, South America and Asia we see stable populations and economic growth in many

Below is a screenshot of which is a website guide to military and civil aircraft and equipment which makes population forecasts.

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's investments in Monsanto and Cargill have come under heavy criticism. Is it time for the foundation to come
clean on its visions for agriculture in developing countries?”

Obama doing the opposite of what he stated.


All images/article quotes copyrighted by their respective authors

The MIC´s stated agenda is to connect all of their military technology to the internet to be controlled by A.I. in order to maintain military dominance just
like in the Terminator movies. Hollywood isn´t predicting things, it´s programming people to accept whatever comes as our minds accept that which is
familiar and don´t find it that strange when they really happen. Grab an indigineous person and show them movies of people shooting each other,
which is “normal” for us, and see how he or she reacts. They will be horrified but we are so de-sensitized, brainwashed, traumatized, chemically and
electro magnetically conditioned that we accept anything as a society. (Fluoride is added in drinking water in many places as an example of chemically
altering the population leading to lowered I.Q.´s.)
What happens when the A.I. military robots need to build more robots and become self serving psychopaths just like those who invented them in the
first place? What happens to natural resources when we will have self replicating machines which are intelligent and autonomous and don´t have any
compassion for other life forms? What happens if humans lose control of them like in the movie or worse they are by design made to “lose control”.?
What will war look like?

Skynet might very well be the internet of things “IoT” which the military might have access to. At present the groundwork for autonomous vehicles is
being implemented and field tests are beginning within major cities this year which the military most likely will able to hack. By the time Pluto enters
Aquarius in 2024 I think that system will be quite well implemented, along with the smart cities especially once Uranus enters Gemini and trines Pluto
in Aquarius. That is when we will most likely see humans in the mainstream merging with technology, robots and A.I. in various ways, from having them
as sexual partners to pets, to implementing nanotechnology into the body for medical purposes or to connect to the cloud.

Transhumanism and the singularity: Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini

All images/article quotes copyrighted by their respective authors

In around seven years from now this technological build up with reach a climax and explode. People will be connecting their brains to the internet and
merging with the machine, transmitting their thoughts onto the cloud with all the implications. Look up Ray Kurzweill ex DARPA/Pentagon and now
Google chief engineer. He himself stated what I just shared, and the timeline, these are his words and Elon Musk stated that either people will merge
with the technology or be left behind. Sounds very Pluto in Aquarius to me… he also stated that the A.I. is the beast itself.

The singularity will be big and no one knows how it will be experienced but the potential for massive advancements, massively shocking events or both
are to be expected. That is when we will most likely see humans in the mainstream merging with technology, robots and A.I. in various ways, from
having them as sexual partners to pets, to implementing nanotechnology into the body for medical purposes or to connect to the cloud.

Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius can and will correlate with people connecting their minds/brains to the internet in large numbers possibly
creating the potential for increased neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity, the formation of new dendrites and new ways of learning, allowing for
different, new types of synapses or connections including connections with A.I., machines, cyborgs, etc. To the end of the schooling system as we
know it because of the connection to the net and A.I, to the internet of everything taking on full force because Gemini correlates with communications
and therefore we can expect a huge transformation of the way we are connected. The use of autonomous vehicles and the automation of many things
will also most probably boom around this time. Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius in 2025 leading to a rapid evolutions of all these dynamics.
This is exactly the stated time frame for the singularity. The singularity in their words will be the most important event in the history of mankind. I think
there will also be an increasing number of groups of people of like mind connecting with one another in order to share information and find new ways
to adapt and thrive in the emerging new reality. It might correlate with the formation of many communities which interconnect and share information/
resources/ideas/knowledge as some people realize the nature of the technological prison system being implemented and look to find alternatives with
others who share the same values.

Aquarius and Uranus correlate with rebellion and with these symbols we can see the potential for groups of people rebelling in various ways because
of the tyranny and oppression which many of us are waking up to on a daily basis.

Neptune in Aries and a new spirituality, a new deception or both?

At the same time around 2025 Neptune will be entering Aries and in 2026 Saturn will be in a new phase conjunction to Neptune, both in Aries marking
a new cycle in which people will want to be free from the spiritual reality of the past. I have already come across but cannot confirm the intention of the
NWO to implement a new religion. It seems like the probability is there with Neptune beginning a new cycle around the Zodiac but once again within
the age of deception what can we actually expect, a new form of spirituality which connects people to their Source and to one another or simply an
even bigger distortion of truth and natural law than what came before? We shall see. It can indicate a new form of spiritual awareness and reality on

In 2026 Saturn and Neptune will be in a new phase conjunction in Aries and Uranus will be in Gemini indicating a totally new global awareness
whether through crisis and destruction, merging with technology or rapid spiritual growth. With the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo
at that time the potential for crisis is real due to the potential of humans being assimilated by the machine or other destructive possibilities that can
exist relative to Pluto´s tendency to maintain power at all costs.

At the same time we might also experience major rebellion or a desire for some groups of people to totally separate from the consensus in violent
ways. They may be violently suppressed by the power structures and high tech war is possible.

