Media in Transition 8: Public Media, Private Media: Call For Papers
Media in Transition 8: Public Media, Private Media: Call For Papers
Media in Transition 8: Public Media, Private Media: Call For Papers
International Conference Conference dates: May 3-5, 2013 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Conference website: (watch for updates).
in the copybook and scrapbook, compilation film, popular song and the open source and creative commons movement. MiT8 encourages a broad approach to these issues, with specific attention to textual practice, users, policy and cultural implications. As usual, we encourage work from across media forms and across historical periods and cultural regions. Possible topics include: Media traces: cookies, GPS data, TiVo and Kindle tracking The paradoxes of celebrity and the public persona Representing the anxieties of the private in film, television, literature MMORPGs / identities / virtual publics The spatial turn in media: private consumption in public places Historical media panics regarding the private-public divide When cookies shape content, what happens to the public? Creative commons and the new public sphere Big data and privacy Party lines and two-way radio: amplifying the private The fate of public libraries in the era of digital services Methodologies of internet and privacy studies Creative commons, free software, and the new public sphere Public and civic WiFi access to the internet Surveillance, monitoring and their (dis)contents
Submit an Abstract and Short Bio Short abstracts for papers should be about 250 words in a PDF or Word format and should be sent as email attachments to no later than Friday, March 1, 2013. Please include a short (75 words or fewer) biographical statement. We will be evaluating submissions on a rolling basis beginning in November and will respond to every proposal. Include a Short Bibliography For this years conference, we recommend that you include a brief bibliography of no more than one page in length with your abstract and bio.
Proposals for Full Panels Proposals for full panels of three or four speakers should include a panel title and separate abstracts and bios for each speaker. Anyone proposing a full panel should recruit a moderator. Submit a Full Paper In order to be considered for inclusion in a conference anthology, you must submit a full version of your paper prior to the beginning of the conference. If you have any questions about the eighth Media in Transition conference, please contact Brad Seawell at