MSC Patran 301 Course Notes
MSC Patran 301 Course Notes
MSC Patran 301 Course Notes
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Meshing Strategies
Lec 7-87
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
I Analysis requirements must be understood to build an appropriate mesh, i.e. linear, nonlinear I Geometry type and attributes must be considered before meshing, i.e. simple, trimmed surface I MSC.Patran FEM application tools Meshers Meshing control Sweep / transform tools Editing
Lec 7-89
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Geometry in Meshing
Trimmed Surfaces
Trimmed surfaces
Pave mesh of trimmed surfaces Note: elements are not uniform around hole
Lec 7-90
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Lec 7-91
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Lec 7-92
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Tessellated Surface
Lec 7-93
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Lec 7-94
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Lec 7-95
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Lec 7-96
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Lec 7-97
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Incongruent Topology
Copyright 2000 MSC.Software
Congruent Topology
Meshing Strategies
Lec 7-98
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Paver mesher
Tet mesher Meshing control tools Mesh seed Hard points and hard curves Mesh control Element creation / editing tools Reverse, Sweeping and Transforming Editing
Lec 7-99
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
FEM Applications
I Solid tet meshing Mesh Type
Finite Elements Action: Object: Type: Output IDs Node ID List 21325 Element ID List 21311 Global Edge Length 0.1 Mesher Create Mesh Solid
N IsoMesh N TetMesh
TetMesh Parameters... Node Coordinate Frames... Element Topology Hex8 Hex9 Hex20
Lec 7-100
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Element faces at common face after meshing with assembly meshing turned on Congruent Meshes
Lec 7-101
Element faces at common face after meshing. (Assembly meshing turned off) NonCongruent Meshes
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
Once user has downloaded and installed this new mesh component, the environment variable must be set ASSEMBLY_MESH_ON YES Some info on usage Works for Tetmeshes only Solid-to-Solid Intersection
If solids are intersecting and the intersecting volume is small (<1% total volume) then meshing will continue using assembly meshing after outputting a warning message non-mating solids If solids are separated by more than the parasolid tolerance, the no shared geometry will be found. The solids will be meshed as separate solids If all criteria are met, a conguent mesh is generated across the solids at the touching faces. No equivalencing is required
Copyright 2000 MSC.Software
Lec 7-102
Meshing Strategies
Introduction to MSC.Patran
I MSC/PATRAN provides many tools to generate a nite element model. I In creation of a FEM, more than one method must usually be employed. I An understanding of the geometry tools and characteristics of the geometry will make meshing easier. I Mesh control tools are tools to helps provide for the desired mesh prior to meshing. I Editing tools allow the user to modify a mesh for the desired result after meshing.
Lec 7-103
Meshing Strategies