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Simulation of Pre & Post Compensation Techniques For 16 Channels DWDM Optical Network Using CSRZ & DRZ Formats

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)

Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Page 346

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) is a promising technique which can meet the increasing demand for
communication bandwidth. It multiplexed all the channel signals onto single fiber thus increases the capacity of existing fiber. It
is a perfect substitute for long haul networks. The major problem that DWDM technique suffered is dispersion which results in
degradation of system performance and causes broadening of light pulses.
In this paper a proposed setup of long haul 16 channels DWDM network have been simulated using CSRZ and DRZ modulation
formats. Two dispersion compensation techniques i.e. Pre and Post is used in the system to overcome the dispersion problem and
the dispersion of SMF is completely compensated using Dispersion Compensated Fiber (DCF) which helped in achieving
maximum transmission distance up to 1200 km.

Keywords: DWDM, SMF, DCF, CSRZ, DRZ, Q-Factor.

Optical networks are telecommunication network with high capacity, which are basically based on optical technology and
components .Such networks provides routing, restoration at wavelength level as well as wavelength based services.
Having in mind that today telecommunication networks are facing with continuous problems for transmitting different
class of services, operators always are looking for new alternatives or substitute, in order to transmit multimedia services
with high quality. Due to the internet boom the demand for transmission capacity is growing rapidly day by day .So there
is a tremendous growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web (www) both in terms of number of customers and
amount of time and thus the bandwidth taken by each customer which is a major factor. Such factors have driven the
development of high-capacity optical networks. Thus Optical data transmission is the key to meet this requirement.
The demand for more bandwidth in telecommunication networks has rapidly expanded the development of new optical
components and devices (especially Wavelength Division Multiplexers). Basically the origin of optical networks is
associated to Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) which leads to provide more and more capacity on existing
fibers. The Dense WDM technique send multiple light waves at different wavelength onto single fiber and also increases
the capacity of fiber because it multiplexed multiple signals and send it together. The major problem that DWDM
network suffers is the problem of dispersion. This problem can be solved by using different dispersion compensation
techniques, Dispersion compensation fiber etc. In history mostly the modulation formats used were NRZ and RZ but the
results were not satisfactory. So now advanced are used like CSRZ (carrier suppressed return to zero), DRZ (duo-binary
return to zero) and MDRZ (modified duo-binary return to zero). These advanced formats has given satisfactory results
and worked well with DWDM transmission system.

Farzana I. Khatri had focused on the incorporation of advanced DWDM technologies as well as customer usability
features. These features are used to provide the service providers to support multiple platforms and reduce transport
system operation costs [1]
M. R. X. de Barros, M. L. Rocha, M. T. Furtado, J. B. Rosolem, M. R. Horiuchi, M. A. D. Santos, J. S. Pereira, L. F. C.
Fernandes, and C. D'Amico have presented the results of simulation of 16 channels DWDM system at 10 Gb/s Bit rate.
Data have been transmitted over 73km and 112 km using single mode fiber and low loss, low dispersion DCFs. Power
penalties were measured and conclusion was in order to obtain lower power penalty the dispersion must be compensated
because the dispersion is the main source of penalty as expected for STD-SMF [2]
Sawsan Abdul-Majid , Saleh AL.Qarawy and Yousra Abdul-Sahib proposed a WDM de multiplexer design using fiber
bragg grating. The main motive was to achieve high level accuracy, the time and cost saving by using latest state of art.
The performance of the design was measured using Q factor and BER i.e. bit error rate.[3]
R.S.Kaler, T.S.Kamal, and Ajay.K Sharma presented the simulation of DWDM systems with ultra high capacity up to
1.28 Tb/s . Parameters were analyzed on the basis of impact of sound to noise ratio and results obtained were explained
on the basis of nonlinear effects. Conclusion was with increase in channel spacing, the SNR increases to maximum value
Simulation of Pre & Post Compensation
Techniques for 16 Channels DWDM Optical
Network using CSRZ & DRZ Formats

