NRZ vs. RZ: Performance Analysis For Fiber-Optic Cdma: Research Article
NRZ vs. RZ: Performance Analysis For Fiber-Optic Cdma: Research Article
NRZ vs. RZ: Performance Analysis For Fiber-Optic Cdma: Research Article
Research Article
I. INTRODUCTION WDM systems have evolved extensively over the years due to innumerous advances in the various kinds of building blocks such as optical sources, modulators, filters, amplifiers, receivers etc. and also because of optimized line formats. A number of modifications to Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) and Return-toZero (RZ) formats line formats have been proposed over the years for use in WDM optical communication systems. Optical CDMA systems are better than TDMA and FDMA systems in terms of the system throughput and the BER performance since the whole channel bandwidth is available to each user for the whole of the time and the codes applied have better autoand cross-correlation properties. Because of this, the BER performance degrades gradually when the number of simultaneous users increases above the normal traffic. Optical CDMA whereas suffers from multiple access interference (MAI). In WDM systems, dispersion and nonlinearities like Four Wave Mixing (FWM), Cross Phase Modulation (XPM) and Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) are major degrading factors. The degradation worsens with the increase in the transmission distance, number of simultaneous users (since all users share the same bandwidth). Fiber-optic CDMA hence will be affected by the fiber medium effects (most serious are the optical non-linearities) and as well as the MAI arising out if the code cross-correlation properties. The effect of dispersion in optical
CDMA system with Sequence Inverse Keying has been studied by Majumder et al. in [1] whereas Miyamoto et al. (1999) [2] have proved the utility of some important modulation formats in reducing the non-linear effects. In this paper, the effects of physical layer impairments along with MAI are studied to compare the performance of NRZ and RZ formats. The optical CDMA system is designed for four users using OptSIM, the optical system simulator from RSofts and the system comparative performance is studied for NRZ and RZ formats. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a generalized optical CDMA system and the structure of the transmitter and the receiver [3].
Fig. 1: A Generalized Star Connected Fiber-Optic CDMA System [3]. Figure 2 shows a simple description of the optical CDMA signal with on-off keying where a 1 bit has been coded by a 10100 chip sequence and the 0 bit has not been transmitted.
Fig. 2. On-off time-encoding using a onedimensional code for unipolar Optical CDMA (a) data bits 10 (b) transmitted coded data using a one-dimensional code 101000 for bit 1. II. SYSTEM DESIGN Using 733 wavelength/time/space WTS GRZI-BCDD codes [4], optical CDMA encoders and decoders have been designed. The optical CDMA system is simulated for four users using OptSIM an optical simulator from RSoft. The GRZI-BCDD codes are 3-D wavelength-time-space codes, hence these have been first converted into 2-D codes so that these are implemented using the W2T scheme with WS wavelengths and T timechips. This eliminates the need of optical star couplers and fiber ribbons. A different model is designed for each of the two formats i.e for NRZ and RZ. It is assumed that the power transmitted from all the users is equal so the near-far effect is not considered. Also the losses in the encoders and the modulators are assumed to be the same for all the users. An optical normalizer is placed before the combiner to realize the above assumptions in the designs for the two formats. Table I lists the important system simulation parameters and their values. TABLE I: Important System Parameter values First Channel Wavelength 1544 nm Uniform Channel Spacing 0.4 nm Bit Rate 2.5 Gbps User Transmitted Powers 0.1 mW Filter Band Width 0.1 nm Zero-dispersion wavelength 1.55 nm Uniform Amplifier spacing 50 Km
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Two optical CDMA systems have been simulated; first with NRZ transmitter and the other with RZ transmitter. A fiber link length of 50 Km is repeated in order to study the effect of the increase in the link length over the system BER. The fiber link is dispersion as well as loss compensated. The optical spectrums of the NRZ and RZ coded signals are shown in figure 3 for the x polarization. These show that RZ relatively has a larger bandwidth compared to NRZ format.
0 -10 -20 P ow e r (dB m ) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 1549 1550 Wavelength (m) 1551 x10-9
0 - 20 Pow er (dBm ) - 40 - 60 - 80 -100 1549 1550 Wavelength (m) 1551 x10-9
(b) Fig. 3. Power spectra of (a) NRZ and (b) RZ formats. The x polarization is shown. The system BER performance vs. link length is shown in figure 4 for Link-Lengths of 125 Km and 400 Km respectively. It shows that RZ performs better than the NRZ format.
10-4 10-5 10-7 10-9 BER 10-12 10-15 10-20 10-26 10-34 10-44 100 200 300
Link_length (Kms)
Fig. 4. BER performance of RZ and NRZ format of optical CDMA system. IV. CONCLUSIONS 3. E. S. Shivaleela, A. Selvarajan, T. Srinivas, Two dimensional optical Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) and Return-toorthogonal codes for Fiber-optic Zero (RZ) are two basic formats in WDM CDMA networks. J. Lightwave optical communication systems. Since optical Technol., vol. 23, pp. 647 654, CDMA performs better than TDMA and 2005. 4. J. Singh and M. L. Singh, Design of 3-D FDMA in terms of the system throughput and wavelength/time/space codes for the BER performance, its performance can asynchronous fiber-optic CDMA further be improved by adopting a suitable systems IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, pp.131-133, 2010. format from WDM optical systems. Hence Fiber-optical CDMA combining the advantages from the optical CDMA and WDM systems, the system performance will further improve. In this paper, the simulation performance of fiber-optic CDMA is studied for a fouruser fiber-optic CDMA system using NRZ and RZ formats. GRZI-BCDD codes have been used in the encoders/decoders. The analysis is done to compare the performance of the NRZ and RZ formats. The results show that RZ performs better than NRZ format. REFERENCES
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