Another possibility relative to the evolution of consciousness can be the knowledge about other planes of existence and spirits becoming more
mainstream as technology might permit people to perceive these other realms.

At DWave Quantum Computing they themselves joke about opening portals to demons. Jokes aside they speak of connecting to “non local entities”
which are most probably spiritual beings in other planes of existence with a possibility of actually being demonic.

Exit Reality, Enter the Matrix

The next phase has the potential to be the biggest distortion ever because of the technologies and how they are being used. Simply put it seems like
they are creating a virtual reality similar to the matrix. It´s my understanding that evil people are extreme narcissists at their core and ultimately want to
play God. If they create a digital virtual reality to entrap others they get closer to that goal, at least in a distorted way. What makes sense to me is that
evil wants to capture people´s consciousnesses within technological devices which will enable evil to “enlist” more Souls.

Beginning 2043 Pluto will enter Pisces and Rx back into Aquarius to fully enter Pisces at the beginning of 2045. Neptune which rules Pluto in Pisces
will be in Taurus. These symbols are very interesting to ponder within this context!

There are many who know, not believe but actually know through memories or regressions to past lives that we are eternal Souls, so much more than
our physical, current life identities. So why the need to become immortal when we already are? The only conclusion is what I have already
hypothesized: the entrapment of Souls. If we look at where the human is plugged, it´s at the brainstem which is the oldest part of the brain and where
consciousness emanates from.

The potential way forward

I don´t think humanity is awake enough to realize what is going on before the new system is fully in place. It seems that stopping the agenda is not a
realistic approach but we can surf the wave of innovation and play our parts in shaping the new emerging world. Any new cycle can bring with it crisis
but also opportunities to do things differently. The people who are asleep and who need some form of authority to govern them in order to be secure
will walk off the cliff of their own enslavement in the name of security which they will find in numbers. The people who are more aware to the reality of
the corporate take over and enslavement of mankind will either be assimilated by the new system and try to alter it from within or will reject it as groups
of like minded individuals connect in order to create sustainable communities. These communities will be important because they will protect our
common rights and may very well find themselves feeding and helping the victims of the new system who will be disillusioned with it and also look for
alternatives, maybe even in large numbers. These communities will be necessary in order to show the world by their example that it´s possible to live
sustainably in a de centralized way without relying heavily on technology.

For those that stay within the smart cities they will need to become proactive within their communities and build relationships with their neighbours.
They will need to join together in order to have a voice and fight for their freedoms and rights which are being stripped away one by one. An example
of this happening can be to join together in large numbers in order to object to the implementation of CCTV cameras on light posts which is a stated
goal of the smart cities. If people join together before it´s all implemented they have a chance to influence the ways that these technologies are
implemented and their uses. If people in large enough numbers reject CCTV cameras for example it will force an open dialogue with the authorities. All
these things are being implemented without much public knowledge. Virtually nothing is told to the public except for small press releases which most
people don´t see or read further than the headlines. The smart city congress in my city wasn’t even open to the public, only to corporations and

Another possibility to use the upcoming system for the benefit of all people is for the people to begin to demand equality and transparency relative to
everything in our societies. If the people in authority want to create a reality with no privacy then it should be both ways. The people have the right to
know the same things about their government officials and the corporations which are running the system, including having access to the mega data
that this new system will generate and depend on. If those in power want to limit the resources that people have access to then the people should
expect those in power to set the example. WE can´t accept that they want to force the populations of the world to ride bicycles and cut down ecological
footprints while they fly around in private jets and own vast amounts of land and other resources. The United Nations cannot peddle a necessary
system that controls everyone to the core except for some people, while at the same time talking about equality and posing as a humanitarian, good
institution. Either things are equal and transparent for all involved or it´s just more of the same deceptive dynamics which have been going on for
thousands of years. We cannot accept to be subjugated by those who are supposed to serve us and the greater good. The way to fight is through
unity, using intelligence and the power of truth to confront those that wish to hide behind lies and deceptive tactics in order to stay in control and
dominate the resources of the planet. For that we all need to get involved.

In my view relative to geoengineering people need to realize what´s really going on and join together in large numbers to demand it stops, period.

There are certain foods and supplements which can help detox heavy metals from the body which are used in geoengineering. Two which I stand by
are Chlorella and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane).

When we look at the North Node of Pluto which is in Cancer then it´s quite simple to understand that we need to start caring and protecting the world,
our families, homes and communities from the tyranny and corruption. We need to stop judging one another and work together locally.

Personal Re empowerment

The biggest evolution needs to be the evolution of consciousness, as once we realign with truth and go deeper into our essences, constructive ways
of living our potential can become the normal way of life for humanity. So these time period can correlate with new seeds being planted as the core of
this transit of Pluto on it´s South Node and all the accompanying new cycles within this 248 year cycle is to metamorphose existing limitations within
the structural nature of reality, made up by the collective consciousness. Neptune currently in Pisces can mean disillusionment with the world on a
grand scale will add energy to these new seeds as some people wake up from their dream states and desire to live in truth.