Richa Arya
, Malti Rani

M. Tech, Computer Science Department, Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab, India
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab, India
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Page 347

and then it decreases. For small wavelength spacing the SNR depends on number of channels but becomes independent
for large wavelength spacing. When channel spacing kept constant then SNR decreases with increase in length.[4]
Besim Limani and Arben Sylejmani in this paper analyzed the signal losses in optical backbone links. And long links was
analysed and measured to see if the noises had affected the quality of signal transmitted through these fibers. OTDR
analyzer was used to measure the signal losses. [5]
Lucky Sharan and V K Chaubey analyzed the affect of non linearity on the WDM systems. CSRZ modulation scheme was
used for the system in the presence of Kerr affects and various input power for different distances under different
compensation techniques were analyzed. The performance of the system was measured using Q factor and eye diagram.
And conclusion came out to be that post compensation performed better in comparison with other two compensation
techniques [6]
Essa Ibrahim Essa investigate the hybrid dispersion compensation schemes with 16 channels using RZ format over single
mode fiber based on DWDM network. EDFA was used to substitute power loss and dispersion was compensated by
dispersion compensation fiber i.e. DCF. Main aim was to reduce the error rate and transmit the quality at cost effective
way [7]
Sandeep Singh, Vaibhav Bhushan Tyagi, Anuj Bhardwaj and Neeraj Gupta have simulated the WDM system and
concluded that among all the three compensation techniques, the mix compensation technique is the best. It can greatly
reduce the effect of non linearity and increases the transmission distance of the communication system. The results were
analyzed in terms of Q factor and Bit error rate. Input power taken was 16 dB which gave BER performance better [8]
Muhammad Imran, Hamdan Awan and Mohammed Arafah have design the dispersion compensated DWDM system
using Hybrid Amplifier. Among all the factors that affects the DWDM system, the unsuitable parameters i.e. dispersion
and optical fiber loss are major ones. So it became important to eliminate these factors in order to achieve optimum
performance of the system. So instead of using EDFA alone, the author have used EDFARAMAN hybrid amplification
instead of EDFA alone to achieve acceptable signal at the receiver with improved Q-Factor and BER. [9]

The long haul networks major problem is dispersion which has to be reduced otherwise it degrades the system
performance. Dispersion means broadening of light pulses and signal distortion due to the difference in group velocity of
different modes which causes the signal interference and results in the inter symbol interference effect. In optical network
there are many factors that affects the performance of system like non linearity nature of propagation , Kerrs effect etc
and because of non linearity the performance of the system depends on the input power levels at input of fiber ,amount of
negative dispersion of DCF and on the position of DCF. The DCF have large negative dispersion value of -80ps/nm.km to
-90 ps/nm.km and used in compensating the positive dispersion of SMF. A DCF has low optical nonlinearity, low
insertion loss and large negative dispersion coefficient. By placing a DCF with large negative dispersion after SMF with
positive dispersion, the total dispersion should become zero. Following equation is used to calculate weather dispersion
becomes zero or not.

D(SMF) * L(SMF) =D(DCF) * L(DCF) (1)

DSMF and LSMF are dispersion and length of single mode fiber and DDCF and LDCF are dispersion and length of
dispersion compensated fiber. Also two dispersion compensation techniques are used to compensate the dispersion
depending on the position of DCF.
Pre- Compensation: In this type of compensation technique, the dispersion compensation fiber with negative dispersion is
placed before the single mode fiber with positive dispersion.
Post-Compensation: In this type of compensation technique, the dispersion compensation fiber with negative dispersion is
placed after the single mode fiber with positive dispersion.

In DWDM network in order to achieve higher capacity then the network should be enhanced to compensate the
dispersion. In order to reduce dispersion, different dispersion compensation techniques must be used periodically in the
network. Several methods have been used to solve the problem of compensation like fiber Bragg gratings, dispersion
compensation fiber, electrical dispersion compensation etc.
Figure 1 shows schematic simulation of long haul 16 channels DWDM network. The simulation parameters used in the
simulation setup are given in Table 1.
The simulation setup of 16 channels DWDM network composed of three sections i.e. the DWDM transmitter section, the
optical link and the receiver section.
The Transmitter section: The DWDM transmitter consists of CW laser array, Ideal Multiplexer and Modulation formats.
The CW laser array has 16 output ports and the frequencies are equally spaced between the channels i.e. frequency
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Page 348

spacing is 200 GHz between the user channels , emission frequency range is from 190 THz to 193 THz and Line width is
120 MHz . All the channels from CW laser are connected to 16 input port of Ideal Multiplexer and then fed into advanced
modulation formats i.e. CSRZ and DRZ.
The Optical link: In optical DWDM network the basic problemis the problemof dispersion which results in
degradation of the systemnetwork performance. So for this problemthe dispersion compensating fiber have been
used to compensate the dispersion occurred in the optical transmission link. DCF have negative dispersion of -85
ps/nm.kmwhich compensates the positive dispersion of SMF. The position of DCF should be in such a way that
placing DCF with negative dispersion after SMF with positive dispersion, the total dispersion should become
zero. The transmission link composed of DCF and SMF each of length 10kmand 50 kmrespectively. Link is
designed in such a way so that dispersion is compensated completely. The data is transmitted over 24 spans of
SMF of length 50 kmeach. The Erbiumdoped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) is used in the simulation setup which is
placed after each fiber in a way that it compensates the losses occurred due to preceding fiber. The systemis
simulated for two compensation techniques. First is Post compensation which is shown in Figure1 and second is
Pre compensation as shown in Figure2 shown below.

Figure 1 Post Compensation Dense WDM network

In post compensation, the DCF fiber of 10 km is placed after the SMF fiber of 50 km length to compensate the dispersion
and in Pre compensation technique the DCF fiber of 10 km is placed before SMF fiber of 50 km to do the dispersion
compensation. Four inline EDFAs are used which are placed after each fiber to recover the losses of fiber and amplify the
signals transmitted.
In post compensation, the DCF fiber of 10 kmis placed after the SMF fiber of 50 kmlength to compensate the
dispersion and in Pre compensation technique the DCF fiber of 10 kmis placed before SMF fiber of 50 kmto do
the dispersion compensation. Four inline EDFAs are used which are placed after each fiber to recover the losses of
fiber and to boost and amplify the signals transmitted.

Figure 2 Pre Compensation Dense WDM network

The Receiver Section: At the receiver the WDM de multiplexer is used to split the signals apart. It has 16 output
ports with equal frequency spacing of 200GHz and having bandwidth of 80 GHz. The Bessel filter is used with
depth of 80dB. The signals will be detected by the optical receiver which is connected to the output port of WDM
De Mux. The optical receiver is composed of two types of photo detectors, Bessel filter and 3R regenerator. In
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Page 349

this setup APD have photo detector have been used. Each optical receiver is directly connected to BER analyzer
which is used to generate results i.e. Eye diagram, Bit error rate and Quality factor which are the performance

Table 1: Simulation Parameters of Dense WDM Network

Essa Ibrahim Essa demonstrated the 16 channels DWDM system at constant Bit rate 40 Gbps using RZ format over 120
km Optical link. The average Q factor of DWDM system using RZ modulation format at distance 120 km is 5.4375 [7]
In this paper the two dispersion compensation techniques i.e. Pre and Post compensation have been simulated for 16
channels Dense WDM network using advanced formats CSRZ and DRZ. To analyze the system, output of last channel
have been taken at input powers 1m W and 5m W for bit rate 10 Gbps.

The Eye diagram and Optical spectrum analyzer of Post dispersion compensation using CDRZ and DRZ at Input
Power=5m W and Bit rate 10Gbps is shown below.

(a) (b)
Figure 3 (a) & (b) shows the Eye diagram of Post compensation CSRZ and DRZ at Power=5m W and Bit rate =10 Gbps
when Distance is 1200 km respectively

The figure above of Post compensation technique using CSRZ and DRZ gives the Q Factor of 10.5093 and 7.75883
S. No. Parameters Value
1 Bit Rate 0 to 10 Gbps
2 Length of SSMF 50km
3 Length of DCF 10 km
4 No. of spans 24
5 Power 1 mW to 5 mW
6 Attenuation of DCF 0.5 db/km
7 Attenuation of SMF 0.2 db/km
8 Dispersion of DCF -85 ps/nm/km
9 Dispersion of SMF 17 ps/nm/km
10 Gain of EDFA after DCF 5 db
11 Gain of EDFA after SMF 10 db
12 Bandwidth 80Ghz
13 Filter Type Bessel Filter
14 Frequency 190 THz
15 Line width 120 MHz
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Page 350

(a) (b)
Figure 4 (a) & (b) shows the Optical spectral analyzer for all 16 channels at Distance 0 km and 1200 km respectively
using CSRZ Post compensation technique

(a) (b)
Figure 5 (a) & (b) shows the Optical spectral analyzer for all 16 channels at Distance 0km and 1200 km respectively
using DRZ Post compensation technique

The Eye diagram and Optical spectrum analyzer of Pre dispersion compensation using CDRZ and DRZ at Input
Power=5m W and bit rate 10Gbps is shown below.