The Cardinal archetypes indicate forward movement but also the need to take a step backwards in order to move forwards. We need to take a step
back and return to a state of respect and unity with nature. To return to before we stupidly began believing that we could tame her and not become
extinct somewhere down the line. The indigenous people around the world always warned the so called civilized people of what would happen if they
distorted their role on the planet and disrespected Mother Nature. The American Indians wouldn´t go and stand at Standing Rock in freezing
temperatures in front of armed police with water canons, mace and god knows what else if it wasn´t of utter importance for all of us. Water is sacred
and essential for all of life here on the planet for we are sacred too and sustained by the spiritual essence that water actually symbolizes.

With The North Nodes of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, relative to what we know about the patriarchal society we live in and the current and
near future transits, indicates a need for us to decondition from and dissolve distorted boundaries, rules and regulations that separate people from one
another, nature and our spiritual essence, by connecting first with our own emotional bodies and learning to nurture ourselves. As no man is an island
this also means coming together within our communities and families. Unity with our neighbors to take active parts in local politics is important to de-
centralize power and re-empower individuals. Relative to geoengineering we need to reach a point where enough people know about it and demand it
stops, period.

As of this writing something very interesting is happening in Italy. They are confronting the E.U. as their policies are detrimental to national sovereignty
and the Italians didn´t accept well the idea of mandatory vaccines which the E.U. want. This is what needs to happen. People need to get aware of
what is really happening and need to get involved. This can only happen by unplugging from the official narrative and uniting with others who live in
truth. Mandatory vaccines have been pre-programmed for a long time as I have known about the intention to vaccinate people for at least twelve
years. Again who profits? The pharmaceutical companies who get their products to their stated target of 95% of the population. That´s good business
when such a large percentage of the population buy your products!

We are all part of this ongoing interface between light and darkness, awareness and ignorance or good and evil. How do we contribute to one or the
other? We do this with our thoughts, intentions, choices and our emotions.

With the North Nodes of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Cancer the way forward is obviously thru reaching a state of inner security in which we are
properly nourished on an emotional level. This obviously means emotional health and well being, allowing the inner child to always be present as we
continue our journey on the planet. When we think of the Capricorn archetype we think of maturity and responsibility but who is it that becomes
responsible? It´s our awareness that expresses itself as the innocent and magical inner child. The inner child is not supposed to become an angry or
fearful old man or woman who is rigid and lifeless due to suppression, distortions and layers of conditioned emotions. The inner child is supposed to
learn how to build constructively in order to nurture him/herself, nurture others and reach positive goals. For that we need to switch off our T.V.´s and
disconnect from the official narrative in order to live based on experience and truth.

When they say in spiritual circles that to evolve is to return to the Source what do you think that means on a moment to moment level? Not necessarily
to turn into an angel and fly back to the all loving light! Maybe it means to learn how to feel as good as we can and be healthy on all levels so we can
hold more awareness, more light, and thus also experience more joy and unconditional love while being here on the planet.

How can we do that? By being our true selves and specifically finding our truth, having the courage to live our purpose. Looking at the Astrology, we all
have a Moon which rules the North Nodes of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Cancer. The Moon is highly personal as it relates to our core self image, to
our conscious security needs as we interface with the environment in an emotional way in every single moment of our lives. Where we have the Moon
in our charts by House, Sign and by Aspect will show how we can contribute to the whole simply by interacting as emotional beings with the world
around us. Most people are conditioned to believe that in order to make a change in the world that we need to be in a position of power and authority.
Well what is more powerful than owning your emotions and mastering yourself? It´s been proved that emotions are able to have an effect on others
and the environment. Just smile truly at someone while you have positive thoughts and emotions for them and see the feedback or, insult someone
and scream at them and see the difference to validate these facts.

Consciousness is king in this world and love is the Queen. It´s care that we need to nurture in order to evolve towards the Cancer polarity.
Consciousness and Love are the qualities which all else is made up of. That is why those who desire to maintain their power based on ignorance, fear
and greed will do all they can to suppress consciousness itself in these times. Our purpose is simply to shine the light of truth coupled with courage to
act according to our Heart and Soul´s conscience.

Remember what you are!


Jeff Green - Pluto Vol 1

Jeff Green - Pluto Vol 2

Jeff Green - Lucifer Article

Jeff Green - Uranus Freedom From the Known

Jeff Green - Evolutionary Astrology Course

Nick Anthony Fiorenza - The great transformation 2020-2030

The Hermeticast - podcast on Jupiter/Saturn

Geoff Pain - Mechanisms of Fluoride Neurotoxicity

Nasa - The Future of War

U.S.A.F. - Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather in 2025

U.N. - Agenda 21

ENMOD - Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

John Birch Society - The United Nations exposed

Jana Dixon - Biology of Kundalini

Sri Yukteswar - The Holy Science

Will Burns - The Paris Agreement and Climate Geoengineering - Industrial revolutions

Stop the - Vaccines Did Not Save Us 2 centuries of official statistics

Michael Tsarion - The Future of Mankind

David Icke - Agenda 21 The Plan to Kill You

All images/article quotes copyrighted by their respective authors and found on

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