(a) (b)
Figure 6 (a) & (b) shows the Eye diagram of Pre compensation CSRZ and DRZ at Power=5m W and Bit rate =10 Gbps
when Distance is 1200 km respectively
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Page 351

The figure shows above of Pre compensation technique using CSRZ and DRZ gives the Q Factor of 9.92243 and 6.73939

(a) (b)
Figure 7 (a) & (b) shows the Optical spectral analyzer for all 16 channels at Distance 0 km and 1200 km respectively
using CSRZ Pre compensation technique when Input Power=5m W & Bit rate=10 Gbps

(a) (b)
Figure 8 (a) & (b) shows the Optical spectral analyzer for all 16 channels at Distance 0 km and 1200 km respectively
using DRZ Pre compensation technique when Input Power=5m W & Bit rate=10 Gbps

The performance comparison of different dispersion compensation techniques formats for CSRZ and DRZ modulation
formats is shown in Table 4 and Table 5 below.

Table 2: Showing results of CSRZ format at Distance 1200 km when Power=5m W &Bit rate=10 Gbps

Table 3: Showing results of DRZ format at Distance 1200 km when Power=5m W &Bit rate=10 Gbps

CSRZ Modulation Format
S No. Compensation Type Q Factor Distance Covered
1 Post 10.5093 1200 km
2 Pre 9.92243 1200km
DRZ Modulation Format
S No. Compensation Type Q Factor Distance Covered
1 Post 7.75883 1200 km
2 Pre 6.73939 1200km
International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)
Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: editor@ijaiem.org
Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014 Page 352

In this paper, we have simulated the long haul 16 channels Dense WDM network with two dispersion compensation
techniques i.e. Pre and Post to overcome the problem of dispersion. The two modulation formats CSRZ and DRZ were
simulated for both the dispersion techniques. The simulation results showed that the distance have been improved up to
1200 km and CSRZ outperformed DRZ modulation format in terms of Q factor of received signals.

[1] Farzana I.Khatri, Novel architectures for long haul DWDM systems, In Proceeding of the IEEE Advanced
Semiconductor Lasers and Applications, 2001. Digest of the LEOS Summer Topica , pp 23-24, 2001.
[2] M. R. X. de Barros, Experimental demonstration and numerical simulation of 16*10 Gb/s DWDM repeater less
transmission system with residual dispersion, In Proceeding of the 2001 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International
(Volume1), pp.545-547,2001.
[3] Sawsan Abdul-Majid, Software simulation of Fiber Bragg Grating in WDM, Journal of IJCCCE, Vol.6, No.2 ,
[4] R.S.Kaler,Simulation results for DWDM systems with ultra high capacity in Fiber and Integrated Optics,Journal of
Fiber and Integrated Optics, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 361-369, 2002
[5] Besim Limani, Analysis of signal loss in optical backbone links Journal of ACSAM,pp 17-22,2012.
[6] Lucky Sharan, Design and simulation of CSRZ Modulated 40 Gbps DWDM system in the presence of Kerr non
linearity, Wireless and Optical Communication Networks (WOCN), pp.1-5, 2012.
[7] Essa Ibrahim Essa, Software simulation the hybrid dispersion compensation schemes based on the 16*40 Gb/s
DWDM using RZ modulation format, Journal of IJARCSSE, Volume 2, Issue8. pp. 202-208, 2012.
[8] Sandeep Singh, Performance analysis of WDM link using different DCF techniques, Journal of ICCNDT, pp.202-
208 ,2012
[9] Muhammad Imran Hamdan , Design and Simulation of Dispersion compensated DWDM system based on hybrid
amplifier in International Journal of Computer Applications, Journal of IJCA Volume 69 - Number 10, pp. 8-12,


Richa Arya received B.Tech degree in Information Technology from Greater Noida Institute of Technology in
2010. She is now pursuing M.Tech degree in Computer Science (Networking Systems) from Ambika Paul
Institute of Technology (Punjab Technical University, Main Campus), Kapurthala, Punjab, India.

Malti Rani received B.Tech and M.Tech degrees in Department of Computer Science from Ludhiana College
of Engineering and Sri Sai Institute of Technology in 2008 and 2011 respectively. She is now working as
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science in Ambika Paul Institute of Technology (Punjab
Technical University, Main Campus), Karpurthala, Punjab, India.
Teaching experience: 4 years
Area of Interests: Optical Networks and Wireless Networks
Total No. of Publications: 8

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